Theory GMW

subsection ‹1-out-of-4 OT to GMW›

text‹We prove security for the gates of the GMW protocol in the semi honest model. We assume security on
1-out-of-4 OT.›

theory GMW imports

type_synonym share_1 = bool 
type_synonym share_2 = bool

type_synonym shares_1 = "bool list"
type_synonym shares_2 = "bool list"

type_synonym msgs_14_OT = "(bool × bool × bool × bool)"
type_synonym choice_14_OT = "(bool × bool)"

type_synonym share_wire = "(share_1 × share_2)"

locale gmw_base =
  fixes S1_14_OT :: "msgs_14_OT  unit  'v_14_OT1 spmf" ― ‹simulated view for party 1 of OT14›
    and R1_14_OT :: "msgs_14_OT  choice_14_OT  'v_14_OT1 spmf" ― ‹real view for party 1 of OT14›
    and S2_14_OT :: "choice_14_OT  bool  'v_14_OT2 spmf" 
    and R2_14_OT :: "msgs_14_OT  choice_14_OT  'v_14_OT2 spmf"
    and protocol_14_OT :: "msgs_14_OT  choice_14_OT  (unit × bool) spmf"
    and adv_14_OT :: real
  assumes P1_OT_14_adv_bound: "sim_det_def.adv_P1 R1_14_OT S1_14_OT funct_14_OT M C D  adv_14_OT" ― ‹bound the advantage of party 1 in the 1-out-of-4 OT›
    and P2_OT_12_inf_theoretic: "sim_det_def.perfect_sec_P2 R2_14_OT S2_14_OT funct_14_OT M C" ― ‹information theoretic security for party 2 in the 1-out-of-4 OT›
    and correct_14: "funct_OT_14 msgs C = protocol_14_OT msgs C" ― ‹correctness of the 1-out-of-4 OT›
    and lossless_R1_14_OT: "lossless_spmf (R1_14_OT (m1,m2,m3,m4) (c0,c1))"
    and lossless_R2_14_OT: "lossless_spmf (R2_14_OT (m1,m2,m3,m4) (c0,c1))"
    and lossless_S1_14_OT: "lossless_spmf (S1_14_OT (m1,m2,m3,m4) ())"
    and lossless_S2_14_OT: "lossless_spmf (S2_14_OT (c0,c1) b)"
    and lossless_protocol_14_OT: "lossless_spmf (protocol_14_OT S C)" 
    and lossless_funct_14_OT: "lossless_spmf (funct_14_OT M C)"

lemma  funct_14: "funct_OT_14 (m00,m01,m10,m11) (c0,c1) 
                      = return_spmf ((),if c0 then (if c1 then m11 else m10) else (if c1 then m01 else m00))"
  by(simp add: funct_OT_14_def)

sublocale OT_14_sim: sim_det_def R1_14_OT S1_14_OT R2_14_OT S2_14_OT funct_14_OT protocol_14_OT
  unfolding sim_det_def_def 
  by(simp add: lossless_R1_14_OT lossless_S1_14_OT lossless_funct_14_OT lossless_R2_14_OT lossless_S2_14_OT)

lemma inf_th_14_OT_P4: "R2_14_OT msgs C = (funct_OT_14 msgs C  (λ (s1, s2). S2_14_OT C s2))" 
  using P2_OT_12_inf_theoretic sim_det_def.perfect_sec_P2_def OT_14_sim.perfect_sec_P2_def by auto

lemma ass_adv_14_OT: "¦spmf (bind_spmf (S1_14_OT msgs ()) (λ view. (D view))) True - 
                    spmf (bind_spmf (R1_14_OT msgs (c0,c1)) (λ view. (D view))) True ¦  adv_14_OT"
  (is "?lhs  adv_14_OT")
  have "funct_OT_14 (m0,m1,m2,m3) (c0, c1)  (λ(o1, o2). S1_14_OT (m0,m1,m2,m3) ()  D) = S1_14_OT (m0,m1,m2,m3) ()  D" 
    for m0 m1 m2 m3 by(simp add: funct_14)
  hence funct: "funct_OT_14 msgs (c0, c1)  (λ(o1, o2). S1_14_OT msgs ()  D) = S1_14_OT msgs ()  D" 
    by (metis prod_cases4)
  have "?lhs = ¦spmf (bind_spmf (R1_14_OT msgs (c0,c1)) (λ view. (D view))) True 
                  - spmf (bind_spmf (S1_14_OT msgs ()) (λ view. (D view))) True¦"
    by linarith
  hence "... = ¦(spmf (R1_14_OT msgs (c0,c1)  (λ view. D view)) True) 
            - spmf (funct_OT_14 msgs (c0,c1)  (λ (o1, o2). S1_14_OT msgs o1  (λ view. D view))) True¦" 
    by(simp add: funct)
  thus ?thesis using P1_OT_14_adv_bound sim_det_def.adv_P1_def 
    by (simp add: OT_14_sim.adv_P1_def abs_minus_commute)

text ‹The sharing scheme›

definition share :: "bool  share_wire spmf"
  where "share x = do {
    a1  coin_spmf;
    let b1 = x  a1;
    return_spmf (a1, b1)}" 

lemma lossless_share [simp]: "lossless_spmf (share x)" 
  by(simp add: share_def)

definition reconstruct :: "(share_1 × share_2)  bool spmf"
  where "reconstruct shares = do {
    let (a,b) = shares;
    return_spmf (a  b)}"

lemma lossless_reconstruct [simp]: "lossless_spmf (reconstruct s)" 
  by(simp add: reconstruct_def split_def)

lemma reconstruct_share : "(bind_spmf (share x) reconstruct) = (return_spmf x)"
  have "y = (y = x) = x" for y by auto
  thus ?thesis 
    by(auto simp add: share_def reconstruct_def bind_spmf_const eq_commute)  

lemma "(reconstruct (s1,s2)  (λ rec. share rec  (λ shares. reconstruct shares))) = return_spmf (s1  s2)"
  apply(simp add: reconstruct_share reconstruct_def share_def)
  apply(cases s1; cases s2) by(auto simp add: bind_spmf_const)

definition xor_evaluate ::  "bool  bool  bool spmf"
  where "xor_evaluate A B = return_spmf (A  B)"

definition xor_funct :: "share_wire  share_wire  (bool × bool) spmf"
  where "xor_funct A B = do {
    let (a1, b1) = A;
    let (a2,b2) = B;
    return_spmf (a1  a2, b1  b2)}"

lemma lossless_xor_funct: "lossless_spmf (xor_funct A B)"
  by(simp add: xor_funct_def split_def)

definition xor_protocol :: "share_wire  share_wire  (bool × bool) spmf"
  where "xor_protocol A B = do {
    let (a1, b1) = A;
    let (a2,b2) = B;
    return_spmf (a1  a2, b1  b2)}"

lemma lossless_xor_protocol: "lossless_spmf (xor_protocol A B)"
  by(simp add: xor_protocol_def split_def)

lemma share_xor_reconstruct: 
  shows "share x  (λ w1. share y  (λ w2. xor_protocol w1 w2 
               (λ (a, b). reconstruct (a, b)))) = xor_evaluate x y"
  have "(ya = (¬ yb)) = ((x = (¬ ya)) = (y = (¬ yb))) = (x = (¬ y))" for ya yb
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
    by(simp add: share_def xor_protocol_def reconstruct_def xor_evaluate_def bind_spmf_const)

definition R1_xor :: "(bool × bool)  (bool × bool)  (bool × bool) spmf"
  where "R1_xor A B = return_spmf A"

lemma lossless_R1_xor: "lossless_spmf (R1_xor A B)" 
  by(simp add: R1_xor_def)

definition S1_xor :: "(bool × bool)  bool  (bool × bool) spmf"
  where "S1_xor A out  = return_spmf A"

lemma lossless_S1_xor: "lossless_spmf (S1_xor A out)" 
  by(simp add: S1_xor_def)

lemma P1_xor_inf_th: "R1_xor A B = xor_funct A B  (λ (out1, out2). S1_xor A out1)"
  by(simp add: R1_xor_def xor_funct_def S1_xor_def split_def)

definition R2_xor :: "(bool × bool)  (bool × bool)  (bool × bool) spmf"
  where "R2_xor A B = return_spmf B"

lemma lossless_R2_xor: "lossless_spmf (R2_xor A B)" 
  by(simp add: R2_xor_def)

definition S2_xor :: "(bool × bool)  bool  (bool × bool) spmf"
  where "S2_xor B out  = return_spmf B"

lemma lossless_S2_xor: "lossless_spmf (S2_xor A out)" 
  by(simp add: S2_xor_def)

lemma P2_xor_inf_th: "R2_xor A B = xor_funct A B  (λ (out1, out2). S2_xor B out2)"
  by(simp add: R2_xor_def xor_funct_def S2_xor_def split_def)

sublocale xor_sim_det: sim_det_def  R1_xor S1_xor R2_xor S2_xor xor_funct xor_protocol 
  unfolding sim_det_def_def
  by(simp add: lossless_R1_xor lossless_S1_xor lossless_R2_xor lossless_S2_xor lossless_xor_funct)

lemma "xor_sim_det.perfect_sec_P1 m1 m2"
  by(simp add: xor_sim_det.perfect_sec_P1_def P1_xor_inf_th)

lemma "xor_sim_det.perfect_sec_P2 m1 m2"
  by(simp add: xor_sim_det.perfect_sec_P2_def P2_xor_inf_th)

definition and_funct :: "(share_1 × share_2)  (share_1 × share_2)  share_wire spmf"
  where "and_funct A B = do {
    let (a1, a2) = A;
    let (b1,b2) = B;
    σ  coin_spmf;
    return_spmf (σ, σ  ((a1  b1)  (a2  b2)))}"

lemma lossless_and_funct: "lossless_spmf (and_funct A B)"
  by(simp add: and_funct_def split_def)

definition and_evaluate :: "bool  bool  bool spmf"
  where "and_evaluate A B  = return_spmf (A  B)"

definition and_protocol :: "share_wire  share_wire  share_wire spmf"
  where "and_protocol A B = do {
    let (a1, b1) = A;
    let (a2,b2) = B;
    σ  coin_spmf;
    let s0 = σ  ((a1  False)  (b1  False));   
    let s1 = σ  ((a1  False)  (b1  True));   
    let s2 = σ  ((a1  True)  (b1  False));   
    let s3 = σ  ((a1  True)  (b1  True)); 
    (_, s)  protocol_14_OT (s0,s1,s2,s3) (a2,b2);
    return_spmf (σ, s)}" 

lemma lossless_and_protocol: "lossless_spmf (and_protocol A B)"
  by(simp add: and_protocol_def split_def lossless_protocol_14_OT)

lemma and_correct: "and_protocol (a1, b1) (a2,b2) = and_funct (a1, b1) (a2,b2)"
  apply(simp add: and_protocol_def and_funct_def correct_14[symmetric] funct_14)
  by(cases b2 ; cases b1; cases a1; cases a2; auto)

lemma share_and_reconstruct: 
  shows "share x  (λ (a1,a2). share y  (λ (b1,b2).
             and_protocol (a1,b1) (a2,b2)  (λ (a, b). reconstruct (a, b)))) = and_evaluate x y"
  have "(yc = (¬ (if x = (¬ ya) then if snd (snd (ya, x = (¬ ya)), snd (yb, y = (¬ yb))) then yc 
            = (fst (fst (ya, x = (¬ ya)), fst (yb, y = (¬ yb)))  snd (fst (ya, x = (¬ ya)), fst (yb, y = (¬ yb))))
                   else yc = (fst (fst (ya, x = (¬ ya)), fst (yb, y = (¬ yb)))  ¬ snd (fst (ya, x = (¬ ya)), fst (yb, y = (¬ yb))))
                       else if snd (snd (ya, x = (¬ ya)), snd (yb, y = (¬ yb))) then yc = (fst (fst (ya, x = (¬ ya)), fst (yb, y = (¬ yb))) 
                             snd (fst (ya, x = (¬ ya)), fst (yb, y = (¬ yb))))
                                  else yc = (fst (fst (ya, x = (¬ ya)), fst (yb, y = (¬ yb))) 
                                       ¬ snd (fst (ya, x = (¬ ya)), fst (yb, y = (¬ yb))))))) = (x  y)"
    for yc yb ya by auto
  then show ?thesis 
    by(auto simp add: share_def reconstruct_def and_protocol_def and_evaluate_def split_def correct_14[symmetric] funct_14 bind_spmf_const Let_def)

definition and_R1 :: "(share_1 × share_1)  (share_2 × share_2)  (((share_1 × share_1) × bool × 'v_14_OT1)  × (share_1 × share_2)) spmf"
  where "and_R1 A B = do {
    let (a1, a2) = A;
    let (b1,b2) = B;
    σ  coin_spmf;
    let s0 = σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False));   
    let s1 = σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True));   
    let s2 = σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False));   
    let s3 = σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)); 
    V  R1_14_OT (s0,s1,s2,s3) (b1,b2);
    (_, s)  protocol_14_OT (s0,s1,s2,s3) (b1,b2);
    return_spmf (((a1,a2), σ, V), (σ, s))}"

lemma lossless_and_R1: "lossless_spmf (and_R1 A B)"
  apply(simp add: and_R1_def split_def lossless_R1_14_OT lossless_protocol_14_OT Let_def)
  by (metis prod.collapse lossless_R1_14_OT)

definition S1_and :: "(share_1 × share_1)  bool  (((bool × bool) × bool × 'v_14_OT1)) spmf"
  where "S1_and A σ = do {
    let (a1,a2) = A;
    let s0 = σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False));   
    let s1 = σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True));   
    let s2 = σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False));   
    let s3 = σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)); 
    V  S1_14_OT (s0,s1,s2,s3) ();
    return_spmf ((a1,a2), σ, V)}"

definition out1 :: "(share_1 × share_1)  (share_2 × share_2)  bool  (share_1 × share_2) spmf"
  where "out1 A B σ = do {
    let (a1,a2) = A;
    let (b1,b2) = B;
    return_spmf (σ, σ  ((a1  b1)  (a2  b2)))}"

definition S1_and' :: "(share_1 × share_1)  (share_2 × share_2)  bool  (((bool × bool) × bool × 'v_14_OT1) × (share_1 × share_2)) spmf"
  where "S1_and' A B σ = do {
    let (a1,a2) = A;
    let (b1,b2) = B;
    let s0 = σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False));   
    let s1 = σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True));   
    let s2 = σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False));   
    let s3 = σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)); 
    V  S1_14_OT (s0,s1,s2,s3) ();
    return_spmf (((a1,a2), σ, V), (σ, σ  ((a1  b1)  (a2  b2))))}"

lemma sec_ex_P1_and: 
  shows " (A :: 'v_14_OT1  bool  bool spmf).
          ¦spmf ((and_funct (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  (λ (s1, s2). (S1_and' (a1,a2) (b1,b2) s1) 
             (D :: (((bool × bool) × bool × 'v_14_OT1) × (share_1 × share_2))  bool spmf))) True - spmf ((and_R1 (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  D) True¦ =
              ¦spmf (coin_spmf  (λ σ. S1_14_OT ((σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)))) () 
                  (λ view. A view σ))) True 
                  - spmf (coin_spmf  (λ σ. R1_14_OT ((σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)))) (b1, b2) 
                     (λ view. A view σ))) True¦"
  including monad_normalisation
  define A' where "A' == λ view σ.  (D (((a1,a2), σ, view), (σ, σ  ((a1  b1)  (a2  b2)))))" 
  have "¦spmf ((and_funct (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  (λ (s1, s2). (S1_and' (a1,a2) (b1,b2) s1) 
           (D :: (((bool × bool) × bool × 'v_14_OT1) × (share_1 × share_2))  bool spmf))) True - 
            spmf ((and_R1 (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  (D :: (((bool × bool) × bool × 'v_14_OT1) × (bool × bool))  bool spmf)) True¦ =
              ¦spmf (coin_spmf  (λ σ :: bool. S1_14_OT ((σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)))) () 
                  (λ view. A' view σ))) True - spmf (coin_spmf  (λ σ. R1_14_OT ((σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)))) (b1, b2) 
                   (λ view. A' view σ))) True¦"
    by(auto simp add: S1_and'_def A'_def and_funct_def and_R1_def Let_def split_def correct_14[symmetric] funct_14; cases a1; cases a2; cases b1; cases b2; auto)
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma bound_14_OT:
  "¦spmf (coin_spmf  (λ σ. S1_14_OT ((σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)))) () 
          (λ view. (A :: 'v_14_OT1  bool  bool spmf) view σ))) True - spmf (coin_spmf  (λ σ. R1_14_OT ((σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)))) (b1, b2) 
               (λ view. A view σ))) True¦  adv_14_OT"
  (is "?lhs  adv_14_OT")
  have int1: "integrable (measure_spmf coin_spmf) (λx. spmf (S1_14_OT (x  (a1  False  a2  False), x  (a1  False  a2  True), x  (a1  True  a2  False), x  (a1  True  a2  True)) ()  (λview. A view x)) True)"
    and int2: "integrable (measure_spmf coin_spmf) (λx. spmf (R1_14_OT (x  (a1  False  a2  False), x  (a1  False  a2  True), x  (a1  True  a2  False), x  (a1  True  a2  True)) (b1, b2)  (λview. A view x)) True)"
    by(rule measure_spmf.integrable_const_bound[where B=1]; simp add: pmf_le_1)+
  have "?lhs = ¦LINT x|measure_spmf coin_spmf.
        spmf (S1_14_OT (x  (a1  False  a2  False), x  (a1  False  a2  True), x  (a1  True  a2  False), x  (a1  True  a2  True)) ()  (λview. A view x)) True -
        spmf (R1_14_OT (x  (a1  False  a2  False), x  (a1  False  a2  True), x  (a1  True  a2  False), x  (a1  True  a2  True)) (b1, b2)  (λview. A view x)) True¦"
    apply(subst (1 2) spmf_bind) using int1 int2 by simp
  also have "...  LINT x|measure_spmf coin_spmf. ¦spmf (S1_14_OT (x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2), x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2)) ()  (λview. A view x)) True 
                - spmf (R1_14_OT (x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2), x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2)) (b1, b2)  (λview. A view x)) True¦"
    by(rule integral_abs_bound[THEN order_trans]; simp add: split_beta)
  ultimately have "?lhs  LINT x|measure_spmf coin_spmf. ¦spmf (S1_14_OT (x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2), x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2)) ()  (λview. A view x)) True 
                - spmf (R1_14_OT (x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2), x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2)) (b1, b2)  (λview. A view x)) True¦"
    by simp
  also have "LINT x|measure_spmf coin_spmf. ¦spmf (S1_14_OT (x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2), x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2)) ()  (λview. A view x)) True 
                - spmf (R1_14_OT (x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2), x = (a1  ¬ a2), x = (a1  a2)) (b1, b2)  (λview. A view x)) True¦  adv_14_OT"
    apply(rule integral_mono[THEN order_trans]) 
       apply(rule measure_spmf.integrable_const_bound[where B=2])
        apply clarsimp
        apply(rule abs_triangle_ineq4[THEN order_trans])
        apply(cases a1) apply(cases a2) 
    subgoal for M
      using pmf_le_1[of "R1_14_OT (¬ M, M, M, M) (b1,b2)   (λ view. A view M)" "Some True"]
        pmf_le_1[of "S1_14_OT (¬ M, M, M, M) ()   (λ view. A view M)" "Some True"] 
      by simp
    subgoal for M 
      using pmf_le_1[of "R1_14_OT  (M, ¬ M, M, M) (b1,b2)   (λ view. A view M)" "Some True"] 
        pmf_le_1[of "S1_14_OT (M, ¬ M, M, M) ()   (λ view. A view M)" "Some True"] 
      by simp
        apply(cases a2) apply(auto)
    subgoal for M
      using pmf_le_1[of "R1_14_OT  (M, M, ¬ M, M) (b1,b2)   (λ view. A view M)" "Some True"] 
        pmf_le_1[of "S1_14_OT (M, M, ¬ M, M) ()   (λ view. A view M)" "Some True"] 
    subgoal for M
      using pmf_le_1[of "R1_14_OT  (M, M, M, ¬ M) (b1,b2)   (λ view. A view M)" "Some True"] 
        pmf_le_1[of "S1_14_OT (M, M, M, ¬ M) ()   (λ view. A view M)" "Some True"] 
    using ass_adv_14_OT by fast
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma security_and_P1:
  shows "¦spmf ((and_funct (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  (λ (s1, s2). (S1_and' (a1,a2) (b1,b2) s1) 
               (D :: (((bool × bool) × bool × 'v_14_OT1) × (share_1 × share_2))  bool spmf))) True - 
                    spmf ((and_R1 (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  D) True¦  adv_14_OT"
  obtain A :: "'v_14_OT1  bool  bool spmf" where A: 
    "¦spmf ((and_funct (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  (λ (s1, s2). (S1_and' (a1,a2) (b1,b2) s1)  D)) True - spmf ((and_R1 (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  D) True¦ =
       ¦spmf (coin_spmf  (λ σ. S1_14_OT ((σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)))) () 
           (λ view. A view σ))) True - spmf (coin_spmf 
            (λ σ. R1_14_OT ((σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False))), (σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)))) (b1, b2)
              (λ view. A view σ))) True¦" 
    using sec_ex_P1_and by blast
  then show ?thesis using bound_14_OT[of "a1" "a2" "A" "b1" "b2" ] by metis

lemma security_and_P1':
  shows "¦spmf ((and_R1 (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  D) True - 
           spmf ((and_funct (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  (λ (s1, s2). (S1_and' (a1,a2) (b1,b2) s1) 
             (D :: (((bool × bool) × bool × 'v_14_OT1) × (share_1 × share_2))  bool spmf))) True¦  adv_14_OT"
  have "¦spmf ((and_R1 (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  D) True - 
          spmf ((and_funct (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  (λ (s1, s2). (S1_and' (a1,a2) (b1,b2) s1) 
             (D :: (((bool × bool) × bool × 'v_14_OT1) × (share_1 × share_2))  bool spmf))) True¦ =
              ¦spmf ((and_funct (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  (λ (s1, s2). (S1_and' (a1,a2) (b1,b2) s1) 
                 (D :: (((bool × bool) × bool × 'v_14_OT1) × (share_1 × share_2))  bool spmf))) True - 
                  spmf ((and_R1 (a1, a2) (b1,b2))  D) True¦" using abs_minus_commute by blast
  thus ?thesis using security_and_P1 by simp

definition and_R2 :: "(share_1 × share_2)  (share_2 × share_1)  (((bool × bool) × 'v_14_OT2) × (share_1 × share_2)) spmf"
  where "and_R2 A B = do {
    let (a1, a2) = A;
    let (b1,b2) = B;
    σ  coin_spmf;
    let s0 = σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  False));   
    let s1 = σ  ((a1  False)  (a2  True));   
    let s2 = σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  False));   
    let s3 = σ  ((a1  True)  (a2  True)); 
    (_, s)  protocol_14_OT (s0,s1,s2,s3) B;
    V  R2_14_OT (s0,s1,s2,s3) B;
    return_spmf ((B, V), (σ, s))}"

lemma lossless_and_R2: "lossless_spmf (and_R2 A B)"
  apply(simp add: and_R2_def split_def lossless_R2_14_OT lossless_protocol_14_OT Let_def) 
  by (metis lossless_R2_14_OT prod.collapse)

definition S2_and :: "(share_1 × share_2)  bool  (((bool × bool) × 'v_14_OT2)) spmf"
  where "S2_and B s2 =  do {
    let (a2,b2) = B;
    V :: 'v_14_OT2  S2_14_OT (a2,b2) s2;
    return_spmf ((B, V))}"

definition out2 :: "(share_1 × share_2)  (share_1 × share_2)  bool  (share_1 × share_2) spmf"
  where "out2 B A s2 = do {
    let (a1, b1) = A;
    let (a2,b2) = B;
    let s1 = s2  ((a1  a2)  (b1  b2));
    return_spmf (s1, s2)}"

definition S2_and' :: "(share_1 × share_2)  (share_1 × share_2)  bool  (((bool × bool) × 'v_14_OT2) × (share_1 × share_2)) spmf"
  where "S2_and' B A s2 =  do {
    let (a1, a2) = A;
    let (b1,b2) = B;
    V :: 'v_14_OT2  S2_14_OT B s2;
    let s1 = s2  ((a1  b1)  (a2  b2));
    return_spmf ((B, V), s1, s2)}"

lemma lossless_S2_and: "lossless_spmf (S2_and B s2)"
  apply(simp add: S2_and_def split_def)
  by(metis prod.collapse lossless_S2_14_OT) 

sublocale and_secret_sharing: sim_non_det_def and_R1 S1_and out1 and_R2 S2_and out2 and_funct .

lemma ideal_S1_and: "and_secret_sharing.Ideal1 (a1, b1) (a2, b2) s2 = S1_and' (a1, b1) (a2, b2) s2"
  by(simp add: Let_def and_secret_sharing.Ideal1_def S1_and'_def split_def out1_def S1_and_def)

lemma and_P2_security: "and_secret_sharing.perfect_sec_P2 m1 m2"
  have "and_R2 (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = and_funct (a1, b1) (a2, b2)  (λ(s1, s2). and_secret_sharing.Ideal2 (a2, b2) (a1, b1) s2)"
    for a1 a2 b1 b2
    apply(auto simp add: split_def inf_th_14_OT_P4  S2_and'_def and_R2_def and_funct_def Let_def correct_14[symmetric] and_secret_sharing.Ideal2_def S2_and_def out2_def)
    apply(simp only: funct_14) 
    apply auto
    by(cases b1;cases b2; cases a1; cases a2; auto) 
  thus ?thesis
    by(simp add: and_secret_sharing.perfect_sec_P2_def; metis  prod.collapse)

lemma and_P1_security: "and_secret_sharing.adv_P1 m1 m2 D  adv_14_OT"
  have "¦spmf (and_R1 (a1, a2) (b1, b2)  D) True -
            spmf (and_funct (a1, a2) (b1, b2)  (λ(s1, s2). 
                and_secret_sharing.Ideal1 (a1, a2) (b1, b2) s1  D)) True¦
                     adv_14_OT" for a1 a2 b1 b2 
    using security_and_P1' ideal_S1_and prod.collapse by simp 
  thus ?thesis 
    by(simp add:  and_secret_sharing.adv_P1_def; metis prod.collapse)

definition "F = {and_evaluate, xor_evaluate}"

lemma share_reconstruct_xor: "share x  (λ(a1, a2). share y  (λ(b1, b2). 
          xor_protocol (a1, b1) (a2, b2)  (λ(a, b). 
              reconstruct (a, b)))) = xor_evaluate x y"
  have "(((ya = (x = ya)) = (yb = (y = (¬ yb))))) = (x = (¬ y))" for ya yb by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by(simp add: xor_protocol_def share_def reconstruct_def xor_evaluate_def bind_spmf_const)

sublocale share_correct: secret_sharing_scheme share reconstruct F .

lemma "share_correct.sharing_correct input"
  by(simp add: share_correct.sharing_correct_def reconstruct_share) 

lemma "share_correct.correct_share_eval input1 input2"
  unfolding share_correct.correct_share_eval_def
  apply(auto simp add: F_def) 
  using share_and_reconstruct apply auto 
  using share_reconstruct_xor by force


locale gmw_asym =
  fixes S1_14_OT :: "nat  msgs_14_OT  unit  'v_14_OT1 spmf"
    and R1_14_OT :: "nat  msgs_14_OT  choice_14_OT  'v_14_OT1 spmf"
    and S2_14_OT :: "nat  choice_14_OT  bool  'v_14_OT2 spmf" 
    and R2_14_OT :: "nat  msgs_14_OT  choice_14_OT  'v_14_OT2 spmf"
    and protocol_14_OT :: "nat  msgs_14_OT  choice_14_OT  (unit × bool) spmf"
    and adv_14_OT :: "nat  real"
  assumes gmw_base: " (n::nat). gmw_base (S1_14_OT n) (R1_14_OT n) (S2_14_OT n) (R2_14_OT n) (protocol_14_OT n) (adv_14_OT n)"

sublocale gmw_base "(S1_14_OT n)" "(R1_14_OT n)" "(S2_14_OT n)" "(R2_14_OT n)" "(protocol_14_OT n)" "(adv_14_OT n)"
  by (simp add: gmw_base)

lemma "xor_sim_det.perfect_sec_P1 m1 m2" 
  by (simp add: P1_xor_inf_th xor_sim_det.perfect_sec_P1_def)

lemma "xor_sim_det.perfect_sec_P2 m1 m2"
  by (simp add: P2_xor_inf_th xor_sim_det.perfect_sec_P2_def)

lemma and_P1_adv_negligible:
  assumes "negligible (λ n. adv_14_OT n)"
  shows "negligible (λ n. and_secret_sharing.adv_P1 n m1 m2 D)" 
  have "and_secret_sharing.adv_P1 n m1 m2 D  adv_14_OT n" for n
    by (simp add: and_P1_security)
  thus ?thesis 
    using and_secret_sharing.adv_P1_def assms negligible_le by auto

lemma and_P2_security: "and_secret_sharing.perfect_sec_P2 n m1 m2" 
  by (simp add: and_P2_security)

