Theory Follow_Map
section ‹Follow map›
theory Follow_Map
imports First_Map
type_synonym ('n, 't) follow_map = "('n, 't lookahead list) fmap"
fun updateFo :: "'n set ⇒ ('n, 't) first_map ⇒ 'n ⇒ ('n, 't) rhs ⇒ ('n, 't) follow_map
⇒ ('n, 't) follow_map" where
"updateFo nu fi lx [] fo = fo"
| "updateFo nu fi lx ((T _) # gamma') fo = updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
| "updateFo nu fi lx ((NT rx) # gamma') fo = (let fo' = updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo;
lSet = findOrEmpty lx fo';
rSet = firstGamma gamma' nu fi;
additions = (if nullableGamma gamma' nu then lSet @@ rSet else rSet)
in (case fmlookup fo' rx of
None ⇒ (if additions = [] then fo' else fmupd rx additions fo')
| Some rxFollow ⇒ (if set additions ⊆ set rxFollow then fo'
else fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ additions) fo')))"
definition followPass :: "('n, 't) prods ⇒ 'n set ⇒ ('n, 't) first_map ⇒ ('n, 't) follow_map
⇒ ('n, 't) follow_map" where
"followPass ps nu fi fo = foldr (λ(x, gamma) fo. updateFo nu fi x gamma fo) ps fo"
partial_function (option) mkFollowMap' :: "('n, 't) grammar ⇒ 'n set ⇒ ('n, 't) first_map
⇒ ('n, 't) follow_map ⇒ ('n, 't) follow_map option" where
"mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo = (let fo' = followPass (prods g) nu fi fo in
(if fo = fo' then Some fo else mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo'))"
abbreviation initial_fo :: "('n, 't) grammar ⇒ ('n, 't) follow_map" where
"initial_fo g ≡ fmupd (start g) [EOF] fmempty"
definition mkFollowMap :: "('n, 't) grammar ⇒ 'n set ⇒ ('n, 't) first_map
⇒ ('n, 't) follow_map" where
"mkFollowMap g nu fi = the (mkFollowMap' g nu fi (initial_fo g))"
subsection ‹Termination›
fun ntsOfGamma :: "('n, 't) rhs ⇒ 'n set" where
"ntsOfGamma [] = {}"
| "ntsOfGamma ((T _)#gamma') = ntsOfGamma gamma'"
| "ntsOfGamma ((NT x)#gamma') = insert x (ntsOfGamma gamma')"
definition ntsOf :: "('n, 't) grammar ⇒ 'n set" where
"ntsOf g = {start g} ∪ fst ` set (prods g) ∪ ⋃(ntsOfGamma ` snd ` set (prods g))"
fun lookaheadsOfGamma :: "('n, 't) rhs ⇒ 't lookahead set" where
"lookaheadsOfGamma [] = {}"
| "lookaheadsOfGamma ((T x)#gamma') = insert (LA x) (lookaheadsOfGamma gamma') "
| "lookaheadsOfGamma ((NT _)#gamma') = lookaheadsOfGamma gamma'"
definition lookaheadsOf :: "('n, 't) grammar ⇒ 't lookahead set" where
"lookaheadsOf g = {EOF} ∪ ⋃(lookaheadsOfGamma ` snd ` set (prods g))"
definition all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ::
"('n, 't) follow_map ⇒ ('n, 't) grammar ⇒ bool" where
"all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g =
(∀(x, la) ∈ pairsOf fo. x ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g)"
definition countFollowCands :: "('n, 't) grammar ⇒ ('n, 't) follow_map ⇒ nat" where
"countFollowCands g fo =
(let allCandidates = (ntsOf g) × (lookaheadsOf g) in card (allCandidates - (pairsOf fo)))"
lemma followPass_cons[simp]:
"followPass ((x, gamma) # ps) nu fi fo = updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo)"
unfolding followPass_def by auto
lemma medial_t_in_lookaheadsOf:
"(x, gpre @ (T y) # gsuf) ∈ set (prods g) ⟹ (LA y) ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
proof -
assume A: "(x, gpre @ T y # gsuf) ∈ set (prods g)"
have "LA y ∈ lookaheadsOfGamma (gpre @ T y # gsuf)"
proof (induction gpre)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons a gpre)
then show ?case by (cases a) (auto simp add: Cons.IH)
then have "LA y ∈ ⋃ (lookaheadsOfGamma ` snd ` set (prods g))" using A image_def by fastforce
then show "(LA y) ∈ lookaheadsOf g" unfolding lookaheadsOf_def by auto
lemma first_sym_in_lookaheadsOf: "first_sym g la s ⟹ s = NT x ⟹ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
proof (induction arbitrary: x rule: first_sym.induct)
case (FirstT y)
then show ?case by auto
case (FirstNT x' gpre s gsuf la)
show ?case
proof (cases s)
case (NT _)
then show ?thesis using FirstNT.IH by auto
case (T y)
from FirstNT.hyps(3) have "la = LA y" using T by (auto elim: first_sym.cases)
have "(x', gpre @ (T y) # gsuf) ∈ set (prods g)" using FirstNT.hyps(1) T by auto
then have "(LA y) ∈ lookaheadsOf g" by - (rule medial_t_in_lookaheadsOf, auto)
then show ?thesis using ‹la = LA y› by auto
lemma first_map_la_in_lookaheadsOf:
"first_map_for fi g ⟹ fmlookup fi x = Some s ⟹ la ∈ set s ⟹ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
unfolding first_map_sound_def by (rule first_sym_in_lookaheadsOf[where s = "NT x"], auto)
lemma in_firstGamma_in_lookaheadsOf:
"first_map_for fi g ⟹ (x, gpre @ gsuf) ∈ set (prods g) ⟹ la ∈ set (firstGamma gsuf nu fi)
⟹ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
proof (induction gsuf arbitrary: gpre)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons s gsuf)
have "la ∈ set (if nullableSym s nu then firstSym s fi @@ firstGamma gsuf nu fi
else firstSym s fi)"
using Cons.prems(3) by auto
then consider (la_in_firstSym) "la ∈ set (firstSym s fi)"
| (la_in_firstGamma) "la ∈ set (firstGamma gsuf nu fi)"
by (auto split: if_splits)
then show ?case
proof cases
case la_in_firstSym
then show ?thesis
proof (cases s)
case (NT x)
then obtain s where "fmlookup fi x = Some s" and "la ∈ set s"
using in_findOrEmpty_exists_set la_in_firstSym by fastforce
with Cons.prems(1) show ?thesis by (rule first_map_la_in_lookaheadsOf[where ?s = "s"])
case (T x)
then show ?thesis
using Cons.prems(2) la_in_firstSym medial_t_in_lookaheadsOf by fastforce
case la_in_firstGamma
then show ?thesis using Cons.prems by - (rule Cons.IH[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [s]"], auto)
lemma la_in_fo_in_lookaheadsOf: "fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow ⟹ la ∈ set xFollow
⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g ⟹ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
proof -
assume "fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow" "la ∈ set xFollow" "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g"
then have "la ∈ set (findOrEmpty x fo)" by (simp add: findOrEmpty_def)
then have "(x, la) ∈ pairsOf fo" by (simp add: in_findOrEmpty_iff_in_pairsOf)
with ‹all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g› show ?thesis
unfolding all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def by auto
lemma medial_nt_in_ntsOfGamma: "x ∈ ntsOfGamma (gpre @ (NT x) # gsuf)"
proof (induction gpre)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons a gpre)
then show ?case
proof (cases a)
case (NT y)
then show ?thesis unfolding ntsOf_def by (simp add: Cons.IH)
case (T _)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: Cons.IH)
lemma medial_nt_in_ntsOf: "(lx, gpre @ (NT rx) # gsuf) ∈ set (prods g) ⟹ rx ∈ (ntsOf g)"
proof (induction "prods g")
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons a x)
then show ?case unfolding ntsOf_def using medial_nt_in_ntsOfGamma by fastforce
lemma updateFo_induct_refined:
fixes nu :: "'n set"
and lx :: "'n"
and gamma' :: "('n, 't) symbol list"
and fi :: "('n, 't) first_map"
and fo :: "('n, 't) follow_map"
and P :: "'n set ⇒ ('n, 't) first_map ⇒ 'n ⇒ ('n, 't) symbol list ⇒ ('n, 't) follow_map
⇒ bool"
defines "additions ≡ (λnu fi lx gamma' fo. (if nullableGamma gamma' nu
then findOrEmpty lx (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) @@ (firstGamma gamma' nu fi)
else firstGamma gamma' nu fi))"
assumes Nil: "(⋀nu fi lx fo. P nu fi lx [] fo)"
and T: "(⋀nu fi lx y gamma' fo. P nu fi lx gamma' fo ⟹ P nu fi lx (T y # gamma') fo)"
and NT_None_same: "(⋀nu fi lx rx gamma' fo. P nu fi lx gamma' fo
⟹ fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) rx = None ⟹ additions nu fi lx gamma' fo = []
⟹ P nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo)"
and NT_None_new: "(⋀nu fi lx rx gamma' fo. P nu fi lx gamma' fo
⟹ fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) rx = None ⟹ additions nu fi lx gamma' fo ≠ []
⟹ P nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo)"
and NT_Some_same: "(⋀nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow. P nu fi lx gamma' fo
⟹ fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) rx = Some rxFollow
⟹ set (additions nu fi lx gamma' fo) ⊆ set rxFollow ⟹ P nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo)"
and NT_Some_new: "(⋀nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow. P nu fi lx gamma' fo
⟹ fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) rx = Some rxFollow
⟹ ¬ set (additions nu fi lx gamma' fo) ⊆ set rxFollow ⟹ P nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo)"
shows "P (nu::'n set) fi lx (gamma :: ('n, 't) symbol list) fo"
unfolding additions_def
proof (rule updateFo.induct[where ?P = "P"])
fix nu fi lx fo rx gamma'
assume "P nu fi lx gamma' fo"
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
consider "fmlookup ?fo' rx = None" "additions nu fi lx gamma' fo = []"
| "fmlookup ?fo' rx = None" "additions nu fi lx gamma' fo ≠ []"
| rxFollow where "fmlookup ?fo' rx = Some rxFollow"
and "set (additions nu fi lx gamma' fo) ⊆ set rxFollow"
| rxFollow where "fmlookup ?fo' rx = Some rxFollow"
and "¬ set (additions nu fi lx gamma' fo) ⊆ set rxFollow"
by blast
then show "P nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo" by
(cases) (auto simp add: ‹P nu fi lx gamma' fo› assms)
qed (auto simp add: Nil T)
lemma updateFo_preserves_apac_fmupd_additions: assumes "first_map_for fi g"
and "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) g"
and "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gamma') ∈ set (prods g)"
and "la ∈ set (if nullableGamma gamma' nu then (findOrEmpty lx (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo))
@@ (firstGamma gamma' nu fi) else firstGamma gamma' nu fi)"
shows "rx ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
show "rx ∈ ntsOf g" by (meson assms(3) medial_nt_in_ntsOf)
from assms(4) consider
(la_in_findOrEmpty) "la ∈ set (findOrEmpty lx (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo))"
| (la_in_firstGamma) "la ∈ set (firstGamma gamma' nu fi)"
by (auto split: if_splits)
then show "la ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
proof (cases)
case la_in_findOrEmpty
then obtain lxFollow where "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) lx = Some lxFollow"
"la ∈ set lxFollow" using in_findOrEmpty_exists_set assms(3) by fast
then show ?thesis by (auto intro: la_in_fo_in_lookaheadsOf simp add: assms(2))
case la_in_firstGamma
with assms(1,3) show ?thesis by
(auto intro: in_firstGamma_in_lookaheadsOf[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
lemma updateFo_preserves_apac:
"first_map_for fi g ⟹ (lx, gpre @ gsuf) ∈ set (prods g)
⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) g"
proof (induction nu fi lx gsuf fo arbitrary: gpre rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
case (1 nu fi lx fo)
then show ?case by simp
case (2 nu fi lx y gamma' fo)
from 2(2-) show ?case by (auto intro: 2(1)[where gpre = "gpre @ [T y]"])
case (3 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo)
from 3(2-) have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) g" by
(auto intro: 3(1)[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
then show ?case by (simp add: "3.hyps")
case (4 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo)
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
let ?additions = "if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet"
have IH: "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ?fo' g" by
(auto intro: "4.IH"[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"] simp add: "4.prems")
have "x ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
if "(x ,la) ∈ pairsOf (fmupd rx ?additions ?fo')" for x la
proof (cases "x = rx")
case True
then have "(lx, gpre @ NT x # gamma') ∈ set (prods g)" by (auto simp add: "4.prems"(2))
moreover have "la ∈ set ?additions" using that by (simp only: True in_add_keys[symmetric])
ultimately show ?thesis using "4.prems"(1,2) IH by
- (rule updateFo_preserves_apac_fmupd_additions)
case False
then have "(x, la) ∈ pairsOf ?fo'" by (metis in_add_keys_neq that)
then show ?thesis using IH all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def by fastforce
then show ?case unfolding all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def by (auto simp add: 4 Let_def)
case (5 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow)
from 5(2-) have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) g" by
(auto intro: 5(1)[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
then show ?case by (simp add: "5.hyps")
case (6 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow)
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
let ?additions = "if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet"
have IH: "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ?fo' g"
by (auto intro: "6.IH"[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"] simp add: "6.prems")
have "x ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
if "(x ,la) ∈ pairsOf (fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo')" for x la
proof (cases "x = rx")
case True
from that have "la ∈ set (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" by (simp only: True in_add_keys[symmetric])
then consider (la_in_rxFollow) "la ∈ set rxFollow" | (la_in_additions) "la ∈ set ?additions" by
then show ?thesis
proof (cases)
case la_in_rxFollow
then show ?thesis
using "6.hyps"(1) "6.prems"(2) IH True la_in_fo_in_lookaheadsOf medial_nt_in_ntsOf
by fastforce
case la_in_additions
then show ?thesis using "6.prems"(1,2) IH True updateFo_preserves_apac_fmupd_additions by
case False
then have "(x, la) ∈ pairsOf ?fo'" by (metis in_add_keys_neq that)
then show ?thesis using IH all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def by fastforce
then show ?case unfolding all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def by (auto simp add: 6 Let_def)
lemma followPass_preserves_apac': "first_map_for fi g ⟹ pre @ suf = (prods g)
⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (followPass suf nu fi fo) g"
proof (induction suf arbitrary: pre)
case Nil
show ?case unfolding followPass_def by (simp add: Nil.prems(3))
case (Cons a suf)
obtain x gamma where "a = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
have IH: "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (followPass suf nu fi fo) g"
using Cons.IH[where pre = "pre @ [a]"] Cons.prems by auto
have "(x, gamma) ∈ set (prods g)" by
(metis ‹a = (x, gamma)›[symmetric] in_set_conv_decomp Cons.prems(2))
have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass suf nu fi fo)) g"
using Cons.prems(1) ‹(x, gamma) ∈ set (prods g)› IH
by - (rule updateFo_preserves_apac[where gpre = "[]"], auto)
then show ?case by (simp add: ‹a = (x, gamma)›)
lemma followPass_preserves_apac: "first_map_for fi g ⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo) g"
by (rule followPass_preserves_apac'[where pre = "[]"]) auto
lemma updateFo_subset: "pairsOf fo ⊆ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi x' gamma fo)"
proof (induction nu fi x' gamma fo rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
case (4 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo)
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
have "(x, la) ∈ pairsOf (fmupd rx ?additions ?fo')" if "(x, la) ∈ pairsOf fo" for x la
proof (cases "x = rx")
case True
then show ?thesis using "4.IH" "4.hyps"(1) True that by
(fastforce simp add: in_pairsOf_exists)
case False
have "(x, la) ∈ pairsOf ?fo'" using "4.IH" that by auto
then show ?thesis using in_add_keys_neq[where ?fi = "?fo'"] False by auto
then show ?case by (auto simp add: Let_def 4)
case (6 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow)
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
have "(x, la) ∈ pairsOf (fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo')"
if "(x, la) ∈ pairsOf fo" for x la
proof (cases "x = rx")
case True
have "la ∈ set (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" using "6.IH" "6.hyps"(1) True that by
(fastforce simp add: in_pairsOf_exists)
then show ?thesis using in_add_keys[where ?fi = "?fo'"] True by auto
case False
have "(x, la) ∈ pairsOf ?fo'" using "6.IH" that by auto
then show ?thesis using in_add_keys_neq[where ?fi = "?fo'"] False by auto
then show ?case by (auto simp add: Let_def 6)
qed auto
lemma followPass_subset: "pairsOf fo ⊆ pairsOf (followPass ps nu fi fo)"
proof (induction ps)
case Nil
then show ?case by (simp add: followPass_def)
case (Cons p ps)
obtain x gamma where "p = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
have "pairsOf (followPass ps nu fi fo)
⊆ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo))" using updateFo_subset by fast
then have "pairsOf fo ⊆ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo))"
using Cons.IH by blast
then show ?case unfolding followPass_def by (simp add: ‹p = (x, gamma)›)
lemma updateFo_not_equiv_exists': "first_map_for fi g ⟹(lx, gpre @ gsuf) ∈ set (prods g)
⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
⟹ fo ≠ (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)
⟹ ∃x' la. x' ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g ∧ (x', la) ∉ pairsOf fo
∧ (x', la) ∈ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)"
proof (induction nu fi lx gsuf fo arbitrary: gpre rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
case (1 nu fi lx fo)
then show ?case by simp
case (2 nu fi lx y gsuf fo)
have "∃x' la. x' ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g ∧ (x', la) ∉ pairsOf fo
∧ (x', la) ∈ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)" using "2.prems"
by - (rule "2.IH"[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [T y]"], auto)
then show ?case by (simp only: updateFo.simps)
case (3 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo)
from "3.prems"(4) have "fo ≠ updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo" by (simp add: "3.hyps"(1) "3.hyps"(2))
then have "∃x' la. x' ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g ∧ (x', la) ∉ pairsOf fo
∧ (x', la) ∈ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)" using "3.prems"(1,2,3)
by - (rule "3.IH"[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"], auto)
then show ?case by (simp add: "3.hyps"(1) "3.hyps"(2))
case (4 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo)
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
obtain la where "la ∈ set ?additions" using "4.hyps"(2) list.set_sel(1) by auto
have "rx ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g" "(rx, la) ∉ pairsOf fo"
"(rx, la) ∈ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo)"
proof -
have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ?fo' g" using "4.prems"(1,2,3) by
(auto intro: updateFo_preserves_apac[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
then show "rx ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g" using "4.prems"(1,2) ‹la ∈ set ?additions› by
- (rule updateFo_preserves_apac_fmupd_additions)
have "(rx, la) ∉ pairsOf ?fo'" using "4.hyps"(1) by (fastforce simp add: in_pairsOf_exists)
then show "(rx, la) ∉ pairsOf fo" using updateFo_subset by fastforce
have "(rx, la) ∈ pairsOf (fmupd rx ?additions ?fo')" using ‹la ∈ set ?additions› in_add_keys by
then show "(rx, la) ∈ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo)" by (simp add: 4 Let_def)
then show ?case by auto
case (5 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo rxFollow)
from "5.prems"(4) have "fo ≠ updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo" by (simp add: "5.hyps"(1) "5.hyps"(2))
then have "∃x' la. x' ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g ∧ (x', la) ∉ pairsOf fo
∧ (x', la) ∈ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)"
using "5.prems"(1,2,3) by - (rule "5.IH"[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"], auto)
then show ?case by (simp add: "5.hyps"(1,2))
case (6 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo rxFollow)
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
obtain la where "la ∈ set ?additions" "la ∉ set rxFollow" using "6.hyps"(2) by auto
have "rx ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g" "(rx, la) ∉ pairsOf fo"
"(rx, la) ∈ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo)"
proof -
have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ?fo' g" using "6.prems"(1,2,3) by
(auto intro: updateFo_preserves_apac[where ?gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
then show "rx ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g" using "6.prems"(1,2) ‹la ∈ set ?additions› by
- (rule updateFo_preserves_apac_fmupd_additions)
have "(rx, la) ∉ pairsOf ?fo'" using ‹la ∉ set rxFollow› "6.hyps"(1) by
(fastforce simp add: in_pairsOf_exists)
then show "(rx, la) ∉ pairsOf fo" using updateFo_subset by fastforce
have "la ∈ set (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" using ‹la ∈ set ?additions› by simp
then have "(rx, la) ∈ pairsOf (fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo')"
using ‹la ∈ set ?additions› in_add_keys by fast
then show "(rx, la) ∈ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo)" by (simp add: 6 Let_def)
then show ?case by auto
lemma updateFo_not_equiv_exists: "first_map_for fi g ⟹(lx, gamma) ∈ set (prods g)
⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
⟹ fo ≠ (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo)
⟹ ∃x' la. x' ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g ∧ (x', la) ∉ pairsOf fo
∧ (x', la) ∈ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo)"
by (rule updateFo_not_equiv_exists'[where gpre = "[]"]) auto
lemma followPass_equiv_or_exists': "first_map_for fi g ⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
⟹ pre @ suf = (prods g) ⟹ fo ≠ (followPass suf nu fi fo)
⟹ (∃x la. x ∈ (ntsOf g) ∧ la ∈ (lookaheadsOf g) ∧ (x, la) ∉ (pairsOf fo)
∧ (x, la) ∈ (pairsOf (followPass suf nu fi fo)))"
proof (induction suf arbitrary: pre fo)
case Nil
have "fo = followPass [] nu fi fo" by (simp add: followPass_def)
then show ?case using Nil.prems(4) by blast
case (Cons a suf)
obtain x gamma where "a = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
show ?case
proof (cases "fo ≠ followPass suf nu fi fo")
case True
then obtain x' la where "x' ∈ ntsOf g" "la ∈ lookaheadsOf g" "(x', la) ∉ pairsOf fo"
"(x', la) ∈ pairsOf (followPass suf nu fi fo)"
using Cons.IH[of fo "pre @ [a]"] Cons.prems(1,2,3) by auto
moreover have "(x', la) ∈ pairsOf (followPass (a # suf) nu fi fo)"
using updateFo_subset ‹(x', la) ∈ pairsOf (followPass suf nu fi fo)›
by (simp add: ‹a = (x, gamma)›) fast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
case False
have A2: "(x, gamma) ∈ set (prods g)" by
(metis ‹a = (x, gamma)› in_set_conv_decomp Cons.prems(3))
have A3: "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (followPass suf nu fi fo) g" using Cons.prems by
- (rule followPass_preserves_apac'[where pre = "pre @ [a]"], auto)
then have "followPass suf nu fi fo ≠ followPass (a # suf) nu fi fo" using False by
(auto simp add: Cons.prems(4))
then have A4: "followPass suf nu fi fo ≠ updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass suf nu fi fo)"
using False by (simp add: ‹a = (x, gamma)›)
have "(∃x' la. x' ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g
∧ (x', la) ∉ pairsOf (followPass suf nu fi fo)
∧ (x', la) ∈ pairsOf (updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass suf nu fi fo)))"
using Cons.prems(1) A2 A3 A4 by - (rule updateFo_not_equiv_exists, auto)
then show ?thesis using False by (auto simp add: ‹a = (x, gamma)›)
lemma followPass_not_equiv_exists: "first_map_for fi g ⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
⟹ fo ≠ followPass (prods g) nu fi fo ⟹ ∃x la. x ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g
∧ (x, la) ∉ pairsOf fo ∧ (x, la) ∈ pairsOf (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)"
using followPass_equiv_or_exists' by fastforce
lemma finite_ntsOfGamma: "finite (ntsOfGamma gamma)"
proof (induction gamma)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons a gamma)
then show ?case by (cases a) auto
lemma finite_ntsOf: "finite (ntsOf g)"
unfolding ntsOf_def by (simp add: finite_ntsOfGamma)
lemma finite_lookaheadsOfGamma: "finite (lookaheadsOfGamma gamma)"
proof (induction gamma)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons a gamma)
then show ?case by (cases a) auto
lemma finite_lookaheadsOf: "finite (lookaheadsOf g)"
unfolding lookaheadsOf_def by (simp add: finite_lookaheadsOfGamma)
lemma finite_allCandidates_follow: "finite (ntsOf g × lookaheadsOf g)"
using finite_lookaheadsOf finite_ntsOf by auto
lemma followPass_not_equiv_candidates_lt:
"first_map_for fi g ⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
⟹ fo ≠ (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)
⟹ countFollowCands g (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo) < countFollowCands g fo"
unfolding countFollowCands_def Let_def
proof (rule psubset_card_mono)
show "finite (ntsOf g × lookaheadsOf g - pairsOf fo)" using finite_allCandidates_follow by auto
assume "first_map_for fi g" "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g"
"fo ≠ (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)"
then obtain x la where "x ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g ∧ (x, la) ∉ pairsOf fo
∧ (x, la) ∈ pairsOf (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)" using followPass_not_equiv_exists by blast
then show "ntsOf g × lookaheadsOf g - pairsOf (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo)
⊂ ntsOf g × lookaheadsOf g - pairsOf fo" using followPass_subset by fastforce
text‹Termination proof for mkFollowMap' with the assumption that fi is a correct first map, and
all\_pairs\_are\_follow\_candidates holds in the beginning and thus for every other iteration›
lemma mkFollowMap'_dom_if_apac: "mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo ≠ None"
if "first_map_for fi g" and "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g"
using that
proof (induction "(g, nu, fi, fo)" arbitrary: fi fo
rule: measure_induct_rule[where f = "λ(g, nu, fi, fo). countFollowCands g fo"])
case (less fi fo)
have "fo ≠ followPass (prods g) nu fi fo
⟹ countFollowCands g (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo) < countFollowCands g fo"
using less.prems by (simp add: followPass_not_equiv_candidates_lt)
moreover have "fo ≠ followPass (prods g) nu fi fo
⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo) g" using less.prems
by - (rule followPass_preserves_apac)
ultimately have "fo ≠ followPass (prods g) nu fi fo
⟹ mkFollowMap' g nu fi (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo) ≠ None" by (simp add: less)
then show ?case
by (cases "fo ≠ followPass (prods g) nu fi fo") (auto simp add: mkFollowMap'.simps)
lemma initial_fo_apac: "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates (initial_fo g) g"
unfolding all_pairs_are_follow_candidates_def
fix a
assume A: "a ∈ pairsOf (initial_fo g)"
show "case a of (x, la) ⇒ x ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
fix x la
assume "a = (x, la)"
show "x ∈ ntsOf g ∧ la ∈ lookaheadsOf g"
proof (cases "x = start g")
case True
have "la = EOF" using A True ‹a = (x, la)› by (fastforce simp add: in_add_value)
then show ?thesis unfolding ntsOf_def lookaheadsOf_def by (simp add: ‹x = start g›)
case False
then show ?thesis using A ‹a = (x, la)› by (fastforce simp add: in_pairsOf_exists)
subsection ‹Correctness Definitions›
definition follow_map_sound :: "('n, 't) follow_map ⇒ ('n, 't) grammar ⇒ bool" where
"follow_map_sound fo g =
(∀x la xFollow. fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow ∧ la ∈ set xFollow ⟶ follow_sym g la (NT x))"
definition follow_map_complete :: "('n, 't) follow_map ⇒ ('n, 't) grammar ⇒ bool" where
"follow_map_complete fo g = (∀la s x. follow_sym g la s ∧ s = NT x
⟶ (∃xFollow. fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow ∧ la ∈ set xFollow))"
abbreviation follow_map_for :: "('n, 't) follow_map ⇒ ('n, 't) grammar ⇒ bool" where
"follow_map_for fo g ≡ follow_map_sound fo g ∧ follow_map_complete fo g"
subsection ‹Soundness›
lemma first_gamma_tail_cons: "nullable_sym g s ⟹ nullable_gamma g gpre ⟹ first_gamma g la gsuf
⟹ first_gamma g la (gpre @ s # gsuf)"
proof -
assume "nullable_sym g s" "nullable_gamma g gpre" "first_gamma g la gsuf"
obtain s' gpre' gsuf' where "nullable_gamma g gpre'" "first_sym g la s'"
"gsuf = gpre' @ s' # gsuf'" using ‹first_gamma g la gsuf› by cases blast
have "nullable_gamma g [s]" using ‹nullable_sym g s› by (simp add: NullableCons NullableNil)
then have "nullable_gamma g ((gpre @ [s]) @ gpre')"
using ‹nullable_gamma g gpre'› ‹nullable_gamma g gpre› nullable_app by blast
then have "first_gamma g la ((gpre @ s # gpre') @ s' # gsuf')" using ‹first_sym g la s'› by
- (rule FirstGamma, auto)
then show "first_gamma g la (gpre @ s # gsuf)" by (simp add: ‹gsuf = gpre' @ s' # gsuf'›)
lemma firstGamma_first_gamma: "nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g
⟹ la ∈ set (firstGamma gamma nu fi) ⟹ first_gamma g la gamma"
proof (induction gamma)
case Nil
then show ?case by (auto elim: first_gamma.cases)
case (Cons s gamma)
consider (la_in_firstSym) "la ∈ set (firstSym s fi)"
| (la_in_firstGamma) "nullableSym s nu" "la ∈ set (firstGamma gamma nu fi)"
using Cons.prems(3)
by (metis firstGamma.simps(2) in_atleast1_list)
then show ?case
proof (cases)
case la_in_firstSym
have "first_sym g la s" using Cons.prems(2) la_in_firstSym by
- (rule firstSym_first_sym[where fi = "fi"], auto)
then show ?thesis using FirstGamma NullableNil by fastforce
case la_in_firstGamma
then have "first_gamma g la gamma" using Cons.prems by - (rule Cons.IH)
moreover have "nullable_sym g s"
using nullableSym_nullable_sym Cons.prems(1) la_in_firstGamma(1) by blast
ultimately have "first_gamma g la ([] @ s # gamma)" using NullableNil by
- (rule first_gamma_tail_cons)
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma first_gamma_firstGamma: "nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g
⟹ first_gamma g la gamma ⟹ la ∈ set (firstGamma gamma nu fi)"
proof (induction gamma)
case Nil
then show ?case by (auto elim: first_gamma.cases)
case (Cons s gamma)
from Cons.prems(3) obtain s' gpre gsuf where "nullable_gamma g gpre" "first_sym g la s'"
"gpre @ s' # gsuf = s # gamma" by (auto elim: first_gamma.cases)
show ?case
proof (cases gpre)
case Nil
then have "s = s'" "gsuf = gamma" using ‹gpre @ s' # gsuf = s # gamma› by auto
then have "first_sym g la s" using ‹first_sym g la s'› by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases s)
case (NT x)
from Cons.prems(2) obtain xFirst where "fmlookup fi x = Some xFirst" "la ∈ set xFirst"
unfolding first_map_complete_def using ‹first_sym g la s› NT by fast
then have "la ∈ set (firstGamma (gpre @ NT x # gsuf) nu fi)"
using Cons.prems ‹nullable_gamma g gpre› by - (rule la_in_firstGamma_nt)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: NT ‹gsuf = gamma› Nil)
case (T y)
then show ?thesis using ‹first_sym g la s› by (auto elim: first_sym.cases)
case Cons_gpre: (Cons s'' gpre')
have "s'' = s" "gpre' @ s' # gsuf = gamma"
using ‹gpre @ s' # gsuf = s # gamma› Cons_gpre by auto
from ‹nullable_gamma g gpre› have "nullable_gamma g gpre'" "nullable_sym g s''" using Cons_gpre
by (auto elim: nullable_gamma.cases)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "nullableSym s nu")
case True
from ‹nullable_gamma g gpre'› have "first_gamma g la gamma" using ‹first_sym g la s'›
by (auto intro: FirstGamma simp add: ‹gpre' @ s' # gsuf = gamma›[symmetric])
then have "la ∈ set (firstGamma gamma nu fi)" using Cons.prems(1,2) by (auto intro: Cons.IH)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: True)
case False
from ‹nullable_sym g s''› have "nullableSym s nu" using Cons.prems(1)
by (auto simp add: nullableSym_nullable_sym ‹s'' = s›)
then show ?thesis using False by auto
lemma updateFo_preserves_soundness':
"nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g ⟹ (lx, gpre @ gsuf) ∈ set (prods g)
⟹ follow_map_sound fo g ⟹ follow_map_sound (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) g"
proof (induction nu fi lx gsuf fo arbitrary: gpre rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
case (1 nu fi lx fo)
then show ?case by auto
case (2 nu fi lx y gsuf fo)
then show ?case by (auto intro: "2.IH"[where gpre = "gpre @ [T y]"])
case (3 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo)
then show ?case by (auto intro: "3.IH"[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
case (4 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo)
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
have IH: "follow_map_sound (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) g"
by (auto intro: "4.IH"[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"] simp add: "4.prems"(1,2,3,4))
have simp_updFo: "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo = fmupd rx ?additions ?fo'"
by (simp add: 4 Let_def)
have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow ∧ la ∈ set xFollow
⟹ follow_sym g la (NT x)" for x xFollow la
proof (cases "rx = x")
case True
assume "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow ∧ la ∈ set xFollow"
and "rx = x"
then have "la ∈ set ?additions" using simp_updFo by auto
then consider (la_in_lSet) "nullableGamma gsuf nu" "la ∈ set ?lSet"
| (la_in_rSet) "la ∈ set ?rSet" by (auto split: if_splits)
then show "follow_sym g la (NT x)"
proof (cases)
case la_in_lSet
then obtain lxFollow where "fmlookup ?fo' lx = Some lxFollow" "la ∈ set lxFollow"
using in_findOrEmpty_exists_set by fast
then have "follow_sym g la (NT lx)" using follow_map_sound_def IH by fastforce
moreover have "(lx, gpre @ NT x # gsuf) ∈ set (prods g)" using "4.prems"(3) ‹rx = x› by blast
moreover have "nullable_gamma g gsuf"
using la_in_lSet "4.prems"(1) nu_sound_nullableGamma_sound by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by - (rule FollowLeft)
case la_in_rSet
then have "first_gamma g la gsuf" using firstGamma_first_gamma "4.prems"(1,2) by fastforce
moreover have "(lx, gpre @ NT x # gsuf) ∈ set (prods g)" using "4.prems"(3) True by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by - (rule FollowRight)
case False
assume A: "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow ∧ la ∈ set xFollow"
then show "follow_sym g la (NT x)" using False IH follow_map_sound_def simp_updFo by fastforce
then show ?case using follow_map_sound_def by fast
case (5 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo rxFollow)
then show ?case by (auto intro: "5.IH"[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"])
case (6 nu fi lx rx gsuf fo rxFollow)
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
have IH: "follow_map_sound (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) g"
by (auto intro: "6.IH"[where gpre = "gpre @ [NT rx]"] simp add: "6.prems"(1,2,3,4))
have simp_updFo: "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo = fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo'"
by (simp add: 6 Let_def)
have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow ∧ la ∈ set xFollow
⟹ follow_sym g la (NT x)" for x xFollow la
proof (cases "rx = x")
case True
assume "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow ∧ la ∈ set xFollow"
and "rx = x"
then have "la ∈ set rxFollow ∨ la ∈ set ?additions" using simp_updFo by auto
then consider (la_in_rxFollow) "la ∈ set rxFollow"
| (la_in_lSet) "nullableGamma gsuf nu" "la ∈ set ?lSet" | (la_in_rSet) "la ∈ set ?rSet"
by (auto split: if_splits)
then show "follow_sym g la (NT x)"
proof (cases)
case la_in_rxFollow
then show ?thesis using IH True follow_map_sound_def using "6.hyps"(1) by fastforce
case la_in_lSet
then obtain lxFollow where "fmlookup ?fo' lx = Some lxFollow" "la ∈ set lxFollow"
using in_findOrEmpty_exists_set by fast
then have "follow_sym g la (NT lx)" using IH follow_map_sound_def by fastforce
moreover have "(lx, gpre @ NT x # gsuf) ∈ set (prods g)"
using ‹rx = x› "6.prems"(3) by auto
moreover have "nullable_gamma g gsuf"
using la_in_lSet "6.prems"(1) nu_sound_nullableGamma_sound by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by - (rule FollowLeft)
case la_in_rSet
then have "first_gamma g la gsuf" using firstGamma_first_gamma "6.prems"(1,2) by fastforce
moreover have "(lx, gpre @ NT x # gsuf) ∈ set (prods g)" using "6.prems"(3) True by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by - (rule FollowRight)
case False
assume A: "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow ∧ la ∈ set xFollow"
have "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo = fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo'" by
(simp add: 6 Let_def)
then have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) x = Some xFollow" using A by
(auto simp add: False)
then show "follow_sym g la (NT x)" using IH A(1) unfolding follow_map_sound_def by blast
then show ?case unfolding follow_map_sound_def by blast
lemma updateFo_preserves_soundness: "nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g
⟹ (lx, gamma) ∈ set (prods g) ⟹ follow_map_sound fo g
⟹ follow_map_sound (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo) g"
by (metis self_append_conv2 updateFo_preserves_soundness')
lemma followPass_preserves_soundness': "nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g
⟹ follow_map_sound fo g ⟹ pre @ suf = prods g
⟹ follow_map_sound (followPass suf nu fi fo) g"
proof (induction suf arbitrary: pre)
case Nil
then show ?case by (simp add: followPass_def)
case (Cons p suf)
obtain lx gamma where "p = (lx, gamma)" by fastforce
have "follow_map_sound (updateFo nu fi lx gamma (followPass suf nu fi fo)) g"
proof (rule updateFo_preserves_soundness)
show "(lx, gamma) ∈ set (prods g)" using Cons.prems(4)
by (metis ‹p = (lx, gamma)› in_set_conv_decomp)
have "(pre @ [p]) @ suf = prods g" using Cons.prems(4) by auto
then show "follow_map_sound (followPass suf nu fi fo) g"
using Cons.prems(1,2,3) by - (rule Cons.IH[where pre = "pre @ [p]"])
qed (auto simp add: Cons.prems(1,2))
then show ?case by (simp add: ‹p = (lx, gamma)›)
lemma followPass_preserves_soundness: "nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g
⟹ follow_map_sound fo g ⟹ follow_map_sound (followPass (prods g) nu fi fo) g"
by (simp add: followPass_preserves_soundness')
lemma mkFollowMap'_preserves_soundness: "nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g
⟹ follow_map_sound fo g ⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
⟹ follow_map_sound (the (mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo)) g"
proof (induction "countFollowCands g fo" arbitrary: fo rule: less_induct)
case less
let ?fo' = "followPass (prods g) nu fi fo"
have "mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo ≠ None" by (simp add: less.prems(2,4) mkFollowMap'_dom_if_apac)
moreover have "follow_map_sound (if fo = ?fo' then fo else the (mkFollowMap' g nu fi ?fo')) g"
proof (cases "fo = ?fo'")
case True
then show ?thesis using less.prems(3) by auto
case False
have "countFollowCands g ?fo' < countFollowCands g fo"
by (simp add: False followPass_not_equiv_candidates_lt less.prems(2,4))
moreover have "follow_map_sound ?fo' g"
using less.prems by - (rule followPass_preserves_soundness, auto)
ultimately show ?thesis using followPass_preserves_apac less by fastforce
ultimately show ?case using mkFollowMap'.simps[of g nu fi fo] by (auto simp add: Let_def)
lemma initial_fo_sound: "follow_map_sound (initial_fo g) g"
unfolding follow_map_sound_def using FollowStart by auto
theorem mkFollowMap_sound:
"nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g ⟹ follow_map_sound (mkFollowMap g nu fi) g"
unfolding mkFollowMap_def
by (simp add: initial_fo_apac initial_fo_sound mkFollowMap'_preserves_soundness)
subsection ‹Completeness›
lemma updateFo_preserves_map_keys: "x |∈| fmdom fo ⟹ x |∈| fmdom (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo)"
by (induction nu fi lx gamma fo rule: updateFo_induct_refined) (auto simp add: Let_def)
lemma followPass_preserves_map_keys: "x |∈| fmdom fo ⟹ x |∈| fmdom (followPass ps nu fi fo)"
proof (induction ps)
case Nil
then show ?case by (simp add: followPass_def)
case (Cons p ps)
obtain x gamma where "p = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
then show ?case by (simp add: updateFo_preserves_map_keys Cons)
lemma find_updateFo_cons_neq: "x ≠ x' ⟹ fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) x = Some xFollow
⟷ fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT x' # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow"
proof -
assume "x ≠ x'"
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
show "(fmlookup ?fo' x = Some xFollow) =
(fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT x' # gsuf) fo) x = Some xFollow)"
proof (cases "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) x'")
case None
show ?thesis
proof (cases "?additions = []")
case True
show ?thesis by (auto simp add: True None)
case False
have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT x' # gsuf) fo) x =
fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) x" using ‹x ≠ x'›
by (auto simp add: Let_def False None)
then show ?thesis by auto
case (Some rxFollow)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "set ?additions ⊆ set rxFollow")
case True
show ?thesis by (auto simp add: True Some)
case False
have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (NT x' # gsuf) fo) x =
fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) x" using ‹x ≠ x'›
by (auto simp add: Let_def False Some)
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma updateFo_value_subset:
"fmlookup fo x = Some s1 ⟹ fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo) x = Some s2
⟹ set s1 ⊆ set s2"
proof (induction nu fi lx gamma fo arbitrary: s2 rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
case (4 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo)
show ?case
proof (cases "x = rx")
case True
from "4.prems"(1) have "x |∈| fmdom fo" by (simp add: fmdomI)
then have "x |∈| fmdom (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo)" by
(auto intro: updateFo_preserves_map_keys)
moreover have "x |∉| fmdom (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo)" using "4.hyps"(1) by
(simp add: True fmdom_notI)
ultimately have "False" by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
with "4.prems"(2) have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) x = Some s2" by
(auto simp add: Let_def "4.hyps")
then show ?thesis using "4.IH" "4.prems"(1) by auto
case (6 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow)
then show ?case
proof (cases "x = rx")
case True
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
from "6.prems"(2) have "set s2 = set (?additions @@ rxFollow)"
by (auto simp add: Let_def "6.hyps" True)
moreover have "set s1 ⊆ set rxFollow" using "6.IH" "6.hyps"(1) "6.prems"(1) True by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
case False
with "6.prems"(2) have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) x = Some s2" by
(auto simp add: Let_def "6.hyps")
then show ?thesis using "6.IH" "6.prems"(1) by auto
qed auto
lemma updateFo_only_appends:
"fmlookup fo x = Some s1 ⟹ fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo) x = Some s2
⟹ ∃suf. s2 = s1 @ suf"
proof (induction nu fi lx gamma fo arbitrary: s2 rule: updateFo_induct_refined)
case (4 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo)
then show ?case
proof (cases "x = rx")
case True
have "x |∈| fmdom fo" by (simp add: "4.prems"(1) fmdomI)
then have "x |∈| fmdom (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo)" by (simp add: updateFo_preserves_map_keys)
then have "False" using "4.hyps"(1) by (simp add: True fmdom_notI)
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo) x = Some s2"
using "4.prems"(2) False find_updateFo_cons_neq by fast
then show ?thesis using "4.IH" "4.prems"(1) by auto
case (6 nu fi lx rx gamma' fo rxFollow)
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma' fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma' nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gamma' nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
have "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo = (case fmlookup ?fo' rx of
None ⇒ (if ?additions = [] then ?fo' else fmupd rx ?additions ?fo')
| Some rxFollow ⇒ (if set ?additions ⊆ set rxFollow then ?fo'
else fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo'))"
by (metis updateFo.simps(3))
then have A: "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gamma') fo = fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo'"
by (simp add: "6.hyps"(1) "6.hyps"(2))
show ?case
proof (cases "x = rx")
case True
then show ?thesis
using "6.IH"[OF "6.prems"(1)] "6.hyps"(1) "6.prems"(2) A unfolding list_union_def by auto
case False
then show ?thesis by (meson "6.IH" "6.prems"(1) "6.prems"(2) find_updateFo_cons_neq)
qed auto
lemma followPass_value_subset:
"fmlookup fo x = Some s1 ⟹ fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) x = Some s2 ⟹ set s1 ⊆ set s2"
proof (induction ps arbitrary: s1 s2)
case Nil
then show ?case by (simp add: followPass_def)
case (Cons p ps)
obtain y gamma where "p = (y, gamma)" by fastforce
have "x |∈| fmdom (followPass ps nu fi fo)" by
(simp add: Cons.prems(1) fmdomI followPass_preserves_map_keys)
then obtain s where s_def: "fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) x = Some s" by
(auto simp add: fmdomI)
then have s1_subset_s: "set s1 ⊆ set s" using Cons.prems(1) Cons.IH by auto
have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi y gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo)) x = Some s2" using Cons.prems(2)
by (simp add: ‹p = (y, gamma)›)
then have s_subset_s2: "set s ⊆ set s2" using s_def by
- (rule updateFo_value_subset[where ?fo = "followPass ps nu fi fo"])
show ?case using s1_subset_s s_subset_s2 by auto
lemma followPass_only_appends: "fmlookup fo x = Some s1
⟹ fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) x = Some s2 ⟹ ∃suf. s2 = s1 @ suf"
proof (induction ps arbitrary: s1 s2)
case Nil
then show ?case by (simp add: followPass_def)
case (Cons p ps)
obtain y gamma where "p = (y, gamma)" by fastforce
have "x |∈| fmdom (followPass ps nu fi fo)" by
(simp add: Cons.prems(1) fmdomI followPass_preserves_map_keys)
then obtain s where s_def: "fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) x = Some s" by
(auto simp add: fmdomI)
moreover obtain suf where "s = s1 @ suf" using Cons.prems(1) Cons.IH s_def by auto
moreover have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi y gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo)) x = Some s2"
using Cons.prems(2) by (simp add: ‹p = (y, gamma)›)
ultimately show ?case using updateFo_only_appends[OF s_def] by fastforce
lemma followPass_equiv_cons_tl: "fo = followPass ((x, gamma) # ps) nu fi fo
⟹ fo = followPass ps nu fi fo"
proof (rule fmap_ext)
fix y
assume assm: "fo = followPass ((x, gamma) # ps) nu fi fo"
then show "fmlookup fo y = fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) y"
proof (cases "fmlookup fo y")
case None
then have "y |∉| fmdom (followPass ((x, gamma) # ps) nu fi fo)" using assm by auto
then have "y |∉| fmdom (followPass ps nu fi fo)" by (auto intro: updateFo_preserves_map_keys)
then show ?thesis using None by auto
case (Some yFollow)
then have "y |∈| fmdom (followPass ps nu fi fo)" by
(simp add: fmdomI followPass_preserves_map_keys)
then obtain yFollow' where yFollow'_def: "fmlookup (followPass ps nu fi fo) y = Some yFollow'"
by auto
from assm have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi x gamma (followPass ps nu fi fo)) y = Some yFollow" by
(simp add: Some)
then have "∃suf. yFollow = yFollow' @ suf" using updateFo_only_appends[OF yFollow'_def] by fast
moreover have "∃suf. yFollow' = yFollow @ suf"
using followPass_only_appends[OF Some yFollow'_def] by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using Some yFollow'_def by fastforce
lemma exists_follow_set_Cons:
assumes "nullable_set_for nu g" "first_map_for fi g"
and "∃rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo) rx = Some rxFollow
∧ la ∈ set rxFollow"
shows "∃rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (s # gamma) fo) rx = Some rxFollow
∧ la ∈ set rxFollow"
proof (cases s)
case (NT rx')
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "rx = rx'")
case True
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gamma fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gamma nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gamma nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
obtain rxFollow where rxFollow_def: "fmlookup ?fo' rx = Some rxFollow" "la ∈ set rxFollow"
using assms(3) by auto
then have "fmlookup ?fo' rx' = Some rxFollow" using True by auto
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "set ?additions ⊆ set rxFollow")
case True
then show ?thesis by (simp add: NT ‹fmlookup ?fo' rx' = Some rxFollow› True rxFollow_def)
case False
have "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx' # gamma) fo =
fmupd rx' (rxFollow @@ ?additions) ?fo'"
by (simp add: NT ‹fmlookup ?fo' rx' = Some rxFollow› False Let_def)
then have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (s # gamma) fo) rx =
Some (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" by (simp add: NT True)
moreover have "la ∈ set (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" using rxFollow_def(2) by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
case False
then show ?thesis using find_updateFo_cons_neq NT assms(3) by fastforce
case (T y)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: assms)
lemma exists_follow_set_containing_first_gamma:
"nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g ⟹ first_gamma g la gsuf
⟹ (∃rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) fo) rx = Some rxFollow
∧ la ∈ set rxFollow)"
proof (induction gpre)
case Nil
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
show ?case
proof (cases "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) rx")
case None
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "?additions = []")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (metis Nil.prems UnI2 empty_iff first_gamma_firstGamma list.set(1) set_list_union)
case False
have "la ∈ set (firstGamma gsuf nu fi)" using Nil first_gamma_firstGamma by blast
then have "la ∈ set ?additions" by auto
moreover have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx ([] @ NT rx # gsuf) fo) rx = Some ?additions" by
(simp add: None False Let_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
case (Some rxFollow)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "set ?additions ⊆ set rxFollow")
case True
then show ?thesis
using Nil Some first_gamma_firstGamma by fastforce
case False
have "la ∈ set (firstGamma gsuf nu fi)" using Nil first_gamma_firstGamma by blast
then have "la ∈ set (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" by auto
moreover have "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx ([] @ NT rx # gsuf) fo) rx =
Some (rxFollow @@ ?additions)" by (simp add: Some False Let_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
case (Cons s gpre)
then show ?case using exists_follow_set_Cons by fastforce
lemma followPass_equiv_right: "nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g
⟹ fo = followPass psuf nu fi fo ⟹ (lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) ∈ set psuf
⟹ first_gamma g la gsuf ⟹ ppre @ psuf = prods g
⟹ (∃rxFollow. fmlookup fo rx = Some rxFollow ∧ la ∈ set rxFollow)"
proof (induction psuf arbitrary: ppre)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons p ps)
obtain x gamma where "p = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
from Cons.prems(4) have "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) ∈ set (p # ps)" by auto
then consider (is_p) "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) = (x, gamma)"
| (in_ps) "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) ∈ set ps" using ‹p = (x, gamma)› by auto
then show ?case
proof cases
case is_p
have "∃rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) (followPass ps nu fi fo)) rx
= Some rxFollow ∧ la ∈ set rxFollow" using Cons.prems(1,2,5)
by (rule exists_follow_set_containing_first_gamma)
then show ?thesis
using Cons.prems(3) ‹p = (x, gamma)› is_p by auto
case in_ps
have "fo = followPass ps nu fi fo" using Cons.prems(3) ‹p = (x, gamma)› by
- (rule followPass_equiv_cons_tl, auto)
moreover have "(ppre @ [p]) @ ps = prods g" by (simp add: Cons.prems(6))
ultimately show ?thesis using Cons.IH Cons.prems(1,2,5) in_ps by fastforce
lemma nullable_gamma_nullableGamma:
"nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ nullable_gamma g gamma ⟹ nullableGamma gamma nu"
proof (induction gamma)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons s gamma)
from Cons.prems(2) have "nullable_gamma g gamma" "nullable_sym g s" by
(auto elim: nullable_gamma.cases)
from ‹nullable_sym g s› obtain x where "s = NT x" by (auto intro: nullable_sym.cases)
then have "x ∈ nu" using ‹nullable_sym g s› Cons.prems(1) unfolding nullable_set_complete_def by
moreover have "nullableGamma gamma nu" using ‹nullable_gamma g gamma› by
(auto intro: Cons.IH simp add: Cons.prems(1))
ultimately show ?case by (simp add: ‹s = NT x›)
lemma updateFo_preserves_membership_in_value:
"fmlookup fo x = Some s ⟹ la ∈ set s ⟹ la ∈ set (findOrEmpty x (updateFo nu fi x' gamma fo))"
proof -
assume A: "fmlookup fo x = Some s" "la ∈ set s"
then have "x |∈| fmdom fo" by (simp add: fmdomI)
then have "x |∈| fmdom (updateFo nu fi x' gamma fo)" by (simp add: updateFo_preserves_map_keys)
then obtain s' where s'_def: "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi x' gamma fo) x = Some s'" by auto
then have "set s ⊆ set s'" using A by - (rule updateFo_value_subset)
then show ?thesis unfolding findOrEmpty_def using A(2) s'_def by auto
lemma exists_follow_set_containing_follow_left: "nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g
⟹ nullable_gamma g gsuf ⟹ fmlookup fo lx = Some lxFollow ⟹ la ∈ set lxFollow
⟹ (∃rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) fo) rx = Some rxFollow
∧ la ∈ set rxFollow)"
proof (induction gpre)
case Nil
let ?fo' = "updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo"
let ?lSet = "findOrEmpty lx ?fo'"
let ?rSet = "firstGamma gsuf nu fi"
let ?additions = "(if nullableGamma gsuf nu then ?lSet @@ ?rSet else ?rSet)"
have "nullableGamma gsuf nu" using Nil.prems(1,3) nullable_gamma_nullableGamma by auto
then have "?additions = ?lSet @@ ?rSet" by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo) rx")
case None
show ?thesis
proof (cases "?additions = []")
case True
then show ?thesis
using Nil.prems(1,3-5) nullable_gamma_nullableGamma updateFo_preserves_membership_in_value
by (metis Nil_is_append_conv emptyE empty_set list_union_def)
case False
have "la ∈ set (?lSet @@ ?rSet)" by
(simp add: Nil.prems(4,5) updateFo_preserves_membership_in_value)
moreover have "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo =
fmupd rx ?additions (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)" by (simp add: None False Let_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using ‹?additions = ?lSet @@ ?rSet› by simp
case (Some rxFollow)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "set ?additions ⊆ set rxFollow")
case True
then show ?thesis
using Nil.prems(4,5) Some ‹nullableGamma gsuf nu› updateFo_preserves_membership_in_value
by fastforce
case False
have "la ∈ set (?lSet @@ ?rSet)" by
(simp add: Nil.prems(4,5) updateFo_preserves_membership_in_value)
moreover have "updateFo nu fi lx (NT rx # gsuf) fo =
fmupd rx (rxFollow @@ ?additions) (updateFo nu fi lx gsuf fo)"
by (simp add: Some False Let_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using ‹?additions = ?lSet @@ ?rSet› by simp
case (Cons s gpre)
then show ?case using exists_follow_set_Cons by fastforce
lemma followPass_equiv_left: "nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g
⟹ fo = followPass psuf nu fi fo ⟹ (lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) ∈ set psuf
⟹ ppre @ psuf = prods g ⟹ nullable_gamma g gsuf ⟹ fmlookup fo lx = Some lxFollow
⟹ la ∈ set lxFollow ⟹ (∃rxFollow. fmlookup fo rx = Some rxFollow ∧ la ∈ set rxFollow)"
proof (induction psuf arbitrary: ppre)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons p ps)
let ?fo' = "followPass ps nu fi fo"
obtain x gamma where "p = (x, gamma)" by fastforce
from Cons.prems(4) consider (is_p) "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) = (x, gamma)"
| (in_ps) "(lx, gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) ∈ set ps" using ‹p = (x, gamma)› by auto
then show ?case
proof cases
case is_p
have "fmlookup ?fo' lx = Some lxFollow"
using Cons.prems(3,7) ‹p = (x, gamma)› followPass_equiv_cons_tl by fastforce
then have "∃rxFollow. fmlookup (updateFo nu fi lx (gpre @ NT rx # gsuf) ?fo') rx =
Some rxFollow ∧ la ∈ set rxFollow" using Cons.prems(1,2,6,8)
by - (rule exists_follow_set_containing_follow_left)
then show ?thesis using Cons.prems(3) ‹p = (x, gamma)› is_p by auto
case in_ps
have "fo = ?fo'" using Cons.prems(3) ‹p = (x, gamma)› by - (rule followPass_equiv_cons_tl, auto)
moreover have "(ppre @ [p]) @ ps = prods g" by (simp add: Cons.prems(5))
ultimately show ?thesis using Cons.IH Cons.prems(1,2,6,7,8) in_ps by fastforce
lemma followPass_equiv_complete: "nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g
⟹ (start g, EOF) ∈ pairsOf fo ⟹ fo = followPass (prods g) nu fi fo
⟹ follow_map_complete fo g"
proof -
assume A: "nullable_set_for nu g" "first_map_for fi g"
"(start g, EOF) ∈ pairsOf fo" "fo = followPass (prods g) nu fi fo"
have "follow_sym g la s
⟹ (∀x. s = NT x ⟶ (∃xFollow. fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow ∧ la ∈ set xFollow))" for la s
proof -
assume "follow_sym g la s"
then show "(∀x. s = NT x ⟶ (∃xFollow. fmlookup fo x = Some xFollow ∧ la ∈ set xFollow))"
proof (induction rule: follow_sym.induct)
case FollowStart
show ?case by (simp add: A(3) in_pairsOf_exists[symmetric])
case (FollowRight x1 gpre x2 gsuf la)
then show ?case using A followPass_equiv_right by fast
case (FollowLeft x1 gpre x2 gsuf la)
then show ?case using A followPass_equiv_left by fast
then show ?thesis unfolding follow_map_complete_def by auto
lemma mkFollowMap'_complete: "(start g, EOF) ∈ pairsOf fo ⟹ nullable_set_for nu g
⟹ first_map_for fi g ⟹ all_pairs_are_follow_candidates fo g
⟹ follow_map_complete (the (mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo)) g"
proof (induction "countFollowCands g fo" arbitrary: fo rule: less_induct)
case less
let ?fo' = "followPass (prods g) nu fi fo"
have "mkFollowMap' g nu fi fo ≠ None" by (simp add: less.prems(3,4) mkFollowMap'_dom_if_apac)
moreover have "follow_map_complete (if fo = ?fo' then fo else the (mkFollowMap' g nu fi ?fo')) g"
proof (cases "fo = ?fo'")
case True
then show ?thesis using followPass_equiv_complete less.prems(1,2,3) by auto
case False
have "countFollowCands g ?fo' < countFollowCands g fo" by
(simp add: False followPass_not_equiv_candidates_lt less.prems(3,4))
moreover have "(start g, EOF) ∈ pairsOf ?fo'" using followPass_subset less.prems(1) by blast
moreover have "all_pairs_are_follow_candidates ?fo' g" by
(simp add: followPass_preserves_apac less.prems(3,4))
ultimately show ?thesis by (auto intro: less.hyps simp add: False less.prems(2,3))
ultimately show ?case using mkFollowMap'.simps[of g nu fi fo] by (auto simp add: Let_def)
lemma start_eof_in_initial_fo: "(start g, EOF) ∈ pairsOf (initial_fo g)"
by (simp add: in_add_value)
theorem mkFollowMap_complete:
"nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g ⟹ follow_map_complete (mkFollowMap g nu fi) g"
by (simp add: initial_fo_apac mkFollowMap'_complete mkFollowMap_def start_eof_in_initial_fo)
theorem mkFollowMap_correct:
"nullable_set_for nu g ⟹ first_map_for fi g ⟹