Theory FMap

(*  Title:      FMap.thy
    Author:     Ludovic Henrio and Florian Kammuller, 2006

Finite maps for Sigma-calculus
Idea use axiomatic type classes to preserve
usability of datatype afterwards, i.e. definition
of an object as a finite map of labels to fields in
a datatype.

section ‹Finite maps with axclasses›

theory FMap imports ListPre begin

type_synonym ('a, 'b) fmap = "('a :: finite)  'b" (infixl "-~>" 50)

class inftype =
assumes infinite: "¬finite UNIV"

theorem fset_induct:
  "P {}  (x (F::('a::finite)set). x  F  P F  P (insert x F))  P F"
proof (rule_tac P=P and F=F in finite_induct)
  from finite_subset[OF subset_UNIV] show "finite F" by auto
  assume "P {}" thus "P {}" by simp
  fix x F 
  assume "x F.  x  F; P F   P (insert x F)" and "x  F" and "P F"
  thus "P (insert x F)" by simp

theorem fmap_unique: "x = y  (f::('a,'b)fmap) x = f y"
  by (erule ssubst, rule refl)

theorem fmap_case:
  "(F::('a -~> 'b)) = Map.empty  (x y (F'::('a -~> 'b)). F = F'(x  y))"
proof (cases "F = Map.empty")
  case True thus ?thesis by (rule disjI1)
  case False thus ?thesis
  proof (simp)
    from F  Map.empty have "x. F x  None"
    proof (rule contrapos_np)
      assume "¬ (x. F x  None)"
      hence "x. F x = None" by simp
      hence "x. F x = None" by simp
      thus "F = Map.empty" by (rule ext)
    thus "x y F'. F = F'(x  y)"
      fix x assume "F x  None"
      hence "y. F y = (F(x  the (F x))) y" by auto
      hence "F = F(x  the (F x))" by (rule ext)
      thus ?thesis by auto

(* define the witness as a constant function so it may be used in the proof of
the induction scheme below *)
  set_fmap :: "'a -~> 'b  ('a * 'b)set" where
  "set_fmap F = {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}"

  pred_set_fmap :: "(('a -~> 'b)  bool)  (('a * 'b)set)  bool" where
  "pred_set_fmap P = (λS. P (λx. if x  fst ` S 
                                  then (THE y. (z. y = Some z  (x, z)  S)) 
                                  else None))" 

  fmap_minus_direct :: "[('a -~> 'b), ('a * 'b)]  ('a -~> 'b)" (infixl "--" 50) where
  "F -- x = (λz. if (fst x = z  ((F (fst x)) = Some (snd x))) 
                   then None 
                   else (F z))"

lemma insert_lem : "insert x A = B  x  B"
  by auto

lemma fmap_minus_fmap: 
  fixes F x a b
  assumes "(F -- x) a = Some b"
  shows "F a = Some b"
proof (rule ccontr, cases "F a")
  case None hence "a  dom F" by auto
  hence "(F -- x) a = None" 
    unfolding fmap_minus_direct_def by auto
  with (F -- x) a = Some b show False by simp
  assume "F a  Some b"
  case (Some y) thus False
  proof (cases "fst x = a")
    case True thus False
    proof (cases "snd x = y")
      case True with F a = Some y fst x = a 
      have "(F -- x) a = None" unfolding fmap_minus_direct_def by auto
      with (F -- x) a = Some b show False by simp
      case False with F a = Some y fst x = a 
      have "F (fst x)  Some (snd x)" by auto
      with (F -- x) a = Some b have "F a = Some b" 
        unfolding fmap_minus_direct_def by auto
      with F a  Some b show False by simp
    case False with (F -- x) a = Some b 
    have "F a = Some b" unfolding fmap_minus_direct_def by auto
    with F a  Some b show False by simp

lemma set_fmap_minus_iff: 
  "set_fmap ((F::(('a::finite) -~> 'b)) -- x) = set_fmap F - {x}"
  unfolding set_fmap_def 
proof (auto)
  fix a b assume "(F -- x) a = Some b" from fmap_minus_fmap[OF this]
  show "y. F a = Some y" by blast
  fix a b assume "(F -- x) a = Some b" from fmap_minus_fmap[OF this]
  show "F a = Some b" by assumption
  fix a b assume "(F -- (a, b)) a = Some b" 
  with fmap_minus_fmap[OF this] show False 
    unfolding fmap_minus_direct_def by auto
  fix a b assume "(a,b)  x" and "F a = Some b"
  hence "fst x  a  F (fst x)  Some (snd x)" by auto
  with F a = Some b show "y. (F -- x) a = Some y" 
    unfolding fmap_minus_direct_def by (rule_tac x = b in exI, simp)
  fix a b assume "(a,b)  x" and "F a = Some b"
  hence "fst x  a  F (fst x)  Some (snd x)" by auto
  with F a = Some b show "(F -- x) a = Some b" 
    unfolding fmap_minus_direct_def by simp  

lemma set_fmap_minus_insert:
  fixes F :: "('a::finite * 'b)set" and  F':: "('a::finite) -~> 'b" and x
  assumes "x  F" and "insert x F = set_fmap F'"
  shows "F = set_fmap (F' -- x)"
proof -
  from x  F sym[OF insert x F = set_fmap F'] set_fmap_minus_iff[of F' x] 
  show ?thesis by simp

lemma notin_fmap_minus: "x  set_fmap ((F::(('a::finite) -~> 'b)) -- x)"
  by (auto simp: set_fmap_minus_iff)

lemma fst_notin_fmap_minus_dom:
  fixes F x and F' :: "('a::finite) -~> 'b"
  assumes "insert x F = set_fmap F'"
  shows "fst x  dom (F' -- x)"
proof (rule ccontr, auto)
  fix y assume "(F' -- x) (fst x) = Some y"
  with notin_fmap_minus[of x F'] 
  have "y  snd x"
    unfolding set_fmap_def by auto
  from insert_lem[OF insert x F = set_fmap F'] 
  have "F' (fst x) = Some (snd x)"
    unfolding set_fmap_def by auto
  ultimately show False 
    using fmap_minus_fmap[OF (F' -- x) (fst x) = Some y]
    by simp

lemma  set_fmap_pair: 
  "x  set_fmap F  (fst x  dom F  snd x = the (F (fst x)))"
  by (simp add: set_fmap_def, auto)

lemma  set_fmap_inv1: 
  " fst x  dom F; snd x = the (F (fst x))   (F -- x)(fst x  snd x) = F"
proof (rule ext)
  fix xa assume "fst x  dom F" and "snd x = the (F (fst x))"
  thus "((F -- x)(fst x  snd x)) xa = F xa"
    unfolding fmap_minus_direct_def
    by (case_tac "xa = fst x", auto)

lemma set_fmap_inv2: 
  "fst x  dom F  insert x (set_fmap F) = set_fmap (F(fst x  snd x))"
  unfolding set_fmap_def
  assume "fst x  dom F"
    "insert x {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}  
    {(xa, y). xa  dom (F(fst x  snd x))  (F(fst x  snd x)) xa = Some y}"
    by force
    "z. z  {(xa, y). xa  dom (F(fst x  snd x)) 
                      (F(fst x  snd x)) xa = Some y}
     z  insert x {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}"
    proof -
      fix z
        z: "z  {(xa, y). xa  dom (F(fst x  snd x)) 
                      (F(fst x  snd x)) xa = Some y}"
      hence "z = x  ((fst z)  dom F  F (fst z) = Some (snd z))"
      proof (cases "fst x = fst z")
        case True thus ?thesis using z by auto
        case False thus ?thesis using z by auto
      thus "z  insert x {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}" by fastforce
    "{(xa, y). xa  dom (F(fst x  snd x))  (F(fst x  snd x)) xa = Some y}  
    insert x {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}" by auto

lemma rep_fmap_base: "P (F::('a  -~> 'b)) = (pred_set_fmap P)(set_fmap F)"
  unfolding pred_set_fmap_def set_fmap_def
proof (rule_tac f = P in arg_cong)
    "x. F x = 
         (λx. if x  fst ` {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}
               then THE y. z. y = Some z 
                              (x, z)  {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}
               else None) x"
  proof auto
    fix a b
    assume "F a = Some b"
    hence "∃!x. x = Some b  a  dom F"
    proof (rule_tac a = "F a" in ex1I)
      assume "F a = Some b"
      thus "F a = Some b  a  dom F" 
        by (simp add: dom_def)
      fix x assume "F a = Some b" and "x = Some b  a  dom F"
      thus "x = F a" by simp
    hence "(THE y. y = Some b  a  dom F) = Some b  a  dom F" 
      by (rule theI')
    thus "Some b = (THE y. y = Some b  a  dom F)" 
      by simp
    fix x assume nin_x: "x  fst ` {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}"
    thus "F x = None"
    proof (cases "F x")
      case None thus ?thesis by assumption
      case (Some a)
      hence "x  fst ` {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}"
        by (simp add: image_def dom_def)
      with nin_x show ?thesis by simp
    "F = (λx. if x  fst ` {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}
               then THE y. z. y = Some z 
                              (x, z)  {(x, y). x  dom F  F x = Some y}
               else None)"
    by (rule ext)

lemma rep_fmap: 
  "(Fp ::('a * 'b)set) (P'::('a * 'b)set  bool). P (F::('a -~> 'b)) = P' Fp"
proof -
  from rep_fmap_base show ?thesis by blast

theorem finite_fsets: "finite (F::('a::finite)set)"
proof -
  from finite_subset[OF subset_UNIV] show "finite F" by auto

lemma finite_dom_fmap: "finite (dom (F::('a -~> 'b))::('a::finite)set)"
  by (rule finite_fsets)

lemma finite_fmap_ran: "finite (ran (F::(('a::finite) -~> 'b)))"
  unfolding ran_def
proof -
  from finite_dom_fmap finite_imageI 
  have "finite ((λx. the (F x)) ` (dom F))" 
    by blast
  have "{b. a. F a = Some b} = (λx. the (F x)) ` (dom F)"
    unfolding image_def dom_def by force
  show "finite {b. a. F a = Some b}"  by simp

lemma finite_fset_map: "finite (set_fmap (F::(('a::finite) -~> 'b)))"
proof -
  from finite_cartesian_product[OF finite_dom_fmap finite_fmap_ran]
  have "finite (dom F × ran F)" .
  have "set_fmap F  dom F × ran F"
    unfolding set_fmap_def dom_def ran_def by fastforce
  show ?thesis using finite_subset by auto

lemma rep_fmap_imp: 
  "F x z. x  dom (F::('a -~> 'b))  P F  P (F(x  z))
   (F x z. x  fst ` (set_fmap F)  (pred_set_fmap P)(set_fmap F) 
         (pred_set_fmap P) (insert (x,z) (set_fmap F)))"
proof (clarify)
  fix P F x z
    "F x z. x  dom (F::('a -~> 'b))  P F  P (F(x  z))" and
    "x  fst ` set_fmap F" and "(pred_set_fmap P)(set_fmap F)"
  hence notin: "x  dom F"
    unfolding set_fmap_def image_def dom_def by simp
  from pred_set_fmap P (set_fmap F) have "P F" by (simp add: rep_fmap_base)
  have "P (F(x  z))" using F x z. x  dom F  P F  P (F(x  z)) 
    by blast
  hence "(pred_set_fmap P) (set_fmap (F(x  z)))"
    by (simp add: rep_fmap_base)
  from notin 
  have "(insert (x,z) (set_fmap F)) = (set_fmap (F(fst (x,z)  snd (x,z))))"
    by (simp add: set_fmap_inv2)
  show "(pred_set_fmap P) (insert (x,z) (set_fmap F))" by simp

lemma empty_dom: 
  fixes g
  assumes "{} = dom g"
  shows "g = Map.empty"
  fix x from assms show "g x = None" by auto

theorem fmap_induct[rule_format, case_names empty insert]:
  fixes  P  :: "(('a :: finite) -~> 'b)  bool" and  F' :: "('a  -~> 'b)"
  "P Map.empty" and
  "(F::('a -~> 'b)) x z. x  dom F  P F  P (F(x  z))"
  shows "P F'"
proof -
    fix F :: "('a × 'b) set" assume "finite F"
    hence "F'. F = set_fmap F'  pred_set_fmap P (set_fmap F')"
    proof (induct F)
      case empty thus ?case
      proof (intro strip)
        fix F' :: "'a -~> 'b" assume "{} = set_fmap F'"
        hence "a. F' a = None" unfolding set_fmap_def by auto
        hence "F' = Map.empty" by (rule ext)
        with P Map.empty rep_fmap_base[of P Map.empty] 
        show "pred_set_fmap P (set_fmap F')" by simp
      case (insert x Fa) thus ?case
      proof (intro strip)
        fix Fb :: "'a -~> 'b"
        assume "insert x Fa = set_fmap Fb"
          set_fmap_minus_insert[OF x  Fa this]
          F'. Fa = set_fmap F'  pred_set_fmap P (set_fmap F') 
          rep_fmap_base[of P "Fb -- x"]
        have "P (Fb -- x)" by blast
          F x z. x  dom F  P F  P (F(x  z)) 
          fst_notin_fmap_minus_dom[OF insert x Fa = set_fmap Fb]
        have "P ((Fb -- x)(fst x  snd x))" by blast
          insert_absorb[OF insert_lem[OF insert x Fa = set_fmap Fb]]
          set_fmap_minus_iff[of Fb x]
           fst_notin_fmap_minus_dom[OF insert x Fa = set_fmap Fb]] 
        have "set_fmap Fb = set_fmap ((Fb -- x)(fst x  snd x))"
          by simp
        show "pred_set_fmap P (set_fmap Fb)" 
          using rep_fmap_base[of P "(Fb -- x)(fst x  snd x)"]
          by simp
  from this[OF finite_fset_map[of F']]
       rep_fmap_base[of P F']
  show "P F'" by blast

lemma fmap_induct3[consumes 2, case_names empty insert]:
  "(F2::('a::finite) -~> 'b) (F3::('a -~> 'b)).
    dom (F1::('a -~> 'b)) = dom F2; dom F3 = dom F1; 
     P Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty;
     x a b c (F1::('a -~> 'b)) (F2::('a -~> 'b)) (F3::('a -~> 'b)).
      P F1 F2 F3; dom F1 = dom F2; dom F3 = dom F1; x  dom F1 
      P (F1(x  a)) (F2(x  b)) (F3(x  c)) 
   P F1 F2 F3"
proof (induct F1 rule: fmap_induct)
  case empty
  from dom Map.empty = dom F2 have "F2 = Map.empty" by (simp add: empty_dom)
  from dom F3 = dom Map.empty have "F3 = Map.empty" by (simp add: empty_dom)
  show ?case using P Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty by simp
  case (insert F x y) thus ?case
  proof (cases "F2 = Map.empty")
    case True with dom (F(x  y)) = dom F2 
    have "dom (F(x  y)) = {}" by auto
    thus ?thesis by auto
    case False thus ?thesis
    proof (cases "F3 = Map.empty")
      case True with dom F3 = dom (F(x  y)) 
      have "dom (F(x  y)) = {}" by simp
      thus ?thesis by simp
      case False thus ?thesis
      proof -
        from F2  Map.empty 
        have "ldom F2. f'. F2 = f'(l  the (F2 l))  l  dom f'"
          by (simp add: one_more_dom)
        from dom (F(x  y)) = dom F2 have "x  dom F2" by force
        ultimately have "f'. F2 = f'(x  the (F2 x))  x  dom f'" by blast
        then obtain F2' where "F2 = F2'(x  the (F2 x))" and "x  dom F2'" 
          by auto

        from F3  Map.empty 
        have "ldom F3. f'. F3 = f'(l  the (F3 l))  l  dom f'"
          by (simp add: one_more_dom)
        moreover from dom F3 = dom (F(x  y)) have "x  dom F3" by force
        ultimately have "f'. F3 = f'(x  the (F3 x))  x  dom f'" by blast
        then obtain F3' where "F3 = F3'(x  the (F3 x))" and "x  dom F3'" 
          by auto

        show ?thesis
        proof -
          from dom (F(x  y)) = dom F2 F2 = F2'(x  the (F2 x))
          have "dom (F(x  y)) = dom (F2'(x  the (F2 x)))" by simp
          with x  dom F x  dom F2' have "dom F = dom F2'" by auto
          from dom F3 = dom (F(x  y)) F3 = F3'(x  the (F3 x))
          have "dom (F(x  y)) = dom (F3'(x  the (F3 x)))" by simp
          with x  dom F x  dom F3' have "dom F3' = dom F" by auto

          ultimately have "P F F2' F3'" using insert by simp

            F1 F2 F3 x a b c.
               P F1 F2 F3; dom F1 = dom F2; dom F3 = dom F1; x  dom F1 
               P (F1(x  a)) (F2(x  b)) (F3(x  c))
            dom F = dom F2'
            dom F3' = dom F
            x  dom F
          have "P (F(x  y)) (F2'(x  the (F2 x))) (F3'(x  the (F3 x)))" 
            by simp
          with F2 = F2'(x  the (F2 x)) F3 = F3'(x  the (F3 x))
          show "P (F(x  y)) F2 F3" by simp

lemma fmap_ex_cof2:
  "(P::'c  'c  'b option  'b option  'a  bool)
     (f'::('a::finite) -~> 'b).
   dom f' = dom (f::('a -~> 'b)); 
    ldom f. (L. finite L 
                   (s p. s  L  p  L  s  p
                       P s p (f l) (f' l) l)) 
   L. finite L  (ldom f. (s p. s  L  p  L  s  p 
                                    P s p (f l) (f' l) l))"
proof (induct f rule: fmap_induct)
  case empty thus ?case by blast
  case (insert f l t P f') note imp = this(2) and pred = this(4)
  define pred_cof where "pred_cof L b b' l  (s p. s  L  p  L  s  p  P s p b b' l)"
    for L b b' l
    map_upd_nonempty[of f l t] dom f' = dom (f(l  t))
    one_more_dom[of l f']
  obtain f'a where 
    "f' = f'a(l  the(f' l))" and "l  dom f'a" and
    "dom (f'a(l  the(f' l))) = dom (f(l  t))"
    by auto
  from l  dom f
    fla: "ladom f. f la = (f(l  t)) la" and
    "ladom f. f'a la = (f'a(l  the(f' l))) la"
    by auto
  with f' = f'a(l  the(f' l)) 
  have f'ala: "ladom f. f'a la = f' la" by simp
  have "L. finite L  (ladom f. pred_cof L (f la) (f'a la) la)"
    unfolding pred_cof_def
    (intro imp[OF insert_dom_less_eq[OF l  dom f'a l  dom f 
                                        dom (f'a(l  the(f' l))) = dom (f(l  t))]],
      intro strip)
    fix la assume "la  dom f"
    with fla f'ala 
      "la  dom (f(l  t))" and 
      "f la = (f(l  t)) la" and "f'a la = f' la"
      by auto
    with pred
    show "L. finite L  (s p. s  L  p  L  s  p  P s p (f la) (f'a la) la)"
      by (elim ssubst, blast)
  with fla f'ala obtain L where 
    "finite L" and predf: "ladom f. pred_cof L ((f(l  t)) la) (f' la) la"
    by auto
  have "l  dom (f(l  t))" by simp
  with pred obtain L' where
    "finite L'" and predfl: "pred_cof L' ((f(l  t)) l) (f' l) l"
    unfolding pred_cof_def
    by blast
  ultimately show ?case
  proof (rule_tac x = "L  L'" in exI, 
      intro conjI, simp, intro strip)
    fix s p la assume 
      sp: "s  L  L'  p  L  L'  s  p" and indom: "la  dom (f(l  t))"
    show "P s p ((f(l  t)) la) (f' la) la"
    proof (cases "la = l")
      case True with sp predfl show ?thesis 
        unfolding pred_cof_def
        by simp
      case False with indom sp predf show ?thesis 
        unfolding pred_cof_def
        by force

lemma fmap_ex_cof:
  P :: "'c  'c  'b option  ('a::finite)  bool"
  "ldom (f::('a -~> 'b)).
  (L. finite L  (s p. s  L  p  L  s  p  P s p (f l) l))"
  "L. finite L  (ldom f. (s p. s  L  p  L  s  p  P s p (f l) l))"
  using assms fmap_ex_cof2[of f f  "λs p b b' l. P s p b l"] by auto

lemma fmap_ball_all2:
  Px :: "'c  'd  bool" and 
  P :: "'c  'd  'b option  bool"
  "ldom (f::('a::finite) -~> 'b). (x::'c) (y::'d). Px x y  P x y (f l)"
  "x y. Px x y  (ldom f. P x y (f l))"
proof (intro strip)
  fix x y l assume "Px x y" and "l  dom f"
  with assms show "P x y (f l)" by blast

lemma fmap_ball_all2':
  Px :: "'c  'd  bool" and 
  P :: "'c  'd  'b option  ('a::finite)  bool"
  "ldom (f::('a -~> 'b)). (x::'c) (y::'d). Px x y  P x y (f l) l"
  "x y. Px x y  (ldom f. P x y (f l) l)"
proof (intro strip)
  fix x y l assume "Px x y" and "l  dom f"
  with assms show "P x y (f l) l" by blast

lemma fmap_ball_all3:
  Px :: "'c  'd  'e  bool" and 
  P :: "'c  'd  'e  'b option  'b option  bool" and
  f :: "('a::finite) -~> 'b" and f' :: "'a -~> 'b"
  "dom f' = dom f" and
  "ldom f.
     (x::'c) (y::'d) (z::'e). Px x y z  P x y z (f l) (f' l)"
  "x y z. Px x y z  (ldom f. P x y z (f l) (f' l))"
proof (intro strip)
  fix x y z l assume "Px x y z" and "l  dom f"
  with assms show "P x y z (f l) (f' l)" by blast

lemma fmap_ball_all4':
  Px :: "'c  'd  'e  'f  bool" and 
  P :: "'c  'd  'e  'f  'b option  ('a::finite)  bool"
  "ldom (f::('a -~> 'b)). 
    (x::'c) (y::'d) (z::'e) (a::'f). Px x y z a  P x y z a (f l) l"
  "x y z a. Px x y z a  (ldom f. P x y z a (f l) l)"
proof (intro strip)
  fix x y z a l assume "Px x y z a" and "l  dom f"
  with assms show "P x y z a (f l) l" by blast
