Theory Gauss_Jordan_IArray_Impl

    Author:      Sebastiaan Joosten
                 René Thiemann 
                 Akihisa Yamada
    License:     BSD
section ‹Code Generation for Basic Matrix Operations›

text ‹In this theory we provide efficient implementations
  for the elementary row-transformations. These are necessary since the default
  implementations would construct a whole new matrix in every step.›

theory Gauss_Jordan_IArray_Impl

lift_definition mat_swaprows_impl :: "nat  nat  'a mat_impl  'a mat_impl" is
  "λ i j (nr,nc,A). if i < nr  j < nr then 
  let Ai = IArray.sub A i; 
      Aj = IArray.sub A j;
      Arows = IArray.list_of A;
      A' = IArray.IArray (Arows [i := Aj, j := Ai])  
   in (nr,nc,A')
     else (nr,nc,A)" 
  by (auto split: if_splits)

lemma [code]: "mat_swaprows k l (mat_impl A) = (let nr = dim_row_impl A in
  if l < nr  k < nr then 
  mat_impl (mat_swaprows_impl k l A) else Code.abort (STR ''index out of bounds in mat_swaprows'') 
  (λ _. mat_swaprows k l (mat_impl A)))" (is "?l = ?r")
proof (cases "l < dim_row_impl A  k < dim_row_impl A")
  case True
  hence id: "?r = mat_impl (mat_swaprows_impl k l A)" by simp
  show ?thesis unfolding id unfolding mat_swaprows_def
  proof (rule eq_matI, goal_cases)
    case (1 i j)
    thus ?case using True
    proof (transfer, goal_cases)
      case (1 i k l A j)
      obtain nr nc rows where A: "A = (nr,nc,rows)" by (cases A, auto)
      from 1[unfolded A]
      have nr: "length (IArray.list_of rows) = nr"
        and nc: "IArray.all (λr. length (IArray.list_of r) = nc) rows"
        and ij: "i < nr" "j < nc" and ij': "(i < nr  j < nc) = True" 
        and l: "l < nr" "k < nr" by auto
      show ?case unfolding A prod.simps fst_conv o_def snd_conv Let_def mk_mat_def ij' if_True
        using ij nr nc l
        by (cases "k = i"; cases "l = i", auto)
  qed ((transfer, auto)+)
qed auto

lift_definition mat_multrow_gen_impl :: "('a  'a  'a)  nat  'a  'a mat_impl  'a mat_impl" is
  "λ mul k a (nr,nc,A). let Ak = IArray.sub A k; Arows = IArray.list_of A;
     Ak' = IArray.IArray (map (mul a) (IArray.list_of Ak));
     A' = IArray.IArray (Arows [k := Ak'])
     in (nr,nc,A')" 
proof (auto, goal_cases)
  case (1 mul k a nc b row)
  show ?case 
  proof (cases b)
    case (IArray rows)
    with 1 have "row  set rows  k < length rows  row = IArray (map (mul a) (IArray.list_of (rows ! k)))"
      by (cases "k < length rows", auto simp: set_list_update dest: in_set_takeD in_set_dropD)
    with 1 IArray show ?thesis by (cases, auto)

lemma [code]: "mat_multrow_gen mul k a (mat_impl A) = mat_impl (mat_multrow_gen_impl mul k a A)"
  unfolding mat_multrow_gen_def
proof (rule eq_matI, goal_cases)
  case (1 i j)
  thus ?case 
  proof (transfer, goal_cases)
    case (1 i mul k a A j)
    obtain nr nc rows where A: "A = (nr,nc,rows)" by (cases A, auto)
    from 1[unfolded A]
    have nr: "length (IArray.list_of rows) = nr"
      and nc: "IArray.all (λr. length (IArray.list_of r) = nc) rows"
      and ij: "i < nr" "j < nc" and ij': "(i < nr  j < nc) = True" by auto
    have len: "j < length (IArray.list_of (IArray.list_of rows ! i))"
      using ij nc nr by (cases rows, auto)
    show ?case unfolding A prod.simps fst_conv o_def snd_conv Let_def mk_mat_def ij' if_True
      using ij nr nc 
      by (cases "k = i", auto simp: len)
qed ((transfer, auto)+)

lift_definition mat_addrow_gen_impl 
  :: "('a  'a  'a)  ('a  'a  'a)  'a  nat  nat  'a mat_impl  'a mat_impl" is
  "λ ad mul a k l (nr,nc,A). if l < nr then let Ak = IArray.sub A k; Al = IArray.sub A l;
     Ak' = IArray.of_fun (λ i. ad (mul a (Al !! i)) (Ak !! i)) (min (IArray.length Ak) (IArray.length Al));
     A' = IArray.of_fun (λ i. if i = k then Ak' else A !! i) (IArray.length A)
     in (nr,nc,A') else (nr,nc,A)" 
proof (goal_cases)
  case (1 ad mul a k l pp)
  obtain nr nc A where pp: "pp = (nr,nc,A)" by (cases pp)
  obtain rows where A: "A = IArray rows" by (cases A)
  from 1[unfolded pp A, simplified]
  have nr: "length rows = nr" and nc: " r. rset rows  length (IArray.list_of r) = nc" by auto  
  show ?case 
  proof (cases "l < nr")
    case False
    thus ?thesis unfolding pp A prod.simps using nr nc by auto
    case True    
    thus ?thesis unfolding pp A prod.simps Let_def using nr nc
      by (auto simp: set_list_update dest: in_set_takeD in_set_dropD)

lemma mat_addrow_gen_impl[code]: "mat_addrow_gen ad mul a k l (mat_impl A) = (if l < dim_row_impl A then
  mat_impl (mat_addrow_gen_impl ad mul a k l A) else Code.abort (STR ''index out of bounds in mat_addrow'') 
  (λ _. mat_addrow_gen ad mul a k l (mat_impl A)))" (is "?l = ?r")
proof (cases "l < dim_row_impl A")
  case True
  hence id: "?r = mat_impl (mat_addrow_gen_impl ad mul a k l A)" by simp
  show ?thesis unfolding id unfolding mat_addrow_gen_def
  proof (rule eq_matI, goal_cases)
    case (1 i j)
    thus ?case using True
    proof (transfer, goal_cases)
      case (1 i ad mul a k l A j)
      obtain nr nc rows where A: "A = (nr,nc,rows)" by (cases A, auto)
      from 1[unfolded A Let_def]
      have nr: "length (IArray.list_of rows) = nr"
        and nc: "IArray.all (λr. length (IArray.list_of r) = nc) rows"
        and ij: "i < nr" "j < nc" and ij': "(i < nr  j < nc) = True" 
        and l: "l < nr" by auto
      have len: "j < length (IArray.list_of (IArray.list_of rows ! i))"
        "j < length (IArray.list_of (IArray.list_of rows ! l))"
        using ij nc nr l by (cases rows, auto)+
      show ?case unfolding A prod.simps fst_conv o_def snd_conv Let_def mk_mat_def ij' if_True
        using ij nr nc l
        by (cases "k = i", auto simp: len)
    qed next
  qed ((transfer, auto simp:Let_def)+)
qed simp
lemma gauss_jordan_main_code[code]:
  "gauss_jordan_main A B i j = (let nr = dim_row A; nc = dim_col A in
    if i < nr  j < nc then let aij = A $$ (i,j) in if aij = 0 then
      (case [ i' . i' <- [Suc i ..< nr],  A $$ (i',j)  0] 
        of []  gauss_jordan_main A B i (Suc j)
         | (i' # _)  gauss_jordan_main (swaprows i i' A) (swaprows i i' B) i j)
      else if aij = 1 then let v = (λ i. A $$ (i,j)) in
        (eliminate_entries v A i j) (eliminate_entries v B i j) (Suc i) (Suc j)
      else let iaij = inverse aij; A' = multrow i iaij A; B' = multrow i iaij B;
        v = (λ i. A' $$ (i,j)) in gauss_jordan_main 
        (eliminate_entries v A' i j) (eliminate_entries v B' i j) (Suc i) (Suc j)
    else (A,B))" (is "?l = ?r")
proof -
  note simps = gauss_jordan_main.simps[of A B i j] Let_def
  let ?nr = "dim_row A" 
  let ?nc = "dim_col A"
  let ?A' = "multrow i (inverse (A $$ (i,j))) A" 
  let ?B' = "multrow i (inverse (A $$ (i,j))) B" 
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "i < ?nr  j < ?nc  A $$ (i,j)  0  A $$ (i,j)  1")
    case False
    thus ?thesis unfolding simps by (auto split: if_splits)
    case True
    from True have id: "?A' $$ (i,j) = 1" by auto
    from True have "?l = gauss_jordan_main ?A' ?B' i j" unfolding simps by (simp add: Let_def)
    also have " = ?r" unfolding Let_def gauss_jordan_main.simps[of ?A' ?B' i j] id 
      using True by simp
    finally show ?thesis .
