Theory SimplyTyped

theory SimplyTyped
imports PreSimplyTyped

quotient_type 'a trm = "'a ptrm" / ptrm_alpha_equiv
proof(rule equivpI)
  show "reflp  ptrm_alpha_equiv" using ptrm_alpha_equiv_reflp.
  show "symp   ptrm_alpha_equiv" using ptrm_alpha_equiv_symp.
  show "transp ptrm_alpha_equiv" using ptrm_alpha_equiv_transp.

lift_definition Unit :: "'a trm" is PUnit.
lift_definition Var :: "'a  'a trm" is PVar.
lift_definition App :: "'a trm  'a trm  'a trm" is PApp using
lift_definition Fn  :: "'a  type  'a trm  'a trm" is PFn using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn1.
lift_definition Pair :: "'a trm  'a trm  'a trm" is PPair using ptrm_alpha_equiv.pair.
lift_definition Fst :: "'a trm  'a trm" is PFst using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fst.
lift_definition Snd :: "'a trm  'a trm" is PSnd using ptrm_alpha_equiv.snd.
lift_definition fvs :: "'a trm  'a set" is ptrm_fvs using ptrm_alpha_equiv_fvs.
lift_definition prm :: "'a prm  'a trm  'a trm" (infixr "" 150) is ptrm_apply_prm
  using ptrm_alpha_equiv_prm.
lift_definition depth :: "'a trm  nat" is size using ptrm_size_alpha_equiv.

lemma depth_prm:
  shows "depth (π  A) = depth A"
by(transfer, metis ptrm_size_prm)

lemma depth_app:
  shows "depth A < depth (App A B)" "depth B < depth (App A B)"
by(transfer, auto)+

lemma depth_fn:
  shows "depth A < depth (Fn x T A)"
by(transfer, auto)

lemma depth_pair:
  shows "depth A < depth (Pair A B)" "depth B < depth (Pair A B)"
by(transfer, auto)+

lemma depth_fst:
  shows "depth P < depth (Fst P)"
by(transfer, auto)

lemma depth_snd:
  shows "depth P < depth (Snd P)"
by(transfer, auto)
lemma unit_not_var:
  shows "Unit  Var x"
  fix x :: 'a
  show "¬ PUnit  PVar x"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬ PUnit  PVar x"
    hence False using unitE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma unit_not_app:
  shows "Unit  App A B"
  fix A B :: "'a ptrm"
  show "¬ PUnit  PApp A B"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬ PUnit  PApp A B"
    hence False using unitE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma unit_not_fn:
  shows "Unit  Fn x T A"
  fix x :: 'a and T A
  show "¬ PUnit  PFn x T A"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬ PUnit  PFn x T A"
    hence False using unitE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma unit_not_pair:
  shows "Unit  Pair A B"
  fix A B :: "'a ptrm"
  show "¬ PUnit  PPair A B"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬ PUnit  PPair A B"
    hence False using unitE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma unit_not_fst:
  shows "Unit  Fst P"
  fix P :: "'a ptrm"
  show "¬ PUnit  PFst P"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬ PUnit  PFst P"
    hence False using unitE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma unit_not_snd:
  shows "Unit  Snd P"
  fix P :: "'a ptrm"
  show "¬ PUnit  PSnd P"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬ PUnit  PSnd P"
    hence False using unitE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma var_not_app:
  shows "Var x  App A B"
  fix x :: 'a and A B
  show "¬PVar x  PApp A B"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PVar x  PApp A B"
    hence False using varE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma var_not_fn:
  shows "Var x  Fn y T A"
  fix x y :: 'a and T A
  show "¬PVar x  PFn y T A"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PVar x  PFn y T A" 
    hence False using varE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma var_not_pair:
  shows "Var x  Pair A B"
  fix x :: 'a and A B
  show "¬PVar x  PPair A B"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PVar x  PPair A B"
    hence False using varE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma var_not_fst:
  shows "Var x  Fst P"
  fix x :: 'a and P
  show "¬PVar x  PFst P"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PVar x  PFst P"
    hence False using varE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma var_not_snd:
  shows "Var x  Snd P"
  fix x :: 'a and P
  show "¬PVar x  PSnd P"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PVar x  PSnd P"
    hence False using varE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma app_not_fn:
  shows "App A B  Fn y T X"
  fix y :: 'a and A B T X
  show "¬PApp A B  PFn y T X"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PApp A B  PFn y T X"
    hence False using appE by auto
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma app_not_pair:
  shows "App A B  Pair C D"
  fix A B C D :: "'a ptrm"
  show "¬PApp A B  PPair C D"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PApp A B  PPair C D"
    hence False using appE by auto
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma app_not_fst:
  shows "App A B  Fst P"
  fix A B P :: "'a ptrm"
  show "¬PApp A B  PFst P"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PApp A B  PFst P"
    hence False using appE by auto
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma app_not_snd:
  shows "App A B  Snd P"
  fix A B P :: "'a ptrm"
  show "¬PApp A B  PSnd P"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PApp A B  PSnd P"
    hence False using appE by auto
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma fn_not_pair:
  shows "Fn x T A  Pair C D"
  fix x :: 'a and T A C D
  show "¬PFn x T A  PPair C D"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PFn x T A  PPair C D"
    hence False using fnE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma fn_not_fst:
  shows "Fn x T A  Fst P"
  fix x :: 'a and T A P
  show "¬PFn x T A  PFst P"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PFn x T A  PFst P"
    hence False using fnE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma fn_not_snd:
  shows "Fn x T A  Snd P"
  fix x :: 'a and T A P
  show "¬PFn x T A  PSnd P"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PFn x T A  PSnd P"
    hence False using fnE by fastforce
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma pair_not_fst:
  shows "Pair A B  Fst P"
  fix A B P :: "'a ptrm"
  show "¬PPair A B  PFst P"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PPair A B  PFst P"
    hence False using pairE by auto
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma pair_not_snd:
  shows "Pair A B  Snd P"
  fix A B P :: "'a ptrm"
  show "¬PPair A B  PSnd P"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PPair A B  PSnd P"
    hence False using pairE by auto
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma fst_not_snd:
  shows "Fst P  Snd Q"
  fix P Q :: "'a ptrm"
  show "¬PFst P  PSnd Q"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "¬¬PFst P  PSnd Q"
    hence False using fstE by auto
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma trm_simp:
    "Var x = Var y  x = y"
    "App A B = App C D  A = C"
    "App A B = App C D  B = D"
    "Fn x T A = Fn y S B 
      (x = y  T = S  A = B)  (x  y  T = S  x  fvs B  A = [x  y]  B)"
    "Pair A B = Pair C D  A = C"
    "Pair A B = Pair C D  B = D"
    "Fst P = Fst Q  P = Q"
    "Snd P = Snd Q  P = Q"
proof -
  show "Var x = Var y  x = y" by (transfer, insert ptrm.inject varE, fastforce)
  show "App A B = App C D  A = C" by (transfer, insert ptrm.inject appE, auto)
  show "App A B = App C D  B = D" by (transfer, insert ptrm.inject appE, auto)
  show "Pair A B = Pair C D  A = C" by (transfer, insert ptrm.inject pairE, auto)
  show "Pair A B = Pair C D  B = D" by (transfer, insert ptrm.inject pairE, auto)
  show "Fst P = Fst Q  P = Q" by (transfer, insert ptrm.inject fstE, auto)
  show "Snd P = Snd Q  P = Q" by (transfer, insert ptrm.inject sndE, auto)
  show "Fn x T A = Fn y S B 
      (x = y  T = S  A = B)  (x  y  T = S  x  fvs B  A = [x  y]  B)"
    fix x y :: 'a and T S :: type and A B :: "'a ptrm"
    assume *: "PFn x T A  PFn y S B"
    thus "x = y  T = S  A  B  x  y  T = S  x  ptrm_fvs B  A  [x  y]  B"
    proof(induction rule: fnE[where x=x and T=T and A=A and Y="PFn y S B"], metis *)
      case (2 C)
        thus ?case by simp
      case (3 z C)
        thus ?case by simp

lemma fn_eq:
  assumes "x  y" "x  fvs B" "A = [x  y]  B"
  shows "Fn x T A = Fn y T B"
using assms by(transfer', metis ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn2)

lemma trm_prm_simp:
    "π  Unit = Unit"
    "π  Var x = Var (π $ x)"
    "π  App A B = App (π  A) (π  B)"
    "π  Fn x T A = Fn (π $ x) T (π  A)"
    "π  Pair A B = Pair (π  A) (π  B)"
    "π  Fst P = Fst (π  P)"
    "π  Snd P = Snd (π  P)"
  apply (transfer, auto simp add: ptrm_alpha_equiv_reflexive)
  apply (transfer', auto simp add: ptrm_alpha_equiv_reflexive)
  apply ((transfer, auto simp add: ptrm_alpha_equiv_reflexive)+)

lemma trm_prm_apply_compose:
  shows "π  σ  A = (π  σ)  A"
by(transfer', metis ptrm_prm_apply_compose ptrm_alpha_equiv_reflexive)

lemma fvs_finite:
  shows "finite (fvs M)"
by(transfer, metis ptrm_fvs_finite)

lemma fvs_simp:
    "fvs Unit = {}" and
    "fvs (Var x) = {x}"
    "fvs (App A B) = fvs A  fvs B"
    "fvs (Fn x T A) = fvs A - {x}"
    "fvs (Pair A B) = fvs A  fvs B"
    "fvs (Fst P) = fvs P"
    "fvs (Snd P) = fvs P"
by((transfer, simp)+)

lemma var_prm_action:
  shows "[a  b]  Var a = Var b"
by(transfer', simp add: prm_unit_action ptrm_alpha_equiv.intros)

lemma var_prm_inaction:
  assumes "a  x" "b  x"
  shows "[a  b]  Var x = Var x"
using assms by(transfer', simp add: prm_unit_inaction ptrm_alpha_equiv.intros)

lemma trm_prm_apply_id:
  shows "ε  M = M"
by(transfer', auto simp add: ptrm_prm_apply_id)

lemma trm_prm_unit_inaction:
  assumes "a  fvs X" "b  fvs X"
  shows "[a  b]  X = X"
using assms by(transfer', metis ptrm_prm_unit_inaction)

lemma trm_prm_agreement_equiv:
  assumes "a. a  ds π σ  a  fvs M"
  shows "π  M = σ  M"
using assms by(transfer, metis ptrm_prm_agreement_equiv)

lemma trm_induct:
  fixes P :: "'a trm  bool"
    "P Unit"
    "x. P (Var x)"
    "A B. P A; P B  P (App A B)"
    "x T A. P A  P (Fn x T A)"
    "A B. P A; P B  P (Pair A B)"
    "A. P A  P (Fst A)"
    "A. P A  P (Snd A)"
  shows "P M"
proof -
  have "X. P (abs_trm X)"
  proof(rule ptrm.induct)
    show "P (abs_trm PUnit)"
      using assms(1) Unit.abs_eq by metis
    show "P (abs_trm (PVar x))" for x
      using assms(2) Var.abs_eq by metis
    show "P (abs_trm A); P (abs_trm B)  P (abs_trm (PApp A B))" for A B
      using assms(3) App.abs_eq by metis
    show "P (abs_trm A)  P (abs_trm (PFn x T A))" for x T A
      using assms(4) Fn.abs_eq by metis
    show "P (abs_trm A); P (abs_trm B)  P (abs_trm (PPair A B))" for A B
      using assms(5) Pair.abs_eq by metis
    show "P (abs_trm A)  P (abs_trm (PFst A))" for A
      using assms(6) Fst.abs_eq by metis
    show "P (abs_trm A)  P (abs_trm (PSnd A))" for A
      using assms(7) Snd.abs_eq by metis
  thus ?thesis using trm.abs_induct by auto

lemma trm_cases:
    "M = Unit  P M"
    "x. M = Var x  P M"
    "A B. M = App A B  P M"
    "x T A. M = Fn x T A  P M"
    "A B. M = Pair A B  P M"
    "A. M = Fst A  P M"
    "A. M = Snd A  P M"
  shows "P M"
using assms by(induction rule: trm_induct, auto)

lemma trm_depth_induct:
    "P Unit"
    "x. P (Var x)"
    "A B. K. depth K < depth (App A B)  P K  P (App A B)"
    "M x T A. (K. depth K < depth (Fn x T A)  P K)  P (Fn x T A)"
    "A B. K. depth K < depth (Pair A B)  P K  P (Pair A B)"
    "A. K. depth K < depth (Fst A)  P K  P (Fst A)"
    "A. K. depth K < depth (Snd A)  P K  P (Snd A)"
  shows "P M"
proof(induction "depth M" arbitrary: M rule: less_induct)
  fix M :: "'a trm"
  assume IH: "depth K < depth M  P K" for K
    "         M = Unit     P M"
    "x.     M = Var x     P M"
    "A B.   M = App A B   P M"
    "x T A. M = Fn x T A  P M"
    "A B.   M = Pair A B   P M"
    "A.     M = Fst A   P M"
    "A.     M = Snd A   P M"
    using assms by blast+
  thus "P M" using trm_cases[where M=M] by blast

context fresh begin

lemma fresh_fn:
  fixes x :: 'a and S :: "'a set"
  assumes "finite S"
  shows "y B. y  S  B = [y  x]  A  (Fn x T A = Fn y T B)"
proof -
  have *: "finite ({x}  fvs A  S)" using fvs_finite assms by auto
  obtain y where "y = fresh_in ({x}  fvs A  S)" by auto
  hence "y  ({x}  fvs A  S)" using fresh_axioms * unfolding class.fresh_def by metis
  hence "y  x" "y  fvs A" "y  S" by auto

  obtain B where B: "B = [y  x]  A" by auto
  hence "Fn x T A = Fn y T B" using fn_eq y  x y  fvs A by metis
  thus ?thesis using y  x y  S B by metis

lemma trm_strong_induct:
  fixes P :: "'a set  'a trm  bool"
    "P S Unit"
    "x. P S (Var x)"
    "A B. P S A; P S B  P S (App A B)"
    "x T. x  S  (A. P S A  P S (Fn x T A))"
    "A B. P S A; P S B  P S (Pair A B)"
    "A. P S A  P S (Fst A)"
    "A. P S A  P S (Snd A)"
    "finite S"
  shows "P S M"
proof -
  have "π. P S (π  M)"
  proof(induction M rule: trm_induct)
    case 1
      thus ?case using assms(1) trm_prm_simp(1) by metis
    case (2 x)
      thus ?case using assms(2) trm_prm_simp(2) by metis
    case (3 A B)
      thus ?case using assms(3) trm_prm_simp(3) by metis
    case (4 x T A)
      have "finite S" "finite (fvs (π  A))" "finite {π $ x}"
        using finite S fvs_finite by auto
      hence "finite (S  fvs (π  A)  {π $ x})" by auto
      obtain y where "y = fresh_in (S  fvs (π  A)  {π $ x})" by auto
      hence "y  S  fvs (π  A)  {π $ x}" using fresh_axioms unfolding class.fresh_def
        using finite (S  fvs (π  A)  {π $ x}) by metis
      hence "y  π $ x" "y  fvs (π  A)" "y  S" by auto
      hence *: "A. P S A  P S (Fn y T A)" using assms(4) by metis
      have "P S (([y  π $ x]  π)  A)" using 4 by metis
      hence "P S (Fn y T (([y  π $ x]  π)  A))" using * by metis
      moreover have "(Fn y T (([y  π $ x]  π)  A)) = Fn (π $ x) T (π  A)"
        using trm_prm_apply_compose fn_eq y  π $ x y  fvs (π  A) by metis
      ultimately show ?case using trm_prm_simp(4) by metis
    case (5 A B)
      thus ?case using assms(5) trm_prm_simp(5) by metis
    case (6 A)
      thus ?case using assms(6) trm_prm_simp(6) by metis
    case (7 A)
      thus ?case using assms(7) trm_prm_simp(7) by metis
  hence "P S (ε  M)" by metis
  thus "P S M" using trm_prm_apply_id by metis

lemma trm_strong_cases:
  fixes P :: "'a set  'a trm  bool"
    "         M = Unit     P S M"
    "x.     M = Var x     P S M"
    "A B.   M = App A B   P S M"
    "x T A. M = Fn x T A  x  S  P S M"
    "A B.   M = Pair A B  P S M"
    "A.     M = Fst A     P S M"
    "A.     M = Snd A     P S M"
    "finite S"
  shows "P S M"
using assms by(induction S M rule: trm_strong_induct, metis+)

lemma trm_strong_depth_induct:
  fixes P :: "'a set  'a trm  bool"
    "P S Unit"
    "x. P S (Var x)"
    "A B. K. depth K < depth (App A B)  P S K  P S (App A B)"
    "x T. x  S  (A. (K. depth K < depth (Fn x T A)  P S K)  P S (Fn x T A))"
    "A B. K. depth K < depth (Pair A B)  P S K  P S (Pair A B)"
    "A. K. depth K < depth (Fst A)  P S K  P S (Fst A)"
    "A. K. depth K < depth (Snd A)  P S K  P S (Snd A)"
    "finite S"
  shows "P S M"
proof(induction "depth M" arbitrary: M rule: less_induct)
  fix M :: "'a trm"
  assume IH: "depth K < depth M  P S K" for K
    "         M = Unit     P S M"
    "x.     M = Var x     P S M"
    "A B.   M = App A B   P S M"
    "x T A. M = Fn x T A  x  S  P S M"
    "A B.   M = Pair A B  P S M"
    "A.     M = Fst A     P S M"
    "A.     M = Snd A     P S M"
    "finite S"
    using assms IH by metis+
  thus "P S M" using trm_strong_cases[where M=M] by blast

lemma trm_prm_fvs:
  shows "fvs (π  M) = π {$} fvs M"
by(transfer, metis ptrm_prm_fvs)

inductive typing :: "'a typing_ctx  'a trm  type  bool" ("_  _ : _") where
  tunit: "Γ  Unit : TUnit"
| tvar:  "Γ x = Some τ  Γ  Var x : τ"
| tapp:  "Γ  f : (TArr τ σ); Γ  x : τ  Γ  App f x : σ"
| tfn:   "Γ(x  τ)  A : σ  Γ  Fn x τ A : (TArr τ σ)"
| tpair: "Γ  A : τ; Γ  B : σ  Γ  Pair A B : (TPair τ σ)"
| tfst:  "Γ  P : (TPair τ σ)  Γ  Fst P : τ"
| tsnd:  "Γ  P : (TPair τ σ)  Γ  Snd P : σ"

lemma typing_prm:
  assumes "Γ  M : τ" "y. y  fvs M  Γ y = Δ (π $ y)"
  shows "Δ  π  M : τ"
using assms proof(induction arbitrary: Δ rule: typing.induct)
  case (tunit Γ)
    thus ?case using typing.tunit trm_prm_simp(1) by metis
  case (tvar Γ x τ)
    thus ?case using typing.tvar trm_prm_simp(2) fvs_simp(2) singletonI by metis
  case (tapp Γ A τ σ B)
    thus ?case using typing.tapp trm_prm_simp(3) fvs_simp(3) UnCI by metis
  case (tfn Γ x τ A σ)
    have "y  fvs A  (Γ(x  τ)) y = (Δ(π $ x  τ)) (π $ y)" for y
    proof(cases "y = x")
      case True
        thus ?thesis using fun_upd_apply by simp
      case False
        assume "y  fvs A"
        hence "y  fvs (Fn x τ A)" using fvs_simp(4) y  x DiffI singletonD by fastforce
        hence "Γ y = Δ (π $ y)" using tfn.prems by metis
        thus ?thesis by (simp add: prm_apply_unequal)
    hence "Δ(π $ x  τ)  π  A : σ" using tfn.IH by metis
    thus ?case using trm_prm_simp(4) typing.tfn by metis
  case (tpair Γ A B)
    thus ?case using typing.tpair trm_prm_simp(5) fvs_simp(5) UnCI by metis
  case (tfst Γ P τ σ)
    thus ?case using typing.tfst trm_prm_simp(6) fvs_simp(6) by metis
  case (tsnd Γ P τ σ)
    thus ?case using typing.tsnd trm_prm_simp(7) fvs_simp(7) by metis

lemma typing_swp:
  assumes "Γ(a  σ)  M : τ" "b  fvs M"
  shows "Γ(b  σ)  [a  b]  M : τ"
proof -
  have "y  fvs M  (Γ(a  σ)) y  = (Γ(b  σ)) ([a  b] $ y)" for y
  proof -
    assume "y  fvs M"
    hence "y  b" using assms(2) by auto
    consider "y = a" | "y  a" by auto
    thus "(Γ(a  σ)) y  = (Γ(b  σ)) ([a  b] $ y)"
    by(cases, simp add: prm_unit_action, simp add: prm_unit_inaction y  b)
  thus ?thesis using typing_prm assms(1) by metis

lemma typing_unitE:
  assumes "Γ  Unit : τ"
  shows "τ = TUnit"
using assms
  apply cases
  apply blast
  apply (auto simp add: unit_not_var unit_not_app unit_not_fn unit_not_pair unit_not_fst unit_not_snd)

lemma typing_varE:
  assumes "Γ  Var x : τ"
  shows "Γ x = Some τ"
using assms
  apply cases
  prefer 2
  apply (metis trm_simp(1))
  apply (metis unit_not_var)
  apply (auto simp add: var_not_app var_not_fn var_not_pair var_not_fst var_not_snd)

lemma typing_appE:
  assumes "Γ  App A B : σ"
  shows "τ. (Γ  A : (TArr τ σ))  (Γ  B : τ)"
using assms
  apply cases
  prefer 3
  apply (metis trm_simp(2, 3))
  apply (metis unit_not_app)
  apply (metis var_not_app)
  apply (auto simp add: app_not_fn app_not_pair app_not_fst app_not_snd)

lemma typing_fnE:
  assumes "Γ  Fn x T A : θ"
  shows "σ. θ = (TArr T σ)  (Γ(x  T)  A : σ)"
using assms proof(cases)
  case (tfn y S B σ)
    from this consider
      "x = y  T = S  A = B" | "x  y  T = S  x  fvs B  A = [x  y]  B"
      using trm_simp(4) by metis
    thus ?thesis proof(cases)
      case 1
        thus ?thesis using tfn by metis
      case 2
        thus ?thesis using tfn typing_swp prm_unit_commutes by metis
qed (
  metis unit_not_fn,
  metis var_not_fn,
  metis app_not_fn,
  metis fn_not_pair,
  metis fn_not_fst,
  metis fn_not_snd

lemma typing_pairE:
  assumes "Γ  Pair A B : θ"
  shows "τ σ. θ = (TPair τ σ)  (Γ  A : τ)  (Γ  B : σ)"
using assms proof(cases)
  case (tpair A τ B σ)
    thus ?thesis using trm_simp(5) trm_simp(6) by blast
qed (
  metis unit_not_pair,
  metis var_not_pair,
  metis app_not_pair,
  metis fn_not_pair,
  metis pair_not_fst,
  metis pair_not_snd

lemma typing_fstE:
  assumes "Γ  Fst P : τ"
  shows "σ. (Γ  P : (TPair τ σ))"
using assms proof(cases)
  case (tfst P σ)
    thus ?thesis using trm_simp(7) by blast
qed (
  metis unit_not_fst,
  metis var_not_fst,
  metis app_not_fst,
  metis fn_not_fst,
  metis pair_not_fst,
  metis fst_not_snd

lemma typing_sndE:
  assumes "Γ  Snd P : σ"
  shows "τ. (Γ  P : (TPair τ σ))"
using assms proof(cases)
  case (tsnd P σ)
    thus ?thesis using trm_simp(8) by blast
qed (
  metis unit_not_snd,
  metis var_not_snd,
  metis app_not_snd,
  metis fn_not_snd,
  metis pair_not_snd,
  metis fst_not_snd

theorem typing_weaken:
  assumes "Γ  M : τ" "y  fvs M"
  shows "Γ(y  σ)  M : τ"
using assms proof(induction rule: typing.induct)
  case (tunit Γ)
    thus ?case using typing.tunit by metis
  case (tvar Γ x τ)
    hence "y  x" using fvs_simp(2) singletonI by force
    hence "(Γ(y  σ)) x = Some τ" using tvar.hyps fun_upd_apply by simp
    thus ?case using typing.tvar by metis
  case (tapp Γ f τ τ' x)
    from y  fvs (App f x) have "y  fvs f" "y  fvs x" using fvs_simp(3) Un_iff by force+
    hence "Γ(y  σ)  f : (TArr τ τ')" "Γ(y  σ)  x : τ" using tapp.IH by metis+
    thus ?case using typing.tapp by metis
  case (tfn Γ x τ A τ')
    from y  fvs (Fn x τ A) consider "y = x" | "y  x  y  fvs A"
      using fvs_simp(4) DiffI empty_iff insert_iff by fastforce
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      case 1
        hence "(Γ(y  σ, x  τ))  A : τ'" using tfn.hyps fun_upd_upd by simp
        thus ?thesis using typing.tfn by metis
      case 2
        hence "y  x" "y  fvs A" by auto
        hence "Γ(x  τ, y  σ)  A : τ'" using tfn.IH by metis
        hence "Γ(y  σ, x  τ)  A : τ'" using y  x fun_upd_twist by metis
        thus ?thesis using typing.tfn by metis
  case (tpair Γ A τ B σ)
    thus ?case using typing.tpair fvs_simp(5) UnCI by metis
  case (tfst Γ P τ σ)
    thus ?case using typing.tfst fvs_simp(6) by metis
  case (tsnd Γ P τ σ)
    thus ?case using typing.tsnd fvs_simp(7) by metis

lift_definition infer :: "'a typing_ctx  'a trm  type option" is ptrm_infer_type
using ptrm_infer_type_alpha_equiv.

export_code infer fresh_nat_inst.fresh_in_nat in Haskell

lemma infer_simp:
    "infer Γ Unit = Some TUnit"
    "infer Γ (Var x) = Γ x"
    "infer Γ (App A B) = (case (infer Γ A, infer Γ B) of
       (Some (TArr τ σ), Some τ')  (if τ = τ' then Some σ else None)
     | _  None
    "infer Γ (Fn x τ A) = (case infer (Γ(x  τ)) A of
       Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ)
     | None  None
    "infer Γ (Pair A B) = (case (infer Γ A, infer Γ B) of
       (Some τ, Some σ)  Some (TPair τ σ)
     | _  None
    "infer Γ (Fst P) = (case infer Γ P of
       (Some (TPair τ σ))  Some τ
     | _  None
    "infer Γ (Snd P) = (case infer Γ P of
       (Some (TPair τ σ))  Some σ
     | _  None
by((transfer, simp)+)

lemma infer_unitE:
  assumes "infer Γ Unit = Some τ"
  shows "τ = TUnit"
using assms by(transfer, simp)

lemma infer_varE:
  assumes "infer Γ (Var x) = Some τ"
  shows "Γ x = Some τ"
using assms by(transfer, simp)

lemma infer_appE:
  assumes "infer Γ (App A B) = Some τ"
  shows "σ. infer Γ A = Some (TArr σ τ)  infer Γ B = Some σ"
using assms proof(transfer)
  fix Γ :: "'a typing_ctx" and A B τ
  assume H: "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PApp A B) = Some τ"

  have "ptrm_infer_type Γ A  None"
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ A = None"
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PApp A B) = None" by auto
    thus False using H by auto
  from this obtain T where *: "ptrm_infer_type Γ A = Some T" by auto

  have "T  TVar x" for x
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    fix x
    assume "T = TVar x"
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ A = Some (TVar x)" using * by metis
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PApp A B) = None" by simp
    thus False using H by auto
  moreover have "T  TUnit"
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    fix x
    assume "T = TUnit"
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ A = Some TUnit" using * by metis
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PApp A B) = None" by simp
    thus False using H by auto
  moreover have "T  TPair τ σ" for τ σ
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    fix τ σ
    assume "T = TPair τ σ"
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ A = Some (TPair τ σ)" using * by metis
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PApp A B) = None" by simp
    thus False using H by auto
  ultimately obtain σ τ' where "T = TArr σ τ'" by(cases T, blast, auto)
  hence *: "ptrm_infer_type Γ A = Some (TArr σ τ')" using * by metis

  have "ptrm_infer_type Γ B  None"
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ B = None"
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PApp A B) = None" using * by auto
    thus False using H by auto
  from this obtain σ' where **: "ptrm_infer_type Γ B = Some σ'" by auto

  have "σ = σ'"
  proof(rule classical)
    assume "σ  σ'"
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PApp A B) = None" using * ** by simp
    hence False using H by auto
    thus "σ = σ'" by blast
  hence **: "ptrm_infer_type Γ B = Some σ" using ** by auto

  have "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PApp A B) = Some τ'" using * ** by auto
  hence "τ = τ'" using H by auto
  hence *: "ptrm_infer_type Γ A = Some (TArr σ τ)" using * by auto

  show "σ. ptrm_infer_type Γ A = Some (TArr σ τ)  ptrm_infer_type Γ B = Some σ"
    using * ** by auto

lemma infer_fnE:
  assumes "infer Γ (Fn x T A) = Some τ"
  shows "σ. τ = TArr T σ  infer (Γ(x  T)) A = Some σ"
using assms proof(transfer)
  fix x :: 'a and Γ T A τ
  assume H: "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PFn x T A) = Some τ"

  have "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(x  T)) A  None"
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(x  T)) A = None"
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PFn x T A) = None" by auto
    thus False using H by auto
  from this obtain σ where *: "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(x  T)) A = Some σ" by auto

  have "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PFn x T A) = Some (TArr T σ)" using * by auto
  hence "τ = TArr T σ" using H by auto
  thus "σ. τ = TArr T σ  ptrm_infer_type (Γ(x  T)) A = Some σ"
    using * by auto

lemma infer_pairE:
  assumes "infer Γ (Pair A B) = Some τ"
  shows "T S. τ = TPair T S  infer Γ A = Some T  infer Γ B = Some S"
using assms proof(transfer)
  fix A B :: "'a ptrm" and Γ τ
  assume H: "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PPair A B) = Some τ"

  have "ptrm_infer_type Γ A  None"
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ A = None"
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PPair A B) = None" by auto
    thus False using H by auto
  moreover have "ptrm_infer_type Γ B  None"
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ B = None"
    hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PPair A B) = None" by (simp add: option.case_eq_if)
    thus False using H by auto
  ultimately obtain T S
    where "τ = TPair T S" "ptrm_infer_type Γ A = Some T" "ptrm_infer_type Γ B = Some S"
    using H by auto
  thus "T S. τ = TPair T S  ptrm_infer_type Γ A = Some T  ptrm_infer_type Γ B = Some S" by auto

lemma infer_fstE:
  assumes "infer Γ (Fst P) = Some τ"
  shows "T S. infer Γ P = Some (TPair T S)  τ = T"
using assms proof(transfer)
  fix P :: "'a ptrm" and Γ τ
  assume H: "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PFst P) = Some τ"

  have "ptrm_infer_type Γ P  None"
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ P = None"
    thus False using H by simp
  moreover have "ptrm_infer_type Γ P  Some TUnit"
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ P = Some TUnit"
    thus False using H by simp
  moreover have "ptrm_infer_type Γ P  Some (TVar x)" for x
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ P = Some (TVar x)"
    thus False using H by simp
  moreover have "ptrm_infer_type Γ P  Some (TArr T S)" for T S
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ P = Some (TArr T S)"
    thus False using H by simp
  ultimately obtain T S where
    "ptrm_infer_type Γ P = Some (TPair T S)"
    using type.distinct type.exhaust option.exhaust by metis
  moreover hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PFst P) = Some T" by simp
  ultimately show "T S. ptrm_infer_type Γ P = Some (TPair T S)  τ = T"
    using H by auto

lemma infer_sndE:
  assumes "infer Γ (Snd P) = Some τ"
  shows "T S. infer Γ P = Some (TPair T S)  τ = S"
using assms proof(transfer)
  fix P :: "'a ptrm" and Γ τ
  assume H: "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PSnd P) = Some τ"

  have "ptrm_infer_type Γ P  None"
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ P = None"
    thus False using H by simp
  moreover have "ptrm_infer_type Γ P  Some TUnit"
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ P = Some TUnit"
    thus False using H by simp
  moreover have "ptrm_infer_type Γ P  Some (TVar x)" for x
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ P = Some (TVar x)"
    thus False using H by simp
  moreover have "ptrm_infer_type Γ P  Some (TArr T S)" for T S
  proof(rule classical, auto)
    assume "ptrm_infer_type Γ P = Some (TArr T S)"
    thus False using H by simp
  ultimately obtain T S where
    "ptrm_infer_type Γ P = Some (TPair T S)"
    using type.distinct type.exhaust option.exhaust by metis
  moreover hence "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PSnd P) = Some S" by simp
  ultimately show "T S. ptrm_infer_type Γ P = Some (TPair T S)  τ = S"
    using H by auto

lemma infer_sound:
  assumes "infer Γ M = Some τ"
  shows "Γ  M : τ"
using assms proof(induction M arbitrary: Γ τ rule: trm_induct)
  case 1
    thus ?case using infer_unitE typing.tunit by metis
  case (2 x)
    hence "Γ x = Some τ" using infer_varE by metis
    thus ?case using typing.tvar by metis
  case (3 A B)
    from infer Γ (App A B) = Some τ obtain σ
      where "infer Γ A = Some (TArr σ τ)" and "infer Γ B = Some σ"
      using infer_appE by metis
    thus ?case using "3.IH" typing.tapp by metis
  case (4 x T A Γ τ)
    from infer Γ (Fn x T A) = Some τ obtain σ
      where "τ = TArr T σ" and "infer (Γ(x  T)) A = Some σ"
      using infer_fnE by metis
    thus ?case using "4.IH" typing.tfn by metis
  case (5 A B Γ τ)
    thus ?case using typing.tpair infer_pairE by metis
  case (6 P Γ τ)
    thus ?case using typing.tfst infer_fstE by metis
  case (7 P Γ τ)
    thus ?case using typing.tsnd infer_sndE by metis

lemma infer_complete:
  assumes "Γ  M : τ"
  shows "infer Γ M = Some τ"
using assms proof(induction)
  case (tfn Γ x τ A σ)
    thus ?case by (simp add: infer_simp(4) tfn.IH)
qed (auto simp add: infer_simp)

theorem infer_valid:
  shows "(Γ  M : τ) = (infer Γ M = Some τ)"
using infer_sound infer_complete by blast

inductive substitutes :: "'a trm  'a  'a trm  'a trm  bool" where
  unit: "substitutes Unit y M Unit"
| var1: "x = y  substitutes (Var x) y M M"
| var2: "x  y  substitutes (Var x) y M (Var x)"
| app:  "substitutes A x M A'; substitutes B x M B'  substitutes (App A B) x M (App A' B')"
| fn:   "x  y; y  fvs M; substitutes A x M A'  substitutes (Fn y T A) x M (Fn y T A')"
| pair: "substitutes A x M A'; substitutes B x M B'  substitutes (Pair A B) x M (Pair A' B')"
| fst:  "substitutes P x M P'  substitutes (Fst P) x M (Fst P')"
| snd:  "substitutes P x M P'  substitutes (Snd P) x M (Snd P')"

lemma substitutes_prm:
  assumes "substitutes A x M A'"
  shows "substitutes (π  A) (π $ x) (π  M) (π  A')"
using assms proof(induction)
  case (unit y M)
    thus ?case using substitutes.unit trm_prm_simp(1) by metis
  case (var1 x y M)
    thus ?case using substitutes.var1 trm_prm_simp(2) by metis
  case (var2 x y M)
    thus ?case using substitutes.var2 trm_prm_simp(2) prm_apply_unequal by metis
  case (app A x M A' B B')
    thus ?case using trm_prm_simp(3) by metis
  case (fn x y M A A' T)
    thus ?case
      using substitutes.fn trm_prm_simp(4) prm_apply_unequal prm_set_notmembership trm_prm_fvs
      by metis
  case (pair A x M A' B B')
    thus ?case using substitutes.pair trm_prm_simp(5) by metis
  case (fst P x M P')
    thus ?case using substitutes.fst trm_prm_simp(6) by metis
  case (snd P x M P')
    thus ?case using substitutes.snd trm_prm_simp(7) by metis

lemma substitutes_fvs:
  assumes "substitutes A x M A'"
  shows "fvs A'  fvs A - {x}  fvs M"
using assms proof(induction)
  case (unit y M)
    thus ?case using fvs_simp(1) by auto
  case (var1 x y M)
    thus ?case by auto
  case (var2 x y M)
    thus ?case
      using fvs_simp(2) Un_subset_iff Un_upper2 insert_Diff_if insert_is_Un singletonD sup_commute
      by metis
  case (app A x M A' B B')
    hence "fvs A'  fvs B'  (fvs A - {x}  fvs M)  (fvs B - {x}  fvs M)" by auto
    hence "fvs A'  fvs B'  (fvs A  fvs B) - {x}  fvs M" by auto
    thus ?case using fvs_simp(3) by metis
  case (fn x y M A A' T)
    hence "fvs A' - {y}  fvs A - {y} - {x}  fvs M" by auto
    thus ?case using fvs_simp(4) by metis
  case (pair A x M A' B B')
    hence "fvs A'  fvs B'  (fvs A - {x}  fvs M)  (fvs B - {x}  fvs M)" by auto
    hence "fvs A'  fvs B'  (fvs A  fvs B) - {x}  fvs M" by auto
    thus ?case using fvs_simp(5) by metis
  case (fst P x M P')
    thus ?case using fvs_simp(6) by fastforce
  case (snd P x M P')
    thus ?case using fvs_simp(7) by fastforce

inductive_cases substitutes_unitE': "substitutes Unit y M X"
lemma substitutes_unitE:
  assumes "substitutes Unit y M X"
  shows "X = Unit"
  rule substitutes_unitE'[where y=y and M=M and X=X],
  metis assms,
  auto simp add: unit_not_var unit_not_app unit_not_fn unit_not_pair unit_not_fst unit_not_snd

inductive_cases substitutes_varE': "substitutes (Var x) y M X"
lemma substitutes_varE:
  assumes "substitutes (Var x) y M X"
  shows "(x = y  M = X)  (x  y  X = Var x)"
  rule substitutes_varE'[where x=x and y=y and M=M and X=X],
  metis assms,
  metis unit_not_var,
  metis trm_simp(1),
  metis trm_simp(1),
  auto simp add: var_not_app var_not_fn var_not_pair var_not_fst var_not_snd

inductive_cases substitutes_appE': "substitutes (App A B) x M X"
lemma substitutes_appE:
  assumes "substitutes (App A B) x M X"
  shows "A' B'. substitutes A x M A'  substitutes B x M B'  X = App A' B'"
  cases rule: substitutes_appE'[where A=A and B=B and x=x and M=M and X=X],
  metis assms,
  metis unit_not_app,
  metis var_not_app,
  metis var_not_app,
  metis trm_simp(2,3),
  auto simp add: app_not_fn app_not_pair app_not_fst app_not_snd

inductive_cases substitutes_fnE': "substitutes (Fn y T A) x M X"
lemma substitutes_fnE:
  assumes "substitutes (Fn y T A) x M X" "y  x" "y  fvs M"
  shows "A'. substitutes A x M A'  X = Fn y T A'"
using assms proof(induction rule: substitutes_fnE'[where y=y and T=T and A=A and x=x and M=M and X=X])
  case (6 z B B' S)
    consider "y = z  T = S  A = B" | "y  z  T = S  y  fvs B  A = [y  z]  B"
      using Fn y T A = Fn z S B trm_simp(4) by metis
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      case 1
        thus ?thesis using 6 by metis
      case 2
        hence "y  z" "T = S" "y  fvs B" "A = [y  z]  B" by auto
        have "substitutes ([y  z]  B) ([y  z] $ x) ([y  z]  M) ([y  z]  B')"
          using substitutes_prm substitutes B x M B' by metis
        hence "substitutes A ([y  z] $ x) ([y  z]  M) ([y  z]  B')"
          using A = [y  z]  B by metis
        hence "substitutes A x ([y  z]  M) ([y  z]  B')"
          using y  x x  z prm_unit_inaction by metis
        hence *: "substitutes A x M ([y  z]  B')"
          using y  fvs M z  fvs M trm_prm_unit_inaction by metis

        have "y  fvs B'"
            substitutes_fvs substitutes B x M B' y  fvs B y  fvs M
            Diff_subset UnE rev_subsetD
          by blast
        hence "X = Fn y T ([y  z]  B')"
          using X = Fn z S B' y  z T = S fn_eq
          by metis

        thus ?thesis using * by auto
qed (
  metis assms(1),
  metis unit_not_fn,
  metis var_not_fn,
  metis var_not_fn,
  metis app_not_fn,
  metis fn_not_pair,
  metis fn_not_fst,
  metis fn_not_snd

inductive_cases substitutes_pairE': "substitutes (Pair A B) x M X"
lemma substitutes_pairE:
  assumes "substitutes (Pair A B) x M X"
  shows "A' B'. substitutes A x M A'  substitutes B x M B'  X = Pair A' B'"
proof(cases rule: substitutes_pairE'[where A=A and B=B and x=x and M=M and X=X])
  case (7 A A' B B')
    thus ?thesis using trm_simp(5) trm_simp(6) by blast
qed (
  metis assms,
  metis unit_not_pair,
  metis var_not_pair,
  metis var_not_pair,
  metis app_not_pair,
  metis fn_not_pair,
  metis pair_not_fst,
  metis pair_not_snd

inductive_cases substitutes_fstE': "substitutes (Fst P) x M X"
lemma substitutes_fstE:
  assumes "substitutes (Fst P) x M X"
  shows "P'. substitutes P x M P'  X = Fst P'"
proof(cases rule: substitutes_fstE'[where P=P and x=x and M=M and X=X])
  case (8 P P')
    thus ?thesis using trm_simp(7) by blast
qed (
  metis assms,
  metis unit_not_fst,
  metis var_not_fst,
  metis var_not_fst,
  metis app_not_fst,
  metis fn_not_fst,
  metis pair_not_fst,
  metis fst_not_snd

inductive_cases substitutes_sndE': "substitutes (Snd P) x M X"
lemma substitutes_sndE:
  assumes "substitutes (Snd P) x M X"
  shows "P'. substitutes P x M P'  X = Snd P'"
proof(cases rule: substitutes_sndE'[where P=P and x=x and M=M and X=X])
  case (9 P P')
    thus ?thesis using trm_simp(8) by blast
qed (
  metis assms,
  metis unit_not_snd,
  metis var_not_snd,
  metis var_not_snd,
  metis app_not_snd,
  metis fn_not_snd,
  metis pair_not_snd,
  metis fst_not_snd

lemma substitutes_total:
  shows "X. substitutes A x M X"
proof(induction A rule: trm_strong_induct[where S="{x}  fvs M"])
  show "finite ({x}  fvs M)" using fvs_finite by auto

  case 1
    obtain X :: "'a trm" where "X = Unit" by auto
    thus ?case using substitutes.unit by metis
  case (2 y)
    consider "x = y" | "x  y" by auto
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      case 1
        obtain X where "X = M" by auto
        hence "substitutes (Var y) x M X" using x = y substitutes.var1 by metis
        thus ?thesis by auto
      case 2
        obtain X where "X = (Var y)" by auto
        hence "substitutes (Var y) x M X" using x  y substitutes.var2 by metis
        thus ?thesis by auto
  case (3 A B)
    from this obtain A' B' where A': "substitutes A x M A'" and B': "substitutes B x M B'" by auto
    obtain X where "X = App A' B'" by auto
    hence "substitutes (App A B) x M X" using A' B' by metis
    thus ?case by auto
  case (4 y T A)
    from this obtain A' where A': "substitutes A x M A'" by auto
    from y  ({x}  fvs M) have "y  x" "y  fvs M" by auto
    obtain X where "X = Fn y T A'" by auto
    hence "substitutes (Fn y T A) x M X" using substitutes.fn y  x y  fvs M A' by metis
    thus ?case by auto
  case (5 A B)
    from this obtain A' B' where "substitutes A x M A'" "substitutes B x M B'" by auto
    from this obtain X where "X = Pair A' B'" by auto
    hence "substitutes (Pair A B) x M X"
      using substitutes.pair substitutes A x M A' substitutes B x M B'
      by metis
    thus ?case by auto
  case (6 P)
    from this obtain P' where "substitutes P x M P'" by auto
    from this obtain X where "X = Fst P'" by auto
    hence "substitutes (Fst P) x M X" using substitutes.fst substitutes P x M P' by metis
    thus ?case by auto
  case (7 P)
    from this obtain P' where "substitutes P x M P'" by auto
    from this obtain X where "X = Snd P'" by auto
    hence "substitutes (Snd P) x M X" using substitutes.snd substitutes P x M P' by metis
    thus ?case by auto

lemma substitutes_unique:
  assumes "substitutes A x M B" "substitutes A x M C"
  shows "B = C"
using assms proof(induction A arbitrary: B C rule: trm_strong_induct[where S="{x}  fvs M"])
  show "finite ({x}  fvs M)" using fvs_finite by auto

  case 1
    thus ?case using substitutes_unitE by metis
  case (2 y)
    thus ?case using substitutes_varE by metis
  case (3 X Y)
    thus ?case using substitutes_appE by metis
  case (4 y T A)
    hence "y  x" and "y  fvs M" by auto
    thus ?case using 4 substitutes_fnE by metis
  case (5 A B C D)
    thus ?case using substitutes_pairE by metis
  case (6 P Q R)
    thus ?case using substitutes_fstE by metis
  case (7 P Q R)
    thus ?case using substitutes_sndE by metis

lemma substitutes_function:
  shows "∃! X. substitutes A x M X"
using substitutes_total substitutes_unique by metis

definition subst :: "'a trm  'a  'a trm  'a trm" ("_[_ ::= _]") where
  "subst A x M  (THE X. substitutes A x M X)"

lemma subst_simp_unit:
  shows "Unit[x ::= M] = Unit"
unfolding subst_def by(rule, metis substitutes.unit, metis substitutes_function substitutes.unit)

lemma subst_simp_var1:
  shows "(Var x)[x ::= M] = M"
unfolding subst_def by(rule, metis substitutes.var1, metis substitutes_function substitutes.var1)

lemma subst_simp_var2:
  assumes "x  y"
  shows "(Var x)[y ::= M] = Var x"
unfolding subst_def by(
  metis substitutes.var2 assms,
  metis substitutes_function substitutes.var2 assms

lemma subst_simp_app:
  shows "(App A B)[x ::= M] = App (A[x ::= M]) (B[x ::= M])"
unfolding subst_def proof
  obtain A' B' where A': "A' = (A[x ::= M])" and B': "B' = (B[x ::= M])" by auto
  hence "substitutes A x M A'" "substitutes B x M B'"
    unfolding subst_def
    using substitutes_function theI by metis+
  hence "substitutes (App A B) x M (App A' B')" using by metis
  thus *: "substitutes (App A B) x M (App (THE X. substitutes A x M X) (THE X. substitutes B x M X))"
    using A' B' unfolding subst_def by metis

  fix X
  assume "substitutes (App A B) x M X"
  thus "X = App (THE X. substitutes A x M X) (THE X. substitutes B x M X)"
    using substitutes_function * by metis

lemma subst_simp_fn:
  assumes "x  y" "y  fvs M"
  shows "(Fn y T A)[x ::= M] = Fn y T (A[x ::= M])"
unfolding subst_def proof
  obtain A' where A': "A' = (A[x ::= M])" by auto
  hence "substitutes A x M A'" unfolding subst_def using substitutes_function theI by metis
  hence "substitutes (Fn y T A) x M (Fn y T A')" using substitutes.fn assms by metis
  thus *: "substitutes (Fn y T A) x M (Fn y T (THE X. substitutes A x M X))"
    using A' unfolding subst_def by metis

  fix X
  assume "substitutes (Fn y T A) x M X"
  thus "X = Fn y T (THE X. substitutes A x M X)" using substitutes_function * by metis

lemma subst_simp_pair:
  shows "(Pair A B)[x ::= M] = Pair (A[x ::= M]) (B[x ::= M])"
unfolding subst_def proof
  obtain A' B' where A': "A' = (A[x ::= M])" and B': "B' = (B[x ::= M])" by auto
  hence "substitutes A x M A'" "substitutes B x M B'"
    unfolding subst_def using substitutes_function theI by metis+
  hence "substitutes (Pair A B) x M (Pair A' B')" using substitutes.pair by metis
  thus *: "substitutes (Pair A B) x M (Pair (THE X. substitutes A x M X) (THE X. substitutes B x M X))"
    using A' B' unfolding subst_def by metis

  fix X
  assume "substitutes (Pair A B) x M X"
  thus "X = Pair (THE X. substitutes A x M X) (THE X. substitutes B x M X)"
    using substitutes_function * by metis

lemma subst_simp_fst:
  shows "(Fst P)[x ::= M] = Fst (P[x ::= M])"
unfolding subst_def proof
  obtain P' where P': "P' = (P[x ::= M])" by auto
  hence "substitutes P x M P'" unfolding subst_def using substitutes_function theI by metis
  hence "substitutes (Fst P) x M (Fst P')" using substitutes.fst by metis
  thus *: "substitutes (Fst P) x M (Fst (THE X. substitutes P x M X))"
    using P' unfolding subst_def by metis

  fix X
  assume "substitutes (Fst P) x M X"
  thus "X = Fst (THE X. substitutes P x M X)" using substitutes_function * by metis

lemma subst_simp_snd:
  shows "(Snd P)[x ::= M] = Snd (P[x ::= M])"
unfolding subst_def proof
  obtain P' where P': "P' = (P[x ::= M])" by auto
  hence "substitutes P x M P'" unfolding subst_def using substitutes_function theI by metis
  hence "substitutes (Snd P) x M (Snd P')" using substitutes.snd by metis
  thus *: "substitutes (Snd P) x M (Snd (THE X. substitutes P x M X))"
    using P' unfolding subst_def by metis

  fix X
  assume "substitutes (Snd P) x M X"
  thus "X = Snd (THE X. substitutes P x M X)" using substitutes_function * by metis

lemma subst_prm:
  shows "(π  (M[z ::= N])) = ((π  M)[π $ z ::= π  N])"
unfolding subst_def using substitutes_prm substitutes_function the1_equality by (metis (full_types))

lemma subst_fvs:
  shows "fvs (M[z ::= N])  (fvs M - {z})  fvs N"
unfolding subst_def using substitutes_fvs substitutes_function theI2 by metis

lemma subst_free:
  assumes "y  fvs M"
  shows "M[y ::= N] = M"
using assms proof(induction M rule: trm_strong_induct[where S="{y}  fvs N"])
  show "finite ({y}  fvs N)" using fvs_finite by auto

  case 1
    thus ?case using subst_simp_unit by metis
  case (2 x)
    thus ?case using subst_simp_var2 by (simp add: fvs_simp)
  case (3 A B)
    thus ?case using subst_simp_app by (simp add: fvs_simp)
  case (4 x T A)
    hence "y  x" "x  fvs N" by auto
    have "y  fvs A - {x}" using y  x y  fvs (Fn x T A) fvs_simp(4) by metis
    hence "y  fvs A" using y  x by auto
    hence "A[y ::= N] = A" using "4.IH" by blast
    thus ?case using y  x y  fvs A x  fvs N subst_simp_fn by metis
  case (5 A B)
    thus ?case using subst_simp_pair by (simp add: fvs_simp)
  case (6 P)
    thus ?case using subst_simp_fst by (simp add: fvs_simp)
  case (7 P)
    thus ?case using subst_simp_snd by (simp add: fvs_simp)

lemma subst_swp:
  assumes "y  fvs A"
  shows "([y  z]  A)[y ::= M] = (A[z ::= M])"
using assms proof(induction A rule: trm_strong_induct[where S="{y, z}  fvs M"])
  show "finite ({y, z}  fvs M)" using fvs_finite by auto

  case 1
    thus ?case using trm_prm_simp(1) subst_simp_unit by metis
  case (2 x)
    hence "y  x" using fvs_simp(2) by force
    consider "x = z" | "x  z" by auto
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      case 1
        thus ?thesis using subst_simp_var1 trm_prm_simp(2) prm_unit_action prm_unit_commutes by metis
      case 2
        thus ?thesis using subst_simp_var2 trm_prm_simp(2) prm_unit_inaction y  x by metis
  case (3 A B)
    from y  fvs (App A B) have "y  fvs A" "y  fvs B" by (auto simp add: fvs_simp(3))
    thus ?case using "3.IH" subst_simp_app trm_prm_simp(3) by metis
  case (4 x T A)
    hence "x  y" "x  z" "x  fvs M"