Theory FWDeadlock

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/Framework/FWDeadlock.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler

section ‹Deadlock formalisation›

theory FWDeadlock

context final_thread begin

definition all_final_except :: "('l,'t,'x,'m,'w) state  't set  bool" where
  "all_final_except s Ts  t. not_final_thread s t  t  Ts"

lemma all_final_except_mono [mono]:
  "(x. x  A  x  B)  all_final_except ts A  all_final_except ts B"
by(auto simp add: all_final_except_def)

lemma all_final_except_mono':
  " all_final_except ts A; x. x  A  x  B   all_final_except ts B"
by(blast intro: all_final_except_mono[rule_format])

lemma all_final_exceptI:
  "(t. not_final_thread s t  t  Ts)  all_final_except s Ts"
by(auto simp add: all_final_except_def)

lemma all_final_exceptD:
  " all_final_except s Ts; not_final_thread s t   t  Ts"
by(auto simp add: all_final_except_def)

inductive must_wait :: "('l,'t,'x,'m,'w) state  't  ('l + 't + 't)  't set  bool"
  for s :: "('l,'t,'x,'m,'w) state" and t :: "'t" where
  ― ‹Lock l›
  " has_lock (locks s $ l) t'; t'  t; t'  Ts   must_wait s t (Inl l) Ts"
| ― ‹Join t'›
  " not_final_thread s t'; t'  Ts   must_wait s t (Inr (Inl t')) Ts"
| ― ‹IsInterrupted t' True›
  " all_final_except s Ts; t'  interrupts s   must_wait s t (Inr (Inr t')) Ts"

declare must_wait.cases [elim]
declare must_wait.intros [intro]

lemma must_wait_elims [consumes 1, case_names lock join interrupt, cases pred]:
  assumes "must_wait s t lt Ts"
  obtains l t' where "lt = Inl l" "has_lock (locks s $ l) t'" "t'  t" "t'  Ts"
  | t' where "lt = Inr (Inl t')" "not_final_thread s t'" "t'  Ts"
  | t' where "lt = Inr (Inr t')" "all_final_except s Ts" "t'  interrupts s"
using assms

inductive_cases must_wait_elims2 [elim!]:
  "must_wait s t (Inl l) Ts"
  "must_wait s t (Inr (Inl t'')) Ts"
  "must_wait s t (Inr (Inr t'')) Ts"

lemma must_wait_iff:
  "must_wait s t lt Ts  
  (case lt of Inl l  t'Ts. t  t'  has_lock (locks s $ l) t'
     | Inr (Inl t')  not_final_thread s t'  t'  Ts
     | Inr (Inr t')  all_final_except s Ts  t'  interrupts s)"
by(auto simp add: must_wait.simps split: sum.splits)


text‹Deadlock as a system-wide property›

context multithreaded_base begin

  deadlock :: "('l,'t,'x,'m,'w) state  bool"
  "deadlock s
      (t x. thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)  ¬ final x  wset s t = None
         t  x, shr s   (LT. t  x, shr s LT   (lt  LT. must_wait s t lt (dom (thr s)))))
      (t x ln. thr s t = (x, ln)  (l. ln $ l > 0)  ¬ waiting (wset s t)
         (l t'. ln $ l > 0  t  t'  thr s t'  None  has_lock (locks s $ l) t'))
      (t x w. thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)  wset s t  PostWS w)"

lemma deadlockI:
  " t x.  thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks); ¬ final x; wset s t = None 
     t  x, shr s   (LT. t  x, shr s LT   (lt  LT. must_wait s t lt (dom (thr s))));
    t x ln l.  thr s t = (x, ln); ln $ l > 0; ¬ waiting (wset s t) 
     l t'. ln $ l > 0  t  t'  thr s t'  None  has_lock (locks s $ l) t';
    t x w. thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)  wset s t  PostWS w 
   deadlock s"
by(auto simp add: deadlock_def)

lemma deadlockE:
  assumes "deadlock s"
  obtains "t x. thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)  ¬ final x  wset s t = None
         t  x, shr s   (LT. t  x, shr s LT   (lt  LT. must_wait s t lt (dom (thr s))))"
  and "t x ln. thr s t = (x, ln)  (l. ln $ l > 0)  ¬ waiting (wset s t)
                 (l t'. ln $ l > 0  t  t'  thr s t'  None  has_lock (locks s $ l) t')"
  and "t x w. thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)  wset s t  PostWS w"
using assms unfolding deadlock_def by(blast)

lemma deadlockD1:
  assumes "deadlock s"
  and "thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)"
  and "¬ final x"
  and "wset s t = None"
  obtains "t  x, shr s "
  and "LT. t  x, shr s LT   (lt  LT. must_wait s t lt (dom (thr s)))"
using assms unfolding deadlock_def by(blast)

lemma deadlockD2:
  fixes ln
  assumes "deadlock s"
  and "thr s t = (x, ln)"
  and "ln $ l > 0"
  and "¬ waiting (wset s t)"
  obtains l' t' where "ln $ l' > 0" "t  t'" "thr s t'  None" "has_lock (locks s $ l') t'"
using assms unfolding deadlock_def by blast

lemma deadlockD3:
  assumes "deadlock s"
  and "thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)"
  shows "w. wset s t  PostWS w"
using assms unfolding deadlock_def by blast

lemma deadlock_def2:
  "deadlock s 
    (t x. thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)  ¬ final x  wset s t = None
     t  x, shr s   (LT. t  x, shr s LT   (lt  LT. must_wait s t lt (dom (thr s)))))
   (t x ln. thr s t = (x, ln)  ln  no_wait_locks  ¬ waiting (wset s t)
     (l. ln $ l > 0  must_wait s t (Inl l) (dom (thr s))))
   (t x w. thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)  wset s t  PostWS WSNotified  wset s t  PostWS WSWokenUp)"
unfolding neq_no_wait_locks_conv
apply(rule iffI)
 apply(intro strip conjI)
     apply(blast dest: deadlockD1)
    apply(blast dest: deadlockD1)
   apply(blast elim: deadlockD2)
  apply(blast dest: deadlockD3)
 apply(blast dest: deadlockD3)
apply(elim conjE exE)
apply(rule deadlockI)
  apply blast
 apply(rotate_tac 1)
 apply(erule allE, rotate_tac -1)
 apply(erule allE, rotate_tac -1)
 apply(erule allE, rotate_tac -1)
 apply(erule impE, blast)
 apply(elim exE conjE)
 apply(erule must_wait.cases)
   apply(rotate_tac 3)
   apply(rule exI conjI|erule not_sym|assumption)+
    apply blast
   apply blast
  apply blast
 apply blast
apply(case_tac w)
 apply blast
apply blast

lemma all_waiting_implies_deadlock:
  assumes "lock_thread_ok (locks s) (thr s)"
  and normal: "t x.  thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks); ¬ final x; wset s t = None  
                t  x, shr s   (LT. t  x, shr s LT   (lt  LT. must_wait s t lt (dom (thr s))))"
  and acquire: "t x ln l.  thr s t = (x, ln); ¬ waiting (wset s t); ln $ l > 0 
                  l'. ln $ l' > 0  ¬ may_lock (locks s $ l') t"
  and wakeup: "t x w. thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)  wset s t  PostWS w"
  shows "deadlock s"
proof(rule deadlockI)
  fix T X
  assume "thr s T = (X, no_wait_locks)" "¬ final X" "wset s T = None"
  thus "T  X, shr s   (LT. T  X, shr s LT   (ltLT. must_wait s T lt (dom (thr s))))" 
    by(rule normal)
  fix T X LN l'
  assume "thr s T = (X, LN)"
    and "0 < LN $ l'"
    and wset: "¬ waiting (wset s T)"
  from acquire[OF thr s T = (X, LN) wset, OF 0 < LN $ l']
  obtain l' where "0 < LN $ l'" "¬ may_lock (locks s $ l') T" by blast
  then obtain t' where "T  t'" "has_lock (locks s $ l') t'"
    unfolding not_may_lock_conv by fastforce
  moreover with lock_thread_ok (locks s) (thr s)
  have "thr s t'  None" by(auto dest: lock_thread_okD)
  ultimately show "l t'. 0 < LN $ l  T  t'  thr s t'  None  has_lock (locks s $ l) t'"
    using 0 < LN $ l' by(auto)
qed(rule wakeup)

lemma mfinal_deadlock:
  "mfinal s  deadlock s"
unfolding mfinal_def2
by(rule deadlockI)(auto simp add: final_thread_def)

text ‹Now deadlock for single threads›

lemma must_wait_mono:
  "(x. x  A  x  B)  must_wait s t lt A  must_wait s t lt B"
by(auto simp add: must_wait_iff split: sum.split elim: all_final_except_mono')

lemma must_wait_mono':
  " must_wait s t lt A; A  B   must_wait s t lt B"
using must_wait_mono[of A B s t lt]
by blast


lemma UN_mono: " x  A  x  A'; x  B  x  B'   x  A  B  x  A'  B'"
by blast

lemma Collect_mono_conv [mono]: "x  {x. P x}  P x"
by blast

context multithreaded_base begin

coinductive_set deadlocked :: "('l,'t,'x,'m,'w) state  't set"
  for s :: "('l,'t,'x,'m,'w) state" where
    " thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks); t  x, shr s ; wset s t = None;
       LT. t  x, shr s LT   lt  LT. must_wait s t lt (deadlocked s  final_threads s) 
      t  deadlocked s"

| deadlockedWait:
    "ln.  thr s t = (x, ln); all_final_except s (deadlocked s); waiting (wset s t)   t  deadlocked s"

| deadlockedAcquire:
    "ln.  thr s t = (x, ln); ¬ waiting (wset s t); ln $ l > 0; has_lock (locks s $ l) t'; t'  t; 
       t'  deadlocked s  final_thread s t'  
      t  deadlocked s"
monos must_wait_mono UN_mono

lemma deadlockedAcquire_must_wait:
  "ln.  thr s t = (x, ln); ¬ waiting (wset s t); ln $ l > 0; must_wait s t (Inl l) (deadlocked s  final_threads s) 
   t  deadlocked s"
apply(erule must_wait_elims)
apply(erule (2) deadlockedAcquire)
apply auto

lemma deadlocked_elims [consumes 1, case_names lock wait acquire]:
  assumes "t  deadlocked s"
  and lock: "x.  thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks); t  x, shr s ; wset s t = None;
     LT. t  x, shr s LT   lt  LT. must_wait s t lt (deadlocked s  final_threads s) 
  and wait: "x ln.  thr s t = (x, ln); all_final_except s (deadlocked s); waiting (wset s t) 
  and acquire: "x ln l t'. 
     thr s t = (x, ln); ¬ waiting (wset s t); 0 < ln $ l; has_lock (locks s $ l) t'; t  t';
      t'  deadlocked s  final_thread s t'   thesis"
  shows thesis
using assms by cases blast+

lemma deadlocked_coinduct 
  [consumes 1, case_names deadlocked, case_conclusion deadlocked Lock Wait Acquire, coinduct set: deadlocked]:
  assumes major: "t  X"
  and step: 
  "t. t  X 
     (x. thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)  t  x, shr s   wset s t = None 
         (LT. t  x, shr s LT   (ltLT. must_wait s t lt (X  deadlocked s  final_threads s)))) 
     (x ln. thr s t = (x, ln)  all_final_except s (X  deadlocked s)  waiting (wset s t)) 
     (x l t' ln. thr s t = (x, ln)  ¬ waiting (wset s t)  0 < ln $ l  has_lock (locks s $ l) t' 
         t'  t  ((t'  X  t'  deadlocked s)  final_thread s t'))"
  shows "t  deadlocked s"
using major
  case (deadlocked t)
  have "X  deadlocked s  final_threads s = {x. x  X  x  deadlocked s  x  final_threads s}"
    by auto
  moreover have "X  deadlocked s = {x. x  X  x  deadlocked s}" by blast
  ultimately show ?case using step[OF deadlocked] by(elim disjE) simp_all

definition deadlocked' :: "('l,'t,'x,'m,'w) state  bool" where
  "deadlocked' s  (t. not_final_thread s t  t  deadlocked s)"

lemma deadlocked'I:
  "(t. not_final_thread s t  t  deadlocked s)  deadlocked' s"
by(auto simp add: deadlocked'_def)

lemma deadlocked'D2:
  " deadlocked' s; not_final_thread s t; t  deadlocked s  thesis   thesis"
by(auto simp add: deadlocked'_def)

lemma not_deadlocked'I:
  " not_final_thread s t; t  deadlocked s   ¬ deadlocked' s"
by(auto dest: deadlocked'D2)

lemma deadlocked'_intro:
  " t. not_final_thread s t  t  deadlocked s   deadlocked' s"
by(rule deadlocked'I)(blast)+

lemma deadlocked_thread_exists: 
  assumes "t  deadlocked s"
  and "x ln. thr s t = (x, ln)  thesis"
  shows thesis
using assms
by cases blast+


context multithreaded begin 

lemma red_no_deadlock: 
  assumes P: "s -tta s'"
  and dead: "t  deadlocked s"
  shows False
proof -
  from P show False
    case (redT_normal x x' m')
    note red = t  x, shr s -ta x', m'
    note tst = thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)
    note aok = actions_ok s t ta
    show False
    proof(cases "w. wset s t = InWS w")
      case True with aok show ?thesis by(auto simp add: wset_actions_ok_def split: if_split_asm)
      case False
      with dead tst
      have mle: "t  x, shr s "
        and cledead: "LT. t  x, shr s LT   (lt  LT. must_wait s t lt (deadlocked s  final_threads s))"
        by(cases, auto simp add: waiting_def)+
      let ?LT = "collect_waits ta"
      from red have "t  x, shr s ?LT " by(auto intro: can_syncI)
      then obtain lt where lt: "lt  ?LT" and mw: "must_wait s t lt (deadlocked s  final_threads s)"
        by(blast dest: cledead[rule_format])
      from mw show False
      proof(cases rule: must_wait_elims)
        case (lock l t')
        from lt = Inl l lt have "l  collect_locks tal" by(auto)
        with aok have "may_lock (locks s $ l) t"
          by(auto elim!: collect_locksE lock_ok_las_may_lock)
        with has_lock (locks s $ l) t' have "t' = t"
          by(auto dest: has_lock_may_lock_t_eq)
        with t'  t show False by contradiction
        case (join t')
        from lt = Inr (Inl t') lt have "Join t'  set tac" by auto
        from not_final_thread s t'  obtain x'' ln''
          where "thr s t' = (x'', ln'')" by(rule not_final_thread_existsE)
        moreover with Join t'  set tac aok
        have "final x''" "ln'' = no_wait_locks" "wset s t' = None"
          by(auto dest: cond_action_oks_Join)
        ultimately show False using not_final_thread s t' by(auto)
        case (interrupt t')
        from  aok lt lt = Inr (Inr t')
        have "t'  interrupts s"
          by(auto intro: collect_interrupts_interrupted)
        with t'  interrupts s show False by contradiction
    case (redT_acquire x n ln)
    show False
    proof(cases "w. wset s t = InWS w")
      case True with ¬ waiting (wset s t) show ?thesis
        by(auto simp add: not_waiting_iff)
      case False
      with dead thr s t = (x, ln) 0 < ln $ n
      obtain l t' where "0 < ln $ l" "t  t'"
        and "has_lock (locks s $ l) t'"
        by(cases)(fastforce simp add: waiting_def)+
      hence "¬ may_acquire_all (locks s) t ln"
        by(auto elim: may_acquire_allE dest: has_lock_may_lock_t_eq)
      with may_acquire_all (locks s) t ln show ?thesis by contradiction

lemma deadlocked'_no_red:
  " s -tta s'; deadlocked' s   False"
apply(rule red_no_deadlock)
apply(erule deadlocked'D2)
by(rule red_not_final_thread)

lemma not_final_thread_deadlocked_final_thread [iff]: 
  "thr s t = xln  not_final_thread s t  t  deadlocked s  final_thread s t"
by(auto simp add: not_final_thread_final_thread_conv[symmetric])

lemma all_waiting_deadlocked:
  assumes "not_final_thread s t"
  and "lock_thread_ok (locks s) (thr s)" 
  and normal: "t x.  thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks); ¬ final x; wset s t = None  
                t  x, shr s   (LT. t  x, shr s LT   (ltLT. must_wait s t lt (final_threads s)))"
  and acquire: "t x ln l.  thr s t = (x, ln); ¬ waiting (wset s t); ln $ l > 0 
                 l'. ln $ l' > 0  ¬ may_lock (locks s $ l') t"
  and wakeup: "t x w. thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)  wset s t  PostWS w"
  shows "t  deadlocked s"
proof -
  from not_final_thread s t
  have "t  {t. not_final_thread s t}" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    case (deadlocked z)
    hence "not_final_thread s z" by simp
    then obtain x' ln' where "thr s z = (x', ln')" by(fastforce elim!: not_final_thread_existsE)
      assume "wset s z = None" "¬ final x'"
        and [simp]: "ln' = no_wait_locks"
      with thr s z = (x', ln')
      have "z  x', shr s   (LT. z  x', shr s LT   (lt  LT. must_wait s z lt (final_threads s)))"
        by(auto dest: normal)
      then obtain "z  x', shr s "
        and clnml: "LT. z  x', shr s LT   lt  LT. must_wait s z lt (final_threads s)" by(blast)
      { fix LT
        assume "z  x', shr s LT "
        then obtain lt where mw: "must_wait s z lt (final_threads s)" and lt: "lt  LT"
          by(blast dest: clnml)
        from mw have "must_wait s z lt ({t. not_final_thread s t}  deadlocked s  final_threads s)"
          by(blast intro: must_wait_mono')
        with lt have "lt  LT. must_wait s z lt ({t. not_final_thread s t}  deadlocked s  final_threads s)"
          by blast }
      with z  x', shr s  thr s z = (x', ln') wset s z = None have ?case by(simp) }
    note c1 = this
      assume wsz: "¬ waiting (wset s z)"
        and "ln'  no_wait_locks"
      from ln'  no_wait_locks obtain l where "0 < ln' $ l"
        by(auto simp add: neq_no_wait_locks_conv)
      with wsz thr s z = (x', ln') 
      obtain l' where "0 < ln' $ l'" "¬ may_lock (locks s $ l') z"
        by(blast dest: acquire)
      then obtain t'' where "t''  z" "has_lock (locks s $ l') t''"
        unfolding not_may_lock_conv by blast
      with lock_thread_ok (locks s) (thr s)
      obtain x'' ln'' where "thr s t'' = (x'', ln'')"
        by(auto elim!: lock_thread_ok_has_lockE)
      hence "(not_final_thread s t''  t''  deadlocked s)  final_thread s t''"
        by(clarsimp simp add: not_final_thread_iff final_thread_def)
      with wsz 0 < ln' $ l' thr s z = (x', ln') t''  z has_lock (locks s $ l') t''
      have ?Acquire by simp blast
      hence ?case by simp }
    note c2 = this
    { fix w
      assume "waiting (wset s z)"
      with thr s z = (x', ln')
      have "?Wait" by(clarsimp simp add: all_final_except_def)
      hence ?case by simp }
    note c3 = this
    from not_final_thread s z thr s z = (x', ln') show ?case
    proof(cases rule: not_final_thread_cases2)
      case final show ?thesis
      proof(cases "wset s z")
        case None show ?thesis
        proof(cases "ln' = no_wait_locks")
          case True with None final show ?thesis by(rule c1)
          case False
          from None have "¬ waiting (wset s z)" by(simp add: not_waiting_iff)
          thus ?thesis using False by(rule c2)
        case (Some w)
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases w)
          case (InWS w') 
          with Some have "waiting (wset s z)" by(simp add: waiting_def)
          thus ?thesis by(rule c3)
          case (PostWS w')
          with Some have "¬ waiting (wset s z)" by(simp add: not_waiting_iff)
          moreover from PostWS thr s z = (x', ln') Some
          have "ln'  no_wait_locks" by(auto dest: wakeup)
          ultimately show ?thesis by(rule c2)
      case wait_locks show ?thesis
      proof(cases "wset s z")
        case None
        hence "¬ waiting (wset s z)" by(simp add: not_waiting_iff)
        thus ?thesis using wait_locks by(rule c2)
        case (Some w)
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases w)
          case (InWS w')
          with Some have "waiting (wset s z)" by(simp add: waiting_def)
          thus ?thesis by(rule c3)
          case (PostWS w')
          with Some have "¬ waiting (wset s z)" by(simp add: not_waiting_iff)
          moreover from PostWS thr s z = (x', ln') Some
          have "ln'  no_wait_locks" by(auto dest: wakeup)
          ultimately show ?thesis by(rule c2)
      case (wait_set w)
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases w)
        case (InWS w')
        with wait_set have "waiting (wset s z)" by(simp add: waiting_def)
        thus ?thesis by(rule c3)
        case (PostWS w')
        with wait_set have "¬ waiting (wset s z)" by(simp add: not_waiting_iff)
        moreover from PostWS thr s z = (x', ln') wait_set
        have "ln'  no_wait_locks" by(auto dest: wakeup[simplified])
        ultimately show ?thesis by(rule c2)

text ‹Equivalence proof for both notions of deadlock›

lemma deadlock_implies_deadlocked':
  assumes dead: "deadlock s" 
  shows "deadlocked' s"
proof -
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule deadlocked'I)
    fix t
    assume "not_final_thread s t"
    hence "t  {t. not_final_thread s t}" ..
    thus "t  deadlocked s"
      case (deadlocked t'')
      hence "not_final_thread s t''" ..
      then obtain x'' ln'' where tst'': "thr s t'' = (x'', ln'')"
        by(rule not_final_thread_existsE)
      { assume "waiting (wset s t'')"
        with tst'' have nfine: "not_final_thread s t''"
          unfolding waiting_def
          by(blast intro: not_final_thread.intros)
        ultimately have ?case using tst''
          by(blast intro: all_final_exceptI not_final_thread_final) }
      note c1 = this
        assume wst'': "¬ waiting (wset s t'')"
          and "ln''  no_wait_locks"
        then obtain l where l: "ln'' $ l > 0"
          by(auto simp add: neq_no_wait_locks_conv)
        with dead wst'' tst'' obtain l' T
          where "ln'' $ l' > 0" "t''  T" 
          and hl: "has_lock (locks s $ l') T"
          and tsT: "thr s T  None"
          by - (erule deadlockD2)
        moreover from thr s T  None
        obtain xln where tsT: "thr s T = xln" by auto
        then obtain X LN where "thr s T = (X, LN)"
          by(cases xln, auto)
        moreover hence "not_final_thread s T  final_thread s T"
          by(auto simp add: final_thread_def not_final_thread_iff)
        ultimately have ?case using wst'' tst'' by blast }
      note c2 = this
      { assume "wset s t'' = None"
        and [simp]: "ln'' = no_wait_locks"
        with not_final_thread s t'' tst''
        have "¬ final x''" by(auto)
        ultimately obtain "t''  x'', shr s "
          and clnml: "LT. t''  x'', shr s LT   t'. thr s t'  None  (ltLT. must_wait s t'' lt (dom (thr s)))"
          using thr s t'' = (x'', ln'') deadlock s
          by(blast elim: deadlockD1)
        { fix LT
          assume "t''  x'', shr s LT "
          then obtain lt where lt: "lt  LT"
            and mw: "must_wait s t'' lt (dom (thr s))"
            by(blast dest: clnml)
          note mw
          also have "dom (thr s) = {t. not_final_thread s t}  deadlocked s  final_threads s"
            by(auto simp add: not_final_thread_conv dest: deadlocked_thread_exists elim: final_threadE)
          finally have "ltLT. must_wait s t'' lt ({t. not_final_thread s t}  deadlocked s  final_threads s)"
            using lt by blast }
        with t''  x'', shr s  tst'' wset s t'' = None have ?case by(simp) }
      note c3 = this
      from not_final_thread s t'' tst'' show ?case
      proof(cases rule: not_final_thread_cases2)
        case final show ?thesis
        proof(cases "wset s t''")
          case None show ?thesis
          proof(cases "ln'' = no_wait_locks")
            case True with None show ?thesis by(rule c3)
            case False
            from None have "¬ waiting (wset s t'')" by(simp add: not_waiting_iff)
            thus ?thesis using False by(rule c2)
          case (Some w)
          show ?thesis
          proof(cases w)
            case (InWS w')
            with Some have "waiting (wset s t'')" by(simp add: waiting_def)
            thus ?thesis by(rule c1)
            case (PostWS w')
            hence "¬ waiting (wset s t'')" using Some by(simp add: not_waiting_iff)
            moreover from PostWS Some tst''
            have "ln''  no_wait_locks" by(auto dest: deadlockD3[OF dead])
            ultimately show ?thesis by(rule c2)
        case wait_locks show ?thesis
        proof(cases "waiting (wset s t'')")
          case False
          thus ?thesis using wait_locks by(rule c2)
          case True thus ?thesis by(rule c1)
        case (wait_set w)
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases w)
          case InWS
          with wait_set have "waiting (wset s t'')" by(simp add: waiting_def)
          thus ?thesis by(rule c1)
          case (PostWS w')
          hence "¬ waiting (wset s t'')" using wait_set
            by(simp add: not_waiting_iff)
          moreover from PostWS wait_set tst''
          have "ln''  no_wait_locks" by(auto dest: deadlockD3[OF dead])
          ultimately show ?thesis by(rule c2)

lemma deadlocked'_implies_deadlock:
  assumes dead: "deadlocked' s" 
  shows "deadlock s"
proof -
  have deadlocked: "t. not_final_thread s t  t  deadlocked s"
    using dead by(rule deadlocked'D2)
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule deadlockI)
    fix t' x'
    assume "thr s t' = (x', no_wait_locks)"
      and "¬ final x'"
      and "wset s t' = None"
    hence "not_final_thread s t'" by(auto intro: not_final_thread_final)
    hence "t'  deadlocked s" by(rule deadlocked)
    thus "t'  x', shr s   (LT. t'  x', shr s LT   (lt  LT. must_wait s t' lt (dom (thr s))))"
    proof(cases rule: deadlocked_elims)
      case (lock x'')
      note lock = LT. t'  x'', shr s LT   lt  LT. must_wait s t' lt (deadlocked s  final_threads s)
      from thr s t' = (x'', no_wait_locks) thr s t' = (x', no_wait_locks)
      have [simp]: "x' = x''" by auto
      { fix LT
        assume "t'  x'', shr s LT "
        from lock[OF this] obtain lt where lt: "lt  LT"
          and mw: "must_wait s t' lt (deadlocked s  final_threads s)" by blast
        have "deadlocked s  final_threads s  dom (thr s)"
          by(auto elim: final_threadE dest: deadlocked_thread_exists)
        with mw have "must_wait s t' lt (dom (thr s))" by(rule must_wait_mono')
        with lt have "ltLT. must_wait s t' lt (dom (thr s))" by blast }
      with t'  x'', shr s  show ?thesis by(auto)
      case (wait x'' ln'')
      from wset s t' = None waiting (wset s t')
      have False by(simp add: waiting_def)
      thus ?thesis ..
      case (acquire x'' ln'' l'' T)
      from thr s t' = (x'', ln'') thr s t' = (x', no_wait_locks) 0 < ln'' $ l''
      have False by(auto)
      thus ?thesis ..
    fix t' x' ln' l
    assume "thr s t' = (x', ln')"
      and "0 < ln' $ l"
      and wst': "¬ waiting (wset s t')"
    hence "not_final_thread s t'" by(auto intro: not_final_thread_wait_locks)
    hence "t'  deadlocked s" by(rule deadlocked)
    thus "l T. 0 < ln' $ l  t'  T  thr s T  None  has_lock (locks s $ l) T"
    proof(cases rule: deadlocked_elims)
      case (lock x'')
      from thr s t' = (x', ln') thr s t' = (x'', no_wait_locks) 0 < ln' $ l
      have False by auto
      thus ?thesis ..
      case (wait x' ln')
      from wst' waiting (wset s t')
      have False by contradiction
      thus ?thesis ..
      case (acquire x'' ln'' l'' t'')
      from thr s t' = (x'', ln'') thr s t' = (x', ln')
      have [simp]: "x' = x''" "ln' = ln''" by auto
      moreover from t''  deadlocked s  final_thread s t''
      have "thr s t''  None"
        by(auto elim: deadlocked_thread_exists simp add: final_thread_def)
      with 0 < ln'' $ l'' has_lock (locks s $ l'') t'' t'  t'' thr s t' = (x'', ln'')
      show ?thesis by auto
    fix t x w
    assume tst: "thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)"
    show "wset s t  PostWS w"
      assume "wset s t = PostWS w"
      moreover with tst have "not_final_thread s t"
        by(auto simp add: not_final_thread_iff)
      hence "t  deadlocked s" by(rule deadlocked)
      ultimately show False using tst
        by(auto elim: deadlocked.cases simp add: waiting_def)

lemma deadlock_eq_deadlocked':
  "deadlock = deadlocked'"
by(rule ext)(auto intro: deadlock_implies_deadlocked' deadlocked'_implies_deadlock)

lemma deadlock_no_red:
  " s -tta s'; deadlock s   False"
unfolding deadlock_eq_deadlocked'
by(rule deadlocked'_no_red)

lemma deadlock_no_active_threads:
  assumes dead: "deadlock s"
  shows "active_threads s = {}"
proof(rule equals0I)
  fix t
  assume active: "t  active_threads s"
  then obtain ta s' where "s -tta s'" by(auto dest: active_thread_ex_red)
  thus False using dead by(rule deadlock_no_red)


locale preserve_deadlocked = multithreaded final r convert_RA 
  for final :: "'x  bool"
  and r :: "('l,'t,'x,'m,'w,'o) semantics" ("_  _ -_ _" [50,0,0,50] 80) 
  and convert_RA :: "'l released_locks  'o list"
  fixes wf_state :: "('l,'t,'x,'m,'w) state set"
  assumes invariant3p_wf_state: "invariant3p redT wf_state"
  assumes can_lock_preserved: 
    " s  wf_state; s -t'ta' s';
       thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks); t  x, shr s  
     t  x, shr s' "
  and can_lock_devreserp:
    " s  wf_state; s -t'ta' s';
       thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks); t  x, shr s' L  
     L'L. t  x, shr s L' "

lemma redT_deadlocked_subset:
  assumes wfs: "s  wf_state"
  and Red: "s -tta s'"
  shows "deadlocked s  deadlocked s'"
  fix t'
  assume t'dead: "t'  deadlocked s"
  from Red have tndead: "t  deadlocked s"
    by(auto dest: red_no_deadlock)
  with t'dead have t't: "t'  t" by auto
  { fix t'
    assume "final_thread s t'"
    then obtain x' ln' where tst': "thr s t' = (x', ln')" by(auto elim!: final_threadE)
    with final_thread s t' have "final x'" 
      and "wset s t' = None" and [simp]: "ln' = no_wait_locks"
      by(auto elim: final_threadE)
    with Red tst' have "t  t'" by cases(auto dest: final_no_red)
    with Red tst' have "thr s' t' = (x', ln')"
      by cases(auto intro: redT_updTs_Some)
    moreover from Red  t  t' wset s t' = None
    have "wset s' t' = None" by cases(auto simp: redT_updWs_None_implies_None)
    ultimately have "final_thread s' t'" using tst' final x'
      by(auto simp add: final_thread_def) }
  hence subset: "deadlocked s  final_threads s  deadlocked s  deadlocked s'  final_threads s'" by(auto)

  from Red show "t'  deadlocked s'"
    case (redT_normal x x' m')
    note red = t  x, shr s -ta x', m'
      and tst = thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)
      and aok = actions_ok s t ta
      and s' = redT_upd s t ta x' m' s'
    from red have "¬ final x" by(auto dest: final_no_red)
    with tndead tst have nafe: "¬ all_final_except s (deadlocked s)"
      by(fastforce simp add: all_final_except_def not_final_thread_iff)
    from t'dead show ?thesis
      case (deadlocked t'')
      note t''dead = this
      with Red have t''t: "t''  t"
        by(auto dest: red_no_deadlock)
      from t''dead show ?case
      proof(cases rule: deadlocked_elims)
        case (lock X)
        hence est'': "thr s t'' = (X, no_wait_locks)"
          and msE: "t''  X, shr s "
          and csexdead: "LT. t''  X, shr s LT   lt  LT. must_wait s t'' lt (deadlocked s  final_threads s)"
          by auto
        from t''t Red est''
        have es't'': "thr s' t'' = (X, no_wait_locks)"
          by(cases s)(cases s', auto elim!: redT_ts_Some_inv)
        note es't'' moreover
        from wfs Red est'' msE have msE': "t''  X, shr s' " by(rule can_lock_preserved)
        { fix LT
          assume clL'': "t''  X, shr s' LT "
          with est'' have "LT'LT. t''  X, shr s LT' "
            by(rule can_lock_devreserp[OF wfs Red])
          then obtain LT' where clL': "t''  X, shr s LT' "
            and LL': "LT'  LT" by blast
          with csexdead obtain lt
            where lt: "lt  LT" and mw: "must_wait s t'' lt (deadlocked s  final_threads s)"
            by blast
          from mw have "must_wait s' t'' lt (deadlocked s  deadlocked s'  final_threads s')"
          proof(cases rule: must_wait_elims)
            case (lock l t')
            from t'  deadlocked s  final_threads s Red have tt': "t  t'"
              by(auto dest: red_no_deadlock final_no_redT elim: final_threadE)
            from aok have "lock_actions_ok (locks s $ l) t (tal $ l)"
              by(auto simp add: lock_ok_las_def)
            with tt' has_lock (locks s $ l) t' s'
            have hl't': "has_lock (locks s' $ l) t'" by(auto)
            moreover note t'  t''
            moreover from t'  deadlocked s  final_threads s
            have "t'  (deadlocked s  deadlocked s'  final_threads s')"
              using subset by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis unfolding lt = Inl l ..
            case (join t')
            note t'dead = t'  deadlocked s  final_threads s
            with Red have tt': "t  t'"
              by(auto dest: red_no_deadlock final_no_redT elim: final_threadE)
            note nftt' = not_final_thread s t'
            from t'dead Red aok s' tt' have ts't': "thr s' t' = thr s t'"
              by(auto elim!: deadlocked_thread_exists final_threadE intro: redT_updTs_Some)
            from nftt' have "thr s t'  None" by auto
            with nftt' t'dead have "t'  deadlocked s"
              by(simp add: not_final_thread_final_thread_conv[symmetric])
            hence "not_final_thread s' t'"
            proof(cases rule: deadlocked_elims)
              case (lock x'')
              from t'  x'', shr s  have "¬ final x''"
                by(auto elim: must_syncE dest: final_no_red)
              with thr s t' = (x'', no_wait_locks) ts't' show ?thesis
                by(auto intro: not_final_thread.intros)
              case (wait x'' ln'')
              from ¬ final x tst all_final_except s (deadlocked s)
              have "t  deadlocked s" by(fastforce dest: all_final_exceptD simp add: not_final_thread_iff)
              with Red have False by(auto dest: red_no_deadlock)
              thus ?thesis ..
              case (acquire x'' ln'' l'' T'')
              from thr s t' = (x'', ln'') 0 < ln'' $ l'' ts't'
              show ?thesis by(auto intro: not_final_thread.intros(2))
            moreover from t'dead subset have "t'  deadlocked s  deadlocked s'  final_threads s'" ..
            ultimately show ?thesis unfolding lt = Inr (Inl t') ..
            case (interrupt t')
            from tst red aok have "not_final_thread s t"
              by(auto simp add: wset_actions_ok_def not_final_thread_iff split: if_split_asm dest: final_no_red)
            with all_final_except s (deadlocked s  final_threads s)
            have "t  deadlocked s  final_threads s" by(rule all_final_exceptD)
            moreover have "t  deadlocked s" using Red by(blast dest: red_no_deadlock)
            moreover have "¬ final_thread s t" using red tst by(auto simp add: final_thread_def dest: final_no_red)
            ultimately have False by blast
            thus ?thesis ..
          with lt have "ltLT. must_wait s' t'' lt (deadlocked s  deadlocked s'  final_threads s')" by blast }
        moreover have "wset s' t'' = None" using s' t''t wset s t'' = None 
          by(auto intro: redT_updWs_None_implies_None)
        ultimately show ?thesis by(auto)
        case (wait x ln)
        from all_final_except s (deadlocked s) nafe have False by simp
        thus ?thesis by simp
        case (acquire X ln l T)
        from t''t Red thr s t'' = (X, ln) s'
        have es't'': "thr s' t'' = (X, ln)"
          by(cases s)(auto dest: redT_ts_Some_inv)
        from T  deadlocked s  final_thread s T
        have "T  t"
        proof(rule disjE)
          assume "T  deadlocked s"
          with Red show ?thesis by(auto dest: red_no_deadlock)
          assume "final_thread s T"
          with Red show ?thesis
            by(auto dest!: final_no_redT simp add: final_thread_def)
        with s' tst Red has_lock (locks s $ l) T have "has_lock (locks s' $ l) T"
          by -(cases s, auto dest: redT_has_lock_inv[THEN iffD2])
        from s' T  t have wset: "wset s T = None  wset s' T = None"
          by(auto intro: redT_updWs_None_implies_None)
        { fix x
          assume "thr s T = (x, no_wait_locks)"
          with T  t Red s' aok tst have "thr s' T = (x, no_wait_locks)"
            by(auto intro: redT_updTs_Some) }
        hence "final_thread s T  final_thread s' T"
          by(auto simp add: final_thread_def intro: wset)
        moreover from ¬ waiting (wset s t'') s' t''t
        have "¬ waiting (wset s' t'')"
          by(auto simp add: redT_updWs_None_implies_None redT_updWs_PostWS_imp_PostWS not_waiting_iff)
        ultimately have ?Acquire
          using 0 < ln $ l t''  T T  deadlocked s  final_thread s T by(auto)
        thus ?thesis by simp
    case (redT_acquire x n ln)
    hence [simp]: "ta = (K$ [], [], [], [], [], convert_RA ln)"
      and s': "s' = (acquire_all (locks s) t ln, ((thr s)(t  (x, no_wait_locks)), shr s), wset s, interrupts s)"
      and tst: "thr s t = (x, ln)" 
      and wst: "¬ waiting (wset s t)" by auto
    from t'dead show ?thesis
      case (deadlocked t'')
      note t''dead = this
      with Red have t''t: "t''  t"
        by(auto dest: red_no_deadlock)
      from t''dead show ?case
      proof(cases rule: deadlocked_elims)
        case (lock X)
        note clnml = LT. t''  X, shr s LT   lt  LT. must_wait s t'' lt (deadlocked s  final_threads s)
        note tst'' = thr s t'' = (X, no_wait_locks)
        with s' t''t have ts't'': "thr s' t'' = (X, no_wait_locks)" by simp
        { fix LT
          assume "t''  X, shr s' LT "
          hence "t''  X, shr s LT " using s' by simp
          then obtain lt where lt: "lt  LT" and hlnft: "must_wait s t'' lt (deadlocked s  final_threads s)"
            by(blast dest: clnml)
          from hlnft have "must_wait s' t'' lt (deadlocked s  deadlocked s'  final_threads s')"
          proof(cases rule: must_wait_elims)
            case (lock l' T)
            from has_lock (locks s $ l') T s'
            have "has_lock (locks s' $ l') T"
              by(auto intro: has_lock_has_lock_acquire_locks)
            moreover note T  t''
            moreover from T  deadlocked s  final_threads s
            have "T  deadlocked s  deadlocked s'  final_threads s'" using subset by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis unfolding lt = Inl l' ..
            case (join T)
            from not_final_thread s T have "thr s T  None"
              by(auto simp add: not_final_thread_iff)
            from T  deadlocked s  final_threads s
            have "T  t"
              assume "T  deadlocked s"
              with Red show ?thesis by(auto dest: red_no_deadlock)
              assume "T  final_threads s"
              with 0 < ln $ n tst show ?thesis
                by(auto simp add: final_thread_def)
            ultimately have "not_final_thread s' T" using not_final_thread s T s'
              by(auto simp add: not_final_thread_iff)
            moreover from T  deadlocked s  final_threads s
            have "T  deadlocked s  deadlocked s'  final_threads s'" using subset by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis unfolding lt = Inr (Inl T) ..
            case (interrupt T)
            from tst wst 0 < ln $ n have "not_final_thread s t"
              by(auto simp add: waiting_def not_final_thread_iff)
            with all_final_except s (deadlocked s  final_threads s)
            have "t  deadlocked s  final_threads s" by(rule all_final_exceptD)
            moreover have "t  deadlocked s" using Red by(blast dest: red_no_deadlock)
            moreover have "¬ final_thread s t" using tst 0 < ln $ n by(auto simp add: final_thread_def)
            ultimately have False by blast
            thus ?thesis ..
          with lt have "ltLT. must_wait s' t'' lt (deadlocked s  deadlocked s'  final_threads s')" by blast }
        moreover from wset s t'' = None s' have "wset s' t'' = None" by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis using thr s t'' = (X, no_wait_locks) t''  X, shr s  s' by fastforce
        case (wait X LN)
        have "all_final_except s' (deadlocked s)"
        proof(rule all_final_exceptI)
          fix T
          assume "not_final_thread s' T"
          hence "not_final_thread s T" using wst tst s'
            by(auto simp add: not_final_thread_iff split: if_split_asm)
          with all_final_except s (deadlocked s) thr s t = (x, ln)
          show "T  deadlocked s" by-(erule all_final_exceptD)
        hence "all_final_except s' (deadlocked s  deadlocked s')"
          by(rule all_final_except_mono') blast
        with t''t thr s t'' = (X, LN) waiting (wset s t'') s' 
        have ?Wait by simp
        thus ?thesis by simp
        case (acquire X LN l T)
        from thr s t'' = (X, LN) t''t s'
        have "thr s' t'' = (X, LN)" by(simp)
        moreover from T  deadlocked s  final_thread s T s' tst 
        have "T  deadlocked s  final_thread s' T"
          by(clarsimp simp add: final_thread_def)
        moreover from has_lock (locks s $ l) T s'
        have "has_lock (locks s' $ l) T"
          by(auto intro: has_lock_has_lock_acquire_locks)
        moreover have "¬ waiting (wset s' t'')" using ¬ waiting (wset s t'') s' by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis using 0 < LN $ l t''  T by blast

corollary RedT_deadlocked_subset:
  assumes wfs: "s  wf_state"
  and Red: "s -▹ttas→* s'"
  shows "deadlocked s  deadlocked s'"
using Red 
apply(induct rule: RedT_induct')
apply(unfold RedT_def)
apply(blast dest: invariant3p_rtrancl3p[OF invariant3p_wf_state _ wfs] redT_deadlocked_subset)+

