Theory RGA

(* Martin Kleppmann, University of Cambridge
   Victor B. F. Gomes, University of Cambridge
   Dominic P. Mulligan, Arm Research, Cambridge
   Alastair Beresford, University of Cambridge

section‹The Replicated Growable Array (RGA)›

text‹The RGA algorithm cite"Roh:2011dw" is a replicated list (or
collaborative text-editing) algorithm. In this section we prove that
RGA satisfies our list specification. The Isabelle/HOL definition of
RGA in this section is based on our prior work on formally verifying
CRDTs cite"Gomes:2017gy" and "Gomes:2017vo".›

theory RGA
  imports Insert_Spec

fun insert_body :: "'oid::{linorder} list  'oid  'oid list" where
  "insert_body []       e = [e]" |
  "insert_body (x # xs) e =
     (if x < e then e # x # xs
               else x # insert_body xs e)"

fun insert_rga :: "'oid::{linorder} list  ('oid × 'oid option)  'oid list" where
  "insert_rga  xs      (e, None)   = insert_body xs e" |
  "insert_rga  []      (e, Some i) = []" |
  "insert_rga (x # xs) (e, Some i) =
     (if x = i then
        x # insert_body xs e
        x # insert_rga xs (e, Some i))"

definition interp_rga :: "('oid::{linorder} × 'oid option) list  'oid list" where
  "interp_rga ops  foldl insert_rga [] ops"

subsection‹Commutativity of \isa{insert-rga}›

lemma insert_body_set_ins [simp]:
  shows  "set (insert_body xs e) = insert e (set xs)"
  by (induction xs, auto)

lemma insert_rga_set_ins:
  assumes "i  set xs"
  shows "set (insert_rga xs (oid, Some i)) = insert oid (set xs)"
  using assms by (induction xs, auto)

lemma insert_body_commutes:
  shows "insert_body (insert_body xs e1) e2 = insert_body (insert_body xs e2) e1"
  by (induction xs, auto)

lemma insert_rga_insert_body_commute:
  assumes "i2  Some e1"
  shows "insert_rga (insert_body xs e1) (e2, i2) = insert_body (insert_rga xs (e2, i2)) e1"
  using assms by (induction xs; cases i2) (auto simp add: insert_body_commutes)

lemma insert_rga_None_commutes:
  assumes "i2  Some e1"
  shows "insert_rga (insert_rga xs (e1, None)) (e2, i2  ) =
         insert_rga (insert_rga xs (e2, i2  )) (e1, None)"
  using assms by (induction xs; cases i2) (auto simp add: insert_body_commutes)

lemma insert_rga_nonexistent:
  assumes "i  set xs"
  shows "insert_rga xs (e, Some i) = xs"
  using assms by (induction xs, auto)

lemma insert_rga_Some_commutes:
  assumes "i1  set xs" and "i2  set xs"
    and "e1  i2" and "e2  i1"
  shows "insert_rga (insert_rga xs (e1, Some i1)) (e2, Some i2) =
         insert_rga (insert_rga xs (e2, Some i2)) (e1, Some i1)"
  using assms proof (induction xs, simp)
  case (Cons a xs)
  then show ?case
    by (cases "a = i1"; cases "a = i2";
        auto simp add: insert_body_commutes insert_rga_insert_body_commute)

lemma insert_rga_commutes:
  assumes "i2  Some e1" and "i1  Some e2"
  shows "insert_rga (insert_rga xs (e1, i1)) (e2, i2) =
         insert_rga (insert_rga xs (e2, i2)) (e1, i1)"
proof(cases i1)
  case None
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(1) insert_rga_None_commutes by (cases i2, fastforce, blast)
  case some_r1: (Some r1)
  then show ?thesis
  proof(cases i2)
    case None
    then show ?thesis 
      using assms(2) insert_rga_None_commutes by fastforce
    case some_r2: (Some r2)
    then show ?thesis
    proof(cases "r1  set xs  r2  set xs")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        using assms some_r1 some_r2 by (simp add: insert_rga_Some_commutes)
      case False
      then show ?thesis
        using assms some_r1 some_r2
        by (metis insert_iff insert_rga_nonexistent insert_rga_set_ins)

lemma insert_body_split:
  shows "p s. xs = p @ s  insert_body xs e = p @ e # s"
proof(induction xs, force)
  case (Cons a xs)
  then obtain p s where IH: "xs = p @ s  insert_body xs e = p @ e # s"
    by blast
  then show "p s. a # xs = p @ s  insert_body (a # xs) e = p @ e # s"
  proof(cases "a < e")
    case True
    then have "a # xs = [] @ (a # p @ s)  insert_body (a # xs) e = [] @ e # (a # p @ s)"
      by (simp add: IH)
    then show ?thesis by blast
    case False
    then have "a # xs = (a # p) @ s  insert_body (a # xs) e = (a # p) @ e # s"
      using IH by auto
    then show ?thesis by blast

lemma insert_between_elements:
  assumes "xs = pre @ ref # suf"
    and "distinct xs"
    and "i. i  set xs  i < e"
  shows "insert_rga xs (e, Some ref) = pre @ ref # e # suf"
  using assms proof(induction xs arbitrary: pre, force)
  case (Cons a xs)
  then show "insert_rga (a # xs) (e, Some ref) = pre @ ref # e # suf"
  proof(cases pre)
    case pre_nil: Nil
    then have "a = ref"
      using Cons.prems(1) by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons.prems pre_nil by (cases suf, auto)
    case (Cons b pre')
    then have "insert_rga xs (e, Some ref) = pre' @ ref # e # suf"
      using Cons.IH Cons.prems by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons.prems(1) Cons.prems(2) local.Cons by auto

lemma insert_rga_after_ref:
  assumes "xset as. a  x"
    and "insert_body (cs @ ds) e = cs @ e # ds"
  shows "insert_rga (as @ a # cs @ ds) (e, Some a) = as @ a # cs @ e # ds"
  using assms by (induction as; auto)

lemma insert_rga_preserves_order:
  assumes "i = None  (i'. i = Some i'  i'  set xs)"
    and "distinct xs"
  shows "pre suf. xs = pre @ suf  insert_rga xs (e, i) = pre @ e # suf"
proof(cases i)
  case None
  then show "pre suf. xs = pre @ suf  insert_rga xs (e, i) = pre @ e # suf"
    using insert_body_split by auto
  case (Some r)
  moreover from this obtain as bs where "xs = as @ r # bs  (x  set as. x  r)"
    using assms(1) split_list_first by fastforce
  moreover have "cs ds. bs = cs @ ds  insert_body bs e = cs @ e # ds"
    by (simp add: insert_body_split)
  then obtain cs ds where "bs = cs @ ds  insert_body bs e = cs @ e # ds"
    by blast
  ultimately have "xs = (as @ r # cs) @ ds  insert_rga xs (e, i) = (as @ r # cs) @ e # ds"
    using insert_rga_after_ref by fastforce
  then show ?thesis by blast

subsection‹Lemmas about the \isa{rga-ops} predicate›

definition rga_ops :: "('oid::{linorder} × 'oid option) list  bool" where
  "rga_ops list  crdt_ops list set_option"

lemma rga_ops_rem_last:
  assumes "rga_ops (xs @ [x])"
  shows "rga_ops xs"
  using assms crdt_ops_rem_last rga_ops_def by blast

lemma rga_ops_rem_penultimate:
  assumes "rga_ops (xs @ [(i1, r1), (i2, r2)])"
    and "r. r2 = Some r  r  i1"
  shows "rga_ops (xs @ [(i2, r2)])"
  using assms proof -
  have "crdt_ops (xs @ [(i2, r2)]) set_option"
    using assms crdt_ops_rem_penultimate rga_ops_def by fastforce
  thus "rga_ops (xs @ [(i2, r2)])"
    by (simp add: rga_ops_def)

lemma rga_ops_ref_exists:
  assumes "rga_ops (pre @ (oid, Some ref) # suf)"
  shows "ref  fst ` set pre"
proof -
  from assms have "crdt_ops (pre @ (oid, Some ref) # suf) set_option"
    by (simp add: rga_ops_def)
  moreover have "set_option (Some ref) = {ref}"
    by simp
  ultimately show "ref  fst ` set pre"
    using crdt_ops_ref_exists by fastforce

subsection‹Lemmas about the \isa{interp-rga} function›

lemma interp_rga_tail_unfold:
  shows "interp_rga (xs@[x]) = insert_rga (interp_rga (xs)) x"
  by (clarsimp simp add: interp_rga_def)

lemma interp_rga_ids:
  assumes "rga_ops xs"
  shows "set (interp_rga xs) = set (map fst xs)"
  using assms proof(induction xs rule: List.rev_induct)
  case Nil
  then show "set (interp_rga []) = set (map fst [])"
    by (simp add: interp_rga_def)
  case (snoc x xs)
  hence IH: "set (interp_rga xs) = set (map fst xs)"
    using rga_ops_rem_last by blast
  obtain xi xr where x_pair: "x = (xi, xr)" by force
  then show "set (interp_rga (xs @ [x])) = set (map fst (xs @ [x]))"
  proof(cases xr)
    case None
    then show ?thesis
      using IH x_pair by (clarsimp simp add: interp_rga_def)
    case (Some r)
    moreover from this have "r  set (interp_rga xs)"
      using IH rga_ops_ref_exists by (metis x_pair list.set_map snoc.prems)
    ultimately have "set (interp_rga (xs @ [(xi, xr)])) = insert xi (set (interp_rga xs))"
      by (simp add: insert_rga_set_ins interp_rga_tail_unfold)
    then show "set (interp_rga (xs @ [x])) = set (map fst (xs @ [x]))"
      using IH x_pair by auto

lemma interp_rga_distinct:
  assumes "rga_ops xs"
  shows "distinct (interp_rga xs)"
  using assms proof(induction xs rule: List.rev_induct)
  case Nil
  then show "distinct (interp_rga [])" by (simp add: interp_rga_def)
  case (snoc x xs)
  hence IH: "distinct (interp_rga xs)"
    using rga_ops_rem_last by blast
  moreover obtain xi xr where x_pair: "x = (xi, xr)"
    by force
  moreover from this have "xi  set (interp_rga xs)"
    using interp_rga_ids crdt_ops_unique_last rga_ops_rem_last
    by (metis rga_ops_def snoc.prems)
  moreover have "pre suf. interp_rga xs = pre@suf 
           insert_rga (interp_rga xs) (xi, xr) = pre @ xi # suf"
  proof -
    have "r. r  set_option xr  r  set (map fst xs)"
      using crdt_ops_ref_exists rga_ops_def snoc.prems x_pair by fastforce
    hence "xr = None  (r. xr = Some r  r  set (map fst xs))"
      using option.set_sel by blast
    hence "xr = None  (r. xr = Some r  r  set (interp_rga xs))"
      using interp_rga_ids rga_ops_rem_last snoc.prems by blast
    thus ?thesis
      using IH insert_rga_preserves_order by blast
  ultimately show "distinct (interp_rga (xs @ [x]))" 
    by (metis Un_iff disjoint_insert(1) distinct.simps(2) distinct_append 
        interp_rga_tail_unfold list.simps(15) set_append)

subsection‹Proof that RGA satisfies the list specification›

lemma final_insert:
  assumes "set (xs @ [x]) = set (ys @ [x])"
    and "rga_ops (xs @ [x])"
    and "insert_ops (ys @ [x])"
    and "interp_rga xs = interp_ins ys"
  shows "interp_rga (xs @ [x]) = interp_ins (ys @ [x])"
proof -
  obtain oid ref where x_pair: "x = (oid, ref)" by force
  have "distinct (xs @ [x])" and "distinct (ys @ [x])"
    using assms crdt_ops_distinct spec_ops_distinct rga_ops_def insert_ops_def by blast+
  then have "set xs = set ys"
    using assms(1) by force
  have oid_greatest: "i. i  set (interp_rga xs)  i < oid"
  proof -
    have "i. i  set (map fst ys)  i < oid"
      using assms(3) by (simp add: spec_ops_id_inc x_pair insert_ops_def)
    hence "i. i  set (map fst xs)  i < oid"
      using set xs = set ys by auto
    thus "i. i  set (interp_rga xs)  i < oid"
      using assms(2) interp_rga_ids rga_ops_rem_last by blast
  thus "interp_rga (xs @ [x]) = interp_ins (ys @ [x])"
  proof(cases ref)
    case None
    moreover from this have "insert_rga (interp_rga xs) (oid, ref) = oid # interp_rga xs"
      using oid_greatest hd_in_set insert_body.elims insert_body.simps(1)
        insert_rga.simps(1) list.sel(1) by metis
    ultimately show "interp_rga (xs @ [x]) = interp_ins (ys @ [x])" 
      using assms(4) by (simp add: interp_ins_tail_unfold interp_rga_tail_unfold x_pair)
    case (Some r)
    have "as bs. interp_rga xs = as @ r # bs"
    proof -
      have "r  set (map fst xs)"
        using assms(2) Some by (simp add: rga_ops_ref_exists x_pair)
      hence "r  set (interp_rga xs)"
        using assms(2) interp_rga_ids rga_ops_rem_last by blast
      thus ?thesis by (simp add: split_list)
    from this obtain as bs where as_bs: "interp_rga xs = as @ r # bs" by force
    hence "distinct (as @ r # bs)"
      by (metis assms(2) interp_rga_distinct rga_ops_rem_last)
    hence "insert_rga (as @ r # bs) (oid, Some r) = as @ r # oid # bs"
      by (metis as_bs insert_between_elements oid_greatest)
    moreover have "insert_spec (as @ r # bs) (oid, Some r) = as @ r # oid # bs"
      by (meson distinct (as @ r # bs) insert_after_ref)
    ultimately show "interp_rga (xs @ [x]) = interp_ins (ys @ [x])" 
      by (metis assms(4) Some as_bs interp_ins_tail_unfold interp_rga_tail_unfold x_pair)

lemma interp_rga_reorder:
  assumes "rga_ops (pre @ suf @ [(oid, ref)])"
    and "i r. (i, Some r)  set suf  r  oid"
    and "r. ref = Some r  r  fst ` set suf"
  shows "interp_rga (pre @ (oid, ref) # suf) = interp_rga (pre @ suf @ [(oid, ref)])"
  using assms proof(induction suf rule: List.rev_induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by simp
  case (snoc x xs)
  have ref_not_x: "r. ref = Some r  r  fst x" using snoc.prems(3) by auto
  have IH: "interp_rga (pre @ (oid, ref) # xs) = interp_rga (pre @ xs @ [(oid, ref)])"
  proof -
    have "rga_ops ((pre @ xs) @ [x] @ [(oid, ref)])"
      using snoc.prems(1) by auto
    moreover have "r. ref = Some r  r  fst x"
      by (simp add: ref_not_x)
    ultimately have "rga_ops ((pre @ xs) @ [(oid, ref)])"
      using rga_ops_rem_penultimate
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons_eq_append_conv prod.collapse)
    thus ?thesis using snoc by force
  obtain xi xr where x_pair: "x = (xi, xr)" by force
  have "interp_rga (pre @ (oid, ref) # xs @ [(xi, xr)]) =
        insert_rga (interp_rga (pre @ xs @ [(oid, ref)])) (xi, xr)"
    using IH interp_rga_tail_unfold by (metis append.assoc append_Cons)
  moreover have "... = insert_rga (insert_rga (interp_rga (pre @ xs)) (oid, ref)) (xi, xr)"
    using interp_rga_tail_unfold by (metis append_assoc)
  moreover have "... = insert_rga (insert_rga (interp_rga (pre @ xs)) (xi, xr)) (oid, ref)"
  proof -
    have "xrr. xr = Some xrr  xrr  oid"
      using x_pair snoc.prems(2) by auto
    thus ?thesis
      using insert_rga_commutes ref_not_x by (metis fst_conv x_pair)
  moreover have "... = interp_rga (pre @ xs @ [x] @ [(oid, ref)])"
    by (metis append_assoc interp_rga_tail_unfold x_pair)
  ultimately show "interp_rga (pre @ (oid, ref) # xs @ [x]) =
                   interp_rga (pre @ (xs @ [x]) @ [(oid, ref)])"
    by (simp add: x_pair)

lemma rga_spec_equal:
  assumes "set xs = set ys"
    and "insert_ops xs"
    and "rga_ops ys"
  shows "interp_ins xs = interp_rga ys"
  using assms proof(induction xs arbitrary: ys rule: rev_induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by (simp add: interp_rga_def interp_ins_def)
  case (snoc x xs)
  hence "x  set ys"
    by (metis last_in_set snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
  from this obtain pre suf where ys_split: "ys = pre @ [x] @ suf"
    using split_list_first by fastforce
  have IH: "interp_ins xs = interp_rga (pre @ suf)"
  proof -
    have "crdt_ops (pre @ suf) set_option"
    proof -
      have "crdt_ops (pre @ [x] @ suf) set_option"
        using rga_ops_def snoc.prems(3) ys_split by blast
      thus "crdt_ops (pre @ suf) set_option"
        using crdt_ops_rem_spec snoc.prems ys_split insert_ops_def by blast
    hence "rga_ops (pre @ suf)"
      using rga_ops_def by blast
    moreover have "set xs = set (pre @ suf)"
      by (metis append_set_rem_last crdt_ops_distinct insert_ops_def rga_ops_def
          snoc.prems spec_ops_distinct ys_split)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using insert_ops_rem_last ys_split snoc by metis
  have valid_rga: "rga_ops (pre @ suf @ [x])"
  proof -
    have "crdt_ops (pre @ suf @ [x]) set_option"
      using snoc.prems ys_split
      by (simp add: crdt_ops_reorder_spec insert_ops_def rga_ops_def)
    thus "rga_ops (pre @ suf @ [x])"
      by (simp add: rga_ops_def)
  have "interp_ins (xs @ [x]) = interp_rga (pre @ suf @ [x])"
  proof -
    have "set (xs @ [x]) = set (pre @ suf @ [x])"
      using snoc.prems(1) ys_split by auto
    thus ?thesis
      using IH snoc.prems(2) valid_rga final_insert append_assoc by metis
  moreover have "... = interp_rga (pre @ [x] @ suf)"
  proof -
    obtain oid ref where x_pair: "x = (oid, ref)"
      by force
    have "op2 r. op2  snd ` set suf  r  set_option op2  r  oid"
      using snoc.prems
      by (simp add: crdt_ops_independent_suf insert_ops_def rga_ops_def x_pair ys_split)
    hence "i r. (i, Some r)  set suf  r  oid"
      by fastforce 
    moreover have "r. ref = Some r  r  fst ` set suf"
      using crdt_ops_no_future_ref snoc.prems(3) x_pair ys_split
      by (metis option.set_intros rga_ops_def)
    ultimately show "interp_rga (pre @ suf @ [x]) = interp_rga (pre @ [x] @ suf)"
      using interp_rga_reorder valid_rga x_pair by force
  ultimately show "interp_ins (xs @ [x]) = interp_rga ys"
    by (simp add: ys_split)

lemma insert_ops_exist:
  assumes "rga_ops xs"
  shows "ys. set xs = set ys  insert_ops ys"
  using assms by (simp add: crdt_ops_spec_ops_exist insert_ops_def rga_ops_def)

theorem rga_meets_spec:
  assumes "rga_ops xs"
  shows "ys. set ys = set xs  insert_ops ys  interp_ins ys = interp_rga xs"
  using assms rga_spec_equal insert_ops_exist by metis
