Theory Bit_Strings

(*  Title:       Lemmas about lists of bools
    Author:      Max Haslbeck
theory Bit_Strings
imports Complex_Main

section "Lemmas about BitStrings and sets theirof"
subsection "the set of bitstring of length m is finite"

lemma bitstrings_finite: "finite {xs::bool list. length xs = m}"
using finite_lists_length_eq[where A="UNIV"] by force

subsection "how to calculate the cardinality of the set of bitstrings with certain bits already set"

lemma fbool: "finite {xs. (iX. xs ! i)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = m  f (xs!e)}"
  by(rule finite_subset[where B="{xs. length xs = m}"])
     (auto simp: bitstrings_finite)

fun witness :: "nat set  nat  bool list" where
 "witness X 0 = []"
|"witness X (Suc n) = (witness X n) @ [n  X]"

lemma witness_length: "length (witness X n) = n"
apply(induct n) by auto

lemma iswitness: "r<n  ((witness X n)!r) = (rX)"
proof (induct n)
  case (Suc n)

  have "witness X (Suc n) ! r = ((witness X n) @ [n  X]) ! r" by simp
  also have " = (if r < length (witness X n) then (witness X n) ! r else [n  X] ! (r - length (witness X n)))" by(rule nth_append)
  also have " = (if r < n then (witness X n) ! r else [n  X] ! (r - n))" by (simp add: witness_length)
  finally have 1: "witness X (Suc n) ! r = (if r < n then (witness X n) ! r else [n  X] ! (r - n))" .
  show ?case
  proof (cases "r < n")
    case True
    with 1 have a: "witness X (Suc n) ! r = (witness X n) ! r" by auto
    from Suc True have b: "witness X n ! r = (r  X)" by auto
    from a b show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    with Suc have "r = n" by auto
    with 1 show "witness X (Suc n) ! r = (r  X)" by auto
qed simp

lemma card1: "finite S  finite X  finite Y  X  Y = {}  S  (X  Y) = {}  SXY={0..<m}  
    card {xs. (iX. xs ! i)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)   length xs = m} = 2^(m - card X - card Y)"
proof(induct arbitrary: X Y rule: finite_induct)
  case empty
  then have x: "X  {0..<m}" and y: "Y  {0..<m}" and xy: "X Y = {0..<m}" by auto
  then have "card (X  Y) = m" by auto
  with empty(3) have cardXY: "card X + card Y = m" using card_Un_Int[OF empty(1) empty(2)] by auto

  from empty have ents: "i<m. (iY) = (iX)" by auto

  have "(∃! w. (iX. w ! i)  (iY. ¬ w ! i)   length w = m)"
  proof (rule ex1I, goal_cases)
    case 1
    show "(iX. (witness X m) ! i)  (iY. ¬ (witness X m) ! i)  length (witness X m) = m"
    proof (safe, goal_cases)
      case (2 i)
      with y have a: "i < m" by auto
      with iswitness have "witness X m ! i = (i  X)" by auto
      with a ents 2 have "~ witness X m ! i" by auto
      with 2(2) show "False" by auto
      case (1 i)
      with x have a: "i < m" by auto
      with iswitness have "witness X m ! i = (i  X)" by auto
      with a ents 1 show "witness X m ! i" by auto
    qed (rule witness_length)
    case (2 w)
    show "w = witness X m"
    proof -
      have "(length w = length (witness X m)  (i<length w. w ! i = (witness X m) ! i))"
       using 2 apply(simp add: witness_length)
        fix i 
        assume as: "(iX. w ! i)  (iY. ¬ w ! i)   length w = m"
        have "i < m  (witness X m) ! i = (i  X)" using iswitness by auto
        then show "i < m  w ! i = (witness X m) ! i" using ents as by auto
      then show ?thesis using list_eq_iff_nth_eq by auto
  then obtain w where " {xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)   length xs = m}
         = { w }" using Nitpick.Ex1_unfold[where P="(λxs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)   length xs = m)"]
         by auto

  then have "card {xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)   length xs = m} = card { w }" by auto
  also have " = 1" by auto 
  also have " = 2^(m - card X - card Y)" using cardXY by auto
  finally show ?case .
  case (insert e S)
  then have eX: "e  X" and eY: "e  Y"  by auto
  from insert(8) have "insert e S  {0..<m}" by auto
  then have ebetween0m: "e{0..<m}" by auto

  have fm: "finite {0..<m}" by auto
  have cardm: "card {0..<m} =   m" by auto
  from insert(8) eX eY ebetween0m have sub: "X  Y  {0..<m}" by auto
  from insert have "card (X  Y) = 0" by auto
  then have cardXY: "card (X  Y) = card X + card Y" using card_Un_Int[OF insert(4) insert(5)] by auto
  have "  m > card X + card Y" using psubset_card_mono[OF fm sub] cardm cardXY by(auto)
  then have carde: "1 + (  m - card X - card Y - 1) =   m - card X - card Y" by auto

  have is1: "{xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m  xs!e}
          = {xs. Ball (insert e X) ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m}" by auto
  have is2: "{xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m  ~xs!e}
          = {xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (i(insert e Y). ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m}" by auto
  have 2: "{xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m  xs!e}
         {xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m  ~xs!e}
          = {xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m}" by auto

  have 3: "{xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m  xs!e}
       {xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m  ~xs!e} = {}" by auto

  have fX: "finite (insert e X)" 
    and disjeXY: "insert e X  Y = {}" 
    and cutX: "S  (insert e X  Y) = {}"
    and uniX: "S  insert e X  Y = {0..<m}" using insert by auto
  have fY: "finite (insert e Y)"
    and disjXeY: "X  (insert e Y) = {}" 
    and cutY: "S  (X  insert e Y) = {}"
    and uniY: "S   X  insert e Y = {0..<m}" using insert by auto

  have "card {xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = m}
      = card {xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = m  xs!e}
        + card {xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = m  ~xs!e}"
      apply(subst card_Un_Int)
        apply(rule fbool) apply(rule fbool) using 2 3 by auto
  have " = card {xs. Ball (insert e X) ((!) xs)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m}
        + card {xs. Ball X ((!) xs)  (i(insert e Y). ¬ xs ! i)  length xs =   m}" by (simp only: is1 is2)
  have " = 2 ^ (  m - card (insert e X) - card Y)
        + 2 ^ (  m - card X - card (insert e Y))" 
          apply(simp only: insert(3)[of "insert e X" Y, OF fX insert(5) disjeXY cutX uniX])
          by(simp only: insert(3)[of "X" "insert e Y", OF insert(4) fY disjXeY cutY uniY])
  have " = 2 ^ (  m - card X - card Y - 1)
        + 2 ^ (  m - card X - card Y - 1)" using insert(4,5) eX eY by auto
  have " = 2 * 2 ^ (  m - card X - card Y - 1)"  by auto
  also have " = 2 ^ (1 + (  m - card X - card Y - 1))" by auto
  also have " = 2 ^ (  m - card X - card Y)" using carde by auto
  finally show ?case .

lemma card2: assumes "finite X" and "finite Y" and "X  Y = {}" and x: "X  Y  {0..<m}"
  shows "card {xs. (iX. xs ! i)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = m} = 2 ^ (m - card X - card Y)"
proof -
  let ?S = "{0..<m}-(X  Y)"
  from x have a: "?S  X  Y = {0..<m}" by auto
  have b: "?S  (X  Y) = {}" by auto  
  show ?thesis apply(rule card1[where ?S="?S"]) by(simp_all add: assms a b)

subsection "Average out the second sum for free-absch"
lemma Expactation2or1: "finite S  finite Tr  finite Fa  card Tr + card Fa + card S  l 
  S  (Tr  Fa) = {}  Tr  Fa = {}  S  Tr  Fa  {0..<l} 
  (x{xs. (iTr. xs ! i)  (iFa. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l}. jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1)
      = 3 / 2 * real (card S) * 2 ^ (l - card Tr - card Fa)"
proof (induct arbitrary: Tr Fa rule: finite_induct)
  case (insert e S) 

  from insert(7) have "e  (insert e S)" and eTr: "e  Tr" and eFa: "e  Fa" by auto 
  from insert(9) have  tra: "Tr  {0..<l}" and trb: "Fa  {0..<l}" and  trc: "e < l" by auto 

  have ntrFa: "l > (card Tr + card Fa)" using insert(6) card_insert_if insert(1,2) by auto

  have myhelp2: "1 + (l - card Tr - card Fa -1) = l - card Tr - card Fa" using ntrFa by auto

  have juhuTr: "{xs. (iTr. xs ! i)  (iFa. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l  xs!e}  
      = {xs. (i(insert e Tr). xs ! i)  (iFa. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l}"
       by auto
  have juhuFa: "{xs. (iTr. xs ! i)  (iFa. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l  ~xs!e}  
      = {xs. (iTr. xs ! i)  (i(insert e Fa). ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l}"
       by auto

  let ?Tre = "{xs. (i(insert e Tr). xs ! i)  (iFa. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l}"

  have "card ?Tre = 2 ^ (l - card (insert e Tr) - card Fa)"
          apply(rule card2) using insert by simp_all
  then have resi: "card ?Tre = 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1)" using insert(4) eTr by auto   
  have yabaTr: "(x?Tre. 2::real) = 2 * 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1)" using resi by (simp add: power_commutes) 

  let ?Fae = "{xs. (iTr. xs ! i)  (i(insert e Fa). ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l}"

  have "card ?Fae = 2 ^ (l - card Tr - card (insert e Fa))"
          apply(rule card2) using insert by simp_all
  then have resi2: "card ?Fae = 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1)" using insert(5) eFa by auto
  have yabaFa: "(x?Fae. 1::real) = 1 * 2 ^ (l - card Tr - card Fa - 1)" using resi2 by (simp add: power_commutes)
  { fix X Y
      have "{xs. (iX. xs ! i)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l  xs!e}
           {xs. (iX. xs ! i)  (iY. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l  ~xs!e} = {}" by auto
  } note 3=this

  (* split it! *)
  have "(x{xs. (iTr. xs ! i)  (iFa. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l}. j(insert e S). if x ! j then (2::real) else 1)
      = (x{xs. (iTr. xs ! i)  (iFa. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l  xs!e}. j(insert e S). if x ! j then 2 else 1)
        + (x{xs. (iTr. xs ! i)  (iFa. ¬ xs ! i)  length xs = l  ~xs!e}. j(insert e S). if x ! j then 2 else 1)"
        (is "(x?all. ?f x) = (x?allT. ?f x) + (x?allF. ?f x)")
        proof - 
          have "(x?all. j(insert e S). if x ! j then 2 else 1)
            = (x(?allT  ?allF). j(insert e S). if x ! j then 2 else 1)" apply(rule sum.cong) by(auto)
          also have" = ((x(?allT). j(insert e S). if x ! j then (2::real) else 1) 
                      + (x(?allF). j(insert e S). if x ! j then (2::real) else 1))
                      - (x(?allT  ?allF). j(insert e S). if x ! j then 2 else 1)" 
                   apply (rule sum_Un) apply(rule fbool)+ done
          also have " =  (x(?allT). j(insert e S). if x ! j then 2 else 1)
                        + (x(?allF). j(insert e S). if x ! j then 2 else 1)"
                by(simp add: 3) 
          finally show ?thesis .
  have " = (x?Tre. j(insert e S). if x ! j then 2 else 1)
          + (x?Fae. j(insert e S). if x ! j then 2 else 1)" 
       using juhuTr juhuFa by auto 
  have " =  (x?Tre. (λx. 2) x + (λx. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1)) x)
        + (x?Fae. (λx. 1) x + (λx. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1)) x)" 
        using insert(1,2) by auto
  have " =  (x?Tre. 2) + (x?Tre. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1))
          + ((x?Fae. 1) + (x?Fae. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1)))"
          by (simp add: Groups_Big.comm_monoid_add_class.sum.distrib)
  have " =  2 * 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1) + (x?Tre. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1))
        + (1 * 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1) + (x?Fae. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1)))" 
        by(simp only: yabaTr yabaFa)
  have " =  (2::real) * 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1) + (x?Tre. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1))
        + (1::real) * 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1) + (x?Fae. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1))" 
        by auto
  have " =  (3::real) * 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1) +
          (x?Tre. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1)) + (x?Fae. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1))" 
        by simp
  have " =  3 * 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1) +
          3 / 2 * real (card S) * 2 ^ (l - card (insert e Tr) - card Fa) +
          (x?Fae. (jS. if x ! j then 2 else 1))" 
        apply(subst insert(3)) using insert by simp_all
  have " =  3 * 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1) +
          3 / 2 * real (card S) * 2 ^ (l - card (insert e Tr) - card Fa) +
           3 / 2 * real (card S) * 2 ^ (l - card Tr - card (insert e Fa))"
        apply(subst insert(3)) using insert by simp_all
  have " =  3 * 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1) +
          3 / 2 * real (card S) * 2^ (l - (card Tr + 1) - card Fa) +
           3 / 2 * real (card S) * 2^ (l - card Tr - (card Fa + 1))" using card_insert_if insert(4,5) eTr eFa by auto
  have " =  3  * 2^(l - card Tr - card Fa - 1) +
          3 / 2 * real (card S) * 2^ (l - card Tr - card Fa - 1) +
           3 / 2 * real (card S) * 2^ (l - card Tr - card Fa - 1)" by auto
  have " =  ( 3/2 * 2  +  2 *  3 / 2 * real (card S)) * 2^ (l - card Tr - card Fa - 1)" by algebra
  have " =  (   3 / 2 * (1 + real (card S))) * 2 * 2^ (l - card Tr - card Fa - 1 )" by simp 
  have " =  (   3 / 2 * (1 + real (card S))) * 2^ (Suc (l - card Tr - card Fa -1 ))" by simp 
  have " =  (   3 / 2 * (1 + real (card S))) * 2^ (l - card Tr - card Fa )" using myhelp2 by auto
  have " =  (   3 / 2 * (real (1 + card S))) * 2^ (l - card Tr - card Fa )" by simp 
  have " =  (   3 / 2 * real (card (insert e S))) * 2^ (l - card Tr - card Fa)" using insert(1,2) by auto
  finally show ?case  .
qed simp
