Theory TypeSystem

Title: Value-Dependent SIFUM-Type-Systems
Authors: Toby Murray, Robert Sison, Edward Pierzchalski, Christine Rizkallah
(Based on the SIFUM-Type-Systems AFP entry, whose authors
 are: Sylvia Grewe, Heiko Mantel, Daniel Schoepe)
section ‹Type System for Ensuring SIFUM-Security of Commands›

theory TypeSystem
imports Compositionality Language

subsection ‹Typing Rules›

text ‹
  Types now depend on memories. To see why, consider an assignment in which some variable
  @{term x} for which we have a @{term AsmNoReadOrWrite} assumption is assigned the value in 
  variable @{term input}, but where @{term input}'s classification depends on some control
  variable. Then the new type of @{term x} depends on memory. If we were to just take the 
  upper bound of @{term input}'s classification, this would likely give us @{term High} as
  @{term x}'s type, but that would prevent us from treating @{term x} as @{term Low}
  if we later learn @{term input}'s original classification. 
  Instead we need to make @{term x}'s type explicitly depend on memory so later on, once we
  learn @{term input}'s classification, we can resolve @{term x}'s type to a concrete
  security level.
  We choose to deeply embed types as sets of boolean expressions. If any expression in the
  set evaluates to @{term True}, the type is @{term High}; otherwise it is @{term Low}.
type_synonym 'BExp Type = "'BExp set"

text ‹
  We require @{term Γ} to track all stable (i.e. @{term AsmNoWrite} or @{term AsmNoReadOrWrite}), 
  non-@{term 𝒞} variables.
  This differs from Mantel a bit. Mantel would exclude from @{term Γ}, variables
  whose classification (according to @{term dma}) is @{term Low} for which we have only
  an @{term AsmNoWrite} assumption.
  We decouple the requirement for inclusion in @{term Γ} from a variable's classification
  so that we don't need to be updating @{term Γ} each time we alter a control variable.
  Even if we tried to keep @{term Γ} up-to-date in that case, we may not be able to 
  precisely compute the new classification of each variable after the modification anyway.
type_synonym ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv = "'Var  'BExp Type"

text ‹
  This records which variables are \emph{stable} in that we have an assumption
  implying that their value won't change. It duplicates a bit of info in
  @{term Γ} above but I haven't yet thought of a way to remove that duplication
  The first component of the pair records variables for which we have
  @{term AsmNoWrite}; the second component is for @{term AsmNoReadOrWrite}.
  The reason we want to distinguish the different kinds of assumptions is to know whether
  a variable should remain in @{term Γ} when we drop an assumption on it. If we drop
  e.g. @{term AsmNoWrite} but also have @{term AsmNoReadOrWrite} then if we didn't track
  stability info this way we wouldn't know whether we had to remove the variable from
  @{term Γ} or not.
type_synonym 'Var Stable = "('Var set × 'Var set)"

text ‹
  We track a set of predicates on memories as we execute. If we evaluate a boolean expression
  all of whose variables are stable, then we enrich this set predicate with that one.
  If we assign to a stable variable, then we enrich this predicate also.
  If we release an assumption making a variable unstable, we need to remove all predicates that
  pertain to it from this set.
  This needs to be deeply embedded (i.e. it cannot be stored as a predicate of type
  @{typ "('Var,'Val) Mem  bool"} or even @{typ "('Var,'Val) Mem set"}), because we need to be 
  able to identify each individual predicate and for each predicate identify all of the
  variables in it, so we can discard the right predicates each time a variable becomes unstable.
type_synonym 'bexp preds = "'bexp set"

context sifum_lang_no_dma begin

  pred :: "'BExp preds  ('Var,'Val) Mem  bool"
  "pred P  λmem. (pP. evalB mem p)"


locale sifum_types =
  sifum_lang_no_dma evA evB aexp_vars bexp_vars + sifum_security dma 𝒞_vars 𝒞 evalw undefined
  for evA :: "('Var, 'Val) Mem  'AExp  'Val"
  and evB :: "('Var, 'Val) Mem  'BExp  bool"
  and aexp_vars :: "'AExp  'Var set"
  and bexp_vars :: "'BExp  'Var set"
  and dma :: "('Var,'Val) Mem  'Var  Sec"
  and 𝒞_vars :: "'Var  'Var set"
  and 𝒞 :: "'Var set" +
  (* we need to be able to negate predicates, when we explore the ELSE branch of an IF *)
  fixes bexp_neg :: "'BExp  'BExp"
  assumes bexp_neg_negates: "mem e. (evB mem (bexp_neg e)) = (¬ (evB mem e))" 
  (* we need to be able to compute a valid postcondition after an assignment *)
  fixes assign_post :: "'BExp preds  'Var  'AExp  'BExp preds"
  assumes assign_post_valid: "mem. pred P mem  pred (assign_post P x e) (mem(x := evA mem e))"
  fixes dma_type :: "'Var  'BExp set"
  assumes dma_correct:
    "dma mem x = (if (edma_type x. evB mem e) then Low else High)"
  assumes 𝒞_vars_correct:
    "𝒞_vars x = ((bexp_vars ` dma_type x))"
  fixes pred_False :: 'BExp
  assumes pred_False_is_False: "¬ evB mem pred_False"
  assumes bexp_vars_pred_False: "bexp_vars pred_False = {}"

(* a more specialised form of the above locale useful for the examples that provides
   a brain-dead instantiation for the assignment postcondition transformer *)
locale sifum_types_assign =
  sifum_lang_no_dma evA evB aexp_vars bexp_vars + sifum_security dma 𝒞_vars 𝒞 evalw undefined
  for evA :: "('Var, 'Val) Mem  'AExp  'Val"
  and evB :: "('Var, 'Val) Mem  'BExp  bool"
  and aexp_vars :: "'AExp  'Var set"
  and bexp_vars :: "'BExp  'Var set"
  and dma :: "('Var,'Val) Mem  'Var  Sec"
  and 𝒞_vars :: "'Var  'Var set"
  and 𝒞 :: "'Var set" +
  (* we need to be able to negate predicates, when we explore the ELSE branch of an IF *)
  fixes bexp_neg :: "'BExp  'BExp"
  assumes bexp_neg_negates: "mem e. (evB mem (bexp_neg e)) = (¬ (evB mem e))" 
  fixes dma_type :: "'Var  'BExp set"
  assumes dma_correct:
    "dma mem x = (if (edma_type x. evB mem e) then Low else High)"
  assumes 𝒞_vars_correct:
    "𝒞_vars x = ((bexp_vars ` dma_type x))"
  fixes pred_False :: 'BExp
  assumes pred_False_is_False: "¬ evB mem pred_False"
  assumes bexp_vars_pred_False: "bexp_vars pred_False = {}"
  (* we need to be able to say "variable x has value e" when we assign (the evaluation of e) to x *)
  fixes bexp_assign :: "'Var  'AExp  'BExp"
  assumes bexp_assign_eval: "mem e x. (evB mem (bexp_assign x e)) = (mem x = (evA mem e))"
  assumes bexp_assign_vars: "e x. (bexp_vars (bexp_assign x e)) = aexp_vars e  {x}"

(* things needed by both sifum_types_assign and sifum_types, before we prove the former a sublocale *)
context sifum_lang_no_dma begin

  stable :: "'Var Stable  'Var  bool"
  "stable 𝒮 x  x  (fst 𝒮  snd 𝒮)"

  add_pred :: "'BExp preds  'Var Stable  'BExp  'BExp preds" ("_ +⇩_ _" [120, 120, 120] 1000)
  "P +⇩𝒮 e  (if (xbexp_vars e. stable 𝒮 x) then P  {e} else P)"

lemma add_pred_subset:
  "P  P +⇩𝒮 p"
  apply(clarsimp simp: add_pred_def)

(* TODO: overloads the syntax for partial functions --- pick something else? *)
  restrict_preds_to_vars :: "'BExp preds  'Var set  'BExp preds" ("_ |` _" [120, 120] 1000)
  "P |` V  {e. e  P  bexp_vars e  V}"


context sifum_types_assign begin

text ‹
  the most simple assignment postcondition transformer
  assign_post :: "'BExp preds  'Var  'AExp  'BExp preds"
  "assign_post P x e  
           (if x  (aexp_vars e) then 
              (restrict_preds_to_vars P  (-{x})) 
              (restrict_preds_to_vars P  (-{x}))  {bexp_assign x e})"

sublocale sifum_types_assign  sifum_types _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ assign_post
     using bexp_neg_negates apply blast
    apply(clarsimp simp: assign_post_def pred_def | safe)+
       using eval_vars_detB
       unfolding restrict_preds_to_vars_def
       apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ComplD fun_upd_other mem_Collect_eq singletonI subset_eq)
      unfolding bexp_assign_eval
      using eval_vars_detA
      apply fastforce
     using eval_vars_detB
     apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ComplD fun_upd_other mem_Collect_eq singletonI subset_eq)
    using dma_correct apply blast
   using 𝒞_vars_correct pred_False_is_False bexp_vars_pred_False apply blast+

context sifum_types

(* Redefined since Isabelle does not seem to be able to reuse the abbreviation from the old locale *)
  mm_equiv_abv2 :: "(_, _, _) LocalConf  (_, _, _) LocalConf  bool"
  (infix "" 60)
  "mm_equiv_abv2 c c'  mm_equiv_abv c c'"

  eval_abv2 :: "(_, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  (_, _, _) LocalConf  bool"
  (infixl "" 70)
  "x  y  (x, y)  evalw"
  eval_plus_abv :: "(_, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  (_, _, _) LocalConf  bool"
  (infixl "+" 70)
  "x + y  (x, y)  evalw+"
  no_eval_abv :: "(_, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  bool" 
  ("_  ")
  "x     y. (x, y)  evalw"

  low_indistinguishable_abv :: "'Var Mds  ('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt  (_, _, _) Stmt  bool"
  ("_ ı _" [100, 100] 80)
  "c mdsc'  low_indistinguishable mds c c'"

  vars_of_type :: "'BExp Type  'Var set"
  "vars_of_type t  (bexp_vars ` t)"
  type_wellformed :: "'BExp Type  bool"
  "type_wellformed t  vars_of_type t  𝒞"

lemma dma_type_wellformed [simp]:
  "type_wellformed (dma_type x)"
  apply(clarsimp simp: type_wellformed_def  𝒞_def | safe)+
  using 𝒞_vars_correct apply blast
  to_total :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var  'BExp Type"
  "to_total Γ  λv. if v  dom Γ then the (Γ v) else dma_type v"

  types_wellformed :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  bool"
  "types_wellformed Γ  xdom Γ. type_wellformed (the (Γ x))"
lemma to_total_type_wellformed:
  "types_wellformed Γ 
  type_wellformed (to_total Γ x)"
  by(auto simp: to_total_def types_wellformed_def)
lemma Un_type_wellformed:
  "tts. type_wellformed t  type_wellformed ( ts)"
  apply(clarsimp simp: type_wellformed_def | safe)+
  by(fastforce simp: 𝒞_def elim!: subsetCE)

  type_aexpr :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'AExp  'BExp Type  bool" ("_ a _  _" [120, 120, 120] 1000)
  type_aexpr [intro!]: "Γ a e   (image (λ x. to_total Γ x) (aexp_vars e))"

lemma type_aexprI:
  "t =   (image (λ x. to_total Γ x) (aexp_vars e))  Γ a e  t"
  apply(erule ssubst)
  apply(rule type_aexpr.intros)

lemma type_aexpr_type_wellformed:
  "types_wellformed Γ  Γ a e  t  type_wellformed t"
  apply(erule type_aexpr.cases)
  apply(erule ssubst, rule Un_type_wellformed)
  apply clarsimp
  apply(blast intro: to_total_type_wellformed)
inductive_cases type_aexpr_elim [elim]: "Γ a e  t"

  type_bexpr :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'BExp  'BExp Type  bool" ("_ b _  _ " [120, 120, 120] 1000)
  type_bexpr [intro!]: "Γ b e   (image (λ x. to_total Γ x) (bexp_vars e))"

lemma type_bexprI:
  "t =   (image (λ x. to_total Γ x) (bexp_vars e))  Γ b e  t"
  apply(erule ssubst)
  apply(rule type_bexpr.intros)

lemma type_bexpr_type_wellformed:
  "types_wellformed Γ  Γ b e  t  type_wellformed t"
  apply(erule type_bexpr.cases)
  apply(erule ssubst, rule Un_type_wellformed)
  apply clarsimp
  apply(blast intro: to_total_type_wellformed)
inductive_cases type_bexpr_elim [elim]: "Γ b e  t"

text ‹
  Define a sufficient condition for a type to be stable, assuming the type is wellformed.
  We need this because there is no point tracking the fact that e.g. variable @{term x}'s data has
  a classification that depends on some control variable @{term c} (where @{term c} might be
  the control variable for some other variable @{term y} whose value we've just assigned to
  @{term x}) if @{term c} can then go and be modified, since now the classification of
  the data in @{term x} no longer depends on the value of @{term c}, instead it depends on
  @{term c}'s \emph{old} value, which has now been lost.
  Therefore, if a type depends on @{term c}, then @{term c} had better be stable.
  pred_stable :: "'Var Stable  'BExp  bool"
  "pred_stable 𝒮 p  xbexp_vars p. stable 𝒮 x"

  type_stable :: "'Var Stable  'BExp Type  bool"
  "type_stable 𝒮 t  (pt. pred_stable 𝒮 p)"
lemma type_stable_is_sufficient:
  "type_stable 𝒮 t 
  mem mem'. (x. stable 𝒮 x  mem x = mem' x)  (evB mem) ` t = (evB mem') ` t"
  apply(clarsimp simp: type_wellformed_def image_def)
  apply safe
   using eval_vars_detB apply blast+
  mds_consistent :: "'Var Mds  ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'BExp preds  bool"
  "mds_consistent mds Γ 𝒮 P 
    (𝒮 = (mds AsmNoWrite, mds AsmNoReadOrWrite)) 
    (dom Γ = {x. x  𝒞  stable 𝒮 x}) 
    (p  P. pred_stable 𝒮 p)"

  add_anno_dom :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'Var ModeUpd  'Var set"
  "add_anno_dom Γ 𝒮 (Acq v AsmNoReadOrWrite) = (if v  𝒞 then dom Γ  {v} else dom Γ)" |
  "add_anno_dom Γ 𝒮 (Acq v AsmNoWrite) = (if v  𝒞 then dom Γ  {v} else dom Γ)" |
  "add_anno_dom Γ 𝒮 (Acq v _) = dom Γ" |
  "add_anno_dom Γ 𝒮 (Rel v AsmNoReadOrWrite) = (if v  fst 𝒮 then dom Γ - {v} else dom Γ)" |
  "add_anno_dom Γ 𝒮 (Rel v AsmNoWrite) = (if v  snd 𝒮 then dom Γ - {v} else dom Γ)" |
  "add_anno_dom Γ 𝒮 (Rel v _) = dom Γ"

  add_anno :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'Var ModeUpd  ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv" ("_ ⊕⇩_ _" [120, 120, 120] 1000)
  "Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 upd = restrict_map (λx. Some (to_total Γ x)) (add_anno_dom Γ 𝒮 upd)"

lemma add_anno_acq_AsmNoReadOrWrite_idemp [simp]:
  "v  dom Γ  v  𝒞  Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (Acq v AsmNoReadOrWrite) = Γ"
  apply(safe | clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)+
    apply(rule ext)
    apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
    apply(case_tac "Γ x", fastforce+)[5]
   apply(rule ext)
   apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
   apply(case_tac "Γ x", fastforce+)
  apply(safe | clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)+
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
  apply(case_tac "Γ x", fastforce+)

lemma add_anno_rel_AsmNoReadOrWrite_idemp [simp]:
  "v  dom Γ; v  fst 𝒮  Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (Rel v AsmNoReadOrWrite) = Γ"
  apply(subgoal_tac "v  dom Γ")
   apply(safe | clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)+
  apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
  apply(erule_tac P="(λx. if x  dom Γ  x  v
          then Some (if x  dom Γ then the (Γ x) else dma_type x) else None) = Γ" in notE)
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(case_tac "Γ x", fastforce+)

lemma add_anno_acq_AsmNoReadOrWrite [simp]:
  assumes notin [simp]: "v  dom Γ"
  shows "v  𝒞  Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (Acq v AsmNoReadOrWrite) = (Γ(v  dma_type v))"
  apply(safe | clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)+
  apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(auto intro: sym)

lemma add_anno_rel_AsmNoReadOrWrite [simp]:
  assumes isin [simp]: "v  dom Γ"
  shows "v  fst 𝒮  Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (Rel v AsmNoReadOrWrite) = restrict_map Γ ((dom Γ) - {v})"
  apply(safe | clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)+
  apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(auto intro: sym)

lemma add_anno_acq_AsmNoWrite_idemp [simp]:
  "v  dom Γ  v  𝒞  Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (Acq v AsmNoWrite) = Γ"
  apply(safe | clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)+
    apply(rule ext)
    apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
    apply(case_tac "Γ x", fastforce+)[5]
   apply(rule ext)
   apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
   apply(case_tac "Γ x", fastforce+)
  apply(safe | clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)+
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
  apply(case_tac "Γ x", fastforce+)

lemma add_anno_rel_AsmNoWrite_idemp [simp]:
  "v  dom Γ; v  snd 𝒮  Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (Rel v AsmNoWrite) = Γ"
  apply(subgoal_tac "v  dom Γ")
   apply(safe | clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)+
  apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
  apply(erule_tac P="(λx. if x  dom Γ  x  v
          then Some (if x  dom Γ then the (Γ x) else dma_type x) else None) = Γ" in notE)
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(case_tac "Γ x", fastforce+)

lemma add_anno_acq_AsmNoWrite [simp]:
  assumes notin [simp]: "v  dom Γ"
  shows "v  𝒞  Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (Acq v AsmNoWrite) = (Γ(v  dma_type v))"
  apply(safe | clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)+
  apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(auto intro: sym)

lemma add_anno_rel_AsmNoWrite [simp]:
  assumes isin [simp]: "v  dom Γ"
  shows "v  snd 𝒮  Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (Rel v AsmNoWrite) = restrict_map Γ ((dom Γ) - {v})"
  apply(safe | clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)+
  apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def | safe)+
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(auto intro: sym)
  add_anno_stable :: "'Var Stable  'Var ModeUpd  'Var Stable"
  "add_anno_stable 𝒮 (Acq v AsmNoReadOrWrite) = (fst 𝒮, snd 𝒮  {v})" |
  "add_anno_stable 𝒮 (Acq v AsmNoWrite) = (fst 𝒮  {v}, snd 𝒮)" |
  "add_anno_stable 𝒮 (Acq v _) = 𝒮" |
  "add_anno_stable 𝒮 (Rel v AsmNoReadOrWrite) = (fst 𝒮, snd 𝒮 - {v})" |
  "add_anno_stable 𝒮 (Rel v AsmNoWrite) = (fst 𝒮 - {v}, snd 𝒮)" |
  "add_anno_stable 𝒮 (Rel v _) = 𝒮"

  pred_entailment :: "'BExp preds  'BExp preds  bool" (infix "" 70)
  "P  P'  mem. pred P mem  pred P' mem"

text ‹
  We give a predicate interpretation of subtype and then prove it has the correct
  semantic property.
  subtype :: "'BExp Type  'BExp preds  'BExp Type  bool" ("_ ≤:⇩_ _" [120, 120, 120] 1000)
  "t ≤:⇩P t'  (P  t')  t"

  type_max :: "'BExp Type  ('Var,'Val) Mem  Sec"
  "type_max t mem  if (pt. evB mem p) then Low else High"

lemma type_stable_is_sufficient':
  "type_stable 𝒮 t 
  mem mem'. (x. stable 𝒮 x  mem x = mem' x)  type_max t mem = type_max t mem'"
  using type_stable_is_sufficient
  unfolding type_max_def image_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) eval_vars_detB)

lemma subtype_sound:
  "t ≤:⇩P t'  mem. pred P mem  type_max t mem  type_max t' mem"
  apply(fastforce simp: subtype_def pred_entailment_def pred_def type_max_def less_eq_Sec_def)

lemma subtype_complete:
  assumes a: "mem. pred P mem  type_max t mem  type_max t' mem"
  shows "t ≤:⇩P t'"
unfolding subtype_def pred_entailment_def
proof (clarify)
  fix mem
  assume p: "pred (P  t') mem"
  hence "pred P mem"
    unfolding pred_def by blast
  with a have tmax: "type_max t mem  type_max t' mem" by blast
  from p have t': "pred t' mem"
    unfolding pred_def by blast
  from t' have "type_max t' mem = Low"
    unfolding type_max_def pred_def by force
  with tmax have "type_max t mem  Low"
    by simp
  hence "type_max t mem = Low"
    unfolding less_eq_Sec_def by blast
  thus "pred t mem"
    unfolding type_max_def pred_def by (auto split: if_splits)

lemma subtype_correct:
  "(t ≤:⇩P t')  = (mem. pred P mem  type_max t mem  type_max t' mem)"
  apply(rule iffI)
   apply(simp add: subtype_sound)
  apply(simp add: subtype_complete)

  type_equiv :: "'BExp Type  'BExp preds  'BExp Type  bool" ("_ =:⇩_ _" [120, 120, 120] 1000)
  "t =:⇩P t'  t ≤:⇩P t'  t' ≤:⇩P t"

lemma subtype_refl [simp]:
  "t ≤:⇩P t"
  by(simp add: subtype_def pred_entailment_def pred_def)

lemma type_equiv_refl [simp]:
  "t =:⇩P t"
  by (simp add: type_equiv_def)
  anno_type_stable :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'Var ModeUpd  bool"
  "anno_type_stable Γ 𝒮 upd  (case upd of (Rel v m) 
                                 (v  𝒞  v  add_anno_dom Γ 𝒮 upd) 
                                    (xdom Γ. v  vars_of_type (the (Γ x)))
                                          | (Acq v m)  
                                    (v  𝒞  vadd_anno_dom Γ 𝒮 upd - dom Γ) 
                                      (x𝒞_vars v. stable 𝒮 x))"

  anno_type_sec :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable   'BExp preds  'Var ModeUpd  bool"
  "anno_type_sec Γ 𝒮 P upd  (case upd of (Rel v AsmNoReadOrWrite) 
                                (v  add_anno_dom Γ 𝒮 upd  (the (Γ v)) ≤:⇩P (dma_type v))
                                          |  _  True)"

  types_stable :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  bool"
  "types_stable Γ 𝒮  xdom Γ. type_stable 𝒮 (the (Γ x))"
  tyenv_wellformed :: "'Var Mds  ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'BExp preds  bool"
  "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  
      mds_consistent mds Γ 𝒮 P 
      types_wellformed Γ  types_stable Γ 𝒮"

lemma subset_entailment:
  "P'  P  P  P'"
  apply(auto simp: pred_entailment_def pred_def)

lemma pred_entailment_refl [simp]:
  "P  P"
  by(simp add: pred_entailment_def)

lemma pred_entailment_mono:
  "P  P'  P  P''  P''  P'"
  by(auto simp: pred_entailment_def pred_def)
lemma type_equiv_subset:
  "type_equiv t P t'  P  P'  type_equiv t P' t'"
  apply(auto simp: type_equiv_def subtype_def intro: pred_entailment_mono)
  context_equiv :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'BExp preds  ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  bool" ("_ =:⇩_ _" [120, 120, 120] 1000)
  "Γ =:⇩P Γ'  dom Γ = dom Γ' 
                           (xdom Γ'. type_equiv (the (Γ x)) P (the (Γ' x)))"

lemma context_equiv_refl[simp]:
  "context_equiv Γ P Γ"
  by(simp add: context_equiv_def)

lemma context_equiv_subset:
  "context_equiv Γ P Γ'  P  P'  context_equiv Γ P' Γ'"
  apply(auto simp: context_equiv_def intro: type_equiv_subset)

lemma pred_entailment_trans:
  "P  P'  P'  P''  P  P''"
  by(auto simp: pred_entailment_def)

lemma pred_un [simp]:
  "pred (P  P') mem = (pred P mem  pred P' mem)"
  apply(auto simp: pred_def)
lemma pred_entailment_un:
  "P  P'  P  P''  P  (P'  P'')"
  apply(subst pred_entailment_def)
  apply clarsimp
  apply(fastforce simp: pred_entailment_def)

lemma pred_entailment_mono_un:
  "P  P'  (P  P'')  (P'  P'')"
  apply(auto simp: pred_entailment_def pred_def)
lemma subtype_trans:
  "t ≤:⇩P t'  t' ≤:⇩P' t''  P  P'  t ≤:⇩P t''"
  "t ≤:⇩P' t'  t' ≤:⇩P t''  P  P'  t ≤:⇩P t''"
   apply(clarsimp simp: subtype_def)
   apply(rule pred_entailment_trans)
    prefer 2
    apply assumption
   apply(rule pred_entailment_un)
    apply(blast intro: subset_entailment)
   apply(rule pred_entailment_trans)
    prefer 2
    apply assumption
   apply(blast intro: pred_entailment_mono_un)
  apply(clarsimp simp: subtype_def)
  apply(rule pred_entailment_trans)
   prefer 2
   apply assumption
  apply(rule pred_entailment_un)
   apply(blast intro: pred_entailment_mono)
  apply(blast intro: subset_entailment)
lemma type_equiv_trans:
  "type_equiv t P t'  type_equiv t' P' t''  P  P'  type_equiv t P t''"
  apply(auto simp: type_equiv_def intro: subtype_trans)

lemma context_equiv_trans:
  "context_equiv Γ P Γ'  context_equiv Γ' P' Γ''  P  P'  context_equiv Γ P Γ''"
  apply(force simp: context_equiv_def intro: type_equiv_trans)

lemma un_pred_entailment_mono:
  "(P  P')  P''  P'''  P  (P'''  P')  P''"
  unfolding pred_entailment_def pred_def
  apply blast
lemma subtype_entailment:
  "t ≤:⇩P t'  P'  P  t ≤:⇩P' t'"
  apply(auto simp: subtype_def intro: un_pred_entailment_mono)
lemma type_equiv_entailment:
  "type_equiv t P t'  P'  P  type_equiv t P' t'"
  apply(auto simp: type_equiv_def intro: subtype_entailment)  
lemma context_equiv_entailment:
  "context_equiv Γ P Γ'  P'  P  context_equiv Γ P' Γ'"
  apply(auto simp: context_equiv_def intro: type_equiv_entailment)

  has_type :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'BExp preds  ('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt  ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'BExp preds  bool"
  (" _,_,_ {_} _,_,_" [120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120] 1000)
  stop_type [intro]: " Γ,𝒮,P {Stop} Γ,𝒮,P" |
  skip_type [intro] : " Γ,𝒮,P {Skip} Γ,𝒮,P" |
  assign𝒞 : 
  "x  𝒞; Γ a e  t; P  t; (vdom Γ. x  vars_of_type (the (Γ v))); 
    P' = restrict_preds_to_vars (assign_post P x e) {v. stable 𝒮 v}; 
    v. x  𝒞_vars v  v  snd 𝒮  P  (to_total Γ v)  
                                      (to_total Γ v) ≤:⇩P' (dma_type v)   
    Γ,𝒮,P {x  e} Γ,𝒮,P'" | 
  assign1 : 
  " x  dom Γ ; x  𝒞; Γ a e  t; t ≤:⇩P (dma_type x); 
     P' = restrict_preds_to_vars (assign_post P x e)  {v. stable 𝒮 v}   
    Γ,𝒮,P {x  e} Γ,𝒮,P'" |
  assign2 : 
  " x  dom Γ ; Γ a e  t;  type_stable 𝒮 t; P' = restrict_preds_to_vars (assign_post P x e) {v. stable 𝒮 v}; 
     x  snd 𝒮  t ≤:⇩P' (dma_type x)   
   has_type Γ 𝒮 P (x  e) (Γ (x := Some t)) 𝒮 P'" |
  if_type [intro]: 
  " Γ b e  t; P  t; 
      Γ,𝒮,(P +⇩𝒮 e) { c1 } Γ',𝒮',P';  Γ,𝒮,(P +⇩𝒮 (bexp_neg e)) { c2 } Γ'',𝒮',P''; 
     context_equiv Γ' P' Γ'''; context_equiv Γ'' P'' Γ'''; P'  P'''; P''  P'''; 
     mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ' 𝒮' P'  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ''' 𝒮' P'''; 
     mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ'' 𝒮' P''  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ''' 𝒮' P'''   
    Γ,𝒮,P { If e c1 c2 } Γ''',𝒮',P'''" | 
  while_type [intro]: " Γ b e  t ; P  t;  Γ,𝒮,(P +⇩𝒮 e) { c } Γ,𝒮,P    Γ,𝒮,P { While e c } Γ,𝒮,P" |
  anno_type [intro]: " Γ' = Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 upd ; 𝒮' = add_anno_stable 𝒮 upd; P' = restrict_preds_to_vars P {v. stable 𝒮' v};
                  Γ',𝒮',P' { c } Γ'',𝒮'',P'' ; c  Stop ;
                 ( x. (to_total Γ x) ≤:⇩P' (to_total Γ' x));
                 anno_type_stable Γ 𝒮 upd; anno_type_sec Γ 𝒮 P upd   Γ,𝒮,P { c@[upd] } Γ'',𝒮'',P''" |
  seq_type [intro]: "  Γ,𝒮,P { c1 } Γ',𝒮',P' ;  Γ',𝒮',P' { c2 } Γ'',𝒮'',P''    Γ,𝒮,P { c1 ;; c2 } Γ'',𝒮'',P''" |
  sub : "  Γ1,𝒮,P1 { c } Γ1',𝒮',P1' ; context_equiv Γ2 P2 Γ1 ; (mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ2 𝒮 P2  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1);
           (mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1' 𝒮' P1'  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ2' 𝒮' P2'); context_equiv Γ1' P1' Γ2'; P2  P1; P1'  P2'    Γ2,𝒮,P2 { c } Γ2',𝒮',P2'" |
 await_type [intro]: 
  " Γ b e  t; P  t; 
      Γ,𝒮,(P +⇩𝒮 e) { c } Γ',𝒮',P'   
    Γ,𝒮,P { Await e c } Γ',𝒮',P'"

lemma sub':
  " context_equiv Γ2 P2 Γ1 ;
    (mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ2 𝒮 P2  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1);
    (mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1' 𝒮' P1'  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ2' 𝒮' P2');
    context_equiv Γ1' P1' Γ2';
    P2  P1;
    P1'  P2';
     Γ1,𝒮,P1 { c } Γ1',𝒮',P1'  
   Γ2,𝒮,P2 { c } Γ2',𝒮',P2'"
  by(rule sub)

lemma assign2_helper:
  "Γ x = Some t; has_type Γ 𝒮 P (x  e) (Γ(x  t)) 𝒮 P'  has_type Γ 𝒮 P (x  e) Γ 𝒮 P'"
  by (simp add:map_upd_triv)

lemma conc':
  "  Γ1,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P'; 
    Γ1 = (Γ2(x  t)); 
    x  dom Γ2; 
    type_equiv (the (Γ2 x)) P t; 
    type_wellformed t; 
    type_stable 𝒮 t    
   Γ2,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P'"  
  apply(erule sub)
      apply(fastforce simp: context_equiv_def)
     apply(clarsimp simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
     apply(rule conjI)
      apply fastforce
     apply(rule conjI)
      apply(fastforce simp: types_wellformed_def)
     apply(fastforce simp: types_stable_def)
     apply blast
    apply simp+

lemma tyenv_wellformed_subset:
  "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  P'  P  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P'"
  apply(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)

lemma if_type':
  " Γ b e  t; 
    P  t; 
     Γ,𝒮,(P +⇩𝒮 e) { c1 } Γ',𝒮',P'; 
     Γ,𝒮,(P +⇩𝒮 (bexp_neg e)) { c2 } Γ',𝒮',P''; 
    P'''  P'  P''   
   Γ,𝒮,P { If e c1 c2 } Γ',𝒮',P'''"
  apply(erule (3) if_type)
       apply(rule context_equiv_refl)
      apply(rule context_equiv_refl)
     apply(blast intro: subset_entailment)+
   apply(blast intro: tyenv_wellformed_subset)+

lemma skip_type':
  "Γ = Γ'; 𝒮 = 𝒮'; P = P'   Γ,𝒮,P {Skip} Γ',𝒮',P'"
  using skip_type by simp

text ‹
  Some helper lemmas to discharge the assumption of the @{thm anno_type} rule.
lemma anno_type_helpers [simp]:
  "(to_total Γ x) ≤:⇩P (to_total (add_anno Γ 𝒮 (buffer +=m AsmNoWrite)) x)"
  "(to_total Γ x) ≤:⇩P (to_total (add_anno Γ 𝒮 (buffer +=m AsmNoReadOrWrite)) x)"
  apply(auto simp: to_total_def add_anno_def subtype_def intro: subset_entailment)

subsection ‹Typing Soundness›

text ‹The following predicate is needed to exclude some pathological
  cases, that abuse the @{term Stop} command which is not allowed to
  occur in actual programs.›

inductive_cases has_type_elim: " Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P'"
inductive_cases has_type_stop_elim: " Γ,𝒮,P { Stop } Γ',𝒮',P'"

definition tyenv_eq :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  ('Var, 'Val) Mem  ('Var, 'Val) Mem  bool"
  (infix "=ı" 60)
  where "mem1 =Γmem2   x. (type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low  mem1 x = mem2 x)"

lemma type_max_dma_type [simp]:
  "type_max (dma_type x) mem = dma mem x"
  using dma_correct unfolding type_max_def apply auto

text ‹
  This result followed trivially for Mantel et al., but we need to know that the
  type environment is wellformed.
lemma tyenv_eq_sym': 
  "dom Γ  𝒞 = {}  types_wellformed Γ  mem1 =Γmem2  mem2 =Γmem1"
proof(clarsimp simp: tyenv_eq_def)
  fix x
  assume a: "x. type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low  mem1 x = mem2 x"
  assume b: "dom Γ  𝒞 = {}"
  from a b have eq_𝒞: "x𝒞. mem1 x = mem2 x"
    by (fastforce simp: to_total_def 𝒞_Low type_max_dma_type split: if_splits)
  hence "dma mem1 = dma mem2"
    by (rule dma_𝒞)
  hence dma_type_eq: "type_max (dma_type x) mem1 = type_max (dma_type x) mem2"
  assume c: "types_wellformed Γ"
  assume d: "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem2 = Low"
  show "mem2 x = mem1 x"
  proof(cases "x  dom Γ")
    assume in_dom: "x  dom Γ"
    from this obtain t where t: "Γ x = Some t" by blast
    from this in_dom c have "type_wellformed t" by (force simp: types_wellformed_def)
    hence "xvars_of_type t. mem1 x = mem2 x"
      using eq_𝒞 unfolding type_wellformed_def by blast
    hence t_eq: "type_max t mem1 = type_max t mem2" 
      unfolding type_max_def using eval_vars_detB
      by fastforce
    with in_dom t have "to_total Γ x = t"
      by (auto simp: to_total_def)
    with t_eq have "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem2 = type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1" by simp
    with d have "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low" by simp
    with a show ?thesis by (metis sym)
    assume "x  dom Γ"
    hence "to_total Γ x = dma_type x"
      by (auto simp: to_total_def)
    with dma_type_eq have "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem2 = type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1" by simp
    with d have "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low" by simp
    with a show ?thesis by (metis sym)

lemma tyenv_eq_sym:
  "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  mem1 =Γmem2  mem2 =Γmem1"
  apply(rule tyenv_eq_sym')
    apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
   apply(simp add: tyenv_wellformed_def)
  by assumption
inductive_set 1 :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'BExp preds  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel"
  and 1_abv :: "
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'BExp preds 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  bool" ("_ 1_,_,_ _" [120, 120, 120, 120, 120] 1000)
  for Γ' :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv"
  and 𝒮' :: "'Var Stable"
  and P' :: "'BExp preds"
  "x1Γ,𝒮,Py  (x, y)  1 Γ 𝒮 P" |
  intro [intro!] : "  Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P' ; tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P ; mem1 =Γmem2;
                      pred P mem1; pred P mem2; xdom Γ. xmds AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γ x)) mem1  dma mem1 x  
                    c, mds, mem11Γ',𝒮',P'c, mds, mem2"

inductive 3_aux :: "(('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
                 ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'BExp preds  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
                 bool" ("_ 3_,_,_ _" [120, 120, 120, 120, 120] 1000)
  and 3 :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'BExp preds  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel"
  "3 Γ' 𝒮' P'  {(lc1, lc2). 3_aux lc1 Γ' 𝒮' P' lc2}" |
  intro1 [intro] : " c1, mds, mem11Γ,𝒮,Pc2, mds, mem2;  Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P'  
                      Seq c1 c, mds, mem13Γ',𝒮',P'Seq c2 c, mds, mem2" |
  intro3 [intro] : " c1, mds, mem13Γ,𝒮,Pc2, mds, mem2;  Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P'  
                      Seq c1 c, mds, mem13Γ',𝒮',P'Seq c2 c, mds, mem2"

(* A weaker property than bisimulation to reason about the sub-relations of ℛ: *)
  weak_bisim :: "(('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel 
                        (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel  bool"
  "weak_bisim 𝒯1 𝒯   c1 c2 mds mem1 mem2 c1' mds' mem1'.
  ((c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)  𝒯1 
   (c1, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1')) 
  ( c2' mem2'. c2, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2'  
                (c1', mds', mem1', c2', mds', mem2')  𝒯)"

inductive_set  :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'BExp preds 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel"
  and ℛ_abv :: "
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  'Var Stable  'BExp preds 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  bool" ("_ u_,_,_ _" [120, 120, 120, 120, 120] 1000)
  for Γ :: "('Var,'BExp) TyEnv"
  and 𝒮 :: "'Var Stable"
  and P :: "'BExp preds"
  "xuΓ,𝒮,Py  (x, y)   Γ 𝒮 P" |
  intro1: "lc1Γ,𝒮,Plc'  (lc, lc')   Γ 𝒮 P" |
  intro3: "lc3Γ,𝒮,Plc'  (lc, lc')   Γ 𝒮 P"

(* Some eliminators for the above relations *)
inductive_cases 1_elim [elim]: "c1, mds, mem11Γ,𝒮,Pc2, mds, mem2"
inductive_cases 3_elim [elim]: "c1, mds, mem13Γ,𝒮,Pc2, mds, mem2"

inductive_cases ℛ_elim [elim]: "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)   Γ 𝒮 P"
inductive_cases ℛ_elim': "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds2, mem2)   Γ 𝒮 P"
inductive_cases 1_elim' : "c1, mds, mem11Γ,𝒮,Pc2, mds2, mem2"
inductive_cases 3_elim' : "c1, mds, mem13Γ,𝒮,Pc2, mds2, mem2"

lemma 1_mem_eq: "c1, mds, mem11Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2  mem1 =mdsl mem2"
proof (erule 1_elim)
  fix Γ 𝒮 P
  assume wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
  hence mds_consistent: "mds_consistent mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
  assume tyenv_eq: "mem1 =Γmem2"
  assume leq: "xdom Γ. x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γ x)) mem1  dma mem1 x"
  assume pred: "pred P mem1"
  show "mem1 =mdsl mem2"
  unfolding low_mds_eq_def
    fix x
    assume is_Low: "dma mem1 x = Low"
    assume is_readable: "x  𝒞  x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite"
    show "mem1 x = mem2 x"
    proof(cases "x  dom Γ")
      assume in_dom: "x  dom Γ"
      with mds_consistent have "x  𝒞"
        unfolding mds_consistent_def by blast
      with is_readable have "x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite"
        by blast
      with in_dom leq  have "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1  dma mem1 x"
        unfolding to_total_def
        by auto
      with is_Low have "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low"
        by(simp add: less_eq_Sec_def)
      with tyenv_eq show ?thesis
        unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast
      assume nin_dom: "x  dom Γ"
      with is_Low have "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low"
        unfolding to_total_def
        by simp
      with tyenv_eq show ?thesis
        unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast

lemma 1_dma_eq:
  "c1, mds, mem11Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2  dma mem1 = dma mem2"
  apply(drule 1_mem_eq)
  apply(erule low_mds_eq_dma)

(* ℛ meets the criteria of a "simple bisim"
   which can be used to simplify the establishment of a refinement relation *)
lemma bisim_simple_ℛ1:
  "c, mds, mem1Γ,𝒮,Pc', mds', mem'  c = c'"
  apply(cases rule: 1.cases, simp+)

lemma bisim_simple_ℛ3:
  "lc3Γ,𝒮,Plc'  (fst (fst lc)) = (fst (fst lc'))"
  apply(induct rule: 3_aux.induct)
  using bisim_simple_ℛ1 apply clarsimp
  apply simp

lemma bisim_simple_ℛu:
  "lcuΓ,𝒮,Plc'  (fst (fst lc)) = (fst (fst lc'))"
  apply(induct rule: ℛ.induct)
   apply clarsimp
   apply(cases rule: 1.cases, simp+)
  apply(cases rule: 3_aux.cases, simp+)
   apply blast
  using bisim_simple_ℛ3 apply clarsimp

(* To prove that ℛ is a bisimulation, we first show symmetry *)

lemma 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq:
  assumes wf: "type_wellformed t"
  assumes 𝒞_eq: "x𝒞. mem1 x = mem2 x" 
  shows "type_max t mem1 = type_max t mem2"
proof -
  have "xvars_of_type t. mem1 x = mem2 x"
    using wf 𝒞_eq unfolding type_wellformed_def by blast
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding type_max_def using eval_vars_detB by fastforce

lemma vars_of_type_eq_type_max_eq:
  assumes mem_eq: "xvars_of_type t. mem1 x = mem2 x" 
  shows "type_max t mem1 = type_max t mem2"
proof -
  from assms show ?thesis
    unfolding type_max_def using eval_vars_detB by fastforce

lemma 1_sym: "sym (1 Γ' 𝒮' P')"
unfolding sym_def
proof clarsimp
  fix c mds mem c' mds' mem'
  assume in_ℛ1: "c, mds, mem1Γ',𝒮',P'c', mds', mem'"
  then obtain Γ 𝒮 P where
  stuff: "c' = c"  "mds' = mds"  " Γ,𝒮,P {c} Γ',𝒮',P'"  "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
  "mem =Γmem'" "pred P mem" "pred P mem'"
  "xdom Γ. x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γ x)) mem  dma mem x"
    using 1_elim' by blast+
  from stuff have stuff': "mem' =Γmem"
    by (metis tyenv_eq_sym)
  have "xdom Γ. x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γ x)) mem'  dma mem' x"
  proof -
    from in_ℛ1 have "dma mem = dma mem'"
      using 1_dma_eq stuff by metis
    moreover have "xdom Γ. type_max (the (Γ x)) mem = type_max (the (Γ x)) mem'"
      fix x
      assume "x  dom Γ"
      hence "type_wellformed (the (Γ x))"
        using tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P
        by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
      moreover have "x𝒞. mem x = mem' x"
        using in_ℛ1 1_mem_eq 𝒞_Low stuff
        unfolding low_mds_eq_def by auto
      show "type_max (the (Γ x)) mem = type_max (the (Γ x)) mem'"
        using 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using stuff(8) by fastforce
  with stuff stuff'
  show "c', mds', mem'1Γ',𝒮',P'c, mds, mem"
  by (metis (no_types) 1.intro)

lemma 3_sym: "sym (3 Γ 𝒮 P)"
  unfolding sym_def
proof (clarify)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mds' mem2
  assume asm: "c1, mds, mem13Γ,𝒮,Pc2, mds', mem2"
  hence [simp]: "mds' = mds"
    using 3_elim' by blast
  from asm show "c2, mds', mem23Γ,𝒮,Pc1, mds, mem1"
    apply auto
    apply (induct rule: 3_aux.induct)
     apply (metis (lifting) 1_sym 3_aux.intro1 symD)
    by (metis (lifting) 3_aux.intro3)

lemma ℛ_mds [simp]: "c1, mds, mem1uΓ,𝒮,Pc2, mds', mem2  mds = mds'"
  apply (rule ℛ_elim')
     apply (auto)
   apply (metis 1_elim')
  apply (insert 3_elim')
  by blast

lemma ℛ_sym: "sym ( Γ 𝒮 P)"
  unfolding sym_def
proof (clarify)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mds2 mem2
  assume asm: "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds2, mem2)   Γ 𝒮 P"
  with ℛ_mds have [simp]: "mds2 = mds"
    by blast
  from asm show "(c2, mds2, mem2, c1, mds, mem1)   Γ 𝒮 P"
    using ℛ.intro1 [of Γ 𝒮 P] and ℛ.intro3 [of _ Γ 𝒮 P]
    using 1_sym [of Γ] and 3_sym [of Γ]
    apply simp
    apply (erule ℛ_elim)
      by (auto simp: sym_def)

(* Next, we show that the relations are closed under globally consistent changes *)

lemma 1_closed_glob_consistent: "closed_glob_consistent (1 Γ' 𝒮' P')"
  unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
proof (clarify)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 A
  assume R1: "c1, mds, mem11Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2"
  hence [simp]: "c2 = c1" by blast
  assume A_updates_vars: "x. case A x of None  True | Some (v, v')  mem1 x  v  mem2 x  v'  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds x"
  assume A_updates_dma: "x. dma mem1 [∥1 A] x  dma mem1 x  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds x"
  assume A_updates_sec: "x. dma mem1 [∥1 A] x = Low  (x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  x  𝒞)  mem1 [∥1 A] x = mem2 [∥2 A] x"
  from R1 obtain Γ 𝒮 P where Γ_props: " Γ,𝒮,P { c1 } Γ',𝒮',P'" "mem1 =Γmem2" "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
                                      "pred P mem1" "pred P mem2"
                                      "xdom Γ. x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γ x)) mem1  dma mem1 x"
    by force

  from Γ_props(3) have stable_not_written: "x. stable 𝒮 x  var_asm_not_written mds x"
    by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def stable_def var_asm_not_written_def)
  with A_updates_vars have stable_unchanged1: "x. stable 𝒮 x  (mem1 [∥1 A]) x = mem1 x" and
                           stable_unchanged2: "x. stable 𝒮 x  (mem2 [∥2 A]) x = mem2 x"
    by(auto simp: apply_adaptation_def split: option.splits)

  from stable_not_written A_updates_dma 
  have stable_unchanged_dma1: "x. stable 𝒮 x  dma (mem1 [∥1 A]) x = dma mem1 x"

  have tyenv_eq': "mem1 [∥1 A] =Γmem2 [∥2 A]"
  proof(clarsimp simp: tyenv_eq_def)
    fix x
    assume a: "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 [∥1 A] = Low"
    show "mem1 [∥1 A] x = mem2 [∥2 A] x"
    proof(cases "x  dom Γ")
      assume in_dom: "x  dom Γ"
      with Γ_props(3) have "var_asm_not_written mds x"
        by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def var_asm_not_written_def stable_def)
      hence [simp]: "mem1 [∥1 A] x = mem1 x" and [simp]: "mem2 [∥2 A] x = mem2 x"
        using A_updates_vars by(auto simp: apply_adaptation_def split: option.splits)
      from in_dom a obtain tx where Γx: "Γ x = Some tx" and tx_Low': "type_max tx (mem1 [∥1 A]) = Low"
        by(auto simp: to_total_def)
      have tx_unchanged: "type_max tx (mem1 [∥1 A])  = type_max tx mem1"
      proof - 
        from Γx Γ_props(3) have tx_stable: "type_stable 𝒮 tx" and tx_wellformed: "type_wellformed tx"
          by(force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_stable_def types_wellformed_def)+
        from tx_stable tx_wellformed stable_unchanged1 show ?thesis
          using type_stable_is_sufficient'
          by blast
      with tx_Low' have tx_Low: "type_max tx mem1 = Low" by simp
      with Γx Γ_props(2) have "mem1 x = mem2 x"
        by(force simp: tyenv_eq_def to_total_def split: if_splits)
      thus ?thesis by simp
      assume nin_dom: "x  dom Γ"
      with a have is_Low': "dma (mem1[∥1 A]) x = Low"
        by(simp add: to_total_def)
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  x  𝒞")
        assume "x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  x  𝒞"
        with is_Low' show ?thesis
          using A_updates_sec by blast
        assume "¬ (x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  x  𝒞)"
        hence "x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite" and "x  𝒞"
          by auto
        with nin_dom Γ_props(3) have "False"
          by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def stable_def)
        thus ?thesis by blast
  have sec': "xdom Γ. x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γ x)) (mem1 [∥1 A])  dma (mem1 [∥1 A]) x"
  proof(intro ballI impI)
    fix x
    assume readable: "x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite"
    assume in_dom: "x  dom Γ"
    with Γ_props(3) have "var_asm_not_written mds x"
      by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def var_asm_not_written_def stable_def)
    hence [simp]: "dma mem1 [∥1 A] x = dma mem1 x"
      using A_updates_dma by(auto simp: apply_adaptation_def split: option.splits)
    from in_dom obtain tx where Γx: "Γ x = Some tx"
      by(auto simp: to_total_def)
    have tx_unchanged: "type_max tx (mem1 [∥1 A])  = type_max tx mem1"
    proof - 
      from Γx Γ_props(3) have tx_stable: "type_stable 𝒮 tx" and tx_wellformed: "type_wellformed tx"
        by(force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_stable_def types_wellformed_def)+
      from tx_stable tx_wellformed stable_unchanged1 show ?thesis
        using type_stable_is_sufficient'
        by blast
    with Γx have [simp]:"type_max (the (Γ x)) (mem1 [∥1 A]) = type_max (the (Γ x)) mem1"
      by simp
    show "type_max (the (Γ x)) mem1 [∥1 A]  dma mem1 [∥1 A] x "
      apply simp
      using in_dom readable Γ_props by metis
  from stable_unchanged1 stable_unchanged2 Γ_props(3) have "pP. evB (mem1 [∥1 A]) p = evB mem1 p  evB (mem2 [∥2 A]) p = evB mem2 p"
    apply(intro ballI)
    apply(rule conjI)
    by(rule eval_vars_detB,force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def stable_def)+
  hence "pred P (mem1 [∥1 A]) = pred P mem1" and
        "pred P (mem2 [∥2 A]) = pred P mem2"
    by(simp add: pred_def)+
  with Γ_props tyenv_eq' sec'
  show "c1, mds, mem1 [∥1 A]1Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2 [∥2 A]"
    by auto

lemma 3_closed_glob_consistent:
  "closed_glob_consistent (3 Γ' 𝒮' P')"
unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 A
  assume in_ℛ3: "c1, mds, mem13Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2"
  assume A_modifies_vars: "x. case A x of None  True | Some (v, v')  mem1 x  v  mem2 x  v'  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds x"
  assume A_modifies_dma: "x. dma mem1 [∥1 A] x  dma mem1 x  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds x"
  assume A_modifies_sec: "x. dma mem1 [∥1 A] x = Low  (x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  x  𝒞)  mem1 [∥1 A] x = mem2 [∥2 A] x"
  (* do a bit of massaging to get the goal state set-up nicely for the induction rule *)
  define lc1 where "lc1  c1, mds, mem1"
  define lc2 where "lc2  c2, mds, mem2"
  from lc1_def lc2_def in_ℛ3 have "lc13Γ',𝒮',P'lc2" by simp
  from this lc1_def lc2_def A_modifies_vars A_modifies_dma A_modifies_sec
  show "c1, mds, mem1 [∥1 A]3Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2 [∥2 A]"
  proof(induct arbitrary: c1 mds mem1 c2 mds mem2 rule: 3_aux.induct)
    case (intro1 c1 mds mem1 Γ 𝒮 P c2 mem2 c Γ' 𝒮' P')
    show ?case
      apply (rule 3_aux.intro1[OF _ intro1(2)])
      using 1_closed_glob_consistent intro1
      unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def by blast
    case (intro3 c1 mds mem1 Γ 𝒮 P c2 mem2 c Γ' 𝒮' P')
    show ?case
      apply(rule 3_aux.intro3)
      apply(rule intro3(2))
      using intro3 apply simp+

lemma ℛ_closed_glob_consistent: "closed_glob_consistent ( Γ' 𝒮' P')"
  unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
proof (clarify, erule ℛ_elim, simp_all)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 A
  assume R1: "c1, mds, mem11Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2"
  and A_modifies_vars: "x. case A x of None  True | Some (v, v')  mem1 x  v  mem2 x  v'  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds x"
  and A_modifies_dma: "x. dma (mem1 [∥1 A]) x  dma mem1 x  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds x"
  and A_modifies_sec: "x. dma mem1 [∥1 A] x = Low  (x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  x  𝒞)  mem1 [∥1 A] x = mem2 [∥2 A] x"  
    "c1, mds, mem1 [∥1 A]uΓ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2 [∥2 A]"
    apply(rule intro1)
    apply clarify
    using 1_closed_glob_consistent unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
    using R1 A_modifies_vars A_modifies_dma A_modifies_sec
    by blast
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 x A
  assume R3: "c1, mds, mem13Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2"
  and A_modifies_vars: "x. case A x of None  True | Some (v, v')  mem1 x  v  mem2 x  v'  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds x"
  and A_modifies_dma: "x. dma (mem1 [∥1 A]) x  dma mem1 x  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds x"
  and A_modifies_sec: "x. dma mem1 [∥1 A] x = Low  (x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  x  𝒞)  mem1 [∥1 A] x = mem2 [∥2 A] x"
  show "c1, mds, mem1 [∥1 A]uΓ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2 [∥2 A] "
    apply(rule intro3)
    using 3_closed_glob_consistent unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
    using R3 A_modifies_vars A_modifies_dma A_modifies_sec
    by blast

(* It now remains to show that steps of the first of two related configurations
    can be matched by the second: *)

(* Some technical lemmas: *)
lemma mode_update_add_anno:
  "mds_consistent mds Γ 𝒮 P  
   mds_consistent (update_modes upd mds) 
                  (Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 upd) 
                  (add_anno_stable 𝒮 upd) 
                  (P |` {v. stable (add_anno_stable 𝒮 upd) v})"
  apply(case_tac upd)
   apply(rename_tac v m)
   apply(case_tac m)
      apply((clarsimp simp: add_anno_def mds_consistent_def stable_def restrict_preds_to_vars_def | safe | fastforce)+)[4]
  apply(rename_tac v m)
  apply(case_tac m)
     apply((clarsimp simp: add_anno_def mds_consistent_def stable_def restrict_preds_to_vars_def | safe | fastforce)+)[4]

lemma add_anno_acq_GuarNoReadOrWrite [simp]:
  "Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (v +=m GuarNoReadOrWrite) = Γ"
  apply(clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def restrict_map_def)
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(clarsimp | safe)+
  by (metis option.collapse prod.collapse)

lemma add_anno_rel_GuarNoReadOrWrite [simp]:
  "Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (v -=m GuarNoReadOrWrite) = Γ"
  apply(clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def restrict_map_def)
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(clarsimp | safe)+
  by (metis option.collapse)

lemma add_anno_acq_GuarNoWrite [simp]:
  "Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (v +=m GuarNoWrite) = Γ"
  apply(clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def restrict_map_def)
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(clarsimp | safe)+
  by (metis option.collapse prod.collapse)

lemma add_anno_rel_GuarNoWrite [simp]:
  "Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (v -=m GuarNoWrite) = Γ"
  apply(clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def restrict_map_def)
  apply(rule ext)
  apply(clarsimp | safe)+
  by (metis option.collapse)

lemma dom_add_anno_rel:
  "xdom (Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (v -=m m)). (Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 (v -=m m)) x = Γ x"
  apply(clarsimp simp: add_anno_def to_total_def restrict_map_def split: if_splits)
  apply(case_tac m)
  apply(auto split: if_splits)

lemma types_wellformed_mode_update:
  "types_wellformed Γ 
   types_wellformed (Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 upd)"
  apply(clarsimp simp: types_wellformed_def)
  apply(case_tac upd)
   apply(rename_tac v t v' m)
   apply(case_tac m)
      apply clarsimp
      apply(case_tac "v'  dom Γ  v'  𝒞")
       apply(clarsimp, force)
      apply(simp split: if_splits)
       apply(drule sym, fastforce)
      apply(clarsimp | force )+
     apply(case_tac "v'  dom Γ  v'  𝒞")
      apply clarsimp
      apply force
     apply(simp split: if_splits)
      apply(drule sym, fastforce)
     apply(clarsimp | force)+
  using dom_add_anno_rel[THEN bspec, OF domI]
  apply (metis domI option.sel)
(* TODO: consider putting this proof into Isar so we can explain the reasoning behind the
   anno_type_stable predicate *)
lemma types_stable_mode_update:
   "types_stable Γ 𝒮  types_wellformed Γ  anno_type_stable Γ 𝒮 upd
     types_stable (Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 upd) (add_anno_stable 𝒮 upd)"
  apply(clarsimp simp: types_stable_def)
  apply(rename_tac x c f C)
  apply(case_tac upd)
   apply(rename_tac v m)
   apply(case_tac m)
      apply clarsimp
      apply(case_tac "v  dom Γ  v  𝒞")
       apply clarsimp
       apply(force simp: stable_def)
      apply(simp split: if_splits)
       using 𝒞_vars_correct
       apply(fastforce simp:  anno_type_stable_def stable_def)
      apply(force simp: stable_def)
     apply clarsimp
     apply(case_tac "v  dom Γ  v  𝒞")
      apply clarsimp
      apply(force simp: stable_def)
     apply(simp split: if_splits)
      using 𝒞_vars_correct
      apply(fastforce simp: anno_type_stable_def stable_def)
     apply(force simp: stable_def)
    apply(force simp: stable_def)
   apply(force simp: stable_def)
  apply(rename_tac v m)
  apply(subgoal_tac "Γ x = Some (C)")
   prefer 2
   using dom_add_anno_rel
   apply (metis domI)
  apply(case_tac m)
     apply(clarsimp simp: anno_type_stable_def split: if_splits)
      apply(clarsimp simp: stable_def types_wellformed_def type_wellformed_def)
      using 𝒞_vars_correct
      apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) UN_I contra_subsetD domI option.sel)
     apply(clarsimp simp: stable_def types_wellformed_def type_wellformed_def)
     using 𝒞_vars_correct
     apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) UN_I contra_subsetD domI option.sel)
    apply(clarsimp simp: anno_type_stable_def split: if_splits)
     apply(clarsimp simp: stable_def types_wellformed_def type_wellformed_def)
     apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) UN_I contra_subsetD domI option.sel)
    apply(clarsimp simp: stable_def)
    apply (metis (no_types, lifting) domI option.sel snd_conv subsetD type_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
   apply(clarsimp simp: anno_type_stable_def split: if_splits)
   apply(clarsimp simp: stable_def)
   apply (metis (no_types, lifting) domI option.sel snd_conv subsetD type_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
  apply(clarsimp simp: stable_def)
  apply (metis (no_types, lifting) domI option.sel snd_conv subsetD type_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
lemma tyenv_wellformed_mode_update:
  "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  anno_type_stable Γ 𝒮 upd 
   tyenv_wellformed (update_modes upd mds) 
                  (Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 upd) 
                  (add_anno_stable 𝒮 upd) 
                  (P |` {v. stable (add_anno_stable 𝒮 upd) v})"
  apply(clarsimp simp: tyenv_wellformed_def)
  apply(rule conjI)
   apply(blast intro: mode_update_add_anno)
  apply(rule conjI)
   apply(blast intro: types_wellformed_mode_update)
  apply(blast intro: types_stable_mode_update)

lemma stop_cxt :
  "  Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P' ; c = Stop   
  context_equiv Γ P Γ'  𝒮' = 𝒮  P  P'  (mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ' 𝒮 P')"
  apply (induct rule: has_type.induct)
          apply (auto intro: context_equiv_trans context_equiv_entailment pred_entailment_trans)

lemma tyenv_wellformed_preds_update:
  "P' = P'' |` {v. stable 𝒮 v} 
  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P'"
  apply(clarsimp simp: tyenv_wellformed_def)
  apply(clarsimp simp: mds_consistent_def)
  apply(auto simp: restrict_preds_to_vars_def add_pred_def split: if_splits)

lemma mds_consistent_preds_tyenv_update:
  "P' = P'' |` {v. stable 𝒮 v}  v  dom Γ 
  mds_consistent mds Γ 𝒮 P  mds_consistent mds (Γ(v  t)) 𝒮 P'"
  apply(clarsimp simp: mds_consistent_def)
  apply(auto simp: restrict_preds_to_vars_def add_pred_def split: if_splits)

lemma pred_preds_update:
  assumes mem'_def: "mem' = mem (x := evA mem e)" 
  assumes P'_def: "P' = (assign_post P x e) |` {v. stable 𝒮 v}"
  assumes pred_P: "pred P mem" 
  shows "pred P' mem'"
proof -
  from P'_def have P'_def': "P'  assign_post P x e"
    by(auto simp: restrict_preds_to_vars_def add_pred_def split: if_splits)
  have "pred (assign_post P x e) mem'"
    using assign_post_valid pred_P mem'_def by blast
  with P'_def' show ?thesis
    unfolding pred_def by blast

lemma types_wellformed_update:
  "types_wellformed Γ  type_wellformed t  types_wellformed (Γ(x  t))"
  by(auto simp: types_wellformed_def)

lemma types_stable_update:
  "types_stable Γ 𝒮  type_stable 𝒮 t  types_stable (Γ(x  t)) 𝒮"
  by(auto simp: types_stable_def)
lemma tyenv_wellformed_sub:
  "P1  P2;
  Γ2 = Γ1; tyenv_wellformed mds Γ2 𝒮 P2 
     tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1"
  apply(clarsimp simp: tyenv_wellformed_def | safe)+
  apply(fastforce simp: mds_consistent_def)

  tyenv_sec :: "'Var Mds  ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv  ('Var,'Val) Mem  bool"
  "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  xdom Γ. xmds AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γ x)) mem  dma mem x"

lemma tyenv_sec_mode_update:
  "(x.  (to_total Γ x) ≤:⇩P''  (to_total Γ'' x))  pred P'' mem  𝒮 = (mds AsmNoWrite, mds AsmNoReadOrWrite) 
    anno_type_sec Γ 𝒮 P upd  𝒮'' = add_anno_stable 𝒮 upd  (pP. vbexp_vars p. stable 𝒮 v) 
  P'' = P |` {v. stable 𝒮'' v} 
    Γ'' = Γ ⊕⇩𝒮 upd  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec (update_modes upd mds) Γ'' mem"
  apply(case_tac upd)
   apply(rename_tac v m)
   apply(case_tac m)
    apply(auto simp: add_anno_def to_total_def)[4]
  apply(rename_tac v m)
  apply(case_tac m)
    apply(subgoal_tac "v  mds AsmNoWrite  P'' = P")
    by(auto simp: add_anno_def to_total_def dest: subtype_sound split: if_splits simp: anno_type_sec_def restrict_preds_to_vars_def stable_def)

lemma tyenv_sec_eq:
  "x𝒞. mem x = mem' x  types_wellformed Γ  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem = tyenv_sec mds Γ mem'"
  apply(rule ball_cong[OF HOL.refl])
  apply(rename_tac x)
  apply(rule imp_cong[OF HOL.refl])
  apply(subgoal_tac "type_max (the (Γ x)) mem = type_max (the (Γ x)) mem'")
   using dma_𝒞 apply fastforce
  apply(force intro: 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq simp: types_wellformed_def)

lemma context_equiv_tyenv_sec:
  "context_equiv Γ2 P2 Γ1 
    pred P2 mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ2 mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ1 mem"
   apply(clarsimp simp: context_equiv_def type_equiv_def)
   apply(rename_tac x y)
   apply(rule_tac y="type_max (the (Γ2 x)) mem" in order_trans)
    apply(rule subtype_sound[rule_format])
     apply force
    apply assumption
   apply force

lemma add_pred_entailment:
  "P +⇩𝒮 p  P"
  apply(rule subset_entailment)
  apply(rule add_pred_subset)

lemma preservation_no_await: 
  " Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P';
    c, mds, mem   c', mds', mem';
    no_await c  
   Γ'' 𝒮'' P''. ( Γ'',𝒮'',P'' { c' } Γ',𝒮',P')  
         (tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  
           tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ'' 𝒮'' P''  
           pred P'' mem'  
           tyenv_sec mds' Γ'' mem')"
proof (induct arbitrary: c' mds rule: has_type.induct)
  case (anno_type Γ'' Γ 𝒮 upd 𝒮'' P'' P c1 Γ' 𝒮' P')
  hence step: "c1, update_modes upd mds, mem  c', mds', mem'"
    by (metis upd_elim)
  from no_await (c1@[upd]) no_await.cases have "no_await c1" by fast
  with step anno_type(5) obtain Γ''' 𝒮''' P''' where
    " Γ''',𝒮''',P''' { c' } Γ',𝒮',P'  
    (tyenv_wellformed (update_modes upd mds) Γ'' 𝒮'' P''  pred P'' mem  tyenv_sec (update_modes upd mds) Γ'' mem 
       tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ''' 𝒮''' P'''  pred P''' mem'  tyenv_sec mds' Γ''' mem')"
    by blast
  have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed (update_modes upd mds) Γ'' 𝒮'' P''"
    using anno_type
    apply auto
    by (metis tyenv_wellformed_mode_update)
  have pred: "pred P mem  pred P'' mem"
    using anno_type
    by (auto simp: pred_def restrict_preds_to_vars_def)
  have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec (update_modes upd mds) Γ'' mem"
    apply(rule impI)
    apply(rule tyenv_sec_mode_update)
            using anno_type apply fastforce
           using anno_type pred apply fastforce
          using anno_type apply fastforce
         using anno_type apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
        using anno_type apply fastforce
       apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
     using anno_type apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
    by simp  
  ultimately show ?case
    by blast
  case stop_type
  with stop_no_eval show ?case by auto
  case skip_type
  hence "c' = Stop  mds' = mds  mem' = mem"
    by (metis skip_elim)
  thus ?case
    by (metis stop_type)
  case (assign1 x Γ e t P P' 𝒮 c' mds)
  hence upd: "c' = Stop  mds' = mds  mem' = mem (x := evA mem e)"
    by (metis assign_elim)
  from assign1(2) upd have 𝒞_eq: "x𝒞. mem x = mem' x"
    by auto
  from upd have "  Γ,𝒮,P' {c'} Γ,𝒮,P'"
    by (metis stop_type)
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 P'"
    using upd tyenv_wellformed_preds_update assign1 by metis
  moreover have "pred P mem  pred P' mem'"
    using pred_preds_update assign1 upd by metis
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P   tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem'"
    using tyenv_sec_eq[OF 𝒞_eq, where Γ=Γ]
    unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
  ultimately show ?case
    by (metis upd)
  case (assign2 x Γ e t 𝒮 P' P c' mds)
  hence upd: "c' = Stop  mds' = mds  mem' = mem (x := evA mem e)"
    by (metis assign_elim)
  let ?Γ' = "Γ (x  t)"
  from upd have ty: "  ?Γ',𝒮,P' {c'} ?Γ',𝒮,P'"
    by (metis stop_type)
  have wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' ?Γ' 𝒮 P'"
    assume tyenv_wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    hence wf: "types_wellformed Γ"
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    hence  "type_wellformed t"
      using assign2(2) type_aexpr_type_wellformed
      by blast
    with wf have wf': "types_wellformed ?Γ'"
      using types_wellformed_update by metis
    from tyenv_wf have stable': "types_stable ?Γ' 𝒮"
      using types_stable_update
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    have m: "mds_consistent mds Γ 𝒮 P"
      using tyenv_wf unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    from assign2(4) assign2(1)
    have "mds_consistent mds' (Γ(x  t)) 𝒮 P'"
      apply(rule mds_consistent_preds_tyenv_update)
      using upd m by simp
    from wf' stable' this show "tyenv_wellformed mds' ?Γ' 𝒮 P'"
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
  have p: "pred P mem  pred P' mem'"
    using pred_preds_update assign2 upd by metis
  have sec: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec mds' ?Γ' mem'"
    assume wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    assume pred: "pred P mem"
    assume sec: "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem"
    from pred p have pred': "pred P' mem'" by blast
    fix v t'
    assume Γv: "(Γ(x  t)) v = Some t'"
    assume "v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite"
    show "type_max (the ((Γ(x  t)) v)) mem'  dma mem' v"
    proof(cases "v = x")
      assume [simp]: "v = x"
      hence [simp]: "(the ((Γ(x  t)) v)) = t" and t_def: "t = t'"
        using Γv by auto
      from v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite upd wf have readable: "v  snd 𝒮"
        by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      with assign2(5) have "t ≤:⇩P' (dma_type x)" by fastforce
      with pred' show ?thesis
        using type_max_dma_type subtype_correct
        by fastforce
      assume neq: "v  x"
      hence [simp]: "((Γ(x  t)) v) = Γ v"
        by simp
      with Γv have Γv: "Γ v = Some t'" by simp
      with sec upd v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite have f_leq: "type_max t' mem  dma mem v"
        by auto
      have 𝒞_eq: "x𝒞. mem x = mem' x"
        using wf assign2(1) upd by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      hence dma_eq: "dma mem = dma mem'"
        by(rule dma_𝒞)
      have f_eq: "type_max t' mem = type_max t' mem'"
        apply(rule 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq)
         using Γv wf apply(force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
        by(rule 𝒞_eq)     
      from neq Γv f_leq dma_eq f_eq show ?thesis
        by simp
  from ty wf p sec show ?case
    by blast
  case (assign𝒞 x Γ e t P P' 𝒮 c' mds)
  (* this case follows from the same argument as assign1 *)
  hence upd: "c' = Stop  mds' = mds  mem' = mem (x := evA mem e)"
    by (metis assign_elim)
  hence "  Γ,𝒮,P' {c'} Γ,𝒮,P'"
    by (metis stop_type)
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 P'"
    using upd tyenv_wellformed_preds_update assign𝒞 by metis
  moreover have "pred P mem  pred P' mem'"
    using pred_preds_update assign𝒞 upd by metis
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec mds' Γ mem'"
    fix v t'
    assume wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    assume pred: "pred P mem"
    hence pred': "pred P' mem'" using pred P mem  pred P' mem' by blast
    assume sec: "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem"
    assume Γv: "Γ v = Some t'"
    assume readable': "v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite"
    with upd have readable: "v  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite" by simp
    with wf have "v  snd 𝒮" by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
    show "type_max (the (Γ v)) mem'  dma mem' v"
    proof(cases "x  𝒞_vars v")
      assume "x  𝒞_vars v"
      with assign𝒞(6) v  snd 𝒮 have "(to_total Γ v) ≤:⇩P' (dma_type v)" by blast
      from pred' Γv subtype_correct this show ?thesis
        using type_max_dma_type by(auto simp: to_total_def split: if_splits)
      assume "x  𝒞_vars v"
      hence "v'𝒞_vars v. mem v' = mem' v'"
        using upd by auto
      hence dma_eq: "dma mem v = dma mem' v"
        by(rule dma_𝒞_vars)
      from Γv assign𝒞(4) have "x  vars_of_type t'" by force
      have "type_wellformed t'"
        using wf Γv by(force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
      with x  vars_of_type t' upd have f_eq: "type_max t' mem = type_max t' mem'"
        using vars_of_type_eq_type_max_eq by fastforce
      from sec Γv readable have "type_max t' mem  dma mem v"
        by auto
      with f_eq dma_eq Γv show ?thesis
        by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    by (metis)
  case (if_type Γ e t P 𝒮 th Γ' 𝒮' P' el Γ'' P'' Γ''' P''' c' mds)
  from if_type(13)
  show ?case
  proof(rule if_elim)
    assume [simp]: "evB mem e" and [simp]: "c' = th" and [simp]: "mem' = mem" and [simp]: "mds' = mds"
    from if_type(3) have "  Γ,𝒮,P +⇩𝒮 e {c'} Γ',𝒮',P'" by simp
    hence " Γ,𝒮,P +⇩𝒮 e {c'} Γ''',𝒮',P'''"
      apply(rule sub)
           apply simp+
         using if_type apply blast
        using if_type apply blast
       apply simp
      using if_type apply(blast intro: pred_entailment_trans)
    moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 (P +⇩𝒮 e)"
      by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def add_pred_def)
    moreover have "pred P mem  pred (P +⇩𝒮 e) mem'"
      by(auto simp: pred_def add_pred_def)
    moreover have "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec mds' Γ mem'"
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    assume [simp]: "¬ evB mem e" and [simp]: "c' = el" and [simp]: "mem' = mem" and [simp]: "mds' = mds"
    from if_type(5) have "  Γ,𝒮,P +⇩𝒮 bexp_neg e {c'} Γ'',𝒮',P''" by simp
    hence " Γ,𝒮,P +⇩𝒮 bexp_neg e {c'} Γ''',𝒮',P'''"
      apply(rule sub)
           apply simp+
         using if_type apply blast
        using if_type apply blast
       apply simp
      using if_type apply(blast intro: pred_entailment_trans)
    moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 (P +⇩𝒮 bexp_neg e)"
      by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def add_pred_def)
    moreover have "pred P mem  pred (P +⇩𝒮 bexp_neg e) mem'"
      by(auto simp: pred_def add_pred_def bexp_neg_negates)
    moreover have "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec mds' Γ mem'"
    ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (while_type Γ e t P 𝒮 c c' mds)
  hence [simp]: "mds' = mds  c' = If e (c ;; While e c) Stop  mem' = mem"
    by (metis while_elim)
  have "  Γ,𝒮,P {c'} Γ,𝒮,P"
    apply simp
    apply(rule if_type)
             apply(rule while_type(1))
            apply(rule while_type(2))
           apply(rule seq_type)
            apply(rule while_type(3))
           apply(rule has_type.while_type)
             apply(rule while_type(1))
            apply(rule while_type(2))
           apply(rule while_type(3))
          apply(rule stop_type)
         apply simp
        apply simp
       apply simp
      apply(rule add_pred_entailment)
      apply simp+
    by(blast intro!: tyenv_wellformed_subset add_pred_subset)
  thus ?case
    by fastforce
  case (seq_type Γ 𝒮 P c1 Γ1 𝒮1 P1 c2 Γ2 𝒮2 P2 c' mds)
  thus ?case
  proof (cases "c1 = Stop")
    assume [simp]: "c1 = Stop"
    with seq_type have [simp]: "mds' = mds" and [simp]: "c' = c2" and [simp]: "mem' = mem"
      by (metis seq_stop_elim)+
    have context_eq: "context_equiv Γ P Γ1" and [simp]: "𝒮1 = 𝒮" and entail: "P  P1" and
             wf_imp: "mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1"
      using stop_cxt seq_type(1) by simp+
    have " Γ,𝒮,P {c2} Γ2,𝒮2,P2"
      apply(rule sub)
            using seq_type(3) apply simp
           apply(rule context_eq)
          apply(rule wf_imp)
         apply simp+
       apply(rule entail)
      apply(rule pred_entailment_refl)
    thus ?case
      by fastforce
    assume "c1  Stop"
    then obtain c1' where step: "c1, mds, mem  c1', mds', mem'  c' = (c1' ;; c2)"
      by (metis seq_elim seq_type.prems)
    then have "no_await c1" using no_await (c1 ;; c2) no_await.cases by blast
    then obtain Γ''' 𝒮''' P''' where " Γ''',𝒮''',P''' {c1'} Γ1,𝒮1,P1 
      (tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  
       tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ''' 𝒮''' P'''  pred P''' mem'  tyenv_sec mds' Γ''' mem')"
      using step seq_type(2)
      by blast
    from seq_type have " Γ1,𝒮1,P1 {c2} Γ2,𝒮2,P2" by auto
    ultimately show ?case
      apply (rule_tac x = Γ''' in exI)
      using c1, mds, mem  c1', mds', mem'  c' = c1' ;; c2 by blast
  case (sub Γ1 𝒮 P1 c Γ1' 𝒮' P1' Γ2 P2 Γ2' P2' c' mds)
  then obtain Γ'' 𝒮'' P'' where stuff: " Γ'',𝒮'',P'' { c' } Γ1',𝒮',P1' 
    (tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1  pred P1 mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ1 mem  
     tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ'' 𝒮'' P''  pred P'' mem'  tyenv_sec mds' Γ'' mem')"
    by force

  have imp: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ2 𝒮 P2  pred P2 mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ2 mem  
             tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1  pred P1 mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ1 mem"
    apply(rule conjI)
     using sub(5) sub(4) tyenv_wellformed_sub unfolding pred_def
     apply blast
    apply(rule conjI) 
     using local.pred_def pred_entailment_def sub.hyps(7) apply auto[1]
    using sub(3) context_equiv_tyenv_sec unfolding pred_def by blast
  show ?case
    apply (rule_tac x = Γ'' in exI, rule_tac x = "𝒮''" in exI, rule_tac x="P''" in exI)  
    apply (rule conjI)
     apply(rule has_type.sub)
           apply(rule stuff[THEN conjunct1])
          apply simp+
        apply(rule sub(5))
       apply(rule sub(6))
      apply simp
     using sub apply blast
    using imp stuff apply blast
  case (await_type Γ e t P 𝒮 c Γ' 𝒮' P' c' mds)
    show ?case using no_await_no_await await_type.prems by blast 

lemma preservation_no_await_plus: 
  "c, mds, mem + c', mds', mem';
     Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P';
    no_await c  
     no_await c'  ( Γ'' 𝒮'' P''. ( Γ'',𝒮'',P'' { c' } Γ',𝒮',P')  
     (tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  
     tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ'' 𝒮'' P''  pred P'' mem'  tyenv_sec mds' Γ'' mem'))"
  apply (induct arbitrary: Γ 𝒮 P rule: my_trancl_step_induct3)
   using preservation_no_await no_await_trans apply fast
  using preservation_no_await no_await_trans by metis 

(* First we show that (roughly) typeability is preserved by evaluation steps *)
lemma preservation:
  assumes typed: " Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P'"
  assumes eval: "c, mds, mem  c', mds', mem'"
  shows " Γ'' 𝒮'' P''. ( Γ'',𝒮'',P'' { c' } Γ',𝒮',P')  
                    (tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  
                      tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ'' 𝒮'' P''  pred P'' mem'  tyenv_sec mds' Γ'' mem')"
  using typed eval
proof (induct arbitrary: c' mds rule: has_type.induct)

  case (anno_type Γ'' Γ 𝒮 upd 𝒮'' P'' P c1 Γ' 𝒮' P')
  hence "c1, update_modes upd mds, mem  c', mds', mem'"
    by (metis upd_elim)
  with anno_type(5) obtain Γ''' 𝒮''' P''' where
    " Γ''',𝒮''',P''' { c' } Γ',𝒮',P'  
    (tyenv_wellformed (update_modes upd mds) Γ'' 𝒮'' P''  pred P'' mem  tyenv_sec (update_modes upd mds) Γ'' mem 
       tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ''' 𝒮''' P'''  pred P''' mem'  tyenv_sec mds' Γ''' mem')"
    by blast

  have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed (update_modes upd mds) Γ'' 𝒮'' P''"
    using anno_type
    apply auto
    by (metis tyenv_wellformed_mode_update)
  have pred: "pred P mem  pred P'' mem"
    using anno_type
    by (auto simp: pred_def restrict_preds_to_vars_def)
  have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec (update_modes upd mds) Γ'' mem"
    apply(rule impI)
    apply(rule tyenv_sec_mode_update)
            using anno_type apply fastforce
           using anno_type pred apply fastforce
          using anno_type apply fastforce
         using anno_type apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
        using anno_type apply fastforce
       apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
     using anno_type apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
    by simp  
  ultimately show ?case
    by blast
  case stop_type
  with stop_no_eval show ?case ..
  case skip_type
  hence "c' = Stop  mds' = mds  mem' = mem"
    by (metis skip_elim)
  thus ?case
    by (metis stop_type)
  case (assign1 x Γ e t P P' 𝒮 c' mds)
  hence upd: "c' = Stop  mds' = mds  mem' = mem (x := evA mem e)"
    by (metis assign_elim)
  from assign1(2) upd have 𝒞_eq: "x𝒞. mem x = mem' x"
    by auto
  from upd have "  Γ,𝒮,P' {c'} Γ,𝒮,P'"
    by (metis stop_type)
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 P'"
    using upd tyenv_wellformed_preds_update assign1 by metis
  moreover have "pred P mem  pred P' mem'"
    using pred_preds_update assign1 upd by metis
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P   tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem'"
    using tyenv_sec_eq[OF 𝒞_eq, where Γ=Γ]
    unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
  ultimately show ?case
    by (metis upd)
  case (assign2 x Γ e t 𝒮 P' P c' mds)
  hence upd: "c' = Stop  mds' = mds  mem' = mem (x := evA mem e)"
    by (metis assign_elim)
  let ?Γ' = "Γ (x  t)"
  from upd have ty: "  ?Γ',𝒮,P' {c'} ?Γ',𝒮,P'"
    by (metis stop_type)
  have wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' ?Γ' 𝒮 P'"
    assume tyenv_wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    hence wf: "types_wellformed Γ"
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    hence  "type_wellformed t"
      using assign2(2) type_aexpr_type_wellformed
      by blast
    with wf have wf': "types_wellformed ?Γ'"
      using types_wellformed_update by metis
    from tyenv_wf have stable': "types_stable ?Γ' 𝒮"
      using types_stable_update
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    have m: "mds_consistent mds Γ 𝒮 P"
      using tyenv_wf unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    from assign2(4) assign2(1)
    have "mds_consistent mds' (Γ(x  t)) 𝒮 P'"
      apply(rule mds_consistent_preds_tyenv_update)
      using upd m by simp
    from wf' stable' this show "tyenv_wellformed mds' ?Γ' 𝒮 P'"
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
  have p: "pred P mem  pred P' mem'"
    using pred_preds_update assign2 upd by metis
  have sec: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec mds' ?Γ' mem'"
    assume wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    assume pred: "pred P mem"
    assume sec: "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem"
    from pred p have pred': "pred P' mem'" by blast
    fix v t'
    assume Γv: "(Γ(x  t)) v = Some t'"
    assume "v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite"
    show "type_max (the ((Γ(x  t)) v)) mem'  dma mem' v"
    proof(cases "v = x")
      assume [simp]: "v = x"
      hence [simp]: "(the ((Γ(x  t)) v)) = t" and t_def: "t = t'"
        using Γv by auto
      from v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite upd wf have readable: "v  snd 𝒮"
        by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      with assign2(5) have "t ≤:⇩P' (dma_type x)" by fastforce
      with pred' show ?thesis
        using type_max_dma_type subtype_correct
        by fastforce
      assume neq: "v  x"
      hence [simp]: "((Γ(x  t)) v) = Γ v"
        by simp
      with Γv have Γv: "Γ v = Some t'" by simp
      with sec upd v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite have f_leq: "type_max t' mem  dma mem v"
        by auto
      have 𝒞_eq: "x𝒞. mem x = mem' x"
        using wf assign2(1) upd by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      hence dma_eq: "dma mem = dma mem'"
        by(rule dma_𝒞)
      have f_eq: "type_max t' mem = type_max t' mem'"
        apply(rule 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq)
         using Γv wf apply(force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
        by(rule 𝒞_eq)     
      from neq Γv f_leq dma_eq f_eq show ?thesis
        by simp
  from ty wf p sec show ?case
    by blast
  case (assign𝒞 x Γ e t P P' 𝒮 c' mds)
  (* this case follows from the same argument as assign1 *)
  hence upd: "c' = Stop  mds' = mds  mem' = mem (x := evA mem e)"
    by (metis assign_elim)
  hence "  Γ,𝒮,P' {c'} Γ,𝒮,P'"
    by (metis stop_type)
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 P'"
    using upd tyenv_wellformed_preds_update assign𝒞 by metis
  moreover have "pred P mem  pred P' mem'"
    using pred_preds_update assign𝒞 upd by metis
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec mds' Γ mem'"
    fix v t'
    assume wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    assume pred: "pred P mem"
    hence pred': "pred P' mem'" using pred P mem  pred P' mem' by blast
    assume sec: "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem"
    assume Γv: "Γ v = Some t'"
    assume readable': "v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite"
    with upd have readable: "v  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite" by simp
    with wf have "v  snd 𝒮" by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
    show "type_max (the (Γ v)) mem'  dma mem' v"
    proof(cases "x  𝒞_vars v")
      assume "x  𝒞_vars v"
      with assign𝒞(6) v  snd 𝒮 have "(to_total Γ v) ≤:⇩P' (dma_type v)" by blast
      from pred' Γv subtype_sound[OF this] show ?thesis
        using type_max_dma_type by(auto simp: to_total_def split: if_splits)
      assume "x  𝒞_vars v"
      hence "v'𝒞_vars v. mem v' = mem' v'"
        using upd by auto
      hence dma_eq: "dma mem v = dma mem' v"
        by(rule dma_𝒞_vars)
      from Γv assign𝒞(4) have "x  vars_of_type t'" by force
      have "type_wellformed t'"
        using wf Γv by(force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
      with x  vars_of_type t' upd have f_eq: "type_max t' mem = type_max t' mem'"
        using vars_of_type_eq_type_max_eq by fastforce
      from sec Γv readable have "type_max t' mem  dma mem v"
        by auto
      with f_eq dma_eq Γv show ?thesis
        by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    by (metis stop_type)
  case (if_type Γ e t P 𝒮 th Γ' 𝒮' P' el Γ'' P'' Γ''' P''' c' mds)
  from if_type(13)
  show ?case
  proof(rule if_elim)
    assume [simp]: "evB mem e" and [simp]: "c' = th" and [simp]: "mem' = mem" and [simp]: "mds' = mds"
    from if_type(3) have "  Γ,𝒮,P +⇩𝒮 e {c'} Γ',𝒮',P'" by simp
    hence " Γ,𝒮,P +⇩𝒮 e {c'} Γ''',𝒮',P'''"
      apply(rule sub)
           apply simp+
         using if_type apply blast
        using if_type apply blast
       apply simp
      using if_type apply(blast intro: pred_entailment_trans)
    moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 (P +⇩𝒮 e)"
      by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def add_pred_def)
    moreover have "pred P mem  pred (P +⇩𝒮 e) mem'"
      by(auto simp: pred_def add_pred_def)
    moreover have "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec mds' Γ mem'"
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    assume [simp]: "¬ evB mem e" and [simp]: "c' = el" and [simp]: "mem' = mem" and [simp]: "mds' = mds"
    from if_type(5) have "  Γ,𝒮,P +⇩𝒮 bexp_neg e {c'} Γ'',𝒮',P''" by simp
    hence " Γ,𝒮,P +⇩𝒮 bexp_neg e {c'} Γ''',𝒮',P'''"
      apply(rule sub)
           apply simp+
         using if_type apply blast
        using if_type apply blast
       apply simp
      using if_type apply(blast intro: pred_entailment_trans)
    moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 (P +⇩𝒮 bexp_neg e)"
      by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def add_pred_def)
    moreover have "pred P mem  pred (P +⇩𝒮 bexp_neg e) mem'"
      by(auto simp: pred_def add_pred_def bexp_neg_negates)
    moreover have "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  tyenv_sec mds' Γ mem'"
    ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (while_type Γ e t P 𝒮 c c' mds)
  hence [simp]: "mds' = mds  c' = If e (c ;; While e c) Stop  mem' = mem"
    by (metis while_elim)
  have "  Γ,𝒮,P {c'} Γ,𝒮,P"
    apply simp
    apply(rule if_type)
             apply(rule while_type(1))
            apply(rule while_type(2))
           apply(rule seq_type)
            apply(rule while_type(3))
           apply(rule has_type.while_type)
             apply(rule while_type(1))
            apply(rule while_type(2))
           apply(rule while_type(3))
          apply(rule stop_type)
         apply simp
        apply simp
       apply simp
      apply(rule add_pred_entailment)
      apply simp+
    by(blast intro!: tyenv_wellformed_subset add_pred_subset)
  thus ?case
    by fastforce
  case (seq_type Γ 𝒮 P c1 Γ1 𝒮1 P1 c2 Γ2 𝒮2 P2 c' mds)
  thus ?case
  proof (cases "c1 = Stop")
    assume [simp]: "c1 = Stop"
    with seq_type have [simp]: "mds' = mds" and [simp]: "c' = c2" and [simp]: "mem' = mem"
      by (metis seq_stop_elim)+
    have context_eq: "context_equiv Γ P Γ1" and [simp]: "𝒮1 = 𝒮" and entail: "P  P1" and
             wf_imp: "mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1"
      using stop_cxt seq_type(1) by simp+
    have " Γ,𝒮,P {c2} Γ2,𝒮2,P2"
      apply(rule sub)
            using seq_type(3) apply simp
           apply(rule context_eq)
          apply(rule wf_imp)
         apply simp+
       apply(rule entail)
      apply(rule pred_entailment_refl)
    thus ?case
      by fastforce
    assume "c1  Stop"
    then obtain c1' where "c1, mds, mem  c1', mds', mem'  c' = (c1' ;; c2)"
      by (metis seq_elim seq_type.prems)
    then obtain Γ''' 𝒮''' P''' where " Γ''',𝒮''',P''' {c1'} Γ1,𝒮1,P1 
      (tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem  
       tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ''' 𝒮''' P'''  pred P''' mem'  tyenv_sec mds' Γ''' mem')"
      using seq_type(2)
      by force
    from seq_type have " Γ1,𝒮1,P1 {c2} Γ2,𝒮2,P2" by auto
    ultimately show ?case
      apply (rule_tac x = Γ''' in exI)
      using c1, mds, mem  c1', mds', mem'  c' = c1' ;; c2 by blast
  case (sub Γ1 𝒮 P1 c Γ1' 𝒮' P1' Γ2 P2 Γ2' P2' c' mds)
  then obtain Γ'' 𝒮'' P'' where stuff: " Γ'',𝒮'',P'' { c' } Γ1',𝒮',P1' 
    (tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1  pred P1 mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ1 mem  
     tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ'' 𝒮'' P''  pred P'' mem'  tyenv_sec mds' Γ'' mem')"
    by force

  have imp: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ2 𝒮 P2  pred P2 mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ2 mem  
             tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1  pred P1 mem  tyenv_sec mds Γ1 mem"
    apply(rule conjI)
     using sub(5) sub(4) tyenv_wellformed_sub unfolding pred_def
     apply blast
    apply(rule conjI) 
     using local.pred_def pred_entailment_def sub.hyps(7) apply auto[1]
    using sub(3) context_equiv_tyenv_sec unfolding pred_def by blast
  show ?case
    apply (rule_tac x = Γ'' in exI, rule_tac x = "𝒮''" in exI, rule_tac x="P''" in exI)  
    apply (rule conjI)
     apply(rule has_type.sub)
           apply(rule stuff[THEN conjunct1])
          apply simp+
        apply(rule sub(5))
       apply(rule sub(6))
      apply simp
     using sub apply blast
    using imp stuff apply blast
  case (await_type Γ e t P 𝒮 c Γ' 𝒮' P' c' mds)
  from this show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (drule await_elim, clarsimp)
    apply (drule preservation_no_await_plus[of c mds mem c' mds' mem' Γ 𝒮 "P +⇩𝒮 e" Γ' 𝒮' P'], assumption+)
    apply (subgoal_tac " tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P   tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P +⇩𝒮 e") defer
      apply (unfold add_pred_def)[1]
      apply (case_tac "pred_stable 𝒮 e", clarsimp)
        apply (unfold tyenv_wellformed_def, clarsimp)[1]
        apply (unfold mds_consistent_def, clarsimp)[1]
      apply clarsimp
    apply (subgoal_tac "pred P mem  pred P +⇩𝒮 e mem") defer
      apply (unfold add_pred_def)[1]
      apply (case_tac "pred_stable 𝒮 e", clarsimp)
        apply (unfold pred_def, clarsimp)[1]
      apply clarsimp
    apply clarsimp
    using has_type.sub by (metis context_equiv_refl pred_entailment_refl)

inductive_cases await_type_elim: " Γ,𝒮,P {Await b ca} Γ',𝒮',P'"

fun bisim_helper :: "(('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  bool"
  "bisim_helper c1, mds, mem1 c2, mds2, mem2 = mem1 =mdsl mem2"

lemma 3_mem_eq: "c1, mds, mem13Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2  mem1 =mdsl mem2"
  apply (subgoal_tac "bisim_helper c1, mds, mem1 c2, mds, mem2")
   apply simp
  apply (induct rule: 3_aux.induct)
  by (auto simp: 1_mem_eq)

lemma evA_eq:
  assumes tyenv_eq: "mem1 =Γmem2"
  assumes pred: "pred P mem1" 
  assumes e_type: "Γ a e  t"
  assumes subtype: "t ≤:⇩P (dma_type v)"
  assumes is_Low: "dma mem1 v = Low"
  shows "evA mem1 e = evA mem2 e"
proof(rule eval_vars_detA, clarify)
  fix x
  assume in_vars: "x  aexp_vars e"
  have "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low"
  proof -
    from subtype_sound[OF subtype] pred have "type_max t mem1  dma mem1 v"
    with is_Low have "type_max t mem1 = Low" by(auto simp: less_eq_Sec_def)
    with e_type in_vars show ?thesis
      apply -
      apply(erule type_aexpr.cases)
      using Sec.exhaust by(auto simp: type_max_def split: if_splits)
  thus "mem1 x = mem2 x"
    using tyenv_eq unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast

lemma evA_eq':
  assumes tyenv_eq: "mem1 =Γmem2"
  assumes pred: "pred P mem1" 
  assumes e_type: "Γ a e  t"
  assumes subtype: "P  t"
  shows "evA mem1 e = evA mem2 e"
proof(rule eval_vars_detA, clarify)
  fix x
  assume in_vars: "x  aexp_vars e"
  have "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low"
  proof -
    from subtype pred have "type_max t mem1  Low"
      by(auto simp: type_max_def pred_entailment_def pred_def)
    hence "type_max t mem1 = Low" by(auto simp: less_eq_Sec_def)
    with e_type in_vars show ?thesis
      apply -
      apply(erule type_aexpr.cases)
      using Sec.exhaust by(auto simp: type_max_def  split: if_splits)
  thus "mem1 x = mem2 x"
    using tyenv_eq unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast

lemma evB_eq':
  assumes tyenv_eq: "mem1 =Γmem2"
  assumes pred: "pred P mem1" 
  assumes e_type: "Γ b e  t"
  assumes subtype: "P  t"
  shows "evB mem1 e = evB mem2 e"
proof(rule eval_vars_detB, clarify)
  fix x
  assume in_vars: "x  bexp_vars e"
  have "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low"
  proof -
    from subtype pred have "type_max t mem1  Low"
      by(auto simp: type_max_def pred_entailment_def pred_def)
    hence "type_max t mem1 = Low" by(auto simp: less_eq_Sec_def)
    with e_type in_vars show ?thesis
      apply -
      apply(erule type_bexpr.cases)
      using Sec.exhaust by(auto simp: type_max_def  split: if_splits)
  thus "mem1 x = mem2 x"
    using tyenv_eq unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast

lemma R1_equiv_entailment:
  "c, mds, mem1Γ',𝒮',P'c', mds', mem'   
  context_equiv Γ' P' Γ''  P'  P'' 
  mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ' 𝒮' P'  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ'' 𝒮' P'' 
   c, mds, mem1Γ'',𝒮',P''c', mds', mem'"
  apply(induct rule: 1.induct)
  apply(rule 1.intro)
       apply(blast intro: sub context_equiv_refl pred_entailment_refl)+

lemma R3_equiv_entailment:
  "c, mds, mem3Γ',𝒮',P'c', mds', mem'  
    context_equiv Γ' P' Γ''  P'  P''  
  mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ' 𝒮' P'  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ'' 𝒮' P'' 
  c, mds, mem3Γ'',𝒮',P''c', mds', mem'"
  apply(induct rule: 3_aux.induct)
   apply(erule 3_aux.intro1)
   apply(blast intro: sub context_equiv_refl tyenv_wellformed_subset subset_entailment)
  apply(erule 3_aux.intro3)
  apply(blast intro: sub context_equiv_refl tyenv_wellformed_subset subset_entailment)

lemma R_equiv_entailment:
    context_equiv Γ' P' Γ''  P'  P''  
  mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ' 𝒮' P'  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ'' 𝒮' P'' 
  apply(induct rule: ℛ.induct)
   apply clarsimp
   apply(rule ℛ.intro1)
   apply(fastforce intro: R1_equiv_entailment)
  apply(rule ℛ.intro3)
  apply(fastforce intro: R3_equiv_entailment)

lemma context_equiv_tyenv_eq:
  "tyenv_eq Γ mem mem'  context_equiv Γ P Γ'  pred P mem  tyenv_eq Γ' mem mem'"
  apply(clarsimp simp: tyenv_eq_def to_total_def context_equiv_def split: if_splits simp: type_equiv_def)
  using subtype_trans subtype_sound
  by (metis domI less_eq_Sec_def option.sel)

lemma ℛ_typed_step_no_await:
"  Γ,𝒮,P { c1 } Γ',𝒮',P' ;
  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P; mem1 =Γmem2; pred P mem1;
        pred P mem2; tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1;
     c1, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1'; no_await c1  
   ( c2' mem2'. c1, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2' 
                 c1', mds', mem1'uΓ',𝒮',P'c2', mds', mem2')"
proof (induct arbitrary: mds c1' rule: has_type.induct)
  case (seq_type Γ 𝒮 P c1 Γ'' 𝒮'' P'' c2 Γ' 𝒮' P' mds)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "c1 = Stop")
    assume "c1 = Stop"
    hence [simp]: "c1' = c2" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1"
      using seq_type
      by (auto simp: seq_stop_elim)
    from seq_type c1 = Stop have "context_equiv Γ P Γ''" and "𝒮 = 𝒮''" and "P  P''" and
                                   "(mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed  mds Γ'' 𝒮 P'')"
      by (metis stop_cxt)+
    hence " Γ,𝒮,P { c2 } Γ',𝒮',P'"
      apply -
      apply(rule sub)
          using seq_type(3) apply simp
         by auto
    have "c2, mds, mem11Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2"
      apply (rule 1.intro [of Γ])
           apply(rule  Γ,𝒮,P { c2 } Γ',𝒮',P')
          using seq_type by auto
    thus ?case
      using ℛ.intro1
      apply clarify
      apply (rule_tac x = c2 in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x = mem2 in exI)
      by (auto simp: c1 = Stop seq_stop_evalw  ℛ.intro1)
    assume "c1  Stop"
    with c1 ;; c2, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1' obtain c1'' where c1''_props:
      "c1, mds, mem1  c1'', mds', mem1'  c1' = c1'' ;; c2"
      by (metis seq_elim)
    with no_await (c1 ;; c2) have "no_await c1" using no_await.cases by blast
    with seq_type(2) no_await c1 obtain c2'' mem2' where c2''_props:
      "c1, mds, mem2  c2'', mds', mem2'  c1'', mds', mem1'uΓ'',𝒮'',P''c2'', mds', mem2'"
      using seq_type.prems(1) seq_type.prems(2) seq_type.prems(3) seq_type.prems(4) seq_type.prems(5) c1''_props
      by blast
    hence "c1'' ;; c2, mds', mem1'uΓ',𝒮',P'c2'' ;; c2, mds', mem2'"
      apply (rule conjE)
      apply (erule ℛ_elim, auto)
       apply (metis ℛ.intro3 3_aux.intro1 seq_type(3))
      by (metis ℛ.intro3 3_aux.intro3 seq_type(3))
    from c2''_props have "c1 ;; c2, mds, mem2  c2'' ;; c2, mds', mem2'"
      by (metis evalw.seq)
    ultimately show ?case
      by (metis c1''_props)
  case (anno_type Γ' Γ 𝒮 upd 𝒮' P' P c Γ'' 𝒮'' P'' mds)
  have "mem1 =Γ'mem2"
  proof(clarsimp simp: tyenv_eq_def)
    fix x  
    assume a: "type_max (to_total Γ' x) mem1 = Low"
    hence "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low"
    proof -
      from pred P mem1 have "pred P' mem1"
        using anno_type.hyps(3)
        by(auto simp: restrict_preds_to_vars_def pred_def)
      with subtype_correct anno_type.hyps(7) a 
      show ?thesis
        using less_eq_Sec_def by metis
    thus " mem1 x = mem2 x"
      using anno_type.prems(2)
      unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast
  have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed (update_modes upd mds) Γ' 𝒮' P'"
    using anno_type
    apply auto
    by (metis tyenv_wellformed_mode_update)
  have pred: "pred P mem1  pred P' mem1"
    using anno_type
    by (auto simp: pred_def restrict_preds_to_vars_def)
  have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem1  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1  
        tyenv_sec (update_modes upd mds) Γ' mem1"
    apply(rule impI)
    apply(rule tyenv_sec_mode_update)
            using anno_type apply fastforce
           using anno_type pred apply fastforce
          using anno_type apply fastforce
         using anno_type apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
        using anno_type apply fastforce
       apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
     using anno_type apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
    by simp
  from no_await (c@[upd]) have "no_await c" using no_await.cases by blast
  ultimately obtain c2' mem2' where "(c, update_modes upd mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2' 
    c1', mds', mem1'uΓ'',𝒮'',P''c2', mds', mem2')"
    using anno_type
    apply auto    
    using mem1 =Γ'mem2 local.pred_def restrict_preds_to_vars_def upd_elim no_await c
      (* TODO: cleanup *)
      using tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem1  (xdom Γ. x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γ x)) mem1  dma mem1 x)  (xdom Γ'. x  update_modes upd mds AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γ' x)) mem1  dma mem1 x) mem_Collect_eq by fastforce try0
  thus ?case
    apply (rule_tac x = c2' in exI)
    apply (rule_tac x = mem2' in exI)
    apply auto
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.decl)
  case stop_type
  with stop_no_eval show ?case by auto
  case (skip_type Γ 𝒮 P mds)
  with skip_type have [simp]: "mds' = mds" "c1' = Stop" "mem1' = mem1"
    using skip_elim
    by (metis, metis, metis)
  with skip_type have "Stop, mds, mem11Γ,𝒮,PStop, mds, mem2"
    by auto
  thus ?case
    using ℛ.intro1 and unannotated [where c = Skip and E = "[]"]
    apply auto
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ℛ.intro1 skip_evalw)
next (* assign1 *)
  case (assign1 x Γ e t P P' 𝒮 mds)
  hence upd [simp]: "c1' = Stop" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)"
    using assign_elim
    by (auto, metis)
  from assign1(2) upd have 𝒞_eq: "x𝒞. mem1 x = mem1' x"
    by auto
  have dma_eq [simp]: "dma mem1 = dma mem1'"
    using dma_𝒞 assign1(2) by simp
  have "mem1 (x := evA mem1 e) =Γmem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
  unfolding tyenv_eq_def
    fix v
    assume is_Low': "type_max (to_total Γ v) (mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) = Low"
    show "(mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) v = (mem2(x := evA mem2 e)) v"
    proof(cases "v  dom Γ")
      assume [simp]: "v  dom Γ"
      then obtain t' where [simp]: "Γ v = Some t'" by force
      hence [simp]: "(to_total Γ v) = t'"
        unfolding to_total_def by (auto split: if_splits)
      have "type_max t' mem1 = type_max t' mem1'"
        apply(rule 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq)
         using Γ v = Some t' assign1(6) 
         unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def
         apply (metis v  dom Γ option.sel)
        using assign1(2) apply simp
      with is_Low' have is_Low: "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low"
        by simp
      from assign1(1) v  dom Γ have "x  v" by auto
      thus ?thesis
        apply simp
        using is_Low assign1(7) unfolding tyenv_eq_def by auto
      assume "v  dom Γ"
      hence [simp]: "mem. type_max (to_total Γ v) mem = dma mem v"
        unfolding to_total_def by simp
      with is_Low' have "dma mem1' v = Low" by simp
      with dma_eq have dma_v_Low: "dma mem1 v = Low" by simp
      hence is_Low: "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low" by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "x = v")
        assume "x  v"
        thus ?thesis
          apply simp
          using is_Low assign1(7) unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast
        assume "x = v"
        thus ?thesis
          apply simp
          apply(rule evA_eq)
              apply(rule assign1(7))
             apply(rule assign1(8))
            apply(rule assign1(3))
           apply(rule assign1(4))
          using dma_v_Low by simp

  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 P'"
    using upd tyenv_wellformed_preds_update assign1 by metis
  moreover have "pred P mem1  pred P' mem1'"
    using pred_preds_update assign1 upd by metis

  moreover have "pred P mem2  pred P' (mem2(x := evA mem2 e))"
    using pred_preds_update assign1 upd by metis
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P   tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1'"
    using tyenv_sec_eq[OF 𝒞_eq, where Γ=Γ]
    unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast

  ultimately have ℛ':
    "Stop, mds', mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)uΓ,𝒮,P'Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    apply -
    apply (rule ℛ.intro1, auto simp: assign1 simp del: dma_eq)

  have a: "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
  by (auto, metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.assign)

  from ℛ' a show ?case
    using c1' = Stop and mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)
    by blast
next (* assign𝒞 *)
  case (assign𝒞 x Γ e t P P' 𝒮 mds)
  hence upd [simp]: "c1' = Stop" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)"
    using assign_elim
    by (auto, metis)
  have "mem1 (x := evA mem1 e) =Γmem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
  unfolding tyenv_eq_def
    fix v
    assume is_Low': "type_max (to_total Γ v) (mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) = Low"
    show "(mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) v = (mem2(x := evA mem2 e)) v"
    proof(cases "v  dom Γ")
      assume in_dom [simp]: "v  dom Γ"
      then obtain t' where Γv [simp]: "Γ v = Some t'" by force
      hence [simp]: "(to_total Γ v) = t'"
        unfolding to_total_def by (auto split: if_splits)
      from assign𝒞(4) have x_nin_C: "x  vars_of_type t'"
        using in_dom Γv 
        by (metis option.sel snd_conv)
      have Γv_wf: "type_wellformed t'"
        using in_dom Γv assign𝒞(7) unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def
        by (metis option.sel)
      with x_nin_C have f_eq: "type_max t' mem1 = type_max t' mem1'"
        using vars_of_type_eq_type_max_eq by simp
      with is_Low' have is_Low: "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low"
        by simp  
      from assign𝒞(1) v  dom Γ assign𝒞(7) have "x  v"
        by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      thus ?thesis
        apply simp
        using is_Low assign𝒞(8) unfolding tyenv_eq_def by auto
      assume nin_dom: "v  dom Γ"
      hence [simp]: "mem. type_max (to_total Γ v) mem = dma mem v"
        unfolding to_total_def  by simp
      with is_Low' have "dma mem1' v = Low" by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "x = v")
        assume "x = v"
        thus ?thesis
          apply simp
          apply(rule evA_eq')
             apply(rule assign𝒞(8))
            apply(rule assign𝒞(9))
           apply(rule assign𝒞(2))
          by(rule assign𝒞(3))
        assume [simp]: "x  v"
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases "x  𝒞_vars v")
          assume in_𝒞_vars: "x  𝒞_vars v"
          hence "v  𝒞"
            using 𝒞_vars_𝒞 by auto
          with nin_dom have "v  snd 𝒮"
            using assign𝒞(7)
            by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def stable_def)
          with in_𝒞_vars have "P  (to_total Γ v)"
            using assign𝒞(6) by blast
          with assign𝒞(9) have "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low"
            by(auto simp: type_max_def pred_def pred_entailment_def)
          thus ?thesis
            using not_sym[OF x  v]
            apply simp
            using assign𝒞(8)
            unfolding tyenv_eq_def by auto
          assume "x  𝒞_vars v"
          with is_Low' have "dma mem1 v = Low"
            using dma_𝒞_vars mem. type_max (to_total Γ v) mem = dma mem v
            by (metis fun_upd_other)
          thus ?thesis
            using not_sym[OF x  v]
            apply simp
            using assign𝒞(8)
            unfolding tyenv_eq_def by auto            

  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 P'"
    using upd tyenv_wellformed_preds_update assign𝒞 by metis
  moreover have "pred P mem1  pred P' mem1'"
    using pred_preds_update assign𝒞 upd by metis
  moreover have "pred P mem2  pred P' (mem2(x := evA mem2 e))"
    using pred_preds_update assign𝒞 upd by metis
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem1  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1  tyenv_sec mds' Γ mem1'"
    fix v t'
    assume wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    assume pred: "pred P mem1"
    hence pred': "pred P' mem1'" using pred P mem1  pred P' mem1' by blast
    assume sec: "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1"
    assume Γv: "Γ v = Some t'"
    assume readable': "v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite"
    with upd have readable: "v  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite" by simp
    with wf have "v  snd 𝒮" by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
    show "type_max (the (Γ v)) mem1'  dma mem1' v"
    proof(cases "x  𝒞_vars v")
      assume "x  𝒞_vars v"
      with assign𝒞(6) v  snd 𝒮 have "(to_total Γ v) ≤:⇩P' (dma_type v)" by blast
      from pred' Γv subtype_correct this show ?thesis
        using type_max_dma_type by(auto simp: to_total_def split: if_splits)
      assume "x  𝒞_vars v"
      hence "v'𝒞_vars v. mem1 v' = mem1' v'"
        using upd by auto
      hence dma_eq: "dma mem1 v = dma mem1' v"
        by(rule dma_𝒞_vars)
      from Γv assign𝒞(4) have "x  vars_of_type t'" by force
      have "type_wellformed t'"
        using wf Γv by(force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
      with x  vars_of_type t' upd have f_eq: "type_max t' mem1 = type_max t' mem1'"
        using vars_of_type_eq_type_max_eq by fastforce
      from sec Γv readable have "type_max t' mem1  dma mem1 v"
        by auto
      with f_eq dma_eq Γv show ?thesis
        by simp

  ultimately have ℛ':
    "Stop, mds', mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)uΓ,𝒮,P'Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    apply -
    apply (rule ℛ.intro1, auto simp: assign𝒞)

  have a: "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
  by (auto, metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.assign)

  from ℛ' a show ?case
    using c1' = Stop and mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)
    by blast
next (* assign2 *)
  case (assign2 x Γ e t 𝒮 P' P mds)
  have upd [simp]: "c1' = Stop" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)"
    using assign_elim[OF assign2(11)]
    by auto
  from x  dom Γ tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P
  have x_nin_𝒞: "x  𝒞"
    by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
  hence dma_eq [simp]: "dma mem1' = dma mem1"
    using dma_𝒞 assign2
    by auto
  let ?Γ' = "Γ (x  t)"
  have "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds, mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    using assign2
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.assign evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
  have tyenv_eq': "mem1(x := evA mem1 e) =Γ(x  t)mem2(x := evA mem2 e)"
  unfolding tyenv_eq_def
    fix v
    assume is_Low': "type_max (to_total (Γ(x  t)) v) (mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) = Low"
    show "(mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) v = (mem2(x := evA mem2 e)) v"
    proof(cases "v = x")
      assume neq: "v  x"
      hence "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low"
      proof(cases "v  dom Γ")
        assume "v  dom Γ"
        then obtain t' where [simp]: "Γ v = Some t'" by force
        hence [simp]: "(to_total Γ v) = t'"
          unfolding to_total_def by (auto split: if_splits)
        hence [simp]: "(to_total ?Γ' v) = t'"
          using neq by(auto simp: to_total_def)
        have "type_max t' mem1 = type_max t' mem1'"
          apply(rule 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq)
            using assign2(6) 
            apply(clarsimp simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
            using v  dom Γ Γ v = Some t' apply(metis option.sel)
           using x_nin_𝒞 by simp
        from this is_Low' neq neq[THEN not_sym] show "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low"
          by auto
        assume "v  dom Γ"
        with is_Low' neq
        have "dma mem1' v = Low"
          by(auto simp: to_total_def  split: if_splits)
        with dma_eq v  dom Γ show ?thesis
          by(auto simp: to_total_def  split: if_splits)
      with neq assign2(7) show "(mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) v = (mem2(x := evA mem2 e)) v"
        by(auto simp: tyenv_eq_def)
      assume eq[simp]: "v = x"
      with is_Low' x  dom Γ have t_Low': "type_max t mem1' = Low"
        by(auto simp: to_total_def split: if_splits)
      have wf_t: "type_wellformed t"
        using type_aexpr_type_wellformed assign2(2) assign2(6)
        by(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def)
      with t_Low' x  𝒞 have t_Low: "type_max t mem1 = Low"
        using 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) fun_upd_other upd(3))
      show ?thesis
      proof(simp, rule eval_vars_detA, clarify)
        fix y
        assume in_vars: "y  aexp_vars e"
        have "type_max (to_total Γ y) mem1 = Low"
        proof -
          from t_Low in_vars assign2(2) show ?thesis
            apply -
            apply(erule type_aexpr.cases)
            using Sec.exhaust by(auto simp: type_max_def  split: if_splits)
        thus "mem1 y = mem2 y"
          using assign2 unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast

  from upd have ty: "  ?Γ',𝒮,P' {c1'} ?Γ',𝒮,P'"
    by (metis stop_type)
  have wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' ?Γ' 𝒮 P'"
    assume tyenv_wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    hence wf: "types_wellformed Γ"
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    hence  "type_wellformed t"
      using assign2(2) type_aexpr_type_wellformed
      by blast
    with wf have wf': "types_wellformed ?Γ'"
      using types_wellformed_update by metis
    from tyenv_wf have stable': "types_stable ?Γ' 𝒮"
      using types_stable_update
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    have m: "mds_consistent mds Γ 𝒮 P"
      using tyenv_wf unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    from assign2(4) assign2(1)
    have "mds_consistent mds' (Γ(x  t)) 𝒮 P'"
      apply(rule mds_consistent_preds_tyenv_update)
      using upd m by simp
    from wf' stable' this show "tyenv_wellformed mds' ?Γ' 𝒮 P'"
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
  have p: "pred P mem1  pred P' mem1'"
    using pred_preds_update assign2 upd by metis
  have p2: "pred P mem2  pred P' (mem2(x := evA mem2 e))"
    using pred_preds_update assign2 upd by metis
  have sec: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem1  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1  tyenv_sec mds' ?Γ' mem1'"
    assume wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    assume pred: "pred P mem1"
    assume sec: "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1"
    from pred p have pred': "pred P' mem1'" by blast
    fix v t'
    assume Γv: "(Γ(x  t)) v = Some t'"
    assume "v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite"
    show "type_max (the ((Γ(x  t)) v)) mem1'  dma mem1' v"
    proof(cases "v = x")
      assume [simp]: "v = x"
      hence [simp]: "(the ((Γ(x  t)) v)) = t" and t_def: "t = t'"
        using Γv by auto
      from v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite upd wf have readable: "v  snd 𝒮"
        by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      with assign2(5) have "t ≤:⇩P' (dma_type x)" by fastforce
      with pred' show ?thesis
        using type_max_dma_type subtype_correct
        by fastforce
      assume neq: "v  x"
      hence [simp]: "((Γ(x  t)) v) = Γ v"
        by simp
      with Γv have Γv: "Γ v = Some t'" by simp
      with sec upd v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite have f_leq: "type_max t' mem1  dma mem1 v"
        by auto
      have 𝒞_eq: "x𝒞. mem1 x = mem1' x"
        using wf assign2(1) upd by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      hence dma_eq: "dma mem1 = dma mem1'"
        by(rule dma_𝒞)
      have f_eq: "type_max t' mem1 = type_max t' mem1'"
        apply(rule 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq)
         using Γv wf apply(force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
        by(rule 𝒞_eq)     
      from neq Γv f_leq dma_eq f_eq show ?thesis
        by simp

  have "Stop, mds, mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)1?Γ',𝒮,P'Stop, mds, mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    apply(rule 1.intro)
         apply blast
        using wf assign2 apply fastforce
       apply(rule tyenv_eq')
      using p assign2 apply fastforce
     using p2 assign2 apply fastforce
    using sec assign2
    using upd(2) upd(3) by blast
  ultimately have "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    "Stop, mds', mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)uΓ(x  t),𝒮,P'Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    using ℛ.intro1
    by auto
  thus ?case
    using mds' = mds c1' = Stop mem1' = mem1(x := evA mem1 e)
    by blast
next (* if *)
  case (if_type Γ e t P 𝒮 th Γ' 𝒮' P' el Γ'' P'' Γ''' P''')
  let ?P = "if (evB mem1 e) then P +⇩𝒮 e else P +⇩𝒮 (bexp_neg e)"
  from Stmt.If e th el, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1' have ty: " Γ,𝒮,?P {c1'} Γ''',𝒮',P'''"
  proof (rule if_elim)
    assume "c1' = th" "mem1' = mem1" "mds' = mds" "evB mem1 e"
    with if_type(3)
    show ?thesis
      apply simp
      apply(erule sub)
         using if_type apply simp+
    assume "c1' = el" "mem1' = mem1" "mds' = mds" "¬ evB mem1 e"
    with if_type(5)
    show ?thesis
      apply simp
      apply(erule sub)
         using if_type apply simp+
  have evB_eq [simp]: "evB mem1 e = evB mem2 e"
    apply(rule evB_eq')
       apply(rule mem1 =Γmem2)
      apply(rule pred P mem1)
     apply(rule Γ b e  t)
    by(rule P  t)
  have "(c1', mds, mem1, c1', mds, mem2)   Γ''' 𝒮' P'''"
    apply (rule intro1)
    apply clarify
    apply (rule 1.intro [where Γ = Γ and Γ' = Γ''' and 𝒮 = 𝒮 and P = ?P])
         apply(rule ty)
        using tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P
        apply(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def add_pred_def)[1]
       apply(rule mem1 =Γmem2)       
      using pred P mem1 apply(fastforce simp: pred_def add_pred_def bexp_neg_negates)
     using pred P mem2 apply(fastforce simp: pred_def add_pred_def bexp_neg_negates)
    by(rule tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1)

  show ?case
  proof -
    from evB_eq if_type(13) have "(If e th el, mds, mem2  c1', mds, mem2)"
      apply (cases "evB mem1 e")
       apply (subgoal_tac "c1' = th")
        apply clarify
        apply (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.if_true evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq if_type(8))
       using if_type.prems(6) apply blast
      apply (subgoal_tac "c1' = el")
       apply (metis (opaque_lifting, mono_tags) cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.if_false if_type(8))
      using if_type.prems(6) by blast
    with c1', mds, mem1uΓ''',𝒮',P'''c1', mds, mem2 show ?thesis  
    by (metis if_elim if_type.prems(6))    
next (* while *)
  case (while_type Γ e t P 𝒮 c)
  hence [simp]: "c1' = (If e (c ;; While e c) Stop)" and
    [simp]: "mds' = mds" and
    [simp]: "mem1' = mem1"
    by (auto simp: while_elim)

  with while_type have "While e c, mds, mem2  c1', mds, mem2"
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.while evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
  moreover have ty: "  Γ,𝒮,P {c1'} Γ,𝒮,P"
    apply simp
    apply(rule if_type)
              apply(rule while_type(1))
             apply(rule while_type(2))
            apply(rule seq_type)
             apply(rule while_type(3))
            apply(rule has_type.while_type)
              apply(rule while_type(1))
             apply(rule while_type(2))
            apply(rule while_type(3))
           apply(rule stop_type)
          apply simp+
      apply(rule add_pred_entailment)
     apply simp
    apply(blast intro!: add_pred_subset tyenv_wellformed_subset)
  have "c1', mds, mem11Γ,𝒮,Pc1', mds, mem2"
    apply (rule 1.intro [where Γ = Γ])
         apply(rule ty)
        using while_type apply simp+
  hence "c1', mds, mem1uΓ,𝒮,Pc1', mds, mem2"
    using ℛ.intro1 by auto
  ultimately show ?case
    by fastforce
  case (sub Γ1 𝒮 P1 c Γ1' 𝒮' P1' Γ2 P2 Γ2' P2' mds c1')
  have imp: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ2 𝒮 P2  pred P2 mem1  pred P2 mem2  tyenv_sec mds Γ2 mem1  
             tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1  pred P1 mem1  pred P1 mem2  tyenv_sec mds Γ1 mem1"
    apply(rule conjI)
     using sub(5) sub(4) tyenv_wellformed_sub unfolding pred_def
     apply blast
    apply(rule conjI)
     using local.pred_def pred_entailment_def sub.hyps(7) apply auto[1]
    apply(rule conjI)
     using local.pred_def pred_entailment_def sub.hyps(7) apply auto[1]
    using sub(3) context_equiv_tyenv_sec unfolding pred_def by blast

  have tyenv_eq: "mem1 =Γ1mem2"
    using context_equiv_tyenv_eq sub by blast
  from imp tyenv_eq obtain c2' mem2' where c2'_props: "c, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2'"
    "c1', mds', mem1'uΓ1',𝒮',P1'c2', mds', mem2'"
    using sub by blast 
  with R_equiv_entailment P1'  P2' show ?case
    using sub.hyps(6) sub.hyps(5) by blast
next case (await_type Γ e t P 𝒮 c Γ' 𝒮' P' Γ'' P'')
  from this show ?case using no_await_no_await by blast

lemma is_final_ℛu_is_final:
  "c1, mds, mem1uΓ,𝒮,Pc2, mds, mem2  is_final c1  is_final c2"
  by (fastforce dest: bisim_simple_ℛu)

lemma pred_plus_impl:
  "pred P mem  evB mem e  pred P +⇩S e mem"
  unfolding add_pred_def pred_def by simp

lemma my_ℛ3_aux_induct [consumes 1, case_names intro1 intro3]: 
  "c1, mds, mem13Γ,𝒮,Pc2, mds, mem2;
   c1 mds mem1 Γ 𝒮 P c2 mem2 c Γ' 𝒮' P'. 
     c1, mds, mem11Γ,𝒮,Pc2, mds, mem2; 
       Γ,𝒮,P {c} Γ',𝒮',P'  
    Q (c1 ;; c) mds mem1 Γ' 𝒮' P' (c2 ;; c) mds mem2;
   c1 mds mem1 Γ 𝒮 P c2 mem2 c Γ' 𝒮' P'. 
     c1, mds, mem13Γ,𝒮,Pc2, mds, mem2; 
      Q c1 mds mem1 Γ 𝒮 P c2 mds mem2; 
       Γ,𝒮,P {c} Γ',𝒮',P'  
    Q (c1 ;; c) mds mem1 Γ' 𝒮' P' (c2 ;; c) mds mem2  
  Q c1 mds mem1 Γ 𝒮 P c2 mds mem2"
using 3_aux.induct[where 
    ?x1.0 = "c1, mds, mem1" and
    ?x2.0 = Γ and
    ?x3.0 = 𝒮 and
    ?x4.0 = P and
    ?x5.0 = "c2, mds, mem2" and
    ?P = "λctx1 Γ 𝒮 P ctx2. Q (fst (fst ctx1)) (snd (fst ctx1)) (snd ctx1) Γ 𝒮 P (fst (fst ctx2)) (snd (fst ctx2)) (snd ctx2)"]
by force

lemma ℛ_typed_step_plus: 
  "c1, mds, mem1 + c1', mds', mem1'; 
     Γ,𝒮,P { c1 } Γ',𝒮',P';
    no_await c1;
    tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P; 
    mem1 =Γmem2; 
    pred P mem1;
    pred P mem2; 
    tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1   
   ( c2' mem2'. c1, mds, mem2 + c2', mds', mem2' 
                 c1', mds', mem1'uΓ',𝒮',P'c2', mds', mem2')"
proof (induct arbitrary: Γ 𝒮 P mem2 rule: my_trancl_big_step_induct3)
  case (base c1 mds mem1 c1' mds' mem1')
  from this show ?case using ℛ_typed_step_no_await bisim_simple_ℛu by fast
  case (step c1 mds mem1 c1' mds' mem1' c1'' mds'' mem1'') 
  from this obtain mem2' where step2': "c1, mds, mem2 + c1', mds', mem2'" and
      rel2': "c1', mds', mem1'uΓ',𝒮',P'c1', mds', mem2'"
    using bisim_simple_ℛu by (metis fst_conv)
  from rel2' show ?case
  proof(cases rule: ℛ.cases)
    case (intro1) 
    from this obtain Γ'' 𝒮'' P'' where 
      " Γ'',𝒮'',P'' {c1'} Γ',𝒮',P'" 
      "tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ'' 𝒮'' P''"
      "mem1' =Γ''mem2'"
      "pred P'' mem1'"
      "pred P'' mem2'"
      "xdom Γ''. x  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γ'' x)) mem1'  dma mem1' x"
      using 1.cases by auto
    from step2' no_await c1 step.hyps(1) step.hyps(4) this obtain mem2'' where 
        step2'': "c1', mds', mem2' + c1'', mds'', mem2''" and 
        rel2'': "c1'', mds'', mem1''uΓ',𝒮',P'c1'', mds'', mem2''"
      using no_await_trancl bisim_simple_ℛu by (metis fst_conv)
    from this step2' show ?thesis using trancl_trans by fast
    case (intro3)
    from intro3 step.prems step.hyps(1) step.hyps(3) step.hyps(4) obtain mem2'' where
        step'': "c1', mds', mem2' + c1'', mds'', mem2''" and 
        rel'': "c1'', mds'', mem1''uΓ',𝒮',P'c1'', mds'', mem2''"
    proof (induct arbitrary: rule: my_ℛ3_aux_induct)
      case (intro1 c1'1' mds' mem1' Γ''' 𝒮''' P''' c1'1 mem2' c1'2 Γ'' 𝒮'' P'')
      from intro1(1) obtain Γv 𝒮v Pv where pre_props: 
        " Γv,𝒮v,Pv {c1'1} Γ''',𝒮''',P'''" 
        "tyenv_wellformed mds' Γv 𝒮v Pv"
        "mem1' =Γvmem2'"
        "pred Pv mem1'"
        "pred Pv mem2'"
        "c1'1 = c1'1'"
        "xdom Γv. x  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γv x)) mem1'  dma mem1' x"
        using 1.cases by blast
      from this intro1 have typed: " Γv,𝒮v,Pv {c1'1 ;; c1'2} Γ'',𝒮'',P''"
        using has_type.seq_type by blast
      from this pre_props no_await c1 c1, mds, mem1 + c1'1 ;; c1'2, mds', mem1' intro1(13)
        obtain mem2'' where 
               step: "c1'1 ;; c1'2, mds', mem2' + c1'', mds'', mem2''  
                      c1'', mds'', mem1''uΓ'',𝒮'',P''c1'', mds'', mem2''"
        using no_await_trancl bisim_simple_ℛu by (metis fst_conv)
      from this intro1(3) show ?case using no_await_trancl bisim_simple_ℛu by blast
      case (intro3 c1'1' mds' mem1' Γ''' 𝒮''' P''' c1'1 mem2' c1'2 Γ'' 𝒮'' P'')
      from intro3(1) obtain Γv 𝒮v Pv where pre_props: 
        " Γv,𝒮v,Pv {c1'1} Γ''',𝒮''',P'''" 
        "tyenv_wellformed mds' Γv 𝒮v Pv"
        "mem1' =Γvmem2'"
        "pred Pv mem1'"
        "pred Pv mem2'"
        "c1'1 = c1'1'"
        "xdom Γv. x  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite  type_max (the (Γv x)) mem1'  dma mem1' x"
        by (induct arbitrary: rule: my_ℛ3_aux_induct) 
           (blast elim: 1.cases, blast) 
      from this intro1 have typed: " Γv,𝒮v,Pv {c1'1 ;; c1'2} Γ'',𝒮'',P''"
        using has_type.seq_type intro3.hyps(3) by blast

      from this pre_props no_await c1 c1, mds, mem1 + c1'1 ;; c1'2, mds', mem1' intro3
        obtain mem2'' where 
        step: "c1'1 ;; c1'2, mds', mem2' + c1'', mds'', mem2''  
               c1'', mds'', mem1''uΓ'',𝒮'',P''c1'', mds'', mem2''"   
      proof -
        assume a1: "mem2''. c1'1 ;; c1'2, mds', mem2' + c1'', mds'', mem2''  
                               c1'', mds'', mem1''uΓ'',𝒮'',P''c1'', mds'', mem2''  thesis"
        thus ?thesis using intro3.prems(11)
          using a1 by (metis (no_types) pre_props(2-)
                       c1, mds, mem1 + c1'1 ;; c1'2, mds', mem1'  no_await c1 
                       bisim_simple_ℛu fst_conv no_await_trancl typed)
      from this intro3 show ?case using no_await_trancl bisim_simple_ℛu by blast
    thus ?thesis 
      by (meson step2' trancl_trans) 

(* This is the main part of the proof and used in ℛ1_weak_bisim: *)
lemma ℛ_typed_step:
  "  Γ,𝒮,P { c1 } Γ',𝒮',P' ;
  tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P; mem1 =Γmem2; pred P mem1;
        pred P mem2; tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1;
     c1, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1'  
   ( c2' mem2'. c1, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2' 
                 c1', mds', mem1'uΓ',𝒮',P'c2', mds', mem2')"
proof (induct arbitrary: mds c1' rule: has_type.induct)
  case (seq_type Γ 𝒮 P c1 Γ'' 𝒮'' P'' c2 Γ' 𝒮' P' mds)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "c1 = Stop")
    assume "c1 = Stop"
    hence [simp]: "c1' = c2" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1"
      using seq_type
      by (auto simp: seq_stop_elim)
    from seq_type c1 = Stop have "context_equiv Γ P Γ''" and "𝒮 = 𝒮''" and "P  P''" and
                                   "(mds. tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed  mds Γ'' 𝒮 P'')"
      by (metis stop_cxt)+
    hence " Γ,𝒮,P { c2 } Γ',𝒮',P'"
      apply -
      apply(rule sub)
          using seq_type(3) apply simp
         by auto
    have "c2, mds, mem11Γ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2"
      apply (rule 1.intro [of Γ])
           apply(rule  Γ,𝒮,P { c2 } Γ',𝒮',P')
          using seq_type by auto
    thus ?case
      using ℛ.intro1
      apply clarify
      apply (rule_tac x = c2 in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x = mem2 in exI)
      by (auto simp: c1 = Stop seq_stop_evalw  ℛ.intro1)
    assume "c1  Stop"
    with c1 ;; c2, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1' obtain c1'' where c1''_props:
      "c1, mds, mem1  c1'', mds', mem1'  c1' = c1'' ;; c2"
      by (metis seq_elim)
    with seq_type(2) obtain c2'' mem2' where c2''_props:
      "c1, mds, mem2  c2'', mds', mem2'  c1'', mds', mem1'uΓ'',𝒮'',P''c2'', mds', mem2'"
      using seq_type.prems(1) seq_type.prems(2) seq_type.prems(3) seq_type.prems(4) seq_type.prems(5) by presburger
    hence "c1'' ;; c2, mds', mem1'uΓ',𝒮',P'c2'' ;; c2, mds', mem2'"
      apply (rule conjE)
      apply (erule ℛ_elim, auto)
       apply (metis ℛ.intro3 3_aux.intro1 seq_type(3))
      by (metis ℛ.intro3 3_aux.intro3 seq_type(3))
    from c2''_props have "c1 ;; c2, mds, mem2  c2'' ;; c2, mds', mem2'"
      by (metis evalw.seq)
    ultimately show ?case
      by (metis c1''_props)
  case (anno_type Γ' Γ 𝒮 upd 𝒮' P' P c Γ'' 𝒮'' P'' mds)
  have "mem1 =Γ'mem2"
  proof(clarsimp simp: tyenv_eq_def)
    fix x  
    assume a: "type_max (to_total Γ' x) mem1 = Low"
    hence "type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low"
    proof -
      from pred P mem1 have "pred P' mem1"
        using anno_type.hyps(3)
        by(auto simp: restrict_preds_to_vars_def pred_def)
      with subtype_sound[OF anno_type.hyps(7)] a 
      show ?thesis
        using less_eq_Sec_def by metis
    thus " mem1 x = mem2 x"
      using anno_type.prems(2)
      unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast
  have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed (update_modes upd mds) Γ' 𝒮' P'"
    using anno_type
    apply auto
    by (metis tyenv_wellformed_mode_update)
  have pred: "pred P mem1  pred P' mem1"
    using anno_type
    by (auto simp: pred_def restrict_preds_to_vars_def)
  have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem1  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1  
        tyenv_sec (update_modes upd mds) Γ' mem1"
    apply(rule impI)
    apply(rule tyenv_sec_mode_update)
            using anno_type apply fastforce
           using anno_type pred apply fastforce
          using anno_type apply fastforce
         using anno_type apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
        using anno_type apply fastforce
       apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
     using anno_type apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
    by simp  
  ultimately obtain c2' mem2' where "(c, update_modes upd mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2' 
    c1', mds', mem1'uΓ'',𝒮'',P''c2', mds', mem2')"
    using anno_type
    apply auto    
    using mem1 =Γ'mem2 local.pred_def restrict_preds_to_vars_def upd_elim by fastforce
  thus ?case
    apply (rule_tac x = c2' in exI)
    apply (rule_tac x = mem2' in exI)
    apply auto
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.decl)
  case stop_type
  with stop_no_eval show ?case by auto
  case (skip_type Γ 𝒮 P mds)
  with skip_type have [simp]: "mds' = mds" "c1' = Stop" "mem1' = mem1"
    using skip_elim
    by (metis, metis, metis)
  with skip_type have "Stop, mds, mem11Γ,𝒮,PStop, mds, mem2"
    by auto
  thus ?case
    using ℛ.intro1 and unannotated [where c = Skip and E = "[]"]
    apply auto
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ℛ.intro1 skip_evalw)
next (* assign1 *)
  case (assign1 x Γ e t P P' 𝒮 mds)
  hence upd [simp]: "c1' = Stop" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)"
    using assign_elim
    by (auto, metis)
  from assign1(2) upd have 𝒞_eq: "x𝒞. mem1 x = mem1' x"
    by auto
  have dma_eq [simp]: "dma mem1 = dma mem1'"
    using dma_𝒞 assign1(2) by simp
  have "mem1 (x := evA mem1 e) =Γmem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
  unfolding tyenv_eq_def
    fix v
    assume is_Low': "type_max (to_total Γ v) (mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) = Low"
    show "(mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) v = (mem2(x := evA mem2 e)) v"
    proof(cases "v  dom Γ")
      assume [simp]: "v  dom Γ"
      then obtain t' where [simp]: "Γ v = Some t'" by force
      hence [simp]: "(to_total Γ v) = t'"
        unfolding to_total_def by (auto split: if_splits)
      have "type_max t' mem1 = type_max t' mem1'"
        apply(rule 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq)
         using Γ v = Some t' assign1(6) 
         unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def
         apply (metis v  dom Γ option.sel)
        using assign1(2) apply simp
      with is_Low' have is_Low: "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low"
        by simp
      from assign1(1) v  dom Γ have "x  v" by auto
      thus ?thesis
        apply simp
        using is_Low assign1(7) unfolding tyenv_eq_def by auto
      assume "v  dom Γ"
      hence [simp]: "mem. type_max (to_total Γ v) mem = dma mem v"
        unfolding to_total_def by simp
      with is_Low' have "dma mem1' v = Low" by simp
      with dma_eq have dma_v_Low: "dma mem1 v = Low" by simp
      hence is_Low: "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low" by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "x = v")
        assume "x  v"
        thus ?thesis
          apply simp
          using is_Low assign1(7) unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast
        assume "x = v"
        thus ?thesis
          apply simp
          apply(rule evA_eq)
              apply(rule assign1(7))
             apply(rule assign1(8))
            apply(rule assign1(3))
           apply(rule assign1(4))
          using dma_v_Low by simp

  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 P'"
    using upd tyenv_wellformed_preds_update assign1 by metis
  moreover have "pred P mem1  pred P' mem1'"
    using pred_preds_update assign1 upd by metis

  moreover have "pred P mem2  pred P' (mem2(x := evA mem2 e))"
    using pred_preds_update assign1 upd by metis
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P   tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1'"
    using tyenv_sec_eq[OF 𝒞_eq, where Γ=Γ]
    unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast

  ultimately have ℛ':
    "Stop, mds', mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)uΓ,𝒮,P'Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    apply -
    apply (rule ℛ.intro1, auto simp: assign1 simp del: dma_eq)

  have a: "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
  by (auto, metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.assign)

  from ℛ' a show ?case
    using c1' = Stop and mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)
    by blast
next (* assign𝒞 *)
  case (assign𝒞 x Γ e t P P' 𝒮 mds)
  hence upd [simp]: "c1' = Stop" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)"
    using assign_elim
    by (auto, metis)
  have "mem1 (x := evA mem1 e) =Γmem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
  unfolding tyenv_eq_def
    fix v
    assume is_Low': "type_max (to_total Γ v) (mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) = Low"
    show "(mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) v = (mem2(x := evA mem2 e)) v"
    proof(cases "v  dom Γ")
      assume in_dom [simp]: "v  dom Γ"
      then obtain t' where Γv [simp]: "Γ v = Some t'" by force
      hence [simp]: "(to_total Γ v) = t'"
        unfolding to_total_def by (auto split: if_splits)
      from assign𝒞(4) have x_nin_C: "x  vars_of_type t'"
        using in_dom Γv 
        by (metis option.sel snd_conv)
      have Γv_wf: "type_wellformed t'"
        using in_dom Γv assign𝒞(7) unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def
        by (metis option.sel)
      with x_nin_C have f_eq: "type_max t' mem1 = type_max t' mem1'"
        using vars_of_type_eq_type_max_eq by simp
      with is_Low' have is_Low: "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low"
        by simp  
      from assign𝒞(1) v  dom Γ assign𝒞(7) have "x  v"
        by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      thus ?thesis
        apply simp
        using is_Low assign𝒞(8) unfolding tyenv_eq_def by auto
      assume nin_dom: "v  dom Γ"
      hence [simp]: "mem. type_max (to_total Γ v) mem = dma mem v"
        unfolding to_total_def  by simp
      with is_Low' have "dma mem1' v = Low" by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "x = v")
        assume "x = v"
        thus ?thesis
          apply simp
          apply(rule evA_eq')
             apply(rule assign𝒞(8))
            apply(rule assign𝒞(9))
           apply(rule assign𝒞(2))
          by(rule assign𝒞(3))
        assume [simp]: "x  v"
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases "x  𝒞_vars v")
          assume in_𝒞_vars: "x  𝒞_vars v"
          hence "v  𝒞"
            using 𝒞_vars_𝒞 by auto
          with nin_dom have "v  snd 𝒮"
            using assign𝒞(7)
            by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def stable_def)
          with in_𝒞_vars have "P  (to_total Γ v)"
            using assign𝒞(6) by blast
          with assign𝒞(9) have "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low"
            by(auto simp: type_max_def pred_def pred_entailment_def)
          thus ?thesis
            using not_sym[OF x  v]
            apply simp
            using assign𝒞(8)
            unfolding tyenv_eq_def by auto
          assume "x  𝒞_vars v"
          with is_Low' have "dma mem1 v = Low"
            using dma_𝒞_vars mem. type_max (to_total Γ v) mem = dma mem v
            by (metis fun_upd_other)
          thus ?thesis
            using not_sym[OF x  v]
            apply simp
            using assign𝒞(8)
            unfolding tyenv_eq_def by auto            

  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' Γ 𝒮 P'"
    using upd tyenv_wellformed_preds_update assign𝒞 by metis
  moreover have "pred P mem1  pred P' mem1'"
    using pred_preds_update assign𝒞 upd by metis
  moreover have "pred P mem2  pred P' (mem2(x := evA mem2 e))"
    using pred_preds_update assign𝒞 upd by metis
  moreover have "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem1  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1  tyenv_sec mds' Γ mem1'"
    fix v t'
    assume wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    assume pred: "pred P mem1"
    hence pred': "pred P' mem1'" using pred P mem1  pred P' mem1' by blast
    assume sec: "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1"
    assume Γv: "Γ v = Some t'"
    assume readable': "v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite"
    with upd have readable: "v  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite" by simp
    with wf have "v  snd 𝒮" by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
    show "type_max (the (Γ v)) mem1'  dma mem1' v"
    proof(cases "x  𝒞_vars v")
      assume "x  𝒞_vars v"
      with assign𝒞(6) v  snd 𝒮 have "(to_total Γ v) ≤:⇩P' (dma_type v)" by blast
      from pred' Γv subtype_sound[OF this] show ?thesis
        using type_max_dma_type by(auto simp: to_total_def split: if_splits)
      assume "x  𝒞_vars v"
      hence "v'𝒞_vars v. mem1 v' = mem1' v'"
        using upd by auto
      hence dma_eq: "dma mem1 v = dma mem1' v"
        by(rule dma_𝒞_vars)
      from Γv assign𝒞(4) have "x  vars_of_type t'" by force
      have "type_wellformed t'"
        using wf Γv by(force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
      with x  vars_of_type t' upd have f_eq: "type_max t' mem1 = type_max t' mem1'"
        using vars_of_type_eq_type_max_eq by fastforce
      from sec Γv readable have "type_max t' mem1  dma mem1 v"
        by auto
      with f_eq dma_eq Γv show ?thesis
        by simp

  ultimately have ℛ':
    "Stop, mds', mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)uΓ,𝒮,P'Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    apply -
    apply (rule ℛ.intro1, auto simp: assign𝒞)

  have a: "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
  by (auto, metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.assign)

  from ℛ' a show ?case
    using c1' = Stop and mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)
    by blast
next (* assign2 *)
  case (assign2 x Γ e t 𝒮 P' P mds)
  have upd [simp]: "c1' = Stop" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)"
    using assign_elim[OF assign2(11)]
    by auto
  from x  dom Γ tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P
  have x_nin_𝒞: "x  𝒞"
    by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
  hence dma_eq [simp]: "dma mem1' = dma mem1"
    using dma_𝒞 assign2
    by auto
  let ?Γ' = "Γ (x  t)"
  have "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds, mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    using assign2
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.assign evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
  have tyenv_eq': "mem1(x := evA mem1 e) =Γ(x  t)mem2(x := evA mem2 e)"
  unfolding tyenv_eq_def
    fix v
    assume is_Low': "type_max (to_total (Γ(x  t)) v) (mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) = Low"
    show "(mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) v = (mem2(x := evA mem2 e)) v"
    proof(cases "v = x")
      assume neq: "v  x"
      hence "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low"
      proof(cases "v  dom Γ")
        assume "v  dom Γ"
        then obtain t' where [simp]: "Γ v = Some t'" by force
        hence [simp]: "(to_total Γ v) = t'"
          unfolding to_total_def by (auto split: if_splits)
        hence [simp]: "(to_total ?Γ' v) = t'"
          using neq by(auto simp: to_total_def)
        have "type_max t' mem1 = type_max t' mem1'"
          apply(rule 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq)
            using assign2(6) 
            apply(clarsimp simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
            using v  dom Γ Γ v = Some t' apply(metis option.sel)
           using x_nin_𝒞 by simp
        from this is_Low' neq neq[THEN not_sym] show "type_max (to_total Γ v) mem1 = Low"
          by auto
        assume "v  dom Γ"
        with is_Low' neq
        have "dma mem1' v = Low"
          by(auto simp: to_total_def  split: if_splits)
        with dma_eq v  dom Γ show ?thesis
          by(auto simp: to_total_def  split: if_splits)
      with neq assign2(7) show "(mem1(x := evA mem1 e)) v = (mem2(x := evA mem2 e)) v"
        by(auto simp: tyenv_eq_def)
      assume eq[simp]: "v = x"
      with is_Low' x  dom Γ have t_Low': "type_max t mem1' = Low"
        by(auto simp: to_total_def split: if_splits)
      have wf_t: "type_wellformed t"
        using type_aexpr_type_wellformed assign2(2) assign2(6)
        by(fastforce simp: tyenv_wellformed_def)
      with t_Low' x  𝒞 have t_Low: "type_max t mem1 = Low"
        using 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) fun_upd_other upd(3))
      show ?thesis
      proof(simp, rule eval_vars_detA, clarify)
        fix y
        assume in_vars: "y  aexp_vars e"
        have "type_max (to_total Γ y) mem1 = Low"
        proof -
          from t_Low in_vars assign2(2) show ?thesis
            apply -
            apply(erule type_aexpr.cases)
            using Sec.exhaust by(auto simp: type_max_def  split: if_splits)
        thus "mem1 y = mem2 y"
          using assign2 unfolding tyenv_eq_def by blast

  from upd have ty: "  ?Γ',𝒮,P' {c1'} ?Γ',𝒮,P'"
    by (metis stop_type)
  have wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  tyenv_wellformed mds' ?Γ' 𝒮 P'"
    assume tyenv_wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    hence wf: "types_wellformed Γ"
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    hence  "type_wellformed t"
      using assign2(2) type_aexpr_type_wellformed
      by blast
    with wf have wf': "types_wellformed ?Γ'"
      using types_wellformed_update by metis
    from tyenv_wf have stable': "types_stable ?Γ' 𝒮"
      using types_stable_update
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    have m: "mds_consistent mds Γ 𝒮 P"
      using tyenv_wf unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
    from assign2(4) assign2(1)
    have "mds_consistent mds' (Γ(x  t)) 𝒮 P'"
      apply(rule mds_consistent_preds_tyenv_update)
      using upd m by simp
    from wf' stable' this show "tyenv_wellformed mds' ?Γ' 𝒮 P'"
      unfolding tyenv_wellformed_def by blast
  have p: "pred P mem1  pred P' mem1'"
    using pred_preds_update assign2 upd by metis
  have p2: "pred P mem2  pred P' (mem2(x := evA mem2 e))"
    using pred_preds_update assign2 upd by metis
  have sec: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P  pred P mem1  tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1  tyenv_sec mds' ?Γ' mem1'"
    assume wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
    assume pred: "pred P mem1"
    assume sec: "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1"
    from pred p have pred': "pred P' mem1'" by blast
    fix v t'
    assume Γv: "(Γ(x  t)) v = Some t'"
    assume "v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite"
    show "type_max (the ((Γ(x  t)) v)) mem1'  dma mem1' v"
    proof(cases "v = x")
      assume [simp]: "v = x"
      hence [simp]: "(the ((Γ(x  t)) v)) = t" and t_def: "t = t'"
        using Γv by auto
      from v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite upd wf have readable: "v  snd 𝒮"
        by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      with assign2(5) have "t ≤:⇩P' (dma_type x)" by fastforce
      with pred' show ?thesis
        using type_max_dma_type subtype_sound
        by fastforce
      assume neq: "v  x"
      hence [simp]: "((Γ(x  t)) v) = Γ v"
        by simp
      with Γv have Γv: "Γ v = Some t'" by simp
      with sec upd v  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite have f_leq: "type_max t' mem1  dma mem1 v"
        by auto
      have 𝒞_eq: "x𝒞. mem1 x = mem1' x"
        using wf assign2(1) upd by(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def)
      hence dma_eq: "dma mem1 = dma mem1'"
        by(rule dma_𝒞)
      have f_eq: "type_max t' mem1 = type_max t' mem1'"
        apply(rule 𝒞_eq_type_max_eq)
         using Γv wf apply(force simp: tyenv_wellformed_def types_wellformed_def)
        by(rule 𝒞_eq)     
      from neq Γv f_leq dma_eq f_eq show ?thesis
        by simp

  have "Stop, mds, mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)1?Γ',𝒮,P'Stop, mds, mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    apply(rule 1.intro)
         apply blast
        using wf assign2 apply fastforce
       apply(rule tyenv_eq')
      using p assign2 apply fastforce
     using p2 assign2 apply fastforce
    using sec assign2
    using upd(2) upd(3) by blast
  ultimately have "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    "Stop, mds', mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)uΓ(x  t),𝒮,P'Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    using ℛ.intro1
    by auto
  thus ?case
    using mds' = mds c1' = Stop mem1' = mem1(x := evA mem1 e)
    by blast
next (* if *)
  case (if_type Γ e t P 𝒮 th Γ' 𝒮' P' el Γ'' P'' Γ''' P''')
  let ?P = "if (evB mem1 e) then P +⇩𝒮 e else P +⇩𝒮 (bexp_neg e)"
  from Stmt.If e th el, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1' have ty: " Γ,𝒮,?P {c1'} Γ''',𝒮',P'''"
  proof (rule if_elim)
    assume "c1' = th" "mem1' = mem1" "mds' = mds" "evB mem1 e"
    with if_type(3)
    show ?thesis
      apply simp
      apply(erule sub)
         using if_type apply simp+
    assume "c1' = el" "mem1' = mem1" "mds' = mds" "¬ evB mem1 e"
    with if_type(5)
    show ?thesis
      apply simp
      apply(erule sub)
         using if_type apply simp+
  have evB_eq [simp]: "evB mem1 e = evB mem2 e"
    apply(rule evB_eq')
       apply(rule mem1 =Γmem2)
      apply(rule pred P mem1)
     apply(rule Γ b e  t)
    by(rule P  t)
  have "(c1', mds, mem1, c1', mds, mem2)   Γ''' 𝒮' P'''"
    apply (rule intro1)
    apply clarify
    apply (rule 1.intro [where Γ = Γ and Γ' = Γ''' and 𝒮 = 𝒮 and P = ?P])
         apply(rule ty)
        using tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P
        apply(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def mds_consistent_def add_pred_def)[1]
       apply(rule mem1 =Γmem2)       
      using pred P mem1 apply(fastforce simp: pred_def add_pred_def bexp_neg_negates)
     using pred P mem2 apply(fastforce simp: pred_def add_pred_def bexp_neg_negates)
    by(rule tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1)

  show ?case
  proof -
    from evB_eq if_type(13) have "(If e th el, mds, mem2  c1', mds, mem2)"
      apply (cases "evB mem1 e")
       apply (subgoal_tac "c1' = th")
        apply clarify
        apply (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.if_true evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq if_type(8))
       using if_type.prems(6) apply blast
      apply (subgoal_tac "c1' = el")
       apply (metis (opaque_lifting, mono_tags) cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.if_false if_type(8))
      using if_type.prems(6) by blast
    with c1', mds, mem1uΓ''',𝒮',P'''c1', mds, mem2 show ?thesis  
    by (metis if_elim if_type.prems(6))    
next (* while *)
  case (while_type Γ e t P 𝒮 c)
  hence [simp]: "c1' = (If e (c ;; While e c) Stop)" and
    [simp]: "mds' = mds" and
    [simp]: "mem1' = mem1"
    by (auto simp: while_elim)

  with while_type have "While e c, mds, mem2  c1', mds, mem2"
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.while evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
  moreover have ty: "  Γ,𝒮,P {c1'} Γ,𝒮,P"
    apply simp
    apply(rule if_type)
              apply(rule while_type(1))
             apply(rule while_type(2))
            apply(rule seq_type)
             apply(rule while_type(3))
            apply(rule has_type.while_type)
              apply(rule while_type(1))
             apply(rule while_type(2))
            apply(rule while_type(3))
           apply(rule stop_type)
          apply simp+
      apply(rule add_pred_entailment)
     apply simp
    apply(blast intro!: add_pred_subset tyenv_wellformed_subset)
  have "c1', mds, mem11Γ,𝒮,Pc1', mds, mem2"
    apply (rule 1.intro [where Γ = Γ])
         apply(rule ty)
        using while_type apply simp+
  hence "c1', mds, mem1uΓ,𝒮,Pc1', mds, mem2"
    using ℛ.intro1 by auto
  ultimately show ?case
    by fastforce
  case (sub Γ1 𝒮 P1 c Γ1' 𝒮' P1' Γ2 P2 Γ2' P2' mds c1')
  have imp: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ2 𝒮 P2  pred P2 mem1  pred P2 mem2  tyenv_sec mds Γ2 mem1  
             tyenv_wellformed mds Γ1 𝒮 P1  pred P1 mem1  pred P1 mem2  tyenv_sec mds Γ1 mem1"
    apply(rule conjI)
     using sub(5) sub(4) tyenv_wellformed_sub unfolding pred_def
     apply blast
    apply(rule conjI)
     using local.pred_def pred_entailment_def sub.hyps(7) apply auto[1]
    apply(rule conjI)
     using local.pred_def pred_entailment_def sub.hyps(7) apply auto[1]
    using sub(3) context_equiv_tyenv_sec unfolding pred_def by blast

  have tyenv_eq: "mem1 =Γ1mem2"
    using context_equiv_tyenv_eq sub by blast
  from imp tyenv_eq obtain c2' mem2' where c2'_props: "c, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2'"
    "c1', mds', mem1'uΓ1',𝒮',P1'c2', mds', mem2'"
    using sub by blast 
  with R_equiv_entailment P1'  P2' show ?case
    using sub.hyps(6) sub.hyps(5) by blast
next case (await_type Γ e t P 𝒮 c Γ' 𝒮' P')
  from await_type.prems have "evB mem1 e" "no_await c" "is_final c1'" and step: "c, mds, mem1 + c1', mds', mem1'"
    using await_elim by simp+
  from await_type.prems Γ b e  t P  t have "pred P +⇩𝒮 e mem1" "pred P +⇩𝒮 e mem2" "evB mem2 e"
    using pred_plus_impl evB mem1 e pred P mem1 evB_eq'
    by blast+
  from await_type.prems Γ b e  t P  t have wellformed: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P +⇩𝒮 e"
    apply (unfold add_pred_def)[1]
      apply (case_tac "pred_stable 𝒮 e", clarsimp)
        apply (unfold tyenv_wellformed_def, clarsimp)[1]
        apply (unfold mds_consistent_def, clarsimp)[1]
      by clarsimp
  from step is_final c1' no_await c tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P +⇩𝒮 e await_type.prems pred P +⇩𝒮 e mem1 pred P +⇩𝒮 e mem2
    obtain c2' mem2' where step: "c, mds, mem2 + c2', mds', mem2'" and 
      rel: "c1', mds', mem1'uΓ',𝒮',P'c2', mds', mem2'" "is_final c2'"  
    using ℛ_typed_step_plus await_type.hyps(3) is_final_ℛu_is_final by meson
  from wellformed is_final c2' evB mem2 e no_await c Γ b e  t P  t pred P +⇩𝒮 e mem2 step rel show ?case 
    using evalw.intros(4) by blast

(* We can now show that ℛ1 and ℛ3 are weak bisimulations of ℛ,: *)
lemma 1_weak_bisim:
  "weak_bisim (1 Γ' 𝒮' P') ( Γ' 𝒮' P')"
  unfolding weak_bisim_def
  apply clarsimp
  apply(erule 1_elim)
  apply(blast intro: ℛ_typed_step)

lemma ℛ_to_ℛ3: " c1, mds, mem1uΓ,𝒮,Pc2, mds, mem2 ;  Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P'  
  c1 ;; c, mds, mem13Γ',𝒮',P'c2 ;; c, mds, mem2"
  apply (erule ℛ_elim)
  by auto

lemma 3_weak_bisim:
  "weak_bisim (3 Γ' 𝒮' P') ( Γ' 𝒮' P')"
proof -
    fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 c1' mds' mem1'
    assume case3: "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)  3 Γ' 𝒮' P'"
    assume eval: "c1, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1'"
    have " c2' mem2'. c2, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2'  c1', mds', mem1'uΓ',𝒮',P'c2', mds', mem2'"
      using case3 eval
      apply simp
    proof (induct arbitrary: c1' rule: 3_aux.induct)
      case (intro1 c1 mds mem1 Γ 𝒮 P c2 mem2 c Γ' 𝒮' P')
      hence [simp]: "c2 = c1"
        by (metis (lifting) 1_elim)
      thus ?case
      proof (cases "c1 = Stop")
        assume [simp]: "c1 = Stop"
        from intro1(1) show ?thesis
          apply (rule 1_elim)
          apply simp
          apply (rule_tac x = c in exI)
          apply (rule_tac x = mem2 in exI)
          apply (rule conjI)
           apply (metis c1 = Stop cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.seq_stop evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq intro1.prems seq_stop_elim)
          apply (rule ℛ.intro1, clarify)
          apply (subgoal_tac "c1' = c")
           apply simp
           apply (rule 1.intro)
                apply(rule intro1(2))
               apply (metis (no_types, lifting) c1 = Stop intro1.prems seq_stop_elim stop_cxt tyenv_wellformed_sub)
              using c1 = Stop intro1.prems seq_stop_elim stop_cxt context_equiv_tyenv_eq
              apply metis

             using c1 = Stop intro1.prems pred_entailment_def seq_stop_elim stop_cxt apply blast
            using pred_entailment_def stop_cxt apply blast
           apply (metis (no_types, lifting) c1 = Stop context_equiv_def intro1.prems less_eq_Sec_def seq_stop_elim stop_cxt subtype_sound type_equiv_def)
          using intro1.prems seq_stop_elim by auto
        assume "c1  Stop"
        from intro1
        obtain c1'' where "c1, mds, mem1  c1'', mds', mem1'  c1' = (c1'' ;; c)"
          by (metis c1  Stop intro1.prems seq_elim)
        with intro1
        obtain c2'' mem2' where "c2, mds, mem2  c2'', mds', mem2'" "c1'', mds', mem1'uΓ,𝒮,Pc2'', mds', mem2'"
          using 1_weak_bisim and weak_bisim_def
          by blast
        thus ?thesis
          using intro1(2) ℛ_to_ℛ3
          apply (rule_tac x = "c2'' ;; c" in exI)
          apply (rule_tac x = mem2' in exI)
          apply (rule conjI)
           apply (metis evalw.seq)
          apply auto
          apply (rule ℛ.intro3)
          by (simp add: ℛ_to_ℛ3 c1, mds, mem1  c1'', mds', mem1'  c1' = c1'' ;; c)
      case (intro3 c1 mds mem1 Γ 𝒮 P c2 mem2 c Γ' 𝒮' P')
      thus ?case
        apply (cases "c1 = Stop")
         apply blast
      proof -
        assume "c1  Stop"
        then obtain c1'' where "c1, mds, mem1  c1'', mds', mem1'" "c1' = (c1'' ;; c)"
          by (metis intro3.prems seq_elim)
        then obtain c2'' mem2' where "c2, mds, mem2  c2'', mds', mem2'" "c1'', mds', mem1'uΓ,𝒮,Pc2'', mds', mem2'"
          using intro3(2) by metis
        thus ?thesis
          apply (rule_tac x = "c2'' ;; c" in exI)
          apply (rule_tac x = mem2' in exI)
          apply (rule conjI)
           apply (metis evalw.seq)
          apply (erule ℛ_elim)
            apply simp_all
            apply (metis ℛ.intro3 ℛ_to_ℛ3 c1'', mds', mem1'uΓ,𝒮,Pc2'', mds', mem2' c1' = c1'' ;; c intro3(3))
          apply (metis (lifting) ℛ.intro3 ℛ_to_ℛ3 c1'', mds', mem1'uΓ,𝒮,Pc2'', mds', mem2' c1' = c1'' ;; c intro3(3))
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding weak_bisim_def
    by auto

(* Hence ℛ is a bisimulation: *)
lemma ℛ_bisim: "strong_low_bisim_mm ( Γ' 𝒮' P')"
  unfolding strong_low_bisim_mm_def
proof (auto)
  from ℛ_sym show "sym ( Γ' 𝒮' P')" .
  from ℛ_closed_glob_consistent show "closed_glob_consistent ( Γ' 𝒮' P')" .
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2
  assume "c1, mds, mem1uΓ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2"
  thus "mem1 =mdsl mem2"
    apply (rule ℛ_elim)
    by (auto simp: 1_mem_eq 3_mem_eq)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 c1' mds' mem1'
  assume eval: "c1, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1'"
  assume R: "c1, mds, mem1uΓ',𝒮',P'c2, mds, mem2"
  from R show " c2' mem2'. c2, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2' 
                            c1', mds', mem1'uΓ',𝒮',P'c2', mds', mem2'"
    apply (rule ℛ_elim)
      apply (insert 1_weak_bisim 3_weak_bisim eval weak_bisim_def)
      apply auto

lemma Typed_in_ℛ:
  assumes typeable: " Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P'"
  assumes wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
  assumes mem_eq: " x. type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low  mem1 x = mem2 x"
  assumes pred1: "pred P mem1"
  assumes pred2: "pred P mem2"
  assumes tyenv_sec: "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1"
  shows "c, mds, mem1uΓ',𝒮',P'c, mds, mem2"
  apply (rule ℛ.intro1 [of Γ'])
  apply clarify
  apply (rule 1.intro [of Γ])
       apply(rule typeable)
      apply(rule wf)
     using mem_eq apply(fastforce simp: tyenv_eq_def)
    using assms by simp+

(* We then prove the main soundness theorem using the fact that typeable
    configurations can be related using ℛ1 *)
theorem type_soundness:
  assumes well_typed: " Γ,𝒮,P { c } Γ',𝒮',P'"
  assumes wf: "tyenv_wellformed mds Γ 𝒮 P"
  assumes mem_eq: " x. type_max (to_total Γ x) mem1 = Low  mem1 x = mem2 x"
  assumes pred1: "pred P mem1"
  assumes pred2: "pred P mem2"
  assumes tyenv_sec: "tyenv_sec mds Γ mem1"
  shows "c, mds, mem1  c, mds, mem2"
  using ℛ_bisim Typed_in_ℛ
  by (metis assms mem_eq mm_equiv.simps well_typed)

  Γ_of_mds :: "'Var Mds  ('Var,'BExp) TyEnv"
  "Γ_of_mds mds  (λx. if x  𝒞  x  mds AsmNoWrite  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite then
                         if x  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite then 
                           Some ({pred_False}) 
                           Some (dma_type x) 
                       else None)"

  𝒮_of_mds :: "'Var Mds  'Var Stable"
  "𝒮_of_mds mds  (mds AsmNoWrite, mds AsmNoReadOrWrite)"

  mds_yields_stable_types :: "'Var Mds  bool"
  "mds_yields_stable_types mds  x. x  mds AsmNoWrite  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite 
                                     (v𝒞_vars x. v  mds AsmNoWrite  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite)"
(* The typing relation for lists of commands ("thread pools"). *)
  type_global :: "(('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt × 'Var Mds) list  bool"
  (" _" [120] 1000)
  " list_all (λ (c,m). ( Γ' 𝒮' P'.  (Γ_of_mds m),(𝒮_of_mds m),{} { c } Γ',𝒮',P')  mds_yields_stable_types m) cs ;
        mem. sound_mode_use (cs, mem)
    type_global cs"

inductive_cases type_global_elim: " cs"

lemma of_mds_tyenv_wellformed: "mds_yields_stable_types m  tyenv_wellformed m (Γ_of_mds m) (𝒮_of_mds m) {}"
  apply(auto simp: tyenv_wellformed_def Γ_of_mds_def 𝒮_of_mds_def mds_consistent_def stable_def
                   types_wellformed_def types_stable_def  mds_yields_stable_types_def 
                   type_wellformed_def dma_𝒞_vars 𝒞_def bexp_vars_pred_False 𝒞_vars_correct
             split: if_splits)

lemma Γ_of_mds_tyenv_sec:
  "tyenv_sec m (Γ_of_mds m) mem1"
  apply(auto simp: Γ_of_mds_def)

lemma type_max_pred_False [simp]:
  "type_max {pred_False} mem = High"
  apply(simp add: type_max_def pred_False_is_False)
lemma typed_secure:
  "  (Γ_of_mds m),(𝒮_of_mds m),{} { c } Γ',𝒮',P'; mds_yields_stable_types m   com_sifum_secure (c,m)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: com_sifum_secure_def low_indistinguishable_def)
  apply (erule type_soundness)
      apply(erule of_mds_tyenv_wellformed)
     apply(auto simp: to_total_def split: if_split simp: Γ_of_mds_def low_mds_eq_def)[1]
    apply(fastforce simp: pred_def type_max_def)
   apply(fastforce simp: pred_def)
  by(rule Γ_of_mds_tyenv_sec)

lemma list_all_set: " x  set xs. P x  list_all P xs"
  by (metis (lifting) list_all_iff)

theorem type_soundness_global:
  assumes typeable: " cs"
  shows "prog_sifum_secure_cont cs"
  using typeable
  apply (rule type_global_elim)
  apply (subgoal_tac " c  set cs. com_sifum_secure c")
   apply(rule sifum_compositionality_cont)
    using list_all_set apply fastforce
   apply fastforce
  apply(drule list_all_iff[THEN iffD1])
  apply clarsimp
  apply(rename_tac c m)
  apply(drule_tac x="(c,m)" in bspec)
   apply assumption
  apply clarsimp
  using typed_secure by blast
