Theory Abstract_Reachability_Analysis

theory Abstract_Reachability_Analysis

subsection ‹Misc›

lemma nth_concat_exists:
  "k j. concat xs ! i = xs ! k ! j  k < length xs  j < length (xs ! k)"
  if "i < length (concat xs)"
  using that
proof (induction xs arbitrary: i)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons xs xss)
  from Cons.prems consider "i < length xs"
    | "i  length xs" "i < length xs + length (concat xss)"
    by (cases "i < length xs") auto
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 1
    then show ?thesis
      by (force simp: nth_append intro: exI[where x=i] exI[where x=0])
    case 2
    then have "i - length xs < length (concat xss)" by arith
    with Cons.IH[of "i - length xs"]
    obtain k j where
      "concat xss ! (i - length xs) = xss ! k ! j" "k < length xss" "j < length (xss ! k)"
      by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using 2
      by (fastforce simp: nth_append nth_Cons split: nat.splits
          intro: exI[where x=j] exI[where x="k + 1"])

lemma nth_concatE:
  assumes "i < length (concat xs)"
  obtains k j where "concat xs ! i = xs ! k ! j" "k < length xs" "j < length (xs ! k)"
  apply atomize_elim
  using assms nth_concat_exists by blast

lemma max_Var_floatariths_concat:
  "max_Var_floatariths (concat xs)  k"
  if "x. x  set xs  max_Var_floatariths x  k"
  using that max_Var_floatarith_le_max_Var_floatariths_nthI
  by (fastforce simp: in_set_conv_nth intro!: max_Var_floatariths_leI
      elim!: nth_concatE)

lemma max_Var_floatariths_list_update:
  "max_Var_floatariths (xs[xa := y])  k"
  if "max_Var_floatariths (xs)  k"
  and "max_Var_floatarith y  k"
  by (metis neq_le_trans linorder_le_cases list_update_beyond
      max_Var_floatariths_list_updateI that)

lemma max_Var_floatarith_0[simp]: "max_Var_floatarith 0 = 0"
  and max_Var_floatarith_1[simp]: "max_Var_floatarith 1 = 0"
  by (auto simp: zero_floatarith_def one_floatarith_def)

lemma list_set_rel_br: "Idlist_set_rel = br set distinct"
  by (auto simp: list_set_rel_def)

  shows "(x, y)  br a ilist_set_rel  y = a ` set x  list_all i x"
  apply (auto simp: list_set_rel_def br_def list_rel_def)
  subgoal premises prems for s t
    using prems
    by (induction arbitrary: y rule: list.rel_induct) auto
  subgoal premises prems for s t
    using prems
    by (induction arbitrary: y rule: list.rel_induct) auto
  subgoal premises prems for s
    using prems
    by (induction arbitrary: y rule: list.rel_induct) auto

lemma sctn_rel_br: "br a Isctn_rel = br (λx. case x of Sctn n p  Sctn (a n) p) (λx. I (normal x))"
  apply (auto simp: sctn_rel_def br_def in_rel_def[abs_def] split: sctn.splits)
  subgoal for b x1 x2 by (cases b) auto
  subgoal for a b by (cases a; cases b) auto

lemma br_list_rel: "br a Ilist_rel = br (map a) (list_all I)"
  by (fastforce simp: list_rel_def br_def list_all2_iff Ball_def in_set_zip list_all_length
      intro!: nth_equalityI)

lemma list_set_rel_brp: "br a Ilist_set_rel = br (λxs. a ` set xs) (λxs. list_all I xs  distinct (map a xs))"
  unfolding list_set_rel_def br_list_rel br_chain o_def o_def
  by (auto)

declare INF_cong_simp [cong] SUP_cong_simp [cong] image_cong_simp [cong del]

context auto_ll_on_open begin

definition "stable_on CX trap 
  (t x0. flow0 x0 t  trap  t  existence_ivl0 x0  t > 0 
    (s{0<..t}. flow0 x0 s  CX)  x0  trap)"

lemma stable_onD:
  "t x0. flow0 x0 t  trap  t  existence_ivl0 x0  t > 0 
      (s. 0 < s  s  t  flow0 x0 s  CX) 
      x0  trap"
  if "stable_on CX trap"
  using that by (auto simp: stable_on_def)

lemma nonneg_interval_mem_existence_ivlI[intro]:― ‹TODO: move!›
  "0  t1  t1  t2  t2  existence_ivl0 x0  {t1..t2}  existence_ivl0 x0"
  "t1  t2  t2  0  t1  existence_ivl0 x0  {t1..t2}  existence_ivl0 x0"
  "t1  0  0  t2  t1  existence_ivl0 x0  t2  existence_ivl0 x0  {t1..t2}  existence_ivl0 x0"
    apply auto
  apply (drule ivl_subset_existence_ivl) apply auto
  apply (drule ivl_subset_existence_ivl') apply auto
  apply (drule segment_subset_existence_ivl, assumption)
  apply (auto simp: closed_segment_eq_real_ivl)

lemma interval_subset_existence_ivl:
  "t  existence_ivl0 x0  s  existence_ivl0 x0  t  s  {t .. s}  existence_ivl0 x0"
  using segment_subset_existence_ivl[of s x0 t]
  by (auto simp: closed_segment_eq_real_ivl)


lemma(in c1_on_open_euclidean) diff_existence_ivl_iff[simp]:― ‹TODO: move!, also to @{term auto_ll_on_open}
  "t2 - t1  existence_ivl0 (flow0 x0 t1)  t2  existence_ivl0 x0"
  if "t1  t2" "t1  existence_ivl0 x0"
  apply auto
   apply (drule existence_ivl_trans[OF that(2)])
   apply (auto intro!: diff_existence_ivl_trans that)

lemma (in auto_ll_on_open) flow_trans':
  "flow0 (flow0 x0 t1) t2 = flow0 x0 (t1 + t2)"
  if "t1  existence_ivl0 x0" "t1 + t2  existence_ivl0 x0"
  apply (subst flow_trans)
  using that
  by (auto intro!: existence_ivl_trans')

context auto_ll_on_open begin

definition "flowpipe0 X0 hl hu CX X1  0  hl  hl  hu  X0  X  CX  X  X1  X 
  ((x0)  X0. h  {hl .. hu}. h  existence_ivl0 x0  (flow0 x0 h)  X1  (h'  {0 .. h}. (flow0 x0 h')  CX))"

lemma flowpipe0D:
  assumes "flowpipe0 X0 hl hu CX X1"
  shows flowpipe0_safeD: "X0  CX  X1  X"
    and flowpipe0_nonneg: "0  hl" "hl  hu"
    and flowpipe0_exivl: "hl  h  h  hu  (x0)  X0  h  existence_ivl0 x0"
    and flowpipe0_discrete: "hl  h  h  hu  (x0)  X0  (flow0 x0 h)  X1"
    and flowpipe0_cont: "hl  h  h  hu  (x0)  X0  0  h'  h'  h  (flow0 x0 h')  CX"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: flowpipe0_def)

lemma flowpipe0_source_subset: "flowpipe0 X0 hl hu CX X1  X0  CX"
  apply (auto dest: bspec[where x=hl] bspec[where x=0] simp: flowpipe0_def)
  apply (drule bspec)
   apply (assumption)
  apply (drule bspec[where x=hl])
   apply auto
  apply (drule bspec[where x=0])
  by (auto simp: flow_initial_time_if)


subsection ‹Options›

definition [refine_vcg_def]: "precision_spec = SPEC (λprec::nat. True)"
definition [refine_vcg_def]: "adaptive_atol_spec = SPEC (λx::real. True)"
definition [refine_vcg_def]: "adaptive_rtol_spec = SPEC (λx::real. True)"
definition [refine_vcg_def]: "method_spec = SPEC (λm::nat. True)"
definition [refine_vcg_def]: "start_stepsize_spec = SPEC (λx::real. x > 0)"
definition [refine_vcg_def]: "iterations_spec = SPEC (λn::nat. True)"
definition [refine_vcg_def]: "halve_stepsizes_spec = SPEC (λn::nat. True)"
definition [refine_vcg_def]: "widening_mod_spec = SPEC (λn::nat. True)"
definition [refine_vcg_def]: "rk2_param_spec = SPEC (λr::real. 0 < r  r  1)"

typedef ode_ops = "{(ode_e::floatarith list, safe_form::form).
  open_form safe_form 
  max_Var_floatariths ode_e  length ode_e 
  max_Var_form safe_form  length ode_e}" ― ‹ode on open domain, welldefined›
  by (auto intro!: exI[where x="[floatarith.Num 0]"]
      exI[where x="Less (floatarith.Num 0) (floatarith.Num 1)"])
setup_lifting type_definition_ode_ops

lift_definition ode_expression::"ode_ops  floatarith list" is fst .
lift_definition safe_form_expr::"ode_ops  form" is snd .
    ― ‹TODO: should better called it domain of definition of ODE,
                its main use is to exclude e.g. division by zero on the rhs.›

lemma open_form_ode_op[intro, simp]: "open_form (safe_form_expr odo)"
  and max_Var_ode_expression: "max_Var_floatariths (ode_expression odo)  length (ode_expression odo)"
  and max_Var_form_safe_form_expr: "max_Var_form (safe_form_expr odo)  length (ode_expression odo)"
  by (transfer, auto)+

lift_definition (code_dt) mk_ode_ops::"floatarith list  form  ode_ops option" is
  "λode_e safe_form.
    if (open_form safe_form  max_Var_floatariths ode_e  length ode_e  max_Var_form safe_form  length ode_e)
    then Some (ode_e, safe_form) else None"
  by (auto simp:)

  assumes "mk_ode_ops e s = Some odo"
  shows ode_expression_mk_ode_ops: "ode_expression odo = e"
    and safe_form_expr_mk_ode_ops: "safe_form_expr odo = s"
  using assms
  by (transfer, simp split: if_splits prod.splits)+

locale ode_operations = fixes ode_ops::ode_ops begin

definition "ode_e = ode_expression ode_ops"
definition "safe_form = safe_form_expr ode_ops"

definition ode::"'a  'a::executable_euclidean_space"
  where "ode x = eucl_of_list (interpret_floatariths ode_e (list_of_eucl x))"

definition "ode_d_expr_nth N n i =
     (FDERIV_n_floatarith (ode_e  ! i) [0..<N] (map floatarith.Var [N..<2 * N]) n) [0..<N]
         (map floatarith.Var [2 * N..<3 * N])"

definition "ode_d_expr N n =
      (FDERIV_n_floatariths ode_e [0..<N] (map floatarith.Var [N..<2 * N]) n)
      (map floatarith.Var [2 * N..< 3 * N]))"

definition ode_d_raw::"nat  'a  'a  'a  'a::executable_euclidean_space"
  where "ode_d_raw n x dn d =
    eucl_of_list (interpret_floatariths (ode_d_expr DIM('a) n) (list_of_eucl x @ list_of_eucl dn @ list_of_eucl d))"

definition "ode_fa_nth xs i = subst_floatarith (λi. xs ! i) (ode_e ! i)"

definition "ode_fa xs = map (subst_floatarith (λi. xs ! i)) ode_e"

definition "ode_d_fa_nth n xs ds i = subst_floatarith (λi. (xs@ds@ds) ! i) (ode_d_expr_nth (length xs) n i)"

definition "ode_d_fa n xs ds = map (subst_floatarith (λi. (xs@ds@ds) ! i)) (ode_d_expr (length xs) n)"

definition safe::"'a::executable_euclidean_space  bool"
  where "safe x 
    length ode_e = DIM('a) 
    max_Var_floatariths ode_e  DIM('a) 
    open_form safe_form 
    max_Var_form safe_form  DIM('a) 
    interpret_form safe_form (list_of_eucl x) 
    isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl x)"

definition "Csafe = Collect safe"

definition "euler_incr_fas_nth X0 h CX i = X0 ! i + h * (ode_fa_nth CX i)"

definition "euler_incr_fas X0 h CX = map (euler_incr_fas_nth X0 h CX) [0..<length X0]"

definition "euler_err_fas_nth X0 h CX i = ((h ^e 2) / floatarith.Num 2) * ode_d_fa_nth 0 CX (ode_fa CX) i"

definition "euler_err_fas X0 h CX = map (euler_err_fas_nth X0 h CX) [0..<length X0]"

definition "euler_fas X0 h CX =
  map (λi. (euler_incr_fas_nth X0 h X0 i + euler_err_fas_nth X0 h CX i)) [0..<length X0] @
  euler_err_fas X0 h CX"

definition "rk2_fas_err_nth rkp x0 h cx s2 i =
  ((((h ^e 3 / 6) *
        (ode_d_fa_nth 1 cx (ode_fa cx) i +
         ode_d_fa_nth 0 cx (ode_d_fa 0 cx (ode_fa cx)) i)))
      - ((h ^e 3 * rkp / 4) *
          ode_d_fa_nth 1 (euler_incr_fas x0 (s2 * h * rkp) x0) (ode_fa x0) i))"

definition "rk2_fas_err rkp x0 h cx s2 = map (rk2_fas_err_nth rkp x0 h cx s2) [0..<length x0]"

definition "rk2_fas rkp x0 h cx s2 =
  (map (λi.
      ((x0 ! i +
        h * ((1 - (1 / (rkp * 2))) * ode_fa_nth x0 i +
          (1 / (rkp * 2)) * ode_fa_nth (euler_incr_fas x0 (h * rkp) x0) i))
      + rk2_fas_err_nth rkp x0 h cx s2 i)) [0..<length x0]) @ rk2_fas_err rkp x0 h cx s2"

lemma ode_d_expr_nth: "i < length ode_e  ode_d_expr_nth N n i = ode_d_expr N n ! i "
  by (auto simp: ode_d_expr_nth_def ode_d_expr_def

lemma length_ode_d_expr[simp]: "length (ode_d_expr f n) = length ode_e"
  by (induction n) (auto simp: ode_d_expr_def FDERIV_n_floatariths_def)

lemma ode_fa_nth: "i < length ode_e  ode_fa xs ! i = ode_fa_nth xs i"
  by (auto simp: ode_fa_nth_def ode_fa_def)

lemma ode_d_fa_nth: "i < length ode_e  ode_d_fa_nth n xs ds i = ode_d_fa n xs ds ! i"
  by (auto simp: ode_d_fa_def ode_d_fa_nth_def ode_d_expr_nth)

lemma length_ode_d_fa[simp]: "length (ode_d_fa n xs ds) = length ode_e"
  by (auto simp: ode_d_fa_def FDERIV_n_floatariths_def)

lemma length_rk2_fas_err[simp]: "length (rk2_fas_err rkp x0 h cx s2) = length x0"
  by (simp add: rk2_fas_err_def)

lemma length_euler_incr_fas[simp]: "length (euler_incr_fas X0 h CX) = length X0"
  by (auto simp: euler_incr_fas_def)

lemma length_euler_err_fas[simp]: "length (euler_err_fas X0 h CX) = length X0"
  by (auto simp: euler_err_fas_def)

lemma length_euler_floatarith[simp]: "length (euler_fas X0 h CX) = 2 * length X0"
  by (auto simp: euler_fas_def)

lemma length_rk2_fas[simp]: "length (rk2_fas rkp x0 h cx s2) = 2 * length x0"
  by (simp add: rk2_fas_def)

lemma open_safe: "open Csafe"
proof -
  have leq: "list_updates [0..<DIM('a)] (list_of_eucl x) (replicate DIM('a) 0) = list_of_eucl x" for x::'a
    by (auto intro!: nth_equalityI simp: list_updates_nth)
  have "(Csafe::'a set) =
    (if length ode_e = DIM('a)  max_Var_floatariths ode_e  DIM('a)  max_Var_form safe_form  DIM('a)  open_form safe_form then
      {x. interpret_form safe_form (list_of_eucl x)} 
      {x. isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl x)}
    else {})"
    by (auto simp: Csafe_def safe_def)
  also have "open "
    apply (auto intro!: open_Int)
    subgoal premises prems using open_form[OF prems(4), where 'a='a, of "[0..<DIM('a)]" "replicate (DIM('a)) 0"]
      by (auto simp: leq)
      apply (rule isFDERIV_open)
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply assumption
      apply arith
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma safeD:
  fixes x::"'a::executable_euclidean_space"
  assumes "x  Csafe"
  shows "interpret_form safe_form (list_of_eucl x)"
    and safe_isFDERIV: "isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl x)"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: Csafe_def safe_def)

  fixes x::"'a::executable_euclidean_space"
  shows safe_max_Var: "x  Csafe  max_Var_floatariths ode_e  DIM('a)"
    and safe_length: "x  Csafe  length ode_e = DIM('a)"
    and safe_max_Var_form: "x  Csafe  max_Var_form safe_form  DIM('a)"
  by (auto simp: safe_def Csafe_def)

lemma safe_isFDERIV_append:
  fixes x::"'a::executable_euclidean_space"
  shows "x  Csafe  isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl x @ xs)"
  apply (rule isFDERIV_max_Var_congI)
   apply (rule safe_isFDERIV)
   apply assumption
  using safe_max_Var[of x]
  by (auto simp: nth_append)

lemma ode_d_raw_0:
  assumes "x  Csafe"
  shows "(ode has_derivative ode_d_raw 0 x d) (at x)"
  using assms safe_max_Var[OF assms] safe_length[OF assms]
  unfolding ode_def ode_d_raw_def ode_d_expr_def
  apply (intro interpret_floatarith_FDERIV_floatariths[THEN has_derivative_eq_rhs])
     apply (auto simp: isFDERIV_def FDERIV_n_floatariths_def safe_max_Var nth_append
      max_Var_floatariths_Max Csafe_def safe_def
      intro!: arg_cong[where f=eucl_of_list] ext interpret_floatariths_FDERIV_floatariths_cong
  apply (rule interpret_floatariths_max_Var_cong)
  apply (auto simp: max_Var_floatariths_Max Max_gr_iff nth_append
      dest!: less_le_trans[OF _ max_Var_floatarith_DERIV_floatarith])
   apply (drule max_Var_floatariths_lessI) apply simp
  apply (auto dest!: less_le_trans[OF _ safe_max_Var[OF assms]])
   apply (drule max_Var_floatariths_lessI) apply simp
  apply (auto dest!: less_le_trans[OF _ safe_max_Var[OF assms]])

lemma not_fresh_odeD: "x  Csafe  ¬fresh_floatariths ode_e i  i < DIM('a)" for x::"'a::executable_euclidean_space"
  using fresh_floatariths_max_Var[of ode_e i] safe_max_Var[of x] by arith

lemma safe_isnFDERIV:
  fixes x::"'a::executable_euclidean_space"
  assumes "x  Csafe"
  shows "isnFDERIV DIM('a) ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)] (list_of_eucl x @ ys) n"
  apply (rule isFDERIV_imp_isnFDERIV)
     apply (rule isFDERIV_max_Var_congI)
      apply (rule safe_isFDERIV[OF assms])
  using safe_max_Var[OF assms] safe_length[OF assms]
  by (auto simp: nth_append)

lemma safe_isnFDERIVI:
  assumes "(eucl_of_list xs::'a::executable_euclidean_space)  Csafe"
  assumes [simp]: "length xs = DIM('a)" "length ds = DIM('a)"
  shows "isnFDERIV DIM('a) ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)] (xs@ds) n"
proof -
  have "isnFDERIV DIM('a) ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)] (list_of_eucl (eucl_of_list xs::'a)@ds) n"
    by (rule safe_isnFDERIV; fact)
  have "list_of_eucl (eucl_of_list xs::'a) = xs"
    by (auto intro!: nth_equalityI)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma dest_Num_eq_Some_iff[simp]: "dest_Num_fa fa = (Some x)  fa = floatarith.Num x"
  by (cases fa) auto

lemma ode_d_raw_Suc:
  includes floatarith_notation
  assumes "x  Csafe"
  shows "((λx. ode_d_raw n x d d) has_derivative ode_d_raw (Suc n) x d) (at x)"
proof -
  let ?shift = "λx. floatarith.Var (if 2 * DIM('a)  x  x < 3 * DIM('a) then x - DIM('a) else x)"
  have subst_ode_e[simp]: "map (subst_floatarith ?shift) ode_e = ode_e"
    apply (auto intro!: nth_equalityI)
    apply (rule subst_floatarith_Var_max_Var_floatarith)
    by (auto dest!: max_Var_floatariths_lessI
        less_le_trans[OF _ safe_max_Var[OF assms]])
  have map_shift[simp]:
    "(map ?shift [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)]) = (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)])"
    "(map ?shift [2 * DIM('a)..<3 * DIM('a)]) =
        (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)])"
    by (auto intro!: nth_equalityI)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding ode_def ode_d_raw_def ode_d_expr_def
    apply (rule interpret_floatarith_FDERIV_floatariths_append[THEN has_derivative_eq_rhs])
    proof -
      let ?shift = "λx. if 2 * DIM('a)  x  x < 3 * DIM('a) then x - DIM('a) else x"
      have mv: "max_Var_floatariths
          (FDERIV_floatariths (FDERIV_n_floatariths ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)]) n)
          [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [2 * DIM('a)..<3 * DIM('a)]))  3 * DIM('a)"
        and mv2: "max_Var_floatariths
              (FDERIV_floatariths (FDERIV_n_floatariths ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)]) n)
                [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)]))  2 * DIM('a)"
        by (auto intro!:
            safe_max_Var[OF assms, le])
      have eq: "(map (subst_floatarith (λi. floatarith.Var (if 2 * DIM('a)  i  i < 3 * DIM('a) then i - DIM('a) else i)))
       ((FDERIV_floatariths (FDERIV_n_floatariths ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)]) n)
         [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [2 * DIM('a)..<3 * DIM('a)])))) =
      (FDERIV_floatariths (FDERIV_n_floatariths ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)]) n)
          [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)]))"
        apply (rule nth_equalityI)
         apply auto defer
        apply (subst subst_floatarith_Var_FDERIV_floatarith[where 'a='a], force, force, force)
        apply (subst subst_floatarith_Var_FDERIV_n_nth[where 'a='a], force, force, force, force)
        by (simp add: o_def)
      show ?thesis
        apply (subst isFDERIV_subst_Var_floatarith[symmetric, where s="?shift"])
        subgoal by (auto intro!: mv[le] max_Var_floatariths_fold_const_fa[le])
        subgoal by (auto simp: nth_append)
        subgoal by (auto intro!: mv[le])
        proof -
          have "isnFDERIV DIM('a) ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] [DIM('a)..<2*DIM('a)] (list_of_eucl x @ list_of_eucl d) (Suc (Suc n))"
            apply (rule safe_isnFDERIVI)
            using assms
            by auto
          from this[simplified, THEN conjunct1]
          show ?thesis
            unfolding eq isnFDERIV.simps
            apply (rule isFDERIV_max_Var_congI)
            apply (frule less_le_trans[OF _ mv2])
            apply (auto simp: nth_append)
      by (auto intro!: safe_max_Var[OF assms, le]
    subgoal using safe_length assms by simp
      apply (auto simp add: nth_append
          intro!: ext arg_cong[where f=eucl_of_list] interpret_floatariths_FDERIV_floatariths_cong
          safe_max_Var[OF assms, le]
      apply (rule nth_equalityI)
       apply auto
      subgoal premises prems for h i j
      proof -
        have *: "(list_of_eucl x @ list_of_eucl d @ list_of_eucl d @ list_of_eucl h) =
        (map (λi. interpret_floatarith (?shift i)
             (list_of_eucl x @ list_of_eucl d @ list_of_eucl d @ list_of_eucl h)) [0..<4 * DIM('a)])"
          by (auto intro!: nth_equalityI simp: nth_append)
        have mv_le: "max_Var_floatarith
                (DERIV_floatarith j
                    (FDERIV_n_floatariths ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)]) n ! i)
                    [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)]))) 
                2 * DIM('a)"
     (DERIV_floatarith j
       (FDERIV_floatarith (FDERIV_n_floatariths ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [DIM('a)..<2 * DIM('a)]) n ! i)
         [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [2 * DIM('a)..<3 * DIM('a)])))
       3 * DIM('a)"
          by (auto intro!: prems
              safe_max_Var[OF assms, le]
        show ?thesis
          apply (subst *)
          apply (subst interpret_floatarith_subst_floatarith[symmetric])
           apply (auto intro!: prems mv_le[le])
          apply (subst subst_floatarith_Var_DERIV_floatarith, use prems in force)
          apply (subst subst_floatarith_Var_FDERIV_floatarith[where 'a='a], force, force, force)
          apply (subst subst_floatarith_Var_FDERIV_n_nth[where 'a='a], force, force, force, use prems in force)
          apply (auto simp: o_def prems nth_append intro!: interpret_floatarith_max_Var_cong
              dest!: less_le_trans[OF _ mv_le(1)])

lift_definition ode_d::"nat  'a::executable_euclidean_space  'a  'a L 'a" is
  "λn x dn d. if x  Csafe
    then ode_d_raw n x dn d
    else 0"
  subgoal for n x dn
    apply (cases n)
      by (cases "x  Csafe")
       (auto intro: has_derivative_bounded_linear[OF ode_d_raw_0])
    subgoal for n'
      apply (cases "x  Csafe")
        apply (simp del: isnFDERIV.simps)
        apply (rule has_derivative_bounded_linear)
        apply (rule ode_d_raw_Suc)
        apply assumption
      subgoal by (simp del: isnFDERIV.simps)

definition "ode_d1 x = ode_d 0 x 0"

lemma ode_has_derivative:
  assumes "isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl x)"
  assumes "(x::'a::executable_euclidean_space)  Csafe"
  shows "(ode has_derivative ode_d1 x) (at x)"
proof -
  from assms(1) have *: "x  Csafe  isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl x @ list_of_eucl (0::'a))"
    apply (rule isFDERIV_max_Var_congI)
    using safe_max_Var[of x]
    by (auto simp: nth_append)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding ode_d1_def
    apply (transfer fixing: x)
    apply (rule ode_d_raw_0[THEN has_derivative_eq_rhs])
    by (auto intro!: * assms)

lemma ode_has_derivative_safeI:
  assumes "x  Csafe"
  shows "(ode has_derivative ode_d1 x) (at x)"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: safe_def Csafe_def intro!: ode_has_derivative)

lemma ode_d1_eq: "ode_d1 x = ode_d 0 x j"
  unfolding ode_d1_def
proof (transfer fixing: x j, rule ext, cases "x  Csafe", clarsimp_all, goal_cases)
  case (1 d)
  have "isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl x @ list_of_eucl (0::'a)) =
    isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl x @ list_of_eucl j)"
    by (rule isFDERIV_max_Var_cong)
       (auto dest!: less_le_trans[OF _ safe_max_Var[OF 1]] simp: nth_append)
  have "interpret_floatariths (FDERIV_floatariths ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [2 * DIM('a)..<3 * DIM('a)]))
     (list_of_eucl x @ list_of_eucl (0::'a) @ list_of_eucl d) =
    interpret_floatariths (FDERIV_floatariths ode_e [0..<DIM('a)] (map floatarith.Var [2 * DIM('a)..<3 * DIM('a)]))
     (list_of_eucl x @ list_of_eucl j @ list_of_eucl d)"
    using 1
    by (intro interpret_floatariths_fresh_cong)
      (auto dest!: not_fresh_FDERIV_floatariths not_fresh_odeD
        simp: nth_append)
  ultimately show ?case
    by (auto simp: ode_d_raw_def ode_d_expr_def)

lemma eventually_Collect_open:
  assumes "P x" "open (Collect P)"
  shows "eventually P (at x)"
  using assms(1) assms(2) eventually_at_topological by blast

lemma ode_d_has_derivative:
  assumes "x  Csafe"
  shows "((λx. ode_d n x d d) has_derivative ode_d (Suc n) x d) (at x)"
  apply (transfer fixing: n d x)
  using assms
  apply (simp del: isnFDERIV.simps)
  apply (rule if_eventually_has_derivative)
  subgoal by (rule ode_d_raw_Suc)
    by (rule eventually_Collect_open)
      (auto simp: safe_max_Var[OF assms] open_safe intro!: safe_max_Var[OF assms, le])
  subgoal by (simp add: isnFDERIV.simps)
  subgoal by simp

lemma ode_d1_has_derivative:
  assumes "x  Csafe"
  shows "(ode_d1 has_derivative ode_d (Suc 0) x) (at x)"
proof (rule blinfun_has_derivative_componentwiseI[THEN has_derivative_eq_rhs])
  fix i::'a assume "i  Basis"
  show "((λx. blinfun_apply (ode_d1 x) i) has_derivative ode_d (Suc 0) x i) (at x)"
    unfolding ode_d1_eq[of _ i]
    apply (rule ode_d_has_derivative)
    apply fact
  show "(λxa. iBasis. blinfun_scaleR (blinfun_inner_left i) (blinfun_apply (ode_d (Suc 0) x i) xa)) = ode_d (Suc 0) x"
    apply (rule ext)
    apply (auto intro!: ext euclidean_eqI[where 'a='a] blinfun_euclidean_eqI
        simp: blinfun.bilinear_simps inner_sum_left inner_Basis if_distrib if_distribR' cong: if_cong)
    apply (rule arg_cong[where f="λx. x  b" for b])
  proof goal_cases
    case (1 j i b)
    from eventually_isFDERIV[where params=Nil, simplified, OF safe_isFDERIV[OF assms] order_trans[OF safe_max_Var[of x]]]
    have "F x in at x. isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl x)"
      by (auto simp: assms)
    then obtain S where S: "x  S" "open S" "S  Csafe"
      and "xa. xa  S  xa  x  isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl xa)"
      using assms open_safe safe_isFDERIV by auto
    then have S_FDERIV: "s. s  S 
      isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl s)"
      using safe_isFDERIV[OF assms]
      by auto
    interpret second_derivative_on_open "ode" ode_d1 "ode_d (Suc 0) x" x S
    proof standard
      fix a assume "a  S"
      with S have "a  Csafe" by auto
      from S_FDERIV[OF a  S]
      have "isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl a)" by simp
      then have "isFDERIV DIM('a) [0..<DIM('a)] ode_e (list_of_eucl a)"
        apply (rule isFDERIV_max_Var_congI)
        using safe_max_Var[of x]
        by (auto simp: nth_append)
      then show "(ode has_derivative blinfun_apply (ode_d1 a)) (at a)"
        using a  Csafe
        by (rule ode_has_derivative)
      fix i
      interpret linear "ode_d (Suc 0) x"
        fix y z
        have 1: "((λx. ode_d 0 x (y + z) (y + z)) has_derivative ode_d (Suc 0) x (y + z)) (at x)"
          apply (rule ode_d_has_derivative)
          apply (rule assms)
        have *: "ode_d 0 x (y + z) (y + z) = ode_d 0 x y y + ode_d 0 x z z" for x
          by (auto simp: blinfun.bilinear_simps ode_d1_eq[symmetric])
        have 2: "((λx. ode_d 0 x (y + z) (y + z)) has_derivative
            ode_d (Suc 0) x y + ode_d (Suc 0) x z) (at x)"
          apply (subst *)
          apply (rule derivative_eq_intros)
            apply (rule ode_d_has_derivative)
            apply fact
           apply (rule ode_d_has_derivative)
           apply fact
          apply (auto simp: blinfun.bilinear_simps)
        from has_derivative_unique[OF 1 2]
        show "ode_d (Suc 0) x (y + z) = ode_d (Suc 0) x y + ode_d (Suc 0) x z"
          by (auto intro!: blinfun_eqI)
        fix r y
        have 1: "((λx. ode_d 0 x (r *R y) (r *R y)) has_derivative ode_d (Suc 0) x (r *R y)) (at x)"
          by (rule ode_d_has_derivative; fact)
        have *: "ode_d 0 x (r *R y) (r *R y) = r *R ode_d 0 x y y" for x
          by (auto simp: blinfun.bilinear_simps ode_d1_eq[symmetric])
        have 2: "((λx. ode_d 0 x (r *R y) (r *R y)) has_derivative
            r *R ode_d (Suc 0) x y) (at x)"
          apply (subst *)
          apply (rule derivative_eq_intros)
          apply (rule ode_d_has_derivative; fact)
          apply (auto simp: blinfun.bilinear_simps)
        from has_derivative_unique[OF 1 2]
        show "(ode_d (Suc 0) x (r *R y)) = (r *R ode_d (Suc 0) x y)"
          by (auto intro!: blinfun_eqI)
      show "((λx. blinfun_apply (ode_d1 x) i) has_derivative blinfun_apply (ode_d (Suc 0) x i))
          (at x)"
        apply (subst euclidean_representation[of i, symmetric])
        apply (subst (2) euclidean_representation[of i, symmetric])
        apply (auto simp: blinfun.bilinear_simps)
        apply (rule derivative_eq_intros)
         apply (rule derivative_eq_intros)
          apply (subst_tac j = i in ode_d1_eq)
          apply (rule ode_d_has_derivative)
          apply (rule assms)
        apply force
        apply (auto simp: blinfun.bilinear_simps[symmetric]
            intro!: ext euclidean_eqI[where 'a='a] blinfun_euclidean_eqI)
        apply (rule arg_cong[where f="λx. x  b" for b])
        by (auto simp: sum scaleR)
      show "x  S" "open S" by fact+
    show ?case
      by (rule symmetric_second_derivative) fact

lemma ode_d1_has_derivative_safeI:
  assumes "x  Csafe"
  shows "(ode_d1 has_derivative ode_d (Suc 0) x) (at x)"
  apply (rule ode_d1_has_derivative)
  using assms by (auto simp: safe_def)

sublocale c1_on_open_euclidean ode ode_d1 Csafe
  by unfold_locales
    (auto simp: continuous_on_eq_continuous_within at_within_open[OF _ open_safe]
      intro!: derivative_eq_intros  continuous_at_imp_continuous_on open_safe
        ode_has_derivative_safeI continuous_blinfun_componentwiseI
        has_derivative_continuous ode_d1_has_derivative_safeI)

definition ivlflows ::
    "'a::executable_euclidean_space sctn set
      (('a × 'a L 'a) set
          ('a × 'a L 'a) set × ('a × 'a L 'a) set)
         ('a × 'a L 'a) set  'a sctn  bool"
where "ivlflows stops stopcont trap rsctn =
  (ivl. ivl  (plane_of ` stops) × UNIV 
      ivl  (snd (stopcont ivl)) 
      fst (stopcont ivl)  snd (stopcont ivl) 
      (fst (stopcont ivl))  sbelow_halfspace rsctn × UNIV 
      (snd (stopcont ivl))  sbelow_halfspace rsctn × UNIV 
      flowsto (ivl) {0..} ((snd (stopcont ivl))) ((fst (stopcont ivl))  trap))"

lift_definition ode_d2::"'a::executable_euclidean_space  'a L 'a L 'a" is "λx.
  if x  Csafe then ode_d 1 x else (λ_. 0)"
  by (auto intro!: has_derivative_bounded_linear ode_d1_has_derivative)

definition ode_na::"real × _  _" where "ode_na = (λa. ode (snd a))"

definition ode_d_na::"real × _  (real × _) L _" where "ode_d_na = (λtx. ode_d1 (snd tx) oL snd_blinfun)"
definition ode_d2_na::"real × _  (real × _) L (real × _) L _" where
  "ode_d2_na = (λtx. flip_blinfun (flip_blinfun (ode_d2 (snd tx) oL snd_blinfun) oL snd_blinfun))"

definition "euler_incr_fas' D = (map fold_const_fa (euler_incr_fas (map floatarith.Var [0..<D]) (floatarith.Var (D))
      (map floatarith.Var [Suc D..<Suc (2*D)])))"
definition "euler_fas' D = (map fold_const_fa (euler_fas  (map floatarith.Var [0..<D])
    (floatarith.Var (2*D)) (map floatarith.Var [D..<2*D])))"
definition "rk2_fas' D = (map fold_const_fa (rk2_fas
    (floatarith.Var (2*D))
    (map floatarith.Var [0..<D])
    (floatarith.Var (2*D+1))
    (map floatarith.Var [D..<2*D])
    (floatarith.Var (2*D+2))))"
lemma [autoref_rules]: "(euler_incr_fas', euler_incr_fas')  nat_rel  fas_rel"
  "(euler_fas', euler_fas')  nat_rel  fas_rel"
  "(rk2_fas', rk2_fas')  nat_rel  fas_rel"
  by auto

definition "solve_poincare_fas n =
  (let D = length ode_e in
  map floatarith.Var [0..<D] @ concat (map (λi ― ‹(row)›. map (λj ― ‹(column)›.
    (if i  n then floatarith.Var (D + i * D + j) - (floatarith.Var(D + n * D + j) * (ode_e ! i) / (ode_e ! n))
    else 0)
  ) [0..<D]) [0..<D]))"


definition "nonempty X  X  {}"

definition pad_zeroes :: "nat  real list set  real list set"
  where [simp]: "pad_zeroes n X = (λxs. xs @ replicate n (0::real)) ` X"

locale approximate_sets_ode = approximate_sets where ops = ops + ode_operations
  where ode_ops = ode_ops
  for ops:: "'b approximate_set_ops"
    and ode_ops::"ode_ops"

definition "D = (length ode_e)"
definition "ode_slp = slp_of_fas ode_e"
definition "euler_slp = slp_of_fas (euler_fas' D)"
definition "euler_incr_slp = slp_of_fas (euler_incr_fas' D)"
definition "rk2_slp = slp_of_fas (rk2_fas' D)"
definition "solve_poincare_slp = map (λi. slp_of_fas (map fold_const_fa (solve_poincare_fas i))) [0..<D]"

definition safe_set
  where "safe_set (X::'a::executable_euclidean_space set) = do {
    b1  approx_form_spec safe_form (list_of_eucl ` X);
    b2  isFDERIV_spec D [0..<D] ode_e (list_of_eucl ` X);
    RETURN (b1  b2)

definition "wd TYPE('a::executable_euclidean_space)  length ode_e = DIM('a)"
  ― ‹TODO: should be renamed›

lemma open_safe_form[intro, simp]: "open_form safe_form"
  by (auto simp: safe_form_def)

lemma max_Var_floatariths_ode_e_le: "max_Var_floatariths ode_e  D"
  and max_Var_form_safe_form_le: "max_Var_form safe_form  D"
  using max_Var_ode_expression[of ode_ops] max_Var_form_safe_form_expr[of ode_ops]
  by (auto simp: ode_e_def safe_form_def D_def)

lemma wdD:
  assumes "wd TYPE('a::executable_euclidean_space)"
  shows "length ode_e = DIM('a)" "max_Var_floatariths ode_e  DIM('a)"
    "max_Var_form safe_form  DIM('a)"
    "ode_e  []" "D = DIM('a)"
  using assms max_Var_floatariths_ode_e_le max_Var_form_safe_form_le
  by (auto simp: wd_def D_def safe_form_def ode_e_def)

definition "mk_safe (X::'a::executable_euclidean_space set) = do {
    ASSERT (wd TYPE('a));
    s  safe_set (X:::appr_rel::'a set);
    if s then RETURN (X:::appr_rel) else SUCCEED

  "mk_safe_coll X = do {
      XS  (sets_of_coll X);
      FORWEAK XS (RETURN op_empty_coll)
        (λx. do {
          s  mk_safe (x);
          RETURN (mk_coll s)
        (λb c. RETURN (b  c))

definition ode_set::"'a::executable_euclidean_space set  'a set nres" where "ode_set X = do {
  _  mk_safe X;
  approx_slp_appr ode_e ode_slp (list_of_eucl ` (X))

  "Picard_step X0 t0 h X = SPEC (λR.
    case R of
      Some R 
        nonempty R  compact R  (R  Csafe) 
        (x0  X0. h'{t0 .. t0 + h}. phicfuncset t0 h' X.
          x0 + integral {t0 .. h'} (λt. ode (phi t))  R)
      | None  True)"

lemmas [refine_vcg_def] = approx_form_spec_def isFDERIV_spec_def

lemma safe_set_spec[THEN order.trans, refine_vcg]:
  assumes "wd TYPE('a::executable_euclidean_space)"
  shows "safe_set X  SPEC (λr. r  (X::'a set)  Csafe)"
  unfolding safe_set_def
  by (refine_vcg) (auto simp del: isnFDERIV.simps simp add: Csafe_def safe_def replicate_eq_list_of_eucl_zero wdD[OF wd _])

definition Picard_step_ivl :: "'a::executable_euclidean_space set  real  real  'a set  'a set option nres" where
  "Picard_step_ivl X0 t0 h X = do {
    ASSERT (0  h);
    ASSERT (wd TYPE('a));
    let H = lv_ivl [0] [h];
    let D = DIM('a);
    let env = concat ` listset [list_of_eucl ` X0, H, list_of_eucl ` X];
    env  approx_slp_spec (euler_incr_fas' D) D euler_incr_slp env;
    (case env of
      Some env 
        do {
          (l, u)  op_ivl_rep_of_set ((eucl_of_list ` env::'a set));
          ASSERT (l  u);
          s  safe_set {l .. u};
          if s then do {
            r  mk_safe ({l .. u}:::appr_rel);
            RETURN (Some (r:::appr_rel))
          } else RETURN None
    | None  RETURN None)

definition "do_widening_spec (i::nat) = SPEC (λb::bool. True)"

primrec P_iter::"'a::executable_euclidean_space set  real  nat  ('a) set  ('a) set option nres" where
  "P_iter X0 h 0 X = do {
    let _ = trace_set (ST ''P_iter failed (0)'') (Some (X));
    RETURN None
| "P_iter X0 h (Suc i) X = do {
    ASSERT (0  h);
    (l, u)  op_ivl_rep_of_set (X);
    ASSERT (l  u);
    ivl  mk_safe ({l .. u}:::appr_rel);
    X'  Picard_step_ivl X0 0 h ivl;
    (case X' of
      Some X'  do {
        (l', u')  op_ivl_rep_of_set (X');
        do_widening  do_widening_spec i;
        let l' = inf l' l - (if do_widening then abs (l' - l) else 0);
        let u' = sup u' u + (if do_widening then abs (u' - u) else 0);
        ASSERT (l'  u');
        s  safe_set {l' .. u'};
        if s
        then do {
          ivl'  mk_safe {l' .. u'};
          if (l  l'  u'  u) then RETURN (Some ivl)
          else P_iter X0 h i ivl'
        } else do {
          let _ = trace_set (ST ''P_iter failed (unsafe interval after widening)'') (Some (X));
          RETURN None
    | None  do {
        let _ = trace_set (ST ''P_iter failed (Picard_step)'') (Some (X));
        RETURN None

context fixes m::"('a::executable_euclidean_space set  real  real  'a set  ('a set × 'c) option nres)"

primrec cert_stepsize::
  "'a set  real  nat  nat  (real × 'a set × 'a set × 'c) nres"
  "cert_stepsize X0 h n 0 = do { let _ = trace_set (ST ''cert_stepsize failed'') (Some (X0)); SUCCEED}"
| "cert_stepsize X0 h n (Suc i) = do {
    (l, u)  op_ivl_rep_of_set (X0);
    ASSERT (0  h);
    ASSERT (l  u);
    ivl  mk_safe {l .. u};
    ASSERT (ivl  {});
    X'  P_iter X0 h n ivl;
    case X' of Some X' 
      do {
        r1  m X0 h h X';
        r2  m X0 0 h X';
        (case (r1, r2) of
          (Some (res, err), Some (res_ivl, _)) 
            do {
              _  mk_safe res;
              _  mk_safe res_ivl;
              RETURN (h, res, res_ivl, err)
        | _ 
            do {
              let _ = trace_set (ST ''cert_stepsize method failed'') (Some (X'));
              cert_stepsize X0 (h / 2) n i
    | None  cert_stepsize X0 (h / 2) n i

definition "one_step_method m  (X0 CX hl hu. m X0 hl hu CX 
    SPEC (λr. case r of None  True | Some (res, err)  nonempty res 
      (x0  X0. h  {hl .. hu}. x0  Csafe  h  0  h  existence_ivl0 x0 
      (h'  {0 .. h}. flow0 x0 h'  CX)  x0 + h *R ode x0  CX  flow0 x0 h  res)))"

definition "one_step X0 h m = do {
  CHECKs ''one_step nonneg'' (0 < h);
  its  iterations_spec;
  halvs  halve_stepsizes_spec;
  (h, res, res_ivl, err)  cert_stepsize m X0 h its halvs;
  ASSERT (0 < h);
  RETURN (h, err, res_ivl, res)

definition [refine_vcg_def]: "default_reduce_argument_spec = SPEC (λx::unit. True)"

definition "euler_step X0 h = one_step X0 h (λX0 hl hu CX.
   do {
    let H = lv_ivl [min hl hu] [max hl hu];
    _  mk_safe CX;
    let env = concat ` listset [list_of_eucl ` X0, list_of_eucl ` CX, H];
    env  approx_slp_spec (euler_fas' DIM('a)) (2 * DIM('a)) euler_slp env;
    case env of None  RETURN None
    | Some env  do {
      let res' = take DIM('a) ` env;
      ASSERT (env_len res' DIM('a));
      let res = (eucl_of_list ` res');
      ASSUME (ncc res);
      let err' = drop DIM('a) ` take (DIM('a) * 2) ` env;
      ASSERT (env_len err' DIM('a));
      let err = (eucl_of_list ` err'::'a::executable_euclidean_space set);
      ra  default_reduce_argument_spec;
      res  reduce_spec ra res;
      ASSUME (ncc res);
      s  safe_set res;
      if s then
      do {
        res  mk_safe res;
        RETURN (Some (res::'a set, err))
      } else RETURN None

definition "rk2_step X0 h = one_step X0 h (λX0 hl hu CX.
  do {
    let H = lv_ivl [min hl hu] [max hl hu];
    rps  rk2_param_spec;
    let rkp = lv_ivl [rps] [rps];
    let s2 = lv_ivl [0] [1];
    _  mk_safe CX;
    ASSUME (ncc CX);
    let env = concat ` listset [list_of_eucl ` X0, list_of_eucl ` CX, rkp, H, s2];
    env  approx_slp_spec (rk2_fas' DIM('a)) (2 * DIM('a)) rk2_slp env;
    case env of None  RETURN None
    | Some env  do {
      let res' = take DIM('a) ` env;
      ASSERT (env_len res' DIM('a));
      let res = (eucl_of_list ` res'::'a::executable_euclidean_space set);
      ASSUME (ncc res);
      let err' = drop DIM('a) ` take (DIM('a) * 2) ` env;
      ASSERT (env_len err' DIM('a));
      let err = (eucl_of_list ` err'::'a set);
      ra  default_reduce_argument_spec;
      res  reduce_spec ra res;
      ASSUME (ncc res);
      s  safe_set res;
      if s then
      do {
        res  mk_safe res;
        RETURN (Some (res, err))
      } else RETURN None

definition "choose_step X0 h = do {
  mid  method_spec;
  (if mid = 2 then rk2_step X0 h else euler_step X0 h)

definition "ode_e' = (ode_e @
  mmult_fa D D D (concat (map (λj. map (λi.
      (FDERIV_floatarith (ode_e ! j) [0..<D] ((replicate D 0)[i := 1]))) [0..<D]) [0..<D]))
    (map floatarith.Var [D..<D + D*D]))"

definition "transversal_directions f =
  do {
    (I, S)  op_ivl_rep_of_set f;
    RETURN (sum_list (map (λb. (if I  b  0 then if S  b  0 then S  b else 0 else if S  b  0 then I  b else 0) *R b)
      (Basis_list::'a::executable_euclidean_space list)))

definition "intersects_sctns X' sctns = do {
    ASSUME (finite sctns);
    FOREACH⇗λsctns' b. ¬b  X'  (plane_of ` (sctns - sctns')) = {}sctns
          (λsctn b. do {b'  op_intersects ( X') sctn; RETURN (b  b')}) False

definition "trace_sets s X = do {
    XS  sets_of_coll (X:::clw_rel (appr_rel)); FORWEAK XS (RETURN ()) (λX. RETURN (trace_set s (Some X))) (λ_ _. RETURN ())

definition "print_sets s X = do {
    XS  sets_of_coll (X:::clw_rel (appr_rel)); FORWEAK XS (RETURN ()) (λX. RETURN (print_set s (X))) (λ_ _. RETURN ())

definition "intersects_sctns_spec_clw R sctns = do {
    Rs  sets_of_coll ((R:::clw_rel appr_rel):::clw_rel(appr_rel));
    FORWEAK Rs (RETURN False) (λR. intersects_sctns R sctns) (λa b. RETURN (a  b))

definition [simp]: "nonneg_reals = ({0..}::real set)"
definition [simp]: "pos_reals = ({0<..}::real set)"

definition "nonzero_component s X n = do {
    I  Inf_inner X n;
    S  Sup_inner X n;
    CHECKs s (I > 0  S < 0)

definition "disjoints_spec X Y = do {
    Xi  ivls_of_sets X;
    IS  inter_overappr (Xi:::clw_rel lvivl_rel) (Y:::clw_rel lvivl_rel);
    RETURN (is_empty IS)

definition subset_spec_plane :: "'a::executable_euclidean_space set  'a sctn  bool nres" where
"subset_spec_plane X sctn = do {
    CHECKs ''subset_spec_plane: not in Basis'' (abs (normal sctn)  set Basis_list);
    (i, s)  ivl_rep X;
    RETURN (i  normal sctn = pstn sctn  s  normal sctn = pstn sctn)

definition "op_eventually_within_sctn X sctn S = do {
    (l, u)  ivl_rep S;
    (xl, xu)  op_ivl_rep_of_set X;
    CHECKs (ST ''op_eventually_within_sctn: empty ivl'') (l  u);
    CHECKs (ST ''op_eventually_within_sctn: not in Basis'') (abs (normal sctn)  set Basis_list);
    b  subset_spec_plane S sctn;
    CHECKs (ST ''op_eventually_within_sctn: subset_spec_plane 1'') b;
    b  subset_spec_plane ({xl .. xu}:::lvivl_rel) sctn;
    CHECKs (ST ''op_eventually_within_sctn: subset_spec_plane 2'') b;
    RETURN (b  (i  set Basis_list - {abs (normal sctn)}. l  i < xl  i  xu  i < u  i))

definition [simp]: "uninfo X = X"

definition [simp]: "op_subset_ivl a b  a  b"

definition [simp]: "op_eq_ivl a b  a = b"

abbreviation "iplane_rel  λA. A, lv_relplane_relinter_rel"
abbreviation "isbelow_rel  λA. A, lv_relsbelow_relinter_rel"
abbreviation "isbelows_rel  λA. A, lv_relsbelows_relinter_rel"

definition [refine_vcg_def]: "get_plane X = SPEC (λsctn. X = plane_of sctn)"

definition "tolerate_error Y E =
  do {
    (ei, es)  op_ivl_rep_of_set (E);
    (yi, ys)  op_ivl_rep_of_set (Y);
    let ea = sup (abs ei) (abs es);
    let ya = sup (abs yi) (abs ys);
    rtol  adaptive_rtol_spec;
    atol  adaptive_atol_spec;
    let errtol = sup (rtol *R ya) (atol *R sum_list Basis_list);
    RETURN (ea  errtol, infnorm ea)

definition "adapt_stepsize_fa rtol m e h' =
  floatarith.Num (float_of h') *
  floatarith.Powr (floatarith.Num (float_of (rtol)) / floatarith.Num (float_of e))
    (inverse (floatarith.Num (float_of (real_of_nat m) + 1)))"


text ‹With ODE operations for variational equation›

locale approximate_sets_ode' = approximate_sets_ode― ‹TODO: this prevents infinite chain of interpretations (?!)›
  where ops = ops
    and ode_ops = ode_ops
  for ops :: "'b approximate_set_ops"
    and ode_ops

lift_definition var_ode_ops::ode_ops is "(ode_e', safe_form)"
  using max_Var_floatariths_ode_e_le max_Var_form_safe_form_le
  by (auto simp: ode_e'_def D_def length_concat o_def sum_list_triv
      intro!: max_Var_floatariths_mmult_fa[le] max_Var_floatariths_concat max_Var_floatariths_mapI
      max_Var_floatarith_FDERIV_floatarith[le] max_Var_floatariths_list_update

sublocale var: approximate_sets_ode where ode_ops = var_ode_ops
  by unfold_locales


lifting_update ode_ops.lifting
lifting_forget ode_ops.lifting
