Theory One_Time_Pad

section ‹Security of one-time-pad encryption›

theory One_Time_Pad imports

definition key :: "security  bool list spmf" where
  "key η  spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)"

definition enc :: "security  bool list  bool list  bool list spmf" where
  "enc η k m  return_spmf (k [⊕] m)"

definition dec :: "security  bool list  bool list  bool list option" where
  "dec η k c  Some (k [⊕] c)"

definition sim :: "'b list option  'a  ('b list option × 'b list option, 'a, nat option) gpv" where
  "sim c q  (do {
    lo  Pause q Done;
    (case lo of 
      Some n  if c = None 
        then do { 
          x  lift_spmf (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV n));
          Done (Some x, Some x)} 
        else Done (c, c)
    | None    Done (None, c))})"

  fixes η :: "security"

private definition key_channel_send :: "bool list option × bool list  cstate
   bool list  (unit × bool list option × bool list cstate) spmf" where
  "key_channel_send s m  do {
    (k, s)  (key.key_oracle (key η)) s ();
    c  enc η k m;
    (_, s)  channel.send_oracle s c;
    return_spmf ((), s)}"

private definition key_channel_recv :: "bool list option × bool list cstate
   'a  (bool list option × bool list option × bool list cstate) spmf" where 
  "key_channel_recv s m do {
    (c, s)  channel.recv_oracle s ();
    (case c of None  return_spmf (None, s)
    | Some c'  do {
      (k, s)  (key.key_oracle (key η)) s ();
      return_spmf (dec η k c', s)})}"

private abbreviation callee_sec_channel where
  "callee_sec_channel callee  lift_state_oracle extend_state_oracle (attach_callee callee sec_channel.sec_oracle)"

private inductive S :: "(bool list option × unit × bool list cstate) spmf  
  (bool list option × bool list cstate) spmf  bool" where
  "S (return_spmf (None, (), Void)) 
     (return_spmf (None, Void))"
| "S (return_spmf (None, (), Store plain)) 
     (map_spmf (λkey. (Some key, Store (key [⊕] plain))) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length plain = id' η"
| "S (return_spmf (None, (), Collect plain)) 
     (map_spmf (λkey. (Some key, Collect (key [⊕] plain))) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length plain = id' η"
| "S (return_spmf (Some (key [⊕] plain), (), Store plain)) 
     (return_spmf (Some key, Store (key [⊕] plain)))"
if "length plain = id' η" "length key = id' η" for key
| "S (return_spmf (Some (key [⊕] plain), (), Collect plain)) 
     (return_spmf (Some key, Collect (key [⊕] plain)))"
if "length plain = id' η" "length key = id' η" for key
| "S (return_spmf (None, (), Fail)) 
     (map_spmf (λx. (Some x, Fail)) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
| "S (return_spmf (Some (key [⊕] plain), (), Fail)) 
     (return_spmf (Some key, Fail))"
if "length plain = id' η" "length key = id' η" for key plain

lemma resources_indistinguishable: 
  shows "(UNIV <+> nlists UNIV (id' η) <+> UNIV) R 
    RES (callee_sec_channel sim O channel.send_oracle O channel.recv_oracle) (None :: bool list option, (), Void) 
    RES (auth_channel.auth_oracle O key_channel_send O key_channel_recv) (None :: bool list option, Void)" 
    (is "?A R RES (?L1 O ?L2 O ?L3) ?SL  RES (?R1 O ?R2 O ?R3) ?SR")
proof -
  note [simp] = 
    exec_gpv_bind spmf.map_comp o_def map_bind_spmf bind_map_spmf bind_spmf_const
    sec_channel.sec_oracle.simps auth_channel.auth_oracle.simps
    channel.send_oracle.simps key_channel_send_def
    channel.recv_oracle.simps key_channel_recv_def
    key.key_oracle.simps dec_def key_def enc_def

  have *: "?A C ?L1 O ?L2 O ?L3(?SL)  ?R1 O ?R2 O ?R3(?SR)"
  proof(rule trace'_eqI_sim[where S=S], goal_cases Init_OK Output_OK State_OK)
    case Init_OK
    show ?case by (simp add: S.simps)
    case (Output_OK p q query)
    show ?case 
    proof (cases query)
      case (Inl adv_query)
      with Output_OK show ?thesis
      proof (cases adv_query)
        case Look
        with Output_OK Inl show ?thesis 
        proof cases
          case Store_State_Channel: (2 plain)

          have*: "length plain = id' η  
            map_spmf (λx. Inl (Some x)) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV (id' η))) =
            map_spmf (λx. Inl (Some x)) (map_spmf (λx. x [⊕] plain) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))" for η 
            unfolding id'_def by (subst xor_list_commute, subst one_time_pad[where xs=plain, symmetric]) simp_all

          from Store_State_Channel show ?thesis using Output_OK(2-) Inl Look
            by(simp add: sim_def, simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric])
              (subst (2) spmf.map_comp[where f="λx. Inl (Some x)", symmetric, unfolded o_def], simp only: *)
        qed (auto simp add: sim_def)
      qed (auto simp add: sim_def id'_def elim: S.cases)
      case Snd_Rcv: (Inr query')
      with Output_OK show ?thesis
      proof (cases query')
        case (Inr rcv_query)
        with Output_OK Snd_Rcv show ?thesis 
        proof cases
          case Collect_State_Channel: (3 plain)
          then show ?thesis using Output_OK(2-) Snd_Rcv Inr
            by (simp cong: bind_spmf_cong_simp add: in_nlists_UNIV id'_def)  
        qed simp_all
      qed (auto elim: S.cases)
    case (State_OK p q query state answer state')
    then show ?case 
    proof (cases query)
      case (Inl adv_query)
      with State_OK show ?thesis
      proof (cases adv_query)
        case Look
        with State_OK Inl show ?thesis
        proof cases
          case Store_State_Channel: (2 plain)
          have *: "length plain = id' η  key  nlists UNIV η   
            S (cond_spmf_fst (map_spmf (λx. (Inl (Some x), Some x, (), Store plain))
               (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV (id' η)))) (Inl (Some (key [⊕] plain))))
            (cond_spmf_fst  (map_spmf (λx. (Inl (Some (x [⊕] plain)), Some x, Store (x [⊕] plain)))
               (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η))) (Inl (Some (key [⊕] plain))))" for key 
          proof(subst (1 2) cond_spmf_fst_map_Pair1, goal_cases)
            case 2
            note inj_onD[OF inj_on_xor_list_nlists, rotated, simplified xor_list_commute]
            with 2 show ?case 
              unfolding inj_on_def by (auto simp add: id'_def)    
            case 5
            note inj_onD[OF inj_on_xor_list_nlists, rotated, simplified xor_list_commute]
            with 5 show ?case 
              by (subst (1 2 3) inv_into_f_f)
                ((clarsimp simp add: inj_on_def), (auto simp add: S.simps id'_def inj_on_def in_nlists_UNIV ))
          qed (simp_all add: id'_def in_nlists_UNIV min_def inj_on_def)
          from Store_State_Channel show ?thesis using State_OK(2-) Inl Look
            by (clarsimp simp add: sim_def) (simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] * )
        qed (auto simp add: sim_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] S.simps)
      qed (erule S.cases; (simp add: sim_def, auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] S.simps))+
      case Snd_Rcv: (Inr query')
      with State_OK show ?thesis
      proof (cases query')
        case (Inr rcv_query)
        with State_OK Snd_Rcv show ?thesis
        proof cases
          case Collect_State_Channel: (3 plain)
          then show ?thesis using State_OK(2-) Snd_Rcv Inr
            by clarsimp (simp add: S.simps in_nlists_UNIV id'_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] cong: bind_spmf_cong_simp)
        qed (simp add: sim_def, auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] S.simps)
      qed (erule S.cases, 
          (simp add: sim_def, auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] S.simps  in_nlists_UNIV))

  from * show ?thesis by simp

lemma real_resource_wiring: 
  shows "cipher.res (key η) (enc η) (dec η) 
    = RES (auth_channel.auth_oracle O key_channel_send O key_channel_recv) (None, Void)"
  including lifting_syntax
proof -
  note[simp]= Rel_def prod.rel_eq[symmetric] split_def split_beta o_def exec_gpv_bind bind_map_spmf 
    resource_of_oracle_rprodl rprodl_extend_state_oracle
    conv_callee_parallel[symmetric] extend_state_oracle_plus_oracle[symmetric]  
    attach_CNV_RES attach_callee_parallel_intercept attach_stateless_callee 

  show ?thesis
    unfolding channel.res_def cipher.res_def  cipher.routing_def cipher.enc_def cipher.dec_def 
      interface_wiring cipher.πE_def key.res_def key_channel_send_def key_channel_recv_def
    by (simp add: conv_callee_parallel_id_left[where s="()", symmetric])
      ((auto cong: option.case_cong simp add: option.case_distrib[where h="λgpv. exec_gpv _ gpv _"] 
          intro!: extend_state_oracle_parametric ) | subst lift_state_oracle_extend_state_oracle)+

lemma ideal_resource_wiring: 
  shows "(CNV callee s) |= 1C  channel.res sec_channel.sec_oracle 
    = RES (callee_sec_channel callee O channel.send_oracle O channel.recv_oracle ) (s, (), Void)"  (is "?L1  _ = ?R")
proof -
  have[simp]: "ℐ_full, ℐ_full  (ℐ_full  ℐ_full) C ?L1  ?L1" (is "_, ?I C _  _")
    by(rule eq_ℐ_converter_mono)
      (rule parallel_converter2_eq_ℐ_cong eq_ℐ_converter_reflI WT_converter_ℐ_full ℐ_full_le_plus_ℐ order_refl plus_ℐ_mono)+ 

  have[simp]: "?I ⊢c (sec_channel.sec_oracle O channel.send_oracle O channel.recv_oracle) s " for s 
    by(rule WT_plus_oracleI WT_parallel_oracle WT_callee_full; (unfold split_paired_all)?)+

  have[simp]: "?L1  RES (sec_channel.sec_oracle O channel.send_oracle O channel.recv_oracle) Void = ?R"     
    by(simp add: conv_callee_parallel_id_right[where s'="()", symmetric] attach_CNV_RES 
        attach_callee_parallel_intercept resource_of_oracle_rprodl extend_state_oracle_plus_oracle)

  show ?thesis unfolding channel.res_def
    by (subst eq_ℐ_attach[OF WT_resource_of_oracle, where ?ℐ' = "?I" and ?conv="?L1" and ?conv'="?L1"]) simp_all


lemma eq_ℐ_gpv_Done1:
  "eq_ℐ_gpv A  (Done x) gpv  lossless_spmf (the_gpv gpv)  (aset_spmf (the_gpv gpv). eq_ℐ_generat A  (eq_ℐ_gpv A ) (Pure x) a)"
  by(auto intro: eq_ℐ_gpv.intros simp add: rel_spmf_return_spmf1 elim: eq_ℐ_gpv.cases)

lemma eq_ℐ_gpv_Done2:
  "eq_ℐ_gpv A  gpv (Done x)  lossless_spmf (the_gpv gpv)  (aset_spmf (the_gpv gpv). eq_ℐ_generat A  (eq_ℐ_gpv A ) a (Pure x))"
  by(auto intro: eq_ℐ_gpv.intros simp add: rel_spmf_return_spmf2 elim: eq_ℐ_gpv.cases)

context begin
interpretation CIPHER: cipher "key η" "enc η" "dec η" for η . 
interpretation S_CHAN: sec_channel .

lemma one_time_pad:
  defines "ℐ_real  λη. ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` nlists UNIV η))"
    and "ℐ_ideal  λη. ℐ_uniform UNIV {None, Some η}"
    and "ℐ_common  λη. ℐ_uniform (nlists UNIV η) UNIV  ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` nlists UNIV η))"
    "constructive_security2 CIPHER.res (λ_. S_CHAN.res) (λ_. CNV sim None)
     ℐ_real ℐ_ideal ℐ_common (λ_. ) False (λ_. auth_sec_wiring)"
  let ?ℐ_key = "λη. ℐ_uniform UNIV (nlists UNIV η)"
  let ?ℐ_enc = "λη. ℐ_uniform (nlists UNIV η) UNIV"
  let ?ℐ_dec = "λη. ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` nlists UNIV η))"
  have i1 [WT_intro]: "ℐ_uniform (nlists UNIV η) UNIV, ?ℐ_key η  ?ℐ_enc η C CIPHER.enc η " for η 
    unfolding CIPHER.enc_def by(rule WT_converter_of_callee)(auto simp add: stateless_callee_def enc_def in_nlists_UNIV)
  have i2 [WT_intro]: "?ℐ_dec η, ?ℐ_key η  ?ℐ_dec η C CIPHER.dec η " for η
    unfolding CIPHER.dec_def by(rule WT_converter_of_callee)(auto simp add: stateless_callee_def dec_def in_nlists_UNIV)
  have [WT_intro]: "ℐ_common η, (?ℐ_key η  ?ℐ_enc η)  (?ℐ_key η  ?ℐ_dec η) C CIPHER.enc η |= CIPHER.dec η " for η
    unfolding ℐ_common_def by(rule WT_intro)+
  have key: "callee_invariant_on (CIPHER.KEY.key_oracle η O CIPHER.KEY.key_oracle η) (pred_option (λx. length x = η))
     (?ℐ_key η  ?ℐ_key η)" for η
    apply unfold_locales
    subgoal for s x y s' by(cases s; cases x)(auto simp add: option.pred_set, simp_all add: key_def in_nlists_UNIV)
    subgoal for s by(cases s)(auto intro!: WT_calleeI, simp_all add: key_def in_nlists_UNIV)
  have i3: "?ℐ_key η  ?ℐ_key η ⊢res CIPHER.KEY.res η " for η 
    unfolding CIPHER.KEY.res_def by(rule callee_invariant_on.WT_resource_of_oracle[OF key]) simp 
  let ?I = "λη. pred_cstate (λx. length x = η)"
  have WT_auth: "ℐ_real η ⊢c CIPHER.AUTH.auth_oracle s " if "?I η s" for η s
    apply(rule WT_calleeI)
    subgoal for x y s' using that
      by(cases "(s, x)" rule: CIPHER.AUTH.auth_oracle.cases)(auto simp add: ℐ_real_def in_nlists_UNIV intro!: imageI)
  have WT_recv: "?ℐ_dec η ⊢c S_CHAN.recv_oracle s " if "pred_cstate (λx. length x = η) s" for η s
    using that by(cases s)(auto intro!: WT_calleeI simp add: in_nlists_UNIV)
  have WT_send: "?ℐ_enc η ⊢c S_CHAN.send_oracle s " for η s
    by(rule WT_calleeI)(auto)
  have *: "callee_invariant_on (CIPHER.AUTH.auth_oracle O S_CHAN.send_oracle O S_CHAN.recv_oracle) (?I η)
     (ℐ_real η  ℐ_common η)" for η
    apply unfold_locales
    subgoal for s x y s'
      by(cases x; cases "(s, projl x)" rule: CIPHER.AUTH.auth_oracle.cases; cases "projr x")(auto simp add: ℐ_common_def in_nlists_UNIV)
    subgoal by(auto simp add: ℐ_common_def WT_auth WT_recv intro: WT_calleeI)
  have i4 [unfolded ℐ_common_def, WT_intro]: "ℐ_real η  ℐ_common η ⊢res CIPHER.AUTH.res " for η 
    unfolding CIPHER.AUTH.res_def by(rule callee_invariant_on.WT_resource_of_oracle[OF *]) simp
  show cipher: "ℐ_real η  ℐ_common η ⊢res CIPHER.res η " for η
    unfolding CIPHER.res_def by(rule WT_intro i3)+

  show secure: "ℐ_ideal η  ℐ_common η ⊢res S_CHAN.res " for η
  proof -
    have[simp]:"ℐ_ideal η ⊢c S_CHAN.sec_oracle s " if "?I η s" for s 
    proof (cases rule: WT_calleeI, goal_cases)
      case (1 call ret s')
      then show ?case using that by (cases "(s, call)" rule: S_CHAN.sec_oracle.cases) (simp_all add: ℐ_ideal_def)
    have[simp]: "ℐ_common η ⊢c (S_CHAN.send_oracle O S_CHAN.recv_oracle) s " 
      if "pred_cstate (λx. length x = η) s" for s 
      unfolding ℐ_common_def by(rule WT_plus_oracleI WT_send WT_recv that)+

    have *: "callee_invariant_on (S_CHAN.sec_oracle O S_CHAN.send_oracle O S_CHAN.recv_oracle) (?I η) (ℐ_ideal η  ℐ_common η)"
      subgoal for s x y s'
        by(cases "(s, projl x)" rule: S_CHAN.sec_oracle.cases; cases "projr x")(auto simp add: ℐ_common_def in_nlists_UNIV)
      subgoal by simp

    show ?thesis unfolding S_CHAN.res_def
      by(rule callee_invariant_on.WT_resource_of_oracle[OF *]) simp

  have sim [WT_intro]: "ℐ_real η, ℐ_ideal η C CNV sim s " if "s  None  length (the s) = η" for s η
    using that by(coinduction arbitrary: s)(auto simp add: sim_def ℐ_ideal_def ℐ_real_def in_nlists_UNIV)
  show "ℐ_real η, ℐ_ideal η C CNV sim None " for η by(rule sim) simp

  { fix 𝒜 :: "security  (auth_query + bool list + unit, bool list option + unit + bool list option) distinguisher"
    assume WT: "η. ℐ_real η  ℐ_common η ⊢g 𝒜 η "
      and bound: "η. interaction_bounded_by (λ_. True) (𝒜 η) "
    have "connect (𝒜 η) (CNV sim None |= 1C  S_CHAN.res) = connect (𝒜 η) (CIPHER.res η)" for η 
      using _ WT
    proof(rule connect_cong_trace)
      show "(UNIV <+> nlists UNIV (id' η) <+> UNIV) R CNV sim None |= 1C  S_CHAN.res  CIPHER.res η"
        unfolding ideal_resource_wiring real_resource_wiring
        by(rule resources_indistinguishable)
      show "outs_gpv (ℐ_real η  ℐ_common η) (𝒜 η)  UNIV <+> nlists UNIV (id' η) <+> UNIV"
        using WT[of η, THEN WT_gpv_outs_gpv]
        by(auto simp add: ℐ_real_def ℐ_common_def id'_def)
      show "ℐ_real η  ℐ_common η ⊢res CIPHER.res η " by(rule cipher)
      show "ℐ_real η  ℐ_common η ⊢res CNV sim None |= 1C  S_CHAN.res "
        by(rule WT_intro secure | simp)+
    then show "negligible (λη. advantage (𝒜 η) (CNV sim None |= 1C  S_CHAN.res) (CIPHER.res η))"
      by(simp add: advantage_def)
    let ?cnv = "map_converter id id auth_query_of sec_response_of 1C 
      :: (auth_query, nat option, auth_query, bool list option) converter"
    have [simp]: "ℐ_full, map_ℐ id (map_option length) ℐ_full C 1C "
      using WT_converter_id order_refl
      by(rule WT_converter_mono)(simp add: le_ℐ_def)
    have WT [WT_intro]: "ℐ_ideal η, ℐ_real η C ?cnv " for η
      by(rule WT_converter_map_converter)(auto simp add: ℐ_ideal_def ℐ_real_def intro!: WT_converter_mono[OF WT_converter_id order_refl] simp add: le_ℐ_def in_nlists_UNIV)
    with eq_ℐ_converter_reflI[OF this]
    have "wiring (ℐ_ideal η) (ℐ_real η) ?cnv auth_sec_wiring" for η ..
    have eq: "ℐ_ideal η, ℐ_ideal η C map_converter id (map_option length) id id (CNV sim s)  1C"
      if "s  None  length (the s) = η" for η and s :: "bool list option"
      unfolding map_converter_of_callee map_gpv_conv_map_gpv'[symmetric] using that
      by(coinduction arbitrary: s)
        (fastforce intro!: eq_ℐ_gpv_Pause simp add: ℐ_ideal_def in_nlists_UNIV eq_ℐ_gpv_Done2 gpv.map_sel eq_onp_same_args sim_def map_gpv_conv_bind[symmetric] id_def[symmetric] split!: option.split if_split_asm)
    have "ℐ_ideal η, ℐ_ideal η C ?cnv  CNV sim None " for η by(rule WT WT_intro)+ simp
    with _ have "wiring (ℐ_ideal η) (ℐ_ideal η) (?cnv  CNV sim None) (id, id)" for η
      by(rule wiring.intros)(auto  simp add: comp_converter_map_converter1 comp_converter_id_left eq)
    ultimately show "cnv. η. wiring (ℐ_ideal η) (ℐ_real η) (cnv η) auth_sec_wiring 
              wiring (ℐ_ideal η) (ℐ_ideal η) (cnv η  CNV sim None) (id, id)"
      by meson

