Theory Uv_Proofs

theory Uv_Proofs
imports Heard_Of.Reduction
  Two_Step_Observing "../HO_Transition_System" Uv_Defs

subsection ‹Proofs›
type_synonym uv_TS_state = "(nat × (process  (val pstate)))"

axiomatization where val_linorder: 
  "OFCLASS(val, linorder_class)"

instance val :: linorder by (rule val_linorder)

lemma two_step_step:
   "step = two_step"
   "phase = two_phase"
   by(auto simp add: step_def two_step_def phase_def two_phase_def)

context mono_quorum

definition UV_Alg :: "(process, val pstate, val msg)CHOAlgorithm" where
  "UV_Alg = CHOAlgorithm.truncate UV_M"

definition UV_TS ::
  "(round  process HO)  (round  process HO)  (round  process)  uv_TS_state TS"
  "UV_TS HOs SHOs crds = CHO_to_TS UV_Alg HOs SHOs (K o crds)"

lemmas UV_TS_defs = UV_TS_def CHO_to_TS_def UV_Alg_def CHOinitConfig_def

type_synonym rHO = "nat  process HO"

definition UV_trans_step 
  "UV_trans_step HOs SHOs nxt_f snd_f stp  r μ.
    {((r, cfg), (Suc r, cfg'))|cfg cfg'. step r = stp   (p.
      μ p  get_msgs (snd_f r) cfg (HOs r) (SHOs r) p
       nxt_f r p (cfg p) (μ p) (cfg' p)

lemma step_less_D:
  "0 < step r  step r = Suc 0"
  by(auto simp add: step_def)

lemma UV_trans:
  "CSHO_trans_alt UV_sendMsg (λr p st msgs crd st'. UV_nextState r p st msgs st') HOs SHOs crds = 
  UV_trans_step HOs SHOs next0 send0 0
   UV_trans_step HOs SHOs  next1 send1 1
  show "CSHO_trans_alt UV_sendMsg (λr p st msgs crd. UV_nextState r p st msgs) HOs SHOs crds
     UV_trans_step HOs SHOs next0 send0 0  UV_trans_step HOs SHOs next1 send1 1"
  by(force simp add: CSHO_trans_alt_def UV_sendMsg_def UV_nextState_def UV_trans_step_def 
    K_def dest!: step_less_D)
  show " UV_trans_step HOs SHOs next0 send0 0 
    UV_trans_step HOs SHOs next1 send1 1
     CSHO_trans_alt UV_sendMsg
        (λr p st msgs crd. UV_nextState r p st msgs) HOs SHOs crds"
  by(force simp add: CSHO_trans_alt_def UV_sendMsg_def UV_nextState_def UV_trans_step_def)

subsubsection ‹Invariants›

definition UV_inv1
  :: "uv_TS_state set" 
  "UV_inv1  = {(r, s). 
    two_step r = 0  (p. agreed_vote (s p) = None)

lemmas UV_inv1I = UV_inv1_def [THEN setc_def_to_intro, rule_format]
lemmas UV_inv1E [elim] = UV_inv1_def [THEN setc_def_to_elim, rule_format]
lemmas UV_inv1D = UV_inv1_def [THEN setc_def_to_dest, rule_format]

lemma UV_inv1_inductive:
  "init (UV_TS HOs SHOs crds)  UV_inv1"
  "{UV_inv1} TS.trans (UV_TS HOs SHOs crds) {> UV_inv1}"
  by(auto simp add: UV_inv1_def UV_TS_defs CHO_trans_alt UV_trans PO_hoare_def 
    UV_HOMachine_def CHOAlgorithm.truncate_def UV_trans_step_def 
    all_conj_distrib two_step_phase_Suc two_step_step next1_def)
lemma UV_inv1_invariant:
  "reach (UV_TS HOs SHOs crds)  UV_inv1"
  by(intro inv_rule_basic UV_inv1_inductive)

subsubsection ‹Refinement›

definition ref_rel :: "(tso_state × uv_TS_state)set" where
  "ref_rel  {(sa, (r, sc)).
    r = next_round sa
     (step r = 1  r_votes sa = agreed_vote o sc)
     (p v. last_obs (sc p) = v  (q. opt_obsv_state.last_obs sa q  {None, Some v}))
     decisions sa = decide o sc

text ‹Agreement for UV only holds if the communication predicates hold›
    HOs :: "nat  process  process set"
    and rho :: "nat  process  'val pstate"
  assumes global: "UV_commGlobal HOs"
  and per_rd: "r. UV_commPerRd (HOs r)"
  and run: "HORun fA rho HOs"

lemma HOs_intersect:
  "HOs r p  HOs r' q  {}" using per_rd
  apply(simp add: UV_commPerRd_def)
  apply(blast dest: qintersect)

lemma HOs_nonempty:
  "HOs r p  {}" 
  using HOs_intersect
  by blast

lemma vote_origin:
  send: "p. μ p  get_msgs (send0 r) cfg (HOs r) (HOs r) p"
  and step: "p. next0 r p (cfg p) (μ p) (cfg' p)"
  and inv: "(r, cfg)  UV_inv1"
  and step_r: "two_step r = 0"
    "agreed_vote (cfg' p) = Some v  (q  HOs r p. last_obs (cfg q) = v)" 
  using send[THEN spec, where x=p] step[THEN spec, where x=p] inv step_r HOs_nonempty
  by(auto simp add: next0_def get_msgs_benign send0_def msgRcvd_def o_def restrict_map_def)
lemma same_new_vote:
  send: "p. μ p  get_msgs (send0 r) cfg (HOs r) (HOs r) p"
  and step: "p. next0 r p (cfg p) (μ p) (cfg' p)"
  and inv: "(r, cfg)  UV_inv1"
  and step_r: "two_step r = 0"
  obtains v where "p w. agreed_vote (cfg' p) = Some w  w = v" 
proof(cases "p v. agreed_vote (cfg' p) = Some v")
  case True
  assume asm: "v. p w. agreed_vote (cfg' p) = Some w  w = v  thesis"
  from True obtain p v where "agreed_vote (cfg' p) = Some v" by auto

  hence "p w. agreed_vote (cfg' p) = Some w  w = v" (is "?LV(v)")
    using vote_origin[OF send step inv step_r] HOs_intersect

  from asm[OF this] show ?thesis .

lemma x_origin1:
  send: "p. μ p  get_msgs (send0 r) cfg (HOs r) (HOs r) p"
  and step: "p. next0 r p (cfg p) (μ p) (cfg' p)"
  and step_r: "two_step r = 0"
  and last_obs: "last_obs (cfg' p) = v"
    "q. last_obs (cfg q) = v" 
  have "smallestValRcvd (μ p)  {v. q. μ p q = Some (Val v)}" (is "smallestValRcvd ?msgs  ?vals")
  unfolding smallestValRcvd_def
  proof(rule Min_in)
    have "?vals  getval ` ((the  ?msgs) ` (HOs r p))"
      using send[THEN spec, where x=p]
      by (auto simp: image_def get_msgs_benign restrict_map_def send0_def)
    thus "finite ?vals" by (auto simp: finite_subset)
    from send[THEN spec, where x=p]
    show "?vals  {}" using HOs_nonempty[of r p]
      by (auto simp: image_def get_msgs_benign restrict_map_def send0_def)
  hence "v  ?vals" using last_obs step[THEN spec, of p] 
    by(auto simp add: next0_def all_conj_distrib)
  thus ?thesis using send[THEN spec, of p]
    by(auto simp add: get_msgs_benign send0_def restrict_map_def)
lemma step0_ref:
  "{ref_rel  UNIV × UV_inv1} r S v. tso_round0 r S v, 
    UV_trans_step HOs HOs next0 send0 0 {> ref_rel}"
proof(clarsimp simp add: PO_rhoare_defs UV_trans_step_def two_step_step all_conj_distrib)
  fix sa r cfg μ cfg'
    R: "(sa, (r, cfg))  ref_rel"
    and step_r: "two_step r = 0" 
    and send: "p. μ p  get_msgs (send0 r) cfg (HOs r) (HOs r) p"
    and step: "p. next0 r p (cfg p) (μ p) (cfg' p)"
    and inv: "(r, cfg)  UV_inv1"

  from R have next_r: "next_round sa = r"
    by(simp add: ref_rel_def)

  from HOs_nonempty send have "p. q. q  msgRcvd (μ p)"
    by(fastforce simp add: get_msgs_benign send0_def msgRcvd_def restrict_map_def)
  with step have same_dec: "decide o cfg' = decide o cfg"
    apply(simp add: next0_def o_def)
    by (metis pstate.select_convs(3) pstate.surjective pstate.update_convs(1) pstate.update_convs(2))

  define S where "S = {p. v. agreed_vote (cfg' p) = Some v}"
  from same_new_vote[OF send step inv step_r] 
  obtain v where v: "p  S. agreed_vote (cfg' p) = Some v"
    by(simp add: S_def) (metis)
  hence vote_const_map: "agreed_vote o cfg' = const_map v S"
    by(auto simp add: S_def const_map_def restrict_map_def intro!: ext)

  note x_origin = x_origin1[OF send step step_r]

  define sa' where "sa' = sa next_round := Suc r, r_votes := const_map v S "

  have "p. p  S  opt_obs_safe (opt_obsv_state.last_obs sa) v"
    using vote_origin[OF send step inv step_r] R per_rd[THEN spec, of r] v
    apply(clarsimp simp add: UV_commPerRd_def opt_obs_safe_def ref_rel_def)
    by metis
  hence "(sa, sa')  tso_round0 r S v" using next_r step_r v R 
    vote_origin[OF send step inv step_r]
    by(auto simp add: tso_round0_def sa'_def all_conj_distrib)

  moreover have "(sa', Suc r, cfg')  ref_rel" using step send v R same_dec step_r next_r
    apply(clarsimp simp add: ref_rel_def sa'_def two_step_step two_step_phase_Suc vote_const_map)
    by (metis x_origin)
  ultimately show
    "sa'. (r S v. (sa, sa')  tso_round0 r S v)  (sa', Suc r, cfg')  ref_rel"
    by blast

lemma x_origin2:
  send: "p. μ p  get_msgs (send1 r) cfg (HOs r) (HOs r) p"
  and step: "p. next1 r p (cfg p) (μ p) (cfg' p)"
  and step_r: "two_step r = Suc 0"
  and last_obs: "last_obs (cfg' p) = v"
    "(q. last_obs (cfg q) = v)  (q. agreed_vote (cfg q) = Some v)" 
proof(cases "q  HOs r p. w. μ p q = Some (ValVote w None)")
  case True
  hence empty: "someVoteRcvd (μ p) = {}" using send[THEN spec, of p] HOs_nonempty[of r p]
    by(auto simp add: someVoteRcvd_def msgRcvd_def isValVote_def 
      get_msgs_benign send1_def restrict_map_def)
  have "smallestValNoVoteRcvd (μ p)  {v. q. μ p q = Some (ValVote v None)}" 
    (is "smallestValNoVoteRcvd ?msgs  ?vals")
  unfolding smallestValNoVoteRcvd_def
  proof(rule Min_in)
    have "?vals  getval ` ((the  ?msgs) ` (HOs r p))"
      using send[THEN spec, where x=p]
      by (auto simp: image_def get_msgs_benign restrict_map_def send0_def)
    thus "finite ?vals" by (auto simp: finite_subset)
    from send[THEN spec, where x=p] True HOs_nonempty[of r p]
    show "?vals  {}" 
      by (auto simp: image_def get_msgs_benign restrict_map_def send1_def)
  hence "v  ?vals" using empty step[THEN spec, of p] last_obs
    by(auto simp add: next1_def x_update_def)
  thus ?thesis using send[THEN spec, of p]
    by(auto simp add: get_msgs_benign restrict_map_def send1_def)
  case False
  hence "someVoteRcvd (μ p)  {}" using send[THEN spec, of p] HOs_nonempty[of r p]
    by(auto simp add: someVoteRcvd_def msgRcvd_def isValVote_def 
      get_msgs_benign send1_def restrict_map_def)
  hence "q  someVoteRcvd (μ p). v = the (getvote (the (μ p q)))" using step[THEN spec, of p] last_obs
    by(auto simp add: next1_def x_update_def)
  thus ?thesis using send[THEN spec, of p]
    by(auto simp add: next1_def x_update_def someVoteRcvd_def isValVote_def 
      send1_def get_msgs_benign msgRcvd_def restrict_map_def)

definition D where
  "D cfg cfg'  {p. decide (cfg' p)  decide (cfg p) }"

lemma decide_origin:
  send: "p. μ p  get_msgs (send1 r) cfg (HOs r) (HOs r) p"
  and step: "p. next1 r p (cfg p) (μ p) (cfg' p)"
  and step_r: "two_step r = Suc 0"
    "D cfg cfg'  {p. v. decide (cfg' p) = Some v  (q  HOs r p. agreed_vote (cfg q) = Some v)}" 
  using assms
  by(fastforce simp add: D_def next1_def get_msgs_benign send1_def msgRcvd_def o_def restrict_map_def
    x_update_def dec_update_def identicalVoteRcvd_def all_conj_distrib someVoteRcvd_def isValVote_def
lemma step1_ref:
  "{ref_rel  (TSO_inv1  TSO_inv2) × UNIV} r d_f o_f. tso_round1 r d_f o_f, 
    UV_trans_step HOs HOs next1 send1 (Suc 0) {> ref_rel}"
proof(clarsimp simp add: PO_rhoare_defs UV_trans_step_def two_step_step all_conj_distrib)
  fix sa r cfg μ and cfg' :: "process  val pstate"
    R: "(sa, (r, cfg))  ref_rel"
    and step_r: "two_step r = Suc 0" 
    and send: "p. μ p  get_msgs (send1 r) cfg (HOs r) (HOs r) p"
    and step: "p. next1 r p (cfg p) (μ p) (cfg' p)"
    and ainv: "sa  TSO_inv1"
    and ainv2: "sa  TSO_inv2"

  from R have next_r: "next_round sa = r"
    by(simp add: ref_rel_def)

  define S where "S = {p. v. agreed_vote (cfg p) = Some v}"
  from R obtain v where v: "p  S. agreed_vote (cfg p) = Some v" using ainv step_r
    by(auto simp add: ref_rel_def TSO_inv1_def S_def two_step_step)

  define Ob where "Ob = {p. last_obs (cfg' p) = v}"
  define o_f where "o_f p = (if S  Quorum then Some v else None)" for p :: process

  define dec_f where "dec_f p = (if p  D cfg cfg' then decide (cfg' p) else None)" for p

    fix p w
    assume "agreed_vote (cfg p) = Some w"
    hence "w = v" using v
      by(unfold S_def, auto)
  } note v'=this
  have d_guard: "d_guard dec_f (agreed_vote  cfg)" using per_rd[THEN spec, of r]
    by(fastforce simp add: d_guard_def locked_in_vf_def quorum_for_def dec_f_def
      UV_commPerRd_def dest!: decide_origin[OF send step step_r, THEN subsetD])

  have "dom (agreed_vote  cfg)  Quorum  Ob = UNIV"
  proof(auto simp add: Ob_def)
    fix p
    assume Q: "dom (agreed_vote  cfg)  Quorum" (is "?Q  Quorum")
    hence "?Q  HOs r p  {}"  using per_rd[THEN spec, of r]
      by(auto simp add: UV_commPerRd_def dest: qintersect)
    hence "someVoteRcvd (μ p)  {}" using send[THEN spec, of p]
      by(force simp add: someVoteRcvd_def get_msgs_benign msgRcvd_def restrict_map_def 
        isValVote_def send1_def)
    moreover have "q  someVoteRcvd (μ p). x'. μ p q = Some (ValVote x' (Some v))"
      using send[THEN spec, of p]
      by(auto simp add: someVoteRcvd_def get_msgs_benign msgRcvd_def restrict_map_def
        isValVote_def send1_def dest: v')
    ultimately show "last_obs (cfg' p) = v" using step[THEN spec, of p]
      by(auto simp add: next1_def x_update_def)
  note Ob_UNIV=this[rule_format]

  have obs_guard: "obs_guard o_f (agreed_vote  cfg)"
    apply(auto simp add: obs_guard_def o_f_def S_def dom_def
      dest: v' Ob_UNIV quorum_non_empty) 
    apply (metis S_def all_not_in_conv  empty_not_quorum v)

  define sa' where "sa' = sa 
    next_round := Suc (next_round sa)
    , decisions := decisions sa ++ dec_f
    , opt_obsv_state.last_obs := opt_obsv_state.last_obs sa ++ o_f

  ― ‹Abstract step›
  have abs_step: "(sa, sa')  tso_round1 r dec_f o_f"  using next_r step_r R d_guard obs_guard
    by(auto simp add: tso_round1_def sa'_def ref_rel_def two_step_step)

  ― ‹Relation preserved›
  have "p. ((decide  cfg) ++ dec_f) p = decide (cfg' p)"
    fix p
    show "((decide  cfg) ++ dec_f) p = decide (cfg' p)" using step[THEN spec, of p]
      by(auto simp add: dec_f_def D_def next1_def dec_update_def map_add_def)
  note dec_rel=this[rule_format]

  have "p. (q. o_f q = None  opt_obsv_state.last_obs sa q = None 
         (opt_obsv_state.last_obs sa ++ o_f) q = Some (last_obs (cfg' p)))"
  proof(intro allI impI, cases "S  Quorum")
    fix p 
    case True 
    hence "last_obs (cfg' p) = v" using Ob_UNIV
      by(auto simp add: S_def Ob_def dom_def)
    thus "(q. o_f q = None  opt_obsv_state.last_obs sa q = None 
         (opt_obsv_state.last_obs sa ++ o_f) q = Some (last_obs (cfg' p)))"
      using True
      by(auto simp add: o_f_def)
    fix p
    case False
    hence empty: "o_f = Map.empty"
      by(auto simp add: o_f_def)
    note last_obs = x_origin2[OF send step step_r refl, of p]
    thus "(q. o_f q = None  opt_obsv_state.last_obs sa q = None 
         (opt_obsv_state.last_obs sa ++ o_f) q = Some (last_obs (cfg' p)))"
    proof(elim disjE exE)
      fix q
      assume "last_obs (cfg q) = last_obs (cfg' p)"
      from this[symmetric] show ?thesis using R step_r empty
        by(simp add: ref_rel_def two_step_step)
      fix q
      assume "agreed_vote (cfg q) = Some (last_obs (cfg' p))" 
      from this[symmetric] show ?thesis using R ainv2 step_r empty
        apply(auto simp add: ref_rel_def two_step_step TSO_inv2_def)
        by metis
  note obs_rel=this[rule_format]

  have post_rel: 
    "(sa', Suc r, cfg')  ref_rel" using step send next_r R step_r
    by(auto simp add: sa'_def ref_rel_def two_step_step
      two_step_phase_Suc dec_rel obs_rel)
  from abs_step post_rel show
    "sa'. (r d_f o_f. (sa, sa')  tso_round1 r d_f o_f)  (sa', Suc r, cfg')  ref_rel"
    by blast

lemma UV_Refines_votes:
  "PO_refines (ref_rel  (TSO_inv1  TSO_inv2) × UV_inv1)
    tso_TS (UV_TS HOs HOs crds)"
proof(rule refine_using_invariants)
  show "init (UV_TS HOs HOs crds)  ref_rel `` init tso_TS"
    by(auto simp add: UV_TS_defs UV_HOMachine_def CHOAlgorithm.truncate_def 
      tso_TS_defs ref_rel_def tso_init_def Let_def o_def)
    "{ref_rel  (TSO_inv1  TSO_inv2) × UV_inv1} TS.trans tso_TS, 
      TS.trans (UV_TS HOs HOs crds) {> ref_rel}"
    apply(simp add: tso_TS_defs UV_TS_defs UV_HOMachine_def CHOAlgorithm.truncate_def)
    apply(auto simp add: CHO_trans_alt UV_trans intro!: step0_ref step1_ref)
qed(auto intro!: TSO_inv1_inductive TSO_inv2_inductive UV_inv1_inductive)

end (* HO predicate context *)

end (* mono_quorum context *)

subsubsection ‹Termination›

text ‹As the model of the algorithm is taken verbatim from the HO Model AFP, we
  do not repeat the termination proof here and refer to that AFP entry.›

end (* theory *)