Theory JMM_DRF

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/MM/JMM_DRF.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler

section ‹The data race free guarantee of the JMM›

theory JMM_DRF

context drf begin

lemma drf_lemma:
  assumes wf: "P  (E, ws) "
  and E: "E  "
  and sync: "correctly_synchronized P "
  and read_before: "r. r  read_actions E  P,E  ws r ≤hb r"
  shows "sequentially_consistent P (E, ws)"
proof(rule ccontr)
  let ?Q = "{r. r  read_actions E  ¬ P,E  r ↝mrw ws r}"

  assume "¬ ?thesis"
  then obtain r where "r  read_actions E" "¬ P,E  r ↝mrw ws r"
    by(auto simp add: sequentially_consistent_def)
  hence "r  ?Q" by simp
  with wf_action_order[of E] obtain r' 
    where "r'  ?Q"  
    and "(action_order E)^** r' r"
    and r'_min: "a. (action_order E) a r'  a  ?Q"
    by(rule wfP_minimalE) blast
  from r'  ?Q have r': "r'  read_actions E"
    and not_mrw: "¬ P,E  r' ↝mrw ws r'" by blast+

  from r' obtain ad al v where obs_r': "action_obs E r' = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)"
    by(cases) auto
  from wf have ws: "is_write_seen P E ws" 
    and tsa_ok: "thread_start_actions_ok E" 
    by(rule wf_exec_is_write_seenD wf_exec_thread_start_actions_okD)+
  from is_write_seenD[OF ws r' obs_r']
  have ws_r: "ws r'  write_actions E"
    and adal: "(ad, al)  action_loc P E (ws r')"
    and v: "v = value_written P E (ws r') (ad, al)"
    and not_hb: "¬ P,E  r' ≤hb ws r'" by auto
  from r' have "P,E  ws r' ≤hb r'" by(rule read_before)
  hence "E  ws r' ≤a r'" by(rule happens_before_into_action_order)
  from not_mrw
  have "w'. w'  write_actions E  (ad, al)  action_loc P E w'  
      ¬ P,E  w' ≤hb ws r'  ¬ P,E  w' ≤so ws r'  
      ¬ P,E  r' ≤hb w'  ¬ P,E  r' ≤so w'  E  w' ≤a r'"
  proof(rule contrapos_np)
    assume inbetween: "¬ ?thesis"
    note r'
    moreover from obs_r' have "(ad, al)  action_loc P E r'" by simp
    moreover note E  ws r' ≤a r' ws_r adal
    { fix w'
      assume "w'  write_actions E" "(ad, al)  action_loc P E w'"
      with inbetween have "P,E  w' ≤hb ws r'  P,E  w' ≤so ws r'  P,E  r' ≤hb w'  P,E  r' ≤so w'  ¬ E  w' ≤a r'" by simp
      moreover from total_onPD[OF total_action_order, of w' E r'] w'  write_actions E r'
      have "E  w' ≤a r'  E  r' ≤a w'" by(auto dest: read_actions_not_write_actions)
      ultimately have "E  w' ≤a ws r'  E  r' ≤a w'" unfolding sync_order_def
        by(blast intro: happens_before_into_action_order) }
    ultimately show "P,E  r' ↝mrw ws r'" by(rule most_recent_write_for.intros)
  then obtain w' where w': "w'  write_actions E"
    and adal_w': "(ad, al)  action_loc P E w'"
    and "¬ P,E  w' ≤hb ws r'" "¬ P,E  r' ≤hb w'" "E  w' ≤a r'" 
    and so: "¬ P,E  w' ≤so ws r'" "¬ P,E  r' ≤so w'" by blast

  have "ws r'  w'" using ¬ P,E  w' ≤hb ws r' ws_r
    by(auto intro: happens_before_refl)

  have vol: "¬ is_volatile P al"
    assume vol_al: "is_volatile P al"
    with r' obs_r' have "r'  sactions P E" by cases(rule sactionsI, simp_all)
    moreover from w' vol_al adal_w' have "w'  sactions P E" 
      by(cases)(auto intro: sactionsI elim!: is_write_action.cases)
    ultimately have "P,E  w' ≤so r'  w' = r'  P,E  r' ≤so w'"
      using total_sync_order[of P E] by(blast dest: total_onPD)
    moreover have "w'  r'" using w' r' by(auto dest: read_actions_not_write_actions)
    ultimately have "P,E  w' ≤so r'" using ¬ P,E  r' ≤so w' by simp
    moreover from ws_r vol_al adal have "ws r'  sactions P E" 
      by(cases)(auto intro: sactionsI elim!: is_write_action.cases)
    with total_sync_order[of P E] w'  sactions P E ¬ P,E  w' ≤so ws r' ws r'  w'
    have "P,E  ws r' ≤so w'" by(blast dest: total_onPD)
    ultimately show False
      using is_write_seenD[OF ws r' obs_r'] w' adal_w' vol_al ws r'  w' by auto

  { fix a
    assume "a < r'" and "a  read_actions E"
    hence "(action_order E) a r'" using r' obs_r' by(auto intro: action_orderI)
    from r'_min[OF this] a  read_actions E
    have "P,E  a ↝mrw ws a" by simp }

  from ℰ_sequential_completion[OF E wf this, of r'] r'
  obtain E' ws' where "E'  " "P  (E', ws') "
    and eq: "ltake (enat r') E = ltake (enat r') E'"
    and sc': "sequentially_consistent P (E', ws')" 
    and r'': "action_tid E r' = action_tid E' r'" "action_obs E r'  action_obs E' r'"
    and "r'  actions E'"
    by auto

  from P  (E', ws')  have tsa_ok': "thread_start_actions_ok E'"
    by(rule wf_exec_thread_start_actions_okD)

  from r'  read_actions E have "enat r' < llength E" by(auto elim: read_actions.cases actionsE)
  moreover from r'  actions E' have "enat r' < llength E'" by(auto elim: actionsE)
  ultimately have eq': "ltake (enat (Suc r')) E [≈] ltake (enat (Suc r')) E'"
    using eq[THEN eq_into_sim_actions] r''
    by(auto simp add: ltake_Suc_conv_snoc_lnth sim_actions_def split_beta action_tid_def action_obs_def intro!: llist_all2_lappendI)
  from r' have r'': "r'  read_actions E'"
    by(rule read_actions_change_prefix[OF _eq']) simp
  from obs_r' have "(ad, al)  action_loc P E r'" by simp
  hence adal_r'': "(ad, al)  action_loc P E' r'"
    by(subst (asm) action_loc_change_prefix[OF eq']) simp

  from ¬ P,E  w' ≤hb ws r'
  have "¬ is_new_action (action_obs E w')"
  proof(rule contrapos_nn)
    assume new_w': "is_new_action (action_obs E w')"
    show "P,E  w' ≤hb ws r'"
    proof(cases "is_new_action (action_obs E (ws r'))")
      case True
      with adal new_w' adal_w' w' ws_r
      have "ws r'  new_actions_for P E (ad, al)" "w'  new_actions_for P E (ad, al)"
        by(auto simp add: new_actions_for_def)
      with E   have "ws r' = w'" by(rule ℰ_new_actions_for_fun)
      thus ?thesis using w' by(auto intro: happens_before_refl)
      case False
      with tsa_ok w' ws_r new_w'
      show ?thesis by(auto intro: happens_before_new_not_new)
  with E  w' ≤a r' have "w'  r'" by(auto elim!: action_orderE)
  moreover from w' r' have "w'  r'" by(auto intro: read_actions_not_write_actions)
  ultimately have "w' < r'" by simp
  with w' have "w'  write_actions E'"
    by(auto intro: write_actions_change_prefix[OF _ eq'])
  hence "w'  actions E'" by simp

  from adal_w' w' < r'
  have "(ad, al)  action_loc P E' w'"
    by(subst action_loc_change_prefix[symmetric, OF eq']) simp_all
  from vol r'  read_actions E' w'  write_actions E' (ad, al)  action_loc P E' w' adal_r''
  have "P,E'  r'  w'" unfolding non_volatile_conflict_def by auto
  with sync E'   P  (E', ws')  sc' r'  actions E' w'  actions E'
  have hb'_r'_w': "P,E'  r' ≤hb w'  P,E'  w' ≤hb r'"
    by(rule correctly_synchronizedD[rule_format])
  hence "P,E  r' ≤hb w'  P,E  w' ≤hb r'" using w' < r'
    by(auto intro: happens_before_change_prefix[OF _ tsa_ok eq'[symmetric]])
  with ¬ P,E  r' ≤hb w' have "P,E  w' ≤hb r'" by simp
  have "P,E  ws r' ≤hb w'"
  proof(cases "is_new_action (action_obs E (ws r'))")
    case False
    with E  ws r' ≤a r' have "ws r'  r'" by(auto elim!: action_orderE)
    moreover from ws_r r' have "ws r'  r'" by(auto dest: read_actions_not_write_actions)
    ultimately have "ws r' < r'" by simp
    with ws_r have "ws r'  write_actions E'"
      by(auto intro: write_actions_change_prefix[OF _ eq'])
    hence "ws r'  actions E'" by simp
    from adal ws r' < r'
    have "(ad, al)  action_loc P E' (ws r')"
      by(subst action_loc_change_prefix[symmetric, OF eq']) simp_all
    hence "P,E'  ws r'  w'"
      using ws r'  write_actions E' w'  write_actions E' (ad, al)  action_loc P E' w' vol
      unfolding non_volatile_conflict_def by auto
    with sync E'   P  (E', ws')  sc' ws r'  actions E' w'  actions E'
    have "P,E'  ws r' ≤hb w'  P,E'  w' ≤hb ws r'"
      by(rule correctly_synchronizedD[rule_format])
    thus "P,E  ws r' ≤hb w'" using w' < r' ws r' < r' ¬ P,E  w' ≤hb ws r'
      by(auto dest: happens_before_change_prefix[OF _ tsa_ok eq'[symmetric]])
    case True 
    with tsa_ok ws_r w' ¬ is_new_action (action_obs E w')
    show "P,E  ws r' ≤hb w'" by(auto intro: happens_before_new_not_new)
  from wf have "is_write_seen P E ws" by(rule wf_exec_is_write_seenD)
  ultimately have "w' = ws r'"
    using is_write_seenD[OF is_write_seen P E ws r'  read_actions E obs_r']
      w'  write_actions E (ad, al)  action_loc P E w' P,E  w' ≤hb r'
    by auto
  with porder_happens_before[of E P] ¬ P,E  w' ≤hb ws r' ws_r show False
    by(auto dest: refl_onPD[where a="ws r'"] elim!: porder_onE)

lemma justified_action_committedD:
  assumes justified: "P  (E, ws) weakly_justified_by J"
  and a: "a  actions E"
  obtains n a' where "a = action_translation (J n) a'" "a'  committed (J n)"
  from justified have "actions E = (n. action_translation (J n) ` committed (J n))"
    by(simp add: is_commit_sequence_def)
  with a show "n a'. a = action_translation (J n) a'  a'  committed (J n)" by auto

theorem drf_weak:
  assumes sync: "correctly_synchronized P "
  and legal: "weakly_legal_execution P  (E, ws)"
  shows "sequentially_consistent P (E, ws)"
using legal_wf_execD[OF legal] legal_ℰD[OF legal] sync
proof(rule drf_lemma)
  fix r
  assume "r  read_actions E"

  from legal obtain J where E: "E  "
    and wf_exec: "P  (E, ws) "
    and J: "P  (E, ws) weakly_justified_by J"
    and range_J: "range (justifying_exec  J)  "
    by(rule legal_executionE)

  let ?E = "λn. justifying_exec (J n)"
    and ?ws = "λn. justifying_ws (J n)"
    and ?C = "λn. committed (J n)"
    and  = "λn. action_translation (J n)"
  from r  read_actions E have "r  actions E" by simp
  with J obtain n r' where r: "r = action_translation (J n) r'"
    and r': "r'  ?C n" by(rule justified_action_committedD)

  note r  read_actions E
  moreover from J have wfan: "wf_action_translation_on (?E n) E (?C n) ( n)"
    by(simp add: wf_action_translations_def)
  hence "action_obs (?E n) r'  action_obs E r" using r' unfolding r
    by(blast dest: wf_action_translation_on_actionD)
  moreover from J r' have "r'  actions (?E n)"
    by(auto simp add: committed_subset_actions_def)
  ultimately have "r'  read_actions (?E n)" unfolding r 
    by cases(auto intro: read_actions.intros)
  hence "P,E  ws ( n r') ≤hb  n r'" using r'  ?C n
  proof(induct n arbitrary: r')
    case 0
    from J have "?C 0 = {}" by(simp add: is_commit_sequence_def)
    with 0 have False by simp
    thus ?case ..
    case (Suc n r)
    note r = r  read_actions (?E (Suc n))
    from J have wfan: "wf_action_translation_on (?E n) E (?C n) ( n)"
      and wfaSn: "wf_action_translation_on (?E (Suc n)) E (?C (Suc n)) ( (Suc n))"
      by(simp_all add: wf_action_translations_def)

    from wfaSn have injSn: "inj_on ( (Suc n)) (actions (?E (Suc n)))"
      by(rule wf_action_translation_on_inj_onD)
    from J have C_sub_A: "?C (Suc n)  actions (?E (Suc n))"
      by(simp add: committed_subset_actions_def)

    from J have wf: "P  (?E (Suc n), ?ws (Suc n)) " by(simp add: justification_well_formed_def)
    moreover from range_J have "?E (Suc n)  " by auto
    ultimately have sc: "sequentially_consistent P (?E (Suc n), ?ws (Suc n))" using sync
    proof(rule drf_lemma)
      fix r'
      assume r': "r'  read_actions (?E (Suc n))"
      hence "r'  actions (?E (Suc n))" by simp
      show "P,?E (Suc n)  ?ws (Suc n) r' ≤hb r'"
      proof(cases " (Suc n) r'   n ` ?C n")
        case True
        then obtain r'' where r'': "r''  ?C n"
          and r'_r'': " (Suc n) r' =  n r''" by(auto)
        from r'' wfan have "action_tid (?E n) r'' = action_tid E ( n r'')"
          and "action_obs (?E n) r''  action_obs E ( n r'')"
          by(blast dest: wf_action_translation_on_actionD)+
        moreover from J have " n ` ?C n   (Suc n) ` ?C (Suc n)"
          by(simp add: is_commit_sequence_def)
        with r'' have " (Suc n) r'   (Suc n) ` ?C (Suc n)" 
          unfolding r'_r'' by auto
        hence "r'  ?C (Suc n)"
          unfolding inj_on_image_mem_iff[OF injSn r'  actions (?E (Suc n)) C_sub_A] .
        with wfaSn have "action_tid (?E (Suc n)) r' = action_tid E ( (Suc n) r')"
          and "action_obs (?E (Suc n)) r'  action_obs E ( (Suc n) r')"
          by(blast dest: wf_action_translation_on_actionD)+
        ultimately have tid: "action_tid (?E n) r'' = action_tid (?E (Suc n)) r'"
          and obs: "action_obs (?E n) r''  action_obs (?E (Suc n)) r'"
          unfolding r'_r'' by(auto intro: sim_action_trans sim_action_sym)
        from J have "?C n  actions (?E n)" by(simp add: committed_subset_actions_def)
        with r'' have "r''  actions (?E n)" by blast
        with r' obs have "r''  read_actions (?E n)"
          by cases(auto intro: read_actions.intros)
        hence hb'': "P,E  ws ( n r'') ≤hb  n r''"
          using r''  ?C n by(rule Suc)

        have r_conv_inv: "r' = inv_into (actions (?E (Suc n))) ( (Suc n)) ( n r'')"
          using r'  actions (?E (Suc n)) unfolding r'_r''[symmetric]
          by(simp add: inv_into_f_f[OF injSn])
        with r''  ?C n r' J r''  read_actions (?E n)
        have ws_eq[symmetric]: " (Suc n) (?ws (Suc n) r') = ws ( n r'')"
          by(simp add: write_seen_committed_def)
        with r'_r''[symmetric] hb'' have "P,E   (Suc n) (?ws (Suc n) r') ≤hb  (Suc n) r'" by simp

        from J r' r'  committed (J (Suc n))
        have "ws ( (Suc n) r')   (Suc n) ` ?C (Suc n)"
          by(rule weakly_justified_write_seen_hb_read_committed)
        then obtain w' where w': "ws ( (Suc n) r') =  (Suc n) w'"
          and committed_w': "w'  ?C (Suc n)" by blast
        with C_sub_A have w'_action: "w'  actions (?E (Suc n))" by auto

        hence w'_def: "w' = inv_into (actions (?E (Suc n))) ( (Suc n)) (ws ( (Suc n) r'))"
          using injSn unfolding w' by simp

        from J r'  r'  committed (J (Suc n)) 
        have hb_eq: "P,E  ws ( (Suc n) r') ≤hb  (Suc n) r'  P,?E (Suc n)  w' ≤hb r'"
          unfolding w'_def by(simp add: happens_before_committed_weak_def)

        from r' obtain ad al v where "action_obs (?E (Suc n)) r' = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)" by(cases)
        from is_write_seenD[OF wf_exec_is_write_seenD[OF wf] r' this]
        have "?ws (Suc n) r'  actions (?E (Suc n))" by(auto)
        with injSn have "w' = ?ws (Suc n) r'"
          unfolding w'_def ws_eq[folded r'_r''] by(rule inv_into_f_f)
        thus ?thesis using hb'' hb_eq w'_action r'_r''[symmetric] w' injSn by simp
        case False
        with J r' show ?thesis by(auto simp add: uncommitted_reads_see_hb_def)

    from r have "r  actions (?E (Suc n))" by simp
    let ?w = "inv_into (actions (?E (Suc n))) ( (Suc n)) (ws ( (Suc n) r))"
    from J r r  ?C (Suc n) have ws_rE_comm: "ws ( (Suc n) r)   (Suc n) ` ?C (Suc n)"
      by(rule weakly_justified_write_seen_hb_read_committed)
    hence "?w  ?C (Suc n)" using C_sub_A by(auto simp add: inv_into_f_f[OF injSn])
    with C_sub_A have w: "?w  actions (?E (Suc n))" by blast

    from ws_rE_comm C_sub_A have w_eq: " (Suc n) ?w = ws ( (Suc n) r)"
      by(auto simp: f_inv_into_f[where f=" (Suc n)"])
    from r obtain ad al v
      where obsr: "action_obs (?E (Suc n)) r = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)" by cases
    hence adal_r: "(ad, al)  action_loc P (?E (Suc n)) r" by simp
    from J wfaSn r  ?C (Suc n)
    have obs_sim: "action_obs (?E (Suc n)) r  action_obs E ( (Suc n) r)" " (Suc n) r  actions E"
      by(auto dest: wf_action_translation_on_actionD simp add: committed_subset_actions_def is_commit_sequence_def)
    with obsr have rE: " (Suc n) r  read_actions E" by(fastforce intro: read_actions.intros)
    from obs_sim obsr obtain v' 
      where obsrE: "action_obs E ( (Suc n) r) = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v')" by auto
    from wf_exec have "is_write_seen P E ws" by(rule wf_exec_is_write_seenD)
    from is_write_seenD[OF this rE obsrE]
    have "ws ( (Suc n) r)  write_actions E" 
      and "(ad, al)  action_loc P E (ws ( (Suc n) r))"
      and nhb: "¬ P,E   (Suc n) r ≤hb ws ( (Suc n) r)" 
      and vol: "is_volatile P al  ¬ P,E   (Suc n) r ≤so ws ( (Suc n) r)" by simp_all

    show ?case
    proof(cases "is_volatile P al")
      case False

      from wf_action_translation_on_actionD[OF wfaSn ?w  ?C (Suc n)]
      have "action_obs (?E (Suc n)) ?w  action_obs E ( (Suc n) ?w)" by simp
      with w_eq have obs_sim_w: "action_obs (?E (Suc n)) ?w  action_obs E (ws ( (Suc n) r))" by simp
      with ws ( (Suc n) r)  write_actions E ?w  actions (?E (Suc n))
      have "?w  write_actions (?E (Suc n))"
        by cases(fastforce intro: write_actions.intros is_write_action.intros elim!: is_write_action.cases)
      from (ad, al)  action_loc P E (ws ( (Suc n) r)) obs_sim_w 
      have "(ad, al)  action_loc P (?E (Suc n)) ?w" by cases(auto intro: action_loc_aux_intros)
      with r adal_r ?w  write_actions (?E (Suc n)) False
      have "P,?E (Suc n)  r  ?w" by(auto simp add: non_volatile_conflict_def)
      with sc r  actions (?E (Suc n)) w
      have "P,?E (Suc n)  r ≤hb ?w  P,?E (Suc n)  ?w ≤hb r"
        by(rule correctly_synchronizedD[rule_format, OF sync ?E (Suc n)   wf])
      moreover from J r r  ?C (Suc n) 
      have "P,?E (Suc n)  ?w ≤hb r  P,E  ws ( (Suc n) r) ≤hb  (Suc n) r"
        and "¬ P,?E (Suc n)  r ≤hb ?w"
        by(simp_all add: happens_before_committed_weak_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case True
      with rE obsrE have " (Suc n) r  sactions P E" by cases (auto intro: sactionsI)
      moreover from ws ( (Suc n) r)  write_actions E (ad, al)  action_loc P E (ws ( (Suc n) r)) True 
      have "ws ( (Suc n) r)  sactions P E" by cases(auto intro!: sactionsI elim: is_write_action.cases)
      moreover have " (Suc n) r  ws ( (Suc n) r)"
        using ws ( (Suc n) r)  write_actions E rE by(auto dest: read_actions_not_write_actions)
      ultimately have "P,E  ws ( (Suc n) r) ≤so  (Suc n) r"
        using total_sync_order[of P E] vol[OF True] by(auto dest: total_onPD)
      moreover from ws ( (Suc n) r)  write_actions E (ad, al)  action_loc P E (ws ( (Suc n) r)) True
      have "P  (action_tid E (ws ( (Suc n) r)), action_obs E (ws ( (Suc n) r))) ↝sw
        (action_tid E ( (Suc n) r), action_obs E ( (Suc n) r))"
        by cases(fastforce elim!: is_write_action.cases intro: synchronizes_with.intros addr_locsI simp add: obsrE)
      ultimately have "P,E  ws ( (Suc n) r) ≤sw  (Suc n) r" by(rule sync_withI)
      thus ?thesis unfolding po_sw_def by blast
  thus "P,E  ws r ≤hb r" unfolding r .

corollary drf:
  " correctly_synchronized P ; legal_execution P  (E, ws) 
   sequentially_consistent P (E, ws)"
by(erule drf_weak)(rule legal_imp_weakly_legal_execution)

