Theory Parser

section ‹Parser›
theory Parser
imports "../basic/Syntax"

subsection ‹Tagging›
  text ‹We define a few tag constants.
    They are inserted by the parser, and tag certain situations, 
    like parameter passing or inlined commands.
  definition Inline :: "com  com" where "Inline c = c"  
  definition Params :: "com  com" where "Params c  c"

  text ‹Assignment commands to assign the return value. 
    The VCG will add a renaming, such that the assigned variable name rather
    the G_ret› will be used for the VCs›
  definition "AssignIdx_retv x i rv  AssignIdx x i (V rv)"      
  definition "ArrayCpy_retv x rv  ArrayCpy x rv"      
  abbreviation "Assign_retv x rv  AssignIdx_retv x (N 0) rv"

subsection ‹Parser for IMP Programs›

  text ‹The parser also understands annotated programs.
    However, the basic parser will leave the annotations uninterpreted,
    and it's up to the client of the parser to interpret them.

  abbreviation (input) While_Annot :: "'a  bexp  com  com" 
    where "While_Annot I  While"

  (* Note: Still a very early prototype *)

  abbreviation (input) VARIABLEI :: "string  string" where "VARIABLEI x  x" (* Used to mark integer variables *)
  abbreviation (input) VARIABLEA :: "string  string" where "VARIABLEA x  x" (* Used to mark array variables *)
  syntax "_annotated_term" :: "logic  _  _  logic" (* Annotated term: term string pos *)
  ML structure Term_Annot : sig
      (* Annotate terms *)
      val annotate_term: term -> string * Position.T -> term
      val dest_annotated_term: term -> (string * Position.T) * term
      (* Annotation = annotated dummy term *)
      val annotation: string * Position.T -> term
      val dest_annotation: term -> term

      (* Checking for annotations in Term *)
      val is_annotated_term: term -> bool
      val has_annotations: term -> bool

      (* Removing annotations *)
      val strip_annotations: term -> term
      (* Replaces annotated terms by dummy term *)
      val strip_annotated_terms: term -> term
      (* Parsing *)
      (* Parse cartouche (independent of term annotations)*)
      val parse_cartouche: (string * Position.T) parser
      (* Parse cartouche into annotation *)
      val parse_annotation: term parser
      (* Parse cartouche into annotation of syntax constant (used to get typed annotations) *)
      val parse_annotate: string -> term parser
      (* Read term from cartouche and position *)
      val read_term: Proof.context -> string * Position.T -> term
      (* Read annotation part of annotated term as term *)
      val read_annotation_as_term: Proof.context -> term -> term * term
    end = struct
      fun annotate_term t (str,pos) = let
        val pos = Free (Term_Position.encode pos,dummyT)
        val str = Free (str,dummyT)
        val c = Const (@{syntax_const "_annotated_term"}, dummyT --> dummyT --> dummyT --> dummyT)

      fun dest_annotated_term (Const (@{syntax_const "_annotated_term"},_)$t$Free (str,_)$Free (pos,_)) = let
            val pos = case Term_Position.decode pos of 
              SOME pos => pos | NONE => raise TERM ("dest_term_annot: invalid pos",[t])
          in ((str,pos),t) end
        | dest_annotated_term t = raise TERM("dest_annot",[t])      
      val is_annotated_term = can dest_annotated_term
      val has_annotations = Term.exists_subterm is_annotated_term

      val annotation = annotate_term Term.dummy
      val dest_annotation = dest_annotated_term #> #2
      val parse_cartouche = Parse.position Parse.cartouche >> apfst cartouche

      val parse_annotation = parse_cartouche >> annotation
      fun parse_annotate n = parse_cartouche >> annotate_term (Const (n,dummyT))
      fun read_term_tk ctxt tk = Args.term (Context.Proof ctxt, [tk]) |> #1
      fun read_term ctxt spos = let
        val tk = Symbol_Pos.explode spos |> Token.read_cartouche
        read_term_tk ctxt tk
      fun read_annotation_as_term ctxt = dest_annotated_term #>> read_term ctxt 
      (* Strip one level of term annotations. *)
      fun strip_annotations (Const (@{syntax_const "_annotated_term"},_)$t$_$_) = t
        | strip_annotations (a$b) = strip_annotations a $ strip_annotations b
        | strip_annotations (Abs (x,T,t)) = Abs (x,T,strip_annotations t)
        | strip_annotations t = t

      fun strip_annotated_terms (Const (@{syntax_const "_annotated_term"},_)$_$_$_) = Term.dummy
        | strip_annotated_terms (a$b) = strip_annotated_terms a $ strip_annotated_terms b
        | strip_annotated_terms (Abs (x,T,t)) = Abs (x,T,strip_annotated_terms t)
        | strip_annotated_terms t = t
  ML structure IMP_Syntax = struct
      fun antf t = (
        exists_type is_TFree t andalso raise TERM("This won't support polymorphism in commands!",[t]);

      val mk_varname = HOLogic.mk_string 

      (*fun mk_aexp_V x = antf(@{term V})$x
      fun mk_aexp_Vidx x i = @{const Vidx}$x$i
      val mk_aexp_V' = mk_aexp_V o mk_var

      fun mk_aexp_const i = ConstN $ HOLogic.mk_number @{typ int} i
      fun mk_var_i x = Const (@{const_abbrev VARIABLEI}, dummyT) $ mk_varname x
      fun mk_var_a x = Const (@{const_abbrev VARIABLEA}, dummyT) $ mk_varname x

      (* Caution: This must match the Isabelle function is_global! *)
      fun is_global "" = true
        | is_global s = nth_string s 0 = "G"

      val is_local = not o is_global              
      (* Expressions *)

      datatype rval = RV_AEXP of term | RV_VAR of string
      fun rv_t (RV_AEXP t) = t
        | rv_t (RV_VAR x) = ConstVidx $ mk_var_i x $ mk_aexp_const 0

      val rv_var = RV_VAR
      fun rv_var_idx x i = RV_AEXP (ConstVidx $ mk_var_a x $ rv_t i)
      (*fun rv_int t = RV_AEXP (@{const N} $ (rv_t t))*)
      val rv_int' = RV_AEXP o mk_aexp_const

      fun rv_unop f t = RV_AEXP (f $ rv_t t)
      fun rv_binop f a b = RV_AEXP (f $ rv_t a $ rv_t b)
      fun rv_BC t = RV_AEXP ConstBc for t
      fun rv_BC' true = rv_BC ConstTrue
        | rv_BC' false = rv_BC ConstFalse

      fun rv_not t = RV_AEXP ConstNot for rv_t t
      (* TODO: Add other constructors here *)
      (* TODO: Interface for variable tagging mk_var_xxx is not clear! *)
      (* Commands*)
      val mk_Skip = ConstSKIP
      fun mk_Assign x t = antf(@{term Assign})$x$t
      fun mk_AssignIdx x i t = @{Const AssignIdx}$x$i$t
      fun mk_ArrayCpy d s = ConstArrayCpy for d s
      fun mk_ArrayInit d = ConstArrayClear for d
      fun mk_Scope c = ConstScope for c
      fun mk_Seq c1 c2 = ConstSeq for c1 c2

      fun mk_Inline t = ConstInline for t
      fun mk_Params t = ConstParams for t
      val While_Annot_c = Const (@{const_abbrev While_Annot}, dummyT --> @{typ "bexp  com  com"})
      fun mk_If b t e = ConstIf for rv_t b t e
      fun mk_While_annot annots b c = While_Annot_c $ annots $ rv_t b $ c

      fun mk_pcall name = ConstPCall for HOLogic.mk_string name
      (* Derived Constructs *)

      datatype varkind = VAL | ARRAY
      type impvar = string * varkind      
      datatype lval = LV_IDX of string * term | LV_VAR of string

      fun lv_idx x rv = LV_IDX (x, rv_t rv)
      fun mk_lr_assign (LV_IDX (x,i)) rv = mk_AssignIdx (mk_var_a x) i (rv_t rv)  
        | mk_lr_assign (LV_VAR x) (RV_AEXP e) = mk_Assign (mk_var_i x) e
        | mk_lr_assign (LV_VAR x) (RV_VAR v) = mk_ArrayCpy (mk_var_i x) (mk_var_i v)
      fun list_Seq [] = mk_Skip
        | list_Seq [c] = c
        | list_Seq (c::cs) = mk_Seq c (list_Seq cs)

      fun mk_AssignIdx_retv x i y = ConstAssignIdx_retv for x i y
      fun mk_ArrayCpy_retv d s = ConstArrayCpy_retv for d s
      fun mk_Assign_retv x t = antf(@{term Assign_retv})$x$t

      fun mk_assign_from_retv (LV_IDX (x,i)) y = mk_AssignIdx_retv (mk_var_a x) i (mk_var_i y)
        | mk_assign_from_retv (LV_VAR x) y = mk_ArrayCpy_retv (mk_var_i x) (mk_var_i y)
      fun param_varnames n = map (fn i => "G_par_"^Int.toString i) (1 upto n)
      fun zip_with_param_names xs = (param_varnames (length xs)) ~~ xs
      fun zip_with_param_lvs xs = map LV_VAR (param_varnames (length xs)) ~~ xs
      fun zip_with_param_rvs xs = map RV_VAR (param_varnames (length xs)) ~~ xs

      fun ret_varnames n = map (fn i => "G_ret_"^Int.toString i) (1 upto n)
      fun zip_with_ret_names xs = (ret_varnames (length xs)) ~~ xs
      fun zip_with_ret_lvs xs = map LV_VAR (ret_varnames (length xs)) ~~ xs
      fun zip_with_ret_rvs xs = map RV_VAR (ret_varnames (length xs)) ~~ xs

      fun mk_params ress name_t args = let
        val param_assigns = zip_with_param_lvs args
          |> map (uncurry mk_lr_assign)
        val res_assigns = zip_with_ret_names ress
          |> map (fn (rv,res) => mk_assign_from_retv res rv)  
        val res = param_assigns @ [mk_Params name_t] @ res_assigns  
          |> list_Seq

  (* Syntax constants to discriminate annotation types *)
    "_invariant_annotation" :: "_"
    "_variant_annotation" :: "_"
    "_relation_annotation" :: "_"
  ML structure IMP_Parser = struct
      fun scan_if_then_else scan1 scan2 scan3 xs = let
        val r = SOME (Scan.catch scan1 xs) handle Fail _ => NONE
        case r of 
          NONE => scan3 xs
        | SOME (a,xs) => scan2 a xs
      infixr 0 |||
      infix 5 ---
      fun (g,p) ||| e = scan_if_then_else g p e
      fun lastg (g,p) = g :|-- p
      datatype op_kind = Binop | Unop
      val int_c = @{const N}
      val bool_c = @{const Bc}
      val var_c = @{const V}
      type op_decl = op_kind * (string * term)

      fun name_eq_op_decl ((k,(a,_)), ((k',(b,_)))) = k=k' andalso a=b
      fun is_binop ((Binop,_):op_decl) = true | is_binop _ = false
      fun is_unop ((Unop,_):op_decl) = true | is_unop _ = false
      structure Opr_Data = Generic_Data (
        type T = op_decl list Inttab.table
        val empty = Inttab.empty
        val merge = Inttab.merge_list name_eq_op_decl
      fun tab_add_unop (p,n,f) = Inttab.insert_list name_eq_op_decl (p,(Unop,(n,f)))
      fun tab_add_binop (p,n,f) = Inttab.insert_list name_eq_op_decl (p,(Binop,(n,f)))
      val add_unop = o tab_add_unop
      val add_binop = o tab_add_binop

      val parse_varname = (Parse.short_ident || Parse.term_var) 
        fun parse_level parse_opr op_decls = let
          open IMP_Syntax
          val binops = filter is_binop op_decls |> 
            map (fn (_,(k,c)) => Parse.$$$ k >> (K c))
          val unops = filter is_unop op_decls |>
            map (fn (_,(k,c)) => Parse.$$$ k >> (K c))
          val bopg = (fn () => "Binary operator") (Scan.first binops) 
          val uopg = (fn () => "Unary operator") (Scan.first unops) 
          fun mk_right a ([]) = a
            | mk_right a (((f,b)::fxs)) = mk_right (rv_binop f a b) fxs
          val parse_bop = (parse_opr, fn a => Scan.repeat (bopg -- parse_opr) >> mk_right a)
          val parse_unop = (uopg, fn f => parse_opr >> (fn x => rv_unop f x))
          val parse = (parse_bop ||| lastg parse_unop)
        fun parse_levels lvls = let
          open IMP_Syntax
          val parse_int = Parse.nat >> rv_int'
          val parse_var = parse_varname >> rv_var
          val pbc = Parse.keyword_markup (true,Markup.keyword3)
          val parse_bool = 
               pbc "true" >> (K (rv_BC' true))
            || pbc "false" >> (K (rv_BC' false))
          fun parse [] xs = (parse_int || parse_varidx || parse_var || parse_bool || (Parse.$$$ "(" |-- parse lvls --| Parse.$$$ ")")) xs
            | parse (lv::lvs) xs = (parse_level (parse lvs) lv) xs
          and parse_varidx xs = ((parse_varname -- Args.bracks (parse lvls)) 
            >> (fn (n,i) => rv_var_idx n i)) xs
          parse lvls
        val parse_exp_tab = Inttab.dest #> map snd #> parse_levels
        val parse_exp = Context.Proof #> Opr_Data.get #> parse_exp_tab

      (* TODO/FIXME: Going through the Args.term parser feels like a hack *)
      fun read_term_pos ctxt spos = Args.term (Context.Proof ctxt, [Token.make_string spos]) |> fst
      fun parse_proc_name ctxt = 
        Parse.$$$ "rec" |-- >> IMP_Syntax.mk_pcall
        || >> Syntax.read_term ctxt
        (*|| Parse.position >> (read_term_pos ctxt)*)
      fun parse_args ctxt = Args.parens (Parse.enum "," (parse_exp ctxt))

      fun parse_lhs ctxt = 
         parse_varname -- Args.bracks (parse_exp ctxt) >> uncurry IMP_Syntax.lv_idx
      || parse_varname >> IMP_Syntax.LV_VAR     

      fun parse_multiret_lhs ctxt = 
        Args.parens (Parse.enum "," (parse_lhs ctxt))  
      fun parse_rhs_call ctxt = parse_proc_name ctxt -- parse_args ctxt

      fun g_parse_call_assign ctxt = 
        (parse_lhs ctxt --| Parse.$$$ "=", fn lhs => (parse_rhs_call ctxt >> (fn (f,args) => IMP_Syntax.mk_params [lhs] f args)
                           || (parse_exp ctxt >> (fn rhs => IMP_Syntax.mk_lr_assign lhs rhs))))
      fun g_parse_multiret_call ctxt = (
        (parse_multiret_lhs ctxt --| Parse.$$$ "=", fn ress => parse_rhs_call ctxt 
                                      >> (fn (f,args) => IMP_Syntax.mk_params ress f args)))
      fun g_parse_void_call ctxt = (parse_rhs_call ctxt, 
            fn (f,args) => Scan.succeed (IMP_Syntax.mk_params [] f args))
      val fixed_keywords = ["(",")","{","}","true","false","[]","[","]",
        "call", "sreturn", "inline","clear","rec",
        "@invariant", "@variant", "@relation",
      fun parse_command ctxt = let
        val pkw = Parse.keyword_markup (true,Markup.keyword1)
        val pcm = Parse.keyword_markup (true,Markup.keyword2)
        val g_parse_skip = (pcm "skip", fn _ => Scan.succeed @{term SKIP})
        fun g_parse_block p = (Parse.$$$ "{", fn _ => p --| Parse.$$$ "}")

        val g_parse_clear = (pcm "clear", fn _ => parse_varname --| Parse.$$$ "[]" 
              >> (IMP_Syntax.mk_ArrayInit o IMP_Syntax.mk_var_a))
        val parse_invar_annotation = (pkw "@invariant", fn _ => Term_Annot.parse_annotate @{syntax_const "_invariant_annotation"})
        val parse_var_annotation = (pkw "@variant", fn _ => Term_Annot.parse_annotate @{syntax_const "_variant_annotation"})
        val parse_rel_annotation = (pkw "@relation", fn _ => Term_Annot.parse_annotate @{syntax_const "_relation_annotation"})

        val parse_while_annots = Scan.repeat (parse_invar_annotation ||| parse_var_annotation ||| lastg parse_rel_annotation)
              >> HOLogic.mk_tuple
        fun parse_atomic_com xs = 
                g_parse_call_assign ctxt
            ||| g_parse_multiret_call ctxt
            ||| g_parse_void_call ctxt
            ||| g_parse_skip 
            ||| g_parse_clear
            ||| lastg (g_parse_block parse_com)
          ) xs
        and parse_com1 xs = (
            (pkw "if", fn _ => pkw "(" |-- parse_exp ctxt --| pkw ")" -- parse_com1 
              -- scan_if_then_else (pkw "else") (K parse_com1) (Scan.succeed IMP_Syntax.mk_Skip) 
                >> (fn ((b,t),e) => IMP_Syntax.mk_If b t e))
         ||| (pkw "while", fn _ => pkw "(" |-- parse_exp ctxt --| pkw ")" -- parse_while_annots -- parse_com1
                >> (fn ((b,annots),c) => IMP_Syntax.mk_While_annot annots b c))
         ||| (pkw "scope", fn _ => parse_com1 >> IMP_Syntax.mk_Scope)
         ||| (pkw "__term", fn _ => Term_Annot.parse_cartouche >> Term_Annot.read_term ctxt)
         ||| (pkw "inline", fn _ => Parse.position >> (IMP_Syntax.mk_Inline o read_term_pos ctxt))
         ||| parse_atomic_com
        ) xs
        and parse_com xs = (
           parse_com1 -- (Scan.unless (Parse.$$$ ";") (Scan.succeed NONE) || Parse.$$$ ";" |-- parse_com >> SOME )
           >> (fn (s,SOME t) => IMP_Syntax.mk_Seq s t | (s,NONE) => s)
        ) xs
      in parse_com end 
      fun parse_all ctxt p src = let
        val src = map Token.init_assignable src
        val (res,_) = Scan.catch (Scan.finite Token.stopper (p --| Scan.ahead Parse.eof)) src
        val rp = map Token.reports_of_value src |> flat
        val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt rp
        (* val src = map Token.closure src |> @{print} *)
      val keywords_of_tab : op_decl list Inttab.table -> string list 
        = Inttab.dest_list #> map (snd#>snd#>fst)
      fun keywords ctxt = let 
        val kws = ctxt |> Context.Proof |> Opr_Data.get |> keywords_of_tab 
        val kws = (kws @ fixed_keywords)
          |> Symtab.make_set |> Symtab.keys
          |> map (fn x => ((x,Position.none),Keyword.no_spec))
        Keyword.add_keywords kws Keyword.empty_keywords
      fun parse_pos_text p ctxt (pos,text) = 
          Token.explode (keywords ctxt) pos text 
        |> filter Token.is_proper  
        |> parse_all ctxt (p ctxt)
      fun parse_sympos p ctxt xs = let
        val kws = keywords ctxt
        val tks = Token.tokenize kws {strict=true} xs
        val rp = map (Token.reports kws) tks |> flat  (* TODO: More detailed report AFTER parsing! *)
        val _ = Context_Position.reports_text ctxt rp
        |> filter Token.is_proper  
        |> parse_all ctxt (p ctxt)

      fun variables_of t = let
        fun add (Const (@{const_abbrev VARIABLEI},_)$x) = (Symtab.default (HOLogic.dest_string x,IMP_Syntax.VAL))
          | add (Const (@{const_abbrev VARIABLEA},_)$x) = (Symtab.update (HOLogic.dest_string x,IMP_Syntax.ARRAY))
          | add (a$b) = add a #> add b
          | add (Abs (_,_,t)) = add t
          | add _ = I
        add t Symtab.empty |> Symtab.dest

      fun merge_variables vars = let
        fun add (x,IMP_Syntax.VAL) = Symtab.default (x,IMP_Syntax.VAL) 
          | add (x,IMP_Syntax.ARRAY) = Symtab.update (x,IMP_Syntax.ARRAY)
        fold add vars Symtab.empty |> Symtab.dest
      fun parse_command_at ctxt spos = let
        val syms = spos |> Symbol_Pos.explode |> Symbol_Pos.cartouche_content
        val res = parse_sympos parse_command ctxt syms
        val vars = variables_of res
      (* From Makarius: Protect a term such that it "survives" the subsequent translation phase *)
      fun mark_term (Const (c, T)) = Const (Lexicon.mark_const c, T)
        | mark_term (Free (x, T)) = Const (Lexicon.mark_fixed x, T)
        | mark_term (t $ u) = mark_term t $ mark_term u
        | mark_term (Abs (x, T, b)) = Abs (x, T, mark_term b)
        | mark_term a = a;
      fun cartouche_tr ctxt args = let  
        fun err () = raise TERM ("imp",args)
        fun parse spos = let 
          val (_,t) = parse_command_at ctxt spos 
          val t = if Term_Annot.has_annotations t then (warning "Stripped annotations from program"; Term_Annot.strip_annotated_terms t) else t
          val t = Syntax.check_term ctxt t
            |> mark_term
        (case args of
          [(c as Const (@{syntax_const "_constrain"}, _)) $ Free (s, _) $ p] =>
            (case Term_Position.decode_position p of
              SOME (pos, _) => c $ parse (s,pos) $ p
            | NONE => err ())
        | _ => err ())

  syntax "_Imp" :: "cartouche_position  logic" ("imp_")

  parse_translation [(@{syntax_const "_Imp"}, IMP_Parser.cartouche_tr)]

  term impskip
  declaration K ( I
  #> IMP_Parser.add_unop (31,"-",@{term "Unop uminus"})  
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (25,"*",@{term "Binop (*)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (25,"/",@{term "Binop (div)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (25,"mod",@{term "Binop (mod)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (21,"+",@{term "Binop (+)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (21,"-",@{term "Binop (-)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (11,"<",@{term "Cmpop (<)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (11,"≤",@{term "Cmpop (≤)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (11,">",@{term "Cmpop (>)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (11,"≥",@{term "Cmpop (≥)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (11,"==",@{term "Cmpop (=)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (11,"≠",@{term "Cmpop (≠)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_unop (7,"¬",@{term "Not"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (5,"∧",@{term "BBinop (∧)"})
  #> IMP_Parser.add_binop (3,"∨",@{term "BBinop (∨)"})

subsection ‹Examples›

  definition p1  imp‹ x = 42 ›

  ML_val Syntax.read_term @{context} "p1"
  term p1
  term imp‹
    x=y;                      ― ‹Variable assignment / array copy›
    a[i] = x;                 ― ‹Assign array index›
    clear a[];                ― ‹Array initialization›
    a = b[i];                 ― ‹Array indexing›
    b = a[1] + x*a[a[i]+1];   
    p1();                     ― ‹Function call, ignore return value›
    p1(x,b+1,y[a]);           ― ‹Function call with parameters›
    a[i]=p1();                ― ‹Return value assigned to a[i]›  
    a=p1();                   ― ‹Returns array (also works for value)›
    (a,b,c) = p1(a,b);        ― ‹Multiple return values›
    ― ‹Special syntax for recursive calls. TODO: Get rid of this? ›
    rec p();
    rec p(a,b);
    a = rec p(a,b);
    (a,b,c) = rec p(a,b);
  term  imp‹
    a = 1;
    if (true) a=a;
    if (false) skip else {skip; skip};
    while (n > 0) 
      @invariant ‹not interpreted here›
      @variant ‹not interpreted here›
      @relation ‹not interpreted here›
      a = a + a;
      __term SKIP;; p1;
      inline p1;
      y = p1();
      scope {
      n = n - 1

term "imp‹
    while (n>0) {

subsubsection ‹Parameter Passing›  

  text ‹The parser generates parameter and return value passing code, using the global
    variables G_par_i› and G_ret_i›. 

    To illustrate this, we first define an example procedure. Its signature would be
      (int,int) f (int p1, int p2)›
  definition "f  impscope { p1 = G_par_1; p2 = G_par_2; G_ret_1=x1+x2; G_ret_2=x1-x2 }"

  text ‹The parser generates the corresponding caller-side code for the invocation of 
    this procedure:›
  term imp(x1,x2) = f(a,b+1)

