Theory Linear_Maps
section‹Linear Maps›
theory Linear_Maps
lemma "((λ(x, y). (x::real , - y::real)) has_derivative (λh. (fst h, - snd h))) (at x)"
apply (rule has_derivative_eq_rhs)
apply (rule has_derivative_split)
apply (rule has_derivative_Pair)
by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
subsection‹Properties about ranks and linear maps›
lemma rank_matrix_dim_range:
assumes lf: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
shows "rank (matrix f::'a::{field}^'cols::{mod_type}^'rows::{mod_type}) = vec.dim (range f)"
unfolding rank_col_rank[of "matrix f"] col_rank_def
unfolding col_space_eq' using matrix_works[OF lf] by metis
text‹The following two lemmas are the demonstration of theorem 2.11 that appears the book "Advanced Linear Algebra" by Steven Roman.›
lemma linear_injective_rank_eq_ncols:
assumes lf: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
shows "inj f ⟷ rank (matrix f::'a::{field}^'cols::{mod_type}^'rows::{mod_type}) = ncols (matrix f)"
proof (rule)
interpret lf: Vector_Spaces.linear "((*s))" "((*s))" f using lf by simp
assume inj: "inj f"
hence "{x. f x = 0} = {0}" using lf.linear_injective_ker_0 by blast
hence "vec.dim {x. f x = 0} = 0" using vec.dim_zero_eq' by blast
thus "rank (matrix f) = ncols (matrix f)" using vec.rank_nullity_theorem unfolding ncols_def
using rank_matrix_dim_range[OF lf]
by (metis add.left_neutral lf.linear_axioms vec.dim_UNIV vec.dimension_def vec_dim_card)
assume eq: "rank (matrix f::'a::{field}^'cols::{mod_type}^'rows::{mod_type}) = ncols (matrix f)"
have "vec.dim {x. f x = 0} = 0"
unfolding ncols_def
using rank_matrix_dim_range[OF lf] eq
by (metis cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel dim_null_space lf ncols_def
null_space_eq_ker vec.dim_UNIV vec.dimension_def vec_dim_card)
hence "{x. f x = 0} = {0}" using vec.dim_zero_eq
using lf vec.linear_0 by auto
thus "inj f" using vec.linear_injective_ker_0[of "matrix f"]
unfolding matrix_vector_mul(1)[OF lf] by simp
lemma linear_surjective_rank_eq_ncols:
assumes lf: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
shows "surj f ⟷ rank (matrix f::'a::{field}^'cols::{mod_type}^'rows::{mod_type}) = nrows (matrix f)"
proof (rule)
assume surj: "surj f"
have "nrows (matrix f) = CARD ('rows)" unfolding nrows_def ..
also have "... = vec.dim (range f)" by (metis surj vec_dim_card)
also have "... = rank (matrix f)" unfolding rank_matrix_dim_range[OF lf] ..
finally show "rank (matrix f) = nrows (matrix f)" ..
assume "rank (matrix f) = nrows (matrix f)"
hence "vec.dim (range f) = CARD ('rows)" unfolding rank_matrix_dim_range[OF lf] nrows_def .
thus "surj f"
using vec.basis_exists independent_is_basis is_basis_def lf
vec.subspace_UNIV vec.subspace_image
by (metis col_space_eq' col_space_eq_range vec.span_subspace)
lemma linear_bij_rank_eq_ncols:
fixes f::"('a::{field}^'n::{mod_type})=>('a::{field}^'n::{mod_type})"
assumes lf: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
shows "bij f ⟷ rank (matrix f) = ncols (matrix f)"
unfolding bij_def
using lf linear_injective_rank_eq_ncols vec.linear_inj_imp_surj by auto
subsection‹Invertible linear maps›
locale invertible_lf = Vector_Spaces.linear +
assumes invertible: "(∃g. g ∘ f = id ∧ f ∘ g = id)"
lemma invertible_lf: "(∃g. linear ((*b)) ((*a)) g ∧ (g ∘ f = id) ∧ (f ∘ g = id))"
proof -
have "inj_on f UNIV"
using invertible by (auto simp: o_def id_def inj_on_def fun_eq_iff) metis
from linear_exists_left_inverse_on[OF linear_axioms vs1.subspace_UNIV this] obtain g where
g: "linear (*b) (*a) g" "g o f = id"
by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff id_def module_hom_iff_linear)
then have "f o g = id"
using invertible
by (auto simp: inj_on_def fun_eq_iff) metis
with g show ?thesis by auto
lemma (in Vector_Spaces.linear) invertible_lf_intro[intro]:
assumes "(g ∘ f = id)" and "(f ∘ g = id)"
shows "invertible_lf ((*a)) ((*b)) f"
using assms
by unfold_locales auto
lemma invertible_imp_bijective:
assumes "invertible_lf scaleB scaleC f"
shows "bij f"
using assms unfolding invertible_lf_def invertible_lf_axioms_def
by (metis bij_betw_comp_iff bij_betw_imp_surj inj_on_imageI2 inj_on_imp_bij_betw inv_id surj_id surj_imp_inj_inv)
lemma invertible_matrix_imp_invertible_lf:
fixes A::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
assumes invertible_A: "invertible A"
shows "invertible_lf ((*s)) ((*s)) (λx. A *v x)"
proof -
obtain B where AB: "A**B=mat 1" and BA: "B**A=mat 1" using invertible_A unfolding invertible_def by blast
show ?thesis
proof (rule vec.invertible_lf_intro [of "(λx. B *v x)"])
show id1: "(*v) B ∘ (*v) A = id" by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) AB BA isomorphism_expand matrix_vector_mul_assoc matrix_vector_mul_lid)
show "(*v) A ∘ (*v) B = id" by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) AB BA isomorphism_expand matrix_vector_mul_assoc matrix_vector_mul_lid)
lemma invertible_lf_imp_invertible_matrix:
fixes f::"'a::{field}^'n⇒'a^'n"
assumes invertible_f: "invertible_lf ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
shows "invertible (matrix f)"
proof -
interpret i: invertible_lf "((*s))" "((*s))" f using invertible_f .
obtain g where linear_g: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) g" and gf: "(g ∘ f = id)" and fg: "(f ∘ g = id)"
by (metis invertible_f invertible_lf.invertible_lf)
show ?thesis
proof (unfold invertible_def, rule exI[of _ "matrix g"], rule conjI)
show "matrix f ** matrix g = mat 1"
unfolding matrix_eq matrix_vector_mul_assoc[symmetric]
by (metis i.linear_axioms matrix_vector_mul_lid pointfree_idE fg linear_g matrix_vector_mul)
show "matrix g ** matrix f = mat 1"
by (metis ‹matrix f ** matrix g = mat 1› matrix_left_right_inverse)
lemma invertible_matrix_iff_invertible_lf:
fixes A::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
shows "invertible A ⟷ invertible_lf ((*s)) ((*s)) (λx. A *v x)"
by (metis invertible_lf_imp_invertible_matrix invertible_matrix_imp_invertible_lf matrix_of_matrix_vector_mul)
lemma invertible_matrix_iff_invertible_lf':
fixes f::"'a::{field}^'n⇒'a^'n"
assumes linear_f: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
shows "invertible (matrix f) ⟷ invertible_lf ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
by (metis (lifting) assms invertible_matrix_iff_invertible_lf matrix_vector_mul)
lemma invertible_matrix_mult_right_rank:
fixes A::"'a::{field}^'n::{mod_type}^'m::{mod_type}"
and Q::"'a::{field}^'n::{mod_type}^'n::{mod_type}"
assumes invertible_Q: "invertible Q"
shows "rank (A**Q) = rank A"
proof -
define TQ where "TQ x = Q *v x" for x
define TA where "TA x = A *v x" for x
define TAQ where "TAQ x = (A**Q) *v x" for x
have "invertible_lf ((*s)) ((*s)) TQ" using invertible_matrix_imp_invertible_lf[OF invertible_Q] unfolding TQ_def .
hence bij_TQ: "bij TQ" using invertible_imp_bijective by auto
have "range TAQ = range (TA ∘ TQ)" unfolding TQ_def TA_def TAQ_def o_def matrix_vector_mul_assoc ..
also have "... = TA `(range TQ)" unfolding fun.set_map ..
also have "... = TA ` (UNIV)" using bij_is_surj[OF bij_TQ] by simp
finally have "range TAQ = range TA" .
thus ?thesis unfolding rank_eq_dim_image using TAQ_def [abs_def] TA_def [abs_def] by auto
lemma subspace_image_invertible_mat:
fixes P::"'a::{field}^'m^'m"
assumes inv_P: "invertible P"
and sub_W: "vec.subspace W"
shows "vec.subspace ((λx. P *v x)` W)"
using assms by (intro vec.subspace_image)
lemma dim_image_invertible_mat:
fixes P::"'a::{field}^'m^'m"
assumes inv_P: "invertible P"
and sub_W: "vec.subspace W"
shows "vec.dim ((λx. P *v x)` W) = vec.dim W"
proof -
obtain B where B_in_W: "B⊆W" and ind_B: "vec.independent B"
and W_in_span_B: "W ⊆ vec.span B" and card_B_eq_dim_W: "card B = vec.dim W"
using vec.basis_exists by blast
define L where "L = (λx. P *v x)"
define C where "C = L`B"
have finite_B: "finite B" using vec.indep_card_eq_dim_span[OF ind_B] by simp
interpret L: Vector_Spaces.linear "(*s)" "(*s)" L using matrix_vector_mul_linear_gen unfolding L_def .
have finite_C: "finite C" using vec.indep_card_eq_dim_span[OF ind_B] unfolding C_def by simp
have inv_TP: "invertible_lf ((*s)) ((*s)) (λx. P *v x)" using invertible_matrix_imp_invertible_lf[OF inv_P] .
have inj_on_LW: "inj_on L W" using invertible_imp_bijective[OF inv_TP] unfolding bij_def L_def unfolding inj_on_def
by blast
hence inj_on_LB: "inj_on L B" unfolding inj_on_def using B_in_W by auto
have ind_D: "vec.independent C"
proof (rule vec.independent_if_scalars_zero[OF finite_C])
fix f x
assume sum: "(∑x∈C. f x *s x) = 0" and x: "x ∈ C"
obtain y where Ly_eq_x: "L y = x" and y: "y ∈ B" using x unfolding C_def L_def by auto
have "(∑x∈C. f x *s x) = sum ((λx. f x *s x) ∘ L) B" unfolding C_def by (rule sum.reindex[OF inj_on_LB])
also have "... = sum (λx. f (L x) *s L x) B" unfolding o_def ..
also have "... = sum (λx. ((f ∘ L) x) *s L x) B" using o_def by auto
also have "... = L (sum (λx. ((f ∘ L) x) *s x) B)"
by (simp add: L.sum L.scale)
finally have rw: " (∑x∈C. f x *s x) = L (∑x∈B. (f ∘ L) x *s x)" .
have "(∑x∈B. (f ∘ L) x *s x) ∈ W"
by (rule vec.subspace_sum[OF sub_W])
(simp add: B_in_W rev_subsetD sub_W vec.subspace_scale)
hence "(∑x∈B. (f ∘ L) x *s x)=0"
using sum rw
using vec.linear_inj_on_iff_eq_0[OF L.linear_axioms sub_W] using inj_on_LW
by (auto simp: L_def)
hence "(f ∘ L) y = 0"
using vec.scalars_zero_if_independent[OF finite_B ind_B, of "(f ∘ L)"]
using y by auto
thus "f x = 0" unfolding o_def Ly_eq_x .
have "L` W ⊆ vec.span C"
proof (unfold vec.span_finite[OF finite_C], clarify)
fix xa assume xa_in_W: "xa ∈ W"
obtain g where sum_g: "sum (λx. g x *s x) B = xa"
using vec.span_finite[OF finite_B] W_in_span_B xa_in_W by force
show "L xa ∈ range (λu. (∑v∈C. u v *s v))"
proof (rule image_eqI[where x="λx. g (THE y. y ∈ B ∧ x=L y)"])
have "L xa = L (sum (λx. g x *s x) B)" using sum_g by simp
also have "... = sum (λx. g x *s L x) B" by (simp add: L.sum L.scale)
also have "... = sum (λx. g (THE y. y ∈ B ∧ x=L y) *s x) (L`B)"
proof (unfold sum.reindex[OF inj_on_LB], unfold o_def, rule sum.cong)
fix x assume x_in_B: "x∈B"
have x_eq_the:"x = (THE y. y ∈ B ∧ L x = L y)"
proof (rule the_equality[symmetric])
show "x ∈ B ∧ L x = L x" using x_in_B by auto
show "⋀y. y ∈ B ∧ L x = L y ⟹ y = x" using inj_on_LB x_in_B unfolding inj_on_def by fast
show "g x *s L x = g (THE y. y ∈ B ∧ L x = L y) *s L x" using x_eq_the by simp
qed rule
finally show "L xa = (∑v∈C. g (THE y. y ∈ B ∧ v = L y) *s v)" unfolding C_def by simp
qed rule
have "card C = card B" using card_image[OF inj_on_LB] unfolding C_def .
thus ?thesis
by (metis B_in_W C_def L.span_image W_in_span_B ‹L ≡ (*v) P› card_B_eq_dim_W ind_D sub_W
vec.indep_card_eq_dim_span vec.span_subspace)
lemma invertible_matrix_mult_left_rank:
fixes A::"'a::{field}^'n::{mod_type}^'m::{mod_type}"
and P::"'a::{field}^'m::{mod_type}^'m::{mod_type}"
assumes invertible_P: "invertible P"
shows "rank (P**A) = rank A"
proof -
define TP where "TP = (λx. P *v x)"
define TA where "TA = (λx. A *v x)"
define TPA where "TPA = (λx. (P**A) *v x)"
have sub: "vec.subspace (range ((*v) A))"
by (metis vec.subspace_UNIV vec.subspace_image)
have "vec.dim (range TPA) = vec.dim (range (TP ∘ TA))"
unfolding TP_def TA_def TPA_def o_def matrix_vector_mul_assoc ..
also have "... = vec.dim (range TA)" using dim_image_invertible_mat[OF invertible_P sub]
unfolding TP_def TA_def o_def fun.set_map[symmetric] .
finally show ?thesis unfolding rank_eq_dim_image TPA_def TA_def .
corollary invertible_matrices_mult_rank:
fixes A::"'a::{field}^'n::{mod_type}^'m::{mod_type}"
and P::"'a^'m::{mod_type}^'m::{mod_type}" and Q::"'a^'n::{mod_type}^'n::{mod_type}"
assumes invertible_P: "invertible P"
and invertible_Q: "invertible Q"
shows "rank (P**A**Q) = rank A"
using invertible_matrix_mult_right_rank[OF invertible_Q] using invertible_matrix_mult_left_rank[OF invertible_P] by metis
lemma invertible_matrix_mult_left_rank':
fixes A::"'a::{field}^'n::{mod_type}^'m::{mod_type}" and P::"'a^'m::{mod_type}^'m::{mod_type}"
assumes invertible_P: "invertible P" and B_eq_PA: "B=P**A"
shows "rank B = rank A"
proof -
have "rank B = rank (P**A)" using B_eq_PA by auto
also have "... = rank A" using invertible_matrix_mult_left_rank[OF invertible_P] by auto
finally show ?thesis .
lemma invertible_matrix_mult_right_rank':
fixes A::"'a::{field}^'n::{mod_type}^'m::{mod_type}"
and Q::"'a::{field}^'n::{mod_type}^'n::{mod_type}"
assumes invertible_Q: "invertible Q" and B_eq_PA: "B=A**Q"
shows "rank B = rank A" by (metis B_eq_PA invertible_Q invertible_matrix_mult_right_rank)
lemma invertible_matrices_rank':
fixes A::"'a::{field}^'n::{mod_type}^'m::{mod_type}"
and P::"'a^'m::{mod_type}^'m::{mod_type}" and Q::"'a^'n::{mod_type}^'n::{mod_type}"
assumes invertible_P: "invertible P" and invertible_Q: "invertible Q" and B_eq_PA: "B = P**A**Q"
shows "rank B = rank A" by (metis B_eq_PA invertible_P invertible_Q invertible_matrices_mult_rank)
subsection‹Definition and properties of the set of a vector›
text‹Some definitions:›
text‹In the file ‹Generalizations.thy› there exists the following definition:
@{thm "cart_basis_def"}.›
text‹‹cart_basis› returns a set which is a basis and it works properly in my development.
But in this file, I need to know the order of the elements of the basis, because is very important
for the coordenates of a vector and the matrices of change of bases. So, I have defined a new
‹cart_basis'›, which will be a matrix. The columns of this matrix are the elements of
the basis.›
definition set_of_vector :: "'a^'n ⇒ 'a set"
where "set_of_vector A = {A $ i |i. i ∈ UNIV}"
definition cart_basis' :: " 'a::{field}^'n^'n"
where "cart_basis' = (χ i. axis i 1)"
lemma cart_basis_eq_set_of_vector_cart_basis':
"cart_basis = set_of_vector (cart_basis')"
unfolding cart_basis_def cart_basis'_def set_of_vector_def by auto
lemma basis_image_linear:
fixes f::"'b::{field}^'n => 'b^'n"
assumes invertible_lf: "invertible_lf ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
and basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)"
shows "is_basis (f` (set_of_vector X))"
proof (rule iffD1[OF independent_is_basis], rule conjI)
have "card (f ` set_of_vector X) = card (set_of_vector X)"
by (rule card_image[of f "set_of_vector X"], metis invertible_imp_bijective[OF invertible_lf] bij_def inj_eq inj_on_def)
also have "... = card (UNIV::'n set)" using basis_X unfolding independent_is_basis[symmetric] by auto
finally show "card (f ` set_of_vector X) = card (UNIV::'n set)" .
interpret Vector_Spaces.linear "(*s)" "(*s)" f using invertible_lf unfolding invertible_lf_def by simp
show "vec.independent (f ` set_of_vector X)"
proof (rule independent_injective_image)
show "vec.independent (set_of_vector X)" using basis_X unfolding is_basis_def by simp
show "inj_on f (vec.span (set_of_vector X))"
by (metis bij_def injD inj_onI invertible_imp_bijective invertible_lf)
text‹Properties about @{thm "cart_basis'_def"}›
lemma set_of_vector_cart_basis':
shows "(set_of_vector cart_basis') = {axis i 1 :: 'a::{field}^'n | i. i ∈ (UNIV :: 'n set)}"
unfolding set_of_vector_def cart_basis'_def by auto
lemma cart_basis'_i: "cart_basis' $ i = axis i 1" unfolding cart_basis'_def by simp
lemma finite_set_of_vector[intro,simp]: "finite (set_of_vector X)"
unfolding set_of_vector_def using finite_Atleast_Atmost_nat[of "λi. X $ i"] .
lemma is_basis_cart_basis': "is_basis (set_of_vector cart_basis')"
unfolding cart_basis_eq_set_of_vector_cart_basis'[symmetric]
by (metis Miscellaneous.is_basis_def independent_cart_basis span_cart_basis)
lemma basis_expansion_cart_basis':"sum (λi. x$i *s cart_basis' $ i) UNIV = x"
unfolding cart_basis'_def using basis_expansion by auto
lemma basis_expansion_unique:
"sum (λi. f i *s axis (i::'n::finite) 1) UNIV = (x::('a::comm_ring_1) ^'n) ⟷ (∀i. f i = x$i)"
proof (auto simp add: basis_expansion)
fix i::"'n"
have univ_rw: "UNIV = (UNIV - {i}) ∪ {i}" by fastforce
have "(∑x∈UNIV. f x * axis x 1 $ i) = sum (λx. f x * axis x 1 $ i) (UNIV - {i} ∪ {i})" using univ_rw by simp
also have "... = sum (λx. f x * axis x 1 $ i) (UNIV - {i}) + sum (λx. f x * axis x 1 $ i) {i}" by (rule sum.union_disjoint, auto)
also have "... = f i" unfolding axis_def by auto
finally show "f i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * axis x 1 $ i)" ..
lemma basis_expansion_cart_basis'_unique: "sum (λi. f (cart_basis' $ i) *s cart_basis' $ i) UNIV = x ⟷ (∀i. f (cart_basis' $ i) = x$i)"
using basis_expansion_unique unfolding cart_basis'_def
by (simp add: vec_eq_iff if_distrib cong del: if_weak_cong)
lemma basis_expansion_cart_basis'_unique': "sum (λi. f i *s cart_basis' $ i) UNIV = x ⟷ (∀i. f i = x$i)"
using basis_expansion_unique unfolding cart_basis'_def
by (simp add: vec_eq_iff if_distrib cong del: if_weak_cong)
text‹Properties of @{thm "is_basis_def"}.›
lemma sum_basis_eq:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
assumes is_basis:"is_basis (set_of_vector X)"
shows "sum (λx. f x *s x) (set_of_vector X) = sum (λi. f (X$i) *s (X$i)) UNIV"
proof -
have card_set_of_vector:"card(set_of_vector X) = CARD('n)"
using independent_is_basis[of "set_of_vector X"] using is_basis by auto
have fact_1: "set_of_vector X = range (($) X)" unfolding set_of_vector_def by auto
have inj: "inj (($) X)"
proof (rule eq_card_imp_inj_on)
show "finite (UNIV::'n set)" using finite_class.finite_UNIV .
show "card (range (($) X)) = card (UNIV::'n set)"
using card_set_of_vector using fact_1 unfolding set_of_vector_def by simp
show ?thesis using sum.reindex[OF inj, of "(λx. f x *s x)", unfolded o_def] unfolding fact_1 .
corollary sum_basis_eq2:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
assumes is_basis:"is_basis (set_of_vector X)"
shows "sum (λx. f x *s x) (set_of_vector X) = sum (λi. (f ∘ ($) X) i *s (X$i)) UNIV"
using sum_basis_eq[OF is_basis] by simp
lemma inj_op_nth:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
assumes is_basis: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)"
shows "inj (($) X)"
proof -
have fact_1: "set_of_vector X = range (($) X)" unfolding set_of_vector_def by auto
have card_set_of_vector:"card(set_of_vector X) = CARD('n)" using independent_is_basis[of "set_of_vector X"] using is_basis by auto
show "inj (($) X)"
proof (rule eq_card_imp_inj_on)
show "finite (UNIV::'n set)" using finite_class.finite_UNIV .
show "card (range (($) X)) = card (UNIV::'n set)" using card_set_of_vector using fact_1 unfolding set_of_vector_def by simp
lemma basis_UNIV:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
assumes is_basis: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)"
shows "UNIV = {x. ∃g. (∑i∈UNIV. g i *s X$i) = x}"
proof -
have "UNIV = {x. ∃g. (∑i∈(set_of_vector X). g i *s i) = x}"
using vec.span_finite[OF basis_finite[OF is_basis]]
using is_basis unfolding is_basis_def
by (auto simp: set_eq_iff
intro!: vec.sum_representation_eq exI[where x="vec.representation (set_of_vector X) x" for x])
also have "... ⊆ {x. ∃g. (∑i∈UNIV. g i *s X$i) = x}"
proof (clarify)
fix f
show "∃g. (∑i∈UNIV. g i *s X $ i) = (∑i∈set_of_vector X. f i *s i)"
proof (rule exI[of _ "(λi. (f ∘ ($) X) i)"], unfold o_def)
have fact_1: "set_of_vector X = range (($) X)" unfolding set_of_vector_def by auto
have card_set_of_vector:"card(set_of_vector X) = CARD('n)" using independent_is_basis[of "set_of_vector X"] using is_basis by auto
have inj: "inj (($) X)" using inj_op_nth[OF is_basis] .
show " (∑i∈UNIV. f (X $ i) *s X $ i) = (∑i∈set_of_vector X. f i *s i)"
using sum.reindex[symmetric, OF inj, of "λi. f i *s i"] unfolding fact_1 by simp
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma scalars_zero_if_basis:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
assumes is_basis: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" and sum: "(∑i∈(UNIV::'n set). f i *s X$i) = 0"
shows "∀i∈(UNIV::'n set). f i = 0"
proof -
have ind_X: "vec.independent (set_of_vector X)" using is_basis unfolding is_basis_def by simp
have finite_X:"finite (set_of_vector X)" using basis_finite[OF is_basis] .
have 1: "(∀g. (∑v∈(set_of_vector X). g v *s v) = 0 ⟶ (∀v∈(set_of_vector X). g v = 0))"
using ind_X unfolding vec.independent_explicit using finite_X by auto
define g where "g v = f (THE i. X $ i = v)" for v
have "(∑v∈(set_of_vector X). g v *s v) = 0"
proof -
have "(∑v∈(set_of_vector X). g v *s v) = (∑i∈(UNIV::'n set). f i *s X$i)"
proof -
have inj: "inj (($) X)" using inj_op_nth[OF is_basis] .
have rw: "set_of_vector X = range (($) X)" unfolding set_of_vector_def by auto
fix a
have "f a = g (X $ a)"
unfolding g_def using inj_op_nth[OF is_basis]
by (metis (lifting, mono_tags) injD the_equality)
thus ?thesis using sum.reindex[OF inj, of "λv. g v *s v"] unfolding rw o_def by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding sum .
hence 2: "∀v∈(set_of_vector X). g v = 0" using 1 by auto
show ?thesis
proof (clarify)
fix a
have "g (X$a) = 0" using 2 unfolding set_of_vector_def by auto
thus "f a = 0" unfolding g_def using inj_op_nth[OF is_basis]
by (metis (lifting, mono_tags) injD the_equality)
lemma basis_combination_unique:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" and sum_eq: "(∑i∈UNIV. g i *s X$i) = (∑i∈UNIV. f i *s X$i)"
shows "f=g"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "f≠g"
from this obtain x where fx_gx: "f x ≠ g x" by fast
have "0=(∑i∈UNIV. g i *s X$i) - (∑i∈UNIV. f i *s X$i)" using sum_eq by simp
also have "... = (∑i∈UNIV. g i *s X$i - f i *s X$i)" unfolding sum_subtractf[symmetric] ..
also have "... = (∑i∈UNIV. (g i - f i) *s X$i)" by (rule sum.cong, auto simp add: scaleR_diff_left)
also have "... = (∑i∈UNIV. (g - f) i *s X$i)" by simp
finally have sum_eq_1: "0 = (∑i∈UNIV. (g - f) i *s X$i)" by simp
have "∀i∈UNIV. (g - f) i = 0" by (rule scalars_zero_if_basis[OF basis_X sum_eq_1[symmetric]])
hence "(g - f) x = 0" by simp
hence "f x = g x" by simp
thus False using fx_gx by contradiction
subsection‹Coordinates of a vector›
text‹Definition and properties of the coordinates of a vector (in terms of a particular ordered basis).›
definition coord :: "'a::{field}^'n^'n⇒'a::{field}^'n⇒'a::{field}^'n"
where "coord X v = (χ i. (THE f. v = sum (λx. f x *s X$x) UNIV) i)"
text‹@{term "coord X v"} are the coordinates of vector @{term "v"} with respect to the basis @{term "X"}›
lemma bij_coord:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)"
shows "bij (coord X)"
proof (unfold bij_def, auto)
show inj: "inj (coord X)"
proof (unfold inj_on_def, auto)
fix x y assume coord_eq: "coord X x = coord X y"
obtain f where f: "(∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x) = x" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by blast
obtain g where g: "(∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x) = y" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by blast
have the_f: "(THE f. x = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)) = f"
proof (rule the_equality)
show "x = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)" using f by simp
show "⋀fa. x = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x) ⟹ fa = f" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] f by simp
have the_g: "(THE g. y = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x)) = g"
proof (rule the_equality)
show "y = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x)" using g by simp
show "⋀ga. y = (∑x∈UNIV. ga x *s X $ x) ⟹ ga = g" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] g by simp
have "(THE f. x = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)) = (THE g. y = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x))"
using coord_eq unfolding coord_def
using vec_lambda_inject[of "(THE f. x = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)) " "(THE f. y = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x))"]
by auto
hence "f = g" unfolding the_f the_g .
thus "x=y" using f g by simp
fix x::"('a, 'n) vec"
show "x ∈ range (coord X)"
proof (unfold image_def, auto, rule exI[of _ "sum (λi. x$i *s X$i) UNIV"], unfold coord_def)
define f where "f i = x$i" for i
have the_f: " (THE f. (∑i∈UNIV. x $ i *s X $ i) = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)) = f"
proof (rule the_equality)
show "(∑i∈UNIV. x $ i *s X $ i) = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)" unfolding f_def ..
fix g assume sum_eq:"(∑i∈UNIV. x $ i *s X $ i) = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x)"
show "g = f" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] using sum_eq unfolding f_def by simp
show " x = vec_lambda (THE f. (∑i∈UNIV. x $ i *s X $ i) = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x))" unfolding the_f unfolding f_def using vec_lambda_eta[of x] by simp
lemma linear_coord:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)"
shows "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) (coord X)"
proof unfold_locales
fix x y::"('a, 'n) vec"
show "coord X (x + y) = coord X x + coord X y"
proof -
obtain f where f: "(∑a∈(UNIV::'n set). f a *s X $ a) = x + y" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by blast
obtain g where g: " (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x) = x" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by blast
obtain h where h: "(∑x∈UNIV. h x *s X $ x) = y" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by blast
define t where "t i = g i + h i" for i
have the_f: "(THE f. x + y = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)) = f"
proof (rule the_equality)
show " x + y = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)" using f by simp
show "⋀fa. x + y = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x) ⟹ fa = f" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] f by simp
have the_g: "(THE g. x = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x)) = g"
proof (rule the_equality)
show "x = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x)" using g by simp
show "⋀ga. x = (∑x∈UNIV. ga x *s X $ x) ⟹ ga = g" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] g by simp
have the_h: "(THE h. y = (∑x∈UNIV. h x *s X $ x)) = h"
proof (rule the_equality)
show "y = (∑x∈UNIV. h x *s X $ x)" using h ..
show "⋀ha. y = (∑x∈UNIV. ha x *s X $ x) ⟹ ha = h" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] h by simp
have "(∑a∈(UNIV::'n set). f a *s X $ a) = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x) + (∑x∈UNIV. h x *s X $ x)" using f g h by simp
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x + h x *s X $ x)" unfolding sum.distrib[symmetric] ..
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. (g x + h x) *s X $ x)" by (rule sum.cong, auto simp add: scaleR_left_distrib)
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. t x *s X $ x)" unfolding t_def ..
finally have "(∑a∈UNIV. f a *s X $ a) = (∑x∈UNIV. t x *s X $ x)" .
hence "f=t" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] by auto
thus ?thesis
by (unfold coord_def the_f the_g the_h, vector, auto, unfold f g h t_def, simp)
fix c::'a and x::"'a^'n"
show "coord X (c *s x) = c *s coord X x"
proof -
obtain f where f: "(∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x) = c *s x" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by blast
obtain g where g: "(∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x) = x" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by blast
define t where "t i = c * g i" for i
have the_f: "(THE f. c *s x = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)) = f"
proof (rule the_equality)
show " c *s x = (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)" using f ..
show "⋀fa. c *s x = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x) ⟹ fa = f" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] f by simp
have the_g: "(THE g. x = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x)) = g"proof (rule the_equality)
show " x = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x)" using g ..
show "⋀ga. x = (∑x∈UNIV. ga x *s X $ x) ⟹ ga = g" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] g by simp
have "(∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x) = c *s (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x)" using f g by simp
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. c *s (g x *s X $ x))" by (rule vec.scale_sum_right)
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. t x *s X $ x)" unfolding t_def by simp
finally have " (∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x) = (∑x∈UNIV. t x *s X $ x)" .
hence "f=t" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] by auto
thus ?thesis
by (unfold coord_def the_f the_g, vector, auto, unfold t_def, auto)
lemma coord_eq:
assumes basis_X:"is_basis (set_of_vector X)"
and coord_eq: "coord X v = coord X w"
shows "v = w"
proof -
have "∀i. (THE f. ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)) i = (THE f. ∀i. w $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)) i" using coord_eq
unfolding coord_eq coord_def vec_eq_iff by simp
hence the_eq: "(THE f. ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)) = (THE f. ∀i. w $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i))" by auto
obtain f where f: "(∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x)= v" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by blast
obtain g where g: "(∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x)= w" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by blast
have the_f: "(THE f. ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)) = f"
proof (rule the_equality)
show " ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)" using f by auto
fix fa assume "∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * X $ x $ i)"
hence "∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x) $ i" unfolding sum_component by simp
hence fa:" v = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x)" unfolding vec_eq_iff .
show "fa = f" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] f fa by simp
have the_g: "(THE g. ∀i. w $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. g x * X $ x $ i)) = g"
proof (rule the_equality)
show " ∀i. w $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. g x * X $ x $ i)" using g by auto
fix fa assume "∀i. w $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * X $ x $ i)"
hence "∀i. w $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x) $ i" unfolding sum_component by simp
hence fa:" w = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x)" unfolding vec_eq_iff .
show "fa = g" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] g fa by simp
have "f=g" using the_eq unfolding the_f the_g .
thus "v=w" using f g by blast
subsection‹Matrix of change of basis and coordinate matrix of a linear map›
text‹Definitions of matrix of change of basis and matrix of a linear transformation with respect to two bases:›
definition matrix_change_of_basis :: "'a::{field}^'n^'n ⇒'a^'n^'n⇒'a^'n^'n"
where "matrix_change_of_basis X Y = (χ i j. (coord Y (X$j)) $ i)"
text‹There exists in the library the definition @{thm "matrix_def"}, which is the coordinate matrix of a linear map with respect to the standard bases.
Now we generalise that concept to the coordinate matrix of a linear map with respect to any two bases.›
definition matrix' :: "'a::{field}^'n^'n ⇒ 'a^'m^'m ⇒ ('a^'n => 'a^'m) ⇒ 'a^'n^'m"
where "matrix' X Y f= (χ i j. (coord Y (f(X$j))) $ i)"
text‹Properties of @{thm "matrix'_def"}›
lemma matrix'_eq_matrix:
defines cart_basis_Rn: "cart_basis_Rn == (cart_basis')::'a::{field}^'n^'n"
and cart_basis_Rm:"cart_basis_Rm == (cart_basis')::'a^'m^'m"
shows "matrix' (cart_basis_Rn) (cart_basis_Rm) f = matrix f"
proof (unfold matrix_def matrix'_def coord_def, vector, auto)
fix i j
have basis_Rn:"is_basis (set_of_vector cart_basis_Rn)" using is_basis_cart_basis' unfolding cart_basis_Rn .
have basis_Rm:"is_basis (set_of_vector cart_basis_Rm)" using is_basis_cart_basis' unfolding cart_basis_Rm .
obtain g where sum_g: "(∑x∈UNIV. g x *s (cart_basis_Rm $ x)) = f (cart_basis_Rn $ j)" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_Rm] by blast
have the_g: "(THE g. ∀a. f (cart_basis_Rn $ j) $ a = (∑x∈UNIV. g x * cart_basis_Rm $ x $ a)) = g"
proof (rule the_equality, clarify)
fix a
have "f (cart_basis_Rn $ j) $ a = (∑i∈UNIV. g i *s (cart_basis_Rm $ i)) $ a" using sum_g by simp
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. g x * cart_basis_Rm $ x $ a)" unfolding sum_component by simp
finally show "f (cart_basis_Rn $ j) $ a = (∑x∈UNIV. g x * cart_basis_Rm $ x $ a)" .
fix ga assume "∀a. f (cart_basis_Rn $ j) $ a = (∑x∈UNIV. ga x * cart_basis_Rm $ x $ a)"
hence sum_ga: "f (cart_basis_Rn $ j) = (∑i∈UNIV. ga i *s cart_basis_Rm $ i)" by (vector, auto)
show "ga = g"
proof (rule basis_combination_unique)
show "is_basis (set_of_vector (cart_basis_Rm))" using basis_Rm .
show " (∑i∈UNIV. g i *s cart_basis_Rm $ i) = (∑i∈UNIV. ga i *s cart_basis_Rm $ i)" using sum_g sum_ga by simp
show " (THE fa. ∀i. f (cart_basis_Rn $ j) $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * cart_basis_Rm $ x $ i)) i = f (axis j 1) $ i"
unfolding the_g using sum_g unfolding cart_basis_Rm cart_basis_Rn cart_basis'_def using basis_expansion_unique[of g "f (axis j 1)"]
unfolding scalar_mult_eq_scaleR by auto
lemma matrix':
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" and basis_Y: "is_basis (set_of_vector Y)"
shows "f (X$i) = sum (λj. (matrix' X Y f) $ j $ i *s (Y$j)) UNIV"
proof (unfold matrix'_def coord_def matrix_mult_sum column_def, vector, auto)
fix j
obtain g where g: "(∑x∈UNIV. g x *s Y $ x) = f (X $ i)" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_Y] by blast
have the_g: "(THE fa. ∀ia. f (X $ i) $ ia = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * Y $ x $ ia)) = g"
proof (rule the_equality, clarify)
fix a
have "f (X $ i) $ a = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s Y $ x) $ a" using g by simp
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. g x * Y $ x $ a)" unfolding sum_component by auto
finally show "f (X $ i) $ a = (∑x∈UNIV. g x * Y $ x $ a)" .
fix fa
assume "∀ia. f (X $ i) $ ia = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * Y $ x $ ia)"
hence " ∀ia. f (X $ i) $ ia = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x) $ ia" unfolding sum_component by simp
hence fa:"f (X $ i) = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x)" unfolding vec_eq_iff .
show "fa = g" by (rule basis_combination_unique[OF basis_Y], simp add: fa g)
show " f (X $ i) $ j = (∑x∈UNIV. (THE fa. ∀j. f (X $ i) $ j = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * Y $ x $ j)) x * Y $ x $ j)"
unfolding the_g unfolding g[symmetric] sum_component by simp
corollary matrix'2:
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" and basis_Y: "is_basis (set_of_vector Y)"
and eq_f: "∀i. f (X$i) = sum (λj. A $ j $ i *s (Y$j)) UNIV"
shows "matrix' X Y f = A"
proof -
have eq_f': "∀i. f (X$i) = sum (λj. (matrix' X Y f) $ j $ i *s (Y$j)) UNIV" using matrix'[OF basis_X basis_Y] by auto
show ?thesis
proof (vector, auto)
fix i j
define a where "a x = (matrix' X Y f) $ x $ i" for x
define b where "b x = A $ x $ i" for x
have fxi_1:"f (X$i) = sum (λj. a j *s (Y$j)) UNIV" using eq_f' unfolding a_def by simp
have fxi_2: "f (X$i) = sum (λj. b j *s(Y$j)) UNIV" using eq_f unfolding b_def by simp
have "a=b" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_Y] fxi_1 fxi_2 by auto
thus "(matrix' X Y f) $ j $ i = A $ j $ i" unfolding a_def b_def by metis
text‹This is the theorem 2.14 in the book "Advanced Linear Algebra" by Steven Roman.›
lemma coord_matrix':
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n" and Y::"'a^'m^'m"
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" and basis_Y: "is_basis (set_of_vector Y)"
and linear_f: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
shows "coord Y (f v) = (matrix' X Y f) *v (coord X v)"
proof (unfold matrix_mult_sum matrix'_def column_def coord_def, vector, auto)
fix i
interpret Vector_Spaces.linear "(*s)" "(*s)" f by fact
obtain g where g: "(∑x∈UNIV. g x *s Y $ x) = f v" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_Y] by auto
obtain s where s: "(∑x∈UNIV. s x *s X $ x) = v" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by auto
have the_g: "(THE fa. ∀a. f v $ a = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * Y $ x $ a)) = g"
proof (rule the_equality)
have "∀a. f v $ a = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s Y $ x) $ a" using g by simp
thus " ∀a. f v $ a = (∑x∈UNIV. g x * Y $ x $ a)" unfolding sum_component by simp
fix fa assume " ∀a. f v $ a = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * Y $ x $ a)"
hence fa: "f v = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x)" by (vector, auto)
show "fa=g" by (rule basis_combination_unique[OF basis_Y], simp add: fa g)
have the_s: "(THE f. ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i))=s"
proof (rule the_equality)
have " ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. s x *s X $ x) $ i" using s by simp
thus " ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. s x * X $ x $ i)"unfolding sum_component by simp
fix fa assume "∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * X $ x $ i)"
hence fa: "v=(∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x)" by (vector, auto)
show "fa=s"by (rule basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X], simp add: fa s)
define t where "t x = (∑i∈UNIV. (s i * (THE fa. f (X $ i) = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x)) x))" for x
have "(∑x∈UNIV. g x *s Y $ x) = f v" using g by simp
also have "... = f (∑x∈UNIV. s x *s X $ x)" using s by simp
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. s x *s f (X $ x))" by (simp add: sum scale)
also have "... = (∑i∈UNIV. s i *s sum (λj. (matrix' X Y f)$j$i *s (Y$j)) UNIV)" using matrix'[OF basis_X basis_Y] by auto
also have "... = (∑i∈UNIV. ∑x∈UNIV. s i *s (matrix' X Y f $ x $ i *s Y $ x))" unfolding vec.scale_sum_right ..
also have "... = (∑i∈UNIV. ∑x∈UNIV. (s i * (THE fa. f (X $ i) = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x)) x) *s Y $ x)" unfolding matrix'_def unfolding coord_def by auto
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. (∑i∈UNIV. (s i * (THE fa. f (X $ i) = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x)) x) *s Y $ x))"
by (rule sum.swap)
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. (∑i∈UNIV. (s i * (THE fa. f (X $ i) = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x)) x)) *s Y $ x)" unfolding vec.scale_sum_left ..
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. t x *s Y $ x)" unfolding t_def ..
finally have "(∑x∈UNIV. g x *s Y $ x) = (∑x∈UNIV. t x *s Y $ x)" .
hence "g=t" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_Y] by simp
thus "(THE fa. ∀i. f v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * Y $ x $ i)) i =
(∑x∈UNIV. (THE f. ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)) x * (THE fa. ∀i. f (X $ x) $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * Y $ x $ i)) i)"
proof (unfold the_g the_s t_def, auto)
have " (∑x∈UNIV. s x * (THE fa. ∀i. f (X $ x) $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * Y $ x $ i)) i) =
(∑x∈UNIV. s x * (THE fa. ∀i. f (X $ x) $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x) $ i) i)" unfolding sum_component by simp
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. s x * (THE fa. f (X $ x) = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x)) i)" by (rule sum.cong, auto simp add: vec_eq_iff)
finally show " (∑ia∈UNIV. s ia * (THE fa. f (X $ ia) = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x)) i) = (∑x∈UNIV. s x * (THE fa. ∀i. f (X $ x) $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * Y $ x $ i)) i)"
by auto
text‹This is the second part of the theorem 2.15 in the book "Advanced Linear Algebra" by Steven Roman.›
lemma matrix'_compose:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n" and Y::"'a^'m^'m" and Z::"'a^'p^'p"
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" and basis_Y: "is_basis (set_of_vector Y)" and basis_Z: "is_basis (set_of_vector Z)"
and linear_f: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) f" and linear_g: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) g"
shows "matrix' X Z (g ∘ f) = (matrix' Y Z g) ** (matrix' X Y f)"
proof (unfold matrix_eq, clarify)
fix a::"('a, 'n) vec"
obtain v where v: "a = coord X v" using bij_coord[OF basis_X]
by (meson bij_pointE)
have linear_gf: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) (g ∘ f)"
using Vector_Spaces.linear_compose[OF linear_f linear_g] .
have "matrix' X Z (g ∘ f) *v a = matrix' X Z (g ∘ f) *v (coord X v)" unfolding v ..
also have "... = coord Z ((g ∘ f) v)" unfolding coord_matrix'[OF basis_X basis_Z linear_gf, symmetric] ..
also have "... = coord Z (g (f v))" unfolding o_def ..
also have "... = (matrix' Y Z g) *v (coord Y (f v))" unfolding coord_matrix'[OF basis_Y basis_Z linear_g] ..
also have "... = (matrix' Y Z g) *v ((matrix' X Y f) *v (coord X v))" unfolding coord_matrix'[OF basis_X basis_Y linear_f] ..
also have "... = ((matrix' Y Z g) ** (matrix' X Y f)) *v (coord X v)" unfolding matrix_vector_mul_assoc ..
finally show "matrix' X Z (g ∘ f) *v a = matrix' Y Z g ** matrix' X Y f *v a" unfolding v .
lemma exists_linear_eq_matrix':
fixes A::"'a::{field}^'m^'n" and X::"'a^'m^'m" and Y::"'a^'n^'n"
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" and basis_Y: "is_basis (set_of_vector Y)"
shows "∃f. matrix' X Y f = A ∧ linear ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
proof -
define f where "f v = sum (λj. A $ j $ (THE k. v = X $ k) *s Y $ j) UNIV" for v
have indep: "vec.independent (set_of_vector X)"
using basis_X unfolding is_basis_def by auto
define g where "g = vec.construct (set_of_vector X) f"
have linear_g: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) g" and f_eq_g: "(∀x ∈ (set_of_vector X). g x = f x)"
using vec.linear_construct[OF indep] vec.construct_basis[OF indep]
unfolding g_def module_hom_iff_linear
by auto
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI[of _ g], rule conjI)
show "matrix' X Y g = A"
proof (rule matrix'2)
show "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" using basis_X .
show "is_basis (set_of_vector Y)" using basis_Y .
show "∀i. g (X $ i) = (∑j∈UNIV. A $ j $ i *s Y $ j)"
proof (clarify)
fix i
have the_k_eq_i: "(THE k. X $ i = X $ k) = i"
proof (rule the_equality)
show "X $ i = X $ i" ..
fix k assume Xi_Xk: "X $ i = X $ k" show "k = i" using Xi_Xk basis_X inj_eq inj_op_nth by metis
have Xi_in_X:"X$i ∈ (set_of_vector X)" unfolding set_of_vector_def by auto
have "g (X$i) = f (X$i)" using f_eq_g Xi_in_X by simp
also have "... = (∑j∈UNIV. A $ j $ (THE k. X $ i = X $ k) *s Y $ j)" unfolding f_def ..
also have "... = (∑j∈UNIV. A $ j $ i *s Y $ j)" unfolding the_k_eq_i ..
finally show "g (X $ i) = (∑j∈UNIV. A $ j $ i *s Y $ j)" .
show "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) g" using linear_g .
lemma matrix'_surj:
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" and basis_Y: "is_basis (set_of_vector Y)"
shows "surj (matrix' X Y)"
proof (unfold surj_def, clarify)
fix A
show "∃f. A = matrix' X Y f"
using exists_linear_eq_matrix'[OF basis_X basis_Y, of A] unfolding matrix'_def by auto
text‹Properties of @{thm "matrix_change_of_basis_def"}.›
text‹This is the first part of the theorem 2.12 in the book "Advanced Linear Algebra" by Steven Roman.›
lemma matrix_change_of_basis_works:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n" and Y::"'a^'n^'n"
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)"
and basis_Y: "is_basis (set_of_vector Y)"
shows "(matrix_change_of_basis X Y) *v (coord X v) = (coord Y v)"
proof (unfold matrix_mult_sum matrix_change_of_basis_def column_def coord_def, vector, auto)
fix i
obtain f where f: "(∑x∈UNIV. f x *s Y $ x) = v" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_Y] by blast
obtain g where g: "(∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x) = v" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_X] by blast
define t where "t x = (THE f. X $ x= (∑a∈UNIV. f a *s Y $ a))" for x
define w where "w i = (∑x∈UNIV. g x * t x i)" for i
have the_f:"(THE f. ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * Y $ x $ i)) = f"
proof (rule the_equality)
show "∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * Y $ x $ i)" using f by auto
fix fa assume "∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * Y $ x $ i)"
hence "∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x) $ i" unfolding sum_component by simp
hence fa: " v = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s Y $ x)" unfolding vec_eq_iff .
show "fa = f"
using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_Y] fa f by simp
have the_g: "(THE f. ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)) = g"
proof (rule the_equality)
show "∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. g x * X $ x $ i)" using g by auto
fix fa assume "∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * X $ x $ i)"
hence "∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x) $ i" unfolding sum_component by simp
hence fa: " v = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x)" unfolding vec_eq_iff .
show "fa = g"
using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] fa g by simp
have "(∑x∈UNIV. f x *s Y $ x) = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s X $ x)" unfolding f g ..
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. g x *s (sum (λi. (t x i) *s Y $ i) UNIV))" unfolding t_def
proof (rule sum.cong)
fix x
obtain h where h: "(∑a∈UNIV. h a *s Y $ a) = X$x" using basis_UNIV[OF basis_Y] by blast
have the_h: "(THE f. X $ x = (∑a∈UNIV. f a *s Y $ a))=h"
proof (rule the_equality)
show " X $ x = (∑a∈UNIV. h a *s Y $ a)" using h by simp
fix f assume f: "X $ x = (∑a∈UNIV. f a *s Y $ a)"
show "f = h" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_Y] f h by simp
show " g x *s X $ x = g x *s (∑i∈UNIV. (THE f. X $ x = (∑a∈UNIV. f a *s Y $ a)) i *s Y $ i)" unfolding the_h h ..
qed rule
also have "... = (∑x∈UNIV. (sum (λi. g x *s ((t x i) *s Y $ i)) UNIV))" unfolding vec.scale_sum_right ..
also have "... = (∑i∈UNIV. ∑x∈UNIV. g x *s (t x i *s Y $ i))" by (rule sum.swap)
also have "... = (∑i∈UNIV. (∑x∈UNIV. g x * t x i) *s Y $ i)" unfolding vec.scale_sum_left by auto
finally have "(∑x∈UNIV. f x *s Y $ x) = (∑i∈UNIV. (∑x∈UNIV. g x * t x i) *s Y $ i) " .
hence "f=w" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_Y] unfolding w_def by auto
thus "(∑x∈UNIV. (THE f. ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)) x * (THE f. ∀i. X $ x $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * Y $ x $ i)) i) =
(THE f. ∀i. v $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * Y $ x $ i)) i" unfolding the_f the_g unfolding w_def t_def unfolding vec_eq_iff by auto
lemma matrix_change_of_basis_mat_1:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n"
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)"
shows "matrix_change_of_basis X X = mat 1"
proof (unfold matrix_change_of_basis_def coord_def mat_def, vector, auto)
fix j::"'n"
define f :: "'n ⇒ 'a" where "f i = (if i=j then 1 else 0)" for i
have UNIV_rw: "UNIV = insert j (UNIV-{j})" by auto
have "(∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x) = (∑x∈(insert j (UNIV-{j})). f x *s X $ x)" using UNIV_rw by simp
also have "... = (λx. f x *s X $ x) j + (∑x∈(UNIV-{j}). f x *s X $ x)" by (rule sum.insert, simp+)
also have "... = X$j + (∑x∈(UNIV-{j}). f x *s X $ x)" unfolding f_def by simp
also have "... = X$j + 0" unfolding add_left_cancel f_def by (rule sum.neutral, simp)
finally have f: "(∑x∈UNIV. f x *s X $ x) = X$j" by simp
have the_f: "(THE f. ∀i. X $ j $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)) = f"
proof (rule the_equality)
show "∀i. X $ j $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)" using f unfolding vec_eq_iff unfolding sum_component by simp
fix fa assume "∀i. X $ j $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x * X $ x $ i)"
hence "∀i. X $ j $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x) $ i" unfolding sum_component by simp
hence fa: "X $ j = (∑x∈UNIV. fa x *s X $ x)" unfolding vec_eq_iff .
show "fa = f" using basis_combination_unique[OF basis_X] fa f by simp
show "(THE f. ∀i. X $ j $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)) j = 1" unfolding the_f f_def by simp
fix i assume i_not_j: "i ≠ j"
show "(THE f. ∀i. X $ j $ i = (∑x∈UNIV. f x * X $ x $ i)) i = 0" unfolding the_f f_def using i_not_j by simp
text‹Relationships between @{thm "matrix'_def"} and @{thm "matrix_change_of_basis_def"}.
This is the theorem 2.16 in the book "Advanced Linear Algebra" by Steven Roman.›
lemma matrix'_matrix_change_of_basis:
fixes B::"'a::{field}^'n^'n" and B'::"'a^'n^'n" and C::"'a^'m^'m" and C'::"'a^'m^'m"
assumes basis_B: "is_basis (set_of_vector B)" and basis_B': "is_basis (set_of_vector B')"
and basis_C: "is_basis (set_of_vector C)" and basis_C': "is_basis (set_of_vector C')"
and linear_f: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) f"
shows "matrix' B' C' f = matrix_change_of_basis C C' ** matrix' B C f ** matrix_change_of_basis B' B"
proof (unfold matrix_eq, clarify)
fix x
obtain v where v: "x=coord B' v" using bij_coord[OF basis_B'] by (meson bij_pointE)
have "matrix_change_of_basis C C' ** matrix' B C f** matrix_change_of_basis B' B *v (coord B' v)
= matrix_change_of_basis C C' ** matrix' B C f *v (matrix_change_of_basis B' B *v (coord B' v)) " unfolding matrix_vector_mul_assoc ..
also have "... = matrix_change_of_basis C C' ** matrix' B C f *v (coord B v)" unfolding matrix_change_of_basis_works[OF basis_B' basis_B] ..
also have "... = matrix_change_of_basis C C' *v (matrix' B C f *v (coord B v))" unfolding matrix_vector_mul_assoc ..
also have "... = matrix_change_of_basis C C' *v (coord C (f v))" unfolding coord_matrix'[OF basis_B basis_C linear_f] ..
also have "... = coord C' (f v)" unfolding matrix_change_of_basis_works[OF basis_C basis_C'] ..
also have "... = matrix' B' C' f *v coord B' v" unfolding coord_matrix'[OF basis_B' basis_C' linear_f] ..
finally show " matrix' B' C' f *v x = matrix_change_of_basis C C' ** matrix' B C f ** matrix_change_of_basis B' B *v x" unfolding v ..
lemma matrix'_id_eq_matrix_change_of_basis:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n" and Y::"'a^'n^'n"
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" and basis_Y: "is_basis (set_of_vector Y)"
shows "matrix' X Y (id) = matrix_change_of_basis X Y"
unfolding matrix'_def matrix_change_of_basis_def unfolding id_def ..
text‹Relationships among @{thm "invertible_lf_def"}, @{thm "matrix_change_of_basis_def"}, @{thm "matrix'_def"} and @{thm "invertible_def"}.›
text‹This is the second part of the theorem 2.12 in the book "Advanced Linear Algebra" by Steven Roman.›
lemma matrix_inv_matrix_change_of_basis:
fixes X::"'a::{field}^'n^'n" and Y::"'a^'n^'n"
assumes basis_X: "is_basis (set_of_vector X)" and basis_Y: "is_basis (set_of_vector Y)"
shows"matrix_change_of_basis Y X = matrix_inv (matrix_change_of_basis X Y)"
proof (rule matrix_inv_unique[symmetric])
have linear_id: "linear ((*s)) ((*s)) id" by (metis vec.linear_id)
have "(matrix_change_of_basis Y X) ** (matrix_change_of_basis X Y) = (matrix' Y X id) ** (matrix' X Y id)"
unfolding matrix'_id_eq_matrix_change_of_basis[OF basis_X basis_Y