Theory EConform

(*  Title:      JinjaDCI/J/EConform.thy
    Author:     Susannah Mansky
    2019-20 UIUC

section ‹ Expression conformance properties ›

theory EConform
imports SmallStep BigStep

lemma cons_to_append: "list  []  (ls. a # list = ls @ [last list])"
 by (metis append_butlast_last_id last_ConsR list.simps(3))

subsection "Initialization conformance"

― ‹ returns class that can be initialized (if any) by top-level expression ›
fun init_class :: "'m prog  'a exp  cname option" where
"init_class P (new C) = Some C" |
"init_class P (CsF{D}) = Some D" |
"init_class P (CsF{D}:=e2) = Some D" |
"init_class P (CsM(es)) = seeing_class P C M" |
"init_class _ _ = None"

lemma icheck_init_class: "icheck P C e  init_class P e = C"
proof(induct e)
  case (SFAss x1 x2 x3 e')
  then show ?case by(case_tac e') auto
qed auto

― ‹ exp to take next small step (in particular, subexp that may contain initialization) ›
fun ss_exp :: "'a exp  'a exp" and ss_exps :: "'a exp list  'a exp option" where
  "ss_exp (new C) = new C"
| "ss_exp (Cast C e) = (case val_of e of Some v  Cast C e | _  ss_exp e)"
| "ss_exp (Val v) = Val v"
| "ss_exp (e1 «bop» e2) = (case val_of e1 of Some v  (case val_of e2 of Some v  e1 «bop» e2 | _  ss_exp e2)
                                    | _  ss_exp e1)"
| "ss_exp (Var V) = Var V"
| "ss_exp (LAss V e) = (case val_of e of Some v  LAss V e | _  ss_exp e)"
| "ss_exp (eF{D}) = (case val_of e of Some v  eF{D} | _  ss_exp e)"
| "ss_exp (CsF{D}) = CsF{D}"
| "ss_exp (e1F{D}:=e2) = (case val_of e1 of Some v  (case val_of e2 of Some v  e1F{D}:=e2 | _  ss_exp e2)
                                    | _  ss_exp e1)"
| "ss_exp (CsF{D}:=e2) = (case val_of e2 of Some v  CsF{D}:=e2 | _  ss_exp e2)"
| "ss_exp (eM(es)) = (case val_of e of Some v  (case map_vals_of es of Some t  eM(es) | _  the(ss_exps es))
                                    | _  ss_exp e)"
| "ss_exp (CsM(es)) = (case map_vals_of es of Some t  CsM(es) | _  the(ss_exps es))"
| "ss_exp ({V:T; e}) = ss_exp e"
| "ss_exp (e1;;e2) = (case val_of e1 of Some v  ss_exp e2
           | None  (case lass_val_of e1 of Some p  ss_exp e2
                                           | None  ss_exp e1))"
| "ss_exp (if (b) e1 else e2) = (case bool_of b of Some True  if (b) e1 else e2
                                        | Some False  if (b) e1 else e2
                                        | _  ss_exp b)"
| "ss_exp (while (b) e) = while (b) e"
| "ss_exp (throw e) = (case val_of e of Some v  throw e | _  ss_exp e)"
| "ss_exp (try e1 catch(C V) e2) = (case val_of e1 of Some v  try e1 catch(C V) e2
                                            | _  ss_exp e1)"
| "ss_exp (INIT C (Cs,b)  e) = INIT C (Cs,b)  e"
| "ss_exp (RI (C,e);Cs  e') = (case val_of e of Some v  RI (C,e);Cs  e | _  ss_exp e)"
| "ss_exps([]) = None"
| "ss_exps(e#es) = (case val_of e of Some v  ss_exps es | _  Some (ss_exp e))"

lemmas ss_exp_ss_exps_induct = ss_exp_ss_exps.induct
 [ case_names New Cast Val BinOp Var LAss FAcc SFAcc FAss SFAss Call SCall
  Block Seq Cond While Throw Try Init RI Nil Cons ]

lemma icheck_ss_exp:
assumes "icheck P C e" shows "ss_exp e = e"
using assms
proof(cases e)
  case (SFAss C F D e) then show ?thesis using assms
  proof(cases e)qed(auto)

lemma ss_exps_Vals_None[simp]:
 "ss_exps (map Val vs) = None"
 by(induct vs) (auto)

lemma ss_exps_Vals_NoneI:
 "ss_exps es = None  vs. es = map Val vs"
using val_of_spec by(induct es) (auto)

lemma ss_exps_throw_nVal:
 " val_of e = None; ss_exps (map Val vs @ throw e # es') = e' 
    e' = ss_exp e"
 by(induct vs) (auto)

lemma ss_exps_throw_Val:
 " val_of e = a; ss_exps (map Val vs @ throw e # es') = e' 
    e' = throw e"
 by(induct vs) (auto)

abbreviation curr_init :: "'m prog  'a exp  cname option" where
"curr_init P e  init_class P (ss_exp e)"
abbreviation curr_inits :: "'m prog  'a exp list  cname option" where
"curr_inits P es  case ss_exps es of Some e  init_class P e | _  None"

lemma icheck_curr_init': "e'. ss_exp e = e'  icheck P C e'  curr_init P e = C"
 and icheck_curr_inits': "e. ss_exps es = e  icheck P C e  curr_inits P es = C"
proof(induct rule: ss_exp_ss_exps_induct)
qed(simp_all add: icheck_init_class)

lemma icheck_curr_init: "icheck P C e'  ss_exp e = e'  curr_init P e = C"
 by(rule icheck_curr_init')

lemma icheck_curr_inits: "icheck P C e  ss_exps es = e  curr_inits P es = C"
 by(rule icheck_curr_inits')

definition initPD :: "sheap  cname  bool" where
"initPD sh C  sfs i. sh C = Some (sfs, i)  (i = Done  i = Processing)"

― ‹ checks that @{text INIT} and @{text RI} conform and are only in the main computation ›
fun iconf :: "sheap  'a exp  bool" and iconfs :: " sheap  'a exp list  bool" where
  "iconf sh (new C) = True"
| "iconf sh (Cast C e) = iconf sh e"
| "iconf sh (Val v) = True"
| "iconf sh (e1 «bop» e2) = (case val_of e1 of Some v  iconf sh e2 | _  iconf sh e1  ¬sub_RI e2)"
| "iconf sh (Var V) = True"
| "iconf sh (LAss V e) = iconf sh e"
| "iconf sh (eF{D}) = iconf sh e"
| "iconf sh (CsF{D}) = True"
| "iconf sh (e1F{D}:=e2) = (case val_of e1 of Some v  iconf sh e2 | _  iconf sh e1  ¬sub_RI e2)"
| "iconf sh (CsF{D}:=e2) = iconf sh e2"
| "iconf sh (eM(es)) = (case val_of e of Some v  iconfs sh es | _  iconf sh e  ¬sub_RIs es)"
| "iconf sh (CsM(es)) = iconfs sh es"
| "iconf sh ({V:T; e}) = iconf sh e"
| "iconf sh (e1;;e2) = (case val_of e1 of Some v  iconf sh e2
           | None  (case lass_val_of e1 of Some p  iconf sh e2
                                           | None  iconf sh e1  ¬sub_RI e2))"
| "iconf sh (if (b) e1 else e2) = (iconf sh b  ¬sub_RI e1  ¬sub_RI e2)"
| "iconf sh (while (b) e) = (¬sub_RI b  ¬sub_RI e)"
| "iconf sh (throw e) = iconf sh e"
| "iconf sh (try e1 catch(C V) e2) = (iconf sh e1  ¬sub_RI e2)"
| "iconf sh (INIT C (Cs,b)  e) = ((case Cs of Nil  initPD sh C | C'#Cs'  last Cs = C)  ¬sub_RI e)"
| "iconf sh (RI (C,e);Cs  e') = (iconf sh e  ¬sub_RI e')"
| "iconfs sh ([]) = True"
| "iconfs sh (e#es) = (case val_of e of Some v  iconfs sh es | _  iconf sh e  ¬sub_RIs es)"

lemma iconfs_map_throw: "iconfs sh (map Val vs @ throw e # es')  iconf sh e"
 by(induct vs,auto)

lemma nsub_RI_iconf_aux:
 "(¬sub_RI (e::'a exp)  (e'. e'  subexp e  ¬sub_RI e'  iconf sh e')  iconf sh e)
  (¬sub_RIs (es::'a exp list)  (e'. e'  subexps es  ¬sub_RI e'  iconf sh e')  iconfs sh es)"
proof(induct rule: sub_RI_sub_RIs.induct) qed(auto)

lemma nsub_RI_iconf_aux':
 "(e'. subexp_of e' e  ¬sub_RI e'  iconf sh e')  (¬sub_RI e  iconf sh e)"
 by(simp add: nsub_RI_iconf_aux)

lemma nsub_RI_iconf: "¬sub_RI e  iconf sh e"
  and nsub_RIs_iconfs: "¬sub_RIs es  iconfs sh es"
proof -
  let ?R = "λe. ¬sub_RI e  iconf sh e"
  let ?Rs = "λes. ¬sub_RIs es  iconfs sh es"
  have "(e'. subexp_of e' e  ?R e')  ?R e"
    by(rule subexp_induct[where ?Rs = ?Rs]; clarsimp simp: nsub_RI_iconf_aux)
  moreover have "(e'. e'  subexps es  ?R e')  ?Rs es"
    by(rule subexps_induct; clarsimp simp: nsub_RI_iconf_aux)
  ultimately show "¬sub_RI e  iconf sh e"
              and "¬sub_RIs es  iconfs sh es" by simp+

lemma lass_val_of_iconf: "lass_val_of e = a  iconf sh e"
 by(drule lass_val_of_nsub_RI, erule nsub_RI_iconf)

lemma icheck_iconf:
assumes "icheck P C e" shows "iconf sh e"
using assms
proof(cases e)
  case (SFAss C F D e) then show ?thesis using assms
  proof(cases e)qed(auto)
  case (SCall C M es) then show ?thesis using assms
    by (auto simp: nsub_RIs_iconfs)

subsection "Indicator boolean conformance"

― ‹ checks that the given expression, indicator boolean pair is allowed in small-step
  (i.e., if @{term b} is True, then @{term e} is an initialization-calling expression to
  a class that is marked either @{term Processing} or @{term Done}) ›
definition bconf :: "'m prog  sheap  'a exp  bool  bool"  ("_,_ b '(_,_') " [51,51,0,0] 50)
  "P,sh b (e,b)    b  (C. icheck P C (ss_exp e)  initPD sh C)"

definition bconfs :: "'m prog  sheap  'a exp list  bool  bool"  ("_,_ b '(_,_') " [51,51,0,0] 50)
  "P,sh b (es,b)    b  (C. (icheck P C (the(ss_exps es))
                            (curr_inits P es = Some C)  initPD sh C))"

― ‹ bconf helper lemmas ›

lemma bconf_nonVal[simp]:
 "P,sh b (e,True)   val_of e = None"
 by(cases e) (auto simp: bconf_def)

lemma bconfs_nonVals[simp]:
 "P,sh b (es,True)   map_vals_of es = None"
 by(induct es) (auto simp: bconfs_def)

lemma bconf_Cast[iff]:
 "P,sh b (Cast C e,b)   P,sh b (e,b) "
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def dest: val_of_spec)

lemma bconf_BinOp[iff]:
 "P,sh b (e1 «bop» e2,b) 
    (case val_of e1 of Some v  P,sh b (e2,b)  | _  P,sh b (e1,b) )"
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def dest: val_of_spec)

lemma bconf_LAss[iff]:
 "P,sh b (LAss V e,b)   P,sh b (e,b) "
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def dest: val_of_spec)

lemma bconf_FAcc[iff]:
 "P,sh b (eF{D},b)   P,sh b (e,b) "
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def dest: val_of_spec)

lemma bconf_FAss[iff]:
 "P,sh b (FAss e1 F D e2,b) 
    (case val_of e1 of Some v  P,sh b (e2,b)  | _  P,sh b (e1,b) )"
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def dest: val_of_spec)

lemma bconf_SFAss[iff]:
"val_of e2 = None  P,sh b (SFAss C F D e2,b)   P,sh b (e2,b) "
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def)

lemma bconfs_Vals[iff]:
 "P,sh b (map Val vs, b)   ¬ b"
 by(unfold bconfs_def) simp

lemma bconf_Call[iff]:
 "P,sh b (eM(es),b) 
    (case val_of e of Some v  P,sh b (es,b)  | _  P,sh b (e,b) )"
proof(cases b)
  case True
  then show ?thesis
  proof(cases "ss_exps es")
    case None
    then obtain vs where "es = map Val vs" using ss_exps_Vals_NoneI by auto
    then have mv: "map_vals_of es = vs" by simp
    then show ?thesis by(auto simp: bconf_def) (simp add: bconfs_def)
    case (Some a)
    then show ?thesis by(auto simp: bconf_def) (auto simp: bconfs_def icheck_init_class)
qed(simp add: bconf_def bconfs_def)

lemma bconf_SCall[iff]:
assumes mvn: "map_vals_of es = None"
shows "P,sh b (CsM(es),b)   P,sh b (es,b) "
proof(cases b)
  case True
  then show ?thesis
  proof(cases "ss_exps es")
    case None
      then have "vs. es = map Val vs" using ss_exps_Vals_NoneI by auto
      then show ?thesis using mvn finals_def by clarsimp
    case (Some a)
      then show ?thesis by(auto simp: bconf_def) (auto simp: bconfs_def icheck_init_class)
qed(simp add: bconf_def bconfs_def)

lemma bconf_Cons[iff]:
 "P,sh b (e#es,b) 
    (case val_of e of Some v  P,sh b (es,b)  | _  P,sh b (e,b) )"
proof(cases b)
  case True
  then show ?thesis
  proof(cases "ss_exps es")
    case None
      then have "vs. es = map Val vs" using ss_exps_Vals_NoneI by auto
      then show ?thesis using None by(auto simp: bconf_def bconfs_def icheck_init_class)
    case (Some a)
      then show ?thesis by(auto simp: bconf_def bconfs_def icheck_init_class)
qed(simp add: bconf_def bconfs_def)

lemma bconf_InitBlock[iff]:
 "P,sh b ({V:T; V:=Val v;; e2},b)   P,sh b (e2,b) "
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def assigned_def)

lemma bconf_Block[iff]:
 "P,sh b ({V:T; e},b)   P,sh b (e,b) "
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def)

lemma bconf_Seq[iff]:
 "P,sh b (e1;;e2,b) 
    (case val_of e1 of Some v  P,sh b (e2,b) 
                             | _  (case lass_val_of e1 of Some p  P,sh b (e2,b) 
                                                          | None  P,sh b (e1,b) ))"
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def dest: val_of_spec lass_val_of_spec)

lemma bconf_Cond[iff]:
 "P,sh b (if (b) e1 else e2,b')   P,sh b (b,b') "
proof(cases "bool_of b")
  case None
  then show ?thesis by(auto simp: bconf_def)
  case (Some a)
  then show ?thesis by(case_tac a) (auto simp: bconf_def dest: bool_of_specT bool_of_specF)

lemma bconf_While[iff]:
 "P,sh b (while (b) e,b')   ¬b'"
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def)

lemma bconf_Throw[iff]:
 "P,sh b (throw e,b)   P,sh b (e,b) "
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def dest: val_of_spec)

lemma bconf_Try[iff]:
 "P,sh b (try e1 catch(C V) e2,b)   P,sh b (e1,b) "
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def dest: val_of_spec)

lemma bconf_INIT[iff]:
 "P,sh b (INIT C (Cs,b')  e,b)   ¬b"
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def)

lemma bconf_RI[iff]:
 "P,sh b (RI(C,e);Cs  e',b)   P,sh b (e,b) "
 by(cases b) (auto simp: bconf_def dest: val_of_spec)

lemma bconfs_map_throw[iff]:
 "P,sh b (map Val vs @ throw e # es',b)   P,sh b (e,b) "
 by(induct vs) auto
