Theory Logic

(*  Author:     Tobias Nipkow, 2007  *)


theory Logic
imports Main "HOL-Library.FuncSet"

We start with a generic formalization of quantified logical formulae
using de Bruijn notation. The syntax is parametric in the type of atoms.›

declare Let_def[simp]

datatype (atoms: 'a) fm =
  TrueF | FalseF | Atom 'a | And "'a fm" "'a fm" | Or "'a fm" "'a fm" |
  Neg "'a fm" | ExQ "'a fm"

notation map_fm ("mapfm")

abbreviation Imp where "Imp φ1 φ2  Or (Neg φ1) φ2"
abbreviation AllQ where "AllQ φ  Neg(ExQ(Neg φ))"

definition neg where
"neg φ = (if φ=TrueF then FalseF else if φ=FalseF then TrueF else Neg φ)"

definition "and" :: "'a fm  'a fm  'a fm" where
"and φ1 φ2 =
 (if φ1=TrueF then φ2 else if φ2=TrueF then φ1 else
  if φ1=FalseF  φ2=FalseF then FalseF else And φ1 φ2)"

definition or :: "'a fm  'a fm  'a fm" where
"or φ1 φ2 =
 (if φ1=FalseF then φ2 else if φ2=FalseF then φ1 else
  if φ1=TrueF  φ2=TrueF then TrueF else Or φ1 φ2)"

definition list_conj :: "'a fm list  'a fm" where
"list_conj fs = foldr and fs TrueF"

definition list_disj :: "'a fm list  'a fm" where
"list_disj fs = foldr or fs FalseF"

abbreviation "Disj is f  list_disj (map f is)"

lemmas atoms_map_fm[simp] = fm.set_map

fun amap_fm :: "('a  'b fm)  'a fm  'b fm" ("amapfm") where
"amapfm h TrueF = TrueF" |
"amapfm h FalseF = FalseF" |
"amapfm h (Atom a) = h a" |
"amapfm h (And φ1 φ2) = and (amapfm h φ1) (amapfm h φ2)" |
"amapfm h (Or φ1 φ2) = or (amapfm h φ1) (amapfm h φ2)" |
"amapfm h (Neg φ) = neg (amapfm h φ)"

lemma amap_fm_list_disj:
  "amapfm h (list_disj fs) = list_disj (map (amapfm h) fs)"
by(induct fs) (auto simp:list_disj_def or_def)

fun qfree :: "'a fm  bool" where
"qfree(ExQ f) = False" |
"qfree(And φ1 φ2) = (qfree φ1  qfree φ2)" |
"qfree(Or φ1 φ2) = (qfree φ1  qfree φ2)" |
"qfree(Neg φ) = (qfree φ)" |
"qfree φ = True"

lemma qfree_and[simp]: " qfree φ1; qfree φ2   qfree(and φ1 φ2)"
by(simp add:and_def)

lemma qfree_or[simp]: " qfree φ1; qfree φ2   qfree(or φ1 φ2)"
by(simp add:or_def)

lemma qfree_neg[simp]: "qfree(neg φ) = qfree φ"
by(simp add:neg_def)

lemma qfree_foldr_Or[simp]:
 "qfree(foldr Or fs φ) = (qfree φ  (φ  set fs. qfree φ))"
by (induct fs) auto

lemma qfree_list_conj[simp]:
assumes "φ  set fs. qfree φ" shows "qfree(list_conj fs)"
proof -
  { fix fs φ
    have " φ  set fs. qfree φ; qfree φ   qfree(foldr and fs φ)"
      by (induct fs) auto
  } thus ?thesis using assms by (fastforce simp add:list_conj_def)

lemma qfree_list_disj[simp]:
assumes "φ  set fs. qfree φ" shows "qfree(list_disj fs)"
proof -
  { fix fs φ
    have " φ  set fs. qfree φ; qfree φ   qfree(foldr or fs φ)"
      by (induct fs) auto
  } thus ?thesis using assms by (fastforce simp add:list_disj_def)

lemma qfree_map_fm: "qfree (mapfm f φ) = qfree φ"
by (induct φ) simp_all

lemma atoms_list_disjE:
  "a  atoms(list_disj fs)  a  (φ  set fs. atoms φ)"
apply(induct fs)
 apply (simp add:list_disj_def)
apply (auto simp add:list_disj_def Logic.or_def split:if_split_asm)

lemma atoms_list_conjE:
  "a  atoms(list_conj fs)  a  (φ  set fs. atoms φ)"
apply(induct fs)
 apply (simp add:list_conj_def)
apply (auto simp add:list_conj_def Logic.and_def split:if_split_asm)

fun dnf :: "'a fm  'a list list" where
"dnf TrueF = [[]]" |
"dnf FalseF = []" |
"dnf (Atom φ) = [[φ]]" |
"dnf (And φ1 φ2) = [d1 @ d2. d1  dnf φ1, d2  dnf φ2]" |
"dnf (Or φ1 φ2) = dnf φ1 @ dnf φ2"

fun nqfree :: "'a fm  bool" where
"nqfree(Atom a) = True" |
"nqfree TrueF = True" |
"nqfree FalseF = True" |
"nqfree (And φ1 φ2) = (nqfree φ1  nqfree φ2)" |
"nqfree (Or φ1 φ2) = (nqfree φ1  nqfree φ2)" |
"nqfree φ = False"

lemma nqfree_qfree[simp]: "nqfree φ  qfree φ"
by (induct φ) simp_all

lemma nqfree_map_fm: "nqfree (mapfm f φ) = nqfree φ"
by (induct φ) simp_all

fun "interpret" :: "('a  'b list  bool)  'a fm  'b list  bool" where
"interpret h TrueF xs = True" |
"interpret h FalseF xs = False" |
"interpret h (Atom a) xs = h a xs" |
"interpret h (And φ1 φ2) xs = (interpret h φ1 xs  interpret h φ2 xs)" |
"interpret h (Or φ1 φ2) xs = (interpret h φ1 xs  interpret h φ2 xs)" |
"interpret h (Neg φ) xs = (¬ interpret h φ xs)" |
"interpret h (ExQ φ) xs = (x. interpret h φ (x#xs))"


text‹The locale ATOM of atoms provides a minimal framework for the
generic formulation of theory-independent algorithms, in particular
quantifier elimination.›

locale ATOM =
fixes aneg :: "'a  'a fm"
fixes anormal :: "'a  bool"
assumes nqfree_aneg: "nqfree(aneg a)"
assumes anormal_aneg: "anormal a  batoms(aneg a). anormal b"

fixes Ia :: "'a  'b list  bool"
assumes Ia_aneg: "interpret Ia (aneg a) xs = (¬ Ia a xs)"

fixes depends0 :: "'a  bool"
and decr :: "'a  'a" 
assumes not_dep_decr: "¬depends0 a  Ia a (x#xs) = Ia (decr a) xs"
assumes anormal_decr: "¬ depends0 a  anormal a  anormal(decr a)"


fun atoms0 :: "'a fm  'a list" where
"atoms0 TrueF = []" |
"atoms0 FalseF = []" |
"atoms0 (Atom a) = (if depends0 a then [a] else [])" |
"atoms0 (And φ1 φ2) = atoms0 φ1 @ atoms0 φ2" |
"atoms0 (Or φ1 φ2) = atoms0 φ1 @ atoms0 φ2" |
"atoms0 (Neg φ) = atoms0 φ"

abbreviation I where "I  interpret Ia"

fun nnf :: "'a fm  'a fm" where
"nnf (And φ1 φ2) = And (nnf φ1) (nnf φ2)" |
"nnf (Or φ1 φ2) = Or (nnf φ1) (nnf φ2)" |
"nnf (Neg TrueF) = FalseF" |
"nnf (Neg FalseF) = TrueF" |
"nnf (Neg (Neg φ)) = (nnf φ)" |
"nnf (Neg (And φ1 φ2)) = (Or (nnf (Neg φ1)) (nnf (Neg φ2)))" |
"nnf (Neg (Or φ1 φ2)) = (And (nnf (Neg φ1)) (nnf (Neg φ2)))" |
"nnf (Neg (Atom a)) = aneg a" |
"nnf φ = φ"

lemma nqfree_nnf: "qfree φ  nqfree(nnf φ)"
by(induct φ rule:nnf.induct)
  (simp_all add: nqfree_aneg and_def or_def)

lemma qfree_nnf[simp]: "qfree(nnf φ) = qfree φ"
by (induct φ rule:nnf.induct)(simp_all add: nqfree_aneg)

lemma I_neg[simp]: "I (neg φ) xs = I (Neg φ) xs"
by(simp add:neg_def)

lemma I_and[simp]: "I (and φ1 φ2) xs = I (And φ1 φ2) xs"
by(simp add:and_def)

lemma I_list_conj[simp]:
 "I (list_conj fs) xs = (φ  set fs. I φ xs)"
proof -
  { fix fs φ
    have "I (foldr and fs φ) xs = (I φ xs  (φ  set fs. I φ xs))"
      by (induct fs) auto
  } thus ?thesis by(simp add:list_conj_def)

lemma I_or[simp]: "I (or φ1 φ2) xs = I (Or φ1 φ2) xs"
by(simp add:or_def)

lemma I_list_disj[simp]:
 "I (list_disj fs) xs = (φ  set fs. I φ xs)"
proof -
  { fix fs φ
    have "I (foldr or fs φ) xs = (I φ xs  (φ  set fs. I φ xs))"
      by (induct fs) auto
  } thus ?thesis by(simp add:list_disj_def)

lemma I_nnf: "I (nnf φ) xs = I φ xs"
by(induct rule:nnf.induct)(simp_all add: Ia_aneg)

lemma I_dnf:
"nqfree φ  (asset (dnf φ). aset as. Ia a xs) = I φ xs"
by (induct φ) (fastforce)+

definition "normal φ = (a  atoms φ. anormal a)"

lemma normal_simps[simp]:
"normal TrueF"
"normal FalseF"
"normal (Atom a)  anormal a"
"normal (And φ1 φ2)  normal φ1  normal φ2"
"normal (Or φ1 φ2)  normal φ1  normal φ2"
"normal (Neg φ)  normal φ"
"normal (ExQ φ)  normal φ"
by(auto simp:normal_def)

lemma normal_aneg[simp]: "anormal a  normal (aneg a)"
by (simp add:anormal_aneg normal_def)

lemma normal_and[simp]:
  "normal φ1  normal φ2  normal (and φ1 φ2)"
by (simp add:Logic.and_def)

lemma normal_or[simp]:
  "normal φ1  normal φ2  normal (or φ1 φ2)"
by (simp add:Logic.or_def)

lemma normal_list_disj[simp]:
  "φset fs. normal φ  normal (list_disj fs)"
apply(induct fs)
 apply (simp add:list_disj_def)
apply (simp add:list_disj_def)

lemma normal_nnf: "normal φ  normal(nnf φ)"
by(induct φ rule:nnf.induct) simp_all

lemma normal_map_fm:
  "a. anormal(f a) = anormal(a)  normal (mapfm f φ) = normal φ"
by(induct φ) auto

lemma anormal_nnf:
  "qfree φ  normal φ  aatoms(nnf φ). anormal a"
apply(induct φ rule:nnf.induct)
apply(unfold normal_def)
apply (blast dest:anormal_aneg)+

lemma atoms_dnf: "nqfree φ  as  set(dnf φ)  a  set as  a  atoms φ"
by(induct φ arbitrary: as a rule:nqfree.induct)(auto)

lemma anormal_dnf_nnf:
  "as  set(dnf(nnf φ))  qfree φ  normal φ  a  set as  anormal a"
apply(induct φ arbitrary: a as rule:nnf.induct)
            apply(simp_all add: normal_def)
    apply clarify
    apply (metis UnE set_append)
   apply metis
  apply metis
 apply fastforce
apply (metis anormal_aneg atoms_dnf nqfree_aneg)

