Theory Environments

(*  Title:      Environments.thy
    Author:     Florian Kammuller and Henry Sudhof, 2008

theory Environments imports Main begin 

subsection ‹Type Environments›
text‹Some basic properties of our variable environments.›

(* We use a wrapped map and an error element *)
datatype 'a environment = 
  Env "(string  'a)"
| Malformed

(* Adding an entry to an environment. Overwriting an entry switches to the error state*)
  add :: "('a environment)  string  'a  'a environment"    
  ("__:_" [90, 0, 0] 91)
  add_def: "(Env e)x:a = 
     (if (x  dom e) then (Env (e(x  a))) else Malformed)" 
| add_mal: "Malformedx:a = Malformed"

(* domains of environments, i.e. the set of used variable names *)
  env_dom :: "('a environment)  string set"
  env_dom_def: "env_dom (Env e) = dom e" 
| env_dom_mal: "env_dom (Malformed) = {}" 

(* Retrieving an entry from an environment *)
  env_get :: "('a environment)  string   'a option" ("_!_")
  env_get_def: "env_get (Env e) x = e x " 
| env_get_mal: "env_get (Malformed) x = None " 

(* Environment well-formedness. For now weaker than usually recommended for LN; just finiteness and not being the error value *)
primrec ok::"('a environment)  bool"
  OK_Env [intro]: "ok (Env e) = (finite (dom e))"
| OK_Mal [intro]: "ok Malformed = False"

(* commutativity of add *)
lemma subst_add:
  fixes x y
  assumes "x  y"
  shows "ex:ay:b = ey:bx:a"
proof (cases e)
  case Malformed thus ?thesis by simp
  case (Env f) with assms show ?thesis
  proof (cases "x  dom f", simp)
    case False with assms Env show ?thesis
    proof (cases "y  dom f", simp_all, intro ext)
      fix xa :: string
      case False with assms show "(f(x  a,y  b)) xa = (f(y  b,x  a)) xa"
      proof (cases "xa = x", simp)
        case False with assms show ?thesis
          by (cases "xa = y", simp_all)

(* A well-formed environment is finite *)
lemma ok_finite[simp]: "ok e  finite (env_dom e)"
  by (cases e, simp+)

(* A well-formed environment is not malformed *)
lemma ok_ok[simp]: "ok e  x. e = (Env x)"
  by (cases e, simp+)

(* If something is in the set of variable names, then it has a value assigned to it *)
lemma env_defined:
  fixes x :: string and e :: "'a environment"
  assumes "x  env_dom e"
  shows "T . e!x = Some T"
proof (cases e)
  case Malformed with assms show ?thesis by simp (* contradiction *)
  case Env with assms show ?thesis by (simp, force)

(* adding of new elements does not remove elements *)
lemma env_bigger: " a  env_dom e; x  (env_dom e)   x  env_dom (ea:X)"
  by (cases e, simp_all)

(* Added for convenience *)
lemma env_bigger2: 
  " a  env_dom e; b  (env_dom e); x  (env_dom e); a  b  
   x  env_dom (ea:Xb:Y)"
  by (cases e, simp_all)

(* If there is an entry, then the environment is sane. *)
lemma not_malformed: "x  (env_dom e)  fun. e = Env fun"
  by (cases e, simp_all)

(* Smaller environments are well formed. *)
lemma not_malformed_smaller: 
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a
  assumes "ok (ea:X)"
  shows "ok e"
proof (cases e)
  case Malformed with assms show ?thesis by simp (* contradiction *)
  case (Env f) with ok_finite[OF assms] assms show ?thesis
    by (cases "a  dom f", simp_all)

(* Elements not in a bigger environment are not in a smaller one either *)
lemma not_in_smaller:
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a
  assumes "ok (ea:X)"
  shows "a  env_dom e"
proof (cases e)
  case Malformed thus ?thesis by simp
  case (Env f) with assms show ?thesis
    by (cases "a  dom f", simp_all)

(* A variable that got added is in the environment *)
lemma in_add:
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a
  assumes "ok (ea:X)"
  shows "a  env_dom (ea:X)"
proof (cases e)
  case Malformed with assms show ?thesis by simp (* contradiction *)
  case (Env f) with assms show ?thesis 
    by (cases "a  dom f", simp_all)

(* Similar to subst_add, but using a more convenient premise *)
lemma ok_add_reverse:
  e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and 
  b :: string and Y :: 'a
  assumes "ok (ea:Xb:Y)"
  shows "(eb:Ya:X) = (ea:Xb:Y)"
proof (cases e)
  case Malformed with assms show ?thesis by simp (* contradiction *)
  case (Env f) 
    not_in_smaller[OF ok (ea:Xb:Y)] in_add[OF assms]
    not_in_smaller[OF not_malformed_smaller[OF assms]] 
    in_add[OF not_malformed_smaller[OF assms]]
  show ?thesis
    by (simp, intro conjI impI, elim conjE, auto simp: fun_upd_twist)

lemma not_in_env_bigger: 
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and x :: string
  assumes "x  (env_dom e)" and "x  a"
  shows "x  env_dom (ea:X)"
proof (cases e)
  case Malformed thus ?thesis by simp
  case (Env f) with assms show ?thesis 
    by (cases "a  dom f", simp_all)

lemma not_in_env_bigger_2: 
  e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and 
  b :: string and Y :: 'a and x :: string
  assumes "x  (env_dom e)" and "x  a" and "x  b"
  shows "x  env_dom (ea:Xb:Y)"
proof (cases e)
  case Malformed thus ?thesis by simp
  case (Env f) with assms show ?thesis 
    by (cases "a  dom f", simp_all)

lemma not_in_env_smaller: 
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and x :: string
  assumes "x  (env_dom (ea:X))" and "x  a" and "ok (ea:X)"
  shows "x  env_dom e"
proof (cases e)
  case Malformed with assms(3) show ?thesis by simp (* contradiction *)
  case (Env f) with assms show ?thesis 
    by (cases "a  dom f", simp_all)

(* Conditions derivable from the well-formedness *)
lemma ok_add_2: 
  e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and 
  b :: string and Y :: 'a
  assumes "ok (ea:Xb:Y)"
  shows "ok e  a  env_dom e  b  env_dom e  a  b"
proof -
    assume "ok (eb:Xb:Y)" 
    from not_in_smaller[OF this] in_add[OF not_malformed_smaller[OF this]]
    have False by simp
  } with assms have "a  b" by auto
  from assms ok_add_reverse[OF assms] have "ok (eb:Ya:X)" by simp
  note not_in_smaller[OF not_malformed_smaller[OF this]]
  show ?thesis 
      not_malformed_smaller[OF not_malformed_smaller[OF assms]]
      not_in_smaller[OF not_malformed_smaller[OF assms]]
  by simp

(* A variable that got added is in the environment *)
lemma in_add_2:
  e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and 
  b :: string and Y :: 'a
  assumes "ok (ea:Xb:Y)"
  shows "a  env_dom (ea:Xb:Y)  b  env_dom (ea:Xb:Y)"
proof -
  from ok_add_2[OF assms] show ?thesis 
    by (elim conjE, intro conjI, (cases e, simp_all)+)

(* Convenience version *)
lemma ok_add_3:
  e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and 
  b :: string and Y :: 'a and c :: string and Z :: 'a
  assumes "ok (ea:Xb:Yc:Z)"
  "a  env_dom e  b  env_dom e  c  env_dom e  a  b  b  c  a  c"
proof -
    assume "ok (ea:Xc:Yc:Z)" 
    from not_in_smaller[OF this] in_add[OF not_malformed_smaller[OF this]]
    have False by simp
  } with assms have "b  c" by auto
  from assms ok_add_reverse[OF assms] have "ok (ea:Xc:Zb:Y)" by simp
  note ok_add_2[OF not_malformed_smaller[OF this]]
  show ?thesis using ok_add_2[OF not_malformed_smaller[OF assms]]
    by simp

lemma in_env_smaller: 
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and x :: string 
  assumes "x  (env_dom (ea:X))" and "x  a"
  shows "x  env_dom e"
proof -
  from not_malformed[OF assms(1)] obtain f where f: "ea:X = Env f" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis
  proof (cases e)
    case Malformed with ea:X = Env f 
    have False by simp
    then show ?thesis ..
    case (Env f') with assms f show ?thesis
      by (simp, cases "a  dom f'", simp_all, force)

lemma in_env_smaller2:
  e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and 
  b :: string and Y :: 'a and x :: string 
  assumes "x  (env_dom (ea:Xb:Y))" and "x  a" and "x  b"
  shows "x  env_dom e"
  by (simp add: in_env_smaller[OF in_env_smaller[OF assms(1) assms(3)] assms(2)])

lemma get_env_bigger:
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and x :: string 
  assumes "x  (env_dom (ea:X))" and "x  a"
  shows "e!x = ea:X!x"
proof -
  from not_malformed[OF assms(1)] obtain f where f: "ea:X = Env f" by auto
  thus ?thesis proof (cases e)
    case Malformed with ea:X = Env f
    show ?thesis by simp (* contradiction *)
    case (Env f') with assms f show ?thesis
      by (cases "a  dom f'", auto)

lemma get_env_bigger2: 
  e :: "'a environment" and a :: string and X :: 'a and 
  b :: string and Y :: 'a and x :: string 
  assumes "x  (env_dom (ea:Xb:Y))" and "x  a" and "x  b"
  shows "e!x = ea:Xb:Y!x"
  by (simp add: get_env_bigger[OF assms(1) assms(3)]
                get_env_bigger[OF in_env_smaller[OF assms(1) assms(3)] assms(2)])

lemma get_env_smaller: " x  env_dom e; a  env_dom e   ea:X!x = e!x"
  by (cases e, auto)

lemma get_env_smaller2: 
  " x  env_dom e; a  env_dom e; b  env_dom e; a  b  
   ea:Xb:Y!x = e!x"
  by (cases e, auto)

lemma add_get_eq: " xa  env_dom e; ok e; the exa:U!xa = T   U = T" 
  by (cases e, auto)

lemma add_get: " xa  env_dom e; ok e   the exa:U!xa = U" 
  by (cases e, auto)

lemma add_get2_1: 
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and x :: string and A :: 'a and y :: string and B :: 'a
  assumes "ok (ex:Ay:B)"
  shows "the ex:Ay:B!x = A"
proof -
  from ok_add_2[OF assms] show ?thesis
    by (cases e, elim conjE, simp_all)

lemma add_get2_2:
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and x :: string and A :: 'a and y :: string and B :: 'a
  assumes "ok (ex:Ay:B)"
  shows "the ex:Ay:B!y = B"
proof -
  from ok_add_2[OF assms] show ?thesis
    by (cases e, elim conjE, simp_all)

lemma ok_add_ok: " ok e; x  env_dom e   ok (ex:X)" 
  by (cases e, auto)

lemma env_add_dom: 
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and x :: string
  assumes "ok e" and "x  env_dom e" 
  shows "env_dom (ex:X) = env_dom e  {x}"
proof (auto simp: in_add[OF ok_add_ok[OF assms]], rule ccontr)
  fix y assume "y  env_dom (ex:X)" and "y  env_dom e" and "y  x"
  from in_env_smaller[OF this(1) this(3)] this(2) show False by simp
  fix y assume "y  env_dom e"
  from env_bigger[OF not_in_smaller[OF ok_add_ok[OF assms]] this]
  show "y  env_dom (ex:X)" by assumption

lemma env_add_dom_2:
  fixes e :: "'a environment" and x :: string and y :: string
  assumes "ok e" and "x  env_dom e" and "y  env_dom e" and "x  y"
  shows "env_dom (ex:Xy:Y) = env_dom e  {x,y}"
proof -
  from env_add_dom[OF assms(1-2)] assms(3-4)
  have "y  env_dom (ex:X)" by simp
    env_add_dom[OF assms(1-2)] 
    env_add_dom[OF ok_add_ok[OF assms(1-2)] this]
  show ?thesis by auto

   env_app :: "('a environment)   ('a environment)  ('a environment)" ("_+_")
  "env_app (Env a) (Env b) = 
  (if (ok (Env a)  ok (Env b)  env_dom (Env b)  env_dom (Env a) = {}) 
   then  Env (a ++ b) else Malformed )"

lemma env_app_dom:
  fixes e1 :: "'a environment" and e2 :: "'a environment"
  assumes "ok e1" and "env_dom e1  env_dom e2 = {}" and "ok e2"
  shows "env_dom (e1+e2) = env_dom e1  env_dom e2"
proof -
  from ok_ok[OF ok e1] ok_ok[OF ok e2]
  obtain f1 f2 where "e1 = Env f1" and "e2 = Env f2" by auto
  with assms(2) ok_finite[OF ok e1] ok_finite[OF ok e2]
  show ?thesis by auto

lemma env_app_same[simp]: 
  fixes e1 :: "'a environment" and e2 :: "'a environment" and x :: string
  "ok e1" and "x  env_dom e1" and 
  "env_dom e1  env_dom e2 = {}" and "ok e2"
  shows "the (e1+e2!x) = the e1!x"
proof -
  from ok_ok[OF ok e1] ok_ok[OF ok e2] 
  obtain f1 f2 where "e1 = Env f1" and "e2 = Env f2" by auto
  with assms(2-3) ok_finite[OF ok e1] ok_finite[OF ok e2]
  show ?thesis proof (auto) 
    fix y :: 'a assume "dom f1  dom f2 = {}" and "f1 x = Some y"
    from map_add_comm[OF this(1)] this(2) have "(f1 ++ f2) x = Some y"
      by (simp add: map_add_Some_iff)
    thus "the ((f1 ++ f2) x) = y" by auto

lemma env_app_ok[simp]: 
  fixes e1 :: "'a environment" and e2 :: "'a environment"
  assumes "ok e1" and "env_dom e1  env_dom e2 = {}" and "ok e2"
  shows "ok (e1+e2)"
proof -
  from ok_ok[OF ok e1] ok_ok[OF ok e2] 
  obtain f1 f2 where "e1 = Env f1" and "e2 = Env f2" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by (simp,force)

lemma env_app_add[simp]:
  fixes e1 :: "'a environment" and e2 :: "'a environment" and x :: string
  "ok e1" and "env_dom e1  env_dom e2 = {}" and "ok e2" and 
  "x  env_dom e1" and "x  env_dom e2"
  shows "(e1+e2)x:X = e1x:X+e2"
proof -
  from ok_ok[OF ok e1] ok_ok[OF ok e2] 
  obtain f1 f2 where "e1 = Env f1" and "e2 = Env f2" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis proof (clarify, simp, intro impI ext)
    fix xa :: string
    assume "x  dom f1" and "x  dom f2"
    thus "((f1 ++ f2)(x  X)) xa = (f1(x  X) ++ f2) xa"
    proof (cases "x = xa", simp_all)
      case False thus "(f1 ++ f2) xa = (f1(x  X) ++ f2) xa" 
        by (simp add: map_add_def split: option.split)
      case True with x  dom f1 x  dom f2 
      have "(f1(xa  X) ++ f2) xa = Some X"
        by (auto simp: map_add_Some_iff)
      thus "Some X = (f1(xa  X) ++ f2) xa" by simp

lemma env_app_add2[simp]:
  e1 :: "'a environment" and e2 :: "'a environment" and 
  x :: string and y :: string
  "ok e1" and "env_dom e1  env_dom e2 = {}" and "ok e2" and
  "x  env_dom e1" and "x  env_dom e2" and "y  env_dom e1" and
  "y  env_dom e2" and "x  y"
  shows "(e1+e2)x:Xy:Y = e1x:Xy:Y+e2"
proof -
  from ok_ok[OF ok e1] ok_ok[OF ok e2] 
  obtain f1 f2 where "e1 = Env f1" and "e2 = Env f2" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis proof (clarify, simp, intro impI ext)
    fix xa :: string
    assume "x  dom f1" and "x  dom f2" and "y  dom f1" and "y  dom f2"
    with x  y
    show "((f1 ++ f2)(x  X, y  Y)) xa = (f1(x  X, y  Y) ++ f2) xa"
    proof (cases "x = xa", simp)
      case True 
      with x  y x  dom f1 x  dom f2 y  dom f1 y  dom f2
      have "(f1(xa  X,y  Y) ++ f2) xa = Some X"
        by (auto simp: map_add_Some_iff)
      thus "Some X = (f1(xa  X,y  Y) ++ f2) xa" by simp
      case False thus ?thesis
      proof (cases "y = xa", simp_all)
        case False with x  xa 
        show "(f1 ++ f2) xa = (f1(x  X,y  Y) ++ f2) xa" 
          by (simp add: map_add_def split: option.split)
        case True 
        with x  y x  dom f1 x  dom f2 y  dom f1 y  dom f2
        have "(f1(x  X,xa  Y) ++ f2) xa = Some Y"
          by (auto simp: map_add_Some_iff)
        thus "Some Y = (f1(x  X, xa  Y) ++ f2) xa" by simp
