Theory Plane

(*  Author:     Gertrud Bauer

section‹Plane Graph Enumeration›

theory Plane
imports Enumerator FaceDivision RTranCl

definition maxGon :: "nat  nat" where
"maxGon p  p+3"

declare maxGon_def [simp]

definition duplicateEdge :: "graph  face  vertex  vertex  bool" where
 "duplicateEdge g f a b  
  2  directedLength f a b  2  directedLength f b a  b  set (neighbors g a)"

primrec containsUnacceptableEdgeSnd :: 
      "(nat  nat  bool)  nat  nat list  bool" where
 "containsUnacceptableEdgeSnd N v [] = False" |
 "containsUnacceptableEdgeSnd N v (w#ws) = 
     (case ws of []  False
         | (w'#ws')  if v < w  w < w'  N w w' then True
                      else containsUnacceptableEdgeSnd N w ws)"

primrec containsUnacceptableEdge :: "(nat  nat  bool)  nat list  bool" where
 "containsUnacceptableEdge N [] = False" |
 "containsUnacceptableEdge N (v#vs) =
     (case vs of []  False
           | (w#ws)  if v < w  N v w then True
                      else containsUnacceptableEdgeSnd N v vs)"

definition containsDuplicateEdge :: "graph  face  vertex  nat list  bool" where
 "containsDuplicateEdge g f v is  
     containsUnacceptableEdge (λi j. duplicateEdge g f (fiv) (fjv)) is" 

definition containsDuplicateEdge' :: "graph  face  vertex  nat list  bool" where
 "containsDuplicateEdge' g f v is  
  2  |is|  
  ((k < |is| - 2. let i0 = is!k; i1 = is!(k+1); i2 = is!(k+2) in
    (duplicateEdge g f (fi1v) (fi2v))  (i0 < i1)  (i1 < i2))
   (let i0 = is!0; i1 = is!1 in
    (duplicateEdge g f (fi0v) (fi1v))  (i0 < i1)))" 

definition generatePolygon :: "nat  vertex  face  graph  graph list" where
 "generatePolygon n v f g  
     let enumeration = enumerator n |vertices f|;
     enumeration = [is  enumeration. ¬ containsDuplicateEdge g f v is];
     vertexLists = [indexToVertexList f v is. is  enumeration] in
     [subdivFace g f vs. vs  vertexLists]"

definition next_plane0 :: "nat  graph  graph list" ("next'_plane0⇘_") where
     if final g then [] 
     else ⨆⇘fnonFinals g⇙ ⨆⇘vvertices f⇙ ⨆⇘i[3..<Suc(maxGon p)]generatePolygon i v f g"

definition Seed :: "nat  graph" ("Seed⇘_") where
  "Seed⇘p graph(maxGon p)"

lemma Seed_not_final[iff]: "¬ final (Seed p)"
by(simp add:Seed_def graph_def finalGraph_def nonFinals_def)

definition PlaneGraphs0 :: "graph set" where 
"PlaneGraphs0  p. {g. Seed⇘p[next_plane0⇘p]→* g  final g}"
