Theory Tame

(*  Author:     Gertrud Bauer, Tobias Nipkow
The definitions should be identical to the ones in the file
by Thomas Hales. Modulo a few inessential rearrangements.


theory Tame
imports Graph ListSum

subsection ‹Constants \label{sec:TameConstants}›

definition squanderTarget :: "nat" where
 "squanderTarget  15410" 

definition excessTCount :: "nat" (*<*) ("𝖺")(*>*)where

 "𝖺  6295"

definition squanderVertex :: "nat  nat  nat" (*<*)("𝖻")(*>*)where

 "𝖻 p q  if p = 0  q = 3 then 6177 
     else if p = 0  q = 4 then  9696
     else if p = 1  q = 2 then  6557 
     else if p = 1  q = 3 then  6176 
     else if p = 2  q = 1 then  7967 
     else if p = 2  q = 2 then  4116 
     else if p = 2  q = 3 then 12846 
     else if p = 3  q = 1 then  3106 
     else if p = 3  q = 2 then  8165 
     else if p = 4  q = 0 then  3466 
     else if p = 4  q = 1 then  3655 
     else if p = 5  q = 0 then   395 
     else if p = 5  q = 1 then 11354 
     else if p = 6  q = 0 then  6854 
     else if p = 7  q = 0 then 14493 
     else squanderTarget"

definition squanderFace :: "nat  nat" (*<*)("𝖽")(*>*)where

 "𝖽 n  if n = 3 then 0
     else if n = 4 then 2058
     else if n = 5 then 4819
     else if n = 6 then 7120
     else squanderTarget" 


subsection‹Separated sets of vertices \label{sec:TameSeparated}›

text ‹A set of vertices $V$ is {\em separated},
iff the following conditions hold:

text ‹2. No two vertices in V are adjacent:›

definition separated2 :: "graph  vertex set  bool" where
 "separated2 g V  v  V. f  set (facesAt g v). fv  V"

text ‹3. No two vertices lie on a common quadrilateral:›

definition separated3 :: "graph  vertex set  bool" where
 "separated3 g V  
     v  V. f  set (facesAt g v). |vertices f|4  𝒱 f  V = {v}"

text ‹A set of vertices  is  called {\em separated},
\index{separated} \index{separated›}
iff no two vertices are adjacent or lie on a common quadrilateral:›

definition separated :: "graph  vertex set  bool" where
 "separated g V  separated2 g V  separated3 g V"

subsection‹Admissible weight assignments\label{sec:TameAdmissible}›

text ‹
A weight assignment w :: face ⇒ nat› 
assigns a natural number to every face.

\index{admissible weight assignment}

We formalize the admissibility requirements as follows:

definition admissible1 :: "(face  nat)  graph  bool" where  
 "admissible1 w g  f   g. 𝖽 |vertices f|  w f"

definition admissible2 :: "(face  nat)  graph  bool" where  
 "admissible2 w g  
  v  𝒱 g. except g v = 0  𝖻 (tri g v) (quad g v)  (∑⇘ffacesAt g vw f)"

definition admissible3 :: "(face  nat)  graph  bool" where  
 "admissible3 w g  
  v  𝒱 g. vertextype g v = (5,0,1)  (∑⇘ffilter triangle (facesAt g v)w(f))  𝖺"

text ‹Finally we define admissibility of weights functions.›

definition admissible :: "(face  nat)  graph  bool" where  
 "admissible w g  admissible1 w g  admissible2 w g  admissible3 w g"
subsection‹Tameness \label{sec:TameDef}›

definition tame9a :: "graph  bool" where
"tame9a g  f   g. 3  |vertices f|  |vertices f|  6"

definition tame10 :: "graph  bool" where
"tame10 g = (let n = countVertices g in 13  n  n  15)"

definition tame10ub :: "graph  bool" where
"tame10ub g = (countVertices g  15)"

definition tame11a :: "graph  bool" where
"tame11a g = (v  𝒱 g. 3  degree g v)"

definition tame11b :: "graph  bool" where
"tame11b g = (v  𝒱 g. degree g v  (if except g v = 0 then 7 else 6))"

definition tame12o :: "graph  bool" where
"tame12o g =
 (v  𝒱 g. except g v  0  degree g v = 6  vertextype g v = (5,0,1))"
text ‹7. There exists an admissible weight assignment of total
weight less than the target:›

definition tame13a :: "graph  bool" where
"tame13a g = (w. admissible w g  (∑⇘f  faces gw f) < squanderTarget)"

text ‹Finally we define the notion of tameness.›

definition tame :: "graph  bool" where
"tame g  tame9a g  tame10 g  tame11a g  tame11b g  tame12o g  tame13a g"