Theory LastVotingDefs

theory LastVotingDefs
imports "../HOModel"

section ‹Verification of the \emph{LastVoting} Consensus Algorithm›

text ‹
  The \emph{LastVoting} algorithm can be considered as a representation of
  Lamport's Paxos consensus algorithm~cite"lamport:part-time"
  in the Heard-Of model. It is a coordinated algorithm designed to
  tolerate benign failures. Following~cite"charron:heardof", we formalize
  its proof of correctness in Isabelle, using the framework of theory HOModel›.

subsection ‹Model of the Algorithm›

text ‹
  We begin by introducing an anonymous type of processes of finite
  cardinality that will instantiate the type variable 'proc›
  of the generic CHO model.

typedecl Proc ― ‹the set of processes›
axiomatization where Proc_finite: "OFCLASS(Proc, finite_class)"
instance Proc :: finite by (rule Proc_finite)

  "N  card (UNIV::Proc set)"   ― ‹number of processes›

text ‹
  The algorithm proceeds in \emph{phases} of $4$ rounds each (we call
  \emph{steps} the individual rounds that constitute a phase).
  The following utility functions compute the phase and step of a round,
  given the round number.

definition phase where "phase (r::nat)  r div 4"

definition step where "step (r::nat)  r mod 4"

lemma phase_zero [simp]: "phase 0 = 0"
by (simp add: phase_def)

lemma step_zero [simp]: "step 0 = 0"
by (simp add: step_def)

lemma phase_step: "(phase r * 4) + step r = r"
  by (auto simp add: phase_def step_def)

text ‹
  The following record models the local state of a process.

record 'val pstate =
  x :: 'val                ― ‹current value held by process›
  vote :: "'val option"    ― ‹value the process voted for, if any›
  commt :: bool            ― ‹did the process commit to the vote?›
  ready :: bool            ― ‹for coordinators: did the round finish successfully?›
  timestamp :: nat         ― ‹time stamp of current value›
  decide :: "'val option"  ― ‹value the process has decided on, if any›
  coordΦ :: Proc           ― ‹coordinator for current phase›

text ‹
  Possible messages sent during the execution of the algorithm.

datatype 'val msg =
  ValStamp "'val" "nat"
| Vote "'val"
| Ack
| Null  ― ‹dummy message in case nothing needs to be sent›

text ‹
  Characteristic predicates on messages.

definition isValStamp where "isValStamp m  v ts. m = ValStamp v ts"

definition isVote where "isVote m  v. m = Vote v"

definition isAck where "isAck m  m = Ack"

text ‹
  Selector functions to retrieve components of messages. These functions
  have a meaningful result only when the message is of an appropriate kind.

fun val where
  "val (ValStamp v ts) = v"
| "val (Vote v) = v"

fun stamp where
  "stamp (ValStamp v ts) = ts"

text ‹
  The x› field of the initial state is unconstrained, all other
  fields are initialized appropriately.

definition LV_initState where
  "LV_initState p st crd 
     vote st = None
    ¬(commt st)
    ¬(ready st)
    timestamp st = 0
    decide st = None
    coordΦ st = crd"

text ‹
  We separately define the transition predicates and the send functions
  for each step and later combine them to define the overall next-state relation.

― ‹processes from which values and timestamps were received›
definition valStampsRcvd where
  "valStampsRcvd (msgs :: Proc  'val msg) 
   {q . v ts. msgs q = Some (ValStamp v ts)}"

definition highestStampRcvd where
  "highestStampRcvd msgs  
   Max {ts . q v. (msgs::Proc  'val msg) q = Some (ValStamp v ts)}"

text ‹
  In step 0, each process sends its current x› and timestamp›
  values to its coordinator.

  A process that considers itself to be a coordinator updates its
  vote› field if it has received messages from a majority of processes.
  It then sets its commt› field to true.

definition send0 where
  "send0 r p q st 
   if q = coordΦ st then ValStamp (x st) (timestamp st) else Null"

definition next0 where
  "next0 r p st msgs crd st' 
      if p = coordΦ st  card (valStampsRcvd msgs) > N div 2
      then (p v. msgs p = Some (ValStamp v (highestStampRcvd msgs))
                 st' = st  vote := Some v, commt := True  )
      else st' = st"

text ‹
  In step 1, coordinators that have committed send their vote to all

  Processes update their x› and timestamp› fields if they
  have received a vote from their coordinator.

definition send1 where
  "send1 r p q st 
   if p = coordΦ st  commt st then Vote (the (vote st)) else Null"

definition next1 where
  "next1 r p st msgs crd st' 
   if msgs (coordΦ st)  None  isVote (the (msgs (coordΦ st)))
   then st' = st  x := val (the (msgs (coordΦ st))), timestamp := Suc(phase r) 
   else st' = st"

text ‹
  In step 2, processes that have current timestamps send an acknowledgement
  to their coordinator.

  A coordinator sets its ready› field to true if it receives a majority
  of acknowledgements.

definition send2 where
  "send2 r p q st 
   if timestamp st = Suc(phase r)  q = coordΦ st then Ack else Null"

― ‹processes from which an acknowledgement was received›
definition acksRcvd where
  "acksRcvd (msgs :: Proc  'val msg) 
   { q . msgs q  None  isAck (the (msgs q)) }"

definition next2 where
  "next2 r p st msgs crd st' 
   if p = coordΦ st  card (acksRcvd msgs) > N div 2
   then st' = st  ready := True 
   else st' = st"

text ‹
  In step 3, coordinators that are ready send their vote to all processes.

  Processes that received a vote from their coordinator decide on that value.
  Coordinators reset their ready› and commt› fields to false.
  All processes reset the coordinators as indicated by the parameter of
  the operator.

definition send3 where
  "send3 r p q st 
   if p = coordΦ st  ready st then Vote (the (vote st)) else Null"

definition next3 where
  "next3 r p st msgs crd st' 
      (if msgs (coordΦ st)  None  isVote (the (msgs (coordΦ st)))
       then decide st' = Some (val (the (msgs (coordΦ st))))
       else decide st' = decide st)
    (if p = coordΦ st
      then ¬(ready st')  ¬(commt st')
      else ready st' = ready st  commt st' = commt st)
    x st' = x st
    vote st' = vote st
    timestamp st' = timestamp st
    coordΦ st' = crd"

text ‹
  The overall send function and next-state relation are simply obtained as
  the composition of the individual relations defined above.

definition LV_sendMsg :: "nat  Proc  Proc  'val pstate  'val msg" where
  "LV_sendMsg (r::nat) 
   if step r = 0 then send0 r
   else if step r = 1 then send1 r
   else if step r = 2 then send2 r
   else send3 r"

  LV_nextState :: "nat  Proc  'val pstate  (Proc  'val msg) 
                        Proc  'val pstate  bool"
  "LV_nextState r 
   if step r = 0 then next0 r
   else if step r = 1 then next1 r
   else if step r = 2 then next2 r
   else next3 r"

subsection ‹Communication Predicate for \emph{LastVoting}›

text ‹
  We now define the communication predicate that will be assumed for the
  correctness proof of the \emph{LastVoting} algorithm.
  The ``per-round'' part is trivial: integrity and agreement are always ensured.

  For the ``global'' part, Charron-Bost and Schiper propose a predicate
  that requires the existence of infinitely many phases ph› such that:
  \item all processes agree on the same coordinator c›,
  \item c› hears from a strict majority of processes in steps 0 and 2
    of phase ph›, and
  \item every process hears from c› in steps 1 and 3 (this is slightly
    weaker than the predicate that appears in~cite"charron:heardof", but
    obviously sufficient).

  Instead of requiring infinitely many such phases, we only assume the
  existence of one such phase (Charron-Bost and Schiper note that this is enough.)

  LV_commPerRd where
  "LV_commPerRd r (HO::Proc HO) (coord::Proc coord)  True"

  LV_commGlobal where
  "LV_commGlobal HOs coords 
      ph::nat. c::Proc.
           (p. coords (4*ph) p = c)
          card (HOs (4*ph) c) > N div 2
          card (HOs (4*ph+2) c) > N div 2
          (p. c  HOs (4*ph+1) p  HOs (4*ph+3) p)"

subsection ‹The \emph{LastVoting} Heard-Of Machine›

text ‹
  We now define the coordinated HO machine for the \emph{LastVoting} algorithm
  by assembling the algorithm definition and its communication-predicate.

definition LV_CHOMachine where
     CinitState = LV_initState,
      sendMsg = LV_sendMsg,
      CnextState = LV_nextState,
      CHOcommPerRd = LV_commPerRd,
      CHOcommGlobal = LV_commGlobal "

  "LV_M  (LV_CHOMachine::(Proc, 'val pstate, 'val msg) CHOMachine)"
