Theory Message_Authentication_Code

section ‹Security of message authentication›

theory Message_Authentication_Code imports

definition rnd :: "security  bool list set" where
  "rnd η  nlists UNIV η"

definition mac :: "security  bool list  bool list  bool list spmf" where
  "mac η r m  return_spmf r"

definition vld :: "security  bool list set" where
  "vld η  nlists UNIV η"

fun valid_mac_query :: "security  (bool list × bool list) insec_query  bool" where
  "valid_mac_query η (ForwardOrEdit (Some (a, m)))  a  vld η  m  vld η"
| "valid_mac_query η _ = True"

fun sim :: "('b list × 'b list) option + unit  ('b list × 'b list) insec_query 
   (('b list × 'b list) option × (('b list × 'b list) option + unit), auth_query , 'b list option) gpv" where
  "sim (Inr ())             _                = Done (None, Inr())"
| "sim (Inl None)           (Edit  (a', m')) = do { _  Pause Drop Done; Done (None, Inr ())}"
| "sim (Inl (Some (a, m)))  (Edit  (a', m')) = (if a = a'  m = m' 
    then do { _  Pause Forward Done; Done (None, Inl (Some (a, m)))}
    else do { _  Pause Drop Done; Done (None, Inr ())})"
| "sim (Inl None)           Forward          = do { 
    Pause Forward Done;
    Done (None, Inl None) }"
| "sim (Inl (Some _))       Forward          = do { 
    Pause Forward Done;
    Done (None, Inr ()) }"
| "sim (Inl None)           Drop             = do { 
    Pause Drop Done;
    Done (None, Inl None) }"
| "sim (Inl (Some _))       Drop             = do { 
    Pause Drop Done;
    Done (None, Inr ()) }"
| "sim (Inl (Some (a, m)))  Look             = do {
    lo  Pause Look Done; 
    (case lo of
      Some m  Done (Some (a, m), Inl (Some (a, m)))
    | None    Done (None, Inl (Some (a, m))))}"
| "sim (Inl None)           Look             = do {
    lo  Pause Look Done;
    (case lo of 
      Some m  do {
        a  lift_spmf (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV (length m)));
        Done (Some (a, m), Inl (Some (a, m)))}
    | None    Done (None, Inl None))}"

  fixes η :: "security"

private definition rorc_channel_send :: "((bool × unit) × (bool list  bool list option) × (bool list × bool list) cstate, bool list, unit) oracle'" where
  "rorc_channel_send s m  (if fst (fst s) 
    then return_spmf ((), (True, ()), snd s)
    else do {
      (r, s)  (rorc.rnd_oracle (rnd η)) (snd s) m;
      a  mac η r m;
      (_, s)  channel.send_oracle s (a, m);
      return_spmf ((), (True, ()), s)

private definition rorc_channel_recv :: "((bool × unit) × (bool list  bool list option) × (bool list × bool list) cstate, unit, bool list option) oracle'" where
  "rorc_channel_recv s q  do {
    (m, s)  channel.recv_oracle s ();
    (case m of 
      None  return_spmf (None, s)
    | Some (a, m)  do {
        (r, s)  (rorc.rnd_oracle (rnd η)) s m;
        a'  mac η r m;
        return_spmf (if a' = a then Some m else None, s)})

private definition rorc_channel_recv_f :: "((bool list  bool list option) × (bool list × bool list) cstate, unit, bool list option) oracle'" where
  "rorc_channel_recv_f s q  do {
    (am, (as, ams))   channel.recv_oracle s ();
    (case am of 
      None  return_spmf (None, (as, ams))
    | Some (a, m)  (case as m of
        None  do {
          a'' :: bool list  spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η - {a});
          a'   spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η);
          (if a' = a 
            then return_spmf (None, as(m := Some a''), ams)
            else return_spmf (None, as(m := Some a'), ams)) }
      | Some a'  return_spmf (if a' = a then Some m else None, as, ams)))}"

private fun lazy_channel_send :: "(bool list cstate × (bool list × bool list) option × (bool list  bool list option), bool list, unit) oracle'" where
  "lazy_channel_send (Void, es) m = return_spmf ((), (Store m, es))"
| "lazy_channel_send s          m = return_spmf ((), s)"

private fun lazy_channel_recv :: "(bool list cstate × (bool list × bool list) option × (bool list  bool list option), unit, bool list option) oracle'" where
  "lazy_channel_recv (Collect m, None, as)   () = return_spmf (Some m, (Fail, None, as))"
| "lazy_channel_recv (ms, Some (a', m'), as) () = (case as m' of
    None  do {
      a  spmf_of_set (rnd η);
      return_spmf (if a = a' then Some m' else None, cstate.Fail, None, as (m' := Some a))}
  | Some a  return_spmf (if a = a' then Some m' else None, Fail, None, as))"
| "lazy_channel_recv s                                 () = return_spmf (None, s)"

private fun lazy_channel_insec :: "(bool list cstate × (bool list × bool list) option × (bool list  bool list option),
   (bool list × bool list) insec_query, (bool list × bool list) option) oracle'" where
  "lazy_channel_insec (Void, _, as)       (Edit (a', m')) = return_spmf (None, (Collect m', Some (a', m'), as))"
| "lazy_channel_insec (Store m, _, as)    (Edit (a', m')) = return_spmf (None, (Collect m', Some (a', m'), as))"
| "lazy_channel_insec (Store m, es)       Forward         = return_spmf (None, (Collect m, es))"
| "lazy_channel_insec (Store m, es)       Drop            = return_spmf (None, (Fail, es))"
| "lazy_channel_insec (Store m, None, as) Look            = (case as m of
    None  do {
      a  spmf_of_set (rnd η);
      return_spmf (Some (a, m), Store m, None, as (m := Some a))}
  | Some a  return_spmf (Some (a, m), Store m, None, as))"
| "lazy_channel_insec s                   _               = return_spmf (None, s)"

private fun lazy_channel_recv_f :: "(bool list  cstate × (bool list × bool list) option × (bool list  bool list option), unit, bool list option) oracle'" where
  "lazy_channel_recv_f (Collect m, None, as)   () = return_spmf (Some m, (Fail, None, as))"
| "lazy_channel_recv_f (ms, Some (a', m'), as) () = (case as m' of
    None  do {
      a  spmf_of_set (rnd η);
      return_spmf (None, Fail, None, as (m' := Some a))}
  | Some a  return_spmf (if a = a' then Some m' else None, Fail, None, as))"
| "lazy_channel_recv_f s                       () = return_spmf (None, s)"

private abbreviation callee_auth_channel where
  "callee_auth_channel callee  lift_state_oracle extend_state_oracle (attach_callee callee auth_channel.auth_oracle)"

private abbreviation 
  "valid_insecQ  {(x :: (bool list × bool list) insec_query). case x of 
    ForwardOrEdit (Some (a, m))  length a = id' η  length m = id' η 
  | _  True}"

private inductive S :: "(bool list cstate × (bool list × bool list) option × (bool list  bool list option)) spmf
   ((bool × unit) × (bool list  bool list option) × (bool list × bool list)  cstate) spmf  bool" where
  "S (return_spmf (Void, None, Map.empty)) 
     (return_spmf ((False, ()), Map.empty, Void))"
| "S (return_spmf (Store m, None, Map.empty))
     (map_spmf (λa. ((True, ()), [m  a], Store (a, m))) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length m = id' η"
| "S (return_spmf (Collect m, None, Map.empty))
     (map_spmf (λa. ((True, ()), [m  a], Collect (a, m))) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length m = id' η"
| "S (return_spmf (Store m, None, [m  a])) 
     (return_spmf ((True, ()), [m  a], Store (a, m)))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length a = id' η"
| "S (return_spmf (Collect m, None, [m  a]))
     (return_spmf ((True, ()), [m  a], Collect (a, m)))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length a = id' η"
| "S (return_spmf (Fail, None, Map.empty)) 
     (map_spmf (λa. ((True, ()), [m  a], Fail)) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length m = id' η"
| "S (return_spmf (Fail, None, [m  a])) 
     (return_spmf ((True, ()), [m  a], Fail))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length a = id' η"
| "S (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), Map.empty)) 
     (return_spmf ((False, ()), Map.empty, Collect (a', m')))"
if "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"
| "S (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), [m  a])) 
     (return_spmf ((True, ()), [m  a], Collect (a', m')))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length a = id' η" and "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"
| "S (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), Map.empty))
     (map_spmf (λx. ((True, ()), [m  x], Collect (a', m'))) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"
| "S (map_spmf (λx. (Fail, None, as(m'  x))) spmf_s)
     (map_spmf (λx. ((False, ()), as(m'  x), Fail)) spmf_s)"
if "length m' = id' η" and "lossless_spmf spmf_s"  
| "S (map_spmf (λx. (Fail, None, as(m'  x))) spmf_s)
     (map_spmf (λx. ((True, ()), as(m'  x), Fail)) spmf_s)"
if "length m' = id' η"  and "lossless_spmf spmf_s" 
| "S (return_spmf (Fail, None, [m'  a']))
     (map_spmf (λx. ((True, ()), [m  x, m'  a'], Fail)) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length m'= id' η" and "length a' = id' η"
| "S (map_spmf (λx. (Fail, None, [m'  x])) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η  {x. x  a'})))
     (map_spmf (λx. ((True, ()), [m  fst x, m'  snd x], Fail)) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η × nlists UNIV η  {x. snd x  a'})))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length m'= id' η"
| "S (map_spmf (λx. (Fail, None, as(m'  x))) spmf_s)
     (map_spmf (λp. ((True, ()), as(m'  fst p, m  snd p), Fail)) (mk_lossless (pair_spmf spmf_s (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length m'= id' η" and "lossless_spmf spmf_s"

private lemma trace_eq_lazy:
  assumes "η > 0"
  shows "(valid_insecQ <+> nlists UNIV (id' η) <+> UNIV) R 
    RES (lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv) (Void, None, Map.empty) 
    RES (insec_channel.insec_oracle O rorc_channel_send O rorc_channel_recv) ((False, ()), Map.empty, Void)"
    (is "?A R RES (?L1 O ?L2 O ?L3) ?SL  RES (?R1 O ?R2 O ?R3) ?SR")
proof -
  note [simp] = 
    spmf.map_comp o_def map_bind_spmf bind_map_spmf bind_spmf_const exec_gpv_bind
    insec_channel.insec_oracle.simps channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps
    rorc_channel_send_def rorc_channel_recv_def rorc.rnd_oracle.simps mac_def rnd_def

  have aux1: "nlists (UNIV::bool set) η × nlists (UNIV::bool set) η  {x. snd x  a'}  {}" (is ?aux1)
    and aux2: "nlists (UNIV::bool set) η  {x. x  a'}  {}" (is ?aux2) for a'
  proof -
    have "a. a  nlists (UNIV::bool set) η  a  a'" for a'
    proof (cases "a'  nlists (UNIV::bool set) η")
      case True
      show ?thesis 
      proof (rule ccontr)
        have "2 ^ η = card (nlists (UNIV :: bool set) η)" by (simp add: card_nlists)
        also assume "a. a  nlists UNIV η  a  a'"
        then have "nlists UNIV η = {a'}" using True by blast
        then have fct:"card (nlists (UNIV :: bool set) η) = card {a'}" by simp
        also have " card {a'} = 1" by simp
        finally have "η = 0" by simp
        then show "False" using assms by blast
      case False
      obtain a where obt:"a  nlists (UNIV::bool set) η" using assms by auto
      then have "a  a'" using False by blast
      then show ?thesis using obt by auto
    then obtain a where o1: "a  nlists (UNIV::bool set) η" and o2: "a  a'" by blast

    obtain m where "m  nlists (UNIV::bool set) η" by blast
    with o1 o2 have "(m, a)  {x. snd x  a'}" and "(m, a)  nlists UNIV η × nlists UNIV η" by auto
    then show ?aux1 by blast

    from o1 o2 have "a  {x. x  a'}" and "a  nlists UNIV η" by auto
    then show ?aux2 by blast

  have *: "?A C ?L1 O ?L2 O ?L3(?SL)  ?R1 O ?R2 O ?R3(?SR)"
  proof(rule trace'_eqI_sim[where S=S], goal_cases Init_OK Output_OK State_OK)
    case Init_OK
    then show ?case by (simp add: S.simps)
    case (Output_OK p q query)
    show ?case
    proof (cases query)
      case (Inl adv_query)
      with Output_OK show ?thesis
      proof cases
        case (14 m m' a')
        then show ?thesis using Output_OK(2) Inl
          by(cases adv_query)(simp; subst (1 2) weight_spmf_of_set_finite; auto simp add: assms aux1 aux2)+
      qed (auto simp add: weight_mk_lossless lossless_spmf_def split: aquery.splits option.splits)
      case Snd_Rcv: (Inr query')
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases query')
        case (Inl snd_query)
        with Output_OK Snd_Rcv show ?thesis
        proof cases
          case (11 m' _ as)
          with Output_OK(2) Snd_Rcv Inl show ?thesis
            by(cases "snd_query = m'"; cases "as snd_query")(simp_all)
          case (14 m m' a')
          with Output_OK(2) Snd_Rcv Inl show ?thesis
            by(simp; subst (1 2) weight_spmf_of_set_finite; auto simp add: assms aux1 aux2)
        qed (auto simp add: weight_mk_lossless lossless_spmf_def)
        case (Inr rcv_query)
        with Output_OK Snd_Rcv show ?thesis 
        proof cases
          case (10 m m' a')
          with Output_OK(2) Snd_Rcv Inr show ?thesis by(cases "m = m'")(simp_all)
          case (14 m m' a')
          with Output_OK(2) Snd_Rcv Inr show ?thesis
            by(simp; subst (1 2) weight_spmf_of_set_finite; auto simp add: assms aux1 aux2)
        qed (auto simp add: weight_mk_lossless lossless_spmf_def split:option.splits)
    case (State_OK p q query state answer state')
    show ?case
    proof (cases query)
      case (Inl adv_query)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases adv_query)
        case Look
        with State_OK Inl show ?thesis 
        proof cases
          case Store_State_Channel: (2 m)
          have[simp]: " a  nlists UNIV η  
          S (cond_spmf_fst (map_spmf (λx. (Inl (Some (x, m)), Store m, None, [m  x]))
              (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η))) (Inl (Some (a, m))))
            (cond_spmf_fst (map_spmf (λx. (Inl (Some (x, m)), (True, ()), [m  x], Store (x, m)))
              (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η))) (Inl (Some (a, m))))" for a 
          proof(subst (1 2) cond_spmf_fst_map_Pair1, goal_cases)
            case 4
            then show ?case 
              by(subst (1 2 3) inv_into_f_f, simp_all add: inj_on_def)
                (rule S.intros, simp_all add: Store_State_Channel in_nlists_UNIV id'_def)
          qed (simp_all add: id'_def inj_on_def)

          from Store_State_Channel show ?thesis using State_OK Inl Look
            by(clarsimp simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric]) 

        qed (auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] intro: S.intros)
        case (ForwardOrEdit foe)
        with State_OK Inl show ?thesis 
        proof (cases foe)
          case (Some am')
          obtain a' m' where "am' = (a', m')" by (cases am') simp
          with State_OK Inl ForwardOrEdit Some show ?thesis 
            by cases (auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] intro: S.intros elim:S.cases)
        qed (erule S.cases, auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] intro: S.intros)
        case Drop
        with State_OK Inl show ?thesis 
          by cases (auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] intro: S.intros)
      case Snd_Rcv: (Inr query')
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases query')
        case (Inl snd_query)
        with State_OK Snd_Rcv show ?thesis 
        proof cases
          case 1
          with State_OK Snd_Rcv Inl show ?thesis 
            by(clarsimp simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric]) 
              (rule S.intros, simp add: in_nlists_UNIV)
          case (8 m' a')
          with State_OK Snd_Rcv Inl show ?thesis
            by(clarsimp simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric]) 
              (rule S.intros, simp add: in_nlists_UNIV)
          case (11 m' spmf_s as)
          with State_OK Snd_Rcv Inl show ?thesis
            by(auto simp add: bind_bind_conv_pair_spmf split_def split: if_splits option.splits  intro!: S.intros)
              ((auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] intro!: S.intros), simp only: id'_def in_nlists_UNIV)
        qed (auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] intro: S.intros)
        case (Inr rcv_query)
        with State_OK Snd_Rcv show ?thesis 
          case (8 m' a')
          then show ?thesis using State_OK(2-) Snd_Rcv Inr
            by (auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] image_def 
                cond_spmf_fst_def vimage_def aux1 aux2 assms intro:S.intros)
          case (9 m a m' a')
          then show ?thesis using State_OK(2-) Snd_Rcv Inr
            by (cases "m = m'") (auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] cond_spmf_fst_def 
                vimage_def aux1 aux2 assms intro:S.intros split!: if_splits)
          case (10 m m' a')
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "m = m'")
            case True
            with 10 show ?thesis using State_OK(2-) Snd_Rcv Inr
              by (auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] cond_spmf_fst_def 
                  vimage_def aux1 aux2 assms split!: if_split intro:S.intros)
            case False
            have[simp]: "a'  nlists UNIV η  nlists (UNIV :: bool set) η × nlists UNIV η  {x. snd x = a'} = nlists UNIV η × {a'}"
              by auto

            from 10 False show ?thesis using State_OK(2-) Snd_Rcv Inr
              by(simp add: bind_bind_conv_pair_spmf)
                ((auto simp add: bind_bind_conv_pair_spmf split_def image_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric]
                    cond_spmf_fst_def vimage_def cond_spmf_spmf_of_set pair_spmf_of_set )
                  , (auto simp add: pair_spmf_of_set[symmetric] spmf_of_set_singleton pair_spmf_return_spmf2 
                    map_spmf_of_set_inj_on[symmetric] simp del: map_spmf_of_set_inj_on intro: S.intros))
        qed (auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] intro: S.intros)

  from * show ?thesis by simp

private lemma game_difference:
  defines "  ℐ_uniform (Set.Collect (valid_mac_query η)) (insert None (Some ` (nlists UNIV η × nlists UNIV η))) 
     (ℐ_uniform (vld η) UNIV  ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` vld η)))"
  assumes bound: "interaction_bounded_by' (λ_. True) 𝒜 q"
    and lossless: "plossless_gpv  𝒜"
    and WT: " ⊢g 𝒜 "
    "¦spmf (connect 𝒜 (RES (lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv_f) (Void, None, Map.empty))) True - 
    spmf (connect 𝒜 (RES (lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv) (Void, None, Map.empty))) True¦ 
     q / real (2 ^ η)" (is "?LHS  _")
proof -

  define lazy_channel_insec' where
    "lazy_channel_insec' = (lazy_channel_insec :: (bool × bool list cstate × (bool list × bool list) option × (bool list  bool list option),
   (bool list × bool list) insec_query, (bool list × bool list) option) oracle')"

  define lazy_channel_send' where
    "lazy_channel_send' = (lazy_channel_send :: (bool × bool list cstate × (bool list × bool list) option × (bool list  bool list option),
    bool list, unit) oracle')"

  define lazy_channel_recv' where 
    "lazy_channel_recv' = (λ (s :: bool × bool list cstate × (bool list × bool list) option × (bool list  bool list option)) (q :: unit). 
    (case s of
      (flg, Collect m, None, as)  return_spmf (Some m, (flg, Fail, None, as))
    | (flg, ms, Some (a', m'), as)  (case as m' of
        None  do {
          a  spmf_of_set (rnd η);
          return_spmf (if a = a' then Some m' else None, flg  a = a', Fail, None, as (m' := Some a))}
      | Some a  return_spmf (if a = a' then Some m' else None, flg, Fail, None, as))
    | _  return_spmf (None, s)))"

  define lazy_channel_recv_f' where 
    "lazy_channel_recv_f' = (λ (s :: bool × bool list cstate × (bool list × bool list) option × (bool list  bool list option)) (q :: unit). 
    (case s of
      (flg, Collect m, None, as)  return_spmf (Some m, (flg, Fail, None, as))
    | (flg, ms, Some (a', m'), as)  (case as m' of
        None  do {
          a  spmf_of_set (rnd η);
          return_spmf (None, flg  a = a', Fail, None, as (m' := Some a))}
      | Some a  return_spmf (if a = a' then Some m' else None, flg, Fail, None, as))
    | _  return_spmf (None, s)))"

  define game where 
    "game = (λ(𝒜 :: ((bool list × bool list) insec_query + bool list + unit, (bool list × bool list) option + unit + bool list option) distinguisher) recv_oracle. do {
    (b :: bool, (flg, ams, es, as)) (exec_gpv (lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O recv_oracle) 𝒜 (False, Void, None, Map.empty));
    return_spmf (b, flg) })"

  have fact1: "spmf (connect 𝒜 (RES (lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv_f) (Void, None, Map.empty))) True  
    = spmf (connect 𝒜 (RES (lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv_f') (False, Void, None, Map.empty))) True"
  proof -
    let ?orc_lft = "lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv_f"
    let ?orc_rgt = "lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv_f'"

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) (λx y. x = snd y)) 
      (lazy_channel_insec s q) (lazy_channel_insec' (flg, s) q) " for s flg q
      by (cases s) (simp add: lazy_channel_insec'_def spmf_rel_map rel_prod_sel split_def option.rel_refl pmf.rel_refl split:option.split)

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) (λx y. x = snd y)) 
      (lazy_channel_send s q) (lazy_channel_send' (flg, s) q)" for s flg q
    proof -
      obtain ams es as where "s = (ams, es, as)" by (cases s)
      then show ?thesis by (cases ams) (auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf split_def lazy_channel_send'_def)

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) (λx y. x = snd y))  
      (lazy_channel_recv_f s q) (lazy_channel_recv_f' (flg, s) q)" for s flg q
    proof -
      obtain ams es as where *: "s = (ams, es, as)" by (cases s)
      show ?thesis 
      proof (cases es)
        case None
        with * show ?thesis by (cases ams) (simp_all add:lazy_channel_recv_f'_def)
        case (Some am)
        obtain a m where "am = (a, m)" by (cases am)
        with * show ?thesis by (cases ams) (simp_all add: lazy_channel_recv_f'_def rel_spmf_bind_reflI split:option.split)

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) (λx y. x = snd y))
     ((lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv_f) (ams, es, as) query)
     ((lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv_f') (flg, ams, es, as) query)" for flg ams es as query
    proof (cases query)
      case (Inl adv_query)
      then show ?thesis 
        by(clarsimp simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] apfst_def map_prod_def split_beta)
          ((rule rel_spmf_mono[where A="rel_prod (=) (λx y. x = snd y)"]), auto)
      case (Inr query')
      note Snd_Rcv = this
      then show ?thesis
        by (cases query', auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] split_beta)
          ((rule rel_spmf_mono[where A="rel_prod (=) (λx y. x = snd y)"]); auto)+

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (λx y. fst x = fst y)
     (exec_gpv ?orc_lft 𝒜 (Void, None, Map.empty)) (exec_gpv ?orc_rgt 𝒜 (False, Void, None, Map.empty))" 
      by(rule rel_spmf_mono[where A="rel_prod (=) (λx y. x = snd y)"])
        (auto simp add: gpv.rel_eq split_def intro!: rel_funI 
          exec_gpv_parametric[where CALL="(=)", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])

    show ?thesis 
      unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf exec_gpv_resource_of_oracle connect_def spmf_conv_measure_spmf
      by(rule measure_spmf_parametric[where A="(=)", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
        (auto simp add: rel_pred_def spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] gpv.rel_eq split_def intro!: rel_funI)

  have fact2: "¦spmf (connect 𝒜 (RES (lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv_f') (False, Void, None, Map.empty))) True - 
    spmf (connect 𝒜 (RES (lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv') (False, Void, None, Map.empty))) True¦ 
     Sigma_Algebra.measure (measure_spmf (game 𝒜 lazy_channel_recv_f')) {x. snd x}" (is "¦spmf ?L _ - spmf ?R _ ¦  _ ")
  proof -
    let ?orc_lft = "lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv_f'" 
    let ?orc_rgt = "lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv'"

    have[simp]: "callee_invariant_on lazy_channel_insec' fst (ℐ_uniform (Set.Collect (valid_mac_query η)) UNIV)"
    proof (unfold_locales, goal_cases)
      case (1 state query answer state')
      then show ?case
        by(cases state; cases "fst (snd state)")(auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf split_def lazy_channel_insec'_def)
    qed (auto intro: WT_calleeI)

    have[simp]: "callee_invariant_on lazy_channel_send' fst (ℐ_uniform (vld η) UNIV)"
    proof (unfold_locales, goal_cases)
      case (1 state query answer state')
      then show ?case
        by(cases state; cases "fst (snd state)")(auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf split_def lazy_channel_send'_def)
    qed (auto intro: WT_calleeI)

    have[simp]: "callee_invariant lazy_channel_recv' fst"
    proof (unfold_locales, goal_cases)
      case (1 state query answer state')
      then show ?case
        by(cases state; cases "fst (snd state)")(auto simp add: lazy_channel_recv'_def split:option.splits)
    qed (auto split:option.splits)

    have[simp]: "callee_invariant lazy_channel_recv_f' fst"
    proof (unfold_locales, goal_cases)
      case (1 state query answer state')
      then show ?case
        by(cases state; cases "fst (snd state)")(auto simp add: lazy_channel_recv_f'_def split:option.splits)
    qed (auto split:option.splits)

    have[simp]: "lossless_spmf (lazy_channel_insec s q)" for s q
      by(cases "(s, q)" rule: lazy_channel_insec.cases)(auto simp add: rnd_def split!: option.split)

    have[simp]: "lossless_spmf (lazy_channel_send' s q)" for s q
      by(cases s; cases "fst (snd s)")(simp_all add: lazy_channel_send'_def)

    have[simp]: "lossless_spmf (lazy_channel_recv' s ())" for s
      by(auto simp add: lazy_channel_recv'_def rnd_def split: prod.split cstate.split option.split)

    have[simp]: "lossless_spmf (lazy_channel_recv_f' s ())" for s
      by(auto simp add: lazy_channel_recv_f'_def rnd_def split: prod.split cstate.split option.split)

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (λ(a, s1') (b, s2'). (fst s2'  fst s1')  (¬ fst s2'  ¬ fst s1'  a = b  s1' = s2'))
     (?orc_lft (flg, ams, es, as) query) (?orc_rgt (flg, ams, es, as) query)" for flg ams es as query
    proof (cases query)
      case (Inl adv_query)
      then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf intro: rel_spmf_bind_reflI)
      case (Inr query')
      note Snd_Rcv = this  
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases query')
        case (Inl snd_query)
        with Snd_Rcv show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf intro: rel_spmf_bind_reflI)
        case (Inr rcv_query)
        with Snd_Rcv show ?thesis 
        proof (cases es)
          case (Some am')
          obtain a' m' where "am' = (a', m')" by (cases am')
          with Snd_Rcv Some Inr show ?thesis 
            by (cases ams) (auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf 
                lazy_channel_recv'_def lazy_channel_recv_f'_def rel_spmf_bind_reflI split:option.splits)
        qed (cases ams; auto simp add: lazy_channel_recv'_def lazy_channel_recv_f'_def split:option.splits)
    let ?ℐ = "ℐ_uniform (Set.Collect (valid_mac_query η)) UNIV  (ℐ_uniform (vld η) UNIV  ℐ_full)"
    let ?𝒜 = "mk_lossless_gpv (responses_ℐ ) True 𝒜"

    have "plossless_gpv ?ℐ ?𝒜" using lossless WT
      by(rule plossless_gpv_mk_lossless_gpv)(simp add: ℐ_def)
    moreover have "?ℐ ⊢g ?𝒜 " using WT by(rule WT_gpv_mk_lossless_gpv)(simp add: ℐ_def)
    ultimately have "rel_spmf (λx y. fst (snd x) = fst (snd y)  (¬ fst (snd y)  (fst x  fst y)))
      (exec_gpv ?orc_lft ?𝒜 (False, Void, None, Map.empty)) (exec_gpv ?orc_rgt ?𝒜 (False, Void, None, Map.empty))"
      by(auto simp add: ℐ_def intro!: exec_gpv_oracle_bisim_bad_plossless[where X="(=)" and
            X_bad="λ _ _. True" and ?bad1.0="fst" and ?bad2.0="fst" and= "?ℐ", THEN rel_spmf_mono])
        (auto simp add: lazy_channel_insec'_def intro: WT_calleeI)
    also let ?I = "(λ(_, s1, s2, s3). pred_cstate (λx. length x = η) s1  pred_option (λ(x, y). length x = η  length y = η) s2  ran s3  nlists UNIV η)"
    have "callee_invariant_on (lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv_f') ?I "
      subgoal for s x y s'
        supply [[simproc del: defined_all]]
        apply(clarsimp simp add: ℐ_def; elim PlusE; clarsimp simp add: lazy_channel_insec'_def lazy_channel_send'_def lazy_channel_recv_f'_def)
        subgoal for _ _ _ _ x'
          by(cases "(snd s, x')" rule: lazy_channel_insec.cases)
            (auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def split: option.split_asm)
        subgoal by(cases "(snd s, projl (projr x))" rule: lazy_channel_send.cases)(auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV)
        subgoal by(cases "(snd s, ())" rule: lazy_channel_recv_f.cases)(auto 4 3 split: option.split_asm if_split_asm cstate.split_asm simp add: in_nlists_UNIV vld_def ran_def rnd_def option.pred_set )
      subgoal for s
        apply(clarsimp simp add: ℐ_def; intro conjI WT_calleeI; clarsimp simp add: lazy_channel_insec'_def lazy_channel_send'_def lazy_channel_recv_f'_def)
        subgoal for _ _ _ _ x
          by(cases "(snd s, x)" rule: lazy_channel_insec.cases)
            (auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def ran_def split: option.split_asm)
        subgoal by(cases "(snd s, ())" rule: lazy_channel_recv_f.cases)(auto 4 3 split: option.split_asm if_split_asm cstate.split_asm simp add: in_nlists_UNIV vld_def ran_def rnd_def)
    then have "exec_gpv ?orc_lft ?𝒜 (False, Void, None, Map.empty) = exec_gpv ?orc_lft 𝒜 (False, Void, None, Map.empty)"
      using WT by(rule callee_invariant_on.exec_gpv_mk_lossless_gpv) simp
    also have "callee_invariant_on (lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv') ?I "
      subgoal for s x y s'
        supply [[simproc del: defined_all]]
        apply(clarsimp simp add: ℐ_def; elim PlusE; clarsimp simp add: lazy_channel_insec'_def lazy_channel_send'_def lazy_channel_recv'_def)
        subgoal for _ _ _ _ x'
          by(cases "(snd s, x')" rule: lazy_channel_insec.cases)
            (auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def split: option.split_asm)
        subgoal by(cases "(snd s, projl (projr x))" rule: lazy_channel_send.cases)(auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV)
        subgoal by(cases "(snd s, ())" rule: lazy_channel_recv.cases)(auto 4 3 split: option.split_asm if_split_asm cstate.split_asm simp add: in_nlists_UNIV vld_def ran_def rnd_def option.pred_set )
      subgoal for s
        apply(clarsimp simp add: ℐ_def; intro conjI WT_calleeI; clarsimp simp add: lazy_channel_insec'_def lazy_channel_send'_def lazy_channel_recv'_def)
        subgoal for _ _ _ _ x
          by(cases "(snd s, x)" rule: lazy_channel_insec.cases)
            (auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def ran_def split: option.split_asm)
        subgoal by(cases "(snd s, ())" rule: lazy_channel_recv.cases)(auto 4 3 split: option.split_asm if_split_asm cstate.split_asm simp add: in_nlists_UNIV vld_def ran_def rnd_def)
    then have "exec_gpv ?orc_rgt ?𝒜 (False, Void, None, Map.empty) = exec_gpv ?orc_rgt 𝒜 (False, Void, None, Map.empty)"
      using WT by(rule callee_invariant_on.exec_gpv_mk_lossless_gpv) simp
    finally have "¦Sigma_Algebra.measure (measure_spmf (game 𝒜 lazy_channel_recv_f')) {x. fst x} 
          - Sigma_Algebra.measure (measure_spmf (game 𝒜 lazy_channel_recv')) {x. fst x}¦
         Sigma_Algebra.measure (measure_spmf (game 𝒜 lazy_channel_recv_f')) {x. snd x}"
      unfolding game_def
      by - (rule fundamental_lemma[where ?bad2.0="snd"]; auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] split_def)

    moreover have "Sigma_Algebra.measure (measure_spmf (game 𝒜 lazy_channel_recv_f')) {x. fst x} = spmf ?L True"
      unfolding game_def
      by(auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf exec_gpv_resource_of_oracle connect_def spmf_conv_measure_spmf)
        (auto simp add: rel_pred_def intro!: rel_spmf_bind_reflI measure_spmf_parametric[where A="λl r. fst l  r", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])

    moreover have "spmf ?R True = Sigma_Algebra.measure (measure_spmf (game 𝒜 lazy_channel_recv')) {x. fst x}"
      unfolding game_def
      by(auto simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf exec_gpv_resource_of_oracle connect_def spmf_conv_measure_spmf)
        (auto simp add: rel_pred_def intro!: rel_spmf_bind_reflI measure_spmf_parametric[where A="λl r. l  fst r", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])

    ultimately show ?thesis by simp

  have fact3: "spmf (connect 𝒜 (RES (lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv') (False, Void, None, Map.empty))) True  
    = spmf (connect 𝒜 (RES (lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv) (Void, None, Map.empty))) True"
  proof -
    let ?orc_lft = "lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv'"
    let ?orc_rgt = "lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv"

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) (λx y. y = snd x)) 
      (lazy_channel_insec' (flg, s) q) (lazy_channel_insec s q)" for s flg q
      by (cases s) (simp add: lazy_channel_insec'_def spmf_rel_map rel_prod_sel split_def option.rel_refl pmf.rel_refl split:option.split)

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) (λx y. y = snd x)) 
      (lazy_channel_send' (flg, s) q) (lazy_channel_send s q)" for s flg q
      by(cases "(s, q)" rule: lazy_channel_send.cases)(auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf split_def lazy_channel_send'_def)

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) (λx y. y = snd x))  
       (lazy_channel_recv' (flg, s) q) (lazy_channel_recv s q)" for s flg q
      by(cases "(s, q)" rule: lazy_channel_recv.cases)(auto simp add: lazy_channel_recv'_def rel_spmf_bind_reflI split:option.split cstate.split)

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) (λx y. y = snd x))
     ((lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv') (flg, ams, es, as) query)
     ((lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv) (ams, es, as)  query)" for flg ams es as query
    proof (cases query)
      case (Inl adv_query)
      then show ?thesis 
        by(auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] apfst_def map_prod_def split_beta intro: rel_spmf_mono[where A="rel_prod (=) (λx y. y = snd x)"])
      case (Inr query')
      note Snd_Rcv = this
      then show ?thesis
        by (cases query', auto simp add: spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] split_beta)
          ((rule rel_spmf_mono[where A="rel_prod (=) (λx y. y = snd x)"]); auto)+

    have[simp]: "rel_spmf (λx y. fst x = fst y)
     (exec_gpv ?orc_lft 𝒜 (False, Void, None, Map.empty)) (exec_gpv ?orc_rgt 𝒜 (Void, None, Map.empty))" 
      by(rule rel_spmf_mono[where A="rel_prod (=) (λx y. y = snd x)"])
        (auto simp add: gpv.rel_eq split_def intro!: rel_funI 
          exec_gpv_parametric[where CALL="(=)", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])

    show ?thesis 
      unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf exec_gpv_resource_of_oracle connect_def spmf_conv_measure_spmf
      by(rule measure_spmf_parametric[where A="(=)", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD])
        (auto simp add: rel_pred_def spmf_rel_map map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] gpv.rel_eq split_def intro!: rel_funI)

  have fact4: "Sigma_Algebra.measure (measure_spmf (game 𝒜 lazy_channel_recv_f')) {x. snd x}  q / real (2 ^ η)"
  proof -
    let ?orc_sum = "lazy_channel_insec' O lazy_channel_send' O lazy_channel_recv_f'"

    have "Sigma_Algebra.measure (measure_spmf (game 𝒜 lazy_channel_recv_f')) {x. snd x} 
          = spmf (map_spmf (fst  snd) (exec_gpv ?orc_sum 𝒜 (False, Void, None, Map.empty))) True"
      unfolding game_def
      by (simp add: split_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] measure_map_spmf)
        (simp add: spmf_conv_measure_spmf measure_map_spmf vimage_def)
    also have "   (1 / real (card (nlists (UNIV :: bool set) η))) * real q"
    proof -
      have *: "spmf (map_spmf (fst  snd) (?orc_sum (False, ams, es, as) query)) True 
                       1 / real (card (nlists (UNIV :: bool set) η))" for ams es as query
      proof (cases query)
        case (Inl adv_query)
        then show ?thesis 
          by(cases "((ams, es, as), adv_query)" rule: lazy_channel_insec.cases)
            (auto simp add: lazy_channel_insec'_def rnd_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf bind_spmf_const split: option.split)
        case (Inr query')
        note Snd_Rcv = this
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases query')
          case (Inr rcv_query)
          with Snd_Rcv show ?thesis
            by (cases ams, auto simp add: lazy_channel_recv_f'_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf split_def split:option.split)
              (auto simp add: spmf_of_set map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] rnd_def spmf_map vimage_def spmf_conv_measure_spmf[symmetric] split: split_indicator)
        qed (cases ams, simp_all add: lazy_channel_send'_def)

      show ?thesis by (rule oi_True.interaction_bounded_by_exec_gpv_bad[where bad="fst"]) (auto simp add: * assms)

    also have "...  = 1 / real (2 ^ η) * real q" by (simp add: card_nlists)
    finally show ?thesis by simp

  have "?LHS  Sigma_Algebra.measure (measure_spmf (game 𝒜 lazy_channel_recv_f')) {x. snd x}"
    using fact1 fact2 fact3 by arith
  also note fact4
  finally  show ?thesis .

private inductive S' :: "(((bool list × bool list) option + unit) × unit × bool list cstate) spmf 
  (bool list cstate × (bool list × bool list) option × (bool list  bool list option)) spmf  bool" where
  "S' (return_spmf (Inl None, (), Void)) 
      (return_spmf (Void, None, Map.empty))"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inl None, (), Store m)) 
      (return_spmf (Store m, None, Map.empty))"
if "length m = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Collect m)) 
      (return_spmf (Collect m, None, Map.empty))"
if "length m = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inl (Some (a, m)), (), Store m))
      (return_spmf (Store m, None, [m  a]))"
if "length m = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Collect m)) 
      (return_spmf (Collect m, None, [m  a]))"
if "length m = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Fail)) 
      (return_spmf (Fail, None, Map.empty))"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Fail)) 
      (return_spmf (Fail, None, [m  x]))"
if "length m = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Void))
      (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), Map.empty))"
if "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Fail))
      (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), Map.empty))"
if "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Store m))
      (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), Map.empty))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inl (Some (a', m')), (), Collect m')) 
      (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), [m'  a']))"
if "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"

| "S' (return_spmf (Inl None, (), cstate.Collect m))
      (return_spmf (cstate.Collect m, None, Map.empty))"
if "length m = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inl None, (), cstate.Fail))
      (return_spmf (cstate.Fail, None, Map.empty))"

| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Fail))
      (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), [m  a]))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η" and "m  m'"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Fail)) 
      (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), [m  a]))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"  and "a  a'"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inl None, (), Collect m'))
      (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), [m'  a']))"
if "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Collect m')) 
      (return_spmf (Collect m', Some (a', m'), [m'  a']))"
if "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Void))
      (map_spmf (λa'. (Fail, None, [m'  a']))  (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length m' = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Fail))
      (map_spmf (λa'. (Fail, None, [m'  a'])) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length m' = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Store m))
      (map_spmf (λa'. (Fail, None, [m'  a'])) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length m' = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inr (), (), Fail)) 
      (map_spmf (λa'. (Fail, None, [m  a, m'  a'])) (spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV η)))"
if "length m = id' η" and "length m' = id' η" and "m  m'"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inl (Some (a', m')), (), Fail)) 
      (return_spmf (Fail, None, [m'  a']))"
if "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"
| "S' (return_spmf (Inl None, (), Fail)) 
      (return_spmf (Fail, None, [m'  a']))"
if "length m' = id' η" and "length a' = id' η"

private lemma trace_eq_sim: 
  shows "(valid_insecQ <+> nlists UNIV (id' η) <+> UNIV) R 
    RES (callee_auth_channel sim O  channel.send_oracle O channel.recv_oracle) (Inl None, (), Void) 
    RES (lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv_f) (Void, None, Map.empty)"
    (is "?A R RES (?L1 O ?L2 O ?L3) ?SL  RES (?R1 O ?R2 O ?R3) ?SR")
proof -
  note [simp] =
    spmf.map_comp o_def map_bind_spmf bind_map_spmf bind_spmf_const exec_gpv_bind
    auth_channel.auth_oracle.simps channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps
    rorc_channel_send_def rorc_channel_recv_def rnd_def

  have *: "?A C ?L1 O ?L2 O ?L3(?SL)  ?R1 O ?R2 O ?R3(?SR)"
  proof(rule trace'_eqI_sim[where S=S'], goal_cases Init_OK Output_OK State_OK)
    case Init_OK
    then show ?case by (rule S'.intros)
    case (Output_OK p q query)
    show ?case
    proof (cases query)
      case (Inl adv_query)
      with Output_OK show ?thesis
      proof (cases adv_query)
        case (ForwardOrEdit foe)
        with Output_OK Inl show ?thesis 
        proof (cases foe)
          case (Some am')
          obtain a' m' where "am' = (a', m')" by (cases am') simp
          with Output_OK Inl ForwardOrEdit Some show ?thesis 
            by cases (simp_all add: id'_def)
        qed (erule S'.cases, simp_all add: id'_def)
      qed (erule S'.cases, simp_all add: id'_def)+
      case (Inr query')
      with Output_OK show ?thesis by (cases; cases query') (simp_all)
    case (State_OK p q query state answer state')
    show ?case
    proof (cases query)
      case (Inl adv_query)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases adv_query)
        case Look
        with State_OK Inl show ?thesis 
        proof cases
          case (2 m)
          have "S' (return_spmf (Inl (Some (x, m)), (), Store m)) (return_spmf (Store m, None, [m  x]))" for x
            by (rule S'.intros) (simp only: 2)
          with 2 show ?thesis using State_OK(2-) Inl Look
            by clarsimp (simp add: cond_spmf_spmf_of_set spmf_of_set_singleton map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric]
                split_beta cond_spmf_fst_def image_def vimage_def id'_def)
        qed (auto simp add: map_spmf_const[symmetric] map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] image_def intro: S'.intros; simp add: id'_def)+
        case (ForwardOrEdit foe)
        show ?thesis 
        proof (cases foe)
          case None
          with State_OK Inl ForwardOrEdit show ?thesis
            by cases(auto simp add: map_spmf_const[symmetric] map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] image_def S'.intros)
          case (Some am')
          obtain a' m' where [simp]: "am' = (a', m')" by (cases am')
          from State_OK Inl ForwardOrEdit Some show ?thesis 
          proof cases
            case (4 m a)
            then show ?thesis using State_OK(2-) Inl ForwardOrEdit Some
              by (auto simp add: if_distrib_exec_gpv if_distrib_map_spmf split_def image_def if_distrib[symmetric] intro: S'.intros cong: if_cong)
          qed (auto simp add: map_spmf_const[symmetric] map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] image_def intro:S'.intros)
        case Drop
        with State_OK Inl show ?thesis 
          by cases (auto simp add: map_spmf_const[symmetric] map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] image_def intro:S'.intros; simp add: id'_def)+
      case Snd_Rcv: (Inr query')
      with State_OK show ?thesis
        by(cases; cases query')
          (auto simp add: map_spmf_const[symmetric] map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] image_def;
            (rule S'.intros; simp add: in_nlists_UNIV id'_def))+

  from * show ?thesis by simp

private lemma real_resource_wiring: "macode.res (rnd η) (mac η) = 
  RES (insec_channel.insec_oracle O rorc_channel_send O rorc_channel_recv) ((False, ()), Map.empty, Void)"
  (is "?L = ?R") including lifting_syntax
proof -
  have *: "(λx y. map_spmf (map_prod id lprodr) ((A O B) (rprodl x) y))
          = (λx yl. map_spmf (λp. ((), lprodr (snd p))) (A (rprodl x) yl)) O    
            (λx yr. map_spmf (λp. (fst p, lprodr (snd p))) (B (rprodl x) yr)) " for A B C    
  proof -
    have aux: "map_prod id g  apfst h = apfst h  map_prod id g" for f g h  by auto
    show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: aux plus_oracle_def spmf.map_comp[where f="apfst _", symmetric] 
          spmf.map_comp[where f="map_prod id lprodr"] sum.case_distrib[where h="map_spmf _"] cong:sum.case_cong split!:sum.splits)
        (subst plus_oracle_def[symmetric], simp add: map_prod_def split_def)

  have "?L = RES (insec_channel.insec_oracle O (rprodl ---> id ---> map_spmf (map_prod id lprodr))
         (lift_state_oracle extend_state_oracle (attach_callee
           (λs m. if s 
             then Done ((), True)
             else do { 
               r  Pause (Inl m) Done;
               a  lift_spmf (mac η (projl r) m);
               _  Pause (Inr (a, m)) Done; 
               ( Done ((), True))}) ((rorc.rnd_oracle (rnd η)) O channel.send_oracle)) O
           (λs q. do {
             (amo, s')  channel.recv_oracle s ();
             case amo of 
               None  return_spmf (None, s')
             | Some (a, m)  do {
                 (r, s'')  (rorc.rnd_oracle (rnd η)) s' m;
                 a' mac η r m;
                 return_spmf (if a' = a then Some m else None, s'')}}))) ((False, ()), Map.empty, Void)"
  proof -
    note[simp] = attach_CNV_RES attach_callee_parallel_intercept attach_stateless_callee
      resource_of_oracle_rprodl Rel_def prod.rel_eq[symmetric] extend_state_oracle_plus_oracle[symmetric]
      conv_callee_parallel[symmetric] conv_callee_parallel_id_left[where s="()", symmetric]
      o_def  bind_map_spmf exec_gpv_bind split_def option.case_distrib[where h="λgpv. exec_gpv _ gpv _"]

    show ?thesis
      unfolding channel.res_def rorc.res_def macode.res_def macode.routing_def
        macode.πE_def macode.enm_def macode.dem_def interface_wiring
      by (subst lift_state_oracle_extend_state_oracle | auto cong del: option.case_cong_weak intro: extend_state_oracle_parametric)+

  also have "... = ?R"
    unfolding rorc_channel_send_def rorc_channel_recv_def extend_state_oracle_def
    by(simp add: * split_def o_def map_fun_def spmf.map_comp extend_state_oracle_def lift_state_oracle_def 
        exec_gpv_bind if_distrib[where f="λgpv. exec_gpv _ gpv _"]  cong: if_cong)
      (simp add: split_def o_def rprodl_def Pair_fst_Unity  bind_map_spmf map_spmf_bind_spmf 
        if_distrib[where f="map_spmf _"]  option.case_distrib[where h="map_spmf _"] cong: if_cong option.case_cong)

  finally show ?thesis .

private lemma ideal_resource_wiring: "(CNV callee s) |= 1C  channel.res auth_channel.auth_oracle = 
  RES (callee_auth_channel callee O channel.send_oracle O channel.recv_oracle ) (s, (), Void)"   (is "?L1  _ = ?R")
proof -
  have[simp]: "ℐ_full, ℐ_full  (ℐ_full  ℐ_full) C ?L1  ?L1" (is "_, ?I C _  _")
    by(rule eq_ℐ_converter_mono)
      (rule parallel_converter2_eq_ℐ_cong eq_ℐ_converter_reflI WT_converter_ℐ_full ℐ_full_le_plus_ℐ order_refl plus_ℐ_mono)+ 

  have[simp]: "?I ⊢c (auth_channel.auth_oracle O channel.send_oracle O channel.recv_oracle) s " for s 
    by(rule WT_plus_oracleI WT_parallel_oracle WT_callee_full; (unfold split_paired_all)?)+

  have[simp]: "?L1  RES (auth_channel.auth_oracle O channel.send_oracle O channel.recv_oracle) Void = ?R"     
    by(simp add: conv_callee_parallel_id_right[where s'="()", symmetric] attach_CNV_RES 
        attach_callee_parallel_intercept resource_of_oracle_rprodl extend_state_oracle_plus_oracle)

  show ?thesis unfolding channel.res_def
    by (subst eq_ℐ_attach[OF WT_resource_of_oracle, where ℐ' = "?I" and conv="?L1" and conv'="?L1"]) simp_all

lemma all_together:
  defines "  ℐ_uniform (Set.Collect (valid_mac_query η)) (insert None (Some ` (nlists UNIV η × nlists UNIV η))) 
     (ℐ_uniform (vld η) UNIV  ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` vld η)))"
  assumes "η > 0"
    and "interaction_bounded_by' (λ_. True) (𝒜 η) q"
    and lossless: "plossless_gpv  (𝒜 η)"
    and WT: " ⊢g 𝒜 η "
    "¦spmf (connect (𝒜 η) (CNV sim (Inl None) |= 1C  channel.res auth_channel.auth_oracle)) True -
          spmf (connect (𝒜 η) (macode.res (rnd η) (mac η))) True¦  q / real (2 ^ η)"
proof -
  have *: "a b. ma = Edit (a, b)  length a = η  length b = η  valid_mac_query η ma" for ma a b
    by(cases "(η, ma)" rule: valid_mac_query.cases)(auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV)

  have assm4_alt: "outs_gpv  (𝒜 η)  valid_insecQ <+> nlists UNIV (id' η) <+> UNIV"
    using assms(5)[THEN WT_gpv_outs_gpv] unfolding id'_def
    by(rule ord_le_eq_trans) (auto simp add: * split: aquery.split option.split simp add: in_nlists_UNIV vld_def ℐ_def)

  have "callee_invariant_on (callee_auth_channel sim O channel.send_oracle O channel.recv_oracle) 
    (λ(s1, _, s3). (x y. s1 = Inl (Some (x, y))  length x = η  length y = η)  pred_cstate (λx. length x = η) s3) "
    apply unfold_locales
    subgoal for s x y s'
      apply(cases "(fst s, projl x)" rule: sim.cases; cases "snd (snd s)")  (*A MESS, but neither fastforce nor auto works for all 36 subgoals*)
                          apply(fastforce simp: channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)[1]
                         apply(fastforce simp: channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)[1]
                        apply(fastforce simp: channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)[1]
                       apply(fastforce simp: channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)[1]
                      apply(fastforce simp: auth_channel.auth_oracle.simps channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)[1]
                     apply(fastforce simp: auth_channel.auth_oracle.simps channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)[1]
                    apply(fastforce simp: auth_channel.auth_oracle.simps channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)[1]
                   apply(fastforce simp: auth_channel.auth_oracle.simps channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)[1]
                  apply(auto split: if_split_asm simp add: exec_gpv_bind auth_channel.auth_oracle.simps channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)[1]
                 apply(auto split: if_split_asm simp add: auth_channel.auth_oracle.simps channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)[1]
                apply(fastforce split: if_split_asm simp add: exec_gpv_bind auth_channel.auth_oracle.simps channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)+
    subgoal for s
      apply(rule WT_calleeI)
      subgoal for x
        by(cases "(fst s, projl x)" rule: sim.cases; cases "snd (snd s)")
          (auto split: if_split_asm simp add: exec_gpv_bind auth_channel.auth_oracle.simps channel.send_oracle.simps channel.recv_oracle.simps vld_def in_nlists_UNIV ℐ_def)
  then have WT1: " ⊢res RES (callee_auth_channel sim O channel.send_oracle O channel.recv_oracle) (Inl None, (), Void) "
    by(rule callee_invariant_on.WT_resource_of_oracle) simp

  have "callee_invariant_on (lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv_f)
     (λ(s1, s2, s3). pred_cstate (λx. length x = η) s1  pred_option (λ(x, y). length x = η  length y = η) s2  ran s3  nlists UNIV η)
    apply unfold_locales
    subgoal for s x y s'
      using [[simproc del: defined_all]] apply(clarsimp simp add: ℐ_def; elim PlusE; clarsimp)
      subgoal for _ _ _ x'
        by(cases "(s, x')" rule: lazy_channel_insec.cases)
          (auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def split: option.split_asm)
      subgoal by(cases "(s, projl (projr x))" rule: lazy_channel_send.cases)(auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV)
      subgoal by(cases "(s, ())" rule: lazy_channel_recv_f.cases)(auto 4 3 split: option.split_asm if_split_asm simp add: in_nlists_UNIV vld_def ran_def rnd_def)
    subgoal for s
      apply(clarsimp simp add: ℐ_def; intro conjI WT_calleeI; clarsimp)
      subgoal for _ _ _ x
        by(cases "(s, x)" rule: lazy_channel_insec.cases)
          (auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def ran_def split: option.split_asm)
      subgoal by(cases "(s, ())" rule: lazy_channel_recv_f.cases)(auto 4 3 split: option.split_asm if_split_asm simp add: in_nlists_UNIV vld_def ran_def rnd_def)
  then have WT2: " ⊢res RES (lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv_f) (Void, None, Map.empty) "
    by(rule callee_invariant_on.WT_resource_of_oracle) simp

  have "callee_invariant_on (lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv)
     (λ(s1, s2, s3). pred_cstate (λx. length x = η) s1  pred_option (λ(x, y). length x = η  length y = η) s2  ran s3  nlists UNIV η)
    apply unfold_locales
    subgoal for s x y s'
      using [[simproc del: defined_all]] apply(clarsimp simp add: ℐ_def; elim PlusE; clarsimp)
      subgoal for _ _ _ x'
        by(cases "(s, x')" rule: lazy_channel_insec.cases)
          (auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def split: option.split_asm)
      subgoal by(cases "(s, projl (projr x))" rule: lazy_channel_send.cases)(auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV)
      subgoal by(cases "(s, ())" rule: lazy_channel_recv.cases)(auto 4 3 split: option.split_asm if_split_asm simp add: in_nlists_UNIV vld_def ran_def rnd_def option.pred_set)
    subgoal for s
      apply(clarsimp simp add: ℐ_def; intro conjI WT_calleeI; clarsimp)
      subgoal for _ _ _ x
        by(cases "(s, x)" rule: lazy_channel_insec.cases)
          (auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def ran_def split: option.split_asm)
      subgoal by(cases "(s, ())" rule: lazy_channel_recv_f.cases)(auto 4 3 split: option.split_asm if_split_asm simp add: in_nlists_UNIV vld_def ran_def rnd_def)
  then have WT3: " ⊢res RES (lazy_channel_insec O lazy_channel_send O lazy_channel_recv) (Void, None, Map.empty) "
    by(rule callee_invariant_on.WT_resource_of_oracle) simp

  have "callee_invariant_on (insec_channel.insec_oracle O rorc_channel_send O rorc_channel_recv)
    (λ(_, m, s). ran m  nlists UNIV η  pred_cstate (λ(x, y). length x = η  length y = η) s) "
    subgoal for s x y s'
      using [[simproc del: defined_all]] apply(clarsimp simp add: ℐ_def; elim PlusE; clarsimp)
      subgoal for _ _ _ x'
        by(cases "(snd (snd s), x')" rule: insec_channel.insec_oracle.cases)
          (auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def insec_channel.insec_oracle.simps split: option.split_asm)
        by(cases "snd (snd s)")
          (auto 4 3 simp add: channel.send_oracle.simps rorc_channel_send_def rorc.rnd_oracle.simps in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def vld_def mac_def ran_def split: option.split_asm if_split_asm)
        by(cases "snd (snd s)")
          (auto 4 4 simp add: rorc_channel_recv_def channel.recv_oracle.simps rorc.rnd_oracle.simps rnd_def mac_def ran_def iff: in_nlists_UNIV split: option.split_asm if_split_asm)
    subgoal for s
      apply(clarsimp simp add: ℐ_def; intro conjI WT_calleeI; clarsimp)
      subgoal for _ _ _ x'
        by(cases "(snd (snd s), x')" rule: insec_channel.insec_oracle.cases)
          (auto simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV rnd_def insec_channel.insec_oracle.simps split: option.split_asm)
        by(cases "snd (snd s)")
          (auto simp add: rorc_channel_recv_def channel.recv_oracle.simps rorc.rnd_oracle.simps rnd_def mac_def vld_def ran_def iff: in_nlists_UNIV split: option.split_asm if_split_asm)
  then have WT4: " ⊢res RES (insec_channel.insec_oracle O rorc_channel_send O rorc_channel_recv) ((False, ()), Map.empty, Void) "
    by(rule callee_invariant_on.WT_resource_of_oracle) simp

  note game_difference[OF assms(3), folded ℐ_def, OF assms(4,5)]
  also note connect_cong_trace[OF trace_eq_sim WT assm4_alt WT1 WT2, symmetric]
  also note connect_cong_trace[OF trace_eq_lazy, OF assms(2), OF WT assm4_alt WT3 WT4]
  also note ideal_resource_wiring[of sim, of "Inl None", symmetric]
  also note real_resource_wiring[symmetric]
  finally show ?thesis by simp


context begin
interpretation MAC: macode "rnd η" "mac η" for η . 
interpretation A_CHAN: auth_channel . 

lemma WT_enm: 
  "X  {}  ℐ_uniform (vld η) UNIV, ℐ_uniform (vld η) X  ℐ_uniform (X × vld η) UNIV C MAC.enm η "
  unfolding MAC.enm_def
  by(rule WT_converter_of_callee) (auto simp add: mac_def)

lemma WT_dem: "ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` vld η)), ℐ_full  ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` (nlists UNIV η × nlists UNIV η))) C MAC.dem η "
  unfolding MAC.dem_def
  by (rule WT_converter_of_callee) (auto simp add: vld_def stateless_callee_def mac_def split: option.split_asm)

lemma valid_insec_query_of [simp]: "valid_mac_query η (insec_query_of x)"
  by(cases x) simp_all

lemma secure_mac:
  defines "ℐ_real  λη. ℐ_uniform {x. valid_mac_query η x} (insert None (Some ` (nlists UNIV η × nlists UNIV η)))"
    and "ℐ_ideal  λη. ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` nlists UNIV η))"
    and "ℐ_common  λη. ℐ_uniform (vld η) UNIV  ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` vld η))"
    "constructive_security MAC.res (λ_. A_CHAN.res) (λ_. CNV sim (Inl None))
     ℐ_real ℐ_ideal ℐ_common (λ_. enat q) True (λ_. insec_auth_wiring)"
  show WT_res [WT_intro]: "ℐ_real η  ℐ_common η ⊢res MAC.res η " for η
  proof -
    let ?I = "pred_cstate (λ(x, y). length x = η  length y = η)"

    have *: "callee_invariant_on (MAC.RO.rnd_oracle η O MAC.RO.rnd_oracle η) (λm. ran m  vld η) (ℐ_uniform (vld η) (vld η)  ℐ_full)" for η
      apply unfold_locales
      subgoal for s x y s' by(cases x; clarsimp split: option.split_asm; auto simp add: rnd_def vld_def)
      subgoal by(clarsimp intro!: WT_calleeI split: option.split_asm; auto simp add: rnd_def in_nlists_UNIV vld_def ran_def)
    have [WT_intro]: "ℐ_uniform (vld η) (vld η)  ℐ_full ⊢res MAC.RO.res η " for η
      unfolding MAC.RO.res_def by(rule callee_invariant_on.WT_resource_of_oracle[OF *]) simp
    have [simp]: "ℐ_real η ⊢c MAC.INSEC.insec_oracle s " if "?I s" for s
      apply(rule WT_calleeI)
      subgoal for x using that by(cases "(s, x)" rule: MAC.INSEC.insec_oracle.cases)(auto simp add: ℐ_real_def in_nlists_UNIV)
    have [simp]: " ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` (nlists UNIV η × nlists UNIV η))) ⊢c A_CHAN.recv_oracle s "
      if "?I s" for s :: "(bool list × bool list) cstate" using that
      by(cases s)(auto intro!: WT_calleeI simp add: in_nlists_UNIV)
    have *: "callee_invariant_on (MAC.INSEC.insec_oracle O A_CHAN.send_oracle O A_CHAN.recv_oracle) ?I
      (ℐ_real η  (ℐ_uniform (vld η × vld η) UNIV  ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` (nlists UNIV η × nlists UNIV η)))))"
      apply unfold_locales
      subgoal for s x y s'
        by(cases s; cases "(s, projl x)" rule: MAC.INSEC.insec_oracle.cases)(auto simp add: ℐ_real_def vld_def in_nlists_UNIV)
      subgoal by(auto intro: WT_calleeI)
    have [WT_intro]: "ℐ_real η  (ℐ_uniform (vld η × vld η) UNIV  ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` (nlists UNIV η × nlists UNIV η)))) ⊢res MAC.INSEC.res "  
      unfolding MAC.INSEC.res_def
      by(rule callee_invariant_on.WT_resource_of_oracle[OF *]) simp
    show ?thesis
      unfolding ℐ_common_def MAC.res_def
      by(rule WT_intro WT_enm[where X="vld η"] WT_dem | (simp add: vld_def; fail))+
  let ?I = "λη. pred_cstate (λx. length x = η)"
  have WT_auth: "ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` nlists UNIV η)) ⊢c A_CHAN.auth_oracle s "
    if "?I η s" for η s
    apply(rule WT_calleeI)
    subgoal for x using that by(cases "(s, x)" rule: A_CHAN.auth_oracle.cases; auto simp add: in_nlists_UNIV)
  have WT_recv: "ℐ_uniform UNIV (insert None (Some ` vld η)) ⊢c A_CHAN.recv_oracle s "
    if "?I η s" for η s using that
    by(cases s)(auto intro!: WT_calleeI simp add: vld_def in_nlists_UNIV)
  have *: "callee_invariant_on (A_CHAN.auth_oracle O A_CHAN.send_oracle O A_CHAN.recv_oracle)
     (?I η) (ℐ_ideal η  ℐ_common η)" for η
    subgoal for s x y s'
      by(cases "(s, projl x)" rule: A_CHAN.auth_oracle.cases; cases "projr x")(auto simp add: ℐ_common_def vld_def in_nlists_UNIV)
    subgoal for s using WT_auth WT_recv by(auto simp add: ℐ_common_def ℐ_ideal_def intro: WT_calleeI)
  show WT_auth: "ℐ_ideal η  ℐ_common η ⊢res A_CHAN.res " for η
    unfolding A_CHAN.res_def by(rule callee_invariant_on.WT_resource_of_oracle[OF *]) simp

  let ?I_sim = "λη (s :: (bool list × bool list) option + unit). x y. s = Inl (Some (x, y))  length x = η  length y = η"

  have "ℐ_real η, ℐ_ideal η C CNV sim s " if "?I_sim η s" for η s using that
    apply(coinduction arbitrary: s)
    subgoal for q r conv' s by(cases "(s, q)" rule: sim.cases)(auto simp add: ℐ_real_def ℐ_ideal_def vld_def in_nlists_UNIV)
  then show [WT_intro]: "ℐ_real η, ℐ_ideal η C CNV sim (Inl None) " for η by simp

  { fix 𝒜 :: "security   ((bool list × bool list) insec_query + bool list + unit, (bool list × bool list) option + unit + bool list option) distinguisher"
    assume WT: "ℐ_real η  ℐ_common η ⊢g 𝒜 η " for η
    assume bounded[simplified]: "interaction_bounded_by' (λ_. True) (𝒜 η) q" for η
    assume lossless[simplified]: "True  plossless_gpv (ℐ_real η  ℐ_common η) (𝒜 η)" for η
    show "negligible (λη. advantage (𝒜 η) (CNV sim (Inl None) |= 1C  A_CHAN.res) (MAC.res η))"
    proof -
      have f1: "negligible (λη. q * (1 / real (2 ^ η)))" (is "negligible ?ov")
        by(rule negligible_poly_times[where n=0]) (simp add: negligible_inverse_powerI)+
      have f2: "(λη. spmf (connect (𝒜 η) (CNV sim (Inl None) |= 1C  A_CHAN.res)) True -
           spmf (connect (𝒜 η) (MAC.res η)) True)  O(?ov)" (is "?L  _")
        by (auto simp add: bigo_def intro!: all_together[simplified] bounded eventually_at_top_linorderI[where c=1] 
            exI[where x=1] lossless[unfolded ℐ_real_def ℐ_common_def] WT[unfolded ℐ_real_def ℐ_common_def])
      have "negligible ?L"  using f1 f2 by (rule negligible_mono[of "?ov"]) 
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: advantage_def)
    let ?cnv = "map_converter id id insec_query_of auth_response_of 1C"
    show "cnv. 𝒟. (η. ℐ_ideal η  ℐ_common η ⊢g 𝒟 η ) 
               (η. interaction_bounded_by' (λ_. True) (𝒟 η) q) 
               (η. True  plossless_gpv (ℐ_ideal η  ℐ_common η) (𝒟 η)) 
               (η. wiring (ℐ_ideal η) (ℐ_real η) (cnv η) (insec_query_of, map_option snd)) 
               negligible (λη. advantage (𝒟 η) A_CHAN.res (cnv η |= 1C  MAC.res η))"
    proof(intro exI[where x="λ_. ?cnv"] strip conjI)
      fix 𝒟 :: "security  (auth_query + bool list + unit, bool list option + unit + bool list option) distinguisher"
      assume WT_D [rule_format, WT_intro]: "η. ℐ_ideal η  ℐ_common η ⊢g 𝒟 η "

      let ?A = "λη. UNIV <+> nlists UNIV η <+> UNIV"
      have WT1: "ℐ_ideal η, map_ℐ insec_query_of (map_option snd) (ℐ_real η) C 1C " for η 
        using WT_converter_id order_refl by(rule WT_converter_mono)(auto simp add: le_ℐ_def ℐ_ideal_def ℐ_real_def)
      have WT0: "ℐ_ideal η  ℐ_common η  ⊢res map_converter id id insec_query_of (map_option snd) 1C |= 1C  MAC.res η " for η
        by(rule WT1 WT_intro | simp)+

      have WT2: "ℐ_ideal η, map_ℐ insec_query_of (map_option snd) (ℐ_real η) C 1C " for η
        using WT_converter_id order_refl
        by(rule WT_converter_mono)(auto simp add: le_ℐ_def ℐ_ideal_def ℐ_real_def)
      have WT_cnv: "ℐ_ideal η, ℐ_real η C ?cnv " for η
        by(rule WT_converter_map_converter)(simp_all add: WT2)

      from eq_ℐ_converter_reflI[OF this] this
      show "wiring (ℐ_ideal η) (ℐ_real η) ?cnv insec_auth_wiring" for η ..

      define res' :: "security  _  auth_query + (bool list + bool list × bool list) + bool list + unit  _"
        where "res' η = 
         map_fun id (map_fun insec_query_of (map_spmf (map_prod (map_option snd) id))) MAC.INSEC.insec_oracle O
         ((MAC.RO.rnd_oracle η) O A_CHAN.send_oracle) O (MAC.RO.rnd_oracle η) O A_CHAN.recv_oracle"
        for η
      have push: "map_resource (map_sum f id) (map_sum g id) ((1C |= conv)  res) =
         (1C |= conv)  map_resource (map_sum f id) (map_sum g id) res"
        for f g conv res
      proof -
        have "map_resource (map_sum f id) (map_sum g id) ((1C |= conv)  res) = map_converter f g id id 1C |= conv  res"
          by(simp add: attach_map_converter parallel_converter2_map1_out sum.map_id0)
        also have " = (1C |= conv)  map_resource (map_sum f id) (map_sum g id) res"
          by(subst map_converter_id_move_right)(simp add: parallel_converter2_map1_out sum.map_id0 attach_map_converter)
        finally show ?thesis .
      have res': "map_resource (map_sum insec_query_of id) (map_sum (map_option snd) id) (MAC.res η) = 
        1C |= MAC.enm η |= MAC.dem η  RES (res' η) (Map.empty, Void)"  for η
        unfolding MAC.res_def MAC.RO.res_def MAC.INSEC.res_def interface_wiring push
        by(simp add: parallel_converter2_map1_out sum.map_id0 attach_map_converter map_resource_resource_of_oracle map_sum_plus_oracle prod.map_id0 option.map_id0 map_fun_id res'_def)

      define res'' :: "security  (unit × bool × unit)  × (bool list  bool list option) × _ cstate  auth_query + bool list + unit  _"
        where "res'' η = map_fun rprodl (map_fun id (map_spmf (map_prod id lprodr)))
          (lift_state_oracle extend_state_oracle (map_fun id (map_fun insec_query_of (map_spmf (map_prod (map_option snd) id))) MAC.INSEC.insec_oracle) O
           (map_fun rprodl (map_fun id (map_spmf (map_prod id lprodr)))
              (lift_state_oracle extend_state_oracle
                  (λbs m. if bs then Done ((), True) else Pause (Inl m) Done  (λr. lift_spmf (mac η (projl r) m)  (λa. Pause (Inr (a, m)) Done  (λ_. Done ((), True)))))
                  ((MAC.RO.rnd_oracle η) O A_CHAN.send_oracle)) O
               (λs q. A_CHAN.recv_oracle s () 
                         (λx. case x of (None, s')  return_spmf (None, s')
                               | (Some (x1, x2a), s')  (MAC.RO.rnd_oracle η) s' x2a  (λ(x, s'). mac η x x2a  (λy. return_spmf (if y = x1 then Some x2a else None, s'))))))))"
        for η
      have "?cnv |= 1C  MAC.res η = 1C |= MAC.enm η |= MAC.dem η  RES (res' η) (Map.empty, Void)" for η
        by(simp add: parallel_converter2_map1_out attach_map_converter sum.map_id0 res' attach_compose[symmetric] comp_converter_parallel2 comp_converter_id_left)
      also have " η = RES (res'' η) (((), False, ()), Map.empty, Void)" for η
        unfolding MAC.enm_def MAC.dem_def conv_callee_parallel[symmetric] conv_callee_parallel_id_left[where s="()", symmetric] attach_CNV_RES
        unfolding res'_def res''_def attach_callee_parallel_intercept attach_stateless_callee attach_callee_id_oracle prod.rel_eq[symmetric]
        by(simp add: extend_state_oracle_plus_oracle[symmetric] rprodl_extend_state_oracle sum.case_distrib[where h="λx. exec_gpv _ x _"] 
             option.case_distrib[where h="λx. exec_gpv _ x _"] prod.case_distrib[where h="λx. exec_gpv _ x _"] exec_gpv_bind bind_map_spmf o_def
           cong: sum.case_cong option.case_cong)
      define S :: "security  bool list cstate  (unit × bool × unit) × (bool list  bool list option) × (bool list × bool list) cstate  bool"
        where "S η l r = (case (l, r) of
          (Void, ((_, False, _), m, Void))  m = Map.empty
        | (Store x, ((_, True, _), m, Store (y, z)))  length x = η  length y = η  length z = η  m = [z  y]  x = z
        | (Collect x, ((_, True, _), m, Collect (y, z)))  length x = η  length y = η  length z = η  m = [z  y]  x = z
        | (Fail, ((_, True, _), m, Fail))  True
        | _  False)" for η l r

      note [simp] = spmf_rel_map bind_map_spmf exec_gpv_bind
      have "connect (𝒟 η) (?cnv |= 1C  MAC.res η) = connect (𝒟 η) A_CHAN.res" for η
        unfolding calculation using WT_D _ WT_auth
        apply(rule connect_eq_resource_cong[symmetric])
        unfolding A_CHAN.res_def
        apply(rule eq_resource_on_resource_of_oracleI[where S="S η"])
         apply(rule rel_funI)+
        subgoal for s s' q q'
          by(cases q; cases "projl q"; cases "projr q"; clarsimp simp add: eq_on_def S_def res''_def split: cstate.split_asm bool.split_asm; clarsimp simp add: rel_spmf_return_spmf1 rnd_def mac_def bind_UNION ℐ_common_def vld_def in_nlists_UNIV S_def)+
        subgoal by(simp add: S_def)
      then show adv: "negligible (λη. advantage (𝒟 η) A_CHAN.res (?cnv |= 1C  MAC.res η))"
        by(simp add: advantage_def)

