Theory HOLCF-Meet

theory "HOLCF-Meet"
imports HOLCF

text ‹
This theory defines the $\sqcap$ operator on HOLCF domains, and introduces a type class for domains
where all finite meets exist.

subsubsection ‹Towards meets: Lower bounds›

context po
definition is_lb :: "'a set  'a  bool" (infix ">|" 55) where
  "S >| x  (yS. x  y)"

lemma is_lbI: "(!!x. x  S ==> l  x) ==> S >| l"
  by (simp add: is_lb_def)

lemma is_lbD: "[|S >| l; x  S|] ==> l  x"
  by (simp add: is_lb_def)

lemma is_lb_empty [simp]: "{} >| l"
  unfolding is_lb_def by fast

lemma is_lb_insert [simp]: "(insert x A) >| y = (y  x  A >| y)"
  unfolding is_lb_def by fast

lemma is_lb_downward: "[|S >| l; y  l|] ==> S >| y"
  unfolding is_lb_def by (fast intro: below_trans)

subsubsection ‹Greatest lower bounds›

definition is_glb :: "'a set  'a  bool" (infix ">>|" 55) where
  "S >>| x  S >| x  (u. S >| u --> u  x)"

definition glb :: "'a set  'a" ("_" [60]60) where
  "glb S = (THE x. S >>| x)" 

text ‹Access to the definition as inference rule›

lemma is_glbD1: "S >>| x ==> S >| x"
  unfolding is_glb_def by fast

lemma is_glbD2: "[|S >>| x; S >| u|] ==> u  x"
  unfolding is_glb_def by fast

lemma (in po) is_glbI: "[|S >| x; !!u. S >| u ==> u  x|] ==> S >>| x"
  unfolding is_glb_def by fast

lemma is_glb_above_iff: "S >>| x ==> u  x  S >| u"
  unfolding is_glb_def is_lb_def by (metis below_trans)

text ‹glbs are unique›

lemma is_glb_unique: "[|S >>| x; S >>| y|] ==> x = y"
  unfolding is_glb_def is_lb_def by (blast intro: below_antisym)

text ‹technical lemmas about @{term glb} and @{term is_glb}

lemma is_glb_glb: "M >>| x ==> M >>| glb M"
  unfolding glb_def by (rule theI [OF _ is_glb_unique])

lemma glb_eqI: "M >>| l ==> glb M = l"
  by (rule is_glb_unique [OF is_glb_glb])

lemma is_glb_singleton: "{x} >>| x"
  by (simp add: is_glb_def)

lemma glb_singleton [simp]: "glb {x} = x"
  by (rule is_glb_singleton [THEN glb_eqI])

lemma is_glb_bin: "x  y ==> {x, y} >>| x"
  by (simp add: is_glb_def)

lemma glb_bin: "x  y ==> glb {x, y} = x"
  by (rule is_glb_bin [THEN glb_eqI])

lemma is_glb_maximal: "[|S >| x; x  S|] ==> S >>| x"
  by (erule is_glbI, erule (1) is_lbD)

lemma glb_maximal: "[|S >| x; x  S|] ==> glb S = x"
  by (rule is_glb_maximal [THEN glb_eqI])

lemma glb_above: "S >>| z  x  glb S  S >| x"
  by (metis glb_eqI is_glb_above_iff)

lemma (in cpo) Meet_insert: "S >>| l  {x, l} >>| l2  insert x S >>| l2"
  apply (rule is_glbI)
  apply (metis is_glb_above_iff is_glb_def is_lb_insert)
  by (metis is_glb_above_iff is_glb_def is_glb_singleton is_lb_insert)

text ‹Binary, hence finite meets.›

class Finite_Meet_cpo = cpo +
  assumes binary_meet_exists: " l. l  x  l  y  ( z. z  x  z  y  z  l)"

  lemma binary_meet_exists': "l. {x, y} >>| l"
    using binary_meet_exists[of x y]
    unfolding is_glb_def is_lb_def
    by auto

  lemma finite_meet_exists:
    assumes "S  {}"
    and "finite S"
    shows "x. S >>| x"
  using S  {}
  apply (induct rule: finite_induct[OF finite S])
  apply (erule notE, rule refl)[1]
  apply (case_tac "F = {}")
  apply (metis is_glb_singleton)
  apply (metis Meet_insert binary_meet_exists')

definition meet :: "'a::cpo  'a  'a" (infix "" 80) where
  "x  y = (if  z. {x, y} >>| z then glb {x, y} else x)"

lemma meet_def': "(x::'a::Finite_Meet_cpo)  y = glb {x, y}"
  unfolding meet_def by (metis binary_meet_exists')

lemma meet_comm: "(x::'a::Finite_Meet_cpo)  y = y  x" unfolding meet_def' by (metis insert_commute)

lemma meet_bot1[simp]:
  fixes y :: "'a :: {Finite_Meet_cpo,pcpo}"
  shows "(  y) = " unfolding meet_def' by (metis minimal po_class.glb_bin)
lemma meet_bot2[simp]:
  fixes x :: "'a :: {Finite_Meet_cpo,pcpo}"
  shows "(x  ) = " by (metis meet_bot1 meet_comm)

lemma meet_below1[intro]:
  fixes x y :: "'a :: Finite_Meet_cpo"
  assumes "x  z"
  shows "(x  y)  z" unfolding meet_def' by (metis assms binary_meet_exists' below_trans glb_eqI is_glbD1 is_lb_insert)
lemma meet_below2[intro]:
  fixes x y :: "'a :: Finite_Meet_cpo"
  assumes "y  z"
  shows "(x  y)  z" unfolding meet_def' by (metis assms binary_meet_exists' below_trans glb_eqI is_glbD1 is_lb_insert)

lemma meet_above_iff:
  fixes x y z :: "'a :: Finite_Meet_cpo"
  shows "z  x  y  z  x  z  y"
  obtain g where "{x,y} >>| g" by (metis binary_meet_exists')
  thus ?thesis
  unfolding meet_def' by (simp add: glb_above)

lemma below_meet[simp]:
  fixes x y :: "'a :: Finite_Meet_cpo"
  assumes "x  z"
  shows "(x  z) = x" by (metis assms glb_bin meet_def')

lemma below_meet2[simp]:
  fixes x y :: "'a :: Finite_Meet_cpo"
  assumes "z  x"
  shows "(x  z) = z" by (metis assms below_meet meet_comm)

lemma meet_aboveI:
  fixes x y z :: "'a :: Finite_Meet_cpo"
  shows "z  x  z  y  z  x  y" by (simp add: meet_above_iff)

lemma is_meetI:
  fixes x y z :: "'a :: Finite_Meet_cpo"
  assumes "z  x"
  assumes "z  y"
  assumes " a.  a  x ; a  y   a  z"
  shows "x  y = z"
by (metis assms below_antisym meet_above_iff below_refl)

lemma meet_assoc[simp]: "((x::'a::Finite_Meet_cpo)  y)  z = x  (y  z)"
  apply (rule is_meetI)
  apply (metis below_refl meet_above_iff)
  apply (metis below_refl meet_below2)
  apply (metis meet_above_iff)

lemma meet_self[simp]: "r  r = (r::'a::Finite_Meet_cpo)"
  by (metis below_refl is_meetI)

lemma [simp]: "(r::'a::Finite_Meet_cpo)  (r  x) = r  x"
  by (metis below_refl is_meetI meet_below1)

lemma meet_monofun1:
  fixes y :: "'a :: Finite_Meet_cpo"
  shows "monofun (λx. (x  y))"
  by (rule monofunI)(auto simp add: meet_above_iff)

lemma chain_meet1:
  fixes y :: "'a :: Finite_Meet_cpo"
  assumes "chain Y"
  shows "chain (λ i. Y i  y)"
by (rule chainI) (auto simp add: meet_above_iff intro: chainI chainE[OF assms])

class cont_binary_meet = Finite_Meet_cpo +
  assumes meet_cont': "chain Y  ( i. Y i)  y = ( i. Y i  y)"

lemma meet_cont1:
  fixes y :: "'a :: cont_binary_meet"
  shows "cont (λx. (x  y))"
  by (rule contI2[OF meet_monofun1]) (simp add: meet_cont')

lemma meet_cont2: 
  fixes x :: "'a :: cont_binary_meet"
  shows "cont (λy. (x  y))" by (subst meet_comm, rule meet_cont1)

lemma meet_cont[cont2cont,simp]:"cont f  cont g  cont (λx. (f x  (g x::'a::cont_binary_meet)))"
  apply (rule cont2cont_case_prod[where g = "λ x. (f x, g x)" and f = "λ p x y . x  y", simplified])
  apply (rule meet_cont1)
  apply (rule meet_cont2)
  apply (metis cont2cont_Pair)
