Theory Follow_Map

section ‹Follow map›

theory Follow_Map
imports First_Map

type_synonym ('n, 't) follow_map = "('n, 't lookahead list) fmap"

fun updateFo :: "'n set  ('n, 't) first_map  'n  ('n, 't) rhs  ('n, 't) follow_map
     ('n, 't) follow_map" where
  "updateFo nu fi lx [] fo = fo"
| "updateFo nu fi lx ((T _) # gamma') fo = updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
| "updateFo nu fi lx ((NT rx) # gamma') fo = (let fo' = updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo;
    lSet = findOrEmpty lx fo';
    rSet = firstGamma gamma' nu fi;
    additions = (if nullableGamma gamma' nu then lSet @@ rSet else rSet)
    in (case fmlookup fo' rx of
      None  (if additions = [] then fo' else fmupd rx additions fo')
    | Some rxFollow  (if set additions  set rxFollow then fo'
        else fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ additions) fo')))"

definition followPass :: "('n, 't) prods  'n set  ('n, 't) first_map  ('n, 't) follow_map
   ('n, 't) follow_map" where
  "followPass ps nu fi fo = foldr (λ(x, gamma) fo. updateFo nu fi x gamma fo) ps fo"

partial_function (option) mkFollowMap' :: "('n, 't) grammar  'n set  ('n, 't) first_map
     ('n, 't) follow_map  ('n, 't) follow_map option" where
  "mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo = (let fo' = followPass (prods g) nu fi fo in
    (if fo = fo' then Some fo else mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo'))"

abbreviation initial_fo :: "('n, 't) grammar  ('n, 't) follow_map" where
  "initial_fo g  fmupd (start g) [EOF] fmempty"

definition mkFollowMap :: "('n, 't) grammar  'n set  ('n, 't) first_map
   ('n, 't) follow_map" where
  "mkFollowMap g nu fi = the (mkFollowMap' g nu fi (initial_fo g))"

subsection ‹Termination›

fun ntsOfGamma :: "('n, 't) rhs  'n set" where
  "ntsOfGamma [] = {}"
| "ntsOfGamma ((T _)#gamma') = ntsOfGamma gamma'"
| "ntsOfGamma ((NT x)#gamma') = insert x (ntsOfGamma gamma')"

definition ntsOf :: "('n, 't) grammar  'n set" where
  "ntsOf g = {start g}  fst ` set (prods g)  (ntsOfGamma ` snd ` set (prods g))"

fun lookaheadsOfGamma :: "('n, 't) rhs  't lookahead set" where
  "lookaheadsOfGamma [] = {}"
| "lookaheadsOfGamma ((T x)#gamma') = insert (LA x) (lookaheadsOfGamma gamma') "
| "lookaheadsOfGamma ((NT _)#gamma') = lookaheadsOfGamma gamma'"

definition lookaheadsOf :: "('n, 't) grammar  't lookahead set" where
  "lookaheadsOf g = {EOF}  (lookaheadsOfGamma ` snd ` set (prods g))"

definition all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ::
    "('n, 't) follow_map  ('n, 't) grammar  bool" where
  "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g =
  ((x, la)  pairsOf fo. x  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g)"

definition countFollowCands :: "('n, 't) grammar  ('n, 't) follow_map  nat" where
  "countFollowCands g fo =
  (let allCandidates = (ntsOf g) × (lookaheadsOf g) in card (allCandidates - (pairsOf fo)))"

lemma followPass_cons[simp]:
  "followPass ((x, gamma) # ps) nu fi fo = updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo)"
  unfolding followPass_def by auto

lemma medial_t_in_lookaheadsOf:
  "(x, gpre @ (T y) # gsuf)  set (prods g)  (LA y)  lookaheadsOf g"
proof -
  assume A: "(x, gpre @ T y # gsuf)  set (prods g)"
  have "LA y  lookaheadsOfGamma (gpre @ T y # gsuf)"
  proof (induction gpre)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by auto
    case (Cons a gpre)
    then show ?case by (cases a) (auto simp add: Cons.IH)
  then have "LA y   (lookaheadsOfGamma ` snd ` set (prods g))" using A image_def by fastforce
  then show "(LA y)  lookaheadsOf g" unfolding lookaheadsOf_def by auto

lemma first_sym_in_lookaheadsOf: "first_sym g la s  s = NT x  la  lookaheadsOf g"
proof (induction arbitrary: x rule: first_sym.induct)
  case (FirstT y)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (FirstNT x' gpre s gsuf la)
  show ?case
  proof (cases s)
    case (NT _)
    then show ?thesis using FirstNT.IH by auto
    case (T y)
    from FirstNT.hyps(3) have "la = LA y" using T by (auto elim: first_sym.cases)
    have "(x', gpre @ (T y) # gsuf)  set (prods g)" using FirstNT.hyps(1) T by auto
    then have "(LA y)  lookaheadsOf g" by - (rule medial_t_in_lookaheadsOf, auto)
    then show ?thesis using la = LA y by auto

lemma first_map_la_in_lookaheadsOf:
  "first_map_for fi g  fmlookup fi x = Some s  la  set s  la  lookaheadsOf g"
  unfolding first_map_sound_def by (rule first_sym_in_lookaheadsOf[where s = "NT x"], auto)

lemma in_firstGamma_in_lookaheadsOf:
  "first_map_for fi g  (x, gpre @ gsuf)  set (prods g)  la  set (firstGamma gsuf nu fi)
   la  lookaheadsOf g"
proof (induction gsuf arbitrary: gpre)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons s gsuf)
  have "la  set (if nullableSym s nu then firstSym s fi @@ firstGamma gsuf nu fi
      else firstSym s fi)"
    using Cons.prems(3) by auto
  then consider (la_in_firstSym) "la  set (firstSym s fi)"
    | (la_in_firstGamma) "la  set (firstGamma gsuf nu fi)"
    by (auto split: if_splits)
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case la_in_firstSym
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases s)
      case (NT x)
      then obtain s where "fmlookup fi x = Some s" and "la  set s"
        using in_findOrEmpty_exists_set la_in_firstSym by fastforce
      with Cons.prems(1) show ?thesis by (rule first_map_la_in_lookaheadsOf[where ?s = "s"])
      case (T x)
      then show ?thesis
        using Cons.prems(2) la_in_firstSym medial_t_in_lookaheadsOf by fastforce
    case la_in_firstGamma
    then show ?thesis using Cons.prems by - (rule Cons.IH[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [s]"], auto)

lemma la_in_fo_in_lookaheadsOf: "fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow
   all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g  la  lookaheadsOf g"
proof -
  assume "fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow" "la  set xFollow" "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g"
  then have "la  set (findOrEmpty x fo)" by (simp add: findOrEmpty_def)
  then have "(x, la)  pairsOf fo" by (simp add: in_findOrEmpty_iff_in_pairsOf)
  with all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g show ?thesis
    unfolding all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def by auto

lemma medial_nt_in_ntsOfGamma: "x  ntsOfGamma (gpre @ (NT x) # gsuf)"
proof (induction gpre)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons a gpre)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases a)
    case (NT y)
    then show ?thesis unfolding ntsOf_def by (simp add: Cons.IH)
    case (T _)
    then show ?thesis by (simp add: Cons.IH)

lemma medial_nt_in_ntsOf: "(lx, gpre @ (NT rx) # gsuf)  set (prods g)  rx  (ntsOf g)"
proof (induction "prods g")
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons a x)
  then show ?case unfolding ntsOf_def using medial_nt_in_ntsOfGamma by fastforce

lemma updateFo_induct_refined:
  fixes nu :: "'n set"
    and lx :: "'n"
    and gamma' :: "('n, 't) symbol list"
    and fi :: "('n, 't) first_map"
    and fo :: "('n, 't) follow_map"
    and P :: "'n set  ('n, 't) first_map  'n  ('n, 't) symbol list  ('n, 't) follow_map
  defines "additions  (λnu fi lx gamma' fo. (if nullableGamma gamma' nu
      then findOrEmpty lx (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) @@ (firstGamma gamma' nu fi)
      else firstGamma gamma' nu fi))"
  assumes Nil: "(nu fi lx fo. P nu fi lx [] fo)"
    and T: "(nu fi lx y gamma' fo. P nu fi lx gamma' fo  P nu fi lx (T y # gamma') fo)"
    and NT_None_same: "(nu fi lx rx gamma' fo. P nu fi lx gamma' fo
       fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) rx = None  additions nu fi lx gamma' fo = []
       P nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo)"
    and NT_None_new: "(nu fi lx rx gamma' fo. P nu fi lx gamma' fo
       fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) rx = None  additions nu fi lx gamma' fo  []
       P nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo)"
    and NT_Some_same: "(nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow. P nu fi lx gamma' fo
       fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) rx = Some rxFollow
       set (additions nu fi lx gamma' fo)  set rxFollow  P nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo)"
    and NT_Some_new: "(nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow. P nu fi lx gamma' fo
       fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) rx = Some rxFollow
       ¬ set (additions nu fi lx gamma' fo)  set rxFollow  P nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo)"
  shows "P (nu::'n set) fi lx (gamma :: ('n, 't) symbol list) fo"
  unfolding additions_def
proof (rule updateFo.induct[where ?P = "P"])
  fix nu fi lx fo rx gamma'
  assume "P nu fi lx gamma' fo"
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
  consider "fmlookup ?fo' rx = None" "additions nu fi lx gamma' fo = []"
    | "fmlookup ?fo' rx = None" "additions nu fi lx gamma' fo  []"
    | rxFollow where "fmlookup ?fo' rx = Some rxFollow"
        and "set (additions nu fi lx gamma' fo)  set rxFollow"
      | rxFollow where "fmlookup ?fo' rx = Some rxFollow"
        and "¬ set (additions nu fi lx gamma' fo)  set rxFollow"
    by blast
  then show "P nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo" by
    (cases) (auto simp add: P nu fi lx gamma' fo assms)
qed (auto simp add: Nil T)

lemma updateFo_preserves_apac_fmupd_additions: assumes "first_map_for fi g"
  and "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) g"
  and "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gamma')  set (prods g)"
  and "la  set (if nullableGamma gamma' nu then (findOrEmpty lx (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo))
    @@ (firstGamma gamma' nu fi) else firstGamma gamma' nu fi)"
  shows "rx  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g"
  show "rx  ntsOf g" by (meson assms(3) medial_nt_in_ntsOf)
  from assms(4) consider
      (la_in_findOrEmpty) "la  set (findOrEmpty lx (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo))"
      | (la_in_firstGamma) "la  set (firstGamma gamma' nu fi)"
    by (auto split: if_splits)
  then show "la  lookaheadsOf g"
  proof (cases)
    case la_in_findOrEmpty
    then obtain lxFollow where "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) lx = Some lxFollow"
      "la  set lxFollow" using in_findOrEmpty_exists_set assms(3) by fast
    then show ?thesis by (auto intro: la_in_fo_in_lookaheadsOf simp add: assms(2))
    case la_in_firstGamma
    with assms(1,3) show ?thesis by
      (auto intro: in_firstGamma_in_lookaheadsOf[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])

lemma updateFo_preserves_apac:
  "first_map_for fi g  (lx, gpre @ gsuf)  set (prods g)
   all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
   all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) g"
proof (induction nu fi lx gsuf fo arbitrary: gpre rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
  case (1 nu fi lx fo)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (2 nu fi lx y gamma' fo)
  from 2(2-) show ?case by (auto intro: 2(1)[where gpre = "gpre @ [T y]"])
  case (3 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo)
  from 3(2-) have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) g" by
    (auto intro: 3(1)[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
  then show ?case by (simp add: "3.hyps")
  case (4 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo)
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
  let ?additions = "if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet"
  have IH: "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ?fo' g" by
    (auto intro: "4.IH"[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"] simp add: "4.prems")
  have "x  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g"
    if "(x ,la)  pairsOf (fmupd rx ?additions ?fo')" for x la
  proof (cases "x = rx")
    case True
    then have "(lx, gpre @ NT x # gamma')  set (prods g)" by (auto simp add: "4.prems"(2))
    moreover have "la  set ?additions" using that by (simp only: True in_add_keys[symmetric])
    ultimately show ?thesis using "4.prems"(1,2) IH by
      - (rule updateFo_preserves_apac_fmupd_additions)
    case False
    then have "(x, la)  pairsOf ?fo'" by (metis in_add_keys_neq that)
    then show ?thesis using IH all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def by fastforce
  then show ?case unfolding all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def by (auto simp add: 4 Let_def)
  case (5 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow)
  from 5(2-) have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) g" by
    (auto intro: 5(1)[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
  then show ?case by (simp add: "5.hyps")
  case (6 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow)
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
  let ?additions = "if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet"
  have IH: "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ?fo' g"
    by (auto intro: "6.IH"[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"] simp add: "6.prems")
  have "x  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g"
    if "(x ,la)  pairsOf (fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo')" for x la
  proof (cases "x = rx")
    case True
    from that have "la  set (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" by (simp only: True in_add_keys[symmetric])
    then consider (la_in_rxFollow) "la  set rxFollow" | (la_in_additions) "la  set ?additions" by
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases)
      case la_in_rxFollow
      then show ?thesis
        using "6.hyps"(1) "6.prems"(2) IH True la_in_fo_in_lookaheadsOf medial_nt_in_ntsOf
        by fastforce
      case la_in_additions
      then show ?thesis using "6.prems"(1,2) IH True updateFo_preserves_apac_fmupd_additions by
    case False
    then have "(x, la)  pairsOf ?fo'" by (metis in_add_keys_neq that)
    then show ?thesis using IH all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def by fastforce
  then show ?case unfolding all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def by (auto simp add: 6 Let_def)

lemma followPass_preserves_apac': "first_map_for fi g  pre @ suf = (prods g)
   all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
   all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (followPass suf nu fi fo) g"
proof (induction suf arbitrary: pre)
  case Nil
  show ?case unfolding followPass_def by (simp add: Nil.prems(3))
  case (Cons a suf)
  obtain x gamma where "a = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
  have IH: "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (followPass suf nu fi fo) g"
    using Cons.IH[where pre = "pre @ [a]"] Cons.prems by auto
  have "(x, gamma)  set (prods g)" by
    (metis a = (x, gamma)[symmetric] in_set_conv_decomp Cons.prems(2))
  have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass suf nu fi fo)) g"
    using Cons.prems(1) (x, gamma)  set (prods g) IH
    by - (rule updateFo_preserves_apac[where gpre = "[]"], auto)
  then show ?case by (simp add: a = (x, gamma))

lemma followPass_preserves_apac: "first_map_for fi g  all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
    all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo) g"
  by (rule followPass_preserves_apac'[where pre = "[]"]) auto

lemma updateFo_subset: "pairsOf fo  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi x' gamma fo)"
proof (induction nu fi x' gamma fo rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
  case (4 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo)
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
  let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
  have "(x, la)  pairsOf (fmupd rx ?additions ?fo')" if "(x, la)  pairsOf fo" for x la
  proof (cases "x = rx")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using "4.IH" "4.hyps"(1) True that by
      (fastforce simp add: in_pairsOf_exists)
    case False
    have "(x, la)  pairsOf ?fo'" using "4.IH" that by auto
    then show ?thesis using in_add_keys_neq[where ?fi = "?fo'"] False by auto
  then show ?case by (auto simp add: Let_def 4)
  case (6 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow)
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
  let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
  have "(x, la)  pairsOf (fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo')"
    if "(x, la)  pairsOf fo" for x la
  proof (cases "x = rx")
    case True
    have "la  set (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" using "6.IH" "6.hyps"(1) True that by
      (fastforce simp add: in_pairsOf_exists)
    then show ?thesis using in_add_keys[where ?fi = "?fo'"] True by auto
    case False
    have "(x, la)  pairsOf ?fo'" using "6.IH" that by auto
    then show ?thesis using in_add_keys_neq[where ?fi = "?fo'"] False by auto
  then show ?case by (auto simp add: Let_def 6)
qed auto

lemma followPass_subset: "pairsOf fo  pairsOf (followPass ps nu fi fo)"
proof (induction ps)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by (simp add: followPass_def)
  case (Cons p ps)
  obtain x gamma where "p = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
  have "pairsOf (followPass ps nu fi fo)
     pairsOf (updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo))" using updateFo_subset by fast
  then have "pairsOf fo  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo))"
    using Cons.IH by blast
  then show ?case unfolding followPass_def by (simp add: p = (x, gamma))

lemma updateFo_not_equiv_exists': "first_map_for fi g (lx, gpre @ gsuf)  set (prods g)
   all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
   fo  (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)
   x' la. x'  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g  (x', la)  pairsOf fo
     (x', la)  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)"
proof (induction nu fi lx gsuf fo arbitrary: gpre rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
  case (1 nu fi lx fo)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (2 nu fi lx y gsuf fo)
  have "x' la. x'  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g  (x', la)  pairsOf fo
     (x', la)  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)" using "2.prems"
    by - (rule "2.IH"[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [T y]"], auto)
  then show ?case by (simp only: updateFo.simps)
  case (3 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo)
  from "3.prems"(4) have "fo  updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo" by (simp add: "3.hyps"(1) "3.hyps"(2))
  then have "x' la. x'  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g  (x', la)  pairsOf fo
     (x', la)  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)" using "3.prems"(1,2,3)
    by - (rule "3.IH"[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"], auto)
  then show ?case by (simp add: "3.hyps"(1) "3.hyps"(2))
  case (4 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo)
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
  let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
  obtain la where "la  set ?additions" using "4.hyps"(2) list.set_sel(1) by auto
  have "rx  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g" "(rx, la)  pairsOf fo"
    "(rx, la)  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo)"
  proof -
    have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ?fo' g" using "4.prems"(1,2,3) by
      (auto intro: updateFo_preserves_apac[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
    then show "rx  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g" using "4.prems"(1,2) la  set ?additions by
      - (rule updateFo_preserves_apac_fmupd_additions)
    have "(rx, la)  pairsOf ?fo'" using "4.hyps"(1) by (fastforce simp add: in_pairsOf_exists)
    then show "(rx, la)  pairsOf fo" using updateFo_subset by fastforce
    have "(rx, la)  pairsOf (fmupd rx ?additions ?fo')" using la  set ?additions in_add_keys by
    then show "(rx, la)  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo)" by (simp add: 4 Let_def)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (5 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo rxFollow)
  from "5.prems"(4) have "fo  updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo" by (simp add: "5.hyps"(1) "5.hyps"(2))
  then have "x' la. x'  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g  (x', la)  pairsOf fo
     (x', la)  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)"
    using "5.prems"(1,2,3) by - (rule "5.IH"[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"], auto)
  then show ?case by (simp add: "5.hyps"(1,2))
  case (6 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo rxFollow)
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
  let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
  obtain la where "la  set ?additions" "la  set rxFollow" using "6.hyps"(2) by auto
  have "rx  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g" "(rx, la)  pairsOf fo"
    "(rx, la)  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo)"
  proof -
    have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ?fo' g" using "6.prems"(1,2,3) by
      (auto intro: updateFo_preserves_apac[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
    then show "rx  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g" using "6.prems"(1,2) la  set ?additions by
      - (rule updateFo_preserves_apac_fmupd_additions)
    have "(rx, la)  pairsOf ?fo'" using la  set rxFollow "6.hyps"(1) by
      (fastforce simp add: in_pairsOf_exists)
    then show "(rx, la)  pairsOf fo" using updateFo_subset by fastforce
    have "la  set (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" using la  set ?additions by simp
    then have "(rx, la)  pairsOf (fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo')"
      using la  set ?additions in_add_keys by fast
    then show "(rx, la)  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo)" by (simp add: 6 Let_def)
  then show ?case by auto

lemma updateFo_not_equiv_exists: "first_map_for fi g (lx, gamma)  set (prods g)
   all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
   fo  (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo)
   x' la. x'  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g  (x', la)  pairsOf fo
     (x', la)  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo)"
  by (rule updateFo_not_equiv_exists'[where gpre = "[]"]) auto

lemma followPass_equiv_or_exists': "first_map_for fi g  all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
   pre @ suf = (prods g)  fo  (followPass suf nu fi fo)
   (x la. x  (ntsOf g)  la  (lookaheadsOf g)  (x, la)  (pairsOf fo)
     (x, la)  (pairsOf (followPass suf nu fi fo)))"
proof (induction suf arbitrary: pre fo)
  case Nil
  have "fo = followPass [] nu fi fo" by (simp add: followPass_def)
  then show ?case using Nil.prems(4) by blast
  case (Cons a suf)
  obtain x gamma where "a = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
  show ?case
  proof (cases "fo  followPass suf nu fi fo")
    case True
    then obtain x' la where "x'  ntsOf g" "la  lookaheadsOf g" "(x', la)  pairsOf fo"
      "(x', la)  pairsOf (followPass suf nu fi fo)"
      using Cons.IH[of fo "pre @ [a]"] Cons.prems(1,2,3) by auto
    moreover have "(x', la)  pairsOf (followPass (a # suf) nu fi fo)"
      using updateFo_subset (x', la)  pairsOf (followPass suf nu fi fo)
      by (simp add: a = (x, gamma)) fast
    ultimately show ?thesis by blast
    case False
    have A2: "(x, gamma)  set (prods g)" by
      (metis a = (x, gamma) in_set_conv_decomp Cons.prems(3))
    have A3: "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (followPass suf nu fi fo) g" using Cons.prems by
      - (rule followPass_preserves_apac'[where pre = "pre @ [a]"], auto)
    then have "followPass suf nu fi fo  followPass (a # suf) nu fi fo" using False by
      (auto simp add: Cons.prems(4))
    then have A4: "followPass suf nu fi fo  updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass suf nu fi fo)"
      using False by (simp add: a = (x, gamma))
    have "(x' la. x'  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g
         (x', la)  pairsOf (followPass suf nu fi fo)
         (x', la)  pairsOf (updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass suf nu fi fo)))"
      using Cons.prems(1) A2 A3 A4 by - (rule updateFo_not_equiv_exists, auto)
    then show ?thesis using False by (auto simp add: a = (x, gamma))

lemma followPass_not_equiv_exists: "first_map_for fi g  all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
     fo  followPass (prods g) nu fi fo  x la. x  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g
     (x, la)  pairsOf fo  (x, la)  pairsOf (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)"
  using followPass_equiv_or_exists' by fastforce

lemma finite_ntsOfGamma: "finite (ntsOfGamma gamma)"
proof (induction gamma)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons a gamma)
  then show ?case by (cases a) auto

lemma finite_ntsOf: "finite (ntsOf g)"
  unfolding ntsOf_def by (simp add: finite_ntsOfGamma)

lemma finite_lookaheadsOfGamma: "finite (lookaheadsOfGamma gamma)"
proof (induction gamma)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons a gamma)
  then show ?case by (cases a) auto

lemma finite_lookaheadsOf: "finite (lookaheadsOf g)"
  unfolding lookaheadsOf_def by (simp add: finite_lookaheadsOfGamma)

lemma finite_allCandidates_follow: "finite (ntsOf g × lookaheadsOf g)"
  using finite_lookaheadsOf finite_ntsOf by auto

lemma followPass_not_equiv_candidates_lt:
  "first_map_for fi g  all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
   fo  (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)
   countFollowCands g (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo) < countFollowCands g fo"
  unfolding countFollowCands_def Let_def
proof (rule psubset_card_mono)
  show "finite (ntsOf g × lookaheadsOf g - pairsOf fo)" using finite_allCandidates_follow by auto
  assume "first_map_for fi g" "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g"
    "fo  (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)"
  then obtain x la where "x  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g  (x, la)  pairsOf fo
     (x, la)  pairsOf (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)" using followPass_not_equiv_exists by blast
  then show "ntsOf g × lookaheadsOf g - pairsOf (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)
     ntsOf g × lookaheadsOf g - pairsOf fo" using followPass_subset by fastforce

text‹Termination proof for mkFollowMap' with the assumption that fi is a correct first map, and
all\_pairs\_are\_follow\_candidates holds in the beginning and thus for every other iteration›

lemma mkFollowMap'_dom_if_apac: "mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo  None"
  if "first_map_for fi g" and "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g"
  using that
proof (induction "(g, nu, fi, fo)" arbitrary: fi fo
    rule: measure_induct_rule[where f = "λ(g, nu, fi, fo). countFollowCands g fo"])
  case (less fi fo)
  have "fo  followPass (prods g) nu fi fo
     countFollowCands g (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)  < countFollowCands g fo"
    using less.prems by (simp add: followPass_not_equiv_candidates_lt)
  moreover have "fo  followPass (prods g) nu fi fo
     all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo) g" using less.prems
    by - (rule followPass_preserves_apac)
  ultimately have "fo  followPass (prods g) nu fi fo
     mkFollowMap' g nu fi (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)  None" by (simp add: less)
  then show ?case
    by (cases "fo  followPass (prods g) nu fi fo") (auto simp add: mkFollowMap'.simps)

lemma initial_fo_apac: "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (initial_fo g) g"
  unfolding all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def
  fix a
  assume A: "a  pairsOf (initial_fo g)"
  show "case a of (x, la)  x  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g"
    fix x la
    assume "a = (x, la)"
    show "x  ntsOf g  la  lookaheadsOf g"
    proof (cases "x = start g")
      case True
      have "la = EOF" using A True a = (x, la) by (fastforce simp add: in_add_value)
      then show ?thesis unfolding ntsOf_def lookaheadsOf_def by (simp add: x = start g)
      case False
      then show ?thesis using A a = (x, la) by (fastforce simp add: in_pairsOf_exists)

subsection ‹Correctness Definitions›

definition follow_map_sound :: "('n, 't) follow_map  ('n, 't) grammar  bool" where
  "follow_map_sound fo g =
  (x la xFollow. fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow  follow_sym g la (NT x))"

definition follow_map_complete :: "('n, 't) follow_map  ('n, 't) grammar  bool" where
  "follow_map_complete fo g = (la s x. follow_sym g la s  s = NT x
   (xFollow. fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow))"

abbreviation follow_map_for :: "('n, 't) follow_map  ('n, 't) grammar  bool" where
  "follow_map_for fo g  follow_map_sound fo g  follow_map_complete fo g"

subsection ‹Soundness›

lemma first_gamma_tail_cons: "nullable_sym g s  nullable_gamma g gpre  first_gamma g la gsuf
     first_gamma g la (gpre @ s # gsuf)"
proof -
  assume "nullable_sym g s" "nullable_gamma g gpre" "first_gamma g la gsuf"
  obtain s' gpre' gsuf' where "nullable_gamma g gpre'" "first_sym g la s'"
    "gsuf = gpre' @ s' # gsuf'" using first_gamma g la gsuf by cases blast
  have "nullable_gamma g [s]" using nullable_sym g s by (simp add: NullableCons NullableNil)
  then have "nullable_gamma g ((gpre @ [s]) @ gpre')"
    using nullable_gamma g gpre' nullable_gamma g gpre nullable_app by blast
  then have "first_gamma g la ((gpre @ s # gpre') @ s' # gsuf')" using first_sym g la s' by
    - (rule FirstGamma, auto)
  then show "first_gamma g la (gpre @ s # gsuf)" by (simp add: gsuf = gpre' @ s' # gsuf')

lemma firstGamma_first_gamma: "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g
   la  set (firstGamma gamma nu fi)  first_gamma g la gamma"
proof (induction gamma)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by (auto elim: first_gamma.cases)
  case (Cons s gamma)
  consider (la_in_firstSym) "la  set (firstSym s fi)"
    | (la_in_firstGamma) "nullableSym s nu" "la  set (firstGamma gamma nu fi)"
    using Cons.prems(3)
    by (metis firstGamma.simps(2) in_atleast1_list)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases)
    case la_in_firstSym
    have "first_sym g la s" using Cons.prems(2) la_in_firstSym by
      - (rule firstSym_first_sym[where fi = "fi"], auto)
    then show ?thesis using FirstGamma NullableNil by fastforce
    case la_in_firstGamma
    then have "first_gamma g la gamma" using Cons.prems by - (rule Cons.IH)
    moreover have "nullable_sym g s"
      using nullableSym_nullable_sym Cons.prems(1) la_in_firstGamma(1) by blast
    ultimately have "first_gamma g la ([] @ s # gamma)" using NullableNil by
      - (rule first_gamma_tail_cons)
    then show ?thesis by auto

lemma first_gamma_firstGamma: "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g
   first_gamma g la gamma  la  set (firstGamma gamma nu fi)"
proof (induction gamma)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by (auto elim: first_gamma.cases)
  case (Cons s gamma)
  from Cons.prems(3) obtain s' gpre gsuf where "nullable_gamma g gpre" "first_sym g la s'"
    "gpre @ s' # gsuf = s # gamma" by (auto elim: first_gamma.cases)
  show ?case
  proof (cases gpre)
    case Nil
    then have "s = s'" "gsuf = gamma" using gpre @ s' # gsuf = s # gamma by auto
    then have "first_sym g la s" using first_sym g la s' by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases s)
      case (NT x)
      from Cons.prems(2) obtain xFirst where "fmlookup fi x = Some xFirst" "la  set xFirst"
        unfolding first_map_complete_def using first_sym g la s NT by fast
      then have "la  set (firstGamma (gpre @ NT x # gsuf) nu fi)"
        using Cons.prems nullable_gamma g gpre by - (rule la_in_firstGamma_nt)
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: NT gsuf = gamma Nil)
      case (T y)
      then show ?thesis using first_sym g la s by (auto elim: first_sym.cases)
    case Cons_gpre: (Cons s'' gpre')
    have "s'' = s" "gpre' @ s' # gsuf = gamma"
      using gpre @ s' # gsuf = s # gamma Cons_gpre by auto
    from nullable_gamma g gpre have "nullable_gamma g gpre'" "nullable_sym g s''" using Cons_gpre
      by (auto elim: nullable_gamma.cases)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "nullableSym s nu")
      case True
      from nullable_gamma g gpre' have "first_gamma g la gamma" using first_sym g la s'
        by (auto intro: FirstGamma simp add: gpre' @ s' # gsuf = gamma[symmetric])
      then have "la  set (firstGamma gamma nu fi)" using Cons.prems(1,2) by (auto intro: Cons.IH)
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: True)
      case False
      from nullable_sym g s'' have "nullableSym s nu" using Cons.prems(1)
        by (auto simp add: nullableSym_nullable_sym s'' = s)
      then show ?thesis using False by auto

lemma updateFo_preserves_soundness':
  "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g  (lx, gpre @ gsuf)  set (prods g)
   follow_map_sound fo g  follow_map_sound (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) g"
proof (induction nu fi lx gsuf fo arbitrary: gpre rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
  case (1 nu fi lx fo)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (2 nu fi lx y gsuf fo)
  then show ?case by (auto intro: "2.IH"[where gpre = "gpre @ [T y]"])
  case (3 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo)
  then show ?case by (auto intro: "3.IH"[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
  case (4 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo)
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
  let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
  have IH: "follow_map_sound (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) g"
    by (auto intro: "4.IH"[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"] simp add: "4.prems"(1,2,3,4))
  have simp_updFo: "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo = fmupd rx ?additions ?fo'"
    by (simp add: 4 Let_def)
  have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow
     follow_sym g la (NT x)" for x xFollow la
  proof (cases "rx = x")
    case True
    assume "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow"
      and "rx = x"
    then have "la  set ?additions" using simp_updFo by auto
    then consider (la_in_lSet) "nullableGamma gsuf nu" "la  set ?lSet"
      | (la_in_rSet) "la  set ?rSet" by (auto split: if_splits)
    then show "follow_sym g la (NT x)"
    proof (cases)
      case la_in_lSet
      then obtain lxFollow where "fmlookup ?fo' lx = Some lxFollow" "la  set lxFollow"
        using in_findOrEmpty_exists_set by fast
      then have "follow_sym g la (NT lx)" using follow_map_sound_def IH by fastforce
      moreover have "(lx, gpre @ NT x # gsuf)  set (prods g)" using "4.prems"(3)  rx = x by blast
      moreover have "nullable_gamma g gsuf"
        using la_in_lSet "4.prems"(1) nu_sound_nullableGamma_sound by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis by - (rule FollowLeft)
      case la_in_rSet
      then have "first_gamma g la gsuf" using firstGamma_first_gamma "4.prems"(1,2) by fastforce
      moreover have "(lx, gpre @ NT x # gsuf)  set (prods g)" using "4.prems"(3) True by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis by - (rule FollowRight)
    case False
    assume A: "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow"
    then show "follow_sym g la (NT x)" using False IH follow_map_sound_def simp_updFo by fastforce
  then show ?case using follow_map_sound_def by fast
  case (5 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo rxFollow)
  then show ?case by (auto intro: "5.IH"[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
  case (6 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo rxFollow)
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
  let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
  have IH: "follow_map_sound (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) g"
    by (auto intro: "6.IH"[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"] simp add: "6.prems"(1,2,3,4))
  have simp_updFo: "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo = fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo'"
    by (simp add: 6 Let_def)
  have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow
           follow_sym g la (NT x)" for x xFollow la
  proof (cases "rx = x")
    case True
    assume "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow"
      and "rx = x"
    then have "la  set rxFollow  la  set ?additions" using simp_updFo by auto
    then consider (la_in_rxFollow) "la  set rxFollow"
      | (la_in_lSet) "nullableGamma gsuf nu" "la  set ?lSet" | (la_in_rSet) "la  set ?rSet"
      by (auto split: if_splits)
    then show "follow_sym g la (NT x)"
    proof (cases)
      case la_in_rxFollow
      then show ?thesis using IH True follow_map_sound_def using "6.hyps"(1) by fastforce
      case la_in_lSet
      then obtain lxFollow where "fmlookup ?fo' lx = Some lxFollow" "la  set lxFollow"
        using in_findOrEmpty_exists_set by fast
      then have "follow_sym g la (NT lx)" using IH follow_map_sound_def by fastforce
      moreover have "(lx, gpre @ NT x # gsuf)  set (prods g)"
        using rx = x "6.prems"(3) by auto
      moreover have "nullable_gamma g gsuf"
        using la_in_lSet "6.prems"(1) nu_sound_nullableGamma_sound by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by - (rule FollowLeft)
      case la_in_rSet
      then have "first_gamma g la gsuf" using firstGamma_first_gamma "6.prems"(1,2) by fastforce
      moreover have "(lx, gpre @ NT x # gsuf)  set (prods g)" using "6.prems"(3) True by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by - (rule FollowRight)
    case False
    assume A: "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow"
    have "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo = fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo'" by
      (simp add: 6 Let_def)
    then have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) x = Some xFollow" using A by
      (auto simp add: False)
    then show "follow_sym g la (NT x)" using IH A(1) unfolding follow_map_sound_def by blast
  then show ?case unfolding follow_map_sound_def by blast

lemma updateFo_preserves_soundness: "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g
   (lx, gamma)  set (prods g)  follow_map_sound fo g
   follow_map_sound (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo) g"
  by (metis self_append_conv2 updateFo_preserves_soundness')

lemma followPass_preserves_soundness': "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g
   follow_map_sound fo g  pre @ suf = prods g
   follow_map_sound (followPass suf nu fi fo) g"
proof (induction suf arbitrary: pre)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by (simp add: followPass_def)
  case (Cons p suf)
  obtain lx gamma where "p = (lx, gamma)" by fastforce
  have "follow_map_sound (updateFo nu fi lx gamma (followPass suf nu fi fo)) g"
  proof (rule updateFo_preserves_soundness)
    show "(lx, gamma)  set (prods g)" using Cons.prems(4)
      by (metis p = (lx, gamma) in_set_conv_decomp)
    have "(pre @ [p]) @ suf = prods g" using Cons.prems(4) by auto
    then show "follow_map_sound (followPass suf nu fi fo) g"
      using Cons.prems(1,2,3) by - (rule Cons.IH[where pre = "pre @ [p]"])
  qed (auto simp add: Cons.prems(1,2))
  then show ?case by (simp add: p = (lx, gamma))

lemma followPass_preserves_soundness: "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g
   follow_map_sound fo g  follow_map_sound (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo) g"
  by (simp add: followPass_preserves_soundness')

lemma mkFollowMap'_preserves_soundness: "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g
   follow_map_sound fo g  all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
   follow_map_sound (the (mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo)) g"
proof (induction "countFollowCands g fo" arbitrary: fo rule: less_induct)
  case less
  let ?fo' = "followPass (prods g) nu fi fo"
  have "mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo  None" by (simp add: less.prems(2,4) mkFollowMap'_dom_if_apac)
  moreover have "follow_map_sound (if fo = ?fo' then fo else the (mkFollowMap' g nu fi ?fo')) g"
  proof (cases "fo = ?fo'")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using less.prems(3) by auto
    case False
    have "countFollowCands g ?fo' < countFollowCands g fo"
      by (simp add: False followPass_not_equiv_candidates_lt less.prems(2,4))
    moreover have "follow_map_sound ?fo' g"
      using less.prems by - (rule followPass_preserves_soundness, auto)
    ultimately show ?thesis using followPass_preserves_apac less by fastforce
  ultimately show ?case using mkFollowMap'.simps[of g nu fi fo] by (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma initial_fo_sound: "follow_map_sound (initial_fo g) g"
  unfolding follow_map_sound_def using FollowStart by auto

theorem mkFollowMap_sound:
  "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g  follow_map_sound (mkFollowMap g nu fi) g"
  unfolding mkFollowMap_def
  by (simp add: initial_fo_apac initial_fo_sound mkFollowMap'_preserves_soundness)

subsection ‹Completeness›

lemma updateFo_preserves_map_keys: "x |∈| fmdom fo  x |∈| fmdom (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo)"
  by (induction nu fi lx gamma fo rule: updateFo_induct_refined) (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma followPass_preserves_map_keys: "x |∈| fmdom fo  x |∈| fmdom (followPass ps nu fi fo)"
proof (induction ps)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by (simp add: followPass_def)
  case (Cons p ps)
  obtain x gamma where "p = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
  then show ?case by (simp add: updateFo_preserves_map_keys Cons)

lemma find_updateFo_cons_neq: "x  x'  fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) x = Some xFollow
   fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT x' # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow"
proof -
  assume "x  x'"
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
  let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
  show "(fmlookup ?fo' x = Some xFollow) =
    (fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT x' # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow)"
  proof (cases "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) x'")
    case None
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "?additions = []")
      case True
      show ?thesis by (auto simp add: True None)
      case False
      have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT x' # gsuf) fo) x =
        fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) x" using x  x'
        by (auto simp add: Let_def False None)
      then show ?thesis by auto
    case (Some rxFollow)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "set ?additions  set rxFollow")
      case True
      show ?thesis by (auto simp add: True Some)
      case False
      have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT x' # gsuf) fo) x =
        fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) x" using x  x'
        by (auto simp add: Let_def False Some)
      then show ?thesis by auto

lemma updateFo_value_subset:
  "fmlookup fo x = Some s1  fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo) x = Some s2
   set s1  set s2"
proof (induction nu fi lx gamma fo arbitrary: s2 rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
  case (4 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "x = rx")
    case True
    from "4.prems"(1) have "x |∈| fmdom fo" by (simp add: fmdomI)
    then have "x |∈| fmdom (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo)" by
      (auto intro: updateFo_preserves_map_keys)
    moreover have "x |∉| fmdom (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo)" using "4.hyps"(1) by
      (simp add: True fmdom_notI)
    ultimately have "False" by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    with "4.prems"(2) have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) x = Some s2" by
      (auto simp add: Let_def "4.hyps")
    then show ?thesis using "4.IH" "4.prems"(1) by auto
  case (6 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "x = rx")
    case True
    let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
    let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
    let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
    let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
    from "6.prems"(2) have "set s2 = set (?additions @@ rxFollow)"
      by (auto simp add: Let_def "6.hyps" True)
    moreover have "set s1  set rxFollow" using "6.IH" "6.hyps"(1) "6.prems"(1) True by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    with "6.prems"(2) have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) x = Some s2" by
      (auto simp add: Let_def "6.hyps")
    then show ?thesis using "6.IH" "6.prems"(1) by auto
qed auto

lemma updateFo_only_appends:
  "fmlookup fo x = Some s1  fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo) x = Some s2
   suf. s2 = s1 @ suf"
proof (induction nu fi lx gamma fo arbitrary: s2 rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
  case (4 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "x = rx")
    case True
    have "x |∈| fmdom fo" by (simp add: "4.prems"(1) fmdomI)
    then have "x |∈| fmdom (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo)" by (simp add: updateFo_preserves_map_keys)
    then have "False" using "4.hyps"(1) by (simp add: True fmdom_notI)
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) x = Some s2"
      using "4.prems"(2) False find_updateFo_cons_neq by fast
    then show ?thesis using "4.IH" "4.prems"(1) by auto
  case (6 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow)
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
  let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
  have "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo = (case fmlookup ?fo' rx of
      None  (if ?additions = [] then ?fo' else fmupd rx ?additions ?fo')
    | Some rxFollow  (if set ?additions  set rxFollow then ?fo'
        else fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo'))"
    by (metis updateFo.simps(3))
  then have A: "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo = fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo'"
    by (simp add: "6.hyps"(1) "6.hyps"(2))
  show ?case
  proof (cases "x = rx")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using "6.IH"[OF "6.prems"(1)] "6.hyps"(1) "6.prems"(2) A unfolding list_union_def by auto
    case False
    then show ?thesis by (meson "6.IH" "6.prems"(1) "6.prems"(2) find_updateFo_cons_neq)
qed auto

lemma followPass_value_subset:
  "fmlookup fo x = Some s1  fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) x = Some s2  set s1  set s2"
proof (induction ps arbitrary: s1 s2)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by (simp add: followPass_def)
  case (Cons p ps)
  obtain y gamma where "p = (y, gamma)" by fastforce
  have "x |∈| fmdom (followPass ps nu fi fo)" by
    (simp add: Cons.prems(1) fmdomI followPass_preserves_map_keys)
  then obtain s where s_def: "fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) x = Some s" by
    (auto simp add: fmdomI)
  then have s1_subset_s: "set s1  set s" using Cons.prems(1) Cons.IH by auto
  have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi y gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo)) x = Some s2" using Cons.prems(2)
    by (simp add: p = (y, gamma))
  then have s_subset_s2: "set s  set s2" using s_def by
    - (rule updateFo_value_subset[where ?fo = "followPass ps nu fi fo"])
  show ?case using s1_subset_s s_subset_s2 by auto

lemma followPass_only_appends: "fmlookup fo x = Some s1
   fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) x = Some s2  suf. s2 = s1 @ suf"
proof (induction ps arbitrary: s1 s2)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by (simp add: followPass_def)
  case (Cons p ps)
  obtain y gamma where "p = (y, gamma)" by fastforce
  have "x |∈| fmdom (followPass ps nu fi fo)" by
    (simp add: Cons.prems(1) fmdomI followPass_preserves_map_keys)
  then obtain s where s_def: "fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) x = Some s" by
    (auto simp add: fmdomI)
  moreover obtain suf where "s = s1 @ suf" using Cons.prems(1) Cons.IH s_def by auto
  moreover have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi y gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo)) x = Some s2"
    using Cons.prems(2) by (simp add: p = (y, gamma))
  ultimately show ?case using updateFo_only_appends[OF s_def] by fastforce

lemma followPass_equiv_cons_tl: "fo = followPass ((x, gamma) # ps) nu fi fo
   fo = followPass ps nu fi fo"
proof (rule fmap_ext)
  fix y
  assume assm: "fo = followPass ((x, gamma) # ps) nu fi fo"
  then show "fmlookup fo y = fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) y"
  proof (cases "fmlookup fo y")
    case None
    then have "y |∉| fmdom (followPass ((x, gamma) # ps) nu fi fo)" using assm by auto
    then have "y |∉| fmdom (followPass ps nu fi fo)" by (auto intro: updateFo_preserves_map_keys)
    then show ?thesis using None by auto
    case (Some yFollow)
    then have "y |∈| fmdom (followPass ps nu fi fo)" by
        (simp add: fmdomI followPass_preserves_map_keys)
    then obtain yFollow' where yFollow'_def: "fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) y = Some yFollow'"
      by auto
    from assm have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo)) y = Some yFollow" by
        (simp add: Some)
    then have "suf. yFollow = yFollow' @ suf" using updateFo_only_appends[OF yFollow'_def] by fast
    moreover have "suf. yFollow' = yFollow @ suf"
      using followPass_only_appends[OF Some yFollow'_def] by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis using Some yFollow'_def by fastforce

lemma exists_follow_set_Cons:
  assumes "nullable_set_for nu g" "first_map_for fi g"
  and "rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo) rx = Some rxFollow
     la  set rxFollow"
  shows "rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (s # gamma) fo) rx = Some rxFollow
     la  set rxFollow"
proof (cases s)
  case (NT rx')
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "rx = rx'")
    case True
    let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo"
    let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
    let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma nu fi"
    let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gamma nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
    obtain rxFollow where rxFollow_def: "fmlookup ?fo' rx = Some rxFollow" "la  set rxFollow"
      using assms(3) by auto
    then have "fmlookup ?fo' rx' = Some rxFollow" using True by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "set ?additions  set rxFollow")
      case True
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: NT fmlookup ?fo' rx' = Some rxFollow True rxFollow_def)
      case False
      have "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx' # gamma) fo =
        fmupd rx' (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo'"
        by (simp add: NT fmlookup ?fo' rx' = Some rxFollow False Let_def)
      then have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (s # gamma) fo) rx =
        Some (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" by (simp add: NT True)
      moreover have "la  set (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" using rxFollow_def(2) by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then show ?thesis using find_updateFo_cons_neq NT assms(3) by fastforce
  case (T y)
  then show ?thesis by (simp add: assms)

lemma exists_follow_set_containing_first_gamma:
  "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g  first_gamma g la gsuf
   (rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) fo) rx = Some rxFollow
     la  set rxFollow)"
proof (induction gpre)
  case Nil
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
  let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
  show ?case
  proof (cases "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) rx")
    case None
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "?additions = []")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis Nil.prems UnI2 empty_iff first_gamma_firstGamma list.set(1) set_list_union)
      case False
      have "la  set (firstGamma gsuf nu fi)" using Nil first_gamma_firstGamma by blast
      then have "la  set ?additions" by auto
      moreover have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx ([] @ NT rx # gsuf) fo) rx = Some ?additions" by
        (simp add: None False Let_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    case (Some rxFollow)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "set ?additions  set rxFollow")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        using Nil Some first_gamma_firstGamma by fastforce
      case False
      have "la  set (firstGamma gsuf nu fi)" using Nil first_gamma_firstGamma by blast
      then have "la  set (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" by auto
      moreover have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx ([] @ NT rx # gsuf) fo) rx =
        Some (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" by (simp add: Some False Let_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  case (Cons s gpre)
  then show ?case using exists_follow_set_Cons by fastforce

lemma followPass_equiv_right: "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g
   fo = followPass psuf nu fi fo  (lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf)  set psuf
   first_gamma g la gsuf  ppre @ psuf = prods g
   (rxFollow. fmlookup fo rx = Some rxFollow  la  set rxFollow)"
proof (induction psuf arbitrary: ppre)
  case Nil
  then show ?case  by auto
  case (Cons p ps)
  obtain x gamma where "p = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
  from Cons.prems(4) have "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf)  set (p # ps)" by auto
  then consider (is_p) "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) = (x, gamma)"
    | (in_ps) "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf)  set ps" using p = (x, gamma) by auto
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case is_p
    have "rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) (followPass ps nu fi fo)) rx
      = Some rxFollow  la  set rxFollow" using Cons.prems(1,2,5)
      by (rule exists_follow_set_containing_first_gamma)
    then show ?thesis
      using Cons.prems(3) p = (x, gamma) is_p by auto
    case in_ps
    have "fo = followPass ps nu fi fo" using Cons.prems(3) p = (x, gamma) by
      - (rule followPass_equiv_cons_tl, auto)
    moreover have "(ppre @ [p]) @ ps = prods g" by (simp add: Cons.prems(6))
    ultimately show ?thesis using Cons.IH Cons.prems(1,2,5) in_ps by fastforce

lemma nullable_gamma_nullableGamma:
  "nullable_set_for nu g  nullable_gamma g gamma  nullableGamma gamma nu"
proof (induction gamma)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons s gamma)
  from Cons.prems(2) have "nullable_gamma g gamma" "nullable_sym g s" by
    (auto elim: nullable_gamma.cases)
  from nullable_sym g s obtain x where "s = NT x" by (auto intro: nullable_sym.cases)
  then have "x  nu" using nullable_sym g s Cons.prems(1) unfolding nullable_set_complete_def by
  moreover have "nullableGamma gamma nu" using nullable_gamma g gamma by
    (auto intro: Cons.IH simp add: Cons.prems(1))
  ultimately show ?case by (simp add: s = NT x)

lemma updateFo_preserves_membership_in_value:
  "fmlookup fo x = Some s  la  set s  la  set (findOrEmpty x (updateFo nu fi x' gamma fo))"
proof -
  assume A: "fmlookup fo x = Some s" "la  set s"
  then have "x |∈| fmdom fo" by (simp add: fmdomI)
  then have "x |∈| fmdom (updateFo nu fi x' gamma fo)" by (simp add: updateFo_preserves_map_keys)
  then obtain s' where s'_def: "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi x' gamma fo) x = Some s'" by auto
  then have "set s  set s'" using A by - (rule updateFo_value_subset)
  then show ?thesis unfolding findOrEmpty_def using A(2) s'_def by auto

lemma exists_follow_set_containing_follow_left: "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g
   nullable_gamma g gsuf  fmlookup fo lx = Some lxFollow  la  set lxFollow
   (rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) fo) rx = Some rxFollow
   la  set rxFollow)"
proof (induction gpre)
  case Nil
  let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
  let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
  let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
  let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
  have "nullableGamma gsuf nu" using Nil.prems(1,3) nullable_gamma_nullableGamma by auto
  then have "?additions = ?lSet @@ ?rSet" by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) rx")
    case None
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "?additions = []")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        using Nil.prems(1,3-5) nullable_gamma_nullableGamma updateFo_preserves_membership_in_value
        by (metis Nil_is_append_conv emptyE empty_set list_union_def)
      case False
      have "la  set (?lSet @@ ?rSet)" by
        (simp add: Nil.prems(4,5) updateFo_preserves_membership_in_value)
      moreover have "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo =
        fmupd rx ?additions (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)" by (simp add: None False Let_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis using ?additions = ?lSet @@ ?rSet by simp
    case (Some rxFollow)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "set ?additions  set rxFollow")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        using Nil.prems(4,5) Some nullableGamma gsuf nu updateFo_preserves_membership_in_value
        by fastforce
      case False
      have "la  set (?lSet @@ ?rSet)" by
          (simp add: Nil.prems(4,5) updateFo_preserves_membership_in_value)
      moreover have "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo =
        fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)"
        by (simp add: Some False Let_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis using ?additions = ?lSet @@ ?rSet by simp
  case (Cons s gpre)
  then show ?case using exists_follow_set_Cons by fastforce

lemma followPass_equiv_left: "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g
   fo = followPass psuf nu fi fo  (lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf)  set psuf
   ppre @ psuf = prods g  nullable_gamma g gsuf  fmlookup fo lx = Some lxFollow
   la  set lxFollow  (rxFollow. fmlookup fo rx = Some rxFollow  la  set rxFollow)"
proof (induction psuf arbitrary: ppre)
  case Nil
  then show ?case  by auto
  case (Cons p ps)
  let ?fo' = "followPass ps nu fi fo"
  obtain x gamma where "p = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
  from Cons.prems(4) consider (is_p) "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) = (x, gamma)"
    | (in_ps) "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf)  set ps" using p = (x, gamma) by auto
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case is_p
    have "fmlookup ?fo' lx = Some lxFollow"
      using Cons.prems(3,7) p = (x, gamma) followPass_equiv_cons_tl by fastforce
    then have "rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) ?fo') rx =
      Some rxFollow  la  set rxFollow" using Cons.prems(1,2,6,8)
      by - (rule exists_follow_set_containing_follow_left)
    then show ?thesis using Cons.prems(3) p = (x, gamma) is_p by auto
    case in_ps
    have "fo = ?fo'" using Cons.prems(3) p = (x, gamma) by - (rule followPass_equiv_cons_tl, auto)
    moreover have "(ppre @ [p]) @ ps = prods g" by (simp add: Cons.prems(5))
    ultimately show ?thesis using Cons.IH Cons.prems(1,2,6,7,8) in_ps by fastforce

lemma followPass_equiv_complete: "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g
   (start g, EOF)  pairsOf fo  fo = followPass (prods g) nu fi fo
   follow_map_complete fo g"
proof -
  assume A: "nullable_set_for nu g" "first_map_for fi g"
    "(start g, EOF)  pairsOf fo" "fo = followPass (prods g) nu fi fo"
  have "follow_sym g la s
     (x. s = NT x  (xFollow. fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow))" for la s
  proof -
    assume "follow_sym g la s"
    then show "(x. s = NT x  (xFollow. fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow  la  set xFollow))"
    proof (induction rule: follow_sym.induct)
      case FollowStart
      show ?case by (simp add: A(3) in_pairsOf_exists[symmetric])
      case (FollowRight x1 gpre x2 gsuf la)
      then show ?case using A followPass_equiv_right by fast
      case (FollowLeft x1 gpre x2 gsuf la)
      then show ?case using A followPass_equiv_left by fast
  then show ?thesis unfolding follow_map_complete_def by auto

lemma mkFollowMap'_complete: "(start g, EOF)  pairsOf fo  nullable_set_for nu g
   first_map_for fi g  all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
   follow_map_complete (the (mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo)) g"
proof (induction "countFollowCands g fo" arbitrary: fo rule: less_induct)
  case less
  let ?fo' = "followPass (prods g) nu fi fo"
  have "mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo  None" by (simp add: less.prems(3,4) mkFollowMap'_dom_if_apac)
  moreover have "follow_map_complete (if fo = ?fo' then fo else the (mkFollowMap' g nu fi ?fo')) g"
  proof (cases "fo = ?fo'")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using followPass_equiv_complete less.prems(1,2,3) by auto
    case False
    have "countFollowCands g ?fo' < countFollowCands g fo" by
      (simp add: False followPass_not_equiv_candidates_lt less.prems(3,4))
    moreover have "(start g, EOF)  pairsOf ?fo'" using followPass_subset less.prems(1) by blast
    moreover have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ?fo' g" by
      (simp add: followPass_preserves_apac less.prems(3,4))
    ultimately show ?thesis by (auto intro: less.hyps simp add: False less.prems(2,3))
  ultimately show ?case using mkFollowMap'.simps[of g nu fi fo] by (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma start_eof_in_initial_fo: "(start g, EOF)  pairsOf (initial_fo g)"
  by (simp add: in_add_value)

theorem mkFollowMap_complete:
  "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g  follow_map_complete (mkFollowMap g nu fi) g"
  by (simp add: initial_fo_apac mkFollowMap'_complete mkFollowMap_def start_eof_in_initial_fo)

theorem mkFollowMap_correct:
  "nullable_set_for nu g  first_map_for fi g