Theory EigbyzProof

theory EigbyzProof
imports EigbyzDefs "../Majorities" "../Reduction"

subsection ‹Preliminary Lemmas›

text ‹Some technical lemmas about labels and trees.›

lemma not_leaf_length:
  assumes l: "¬(is_leaf l)"
  shows "length_lbl l  f"
  using l length_lbl[of l] by (simp add: is_leaf_def)

lemma nil_is_Label: "[]  Label"
  by (auto simp: Label_def)

lemma card_set_lbl: "card (set_lbl l) = length_lbl l"
  unfolding set_lbl_def length_lbl_def
  using Rep_Label[of l, unfolded Label_def]
  by (auto elim: distinct_card)

lemma Rep_Label_root_node [simp]: "Rep_Label root_node = []"
  using nil_is_Label by (simp add: root_node_def Abs_Label_inverse)

lemma root_node_length [simp]: "length_lbl root_node = 0"
  by (simp add: length_lbl_def)

lemma root_node_not_leaf: "¬(is_leaf root_node)"
  by (simp add: is_leaf_def)

text ‹Removing the last element of a non-root label gives a label.›

lemma butlast_rep_in_label:
  assumes l:"l  root_node"
  shows "butlast (Rep_Label l)  Label"
proof -
  have "Rep_Label l  []"
    assume "Rep_Label l = []"
    hence "Rep_Label l = Rep_Label root_node" by simp
    with l show "False" by (simp only: Rep_Label_inject)
  with Rep_Label[of l] show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: Label_def elim: distinct_butlast)

text ‹
  The label of a child is well-formed.

lemma Rep_Label_append:
  assumes l: "¬(is_leaf l)"
  shows "(Rep_Label l @ [p]  Label) = (p  set_lbl l)"
     (is "?lhs = ?rhs" is "(?l'  _) = _")
  assume lhs: "?lhs" thus ?rhs
    by (auto simp: Label_def set_lbl_def)
  assume p: "?rhs"
  from l[THEN not_leaf_length] have "length ?l'  Suc f"
    by (simp add: length_lbl_def)
  from Rep_Label[of l] have "distinct (Rep_Label l)"
    by (simp add: Label_def)
  with p have "distinct ?l'" by (simp add: set_lbl_def)
  show ?lhs by (simp add: Label_def)

text ‹
  The label of a child is the label of the parent, extended by a process.
lemma label_children:
  assumes c: "c  children l"
  shows "p. p  set_lbl l  Rep_Label c = Rep_Label l @ [p]"
proof -
  from c obtain p 
    where p: "p  set_lbl l" and l: "¬(is_leaf l)"
      and c: "c = Abs_Label (Rep_Label l @ [p])"
    by (auto simp: children_def)
  with Rep_Label_append[OF l] show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: Abs_Label_inverse)

text ‹
  The label of any child node is one longer than the label of its parent.

lemma children_length:
  assumes "l  children h"
  shows "length_lbl l = Suc (length_lbl h)"
  using label_children[OF assms] by (auto simp: length_lbl_def)

text ‹The root node is never a child.›

lemma children_not_root:
  assumes "root_node  children l"
  shows "P"
  using label_children[OF assms] Abs_Label_inverse[OF nil_is_Label]
  by (auto simp: root_node_def)

text ‹
  The label of a child with the last element removed is the label of
  the parent.

lemma children_butlast_lbl:
  assumes "c  children l"
  shows "butlast_lbl c = l"
  using label_children[OF assms]
  by (auto simp: butlast_lbl_def Rep_Label_inverse)

text ‹
  The root node is not a child, and it is the only such node.

lemma root_iff_no_child: "(l = root_node) = (l'. l  children l')"
  assume "l = root_node"
  thus "l'. l  children l'" by (auto elim: children_not_root)
  assume rhs: "l'. l  children l'"
  show "l = root_node"
  proof (rule rev_exhaust[of "Rep_Label l"])
    assume "Rep_Label l = []"
    hence "Rep_Label l = Rep_Label root_node" by simp
    thus ?thesis by (simp only: Rep_Label_inject)
    fix l' q 
    assume l': "Rep_Label l = l' @ [q]"
    let ?l' = "Abs_Label l'"
    from Rep_Label[of l] l' have "l'  Label" by (simp add: Label_def)
    hence repl': "Rep_Label ?l' = l'" by (rule Abs_Label_inverse)

    from Rep_Label[of l] l' have "l' @ [q]  Label" by (simp add: Label_def)
    with l' have "Rep_Label l = Rep_Label (Abs_Label (l' @ [q]))"
      by (simp add: Abs_Label_inverse)
    hence "l = Abs_Label (l' @ [q])" by (simp add: Rep_Label_inject)
    from Rep_Label[of l] l' have "length l' < Suc f" "q  set l'"
      by (auto simp: Label_def)
    note repl'
    ultimately have "l  children ?l'"
      by (auto simp: children_def is_leaf_def length_lbl_def set_lbl_def)
    with rhs show ?thesis by blast

text ‹
  If some label l› is not a leaf, then the set of processes that
  appear at the end of the labels of its children is the set of all 
  processes that do not appear in l›.

lemma children_last_set:
  assumes l: "¬(is_leaf l)"
  shows "last_lbl ` (children l) = UNIV - set_lbl l"
  show "last_lbl ` (children l)  UNIV - set_lbl l"
    by (auto dest: label_children simp: last_lbl_def)
  show "UNIV - set_lbl l  last_lbl ` (children l)"
  proof (auto simp: image_def)
    fix p
    assume p: "p  set_lbl l"
    with l have c: "Abs_Label (Rep_Label l @ [p])  children l"
      by (auto simp: children_def)
    with Rep_Label_append[OF l] p
    show "c  children l. p = last_lbl c"
      by (force simp: last_lbl_def Abs_Label_inverse)

text ‹
  The function returning the last element of a label is injective on the
  set of children of some given label.

lemma last_lbl_inj_on_children:"inj_on last_lbl (children l)"
proof (auto simp: inj_on_def)
  fix c c'
  assume c: "c  children l" and c': "c'  children l"
     and eq: "last_lbl c = last_lbl c'"
  from c c' obtain p p'
    where p: "Rep_Label c = Rep_Label l @ [p]"
      and p': "Rep_Label c' = Rep_Label l @ [p']"
    by (auto dest!: label_children)
  from p p' eq have "p = p'" by (simp add: last_lbl_def)
  with p p' have "Rep_Label c = Rep_Label c'" by simp
  thus "c = c'" by (simp add: Rep_Label_inject)

text ‹
  The number of children of any non-leaf label l› is the
  number of processes that do not appear in l›.

lemma card_children:
  assumes "¬(is_leaf l)"
  shows "card (children l) = N - (length_lbl l)"
proof -
  from assms
  have "last_lbl ` (children l) = UNIV - set_lbl l"
    by (rule children_last_set)
  have "card (UNIV - set_lbl l) = card (UNIV::Proc set) - card (set_lbl l)"
    by (auto simp: card_Diff_subset_Int)
  from last_lbl_inj_on_children 
  have "card (children l) = card (last_lbl ` children l)"
    by (rule sym[OF card_image])
  note card_set_lbl[of l]
  show ?thesis by auto

text ‹
  Suppose a non-root label l'› of length r+1› ending in q›, 
  and suppose that q› is well heard by process p› in round
  r›. Then the value with which p› decorates l› is the one
  that q› associates to the parent of l›.

lemma sho_correct_vals:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and l': "l'  children l"
      and shop: "last_lbl l'  SHOs (length_lbl l) p  HOs (length_lbl l) p"
                (is "?q  SHOs (?len l) p  _")
  shows "vals (rho (?len l') p) l' = vals (rho (?len l) ?q) l"
proof -
  let ?r = "?len l"
  from run obtain μp
    where nxt: "nextState EIG_M ?r p (rho ?r p) μp (rho (Suc ?r) p)"
      and mu: "μp  SHOmsgVectors EIG_M ?r p (rho ?r) (HOs ?r p) (SHOs ?r p)"
    by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
  with shop 
  have msl:"μp ?q = Some (vals (rho ?r ?q))"
    by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def EIG_sendMsg_def SHOmsgVectors_def)
  from nxt length_lbl[of l'] children_length[OF l']
  have "extend_vals ?r p (rho ?r p) μp (rho (Suc ?r) p)"
    by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def nextState_def EIG_nextState_def
                   next_main_def next_end_def)
  with msl l' show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: extend_vals_def children_length children_butlast_lbl)

text ‹
  A process fixes the value vals l› of a label at state
  length_lbl l›, and then never modifies the value.
(* currently nowhere used *)
lemma keep_vals:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
  shows "vals (rho (length_lbl l + n) p) l = vals (rho (length_lbl l) p) l"
     (is "?v n = ?vl")
proof (induct n)
  show "?v 0 = ?vl" by simp
  fix n
  assume ih: "?v n = ?vl"
  let ?r = "length_lbl l + n"
  from run obtain μp
    where nxt: "nextState EIG_M ?r p (rho ?r p) μp (rho (Suc ?r) p)"
    by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq)
  with ih show "?v (Suc n) = ?vl"
    by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def nextState_def EIG_nextState_def
                   next_main_def next_end_def extend_vals_def)

subsection ‹Lynch's Lemmas and Theorems›

text ‹
  If some process is safely heard by all processes at round r›,
  then all processes agree on the value associated to labels of length 
  r+1› ending in that process.

lemma lynch_6_15:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
  and l': "l'  children l"
  and skr: "last_lbl l'  SKr (HOs (length_lbl l)) (SHOs (length_lbl l))"
  shows "vals (rho (length_lbl l') p) l' = vals (rho (length_lbl l') q) l'"
  using assms unfolding SKr_def by (auto simp: sho_correct_vals)

text ‹
  Suppose that l› is a non-root label whose last element was well
  heard by all processes at round r›, and that l'› is a
  child of l› corresponding to process q› that is also
  well heard by all processes at round r+1›. Then the values
  associated with l› and l'› by any process p›
  are identical.

lemma lynch_6_16_a:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and l: "l  children t"
      and skrl: "last_lbl l  SKr (HOs (length_lbl t)) (SHOs (length_lbl t))"
      and l': "l'  children l"
      and skrl':"last_lbl l'  SKr (HOs (length_lbl l)) (SHOs (length_lbl l))"
    shows "vals (rho (length_lbl l') p) l' = vals (rho (length_lbl l) p) l"
  using assms by (auto simp: SKr_def sho_correct_vals)

text ‹
  For any non-leaf label l›, more than half of its children end with a 
  process that is well heard by everyone at round length_lbl l›.

lemma lynch_6_16_c:
  assumes commR: "EIG_commPerRd (HOs (length_lbl l)) (SHOs (length_lbl l))"
                 (is "EIG_commPerRd (HOs ?r) _")
      and l: "¬(is_leaf l)"
  shows "card {l'  children l. last_lbl l'  SKr (HOs ?r) (SHOs ?r)}
         > card (children l) div 2"
    (is "card ?lhs > _")
proof -
  let ?skr = "SKr (HOs ?r) (SHOs ?r)"

  have "last_lbl ` ?lhs = ?skr - set_lbl l"
    from children_last_set[OF l]
    show "last_lbl ` ?lhs  ?skr - set_lbl l"
      by (auto simp: children_length)
      fix p
      assume p: "p  ?skr" "p  set_lbl l"
      with  children_last_set[OF l]
      have "p  last_lbl ` children l" by auto
      with p have "p  last_lbl ` ?lhs"
        by (auto simp: image_def children_length)
    thus "?skr - set_lbl l  last_lbl ` ?lhs" by auto
  from last_lbl_inj_on_children[of l]
  have "inj_on last_lbl ?lhs" by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
  have "card ?lhs = card (?skr - set_lbl l)" by (auto dest: card_image)
  also have "  (card ?skr) - (card (set_lbl l))"
    by (simp add: diff_card_le_card_Diff)
  finally have "card ?lhs  (card ?skr) - ?r"
    using card_set_lbl[of l] by simp

  from commR have "card ?skr > (N + f) div 2"
    by (auto simp: EIG_commPerRd_def)
  with not_leaf_length[OF l] f
  have "(card ?skr) - ?r > (N - ?r) div 2" by auto
  with card_children[OF l]
  have "(card ?skr) - ?r > card (children l) div 2" by simp

  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

text ‹
  If l› is a non-leaf label such that all of its children corresponding
  to well-heard processes at round length_lbl l› have a uniform
  newvals› decoration at round f+1›, then l›
  itself is decorated with that same value.
lemma newvals_skr_uniform:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and commR: "EIG_commPerRd (HOs (length_lbl l)) (SHOs (length_lbl l))"
                 (is "EIG_commPerRd (HOs ?r) _")
      and notleaf: "¬(is_leaf l)"
      and unif: "l'. l'  children l;
                   last_lbl l'  SKr (HOs (length_lbl l)) (SHOs (length_lbl l))
                    newvals (rho (Suc f) p) l' = v"
  shows "newvals (rho (Suc f) p) l = v"
proof -
  from unif
  have "card {l'  children l. last_lbl l'  SKr (HOs ?r) (SHOs ?r)}
       card {l'  children l. newvals (rho (Suc f) p) l' = v}"
    by (auto intro: card_mono)
  with lynch_6_16_c[of HOs l SHOs, OF commR notleaf]
  have maj: "has_majority v (newvals (rho (Suc f) p)) (children l)"
    by (simp add: has_majority_def)

  from run have "check_newvals (rho (Suc f) p)"
    by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq
                   nextState_def EIG_nextState_def next_end_def)
  with maj notleaf obtain w 
    where wmaj: "has_majority w (newvals (rho (Suc f) p)) (children l)"
      and wupd: "newvals (rho (Suc f) p) l = w"
    by (auto simp: check_newvals_def)
  from maj wmaj have "w = v"
    by (auto simp: has_majority_def elim: abs_majoritiesE')
  with wupd show ?thesis by simp

text ‹
  A node whose label l› ends with a process which is well heard
  at round length_lbl l› will have its newvals› field set
  (at round f+1›) to the ``fixed-up'' value given by vals›.

lemma lynch_6_16_d:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and commR: "r. EIG_commPerRd (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
      and notroot: "l  children t"
      and skr: "last_lbl l  SKr (HOs (length_lbl t)) (SHOs (length_lbl t))"
            (is "_  SKr (HOs (?len t)) _")
  shows "newvals (rho (Suc f) p) l = fixupval (vals (rho (?len l) p) l)"
    (is "?P l")
using notroot skr proof (induct "Suc f - (?len l)" arbitrary: l t)
  fix l t
  assume "0 = Suc f - ?len l"
  with length_lbl[of l] have leaf: "is_leaf l" by (simp add: is_leaf_def)

  from run have "check_newvals (rho (Suc f) p)"
    by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq
                   nextState_def EIG_nextState_def next_end_def)
  with leaf show "?P l"
    by (auto simp: check_newvals_def is_leaf_def)
  fix k l t
  assume ih: " l' t'.
                k = Suc f - length_lbl l'; l'  children t';
                 last_lbl l'  SKr (HOs (?len t')) (SHOs (?len t'))
                 ?P l'"
    and flk: "Suc k = Suc f - ?len l"
    and notroot: "l  children t"
    and skr: "last_lbl l  SKr (HOs (?len t)) (SHOs (?len t))"

  let ?v = "fixupval (vals (rho (?len l) p) l)"
  from flk have notlf: "¬(is_leaf l)" by (simp add: is_leaf_def)

    fix l'
    assume l': "l'  children l"
       and skr': "last_lbl l'  SKr (HOs (?len l)) (SHOs (?len l))"

    from run notroot skr l' skr'
    have "vals (rho (?len l') p) l' = vals (rho (?len l) p) l"
      by (rule lynch_6_16_a)
    from flk l' have "k = Suc f - ?len l'" by (simp add: children_length)
    from this l' skr' have "?P l'" by (rule ih)
    have "newvals (rho (Suc f) p) l' = ?v" 
      using notroot l' by (simp add: children_length)
  with run commR notlf show "?P l" by (auto intro: newvals_skr_uniform)

text ‹
  Following Lynch~cite"lynch:distributed", we introduce some more useful
  concepts for reasoning about the data structure.

text ‹
  A label is \emph{common} if all processes agree on the final value it is
  decorated with.

definition common where
  "common rho l  
   p q. newvals (rho (Suc f) p) l = newvals (rho (Suc f) q) l"

text ‹
  The subtrees of a given label are all its possible extensions.

definition subtrees where
  "subtrees h  { l . t. Rep_Label l = (Rep_Label h) @ t }"

lemma children_in_subtree:
  assumes "l  children h"
  shows "l  subtrees h"
  using label_children[OF assms] by (auto simp: subtrees_def)

lemma subtrees_refl [iff]: "l  subtrees l"
  by (auto simp: subtrees_def)

lemma subtrees_root [iff]: "l  subtrees root_node"
  by (auto simp: subtrees_def)

lemma subtrees_trans:
  assumes "l''  subtrees l'" and "l'  subtrees l"
  shows "l''  subtrees l"
  using assms by (auto simp: subtrees_def)

lemma subtrees_antisym:
  assumes "l  subtrees l'" and "l'  subtrees l"
  shows "l' = l"
  using assms by (auto simp: subtrees_def Rep_Label_inject)

lemma subtrees_tree:
  assumes l': "l  subtrees l'" and l'': "l  subtrees l''"
  shows "l'  subtrees l''  l''  subtrees l'"
using assms proof (auto simp: subtrees_def append_eq_append_conv2)
  fix xs
  assume "Rep_Label l'' @ xs = Rep_Label l'"
  hence "Rep_Label l' = Rep_Label l'' @ xs" by (rule sym)
  thus "ys. Rep_Label l' = Rep_Label l'' @ ys" ..

lemma subtrees_cases:
  assumes l': "l'  subtrees l"
      and self: "l' = l  P"
      and child: "c.  c  children l; l'  subtrees c   P"
  shows "P"
proof -
  from l' obtain t where t: "Rep_Label l' = (Rep_Label l) @ t"
    by (auto simp: subtrees_def)
  have "l' = l  (c  children l. l'  subtrees c)"
  proof (cases t)
    assume "t = []"
    with t show ?thesis by (simp add: Rep_Label_inject)
    fix p t'
    assume cons: "t = p # t'"
    from Rep_Label[of l'] t have "length (Rep_Label l @ t)  Suc f"
      by (simp add: Label_def)
    with cons have notleaf: "¬(is_leaf l)"
      by (auto simp: is_leaf_def length_lbl_def)

    let ?c = "Abs_Label (Rep_Label l @ [p])"
    from t cons Rep_Label[of l'] have p: "p  set_lbl l"
      by (auto simp: Label_def set_lbl_def)
    with notleaf have c: "?c  children l"
      by (auto simp: children_def)
    from notleaf p have "Rep_Label l @ [p]  Label"
      by (simp add: Rep_Label_append)
    hence "Rep_Label ?c = (Rep_Label l @ [p])"
      by (simp add: Abs_Label_inverse)
    with cons t have "l'  subtrees ?c"
      by (auto simp: subtrees_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis by blast
  thus ?thesis by (auto elim!: self child)

lemma subtrees_leaf:
  assumes l: "is_leaf l" and l': "l'  subtrees l"
  shows "l' = l"
using l' proof (rule subtrees_cases)
  fix c
  assume "c  children l"  ― ‹impossible›
  with l show ?thesis by (simp add: children_def)

lemma children_subtrees_equal:
  assumes c: "c  children l" and c': "c'  children l"
      and sub: "c'  subtrees c"
  shows "c' = c"
proof -
  from assms have "Rep_Label c' = Rep_Label c"
    by (auto simp: subtrees_def dest!: label_children)
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: Rep_Label_inject)

text ‹
  A set C› of labels is a \emph{subcovering} w.r.t. label l›
  if for all leaf subtrees s› of l› there
  exists some label h ∈ C› such that s› is a subtree of
  h› and h› is a subtree of l›.
definition subcovering where
 "subcovering C l  
  s  subtrees l. is_leaf s  (h  C. h  subtrees l  s  subtrees h)"

text ‹
  A \emph{covering} is a subcovering w.r.t. the root node.
abbreviation covering where
  "covering C  subcovering C root_node"

text ‹
  The set of labels whose last element is well heard by all processes
  throughout the execution forms a covering, and all these labels are common.

lemma lynch_6_18_a:
  assumes "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and "r. EIG_commPerRd (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
      and "l  children t"
      and "last_lbl l  SKr (HOs (length_lbl t)) (SHOs (length_lbl t))"
  shows "common rho l"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: common_def lynch_6_16_d lynch_6_15
           intro: arg_cong[where f="fixupval"])

lemma lynch_6_18_b:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and commG: "EIG_commGlobal HOs SHOs"
      and commR: "r. EIG_commPerRd (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
  shows "covering {l. t. l  children t  last_lbl l  (SK HOs SHOs)}"
proof (clarsimp simp: subcovering_def)
  fix l
  assume "is_leaf l"
  with card_set_lbl[of l] have "card (set_lbl l) = Suc f"
    by (simp add: is_leaf_def)
  with commG have "N < card (SK HOs SHOs) + card (set_lbl l)"
    by (simp add: EIG_commGlobal_def)
  hence "q  set_lbl l . q  SK HOs SHOs"
    by (auto dest: majorities_intersect)
  then obtain l1 q l2 where
    l: "Rep_Label l = (l1 @ [q]) @ l2" and q: "q  SK HOs SHOs"
    unfolding set_lbl_def by (auto intro: split_list_propE)

  let ?h = "Abs_Label (l1 @ [q])"
  from Rep_Label[of l] l have "l1 @ [q]  Label" by (simp add: Label_def)
  hence reph: "Rep_Label ?h = l1 @ [q]" by (rule Abs_Label_inverse)
  hence "length_lbl ?h  0" by (simp add: length_lbl_def)
  hence "?h  root_node" by auto
  then obtain t where t: "?h  children t"
    by (auto simp: root_iff_no_child)
  from reph q have "last_lbl ?h  SK HOs SHOs" by (simp add: last_lbl_def)
  from reph l have "l  subtrees ?h" by (simp add: subtrees_def)
  show "h. (t. h  children t)  last_lbl h  SK HOs SHOs  l  subtrees h"
    by blast

text ‹
  If C› covers the subtree rooted at label l› and if
  l ∉ C› then C› also covers subtrees rooted at
  l›'s children.

lemma lynch_6_19_a:
  assumes cov: "subcovering C l"
      and l: "l  C"
      and e: "e  children l"
  shows "subcovering C e"
proof (clarsimp simp: subcovering_def)
  fix s
  assume s: "s  subtrees e" and leaf: "is_leaf s"
  from s children_in_subtree[OF e] have "s  subtrees l"
    by (rule subtrees_trans)
  with leaf cov obtain h where h: "h  C" "h  subtrees l" "s  subtrees h"
    by (auto simp: subcovering_def)
  with l obtain e' where e': "e'  children l" "h  subtrees e'"
    by (auto elim: subtrees_cases)
  from s  subtrees h h  subtrees e' have "s  subtrees e'"
    by (rule subtrees_trans)
  with s have "e  subtrees e'  e'  subtrees e"
    by (rule subtrees_tree)
  with e e' have "e' = e"
    by (auto dest: children_subtrees_equal)
  with e' h show "hC. h  subtrees e  s  subtrees h" by blast

text ‹
  If there is a subcovering C› for a label l› such that all labels
  in C› are common, then l› itself is common as well.

lemma lynch_6_19_b:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and cov: "subcovering C l"
      and com: "l'  C. common rho l'"
  shows "common rho l"
using cov proof (induct "Suc f - length_lbl l" arbitrary: l)
  fix l
  assume 0: "0 = Suc f - length_lbl l"
    and C: "subcovering C l"
  from 0 length_lbl[of l] have "is_leaf l"
    by (simp add: is_leaf_def)
  with C obtain h where h: "h  C" "h  subtrees l" "l  subtrees h"
    by (auto simp: subcovering_def)
  hence "l  C" by (auto dest: subtrees_antisym)
  with com show "common rho l" ..
  fix k l
  assume k: "Suc k = Suc f - length_lbl l"
     and C: "subcovering C l"
     and ih: "l'. k = Suc f - length_lbl l'; subcovering C l'  common rho l'"
  show "common rho l"
  proof (cases "l  C")
    case True 
    with com show ?thesis ..
    case False
    with C have "e  children l. subcovering C e"
      by (blast intro: lynch_6_19_a)
    from k have "e  children l. k = Suc f - length_lbl e"
      by (auto simp: children_length)
    have com_ch: "e  children l. common rho e"
      by (blast intro: ih)

    show ?thesis
    proof (clarsimp simp: common_def)
      fix p q
      from k have notleaf: "¬(is_leaf l)" by (simp add: is_leaf_def)
      let ?r = "Suc f"
      from com_ch
      have "e  children l. newvals (rho ?r p) e = newvals (rho ?r q) e"
        by (auto simp: common_def)
      hence "w. {e  children l. newvals (rho ?r p) e = w}
               = {e  children l. newvals (rho ?r q) e = w}"
        by auto
      from run
      have "check_newvals (rho ?r p)" "check_newvals (rho ?r q)"
        by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq nextState_def
                       EIG_nextState_def next_end_def)
      with notleaf have
        "(w. has_majority w (newvals (rho ?r p)) (children l)
               newvals (rho ?r p) l = w)
        ¬(w. has_majority w (newvals (rho ?r p)) (children l))
               newvals (rho ?r p) l = undefined"
        "(w. has_majority w (newvals (rho ?r q)) (children l)
               newvals (rho ?r q) l = w)
        ¬(w. has_majority w (newvals (rho ?r q)) (children l))
               newvals (rho ?r q) l = undefined"
        by (auto simp: check_newvals_def)
      ultimately show "newvals (rho ?r p) l = newvals (rho ?r q) l"
        by (auto simp: has_majority_def elim: abs_majoritiesE')

text ‹The root of the tree is a common node.›

lemma lynch_6_20:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and commG: "EIG_commGlobal HOs SHOs"
      and commR: "r. EIG_commPerRd (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
  shows "common rho root_node"
using run lynch_6_18_b[OF assms]
proof (rule lynch_6_19_b, clarify)
  fix l t
  assume "l  children t" "last_lbl l  SK HOs SHOs"
  thus "common rho l" by (auto simp: SK_def elim: lynch_6_18_a[OF run commR])
text ‹
  A decision is taken only at state f+1› and then stays stable.
lemma decide:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
  shows "decide (rho r p) = 
         (if r < Suc f then None
          else Some (newvals (rho (Suc f) p) root_node))"
     (is "?P r")
proof (induct r)
  from run show "?P 0"
    by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def SHORun_eq HOinitConfig_eq
                   initState_def EIG_initState_def)
  fix r
  assume ih: "?P r"
  from run obtain μp
    where "EIG_nextState r p (rho r p) μp (rho (Suc r) p)"
    by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def SHORun_eq SHOnextConfig_eq 
  thus "?P (Suc r)"
  proof (auto simp: EIG_nextState_def next_main_def next_end_def)
    assume "¬(r < f)" "r  f"
    with ih
    show "decide (rho r p) = Some (newvals (rho (Suc f) p) root_node)"
      by simp

subsection ‹Proof of Agreement, Validity, and Termination›

text ‹
  The Agreement property is an immediate consequence of lemma lynch_6_20›.

theorem Agreement:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and commG: "EIG_commGlobal HOs SHOs"
      and commR:  "r. EIG_commPerRd (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
      and p: "decide (rho m p) = Some v"
      and q: "decide (rho n q) = Some w"
  shows "v = w"
  using p q lynch_6_20[OF run commG commR]
  by (auto simp: decide[OF run] common_def)

text ‹
  We now show the Validity property: if all processes initially
  propose the same value v›, then no other value may be decided.

  By lemma sho_correct_vals›, value v› must propagate to
  all children of the root that are well heard at round 0›, and
  lemma lynch_6_16_d› implies that v› is the value assigned
  to all these children by newvals›. Finally, lemma
  newvals_skr_uniform› lets us conclude.

theorem Validity:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and commR: "r. EIG_commPerRd (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
      and initv: "q. the (vals (rho 0 q) root_node) = v"
      and dp: "decide (rho r p) = Some w"
  shows "v = w"
proof -

  have v: "q. vals (rho 0 q) root_node = Some v"
    fix q
    from run have "vals (rho 0 q) root_node  None"
      by (auto simp: EIG_SHOMachine_def SHORun_eq HOinitConfig_eq
                     initState_def EIG_initState_def)
    then obtain w where w: "vals (rho 0 q) root_node = Some w"
      by auto
    from initv have "the (vals (rho 0 q) root_node) = v" ..
    with w show "vals (rho 0 q) root_node = Some v" by simp

  let ?len = length_lbl
  let ?r = "Suc f"

    fix l'
    assume l': "l'  children root_node"
       and skr: "last_lbl l'  SKr (HOs 0) (SHOs 0)"
    with run v have "vals (rho (?len l') p) l' = Some v"
      by (auto dest: sho_correct_vals simp: SKr_def)

    from run commR l' skr
    have "newvals (rho ?r p) l' = fixupval (vals (rho (?len l') p) l')"
      by (auto intro: lynch_6_16_d)

    have "newvals (rho ?r p) l' = v" by simp
  with run commR root_node_not_leaf
  have "newvals (rho ?r p) root_node = v"
    by (auto intro: newvals_skr_uniform)
  with dp show ?thesis by (simp add: decide[OF run])

text ‹Termination is trivial for \eigbyz{}.›

theorem Termination:
  assumes "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
  shows "r v. decide (rho r p) = Some v"
  using assms by (auto simp: decide)

subsection ‹\eigbyz{} Solves Weak Consensus›

text ‹
  Summing up, all (coarse-grained) runs of \eigbyz{} for
  HO and SHO collections that satisfy the communication predicate 
  satisfy the Weak Consensus property.

theorem eig_weak_consensus:
  assumes run: "SHORun EIG_M rho HOs SHOs"
      and commR: "r. EIG_commPerRd (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
      and commG: "EIG_commGlobal HOs SHOs"
  shows "weak_consensus (λp. the (vals (rho 0 p) root_node)) decide rho"
  unfolding weak_consensus_def
  using Validity[OF run commR]
        Agreement[OF run commG commR]
        Termination[OF run]
  by auto

text ‹
  By the reduction theorem, the correctness of the algorithm carries over
  to the fine-grained model of runs.

theorem eig_weak_consensus_fg:
  assumes run: "fg_run EIG_M rho HOs SHOs (λr q. undefined)"
      and commR: "r. EIG_commPerRd (HOs r) (SHOs r)"
      and commG: "EIG_commGlobal HOs SHOs"
  shows "weak_consensus (λp. the (vals (state (rho 0) p) root_node))
                        decide (state  rho)"
    (is "weak_consensus ?inits _ _")
proof (rule local_property_reduction[OF run weak_consensus_is_local])
  fix crun
  assume crun: "CSHORun EIG_M crun HOs SHOs (λr q. undefined)"
     and init: "crun 0 = state (rho 0)"
  from crun have "SHORun EIG_M crun HOs SHOs" by (unfold SHORun_def)
  from this commR commG 
  have "weak_consensus (λp. the (vals (crun 0 p) root_node)) decide crun"
    by (rule eig_weak_consensus)
  with init show "weak_consensus ?inits decide crun"
    by (simp add: o_def)
