Theory Example

Title: Value-Dependent SIFUM-Type-Systems
Authors: Toby Murray, Robert Sison, Edward Pierzchalski, Christine Rizkallah
(Based on the SIFUM-Type-Systems AFP entry, whose authors
 are: Sylvia Grewe, Heiko Mantel, Daniel Schoepe)
theory Example
imports "../Compositionality" "../Language" 

datatype addr = control_var | buffer | high_var | low_var | temp
type_synonym val = nat
type_synonym mem = "addr  val"

datatype aexp = Const val |
                Load addr

  evA :: "mem  aexp  val"
  "evA mem (Const v) = v" |
  "evA mem (Load x) = mem x"

datatype bexp = Cmp "addr" "addr" |
                Eq "addr" "val" |
                Neq "addr" "val"

  evB :: "mem  bexp  bool"
  "evB mem (Cmp x y) = ((mem x) = (mem y))" | 
  "evB mem (Eq x v) = ((mem x) = v)"

  dma_control_var :: "val  Sec"
  "dma_control_var v  if v = 0 then Low else High"

  dma :: "mem  addr  Sec"
  "dma m x  if x = buffer then dma_control_var (m control_var) else if x = high_var then High else Low"

  𝒞_vars :: "addr  addr set"
  "𝒞_vars x  if x = buffer then {control_var} else {}"

  mdss :: "Mode  'Var set"
  "mdss  λ_. {}"

locale sifum_example =
  sifum_lang_no_dma evA evB +
  assumes eval_det: "(lc, lc')  sifum_lang_no_dma.evalw evA evB  (lc, lc'')  sifum_lang_no_dma.evalw evA evB  lc' = lc''"

  𝒞 :: "addr set"
  "𝒞  x. 𝒞_vars x"

sublocale sifum_example  sifum_security dma 𝒞_vars 𝒞 evalw undefined
      apply(blast intro: eval_det)
     apply(rule Var_finite)
    apply(auto simp: 𝒞_vars_def dma_def 𝒞_def split: if_splits)

context sifum_example begin

  read_buffer :: "(addr, aexp, bexp) Stmt"
     ModeDecl Skip (Acq buffer AsmNoWrite) ;; 
     ModeDecl Skip (Acq temp AsmNoReadOrWrite) ;;
     Assign temp (Load buffer) ;;
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp))"

(* Note: this invariant ends up tracking mode changes, plus the values of
         variables with an AsmNoWrite assumption --- in this case
         control_var. Thus it feels like it is the sort of thing a 
         flow-sensitive type system should be able to track *)
  inv :: "(((addr, aexp, bexp) Stmt, addr, val) LocalConf)  bool"
  inv1: "c = read_buffer; mds AsmNoReadOrWrite = {}; mds AsmNoWrite = {}  inv c, mds, mem" |
  inv1': "c = (Stop ;; 
     ModeDecl Skip (Acq temp AsmNoReadOrWrite) ;;
     Assign temp (Load buffer) ;;
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp)));
     buffer  mds AsmNoWrite; buffer  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite 
   inv c, mds, mem" |
  inv2: "c = (ModeDecl Skip (Acq temp AsmNoReadOrWrite) ;;
     Assign temp (Load buffer) ;;
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp)));
     buffer  mds AsmNoWrite;  buffer  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite 
   inv c, mds, mem" |
  inv2': "c = (Stop ;; 
     Assign temp (Load buffer) ;;
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp)));
     buffer  mds AsmNoWrite; temp  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite;  buffer  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite 
   inv c, mds, mem" |
  inv3: "c = ( 
     Assign temp (Load buffer) ;;
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp)));
     buffer  mds AsmNoWrite; temp  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite; buffer  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite 
   inv c, mds, mem" |

  inv3': "c = (
     Stop ;;
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp)));
     buffer  mds AsmNoWrite; temp  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite;  buffer  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite 
   inv c, mds, mem" |
  inv4: "c = (
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp)));
     buffer  mds AsmNoWrite; temp  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite; buffer  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite 
   inv c, mds, mem" |
  inv5: "c = (
     (Assign low_var (Load temp)));
     buffer  mds AsmNoWrite; temp  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite; mem control_var = 0; buffer  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite 
   inv c, mds, mem" |
  inv6: "c = (
     (Assign high_var (Load temp)));
     buffer  mds AsmNoWrite; temp  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite; mem control_var  0; buffer  mds AsmNoReadOrWrite 
   inv c, mds, mem" |
  inv7: "c = Stop 
   inv c, mds, mem"

(* Note: this relational invariant is tracking equalities on AsmNoRead
         variables, based on classification in formation which here we
         have encoded as ahead-of-time information about control_var but
         could be written instead as assertions about "dma buffer".
         Again it feels like something a flow-sensitive type system should
         be able to track, assuming we can accurately track changes to dma,
         which feels like it should be possible *)
  rel_inv :: "(((addr, aexp, bexp) Stmt, addr, val) LocalConf) rel"
  "c = ( Stop ;;
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp))); mem control_var = 0; mem temp = mem' temp 
      (c, mds, mem, c', mds', mem')  rel_inv" |
  "c = ( Stop ;;
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp))); mem control_var  0 
      (c, mds, mem, c', mds', mem')  rel_inv" |
  "c = (
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp))); mem control_var = 0; mem temp = mem' temp 
      (c, mds, mem, c', mds', mem')  rel_inv" |
     "c = (
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp))); mem control_var  0 
      (c, mds, mem, c', mds', mem')  rel_inv" |
  "c = (Assign low_var (Load temp)); mem control_var = 0; 
      mem temp = mem' temp 
      (c, mds, mem, c', mds', mem')  rel_inv" |
  "c  (Stop ;; (
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp)))); c  (
     If (Eq control_var 0) (Assign low_var (Load temp)) (Assign high_var (Load temp))); c  (Assign low_var (Load temp)) 
      (c, mds, mem, c', mds', mem')  rel_inv"

(* the bisimulation is phrased as a conjunction of a global invariant and a 
   relational invariant, defined above, plus the background requirement
   of low-equivalence modulo modes *)
  R :: "(((addr, aexp, bexp) Stmt, addr, val) LocalConf) rel"
  "c = c'; mds = mds'; low_mds_eq mds mem mem'; inv c,mds,mem;
    (c, mds, mem, c', mds', mem')  rel_inv 
   (c, mds, mem, c', mds', mem')  R"

lemma [simp]:
  "control_var  𝒞"
  apply(simp add: 𝒞_def)
  apply(rule_tac x=buffer in exI)
  apply(simp add: 𝒞_vars_def)

lemma low_mds_eq_control_var_eq:
  "low_mds_eq mds mem mem'  mem control_var = mem' control_var"
  apply(auto simp: low_mds_eq_def dma_def)

lemma inv_low_mds_eq:
  "c = c'; mds = mds'; low_mds_eq mds mem mem'; inv c,mds,mem  
   inv c',mds',mem'"
  apply(erule inv.cases)
  apply(auto intro: inv.intros dest!: low_mds_eq_control_var_eq)

lemma rel_inv_sym:
  "low_mds_eq mds mem mem'  (c, mds, mem, c, mds, mem')  rel_inv 
    (c, mds, mem', c, mds, mem)  rel_inv"
  apply(auto elim!: rel_inv.cases intro: rel_inv.intros simp: low_mds_eq_control_var_eq)

lemma R_sym':
  "(c, mds, mem, c', mds', mem')  R 
   (c', mds', mem', c, mds, mem)  R"
  apply(rule R.intros)
    apply(blast elim: R.cases dest: low_mds_eq_sym intro: inv_low_mds_eq dest: rel_inv_sym)+

lemma R_sym:
  "sym R"
  by(rule symI, clarify, erule R_sym')

lemma inv_closed_glob_consistent:
  "inv c', mds', mem 
       x. case A x of None  True | Some (v, v')  mem x  v  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds' x 
       x. dma mem [∥1 A] x  dma mem x  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds' x  
       inv c', mds', mem [∥1 A]"
  apply(erule inv.cases)
  apply(fastforce intro: inv.intros)+
    apply(clarsimp simp: apply_adaptation_def split: option.splits)
    apply(drule_tac x=control_var in spec)
    apply clarsimp
    apply(drule_tac x=buffer in spec)
    apply(clarsimp simp: dma_def dma_control_var_def split: if_splits)
    apply(auto intro: inv.intros simp: var_asm_not_written_def)[2]
  apply(drule_tac x=control_var in spec)
  apply(drule_tac x=buffer in spec)
  apply(clarsimp simp: dma_def dma_control_var_def split: if_splits option.splits)
  apply(auto intro: inv.intros simp: var_asm_not_written_def)

lemma updates_to_control_var:
  "x. dma mem [∥1 A] x  dma mem x  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds' x  
    buffer  mds' AsmNoWrite 
    case A control_var of Some (x, y)  (x = 0) = (mem control_var = 0) | _  True"
  apply(drule_tac x=buffer in spec)
  apply(auto simp: apply_adaptation_def split: option.splits simp: dma_def dma_control_var_def split: if_splits simp: var_asm_not_written_def)

lemma blah:
  "x a b. A x = Some (a, b)  (mem x = a  mem' x  b)  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds' x 
    mem x = mem' x 
    x  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite  x  mds' AsmNoWrite   mem [∥1 A] x = mem' [∥2 A] x"
  apply(auto simp: apply_adaptation_def split: option.splits simp: var_asm_not_written_def)

lemma rel_inv_closed_glob_consistent:
  "inv c', mds', mem  (c', mds', mem, c', mds', mem')  rel_inv 
       x a b.
          A x = Some (a, b) 
          (mem x = a  mem' x  b)  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds' x 
       x. dma mem [∥1 A] x  dma mem x  ¬ var_asm_not_written mds' x 
       x. dma mem [∥1 A] x = Low  (x  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite  x  𝒞) 
           mem [∥1 A] x = mem' [∥2 A] x 
       (c', mds', mem [∥1 A], c', mds', mem' [∥2 A])  rel_inv"
  apply(safe elim!: rel_inv.cases elim!: inv.cases)
  apply(unfold read_buffer_def)
       (* there are actually 14 goals at this point but 8 are solved at the end by auto, so
          we indent as if there were 6 *)
       apply(rule rel_inv.intros(1), simp+)
        apply(drule updates_to_control_var, simp+)
        apply(fastforce split: option.splits simp: apply_adaptation_def)
       apply(fastforce intro!: blah)
      apply(rule rel_inv.intros(2), simp+)
      apply(drule updates_to_control_var, simp+)
      apply(fastforce split: option.splits simp: apply_adaptation_def)
     apply(rule rel_inv.intros(3), simp+)
      apply(drule updates_to_control_var, simp+)
      apply(fastforce split: option.splits simp: apply_adaptation_def)
     apply(fastforce intro!: blah)
    apply(rule rel_inv.intros(4), simp+)
    apply(drule updates_to_control_var, simp+)
    apply(fastforce split: option.splits simp: apply_adaptation_def)
   apply(rule rel_inv.intros(5), simp+)
    apply(drule updates_to_control_var, simp+)
    apply(fastforce split: option.splits simp: apply_adaptation_def)
   apply(fastforce intro!: blah)
  apply(rule rel_inv.intros(6), simp+)
  apply(drule updates_to_control_var, simp+)
  by (auto intro: rel_inv.intros)

lemma R_closed_glob_consistent:
  "closed_glob_consistent R"
  unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def  
  apply(auto elim!: R.cases intro!: R.intros simp: low_mds_eq_def intro!: inv_closed_glob_consistent split: option.splits intro: rel_inv_closed_glob_consistent) 

lemma R_low_mds_eq:
  "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)  R 
        low_mds_eq mds mem1 mem2"
  apply(blast elim: R.cases)

lemma decl_evalw':
  assumes mem_unchanged: "mem' = mem"
  assumes upd: "mds' = update_modes upd mds"
  shows "(Skip@[upd], mds, mem, Stop, mds', mem')  evalw"
  using decl[OF unannotated, OF skip, where E="[]", simplified, where E1="[]", simplified]
  assms by auto

lemmas decl_evalw = decl[OF unannotated, OF skip, where E="[]", simplified, where E1="[]", simplified]
lemmas seq_stop_evalw = unannotated[OF seq_stop, where E="[]", simplified]
lemmas assign_evalw = unannotated[OF assign, where E="[]", simplified]
lemmas if_evalw = unannotated[OF cond, where E="[]", simplified]
lemmas if_false_evalw = unannotated[OF if_false, where E="[]", simplified]

lemma 𝒞_simp [simp]:
  "𝒞 = {control_var}"
  apply(auto simp: 𝒞_def 𝒞_vars_def split: if_splits)

lemma buffer_eq:
  "mem1 control_var = 0  buffer  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite  low_mds_eq mds' mem1 mem2  
  mem1 buffer = mem2 buffer"
  apply(clarsimp simp: low_mds_eq_def)
  apply(drule spec, erule mp)
  apply(clarsimp simp: dma_def dma_control_var_def)

lemma rel_inv_init:
  "buffer  mds' AsmNoReadOrWrite  low_mds_eq mds' mem1 mem2 
    (Stop ;;
      Stmt.If (Eq control_var 0) (low_var  Load temp)
       (high_var  Load temp), mds', mem1
     (temp := evA mem1 (Load buffer)),
     Stop ;;
      Stmt.If (Eq control_var 0) (low_var  Load temp)
       (high_var  Load temp), mds', mem2
     (temp := evA mem2 (Load buffer)))
  apply(case_tac "mem1 control_var = 0")
   apply(frule (2) buffer_eq)    
  apply(fastforce intro: rel_inv.intros simp: evA.simps)+

lemma R_inv:
  notes evA.simps[simp del]
  shows  "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)  R 
       (c1, mds, mem1, c1', mds', mem1')  evalw 
       c2' mem2'.
          (c2, mds, mem2, c2', mds', mem2')  evalw 
          (c1', mds', mem1', c2', mds', mem2')  R"
  apply(erule R.cases)
  apply clarsimp
  apply(erule inv.cases)
           apply clarsimp
           apply(rule_tac x=c1' in exI)
           apply(rule_tac x=mem2 in exI)
           apply(unfold read_buffer_def)
           apply(drule seq_elim, simp)
           apply clarsimp
           apply(drule upd_elim, drule skip_elim, simp)
           apply clarsimp
           apply(rule conjI)
            apply(rule evalw.seq)
            apply(rule decl_evalw', simp+)
           apply(rule R.intros, simp+)
             apply(fastforce simp: low_mds_eq_def)
            apply(rule inv1', simp+)
           apply(fastforce intro: rel_inv.intros)
          apply clarsimp
          apply(drule seq_stop_elim, clarsimp)
          apply(rule exI)+
          apply(intro conjI)
           apply(rule seq_stop_evalw)
          apply(rule R.intros, simp+)
           apply(blast intro: inv.intros)
          apply(fastforce intro: rel_inv.intros)
         apply clarsimp
         apply(rule_tac x=c1' in exI)
         apply(rule_tac x=mem2 in exI)
         apply(drule seq_elim, simp)
         apply clarsimp
         apply(drule upd_elim, drule skip_elim, simp)
         apply clarsimp
         apply(rule conjI)
          apply(rule evalw.seq)
          apply(rule decl_evalw', simp+)
         apply(rule R.intros, simp+)
           apply(fastforce simp: low_mds_eq_def)
          apply(rule inv2', simp+)
         apply(fastforce intro: rel_inv.intros)
        apply clarsimp
        apply(drule seq_stop_elim, clarsimp)
        apply(rule exI)+
        apply(intro conjI)
         apply(rule seq_stop_evalw)
        apply(rule R.intros, simp+)
         apply(blast intro: inv.intros)
        apply(fastforce intro: rel_inv.intros)
       apply clarsimp
       apply(rule exI)+
       apply(drule seq_elim, simp)
       apply clarsimp
       apply(drule assign_elim)
       apply clarsimp
       apply(rule conjI)
        apply(rule evalw.seq)
        apply(rule assign_evalw)
       apply(rule R.intros, simp+)
         apply(clarsimp simp: low_mds_eq_def evA.simps)
         apply(fastforce simp: dma_def split: if_splits)[1]
        apply(rule inv3', simp+)
       apply(fastforce intro: rel_inv_init)
      apply clarsimp
      apply(drule seq_stop_elim, clarsimp)
      apply(rule exI)+
      apply(intro conjI)
       apply(rule seq_stop_evalw)
      apply(rule R.intros, simp+)
       apply(blast intro: inv.intros)
      apply(auto intro: rel_inv.intros elim!: rel_inv.cases)[1]    
     apply clarsimp
     apply(rule exI)+
     apply(erule if_elim)
      apply(rule conjI)
       apply simp
       apply(rule if_evalw)
      apply simp
      apply(rule conjI)
       apply(rule impI)
       apply(rule R.intros, simp+)
        apply(blast intro: inv.intros)
       apply(auto intro: rel_inv.intros elim!: rel_inv.cases)[1]
      apply(simp add: low_mds_eq_control_var_eq)+
     apply(rule conjI)
      apply(rule if_false_evalw, simp)
     apply(rule R.intros, simp+)
      apply(rule inv6, (simp add: low_mds_eq_control_var_eq)+)
     apply(fastforce intro: rel_inv.intros)
    apply clarsimp
    apply(rule exI)+
    apply(drule assign_elim)
    apply(rule conjI)
     apply simp
     apply(rule assign_evalw)
      apply(simp add: low_mds_eq_control_var_eq)
     apply(rule R.intros, simp+)
      apply(clarsimp simp: low_mds_eq_def dma_def)
      apply(simp add: evA.simps)
      apply(clarsimp split: if_splits)[1]
      apply(fastforce elim: rel_inv.cases)
     apply(fastforce intro: inv.intros)
    apply(fastforce intro: rel_inv.intros)
   apply clarsimp
   apply(rule exI)+
   apply(drule assign_elim)
   apply(rule conjI)
    apply simp
    apply(rule assign_evalw)
     apply(simp add: low_mds_eq_control_var_eq)
    apply(rule R.intros, simp+)
     apply(clarsimp simp: low_mds_eq_def dma_def)
     apply(simp add: evA.simps)
     apply(clarsimp split: if_splits)[1]
    apply(fastforce intro: inv.intros)
   apply(fastforce intro: rel_inv.intros)
  using stop_no_eval by fastforce

lemma strong_low_bisim_mm_R:
  "strong_low_bisim_mm R"
unfolding strong_low_bisim_mm_def
  show "sym R" by(rule R_sym)
  show "closed_glob_consistent R" by(rule R_closed_glob_consistent)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2  mem2
  assume "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)  R"
  thus "low_mds_eq mds mem1 mem2"
  by(rule R_low_mds_eq)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2  mem2 c1' mds' mem1'
  assume "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)  R"
     and "(c1, mds, mem1, c1', mds', mem1')  evalw"
  thus "c2' mem2'.
        (c2, mds, mem2, c2', mds', mem2')  evalw 
        (c1', mds', mem1', c2', mds', mem2')  R"
    by(rule R_inv)
lemma read_buffer_secure':
  "low_mds_eq mdss mem1 mem2 
       (read_buffer, mdss, mem1, read_buffer, mdss, mem2)  R"
  apply(rule R.intros)
  apply simp_all
   apply(rule inv1)
     apply (simp_all add: mdss_def)
  unfolding read_buffer_def by(fastforce intro: rel_inv.intros)

lemma "com_sifum_secure (read_buffer,mdss)"
  unfolding com_sifum_secure_def low_indistinguishable_def
  apply clarify
  apply(rule mm_equiv_intro)
   apply(rule strong_low_bisim_mm_R)
  by(rule read_buffer_secure')  
