Theory Unboxed

theory Unboxed
  imports Global Dynamic

datatype type = Ubx1 | Ubx2

datatype ('dyn, 'ubx1, 'ubx2) unboxed =
  is_dyn_operand: OpDyn 'dyn |
  OpUbx1 'ubx1 |
  OpUbx2 'ubx2

fun typeof where
  "typeof (OpDyn _) = None" |
  "typeof (OpUbx1 _) = Some Ubx1" |
  "typeof (OpUbx2 _) = Some Ubx2"

fun cast_Dyn where
  "cast_Dyn (OpDyn d) = Some d" |
  "cast_Dyn _ = None"

fun cast_Ubx1 where
  "cast_Ubx1 (OpUbx1 x) = Some x" |
  "cast_Ubx1 _ = None"

fun cast_Ubx2 where
  "cast_Ubx2 (OpUbx2 x) = Some x" |
  "cast_Ubx2 _ = None"

locale unboxedval = dynval uninitialized is_true is_false
  for uninitialized :: 'dyn and is_true and is_false +
    box_ubx1 :: "'ubx1  'dyn" and unbox_ubx1 :: "'dyn  'ubx1 option" and
    box_ubx2 :: "'ubx2  'dyn" and unbox_ubx2 :: "'dyn  'ubx2 option"
      "unbox_ubx1 d = Some u1  box_ubx1 u1 = d"
      "unbox_ubx2 d = Some u2  box_ubx2 u2 = d"

fun unbox :: "type  'dyn  ('dyn, 'ubx1, 'ubx2) unboxed option"  where
  "unbox Ubx1 = map_option OpUbx1  unbox_ubx1" |
  "unbox Ubx2 = map_option OpUbx2  unbox_ubx2"

fun cast_and_box where
  "cast_and_box Ubx1 = map_option box_ubx1  cast_Ubx1" |
  "cast_and_box Ubx2 = map_option box_ubx2  cast_Ubx2"

fun norm_unboxed where
  "norm_unboxed (OpDyn d) = d" |
  "norm_unboxed (OpUbx1 x) = box_ubx1 x" |
  "norm_unboxed (OpUbx2 x) = box_ubx2 x"

fun box_operand where
  "box_operand (OpDyn d) = OpDyn d" |
  "box_operand (OpUbx1 x) = OpDyn (box_ubx1 x)" |
  "box_operand (OpUbx2 x) = OpDyn (box_ubx2 x)"

fun box_frame where
  "box_frame f (Frame g l pc R Σ) = Frame g l pc R (if f = g then map box_operand Σ else Σ)"

definition box_stack where
  "box_stack f  map (box_frame f)"

