Theory Order_Lattice_Props_Wenzel

  Title: Duality Based on a Data Type
  Author: Georg Struth 
  Maintainer:Georg Struth <> 

section ‹Duality Based on a Data Type›

theory Order_Lattice_Props_Wenzel
  imports Main 

unbundle lattice_syntax

subsection ‹Wenzel's Approach Revisited›

text ‹This approach is similar to, but inferior to the explicit class-based one. The main caveat is that duality is not involutive 
with this approach, and this allows dualising less theorems.›

text ‹I copy Wenzel's development cite"Wenzel" in this subsection and extend it with additional properties. I show only the most important properties.›

datatype 'a dual = dual (un_dual: 'a) ("")

notation un_dual ("-")

lemma dual_inj: "inj "
  using injI by fastforce

lemma dual_surj: "surj "
  using dual.exhaust_sel by blast

lemma dual_bij: "bij "
  by (simp add: bijI dual_inj dual_surj)

text ‹Dual is not idempotent, and I see no way of imposing this condition. Yet at least an inverse exists --- namely un-dual..›

lemma dual_inv1 [simp]: "-   = id"
  by fastforce

lemma dual_inv2 [simp]: "  - = id"
  by fastforce

lemma dual_inv_inj: "inj -"
  by (simp add: dual.expand injI)

lemma dual_inv_surj: "surj -"
  by (metis dual.sel surj_def)

lemma dual_inv_bij: "bij -"
  by (simp add: bij_def dual_inv_inj dual_inv_surj)

lemma dual_iff: "( x = y)  (x = - y)"
  by fastforce

text ‹Isabelle data types come with a number of generic functions.›

text ‹The functor map-dual lifts functions to dual types. Isabelle's generic definition is not straightforward to 
understand and use. Yet conceptually it can be explained as follows.›

lemma map_dual_def_var [simp]: "(map_dual::('a  'b)  'a dual  'b dual) f =   f  -"  
  unfolding fun_eq_iff comp_def by (metis dual.map_sel dual_iff)

lemma map_dual_def_var2: "-  map_dual f = f  -"
  by (simp add: rewriteL_comp_comp)

lemma map_dual_func1: "map_dual (f  g) = map_dual f  map_dual g"
  unfolding fun_eq_iff comp_def by (metis dual.exhaust 

lemma map_dual_func2 : "map_dual id = id"
  by simp

text ‹The functor map-dual has an inverse functor as well.›

definition map_dual_inv :: "('a dual  'b dual) => ('a => 'b)" where
  "map_dual_inv f = -  f  "

lemma map_dual_inv_func1: "map_dual_inv id = id"
  by (simp add: map_dual_inv_def)

lemma map_dual_inv_func2: "map_dual_inv (f  g) = map_dual_inv f  map_dual_inv g"
  unfolding fun_eq_iff comp_def map_dual_inv_def by (metis dual_iff)

lemma map_dual_inv1: "map_dual  map_dual_inv = id"
  unfolding fun_eq_iff map_dual_def_var map_dual_inv_def comp_def id_def
  by (metis dual_iff) 

lemma map_dual_inv2: "map_dual_inv  map_dual = id"
  unfolding fun_eq_iff map_dual_def_var map_dual_inv_def comp_def id_def
  by (metis dual_iff) 

text ‹Hence dual is an isomorphism between categories.›

lemma subset_dual: "( ` X = Y)  (X = - ` Y)"
  by (metis dual_inj image_comp image_inv_f_f inv_o_cancel dual_inv2)

lemma subset_dual1: "(X  Y)  ( ` X   ` Y)"
  by (simp add: dual_inj inj_image_subset_iff) 

lemma dual_ball: "(x  X. P ( x))  (y   ` X. P y)"
  by simp

lemma dual_inv_ball: "(x  X. P (- x))  (y  - ` X. P y)"
  by simp

lemma dual_all: "(x. P ( x))  (y. P y)"
  by (metis dual.collapse)

lemma dual_inv_all: "(x. P (- x))  (y. P y)"
  by (metis dual_inv_surj surj_def)

lemma dual_ex: "(x. P ( x))  (y. P y)"  
  by (metis UNIV_I bex_imageD dual_surj)

lemma dual_inv_ex: "(x. P (- x))  (y. P y)"
  by (metis dual.sel)

lemma dual_Collect: "{ x |x. P ( x)} = {y. P y}"
  by (metis dual.exhaust)

lemma dual_inv_Collect: "{- x |x. P (- x)} = {y. P y}"
  by (metis dual.collapse dual.inject)

lemma fun_dual1: "(f   = g)  (f = g  -)"
  by auto

lemma fun_dual2: "(  f = g)  (f = -  g)"
  by auto

lemma fun_dual3: "(f  (`)  = g)  (f = g  (`) -)"
  unfolding fun_eq_iff comp_def by (metis subset_dual)

lemma fun_dual4: "(f = -  g  (`) )  (  f  (`) - = g)"
  by (metis fun_dual2 fun_dual3 o_assoc)

text ‹The next facts show incrementally that the dual of a complete lattice is a complete lattice.
This follows once again Wenzel.›

instantiation dual :: (ord) ord

definition less_eq_dual_def: "(≤) = rel_dual (≥)"

definition less_dual_def: "(<) = rel_dual (>)"



lemma less_eq_dual_def_var: "(x  y) = (- y  - x)"
  apply (rule antisym)
  apply (simp add: dual.rel_sel less_eq_dual_def)
  by (simp add: dual.rel_sel less_eq_dual_def)

lemma less_dual_def_var: "(x < y) = (- y < - x)"
  by (simp add: dual.rel_sel less_dual_def) 

instance dual :: (preorder) preorder
  apply standard
  apply (simp add: less_dual_def_var less_eq_dual_def_var less_le_not_le)
  apply (simp add: less_eq_dual_def_var)
  by (meson less_eq_dual_def_var order_trans)
instance dual :: (order) order
  by (standard, simp add: dual.expand less_eq_dual_def_var)

lemma dual_anti: "x  y   y   x" 
  by (simp add: dual_inj less_eq_dual_def the_inv_f_f)

lemma dual_anti_iff: "(x  y) = ( y   x)"
  by (simp add: dual_inj less_eq_dual_def the_inv_f_f)

text ‹map-dual does not map isotone functions to antitone ones. It simply lifts the type!›

lemma "mono f  mono (map_dual f)"
  unfolding map_dual_def_var mono_def by (metis comp_apply dual_anti less_eq_dual_def_var)

instantiation dual :: (lattice) lattice

definition inf_dual_def: "x  y =  (- x  - y)"

definition sup_dual_def: "x  y =  (- x  - y)"

  by (standard, simp_all add: dual_inj inf_dual_def sup_dual_def less_eq_dual_def_var the_inv_f_f)


instantiation dual :: (complete_lattice) complete_lattice

definition Inf_dual_def: "Inf =   Sup  (`) -"

definition Sup_dual_def: "Sup =   Inf  (`) -"

definition bot_dual_def: " =  "

definition top_dual_def: " =  "

   by (standard, simp_all add: Inf_dual_def top_dual_def Sup_dual_def bot_dual_def dual_inj le_INF_iff SUP_le_iff INF_lower SUP_upper less_eq_dual_def_var the_inv_f_f)


text ‹Next, directed and filtered sets, upsets, downsets, filters and ideals in posets are defined.›

context ord

definition directed :: "'a set  bool" where
 "directed X = (Y. finite Y  Y  X  (x  X. y  Y. y  x))"

definition filtered :: "'a set  bool" where
 "filtered X = (Y. finite Y  Y  X  (x  X. y  Y. x  y))"

definition downset_set :: "'a set  'a set" ("") where
  "X = {y. x  X. y  x}"

definition upset_set :: "'a set  'a set" ("") where
 "X = {y. x  X. x  y}"


subsection ‹Examples that Do Not Dualise›

text ‹Filtered and directed sets are dual.›

text ‹Proofs could be simplified if dual was idempotent.›

lemma filtered_directed_dual: "filtered  (`)  = directed"
  {fix X::"'a set"
    have "(filtered  (`) ) X = (Y. finite (- ` Y)  - ` Y  X  (x  X.y  (- ` Y).  x   y))"
      unfolding filtered_def comp_def by (simp, metis dual_iff finite_subset_image subset_dual subset_dual1)
    also have "... = (Y. finite Y  Y  X  (x  X.y  Y. y  x))"
      by (metis dual_anti_iff dual_inv_surj finite_subset_image top.extremum)
    finally have "(filtered  (`) ) X = directed X"
      using directed_def by auto}
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding fun_eq_iff by simp 

lemma directed_filtered_dual: "directed  (`)  = filtered"
  {fix X::"'a set"
    have "(directed  (`) ) X = (Y. finite (- ` Y)  - ` Y  X  (x  X.y  (- ` Y).  y   x))"
      unfolding directed_def comp_def by (simp, metis dual_iff finite_subset_image subset_dual subset_dual1)
  also have "... = (Y. finite Y  Y  X  (x  X.y  Y. x  y))"
    unfolding dual_anti_iff[symmetric] by (metis dual_inv_surj finite_subset_image top_greatest)
  finally have "(directed  (`) ) X = filtered X"
    using filtered_def by auto}
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding fun_eq_iff by simp

text ‹This example illustrates the deficiency of the approach. In the class-based approach the second proof is trivial.›

text ‹The next example shows that this is a systematic problem.›

lemma downset_set_upset_set_dual: "(`)    =   (`) "
    {fix X::"'a set"
  have "((`)   ) X = { y |y. x  X. y  x}"
    by (simp add: downset_set_def setcompr_eq_image)
  also have "... = { y |y. x  X.  x   y}"
    by (meson dual_anti_iff)
  also have "... = {y. x   ` X. x  y}"
    by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) dual.exhaust image_iff)
  finally have "((`)   ) X = (  (`) ) X"
    by (simp add: upset_set_def)}
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding fun_eq_iff by simp

lemma upset_set_downset_set_dual: "(`)    =   (`) "
  unfolding downset_set_def upset_set_def fun_eq_iff comp_def
  apply (safe, force simp: dual_anti)
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) dual.exhaust dual_anti_iff mem_Collect_eq rev_image_eqI)
