Theory Determinism
section ‹Determinism Proof›
theory Determinism
imports TypeSafe
subsection‹Some lemmas›
lemma maps_nth:
"⟦(E(xs [↦] ys)) x = Some y; length xs = length ys; distinct xs⟧
⟹ ∀i. x = xs!i ∧ i < length xs ⟶ y = ys!i"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys E)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons x' xs')
have map:"(E(x' # xs' [↦] ys)) x = Some y"
and length:"length (x'#xs') = length ys"
and dist:"distinct (x'#xs')"
and IH:"⋀ys E. ⟦(E(xs' [↦] ys)) x = Some y; length xs' = length ys;
distinct xs'⟧
⟹ ∀i. x = xs'!i ∧ i < length xs' ⟶ y = ys!i" by fact+
from length obtain y' ys' where ys:"ys = y'#ys'" by(cases ys) auto
{ fix i assume x:"x = (x'#xs')!i" and i:"i < length(x'#xs')"
have "y = ys!i"
proof(cases i)
case 0 with x map ys dist show ?thesis by simp
case (Suc n)
with x i have x':"x = xs'!n" and n:"n < length xs'" by simp_all
from map ys have map':"(E(x' ↦ y', xs' [↦] ys')) x = Some y" by simp
from length ys have length':"length xs' = length ys'" by simp
from dist have dist':"distinct xs'" by simp
from IH[OF map' length' dist']
have "∀i. x = xs'!i ∧ i < length xs' ⟶ y = ys'!i" .
with x' n have "y = ys'!n" by simp
with ys n Suc show ?thesis by simp
qed }
thus ?case by simp
lemma nth_maps:"⟦length pns = length Ts; distinct pns; i < length Ts⟧
⟹ (E(pns [↦] Ts)) (pns!i) = Some (Ts!i)"
proof (induct i arbitrary: E pns Ts)
case 0
have dist:"distinct pns" and length:"length pns = length Ts"
and i_length:"0 < length Ts" by fact+
from i_length obtain T' Ts' where Ts:"Ts = T'#Ts'" by(cases Ts) auto
with length obtain p' pns' where "pns = p'#pns'" by(cases pns) auto
with Ts dist show ?case by simp
case (Suc n)
have i_length:"Suc n < length Ts" and dist:"distinct pns"
and length:"length pns = length Ts" by fact+
from Suc obtain T' Ts' where Ts:"Ts = T'#Ts'" by(cases Ts) auto
with length obtain p' pns' where pns:"pns = p'#pns'" by(cases pns) auto
with Ts length dist have length':"length pns' = length Ts'"
and dist':"distinct pns'" and notin:"p' ∉ set pns'" by simp_all
from i_length Ts have n_length:"n < length Ts'" by simp
with length' dist' have map:"(E(p' ↦ T', pns' [↦] Ts')) (pns'!n) = Some(Ts'!n)" by fact
with notin have "(E(p' ↦ T', pns' [↦] Ts')) p' = Some T'" by simp
with pns Ts map show ?case by simp
lemma casts_casts_eq_result:
fixes s :: state
assumes casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'" and casts':"P ⊢ T casts v to w'"
and type:"is_type P T" and wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: T'" and leq:"P ⊢ T' ≤ T"
and eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h,l)⟩" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s √"
and wf:"wf_C_prog P"
shows "v' = w'"
proof(cases "∀C. T ≠ Class C")
case True
with casts casts' show ?thesis
by(auto elim:casts_to.cases)
case False
then obtain C where T:"T = Class C" by auto
with type have "is_class P C" by simp
with wf T leq have "T' = NT ∨ (∃D. T' = Class D ∧ P ⊢ Path D to C unique)"
by(simp add:widen_Class)
thus ?thesis
proof(rule disjE)
assume "T' = NT"
with wf eval sconf wte have "v = Null"
by(fastforce dest:eval_preserves_type)
with casts casts' show ?thesis by(fastforce elim:casts_to.cases)
assume "∃D. T' = Class D ∧ P ⊢ Path D to C unique"
then obtain D where T':"T' = Class D"
and path_unique:"P ⊢ Path D to C unique" by auto
with wf eval sconf wte
have "P,E,h ⊢ Val v : T' ∨ P,E,h ⊢ Val v : NT"
by(fastforce dest:eval_preserves_type)
thus ?thesis
proof(rule disjE)
assume "P,E,h ⊢ Val v : T'"
with T' obtain a Cs C' S where h:"h a = Some(C',S)" and v:"v = Ref(a,Cs)"
and last:"last Cs = D"
by(fastforce dest:typeof_Class_Subo)
from casts' v last T obtain Cs' Ds where "P ⊢ Path D to C via Cs'"
and "Ds = Cs@⇩pCs'" and "w' = Ref(a,Ds)"
by(auto elim:casts_to.cases)
with casts T v last path_unique show ?thesis
by auto(erule casts_to.cases,auto simp:path_via_def path_unique_def)
assume "P,E,h ⊢ Val v : NT"
with wf eval sconf wte have "v = Null"
by(fastforce dest:eval_preserves_type)
with casts casts' show ?thesis by(fastforce elim:casts_to.cases)
lemma Casts_Casts_eq_result:
assumes wf:"wf_C_prog P"
shows "⟦P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs'; P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to ws'; ∀T ∈ set Ts. is_type P T;
P,E ⊢ es [::] Ts'; P ⊢ Ts' [≤] Ts; P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h,l)⟩;
P,E ⊢ s √⟧
⟹ vs' = ws'"
proof (induct vs arbitrary: vs' ws' Ts Ts' es s)
case Nil thus ?case by (auto elim!:Casts_to.cases)
case (Cons x xs)
have CastsCons:"P ⊢ Ts Casts x # xs to vs'"
and CastsCons':"P ⊢ Ts Casts x # xs to ws'"
and type:"∀T ∈ set Ts. is_type P T"
and wtes:"P,E ⊢ es [::] Ts'" and subs:"P ⊢ Ts' [≤] Ts"
and evals:"P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val (x#xs),(h,l)⟩"
and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s √"
and IH:"⋀vs' ws' Ts Ts' es s.
⟦P ⊢ Ts Casts xs to vs'; P ⊢ Ts Casts xs to ws'; ∀T ∈ set Ts. is_type P T;
P,E ⊢ es [::] Ts'; P ⊢ Ts' [≤] Ts; P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val xs,(h,l)⟩;
P,E ⊢ s √⟧
⟹ vs' = ws'" by fact+
from CastsCons obtain y ys S Ss where vs':"vs' = y#ys" and Ts:"Ts = S#Ss"
apply -
apply(frule length_Casts_vs,cases Ts,auto)
apply(frule length_Casts_vs',cases vs',auto)
with CastsCons have casts:"P ⊢ S casts x to y" and Casts:"P ⊢ Ss Casts xs to ys"
by(auto elim:Casts_to.cases)
from Ts type have type':"is_type P S" and types':"∀T ∈ set Ss. is_type P T"
by auto
from Ts CastsCons' obtain z zs where ws':"ws' = z#zs"
by simp(frule length_Casts_vs',cases ws',auto)
with Ts CastsCons' have casts':"P ⊢ S casts x to z"
and Casts':"P ⊢ Ss Casts xs to zs"
by(auto elim:Casts_to.cases)
from Ts subs obtain U Us where Ts':"Ts' = U#Us" and subs':"P ⊢ Us [≤] Ss"
and sub:"P ⊢ U ≤ S" by(cases Ts',auto simp:fun_of_def)
from wtes Ts' obtain e' es' where es:"es = e'#es'" and wte':"P,E ⊢ e' :: U"
and wtes':"P,E ⊢ es' [::] Us" by(cases es) auto
with evals obtain h' l' where eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e',s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val x,(h',l')⟩"
and evals':"P,E ⊢ ⟨es',(h',l')⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val xs,(h,l)⟩"
by (auto elim:evals.cases)
from wf eval wte' sconf have "P,E ⊢ (h',l') √" by(rule eval_preserves_sconf)
from IH[OF Casts Casts' types' wtes' subs' evals' this] have eq:"ys = zs" .
from casts casts' type' wte' sub eval sconf wf have "y = z"
by(rule casts_casts_eq_result)
with eq vs' ws' show ?case by simp
lemma Casts_conf: assumes wf: "wf_C_prog P"
shows "P ⊢ Ts Casts vs to vs' ⟹
(⋀es s Ts'. ⟦ P,E ⊢ es [::] Ts'; P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h,l)⟩; P,E ⊢ s √;
P ⊢ Ts' [≤] Ts⟧ ⟹
∀i < length Ts. P,h ⊢ vs'!i :≤ Ts!i)"
proof(induct rule:Casts_to.induct)
case Casts_Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Casts_Cons T v v' Ts vs vs')
have casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'" and wtes:"P,E ⊢ es [::] Ts'"
and evals:"P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val (v#vs),(h,l)⟩"
and subs:"P ⊢ Ts' [≤] (T#Ts)" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s √"
and IH:"⋀es s Ts'.⟦P,E ⊢ es [::] Ts'; P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h,l)⟩;
P,E ⊢ s √; P ⊢ Ts' [≤] Ts⟧
⟹ ∀i<length Ts. P,h ⊢ vs' ! i :≤ Ts ! i" by fact+
from subs obtain U Us where Ts':"Ts' = U#Us" by(cases Ts') auto
with subs have sub':"P ⊢ U ≤ T" and subs':"P ⊢ Us [≤] Ts"
by (simp_all add:fun_of_def)
from wtes Ts' obtain e' es' where es:"es = e'#es'" by(cases es) auto
with Ts' wtes have wte':"P,E ⊢ e' :: U" and wtes':"P,E ⊢ es' [::] Us" by auto
from es evals obtain s' where eval':"P,E ⊢ ⟨e',s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s'⟩"
and evals':"P,E ⊢ ⟨es',s'⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h,l)⟩"
by(auto elim:evals.cases)
from wf eval' wte' sconf have sconf':"P,E ⊢ s' √" by(rule eval_preserves_sconf)
from evals' have hext:"hp s' ⊴ h" by(cases s',auto intro:evals_hext)
from wf eval' sconf wte' have "P,E,(hp s') ⊢ Val v :⇘NT⇙ U"
by(rule eval_preserves_type)
with hext have wtrt:"P,E,h ⊢ Val v :⇘NT⇙ U"
by(cases U,auto intro:hext_typeof_mono)
from casts wtrt sub' have "P,h ⊢ v' :≤ T"
proof(induct rule:casts_to.induct)
case (casts_prim T'' v'')
have "∀C. T'' ≠ Class C" and "P,E,h ⊢ Val v'' :⇘NT⇙ U" and "P ⊢ U ≤ T''" by fact+
thus ?case by(cases T'') auto
case (casts_null C) thus ?case by simp
case (casts_ref Cs C Cs' Ds a)
have path:"P ⊢ Path last Cs to C via Cs'"
and Ds:"Ds = Cs @⇩p Cs'"
and wtref:"P,E,h ⊢ ref (a, Cs) :⇘NT⇙ U" by fact+
from wtref obtain D S where subo:"Subobjs P D Cs" and h:"h a = Some(D,S)"
by(cases U,auto split:if_split_asm)
from path Ds have last:"C = last Ds"
by(fastforce intro!:appendPath_last Subobjs_nonempty simp:path_via_def)
from subo path Ds wf have "Subobjs P D Ds"
by(fastforce intro:Subobjs_appendPath simp:path_via_def)
with last h show ?case by simp
with IH[OF wtes' evals' sconf' subs'] show ?case
by(auto simp:nth_Cons,case_tac i,auto)
lemma map_Val_throw_False:"map Val vs = map Val ws @ throw ex # es ⟹ False"
proof (induct vs arbitrary: ws)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons v' vs')
have eq:"map Val (v'#vs') = map Val ws @ throw ex # es"
and IH:"⋀ws'. map Val vs' = map Val ws' @ throw ex # es ⟹ False" by fact+
from eq obtain w' ws' where ws:"ws = w'#ws'" by(cases ws) auto
from eq have "tl(map Val (v'#vs')) = tl(map Val ws @ throw ex # es)" by simp
hence "map Val vs' = tl(map Val ws @ throw ex # es)" by simp
with ws have "map Val vs' = map Val ws' @ throw ex # es" by simp
from IH[OF this] show ?case .
lemma map_Val_throw_eq:"map Val vs @ throw ex # es = map Val ws @ throw ex' # es'
⟹ vs = ws ∧ ex = ex' ∧ es = es'"
apply(clarsimp simp:append_eq_append_conv2)
apply(erule disjE)
apply(case_tac us)
apply(fastforce elim:map_injective simp:inj_on_def)
apply(fastforce dest:map_Val_throw_False)
apply(case_tac us)
apply(fastforce elim:map_injective simp:inj_on_def)
apply(fastforce dest:sym[THEN map_Val_throw_False])
subsection ‹The proof›
lemma deterministic_big_step:
assumes wf:"wf_C_prog P"
shows "P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1⟩ ⟹
(⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s √⟧
⟹ e⇩1 = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2)"
and "P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es⇩1,s⇩1⟩ ⟹
(⋀es⇩2 s⇩2 Ts. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ es [::] Ts; P,E ⊢ s √⟧
⟹ es⇩1 = es⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2)"
proof (induct rule:eval_evals.inducts)
case New thus ?case by(auto elim: eval_cases)
case NewFail thus ?case by(auto elim: eval_cases)
case (StaticUpCast E e s⇩0 a Cs s⇩1 C Cs' Ds e⇩2 s⇩2)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and path_via:"P ⊢ Path last Cs to C via Cs'" and Ds:"Ds = Cs @⇩p Cs'"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ ⦇C⦈e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ ref (a,Cs) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D where "class":"is_class P C" and wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D"
and disj:"P ⊢ Path D to C unique ∨
(P ⊢ C ≼⇧* D ∧ (∀Cs. P ⊢ Path C to D via Cs ⟶ Subobjs⇩R P C Cs))"
by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
and path_via':"P ⊢ Path last Xs to C via Xs'"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref (a',Xs@⇩pXs')"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte have last:"last Cs = D"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
from disj show "ref (a,Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2"
proof (rule disjE)
assume "P ⊢ Path D to C unique"
with path_via path_via' eq last have "Cs' = Xs'"
by(fastforce simp add:path_via_def path_unique_def)
with eq ref Ds show ?thesis by simp
assume "P ⊢ C ≼⇧* D ∧ (∀Cs. P ⊢ Path C to D via Cs ⟶ Subobjs⇩R P C Cs)"
with "class" wf obtain Cs'' where "P ⊢ Path C to D via Cs''"
by(auto dest:leq_implies_path)
with path_via path_via' wf eq last have "Cs' = Xs'"
by(auto dest:path_via_reverse)
with eq ref Ds show ?thesis by simp
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref (a',Xs@[C])"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs@C#Xs' ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte obtain C' where
last:"last Cs = D" and "Subobjs P C' (Xs@C#Xs')"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
hence subo:"Subobjs P C (C#Xs')" by(fastforce intro:Subobjs_Subobjs)
with eq last have leq:"P ⊢ C ≼⇧* D" by(fastforce dest:Subobjs_subclass)
from path_via last have "P ⊢ D ≼⇧* C"
by(auto dest:Subobjs_subclass simp:path_via_def)
with leq wf have CeqD:"C = D" by(rule subcls_asym2)
with last path_via wf have "Cs' = [D]" by(fastforce intro:path_via_C)
with Ds last have Ds':"Ds = Cs" by(simp add:appendPath_def)
from subo CeqD last eq wf have "Xs' = []" by(auto dest:mdc_eq_last)
with eq Ds' ref show "ref (a,Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "ref (a,Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),s⇩2⟩" and notin:"C ∉ set Xs"
and notleq:"¬ P ⊢ last Xs ≼⇧* C" and throw:"e⇩2 = THROW ClassCast"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte have last:"last Cs = D" and notempty:"Cs ≠ []"
by(auto dest!:eval_preserves_type Subobjs_nonempty split:if_split_asm)
from disj have "C = D"
proof(rule disjE)
assume path_unique:"P ⊢ Path D to C unique"
with last have "P ⊢ D ≼⇧* C"
by(fastforce dest:Subobjs_subclass simp:path_unique_def)
with notleq last eq show ?thesis by simp
assume ass:"P ⊢ C ≼⇧* D ∧
(∀Cs. P ⊢ Path C to D via Cs ⟶ Subobjs⇩R P C Cs)"
with "class" wf obtain Cs'' where path_via':"P ⊢ Path C to D via Cs''"
by(auto dest:leq_implies_path)
with path_via wf eq last have "Cs'' = [D]"
by(fastforce dest:path_via_reverse)
with ass path_via' have "Subobjs⇩R P C [D]" by simp
thus ?thesis by(fastforce dest:hd_SubobjsR)
with last notin eq notempty show "ref (a,Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2"
by(fastforce intro:last_in_set)
fix e' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] show "ref (a,Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case (StaticDownCast E e s⇩0 a Cs C Cs' s⇩1 e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and eval':"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a,Cs@[C]@Cs'),s⇩1⟩"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ ⦇C⦈e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ ref(a,Cs@[C]@Cs') = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D"
and disj:"P ⊢ Path D to C unique ∨
(P ⊢ C ≼⇧* D ∧ (∀Cs. P ⊢ Path C to D via Cs ⟶ Subobjs⇩R P C Cs))"
by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
and path_via:"P ⊢ Path last Xs to C via Xs'"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref (a',Xs@⇩pXs')"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs@[C]@Cs' = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2"
by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte obtain C' where
last:"last(C#Cs') = D" and "Subobjs P C' (Cs@[C]@Cs')"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
hence "P ⊢ Path C to D via C#Cs'"
by(fastforce intro:Subobjs_Subobjs simp:path_via_def)
with eq last path_via wf have "Xs' = [C] ∧ Cs' = [] ∧ C = D"
apply clarsimp
apply(split if_split_asm)
by(simp,drule path_via_reverse,simp,simp)+
with ref eq show "ref(a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by(fastforce simp:appendPath_def)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref (a',Xs@[C])"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs@[C]@Cs' = Xs@C#Xs' ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2"
by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte obtain C' where
last:"last(C#Xs') = D" and subo:"Subobjs P C' (Cs@[C]@Cs')"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
from subo wf have notin:"C ∉ set Cs" by -(rule unique2,simp)
from subo wf have "C ∉ set Cs'" by -(rule unique1,simp,simp)
with notin eq have "Cs = Xs ∧ Cs' = Xs'"
by -(rule only_one_append,simp+)
with eq ref show "ref(a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "ref (a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),s⇩2⟩" and notin:"C ∉ set Xs"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have "a = a' ∧ Cs@[C]@Cs' = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2"
by simp
with notin show "ref(a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fastforce
fix e' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] show "ref (a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case (StaticCastNull E e s⇩0 s⇩1 C e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ ⦇C⦈e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩" and "e⇩2 = null"
with IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix e' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case (StaticCastFail E e s⇩0 a Cs s⇩1 C e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and notleq:"¬ P ⊢ last Cs ≼⇧* C" and notin:"C ∉ set Cs"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ ⦇C⦈e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ref (a, Cs) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
and path_via:"P ⊢ Path last Xs to C via Xs'"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
with path_via wf have "P ⊢ last Cs ≼⇧* C"
by(auto dest:Subobjs_subclass simp:path_via_def)
with notleq show "THROW ClassCast = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have "a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs@C#Xs' ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
with notin show "THROW ClassCast = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "THROW ClassCast = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
and throw:"e⇩2 = THROW ClassCast"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have "a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2"
by simp
with throw show "THROW ClassCast = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix e' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] show "THROW ClassCast = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case (StaticCastThrow E e s⇩0 e' s⇩1 C e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨⦇C⦈e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ ⦇C⦈e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show " throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix e'' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e'',s⇩2⟩"
and throw:"e⇩2 = throw e''"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] throw show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case (StaticUpDynCast E e s⇩0 a Cs s⇩1 C Cs' Ds e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and path_via:"P ⊢ Path last Cs to C via Cs'"
and path_unique:"P ⊢ Path last Cs to C unique"
and Ds:"Ds = Cs@⇩pCs'" and wt:"P,E ⊢ Cast C e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ ref(a,Cs) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
and path_via':"P ⊢ Path last Xs to C via Xs'"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref (a',Xs@⇩pXs')"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte have last:"last Cs = D"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
with path_unique path_via path_via' eq have "Xs' = Cs'"
by(fastforce simp:path_via_def path_unique_def)
with eq Ds ref show "ref (a, Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref (a',Xs@[C])"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs@C#Xs' ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte obtain C' where
last:"last Cs = D" and "Subobjs P C' (Xs@C#Xs')"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
hence "Subobjs P C (C#Xs')" by(fastforce intro:Subobjs_Subobjs)
with last eq have "P ⊢ Path C to D via C#Xs'"
by(simp add:path_via_def)
with path_via wf last have "Xs' = [] ∧ Cs' = [C] ∧ C = D"
by(fastforce dest:path_via_reverse)
with eq Ds ref show "ref (a, Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by (simp add:appendPath_def)
fix Xs Xs' D' S a' h l
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h,l)⟩"
and h:"h a' = Some(D',S)" and path_via':"P ⊢ Path D' to C via Xs'"
and path_unique':"P ⊢ Path D' to C unique" and s2:"s⇩2 = (h,l)"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref(a',Xs')"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] s2 have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte h have "last Cs = D"
and "Subobjs P D' Cs"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
with path_via wf have "P ⊢ Path D' to C via Cs@⇩pCs'"
by(fastforce intro:Subobjs_appendPath appendPath_last[THEN sym]
dest:Subobjs_nonempty simp:path_via_def)
with path_via' path_unique' Ds have "Xs' = Ds"
by(fastforce simp:path_via_def path_unique_def)
with eq ref show "ref (a, Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "ref (a, Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs D' S a' h l
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h,l)⟩"
and not_unique:"¬ P ⊢ Path last Xs to C unique" and s2:"s⇩2 = (h,l)"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] s2 have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
with path_unique not_unique show "ref (a, Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix e' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] show "ref (a, Ds) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case (StaticDownDynCast E e s⇩0 a Cs C Cs' s⇩1 e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ Cast C e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ ref(a,Cs@[C]@Cs') = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
and path_via:"P ⊢ Path last Xs to C via Xs'"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref (a',Xs@⇩pXs')"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs@[C]@Cs' = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2"
by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte obtain C' where
last:"last(C#Cs') = D" and "Subobjs P C' (Cs@[C]@Cs')"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
hence "P ⊢ Path C to D via C#Cs'"
by(fastforce intro:Subobjs_Subobjs simp:path_via_def)
with eq last path_via wf have "Xs' = [C] ∧ Cs' = [] ∧ C = D"
apply clarsimp
apply(split if_split_asm)
by(simp,drule path_via_reverse,simp,simp)+
with ref eq show "ref(a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by(fastforce simp:appendPath_def)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref (a',Xs@[C])"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs@[C]@Cs' = Xs@C#Xs' ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2"
by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte obtain C' where
last:"last(C#Xs') = D" and subo:"Subobjs P C' (Cs@[C]@Cs')"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
from subo wf have notin:"C ∉ set Cs" by -(rule unique2,simp)
from subo wf have "C ∉ set Cs'" by -(rule unique1,simp,simp)
with notin eq have "Cs = Xs ∧ Cs' = Xs'"
by -(rule only_one_append,simp+)
with eq ref show "ref(a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' D' S a' h l
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h,l)⟩"
and h:"h a' = Some(D',S)" and path_via:"P ⊢ Path D' to C via Xs'"
and path_unique:"P ⊢ Path D' to C unique" and s2:"s⇩2 = (h,l)"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref(a',Xs')"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] s2 have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs@[C]@Cs' = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2"
by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte h have "Subobjs P D' (Cs@[C]@Cs')"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
hence "Subobjs P D' (Cs@[C])" by(fastforce intro:appendSubobj)
with path_via path_unique have "Xs' = Cs@[C]"
by(fastforce simp:path_via_def path_unique_def)
with eq ref show "ref(a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "ref (a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs D' S a' h l
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h,l)⟩"
and notin:"C ∉ set Xs" and s2:"s⇩2 = (h,l)"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] s2 have "a = a' ∧ Cs@[C]@Cs' = Xs ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2"
by simp
with notin show "ref (a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fastforce
fix e' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] show "ref (a,Cs@[C]) = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case (DynCast E e s⇩0 a Cs h l D S C Cs' e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and path_via:"P ⊢ Path D to C via Cs'" and path_unique:"P ⊢ Path D to C unique"
and h:"h a = Some(D,S)" and wt:"P,E ⊢ Cast C e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ ref(a,Cs) = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D' where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D'" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
and path_via':"P ⊢ Path last Xs to C via Xs'"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref (a',Xs@⇩pXs')"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte h have "last Cs = D'"
and "Subobjs P D Cs"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
with path_via' wf eq have "P ⊢ Path D to C via Xs@⇩pXs'"
by(fastforce intro:Subobjs_appendPath appendPath_last[THEN sym]
dest:Subobjs_nonempty simp:path_via_def)
with path_via path_unique have "Cs' = Xs@⇩pXs'"
by(fastforce simp:path_via_def path_unique_def)
with ref eq show "ref(a,Cs') = e⇩2 ∧ (h, l) = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
and ref:"e⇩2 = ref (a',Xs@[C])"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs@C#Xs' ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2"
by simp
with wf eval_ref sconf wte h have "Subobjs P D (Xs@[C]@Xs')"
by(auto dest:eval_preserves_type split:if_split_asm)
hence "Subobjs P D (Xs@[C])" by(fastforce intro:appendSubobj)
with path_via path_unique have "Cs' = Xs@[C]"
by(fastforce simp:path_via_def path_unique_def)
with eq ref show "ref(a,Cs') = e⇩2 ∧ (h, l) = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' D'' S' a' h' l'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h',l')⟩"
and h':"h' a' = Some(D'',S')" and path_via':"P ⊢ Path D'' to C via Xs'"
and s2:"s⇩2 = (h',l')" and ref:"e⇩2 = ref(a',Xs')"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ h = h' ∧ l = l'"
by simp
with h h' path_via path_via' path_unique s2 ref
show "ref(a,Cs') = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2"
by(fastforce simp:path_via_def path_unique_def)
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "ref(a,Cs') = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs D'' S' a' h' l'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h',l')⟩"
and h':"h' a' = Some(D'',S')" and not_unique:"¬ P ⊢ Path D'' to C unique"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ h = h' ∧ l = l'"
by simp
with h h' path_unique not_unique show "ref(a,Cs') = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by simp
fix e' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] show "ref (a,Cs') = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by simp
case (DynCastNull E e s⇩0 s⇩1 C e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ Cast C e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' D' S a' h l
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h,l)⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩" and "e⇩2 = null"
with IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs D' S a' h l
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h,l)⟩" and s2:"s⇩2 = (h,l)"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] s2 show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix e' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case (DynCastFail E e s⇩0 a Cs h l D S C e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and h:"h a = Some(D,S)" and not_unique1:"¬ P ⊢ Path D to C unique"
and not_unique2:"¬ P ⊢ Path last Cs to C unique" and notin:"C ∉ set Cs"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ Cast C e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ ref (a, Cs) = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D' where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D'" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
and path_unique:"P ⊢ Path last Xs to C unique"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by simp
with path_unique not_unique2 show "null = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs@C#Xs' ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2"
by simp
with notin show "null = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by fastforce
fix Xs Xs' D'' S' a' h' l'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h',l')⟩"
and h':"h' a' = Some(D'',S')" and path_unique:"P ⊢ Path D'' to C unique"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] have "a = a' ∧ Cs = Xs ∧ h = h' ∧ l = l'"
by simp
with h h' not_unique1 path_unique show "null = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by simp
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs D'' S' a' h' l'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h',l')⟩"
and null:"e⇩2 = null" and s2:"s⇩2 = (h',l')"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] null s2 show "null = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by simp
fix e' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] show "null = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by simp
case (DynCastThrow E e s⇩0 e' s⇩1 C e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ Cast C e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain D where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class D" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a',Xs),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show " throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' a'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs@C#Xs'),s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs Xs' D'' S' a' h' l'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h',l')⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
assume eval_null:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨null,s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_null wte sconf] show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix Xs D'' S' a' h' l'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs),(h',l')⟩"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix e'' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e'',s⇩2⟩"
and throw:"e⇩2 = throw e''"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] throw show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case Val thus ?case by(auto elim: eval_cases)
case (BinOp E e⇩1 s⇩0 v⇩1 s⇩1 e⇩2 v⇩2 s⇩2 bop v e⇩2' s⇩2' T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2',s⇩2'⟩"
and binop:"binop (bop, v⇩1, v⇩2) = Some v"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2 :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH1:"⋀ei si T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ei,si⟩; P,E ⊢ e⇩1 :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ Val v⇩1 = ei ∧ s⇩1 = si"
and IH2:"⋀ei si T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨ei,si⟩; P,E ⊢ e⇩2 :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩1 √⟧
⟹ Val v⇩2 = ei ∧ s⇩2 = si" by fact+
from wt obtain T⇩1 T⇩2 where wte1:"P,E ⊢ e⇩1 :: T⇩1" and wte2:"P,E ⊢ e⇩2 :: T⇩2"
by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix s w w⇩1 w⇩2
assume eval_val1:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val w⇩1,s⟩"
and eval_val2:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val w⇩2,s⇩2'⟩"
and binop':"binop(bop,w⇩1,w⇩2) = Some w" and e2':"e⇩2' = Val w"
from IH1[OF eval_val1 wte1 sconf] have w1:"v⇩1 = w⇩1" and s:"s = s⇩1" by simp_all
with wf eval_val1 wte1 sconf have "P,E ⊢ s⇩1 √"
by(fastforce intro:eval_preserves_sconf)
from IH2[OF eval_val2[simplified s] wte2 this] have "v⇩2 = w⇩2" and s2:"s⇩2 = s⇩2'"
by simp_all
with w1 binop binop' have "w = v" by simp
with e2' s2 show "Val v = e⇩2' ∧ s⇩2 = s⇩2'" by simp
fix e assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e,s⇩2'⟩"
from IH1[OF eval_throw wte1 sconf] show "Val v = e⇩2' ∧ s⇩2 = s⇩2'" by simp
fix e s w
assume eval_val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val w,s⟩"
and eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e,s⇩2'⟩"
from IH1[OF eval_val wte1 sconf] have s:"s = s⇩1" by simp_all
with wf eval_val wte1 sconf have "P,E ⊢ s⇩1 √"
by(fastforce intro:eval_preserves_sconf)
from IH2[OF eval_throw[simplified s] wte2 this] show "Val v = e⇩2' ∧ s⇩2 = s⇩2'"
by simp
case (BinOpThrow1 E e⇩1 s⇩0 e s⇩1 bop e⇩2 e⇩2' s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2',s⇩2⟩"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2 :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀ei si T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ei,si⟩; P,E ⊢ e⇩1 :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ throw e = ei ∧ s⇩1 = si" by fact+
from wt obtain T⇩1 T⇩2 where wte1:"P,E ⊢ e⇩1 :: T⇩1" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix s w w⇩1 w⇩2
assume eval_val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val w⇩1,s⟩"
from IH[OF eval_val wte1 sconf] show "throw e = e⇩2' ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix e'
assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩" and throw:"e⇩2' = throw e'"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte1 sconf] throw show "throw e = e⇩2' ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix e s w
assume eval_val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val w,s⟩"
from IH[OF eval_val wte1 sconf] show "throw e = e⇩2' ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case (BinOpThrow2 E e⇩1 s⇩0 v⇩1 s⇩1 e⇩2 e s⇩2 bop e⇩2' s⇩2' T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2',s⇩2'⟩"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2 :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH1:"⋀ei si T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ei,si⟩; P,E ⊢ e⇩1 :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ Val v⇩1 = ei ∧ s⇩1 = si"
and IH2:"⋀ei si T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨ei,si⟩; P,E ⊢ e⇩2 :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩1 √⟧
⟹ throw e = ei ∧ s⇩2 = si" by fact+
from wt obtain T⇩1 T⇩2 where wte1:"P,E ⊢ e⇩1 :: T⇩1" and wte2:"P,E ⊢ e⇩2 :: T⇩2"
by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix s w w⇩1 w⇩2
assume eval_val1:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val w⇩1,s⟩"
and eval_val2:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val w⇩2,s⇩2'⟩"
from IH1[OF eval_val1 wte1 sconf] have s:"s = s⇩1" by simp_all
with wf eval_val1 wte1 sconf have "P,E ⊢ s⇩1 √"
by(fastforce intro:eval_preserves_sconf)
from IH2[OF eval_val2[simplified s] wte2 this] show "throw e = e⇩2' ∧ s⇩2 = s⇩2'"
by simp
fix e'
assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2'⟩"
from IH1[OF eval_throw wte1 sconf] show "throw e = e⇩2' ∧ s⇩2 = s⇩2'" by simp
fix e' s w
assume eval_val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val w,s⟩"
and eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2'⟩"
and throw:"e⇩2' = throw e'"
from IH1[OF eval_val wte1 sconf] have s:"s = s⇩1" by simp_all
with wf eval_val wte1 sconf have "P,E ⊢ s⇩1 √"
by(fastforce intro:eval_preserves_sconf)
from IH2[OF eval_throw[simplified s] wte2 this] throw
show "throw e = e⇩2' ∧ s⇩2 = s⇩2'"
by simp
case Var thus ?case by(auto elim: eval_cases)
case (LAss E e s⇩0 v h l V T v' l' e⇩2 s⇩2 T')
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨V:=e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and env:"E V = Some T" and casts:"P ⊢ T casts v to v'" and l':"l' = l(V ↦ v')"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ V:=e :: T'" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ Val v = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt env obtain T'' where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: T''" and leq:"P ⊢ T'' ≤ T" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix U h' l'' w w'
assume eval_val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val w,(h',l'')⟩" and env':"E V = Some U"
and casts':"P ⊢ U casts w to w'" and e2:"e⇩2 = Val w'"
and s2:"s⇩2 = (h',l''(V ↦ w'))"
from env env' have UeqT:"U = T" by simp
from IH[OF eval_val wte sconf] have eq:"v = w ∧ h = h' ∧ l = l''" by simp
from sconf env have "is_type P T"
by(clarsimp simp:sconf_def envconf_def)
with casts casts' eq UeqT wte leq eval_val sconf wf have "v' = w'"
by(auto intro:casts_casts_eq_result)
with e2 s2 l' eq show "Val v' = e⇩2 ∧ (h, l') = s⇩2" by simp
fix e' assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e',s⇩2⟩"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] show "Val v' = e⇩2 ∧ (h, l') = s⇩2" by simp
case (LAssThrow E e s⇩0 e' s⇩1 V e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨V:=e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ V:=e :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain T'' where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: T''" by auto
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix U h' l'' w w'
assume eval_val:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val w,(h',l'')⟩"
from IH[OF eval_val wte sconf] show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
fix ex
assume eval_throw:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw ex,s⇩2⟩" and e2:"e⇩2 = throw ex"
from IH[OF eval_throw wte sconf] e2 show "throw e' = e⇩2 ∧ s⇩1 = s⇩2" by simp
case (FAcc E e s⇩0 a Cs' h l D S Ds Cs fs F v e⇩2 s⇩2 T)
have eval:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e∙F{Cs},s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩"
and eval':"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref (a, Cs'),(h,l)⟩"
and h:"h a = Some(D,S)" and Ds:"Ds = Cs'@⇩pCs"
and S:"(Ds,fs) ∈ S" and fs:"fs F = Some v"
and wt:"P,E ⊢ e∙F{Cs} :: T" and sconf:"P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √"
and IH:"⋀e⇩2 s⇩2 T. ⟦P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2⟩; P,E ⊢ e :: T; P,E ⊢ s⇩0 √⟧
⟹ ref (a, Cs') = e⇩2 ∧ (h,l) = s⇩2" by fact+
from wt obtain C where wte:"P,E ⊢ e :: Class C" by auto
from eval_preserves_sconf[OF wf eval' wte sconf] h have oconf:"P,h ⊢ (D,S) √"
by(simp add:sconf_def hconf_def)
from eval show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases)
fix Xs' D' S' a' fs' h' l' v'
assume eval_ref:"P,E ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0⟩ ⇒ ⟨ref(a',Xs'),(h',l')⟩"
and h':"h' a' = Some(D',S')" and S':"(Xs'@⇩pCs,fs') ∈ S'"
and fs':"fs' F = Some v'" and e2:"e⇩2 = Val v'" and s2:"s⇩2 = (h',l')"
from IH[OF eval_ref wte sconf] h h'
have eq:"a = a' ∧ Cs' = Xs' ∧ h = h' ∧ l = l' ∧ D = D' ∧ S = S'" by simp
with oconf S S'