Theory FactoredSystem

theory FactoredSystem
  imports Main "HOL-Library.Finite_Map" "HOL-Library.Sublist" FSSublist
    FactoredSystemLib ListUtils HoArithUtils FmapUtils

section "Factored System"

― ‹NOTE hide the '++' operator from 'Map' to prevent warnings.›
hide_const (open) Map.map_add
no_notation Map.map_add (infixl "++" 100)

subsection "Semantics of Plan Execution"

text ‹ This section aims at characterizing the semantics of executing plans---i.e. sequences
of actions---on a given initial state.

The semantics of action execution were previously introduced
via the notion of succeding state (`state\_succ`). Plan execution (`exec\_plan`) extends this notion
to sequences of actions by calculating the succeding state from the given state and action pair and
then recursively executing the remaining actions on the succeding state. [Abdulaziz et al., HOL4
Definition 3, p.9] ›

lemma state_succ_pair: "state_succ s (p, e) = (if (p f s) then (e ++ s) else s)"
  by (simp add: state_succ_def)

― ‹NOTE shortened to 'exec\_plan'›
― ‹NOTE using 'fun' because of multiple definining equations.›
― ‹NOTE first argument was curried.›
fun exec_plan where
  "exec_plan s [] = s"
| "exec_plan s (a # as) = exec_plan (state_succ s a) as"

lemma exec_plan_Append:
  fixes as_a as_b s
  shows "exec_plan s (as_a @ as_b) = exec_plan (exec_plan s as_a) as_b"
  by (induction as_a arbitrary: s as_b) auto

text ‹ Plan execution effectively eliminates cycles: i.e., if a given plan `as` may be partitioned
into plans `as1`, `as2` and `as3`, s.t. the sequential execution of `as1` and `as2` yields the same
state, `as2` may be skipped during plan execution. ›

lemma cycle_removal_lemma:
  fixes as1 as2 as3
  assumes "(exec_plan s (as1 @ as2) = exec_plan s as1)"
  shows "(exec_plan s (as1 @ as2 @ as3) = exec_plan s (as1 @ as3))"
  using assms exec_plan_Append
  by metis

subsubsection "Characterization of the Set of Possible States"

text ‹ To show the construction principle of the set of possible states---in lemma
`construction\_of\_all\_possible\_states\_lemma`---the following ancillary proves of finite map
properties are required.

Most importantly, in lemma `fmupd\_fmrestrict\_subset` we show how finite mappings `s` with domain
@{term "{v}  X"} and `s v = (Some x)` are constructed from their restrictions to `X` via update, i.e.

  s = fmupd v x (fmrestrict\_set X s)

This is used in lemma `construction\_of\_all\_possible\_states\_lemma` to show that the set of possible
states for variables @{term "{v}  X"} is constructed inductively from the set of all possible states for
variables `X` via update on point @{term "v  X"}.

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma empty_domain_fmap_set: "{s. fmdom' s = {}} = {fmempty}"
proof -
  let ?A = "{s. fmdom' s = {}}"
  let ?B = "{fmempty}"
  fix s
  show ?thesis proof(rule ccontr)
    assume C: "?A  ?B"
    then show False proof -
        assume C1: "?A  ?B"
        have "?A = {}" using C1 by force
        then have False using fmdom'_empty by blast
        assume C2: "¬(?A  ?B)"
        then have "fmdom' fmempty = {}"
          by auto
        moreover have "fmempty  ?A"
          by auto
        moreover have "?A  {}"
          using calculation(2) by blast
        moreover have "a?A.a?B"
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting)
              C Collect_cong calculation(1) fmrestrict_set_dom fmrestrict_set_null singleton_conv)
        moreover have "fmempty  ?B" by auto
        moreover have "a?A.a?B"
          by simp
        moreover have "¬(a?A.a?B)"
          by simp
        ultimately have False
          by blast
      ultimately show False
        by fastforce

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma possible_states_set_ii_a:
  fixes s x v
  assumes "(v  fmdom' s)"
  shows "(fmdom' ((λs. fmupd v x s) s) = fmdom' s)"
  using assms insert_absorb
  by auto

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma possible_states_set_ii_b:
  fixes s x v
  assumes "(v  fmdom' s)"
  shows "(fmdom' ((λs. fmupd v x s) s) = fmdom' s  {v})"
  by auto

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma fmap_neq:
  fixes s :: "('a, bool) fmap" and s' :: "('a, bool) fmap"
  assumes "(fmdom' s = fmdom' s')"
  shows "((s  s')  (v(fmdom' s). fmlookup s v  fmlookup s' v))"
  using assms fmap_ext fmdom'_notD
  by metis

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma fmdom'_fmsubset_restrict_set:
  fixes X1 X2 and s :: "('a, bool) fmap"
  assumes "X1  X2" "fmdom' s = X2"
  shows "fmdom' (fmrestrict_set X1 s) = X1"
  using assms
  by (metis (no_types, lifting)
      antisym_conv fmdom'_notD fmdom'_notI fmlookup_restrict_set rev_subsetD subsetI)

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma fmsubset_restrict_set:
  fixes X1 X2 and s :: "'a state"
  assumes "X1  X2" "s  {s. fmdom' s = X2}"
  shows "fmrestrict_set X1 s  {s. fmdom' s = X1}"
  using assms fmdom'_fmsubset_restrict_set
  by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma fmupd_fmsubset_restrict_set:
  fixes X v x and s :: "'a state"
  assumes "s  {s. fmdom' s = insert v X}" "fmlookup s v = Some x"
  shows "s = fmupd v x (fmrestrict_set X s)"
proof -
  ― ‹Show that domains of 's' and 'fmupd v x (fmrestrict\_set X s)' are identical.›
  have 1: "fmdom' s = insert v X"
    using assms(1)
    by simp
    have "X  insert v X"
      by auto
    then have "fmdom' (fmrestrict_set X s) = X"
      using 1 fmdom'_fmsubset_restrict_set
      by metis
    then have "fmdom' (fmupd v x (fmrestrict_set X s)) = insert v X"
      using assms(1) fmdom'_fmupd
      by auto
  note 2 = this
    fix w
      ― ‹Show case for undefined variables (where lookup yields 'None').›
      assume "w  insert v X"
      then have "w  fmdom' s" "w  fmdom' (fmupd v x (fmrestrict_set X s))"
        using 1 2
        by argo+
      then have "fmlookup s w = fmlookup (fmupd v x (fmrestrict_set X s)) w"
        using fmdom'_notD
        by metis
      ― ‹Show case for defined variables (where lookup yields 'Some y').›
    moreover {
      assume "w  insert v X"
      then have "w  fmdom' s" "w  fmdom' (fmupd v x (fmrestrict_set X s))"
        using 1 2
        by argo+
      then have "fmlookup s w = fmlookup (fmupd v x (fmrestrict_set X s)) w"
        by (cases "w = v")
          (auto simp add: assms calculation)
    ultimately have "fmlookup s w = fmlookup (fmupd v x (fmrestrict_set X s)) w"
      by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using fmap_ext
    by blast

lemma construction_of_all_possible_states_lemma:
  fixes v X
  assumes "(v  X)"
  shows "({s. fmdom' s = insert v X}
    = ((λs. fmupd v True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = X})
       ((λs. fmupd v False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = X})
proof -
  fix v X
  let ?A = "{s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = insert v X}"
  let ?B = "
    ((λs. fmupd v True s) ` {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X})
     ((λs. fmupd v False s) ` {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X})
  text ‹Show the goal by mutual inclusion. The inclusion @{term "?B  ?A"} is trivial and can be solved by
    automation. For the complimentary proof @{term "?A  ?B"} however we need to do more work.
    In our case we choose a proof by contradiction and show that an @{term "s  ?A"} which is not also in
    '?B' cannot exist.›
    have "?A  ?B" proof(rule ccontr)
      assume C: "¬(?A  ?B)"
      moreover have "s?A. s?B"
        using C
        by auto
      moreover obtain s where obtain_s: "s?A  s?B"
        using calculation
        by auto
      moreover have "s?B"
        using obtain_s
        by auto
      moreover have "fmdom' s = X  {v}"
        using obtain_s
        by auto
      moreover have "s'?B. fmdom' s' = X  {v}"
        by auto
      moreover have
        "(s  ((λs. fmupd v True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = X}))"
        "(s  ((λs. fmupd v False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = X}))"
        using obtain_s
        by blast+
      text ‹ Show that every state @{term "s  ?A"} has been constructed from another state with domain
        'X'. ›
        fix s :: "'a state"
        assume 1: "s  {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = insert v X}"
        then have "fmrestrict_set X s  {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X}"
          using subset_insertI fmsubset_restrict_set
          by metis
          assume "fmlookup s v = Some True"
          then have "s = fmupd v True (fmrestrict_set X s)"
            using 1 fmupd_fmsubset_restrict_set
            by metis
        moreover {
          assume "fmlookup s v = Some False"
          then have "s = fmupd v False (fmrestrict_set X s)"
            using 1 fmupd_fmsubset_restrict_set
            by fastforce
        moreover have "fmlookup s v  None"
          using 1 fmdom'_notI
          by fastforce
        ultimately have "
          (s  ((λs. fmupd v True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = X}))
           (s  ((λs. fmupd v False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = X}))
          by force
      ultimately show False
        by meson
  moreover have "?B  ?A"
    by force
  ultimately show "?A = ?B" by blast

text ‹ Another important property of the state set is cardinality, i.e. the number of distinct
states which can be modelled using a given finite variable set.

As lemma `card\_of\_set\_of\_all\_possible\_states` shows, for a finite variable set `X`, the number of
possible states is `2 \^ card X`, i.e. the number of assigning two discrete values to `card X` slots
as known from combinatorics.

Again, some additional properties of finite maps had to be proven. Pivotally, in lemma
`updates\_disjoint`, it is shown that the image of updating a set of states with domain `X` on a
point @{term "x  X"} with either `True` or `False` yields two distinct sets of states with domain
@{term "{x}  X"}. ›

― ‹NOTE goal has to stay implication otherwise induction rule won't watch.›
lemma FINITE_states:
  fixes X :: "'a set"
  shows "finite X  finite {(s :: 'a state). fmdom' s = X}"
proof (induction  rule: finite.induct)
  case emptyI
  then have "{s. fmdom' s  = {}} = {fmempty}"
    by (simp add: empty_domain_fmap_set)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: {s. fmdom' s = {}} = {fmempty})
  case (insertI A a)
  assume P1: "finite A"
    and P2: "finite {s. fmdom' s = A}"
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "a  A")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using insertI.IH insert_Diff
      by fastforce
    case False
    then show ?thesis
    proof -
      have "finite (
          ((λs. fmupd a True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = A})
             ((λs. fmupd a False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = A}))"
        using False construction_of_all_possible_states_lemma insertI.IH
        by blast
      then show ?thesis
        using False construction_of_all_possible_states_lemma
        by fastforce

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma bool_update_effect:
  fixes s X x v b
  assumes "finite X" "s  {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X}" "x  X" "x  v"
  shows "fmlookup ((λs :: 'a state. fmupd v b s) s) x = fmlookup s x"
  using assms fmupd_lookup
  by auto

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma bool_update_inj:
  fixes X :: "'a set" and v b
  assumes "finite X" "v  X"
  shows "inj_on (λs. fmupd v b s) {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X}"
proof -
  let ?f = "λs :: 'a state. fmupd v b s"
    fix s1 s2 :: "'a state"
    assume "s1  {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X}" "s2  {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X}"
      "?f s1 = ?f s2"
        "xX. x  v  fmlookup (?f s1) x = fmlookup s1 x"
        "xX. x  v  fmlookup (?f s2) x = fmlookup s2 x"
        by simp+
      then have
        "xX. x  v  fmlookup s1 x = fmlookup s2 x"
        using calculation(3)
        by auto
    moreover have "fmlookup s1 v = fmlookup s2 v"
      using calculation v  X
      by force
    ultimately have "s1 = s2"
      using fmap_neq
      by fastforce
  then show "inj_on (λs. fmupd v b s) {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X}"
    using inj_onI
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma card_update:
  fixes X v b
  assumes "finite (X :: 'a set)" "v  X"
  shows "
    card ((λs. fmupd v b s) ` {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X})
    = card {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X}
proof -
  have "inj_on (λs. fmupd v b s) {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X}"
    using assms bool_update_inj
    by fast
  then show
    "card ((λs. fmupd v b s) ` {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X}) = card {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = X}"
    using card_image by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma updates_disjoint:
  fixes X x
  assumes "finite X" "x  X"
  shows "
    ((λs. fmupd x True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = X})
     ((λs. fmupd x False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = X}) = {}
proof -
  let ?A = "((λs. fmupd x True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = X})"
  let ?B = "((λs. fmupd x False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = X})"
    assume C: "¬(a?A. b?B. a  b)"
    then have
      "a?A. b?B. fmlookup a x  fmlookup b x"
      by simp
    then have "a?A. b?B. a  b"
      by blast
    then have False
      using C
      by blast
  then show "?A  ?B = {}"
    using disjoint_iff_not_equal
    by blast

lemma card_of_set_of_all_possible_states:
  fixes X :: "'a set"
  assumes "finite X"
  shows "card {(s :: 'a state). fmdom' s = X} = 2 ^ (card X)"
  using assms
proof (induction X)
  case empty
  then have 1: "{s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = {}} = {fmempty}"
    using empty_domain_fmap_set
    by simp
  then have "card {fmempty} = 1"
    using is_singleton_altdef
    by blast
  then have "2^(card {}) = 1"
    by auto
  then show ?case
    using 1
    by auto
  case (insert x F)
  then show ?case
    ― ‹TODO refactor and simplify proof further.›
  proof (cases "x  F")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using insert.hyps(2)
      by blast
    case False
    then have "
        {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = insert x F}
        = (λs. fmupd x True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F}  (λs. fmupd x False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F}
      using False construction_of_all_possible_states_lemma
      by metis
    then have 2: "
        card ({s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = insert x F})
        = card ((λs. fmupd x True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F}  (λs. fmupd x False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F})
      by argo
    then have 3: "2^(card (insert x F)) = 2 * 2^(card F)"
      using False insert.hyps(1)
      by simp
    then have
      "card ((λs. fmupd x True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F}) = 2^(card F)"
      "card ((λs. fmupd x False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F}) = 2^(card F)"
      using False card_update insert.IH insert.hyps(1)
      by metis+
    moreover have "
          ((λs. fmupd x True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F})
           ((λs. fmupd x False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F})
        = {}
      using False insert.hyps(1) updates_disjoint
      by metis
    moreover have "card (
          ((λs. fmupd x True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F})
           ((λs. fmupd x False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F})
        = card (((λs. fmupd x True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F}))
          + card ((λs. fmupd x False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F})
      using calculation card_Un_disjoint card.infinite
        power_eq_0_iff rel_simps(76)
      by metis
    then have "card (
          ((λs. fmupd x True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F})
           ((λs. fmupd x False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F})
        = 2 * (2^(card F))"
      using calculation(1, 2)
      by presburger
    then have "card (
          ((λs. fmupd x True s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F})
           ((λs. fmupd x False s) ` {s. fmdom' s = F})
        = 2^(card (insert x F))"
      using insert.IH 3
      by metis
    then show ?thesis
      using "2"
      by argo

subsubsection "State Lists and State Sets"

― ‹NOTE using fun because of two defining equations.›
― ‹NOTE paired argument replaced by currying.›
fun state_list where
  "state_list s [] = [s]"
| "state_list s (a # as) = s # state_list (state_succ s a) as"

lemma empty_state_list_lemma:
  fixes as s
  shows "¬([] = state_list s as)"
proof (induction as)
qed auto

lemma state_list_length_non_zero:
  fixes as s
  shows "¬(0 = length (state_list s as))"
proof (induction as)
qed auto

lemma state_list_length_lemma:
  fixes as s
  shows "length as = length (state_list s as) - 1"
proof (induction as arbitrary: s)
next case (Cons a as)
  have "length (state_list s (Cons a as)) - 1 =  length (state_list (state_succ s a) as)"
    by auto
      ― ‹TODO unwrap metis proof.›
  then show "length (Cons a as) = length (state_list s (Cons a as)) - 1"
    by (metis Cons.IH Suc_diff_1 empty_state_list_lemma length_Cons length_greater_0_conv)
qed simp

lemma state_list_length_lemma_2:
  fixes as s
  shows "(length (state_list s as)) = (length as + 1)"
proof (induction as arbitrary: s)
qed auto

― ‹NOTE using fun because of multiple defining equations.›
― ‹NOTE name shortened to 'state\_def'›
fun state_set where
  "state_set [] = {}"
| "state_set (s # ss) = insert [s] (Cons s ` (state_set ss))"

lemma state_set_thm:
  fixes s1
  shows "s1  state_set s2  prefix s1 s2  s1  []"
proof -
  ― ‹NOTE Show equivalence by proving both directions. Left-to-right is trivial. Right-to-Left
  primarily involves exploiting the prefix premise, induction hypothesis  and  `state\_set`
  have "s1  state_set s2  prefix s1 s2  s1  []"
    by (induction s2 arbitrary: s1) auto
  moreover {
    assume P: "prefix s1 s2" "s1  []"
    then have "s1  state_set s2"
    proof (induction s2 arbitrary: s1)
      case (Cons a s2)
      obtain s1' where 1: "s1 = a # s1'" "prefix s1' s2"
        using Cons.prems(1, 2) prefix_Cons
        by metis
      then show ?case proof (cases "s1' = []")
        case True
        then show ?thesis
          using 1
          by force
        case False
        then have "s1'  state_set s2"
          using 1 False Cons.IH
          by blast
        then show ?thesis
          using 1
          by fastforce
    qed simp
  ultimately show "s1  state_set s2  prefix s1 s2  s1  []"
    by blast

lemma state_set_finite:
  fixes X
  shows "finite (state_set X)"
  by (induction X) auto

lemma LENGTH_state_set:
  fixes X e
  assumes "e  state_set X"
  shows "length e  length X"
  using assms
  by (induction X arbitrary: e) auto

lemma lemma_temp:
  fixes x s as h
  assumes "x  state_set (state_list s as)"
  shows "length (h # state_list s as) > length x"
  using assms LENGTH_state_set le_imp_less_Suc
  by force

lemma NIL_NOTIN_stateset:
  fixes X
  shows "[]  state_set X"
  by (induction X) auto

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma state_set_card_i:
  fixes X a
  shows "[a]  (Cons a ` state_set X)"
  by (induction X) auto

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma state_set_card_ii:
  fixes X a
  shows "card (Cons a ` state_set X) = card (state_set X)"
proof -
  have "inj_on (Cons a) (state_set X)"
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using card_image
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma state_set_card_iii:
  fixes X a
  shows "card (state_set (a # X)) = 1 + card (state_set X)"
proof -
  have "card (state_set (a # X)) = card (insert [a] (Cons a ` state_set X))"
    by auto
      ― ‹TODO unwrap this metis step.›
  also have " = 1 + card (Cons a ` state_set X)"
    using state_set_card_i
    by (metis Suc_eq_plus1_left card_insert_disjoint finite_imageI state_set_finite)
  also have" = 1 + card (state_set X)"
    using state_set_card_ii
    by metis
  finally show "card (state_set (a # X)) = 1 + card (state_set X)"
    by blast

lemma state_set_card:
  fixes X
  shows "card (state_set X) = length X"
proof (induction X)
  case (Cons a X)
  then have "card (state_set (a # X)) = 1 + card (state_set X)"
    using state_set_card_iii
    by fast
  then show ?case
    using Cons
    by fastforce
qed auto

subsubsection "Properties of Domain Changes During Plan Execution"

lemma FDOM_state_succ:
  assumes "fmdom' (snd a)  fmdom' s"
  shows "(fmdom' (state_succ s a) = fmdom' s)"
  unfolding state_succ_def fmap_add_ltr_def
  using assms
  by force

lemma FDOM_state_succ_subset:
  "fmdom' (state_succ s a)  (fmdom' s  fmdom' (snd a))"
  unfolding state_succ_def fmap_add_ltr_def
  by simp

― ‹NOTE definition `qispl\_then` removed (was not being used).›

lemma FDOM_eff_subset_FDOM_valid_states:
  fixes p e s
  assumes "(p, e)  PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)"
  shows "(fmdom' e  fmdom' s)"
proof -
    have "fmdom' e  action_dom p e"
      unfolding action_dom_def
      by blast
    also have "  prob_dom PROB"
      unfolding action_dom_def prob_dom_def
      using assms(1)
      by blast
    finally have "fmdom' e  fmdom' s"
      using assms
      by (auto simp: valid_states_def)
  then show "fmdom' e  fmdom' s"
    by simp

lemma FDOM_eff_subset_FDOM_valid_states_pair:
  fixes a s
  assumes "a  PROB" "s  valid_states PROB"
  shows "fmdom' (snd a)  fmdom' s"
proof -
    have "fmdom' (snd a)  (λ(s1, s2). action_dom s1 s2) a"
      unfolding action_dom_def
      using case_prod_beta
      by fastforce
    also have "  prob_dom PROB"
      using assms(1) prob_dom_def Sup_upper
      by fast
    finally have "fmdom' (snd a)  fmdom' s"
      using assms(2) valid_states_def
      by fast
  then show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma FDOM_pre_subset_FDOM_valid_states:
  fixes p e s
  assumes "(p, e)  PROB" "s  valid_states PROB"
  shows "fmdom' p  fmdom' s"
proof -
    have "fmdom' p  (λ(s1, s2). action_dom s1 s2) (p, e)"
      using action_dom_def
      by fast
    also have "  prob_dom PROB"
      using assms(1)
      by (simp add: Sup_upper pair_imageI prob_dom_def)
    finally have "fmdom' p  fmdom' s"
      using assms(2) valid_states_def
      by fast
  then show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma FDOM_pre_subset_FDOM_valid_states_pair:
  fixes a s
  assumes "a  PROB" "s  valid_states PROB"
  shows "fmdom' (fst a)  fmdom' s"
proof -
    have "fmdom' (fst a)  (λ(s1, s2). action_dom s1 s2) a"
      using action_dom_def
      by force
    also have "  prob_dom PROB"
      using assms(1)
      by (simp add: Sup_upper pair_imageI prob_dom_def)
    finally have "fmdom' (fst a)  fmdom' s"
      using assms(2) valid_states_def
      by fast
  then show ?thesis
    by simp

― ‹TODO unwrap the simp proof.›
lemma action_dom_subset_valid_states_FDOM:
  fixes p e s
  assumes "(p, e)  PROB" "s  valid_states PROB"
  shows "action_dom p e  fmdom' s"
  using assms
  by (simp add: Sup_upper pair_imageI prob_dom_def valid_states_def)

― ‹TODO unwrap the metis proof.›
lemma FDOM_eff_subset_prob_dom:
  fixes p e
  assumes "(p, e)  PROB"
  shows "fmdom' e  prob_dom PROB"
  using assms
  by (metis Sup_upper Un_subset_iff action_dom_def pair_imageI prob_dom_def)

lemma FDOM_eff_subset_prob_dom_pair:
  fixes a
  assumes "a  PROB"
  shows "fmdom' (snd a)  prob_dom PROB"
  using assms(1) FDOM_eff_subset_prob_dom surjective_pairing
  by metis

― ‹TODO unwrap metis proof.›
lemma FDOM_pre_subset_prob_dom:
  fixes p e
  assumes "(p, e)  PROB"
  shows "fmdom' p  prob_dom PROB"
  using assms
  by (metis (no_types) Sup_upper Un_subset_iff action_dom_def pair_imageI prob_dom_def)

lemma FDOM_pre_subset_prob_dom_pair:
  fixes a
  assumes "a  PROB"
  shows "fmdom' (fst a)  prob_dom PROB"
  using assms FDOM_pre_subset_prob_dom surjective_pairing
  by metis

subsubsection "Properties of Valid Plans"

lemma valid_plan_valid_head:
  assumes "(h # as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows  "h  PROB"
  using assms valid_plans_def
  by force

lemma valid_plan_valid_tail:
  assumes "(h # as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: valid_plans_def)

― ‹TODO unwrap simp proof.›
lemma valid_plan_pre_subset_prob_dom_pair:
  assumes "as  valid_plans PROB"
  shows "(a. ListMem a as  fmdom' (fst a)  (prob_dom PROB))"
  unfolding valid_plans_def
  using assms
  by (simp add: FDOM_pre_subset_prob_dom_pair ListMem_iff rev_subsetD valid_plans_def)

lemma valid_append_valid_suff:
  assumes "as1 @ as2  (valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "as2  (valid_plans PROB)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: valid_plans_def)

lemma valid_append_valid_pref:
  assumes "as1 @ as2  (valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "as1  (valid_plans PROB)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: valid_plans_def)

lemma valid_pref_suff_valid_append:
  assumes "as1  (valid_plans PROB)" "as2  (valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(as1 @ as2)  (valid_plans PROB)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: valid_plans_def)

― ‹NOTE showcase (case split seems necessary for MP of IH but the original proof does not need it).›
lemma MEM_statelist_FDOM:
  fixes PROB h as s0
  assumes "s0  (valid_states PROB)" "as  (valid_plans PROB)" "ListMem h (state_list s0 as)"
  shows "(fmdom' h = fmdom' s0)"
  using assms
proof (induction as arbitrary: PROB h s0)
  case Nil
  have "h = s0"
    using Nil.prems(3) ListMem_iff
    by force
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons a as)
  then show ?case
    ― ‹NOTE This case split seems necessary to be able to infer

          'ListMem h (state\_list (state\_succ s0 a) as)'

        which is required in order to apply MP to the induction hypothesis.›
  proof (cases "h = s0")
    case False
      ― ‹TODO proof steps could be refactored into auxillary lemmas.›
      have "a  PROB"
        using Cons.prems(2) valid_plan_valid_head
        by fast
      then have "fmdom' (snd a)  fmdom' s0"
        using Cons.prems(1) FDOM_eff_subset_FDOM_valid_states_pair
        by blast
      then have "fmdom' (state_succ s0 a) = fmdom' s0"
        using FDOM_state_succ[of _ s0] Cons.prems(1) valid_states_def
        by presburger
    note 1 = this
      have "fmdom' s0 = prob_dom PROB"
        using Cons.prems(1) valid_states_def
        by fast
      then have "state_succ s0 a  valid_states PROB"
        unfolding valid_states_def
        using 1
        by force
    note 2 = this
      have "ListMem h (state_list (state_succ s0 a) as)"
        using Cons.prems(3) False
        by (simp add: ListMem_iff)
    note 3 = this
      have "as  valid_plans PROB"
        using Cons.prems(2) valid_plan_valid_tail
        by fast
      then have "fmdom' h = fmdom' (state_succ s0 a)"
        using 1 2 3 Cons.IH[of "state_succ s0 a"]
        by blast
    then show ?thesis
      using 1
      by argo
  qed simp

― ‹TODO unwrap metis proof.›
lemma MEM_statelist_valid_state:
  fixes PROB h as s0
  assumes "s0  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB" "ListMem h (state_list s0 as)"
  shows "(h  valid_states PROB)"
  using assms
  by (metis MEM_statelist_FDOM mem_Collect_eq valid_states_def)

― ‹TODO refactor (characterization lemma for 'state\_succ').›
― ‹TODO unwrap metis proof.›
― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma lemma_1_i:
  fixes s a PROB
  assumes "s  valid_states PROB" "a  PROB"
  shows "state_succ s a  valid_states PROB"
  using assms
  by (metis FDOM_eff_subset_FDOM_valid_states_pair FDOM_state_succ mem_Collect_eq  valid_states_def)

― ‹TODO unwrap smt proof.›
― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma lemma_1_ii:
  "last ` ((#) s ` state_set (state_list (state_succ s a) as))
  = last ` state_set (state_list (state_succ s a) as)"
  by (smt NIL_NOTIN_stateset image_cong image_image last_ConsR)

lemma lemma_1:
  fixes as :: "(('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap) list" and PPROB
  assumes "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "((last ` (state_set (state_list s as)))  valid_states PROB)"
  using assms
proof (induction as arbitrary: s PROB)
  ― ‹NOTE Base case simplifies to @{term "{s}  valid_states PROB"} which itself follows directly from
    1st assumption.›
  case (Cons a as)
  text ‹ Split the 'insert' term produced by @{term "state_set (state_list s (a # as))"} and proof
      inclusion in 'valid\_states PROB' for both parts. ›
    ― ‹NOTE Inclusion of the first subset follows from the induction premise by simplification.
      The inclusion of the second subset is shown by applying the induction hypothesis to
      `state\_succ s a` and some elementary set simplifications.›
    have "last [s]  valid_states PROB"
      using Cons.prems(1)
      by simp
    moreover {
        have "a  PROB"
          using Cons.prems(2) valid_plan_valid_head
          by fast
        then have "state_succ s a  valid_states PROB"
          using Cons.prems(1) lemma_1_i
          by blast
      moreover have "as  valid_plans PROB"
        using Cons.prems(2) valid_plan_valid_tail
        by fast
      then have "(last ` state_set (state_list (state_succ s a) as))  valid_states PROB"
        using  calculation Cons.IH[of "state_succ s a"]
        by presburger
      then have "(last ` ((#) s ` state_set (state_list (state_succ s a) as)))  valid_states PROB"
        using lemma_1_ii
        by metis
    ultimately have
      "(last ` insert [s] ((#) s ` state_set (state_list (state_succ s a) as)))  valid_states PROB"
      by simp
  then show ?case
    by fastforce
qed auto

― ‹TODO unwrap metis proof.›
lemma len_in_state_set_le_max_len:
  fixes as x PROB
  assumes "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)" "¬(as = [])"
    "(x  state_set (state_list s as))"
  shows "(length x  (Suc (length as)))"
  using assms
  by (metis LENGTH_state_set Suc_eq_plus1_left add.commute state_list_length_lemma_2)

lemma card_state_set_cons:
  fixes as s h
  shows "
    (card (state_set (state_list s (h # as)))
    = Suc (card (state_set (state_list (state_succ s h) as))))
  by (metis length_Cons state_list.simps(2) state_set_card)

lemma card_state_set:
  fixes as s
  shows "(Suc (length as)) = card (state_set (state_list s as))"
  by (simp add: state_list_length_lemma_2 state_set_card)

lemma neq_mems_state_set_neq_len:
  fixes as x y s
  assumes "x  state_set (state_list s as)" "(y  state_set (state_list s as))" "¬(x = y)"
  shows "¬(length x = length y)"
proof -
  have "x  []" "prefix x (state_list s as)"
    using assms(1) state_set_thm
    by blast+
  moreover have "y  []" "prefix y (state_list s as)"
    using assms(2) state_set_thm
    by blast+
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms(3) append_eq_append_conv prefixE
    by metis

― ‹NOTE added definition (imported from pred\_setScript.sml:1562).›
definition inj :: "('a  'b)  'a set  'b set  bool" where
  "inj f A B  (x  A. f x  B)  inj_on f A"

― ‹NOTE added lemma; refactored from `not\_eq\_last\_diff\_paths`.›
lemma not_eq_last_diff_paths_i:
  fixes s as PROB
  assumes "s  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB" "x  state_set (state_list s as)"
  shows "last x  valid_states PROB"
proof -
  have "last x  last ` (state_set (state_list s as))"
    using assms(3)
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(1, 2) lemma_1
    by blast

lemma not_eq_last_diff_paths_ii:
  assumes "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
    "¬(inj (last) (state_set (state_list s as)) (valid_states PROB))"
  shows "l1. l2.
    l1  state_set (state_list s as)
     l2  state_set (state_list s as)
     last l1 = last l2
     l1  l2
proof -
  let ?S="state_set (state_list s as)"
  have 1: "¬(x?S. last x  valid_states PROB) = False"
    using assms(1, 2) not_eq_last_diff_paths_i
    by blast
      "(¬(inj (last) ?S (valid_states PROB))) = (¬((x?S. y?S. last x = last y  x = y)))"
      unfolding inj_def inj_on_def
      using 1
      by blast
    then have "
        (¬(inj (last) ?S (valid_states PROB)))
        = (x. y. x?S  y?S  last x = last y  x  y)
      using assms(3)
      by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(3) by blast

lemma not_eq_last_diff_paths:
  fixes as PROB s
  assumes "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
    "¬(inj (last) (state_set (state_list s as)) (valid_states PROB))"
  shows "(slist_1 slist_2.
    (slist_1  state_set (state_list s as))
     (slist_2  state_set (state_list s as))
     ((last slist_1) = (last slist_2))
     ¬(length slist_1 = length slist_2))
proof -
  obtain l1 l2 where "
      l1  state_set (state_list s as)
       l2  state_set (state_list s as)
       last l1 = last l2
       l1  l2
    using assms(1, 2, 3) not_eq_last_diff_paths_ii
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using neq_mems_state_set_neq_len
    by blast

― ‹NOTE this lemma was removed due to being redundant and being shadowed later on:

  lemma empty\_list\_nin\_state\_set›

lemma nempty_sl_in_state_set:
  fixes sl
  assumes "sl  []"
  shows "sl  state_set sl"
  using assms state_set_thm
  by auto

lemma empty_list_nin_state_set:
  fixes h slist as
  assumes "(h # slist)  state_set (state_list s as)"
  shows "(h = s)"
  using assms
  by (induction as) auto

lemma cons_in_state_set_2:
  fixes s slist h t
  assumes "(slist  [])" "((s # slist)  state_set (state_list s (h # t)))"
  shows "(slist  state_set (state_list (state_succ s h) t))"
  using assms
  by (induction slist) auto

― ‹TODO move up and replace 'FactoredSystem.lemma\_1\_i'?›
lemma valid_action_valid_succ:
  assumes "h  PROB" "s  valid_states PROB"
  shows "(state_succ s h)  valid_states PROB"
  using assms lemma_1_i
  by blast

lemma in_state_set_imp_eq_exec_prefix:
  fixes slist as PROB s
  assumes "(as  [])" "(slist  [])" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
    "(slist  state_set (state_list s as))"
    "(as'. (prefix as' as)  (exec_plan s as' = last slist)  (length slist = Suc (length as')))"
  using assms
proof (induction slist arbitrary: as s PROB)
  case cons_1: (Cons a slist)
  have 1: "s # slist  state_set (state_list s as)"
    using cons_1.prems(5) empty_list_nin_state_set
    by auto
  then show ?case
    using cons_1
  proof (cases as)
    case cons_2: (Cons a' Ras)
    then have a: "state_succ s a'  valid_states PROB"
      using cons_1.prems(3, 4) valid_action_valid_succ valid_plan_valid_head
      by metis
    then have b: "Ras  valid_plans PROB"
      using cons_1.prems(4) cons_2 valid_plan_valid_tail
      by fast
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases slist)
      case Nil
      then show ?thesis
        using cons_1.prems(5) empty_list_nin_state_set
        by auto
      case cons_3: (Cons a'' Rslist)
      then have i: "a'' # Rslist  state_set (state_list (state_succ s a') Ras)"
        using 1 cons_2 cons_in_state_set_2
        by blast
      then show ?thesis
      proof (cases Ras)
        case Nil
        then show ?thesis
          using i cons_2 cons_3
          by auto
        case (Cons a''' Ras')
        then obtain as' where
          "prefix as' (a''' # Ras')" "exec_plan (state_succ s a') as' = last slist"
          "length slist = Suc (length as')"
          using cons_1.IH[of "a''' # Ras'" "state_succ s a'" PROB]
          using i a b cons_3
          by blast
        then show ?thesis
          using Cons_prefix_Cons cons_2 cons_3 exec_plan.simps(2) last.simps length_Cons
            list.distinct(1) local.Cons
          by metis
  qed auto
qed auto

lemma eq_last_state_imp_append_nempty_as:
  fixes as PROB slist_1 slist_2
  assumes "(as  [])" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)" "(slist_1  [])"
    "(slist_2  [])" "(slist_1  state_set (state_list s as))"
    "(slist_2  state_set (state_list s as))" "¬(length slist_1 = length slist_2)"
    "(last slist_1 = last slist_2)"
  shows "(as1 as2 as3.
    (as1 @ as2 @ as3 = as)
     (exec_plan s (as1 @ as2) = exec_plan s as1)
      ¬(as2 = [])
proof -
  obtain as_1 where 1: "(prefix as_1 as)" "(exec_plan s as_1 = last slist_1)"
    "length slist_1 = Suc (length as_1)"
    using assms(1, 2, 3, 4, 6) in_state_set_imp_eq_exec_prefix
    by blast
  obtain as_2 where 2: "(prefix as_2 as)" "(exec_plan s as_2 = last slist_2)"
    "(length slist_2) = Suc (length as_2)"
    using assms(1, 2, 3, 5, 7) in_state_set_imp_eq_exec_prefix
    by blast
  then have "length as_1  length as_2"
    using assms(8) 1(3) 2(3)
    by fastforce
  then consider (i) "length as_1 < length as_2" | (ii) "length as_1 > length as_2"
    by force
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases)
    case i
    then have "prefix as_1 as_2"
      using 1(1) 2(1) len_gt_pref_is_pref
      by blast
    then obtain a where a1: "as_2 = as_1 @ a"
      using prefixE
      by blast
    then obtain b where b1: "as = as_2 @ b"
      using prefixE 2(1)
      by blast
    let ?as1="as_1"
    let ?as2="a"
    let ?as3="b"
    have "as = ?as1 @ ?as2 @ ?as3"
      using a1 b1
      by simp
    moreover have "exec_plan s (?as1 @ ?as2) = exec_plan s ?as1"
      using 1(2) 2(2) a1 assms(9)
      by auto
    moreover have "?as2  []"
      using i a1
      by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by blast
    case ii
    then have "prefix as_2 as_1"
      using 1(1) 2(1) len_gt_pref_is_pref
      by blast
    then obtain a where a2: "as_1 = as_2 @ a"
      using prefixE
      by blast
    then obtain b where b2: "as = as_1 @ b"
      using prefixE 1(1)
      by blast
    let ?as1="as_2"
    let ?as2="a"
    let ?as3="b"
    have "as = ?as1 @ ?as2 @ ?as3"
      using a2 b2
      by simp
    moreover have "exec_plan s (?as1 @ ?as2) = exec_plan s ?as1"
      using 1(2) 2(2) a2 assms(9)
      by auto
    moreover have "?as2  []"
      using ii a2
      by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by blast

lemma FINITE_prob_dom:
  assumes "finite PROB"
  shows  "finite (prob_dom PROB)"
proof -
    fix x
    assume P2: "x  PROB"
    then have 1: "(λ(s1, s2). action_dom s1 s2) x = fmdom' (fst x)  fmdom' (snd x)"
      by (simp add: action_dom_def case_prod_beta')
    then have 2: "finite (fset (fmdom (fst x)))" "finite (fset (fmdom (snd x)))"
      by auto
    then have 3: "fset (fmdom (fst x)) = fmdom' (fst x)" "fset (fmdom (snd x)) = fmdom' (snd x)"
      by (auto simp add: fmdom'_alt_def)
    then have "finite (fmdom' (fst x))"
      using 2 by auto
    then have "finite (fmdom' (snd x))"
      using 2 3 by auto
    then have "finite ((λ(s1, s2). action_dom s1 s2) x)"
      using 1 2 3
      by simp
  then show "finite (prob_dom PROB)"
    unfolding prob_dom_def
    using assms
    by blast

lemma CARD_valid_states:
  assumes "finite (PROB :: 'a problem)"
  shows "(card (valid_states PROB :: 'a state set) = 2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB))"
proof -
  have 1: "finite (prob_dom PROB)"
    using assms FINITE_prob_dom
    by blast
  have"(card (valid_states PROB :: 'a state set)) = card {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = prob_dom PROB}"
    unfolding valid_states_def
    by simp
  also have "...  = 2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB))"
    using 1 card_of_set_of_all_possible_states
    by blast
  finally show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE type of 'valid\_states PROB' has to be asserted to match 'FINITE\_states' in the proof.›
lemma FINITE_valid_states:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem"
  shows "finite PROB  finite ((valid_states PROB) :: 'a state set)"
proof (induction PROB rule: finite.induct)
  case emptyI
  then have "valid_states {} = {fmempty}"
    unfolding valid_states_def prob_dom_def
    using empty_domain_fmap_set
    by force
  then show ?case
    by(subst valid_states {} = {fmempty}) auto
  case (insertI A a)
    then have "finite (insert a A)"
      by blast
    then have "finite (prob_dom (insert a A))"
      using FINITE_prob_dom
      by blast
    then have "finite {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = prob_dom (insert a A)}"
      using FINITE_states
      by blast
  then show ?case
    unfolding valid_states_def
    by simp

― ‹NOTE type of 'PROB' had to be fixed for use of 'FINITE\_valid\_states'.›
lemma lemma_2:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and as :: "('a action) list" and s :: "'a state"
  assumes "finite PROB" "s  (valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
    "((length as) > (2 ^ (card (fmdom' s)) - 1))"
  shows "(as1 as2 as3.
    (as1 @ as2 @ as3 = as)
     (exec_plan s (as1 @ as2) = exec_plan s as1)
     ¬(as2 = [])
proof -
  have "Suc (length as) > 2^(card (fmdom' s))"
    using assms(4)
    by linarith
  then have 1: "card (state_set (state_list s as)) > 2^card (fmdom' s)"
    using card_state_set[symmetric]
    by metis
    ― ‹NOTE type of 'valid\_states PROB' had to be asserted to match 'FINITE\_valid\_states'.›
    have 2: "finite (prob_dom PROB)" "finite ((valid_states PROB)  :: 'a state set)"
      using assms(1) FINITE_prob_dom FINITE_valid_states
      by blast+
    have 3: "fmdom' s = prob_dom PROB"
      using assms(2) valid_states_def
      by fast
    then have "card ((valid_states PROB) :: 'a state set) = 2^card (fmdom' s)"
      using assms(1) CARD_valid_states
      by auto
    then have 4: "card (state_set (state_list (s :: 'a state) as)) > card ((valid_states PROB) :: 'a state set)"
      unfolding valid_states_def
      using 1 2(1) 3 card_of_set_of_all_possible_states[of "prob_dom PROB"]
      by argo
        ― ‹TODO refactor into lemma.›
      let ?S="state_set (state_list (s :: 'a state) as)"
      let ?T="valid_states PROB :: 'a state set"
      assume C2: "inj_on last ?S"
        ― ‹TODO unwrap the metis step or refactor into lemma.›
      have a: "?T  last ` ?S"
        using C2
        by (metis "2"(2) "4" assms(2) assms(3) card_image card_mono lemma_1 not_less)
      have "finite (state_set (state_list s as))"
        using state_set_finite
        by auto
      then have "card (last ` ?S) = card ?S"
        using C2 inj_on_iff_eq_card
        by blast
      also have " > card ?T"
        using 4
        by blast
      then have "x. x  (last ` ?S)  x  ?T"
        using C2 a assms(2) assms(3) calculation lemma_1
        by fastforce
    note 5 = this
      assume C: "inj last (state_set (state_list (s :: 'a state) as)) (valid_states PROB)"
      then have "inj_on last (state_set (state_list (s :: 'a state) as))"
        using C inj_def
        by blast
      then obtain x where "x  last ` (state_set (state_list s as))  x  valid_states PROB"
        using 5
        by presburger
      then have "¬(xstate_set (state_list s as). last x  valid_states PROB)"
        by blast
      then have "¬inj last (state_set (state_list (s :: 'a state) as)) (valid_states PROB)"
        using inj_def
        by metis
      then have False
        using C
        by simp
    ultimately have "¬inj last (state_set (state_list (s :: 'a state) as)) (valid_states PROB)"
      unfolding inj_def
      by blast
  then obtain slist_1 slist_2 where 6:
    "slist_1  state_set (state_list s as)"
    "slist_2  state_set (state_list s as)"
    "(last slist_1 = last slist_2)"
    "length slist_1  length slist_2"
    using assms(2, 3) not_eq_last_diff_paths
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases as)
    case Nil
    text ‹ 4th assumption is violated in the 'Nil' case. ›
    then have "¬(2 ^ card (fmdom' s) - 1 < length as)"
      using Nil
      by simp
    then show ?thesis
      using assms(4)
      by blast
    case (Cons a list)
    then have "as  []"
      by simp
    moreover have "slist_1  []" "slist_2  []"
      using 6(1, 2) NIL_NOTIN_stateset
      by blast+
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using assms(2, 3) 6(1, 2, 3, 4) eq_last_state_imp_append_nempty_as
      by fastforce

lemma lemma_2_prob_dom:
  fixes PROB and as :: "('a action) list" and s :: "'a state"
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
    "(length as > (2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB))) - 1)"
  shows "(as1 as2 as3.
    (as1 @ as2 @ as3 = as)
     (exec_plan s (as1 @ as2) = exec_plan s as1)
     ¬(as2 = [])
proof -
  have "prob_dom PROB = fmdom' s"
    using assms(2) valid_states_def
    by fast
  then have "2 ^ card (fmdom' s) - 1 < length as"
    using assms(4)
    by argo
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(1, 2, 3) lemma_2
    by blast

― ‹NOTE type for `s` had to be fixed (type mismatch in obtain statement).›
― ‹NOTE type for `as1`, `as2` and `as3` had to be fixed (due type mismatch on `as1` in
lemma lemma_3:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state"
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
    "(length as > (2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB)) - 1))"
  shows "(as'.
    (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')
     (length as' < length as)
     (subseq as' as)
proof -
  have "prob_dom PROB = fmdom' s"
    using assms(2) valid_states_def
    by fast
  then have "2 ^ card (fmdom' s) - 1 < length as"
    using assms(4)
    by argo
  then obtain as1 as2 as3 :: "'a action list" where 1:
    "as1 @ as2 @ as3 = as" "exec_plan s (as1 @ as2) = exec_plan s as1" "as2  []"
    using assms(1, 2, 3) lemma_2
    by metis
  have 2: "exec_plan s (as1 @ as3) = exec_plan s (as1 @ as2 @ as3)"
    using 1 cycle_removal_lemma
    by fastforce
  let ?as' = "as1 @ as3"
  have "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s ?as'"
    using 1 2
    by auto
  moreover have "length ?as' < length as"
    using 1 nempty_list_append_length_add
    by blast
  moreover have "subseq ?as' as"
    using 1 subseq_append'
    by blast
  ultimately show "(as'.
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')  (length as' < length as)  (subseq as' as))"
    by blast

― ‹TODO unwrap meson step.›
lemma sublist_valid_is_valid:
  fixes as' as PROB
  assumes "(as  valid_plans PROB)" "(subseq as' as)"
  shows "as'  valid_plans PROB"
  using assms
  by (simp add: valid_plans_def) (meson dual_order.trans fset_of_list_subset sublist_subset)

― ‹NOTE type of 's' had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
theorem main_lemma:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and as s
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(as'.
    (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')
     (subseq as' as)
     (length  as'  (2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB))) - 1)
proof (cases "length as  (2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB))) - 1")
  case True
  then have "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as"
    by simp
  then have "subseq as as"
    by auto
  then have "length as  (2^(card (prob_dom PROB)) - 1)"
    using True
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
    by blast
  case False
  then have "length as > (2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB))) - 1"
    using False
    by auto
  then obtain as' where 1:
    "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'" "length as' < length as" "subseq as' as"
    using assms lemma_3
    by blast
    fix p
    assume "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s p" "subseq p as"
      "2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1 < length p"
    then have "(p'. (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s p'  subseq p' as)  length p' < length p)"
      using assms(1, 2, 3) lemma_3 sublist_valid_is_valid
      by fastforce
  then have "p. exec_plan s as = exec_plan s p  subseq p as 
      (p'. (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s p'  subseq p' as)
       length p'  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1)"
    using general_theorem[where
        P = "λ(as'' :: 'a action list). (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'')  subseq as'' as"
        and l = "(2 ^ (card (prob_dom (PROB ::'a problem)))) - 1" and f = length]
    by blast
  then obtain p' where
    "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s p'" "subseq p' as" "length p'  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using sublist_refl
    by blast

subsection "Reachable States"

― ‹NOTE shortened to 'reachable\_s'›
definition reachable_s where
  "reachable_s PROB s  {exec_plan s as | as. as  valid_plans PROB}"

― ‹NOTE types for `s` and `PROB` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma valid_as_valid_exec:
  fixes as and s :: "'a state" and PROB :: "'a problem"
  assumes "(as  valid_plans PROB)" "(s  valid_states PROB)"
  shows "(exec_plan s as  valid_states PROB)"
  using assms
proof (induction as arbitrary: s PROB)
  case (Cons a as)
  then have "a  PROB"
    using valid_plan_valid_head
    by metis
  then have "state_succ s a  valid_states PROB"
    using Cons.prems(2) valid_action_valid_succ
    by blast
  moreover have "as  valid_plans PROB"
    using Cons.prems(1) valid_plan_valid_tail
    by fast
  ultimately show ?case
    using Cons.IH
    by force
qed simp

lemma exec_plan_fdom_subset:
  fixes as s PROB
  assumes "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(fmdom' (exec_plan s as)  (fmdom' s  prob_dom PROB))"
  using assms
proof (induction as arbitrary: s PROB)
  case (Cons a as)
  have "as  valid_plans PROB"
    using Cons.prems valid_plan_valid_tail
    by fast
  then have "fmdom' (exec_plan (state_succ s a) as)  fmdom' (state_succ s a)  prob_dom PROB"
    using Cons.IH[of _ "state_succ s a"]
    by simp
      ― ‹TODO unwrap metis proofs.›
  moreover have "fmdom' s  fmdom' (snd a)  prob_dom PROB = fmdom' s  prob_dom PROB"
    by (metis
        Cons.prems FDOM_eff_subset_prob_dom_pair sup_absorb2 sup_assoc valid_plan_valid_head)
  ultimately show ?case
    by (metis (no_types, lifting)
        FDOM_state_succ_subset exec_plan.simps(2) order_refl subset_trans sup.mono)
qed simp

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma reachable_s_finite_thm_1_a:
  fixes s and PROB :: "'a problem"
  assumes "(s :: 'a state)  valid_states PROB"
  shows "(lreachable_s PROB s. lvalid_states PROB)"
proof -
  have 1: "lreachable_s PROB s. as. l = exec_plan s as  as  valid_plans PROB"
    using reachable_s_def
    by fastforce
    fix l
    assume P1: "l  reachable_s PROB s"
      ― ‹NOTE type for 's' and 'as' had to be fixed due to type mismatch in obtain statement.›
    then obtain as :: "'a action list" where a: "l = exec_plan s as  as  valid_plans PROB"
      using 1
      by blast
    then have "exec_plan s as  valid_states PROB"
      using assms a valid_as_valid_exec
      by blast
    then have "l  valid_states PROB"
      using a
      by simp
  then show "l  reachable_s PROB s. l  valid_states PROB"
    by blast

lemma reachable_s_finite_thm_1:
  assumes "((s :: 'a state)  valid_states PROB)"
  shows "(reachable_s PROB s  valid_states PROB)"
  using assms reachable_s_finite_thm_1_a
  by blast

― ‹NOTE second declaration skipped (this is declared twice in the source; see above)›
― ‹NOTE type for `s` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma reachable_s_finite_thm:
  fixes s :: "'a state"
  assumes "finite (PROB :: 'a problem)" "(s  valid_states PROB)"
  shows "finite (reachable_s PROB s)"
  using assms
  by (meson FINITE_valid_states reachable_s_finite_thm_1 rev_finite_subset)

lemma empty_plan_is_valid: "[]  (valid_plans PROB)"
  by (simp add: valid_plans_def)

lemma valid_head_and_tail_valid_plan:
  assumes "(h  PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "((h # as)  valid_plans PROB)"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: valid_plans_def)

― ‹TODO refactor›
― ‹NOTE added lemma›
lemma lemma_1_reachability_s_i:
  fixes PROB s
  assumes "s  valid_states PROB"
  shows "s  reachable_s PROB s"
proof -
  have "[]  valid_plans PROB"
    using empty_plan_is_valid
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding reachable_s_def
    by force

― ‹NOTE types for 'PROB' and 's' had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma lemma_1_reachability_s:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state" and as
  assumes "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "((last ` state_set (state_list s as))  (reachable_s PROB s))"
  using assms
proof(induction as arbitrary: PROB s)
  case Nil
  then have "(last ` state_set (state_list s [])) = {s}"
    by force
  then show ?case
    unfolding reachable_s_def
    using empty_plan_is_valid
    by force
  case cons: (Cons a as)
  let ?S="last ` state_set (state_list s (a # as))"
    let ?as="[]"
    have "last [s] = exec_plan s ?as"
      by simp
    moreover have "?as  valid_plans PROB"
      using empty_plan_is_valid
      by auto
    ultimately have "as. (last [s] = exec_plan s as)  as  valid_plans PROB"
      by blast
  note 1 = this
    fix x
    assume P: "x  ?S"
    then consider
      (a) "x = last [s]"
      | (b) "x  last ` ((#) s ` state_set (state_list (state_succ s a) as))"
      by auto
    then have "x  reachable_s PROB s"
    proof (cases)
      case a
      then have "x = s"
        by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using cons.prems(1) P lemma_1_reachability_s_i
        by blast
      case b
      then obtain x'' where i:
        "x''  state_set (state_list (state_succ s a) as)"
        "x = last (s # x'')"
        by blast
      then show ?thesis
      proof (cases "x''")
        case Nil
        then have "x = s"
          using i
          by fastforce
        then show ?thesis
          using cons.prems(1) lemma_1_reachability_s_i
          by blast
        case (Cons a' list)
        then obtain x' where a:
          "last (a' # list) = last x'" "x'  state_set (state_list (state_succ s a) as)"
          using i(1)
          by blast
          have "state_succ s a  valid_states PROB"
            using cons.prems(1, 2) valid_action_valid_succ valid_plan_valid_head
            by metis
          moreover have "as  valid_plans PROB"
            using cons.prems(2) valid_plan_valid_tail
            by fast
          ultimately have
            "last ` state_set (state_list (state_succ s a) as)  reachable_s PROB (state_succ s a)"
            using cons.IH[of "state_succ s a"]
            by auto
          then have "as'.
                  last (a' # list) = exec_plan (state_succ s a) as'  (as'  (valid_plans PROB))"
            unfolding state_set.simps state_list.simps reachable_s_def
            using i(1) Cons
            by blast
        then obtain as' where b:
          "last (a' # list) = exec_plan (state_succ s a) as'" "(as'  (valid_plans PROB))"
          by blast
        then have "x = exec_plan (state_succ s a) as'"
          using i(2) Cons a(1)
          by auto
        then show ?thesis unfolding reachable_s_def
          using cons.prems(2) b(2)
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting)  exec_plan.simps(2) mem_Collect_eq
              valid_head_and_tail_valid_plan valid_plan_valid_head)
  then show ?case
    by blast

― ‹NOTE types for `PROB` and `s` had to be fixed for use of `lemma\_1\_reachability\_s`.›
lemma not_eq_last_diff_paths_reachability_s:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state" and as
  assumes "s  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB"
    "¬(inj last (state_set (state_list s as)) (reachable_s PROB s))"
  shows "(slist_1 slist_2.
    slist_1  state_set (state_list s as)
     slist_2  state_set (state_list s as)
     (last slist_1 = last slist_2)
     ¬(length slist_1 = length slist_2)
proof -
    fix x
    assume P1: "x  state_set (state_list s as)"
    have a: "last ` state_set (state_list s as)  reachable_s PROB s"
      using assms(1, 2) lemma_1_reachability_s
      by fast
    then have "as PROB. s  (valid_states PROB)  as  (valid_plans PROB)  (last ` (state_set (state_list s as))  reachable_s PROB s)"
      using lemma_1_reachability_s
      by fast
    then have "last x  valid_states PROB"
      using assms(1, 2) P1 lemma_1
      by fast
    then have "last x  reachable_s PROB s"
      using P1 a
      by fast
  note 1 = this
  text ‹ Show the goal by disproving the contradiction. ›
    assume C: "(slist_1 slist_2. (slist_1  state_set (state_list s as)
       slist_2  state_set (state_list s as)
       (last slist_1 = last slist_2))  (length slist_1 = length slist_2))"
    moreover {
      fix slist_1 slist_2
      assume C1: "slist_1  state_set (state_list s as)" "slist_2  state_set (state_list s as)"
        "(last slist_1 = last slist_2)"
      moreover have i: "(length slist_1 = length slist_2)"
        using C1 C
        by blast
      moreover have "slist_1 = slist_2"
        using C1(1, 2) i neq_mems_state_set_neq_len
        by auto
      ultimately have "inj_on last (state_set (state_list s as))"
        unfolding inj_on_def
        using C neq_mems_state_set_neq_len
        by blast
      then have False
        using 1 inj_def assms(3)
        by blast
    ultimately have False
      by (metis empty_state_list_lemma nempty_sl_in_state_set)
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma ( translation of `PHP` in pred\_setScript.sml:3155).›
lemma lemma_2_reachability_s_i:
  fixes f :: "'a  'b" and s t
  assumes "finite t" "card t < card s"
  shows "¬(inj f s t)"
proof -
    assume C: "inj f s t"
    then have 1: "(xs. f x  t)" "inj_on f s"
      unfolding inj_def
      by blast+
    moreover {
      have "f ` s  t"
        using 1
        by fast
      then have "card (f ` s)  card t"
        using assms(1) card_mono
        by auto
    moreover have "card (f ` s) = card s"
      using 1 card_image
      by fast
    ultimately have False
      using assms(2)
      by linarith
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma lemma_2_reachability_s:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and as s
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
    "(length as > card (reachable_s PROB s) - 1)"
  shows "(as1 as2 as3.
    (as1 @ as2 @ as3 = as)  (exec_plan s (as1 @ as2) = exec_plan s as1)  ¬(as2 = []))"
proof -
    have "Suc (length as) > card (reachable_s PROB s)"
      using assms(4)
      by fastforce
    then have "card (state_set (state_list s as)) > card (reachable_s PROB s)"
      using card_state_set
      by metis
  note 1 = this
    have "finite (reachable_s PROB s)"
      using assms(1, 2) reachable_s_finite_thm
      by blast
    then have "¬(inj last (state_set (state_list s as)) (reachable_s PROB s))"
      using assms(4) 1 lemma_2_reachability_s_i
      by blast
  note 2 = this
  obtain slist_1 slist_2 where 3:
    "slist_1  state_set (state_list s as)" "slist_2  state_set (state_list s as)"
    "(last slist_1 = last slist_2)" "length slist_1  length slist_2"
    using assms(2, 3) 2 not_eq_last_diff_paths_reachability_s
    by blast
  then show ?thesis using assms
  proof(cases as)
    case (Cons a list)
    then show ?thesis
      using assms(2, 3) 3 eq_last_state_imp_append_nempty_as state_set_thm list.distinct(1)
      by metis
  qed force

lemma lemma_3_reachability_s:
  fixes as and PROB :: "'a problem" and s
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
    "(length as > (card (reachable_s PROB s) - 1))"
  shows "(as'.
    (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')
     (length as' < length as)
     (subseq as' as)
proof -
  obtain as1 as2 as3 :: "'a action list" where 1:
    "(as1 @ as2 @ as3 = as)" "(exec_plan s (as1 @ as2) = exec_plan s as1)" "~(as2=[])"
    using assms lemma_2_reachability_s
    by metis
  then have "(exec_plan s (as1 @ as2) = exec_plan s as1)"
    using 1
    by blast
  then have 2: "exec_plan s (as1 @ as3) = exec_plan s (as1 @ as2 @ as3)"
    using 1 cycle_removal_lemma
    by fastforce
  let ?as' = "as1 @ as3"
  have 3: "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s ?as'"
    using 1 2
    by argo
  then have "as2  []"
    using 1
    by blast
  then have 4: "length ?as' < length as"
    using nempty_list_append_length_add 1
    by blast
  then have "subseq ?as' as"
    using 1 subseq_append'
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using 3 4
    by blast

― ‹NOTE type for `as` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma main_lemma_reachability_s:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and as and s :: "'a state"
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(as'.
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')  subseq as' as
       (length as'  (card (reachable_s PROB s) - 1)))"
proof (cases "length as  card (reachable_s PROB s) - 1")
  case False
  let ?as' = "as"
  have "length as > card (reachable_s PROB s) - 1"
    using False
    by simp
    fix p
    assume P: "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s p" "subseq p as"
      "card (reachable_s PROB s) - 1 < length p"
    moreover have "p  valid_plans PROB"
      using assms(3) P(2) sublist_valid_is_valid
      by blast
    ultimately obtain as' where 1:
      "exec_plan s p = exec_plan s as'" "length as' < length p" "subseq as' p"
      using assms lemma_3_reachability_s
      by blast
    then have "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'"
      using P
      by presburger
    moreover have "subseq as' as"
      using P 1 sublist_trans
      by blast
    ultimately have "(p'. (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s p'  subseq p' as)  length p' < length p)"
      using 1
      by blast
  then have "p.
      exec_plan s as = exec_plan s p  subseq p as
        (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s p'  subseq p' as)
         length p'  card (reachable_s PROB s) - 1)"
    using general_theorem[of "λas''. (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'')  subseq as'' as"
        "(card (reachable_s (PROB :: 'a problem) (s :: 'a state)) - 1)" length]
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by blast
qed blast

lemma reachable_s_non_empty: "¬(reachable_s PROB s = {})"
  using empty_plan_is_valid reachable_s_def
  by blast

lemma card_reachable_s_non_zero:
  fixes s
  assumes "finite (PROB :: 'a problem)" "(s  valid_states PROB)"
  shows "(0 < card (reachable_s PROB s))"
  using assms
  by (simp add: card_gt_0_iff reachable_s_finite_thm reachable_s_non_empty)

lemma exec_fdom_empty_prob:
  fixes s
  assumes "(prob_dom PROB = {})" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(exec_plan s as = fmempty)"
proof -
  have "fmdom' s = {}"
    using assms(1, 2)
    by (simp add: valid_states_def)
  then show "exec_plan s as = fmempty"
    using assms(1, 3)
    by (metis
        exec_plan_fdom_subset fmrestrict_set_dom fmrestrict_set_null subset_empty

― ‹NOTE types for `PROB` and `s` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma reachable_s_empty_prob:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state"
  assumes "(prob_dom PROB = {})" "(s  valid_states PROB)"
  shows "((reachable_s PROB s)  {fmempty})"
proof -
    fix x
    assume P1: "x  reachable_s PROB s"
    then obtain as :: "'a action list" where a:
      "as  valid_plans PROB" "x = exec_plan s as"
      using reachable_s_def
      by blast
    then have "as  valid_plans PROB" "x = exec_plan s as"
      using a
      by auto
    then have "x = fmempty" using assms(1, 2) exec_fdom_empty_prob
      by blast
  then show "((reachable_s PROB s)  {fmempty})"
    by blast

― ‹NOTE this is semantically equivalent to `sublist\_valid\_is\_valid`.›
― ‹NOTE Renamed to 'sublist\_valid\_plan\_alt' because another lemma by the same name is declared
lemma sublist_valid_plan__alt:
  assumes "(as1  valid_plans PROB)" "(subseq as2 as1)"
  shows "(as2  valid_plans PROB)"
  using assms
  by (auto simp add: sublist_valid_is_valid)

lemma fmsubset_eq:
  assumes "s1 f s2"
  shows "(a. a |∈| fmdom s1  fmlookup s1 a = fmlookup s2 a)"
  using assms
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) domIff fmdom_notI fmsubset.rep_eq map_le_def)

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor/move into 'FmapUtils.thy'.›
lemma submap_imp_state_succ_submap_a:
  assumes "s1 f s2" "s2 f s3"
  shows "s1 f s3"
  using assms fmsubset.rep_eq map_le_trans
  by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor into FmapUtils?›
lemma submap_imp_state_succ_submap_b:
  assumes "s1 f s2"
  shows "(s0 ++ s1) f (s0 ++ s2)"
proof -
    assume C: "¬((s0 ++ s1) f (s0 ++ s2))"
    then have 1: "(s0 ++ s1) = (s1 ++f s0)"
      using fmap_add_ltr_def
      by blast
    then have 2: "(s0 ++ s2) = (s2 ++f s0)"
      using fmap_add_ltr_def
      by auto
    then obtain a where 3:
      "a |∈| fmdom (s1 ++f s0)  fmlookup (s1 ++f s0)  fmlookup (s2 ++f s0)"
      using C 1 2 fmsubset.rep_eq domIff fmdom_notD map_le_def
      by (metis (no_types, lifting))
    then have False
      using assms(1) C proof (cases "a |∈| fmdom s1")
      case True
      moreover have "fmlookup s1 a = fmlookup s2 a"
        by (meson assms(1) calculation fmsubset_eq)
      moreover have "fmlookup (s0 ++f s1) a = fmlookup s1 a"
        by (simp add: True)
      moreover have "a |∈| fmdom s2"
        using True calculation(2) fmdom_notD by fastforce
      moreover have "fmlookup (s0 ++f s2) a = fmlookup s2 a"
        by (simp add: calculation(4))
      moreover have "fmlookup (s0 ++f s1) a = fmlookup (s0 ++f s2) a"
        using calculation(2, 3, 5)
        by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (smt "1" "2" C assms domIff fmlookup_add fmsubset.rep_eq map_le_def)
      case False
      moreover have "fmlookup (s0 ++f s1) a = fmlookup s0 a"
        by (auto simp add: False)
      ultimately show ?thesis proof (cases "a |∈| fmdom s0")
        case True
        have "a |∉| fmdom (s1 ++f s0)"
          by (smt "1" "2" C UnE assms dom_map_add fmadd.rep_eq fmsubset.rep_eq map_add_def
              map_add_dom_app_simps(1) map_le_def)
        then show ?thesis
          using 3 by blast
        case False
        then have "a |∉| fmdom (s1 ++f s0)"
          using fmlookup (s0 ++f s1) a = fmlookup s0 a
          by force
        then show ?thesis
          using 3
          by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE type for `a` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma submap_imp_state_succ_submap:
  fixes a :: "'a action" and s1 s2
  assumes "(fst a f s1)" "(s1 f s2)"
  shows "(state_succ s1 a f state_succ s2 a)"
proof -
  have 1: "state_succ s1 a = (snd a ++ s1)"
    using assms(1)
    by (simp add: state_succ_def)
  then have "fst a f s2"
    using assms(1, 2) submap_imp_state_succ_submap_a
    by auto
  then have 2: "state_succ s2 a = (snd a ++ s2)"
    using 1 state_succ_def
    by metis
  then have "snd a ++ s1 f snd a ++ s2"
    using assms(2) submap_imp_state_succ_submap_b
    by fast
  then show ?thesis
    using 1 2
    by argo

― ‹NOTE types for `a`, `s1` and `s2` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma pred_dom_subset_succ_submap:
  fixes a :: "'a action" and s1 s2 :: "'a state"
  assumes "(fmdom' (fst a)  fmdom' s1)" "(s1 f s2)"
  shows "(state_succ s1 a f state_succ s2 a)"
  using assms
  unfolding state_succ_def
proof (auto)
  assume P1: "fmdom' (fst a)  fmdom' s1" "s1 f s2" "fst a f s1" "fst a f s2"
  then show "snd a ++ s1 f snd a ++ s2"
    using submap_imp_state_succ_submap_b
    by fast
  assume P2: "fmdom' (fst a)  fmdom' s1" "s1 f s2" "fst a f s1" "¬ fst a f s2"
  then show "snd a ++ s1 f s2"
    using submap_imp_state_succ_submap_a
    by blast
  assume P3: "fmdom' (fst a)  fmdom' s1" "s1 f s2" "¬ fst a f s1" "fst a f s2"
    have a: "fmlookup s1 m fmlookup s2"
      using P3(2) fmsubset.rep_eq
      by blast
      have "¬(fmlookup (fst a) m fmlookup s1)"
        using P3(3) fmsubset.rep_eq
        by blast
      then have "v  dom (fmlookup (fst a)). fmlookup (fst a) v  fmlookup s1 v"
        using map_le_def
        by fast
    then obtain v where b: "v  dom (fmlookup (fst a))" "fmlookup (fst a) v  fmlookup s1 v"
      by blast
    then have "fmlookup (fst a) v  fmlookup s2 v"
      using assms(1) a  contra_subsetD fmdom'.rep_eq map_le_def
      by metis
    then have "¬(fst a f s2)"
      using b fmsubset.rep_eq map_le_def
      by metis
  then show "s1 f snd a ++ s2"
    using P3(4)
    by simp

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor.›
lemma valid_as_submap_init_submap_exec_i:
  fixes s a
  shows "fmdom' s  fmdom' (state_succ s a)"
proof (cases "fst a f s")
  case True
  then have "state_succ s a = s ++f (snd a)"
    unfolding state_succ_def
    using fmap_add_ltr_def
    by auto
  then have "fmdom' (state_succ s a) = fmdom' s  fmdom' (snd a)"
    using fmdom'_add
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    by simp
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding state_succ_def
    by simp

― ‹NOTE types for `s1` and `s2` had to be fixed in order to apply `pred\_dom\_subset\_succ\_submap`.›
lemma valid_as_submap_init_submap_exec:
  fixes s1 s2 :: "'a state"
  assumes "(s1 f s2) " "(a. ListMem a as  (fmdom' (fst a)  fmdom' s1))"
  shows "(exec_plan s1 as f exec_plan s2 as)"
  using assms
proof (induction as arbitrary: s1 s2)
  case (Cons a as)
    have "ListMem a (a # as)"
      using elem
      by fast
    then have "fmdom' (fst a)  fmdom' s1"
      using Cons.prems(2)
      by blast
    then have "state_succ s1 a f state_succ s2 a"
      using Cons.prems(1) pred_dom_subset_succ_submap
      by fast
  note 1 = this
    fix b
    assume "ListMem b as"
    then have "ListMem b (a # as)"
      using insert
      by fast
    then have a: "fmdom' (fst b)  fmdom' s1"
      using Cons.prems(2)
      by blast
    then have "fmdom' s1  fmdom' (state_succ s1 a)"
      using valid_as_submap_init_submap_exec_i
      by metis
    then have "fmdom' (fst b)  fmdom' (state_succ s1 a)"
      using a
      by simp
  then show ?case
    using 1 Cons.IH[of "(state_succ s1 a)" "(state_succ s2 a)"]
    by fastforce
qed auto

lemma valid_plan_mems:
  assumes "(as  valid_plans PROB)" "(ListMem a as)"
  shows "a  PROB"
  using assms ListMem_iff in_set_conv_decomp valid_append_valid_suff valid_plan_valid_head
  by (metis)

― ‹NOTE typing moved into 'fixes' due to type mismatches when using lemma.›
― ‹NOTE showcase (this can't be used due to type problems when the type is specified within
lemma valid_states_nempty:
  fixes PROB :: "(('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap) set"
  assumes "finite PROB"
  shows "s. s  (valid_states PROB)"
  unfolding valid_states_def
  using fmchoice'[OF FINITE_prob_dom[OF assms], where Q = "λ_ _. True"]
  by auto

lemma empty_prob_dom_single_val_state:
  assumes "(prob_dom PROB = {})"
  shows "(s. valid_states PROB = {s})"
proof -
    assume C: "¬(s. valid_states PROB = {s})"
    then have "valid_states PROB = {s. fmdom' s = {}}"
      using assms
      by (simp add: valid_states_def)
    then have "s. valid_states PROB = {s}"
      using empty_domain_fmap_set
      by blast
    then have False
      using C
      by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma empty_prob_dom_imp_empty_plan_always_good:
  fixes PROB s
  assumes "(prob_dom PROB = {})" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(exec_plan s [] = exec_plan s as)"
  using assms empty_plan_is_valid exec_fdom_empty_prob
  by fastforce

lemma empty_prob_dom:
  fixes PROB
  assumes "(prob_dom PROB = {})"
  shows "(PROB = {(fmempty, fmempty)}  PROB = {})"
  using assms
proof (cases "PROB = {}")
  case False
  have "((λ(s1, s2). fmdom' s1  fmdom' s2) ` PROB) = {}"
    using assms
    by (simp add: prob_dom_def action_dom_def)
  then have 1:"aPROB. (λ(s1, s2). fmdom' s1  fmdom' s2) a = {}"
    using  Union_empty_conv
    by auto
    fix a
    assume P1: "aPROB"
    then have "(λ(s1, s2). fmdom' s1  fmdom' s2) a = {}"
      using 1
      by simp
    then have a: "fmdom' (fst a) = {}" "fmdom' (snd a) = {}"
      by auto+
    then have b: "fst a = fmempty"
      using fmrestrict_set_dom fmrestrict_set_null
      by metis
    then have "snd a = fmempty"
      using a(2) fmrestrict_set_dom fmrestrict_set_null
      by metis
    then have "a = (fmempty, fmempty)"
      using b surjective_pairing
      by metis
  then have "PROB = {(fmempty, fmempty)}"
    using False
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by blast
qed simp

lemma empty_prob_dom_finite:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem"
  assumes "prob_dom PROB = {}"
  shows "finite PROB"
proof -
  consider (i) "PROB = {(fmempty, fmempty)}" | (ii) "PROB = {}"
    using assms empty_prob_dom
    by auto
  then show ?thesis by (cases) auto

― ‹NOTE type for `a` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma disj_imp_eq_proj_exec:
  fixes a :: "('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap" and vs s
  assumes "(fmdom' (snd a)  vs) = {}"
  shows "(fmrestrict_set vs s = fmrestrict_set vs (state_succ s a))"
proof -
  have "disjnt (fmdom' (snd a)) vs"
    using assms disjnt_def
    by fast
  then show ?thesis
    using disj_dom_drest_fupdate_eq state_succ_pair surjective_pairing
    by metis

lemma no_change_vs_eff_submap:
  fixes a vs s
  assumes "(fmrestrict_set vs s = fmrestrict_set vs (state_succ s a))" "(fst a f s)"
  shows "(fmrestrict_set vs (snd a) f (fmrestrict_set vs s))"
proof -
    fix x
    assume P3: "x  dom (fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a)))"
    then have "(fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a))) x = (fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs s)) x"
    proof (cases "fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a)) x")
      case None
      then show ?thesis using P3 by blast
      case (Some y)
      then have "fmrestrict_set vs s = fmrestrict_set vs (s ++f snd a)"
        using assms
        by (simp add: state_succ_def fmap_add_ltr_def)
      then have "fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs s) = fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs (s ++f snd a))"
        by auto
      then have 1: "
            fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs s) x
            = (if x  vs then fmlookup (s ++f snd a) x else None)
        using fmlookup_restrict_set
        by metis
      then show ?thesis
      proof (cases "x  vs")
        case True
        then have "fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs s) x = fmlookup (s ++f snd a) x"
          using True 1
          by auto
        then show ?thesis
          using Some fmadd.rep_eq fmlookup_restrict_set map_add_Some_iff
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting))
        case False
        then have 1: "fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs s) x = None"
          using False "1"
          by auto
        then show ?thesis
          using 1 False
          by auto
  then have "(fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a)) m fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs s))"
    using map_le_def
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using fmsubset.rep_eq
    by blast

― ‹NOTE type of `a` had to be fixed.›
lemma sat_precond_as_proj_3:
  fixes s and a :: "('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap" and vs
  assumes "(fmdom' (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a)) = {})"
  shows "((fmrestrict_set vs (state_succ s a)) = (fmrestrict_set vs s))"
proof -
  have "fmdom' (fmrestrict_set vs (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a))) = {}"
    using assms fmrestrict_set_dom fmrestrict_set_empty fmrestrict_set_null
    by metis
    fix x
    assume C: "x  fmdom' (snd a)  x  vs"
    then have a: "x  fmdom' (snd a)" "x  vs"
      using C
      by blast+
    then have "fmlookup (snd a) x  None"
      using fmdom'_notI
      by metis
    then have "fmlookup (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a)) x  None"
      using a(2)
      by force
    then have "x  fmdom' (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a))"
      using fmdom'_notD
      by metis
    then have "fmdom' (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a))  {}"
      by blast
    then have False
      using assms
      by blast
  then have "x. ¬(x  fmdom' (snd a)  x  vs)"
    by blast
  then have 1: "fmdom' (snd a)  vs = {}"
    by blast
  have "disjnt (fmdom' (snd a)) vs"
    using 1 disjnt_def
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using 1 disj_imp_eq_proj_exec
    by metis

― ‹NOTE type for `a` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
― ‹TODO showcase (quick win with simp).›
lemma proj_eq_proj_exec_eq:
  fixes s s' vs and a :: "('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap" and a'
  assumes "((fmrestrict_set vs s) = (fmrestrict_set vs s'))" "((fst a f s) = (fst a' f s'))"
    "(fmrestrict_set vs (snd a) = fmrestrict_set vs (snd a'))"
  shows "(fmrestrict_set vs (state_succ s a) = fmrestrict_set vs (state_succ s' a'))"
  using assms
  by (simp add: fmap_add_ltr_def state_succ_def)

lemma empty_eff_exec_eq:
  fixes s a
  assumes "(fmdom' (snd a) = {})"
  shows "(state_succ s a = s)"
  using assms
  unfolding state_succ_def fmap_add_ltr_def
  by (metis fmadd_empty(2) fmrestrict_set_dom fmrestrict_set_null)

lemma exec_as_proj_valid_2:
  fixes a
  assumes "a  PROB"
  shows "(action_dom (fst a) (snd a)  prob_dom PROB)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: FDOM_eff_subset_prob_dom_pair FDOM_pre_subset_prob_dom_pair action_dom_def)

lemma valid_filter_valid_as:
  assumes "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(filter P as  valid_plans PROB)"
  using assms
  by(auto simp: valid_plans_def)

lemma sublist_valid_plan:
  assumes "(subseq as' as)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(as'  valid_plans PROB)"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: valid_plans_def) (meson fset_mp fset_of_list_elem sublist_subset subsetCE)

lemma prob_subset_dom_subset:
  assumes "PROB1  PROB2"
  shows "(prob_dom PROB1  prob_dom PROB2)"
  using assms
  by (auto simp add: prob_dom_def)

lemma state_succ_valid_act_disjoint:
  assumes "(a  PROB)" "(vs  (prob_dom PROB) = {})"
  shows "(fmrestrict_set vs (state_succ s a) = fmrestrict_set vs s)"
  using assms
  by (smt
      FDOM_eff_subset_prob_dom_pair disj_imp_eq_proj_exec inf.absorb1
      inf_bot_right inf_commute inf_left_commute

lemma exec_valid_as_disjoint:
  fixes s
  assumes "(vs  (prob_dom PROB) = {})" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(fmrestrict_set vs (exec_plan s as) = fmrestrict_set vs s)"
  using assms
proof (induction as arbitrary: s vs PROB)
  case (Cons a as)
  then show ?case
    by (metis exec_plan.simps(2) state_succ_valid_act_disjoint valid_plan_valid_head
qed simp

definition state_successors where
  "state_successors PROB s  ((state_succ s ` PROB) - {s})"

subsection "State Spaces"

definition stateSpace where
  "stateSpace ss vs  (s. s  ss  (fmdom' s = vs))"

lemma EQ_SS_DOM:
  assumes "¬(ss = {})" "(stateSpace ss vs1)" "(stateSpace ss vs2)"
  shows "(vs1 = vs2)"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: stateSpace_def)

― ‹NOTE Name 'dom' changed to 'domain' because of name clash with 'Map.dom'.›
lemma FINITE_SS:
  fixes ss :: "('a, bool) fmap set"
  assumes "¬(ss = {})" "(stateSpace ss domain)"
  shows "finite ss"
proof -
  have 1: "stateSpace ss domain = (s. s  ss  (fmdom' s = domain))"
    by (simp add: stateSpace_def)
    fix s
    assume P1: "s  ss"
    have "fmdom' s = domain"
      using assms 1 P1
      by blast
    then have "s  {s. fmdom' s = domain}"
      by auto
  then have 2: "ss  {s. fmdom' s = domain}"
    by blast
      ― ‹TODO add lemma (finite (fmdom' s))›
  then have "finite domain"
    using 1 assms
    by fastforce
  then have "finite {s :: 'a state. fmdom' s = domain}"
    using FINITE_states
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using 2 finite_subset
    by auto

lemma disjoint_effects_no_effects:
  fixes s
  assumes "(a. ListMem a as  (fmdom' (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a)) = {}))"
  shows "(fmrestrict_set vs (exec_plan s as) = (fmrestrict_set vs s))"
  using assms
proof (induction as arbitrary: s vs)
  case (Cons a as)
  then have "ListMem a (a # as)"
    using elem
    by fast
  then have "fmdom' (fmrestrict_set vs (snd a)) = {}"
    using Cons.prems(1)
    by blast
  then have "fmrestrict_set vs (state_succ s a) = fmrestrict_set vs s"
    using sat_precond_as_proj_3
    by blast
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: Cons.IH Cons.prems insert)
qed auto

subsection "Needed Asses"

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
definition action_needed_vars where
  "action_needed_vars a s  {v. (v  fmdom' s)  (v  fmdom' (fst a))
     (fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s v)}"
  ― ‹NOTE name shortened to 'action\_needed\_asses'.›
definition action_needed_asses where
  "action_needed_asses a s  fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) s"

― ‹NOTE type for 'a' had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma act_needed_asses_submap_succ_submap:
  fixes a s1 s2
  assumes "(action_needed_asses a s2 f action_needed_asses a s1)" "(s1 f s2)"
  shows "(state_succ s1 a f state_succ s2 a)"
  using assms
  unfolding state_succ_def
proof (auto)
  assume P1: "action_needed_asses a s2 f action_needed_asses a s1" "s1 f s2" "fst a f s1"
    "fst a f s2"
  then show "snd a ++ s1 f snd a ++ s2"
    using submap_imp_state_succ_submap_b
    by blast
  assume P2: "action_needed_asses a s2 f action_needed_asses a s1" "s1 f s2" "fst a f s1"
    "¬ fst a f s2"
  then show "snd a ++ s1 f s2"
    using submap_imp_state_succ_submap_a
    by blast
  assume P3: "action_needed_asses a s2 f action_needed_asses a s1" "s1 f s2" "¬ fst a f s1"
    "fst a f s2"
  let ?vs1="{v  fmdom' s1. v  fmdom' (fst a)  fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s1 v}"
  let ?vs2="{v  fmdom' s2. v  fmdom' (fst a)  fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s2 v}"
  let ?f="fmrestrict_set ?vs1 s1"
  let ?g="fmrestrict_set ?vs2 s2"
  have 1: "fmdom' ?f = ?vs1" "fmdom' ?g = ?vs2"
    unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def fmdom'_restrict_set_precise
    by blast+
  have 2: "fmlookup ?g m fmlookup ?f"
    using P3(1)
    unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def
    using fmsubset.rep_eq
    by blast
      fix v
      assume P3_1: "v  fmdom' ?g"
      then have "v  fmdom' s2" "v  fmdom' (fst a)" "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s2 v"
        using 1
        by simp+
      then have "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup ?g v"
        by simp
      then have "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup ?f v"
        using 2
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) P3_1 domIff fmdom'_notI map_le_def)
    then have i: "fmlookup (fst a) m fmlookup ?f"
      using P3(4) 1(2)
      by (smt domIff fmdom'_notD fmsubset.rep_eq map_le_def mem_Collect_eq)
      fix v
      assume P3_2: "v  dom (fmlookup (fst a))"
      then have "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup ?f v"
        using i
        by (meson domIff fmdom'_notI map_le_def)
      then have "v  ?vs1"
        using P3_2 1(1)
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) domIff fmdom'_notD)
      then have "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s1 v"
        by blast
    then have "fst a f s1"
      by (simp add: map_le_def fmsubset.rep_eq)
  then show "s1 f snd a ++ s2"
    using P3(3)
    by simp

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_i:
  fixes a s
  assumes "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a s)"
  shows "
    fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s) v = fmlookup s v
     fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s) v = fmlookup (fst a) v"
  using assms
  unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def
  using fmdom'_notI fmlookup_restrict_set
  by (smt mem_Collect_eq)

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_ii:
  fixes f g v
  assumes "v  fmdom' f" "f f g"
  shows "fmlookup f v = fmlookup g v"
  using assms
  by (meson fmdom'_notI fmdom_notD fmsubset_eq)

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iii:
  fixes f g v
  shows "
    fmdom' (action_needed_asses a s)
    = {v  fmdom' s. v  fmdom' (fst a)  fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s v}"
  unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def
  by (simp add: Set.filter_def fmfilter_alt_defs(4))

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iv:
  fixes f a v
  assumes "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a s)"
  shows "
    fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s) v = fmlookup s v
     fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s) v = fmlookup (fst a) v
     fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s v"
  using assms
proof -
  have 1: "v  {v  fmdom' s. v  fmdom' (fst a)  fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s v}"
    using assms as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iii
    by metis
  then have 2: "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s) v = fmlookup s v"
    unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def
    by force
  moreover have 3: "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s) v = fmlookup (fst a) v"
    using 1 2
    by simp
  moreover have "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s v"
    using 2 3
    by argo
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor (into Fmap\_Utils.thy).›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_v:
  fixes f g v
  assumes "v  fmdom' f" "f f g"
  shows "v  fmdom' g"
proof -
  obtain b where 1: "fmlookup f v = b" "b  None"
    using assms(1)
    by (meson fmdom'_notI)
  then have "fmlookup g v = b"
    using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_ii[OF assms]
    by argo
  then show ?thesis
    using 1 fmdom'_notD
    by fastforce

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_vi:
  fixes a s1 s2 v
  assumes "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a s1)"
    "(action_needed_asses a s1) f (action_needed_asses a s2)"
    "(fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s1) v) = fmlookup (fst a) v
     (fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s2) v) = fmlookup (fst a) v 
    fmlookup s1 v = fmlookup (fst a) v  fmlookup s2 v = fmlookup (fst a) v"
  using assms
proof -
  have 1:
    "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s1) v = fmlookup s1 v"
    "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s1) v = fmlookup (fst a) v"
    "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s1 v"
    using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iv[OF assms(1)]
    by blast+
  moreover {
    have "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s1) v = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s2) v"
      using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_ii[OF assms]
      by simp
    then have "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s2) v = fmlookup (fst a) v"
      using 1(2)
      by argo
  note 2 = this
  moreover {
    have "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a s2)"
      using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_v[OF assms]
      by simp
    then have "fmlookup s2 v = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a s2) v"
      using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_i
      by metis
    also have " = fmlookup (fst a) v"
      using 2
      by simp
    finally have "fmlookup s2 v = fmlookup (fst a) v"
      by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by argo

― ‹TODO refactor.›
― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_vii:
  fixes f g v
  assumes "v  fmdom' f. fmlookup f v = fmlookup g v"
  shows "f f g"
proof -
    fix v
    assume a: "v  fmdom' f"
    then have "v  dom (fmlookup f)"
      by simp
    moreover have "fmlookup f v = fmlookup g v"
      using assms a
      by blast
    ultimately have "v  dom (fmlookup f)  fmlookup f v = fmlookup g v"
      by blast
  then have "fmlookup f m fmlookup g"
    by (simp add: map_le_def)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: fmsubset.rep_eq)

― ‹TODO refactor.›
― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_viii:
  fixes f g v
  assumes "f f g"
  shows "v  fmdom' f. fmlookup f v = fmlookup g v"
proof -
  have 1: "fmlookup f m fmlookup g"
    using assms
    by (simp add: fmsubset.rep_eq)
    fix v
    assume "v  fmdom' f"
    then have "v  dom (fmlookup f)"
      by simp
    then have "fmlookup f v = fmlookup g v"
      using 1 map_le_def
      by metis
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_viii':
  fixes f g v
  assumes "f f g"
  shows "fmdom' f  fmdom' g"
  using assms as_needed_asses_submap_exec_v subsetI
  by metis

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_ix:
  fixes f g
  shows "f f g = (v  fmdom' f. fmlookup f v = fmlookup g v)"
  using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_vii  as_needed_asses_submap_exec_viii
  by metis

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_x:
  fixes f a v
  assumes "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a f)"
  shows "v  fmdom' (fst a)  v  fmdom' f  fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup f v"
  using assms
  unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def
  using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_i assms
  by (metis fmdom'_notD fmdom'_notI)

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xi:
  fixes v a f g
  assumes "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a (f ++ g))" "v  fmdom' f"
  shows "
    fmlookup (action_needed_asses a (f ++ g)) v = fmlookup f v
     fmlookup (action_needed_asses a (f ++ g)) v = fmlookup (fst a) v"
proof -
  have 1: "v  {v  fmdom' (f ++ g). v  fmdom' (fst a)  fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup (f ++ g) v}"
    using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_x[OF assms(1)]
    by blast
    have "v |∈| fmdom f"
      using assms(2)
      by (meson fmdom'_notI fmdom_notD)
    then have "fmlookup (f ++ g) v = fmlookup f v"
      unfolding fmap_add_ltr_def fmlookup_add
      by simp
  note 2 = this

    have "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a (f ++ g)) v = fmlookup (f ++ g) v"
      unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def
      using 1
      by force
    then have "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a (f ++ g)) v = fmlookup f v"
      using 2
      by simp
  note 3 = this
  moreover {
    have "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup (f ++ g) v"
      using 1
      by simp
    also have " = fmlookup f v"
      using 2
      by simp
    also have " = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a (f ++ g)) v"
      using 3
      by simp
    finally have "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a (f ++ g)) v = fmlookup (fst a) v"
      by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor (into Fmap\_Utils.thy).›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xii:
  fixes f g v
  assumes "v  fmdom' f"
  shows "fmlookup (f ++ g) v = fmlookup f v"
proof -
  have "v |∈| fmdom f"
    using assms(1) fmdom'_notI fmdom_notD
    by metis
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding fmap_add_ltr_def
    using fmlookup_add
    by force

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xii':
  fixes f g v
  assumes "v  fmdom' f" "v  fmdom' g"
  shows "fmlookup (f ++ g) v = fmlookup g v"
proof -
  have "¬(v |∈| fmdom f)"
    using assms(1) fmdom'_notI fmdom_notD
    by fastforce
  moreover have "v |∈| fmdom g"
    using assms(2) fmdom'_notI fmdom_notD
    by metis
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding fmap_add_ltr_def
    using fmlookup_add
    by simp

― ‹NOTE showcase.›
lemma as_needed_asses_submap_exec:
  fixes s1 s2
  assumes "(s1 f s2)"
    "(a. ListMem a as  (action_needed_asses a s2 f action_needed_asses a s1))"
  shows "(exec_plan s1 as f exec_plan s2 as)"
  using assms
proof (induction as arbitrary: s1 s2)
  case (Cons a as)
    ― ‹Proof the premises of the induction hypothesis for 'state\_succ s1 a' and 'state\_succ s2 a'.›
    then have "action_needed_asses a s2 f action_needed_asses a s1"
      using Cons.prems(2) elem
      by metis
    then have "state_succ s1 a f state_succ s2 a"
      using Cons.prems(1) act_needed_asses_submap_succ_submap
      by blast
  note 1 = this
  moreover {
    fix a'
    assume P: "ListMem a' as"
      ― ‹Show the goal by rule 'as\_needed\_asses\_submap\_exec\_ix'.›
    let ?f="action_needed_asses a' (state_succ s2 a)"
    let ?g="action_needed_asses a' (state_succ s1 a)"
      fix v
      assume P_1: "v  fmdom' ?f"
      then have "fmlookup ?f v = fmlookup ?g v"
        unfolding state_succ_def
        text ‹ Split cases on the if-then branches introduced by the definition of 'state\_succ'.›
      proof (auto)
        assume P_1_1: "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a' (snd a ++ s2))" "fst a f s2"
          "fst a f s1"
        have i: "action_needed_asses a' s2 f action_needed_asses a' s1"
          using Cons.prems(2) P insert
          by fast
        then show "
            fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' (snd a ++ s2)) v
            = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' (snd a ++ s1)) v"
        proof (cases "v  fmdom' ?g")
          case true: True
          then have A:
            "v  fmdom' (fst a')  v  fmdom' (snd a ++ s1)
                 fmlookup (fst a') v = fmlookup (snd a ++ s1) v"
            using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_x[OF true]
            unfolding state_succ_def
            using P_1_1(3)
            by simp
          then have B:
            "v  fmdom' (fst a')  v  fmdom' (snd a ++ s2)
                 fmlookup (fst a') v = fmlookup (snd a ++ s2) v"
            using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_x[OF P_1]
            unfolding state_succ_def
            using P_1_1(2)
            by simp
          then show ?thesis
          proof (cases "v  fmdom' (snd a)")
            case True
            then have I:
              "fmlookup (snd a ++ s2) v = fmlookup (snd a) v"
              "fmlookup (snd a ++ s1) v = fmlookup (snd a) v"
              using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xii
              by fast+
            moreover {
              have "fmlookup ?f v = fmlookup (snd a ++ s2) v"
                using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iv[OF P_1]
                unfolding state_succ_def
                using P_1_1(2)
                by presburger
              then have "fmlookup ?f v = fmlookup (snd a) v"
                using I(1)
                by argo
            moreover {
              have "fmlookup ?g v = fmlookup (snd a ++ s1) v"
                using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iv[OF true]
                unfolding state_succ_def
                using P_1_1(3)
                by presburger
              then have "fmlookup ?g v = fmlookup (snd a) v"
                using I(2)
                by argo
            ultimately show ?thesis
              unfolding state_succ_def
              using P_1_1(2, 3)
              by presburger
            case False
            then have I: "v  fmdom' s1" "v  fmdom' s2"
              using A B
              unfolding fmap_add_ltr_def fmdom'_add
              by blast+
              have "fmlookup ?g v = fmlookup (snd a ++ s1) v"
                using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iv[OF true]
                unfolding state_succ_def
                using P_1_1(3)
                by presburger
              then have "fmlookup ?g v = fmlookup s1 v"
                using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xii'[OF False I(1)]
                by simp
              moreover {
                have "fmlookup (snd a ++ s1) v = fmlookup s1 v"
                  using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xii'[OF False I(1)]
                  by simp
                moreover from fmlookup (snd a ++ s1) v = fmlookup s1 v
                have "fmlookup (fst a') v = fmlookup s1 v"
                  using A(1)
                  by argo
                ultimately have "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s1) v = fmlookup s1 v"
                  using A(1) I(1)
                  unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def
                  by simp
              ultimately have "fmlookup ?g v = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s1) v"
                by argo
            note II = this
              have "fmlookup ?f v = fmlookup (snd a ++ s2) v"
                using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iv[OF P_1]
                unfolding state_succ_def
                using P_1_1(2)
                by presburger
              moreover from fmlookup ?f v = fmlookup (snd a ++ s2) v
              have α: "fmlookup ?f v = fmlookup s2 v"
                using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xii'[OF False I(2)]
                by argo
              ultimately have "fmlookup (snd a ++ s2) v = fmlookup s2 v"
                by argo
              moreover {
                from fmlookup (snd a ++ s2) v = fmlookup s2 v
                have "fmlookup (fst a') v = fmlookup s2 v"
                  using B(1)
                  by argo
                then have "fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s2) v = fmlookup s2 v"
                  using B(1) I(2)
                  unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def
                  by simp
              ultimately have "fmlookup ?f v = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s2) v"
                using α
                by argo
            note III = this
              have "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a' s2)"
              proof -
                have "fmlookup (fst a') v = fmlookup s1 v"
                  by (simp add: A False I(1) as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xii')
                then show ?thesis
                  by (simp add: A Cons.prems(1) I(1, 2)
                      as_needed_asses_submap_exec_ii as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iii)
              then have "
                      fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s2) v
                      = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s1) v"
                using i as_needed_asses_submap_exec_ix[of "action_needed_asses a' s2"
                    "action_needed_asses a' s1"]
                by blast
            note IV = this
              have "fmlookup ?f v = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s2) v"
                using III
                by simp
              also have " = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s1) v"
                using IV
                by simp
              finally have " = fmlookup ?g v"
                using II
                by simp
            then show ?thesis
              unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def state_succ_def
              using P_1_1 A B
              by simp
          case false: False
          have A:
            "v  fmdom' (fst a')  v  fmdom' (snd a ++ s2)
                 fmlookup (fst a') v = fmlookup (snd a ++ s2) v"
            using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_x[OF P_1]
            unfolding state_succ_def
            using P_1_1(2)
            by simp
          from false have B:
            "¬(v  fmdom' (snd a ++ s1))  ¬(fmlookup (fst a') v = fmlookup (snd a ++ s1) v)"
            by (simp add: A P_1_1(3) as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iii state_succ_def)
          then show ?thesis
          proof (cases "v  fmdom' (snd a)")
            case True
            then have I: "v  fmdom' (snd a ++ s1)"
              unfolding fmap_add_ltr_def fmdom'_add
              by simp
              from True have
                "fmlookup (snd a ++ s2) v = fmlookup (snd a) v"
                "fmlookup (snd a ++ s1) v = fmlookup (snd a) v"
                using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xii
                by fast+
              then have "fmlookup (snd a ++ s1) v = fmlookup (snd a ++ s2) v"
                by auto
              also have "  = fmlookup (fst a') v"
                using A
                by simp
              finally have "fmlookup (snd a ++ s1) v = fmlookup (fst a') v"
                by simp
            then show ?thesis using B I
              by presburger
            case False
            then have I: "v  fmdom' s2"
              using A unfolding fmap_add_ltr_def fmdom'_add
              by blast
              from P_1 have "fmlookup ?f v  None"
                by (meson fmdom'_notI)
              moreover from false
              have "fmlookup ?g v = None"
                by (simp add: fmdom'_notD)
              ultimately have "fmlookup ?f v  fmlookup ?g v"
                by simp
                from P_1_1(2) have "state_succ s2 a = snd a ++ s2"
                  unfolding state_succ_def
                  by simp
                moreover from state_succ s2 a = snd a ++ s2 have
                  "fmlookup (state_succ s2 a) v = fmlookup s2 v"
                  using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xii'[OF False I]
                  by simp
                ultimately have "fmlookup ?f v = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s2) v"
                  unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def
                  by (simp add: A I)
              note I = this
              moreover {
                from P_1_1(3) have "state_succ s1 a = snd a ++ s1"
                  unfolding state_succ_def
                  by simp
                moreover from state_succ s1 a = snd a ++ s1 False
                have "fmlookup (state_succ s1 a) v = fmlookup s1 v"
                  unfolding fmap_add_ltr_def
                  using fmlookup_add
                  by (simp add: fmdom'_alt_def)
                ultimately have "fmlookup ?g v = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s1) v"
                  unfolding action_needed_asses_def action_needed_vars_def
                  using FDOM_state_succ_subset
                  by auto
              moreover {
                have "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a' s2)"
                proof -
                  have "v  fmdom' s2  fmdom' (snd a)"
                    by (metis (no_types) A FDOM_state_succ_subset P_1_1(2) state_succ_def subsetCE)
                  then show ?thesis
                    by (simp add: A False as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iii as_needed_asses_submap_exec_xii')
                then have "
                      fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s2) v
                      = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s1) v"
                  using i as_needed_asses_submap_exec_ix[of "action_needed_asses a' s2"
                      "action_needed_asses a' s1"]
                  by blast
              ultimately have "fmlookup ?f v = fmlookup ?g v"
                by simp
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by simp
        assume P2: "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a' (snd a ++ s2))" "fst a f s2"
          "¬ fst a f s1"
        then show "
            fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' (snd a ++ s2)) v
            = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s1) v"
        proof -
          obtain aa :: "('a, 'b) fmap  ('a, 'b) fmap  'a" where
            "x0 x1. (v2. v2  fmdom' x1
                 fmlookup x1 v2  fmlookup x0 v2) = (aa x0 x1  fmdom' x1
                 fmlookup x1 (aa x0 x1)  fmlookup x0 (aa x0 x1))"
            by moura
          then have f1: "f fa. aa fa f  fmdom' f
               fmlookup f (aa fa f)  fmlookup fa (aa fa f)  f f fa"
            by (meson as_needed_asses_submap_exec_vii)
          then have f2: "aa s1 (fst a)  fmdom' (fst a)
               fmlookup (fst a) (aa s1 (fst a))  fmlookup s1 (aa s1 (fst a))"
            using P2(3) by blast
          then have "aa s1 (fst a)  fmdom' s2"
            by (metis (full_types) P2(2) as_needed_asses_submap_exec_v)
          then have "aa s1 (fst a)  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a s2)"
            using f2 by (simp add: P2(2) as_needed_asses_submap_exec_iii
          then show ?thesis
            using f1 by (metis (no_types) Cons.prems(2) P2(3) as_needed_asses_submap_exec_vi elem)
        assume P3: "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a' s2)" "¬ fst a f s2" "fst a f s1"
        then show "
            fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s2) v
            = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' (snd a ++ s1)) v"
          using Cons.prems(1) submap_imp_state_succ_submap_a
          by blast
        assume P4: "v  fmdom' (action_needed_asses a' s2)" "¬ fst a f s2" "¬ fst a f s1"
        then show "
            fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s2) v
            = fmlookup (action_needed_asses a' s1) v"
          by (simp add: Cons.prems(2) P as_needed_asses_submap_exec_ii insert)
    then have a: "?f f ?g"
      using as_needed_asses_submap_exec_ix
      by blast
  note 2 = this
  then show ?case
    unfolding exec_plan.simps
    using Cons.IH[of "state_succ s1 a" "state_succ s2 a", OF 1]
    by blast
qed simp

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
definition system_needed_vars where
  "system_needed_vars PROB s  ({action_needed_vars a s | a. a  PROB})"

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
definition system_needed_asses where
  "system_needed_asses PROB s  (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s)"

lemma action_needed_vars_subset_sys_needed_vars_subset:
  assumes "(a  PROB)"
  shows "(action_needed_vars a s  system_needed_vars PROB s)"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: system_needed_vars_def) (metis surjective_pairing)

lemma action_needed_asses_submap_sys_needed_asses:
  assumes "(a  PROB)"
  shows "(action_needed_asses a s f system_needed_asses PROB s)"
proof -
  have "action_needed_asses a s = fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) s"
    unfolding action_needed_asses_def
    by simp
  then have "system_needed_asses PROB s = (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s)"
    unfolding system_needed_asses_def
    by simp
  then have 1: "action_needed_vars a s  system_needed_vars PROB s"
    unfolding action_needed_vars_subset_sys_needed_vars_subset
    using assms action_needed_vars_subset_sys_needed_vars_subset
    by fast
    fix x
    assume P1: "x  dom (fmlookup (fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) s))"
    then have a: "fmlookup (fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) s) x = fmlookup s x"
      by (auto simp: fmdom'_restrict_set_precise)
    then have "fmlookup (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s) x = fmlookup s x"
      using 1 contra_subsetD
      by fastforce
    then have "
      fmlookup (fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) s) x
      = fmlookup (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s) x
      using a
      by argo
  then have "
      fmlookup (fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) s)
      m fmlookup (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s)
    using map_le_def
    by blast
  then show "(action_needed_asses a s f system_needed_asses PROB s)"
    by (simp add: fmsubset.rep_eq action_needed_asses_def system_needed_asses_def)

lemma system_needed_asses_include_action_needed_asses_1:
  assumes "(a  PROB)"
  shows "(action_needed_vars a (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s) = action_needed_vars a s)"
proof -
  let ?A="{v  fmdom' (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s).
      v  fmdom' (fst a)
       fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s) v}"
  let ?B="{v  fmdom' s. v  fmdom' (fst a)  fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s v}"
    fix v
    assume "v  ?A"
    then have i: "v  fmdom' (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s)" "v  fmdom' (fst a)"
      "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s) v"
      by blast+
    then have "v  fmdom' s"
      by (simp add: fmdom'_restrict_set_precise)
    moreover have "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s v"
      using i(2, 3) fmdom'_notI
      by force
    ultimately have "v  ?B"
      using i
      by blast
  then have 1: "?A  ?B"
    by blast
    fix v
    assume P: "v  ?B"
    then have ii: "v  fmdom' s" "v  fmdom' (fst a)" "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup s v"
      by blast+
    moreover {
      have "s'. v  s'  (a. (s' = action_needed_vars a s)  a  PROB)"
        unfolding action_needed_vars_def
        using assms P action_needed_vars_def
        by metis
      then obtain s' where α: "v  s'" "(a. (s' = action_needed_vars a s)  a  PROB)"
        by blast
      moreover obtain a' where "s' = action_needed_vars a' s" "a'  PROB"
        using α
        by blast
      ultimately have "v  fmdom' (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s)"
        unfolding fmdom'_restrict_set_precise
        using action_needed_vars_subset_sys_needed_vars_subset ii(1) by blast
    note iii = this
    moreover have "fmlookup (fst a) v = fmlookup (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s) v"
      using ii(3) iii fmdom'_notI
      by force
    ultimately have "v  ?A"
      by blast
  then have "?B  ?A"
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding action_needed_vars_def
    using 1
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor (proven elsewhere?).›
lemma system_needed_asses_include_action_needed_asses_i:
  fixes A B f
  assumes "A  B"
  shows "fmrestrict_set A (fmrestrict_set B f) = fmrestrict_set A f"
proof -
    let ?f'="fmrestrict_set A f"
    let ?f''="fmrestrict_set A (fmrestrict_set B f)"
    assume C: "?f''  ?f'"
    then obtain v where 1: "fmlookup ?f'' v  fmlookup ?f' v"
      by (meson fmap_ext)
    then have False
    proof (cases "v  A")
      case True
      have "fmlookup ?f'' v = fmlookup (fmrestrict_set B f) v"
        using True fmlookup_restrict_set
        by simp
      moreover have "fmlookup (fmrestrict_set B f) v = fmlookup ?f' v"
        using True assms(1)
        by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using 1
        by argo
      case False
      then have "fmlookup ?f' v = None" "fmlookup ?f'' v = None"
        using fmlookup_restrict_set
        by auto+
      then show ?thesis
        using 1
        by argo
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma system_needed_asses_include_action_needed_asses:
  assumes "(a  PROB)"
  shows "(action_needed_asses a (system_needed_asses PROB s) = action_needed_asses a s)"
proof -
    have " action_needed_vars a s  system_needed_vars PROB s"
      using action_needed_vars_subset_sys_needed_vars_subset[OF assms]
      by simp
    then have "
        fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s) =
        fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) s"
      using system_needed_asses_include_action_needed_asses_i
      by fast
      "action_needed_vars a (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s) = action_needed_vars a s"
      using system_needed_asses_include_action_needed_asses_1[OF assms]
      by simp
    then have "fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s))
        (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s) =
        fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) s
         fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s) =
            fmrestrict_set (action_needed_vars a s) s"
      by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding  action_needed_asses_def system_needed_asses_def
    by simp

lemma system_needed_asses_submap:
  "system_needed_asses PROB s f s"
proof -
    fix x
    assume P: "x dom (fmlookup (system_needed_asses PROB s))"
    then have "system_needed_asses PROB s = (fmrestrict_set (system_needed_vars PROB s) s)"
      by (simp add: system_needed_asses_def)
    then have "fmlookup (system_needed_asses PROB s) x = fmlookup s x"
      using P
      by (auto simp: fmdom'_restrict_set_precise)
  then have "fmlookup (system_needed_asses PROB s) m fmlookup s"
    using map_le_def
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using fmsubset.rep_eq
    by fast

lemma as_works_from_system_needed_asses:
  assumes "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(exec_plan (system_needed_asses PROB s) as f exec_plan s as)"
  using assms
  by (metis
      fmsubset_restrict_set_mono system_needed_asses_def
