Theory Labels

theory Labels
imports Aexp Bexp

(* DEF : 2 *)
(* LEM : 0 *)

section ‹Labels›

text ‹In the following, we model programs by control flow graphs where edges (rather than vertices) are labelled 
with either assignments or with the condition associated with a branch of a conditional statement.
We put a label on every edge : statements that do not modify the program state (like \verb?jump?, 
\verb?break?, etc) are labelled by a @{term Skip}.›

datatype ('v,'d) label = Skip | Assume "('v,'d) bexp" | Assign 'v "('v,'d) aexp"

text ‹We say that a label is \emph{finite} if the set of variables of its sub-expression is 
finite (@{term Skip} labels are thus considered finite).›

definition finite_label ::
  "('v,'d) label  bool"
  "finite_label l  case l of 
                    Assume e    finite (Bexp.vars e) 
                  | Assign _ e  finite (Aexp.vars e) 
                  | _           True"

abbreviation finite_labels :: 
  "('v,'d) label list  bool" 
  "finite_labels ls  ( l  set ls. finite_label l)"
