Theory FundamentalProperty

section ‹The fundamental property of slicing›

theory FundamentalProperty imports WeakSimulation SemanticsCFG begin

context SDG begin

subsection ‹Auxiliary lemmas for moves in the graph›

lemma observable_set_stack_in_slice:
  "S,f  (ms,s) -a (ms',s') 
   mx  set (tl ms'). mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG"
proof(induct rule:observable_move.induct)
  case (observable_move_intra f a s s' ms S ms') thus ?case by simp
  case (observable_move_call f a s s' Q r p fs a' ms S ms')
  from valid_edge a valid_edge a' a'  get_return_edges a
  have "call_of_return_node (targetnode a') (sourcenode a)"
    by(fastforce simp:return_node_def call_of_return_node_def)
  with hd ms = sourcenode a hd ms  HRB_slice SCFG 
    ms' = targetnode a # targetnode a' # tl ms
    mxset (tl ms). mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
  show ?case by fastforce
  case (observable_move_return f a s s' Q p f' ms S ms')
  thus ?case by(cases "tl ms") auto

lemma silent_move_preserves_stacks:
  assumes "S,f  (m#ms,s) -aτ (m'#ms',s')" and "valid_call_list cs m"
  and "i < length rs. rs!i  get_return_edges (cs!i)" and "valid_return_list rs m"
  and "length rs = length cs" and "ms = targetnodes rs"
  obtains cs' rs' where "valid_node m'" and "valid_call_list cs' m'"
  and "i < length rs'. rs'!i  get_return_edges (cs'!i)"
  and "valid_return_list rs' m'" and "length rs' = length cs'" 
  and "ms' = targetnodes rs'" and "upd_cs cs [a] = cs'"
  from assms show "cs' rs'. valid_node m'  valid_call_list cs' m' 
    (i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)) 
    valid_return_list rs' m'  length rs' = length cs'  ms' = targetnodes rs' 
    upd_cs cs [a] = cs'"
  proof(induct S f "m#ms" s a "m'#ms'" s' rule:silent_move.induct)
    case (silent_move_intra f a s s' nc)
    from hd (m # ms) = sourcenode a have "m = sourcenode a" by simp
    from m' # ms' = targetnode a # tl (m # ms)
    have [simp]:"m' = targetnode a" "ms' = ms" by simp_all
    from valid_edge a have "valid_node m'" by simp
    from valid_edge a intra_kind (kind a)
    have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)" by(rule get_proc_intra)
    from valid_call_list cs m m = sourcenode a
      get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)
    have "valid_call_list cs m'"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="cs'" in allE)
      apply(erule_tac x="c" in allE)
      by(auto split:list.split)
    from valid_return_list rs m m = sourcenode a 
      get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)
    have "valid_return_list rs m'"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="cs'" in allE) apply clarsimp
      by(case_tac cs') auto
    from intra_kind (kind a) have "upd_cs cs [a] = cs"
      by(fastforce simp:intra_kind_def)
    ultimately show ?case using i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i)
      length rs = length cs ms = targetnodes rs
      apply(rule_tac x="cs" in exI)
      apply(rule_tac x="rs" in exI) 
      by clarsimp
    case (silent_move_call f a s s' Q r p fs a' S)
    from hd (m # ms) = sourcenode a 
      m' # ms' = targetnode a # targetnode a' # tl (m # ms)
    have [simp]:"m = sourcenode a" "m' = targetnode a" 
      "ms' = targetnode a' # tl (m # ms)"
      by simp_all
    from valid_edge a have "valid_node m'" by simp
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs have "get_proc (targetnode a) = p"
      by(rule get_proc_call)
    with valid_call_list cs m valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs m = sourcenode a
    have "valid_call_list (a # cs) (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
      apply(case_tac cs') apply auto
      apply(erule_tac x="list" in allE)
      by(case_tac list)(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
    from i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) a'  get_return_edges a
    have "i<length (a'#rs). (a'#rs) ! i  get_return_edges ((a#cs) ! i)"
      by auto(case_tac i,auto)
    from valid_edge a a'  get_return_edges a have "valid_edge a'" 
      by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs a'  get_return_edges a
    obtain Q' f' where "kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf'" by(fastforce dest!:call_return_edges)
    from valid_edge a' kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf' have "get_proc (sourcenode a') = p"
      by(rule get_proc_return)
    from valid_edge a a'  get_return_edges a
    have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a')" 
      by(rule get_proc_get_return_edge)
    with valid_return_list rs m valid_edge a' kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf'
      get_proc (sourcenode a') = p get_proc (targetnode a) = p m = sourcenode a
    have "valid_return_list (a'#rs) (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
      apply(case_tac cs') apply auto
      apply(erule_tac x="list" in allE)
      by(case_tac list)(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
    from length rs = length cs have "length (a'#rs) = length (a#cs)" by simp
    from ms = targetnodes rs have "targetnode a' # ms = targetnodes (a' # rs)"
      by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
    from kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs have "upd_cs cs [a] = a#cs" by simp
    ultimately show ?case
      apply(rule_tac x="a#cs" in exI)
      apply(rule_tac x="a'#rs" in exI)
      by clarsimp
    case (silent_move_return f a s s' Q p f' S)
    from hd (m # ms) = sourcenode a
      hd (tl (m # ms)) = targetnode a m' # ms' = tl (m # ms) [symmetric]
    have [simp]:"m = sourcenode a" "m' = targetnode a" by simp_all
    from length (m # ms) = length s length s = Suc (length s') s'  []
      hd (tl (m # ms)) = targetnode a m' # ms' = tl (m # ms)
    have "ms = targetnode a # ms'" 
      by(cases ms) auto
    with ms = targetnodes rs
    obtain r' rs' where "rs = r' # rs'" 
      and "targetnode a = targetnode r'" and "ms' = targetnodes rs'" 
      by(cases rs)(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
    from rs = r' # rs' length rs = length cs obtain c' cs' where "cs = c' # cs'"
      and "length rs' = length cs'" by(cases cs) auto
    from i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) 
      rs = r' # rs' cs = c' # cs'
    have "i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)"
      and "r'  get_return_edges c'" by auto
    from valid_edge a have "valid_node (targetnode a)" by simp
    from valid_call_list cs m cs = c' # cs'
    obtain p' Q' r fs' where "valid_edge c'" and "kind c' = Q':r↪⇘p'fs'" 
      and "p' = get_proc m"
      apply(auto simp:valid_call_list_def)
      by(erule_tac x="[]" in allE) auto
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q↩⇘pf'
    have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = p" by(rule get_proc_return)
    with p' = get_proc m have [simp]:"p' = p" by simp
    from valid_edge c' kind c' = Q':r↪⇘p'fs'
    have "get_proc (targetnode c') = p" by(fastforce intro:get_proc_call)
    from valid_edge c' r'  get_return_edges c' have "valid_edge r'"
      by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
    from valid_edge c' kind c' = Q':r↪⇘p'fs' r'  get_return_edges c'
    obtain Q'' f'' where "kind r' = Q''↩⇘pf''" by(fastforce dest!:call_return_edges)
    with valid_edge r' have "get_proc (sourcenode r') = p" by(rule get_proc_return)
    from valid_edge r' kind r' = Q''↩⇘pf'' have "method_exit (sourcenode r')" 
      by(fastforce simp:method_exit_def)
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q↩⇘pf' have "method_exit (sourcenode a)" 
      by(fastforce simp:method_exit_def)
    with method_exit (sourcenode r') get_proc (sourcenode r') = p 
      get_proc (sourcenode a) = p
    have "sourcenode a = sourcenode r'" by(fastforce intro:method_exit_unique)
    with valid_edge a valid_edge r' targetnode a = targetnode r'
    have "a = r'" by(fastforce intro:edge_det)
    from valid_edge c' r'  get_return_edges c' targetnode a = targetnode r'
    have "get_proc (sourcenode c') = get_proc (targetnode a)"
      by(fastforce intro:get_proc_get_return_edge)
    from valid_call_list cs m cs = c' # cs'
      get_proc (sourcenode c') = get_proc (targetnode a)
    have "valid_call_list cs' (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="c' # cs'" in allE)
      by(case_tac cs')(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
    from valid_return_list rs m rs = r' # rs' targetnode a = targetnode r'
    have "valid_return_list rs' (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="r' # cs'" in allE)
      by(case_tac cs')(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
    from kind a = Q↩⇘pf' cs = c' # cs' have "upd_cs cs [a] = cs'" by simp
    ultimately show ?case
      apply(rule_tac x="cs'" in exI)
      apply(rule_tac x="rs'" in exI)
      by clarsimp

lemma silent_moves_preserves_stacks:
  assumes "S,f  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s')" 
  and "valid_node m" and "valid_call_list cs m"
  and "i < length rs. rs!i  get_return_edges (cs!i)" and "valid_return_list rs m"
  and "length rs = length cs" and "ms = targetnodes rs"
  obtains cs' rs' where "valid_node m'" and "valid_call_list cs' m'"
  and "i < length rs'. rs'!i  get_return_edges (cs'!i)"
  and "valid_return_list rs' m'" and "length rs' = length cs'" 
  and "ms' = targetnodes rs'" and "upd_cs cs as = cs'"
  from assms show "cs' rs'. valid_node m'  valid_call_list cs' m' 
    (i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)) 
    valid_return_list rs' m'  length rs' = length cs'  ms' = targetnodes rs' 
    upd_cs cs as = cs'"
  proof(induct S f "m#ms" s as "m'#ms'" s' 
      arbitrary:m ms cs rs rule:silent_moves.induct)
    case (silent_moves_Nil s nc f)
    thus ?case
      apply(rule_tac x="cs" in exI)
      apply(rule_tac x="rs" in exI)
      by clarsimp
    case (silent_moves_Cons S f s a msx'' s'' as sx')
    note IH = m ms cs rs. msx'' = m # ms; valid_node m; valid_call_list cs m;
      i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i);
      valid_return_list rs m; length rs = length cs; ms = targetnodes rs
       cs' rs'. valid_node m'  valid_call_list cs' m' 
      (i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)) 
      valid_return_list rs' m'  length rs' = length cs'  ms' = targetnodes rs' 
      upd_cs cs as = cs'
    from S,f  (m # ms,s) -aτ (msx'',s'')
    obtain m'' ms'' where "msx'' = m''#ms''"
      by(cases msx'')(auto elim:silent_move.cases)
    with S,f  (m # ms,s) -aτ (msx'',s'') valid_call_list cs m
      i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) valid_return_list rs m
      length rs = length cs ms = targetnodes rs
    obtain cs'' rs'' where hyps:"valid_node m''" "valid_call_list cs'' m''"
      "i < length rs''. rs''!i  get_return_edges (cs''!i)"
      "valid_return_list rs'' m''" "length rs'' = length cs''" 
      "ms'' = targetnodes rs''" and "upd_cs cs [a] = cs''"
      by(auto elim!:silent_move_preserves_stacks)
    from IH[OF _ hyps] msx'' = m'' # ms''
    obtain cs' rs' where results:"valid_node m'" "valid_call_list cs' m'"
      "i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)"
      "valid_return_list rs' m'" "length rs' = length cs'" "ms' = targetnodes rs'"
      and "upd_cs cs'' as = cs'" by blast
    from upd_cs cs [a] = cs'' upd_cs cs'' as = cs' 
    have "upd_cs cs ([a] @ as) = cs'" by(rule upd_cs_Append)
    with results show ?case
      apply(rule_tac x="cs'" in exI)
      apply(rule_tac x="rs'" in exI)
      by clarsimp

lemma observable_move_preserves_stacks:
  assumes "S,f  (m#ms,s) -a (m'#ms',s')" and "valid_call_list cs m"
  and "i < length rs. rs!i  get_return_edges (cs!i)" and "valid_return_list rs m"
  and "length rs = length cs" and "ms = targetnodes rs"
  obtains cs' rs' where "valid_node m'" and "valid_call_list cs' m'"
  and "i < length rs'. rs'!i  get_return_edges (cs'!i)"
  and "valid_return_list rs' m'" and "length rs' = length cs'" 
  and "ms' = targetnodes rs'" and "upd_cs cs [a] = cs'"
  from assms show "cs' rs'. valid_node m'  valid_call_list cs' m' 
    (i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)) 
    valid_return_list rs' m'  length rs' = length cs'  ms' = targetnodes rs' 
    upd_cs cs [a] = cs'"
  proof(induct S f "m#ms" s a "m'#ms'" s' rule:observable_move.induct)
    case (observable_move_intra f a s s' nc)
    from hd (m # ms) = sourcenode a have "m = sourcenode a" by simp
    from m' # ms' = targetnode a # tl (m # ms)
    have [simp]:"m' = targetnode a" "ms' = ms" by simp_all
    from valid_edge a have "valid_node m'" by simp
    from valid_edge a intra_kind (kind a)
    have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)" by(rule get_proc_intra)
    from valid_call_list cs m m = sourcenode a
      get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)
    have "valid_call_list cs m'"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="cs'" in allE)
      apply(erule_tac x="c" in allE)
      by(auto split:list.split)
    from valid_return_list rs m m = sourcenode a 
      get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)
    have "valid_return_list rs m'"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="cs'" in allE) apply clarsimp
      by(case_tac cs') auto
    from intra_kind (kind a) have "upd_cs cs [a] = cs"
      by(fastforce simp:intra_kind_def)
    ultimately show ?case using i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i)
      length rs = length cs ms = targetnodes rs
      apply(rule_tac x="cs" in exI)
      apply(rule_tac x="rs" in exI) 
      by clarsimp
    case (observable_move_call f a s s' Q r p fs a' S)
    from hd (m # ms) = sourcenode a 
      m' # ms' = targetnode a # targetnode a' # tl (m # ms)
    have [simp]:"m = sourcenode a" "m' = targetnode a" 
      "ms' = targetnode a' # tl (m # ms)"
      by simp_all
    from valid_edge a have "valid_node m'" by simp
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs have "get_proc (targetnode a) = p"
      by(rule get_proc_call)
    with valid_call_list cs m valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs m = sourcenode a
    have "valid_call_list (a # cs) (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
      apply(case_tac cs') apply auto
      apply(erule_tac x="list" in allE)
      by(case_tac list)(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
    from i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) a'  get_return_edges a
    have "i<length (a'#rs). (a'#rs) ! i  get_return_edges ((a#cs) ! i)"
      by auto(case_tac i,auto)
    from valid_edge a a'  get_return_edges a have "valid_edge a'" 
      by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs a'  get_return_edges a
    obtain Q' f' where "kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf'" by(fastforce dest!:call_return_edges)
    from valid_edge a' kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf' have "get_proc (sourcenode a') = p"
      by(rule get_proc_return)
    from valid_edge a a'  get_return_edges a
    have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a')" 
      by(rule get_proc_get_return_edge)
    with valid_return_list rs m valid_edge a' kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf'
      get_proc (sourcenode a') = p get_proc (targetnode a) = p m = sourcenode a
    have "valid_return_list (a'#rs) (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
      apply(case_tac cs') apply auto
      apply(erule_tac x="list" in allE)
      by(case_tac list)(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
    from length rs = length cs have "length (a'#rs) = length (a#cs)" by simp
    from ms = targetnodes rs have "targetnode a' # ms = targetnodes (a' # rs)"
      by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
    from kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs have "upd_cs cs [a] = a#cs" by simp
    ultimately show ?case
      apply(rule_tac x="a#cs" in exI)
      apply(rule_tac x="a'#rs" in exI)
      by clarsimp
    case (observable_move_return f a s s' Q p f' S)
    from hd (m # ms) = sourcenode a
      hd (tl (m # ms)) = targetnode a m' # ms' = tl (m # ms) [symmetric]
    have [simp]:"m = sourcenode a" "m' = targetnode a" by simp_all
    from length (m # ms) = length s length s = Suc (length s') s'  []
      hd (tl (m # ms)) = targetnode a m' # ms' = tl (m # ms)
    have "ms = targetnode a # ms'" 
      by(cases ms) auto
    with ms = targetnodes rs
    obtain r' rs' where "rs = r' # rs'" 
      and "targetnode a = targetnode r'" and "ms' = targetnodes rs'" 
      by(cases rs)(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
    from rs = r' # rs' length rs = length cs obtain c' cs' where "cs = c' # cs'"
      and "length rs' = length cs'" by(cases cs) auto
    from i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) 
      rs = r' # rs' cs = c' # cs'
    have "i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)"
      and "r'  get_return_edges c'" by auto
    from valid_edge a have "valid_node (targetnode a)" by simp
    from valid_call_list cs m cs = c' # cs'
    obtain p' Q' r fs' where "valid_edge c'" and "kind c' = Q':r↪⇘p'fs'" 
      and "p' = get_proc m"
      apply(auto simp:valid_call_list_def)
      by(erule_tac x="[]" in allE) auto
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q↩⇘pf'
    have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = p" by(rule get_proc_return)
    with p' = get_proc m have [simp]:"p' = p" by simp
    from valid_edge c' kind c' = Q':r↪⇘p'fs'
    have "get_proc (targetnode c') = p" by(fastforce intro:get_proc_call)
    from valid_edge c' r'  get_return_edges c' have "valid_edge r'"
      by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
    from valid_edge c' kind c' = Q':r↪⇘p'fs' r'  get_return_edges c'
    obtain Q'' f'' where "kind r' = Q''↩⇘pf''" by(fastforce dest!:call_return_edges)
    with valid_edge r' have "get_proc (sourcenode r') = p" by(rule get_proc_return)
    from valid_edge r' kind r' = Q''↩⇘pf'' have "method_exit (sourcenode r')" 
      by(fastforce simp:method_exit_def)
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q↩⇘pf' have "method_exit (sourcenode a)" 
      by(fastforce simp:method_exit_def)
    with method_exit (sourcenode r') get_proc (sourcenode r') = p 
      get_proc (sourcenode a) = p
    have "sourcenode a = sourcenode r'" by(fastforce intro:method_exit_unique)
    with valid_edge a valid_edge r' targetnode a = targetnode r'
    have "a = r'" by(fastforce intro:edge_det)
    from valid_edge c' r'  get_return_edges c' targetnode a = targetnode r'
    have "get_proc (sourcenode c') = get_proc (targetnode a)"
      by(fastforce intro:get_proc_get_return_edge)
    from valid_call_list cs m cs = c' # cs'
      get_proc (sourcenode c') = get_proc (targetnode a)
    have "valid_call_list cs' (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="c' # cs'" in allE)
      by(case_tac cs')(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
    from valid_return_list rs m rs = r' # rs' targetnode a = targetnode r'
    have "valid_return_list rs' (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="r' # cs'" in allE)
      by(case_tac cs')(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
    from kind a = Q↩⇘pf' cs = c' # cs' have "upd_cs cs [a] = cs'" by simp
    ultimately show ?case
      apply(rule_tac x="cs'" in exI)
      apply(rule_tac x="rs'" in exI)
      by clarsimp

lemma observable_moves_preserves_stack:
  assumes "S,f  (m#ms,s) =as (m'#ms',s')" 
  and "valid_node m" and "valid_call_list cs m"
  and "i < length rs. rs!i  get_return_edges (cs!i)" and "valid_return_list rs m"
  and "length rs = length cs" and "ms = targetnodes rs"
  obtains cs' rs' where "valid_node m'" and "valid_call_list cs' m'"
  and "i < length rs'. rs'!i  get_return_edges (cs'!i)"
  and "valid_return_list rs' m'" and "length rs' = length cs'" 
  and "ms' = targetnodes rs'" and "upd_cs cs as = cs'"
  from S,f  (m#ms,s) =as (m'#ms',s') obtain msx s'' as' a'
    where "as = as'@[a']" and "S,f  (m#ms,s) =as'τ (msx,s'')"
    and "S,f  (msx,s'') -a' (m'#ms',s')"
    by(fastforce elim:observable_moves.cases)
  from S,f  (msx,s'') -a' (m'#ms',s') obtain m'' ms''
    where [simp]:"msx = m''#ms''" by(cases msx)(auto elim:observable_move.cases)
  from S,f  (m#ms,s) =as'τ (msx,s'') valid_node m valid_call_list cs m
    i < length rs. rs!i  get_return_edges (cs!i) valid_return_list rs m
    length rs = length cs ms = targetnodes rs
  obtain cs'' rs'' where "valid_node m''" and "valid_call_list cs'' m''"
    and "i < length rs''. rs''!i  get_return_edges (cs''!i)"
    and "valid_return_list rs'' m''" and "length rs'' = length cs''" 
    and "ms'' = targetnodes rs''" and "upd_cs cs as' = cs''"
    by(auto elim!:silent_moves_preserves_stacks)
  with S,f  (msx,s'') -a' (m'#ms',s')
  obtain cs' rs' where results:"valid_node m'" "valid_call_list cs' m'"
    "i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)"
    "valid_return_list rs' m'" "length rs' = length cs'" "ms' = targetnodes rs'"
    and "upd_cs cs'' [a'] = cs'"
    by(auto elim!:observable_move_preserves_stacks)
  from upd_cs cs as' = cs'' upd_cs cs'' [a'] = cs'
  have "upd_cs cs (as'@[a']) = cs'" by(rule upd_cs_Append)
  with as = as'@[a'] results
  show "cs' rs'. valid_node m'  valid_call_list cs' m' 
    (i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)) 
    valid_return_list rs' m'  length rs' = length cs'  ms' = targetnodes rs' 
    upd_cs cs as = cs'"
    apply(rule_tac x="cs'" in exI)
    apply(rule_tac x="rs'" in exI)
    by clarsimp

lemma silent_moves_slpa_path:
  "S,f  (m#ms''@ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s'); valid_node m; valid_call_list cs m;
  i < length rs. rs!i  get_return_edges (cs!i); valid_return_list rs m; 
  length rs = length cs; ms'' = targetnodes rs;
  mx  set ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG;
  ms''  []  (mx'. call_of_return_node (last ms'') mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG);
  mx  set ms'. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
   same_level_path_aux cs as  upd_cs cs as = []  m -as→* m'  ms = ms'"
proof(induct S f "m#ms''@ms" s as "m'#ms'" s' arbitrary:m ms'' ms cs rs
  case (silent_moves_Nil sx S f) thus ?case
    apply(cases ms'' rule:rev_cases) apply(auto intro:empty_path simp:targetnodes_def)
    by(cases rs rule:rev_cases,auto)+
  case (silent_moves_Cons S f sx a msx' sx' as sx'')
  thus ?case
  proof(induct _ _ "m#ms''@ms" _ _ _ _ rule:silent_move.induct)
    case (silent_move_intra f a s s' S msx')
    note IH = m ms'' ms cs rs. msx' = m # ms'' @ ms; valid_node m; 
      valid_call_list cs m; i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i);
      valid_return_list rs m; length rs = length cs; ms'' = targetnodes rs;
      mxset ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG;
      ms''  [] 
        (mx'. call_of_return_node (last ms'') mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG);
      mxset ms'. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
       same_level_path_aux cs as  upd_cs cs as = []  m -as→* m'  ms = ms'
    note callstack = mxset ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  
      mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
    note callstack'' = ms''  [] 
      (mx'. call_of_return_node (last ms'') mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG)
    note callstack' = mxset ms'. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  
      mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
    from valid_edge a have "valid_node (targetnode a)" by simp
    from valid_edge a intra_kind (kind a)
    have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)" by(rule get_proc_intra)
    from hd (m # ms'' @ ms) = sourcenode a have "m = sourcenode a" 
      by simp
    from valid_call_list cs m m = sourcenode a
      get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)
    have "valid_call_list cs (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="cs'" in allE)
      apply(erule_tac x="c" in allE)
      by(auto split:list.split)
    from valid_return_list rs m m = sourcenode a 
      get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)
    have "valid_return_list rs (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="cs'" in allE) apply clarsimp
      by(case_tac cs') auto
    from msx' = targetnode a # tl (m # ms'' @ ms)
    have "msx' = targetnode a # ms'' @ ms" by simp
    from IH[OF this valid_node (targetnode a) valid_call_list cs (targetnode a)
      i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) 
      valid_return_list rs (targetnode a) length rs = length cs
      ms'' = targetnodes rs callstack callstack'' callstack']
    have "same_level_path_aux cs as" and "upd_cs cs as = []"
      and "targetnode a -as→* m'" and "ms = ms'" by simp_all
    from intra_kind (kind a) same_level_path_aux cs as
    have "same_level_path_aux cs (a # as)" by(fastforce simp:intra_kind_def)
    from intra_kind (kind a) upd_cs cs as = []
    have "upd_cs cs (a # as) = []" by(fastforce simp:intra_kind_def)
    from valid_edge a m = sourcenode a targetnode a -as→* m'
    have "m -a # as→* m'" by(fastforce intro:Cons_path)
    ultimately show ?case using ms = ms' by simp
    case (silent_move_call f a s s' Q r p fs a' S msx')
    note IH = m ms'' ms cs rs. msx' = m # ms'' @ ms; valid_node m; valid_call_list cs m;
      i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i); valid_return_list rs m;
      length rs = length cs; ms'' = targetnodes rs;
      mxset ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG;
      ms''  [] 
        (mx'. call_of_return_node (last ms'') mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG);
      mxset ms'. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
       same_level_path_aux cs as  upd_cs cs as = []  m -as→* m'  ms = ms'
    note callstack = mxset ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  
      mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
    note callstack'' = ms''  [] 
      (mx'. call_of_return_node (last ms'') mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG)
    note callstack' = mxset ms'. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  
      mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
    from valid_edge a have "valid_node (targetnode a)" by simp
    from hd (m # ms'' @ ms) = sourcenode a have "m = sourcenode a" 
      by simp
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs have "get_proc (targetnode a) = p"
      by(rule get_proc_call)
    with valid_call_list cs m valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs m = sourcenode a
    have "valid_call_list (a # cs) (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
      apply(case_tac cs') apply auto
      apply(erule_tac x="list" in allE)
      by(case_tac list)(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
    from i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) a'  get_return_edges a
    have "i<length (a'#rs). (a'#rs) ! i  get_return_edges ((a#cs) ! i)"
      by auto(case_tac i,auto)
    from valid_edge a a'  get_return_edges a have "valid_edge a'" 
      by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs a'  get_return_edges a
    obtain Q' f' where "kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf'" by(fastforce dest!:call_return_edges)
    from valid_edge a' kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf' have "get_proc (sourcenode a') = p"
      by(rule get_proc_return)
    from valid_edge a a'  get_return_edges a
    have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a')" 
      by(rule get_proc_get_return_edge)
    with valid_return_list rs m valid_edge a' kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf'
      get_proc (sourcenode a') = p get_proc (targetnode a) = p m = sourcenode a
    have "valid_return_list (a'#rs) (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
      apply(case_tac cs') apply auto
      apply(erule_tac x="list" in allE)
      by(case_tac list)(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
    from length rs = length cs have "length (a'#rs) = length (a # cs)" by simp
    from ms'' = targetnodes rs
    have "targetnode a' # ms'' = targetnodes (a'#rs)" by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
    from msx' = targetnode a # targetnode a' # tl (m # ms'' @ ms)
    have "msx' = targetnode a # targetnode a' # ms'' @ ms" by simp
    have "mx'. call_of_return_node (last (targetnode a' # ms'')) mx' 
      mx'  HRB_slice SCFG"
    proof(cases "ms'' = []")
      case True
      with (mset (tl (m # ms'' @ ms)).
        m'. call_of_return_node m m'  m'  HRB_slice SCFG) 
        hd (m # ms'' @ ms)  HRB_slice SCFG m = sourcenode a callstack
      have "sourcenode a  HRB_slice SCFG" by fastforce
      from valid_edge a a'  get_return_edges a have "valid_edge a'"
        by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
      with valid_edge a a'  get_return_edges a
      have "call_of_return_node (targetnode a') (sourcenode a)"
        by(fastforce simp:call_of_return_node_def return_node_def)
      with sourcenode a  HRB_slice SCFG True show ?thesis by fastforce
      case False
      with callstack'' show ?thesis by fastforce
    hence "targetnode a' # ms''  [] 
      (mx'. call_of_return_node (last (targetnode a' # ms'')) mx' 
      mx'  HRB_slice SCFG)" by simp
    from IH[OF _ valid_node (targetnode a) valid_call_list (a # cs) (targetnode a)
      i<length (a'#rs). (a'#rs) ! i  get_return_edges ((a#cs) ! i)
      valid_return_list (a'#rs) (targetnode a) length (a'#rs) = length (a # cs)
      targetnode a' # ms'' = targetnodes (a'#rs) callstack this callstack']
      msx' = targetnode a # targetnode a' # ms'' @ ms
    have "same_level_path_aux (a # cs) as" and "upd_cs (a # cs) as = []"
      and "targetnode a -as→* m'" and "ms = ms'" by simp_all
    from kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs same_level_path_aux (a # cs) as
    have "same_level_path_aux cs (a # as)" by simp
    from kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs upd_cs (a # cs) as = [] have "upd_cs cs (a # as) = []"
      by simp
    from valid_edge a m = sourcenode a targetnode a -as→* m'
    have "m -a # as→* m'" by(fastforce intro:Cons_path)
    ultimately show ?case using ms = ms' by simp
    case (silent_move_return f a s s' Q p f' S msx')
    note IH = m ms'' ms cs rs. msx' = m # ms'' @ ms; valid_node m; 
      valid_call_list cs m; i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i); 
      valid_return_list rs m; length rs = length cs; ms'' = targetnodes rs;
      mxset ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG;
      ms''  [] 
        (mx'. call_of_return_node (last ms'') mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG);
      mxset ms'. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
       same_level_path_aux cs as  upd_cs cs as = []  m -as→* m'  ms = ms'
    note callstack = mxset ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  
      mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
    note callstack'' = ms''  [] 
      (mx'. call_of_return_node (last ms'') mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG)
    note callstack' = mxset ms'. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  
      mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
    have "ms''  []"
      assume "ms'' = []"
      with callstack
        mset (tl (m # ms'' @ ms)). m'. call_of_return_node m m'  m'  HRB_slice SCFG
      show False by fastforce
    with hd (tl (m # ms'' @ ms)) = targetnode a
    obtain xs where "ms'' = targetnode a # xs" by(cases ms'') auto
    with ms'' = targetnodes rs obtain r' rs' where "rs = r' # rs'" 
      and "targetnode a = targetnode r'" and "xs = targetnodes rs'" 
      by(cases rs)(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
    from rs = r' # rs' length rs = length cs obtain c' cs' where "cs = c' # cs'"
      and "length rs' = length cs'" by(cases cs) auto
    from i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) 
      rs = r' # rs' cs = c' # cs'
    have "i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)"
      and "r'  get_return_edges c'" by auto
    from valid_edge a have "valid_node (targetnode a)" by simp
    from hd (m # ms'' @ ms) = sourcenode a have "m = sourcenode a" 
      by simp
    from valid_call_list cs m cs = c' # cs'
    obtain p' Q' r fs' where "valid_edge c'" and "kind c' = Q':r↪⇘p'fs'" 
      and "p' = get_proc m"
      apply(auto simp:valid_call_list_def)
      by(erule_tac x="[]" in allE) auto
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q↩⇘pf'
    have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = p" by(rule get_proc_return)
    with m = sourcenode a p' = get_proc m have [simp]:"p' = p" by simp
    from valid_edge c' kind c' = Q':r↪⇘p'fs'
    have "get_proc (targetnode c') = p" by(fastforce intro:get_proc_call)
    from valid_edge c' r'  get_return_edges c' have "valid_edge r'"
      by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
    from valid_edge c' kind c' = Q':r↪⇘p'fs' r'  get_return_edges c'
    obtain Q'' f'' where "kind r' = Q''↩⇘pf''" by(fastforce dest!:call_return_edges)
    with valid_edge r' have "get_proc (sourcenode r') = p" by(rule get_proc_return)
    from valid_edge r' kind r' = Q''↩⇘pf'' have "method_exit (sourcenode r')" 
      by(fastforce simp:method_exit_def)
    from valid_edge a kind a = Q↩⇘pf' have "method_exit (sourcenode a)" 
      by(fastforce simp:method_exit_def)
    with method_exit (sourcenode r') get_proc (sourcenode r') = p 
      get_proc (sourcenode a) = p
    have "sourcenode a = sourcenode r'" by(fastforce intro:method_exit_unique)
    with valid_edge a valid_edge r' targetnode a = targetnode r'
    have "a = r'" by(fastforce intro:edge_det)
    from valid_edge c' r'  get_return_edges c' targetnode a = targetnode r'
    have "get_proc (sourcenode c') = get_proc (targetnode a)"
      by(fastforce intro:get_proc_get_return_edge)
    from valid_call_list cs m cs = c' # cs'
      get_proc (sourcenode c') = get_proc (targetnode a)
    have "valid_call_list cs' (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="c' # cs'" in allE)
      by(case_tac cs')(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
    from valid_return_list rs m rs = r' # rs' targetnode a = targetnode r'
    have "valid_return_list rs' (targetnode a)"
      apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
      apply(erule_tac x="r' # cs'" in allE)
      by(case_tac cs')(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
    from msx' = tl (m # ms'' @ ms) ms'' = targetnode a # xs
    have "msx' = targetnode a # xs @ ms" by simp
    from callstack'' ms'' = targetnode a # xs
    have "xs  [] 
      (mx'. call_of_return_node (last xs) mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG)"
      by fastforce
    from IH[OF msx' = targetnode a # xs @ ms valid_node (targetnode a)
      valid_call_list cs' (targetnode a)
      i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i) 
      valid_return_list rs' (targetnode a) length rs' = length cs'
      xs = targetnodes rs' callstack this callstack']
    have "same_level_path_aux cs' as" and "upd_cs cs' as = []"
      and "targetnode a -as→* m'" and "ms = ms'" by simp_all
    from kind a = Q↩⇘pf' same_level_path_aux cs' as cs = c' # cs'
      r'  get_return_edges c' a = r'
    have "same_level_path_aux cs (a # as)" by simp
    from upd_cs cs' as = [] kind a = Q↩⇘pf' cs = c' # cs'
    have "upd_cs cs (a # as) = []" by simp
    from valid_edge a m = sourcenode a targetnode a -as→* m'
    have "m -a # as→* m'" by(fastforce intro:Cons_path)
    ultimately show ?case using ms = ms' by simp

lemma silent_moves_slp:
  "S,f  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s'); valid_node m; 
  mx  set ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG;
  mx  set ms'. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
   m -assl* m'  ms = ms'"
  by(fastforce dest!:silent_moves_slpa_path
                   [of _ _ _ "[]" _ _ _ _ _ _ "[]" "[]",simplified] 
              simp:targetnodes_def valid_call_list_def valid_return_list_def 
                   same_level_path_def slp_def)

lemma slpa_silent_moves_callstacks_eq:
  "same_level_path_aux cs as; S,f  (m#msx@ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s');
  length ms = length ms'; valid_call_list cs m; 
  i < length rs. rs!i  get_return_edges (cs!i); valid_return_list rs m; 
  length rs = length cs; msx = targetnodes rs
   ms = ms'"
proof(induct arbitrary:m msx s rs rule:slpa_induct)
  case (slpa_empty cs)
  from S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) =[]τ (m' # ms',s')
  have "msx@ms = ms'" by(fastforce elim:silent_moves.cases)
  with length ms = length ms' show ?case by fastforce
  case (slpa_intra cs a as)
  note IH = m msx s rs. S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) =asτ (m' # ms',s');
    length ms = length ms'; valid_call_list cs m;
    i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i);
    valid_return_list rs m; length rs = length cs; msx = targetnodes rs
     ms = ms'
  from S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) =a # asτ (m' # ms',s') obtain ms'' s''
  where "S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) -aτ (ms'',s'')"
    and "S,f  (ms'',s'') =asτ (m' # ms',s')"
    by(auto elim:silent_moves.cases)
  from S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) -aτ (ms'',s'') intra_kind (kind a)
  have "valid_edge a" and [simp]:"m = sourcenode a" "ms'' = targetnode a # msx @ ms"
    by(fastforce elim:silent_move.cases simp:intra_kind_def)+
  from valid_edge a intra_kind (kind a)
  have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)" by(rule get_proc_intra)
  from valid_call_list cs m m = sourcenode a
    get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)
  have "valid_call_list cs (targetnode a)"
    apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
    apply(erule_tac x="cs'" in allE)
    apply(erule_tac x="c" in allE)
    by(auto split:list.split)
  from valid_return_list rs m m = sourcenode a 
    get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a)
  have "valid_return_list rs (targetnode a)"
    apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
    apply(erule_tac x="cs'" in allE) apply clarsimp
    by(case_tac cs') auto
  from S,f  (ms'',s'') =asτ (m' # ms',s')
  have "S,f  (targetnode a # msx @ ms,s'') =asτ (m' # ms',s')" by simp
  from IH[OF this length ms = length ms' valid_call_list cs (targetnode a)
    i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) 
    valid_return_list rs (targetnode a) length rs = length cs
    msx = targetnodes rs] show ?case .
  case (slpa_Call cs a as Q r p fs)
  note IH = m msx s rs. S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) =asτ (m' # ms',s');
    length ms = length ms'; valid_call_list (a # cs) m;
    i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges ((a # cs) ! i);
    valid_return_list rs m; length rs = length (a # cs);
    msx = targetnodes rs
     ms = ms'
  from S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) =a # asτ (m' # ms',s') obtain ms'' s''
    where "S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) -aτ (ms'',s'')"
    and "S,f  (ms'',s'') =asτ (m' # ms',s')"
    by(auto elim:silent_moves.cases)
  from S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) -aτ (ms'',s'') kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs
  obtain a' where "valid_edge a" and [simp]:"m = sourcenode a"
    and [simp]:"ms'' = targetnode a # targetnode a' # msx @ ms"
    and "a'  get_return_edges a"
    by(auto elim:silent_move.cases simp:intra_kind_def)
  from valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs have "get_proc (targetnode a) = p"
    by(rule get_proc_call)
  with valid_call_list cs m valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs m = sourcenode a
  have "valid_call_list (a # cs) (targetnode a)"
    apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
    apply(case_tac cs') apply auto
    apply(erule_tac x="list" in allE)
    by(case_tac list)(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
  from i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) a'  get_return_edges a
  have "i<length (a'#rs). (a'#rs) ! i  get_return_edges ((a#cs) ! i)"
    by auto(case_tac i,auto)
  from valid_edge a a'  get_return_edges a have "valid_edge a'" 
    by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
  from valid_edge a kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs a'  get_return_edges a
  obtain Q' f' where "kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf'" by(fastforce dest!:call_return_edges)
  from valid_edge a' kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf' have "get_proc (sourcenode a') = p"
    by(rule get_proc_return)
  from valid_edge a a'  get_return_edges a
  have "get_proc (sourcenode a) = get_proc (targetnode a')" 
    by(rule get_proc_get_return_edge)
  with valid_return_list rs m valid_edge a' kind a' = Q'↩⇘pf'
    get_proc (sourcenode a') = p get_proc (targetnode a) = p m = sourcenode a
  have "valid_return_list (a'#rs) (targetnode a)"
    apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
    apply(case_tac cs') apply auto
    apply(erule_tac x="list" in allE)
    by(case_tac list)(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
  from length rs = length cs have "length (a'#rs) = length (a#cs)" by simp
  from msx = targetnodes rs have "targetnode a' # msx = targetnodes (a' # rs)"
    by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
  from S,f  (ms'',s'') =asτ (m' # ms',s')
  have "S,f  (targetnode a # (targetnode a' # msx) @ ms,s'') =asτ (m' # ms',s')"
    by simp
  from IH[OF this length ms = length ms' valid_call_list (a # cs) (targetnode a)
    i<length (a'#rs). (a'#rs) ! i  get_return_edges ((a#cs) ! i)
    valid_return_list (a'#rs) (targetnode a) length (a'#rs) = length (a#cs)
    targetnode a' # msx = targetnodes (a' # rs)] show ?case .
  case (slpa_Return cs a as Q p f' c' cs')
  note IH = m msx s rs. S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) =asτ (m' # ms',s');
    length ms = length ms'; valid_call_list cs' m;
    i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i); valid_return_list rs m; 
    length rs = length cs'; msx = targetnodes rs
     ms = ms'
  from S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) =a # asτ (m' # ms',s') obtain ms'' s''
    where "S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) -aτ (ms'',s'')"
    and "S,f  (ms'',s'') =asτ (m' # ms',s')"
    by(auto elim:silent_moves.cases)
  from S,f  (m # msx @ ms,s) -aτ (ms'',s'') kind a = Q↩⇘pf'
  have "valid_edge a" and "m = sourcenode a" and "hd (msx @ ms) = targetnode a"
    and "ms'' = msx @ ms" and "s''  []" and "length s = Suc(length s'')"
    and "length (m # msx @ ms) = length s"
    by(auto elim:silent_move.cases simp:intra_kind_def)
  from msx = targetnodes rs length rs = length cs cs = c' # cs'
  obtain mx' msx' where "msx = mx'#msx'"
    by(cases msx)(fastforce simp:targetnodes_def)+
  with hd (msx @ ms) = targetnode a have "mx' = targetnode a" by simp
  from valid_call_list cs m cs = c' # cs' have "valid_edge c'"
    by(fastforce simp:valid_call_list_def)
  from valid_edge c' a  get_return_edges c'
  have "get_proc (sourcenode c') = get_proc (targetnode a)"
    by(rule get_proc_get_return_edge)
  from valid_call_list cs m cs = c' # cs'
    get_proc (sourcenode c') = get_proc (targetnode a)
  have "valid_call_list cs' (targetnode a)"
    apply(clarsimp simp:valid_call_list_def)
    apply(erule_tac x="c' # cs'" in allE)
    by(case_tac cs')(auto simp:sourcenodes_def)
  from length rs = length cs cs = c' # cs' obtain r' rs' 
    where [simp]:"rs = r'#rs'" and "length rs' = length cs'" by(cases rs) auto
  from i<length rs. rs ! i  get_return_edges (cs ! i) cs = c' # cs'
  have "i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)"
    and "r'  get_return_edges c'" by auto
  with valid_edge c' a  get_return_edges c' have [simp]:"a = r'" 
    by -(rule get_return_edges_unique)
  with valid_return_list rs m 
  have "valid_return_list rs' (targetnode a)"
    apply(clarsimp simp:valid_return_list_def)
    apply(erule_tac x="r' # cs'" in allE)
    by(case_tac cs')(auto simp:targetnodes_def)
  from msx = targetnodes rs msx = mx'#msx' rs = r'#rs'
  have "msx' = targetnodes rs'" by(simp add:targetnodes_def)
  from S,f  (ms'',s'') =asτ (m' # ms',s') msx = mx'#msx'
    ms'' = msx @ ms mx' = targetnode a
  have "S,f  (targetnode a # msx' @ ms,s'') =asτ (m' # ms',s')" by simp
  from IH[OF this length ms = length ms' valid_call_list cs' (targetnode a)
    i<length rs'. rs' ! i  get_return_edges (cs' ! i)
    valid_return_list rs' (targetnode a) length rs' = length cs'
    msx' = targetnodes rs'] show ?case .

lemma silent_moves_same_level_path:
  assumes "S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s')" and "m -assl* m'" shows "ms = ms'"
proof -
  from S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s') obtain cf cfs where "s = cf#cfs"
    by(cases s)(auto dest:silent_moves_equal_length)
  with S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s') 
  have "transfers (kinds as) (cf#cfs) = s'"
    by(fastforce intro:silent_moves_preds_transfers simp:kinds_def)
  with m -assl* m' obtain cf' where "s' = cf'#cfs"
    by -(drule slp_callstack_length_equal,auto)
  from S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s')
  have "length (m#ms) = length s" and "length (m'#ms') = length s'" 
    by(rule silent_moves_equal_length)+
  with s = cf#cfs s' = cf'#cfs have "length ms = length ms'" by simp
  from m -assl* m' have "same_level_path_aux [] as"
    by(simp add:slp_def same_level_path_def)
  with S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s') length ms = length ms' 
  show ?thesis by(auto elim!:slpa_silent_moves_callstacks_eq 
    simp:targetnodes_def valid_call_list_def valid_return_list_def)

lemma silent_moves_call_edge:
  assumes "S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s')" and "valid_node m"
  and callstack:"mx  set ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  
      mx'  HRB_slice SCFG"
  and rest:"i < length rs. rs!i  get_return_edges (cs!i)"
  "ms = targetnodes rs" "valid_return_list rs m" "length rs = length cs"
  obtains as' a as'' where "as = as'@a#as''" and "Q r p fs. kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs"
  and "call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode a)"
  and "targetnode a -as''sl* m'"
  | "ms' = ms"
  from S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s')
  show "(as' a as''. as = as' @ a # as''  (Q r p fs. kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs) 
    call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode a)  targetnode a -as''sl* m') 
    ms' = ms"
  proof(induct as arbitrary:m' ms' s' rule:length_induct)
    fix as m' ms' s'
    assume IH:"as'. length as' < length as 
      (mx msx sx. S,kind  (m#ms,s) =as'τ (mx#msx,sx)  
      (asx a asx'. as' = asx @ a # asx'  (Q r p fs. kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs) 
      call_of_return_node (hd msx) (sourcenode a)  targetnode a -asx'sl* mx) 
      msx = ms)"
      and "S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s')"
    show "(as' a as''. as = as' @ a # as''  (Q r p fs. kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs) 
      call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode a)  targetnode a -as''sl* m') 
      ms' = ms"
    proof(cases as rule:rev_cases)
      case Nil
      with S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s') have "ms = ms'"
        by(fastforce elim:silent_moves.cases)
      thus ?thesis by simp
      case (snoc as' a')
      with S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s')
      obtain ms'' s'' where "S,kind  (m#ms,s) =as'τ (ms'',s'')"
        and "S,kind  (ms'',s'') =[a']τ (m'#ms',s')"
        by(fastforce elim:silent_moves_split)
      from snoc have "length as' < length as" by simp
      from S,kind  (ms'',s'') =[a']τ (m'#ms',s')
      have "S,kind  (ms'',s'') -a'τ (m'#ms',s')"
        by(fastforce elim:silent_moves.cases)
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "kind a'" rule:edge_kind_cases)
        case Intra
        with S,kind  (ms'',s'') -a'τ (m'#ms',s')
        have "valid_edge a'" and "m' = targetnode a'"
          by(auto elim:silent_move.cases simp:intra_kind_def)
        from S,kind  (ms'',s'') -a'τ (m'#ms',s') intra_kind (kind a')
        have "ms'' = sourcenode a'#ms'"
          by -(erule silent_move.cases,auto simp:intra_kind_def,(cases ms'',auto)+)
        with IH length as' < length as S,kind  (m#ms,s) =as'τ (ms'',s'')
        have "(asx ax asx'. as' = asx @ ax # asx'  (Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs) 
          call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode ax)  
          targetnode ax -asx'sl* sourcenode a')  ms' = ms"
          by simp blast
        thus ?thesis
          assume "asx ax asx'. as' = asx @ ax # asx'  
            (Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs) 
            call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode ax)  
            targetnode ax -asx'sl* sourcenode a'"
          then obtain asx ax asx' where "as' = asx @ ax # asx'"
            and "Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs"
            and "call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode ax)"
            and "targetnode ax -asx'sl* sourcenode a'"
            by blast
          from as' = asx @ ax # asx' have "as'@[a'] = asx @ ax # (asx' @ [a'])"
            by simp
          from targetnode ax -asx'sl* sourcenode a' intra_kind (kind a') 
            m' = targetnode a' valid_edge a'
          have "targetnode ax -asx'@[a']sl* m'"
            by(fastforce intro:path_Append path_edge same_level_path_aux_Append 
              upd_cs_Append simp:slp_def same_level_path_def intra_kind_def)
          ultimately show ?thesis using Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs 
            call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode ax) snoc by blast
          assume "ms' = ms" thus ?thesis by simp
        case (Call Q r p fs)
        with S,kind  (ms'',s'') -a'τ (m'#ms',s') obtain a''
          where "valid_edge a'" and "a''  get_return_edges a'"
          and "hd ms'' = sourcenode a'" and "m' = targetnode a'"
          and "ms' = (targetnode a'')#tl ms''" and "length ms'' = length s''"
          and "pred (kind a') s''"
          by(auto elim:silent_move.cases simp:intra_kind_def)
        from valid_edge a' a''  get_return_edges a' have "valid_edge a''"
          by(rule get_return_edges_valid)
        from valid_edge a'' valid_edge a' a''  get_return_edges a'
        have "return_node (targetnode a'')" by(fastforce simp:return_node_def)
        with valid_edge a' valid_edge a''
          a''  get_return_edges a' ms' = (targetnode a'')#tl ms''
        have "call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode a')"
          by(simp add:call_of_return_node_def) blast
        with snoc kind a' = Q:r↪⇘pfs m' = targetnode a' valid_edge a'
        show ?thesis by(fastforce intro:empty_path simp:slp_def same_level_path_def)
        case (Return Q p f)
        with S,kind  (ms'',s'') -a'τ (m'#ms',s') 
        have "valid_edge a'" and "hd ms'' = sourcenode a'"
          and "hd(tl ms'') = targetnode a'" and "m'#ms' = tl ms''"
          and "length ms'' = length s''" and "length s'' = Suc(length s')"
          and "s'  []"
          by(auto elim:silent_move.cases simp:intra_kind_def)
        hence "ms'' = sourcenode a' # targetnode a' # ms'" by(cases ms'') auto
        with length as' < length as S,kind  (m#ms,s) =as'τ (ms'',s'') IH
        have "(asx ax asx'. as' = asx @ ax # asx'  (Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs) 
          call_of_return_node (targetnode a') (sourcenode ax) 
          targetnode ax -asx'sl* sourcenode a')  ms = targetnode a' # ms'"
          apply - apply(erule_tac x="as'" in allE) apply clarsimp
          apply(erule_tac x="sourcenode a'" in allE)
          apply(erule_tac x="targetnode a' # ms'" in allE)
          by fastforce
        thus ?thesis
          assume "asx ax asx'. as' = asx @ ax # asx'  
            (Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs) 
            call_of_return_node (targetnode a') (sourcenode ax) 
            targetnode ax -asx'sl* sourcenode a'"
          then obtain asx ax asx' where "as' = asx @ ax # asx'"
            and "Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs" 
            and "call_of_return_node (targetnode a') (sourcenode ax)"
            and "targetnode ax -asx'sl* sourcenode a'" by blast
          from as' = asx @ ax # asx' snoc have"length asx < length as" by simp
          from S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s') snoc as' = asx @ ax # asx'
          obtain msx sx where "S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asxτ (msx,sx)"
            and "S,kind  (msx,sx) =ax#asx'@[a']τ (m'#ms',s')"
            by(fastforce elim:silent_moves_split)
          from S,kind  (msx,sx) =ax#asx'@[a']τ (m'#ms',s')
          obtain xs x ys y where "S,kind  (msx,sx) -axτ (xs,x)"
            and "S,kind  (xs,x) =asx'τ (ys,y)"
            and "S,kind  (ys,y) =[a']τ (m'#ms',s')"
            apply - apply(erule silent_moves.cases) apply auto
            by(erule silent_moves_split) auto
          from S,kind  (msx,sx) -axτ (xs,x) Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs
          obtain msx' ax' where "msx = sourcenode ax#msx'" 
            and "ax'  get_return_edges ax"
            and [simp]:"xs = (targetnode ax)#(targetnode ax')#msx'"
            and "length x = Suc(length sx)" and "length msx = length sx"
            apply - apply(erule silent_move.cases) apply(auto simp:intra_kind_def)
            by(cases msx,auto)+
          from S,kind  (ys,y) =[a']τ (m'#ms',s') obtain msy 
            where "ys = sourcenode a'#msy"
            apply - apply(erule silent_moves.cases) apply auto
            apply(erule silent_move.cases)
            by(cases ys,auto)+
          with S,kind  (xs,x) =asx'τ (ys,y) 
            targetnode ax -asx'sl* sourcenode a'
            xs = (targetnode ax)#(targetnode ax')#msx'
          have "(targetnode ax')#msx' = msy" apply simp
            by(fastforce intro:silent_moves_same_level_path)
          with S,kind  (ys,y) =[a']τ (m'#ms',s') kind a' = Q↩⇘pf 
            ys = sourcenode a'#msy
          have "m' = targetnode a'" and "msx' = ms'"
            by(fastforce elim:silent_moves.cases silent_move.cases 
          with S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asxτ (msx,sx) msx = sourcenode ax#msx'
          have "S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asxτ (sourcenode ax#ms',sx)" by simp
          ultimately have "(xs x xs'. asx = xs@x#xs'  
            (Q r p fs. kind x = Q:r↪⇘pfs) 
            call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode x) 
            targetnode x -xs'sl* sourcenode ax)  ms = ms'" using IH
            by simp blast
          thus ?thesis
            assume "xs x xs'. asx = xs@x#xs'  (Q r p fs. kind x = Q:r↪⇘pfs) 
              call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode x) 
              targetnode x -xs'sl* sourcenode ax"
            then obtain xs x xs' where "asx = xs@x#xs'"
              and "Q r p fs. kind x = Q:r↪⇘pfs" 
              and "call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode x)"
              and "targetnode x -xs'sl* sourcenode ax" by blast
            from asx = xs@x#xs' as' = asx @ ax # asx' snoc
            have "as = xs@x#(xs'@ax#asx'@[a'])" by simp
            from S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s') valid_node m rest
            have "m -as→* m'" and "valid_path_aux cs as"
              by(auto dest:silent_moves_vpa_path[of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rs cs]
                      simp:valid_call_list_def valid_return_list_def targetnodes_def)
            hence "m -as* m'" 
              by(fastforce intro:valid_path_aux_valid_path simp:vp_def)
            with snoc have "m -as'* sourcenode a'"
              by(auto elim:path_split_snoc dest:valid_path_aux_split 
                simp:vp_def valid_path_def)
            with as' = asx @ ax # asx'
            have "valid_edge ax" and "targetnode ax -asx'→* sourcenode a'"
              by(auto dest:path_split simp:vp_def)
            hence "sourcenode ax -ax#asx'→* sourcenode a'"
              by(fastforce intro:Cons_path)
            from valid_edge a' have "sourcenode a' -[a']→* targetnode a'"
              by(rule path_edge)
            with sourcenode ax -ax#asx'→* sourcenode a'
            have "sourcenode ax -(ax#asx')@[a']→* targetnode a'"
              by(rule path_Append)
            from m -as* m' snoc as' = asx @ ax # asx' snoc
            have "valid_path_aux ([]@(upd_cs [] asx)) (ax # asx' @ [a'])"
              by(fastforce dest:valid_path_aux_split simp:vp_def valid_path_def)
            hence "valid_path_aux [] (ax#asx'@[a'])" 
              by(rule valid_path_aux_callstack_prefix)
            with Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs
            have "valid_path_aux [ax] (asx'@[a'])" by fastforce
            hence "valid_path_aux (upd_cs [ax] asx') [a']"
              by(rule valid_path_aux_split)
            from targetnode ax -asx'sl* sourcenode a'
            have "same_level_path_aux [] asx'" and "upd_cs [] asx' = []" 
              by(simp_all add:slp_def same_level_path_def)
            hence "upd_cs ([]@[ax]) asx' = []@[ax]"
              by(rule same_level_path_upd_cs_callstack_Append)
            with valid_path_aux (upd_cs [ax] asx') [a']
            have "valid_path_aux [ax] [a']" by(simp del:valid_path_aux.simps)
            with Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs kind a' = Q↩⇘pf
            have "a'  get_return_edges ax" by simp
            with upd_cs ([]@[ax]) asx' = []@[ax] kind a' = Q↩⇘pf
            have "upd_cs [ax] (asx'@[a']) = []" by(fastforce intro:upd_cs_Append)
            with Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs
            have "upd_cs [] (ax#asx'@[a']) = []" by fastforce
            from targetnode ax -asx'sl* sourcenode a'
            have "same_level_path_aux [] asx'" and "upd_cs [] asx' = []" 
              by(simp_all add:slp_def same_level_path_def)
            hence "same_level_path_aux ([]@[ax]) asx'" 
              by -(rule same_level_path_aux_callstack_Append)
            with Q r p fs. kind ax = Q:r↪⇘pfs kind a' = Q↩⇘pf 
              a'  get_return_edges ax upd_cs ([]@[ax]) asx' = []@[ax]
            have "same_level_path_aux [] ((ax#asx')@[a'])"
              by(fastforce intro:same_level_path_aux_Append)
            with upd_cs [] (ax#asx'@[a']) = []
              sourcenode ax -(ax#asx')@[a']→* targetnode a'
            have "sourcenode ax -(ax#asx')@[a']sl* targetnode a'"
              by(simp add:slp_def same_level_path_def)
            with targetnode x -xs'sl* sourcenode ax
            have "targetnode x -xs'@((ax#asx')@[a'])sl* targetnode a'"
              by(rule slp_Append)
            with Q r p fs. kind x = Q:r↪⇘pfs 
              call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode x)
              as = xs@x#(xs'@ax#asx'@[a']) m' = targetnode a'
            show ?thesis by simp blast
            assume "ms = ms'" thus ?thesis by simp
          assume "ms = targetnode a' # ms'"
          from S,kind  (ms'',s'') -a'τ (m'#ms',s') kind a' = Q↩⇘pf
            ms'' = sourcenode a' # targetnode a' # ms'
          have "m  set (targetnode a' # ms'). m'. call_of_return_node m m'  
            m'  HRB_slice SCFG"
            by(fastforce elim!:silent_move.cases simp:intra_kind_def)
          with ms = targetnode a' # ms' callstack
          have False by fastforce
          thus ?thesis by simp

lemma silent_moves_called_node_in_slice1_hd_nodestack_in_slice1:
  assumes "S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s')" and "valid_node m"
  and "CFG_node m'  sum_SDG_slice1 nx"
  and "mx  set ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  
      mx'  HRB_slice SCFG"
  and "i < length rs. rs!i  get_return_edges (cs!i)" and "ms = targetnodes rs"
  and "valid_return_list rs m" and "length rs = length cs"
  obtains as' a as'' where "as = as'@a#as''" and "Q r p fs. kind a = Q:r↪⇘pfs"
  and "call_of_return_node (hd ms') (sourcenode a)"
  and "targetnode a -as''sl* m'" and "CFG_node (sourcenode a)  sum_SDG_slice1 nx"
  | "ms' = ms"
  from S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s') valid_node m
    i < length rs. rs!i  get_return_edges (cs!i) ms = targetnodes rs
    valid_return_list rs m length rs = length cs
  have "m -as→* m'"
    by(auto dest:silent_moves_vpa_path[of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rs cs]
            simp:valid_call_list_def valid_return_list_def targetnodes_def)
  from S,kind  (m#ms,s) =asτ (m'#ms',s') valid_node m
    mx  set ms. mx'. call_of_return_node mx mx'  mx'  HRB_slice SCFG
    i < length rs.