Theory Inf_Matrix

(* Title:      Infinite Matrix Model of Kleene Algebra
   Author:     Alasdair Armstrong, Georg Struth, Tjark Weber
   Maintainer: Georg Struth <g.struth at>
               Tjark Weber < at>

section ‹Infinite Matrices›

theory Inf_Matrix
imports Finite_Suprema

text ‹Matrices are functions from two index sets into some suitable
algebra. We consider arbitrary index sets, not necessarily the
positive natural numbers up to some bounds; our coefficient algebra is
a dioid. Our only restriction is that summation in the product of
matrices is over a finite index set. This follows essentially Droste
and Kuich's introductory article in the Handbook of Weighted Automata~cite"weightedautomata09".

Under these assumptions we show that dioids are closed under matrix
formation. Our proofs are similar to those for formal power series,
but simpler.›

type_synonym ('a, 'b, 'c) matrix = "'a  'b  'c"

definition mat_one :: "('a, 'a, 'c::dioid_one_zero) matrix" ("ε") where
  "ε i j  (if (i = j) then 1 else 0)"

definition mat_zero :: "('a, 'b, 'c::dioid_one_zero) matrix" ("δ") where
  "δ  λj i. 0"

definition mat_add :: "('a, 'b, 'c::dioid_one_zero) matrix  ('a, 'b, 'c) matrix  ('a, 'b, 'c) matrix" (infixl "" 70) where
  "(f  g)   λi j. (f i j) + (g i j)"

lemma mat_add_assoc: "(f  g)  h =  f  (g  h)"
  by (auto simp add: mat_add_def join.sup_assoc)

lemma mat_add_comm: "f  g = g  f"
  by (auto simp add: mat_add_def join.sup_commute)

lemma mat_add_idem[simp]: "f  f = f"
  by (auto simp add: mat_add_def)

lemma mat_zerol[simp]: "f  δ = f"
  by (auto simp add: mat_add_def mat_zero_def)

lemma mat_zeror[simp]: "δ  f = f"
  by (auto simp add: mat_add_def mat_zero_def)

definition mat_mult :: "('a, 'k::finite, 'c::dioid_one_zero) matrix  ('k, 'b, 'c) matrix  ('a, 'b, 'c) matrix" (infixl "" 60) where
  "(f  g) i j    {(f i k)  (g k j) | k. k  UNIV}"

lemma mat_annil[simp]: "δ  f = δ"
  by (rule ext, auto simp add: mat_mult_def mat_zero_def)

lemma mat_annir[simp]: "f  δ  = δ"
  by (rule ext, auto simp add: mat_mult_def mat_zero_def)

lemma mat_distl: "f  (g  h) = (f  g)  (f  h)"
proof -
    fix i j
    have "(f  (g  h)) i j  = {f i k  (g k j + h k j) |k. k  UNIV}"
      by (simp only: mat_mult_def mat_add_def)
    also have "... = {f i k  g k j + f i k  h k j |k. k  UNIV}"
      by (simp only: distrib_left)
    also have "... = {f i k  g k j |k. k  UNIV} + {f i k  h k j |k. k  UNIV}"
      by (simp only: fset_to_im sum_fun_sum finite_UNIV)
    finally have "(f  (g  h)) i j  = ((f  g)  (f  h)) i j"
      by (simp only: mat_mult_def mat_add_def)
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma mat_distr: "(f  g)  h = (f  h)  (g  h)"
proof -
    fix i j
    have "((f  g)  h) i j  = {(f i k + g i k)  h k j |k. k  UNIV}"
      by (simp only: mat_mult_def mat_add_def)
    also have "... = {f i k  h k j + g i k  h k j |k. k  UNIV}"
      by (simp only: distrib_right)
    also have "... = {f i k  h k j |k. k  UNIV} + {g i k  h k j |k. k  UNIV}"
      by (simp only: fset_to_im sum_fun_sum finite_UNIV)
    finally have "((f  g)  h) i j  = ((f  h)  (g  h)) i j"
      by (simp only: mat_mult_def mat_add_def)
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma logic_aux1: "(k. (i = k  x = f i j)  (i  k  x = 0))  (k. i = k  x = f i j)  (k. i  k  x = 0)"
  by blast

lemma logic_aux2: "(k. (k = j  x = f i j)  (k  j  x = 0))  (k. k = j  x = f i j)  (k. k  j  x = 0)"
  by blast

lemma mat_onel[simp]: "ε  f = f"
proof -
    fix i j
    have "(ε  f) i j = {x. (k. (i = k  x = f i j)  (i  k  x = 0))}"
      by (auto simp add: mat_mult_def mat_one_def)
    also have "... = ({x. k. (i = k  x = f i j)}  {x. k. (i  k  x = 0)})"
      by (simp only: Collect_disj_eq logic_aux1)
    also have "... = {x. k. (i = k  x = f i j)} + {x. k. (i  k  x = 0)}"
      by (rule sum_union, auto)
    finally have "(ε  f) i j = f i j"
      by (auto simp add: sum.neutral)
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma mat_oner[simp]: "f  ε = f"
proof -
    fix i j
    have "(f  ε) i j = {x. (k. (k = j  x = f i j)  (k  j  x = 0))}"
      by (auto simp add: mat_mult_def mat_one_def)
    also have "... = ({x. k. (k = j  x = f i j)}  {x. k. (k  j  x = 0)})"
      by (simp only: Collect_disj_eq logic_aux2)
    also have "... = {x. k. (k = j  x = f i j)} + {x. k. (k  j  x = 0)}"
      by (rule sum_union, auto)
    finally have "(f  ε) i j = f i j"
      by (auto simp add: sum.neutral)
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma mat_rearrange:
  fixes F :: "'a  'k1  'k2  'b  'c::dioid_one_zero"
  assumes fUNk1: "finite (UNIV::'k1 set)"
  assumes fUNk2: "finite (UNIV::'k2 set)"
  shows "{{F i k1 k2 j |k2. k2  (UNIV::'k2 set)} |k1. k1  (UNIV::'k1 set)} = {{F i k1 k2 j |k1. k1  UNIV} |k2. k2  UNIV}"
proof -
    fix z :: 'c
    let ?lhs = "{{F i k1 k2 j |k2. k2  UNIV} |k1. k1  UNIV}"
    let ?rhs = "{{F i k1 k2 j |k1. k1  UNIV} |k2. k2  UNIV}"
    have "?lhs  z  (k1 k2. F i k1 k2 j  z)"
      by (simp only: fset_to_im sum_fun_image_sup fUNk1 fUNk2, auto)
    hence "?lhs  z  ?rhs  z"
      by (simp only: fset_to_im sum_fun_image_sup fUNk1 fUNk2, auto)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: eq_iff)

lemma mat_mult_assoc: "f  (g  h) = (f  g)  h"
proof -
    fix i j
    have "(f  (g  h)) i j = {f i k1  {g k1 k2  h k2 j |k2. k2  UNIV} |k1. k1  UNIV}"
      by (simp only: mat_mult_def)
    also have "... = {{f i k1  g k1 k2  h k2 j |k2. k2  UNIV} |k1. k1  UNIV}"
      by (simp only: fset_to_im sum_fun_distl finite_UNIV mult.assoc)
    also have "... = {{(f i k1  g k1 k2)  h k2 j|k1. k1  UNIV} |k2. k2  UNIV}"
      by (rule mat_rearrange, auto simp add: finite_UNIV)
    also have "... = {{f i k1  g k1 k2 |k1. k1  UNIV}  h k2 j |k2. k2  UNIV}"
      by (simp only: fset_to_im sum_fun_distr finite_UNIV)
    finally have "(f  (g  h)) i j  = ((f  g)  h) i j "
      by (simp only: mat_mult_def)
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

definition mat_less_eq :: "('a, 'b, 'c::dioid_one_zero) matrix  ('a, 'b, 'c) matrix  bool" where
  "mat_less_eq f g   = (f  g  = g)"

definition mat_less :: "('a, 'b, 'c::dioid_one_zero) matrix  ('a, 'b, 'c) matrix  bool" where
  "mat_less f g  = (mat_less_eq f g  f  g)"

interpretation matrix_dioid: dioid_one_zero  mat_add mat_mult mat_one mat_zero mat_less_eq mat_less
  by (unfold_locales) (metis mat_add_assoc mat_add_comm mat_mult_assoc[symmetric] mat_distr mat_onel mat_oner mat_zeror mat_annil mat_annir mat_less_eq_def mat_less_def mat_add_idem mat_distl)+

text ‹As in the case of formal power series we currently do not
implement the Kleene star of matrices, since this is complicated.›
