Theory Interleaving

(* Martin Kleppmann, University of Cambridge
   Victor B. F. Gomes, University of Cambridge
   Dominic P. Mulligan, Arm Research, Cambridge
   Alastair Beresford, University of Cambridge

section‹Interleaving of concurrent insertions›

text‹In this section we prove that our list specification rules out
interleaving of concurrent insertion sequences starting at the same position.›

theory Interleaving
  imports Insert_Spec

subsection‹Lemmas about \isa{insert-ops}›

lemma map_fst_append1:
  assumes "i  set (map fst xs). P i"
    and "P x"
  shows "i  set (map fst (xs @ [(x, y)])). P i"
  using assms by (induction xs, auto)

lemma insert_ops_split:
  assumes "insert_ops ops"
    and "(oid, ref)  set ops"
  shows "pre suf. ops = pre @ [(oid, ref)] @ suf 
            (i  set (map fst pre). i < oid) 
            (i  set (map fst suf). oid < i)"
  using assms proof(induction ops rule: List.rev_induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (snoc x xs)
  then show ?case
  proof(cases "x = (oid, ref)")
    case True
    moreover from this have "i  set (map fst xs). i < oid"
      using last_op_greatest snoc.prems(1) by blast
    ultimately have "xs @ [x] = xs @ [(oid, ref)] @ [] 
            (i  set (map fst xs). i < oid) 
            (i  set (map fst []). oid < i)"
      by auto
    then show ?thesis by force
    case False
    hence "(oid, ref)  set xs"
      using snoc.prems(2) by auto
    from this obtain pre suf where IH: "xs = pre @ [(oid, ref)] @ suf 
         (i  set (map fst pre). i < oid) 
         (i  set (map fst suf). oid < i)"
      using snoc.IH snoc.prems(1) by blast
    obtain xi xr where x_pair: "x = (xi, xr)"
      by force
    hence "distinct (map fst (pre @ [(oid, ref)] @ suf @ [(xi, xr)]))"
      by (metis IH append.assoc insert_ops_def spec_ops_def snoc.prems(1))
    hence "xi  oid"
      by auto
    have xi_max: "x  set (map fst (pre @ [(oid, ref)] @ suf)). x < xi"
      using IH last_op_greatest snoc.prems(1) x_pair by blast
    then show ?thesis
    proof(cases "xi < oid")
      case True
      moreover from this have "x  set suf. fst x < oid"
        using xi_max by auto
      hence "suf = []"
        using IH last_in_set by fastforce
      ultimately have "xs @ [x] = (pre @ [(xi, xr)]) @ [] 
              (i  set (map fst ((pre @ [(xi, xr)]))). i < oid) 
              (i  set (map fst []). oid < i)"
        using dual_order.asym xi_max by auto
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: IH)
      case False
      hence "oid < xi"
        using xi  oid by auto
      hence "i  set (map fst (suf @ [(xi, xr)])). oid < i"
        using IH map_fst_append1 by auto
      hence "xs @ [x] = pre @ [(oid, ref)] @ (suf @ [(xi, xr)]) 
              (i  set (map fst pre). i < oid) 
              (i  set (map fst (suf @ [(xi, xr)])). oid < i)"
        by (simp add: IH x_pair)
      then show ?thesis by blast

lemma insert_ops_split_2:
  assumes "insert_ops ops"
    and "(xid, xr)  set ops"
    and "(yid, yr)  set ops"
    and "xid < yid"
  shows "as bs cs. ops = as @ [(xid, xr)] @ bs @ [(yid, yr)] @ cs 
           (i  set (map fst as). i < xid) 
           (i  set (map fst bs). xid < i  i < yid) 
           (i  set (map fst cs). yid < i)"
proof -
  obtain as as1 where x_split: "ops = as @ [(xid, xr)] @ as1 
      (i  set (map fst as). i < xid)  (i  set (map fst as1). xid < i)"
    using assms insert_ops_split by blast
  hence "insert_ops ((as @ [(xid, xr)]) @ as1)"
    using assms(1) by auto
  hence "insert_ops as1"
    using assms(1) insert_ops_rem_prefix by blast
  have "(yid, yr)  set as1"
    using x_split assms by auto
  from this obtain bs cs where y_split: "as1 = bs @ [(yid, yr)] @ cs 
      (i  set (map fst bs). i < yid)  (i  set (map fst cs). yid < i)"
    using assms insert_ops_split insert_ops as1 by blast
  hence "ops = as @ [(xid, xr)] @ bs @ [(yid, yr)] @ cs"
    using x_split by blast
  moreover have "i  set (map fst bs). xid < i  i < yid"
    by (simp add: x_split y_split)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using x_split y_split by blast

lemma insert_ops_sorted_oids:
  assumes "insert_ops (xs @ [(i1, r1)] @ ys @ [(i2, r2)])"
  shows "i1 < i2"
proof -
  have "i. i  set (map fst (xs @ [(i1, r1)] @ ys))  i < i2"
    by (metis append.assoc assms last_op_greatest)
  moreover have "i1  set (map fst (xs @ [(i1, r1)] @ ys))"
    by auto
  ultimately show "i1 < i2"
    by blast

lemma insert_ops_subset_last:
  assumes "insert_ops (xs @ [x])"
    and "insert_ops ys"
    and "set ys  set (xs @ [x])"
    and "x  set ys"
  shows "x = last ys"
  using assms proof(induction ys, simp)
  case (Cons y ys)
  then show "x = last (y # ys)"
  proof(cases "ys = []")
    case True
    then show "x = last (y # ys)"
      using Cons.prems(4) by auto
    case ys_nonempty: False
    have "x  y"
    proof -
      obtain mid l where "ys = mid @ [l]"
        using append_butlast_last_id ys_nonempty by metis
      moreover obtain li lr where "l = (li, lr)"
        by force
      moreover have "i. i  set (map fst (y # mid))  i < li"
        by (metis last_op_greatest Cons.prems(2) calculation append_Cons)
      hence "fst y < li"
        by simp
      moreover have "i. i  set (map fst xs)  i < fst x"
        using assms(1) last_op_greatest by (metis prod.collapse)
      hence "i. i  set (map fst (y # ys))  i  fst x"
        using Cons.prems(3) by fastforce
      ultimately show "x  y"
        by fastforce
    then show "x = last (y # ys)"
      using Cons.IH Cons.prems insert_ops_rem_cons ys_nonempty
      by (metis dual_order.trans last_ConsR set_ConsD set_subset_Cons)

lemma subset_butlast:
  assumes "set xs  set (ys @ [y])"
    and "last xs = y"
    and "distinct xs"
  shows "set (butlast xs)  set ys"
  using assms by (induction xs, auto)

lemma distinct_append_butlast1:
  assumes "distinct (map fst xs @ map fst ys)"
  shows "distinct (map fst (butlast xs) @ map fst ys)"
  using assms proof(induction xs, simp)
  case (Cons a xs)
  have "fst a  set (map fst xs @ map fst ys)"
    using Cons.prems by auto
  moreover have "set (map fst (butlast xs))  set (map fst xs)"
    by (metis in_set_butlastD map_butlast subsetI)
  hence "set (map fst (butlast xs) @ map fst ys)  set (map fst xs @ map fst ys)"
    by auto
  ultimately have "fst a  set (map fst (butlast xs) @ map fst ys)"
    by blast
  then show "distinct (map fst (butlast (a # xs)) @ map fst ys)"
    using Cons.IH Cons.prems by auto

lemma distinct_append_butlast2:
  assumes "distinct (map fst xs @ map fst ys)"
  shows "distinct (map fst xs @ map fst (butlast ys))"
  using assms proof(induction xs)
  case Nil
  then show "distinct (map fst [] @ map fst (butlast ys))"
    by (simp add: distinct_butlast map_butlast)
  case (Cons a xs)
  have "fst a  set (map fst xs @ map fst ys)"
    using Cons.prems by auto
  moreover have "set (map fst (butlast ys))  set (map fst ys)"
    by (metis in_set_butlastD map_butlast subsetI)
  hence "set (map fst xs @ map fst (butlast ys))  set (map fst xs @ map fst ys)"
    by auto
  ultimately have "fst a  set (map fst xs @ map fst (butlast ys))"
    by blast
  then show ?case
    using Cons.IH Cons.prems by auto

subsection‹Lemmas about \isa{interp-ins}›

lemma interp_ins_maybe_grow:
  assumes "insert_ops (xs @ [(oid, ref)])"
  shows "set (interp_ins (xs @ [(oid, ref)])) = set (interp_ins xs) 
         set (interp_ins (xs @ [(oid, ref)])) = (set (interp_ins xs)  {oid})"
  by (cases ref, simp add: interp_ins_tail_unfold,
      metis insert_spec_nonex insert_spec_set interp_ins_tail_unfold)

lemma interp_ins_maybe_grow2:
  assumes "insert_ops (xs @ [x])"
  shows "set (interp_ins (xs @ [x])) = set (interp_ins xs) 
         set (interp_ins (xs @ [x])) = (set (interp_ins xs)  {fst x})"
  using assms interp_ins_maybe_grow by (cases x, auto)

lemma interp_ins_maybe_grow3:
  assumes "insert_ops (xs @ ys)"
  shows "A. A  set (map fst ys)  set (interp_ins (xs @ ys)) = set (interp_ins xs)  A"
  using assms proof(induction ys rule: List.rev_induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by simp
  case (snoc x ys)
  then have "insert_ops (xs @ ys)"
    by (metis append_assoc insert_ops_rem_last)
  then obtain A where IH: "A  set (map fst ys) 
            set (interp_ins (xs @ ys)) = set (interp_ins xs)  A"
    using snoc.IH by blast
  then show ?case
  proof(cases "set (interp_ins (xs @ ys @ [x])) = set (interp_ins (xs @ ys))")
    case True
    moreover have "A  set (map fst (ys @ [x]))"
      using IH by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using IH by auto
    case False
    then have "set (interp_ins (xs @ ys @ [x])) = set (interp_ins (xs @ ys))  {fst x}"
      by (metis append_assoc interp_ins_maybe_grow2 snoc.prems)
    moreover have "A  {fst x}  set (map fst (ys @ [x]))"
      using IH by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using IH Un_assoc by metis

lemma interp_ins_ref_nonex:
  assumes "insert_ops ops"
    and "ops = xs @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ ys"
    and "ref  set (interp_ins xs)"
  shows "oid  set (interp_ins ops)"
  using assms proof(induction ys arbitrary: ops rule: List.rev_induct)
  case Nil
  then have "interp_ins ops = insert_spec (interp_ins xs) (oid, Some ref)"
    by (simp add: interp_ins_tail_unfold)
  moreover have "i. i  set (map fst xs)  i < oid"
    using Nil.prems last_op_greatest by fastforce
  hence "i. i  set (interp_ins xs)  i < oid"
    by (meson interp_ins_subset subsetCE)
  ultimately show "oid  set (interp_ins ops)"
    using assms(3) by auto
  case (snoc x ys)
  then have "insert_ops (xs @ (oid, Some ref) # ys)"
    by (metis append.assoc append.simps(1) append_Cons insert_ops_appendD)
  hence IH: "oid  set (interp_ins (xs @ (oid, Some ref) # ys))"
    by (simp add: snoc.IH snoc.prems(3))
  moreover have "distinct (map fst (xs @ (oid, Some ref) # ys @ [x]))"
    using snoc.prems by (metis append_Cons append_self_conv2 insert_ops_def spec_ops_def)
  hence "fst x  oid"
    using empty_iff by auto
  moreover have "insert_ops ((xs @ (oid, Some ref) # ys) @ [x])"
    using snoc.prems by auto
  hence "set (interp_ins ((xs @ (oid, Some ref) # ys) @ [x])) =
         set (interp_ins (xs @ (oid, Some ref) # ys))  
         set (interp_ins ((xs @ (oid, Some ref) # ys) @ [x])) =
         set (interp_ins (xs @ (oid, Some ref) # ys))  {fst x}"
    using interp_ins_maybe_grow2 by blast
  ultimately show "oid  set (interp_ins ops)"
    using snoc.prems(2) by auto

lemma interp_ins_last_None:
  shows "oid  set (interp_ins (ops @ [(oid, None)]))"
  by (simp add: interp_ins_tail_unfold)

lemma interp_ins_monotonic:
  assumes "insert_ops (pre @ suf)"
    and "oid  set (interp_ins pre)"
  shows "oid  set (interp_ins (pre @ suf))"
  using assms interp_ins_maybe_grow3 by auto

lemma interp_ins_append_non_memb:
  assumes "insert_ops (pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ suf)"
    and "ref  set (interp_ins pre)"
  shows "ref  set (interp_ins (pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ suf))"
  using assms proof(induction suf rule: List.rev_induct)
  case Nil
  then show "ref  set (interp_ins (pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ []))"
    by (metis append_Nil2 insert_spec_nonex interp_ins_tail_unfold)
  case (snoc x xs)
  hence IH: "ref  set (interp_ins (pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ xs))"
    by (metis append_assoc insert_ops_rem_last)
  moreover have "ref < oid"
    using insert_ops_ref_older snoc.prems(1) by auto
  moreover have "oid < fst x"
    using insert_ops_sorted_oids by (metis prod.collapse snoc.prems(1))
  have "set (interp_ins ((pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ xs) @ [x])) =
        set (interp_ins (pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ xs)) 
        set (interp_ins ((pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ xs) @ [x])) =
        set (interp_ins (pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ xs))  {fst x}"
    by (metis (full_types) append.assoc interp_ins_maybe_grow2 snoc.prems(1))
  ultimately show "ref  set (interp_ins (pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ xs @ [x]))"
    using oid < fst x by auto

lemma interp_ins_append_memb:
  assumes "insert_ops (pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ suf)"
    and "ref  set (interp_ins pre)"
  shows "oid  set (interp_ins (pre @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ suf))"
  using assms by (metis UnCI append_assoc insert_spec_set interp_ins_monotonic
      interp_ins_tail_unfold singletonI)

lemma interp_ins_append_forward:
  assumes "insert_ops (xs @ ys)"
    and "oid  set (interp_ins (xs @ ys))"
    and "oid  set (map fst xs)"
  shows "oid  set (interp_ins xs)"
  using assms proof(induction ys rule: List.rev_induct, simp)
  case (snoc y ys)
  obtain cs ds ref where "xs = cs @ (oid, ref) # ds"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) imageE prod.collapse set_map snoc.prems(3) split_list_last)
  hence "insert_ops (cs @ [(oid, ref)] @ (ds @ ys) @ [y])"
    using snoc.prems(1) by auto
  hence "oid < fst y"
    using insert_ops_sorted_oids by (metis prod.collapse)
  hence "oid  fst y"
    by blast
  then show ?case
    using snoc.IH snoc.prems(1) snoc.prems(2) assms(3) inserted_item_ident
    by (metis append_assoc insert_ops_appendD interp_ins_tail_unfold prod.collapse)

lemma interp_ins_find_ref:
  assumes "insert_ops (xs @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ ys)"
    and "ref  set (interp_ins (xs @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ ys))"
  shows "r. (ref, r)  set xs"
proof -
  have "ref < oid"
    using assms(1) insert_ops_ref_older by blast
  have "ref  set (map fst (xs @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ ys))"
    by (meson assms(2) interp_ins_subset subsetCE)
  then obtain x where x_prop: "x  set (xs @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ ys)  fst x = ref"
    by fastforce
  obtain xr where x_pair: "x = (ref, xr)"
    using prod.exhaust_sel x_prop by blast
  show "r. (ref, r)  set xs"
  proof(cases "x  set xs")
    case True
    then show "r. (ref, r)  set xs"
      by (metis x_prop prod.collapse)
    case False
    hence "(ref, xr)  set ([(oid, Some ref)] @ ys)"
      using x_prop x_pair by auto
    hence "(ref, xr)  set ys"
      using ref < oid x_prop
      by (metis append_Cons append_self_conv2 fst_conv min.strict_order_iff set_ConsD)
    then obtain as bs where "ys = as @ (ref, xr) # bs"
      by (meson split_list)
    hence "insert_ops ((xs @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ as @ [(ref, xr)]) @ bs)"
      using assms(1) by auto
    hence "insert_ops (xs @ [(oid, Some ref)] @ as @ [(ref, xr)])"
      using insert_ops_appendD by blast
    hence "oid < ref" (* contradiction *)
      using insert_ops_sorted_oids by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using ref < oid by force

subsection‹Lemmas about \isa{list-order}›

lemma list_order_append:
  assumes "insert_ops (pre @ suf)"
    and "list_order pre x y"
  shows "list_order (pre @ suf) x y"
  by (metis Un_iff assms list_order_monotonic insert_ops_appendD set_append subset_code(1))

lemma list_order_insert_ref:
  assumes "insert_ops (ops @ [(oid, Some ref)])"
    and "ref  set (interp_ins ops)"
  shows "list_order (ops @ [(oid, Some ref)]) ref oid"
proof -
  have "interp_ins (ops @ [(oid, Some ref)]) = insert_spec (interp_ins ops) (oid, Some ref)"
    by (simp add: interp_ins_tail_unfold)
  moreover obtain xs ys where "interp_ins ops = xs @ [ref] @ ys"
    using assms(2) split_list_first by fastforce
  hence "insert_spec (interp_ins ops) (oid, Some ref) = xs @ [ref] @ [] @ [oid] @ ys"
    using assms(1) insert_after_ref interp_ins_distinct by fastforce
  ultimately show "list_order (ops @ [(oid, Some ref)]) ref oid"
    using assms(1) list_orderI by metis

lemma list_order_insert_none:
  assumes "insert_ops (ops @ [(oid, None)])"
    and "x  set (interp_ins ops)"
  shows "list_order (ops @ [(oid, None)]) oid x"
proof -
  have "interp_ins (ops @ [(oid, None)]) = insert_spec (interp_ins ops) (oid, None)"
    by (simp add: interp_ins_tail_unfold)
  moreover obtain xs ys where "interp_ins ops = xs @ [x] @ ys"
    using assms(2) split_list_first by fastforce
  hence "insert_spec (interp_ins ops) (oid, None) = [] @ [oid] @ xs @ [x] @ ys"
    by simp
  ultimately show "list_order (ops @ [(oid, None)]) oid x"
    using assms(1) list_orderI by metis

lemma list_order_insert_between:
  assumes "insert_ops (ops @ [(oid, Some ref)])"
    and "list_order ops ref x"
  shows "list_order (ops @ [(oid, Some ref)]) oid x"
proof -
  have "interp_ins (ops @ [(oid, Some ref)]) = insert_spec (interp_ins ops) (oid, Some ref)"
    by (simp add: interp_ins_tail_unfold)
  moreover obtain xs ys zs where "interp_ins ops = xs @ [ref] @ ys @ [x] @ zs"
    using assms list_orderE by blast
  moreover have "... = xs @ ref # (ys @ [x] @ zs)"
    by simp
  moreover have "distinct (xs @ ref # (ys @ [x] @ zs))"
    using assms(1) calculation by (metis interp_ins_distinct insert_ops_rem_last)
  hence "insert_spec (xs @ ref # (ys @ [x] @ zs)) (oid, Some ref) = xs @ ref # oid # (ys @ [x] @ zs)"
    using assms(1) calculation by (simp add: insert_after_ref)
  moreover have "... = (xs @ [ref]) @ [oid] @ ys @ [x] @ zs"
    by simp
  ultimately show "list_order (ops @ [(oid, Some ref)]) oid x"
    using assms(1) list_orderI by metis

subsection‹The \isa{insert-seq} predicate›

text‹The predicate \isa{insert-seq start ops} is true iff \isa{ops} is a list
of insertion operations that begins by inserting after \isa{start}, and then
continues by placing each subsequent insertion directly after its predecessor.
This definition models the sequential insertion of text at a particular place
in a text document.›

inductive insert_seq :: "'oid option  ('oid × 'oid option) list  bool" where
  "insert_seq start [(oid, start)]" |
  "insert_seq start (list @ [(prev, ref)])
       insert_seq start (list @ [(prev, ref), (oid, Some prev)])"

lemma insert_seq_nonempty:
  assumes "insert_seq start xs"
  shows "xs  []"
  using assms by (induction rule: insert_seq.induct, auto)

lemma insert_seq_hd:
  assumes "insert_seq start xs"
  shows "oid. hd xs = (oid, start)"
  using assms by (induction rule: insert_seq.induct, simp,
      metis append_self_conv2 hd_append2 list.sel(1))

lemma insert_seq_rem_last:
  assumes "insert_seq start (xs @ [x])"
    and "xs  []"
  shows "insert_seq start xs"
  using assms insert_seq.cases by fastforce

lemma insert_seq_butlast:
  assumes "insert_seq start xs"
    and "xs  []" and "xs  [last xs]"
  shows "insert_seq start (butlast xs)"
proof -
  have "length xs > 1"
    by (metis One_nat_def Suc_lessI add_0_left append_butlast_last_id append_eq_append_conv
        append_self_conv2 assms(2) assms(3) length_greater_0_conv list.size(3) list.size(4))
  hence "butlast xs  []"
    by (metis length_butlast less_numeral_extra(3) list.size(3) zero_less_diff)
  then show "insert_seq start (butlast xs)"
    using assms by (metis append_butlast_last_id insert_seq_rem_last)

lemma insert_seq_last_ref:
  assumes "insert_seq start (xs @ [(xi, xr), (yi, yr)])"
  shows "yr = Some xi"
  using assms insert_seq.cases by fastforce

lemma insert_seq_start_none:
  assumes "insert_ops ops"
    and "insert_seq None xs" and "insert_ops xs"
    and "set xs  set ops"
  shows "i  set (map fst xs). i  set (interp_ins ops)"
  using assms proof(induction xs rule: List.rev_induct, simp)
  case (snoc x xs)
  then have IH: "i  set (map fst xs). i  set (interp_ins ops)"
    by (metis Nil_is_map_conv append_is_Nil_conv insert_ops_appendD insert_seq_rem_last
        le_supE list.simps(3) set_append split_list)
  then show "i  set (map fst (xs @ [x])). i  set (interp_ins ops)"
  proof(cases "xs = []")
    case True
    then obtain oid where "xs @ [x] = [(oid, None)]"
      using insert_seq_hd snoc.prems(2) by fastforce
    hence "(oid, None)  set ops"
      using snoc.prems(4) by auto
    then obtain as bs where "ops = as @ (oid, None) # bs"
      by (meson split_list)
    hence "ops = (as @ [(oid, None)]) @ bs"
      by (simp add: ops = as @ (oid, None) # bs)
    moreover have "oid  set (interp_ins (as @ [(oid, None)]))"
      by (simp add: interp_ins_last_None)
    ultimately have "oid  set (interp_ins ops)"
      using interp_ins_monotonic snoc.prems(1) by blast
    then show "i  set (map fst (xs @ [x])). i  set (interp_ins ops)" 
      using xs @ [x] = [(oid, None)] by auto
    case False
    then obtain rest y where snoc_y: "xs = rest @ [y]"
      using append_butlast_last_id by metis
    obtain yi yr xi xr where yx_pairs: "y = (yi, yr)  x = (xi, xr)"
      by force
    then have "xr = Some yi"
      using insert_seq_last_ref snoc.prems(2) snoc_y by fastforce
    have "yi < xi"
      using insert_ops_sorted_oids snoc_y yx_pairs snoc.prems(3)
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_eq_append_conv2)
    have "(yi, yr)  set ops" and "(xi, Some yi)  set ops"
      using snoc.prems(4) snoc_y yx_pairs xr = Some yi by auto
    then obtain as bs cs where ops_split: "ops = as @ [(yi, yr)] @ bs @ [(xi, Some yi)] @ cs"
      using insert_ops_split_2 yi < xi snoc.prems(1) by blast
    hence "yi  set (interp_ins (as @ [(yi, yr)] @ bs))"
    proof -
      have "yi  set (interp_ins ops)"
        by (simp add: IH snoc_y yx_pairs)
      moreover have "ops = (as @ [(yi, yr)] @ bs) @ ([(xi, Some yi)] @ cs)"
        using ops_split by simp
      moreover have "yi  set (map fst (as @ [(yi, yr)] @ bs))"
        by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using snoc.prems(1) interp_ins_append_forward by blast
    hence "xi  set (interp_ins ((as @ [(yi, yr)] @ bs) @ [(xi, Some yi)] @ cs))"
      using snoc.prems(1) interp_ins_append_memb ops_split by force
    hence "xi  set (interp_ins ops)"
      by (simp add: ops_split)
    then show "i  set (map fst (xs @ [x])). i  set (interp_ins ops)"
      using IH yx_pairs by auto

lemma insert_seq_after_start:
  assumes "insert_ops ops"
    and "insert_seq (Some ref) xs" and "insert_ops xs"
    and "set xs  set ops"
    and "ref  set (interp_ins ops)"
  shows "i  set (map fst xs). list_order ops ref i"
  using assms proof(induction xs rule: List.rev_induct, simp)
  case (snoc x xs)
  have IH: "i  set (map fst xs). list_order ops ref i"
    using snoc.IH snoc.prems insert_seq_rem_last insert_ops_appendD
    by (metis Nil_is_map_conv Un_subset_iff empty_set equals0D set_append)
  moreover have "list_order ops ref (fst x)"
  proof(cases "xs = []")
    case True
    hence "snd x = Some ref"
      using insert_seq_hd snoc.prems(2) by fastforce
    moreover have "x  set ops"
      using snoc.prems(4) by auto
    then obtain cs ds where x_split: "ops = cs @ x # ds"
      by (meson split_list)
    have "list_order (cs @ [(fst x, Some ref)]) ref (fst x)"
    proof -
      have "insert_ops (cs @ [(fst x, Some ref)] @ ds)"
        using x_split snd x = Some ref
        by (metis append_Cons append_self_conv2 prod.collapse snoc.prems(1))
      moreover from this obtain rr where "(ref, rr)  set cs"
        using interp_ins_find_ref x_split snd x = Some ref assms(5)
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_Cons append_self_conv2 prod.collapse)
      hence "ref  set (interp_ins cs)"
      proof -
        have "ops = cs @ ([(fst x, Some ref)] @ ds)"
          by (metis x_split snd x = Some ref append_Cons append_self_conv2 prod.collapse)
        thus "ref  set (interp_ins cs)"
          using assms(5) calculation interp_ins_append_forward interp_ins_append_non_memb by blast
      ultimately show "list_order (cs @ [(fst x, Some ref)]) ref (fst x)"
        using list_order_insert_ref by (metis append.assoc insert_ops_appendD)
    moreover have "ops = (cs @ [(fst x, Some ref)]) @ ds"
      using calculation x_split
      by (metis append_eq_Cons_conv append_eq_append_conv2 append_self_conv2 prod.collapse)
    ultimately show "list_order ops ref (fst x)"
      using list_order_append snoc.prems(1) by blast
    case False
    then obtain rest y where snoc_y: "xs = rest @ [y]"
      using append_butlast_last_id by metis
    obtain yi yr xi xr where yx_pairs: "y = (yi, yr)  x = (xi, xr)"
      by force
    then have "xr = Some yi"
      using insert_seq_last_ref snoc.prems(2) snoc_y by fastforce
    have "yi < xi"
      using insert_ops_sorted_oids snoc_y yx_pairs snoc.prems(3)
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_eq_append_conv2)
    have "(yi, yr)  set ops" and "(xi, Some yi)  set ops"
      using snoc.prems(4) snoc_y yx_pairs xr = Some yi by auto
    then obtain as bs cs where ops_split: "ops = as @ [(yi, yr)] @ bs @ [(xi, Some yi)] @ cs"
      using insert_ops_split_2 yi < xi snoc.prems(1) by blast
    have "list_order ops ref yi"
      by (simp add: IH snoc_y yx_pairs)
    moreover have "list_order (as @ [(yi, yr)] @ bs @ [(xi, Some yi)]) yi xi"
    proof -
      have "insert_ops ((as @ [(yi, yr)] @ bs @ [(xi, Some yi)]) @ cs)"
        using ops_split snoc.prems(1) by auto
      hence "insert_ops ((as @ [(yi, yr)] @ bs) @ [(xi, Some yi)])"
        using insert_ops_appendD by fastforce
      moreover have "yi  set (interp_ins ops)"
        using list_order ops ref yi list_order_memb2 by auto
      hence "yi  set (interp_ins (as @ [(yi, yr)] @ bs))"
        using interp_ins_append_non_memb ops_split snoc.prems(1) by force
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using list_order_insert_ref by force
    hence "list_order ops yi xi"
      by (metis append_assoc list_order_append ops_split snoc.prems(1))
    ultimately show "list_order ops ref (fst x)"
      using list_order_trans snoc.prems(1) yx_pairs by auto
  ultimately show "i  set (map fst (xs @ [x])). list_order ops ref i"
    by auto

lemma insert_seq_no_start:
  assumes "insert_ops ops"
    and "insert_seq (Some ref) xs" and "insert_ops xs"
    and "set xs  set ops"
    and "ref  set (interp_ins ops)"
  shows "i  set (map fst xs). i  set (interp_ins ops)"
  using assms proof(induction xs rule: List.rev_induct, simp)
  case (snoc x xs)
  have IH: "i  set (map fst xs). i  set (interp_ins ops)"
    using snoc.IH snoc.prems insert_seq_rem_last insert_ops_appendD
    by (metis append_is_Nil_conv le_sup_iff list.map_disc_iff set_append split_list_first)
  obtain as bs where "ops = as @ x # bs"
    using snoc.prems(4) by (metis split_list last_in_set snoc_eq_iff_butlast subset_code(1))
  have "fst x  set (interp_ins ops)"
  proof(cases "xs = []")
    case True
    then obtain xi where "x = (xi, Some ref)"
      using insert_seq_hd snoc.prems(2) by force
    moreover have "ref  set (interp_ins as)"
      using interp_ins_monotonic snoc.prems(1) snoc.prems(5) ops = as @ x # bs by blast
    ultimately have "xi  set (interp_ins (as @ [x] @ bs))"
      using snoc.prems(1) by (simp add: interp_ins_ref_nonex ops = as @ x # bs)
    then show "fst x  set (interp_ins ops)"
      by (simp add: ops = as @ x # bs x = (xi, Some ref))
    case xs_nonempty: False
    then obtain y where "xs = (butlast xs) @ [y]"
      by (metis append_butlast_last_id)
    moreover from this obtain yi yr xi xr where "y = (yi, yr)  x = (xi, xr)"
      by fastforce
    moreover from this have "xr = Some yi"
      using insert_seq.cases snoc.prems(2) calculation by fastforce
    moreover have "yi  set (interp_ins ops)"
      using IH calculation 
      by (metis Nil_is_map_conv fst_conv last_in_set last_map snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
    hence "yi  set (interp_ins as)"
      using ops = as @ x # bs interp_ins_monotonic snoc.prems(1) by blast
    ultimately have "xi  set (interp_ins (as @ [x] @ bs))"
      using interp_ins_ref_nonex snoc.prems(1) ops = as @ x # bs by fastforce
    then show "fst x  set (interp_ins ops)"
      by (simp add: ops = as @ x # bs y = (yi, yr)  x = (xi, xr))
  then show "i  set (map fst (xs @ [x])). i  set (interp_ins ops)"
    using IH by auto

subsection‹The proof of no interleaving›

lemma no_interleaving_ordered:
  assumes "insert_ops ops"
    and "insert_seq start xs" and "insert_ops xs"
    and "insert_seq start ys" and "insert_ops ys"
    and "set xs  set ops" and "set ys  set ops"
    and "distinct (map fst xs @ map fst ys)"
    and "fst (hd xs) < fst (hd ys)"
    and "r. start = Some r  r  set (interp_ins ops)"
  shows "(x  set (map fst xs). y  set (map fst ys). list_order ops y x) 
         (r. start = Some r  (x  set (map fst xs). list_order ops r x) 
                                 (y  set (map fst ys). list_order ops r y))"
  using assms proof(induction ops arbitrary: xs ys rule: List.rev_induct, simp)
  case (snoc a ops)
  then have "insert_ops ops"
    using insert_ops_rem_last by auto
  consider (a_in_xs) "a  set xs" | (a_in_ys) "a  set ys" | (neither) "a  set xs  a  set ys"
    by blast
  then show ?case
    case a_in_xs
    then have "a  set ys"
      using snoc.prems(8) by auto
    hence "set ys  set ops"
      using snoc.prems(7) DiffE by auto
    from a_in_xs have "a = last xs"
      using insert_ops_subset_last snoc.prems by blast
    have IH: "(x  set (map fst (butlast xs)). y  set (map fst ys).  list_order ops y x) 
              (r. start = Some r  (x  set (map fst (butlast xs)). list_order ops r x) 
                                      (y  set (map fst          ys).  list_order ops r y))"
    proof(cases "xs = [a]")
      case True
      moreover have "r. start = Some r  (y  set (map fst ys). list_order ops r y)"
        using insert_seq_after_start insert_ops ops set ys  set ops snoc.prems
        by (metis append_Nil2 calculation insert_seq_hd interp_ins_append_non_memb list.sel(1))
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case xs_longer: False
      from a = last xs have "set (butlast xs)  set ops"
        using snoc.prems by (simp add: distinct_fst subset_butlast)
      moreover have "insert_seq start (butlast xs)"
        using insert_seq_butlast insert_seq_nonempty xs_longer a = last xs snoc.prems(2) by blast
      moreover have "insert_ops (butlast xs)"
        using snoc.prems(2) snoc.prems(3) insert_ops_appendD
        by (metis append_butlast_last_id insert_seq_nonempty)
      moreover have "distinct (map fst (butlast xs) @ map fst ys)"
        using distinct_append_butlast1 snoc.prems(8) by blast
      moreover have "set ys  set ops"
        using a  set ys set ys  set ops by blast
      moreover have "hd (butlast xs) = hd xs"
        by (metis append_butlast_last_id calculation(2) hd_append2 insert_seq_nonempty snoc.prems(2))
      hence "fst (hd (butlast xs)) < fst (hd ys)"
        by (simp add: snoc.prems(9))
      moreover have "r. start = Some r  r  set (interp_ins ops)"
      proof -
        fix r
        assume "start = Some r"
        then obtain xid where "hd xs = (xid, Some r)"
          using insert_seq_hd snoc.prems(2) by auto
        hence "r < xid"
          by (metis hd_in_set insert_ops_memb_ref_older insert_seq_nonempty snoc.prems(2) snoc.prems(3))
        moreover have "xid < fst a"
        proof -
          have "xs = (butlast xs) @ [a]"
            using snoc.prems(2) insert_seq_nonempty a = last xs by fastforce
          moreover have "(xid, Some r)  set (butlast xs)"
            using hd xs = (xid, Some r) insert_seq_nonempty list.set_sel(1) snoc.prems(2)
            by (metis hd (butlast xs) = hd xs insert_seq start (butlast xs))
          hence "xid  set (map fst (butlast xs))"
            by (metis in_set_zipE zip_map_fst_snd)
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using snoc.prems(3) last_op_greatest by (metis prod.collapse)
        ultimately have "r  fst a"
          using dual_order.asym by blast
        thus "r  set (interp_ins ops)"
          using snoc.prems(1) snoc.prems(10) interp_ins_maybe_grow2 start = Some r by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using insert_ops ops snoc.IH snoc.prems(4) snoc.prems(5) by blast
    moreover have x_exists: "x  set (map fst (butlast xs)). x  set (interp_ins ops)"
    proof(cases start)
      case None
      moreover have "set (butlast xs)  set ops"
        using a = last xs distinct_map snoc.prems(6) snoc.prems(8) subset_butlast by fastforce
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using insert_seq_start_none insert_ops ops snoc.prems 
        by (metis append_butlast_last_id butlast.simps(2) empty_iff empty_set
            insert_ops_rem_last insert_seq_butlast insert_seq_nonempty list.simps(8))
      case (Some a)
      then show ?thesis
        using IH list_order_memb2 by blast
    moreover have "y  set (map fst ys). list_order (ops @ [a]) y (fst a)"
    proof(cases "xs = [a]")
      case xs_a: True
      have "ys  []  False"
      proof -
        assume "ys  []"
        then obtain yi where yi_def: "ys = (yi, start) # (tl ys)"
          by (metis hd_Cons_tl insert_seq_hd snoc.prems(4))
        hence "(yi, start)  set ops"
          by (metis set ys  set ops list.set_intros(1) subsetCE)
        hence "yi  set (map fst ops)"
          by force
        hence "yi < fst a"
          using snoc.prems(1) last_op_greatest by (metis prod.collapse)
        moreover have "fst a < yi"
          by (metis yi_def xs_a fst_conv list.sel(1) snoc.prems(9))
        ultimately show False
          using less_not_sym by blast
      then show "y  set (map fst ys). list_order (ops @ [a]) y (fst a)"
        using insert_seq_nonempty snoc.prems(4) by blast
      case xs_longer: False
      hence butlast_split: "butlast xs = (butlast (butlast xs)) @ [last (butlast xs)]"
        using a = last xs insert_seq_butlast insert_seq_nonempty snoc.prems(2) by fastforce
      hence ref_exists: "fst (last (butlast xs))  set (interp_ins ops)"
        using x_exists by (metis last_in_set last_map map_is_Nil_conv snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
      moreover from butlast_split have "xs = (butlast (butlast xs)) @ [last (butlast xs), a]"
        by (metis a = last xs append.assoc append_butlast_last_id butlast.simps(2)
            insert_seq_nonempty last_ConsL last_ConsR list.simps(3) snoc.prems(2))
      hence "snd a = Some (fst (last (butlast xs)))"
        using snoc.prems(2) insert_seq_last_ref by (metis prod.collapse)
      hence "list_order (ops @ [a]) (fst (last (butlast xs))) (fst a)"
        using list_order_insert_ref ref_exists snoc.prems(1) by (metis prod.collapse)
      moreover have "y  set (map fst ys). list_order ops y (fst (last (butlast xs)))"
        by (metis IH butlast_split last_in_set last_map map_is_Nil_conv snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
      hence "y  set (map fst ys). list_order (ops @ [a]) y (fst (last (butlast xs)))"
        using list_order_append snoc.prems(1) by blast
      ultimately show "y  set (map fst ys). list_order (ops @ [a]) y (fst a)"
        using list_order_trans snoc.prems(1) by blast
    moreover have map_fst_xs: "map fst xs = map fst (butlast xs) @ map fst [last xs]"
      by (metis append_butlast_last_id insert_seq_nonempty map_append snoc.prems(2))
    hence "set (map fst xs) = set (map fst (butlast xs))  {fst a}"
      by (simp add: a = last xs)
    moreover have "r. start = Some r  list_order (ops @ [a]) r (fst a)"
      using snoc.prems by (cases start, auto simp add: insert_seq_after_start a = last xs map_fst_xs)
    ultimately show "(x  set (map fst xs). y  set (map fst ys). list_order (ops @ [a]) y x) 
          (r. start = Some r  (x  set (map fst xs). list_order (ops @ [a]) r x) 
                                  (y  set (map fst ys). list_order (ops @ [a]) r y))"
      using snoc.prems(1) by (simp add: list_order_append)
    case a_in_ys
    then have "a  set xs"
      using snoc.prems(8) by auto
    hence "set xs  set ops"
      using snoc.prems(6) DiffE by auto
    from a_in_ys have "a = last ys"
      using insert_ops_subset_last snoc.prems by blast
    have IH: "(x  set (map fst xs). y  set (map fst (butlast ys)).  list_order ops y x) 
              (r. start = Some r  (x  set (map fst          xs).  list_order ops r x) 
                                      (y  set (map fst (butlast ys)). list_order ops r y))"
    proof(cases "ys = [a]")
      case True
      moreover have "r. start = Some r  (y  set (map fst xs). list_order ops r y)"
        using insert_seq_after_start insert_ops ops set xs  set ops snoc.prems
        by (metis append_Nil2 calculation insert_seq_hd interp_ins_append_non_memb list.sel(1))
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case ys_longer: False
      from a = last ys have "set (butlast ys)  set ops"
        using snoc.prems by (simp add: distinct_fst subset_butlast)
      moreover have "insert_seq start (butlast ys)"
        using insert_seq_butlast insert_seq_nonempty ys_longer a = last ys snoc.prems(4) by blast
      moreover have "insert_ops (butlast ys)"
        using snoc.prems(4) snoc.prems(5) insert_ops_appendD
        by (metis append_butlast_last_id insert_seq_nonempty)
      moreover have "distinct (map fst xs @ map fst (butlast ys))"
        using distinct_append_butlast2 snoc.prems(8) by blast
      moreover have "set xs  set ops"
        using a  set xs set xs  set ops by blast
      moreover have "hd (butlast ys) = hd ys"
        by (metis append_butlast_last_id calculation(2) hd_append2 insert_seq_nonempty snoc.prems(4))
      hence "fst (hd xs) < fst (hd (butlast ys))"
        by (simp add: snoc.prems(9))
      moreover have "r. start = Some r  r  set (interp_ins ops)"
      proof -
        fix r
        assume "start = Some r"
        then obtain yid where "hd ys = (yid, Some r)"
          using insert_seq_hd snoc.prems(4) by auto
        hence "r < yid"
          by (metis hd_in_set insert_ops_memb_ref_older insert_seq_nonempty snoc.prems(4) snoc.prems(5))
        moreover have "yid < fst a"
        proof -
          have "ys = (butlast ys) @ [a]"
            using snoc.prems(4) insert_seq_nonempty a = last ys by fastforce
          moreover have "(yid, Some r)  set (butlast ys)"
            using hd ys = (yid, Some r) insert_seq_nonempty list.set_sel(1) snoc.prems(2)
            by (metis hd (butlast ys) = hd ys insert_seq start (butlast ys))
          hence "yid  set (map fst (butlast ys))"
            by (metis in_set_zipE zip_map_fst_snd)
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using snoc.prems(5) last_op_greatest by (metis prod.collapse)
        ultimately have "r  fst a"
          using dual_order.asym by blast
        thus "r  set (interp_ins ops)"
          using snoc.prems(1) snoc.prems(10) interp_ins_maybe_grow2 start = Some r by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using insert_ops ops snoc.IH snoc.prems(2) snoc.prems(3) by blast
    moreover have "x  set (map fst xs). list_order (ops @ [a]) (fst a) x"
    proof(cases "ys = [a]")
      case ys_a: True
      then show "x  set (map fst xs). list_order (ops @ [a]) (fst a) x"
      proof(cases start)
        case None
        then show ?thesis
          using insert_seq_start_none list_order_insert_none snoc.prems
          by (metis insert_ops ops set xs  set ops fst_conv insert_seq_hd list.sel(1) ys_a)
        case (Some r)
        moreover from this have "x  set (map fst xs). list_order ops r x"
          using IH by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using snoc.prems(1) snoc.prems(4) list_order_insert_between
          by (metis fst_conv insert_seq_hd list.sel(1) ys_a)
      case ys_longer: False
      hence butlast_split: "butlast ys = (butlast (butlast ys)) @ [last (butlast ys)]"
        using a = last ys insert_seq_butlast insert_seq_nonempty snoc.prems(4) by fastforce
      moreover from this have "ys = (butlast (butlast ys)) @ [last (butlast ys), a]"
        by (metis a = last ys append.assoc append_butlast_last_id butlast.simps(2)
            insert_seq_nonempty last_ConsL last_ConsR list.simps(3) snoc.prems(4))
      hence "snd a = Some (fst (last (butlast ys)))"
        using snoc.prems(4) insert_seq_last_ref by (metis prod.collapse)
      moreover have "x  set (map fst xs). list_order ops (fst (last (butlast ys))) x"
        by (metis IH butlast_split last_in_set last_map map_is_Nil_conv snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
      ultimately show "x  set (map fst xs). list_order (ops @ [a]) (fst a) x"
        using list_order_insert_between snoc.prems(1) by (metis prod.collapse)
    moreover have map_fst_xs: "map fst ys = map fst (butlast ys) @ map fst [last ys]"
      by (metis append_butlast_last_id insert_seq_nonempty map_append snoc.prems(4))
    hence "set (map fst ys) = set (map fst (butlast ys))  {fst a}"
      by (simp add: a = last ys)
    moreover have "r. start = Some r  list_order (ops @ [a]) r (fst a)"
      using snoc.prems by (cases start, auto simp add: insert_seq_after_start a = last ys map_fst_xs)
    ultimately show "(x  set (map fst xs). y  set (map fst ys). list_order (ops @ [a]) y x) 
          (r. start = Some r  (x  set (map fst xs). list_order (ops @ [a]) r x) 
                                  (y  set (map fst ys). list_order (ops @ [a]) r y))"
      using snoc.prems(1) by (simp add: list_order_append)
    case neither
    hence "set xs  set ops" and "set ys  set ops"
      using snoc.prems(6) snoc.prems(7) DiffE by auto
    have "(r. start = Some r  r  set (interp_ins ops))  (xs = []  ys = [])"
    proof(cases xs)
      case Nil
      then show ?thesis using insert_seq_nonempty snoc.prems(2) by blast
      case xs_nonempty: (Cons x xsa)
      have "r. start = Some r  r  set (interp_ins ops)"
      proof -
        fix r
        assume "start = Some r"
        then obtain xi where "x = (xi, Some r)"
          using insert_seq_hd xs_nonempty snoc.prems(2) by fastforce
        hence "(xi, Some r)  set ops"
          using set xs  set ops xs_nonempty by auto
        hence "r < xi"
          using insert_ops ops insert_ops_memb_ref_older by blast
        moreover have "xi  set (map fst ops)"
          using (xi, Some r)  set ops by force
        hence "xi < fst a"
          using last_op_greatest snoc.prems(1) by (metis prod.collapse)
        ultimately have "fst a  r"
          using order.asym by blast
        then show "r  set (interp_ins ops)"
          using snoc.prems(1) snoc.prems(10) interp_ins_maybe_grow2 start = Some r by blast
      then show ?thesis by blast
    hence "(x  set (map fst xs). y  set (map fst ys). list_order ops y x) 
           (r. start = Some r  (x  set (map fst xs). list_order ops r x) 
                                   (y  set (map fst ys). list_order ops r y))"
      using snoc.prems snoc.IH set xs  set ops set ys  set ops by blast
    then show "(x  set (map fst xs). y  set (map fst ys). list_order (ops @ [a]) y x) 
          (r. start = Some r  (x  set (map fst xs). list_order (ops @ [a]) r x) 
                                  (y  set (map fst ys). list_order (ops @ [a]) r y))"
      using snoc.prems(1) by (simp add: list_order_append)

text‹Consider an execution that contains two distinct insertion sequences,
\isa{xs} and \isa{ys}, that both begin at the same initial position \isa{start}.
We prove that, provided the starting element exists, the two insertion sequences
are not interleaved. That is, in the final list order, either all insertions by
\isa{xs} appear before all insertions by \isa{ys}, or vice versa.›

theorem no_interleaving:
  assumes "insert_ops ops"
    and "insert_seq start xs" and "insert_ops xs"
    and "insert_seq start ys" and "insert_ops ys"
    and "set xs  set ops" and "set ys  set ops"
    and "distinct (map fst xs @ map fst ys)"
    and "start = None  (r. start = Some r  r  set (interp_ins ops))"
  shows "(x  set (map fst xs). y  set (map fst ys). list_order ops x y) 
         (x  set (map fst xs). y  set (map fst ys). list_order ops y x)"
proof(cases "fst (hd xs) < fst (hd ys)")
  case True
  moreover have "r. start = Some r  r  set (interp_ins ops)"
    using assms(9) by blast
  ultimately have "xset (map fst xs). yset (map fst ys). list_order ops y x"
    using assms no_interleaving_ordered by blast
  then show ?thesis by blast
  case False
  hence "fst (hd ys) < fst (hd xs)"
    using assms(2) assms(4) assms(8) insert_seq_nonempty distinct_fst_append
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) hd_in_set hd_map list.map_disc_iff map_append neqE)
  moreover have "distinct (map fst ys @ map fst xs)"
    using assms(8) distinct_append_swap by blast
  moreover have "r. start = Some r  r  set (interp_ins ops)"
    using assms(9) by blast
  ultimately have "xset (map fst ys). yset (map fst xs). list_order ops y x"
    using assms no_interleaving_ordered by blast
  then show ?thesis by blast

text‹For completeness, we also prove what happens if there are two insertion
sequences, \isa{xs} and \isa{ys}, but their initial position \isa{start} does
not exist. In that case, none of the insertions in \isa{xs} or \isa{ys} take

theorem missing_start_no_insertion:
  assumes "insert_ops ops"
    and "insert_seq (Some start) xs" and "insert_ops xs"
    and "insert_seq (Some start) ys" and "insert_ops ys"
    and "set xs  set ops" and "set ys  set ops"
    and "start  set (interp_ins ops)"
  shows "x  set (map fst xs)  set (map fst ys). x  set (interp_ins ops)"
  using assms insert_seq_no_start by (metis UnE)
