Theory Tau_Sinks

section ‹Reductions and τ›-sinks›

text ‹
  Checking trace inclusion can be reduced to contrasimulation checking,
  as can weak simulation checking to coupled simulation checking.
  The trick is to add a τ›-sink to the transition system, that is, a state that is reachable
  by τ›-steps from every other state, and cannot be left.
  An illustration of such an extension is given in Figure~\ref{fig:sink-illustration}.
  Intuitively, the extension means that the model is allowed to just stop progressing at any point.

  We here prove that, on systems with a τ›-sink, weak similarity equals coupled similarity and 
  weak trace inclusion equals contrasimilarity.
  We also prove that adding a τ›-sink to a system does not change weak similarity nor weak trace
  inclusion relationships within the system.
  As adding the τ›-sink only has negligible effect on the system sizes, these facts establish the
  reducibility relationships.

text_raw ‹
    \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, auto]
      \node (p0) [circle, draw=black] at (0,0)                    {};
      \node (p1) [circle, draw=black, below right= 1cm of p0]                {};
      \node (p2) [circle, draw=black, below left= 1.5cm and 2mm of p1]          {};
      \node (p3) [circle, draw=black, above left= 1cm of p2]           {};
      %\node (p5) [circle, draw=black, below left= 5mm and 8mm of p0]           {};
      \node (bot) [circle, draw= red, right= 2cm of p1] {\Large$\color{red}{\bot}$};
        (p0)         edge[swap, bend left = 15]         node    {}         (p1)
        (p0)         edge[swap, bend right = 15]         node    {}         (p3)
        (p1)         edge[bend left = 15]               node    {}         (p2)
        (p2)         edge[loop below]   node    {}         (p2)
        (p3)         edge[bend left = 15]    node    {}         (p1)
        (p3)         edge[bend right = 15]   node    {}         (p2)
        (p1)         edge[bend left = 15]   node    {}         (p3)
      %Contrasim_ undirected
      \path[->, draw=red,  every node/.style={color=red}]
        (p0)         edge[bend left = 25]         node    {$\tau$}       (bot)
        (p1)         edge[bend left = 10]         node    {$\tau$}    (bot)
        (p2)         edge[swap,bend right = 25]   node    {$\tau$}         (bot)
        (p3)         edge[bend right = 0, out = -35, in=-168]   node    {$\tau$}         (bot)
        (bot)         edge[loop below]   node    {$\tau$}         (bot)
    \caption{Example of a $\tau$-sink extension with the original transition system in black and
      the extension in red.}

theory Tau_Sinks

subsection τ›-Sink Properties›

context lts_tau

definition tau_sink ::
  's  bool
  tau_sink p  
    (a p'. p a p'  a = τ  p = p') 
    (p0. p0 τ p)

text ‹The tau sink is a supremum for the weak transition relation.›

lemma tau_sink_maximal:
  assumes tau_sink sink
    tau_max sink
    (p ⟼* tau sink)
  using assms steps_loop step_weak_step_tau tau_tau unfolding tau_sink_def by metis+

lemma sink_has_no_word_transitions: 
    tau_sink sink
    A  []
     a  set(A). a  τ
  shows s'. sink ⇒$A s'
proof - 
  obtain a where B. A = a#B using assms(2) list.exhaust_sel by auto
  hence s' . sink ⇒^a s'
    by (metis assms(1,3) list.set_intros(1) lts_tau.tau_def steps_loop tau_sink_def)
  thus ?thesis using B. A = a#B by fastforce

subsection ‹Contrasimulation Equals Weak Simulation on τ›-Sink Systems›

lemma sink_coupled_simulates_all_states:
     p . (p ⟼* tau sink)
    sink ⊑cs p 
  by (simp add: assms coupledsim_refl coupledsim_step)

theorem coupledsim_weaksim_equiv_on_sink_expansion:
     p . (p ⟼* tau sink)
    p ⊑ws q  p ⊑cs q
  using assms 
  using coupled_simulation_weak_simulation weak_sim_tau_step weaksim_greatest by auto

subsection ‹Contrasimulation Equals Weak Trace Inclusion on τ›-Sink Systems›
lemma sink_contrasimulates_all_states:
fixes A :: " 'a list"
    tau_sink sink
     p . (p ⟼* tau sink)
     p. sink ⊑c p
proof (cases A)
  case Nil
  hence empty_word: sink ⇒$A sink by (simp add: steps.refl)
  have p. p ⇒$A sink using assms(2) Nil by auto
  have sink ⊑c sink using contrasim_tau_step empty_word Nil by auto 
  show ?thesis using assms(2) contrasim_tau_step by auto 
  case Cons
  hence s'. ( a  set(A). a  τ)  sink ⇒$A s'
    using assms(1) sink_has_no_word_transitions by fastforce
  show ?thesis using assms(2) contrasim_tau_step by auto 

lemma sink_trace_includes_all_states:
     p . (p ⟼* tau sink)
    sink ⊑T p
  by (metis assms contrasim_tau_step lts_tau.contrasim_implies_trace_incl) 

lemma trace_incl_with_sink_is_contrasim:
     p . (p ⟼* tau sink)
     p . R sink p
    trace_inclusion R
    contrasimulation R
 unfolding contrasimulation_def
proof clarify
  fix p q p' A
  assume R p q p ⇒$A  p'  a  set(A). a  τ
  hence q'. q ⇒$A  q'
    using assms(3) unfolding trace_inclusion_def by blast
  hence q ⇒$A  sink
    using assms(1) tau_tau word_tau_concat by blast
  thus q'. q ⇒$ A  q'  R q' p'
    using assms(2) by auto

theorem contrasim_trace_incl_equiv_on_sink_expansion_R:
     p . (p ⟼* tau sink)
     p . R sink p
    contrasimulation R = trace_inclusion R
  assume contrasimulation R
  thus trace_inclusion R by (simp add: contrasim_implies_trace_incl)
  assume trace_inclusion R
  thus contrasimulation R  by (meson assms lts_tau.trace_incl_with_sink_is_contrasim)

theorem contrasim_trace_incl_equiv_on_sink_expansion:
     p . (p ⟼* tau sink)
    p ⊑T q  p ⊑c q
  using assms weak_trace_inlcusion_greatest
    contrasim_tau_step contrasim_trace_incl_equiv_on_sink_expansion_R contrasim_implies_trace_incl
  by (metis (no_types, lifting))


subsection ‹Weak Simulation Invariant under τ›-Sink Extension›

lemma simulation_tau_sink_1:
    step sink R τ
    step2  λ p1 a p2 . (p1  sink  a = τ  p2 = sink)  step p1 a p2
     a p . ¬ step sink a p
    lts_tau.weak_simulation step τ R
    lts_tau.weak_simulation step2 τ (λ p q. p = sink  R p q)
proof -
  let ?tau = (lts_tau.tau τ)
  let ?tauEx = τ
  show ?thesis unfolding lts_tau.weak_simulation_def
  proof safe
    fix p q p' a
    assume step2 sink a p'
    hence p' = sink a = τ
      using assms(2) unfolding step2_def by auto
    thus q'. (p' = sink  R p' q') 
      (?tau a  lts.steps step2 q ?tau q')  
      (¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. lts.steps step2 q ?tau pq1  step2 pq1 a pq2 
         lts.steps step2 pq2 ?tau q'))
      using lts_tau.step_tau_refl[of τ step2 q] by auto
    fix p q p' a
    assume step2 p a p' R p q
    have step_impl_step2:  p1 a p2 . step p1 a p2  step2 p1 a p2
      unfolding step2_def by blast
    have (p  sink  a = ?tauEx  p' = sink)  step p a p'
      using `step2 p a p'` unfolding step2_def .
    thus q'. (p' = sink  R p' q') 
      (?tau a  lts.steps step2 q ?tau q') 
      (¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. lts.steps step2 q ?tau pq1  step2 pq1 a pq2
         lts.steps step2 pq2 ?tau q'))
    proof safe
      show q'. (sink = sink  R sink q') 
           (?tau ?tauEx  lts.steps step2 q ?tau q') 
           (¬ ?tau ?tauEx  (pq1 pq2. lts.steps step2 q ?tau pq1
             step2 pq1 ?tauEx pq2  lts.steps step2 pq2 ?tau q'))
        using lts.steps.refl[of step2 q ?tau] assms(1) by (meson lts_tau.tau_tau)
      assume step p a p'
      then obtain q' where q'_def:
        R p' q' 
        (?tau a  lts.steps step q ?tau q') 
        (¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. lts.steps step q ?tau pq1  step pq1 a pq2
           lts.steps step pq2 ?tau q'))
        using assms(3) `R p q` unfolding lts_tau.weak_simulation_def by blast
      hence (p' = sink  R p' q') 
        (?tau a  lts.steps step2 q ?tau q') 
        (¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. lts.steps step2 q ?tau pq1  step2 pq1 a pq2
           lts.steps step2 pq2 ?tau q'))
        using lts_impl_steps[of step _ _ _ step2] step_impl_step2 by blast
      thus q'. (p' = sink  R p' q') 
        (?tau a  lts.steps step2 q ?tau q') 
        (¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. lts.steps step2 q ?tau pq1  step2 pq1 a pq2
           lts.steps step2 pq2 ?tau q'))
        by blast
lemma simulation_tau_sink_2:
    step sink R τ
    step2  λ p1 a p2 . (p1  sink  a = τ  p2 = sink)  step p1 a p2
     a p . ¬ step sink a p  ¬ step p a sink
    lts_tau.weak_simulation step2 τ (λ p q. p = sink  R p q)
     p' q' q . (p' = sink  R p' q') 
       lts.steps step2 q (lts_tau.tau τ) q'   (p' = sink  R p' q)
    lts_tau.weak_simulation step τ (λ p q. p = sink  R p q)
proof -
  let ?tau = (lts_tau.tau τ)
  let ?tauEx = τ
  let ?steps = lts.steps
  show ?thesis
    unfolding lts_tau.weak_simulation_def
  proof safe
    fix p q p' a
      step sink a p'
    hence False using assms(2) by blast
    thus q'. (p' = sink  R p' q') 
      (?tau a  ?steps step q ?tau q') 
      (¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. ?steps step q ?tau pq1  step pq1 a pq2
         ?steps step pq2 ?tau q')) ..
    fix p q p' a
    assume R p q step p a p'
    hence not_sink: p  sink p'  sink
      using assms(2)[of a p] assms(2)[of a p'] by auto
    have step2 p a p' using `step p a p'` unfolding step2_def by blast
    then obtain q' where q'_def:
      p' = sink  R p' q'
      ?tau a  ?steps step2 q ?tau q'  
      ¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. ?steps step2 q ?tau pq1  step2 pq1 a pq2 
         ?steps step2 pq2 ?tau q')
      using assms(3) `R p q` unfolding lts_tau.weak_simulation_def by blast
    hence outer_goal_a: R p' q' using not_sink by blast
    show q'. (p' = sink  R p' q') 
      (?tau a  ?steps step q ?tau q') 
      (¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. ?steps step q ?tau pq1  step pq1 a pq2
         ?steps step pq2 ?tau q'))
    proof (cases q' = sink)
      assume q' = sink
      then obtain q'' where q''_def:
        ?tau a  (?steps step q ?tau q''  ?steps step2 q'' ?tau q')
        ¬ ?tau a  (pq1. ?steps step2 q ?tau pq1  step pq1 a q''
           ?steps step2 q'' ?tau q')
        using q'_def(2,3) assms(1) step2_def lts_tau.step_tau_refl[of τ]
          lts_tau.tau_tau[of τ] by metis
      hence q'' = sink  q = sink
        using assms(2) unfolding step2_def by (metis lts.steps.cases)
      have ?steps step2 q'' ?tau q' using q''_def by auto
      hence p' = sink  R p' q'' using  q'_def(1) assms(4)[of p' q' q''] by blast
      moreover have ¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. ?steps step q ?tau pq1  step pq1 a pq2
         ?steps step pq2 ?tau q'')
        assume ¬ ?tau a
        hence q  sink using q'_def by (metis assms(2) lts.steps_left step2_def)
        hence q''  sink using `q'' = sink  q = sink` by simp
        obtain pq1 where pq1_def:
            ?steps step2 q ?tau pq1 step pq1 a q'' ?steps step2 q'' ?tau q'
          using q''_def(2) `¬ ?tau a` by blast
        hence pq1  sink using `q''  sink` assms(2) by blast
        hence ?steps step q ?tau pq1 using `q  sink` `?steps step2 q ?tau pq1`
        proof (induct rule: lts.steps.induct[OF `?steps step2 q ?tau pq1`])
          case (1 p af)
          then show ?case using lts.steps.refl[of step p af] by blast
          case (2 p af q1 a q)
          hence q1  sink step q1 a q using assms(2) unfolding step2_def by auto
          moreover hence ?steps step p af q1 using 2 by blast 
          ultimately show ?case using 2(4) by (meson lts.step)
          pq1 pq2. ?steps step q ?tau pq1  step pq1 a pq2  ?steps step pq2 ?tau q''
          using pq1_def(2) lts.steps.refl[of step q'' ?tau] by blast
      ultimately show q''. (p' = sink  R p' q'') 
           (?tau a  ?steps step q ?tau q'') 
           (¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. ?steps step q ?tau pq1  step pq1 a pq2
             ?steps step pq2 ?tau q''))
        using q''_def(1) q'_def(1) by auto
      assume not_sink_q': q'  sink
      have outer_goal_b: ?tau a  ?steps step q ?tau q'
        using q'_def(2) not_sink_q' unfolding step2_def
      proof (safe)
        assume i:
          q'  sink ?tau a
          ?steps (λp1 a p2. p1  sink  a = ?tauEx  p2 = sink  step p1 a p2) q ?tau q'
        thus ?steps step q ?tau q'
        proof (induct rule: lts.steps.induct[OF i(3)])
          case (1 p af)
          then show ?case using lts.steps.refl[of _ p af] by auto
          case (2 p af q1 a q)
          hence step q1 a q by blast
          moreover have ?steps step p af q1 using 2 assms(2) by blast
          ultimately show ?case using `af a` lts.step[of step p af q1 a q] by blast
      have outer_goal_c:
          ¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. ?steps step q ?tau pq1  step pq1 a pq2
           ?steps step pq2 ?tau q')
        using q'_def(3)
      proof safe
        fix pq1 pq2
        assume subassms:
          ¬ ?tau a
          ?steps step2 q ?tau pq1
          step2 pq1 a pq2
          ?steps step2 pq2 ?tau q'
        have pq2  sink 
          using subassms(4) assms(2) not_sink_q' lts.steps_loop
          unfolding step2_def by (metis (mono_tags, lifting))
        have  goal_c: ?steps step pq2 ?tau q'
          using subassms(4) not_sink_q' unfolding step2_def
        proof (induct rule:lts.steps.induct[OF subassms(4)])
          case (1 p af) show ?case using lts.steps.refl by assumption
          case (2 p af q1 a q)
          hence step q1 a q unfolding step2_def by simp
          moreover hence q1  sink using assms(2) by blast
          ultimately have ?steps step p af q1 using 2 unfolding step2_def by auto
          thus ?case using `step q1 a q` 2(4) lts.step[of step p af q1 a q] by blast
        have goal_b: step pq1 a pq2
          using `pq2  sink` subassms(3) unfolding step2_def by blast
        hence pq1  sink using assms(2) by blast
        hence goal_a: ?steps step q ?tau pq1
          using subassms(4) unfolding step2_def
        proof (induct rule:lts.steps.induct[OF subassms(2)])
          case (1 p af) show ?case using lts.steps.refl by assumption
          case (2 p af q1 a q)
          hence step q1 a q unfolding step2_def by simp
          moreover hence q1  sink using assms(2) by blast
          ultimately have ?steps step p af q1 using 2 unfolding step2_def by auto
          thus ?case using `step q1 a q` 2(4) lts.step[of step p af q1 a q] by blast
          pq1 pq2. ?steps step q ?tau pq1  step pq1 a pq2  ?steps step pq2 ?tau q'
          using goal_b goal_c by auto
      thus q'. (p' = sink  R p' q')  (?tau a  ?steps step q ?tau q') 
        (¬ ?tau a  (pq1 pq2. ?steps step q ?tau pq1  step pq1 a pq2
           ?steps step pq2 ?tau q'))
        using outer_goal_a outer_goal_b by auto

lemma simulation_sink_invariant:
    step sink R τ
    step2  λ p1 a p2 . (p1  sink  a =  τ  p2 = sink)  step p1 a p2
     a p . ¬ step sink a p  ¬ step p a sink
  shows lts_tau.weakly_simulated_by step2 τ p q = lts_tau.weakly_simulated_by step τ p q
proof (rule)
  have sink_sim_min: lts_tau.weak_simulation step2 τ (λ p q. p = sink)
    unfolding lts_tau.weak_simulation_def step2_def using assms(2)
    by (meson lts.steps.simps)
  define R where R  lts_tau.weakly_simulated_by step2 τ
  have weak_sim_R: lts_tau.weak_simulation step2 τ R
    using lts_tau.weaksim_greatest[of step2 τ] unfolding R_def by blast
  have R_contains_inv_tau_closure:
    R = (λp1 q1. R p1 q1  lts.steps step2 q1 (lts_tau.tau τ) p1)
    unfolding R_def using lts_tau.weak_sim_tau_step by fastforce
  assume Rpq: R p q
  have  p' q' q . R p' q'  lts.steps step2 q (lts_tau.tau τ) q'   R p' q
    using R_contains_inv_tau_closure lts_tau.weak_sim_trans[of step2 τ _ _ _] R_def assms(2)
    by meson
  hence closed_R:
       p' q' q . (p' = sink  R p' q')  lts.steps step2 q (lts_tau.tau τ) q'
          (p' = sink  R p' q)
    using weak_sim_R sink_sim_min lts_tau.weak_sim_union_cl by blast
  have lts_tau.weak_simulation step2 τ (λp q. p = sink  R p q)
    using weak_sim_R sink_sim_min lts_tau.weak_sim_union_cl[of step2 τ] by blast
  hence lts_tau.weak_simulation step τ (λp q. p = sink  R p q)
    using  simulation_tau_sink_2[of step sink τ R] assms(2) closed_R
    unfolding step2_def by blast
  thus R. lts_tau.weak_simulation step τ R  R p q
    using Rpq weak_sim_R by blast
  show R. lts_tau.weak_simulation step τ R  R p q 
        R. lts_tau.weak_simulation step2 τ R  R p q
  proof clarify
    fix R
      lts_tau.weak_simulation step τ R
      R p q
    hence lts_tau.weak_simulation
      (λp1 a p2. p1  sink  a = τ  p2 = sink  step p1 a p2) τ (λp q. p = sink  R p q)
      using simulation_tau_sink_1[of step sink τ R] assms(2) unfolding step2_def by auto
    thus R. lts_tau.weak_simulation step2 τ R  R p q
      using `R p q` unfolding step2_def by blast

subsection ‹Trace Inclusion Invariant under τ›-Sink Extension›

lemma trace_inclusion_sink_invariant:
    step sink R τ
    step2  λ p1 a p2 . (p1  sink  a =  τ  p2 = sink)  step p1 a p2
     a p . ¬ step sink a p  ¬ step p a sink
    lts_tau.weakly_trace_included_by step2 τ p q
    = lts_tau.weakly_trace_included_by step τ p q
proof - 
  let ?tau = (lts_tau.tau τ)
  let ?weak_step = lts_tau.weak_step_tau step τ
  let ?weak_step2 = lts_tau.weak_step_tau step2 τ
  let ?weak_seq = lts_tau.weak_step_seq step τ
  let ?weak_seq2 = lts_tau.weak_step_seq step2 τ
    fix A
    have p p'. ( a  set(A). a  τ)
     ?weak_seq2 p A p' 
     (p''. ?weak_seq p A p''
     ?weak_step2 p'' τ p')
    proof(clarify, induct A rule: rev_induct)
      case Nil
      hence ?weak_step p τ p
        using lts_tau.step_tau_refl by fastforce
      thus ?case
        by (metis Nil.prems(2) lts_tau.tau_tau lts_tau.weak_step_seq.simps(1)) 
      case (snoc a A)
      hence not_in_set: aset A. a  τ by force 
      then obtain p01 where 
        ?weak_seq2 p A p01 and
        p01_def2: ?weak_step2 p01 a p'
        using snoc by (metis lts_tau.rev_seq_split) 
      then obtain p02 where p02_def: 
        ?weak_seq p A p02 
        ?weak_step2 p02 τ p01
        using snoc.hyps[of p p01] snoc.prems(1) not_in_set by auto
      hence ?weak_step2 p02 a p' 
        using p01_def2 lts_tau.step_tau_concat lts_tau.tau_tau
        by (smt (verit, del_insts))
      then obtain p03 p04 where 
        tau1: ?weak_step2 p02 τ p03 and
        a_step2: step2 p03 a p04 and
        tau2: ?weak_step2 p04 τ p'
        using snoc.prems(1) lts_tau.tau_def 
        by (metis last_in_set snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
      hence p04  sink using assms snoc.prems(1) by force
      hence a_step: step p03 a p04 using a_step2 assms by auto
      have notsinkp03: p03  sink using a_step2 assms snoc.prems(1) by force
      have lts.steps step2 p02 ?tau p03 using tau1 by (simp add: lts_tau.tau_tau)
      hence lts.steps step p02 ?tau p03 using notsinkp03
      proof (induct rule: lts.steps.induct[OF `lts.steps step2 p02 ?tau  p03`])
        case (1 p A)
        thus ?case by (simp add: lts.refl)
        case (2 p A q1 a q)
        hence q1  sink using assms(2) step2_def by blast 
        thus ?case using 2 lts.step step2_def by metis
      hence ?weak_step p02 τ p03 by (simp add: lts_tau.tau_tau)
      hence ?weak_step p02 a p04 using a_step
        by (metis lts.step lts_tau.step_tau_refl lts_tau.tau_tau) 
      hence ?weak_seq p (A@[a]) p04
        using lts_tau.rev_seq_step_concat p02_def(1) by fastforce 
      thus ?case using tau2 by auto
  hence step2_to_step: A p p'. ( a  set(A). a  τ)
     ?weak_seq2 p A p' 
     (p''. ?weak_seq p A p'')
    by fastforce

  have step_to_step2:  A p p'. ( a  set(A). a  τ)
     ?weak_seq p A p' 
     ?weak_seq2 p A p'
    fix A
    show p p'. ( a  set(A). a  τ)
     ?weak_seq p A p' 
     ?weak_seq2 p A p'
    proof(clarify, induct A rule: list.induct)
      case Nil
      assume ?weak_seq p [] p'
      hence tau_step: ?weak_step p τ p'
        by (simp add: lts_tau.weak_step_seq.simps(1) lts_tau.tau_tau)
      hence ?weak_step2 p τ p'
        using lts_impl_steps step2_def lts_tau.tau_tau  by force 
      thus ?case by (simp add: lts_tau.weak_step_seq.simps(1) lts_tau.tau_tau) 
      case (Cons x xs)
      then obtain p1 where p1_def: ?weak_step p x p1 
      ?weak_seq p1 xs p'
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) lts_tau.weak_step_seq.simps(2))
      hence IH: ?weak_seq2 p1 xs p' using Cons by auto
      then obtain p01 p02 where ?weak_step p τ p01 and
        strong: step p01 x p02 and
        p02_weak: ?weak_step p02 τ p1
        using Cons.prems(1) p1_def lts_tau.tau_def by (metis list.set_intros(1))
      hence tau1: ?weak_step2 p τ p01 
        using lts_impl_steps step2_def
        by (smt (verit, best))
      have ?weak_step2 p02 τ p1 
        using p02_weak lts_impl_steps step2_def by (smt (verit, best))
      hence ?weak_step2 p x p1 
        using tau1 strong step2_def Cons.prems(1) lts_tau.tau_def
        by (metis list.set_intros(1))  
      thus ?weak_seq2 p (x#xs) p' 
        using IH lts_tau.weak_step_seq_def[of step2 τ] by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule)
    assume R. lts_tau.trace_inclusion step2 τ R  R p q
    then obtain R where weak_sim_R: lts_tau.trace_inclusion step2 τ R
      and Rpq: R p q
      by blast
    have lts_tau.trace_inclusion step τ R
      unfolding lts_tau.trace_inclusion_def
    proof clarify
      fix p q p' A
      assume subassms: 
        aset A. a  τ
        R p q
        ?weak_seq p A p'
      hence (aset A. a  τ) 
       ?weak_seq2 p A p' 
       (q'. ?weak_seq2 q A q') 
        using weak_sim_R 
        unfolding lts_tau.trace_inclusion_def by simp
      hence (aset A. a  τ) 
       ?weak_seq p A p' 
       (q'. ?weak_seq q A q')
        using step2_to_step step_to_step2
        by auto
      thus "q'. ?weak_seq q A q'"
        by (simp add: subassms)
    thus R. lts_tau.trace_inclusion step τ R  R p q
      using Rpq by auto
    assume R. lts_tau.trace_inclusion step τ R  R p q
    then obtain R where weak_sim_R: lts_tau.trace_inclusion step τ R
      and Rpq: R p q
      by blast
    have lts_tau.trace_inclusion step2 τ R 
      unfolding lts_tau.trace_inclusion_def
    proof clarify
      fix p q p' A
      assume subassms: 
        aset A. a  τ
        R p q
        ?weak_seq2 p A p'
      thus q'. ?weak_seq2 q A q'
        using step2_to_step step_to_step2
        by (metis (full_types) lts_tau.trace_inclusion_def weak_sim_R)
    thus R. lts_tau.trace_inclusion step2 τ R  R p q using Rpq by auto
