Theory Aux_TM_Reducing

chapter ‹Auxiliary Turing machines for reducing $\NP$ languages to \SAT{}\label{s:Aux_TM}›

theory Aux_TM_Reducing
  imports Reducing

text ‹
In the previous chapter we have seen how to reduce a language $L\in\NP$ to
\SAT{} by constructing for every string $x$ a CNF formula $\Phi$ that is
satisfiable iff.\ $x\in L$. To complete the Cook-Levin theorem it remains to
show that there is a polynomial-time Turing machine that on input $x$ outputs
$\Phi$.  Constructing such a TM will be the subject of the rest of this article
and conclude in the next chapter. This chapter introduces several TMs used in
the construction.

section ‹Generating literals›

text ‹
Our representation of CNF formulas as lists of lists of numbers is based on a
representation of literals as numbers. Our function @{const literal_n} encodes
the positive literal $v_i$ as the number $2i + 1$ and the negative literal $\bar
v_i$ as $2i$. We already have the Turing machine @{const tm_times2} to cover the
second case. Now we build a TM for the first case, that is, for doubling and


definition tm_times2incr :: "tapeidx  machine" where
  "tm_times2incr j  tm_times2 j ;; tm_incr j"

lemma tm_times2incr_tm:
  assumes "0 < j" and "j < k" and "G  4"
  shows "turing_machine k G (tm_times2incr j)"
  unfolding tm_times2incr_def using tm_times2_tm tm_incr_tm assms by simp

lemma transforms_tm_times2incrI [transforms_intros]:
  fixes j :: tapeidx
  fixes k :: nat and tps tps' :: "tape list"
  assumes "k  2" and "j > 0" and "j < k" and "length tps = k"
  assumes "tps ! j = (nN, 1)"
  assumes "t = 12 + 4 * nlength n"
  assumes "tps' = tps[j := (Suc (2 * n)N, 1)]"
  shows "transforms (tm_times2incr j) tps t tps'"
proof -
  define tt where "tt = 10 + (2 * nlength n + 2 * nlength (2 * n))"
  have "transforms (tm_times2incr j) tps tt tps'"
    unfolding tm_times2incr_def by (tform tps: tt_def assms)
  moreover have "tt  t"
  proof -
    have "tt = 10 + 2 * nlength n + 2 * nlength (2 * n)"
      using tt_def by simp
    also have "...  10 + 2 * nlength n + 2 * (Suc (nlength n))"
    proof -
      have "nlength (2 * n)  Suc (nlength n)"
        by (metis eq_imp_le gr0I le_SucI nat_0_less_mult_iff nlength_even_le)
      then show ?thesis
        by simp
    also have "... = 12 + 4 * nlength n"
      by simp
    finally show ?thesis
      using assms(6) by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using transforms_monotone by simp

lemma literal_n_rename:
  assumes "v div 2 < length σ"
  shows "2 * σ ! (v div 2) + v mod 2 = (literal_n  rename σ) (n_literal v)"
proof (cases "even v")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using n_literal_def assms by simp
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    using n_literal_def assms by simp presburger

text ‹
Combining @{const tm_times2} and @{const tm_times2incr}, the next Turing machine
accepts a variable index $i$ on tape $j_1$ and a flag $b$ on tape $j_2$ and
outputs on tape $j_1$ the encoding of the positive literal $v_i$ or the negative
literal $\bar v_i$ if $b$ is positive or zero, respectively.

definition tm_to_literal :: "tapeidx  tapeidx  machine" where
  "tm_to_literal j1 j2 
    IF λrs. rs ! j2 =  THEN
      tm_times2 j1
      tm_times2incr j1

lemma tm_to_literal_tm:
  assumes "k  2" and "G  4" and "0 < j1" and "j1 < k" and "j2 < k"
  shows "turing_machine k G (tm_to_literal j1 j2)"
  unfolding tm_to_literal_def
  using assms tm_times2_tm tm_times2incr_tm turing_machine_branch_turing_machine
  by simp

lemma transforms_tm_to_literalI [transforms_intros]:
  fixes j1 j2 :: tapeidx
  fixes tps tps' :: "tape list" and ttt k i b :: nat
  assumes "0 < j1" "j1 < k" "j2 < k" "2  k" "length tps = k"
    "tps ! j1 = (iN, 1)"
    "tps ! j2 = (bN, 1)"
  assumes "ttt = 13 + 4 * nlength i"
  assumes "tps' = tps
    [j1 := (2 * i + (if b = 0 then 0 else 1)N, 1)]"
  shows "transforms (tm_to_literal j1 j2) tps ttt tps'"
  unfolding tm_to_literal_def
proof (tform tps: assms read_ncontents_eq_0)
  show "5 + 2 * nlength i + 2  ttt" and "12 + 4 * nlength i + 1  ttt"
    using assms(8) by simp_all

section ‹A Turing machine for relabeling formulas›

text ‹
In order to construct $\Phi_9$, we must construct CNF formulas $\chi_t$, which
have the form $\rho(\psi)$ or $\rho'(\psi')$. So we need a Turing machine for
relabeling formulas. In this section we devise a Turing machine that gets a
substitution $\sigma$ and a CNF formula $\phi$ and outputs $\sigma(\phi)$. In
order to bound its running time we first prove some bounds on the length of
relabeled formulas.

subsection ‹The length of relabeled formulas›

text ‹
First we bound the length of the representation of a single relabeled clause.
In the following lemma the assumption ensures that the substitution $\sigma$ has
a value for every variable in the clause.

lemma nllength_rename:
  assumes "vset clause. v div 2 < length σ"
  shows "nllength (map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause clause))  length clause * Suc (nllength σ)"
proof (cases "σ = []")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using assms n_clause_def by simp
  case False
  let ?f = "literal_n  rename σ  n_literal"
  have *: "map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause clause) = map ?f clause"
    using n_clause_def by simp

  have "nlength (2 * n + 1)  Suc (nlength n)" for n
    using nlength_times2plus1 by simp
  then have "nlength (2 * Max (set σ) + 1)  Suc (nlength (Max (set σ)))"
    by simp
  moreover have "nlength (Max (set σ))  nllength σ - 1"
    using False member_le_nllength_1 by simp
  ultimately have "nlength (2 * Max (set σ) + 1)  Suc (nllength σ - 1)"
    by simp
  then have **: "nlength (2 * Max (set σ) + 1)  nllength σ"
    using nllength_gr_0 False by simp

  have "?f n  2 * (σ ! (n div 2)) + 1" if "n div 2 < length σ" for n
    using n_literal_def by (cases "even n") simp_all
  then have "?f v  2 * (σ ! (v div 2)) + 1" if "v  set clause" for v
    using assms that by simp
  moreover have "σ ! (v div 2)  Max (set σ)" if "v  set clause" for v
    using that assms by simp
  ultimately have "?f v  2 * Max (set σ) + 1" if "v  set clause" for v
    using that by fastforce
  then have "n  2 * Max (set σ) + 1" if "n  set (map ?f clause)" for n
    using that by auto
  then have "nllength (map ?f clause)  Suc (nlength (2 * Max (set σ) + 1)) * length (map ?f clause)"
    using nllength_le_len_mult_max by blast
  also have "... = Suc (nlength (2 * Max (set σ) + 1)) * length clause"
    by simp
  also have "...  Suc (nllength σ) * length clause"
    using ** by simp
  finally have "nllength (map ?f clause)  Suc (nllength σ) * length clause" .
  then show ?thesis
    using * by (metis mult.commute)

text ‹
Our upper bound for the length of the symbol representation of a relabeled
formula is fairly crude. It is basically the length of the string resulting from
replacing every symbol of the original formula by the entire substitution.

lemma nlllength_relabel:
  assumes "clauseset φ. vset (clause_n clause). v div 2 < length σ"
  shows "nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))  Suc (nllength σ) * nlllength (formula_n φ)"
  using assms
proof (induction φ)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: relabel_def)
  case (Cons clause φ)
  let ?nclause = "clause_n clause"
  have "vset ?nclause. v div 2 < length σ"
    using Cons.prems by simp
  then have "nllength (map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause ?nclause))  length ?nclause * Suc (nllength σ)"
    using nllength_rename by simp
  then have "nllength (map (literal_n  rename σ) clause)  length clause * Suc (nllength σ)"
    using clause_n_def n_clause_n by simp
  moreover have "map (literal_n  rename σ) clause = clause_n (map (rename σ) clause)"
    using clause_n_def by simp
  ultimately have *: "nllength (clause_n (map (rename σ) clause))  length clause * Suc (nllength σ)"
    by simp

  have "formula_n (relabel σ (clause # φ)) = clause_n (map (rename σ) clause) # formula_n (relabel σ φ)"
    by (simp add: formula_n_def relabel_def)
  then have "nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ (clause # φ))) =
      nllength (clause_n (map (rename σ) clause)) + 1 + nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))"
    using nlllength_Cons by simp
  also have "...  length clause * Suc (nllength σ) + 1 + nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))"
    using * by simp
  also have "...  length clause * Suc (nllength σ) + 1 + Suc (nllength σ) * nlllength (formula_n φ)"
    using Cons by (metis add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(2) insert_iff list.set(2))
  also have "... = 1 + Suc (nllength σ) * (length clause + nlllength (formula_n φ))"
    by algebra
  also have "...  Suc (nllength σ) * (1 + length clause + nlllength (formula_n φ))"
    by simp
  also have "...  Suc (nllength σ) * (1 + nllength (clause_n clause) + nlllength (formula_n φ))"
    using length_le_nllength n_clause_def n_clause_n
    by (metis add_Suc_shift add_le_cancel_right length_map mult_le_mono2 plus_1_eq_Suc)
  also have "... = Suc (nllength σ) * (nlllength (formula_n (clause # φ)))"
    using formula_n_def nlllength_Cons by simp
  finally show ?case .

text ‹
A simple sufficient condition for the assumption in the previous lemma.

lemma variables_σ:
  assumes "variables φ  {..<length σ}"
  shows "clauseset φ.vset (clause_n clause). v div 2 < length σ"
proof standard+
  fix clause :: clause and v :: nat
  assume clause: "clause  set φ" and v: "v  set (clause_n clause)"

  obtain i where i: "i < length clause" "v = literal_n (clause ! i)"
    using v clause_n_def by (metis in_set_conv_nth length_map nth_map)
  then have clause_i: "clause ! i = n_literal v"
    using n_literal_n by simp

  show "v div 2 < length σ"
  proof (cases "even v")
    case True
    then have "clause ! i = Neg (v div 2)"
      using clause_i n_literal_def by simp
    then have "cset φ. Neg (v div 2)  set c"
      using clause i(1) by (metis nth_mem)
    then have "v div 2  variables φ"
      using variables_def by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using assms by auto
    case False
    then have "clause ! i = Pos (v div 2)"
      using clause_i n_literal_def by simp
    then have "cset φ. Pos (v div 2)  set c"
      using clause i(1) by (metis nth_mem)
    then have "v div 2  variables φ"
      using variables_def by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using assms by auto

text ‹
Combining the previous two lemmas yields this upper bound:

lemma nlllength_relabel_variables:
  assumes "variables φ  {..<length σ}"
  shows "nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))  Suc (nllength σ) * nlllength (formula_n φ)"
  using assms variables_σ nlllength_relabel by blast

subsection ‹Relabeling clauses›

text ‹
Relabeling a CNF formula is accomplished by relabeling each of its clauses. In
this section we devise a Turing machine for relabeling clauses. The TM accepts
on tape $j$ a list of numbers representing a substitution $\sigma$ and on tape
$j + 1$ a clause represented as a list of numbers. It outputs on tape $j + 2$
the relabeled clause, consuming the original clause on tape $j + 1$ in the

definition tm_relabel_clause :: "tapeidx  machine" where
  "tm_relabel_clause j 
    WHILE [] ; λrs. rs ! (j + 1)   DO
      tm_nextract ¦ (j + 1) (j + 3) ;;
      tm_mod2 (j + 3) (j + 4) ;;
      tm_div2 (j + 3) ;;
      tm_nth_inplace j (j + 3) ¦ ;;
      tm_to_literal (j + 3) (j + 4) ;;
      tm_append (j + 2) (j + 3) ;;
      tm_setn (j + 3) 0 ;;
      tm_setn (j + 4) 0
    DONE ;;
    tm_cr (j + 2) ;;
    tm_erase_cr (j + 1)"

lemma tm_relabel_clause_tm:
  assumes "G  5" and "j + 4 < k" and "0 < j"
  shows "turing_machine k G (tm_relabel_clause j)"
  unfolding tm_relabel_clause_def
  using assms tm_nextract_tm tm_mod2_tm tm_div2_tm tm_nth_inplace_tm tm_to_literal_tm tm_append_tm tm_setn_tm
    tm_cr_tm tm_erase_cr_tm Nil_tm turing_machine_loop_turing_machine
  by simp

locale turing_machine_relabel_clause =
  fixes j :: tapeidx

definition "tm1  tm_nextract ¦ (j + 1) (j + 3)"
definition "tm2  tm1 ;; tm_mod2 (j + 3) (j + 4)"
definition "tm3  tm2 ;; tm_div2 (j + 3)"
definition "tm4  tm3 ;; tm_nth_inplace j (j + 3) ¦"
definition "tm5  tm4 ;; tm_to_literal (j + 3) (j + 4)"
definition "tm6  tm5 ;; tm_append (j + 2) (j + 3)"
definition "tm7 = tm6 ;; tm_setn (j + 3) 0"
definition "tm8  tm7 ;; tm_setn (j + 4) 0"
definition "tmL  WHILE [] ; λrs. rs ! (j + 1)   DO tm8 DONE"
definition "tm9  tmL ;; tm_cr (j + 2)"
definition "tm10  tm9 ;; tm_erase_cr (j + 1)"

lemma tm10_eq_tm_relabel_clause: "tm10 = tm_relabel_clause j"
  unfolding tm_relabel_clause_def tm3_def tmL_def tm5_def tm4_def tm1_def tm2_def tm6_def tm7_def tm8_def tm9_def tm10_def
  by simp

  fixes tps0 :: "tape list" and k :: nat and σ clause :: "nat list"
  assumes clause: "vset clause. v div 2 < length σ"
  assumes jk: "0 < j" "j + 4 < k" "length tps0 = k"
  assumes tps0:
    "tps0 ! j = (σNL, 1)"
    "tps0 ! (j + 1) = (clauseNL, 1)"
    "tps0 ! (j + 2) = ([]NL, 1)"
    "tps0 ! (j + 3) = (0N, 1)"
    "tps0 ! (j + 4) = (0N, 1)"

definition "tpsL t  tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause t,
   j + 2 := nltape (take t (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause))))]"

lemma tpsL_eq_tps0: "tpsL 0 = tps0"
  using tpsL_def tps0 jk nllength_Nil by (metis One_nat_def list_update_id take0)

definition "tps1 t  tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause (Suc t),
   j + 2 := nltape (take t (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause)))),
   j + 3 := (clause ! tN, 1)]"

lemma tm1 [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "t < length clause"
    and "ttt = 12 + 2 * nlength (clause ! t)"
  shows "transforms tm1 (tpsL t) ttt (tps1 t)"
  unfolding tm1_def
proof (tform tps: assms(1) tpsL_def tps1_def tps0 jk)
  show "ttt = 12 + 2 * nlength 0 + 2 * nlength (clause ! t)"
    using assms(2) by simp

definition "tps2 t  tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause (Suc t),
   j + 2 := nltape (take t (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause)))),
   j + 3 := (clause ! tN, 1),
   j + 4 := ((clause ! t) mod 2N, 1)]"

lemma tm2 [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "t < length clause"
    and "ttt = 13 + 2 * nlength (clause ! t)"
  shows "transforms tm2 (tpsL t) ttt (tps2 t)"
  unfolding tm2_def by (tform tps: assms tps1_def tps2_def tps0 jk)

definition "tps3 t  tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause (Suc t),
   j + 2 := nltape (take t (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause)))),
   j + 3 := (clause ! t div 2N, 1),
   j + 4 := (clause ! t mod 2N, 1)]"

lemma tm3 [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "t < length clause"
    and "ttt = 16 + 4 * nlength (clause ! t)"
  shows "transforms tm3 (tpsL t) ttt (tps3 t)"
  unfolding tm3_def by (tform tps: assms(1) tps2_def tps3_def jk time: assms(2))

definition "tps4 t  tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause (Suc t),
   j + 2 := nltape (take t (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause)))),
   j + 3 := (σ ! (clause ! t div 2)N, 1),
   j + 4 := (clause ! t mod 2N, 1)]"

lemma tm4 [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "t < length clause"
    and "ttt = 28 + 4 * nlength (clause ! t) + 18 * (nllength σ)2"
  shows "transforms tm4 (tpsL t) ttt (tps4 t)"
  unfolding tm4_def
proof (tform tps: assms(1) tps0 tps3_def tps4_def jk clause time: assms(2))
  show "tps4 t = (tps3 t)[j + 3 := (σ ! (clause ! t div 2)N, 1)]"
    unfolding tps4_def tps3_def by (simp add: list_update_swap[of "j + 3"])

definition "tps5 t  tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause (Suc t),
   j + 2 := nltape (take t (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause)))),
   j + 3 := (2 * (σ ! (clause ! t div 2)) + clause ! t mod 2N, 1),
   j + 4 := (clause ! t mod 2N, 1)]"

lemma tm5 [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "t < length clause"
   and "ttt = 41 + 4 * nlength (clause ! t) + 18 * (nllength σ)2 +
      4 * nlength (σ ! (clause ! t div 2))"
  shows "transforms tm5 (tpsL t) ttt (tps5 t)"
  unfolding tm5_def by (tform tps: assms(1) tps0 tps4_def tps5_def jk time: assms(2))

definition "tps6 t  tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause (Suc t),
   j + 2 := nltape (take (Suc t) (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause)))),
   j + 3 := (2 * (σ ! (clause ! t div 2)) + clause ! t mod 2N, 1),
   j + 4 := (clause ! t mod 2N, 1)]"

lemma tm6:
  assumes "t < length clause"
   and "ttt = 47 + 4 * nlength (clause ! t) + 18 * (nllength σ)2 +
      4 * nlength (σ ! (clause ! t div 2)) +
      2 * nlength (2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2)"
  shows "transforms tm6 (tpsL t) ttt (tps6 t)"
  unfolding tm6_def
proof (tform tps: assms(1) tps0 tps5_def tps6_def jk)
  have "2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2 =
      (literal_n  rename σ) (n_literal (clause ! t))"
    using clause assms(1) literal_n_rename by simp
  then have "2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2 =
      (map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause clause)) ! t"
    using assms(1) by (simp add: n_clause_def)
  then have "take t (map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause clause)) @
        [2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2] =
      take (Suc t) (map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause clause))"
    by (simp add: assms(1) n_clause_def take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
  then show "tps6 t = (tps5 t)
      [j + 2 := nltape
        (take t (map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause clause)) @
         [2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2])]"
    unfolding tps5_def tps6_def
    by (simp only: list_update_overwrite list_update_swap_less[of "j + 2"]) simp
  show "ttt = 41 + 4 * nlength (clause ! t) + 18 * (nllength σ)2 +
      4 * nlength (σ ! (clause ! t div 2)) +
      (7 + nllength (take t (map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause clause))) -
       Suc (nllength (take t (map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause clause)))) +
       2 * nlength (2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2))"
    using assms(2) by simp

lemma nlength_σ1:
  assumes "t < length clause"
  shows "nlength (clause ! t)  nllength σ"
proof -
  have "clause ! t div 2 < length σ"
    using clause assms(1) by simp
  then have "nlength (clause ! t div 2) < length σ"
    using nlength_le_n by (meson leD le_less_linear order.trans)
  then have "nlength (clause ! t)  length σ"
    using canrepr_div_2 by simp
  then show "nlength (clause ! t)  nllength σ"
    using length_le_nllength by (meson dual_order.trans mult_le_mono2)

lemma nlength_σ2:
  assumes "t < length clause"
  shows "nlength (σ ! (clause ! t div 2))  nllength σ"
  using assms clause member_le_nllength nth_mem by simp

lemma nlength_σ3:
  assumes "t < length clause"
  shows "nlength (2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2)  Suc (nllength σ)"
proof -
  have "nlength (2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2)  nlength (2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + 1)"
    using nlength_mono by simp
  also have "...  Suc (nlength (σ ! (clause ! t div 2)))"
    using nlength_times2plus1 by (meson dual_order.trans)
  finally show ?thesis
    using nlength_σ2 assms by fastforce

lemma tm6' [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "t < length clause"
   and "ttt = 49 + 28 * nllength σ ^ 2"
  shows "transforms tm6 (tpsL t) ttt (tps6 t)"
proof -
  let ?ttt = "47 + 4 * nlength (clause ! t) + 18 * (nllength σ)2 +
      4 * nlength (σ ! (clause ! t div 2)) +
      2 * nlength (2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2)"

  have "?ttt  47 + 4 * nllength σ + 18 * (nllength σ)2 +
      4 * nllength σ + 2 * Suc (nllength σ)"
    using nlength_σ1 nlength_σ3 nlength_σ2 assms(1) by fastforce
  also have "... = 49 + 10 * nllength σ + 18 * (nllength σ)2"
    by simp
  also have "...  49 + 10 * nllength σ ^ 2 + 18 * (nllength σ)2"
    using linear_le_pow by simp
  also have "... = 49 + 28 * nllength σ ^ 2"
    by simp
  finally have "?ttt  49 + 28 * nllength σ ^ 2" .
  then show ?thesis
    using tm6 assms transforms_monotone by blast

definition "tps7 t  tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause (Suc t),
   j + 2 := nltape (take (Suc t) (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause)))),
   j + 4 := (clause ! t mod 2N, 1)]"

lemma tm7:
  assumes "t < length clause"
   and "ttt = 59 + 28 * nllength σ ^ 2 +
      2 * nlength (2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2)"
  shows "transforms tm7 (tpsL t) ttt (tps7 t)"
  unfolding tm7_def
proof (tform tps: assms(1) tps0 tps6_def tps7_def jk time: assms(2))
  show "tps7 t = (tps6 t)[j + 3 := (0N, 1)]"
    using tps6_def tps7_def tps0 jk
    by (smt (verit) add_left_cancel list_update_id list_update_overwrite list_update_swap num.simps(8)
      numeral_eq_iff one_eq_numeral_iff semiring_norm(84))

lemma tm7' [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "t < length clause"
   and "ttt = 61 + 30 * nllength σ ^ 2"
  shows "transforms tm7 (tpsL t) ttt (tps7 t)"
proof -
  let ?ttt = "59 + 28 * nllength σ ^ 2 +
      2 * nlength (2 * σ ! (clause ! t div 2) + clause ! t mod 2)"
  have "?ttt  59 + 28 * nllength σ ^ 2 + 2 * Suc (nllength σ)"
    using nlength_σ3 assms(1) by fastforce
  also have "... = 61 + 28 * nllength σ ^ 2 + 2 * nllength σ"
    by simp
  also have "...  61 + 30 * nllength σ ^ 2"
    using linear_le_pow by simp
  finally have "?ttt  61 + 30 * nllength σ ^ 2" .
  then show ?thesis
    using assms tm7 transforms_monotone by blast

definition "tps8 t  tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause (Suc t),
   j + 2 := nltape (take (Suc t) (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause))))]"

lemma tm8:
  assumes "t < length clause"
    and "ttt = 61 + 30 * (nllength σ)2 + (10 + 2 * nlength (clause ! t mod 2))"
  shows "transforms tm8 (tpsL t) ttt (tps8 t)"
  unfolding tm8_def
proof (tform tps: assms(1) tps0 tps7_def tps8_def jk time: assms(2))
  show "tps8 t = (tps7 t)[j + 4 := (0N, 1)]"
    using tps7_def tps8_def tps0 jk
    by (smt (verit) add_left_imp_eq list_update_id list_update_overwrite list_update_swap numeral_eq_iff
      numeral_eq_one_iff semiring_norm(85) semiring_norm(87))

lemma tm8' [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "t < length clause"
    and "ttt = 71 + 32 * (nllength σ)2"
  shows "transforms tm8 (tpsL t) ttt (tpsL (Suc t))"
proof -
  have "nlength (clause ! t mod 2)  nllength σ"
    using assms(1) nlength_σ1 by (meson mod_less_eq_dividend nlength_mono order.trans)
  then have "nlength (clause ! t mod 2)  nllength σ ^ 2"
    using linear_le_pow by (metis nat_le_linear power2_nat_le_imp_le verit_la_disequality)
  then have "61 + 30 * (nllength σ)2 + (10 + 2 * nlength (clause ! t mod 2))  ttt"
    using assms(2) by simp
  then have "transforms tm8 (tpsL t) ttt (tps8 t)"
    using assms(1) tm8 transforms_monotone by blast
  moreover have "tps8 t = tpsL (Suc t)"
    using tps8_def tpsL_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma tmL [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "ttt = length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) + 1"
  shows "transforms tmL (tpsL 0) ttt (tpsL (length clause))"
  unfolding tmL_def
proof (tform)
  let ?t = "71 + 32 * (nllength σ)2"
  show "read (tpsL t) ! (j + 1)  " if "t < length clause" for t
  proof -
    have "tpsL t ! (j + 1) = nltape' clause t"
      using tpsL_def jk by simp
    then show ?thesis
      using nltape'_tape_read that tapes_at_read' tpsL_def jk
      by (smt (verit) Suc_eq_plus1 leD length_list_update less_add_same_cancel1 less_trans_Suc zero_less_numeral)
  show "¬ read (tpsL (length clause)) ! (j + 1)  "
  proof -
    have "tpsL (length clause) ! (j + 1) = nltape' clause (length clause)"
      using tpsL_def jk by simp
    then show ?thesis
      using nltape'_tape_read tapes_at_read' tpsL_def jk
      by (smt (verit) Suc_eq_plus1 length_list_update less_add_same_cancel1 less_or_eq_imp_le less_trans_Suc zero_less_numeral)
  show "length clause * (71 + 32 * (nllength σ)2 + 2) + 1  ttt"
    using assms(1) by simp

lemma tpsL_length: "tpsL (length clause) = tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause (length clause),
   j + 2 := nltape (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause)))]"
  using tpsL_def by (simp add: n_clause_def)

definition "tps9  tps0
  [j + 1 := nltape' clause (length clause),
   j + 2 := (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause))NL, 1)]"

lemma tm9:
  assumes "ttt = 4 + length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) +
      nllength (map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause clause))"
  shows "transforms tm9 (tpsL 0) ttt tps9"
  unfolding tm9_def
proof (tform tps: tps0 tps9_def tpsL_def jk tpsL_length)
  show "clean_tape (tpsL (length clause) ! (j + 2))"
    using tpsL_def jk clean_tape_nlcontents tps0(3) by simp
  show "ttt = length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) + 1 +
    (tpsL (length clause) :#: (j + 2) + 2)"
    using n_clause_def assms jk tpsL_length by fastforce

lemma tm9' [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "ttt = 4 + 2 * length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2)"
  shows "transforms tm9 tps0 ttt tps9"
proof -
  let ?ttt = "4 + length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) +
    nllength (map (literal_n  rename σ) (n_clause clause))"
  have "?ttt  4 + length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) +
      length clause * Suc (nllength σ)"
    using clause nllength_rename by simp
  also have "...  4 + length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) +
      length clause * (Suc (nllength σ ^ 2))"
    by (simp add: linear_le_pow)
  also have "...  4 + length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) +
      length clause * (73 + nllength σ ^ 2)"
    by (metis One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_leI add.commute add_left_mono mult_le_mono2 zero_less_numeral)
  also have "...  4 + length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) +
      length clause * (73 + 32 * nllength σ ^ 2)"
    by simp
  also have "... = 4 + 2 * length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2)"
    by simp
  finally have "?ttt  4 + 2 * length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2)" .
  then show ?thesis
    using tm9 assms transforms_monotone tpsL_eq_tps0 by fastforce

definition "tps10  tps0
  [j + 1 := ([]NL, 1),
   j + 2 := (map literal_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause))NL, 1)]"

lemma tm10:
  assumes "ttt = 11 + 2 * length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) + 3 * nllength clause"
  shows "transforms tm10 tps0 ttt tps10"
  unfolding tm10_def
proof (tform tps: tps0 tps9_def jk)
  show "tps9 ::: (j + 1) = numlist clause"
    using tps9_def jk tps0(2) nlcontents_def by simp
  show "proper_symbols (numlist clause)"
    using proper_symbols_numlist by simp
  show "tps10 = tps9[j + 1 := ([], 1)]"
    by (simp add: jk nlcontents_def tps0 tps10_def tps9_def list_update_swap numlist_Nil)
  show "ttt = 4 + 2 * length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) +
      (tps9 :#: (j + 1) + 2 * length (numlist clause) + 6)"
    using assms tps9_def jk nllength_def by simp

lemma tm10':
  assumes "ttt = 11 + 64 * nllength clause * (3 + (nllength σ)2)"
  shows "transforms tm10 tps0 ttt tps10"
proof -
  let ?ttt = "11 + 2 * length clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) + 3 * nllength clause"
  have "?ttt  11 + 2 * nllength clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) + 3 * nllength clause"
    by (simp add: length_le_nllength)
  also have "...  11 + 2 * nllength clause * (73 + 32 * (nllength σ)2) + 2 * 2 * nllength clause"
    by simp
  also have "... = 11 + 2 * nllength clause * (75 + 32 * (nllength σ)2)"
    by algebra
  also have "...  11 + 2 * nllength clause * (96 + 32 * (nllength σ)2)"
    by simp
  also have "... = 11 + 2 * 32 * nllength clause * (3 + (nllength σ)2)"
    by simp
  also have "... = 11 + 64 * nllength clause * (3 + (nllength σ)2)"
    by simp
  finally have "?ttt  11 + 64 * nllength clause * (3 + (nllength σ)2)" .
  then show ?thesis
    using tm10 assms transforms_monotone by blast


end  (* locale turing_machine_relabel-clause *)

lemma transforms_tm_relabel_clauseI [transforms_intros]:
  fixes j :: tapeidx
  fixes tps tps' :: "tape list" and ttt k :: nat and σ clause :: "nat list"
  assumes "0 < j" "j + 4 < k" "length tps = k"
    and "vset clause. v div 2 < length σ"
    "tps ! j = (σNL, 1)"
    "tps ! (j + 1) = (clauseNL, 1)"
    "tps ! (j + 2) = ([]NL, 1)"
    "tps ! (j + 3) = (0N, 1)"
    "tps ! (j + 4) = (0N, 1)"
  assumes "ttt = 11 + 64 * nllength clause * (3 + (nllength σ)2)"
  assumes "tps' = tps
    [j + 1 := ([]NL, 1),
     j + 2 := (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause clause))NL, 1)]"
  shows "transforms (tm_relabel_clause j) tps ttt tps'"
proof -
  interpret loc: turing_machine_relabel_clause j .
  show ?thesis
    using assms loc.tm10_eq_tm_relabel_clause loc.tps10_def loc.tm10' clause_n_def by simp

subsection ‹Relabeling CNF formulas›

text ‹
A Turing machine can relabel a CNF formula by relabeling each clause using the
TM @{const tm_relabel_clause}. The next TM accepts a CNF formula as a list of
lists of literals on tape $j_1$ and a substitution $\sigma$ as a list of numbers
on tape $j_2 + 1$. It outputs the relabeled formula on tape $j_2$, which
initially must be empty.

definition tm_relabel :: "tapeidx  tapeidx  machine" where
  "tm_relabel j1 j2 
    WHILE [] ; λrs. rs ! j1   DO
      tm_nextract  j1 (j2 + 2) ;;
      tm_relabel_clause (j2 + 1) ;;
      tm_appendl j2 (j2 + 3) ;;
      tm_erase_cr (j2 + 3)
    DONE ;;
    tm_cr j1 ;;
    tm_cr j2"

lemma tm_relabel_tm:
  assumes "G  6" and "j2 + 5 < k" and "0 < j1" and "j1 < j2"
  shows "turing_machine k G (tm_relabel j1 j2)"
  unfolding tm_relabel_def
  using assms tm_cr_tm tm_nextract_tm tm_appendl_tm tm_relabel_clause_tm Nil_tm tm_erase_cr_tm turing_machine_loop_turing_machine
  by simp

locale turing_machine_relabel =
  fixes j1 j2 :: tapeidx

definition "tmL1  tm_nextract  j1 (j2 + 2)"
definition "tmL2  tmL1 ;; tm_relabel_clause (j2 + 1)"
definition "tmL3  tmL2 ;; tm_appendl j2 (j2 + 3)"
definition "tmL4  tmL3 ;; tm_erase_cr (j2 + 3)"
definition "tmL  WHILE [] ; λrs. rs ! j1   DO tmL4 DONE"
definition "tm2  tmL ;; tm_cr j1"
definition "tm3  tm2 ;; tm_cr j2"

lemma tm3_eq_tm_relabel: "tm3 = tm_relabel j1 j2"
  unfolding tm_relabel_def tm2_def tmL_def tmL4_def tmL3_def tmL2_def tmL1_def tm3_def by simp

  fixes tps0 :: "tape list" and k :: nat and σ :: "nat list" and φ :: formula
  assumes variables: "variables φ  {..<length σ}"
  assumes jk: "0 < j1" "j1 < j2" "j2 + 5 < k" "length tps0 = k"
  assumes tps0:
    "tps0 ! j1 = (formula_n φNLL, 1)"
    "tps0 ! j2 = ([]NLL, 1)"
    "tps0 ! (j2 + 1) = (σNL, 1)"
    "tps0 ! (j2 + 2) = ([]NL, 1)"
    "tps0 ! (j2 + 3) = ([]NL, 1)"
    "tps0 ! (j2 + 4) = (0N, 1)"
    "tps0 ! (j2 + 5) = (0N, 1)"

abbreviation  :: "nat list list" where
  "  formula_n φ"

definition tpsL :: "nat  tape list" where
  "tpsL t  tps0
     [j1 := nlltape'  t,
      j2 := nlltape (formula_n (take t (relabel σ φ)))]"

lemma tpsL_eq_tps0: "tpsL 0 = tps0"
  using tps0 tpsL_def formula_n_def nlllength_def numlist_Nil numlist_def numlistlist_def
  by (metis One_nat_def list.size(3) list_update_id take0)

definition tpsL1 :: "nat  tape list" where
  "tpsL1 t  tps0
     [j1 := nlltape'  (Suc t),
      j2 := nlltape (formula_n (take t (relabel σ φ))),
      j2 + 2 := ( ! tNL, 1)]"

lemma tmL1 [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "ttt = 12 + 2 * nllength ( ! t)"
    and "t < length φ"
  shows "transforms tmL1 (tpsL t) ttt (tpsL1 t)"
  unfolding tmL1_def
proof (tform tps: tps0 tpsL_def tpsL1_def jk)
  show "t < length "
    using assms(2) formula_n_def by simp
  show "tpsL1 t = (tpsL t)
      [j1 := nlltape'  (Suc t),
       j2 + 2 := ( ! tNL, 1)]"
    using tpsL1_def tpsL_def by (simp add: jk list_update_swap_less)
  show "ttt = 12 + 2 * nllength [] + 2 * nllength ( ! t)"
    using assms(1) by simp

definition tpsL2 :: "nat  tape list" where
  "tpsL2 t  tps0
     [j1 := nlltape'  (Suc t),
      j2 := nlltape (formula_n (take t (relabel σ φ))),
      j2 + 2 := ([]NL, 1),
      j2 + 3 := (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t)))NL, 1)]"

lemma tmL2 [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "ttt = 23 + 2 * nllength ( ! t) + 64 * nllength ( ! t) * (3 + (nllength σ)2)"
    and "t < length φ"
  shows "transforms tmL2 (tpsL t) ttt (tpsL2 t)"
  unfolding tmL2_def
proof (tform tps: assms(2) tps0 tpsL1_def jk)
  show "vset ( ! t). v div 2 < length σ"
    using variables_σ variables assms(2) by (metis formula_n_def nth_map nth_mem)
  have "tpsL1 t ! (j2 + (1 + 2)) = ([]NL, 1)"
    using tpsL1_def jk tps0 by (simp add: numeral_3_eq_3)
  then show "tpsL1 t ! (j2 + 1 + 2) = ([]NL, 1)"
    by (metis add.assoc)
  have "tpsL1 t ! (j2 + (1 + 3)) = (0N, 1)"
    using tpsL1_def jk tps0 by simp
  then show "tpsL1 t ! (j2 + 1 + 3) = (0N, 1)"
    by (metis add.assoc)
  have "tpsL1 t ! (j2 + (1 + 4)) = (0N, 1)"
    using tpsL1_def jk tps0 by simp
  then show "tpsL1 t ! (j2 + 1 + 4) = (0N, 1)"
    by (metis add.assoc)
  have "tpsL2 t = (tpsL1 t)
    [j2 + (1 + 1) := ([]NL, 1),
     j2 + (1 + 2) := (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t)))NL, 1)]"
    using jk tps0 tpsL1_def tpsL2_def by (simp add: numeral_3_eq_3)
  then show "tpsL2 t = (tpsL1 t)
    [j2 + 1 + 1 := ([]NL, 1),
     j2 + 1 + 2 := (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t)))NL, 1)]"
    by (metis add.assoc)
  show "ttt = 12 + 2 * nllength ( ! t) +
      (11 + 64 * nllength ( ! t) * (3 + (nllength σ)2))"
    using assms(1) by simp

definition tpsL3 :: "nat  tape list" where
  "tpsL3 t  tps0
     [j1 := nlltape'  (Suc t),
      j2 := nlltape
        (formula_n (take t (relabel σ φ)) @ [clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t)))]),
      j2 + 2 := ([]NL, 1),
      j2 + 3 := (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t)))NL, 1)]"

lemma tmL3 [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "ttt = 29 + 2 * nllength ( ! t) +
      64 * nllength ( ! t) * (3 + (nllength σ)2) +
      2 * nllength (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t))))"
    and "t < length φ"
  shows "transforms tmL3 (tpsL t) ttt (tpsL3 t)"
  unfolding tmL3_def
proof (tform tps: assms(2) tps0 tpsL2_def jk)
  show "tpsL3 t = (tpsL2 t)
      [j2 := nlltape (formula_n (take t (relabel σ φ)) @ [clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t)))])]"
    unfolding tpsL3_def tpsL2_def by (simp add: list_update_swap_less[of j2])
  show "ttt = 23 + 2 * nllength ( ! t) + 64 * nllength ( ! t) * (3 + (nllength σ)2) +
      (7 + nlllength (formula_n (take t (relabel σ φ))) - Suc (nlllength (formula_n (take t (relabel σ φ)))) +
       2 * nllength (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t)))))"
    using assms(1) by simp

definition tpsL4 :: "nat  tape list" where
  "tpsL4 t  tps0
     [j1 := nlltape'  (Suc t),
      j2 := nlltape
        (formula_n (take t (relabel σ φ)) @ [clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t)))]),
      j2 + 2 := ([]NL, 1)]"

lemma tmL4:
  assumes "ttt = 36 + 2 * nllength ( ! t) +
      64 * nllength ( ! t) * (3 + (nllength σ)2) +
      4 * nllength (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t))))"
    and "t < length φ"
  shows "transforms tmL4 (tpsL t) ttt (tpsL4 t)"
  unfolding tmL4_def
proof (tform tps: assms(2) tps0 tpsL3_def jk)
  let ?zs = "numlist (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t))))"
  show "tpsL3 t ::: (j2 + 3) = ?zs"
    using tpsL3_def nlcontents_def jk by simp
  show "proper_symbols ?zs"
    using proper_symbols_numlist by simp
  have *: "j1  j2 + 3"
    using jk by simp
  have "[] = []NL"
    using nlcontents_def numlist_Nil by simp
  then show "tpsL4 t = (tpsL3 t)[j2 + 3 := ([], 1)]"
    using tpsL3_def tpsL4_def tps0 jk list_update_id[of tps0 "j2+3"]
    by (simp add: list_update_swap[OF *] list_update_swap[of _ "j2 + 3"])
  show "ttt = 29 + 2 * nllength ( ! t) + 64 * nllength ( ! t) * (3 + (nllength σ)2) +
      2 * nllength (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t)))) +
      (tpsL3 t :#: (j2 + 3) + 2 * length (numlist (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t))))) + 6)"
    using assms(1) tpsL3_def jk nllength_def by simp

lemma nllength_1:
  assumes "t < length φ"
  shows "nllength ( ! t)  nlllength "
  using assms formula_n_def nlllength_take by (metis le_less_linear length_map less_trans not_add_less2)

lemma nllength_2:
  assumes "t < length φ"
  shows "nllength (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t))))  nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))"
    (is "?l  ?r")
proof -
  have "?l = nllength (clause_n (map (rename σ) (φ ! t)))"
    using assms by (simp add: formula_n_def n_clause_n)
  moreover have "clause_n (map (rename σ) (φ ! t))  set (formula_n (relabel σ φ))"
    using assms formula_n_def relabel_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using member_le_nlllength_1 by fastforce

definition "tpsL4' t  tps0
     [j1 := nlltape'  (Suc t),
      j2 := nlltape (formula_n (take (Suc t) (relabel σ φ)))]"

lemma tpsL4:
  assumes "t < length φ"
  shows "tpsL4 t = tpsL4' t"
proof -
  have "formula_n (take t (relabel σ φ)) @ [clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t)))] =
      formula_n (take (Suc t) (relabel σ φ))"
    using assms formula_n_def relabel_def by (simp add: n_clause_n take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
  then show ?thesis
    using tpsL4_def tpsL4'_def jk tps0
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) Suc_1 add_Suc_right add_cancel_left_right less_SucI
      list_update_id list_update_swap not_less_eq numeral_1_eq_Suc_0 numeral_One)

lemma tpsL4'_eq_tpsL: "tpsL4' t = tpsL (Suc t)"
  using tpsL_def tpsL4'_def by simp

lemma tmL4' [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "ttt = 36 + 65 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) + 4 * nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))"
    and "t < length φ"
  shows "transforms tmL4 (tpsL t) ttt (tpsL (Suc t))"
proof -
  let ?ttt = "36 + 2 * nllength ( ! t) +
      64 * nllength ( ! t) * (3 + (nllength σ)2) +
      4 * nllength (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t))))"
  have "?ttt  36 + 2 * nlllength  +
      64 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) +
      4 * nllength (clause_n (map (rename σ) (n_clause ( ! t))))"
    using nllength_1 assms(2) add_le_mono add_le_mono1 mult_le_mono1 mult_le_mono2 nat_add_left_cancel_le
    by metis
  also have "...  36 + 2 * nlllength  +
      64 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) +
      4 * nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))"
    using nllength_2 assms(2) by simp
  also have "...  36 + 65 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) + 4 * nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))"
    by simp
  finally have "?ttt  36 + 65 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) + 4 * nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))" .
  then have "transforms tmL4 (tpsL t) ttt (tpsL4 t)"
    using assms tmL4 transforms_monotone by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(2) tpsL4'_eq_tpsL tpsL4 by simp

lemma tmL:
  assumes "ttt = length φ * (38 + 65 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) + 4 * nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))) + 1"
  shows "transforms tmL (tpsL 0) ttt (tpsL (length φ))"
  unfolding tmL_def
proof (tform)
  let ?t = "36 + 65 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) + 4 * nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))"
  show "¬ read (tpsL (length φ)) ! j1  "
  proof -
    have "tpsL (length φ) ! j1 = nlltape'  (length )"
      using tpsL_def jk formula_n_def by simp
    then show ?thesis
      using nlltape'_tape_read[of  "length "] tapes_at_read'[of j1 "tpsL (length φ)"] tpsL_def jk
      by simp
  show "read (tpsL t) ! j1  " if "t < length φ" for t
  proof -
    have "tpsL t ! j1 = nlltape'  t"
      using tpsL_def jk by simp
    then show ?thesis
      using that formula_n_def nlltape'_tape_read[of  t] tapes_at_read'[of j1 "tpsL t"] tpsL_def jk
      by simp
  show "length φ * (?t + 2) + 1  ttt"
    using assms(1) by simp

lemma tmL' [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "ttt = 107 * nlllength  ^ 2 * (3 + nllength σ ^ 2) + 1"
  shows "transforms tmL (tpsL 0) ttt (tpsL (length φ))"
proof -
  let ?ttt = "length φ * (38 + 65 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) + 4 * nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))) + 1"
  have "?ttt  length φ * (38 + 65 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) + 4 * (Suc (nllength σ) * nlllength )) + 1"
    using nlllength_relabel_variables variables by fastforce
  also have "...  length φ * (38 + 65 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) + 4 * ((3 + nllength σ) * nlllength )) + 1"
  proof -
    have "Suc (nllength σ)  3 + nllength σ"
      by simp
    then show ?thesis
      using add_le_mono le_refl mult_le_mono by presburger
  also have "...  length φ * (38 + 65 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2) + 4 * ((3 + nllength σ ^ 2) * nlllength )) + 1"
    using linear_le_pow by simp
  also have "... = length φ * (38 + 69 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) + 1"
    by simp
  also have "...  nlllength  * (38 + 69 * nlllength  * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) + 1"
    using length_le_nlllength formula_n_def by (metis add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(3) length_map mult_le_mono1)
  also have "... = 38 * nlllength  + (69 * nlllength  ^ 2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) + 1"
    by algebra
  also have "...  38 * nlllength  ^ 2 * (3 + nllength σ ^ 2) + (69 * nlllength  ^ 2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) + 1"
  proof -
    have "nlllength   nlllength  ^ 2 * (3 + nllength σ ^ 2)"
      using linear_le_pow by (metis One_nat_def Suc_leI add_gr_0 mult_le_mono nat_mult_1_right zero_less_numeral)
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  also have "... = 107 * nlllength  ^ 2 * (3 + nllength σ ^ 2) + 1"
    by simp
  finally have "?ttt  107 * nlllength  ^ 2 * (3 + nllength σ ^ 2) + 1" .
  then show ?thesis
    using tmL assms transforms_monotone by blast

definition tps1 :: "tape list" where
  "tps1  tps0
     [j1 := nlltape'  (length φ),
      j2 := nlltape (formula_n (relabel σ φ))]"

lemma tps1_eq_tpsL: "tps1 = tpsL (length φ)"
  using tps1_def tpsL_def jk tps0 relabel_def by simp

definition "tps2  tps0
    [j2 := nlltape (formula_n (relabel σ φ))]"

lemma tm2 [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "ttt = Suc (107 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) +
      Suc (Suc (Suc (nlllength )))"
  shows "transforms tm2 (tpsL 0) ttt tps2"
  unfolding tm2_def
proof (tform tps: tps0 tpsL_def tps1_def jk)
  have *: "tpsL (length φ) ! j1 = nlltape'  (length φ)"
    using tpsL_def jk by simp
  then show "clean_tape (tpsL (length φ) ! j1)"
    using clean_tape_nllcontents by simp
  have "tpsL (length φ) ! j1 |#=| 1 = nlltape'  0"
    using * by simp
  then show "tps2 = (tpsL (length φ))[j1 := tpsL (length φ) ! j1 |#=| 1]"
    using tps0 jk tps2_def tps1_eq_tpsL tps1_def
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def list_update_id list_update_overwrite list_update_swap_less nlllength_Nil take0)
  show "ttt = 107 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2) + 1 +
      (tpsL (length φ) :#: j1 + 2)"
    using assms tpsL_def jk formula_n_def by simp

definition "tps3  tps0
    [j2 := nlltape' (formula_n (relabel σ φ)) 0]"

lemma tm3:
  assumes "ttt = 7 + (107 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) +
      nlllength  + nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))"
  shows "transforms tm3 (tpsL 0) ttt tps3"
  unfolding tm3_def
proof (tform tps: assms tps0 tps2_def tps3_def jk)
  show "clean_tape (tps2 ! j2)"
    using tps2_def jk clean_tape_nllcontents by simp

lemma tm3' [transforms_intros]:
  assumes "ttt = 7 + (108 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2))"
  shows "transforms tm3 tps0 ttt tps3"
proof -
  let ?ttt = "7 + (107 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) +
      nlllength  + nlllength (formula_n (relabel σ φ))"
  have "?ttt  7 + (107 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) +
      nlllength  + Suc (nllength σ) * nlllength "
    using variables nlllength_relabel_variables by simp
  also have "... = 7 + (107 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) +
      (2 + nllength σ) * nlllength "
    by simp
  also have "...  7 + (107 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) +
      (2 + nllength σ ^ 2) * nlllength "
    using linear_le_pow by simp
  also have "...  7 + (107 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) + (3 + nllength σ ^ 2) * nlllength "
    by (metis add_2_eq_Suc add_Suc_shift add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(2) le_add2 mult.commute mult_le_mono2 numeral_3_eq_3)
  also have "...  7 + (107 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2)) +
      (3 + nllength σ ^ 2) * nlllength  ^ 2"
    using linear_le_pow by simp
  also have "... = 7 + (108 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2))"
    by simp
  finally have "?ttt  7 + (108 * (nlllength )2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2))" .
  then show ?thesis
    using tm3 assms tpsL_eq_tps0 transforms_monotone by simp

end  (* context tps0 *)

end  (* locale turing_machine_relabel *)

lemma transforms_tm_relabelI [transforms_intros]:
  fixes j1 j2 :: tapeidx
  fixes tps tps' :: "tape list" and ttt k :: nat and σ :: "nat list" and φ :: formula
  assumes "0 < j1" and "j1 < j2" and "j2 + 5 < k" and "length tps = k"
    and "variables φ  {..<length σ}"
    "tps ! j1 = (formula_n φNLL, 1)"
    "tps ! j2 = ([]NLL, 1)"
    "tps ! (j2 + 1) = (σNL, 1)"
    "tps ! (j2 + 2) = ([]NL, 1)"
    "tps ! (j2 + 3) = ([]NL, 1)"
    "tps ! (j2 + 4) = (0N, 1)"
    "tps ! (j2 + 5) = (0N, 1)"
  assumes "tps' = tps
    [j2 := nlltape' (formula_n (relabel σ φ)) 0]"
  assumes "ttt = 7 + (108 * (nlllength (formula_n φ))2 * (3 + (nllength σ)2))"
  shows "transforms (tm_relabel j1 j2) tps ttt tps'"
proof -
  interpret loc: turing_machine_relabel j1 j2 .
  show ?thesis
    using assms loc.tm3_eq_tm_relabel loc.tm3' loc.tps3_def by simp

section ‹Listing the head positions of a Turing machine›

text ‹
The formulas $\chi_t$ used for $\Phi_9$ require the functions $\inputpos$ and
$\prev$, or more precisely the substitutions $\rho_t$ and $\rho'_t$ do.

In this section we build a TM that simulates a two-tape TM $M$ on some input
until it halts. During the simulation it creates two lists: one with the
sequence of head positions on $M$'s input tape and one with the sequence of head
positions on $M$'s output tape. The first list directly provides $\inputpos$;
the second list allows the computation of $\prev$ using the TM @{const tm_prev}.

subsection ‹Simulating and logging head movements›

text ‹
At the core of the simulation is the following Turing command. It interprets the
tapes $j + 7$ and $j + 8$ as input tape and output tape of a two-tape Turing
machine $M$ and the symbol in the first cell of tape $j + 6$ as the state of
$M$. It then applies the actions of $M$ in this configuration to the tapes $j +
7$ and $j + 8$ and adapts the state on tape $j + 6$ accordingly. On top of that
it writes (``logs'') to tape $j$ the direction in which $M$'s input tape head
has moved and to tape $j + 3$ the direction in which $M$'s work tape head has

The head movement directions are encoded by the symbols $\Box$,
$\triangleright$, and \textbf{0} for Left, Stay, and Right, respectively.

The command is parameterized by the TM $M$ and its alphabet size $G$ (and as
usual the tape index $j$). The command does nothing if the state on tape $j + 6$
is the halting state or if the symbol read from the simulated tape $j + 7$ or $j
+ 8$ is outside the alphabet $G$.


definition direction_to_symbol :: "direction  symbol" where
  "direction_to_symbol d  (case d of Left   | Stay   | Right  𝟬)"

lemma direction_to_symbol_less: "direction_to_symbol d < 3"
  using direction_to_symbol_def by (cases d) simp_all

definition cmd_simulog :: "nat  machine  tapeidx  command" where
  "cmd_simulog G M j rs 
    if rs ! (j + 6)  length M  rs ! (j + 7)  G  rs ! (j + 8)  G
    then map (λz. (z, Stay)) rs
      map (λi. let sas = (M ! (rs ! (j + 6))) [rs ! (j + 7), rs ! (j + 8)] in
          if i = j then (direction_to_symbol (sas [~] 0), Stay)
          else if i = j + 3 then (direction_to_symbol (sas [~] 1), Stay)
          else if i = j + 6 then (fst sas, Stay)
          else if i = j + 7 then sas [!] 0
          else if i = j + 8 then sas [!] 1
          else (rs ! i, Stay))
        [0..<length rs])"

lemma turing_command_cmd_simulog:
  fixes G H :: nat
  assumes "turing_machine 2 G M" and "k  j + 9" and "j > 0" and "H  Suc (length M)" and "H  G"
  shows "turing_command k 1 H (cmd_simulog G M j)"
  show "gs. length gs = k  length ([!!] cmd_simulog G M j gs) = length gs"
    using cmd_simulog_def by simp
  have G: "H  4"
    using assms(1,5) turing_machine_def by simp
  show "cmd_simulog G M j rs [.] i < H"
    if "length rs = k" and "(i. i < length rs  rs ! i < H)" and "i < length rs"
    for rs i
  proof (cases "rs ! (j + 6)  length M  rs ! (j + 7)  G  rs ! (j + 8)  G")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using assms that cmd_simulog_def by simp
    case False
    then have inbounds: "rs ! (j + 6) < length M"
      by simp
    let ?cmd = "M ! (rs ! (j + 6))"
    let ?gs = "[rs ! (j + 7), rs ! (j + 8)]"
    let ?sas = "?cmd ?gs"
    have lensas: "length (snd ?sas) = 2"
      using assms(1) inbounds turing_commandD(1)
      by (metis length_Cons list.size(3) numeral_2_eq_2 turing_machineD(3))
        "i = j"
      | "i = j + 3"
      | "i = j + 6"
      | "i = j + 7"
      | "i = j + 8"
      | "i  j  i  j + 3  i  j + 6  i  j + 7  i  j + 8"
      by linarith
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases)
      case 1
      then have "cmd_simulog G M j rs [!] i = (direction_to_symbol (?sas [~] 0), Stay)"
        using cmd_simulog_def False that by simp
      then have "cmd_simulog G M j rs [.] i < 3"
        using direction_to_symbol_less by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using G by simp
      case 2
      then have "cmd_simulog G M j rs [!] i = (direction_to_symbol (?sas [~] 1), Stay)"
        using cmd_simulog_def False that by simp
      then have "cmd_simulog G M j rs [.] i < 3"
        using direction_to_symbol_less by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using G by simp
      case 3
      then have "cmd_simulog G M j rs [!] i = (fst ?sas, Stay)"
        using cmd_simulog_def False that by simp
      then have "cmd_simulog G M j rs [.] i  length M"
        using assms inbounds turing_commandD(4) turing_machineD(3)
        by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 fst_conv length_Cons list.size(3))
      then show ?thesis
        using assms(4) by simp
      case 4
      then have "cmd_simulog G M j rs [!] i = ?sas [!] 0"
        using cmd_simulog_def False that by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using 4 assms inbounds turing_machine_def that lensas turing_commandD(3)
        by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 length_Cons list.size(3) nth_Cons_0 nth_mem zero_less_numeral)
      case 5
      then have *: "cmd_simulog G M j rs [!] i = ?sas [!] 1"
        using cmd_simulog_def False that by simp
      have "turing_command 2 (length M) G ?cmd"
        using assms(1) inbounds turing_machine_def by simp
      moreover have "symbols_lt G ?gs"
        using False less_2_cases_iff numeral_2_eq_2 by simp
      ultimately have "?sas [.] 1 < G"
        using turing_commandD(2) by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using assms * by simp
      case 6
      then have "cmd_simulog G M j rs [!] i = (rs ! i, Stay)"
        using cmd_simulog_def False that(3) by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using that by simp
  show "cmd_simulog G M j rs [.] 0 = rs ! 0" if "length rs = k" and "0 < k" for rs
  proof (cases "rs ! (j + 6)  length M  rs ! (j + 7)  G  rs ! (j + 8)  G")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using assms that cmd_simulog_def by simp
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      using assms that cmd_simulog_def by simp
  show "gs. length gs = k  [*] (cmd_simulog G M j gs)  1"
    using cmd_simulog_def by simp

text ‹
The logging Turing machine consists only of the logging command.

definition tm_simulog :: "nat  machine  tapeidx  machine" where
  "tm_simulog G M j  [cmd_simulog G M j]"

lemma tm_simulog_tm:
  fixes H :: nat
  assumes "turing_machine 2 G M" and "k  j + 9" and "j > 0" and "H