Theory Morphisms

(*  Title:      Morphisms
    File:       Combinatorics_Words.Morphisms
    Author:     Štěpán Holub, Charles University

Part of Combinatorics on Words Formalized. See

theory Morphisms

imports CoWBasic Submonoids


chapter "Morphisms"

section ‹One morphism›

subsection  ‹Morphism, core map and extension›

definition list_extension :: "('a  'b list)  ('a list  'b list)" ("_" [1000] 1000)
  where "t  (λ x. concat (map t x))"

definition morphism_core :: "('a list  'b list)  ('a   'b list)" ("_𝒞" [1000] 1000)
  where core_def: "f𝒞  (λ x. f [x])"

(*QUESTION simp? abbereviation?
  SH: attribute simp destroys proofs based on core*)
lemma core_sing: "f𝒞 a = f [a]"
  unfolding core_def..

lemma range_map_core: "range (map f𝒞) = lists (range f𝒞)"
    using lists_image[of "λx. f [x]" UNIV, folded core_def, symmetric]
    unfolding lists_UNIV.

lemma map_core_lists: "(map f𝒞 w)  lists (range f𝒞)"
  by auto

lemma comp_core: "(f  g)𝒞 = f  g𝒞"
  unfolding core_def
  by auto

locale morphism_on =
  fixes f :: "'a list  'b list" and A :: "'a list set"
  assumes morph_on: "u  A  v  A  f (u  v) = f u  f v"


lemma emp_to_emp[simp]: "f ε = ε"
  using morph_on[of ε ε] self_append_conv2[of "f ε" "f ε"] by simp

lemma emp_to_emp': "w = ε  f w = ε"
  using morph_on[of ε ε] self_append_conv2[of "f ε" "f ε"] by simp

lemma morph_concat_concat_map: "ws  lists A  f (concat ws) = concat (map f ws)"
  by (induct ws, simp_all add: morph_on hull_closed_lists)

lemma hull_im_hull:
  shows "f ` A = f ` A"
  show " f ` A  f ` A"
  proof (rule subsetI)
    fix x
    show "x  f ` A  x  f ` A"
    proof (induction rule: hull.induct)
      show "ε  f ` A"
        using  hull.emp_in emp_to_emp by force
      show "w1  w2  f ` A" if "w1  f ` A" and  "w2  f ` A" for w1 w2
        from that
        obtain pre1 pre2 where "pre1  A" and "pre2  A" and "f pre1 = w1" and "f pre2 = w2"
          using imageE by blast+
        from hull_closed[OF this(1-2)] morph_on[OF pre1  A pre2  A, unfolded this(3-4)]
        show "w1  w2  f ` A"
          by force
  show "f ` A  f ` A"
    fix x
    assume "x  f ` A"
    then obtain xs where "f (concat xs) = x" and "xs  lists A"
      using hull_concat_lists0 by blast
    from this[unfolded morph_concat_concat_map]
        morph_concat_concat_map[OF genset_sub_lists[OF this(2)]]
    show "x  f ` A"
      by fastforce

lemma inj_basis_to_basis: assumes "inj_on f A"
            shows "f ` (𝔅 A) = 𝔅 (f`A)"
  interpret basis: morphism_on f "𝔅 A"
    by (rule morph_on morphism_on.intro, unfold basis_gen_hull'[of A])
    (simp only: morph_on)
  show "𝔅 (f ` A)  f ` 𝔅 A"
    using basis.hull_im_hull unfolding basis_gen_hull unfolding self_gen using basis_hull_sub[of "f ` 𝔅 A"] by argo
  show "f ` 𝔅 A  𝔅 (f ` A)"
    fix x
    assume "x  f ` 𝔅 A"
    then obtain y where "y  𝔅 A" and "x = f y" by blast
    hence "x  f ` A"
      using basis_sub by blast
    from basis_concat_listsE[OF this]
    obtain xs where "xs  lists 𝔅 (f `A)" and "concat xs = x".
    hence "ε   set xs"
      using emp_not_basis  by blast
    have "xs  lists (f `A)"
      using xs  lists 𝔅 (f `A) basis_sub by blast
    then obtain ys where "map f ys = xs" and "ys  lists A"
      unfolding lists_image by blast
    have "ε  set ys"
      using emp_to_emp ε   set xs
       imageI[of ε "set ys" f] unfolding list.set_map[of f ys, unfolded map f ys = xs] by presburger
    hence "ys  lists (A - {ε}) "
      using ys  lists A by fast
    have "f (concat ys) = x"
      unfolding morph_concat_concat_map[OF ys  lists A] map f ys = xs by fact
    from inj_on f A this[unfolded  x = f y]
    have "concat ys = y"
      unfolding inj_on_def using subsetD[OF basis_sub y  𝔅 A] hull_closed_lists[OF ys  lists A] by blast
    hence "|ys| = 1"
      using y  𝔅 A  ys  lists (A - {ε}) unfolding basis_def simple_element_def mem_Collect_eq by fast
    hence "|xs| = 1"
      using map f ys = xs by fastforce
    with concat xs = x xs  lists 𝔅 (f `A)
    show "x  𝔅 (f ` A)"
      using len_one_concat_in by blast

lemma inj_code_to_code: assumes "inj_on f A" and "code A"
            shows "code (f ` A)"
  fix xs ys
  assume "xs  lists (f ` A)" and "ys  lists (f ` A)"
  then obtain xs' ys' where "xs'  lists A" and "map f xs' = xs" and "ys'  lists A" and "map f ys' = ys"
    unfolding lists_image by blast
  assume "concat xs = concat ys"
  hence "f (concat xs') = f (concat ys')"
    by (simp add: map f xs' = xs map f ys' = ys xs'  lists A ys'  lists A genset_sub_lists morph_concat_concat_map)
  hence "concat xs' = concat ys'"
    using inj_on f A[unfolded inj_on_def] xs'  lists A ys'  lists A by auto
  hence "xs' = ys'"
    using code A[unfolded code_def] xs'  lists A ys'  lists A by simp
  thus "xs = ys"
    using map f xs' = xs map f ys' = ys by blast


locale  morphism =
  fixes f :: "'a list  'b list"
  assumes morph: "f (u  v) = f u  f v"

sublocale morphism_on f UNIV
  by (simp add: morph morphism_on.intro)

lemma map_core_lists[simp]: "map f𝒞 xs  lists (range f𝒞)"
  by auto

lemma pow_morph: "f (x@k) = (f x)@k"
  by (induction k) (simp add: morph)+

lemma rev_map_pow:  "(rev_map f) (w@n) = rev ((f (rev w))@n)"
  by (simp add: pow_morph rev_map_arg rev_pow)

lemma pop_hd: "f (a#u) = f [a]  f u"
  unfolding hd_word[of a u] using morph.

lemma pop_hd_nemp: "u  ε  f (u) = f [hd u]  f (tl u)"
  using list.exhaust_sel pop_hd[of "hd u" "tl u"] by force

lemma pop_last_nemp: "u  ε  f (u) = f (butlast u)  f [last u]"
  unfolding morph[symmetric] append_butlast_last_id ..

lemma pref_mono: "u ≤p v  f u ≤p f v"
  using morph by (auto simp add: prefix_def)

lemma suf_mono: "u ≤s v  f u ≤s f v"
  using morph by (auto simp add: suffix_def)

lemma morph_concat_map: "concat (map f𝒞 x) = f x"
  unfolding core_def
proof (induction x)
  case (Cons a x)
  then show ?case
    unfolding pop_hd[of a x] by auto
qed simp

lemma morph_concat_map': "(λ x. concat (map f𝒞 x)) = f"
  using morph_concat_map by simp

lemma morph_to_concat:
  obtains xs where "xs  lists (range f𝒞)" and "f x = concat xs"
  have "map f𝒞 x  lists (range f𝒞)"
    by fastforce
      from that[OF this morph_concat_map[symmetric]]
  show thesis.

lemma range_hull: "range f = (range f𝒞)"
  using arg_cong[OF range_map_core[of f], of "image concat", unfolded image_comp, folded hull_concat_lists] morph_concat_map by auto

lemma im_in_hull: "f w  (range f𝒞)"
  using range_hull by blast

lemma core_ext_id: "f𝒞 = f"
using morph_concat_map unfolding list_extension_def core_def by simp

lemma  rev_map_morph: "morphism (rev_map f)"
  by (standard, auto simp add: rev_map_def morph)

lemma morph_rev_len:  "|f (rev u)| = |f u|"
proof (induction u)
  case (Cons a u)
  then show ?case
    unfolding rev.simps(2) pop_hd[of a u] morph lenmorph by force
qed simp

lemma  rev_map_len: "|rev_map f u| = |f u|"
  unfolding rev_map_def
  by (simp add: morph_rev_len)

lemma in_set_morph_len: assumes "a  set w" shows "|f [a]|  |f w|"
  from split_listE[OF assms]
  obtain p s where "w = p  [a]  s".
  from lenarg[OF arg_cong[of _ _ f, OF this], unfolded morph lenmorph]
  show ?thesis by linarith

lemma morph_lq_comm: "u ≤p v  f (u¯>v) = (f u)¯>(f v)"
  using morph by (auto simp add: prefix_def)

lemma morph_rq_comm: assumes "v ≤s u"
  shows "f (u<¯v) = (f u)<¯(f v)"
  using arg_cong[OF rq_suf[OF v ≤s u], of f, unfolded morph, THEN rqI, symmetric].

lemma code_set_morph: assumes c: "code (f𝒞 `(set (u  v)))" and i: "inj_on f𝒞 (set (u  v))"
 and "f u = f v"
  shows "u = v"
  let ?C = "f𝒞 `(set (u  v))"
  interpret code ?C
    using c by blast
  have "(map f𝒞 u)  lists ?C" and "(map f𝒞 v)  lists ?C"
    by (simp_all add: in_listsI)
  from is_code[OF this f u = f v[folded morph_concat_map]]
  show "u = v"
    using  inj_on_map_lists[OF i] unfolding inj_on_def
    by (simp add: in_listsI)

lemma morph_concat_concat_map: "f (concat ws) = concat (map f ws)"
  by (induct ws, simp_all add: morph)

lemma morph_on: "morphism_on f A"
  unfolding morphism_on_def using morph by blast

lemma noner_sings_conv: "( w. w = ε  f w = ε)  ( a. f [a]  ε)"
  by (rule iffI, blast)
   (metis Nil_is_append_conv emp_to_emp' hd_tlE pop_hd)

lemma fac_mono: "u ≤f w  f u ≤f f w"
  using morph by fastforce

lemma set_core_set: "set (f w) =  (set ` f𝒞 ` (set w))"
  unfolding list.set_map[symmetric]
  unfolding image_set[of set "(map f𝒞 w)", symmetric]
  unfolding morph_concat_map[symmetric, of w]
  using set_concat.


lemma morph_map: "morphism (map f)"
  by (simp add: morphism_def)

lemma list_ext_morph: "morphism t"
  unfolding list_extension_def by (simp add: morphism_def)

lemma ext_def_on_set: "( a. a  set u  g a = f a)  g u = f u"
  unfolding list_extension_def using map_ext by metis

lemma morph_def_on_set: "morphism f  morphism g  ( a. a  set u  g𝒞 a = f𝒞 a)  g u = f u"
  using ext_def_on_set morphism.core_ext_id by metis

lemma morph_compose: "morphism f  morphism g  morphism (f  g)"
  by (simp add: morphism_def)

subsection ‹Periodic morphism›

locale periodic_morphism = morphism +
  assumes ims_comm: " u v. f u  f v = f v  f u" and
    not_triv_emp: "¬ ( c. f [c] =  ε)"

lemma per_morph_root_ex:
  " r.  u.  n. f u = r@n  primitive r"
  obtain c root n where "f[c] = root@n" and "root = ρ (f [c])" and "f [c]  ε"
    using primroot_expE not_triv_emp by metis
  have " n. f u = root@n" for u
    using comm_primroot_exp[OF f [c]  ε, OF ims_comm, folded root = ρ (f [c])] by metis
  thus ?thesis
    using root = ρ (f [c]) f [c]  ε by auto

definition mroot where "mroot  (SOME r. ( u.  n. f u = r@n)  primitive r)"
definition mexp :: "'a  nat" where "mexp c  (SOME n. f [c] = mroot@n)"

lemma per_morph_rootI: " u.  n. f u = mroot@n" and
  per_morph_root_prim: "primitive mroot"
  using per_morph_root_ex exE_some[of "λ r. u. n. f u = r @ n  primitive r", of mroot]
  unfolding mroot_def by auto

lemma per_morph_expI': "f [c] = mroot@(mexp c)"
  using per_morph_rootI exE_some[of "λ n. f [c] = mroot @ n", of "mexp c"]
  unfolding mexp_def by blast

lemma per_morph_expE:
  obtains n where "f u = mroot@n"
  using per_morph_rootI by auto

interpretation mirror: periodic_morphism "rev_map f"
  show "rev_map f (u  v) = rev_map f u  rev_map f v" for u v
    using  morphism.morph[OF rev_map_morph].
  show "rev_map f u  rev_map f v = rev_map f v  rev_map f u" for u v
    unfolding comm_rev_iff ims_comm rev_map_arg..
  show "¬ (c. rev_map f [c] = ε)"
    using not_triv_emp unfolding rev_map_sing by blast

lemma mroot_rev: "mirror.mroot = rev mroot"
  have "primitive (rev mroot)"
    using per_morph_root_prim prim_rev_iff by blast
  obtain u where "f u  ε"
    using not_triv_emp by auto
  obtain n where "f u = mroot@n"
    using per_morph_expE[of u].
  hence "0 < n"
    using f u  ε by blast
  obtain n' where "rev (f u) = mirror.mroot@n'" "0 < n'"
    using mirror.per_morph_expE rev_map_arg_rev
     f u  ε[folded Nil_is_rev_conv, symmetric]
    using bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum zero_exp by metis
  from this(1)[unfolded f u = mroot@ n, unfolded rev_pow]
  have *: "rev mroot @  n = mirror.mroot @ n'".
  have "(rev mroot)  mirror.mroot = mirror.mroot  (rev mroot)"
    by (rule comm_drop_exps[OF _ 0 < n 0 < n']) (use * in blast)
  thus ?thesis
    using comm_prim[OF primitive (rev mroot) mirror.per_morph_root_prim] by force


subsection  ‹Non-erasing morphism›

locale nonerasing_morphism = morphism  +
  assumes nonerasing: "f w = ε  w = ε"

lemma core_nemp: "f𝒞 a  ε"
  unfolding core_def using nonerasing not_Cons_self2 by blast

lemma nemp_to_nemp: "w  ε  f w  ε"
  using nonerasing by blast

lemma sing_to_nemp: "f [a]  ε"
  by (simp add: nemp_to_nemp)

lemma pref_morph_pref_eq: "u ≤p v  f v ≤p f u  u = v"
  using nonerasing morph[of u "u¯>v"] unfolding prefix_def by fastforce

lemma comm_eq_im_eq:
  "u  v = v  u  f u = f v  u = v"
  by (elim ruler_eqE)
     (simp_all add: pref_morph_pref_eq pref_morph_pref_eq[symmetric])

lemma comm_eq_im_iff :
  assumes "u  v = v  u"
  shows "f u = f v  u = v"
  using comm_eq_im_eq[OF u  v = v  u] by blast

lemma rev_map_nonerasing: "nonerasing_morphism (rev_map f)"
  show "rev_map f (u  v) = rev_map f u  rev_map f v" for u v
    by (simp add: morphism.morph rev_map_morph)
  show "rev_map f w = ε  w = ε" for w
    unfolding rev_map_arg using rev_is_Nil_conv nonerasing by fast

lemma first_of_first: "(f (a # ws))!0 = f [a]!0"
  unfolding pop_hd[of a ws] using  hd_prod[of "f[a]" "f ws", OF
      nonerasing[of "[a]", THEN contrapos_nn[OF not_Cons_self2[of a ε], of f (a # ε) = ε]]].

lemma hd_im_hd_hd: assumes "u  ε" shows "hd (f u) = hd (f [hd u])"
  unfolding hd_append2[OF sing_to_nemp] pop_hd_nemp[OF u  ε]..

lemma ssuf_mono: "u <s v  f u <s f v"
  by (elim strict_suffixE')
  (use morph sing_to_nemp ssufI1 suf_nemp in metis)

lemma im_len_le: "|u|  |f u|"
proof (induct u)
  case (Cons a u)
  show ?case
    unfolding hd_word[of a u] morph lenmorph sing_len
    by (rule add_mono[OF _ |u|  |f u|], use nemp_le_len[OF sing_to_nemp] in force)
qed simp

lemma im_len_eq_iff: "|u| = |f u|  ( c. c  set u  |f [c]| = 1)"
proof (induct u)
  case (Cons a u)
  show ?case
    assume "|a # u| = |f (a # u)|"
    from this[unfolded  hd_word[of a u] morph lenmorph sing_len]
    have "|f [a]| = 1" and "|u| = |f u|"
      unfolding sing_len[of a, symmetric] using  im_len_le[of "[a]"] im_len_le[of u] by auto
    from this(2)[unfolded Cons.hyps] this(1)
    show "c. c  set (a # u)  |f [c]| = 1" by auto
    assume "c. c  set (a # u)  |f [c]| = 1"
    hence all: "c. c  set u  |f [c]| = 1" and "|f [a]| = 1"
      by simp_all
    show "|a # u| = |f (a # u)|"
      unfolding hd_word[of a u] morph lenmorph sing_len |f [a]| = 1 all[folded Cons.hyps]..
qed simp

lemma im_len_less: "a  set u  |f [a]|  1  |u| < |f u|"
  using im_len_le im_len_eq_iff order_le_neq_trans by auto


lemma (in morphism) nonerI[intro]: assumes "( a. f𝒞 a  ε)"
  shows "nonerasing_morphism f"
  from assms[unfolded core_def] noner_sings_conv
  show "w. f w = ε  w = ε" by presburger

lemma (in morphism) prim_morph_noner:
  assumes prim_morph: "u. 2  |u|  primitive u  primitive (f u)"
  and non_single_dom: "a b :: 'a. a  b"
    shows "nonerasing_morphism f"
proof (intro nonerI notI)
  fix a
  assume "f𝒞 a = ε"
  obtain c d :: "'a" where "c  d"
    using non_single_dom by blast
  then obtain b where "a  b"
    by (cases "a = c") simp_all
  then have "¬ primitive (f ([a]  [b]  [b]))"
    using f𝒞 a = ε unfolding morph
    by (simp add: core_def eq_append_not_prim)
  have "primitive ([a]  [b]  [b])"
    using prim_abk[OF a  b, of 2] by simp
  from prim_morph[OF _ this] ¬ primitive (f ([a]  [b]  [b]))
  show False
    by simp

subsection ‹Code morphism›

text ‹The term ``Code morphism'' is equivalent to ``injective morphism''.›

text ‹Note that this is not equivalent to @{term "code (range f𝒞)"}, since the core can be not injective.›

lemma (in morphism) code_core_range_inj: "inj f  code (range f𝒞)  inj f𝒞"
  assume "inj f"
  show "code (range f𝒞)  inj f𝒞"
    show "inj f𝒞"
      using inj f unfolding inj_on_def core_def by blast
    show "code (range f𝒞)"
        "xs  lists (range f𝒞)  ys  lists (range f𝒞)  concat xs = concat ys  xs = ys" for xs ys
        unfolding range_map_core[symmetric] using inj f[unfolded inj_on_def core_def] morph_concat_map
        by force
  assume "code (range f𝒞)  inj f𝒞" hence "code (range f𝒞)" and "inj f𝒞" by blast+
  show "inj f"
    fix x y assume "f x = f y"
    with code.is_code[OF code (range f𝒞), folded range_map_core, OF rangeI rangeI, unfolded morph_concat_map]
    have "map f𝒞 x = map f𝒞 y" by blast
    with inj f𝒞
    show "x = y" by simp

locale code_morphism = morphism f for f +
   assumes code_morph: "inj f"


lemma inj_core: "inj f𝒞"
  using code_morph unfolding core_def inj_on_def by blast

lemma sing_im_core: "f [a]  (range f𝒞)"
  unfolding core_def by simp

lemma code_im: "code (range f𝒞)"
  using code_morph morph_concat_map unfolding inj_on_def code_def core_def
  unfolding lists_image lists_UNIV by fastforce

sublocale code "range f𝒞"
  using code_im.

sublocale nonerasing_morphism
  by (rule nonerI, simp add: nemp)

lemma code_morph_code: assumes "f r = f s" shows "r = s"
  from code.is_code[OF code_im, of "map f𝒞 r" "map f𝒞 s"]
  have "map f𝒞 r = map f𝒞 s"
    unfolding morph_concat_map using range_map_core assms by blast
  thus "r = s"
    unfolding inj_map_eq_map[OF inj_core].

lemma code_morph_bij: "bij_betw f UNIV (range f𝒞)"
  unfolding bij_betw_def
  by (rule disjE, simp_all add: range_hull)
     (rule injI,  simp add: code_morph_code)

lemma code_morphism_rev_map: "code_morphism (rev_map f)"
  unfolding code_morphism_def code_morphism_axioms_def
proof (rule conjI)
  show "inj (rev_map f)"
    using code_morph
    unfolding inj_def rev_map_arg rev_is_rev_conv
    using  rev_is_rev_conv by blast
qed (simp add: rev_map_morph)

lemma morph_on_inj_on:
  "morphism_on f A" "inj_on f A"
  using morph code_morph_code unfolding morphism_on_def inj_on_def
  by blast+


lemma (in morphism) code_morphismI: "inj f  code_morphism f"
  by unfold_locales

lemma (in nonerasing_morphism) code_morphismI' :
  assumes comm: "u v. f u = f v  u  v = v  u"
  shows "code_morphism f"
proof (unfold_locales, intro injI)
  fix u v
  assume "f u = f v"
  then have "u  v =  v  u"
    by (fact comm)
  from comm_eq_im_eq[OF this f u = f v]
  show "u = v".

subsection ‹Prefix code morphism›

locale pref_code_morphism = nonerasing_morphism  +
          pref_free: "f𝒞 a ≤p f𝒞 b  a = b"


interpretation prefrange: pref_code "(range f𝒞)"
  by (unfold_locales, unfold image_iff)
  (use core_nemp in metis, use pref_free in fast)

lemma inj_core: "inj f𝒞"
  unfolding inj_on_def using pref_free by force

sublocale code_morphism
  show "inj f"
 proof (rule injI)
    fix x y
    assume "f x =  f y"
    hence "map f𝒞 x = map f𝒞 y"
      using prefrange.is_code[folded range_map_core, of "map f𝒞 x" "map f𝒞 y"]
      unfolding morph_concat_map by fast
    with inj_core[folded inj_map[of "f𝒞"], unfolded inj_on_def]
    show "x = y"
      by fast

thm nonerasing

lemma pref_free_morph: assumes "f r ≤p f s" shows "r ≤p s"
  using assms
proof (induction r s rule: list_induct2')
  case (2 x xs)
  then show ?case
    using emp_to_emp nonerasing prefix_bot.extremum_unique by auto
  case (3 y ys)
  then show ?case
    using emp_to_emp nonerasing prefix_bot.extremum_unique by blast
  case (4 x xs y ys)
  then show ?case
    have "f𝒞 x ≤p f𝒞 y  f ys"
      unfolding core_def using "4.prems"[unfolded pop_hd[of x xs] pop_hd[of y ys], THEN  append_prefixD].
    from ruler_pref'[OF this] prefrange.pref_free[OF rangeI rangeI] inj_core
    have "x = y"
      unfolding inj_on_def by fastforce
    show ?case
      using "4.IH" "4.prems" unfolding  pop_hd[of x xs] pop_hd[of y ys]
      unfolding x = y by fastforce
qed simp


subsection ‹Marked morphism›

locale marked_morphism = nonerasing_morphism  +
          marked_core: "hd (f𝒞 a) = hd (f𝒞 b)  a = b"


lemma marked_im: "marked_code (range f𝒞)"
  by (unfold_locales, unfold image_iff)
  (use marked_core core_nemp in metis)+

interpretation marked_code "(range f𝒞)"
  using marked_im.

lemmas marked_morph = marked_core[unfolded core_sing]

sublocale pref_code_morphism
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: core_nemp marked_core pref_hd_eq)

lemma hd_im_eq_hd_eq: assumes "u  ε" and "v  ε"  and "hd (f u) = hd (f v)"
 shows "hd u = hd v"
  using   marked_morph[OF hd (f u) = hd (f v)[unfolded hd_im_hd_hd[OF u  ε] hd_im_hd_hd[OF v  ε]]].

lemma marked_morph_lcp: "f (r p s) = f r p f s"
  by (rule marked_concat_lcp[of "map f𝒞 r" "map f𝒞 s", unfolded map_lcp_conv[OF inj_core] morph_concat_map]) simp_all

lemma marked_inj_map: "inj e  marked_morphism ((map e)  f)"
  unfolding inj_on_def
  by unfold_locales
  (simp add: morph, simp add: code_morph_code, simp add: core_def core_nemp nemp_to_nemp marked_core  list.map_sel(1) sing_to_nemp)


thm morphism.nonerI

lemma (in morphism) marked_morphismI:
  "( a. f[a]  ε)  ( a b. a  b)  hd (f[a])  hd (f[b])  marked_morphism f"
  by unfold_locales  presburger+

subsection "Image length"

definition max_image_length:: "('a list  'b list)  nat" ("_")
  where "max_image_length f = Max (length`(range f𝒞))"

definition min_image_length::"('a list  'b list)  nat" ("_" )
  where "min_image_length f = Min (length`(range f𝒞))"

lemma max_im_len_id: "id::('a list  'a list) = 1" and min_im_len_id: "id::('a list  'a list) = 1"
  have a1: "length ` range (λx. [x]) = {1}"
    by force
  show "id::('a list  'a list) = 1" and "id::('a list  'a list) = 1"
    unfolding max_image_length_def min_image_length_def core_def id_apply a1
    by force+

context morphism

lemma max_im_len_le: "finite (length`range f𝒞)  |f z|  |z|*f"
proof(induction z)
  case (Cons a z)
  have "|f [a]|  length`(range f𝒞)"
    by (simp add: core_def)
  hence "|f [a]|  f"
    unfolding max_image_length_def
    using Cons.prems Max.coboundedI by metis
  thus ?case
    unfolding hd_word[of a z] morph[of "[a]" z]
    unfolding lenmorph
    using Cons.IH[OF Cons.prems] by auto
qed simp

lemma max_im_len_le_sing: assumes "finite (length`range f𝒞)"
  shows "|f [a]|  f"
  using max_im_len_le[OF assms, of "[a]"]
  unfolding mult_1 sing_len.

lemma min_im_len_ge: "finite (length`range f𝒞)   |z| * f  |f z|"
proof(induction z)
  case (Cons a z)
  have "|f [a]|  length`(range f𝒞)"
    by (simp add: core_def)
  hence "f  |f [a]|"
    unfolding min_image_length_def
    by (meson Cons.prems Min_le)
  thus ?case
    unfolding hd_word[of a z] morph[of "[a]" z]
    unfolding lenmorph
    using Cons.IH[OF Cons.prems] by auto
qed simp

lemma max_im_len_comp_le: assumes finite_f: "finite (length`range f𝒞)" and
  finite_g: "finite (length`range g𝒞)" and "morphism g"
  shows "finite (length ` range (g  f)𝒞)" "g  f  f*g"
  interpret mg: morphism g
    by (simp add: morphism g)

  have "|g (f [x])|  f*g" for x
    have "|f [x]|  f"
      using finite_f max_im_len_le_sing by presburger
    thus "|g (f [x])|  f*g"
      by (meson finite_g le_trans mg.max_im_len_le mult_le_cancel2)
  hence "|(g o f)𝒞 x|  f*g" for x
    by (simp add: core_sing)
  hence "l  length ` range (g  f)𝒞  l  f*g" for l
    by blast
  thus "finite (length ` range (g  f)𝒞)"
    using finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le by metis
  from Max.boundedI[OF this]
  show "g o f  f*g"
    using l. l  length ` range (g  f)𝒞  l  f * g
    unfolding max_image_length_def
    by blast

lemma max_im_len_emp: assumes "finite (length ` range f𝒞)"
  shows "f = 0  (f = (λw. ε))"
  by (rule iffI, use max_im_len_le[OF assms] npos_len in force, simp add: core_def max_image_length_def)

lemmas max_im_len_le_dom = max_im_len_le[OF finite_imageI, OF finite_imageI] and
  max_im_len_le_sing_dom = max_im_len_le_sing[OF finite_imageI, OF finite_imageI] and
  min_im_len_ge_dom = min_im_len_ge[OF finite_imageI, OF finite_imageI] and
  max_im_len_comp_le_dom = max_im_len_comp_le[OF finite_imageI, OF finite_imageI] and
  max_im_len_emp_dom = max_im_len_emp[OF finite_imageI, OF finite_imageI]

subsection "Endomorphism"

locale endomorphism = morphism f for f:: "'a list  'a list"

lemma pow_endomorphism: "endomorphism (f^^k)"
  by (unfold_locales, induction k) (simp_all add: power.power.power_0 morph)

interpretation pow_endm: endomorphism "(f^^k)"
  using pow_endomorphism by blast

lemmas pow_morphism = pow_endm.morphism_axioms and
       pow_morph = pow_endm.morph and
       pow_emp_to_emp = pow_endm.emp_to_emp

lemma pow_sets_im: "set w = set v  set ((f^^k) w) = set ((f^^k) v)"
  by(induct k, auto simp add: power.power.power_0 set_core_set)

lemma fin_len_ran_pow: "finite (length ` range f𝒞)  finite (length ` range (f^^k)𝒞)"
proof(induction k)
  case 0
  have "(w::'a list)  range (λa. [a])  |w| = 1" for w
    by force
  thus ?case
    unfolding funpow_0 core_def
    using finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le by auto
  case (Suc k)
  show ?case
    using pow_endm.max_im_len_comp_le(1)[of _ f, folded funpow.simps(2), OF Suc.IH, OF Suc.prems Suc.prems morphism_axioms].

lemma max_im_len_pow_le: assumes "finite (length ` range f𝒞)" shows "f^^k  f^k"
proof(induction k)
  have funpow_1: "f^^1 = f" by simp
  case (Suc k)
  show ?case
    using  mult_le_mono2[OF Suc.IH[OF Suc.prems], of "f ^^ 1"] pow_endm.max_im_len_comp_le(2)[OF fin_len_ran_pow, OF finite (length ` range f𝒞) finite (length ` range f𝒞) morphism_axioms]
    unfolding compow_Suc funpow_1 comp_apply
    unfolding power_class.power.power_Suc
    unfolding mult.commute[of "f"]
    using dual_order.trans by blast
qed (simp add: max_im_len_id[unfolded id_def])

lemma max_im_len_pow_le': "finite (length ` range f𝒞)  |(f^^k) w|  |w| * f^k"
  using fin_len_ran_pow le_trans max_im_len_pow_le mult_le_mono2 pow_endm.max_im_len_le by meson

lemmas max_im_len_pow_le_dom = max_im_len_pow_le[OF finite_imageI, OF finite_imageI] and
       max_im_len_pow_le'_dom = max_im_len_pow_le'[OF finite_imageI, OF finite_imageI]

lemma funpow_nonerasing_morphism: assumes "nonerasing_morphism f"
  shows "nonerasing_morphism (f^^k)"
proof(unfold_locales, induction k)
  case (Suc k)
  then show ?case
    using nonerasing_morphism.nonerasing[OF assms]
    unfolding compow_Suc' by blast
qed simp

lemma im_len_pow_mono: assumes "nonerasing_morphism f" "i  j"
  shows "(|(f^^i) w|  |(f^^j) w|)"
  using nonerasing_morphism.im_len_le[OF funpow_nonerasing_morphism[of "j-i"], OF nonerasing_morphism f, of "(f^^i) w"]
  using funpow_add[unfolded comp_apply, of "j-i" i f]
  unfolding diff_add[OF i  j]
  by simp

lemma fac_mono_pow: "u ≤f (f^^k) w  (f^^l) u ≤f (f^^(l+k)) w"
  by (simp add: funpow_add pow_endm.fac_mono)

lemma rev_map_endomorph: "endomorphism (rev_map f)"
  by (simp add: endomorphism.intro rev_map_morph)

section ‹Primitivity preserving morphisms›

locale primitivity_preserving_morphism = nonerasing_morphism +
  assumes prim_morph : "2  |u|  primitive u  primitive (f u)"

sublocale code_morphism
proof (rule code_morphismI', rule nemp_comm)
  fix u v
  assume "u  ε" and "v  ε" and "f u = f v"
  then have "2  |u  v|" and "2  |u  v  v|"
    by (simp_all flip: len_nemp_conv)
  moreover have "¬ primitive (f (u  v))" and "¬ primitive (f (u  v  v))"
    using pow_nemp_imprim[of 2] pow_nemp_imprim[of 3] unfolding numeral_nat
    by (simp_all add: morph f u = f v) assumption+
  ultimately have "¬ primitive (u  v)" and "¬ primitive (u  v  v)"
    by (intro notI; elim prim_morph[rotated, elim_format], blast+)+
  then show "u  v = v  u"
    by (fact imprim_ext_suf_comm)

lemmas code_morph = code_morph


section ‹Two morphisms›

text ‹Solutions and the coincidence pairs are defined for any two mappings›

subsection ‹Solutions›

definition minimal_solution :: "'a list  ('a list  'b list)  ('a list  'b list)  bool"
  ("_  _ =M _" [80,80,80] 51 )
  where min_sol_def:  "minimal_solution s g h  s  ε  g s = h s
       ( s'. s'  ε  s' ≤p s  g s' = h s'  s' = s)"

lemma min_solD: "s  g =M h  g s = h s"
  using min_sol_def by blast

lemma min_solD': "s  g =M h  s  ε"
  using min_sol_def by blast

lemma min_solD_min: "s  g =M h  p  ε  p ≤p s  g p = h p  p = s"
  by (simp add: min_sol_def)

lemma min_solI[intro]: "s  ε  g s = h s  ( s'. s'≤p s  s'  ε    g s' = h s'  s' = s)  s  g =M h"
  using min_sol_def by metis

lemma min_sol_sym_iff: "s  g =M h   s  h =M g"
  unfolding min_sol_def  eq_commute[of "g _" "h _"] by blast

lemma min_sol_sym[sym]: "s  g =M h   s  h =M g"
  unfolding min_sol_def eq_commute[of "g _"].

lemma min_sol_prefE:
  assumes "g r = h r" and "r  ε"
  obtains e where  "e  g =M h" and "e ≤p r"
  let ?min = "λ n. take n r  ε  g (take n r) = h (take n r)"
  have "?min |r|"
    using assms by force
  define n where "n = (LEAST n. ?min n)"
  define e where "e = take n r"
  from Least_le[of ?min, folded n_def, OF ?min |r|]
  have "n = |e|"
    unfolding e_def by simp
  show thesis
  proof (rule that)
    show "e ≤p r"
      unfolding e_def using take_is_prefix by blast
    show "e  g =M h"
    proof (rule min_solI)
      from LeastI[of ?min, OF ?min |r|, folded n_def e_def]
      show "e  ε" and "g e = h e"
        by blast+
      show min: "s = e" if "s ≤p e" "s  ε" "g s = h s" for s
        have "|s|  |e|"
          using pref_len[OF s ≤p e].
        hence "take |s| r = s"
          using s ≤p e pref_take unfolding e_def by fastforce
        from not_less_Least[of "|s|" ?min, folded e_def n_def, unfolded this]
        show "s = e"
          using that leI long_pref unfolding n = |e| by fast

subsection ‹Coincidence pairs›

definition coincidence_set :: "('a list  'b list)  ('a list  'b list)  ('a list × 'a list) set" ("")
  where "coincidence_set g h  {(r,s). g r = h s}"

lemma coin_set_eq: "(g  fst)`( g h) = (h  snd)`( g h)"
  unfolding coincidence_set_def comp_apply using Product_Type.Collect_case_prodD[of _ "λ x y. g x = h y"] image_cong by auto

lemma coin_setD: "pair   g h  g (fst pair) = h (snd pair)"
  unfolding coincidence_set_def by force

lemma coin_setD_iff: "pair   g h  g (fst pair) = h (snd pair)"
  unfolding coincidence_set_def by force

lemma coin_set_sym: "fst`( g h) = snd `( h g)"
  unfolding coincidence_set_def
  by (rule set_eqI) (auto simp add: image_iff, metis)

lemma coin_set_inter_fst: "(g  fst)`( g h) = range g  range h"
  show "(g  fst) `  g h  range g  range h"
    fix x assume "x  (g  fst) `  g h"
    then obtain pair where "x = g (fst pair)" and "pair   g h"
      by force
    from this(1)[unfolded coin_setD[OF this(2)]] this(1)
    show "x  range g  range h" by blast
  show "range g  range h  (g  fst) `  g h"
    fix x assume "x  range g  range h"
    then obtain r s where "g r = h s" and "x = g r" by blast
    hence "(r,s)   g h"
      unfolding coincidence_set_def by blast
    thus "x  (g  fst) `  g h"
      unfolding x = g r by force

lemmas coin_set_inter_snd = coin_set_inter_fst[unfolded coin_set_eq]

definition minimal_coincidence :: "('a list  'b list)  'a list  ('a list  'b list)   'a list  bool" ("(_ _) =m (_ _)" [80,81,80,81] 51 )
  where min_coin_def:  "minimal_coincidence g r h s  r  ε  s  ε  g r = h s  ( r' s'. r' ≤np r  s' ≤np s  g r' = h s'  r' = r  s' = s)"

definition min_coincidence_set :: "('a list  'b list)  ('a list  'b list)  ('a list × 'a list) set" ("m")
  where "min_coincidence_set g h  ({(r,s) . g r =m h s})"

lemma min_coin_minD: "g r =m h s  r' ≤np r  s' ≤np s   g r' = h s'  r' = r  s' = s"
  using min_coin_def by blast

lemma min_coin_setD: "p  m g h  g (fst p) =m h (snd p)"
  unfolding min_coincidence_set_def by force

lemma min_coinD: "g r =m h s  g r = h s"
  using min_coin_def by blast

lemma min_coinD': "g r =m h s  r  ε  s  ε"
  using min_coin_def by blast

lemma min_coin_sub: "m g h   g h"
  unfolding coincidence_set_def min_coincidence_set_def
  using  min_coinD by blast

lemma min_coin_defI: assumes "r  ε" and "s  ε" and  "g r = h s" and
      "( r' s'. r' ≤np r  s' ≤np s  g r' = h s'  r' = r  s' = s)"
   shows "g r =m h s"
  unfolding min_coin_def[rule_format] using assms by blast

lemma min_coin_sym[sym]: "g r =m h s  h s =m g r"
  unfolding min_coin_def eq_commute[of "g _" "h _"] by blast

lemma min_coin_sym_iff: "g r =m h s  h s =m g r"
  using min_coin_sym by auto

lemma min_coin_set_sym: "fst`(m g h) = snd `(m h g)"
  unfolding min_coincidence_set_def image_iff
  by (rule set_eqI, rule iffI) (simp_all add: image_iff min_coin_sym_iff)

subsection ‹Basics›

locale two_morphisms = g: morphism g + h: morphism h for g h :: "'a list  'b list"


lemma def_on_sings:
  assumes "a. a  set u  g [a] = h [a]"
  shows "g u = h u"
using assms
proof (induct u)
  case (Cons a u)
  then show ?case
    unfolding g.pop_hd[of a u] h.pop_hd[of a u] using assms by simp
qed simp

lemma def_on_sings_eq:
  assumes "a. g [a] = h [a]"
  shows "g = h"
  using def_on_sings[OF assms]
  by (simp add: ext)

lemma ims_prefs_comp:
  assumes "u ≤p u'" and "v ≤p v'" and "g u'  h v'" shows  "g u  h v"
  using ruler_comp[OF g.pref_mono h.pref_mono, OF assms].

lemma ims_sufs_comp:
  assumes "u ≤s u'" and "v ≤s v'" and "g u' s h v'" shows  "g u s h v"
  using suf_ruler_comp[OF g.suf_mono h.suf_mono, OF assms].

lemma ims_hd_eq_comp:
  assumes "u  ε" and "g u = h u" shows "g [hd u]  h [hd u]"
  using ims_prefs_comp[OF hd_pref[OF u  ε] hd_pref[OF u  ε]]
  unfolding g u = h u by blast

lemma ims_last_eq_suf_comp:
  assumes "u  ε" and "g u = h u" shows "g [last u] s h [last u]"
  using ims_sufs_comp[OF hd_pref[reversed, OF u  ε] hd_pref[reversed, OF u  ε]]
  unfolding g u = h u using comp_refl[reversed] by blast

lemma len_im_le:
  assumes "(a. a  set s  |g [a]|  |h [a]|)"
  shows "|g s|  |h s|"
using assms proof (induction s)
  case (Cons a s)
    have IH_prem: "a. a  set s  |g [a]|  |h [a]|" using Cons.prems by simp
    show "|g (a # s)|  |h (a # s)|"
      unfolding g.pop_hd[of _ s] h.pop_hd[of _ s] lenmorph
      using Cons.prems[of a, simplified] Cons.IH[OF IH_prem]
      by (rule add_le_mono)
qed simp

lemma len_im_less:
  assumes "a. a  set s  |g [a]|  |h [a]|" and
          "b  set s" and "|g [b]| < |h [b]|"
  shows "|g s| < |h s|"
using assms proof (induction s arbitrary: b)
  case (Cons a s)
    have IH_prem: "a. a  set s  |g [a]|  |h [a]|" using Cons.prems(1)[OF list.set_intros(2)].
    note split = g.pop_hd[of _ s] h.pop_hd[of _ s] lenmorph
    show "|g (a # s)| < |h (a # s)|"
    proof (cases)
      assume "a = b" show "|g (a # s)| < |h (a # s)|"
        unfolding split a = b using |g [b]| < |h [b]| len_im_le[OF IH_prem]
        by (rule add_less_le_mono)
      assume "a  b"
      then have "b  set s" using b  set (a # s) by simp
      show "|g (a # s)| < |h (a # s)|"
        unfolding split using Cons.prems(1)[OF list.set_intros(1)]
          Cons.IH[OF IH_prem b  set s |g [b]| < |h [b]|]
        by (rule add_le_less_mono)
qed simp

lemma solution_eq_len_eq:
  assumes "g s = h s" and "a. a  set s  |g [a]| = |h [a]|"
  shows "a. a  set s  g [a] = h [a]"
using assms proof (induction s)
  case (Cons b s)
  have nemp: "b # s  ε" using list.distinct(2).
  from ims_hd_eq_comp[OF nemp g (b # s) = h (b # s)] Cons.prems(3)[OF list.set_intros(1)]
  have *: "g [b] = h [b]" unfolding list.sel(1) by (fact pref_comp_eq)
  moreover have "g s = h s"
    using g (b # s) = h (b # s)
    unfolding g.pop_hd_nemp[OF nemp] h.pop_hd_nemp[OF nemp] list.sel * ..
  from Cons.IH[OF _ this Cons.prems(3)[OF list.set_intros(2)]]
  have "a  set s  g [a] = h [a]" for a.
  ultimately show "a. a  set (b # s)  g [a] = h [a]" by auto
qed auto

lemma rev_maps: "two_morphisms (rev_map g) (rev_map h)"
  using g.rev_map_morph h.rev_map_morph by (intro two_morphisms.intro)

lemma min_solD_min_suf: assumes "sol  g =M h" and "s  ε" "s ≤s sol" and "g s = h s"
  shows "s = sol"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "s  sol"
  from sufE[OF s ≤s sol]
  obtain y where "sol = y  s".
  hence "y  ε"
    using s  sol by force
  have "g y = h y"
    using min_solD[OF sol  g =M h, unfolded sol = y  s]
    unfolding g.morph h.morph g s = h s by blast
  from min_solD_min[OF sol  g =M h y  ε _ this]
  have "y = sol"
    using sol = y  s by blast
  thus False
    using sol = y  s s  ε by fast

lemma min_sol_rev[reversal_rule]:
  assumes "s  g =M h"
  shows "(rev s)  (rev_map g) =M (rev_map h)"
  unfolding min_sol_def[of _ "rev_map g" "rev_map h", reversed]
  using min_solD[OF assms] min_solD'[OF assms] min_solD_min_suf[OF assms] by blast

lemma coin_set_lists_concat: "ps  lists ( g h)  g (concat (map fst ps)) = h (concat (map snd ps))"
  unfolding coincidence_set_def
  by (induct ps, simp, auto simp add: g.morph h.morph)

lemma coin_set_hull: "snd `( g h) = snd `( g h)"
proof (rule equalityI, rule subsetI)
  fix x assume "x  snd `  g h"
  then obtain xs where "xs  lists (snd `  g h)" and "concat xs = x"
    using hull_concat_lists0 by blast
  then obtain ps where "ps  lists ( g h)" and "map snd ps = xs"
    unfolding image_iff lists_image by blast
  from coin_set_lists_concat[OF this(1), unfolded this(2) concat xs = x]
  show "x  snd `  g h"
    unfolding coincidence_set_def by force
qed simp

lemma min_sol_sufE:
  assumes "g r = h r" and "r  ε"
  obtains e where  "e  g =M h" and "e ≤s r"
  using assms
proof (induction "|r|" arbitrary: r thesis rule: less_induct)
    case less
    then show thesis
     from min_sol_prefE[of g r h, OF g r = h r r  ε]
  obtain p where "p  g =M h" and "p ≤p r".
  show thesis
    proof (cases "p = r", (use less.prems(1)[OF p  g =M h] in fast))
      assume "p  r"
      from prefE[OF p ≤p r]
      obtain r' where "r = p  r'".
      have "g r' = h r'"
        using g r = h r[unfolded r = p  r' g.morph h.morph min_solD[OF p  g =M h] cancel].
      from p  r r = p  r'
      have "r'  ε" by fast
      from min_solD'[OF p  g =M h] r = p  r'
      have "|r'| < |r|" by fastforce
      from less.hyps[OF this _ g r' = h r' r'  ε]
      obtain e where "e  g =M h" "e ≤s r'".
      from less.prems(1)[OF this(1), unfolded r = p  r', OF suf_ext, OF this(2)]
      show thesis.

lemma min_sol_primitive: assumes "sol  g =M h" shows "primitive sol"
proof (rule ccontr)
  have "sol  ε"
    using assms min_sol_def by auto
  assume "¬ primitive sol"
  from not_prim_primroot_expE[OF this]
  obtain k where "(ρ sol)@k = sol" "2  k".
  hence "0 < k" by linarith
  note  min_solD[OF assms]
  have "g (ρ sol) = h (ρ sol)"
    by (rule pow_eq_eq[OF _ 0 < k])
    (unfold g.pow_morph[of "ρ sol" k, symmetric] h.pow_morph[of "ρ sol" k, symmetric] (ρ sol)@k = sol, fact)
  thus False
    using ¬ primitive sol  min_solD_min[OF sol  g =M h primroot_nemp primroot_pref] sol  ε
    unfolding prim_primroot_conv[OF sol  ε, symmetric] by blast

lemma prim_sol_two_sols:
  assumes "g u = h u" and "¬ u  g =M h" and "primitive u"
  obtains s1 s2 where "s1  g =M h" and "s2  g =M h" and "s1  s2"
  show thesis
    using assms
  proof (induction "|u|" arbitrary: u rule: less_induct)
    case less
    then show ?case
      obtain s1 where "s1  g =M h" and "s1 ≤p u"
        using min_sol_prefE[of g u h, OF g u = h u prim_nemp[OF primitive u]].
      obtain u' where "s1  u' = u"
        using s1 ≤p u unfolding prefix_def by blast
      have "g u' = h u'"
        using g u = h u[folded s1  u' = u]
        unfolding g.morph h.morph  min_solD[OF s1  g =M h] cancel.
      have "u'  ε"
        using s1  g =M h ¬ u  g =M h[folded s1  u' = u] by force
      obtain exp where "(ρ u')@exp = u'" "0 < exp"
        using primroot_expE.
      from pow_eq_eq[of "g (ρ u')" exp "h (ρ u')", folded g.pow_morph h.pow_morph, unfolded this(1), OF g u' = h u' 0 < exp]
      have "g (ρ u') = h (ρ u')".
      have "|ρ u'| < |u|"
        using add_strict_increasing[OF nemp_pos_len [OF min_solD'[OF s1  g =M h]] primroot_len_le[OF u'  ε]]
        unfolding lenarg[OF s1  u' = u, unfolded lenmorph].
      show thesis
      proof (cases)
        assume "ρ u'  g =M h"
        have "ρ u'  s1"
          using primitive u[folded s1  u' = u]  comm_not_prim[OF primroot_nemp[OF u'  ε] u'  ε  comm_primroot[symmetric]] by fast
        from that[OF ρ u'  g =M h s1  g =M h this]
        show thesis.
        assume "¬ ρ u'  g =M h"
        from less.hyps[OF |ρ u'| < |u| g (ρ u') = h (ρ u') this]
        show thesis
          using u'  ε by blast

lemma prim_sols_two_sols:
  assumes "g r = h r" and "g s = h s" and "primitive s" and "primitive r" and "r  s"
  obtains s1 s2 where "s1  g =M h" and "s2  g =M h" and "s1  s2"
  using prim_sol_two_sols assms by blast


subsection ‹Two nonerasing morphisms›

text ‹Minimal coincidence pairs and minimal solutions make good sense for nonerasing morphisms only.›

locale two_nonerasing_morphisms = two_morphisms +
  g: nonerasing_morphism g  +
  h: nonerasing_morphism h


thm g.morph
thm g.emp_to_emp

lemma two_nonerasing_morphisms_swap: "two_nonerasing_morphisms h g"
  by unfold_locales

lemma noner_eq_emp_iff: "g u = h v  u = ε  v = ε"
  by (metis g.emp_to_emp g.nonerasing h.emp_to_emp h.nonerasing)

lemma min_coin_rev:
  assumes "g r =m h s"
  shows "(rev_map g) (rev r) =m (rev_map h) (rev s)"
proof (rule min_coin_defI)
  show "rev r  ε" and "rev s  ε"
    using min_coinD'[OF g r =m h s] by simp_all
  show "rev_map g (rev r) = rev_map h (rev s)"
    unfolding rev_map_def using min_coinD[OF g r =m h s] by auto
  fix r' s' assume "r' ≤np rev r" "s' ≤np rev s" "rev_map g r' = rev_map h s'"
  then obtain r'' s'' where "r'' rev r' = r" and "s'' rev s' = s"
    using npD[OF s' ≤np rev s] npD[OF r' ≤np rev r]
    unfolding pref_rev_suf_iff rev_rev_ident using sufD by (auto simp add: suffix_def)
  have "g (rev r') = h (rev s')"
    using rev_map g r' = rev_map h s'[unfolded rev_map_def rev_is_rev_conv] by simp
  hence "g r'' = h s''"
    using min_coinD[OF g r =m h s, folded r'' rev r' = r s'' rev s' = s,
        unfolded  g.morph h.morph] by simp
  have "r''  r"
    using r' ≤np rev r r''  rev r' = r by auto
  hence "r'' = ε  s'' = ε"
    using g r =m h s[unfolded min_coin_def nonempty_prefix_def]
      r'' rev r' = r s'' rev s' = s g r'' = h s''
    by blast
  hence "r'' = ε" and  "s'' = ε"
    using noner_eq_emp_iff[OF g r'' = h s''] by force+
  thus "r' = rev r  s' = rev s"
    using  r'' rev r' = r s'' rev s' = s by auto

lemma min_coin_pref_eq:
  assumes "g e =m h f" and "g e' = h f'" and "e' ≤np e" and "f'  f"
  shows "e' = e" and "f' = f"
  note npD'[OF e' ≤np e] npD[OF e' ≤np e]
  have "f  ε" and "g e  = h f"
    using g e =m h f[unfolded min_coin_def] by blast+
  have "f'  ε"
    using g e' = h f' e'  ε by (simp add: noner_eq_emp_iff)
  from g.pref_mono[OF e' ≤p e, unfolded g e = h f g e' = h f']
  have "f' ≤p f"
    using pref_compE[OF f'  f] f'  ε h.pref_mono h.pref_morph_pref_eq  by metis
  hence "f' ≤np f"
    using f'  ε by blast
  with g e =m h f[unfolded min_coin_def]
  show "e' = e" and "f' = f"
    using g e' = h f' e' ≤np e by blast+

lemma min_coin_prefE:
  assumes "g r = h s" and "r  ε"
  obtains e f where  "g e =m h f" and "e ≤p r" and  "f ≤p s" and "hd e = hd r"
  define P where "P = (λ k.  e f. g e = h f  e  ε   e ≤p r  f ≤p s  |e| = k)"
  define d where "d = (LEAST k. P k)"
  obtain e f where "g e = h f" and "e  ε" and  "e ≤p r" and  "f ≤p s" and "|e| = d"
    using g r = h s LeastI[of P "|r|"]  P_def assms(2) d_def by blast
  hence "f  ε"
    using noner_eq_emp_iff by blast
  have "r' ≤np e  s' ≤np f  g r' = h s'  r' = e  s' = f" for r' s'
    assume "r' ≤np e" and "s' ≤np f" and "g r' = h s'"
    hence "P |r'|"
      unfolding P_def using e ≤p r f ≤p s npD'[OF r' ≤np e]
          pref_trans[OF npD[OF r' ≤np e] e ≤p r]
          pref_trans[OF npD[OF s' ≤np f] f ≤p s] by blast
    from Least_le[of P, OF this, folded |e| = d d_def]
    have "r' = e"
      using  long_pref[OF npD[OF r' ≤np e]] by blast
    from g e = h f[folded this, unfolded g r' = h s'] this
    show  ?thesis
      using conjunct2[OF s' ≤np f[unfolded nonempty_prefix_def]] h.pref_morph_pref_eq
      by simp
  hence "g e =m h f"
    unfolding min_coin_def using e  ε f  ε g e = h f by blast
  from that[OF this e ≤p r f ≤p s pref_hd_eq[OF e ≤p r e  ε]]
  show thesis.

lemma min_coin_dec: assumes "g e = h f"
  obtains ps where "concat (map fst ps) = e" and "concat (map snd ps) = f" and
    " p. p  set ps  g (fst p) =m h (snd p)"
  using assms
proof (induct "|e|" arbitrary: e f thesis rule: less_induct)
  case less
  then show ?case
    show thesis
    proof (cases "e = ε")
      assume "e = ε"
      hence "f = ε" using g e = h f
        using noner_eq_emp_iff by auto
      from less.prems(1)[of ε] e = ε f = ε
      show thesis by simp
      assume "e  ε"
      from min_coin_prefE[OF g e  = h f this]
      obtain e1 e2 f1 f2 where "g e1 =m h f1" and "e1  e2 = e" and "f1  f2 = f" and "e1  ε" and "f1  ε"
        using min_coinD' prefD by metis
      have "g e2 = h f2"
        using g e  = h f[folded e1  e2 = e f1  f2 = f, unfolded g.morph h.morph min_coinD[OF g e1 =m h f1] cancel].
      have "|e2| < |e|"
        using lenarg[OF e1  e2 = e] nemp_pos_len[OF e1  ε] unfolding lenmorph by linarith
      from less.hyps[OF |e2| < |e| _ g e2 = h f2]
      obtain ps' where "concat (map fst ps') = e2" and "concat (map snd ps') = f2" and "p. p  set ps'  g (fst p) =m h (snd p)"
        by blast
      show thesis
      proof(rule less.prems(1)[of "(e1,f1)#ps'"])
        show "concat (map fst ((e1, f1) # ps')) = e"
          using concat (map fst ps') = e2 e1  e2 = e by simp
        show "concat (map snd ((e1, f1) # ps')) = f"
          using concat (map snd ps') = f2 f1  f2 = f by simp
        show "p. p  set ((e1, f1) # ps')  g (fst p) =m h (snd p)"
          using p. p  set ps'  g (fst p) =m h (snd p) g e1 =m h f1 by auto

lemma min_coin_code:
  assumes "xs  lists (m g h)" and "ys  lists (m g h)" and
           "concat (map fst xs) = concat (map fst ys)" and
           "concat (map snd xs) = concat (map snd ys)"
         shows "xs = ys"
  using assms
proof (induction xs ys rule: list_induct2')
  case (2 x xs)
  then show ?case
    using min_coin_setD[THEN min_coinD', of x g h] listsE[OF x # xs  lists (m g h)] by force
  case (3 y ys)
  then show ?case
    using min_coin_setD[of y g h, THEN min_coinD'] listsE[OF y # ys  lists (m g h)]  by auto
  case (4 x xs y ys)
  then show ?case
    have "concat (map fst (x#xs)) = fst x  concat (map fst xs)"
         "concat (map fst (y#ys)) = fst y  concat (map fst ys)"
         "concat (map snd (x#xs)) = snd x  concat (map snd xs)"
         "concat (map snd (y#ys)) = snd y  concat (map snd ys)"
      by auto
    from eqd_comp[OF concat (map fst (x#xs)) = concat (map fst (y#ys))[unfolded this]] eqd_comp[OF concat (map snd (x#xs)) = concat (map snd (y#ys))[unfolded this]]
    have "fst x  fst y" and "snd x  snd y".
    have "g (fst y) =m h (snd y)" and "g (fst x) =m h (snd x)"
      by  (use min_coin_setD  listsE[OF y # ys  lists (m g h)] in blast)
          (use  min_coin_setD listsE[OF x # xs  lists (m g h)] in blast)
    from min_coin_pref_eq[OF this(1) min_coinD[OF this(2)] _ snd x  snd y]
         min_coin_pref_eq[OF this(2) min_coinD[OF this(1)] _ pref_comp_sym[OF snd x  snd y]] min_coinD'[OF this(1)] min_coinD'[OF this(2)]
    have "fst x = fst y" and "snd x = snd y"
      using  npI pref_compE[OF fst x  fst y] by metis+
    hence eq: "concat (map fst xs) = concat (map fst ys)"
                  "concat (map snd xs) = concat (map snd ys)"
      using "4.prems"(3-4) by fastforce+
    have "xs  lists (m g h)" "ys  lists (m g h)"
      using "4.prems"(1-2) by fastforce+
    from "4.IH"(1)[OF this eq] prod_eqI[OF fst x = fst y snd x = snd y]
    show "x # xs = y # ys"
      by blast
qed simp

lemma  coin_closed: "ps  lists ( g h)  (concat (map fst ps), concat (map snd ps))   g h"
  unfolding coincidence_set_def
  by (induct ps, simp, auto simp add: g.morph h.morph)

lemma min_coin_gen_snd: "snd ` (m g h) = snd `( g h)"
  show "snd ` m g h  snd `  g h"
    fix x assume "x  snd ` m g h"
    then obtain xs where "xs  lists (snd ` m g h)" and "x = concat xs"
      using hull_concat_lists0 by blast
    then obtain ps where "ps  lists (m g h)" and "xs = map snd ps"
      unfolding lists_image image_iff by blast
    from min_coin_sub coin_closed this(1)
    have "(concat (map fst ps), x)   g h"
       unfolding x = concat xs xs = map snd ps by fast
    thus "x  snd `  g h" by force
  show "snd `  g h  snd ` m g h"
    fix x assume "x  snd `  g h"
    then obtain r where "g r = h x"
      unfolding image_iff coincidence_set_def by force
    from min_coin_dec[OF this]
    obtain ps where "concat (map snd ps) = x" and "p. p  set ps  g (fst p) =m h (snd p)" by metis
    thus "x  snd ` m g h"
      unfolding min_coincidence_set_def image_def by fastforce

lemma min_coin_gen_fst: "fst ` (m g h) = fst `( g h)"
  using two_nonerasing_morphisms.min_coin_gen_snd[folded coin_set_sym min_coin_set_sym, OF two_nonerasing_morphisms_swap].

lemma min_coin_code_snd:
  assumes "code_morphism g" shows "code (snd ` (m g h))"
  fix xs ys assume "xs  lists (snd ` m g h)" and "ys  lists (snd ` m g h)"
  then obtain psx psy where "psx  lists (m g h)" and "xs = map snd psx" and
                            "psy  lists (m g h)" and "ys = map snd psy"
    unfolding image_iff lists_image by blast+
  have eq1: "g (concat (map fst psx)) = h (concat xs)"
    using psx  lists (m g h) xs = map snd psx min_coin_sub[of g h]
    coin_set_lists_concat by fastforce
  have eq2: "g (concat (map fst psy)) = h (concat ys)"
    using psy  lists (m g h) ys = map snd psy min_coin_sub[of g h]
    coin_set_lists_concat by fastforce
  assume "concat xs = concat ys"
  from arg_cong[OF this, of h, folded eq1 eq2]
  have "concat (map fst psx) = concat (map fst psy)"
    using code_morphism.code_morph_code[OF code_morphism g] by auto
  have "concat (map snd psx) = concat (map snd psy)"
    using concat xs = concat ys xs = map snd psx ys = map snd psy by auto
  from min_coin_code[OF psx  lists (m g h) psy  lists (m g h) concat (map fst psx) = concat (map fst psy) this]
  show  "xs = ys"
    unfolding xs = map snd psx ys = map snd psy by blast

lemma min_coin_code_fst:
  "code_morphism h  code (fst ` (m g h))"
    using two_nonerasing_morphisms.min_coin_code_snd[OF two_nonerasing_morphisms_swap, folded min_coin_set_sym].

lemma min_coin_basis_snd:
  assumes "code_morphism g"
  shows "𝔅 (snd `( g h)) = snd ` (m g h)"
  unfolding min_coin_gen_snd[symmetric] basis_of_hull
  using min_coin_code_snd[OF assms] code.code_is_basis by blast

lemma min_coin_basis_fst:
  "code_morphism h  𝔅 (fst `( g h)) = fst ` (m g h)"
  using two_nonerasing_morphisms.min_coin_basis_snd[folded coin_set_sym min_coin_set_sym, OF two_nonerasing_morphisms_swap].

lemma sol_im_len_less: assumes "g u = h u" and "g  h" and "set u = UNIV"
  shows "|u| < |g u|"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ |u| < |g u|"
  hence "|u| = |g u|" and "|u| = |h u|"
    unfolding g u = h u using h.im_len_le le_neq_implies_less by blast+
  from this(1)[unfolded g.im_len_eq_iff] this(2)[unfolded h.im_len_eq_iff] set u = UNIV
  have "|g [c]| = 1" and "|h [c]| = 1" for c by blast+
  hence "g  = h"
    using solution_eq_len_eq[OF g u = h u, THEN  def_on_sings_eq, unfolded set u = UNIV, OF _ UNIV_I]
    by force
  thus False using g  h by contradiction


locale two_code_morphisms = g: code_morphism g + h: code_morphism h
  for g h :: "'a list  'b list"


sublocale two_nonerasing_morphisms g h
  by unfold_locales

lemmas code_morphs = g.code_morphism_axioms h.code_morphism_axioms

lemma revs_two_code_morphisms: "two_code_morphisms (rev_map g) (rev_map h)"
  by (simp add: g.code_morphism_rev_map h.code_morphism_rev_map two_code_morphisms.intro)

lemma min_coin_im_basis:
  "𝔅 (h` (snd `( g h))) = h ` snd ` (m g h)"
        "𝔅 (g` (fst `( g h))) = g ` fst ` (m g h)"
  thm   morphism_on.inj_basis_to_basis

  note basis_morph_swap = morphism_on.inj_basis_to_basis[OF code_morphism.morph_on_inj_on, symmetric]
  thm basis_morph_swap
      basis_morph_swap[OF code_morphs(2) code_morphs(2), of "snd `  g h",   unfolded coin_set_hull]
  show "𝔅 (h ` snd `  g h) = h ` snd ` m g h"
    unfolding basis_morph_swap[OF code_morphs(2) code_morphs(2), of "snd `  g h",   unfolded coin_set_hull]
    unfolding min_coin_basis_snd[OF code_morphs(1)]..

  interpret swap: two_code_morphisms h g
    using two_code_morphisms_def code_morphs by blast

  thm basis_morph_swap[OF code_morphs(1) code_morphs(1), of "fst `  g h"]
      swap.coin_set_hull[folded coin_set_sym]
      basis_morph_swap[OF code_morphs(1) code_morphs(1), of "fst `  g h", unfolded swap.coin_set_hull[folded coin_set_sym]]

  show "𝔅 (g ` fst `  g h) = g ` fst ` m g h"
    unfolding basis_morph_swap[OF code_morphs(1) code_morphs(1), of "fst `  g h", unfolded swap.coin_set_hull[folded coin_set_sym]]
    unfolding min_coin_basis_fst[OF code_morphs(2)]
    unfolding min_coin_gen_fst..

lemma range_inter_basis_snd:
  shows "𝔅 (range g  range h) = h ` (snd ` m g h)"
        "𝔅 (range g  range h) = g ` (fst ` m g h)"
  show "𝔅 (range g  range h) = h ` (snd ` m g h)"
  unfolding coin_set_inter_snd[folded image_comp, symmetric]
  using  min_coin_im_basis(1).
  show "𝔅 (range g  range h) = g ` (fst ` m g h)"
  unfolding coin_set_inter_fst[folded image_comp, symmetric]
  using min_coin_im_basis(2).

lemma range_inter_code:
  shows  "code 𝔅 (range g  range h)"
  unfolding range_inter_basis_snd
  thm morphism_on.inj_code_to_code
  by (rule morphism_on.inj_code_to_code)
   (simp_all add:  h.morph_on  h.morph_on_inj_on(2) code_morphs(1) min_coin_code_snd)


subsection ‹Two marked morphisms›

locale two_marked_morphisms = two_nonerasing_morphisms +
       g: marked_morphism g +  h: marked_morphism h


sublocale revs: two_code_morphisms g h
  by (simp add: g.code_morphism_axioms h.code_morphism_axioms two_code_morphisms.intro)

lemmas ne_g = g.nonerasing and
       ne_h = h.nonerasing

lemma unique_continuation:
  "z  g r = z'  h s   z  g r' = z'  h s'  z  g (r p r') = z'  h (s p s')"
  using lcp_ext_left g.marked_morph_lcp h.marked_morph_lcp by metis

lemmas empty_sol = noner_eq_emp_iff

lemma comparable_min_sol_eq: assumes "r ≤p r'" and "g r =m h s" and "g r' =m h s'"
  shows  "r = r'" and "s = s'"
  have "s ≤p s'"
    using  g.pref_mono[OF r ≤p r']
    unfolding min_coinD[OF g r =m h s] min_coinD[OF g r' =m h s'] by simp
  thus "r = r'"and "s = s'"
    using g r' =m h s'[unfolded  min_coin_def] min_coinD[OF g r =m h s] min_coinD'[OF g r =m h s] r ≤p r'
     by blast+

lemma first_letter_determines:
  assumes "g e =m h f" and "g e' = h f'" and "hd e = hd e'" and "e'  ε"
  shows "e ≤p e'" and  "f ≤p f'"
  have "g (e p e') = h (f p f')"
    using unique_continuation[of ε e ε f e' f', unfolded emp_simps, OF min_coinD[OFg e =m h f] g e' = h f'].
  have "e  ε"
    using g e =m h f min_coinD' by auto
  hence eq1: "e = [hd e]  tl e" and eq2: "e' = [hd e']  tl e'" using e'  ε by simp+
  from lcp_ext_left[of "[hd e]" "tl e" "tl e'", folded  eq1 eq2[folded hd e = hd e']]
  have "e p e'  ε" by force
  from this
  have "f p f'  ε"
    using g (e p e') = h (f p f') g.nonerasing h.emp_to_emp by force
  from npI[OF e p e'  ε lcp_pref] npI[OF f p f'  ε lcp_pref]
  show  "e ≤p e'" and  "f ≤p f'"
    using min_coin_minD[OF assms(1) e p e' ≤np e f p f' ≤np f g (e p e') = h (f p f'),
          unfolded lcp_sym[of e] lcp_sym[of f]] lcp_pref by metis+

corollary first_letter_determines':
  assumes "g e =m h f" and "g e' =m h f'" and "hd e = hd e'"
  shows "e = e'" and "f = f'"
  have "e  ε" and "e'  ε"
     using g e =m h f g e' =m h f' min_coinD' by blast+
   have "g e' = h f'" and "g e = h f"
     using g e =m h f g e' =m h f' min_coinD by blast+
   show "e = e'" and "f = f'"
    using first_letter_determines[OF g e =m h f g e' = h f' hd e = hd e' e'  ε]
          first_letter_determines[OF g e' =m h f' g e = h f hd e = hd e'[symmetric] e  ε]
    by force+

lemma first_letter_determines_sol: assumes "r  g =M h" and "s  g =M h" and "hd r = hd s"
  shows "r = s"
  have "r p s  ε"
    using nemp_lcp_distinct_hd[OF min_solD'[OF r  g =M h] min_solD'[OF s  g =M h]] hd r = hd s
    by blast
  have "g r = h r" and "g s = h s"
    using min_solD[OF r  g =M h] min_solD[OF s  g =M h].
  have "g (r p s) = h (r p s)"
    unfolding g r = h r g s = h s g.marked_morph_lcp h.marked_morph_lcp..
  from min_solD_min[OF r  g =M h r p s  ε lcp_pref this] min_solD_min[OF s  g =M h r p s  ε  lcp_pref'  this]
  show "r = s" by force

definition pre_block :: "'a  'a list × 'a list"
  where  "pre_block a = (THE p. (g (fst p) =m h (snd p))  hd (fst p) = a)"
― ‹@{term "pre_block a"} may not be a block, if no such exists›

definition blockP :: "'a  bool"
  where  "blockP a  g (fst (pre_block a)) =m h (snd (pre_block a))  hd (fst (pre_block a)) = a"
― ‹Predicate: the @{term pre_block} of the letter @{term a} is indeed a block›

lemma pre_blockI: "g u =m h v  pre_block (hd u) = (u,v)"
  unfolding pre_block_def
proof (rule the_equality)
  show "p. g u =m h v  g (fst p) =m h (snd p)  hd (fst p) = hd u  p = (u, v)"
    using first_letter_determines' by force
qed simp

lemma blockI: assumes "g u =m h v" and "hd u = a"
  shows "blockP a"
  from pre_blockI[OF g u =m h v, unfolded hd u = a]
  show "blockP a"
    unfolding blockP_def using assms by simp

lemma hd_im_comm_eq_aux:
  assumes "g w = h w" and "w  ε" and comm: "g𝒞 (hd w)  h𝒞(hd w) = h𝒞 (hd w)  g𝒞(hd w)" and len: "|g𝒞 (hd w)|  |h𝒞(hd w)|"
  shows "g𝒞 (hd w) = h𝒞 (hd w)"
proof(cases "w  [hd w]*")
  assume  "w  [hd w]*"
  then obtain l where "w = [hd w]@l"
    unfolding root_def by metis
  from nemp_exp_pos[OF w  ε, of "[hd w]" l, folded this]
  have "l  0"
    by fast
  from g w = h w
  have "(g [hd w])@l = (h [hd w])@l"
    unfolding g.pow_morph[symmetric] h.pow_morph[symmetric] w = [hd w]@l[symmetric].
  with l  0
  have "g [hd w] = h [hd w]"
    using pow_eq_eq by blast
  thus "g𝒞 (hd w) = h𝒞 (hd w)"
    unfolding core_def.
  assume  "w  [hd w]*"
  from distinct_letter_in_hd[OF this]
  obtain b l w' where "[hd w]@l  [b]  w' = w" and "b  hd w" and "l  0".
  from commE[OF comm]
  obtain t m k where "g𝒞 (hd w) = t@m" and "h𝒞 (hd w) = t@k".
  have "|t|  0" and "t  ε" and "m  0"
    using g𝒞 (hd w) = t@m g.core_nemp pow_zero[of t] by (fastforce, fastforce, metis)
  with lenarg[OF g𝒞 (hd w) = t@m] lenarg[OF h𝒞 (hd w) = t@k]
  have "m  k"
    unfolding pow_len lenmorph using len by auto
  have "m = k"
  proof(rule ccontr)
    assume "m  k" hence "m < k" using m  k by simp
    have "0 < k*l-m*l"
      using m < k l  0 by force
    have "g w = t@(m*l)  g [b]  g w'"
      unfolding arg_cong[OF [hd w]@l  [b]  w' = w, of g, symmetric] g.morph
        g.pow_morph  g𝒞 (hd w) = t@m[unfolded core_def] pow_mult[symmetric]..
    moreover have "h w = t@(k*l)  h [b]  h w'"
      unfolding arg_cong[OF [hd w]@l  [b]  w' = w, of h, symmetric] h.morph
        h.pow_morph  h𝒞 (hd w) = t@k[unfolded core_def] pow_mult[symmetric]..
    ultimately have *: "g [b]   g w' = t@(k*l-m*l)  h [b]  h w'"
      using g w = h w pop_pow_cancel[OF _ mult_le_mono1[OF m  k]]
      unfolding  g.morph[symmetric] h.morph[symmetric] by metis
    have "t@(k*l-m*l)  ε"
      using gr_implies_not0[OF 0 < k * l - m * l] unfolding nemp_emp_pow[OF t  ε].
    have "hd (t@(k*l-m*l)) = hd t"
      using hd_append2[OF t  ε] unfolding pow_pos[OF 0 < k * l - m * l].
    have "hd t = hd (g [b])"
      using hd_append2[OF g.sing_to_nemp[of b], of "g w'"]
      unfolding   hd_append2[of _ "h [b]  h w'", OF t@(k*l-m*l)  ε, folded *] hd (t@(k*l-m*l)) = hd t.
    have "hd t = hd (g [hd w])"
      using g.hd_im_hd_hd[OF w  ε, unfolded  g𝒞 (hd w) = t @ m[unfolded core_def]]
            hd_append2[OF t  ε, of "t@(m-1)", unfolded pow_Suc, folded pow_Suc[of t "m-1", unfolded Suc_minus[OF m  0]]]
            g.hd_im_hd_hd[OF w  ε] by force
    thus False
      unfolding hd t = hd (g [b]) using b  hd w g.marked_morph by blast
  show "g𝒞 (hd w) = h𝒞 (hd w)"
    unfolding g𝒞 (hd w) = t@m h𝒞 (hd w) = t@k m = k..

lemma hd_im_comm_eq:
  assumes "g w = h w" and "w  ε" and comm: "g𝒞 (hd w)  h𝒞(hd w) = h𝒞 (hd w)  g𝒞(hd w)"
  shows "g𝒞 (hd w) = h𝒞 (hd w)"
  interpret swap: two_marked_morphisms h g by unfold_locales
  show "g𝒞 (hd w) = h𝒞 (hd w)"
  using hd_im_comm_eq_aux[OF assms] swap.hd_im_comm_eq_aux[OF assms(1)[symmetric] assms(2) assms(3)[symmetric], symmetric]
  by force

lemma block_ex: assumes "g u =m h v"  shows "blockP (hd u)"
  unfolding blockP_def using pre_blockI[OF assms] assms by simp

lemma sol_block_ex: assumes "g u = h v" and "u  ε"  shows "blockP (hd u)"
  using min_coin_prefE[OF assms]  block_ex by metis

― ‹Successor morphisms›

definition suc_fst where  "suc_fst   λ x. concat(map (λ y. fst (pre_block y)) x)"
definition suc_snd where  "suc_snd   λ x. concat(map (λ y. snd (pre_block y)) x)"

lemma blockP_D: "blockP a  g (suc_fst [a]) =m h (suc_snd [a])"
  unfolding blockP_def suc_fst_def suc_snd_def by simp

lemma blockP_D_hd: "blockP a  hd (suc_fst [a]) = a"
  unfolding blockP_def suc_fst_def by simp

abbreviation "blocks τ  ( a. a  set τ  blockP a)"

sublocale sucs: two_morphisms suc_fst suc_snd
  by (standard)  (simp_all add: suc_fst_def suc_snd_def)

lemma blockP_D_hd_hd: assumes "blockP a"
  shows "hd (h𝒞 (hd (suc_snd [a]))) = hd (g𝒞 a)"
  from hd_tlE[OF conjunct2[OF min_coinD'[OF blockP_D[OF blockP a]]]]
  obtain b where "hd (suc_snd [a]) = b" by blast
  have "suc_fst [a]  ε" and "suc_snd [a]  ε"
   using min_coinD'[OF  blockP_D[OF blockP a]] by blast+
  from  g.hd_im_hd_hd[OF this(1)] h.hd_im_hd_hd[OF this(2)]
  have "hd (h𝒞 (hd (suc_snd [a]))) = hd (g𝒞 (hd (suc_fst [a])))"
    unfolding core_def min_coinD[OF  blockP_D[OF blockP a]] by argo
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding blockP_D_hd[OF assms].

lemma suc_morph_sings: assumes "g e =m h f"
  shows "suc_fst [hd e] = e" and "suc_snd [hd e] = f"
  unfolding suc_fst_def suc_snd_def using pre_blockI[OF assms] by simp_all

lemma blocks_eq: "blocks τ  g (suc_fst τ)  = h (suc_snd τ)"
proof (induct τ)
  case (Cons a τ)
  have "blocks τ" and "blockP a"
    using blocks (a # τ) by simp_all
  from Cons.hyps[OF this(1)]
  show ?case
    unfolding sucs.g.pop_hd[of a τ] sucs.h.pop_hd[of a τ] g.morph h.morph
    using min_coinD[OF blockP_D, OF blockP a] by simp
qed simp

lemma suc_eq': assumes " a. blockP a" shows "g(suc_fst w) = h(suc_snd w)"
  by (simp add: assms blocks_eq)

lemma suc_eq: assumes all_blocks: " a. blockP a" shows "g  suc_fst = h  suc_snd"
  using suc_eq'[OF assms] by fastforce

lemma block_eq: "blockP a  g (suc_fst [a]) = h (suc_snd [a])"
  using blockP_D min_coinD by blast

lemma blocks_inj_suc: assumes "blocks τ" shows "inj_on suc_fst𝒞 (set τ)"
  unfolding inj_on_def core_def using blockP_D_hd[OF blocks τ[rule_format]]
  by metis

lemma blocks_inj_suc': assumes "blocks τ" shows "inj_on suc_snd𝒞 (set τ)"
   using  g.marked_core blockP_D_hd_hd[OF blocks τ[rule_format]]
   unfolding inj_on_def core_def by metis

lemma blocks_marked_code: assumes "blocks τ"
  shows "marked_code (suc_fst𝒞 `(set τ))"
  show "ε  suc_fst𝒞 ` set τ"
    unfolding core_def image_iff using min_coinD'[OF blockP_D[OF blocks τ[rule_format]]] by fastforce
  show "u v. u  suc_fst𝒞 ` set τ 
           v  suc_fst𝒞 ` set τ  hd u = hd v  u = v"
    using blockP_D_hd[OF blocks τ[rule_format]] unfolding core_def by fastforce

lemma blocks_marked_code': assumes all_blocks: " a. a  set τ  blockP a"
  shows "marked_code (suc_snd𝒞 `(set τ))"
  show "ε  suc_snd𝒞 ` set τ"
    unfolding core_def image_iff using min_coinD'[OF all_blocks[THEN blockP_D]] by fastforce
  show "u = v" if "u  suc_snd𝒞 ` set τ" and "v  suc_snd𝒞 ` set τ" and "hd u = hd v"  for u v
    obtain a b where "u = suc_snd [a]" and "v = suc_snd [b]" and "a  set τ" and "b  set τ"
      using v  suc_snd𝒞 ` set τ u  suc_snd𝒞 ` set τ unfolding core_def by fast+
    from g.marked_core[of a b,
         folded blockP_D_hd_hd[OF all_blocks, OF a  set τ] blockP_D_hd_hd[OF all_blocks, OF b  set τ]
         this(1-2) hd u = hd v,OF refl]
    show "u = v"
      unfolding u = suc_snd [a] v = suc_snd [b] by blast

lemma sucs_marked_morphs: assumes all_blocks: " a. blockP a"
  shows "two_marked_morphisms suc_fst suc_snd"
  show "hd (suc_fst𝒞 a) = hd (suc_fst𝒞 b)  a = b" for a b
   using blockP_D_hd[OF all_blocks] unfolding core_def by force
  show "hd (suc_snd𝒞 a) = hd (suc_snd𝒞 b)  a = b" for a b
    using blockP_D_hd_hd[OF all_blocks, folded core_sing] g.marked_core by metis
  show "suc_fst w = ε  w = ε" for w
    using assms blockP_D min_coinD' sucs.g.noner_sings_conv by blast
  show  "suc_snd w = ε  w = ε" for w
    using blockP_D[OF assms(1), THEN min_coinD'] sucs.h.noner_sings_conv by blast

lemma pre_blocks_range: "{(e,f). g e =m h f }  range pre_block"
  using pre_blockI case_prodE by blast

corollary card_blocks: assumes "finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" shows "card {(e,f). g e =m h f }  card (UNIV :: 'a set)"
    using le_trans[OF card_mono[OF finite_imageI pre_blocks_range, OF assms] card_image_le[of _ pre_block, OF assms]].

lemma block_decomposition: assumes "g e = h f"
  obtains τ where  "suc_fst τ = e" and  "suc_snd τ = f" and "blocks τ"
using assms
proof (induct "|e|" arbitrary: e f thesis rule: less_induct)
  case less
    show ?case
  proof (cases "e = ε")
    assume "e = ε"
    hence  "f = ε"
      using less.hyps empty_sol[OF g e = h f] by blast
    hence "suc_fst ε = e" and "suc_snd ε = f"
      unfolding suc_fst_def suc_snd_def by (simp add: e = ε)+
    from less.prems(1)[OF this]
    show thesis
      by simp
    assume "e  ε"
    from min_coin_prefE[OF g e = h f this]
    obtain  e1 e2 f1 f2
      where "g e1 =m h f1" and "e1e2 = e" and "f1f2 = f" and "e1  ε" and "f1  ε"
      by (metis min_coinD' prefD)
    from g e = h f[folded e1e2 = e f1f2 = f, unfolded g.morph h.morph]
    have "g e2 = h f2"
      using min_coinD[OF g e1 =m h f1] by simp
    have "|e2| < |e|"
      using e1e2 = e e1  ε by auto
    from less.hyps[OF this _ g e2 = h f2]
    obtain τ' where "suc_fst τ' = e2" and "suc_snd τ' = f2" and "blocks τ'".
    have "suc_fst [hd e] = e1" and "suc_snd [hd e] = f1"
      using suc_morph_sings e1  e2 = e g e1 =m h f1 e1  ε  by auto
    hence "suc_fst (hd e # τ') = e" and "suc_snd (hd e # τ') = f"
      using   e1  e2 = e f1  f2 = f
      unfolding hd_word[of "hd e" τ'] sucs.g.morph sucs.h.morph suc_fst τ' = e2 suc_snd τ' = f2 suc_fst [hd e] = e1 suc_snd [hd e] = f1 by force+
    have "blocks (hd e # τ')"
      using blocks τ' e1  e2 = e e1  ε g e1 =m h f1 block_ex by force
    from less.prems(1)[OF _ _ this]
    show thesis
      by (simp add: suc_fst (hd e # τ') = e suc_snd (hd e # τ') = f)

lemma block_decomposition_unique: assumes "g e = h f" and
   "suc_fst τ = e" and "suc_fst τ' = e" and "blocks τ" and "blocks τ'" shows "τ = τ'"
  let ?C = "suc_fst𝒞`(set (τ   τ'))"
  have "blocks (τ  τ')"
    using blocks τ blocks τ' by auto
  interpret marked_code ?C
    by (rule blocks_marked_code) (simp add: blocks (τ  τ'))
  have "inj_on suc_fst𝒞 (set (τ    τ'))"
    using blocks (τ  τ') blocks_inj_suc by blast
  from sucs.g.code_set_morph[OF code_axioms this suc_fst τ = e[folded suc_fst τ' = e]]
  show "τ = τ'".

lemma block_decomposition_unique': assumes "g e = h f" and
   "suc_snd τ = f" and "suc_snd τ' = f" and "blocks τ" and "blocks τ'"
 shows "τ = τ'"
  have "suc_fst τ = e" and "suc_fst τ' = e"
    using assms blocks_eq g.code_morph_code by presburger+
 from block_decomposition_unique[OF assms(1) this assms(4-5)]
  show "τ = τ'".

lemma comm_sings_block: assumes "g[a]  h[b] = h[b]  g[a]"
  obtains m n where "suc_fst [a] = [a]@Suc m" and "suc_snd [a] = [b]@Suc n"
  have "[a] @ |h [b]|  ε"
    using nemp_len[OF h.sing_to_nemp, of b, folded sing_pow_empty[of a "|h [b]|"]].
  obtain e f where "g e =m h f" and "e ≤p [a] @ |h [b]|" and "f ≤p [b] @ |g [a]|"
    using   min_coin_prefE[OF comm_common_power[OF assms,folded g.pow_morph h.pow_morph] [a] @ |h [b]|  ε, of thesis] by blast
  note e =  pref_sing_pow[OF e ≤p [a] @ |h [b]|]
  note f = pref_sing_pow[OF f ≤p [b] @ |g [a]|]
  from min_coinD'[OF g e =m h f]
  have exps: "|e| = Suc (|e| - 1)" "|f| = Suc (|f| - 1)"
    by auto
  have "hd e = a"
    using e = [a] @ |e|[unfolded pow_Suc[of "[a]" "|e| - 1", folded |e| = Suc (|e| - 1)], folded hd_word[of a "[a] @ (|e| - 1)"]]
    list.sel(1)[of a "[a] @ (|e| - 1)"] by argo
  from that suc_morph_sings[OF g e =m h f, unfolded this] e f exps
  show thesis
    by metis

― ‹a variant of successor morphisms: target alphabet encoded to be the same as for original morphisms›

definition sucs_encoding where "sucs_encoding = (λ a. hd (g [a]))"
definition sucs_decoding where "sucs_decoding = (λ a. SOME c. hd (g[c]) = a)"

lemma sucs_encoding_inv: "sucs_decoding  sucs_encoding = id"
  by (rule ext)
  (unfold sucs_encoding_def sucs_decoding_def comp_apply id_apply, use g.marked_core[unfolded core_def] in blast)

lemma encoding_inj: "inj sucs_encoding"
  unfolding sucs_encoding_def inj_on_def using g.marked_core[unfolded core_def] by blast

lemma map_encoding_inj: "inj (map sucs_encoding)"
  using encoding_inj by simp

definition suc_fst' where "suc_fst' = (map sucs_encoding)  suc_fst"
definition suc_snd' where "suc_snd' = (map sucs_encoding)  suc_snd"

lemma encoded_sucs_eq_conv: "suc_fst w = suc_snd w'  suc_fst' w = suc_snd' w'"
  unfolding suc_fst'_def suc_snd'_def  using encoding_inj by force

lemma encoded_sucs_eq_conv': "suc_fst = suc_snd  suc_fst' = suc_snd'"
  unfolding suc_fst'_def suc_snd'_def  using inj_comp_eq[OF map_encoding_inj] by blast

lemma encoded_sucs: assumes " c. blockP c" shows "two_marked_morphisms suc_fst' suc_snd'"
unfolding suc_fst'_def suc_snd'_def
  from sucs_marked_morphs[OF assms]
  interpret sucs: two_marked_morphisms suc_fst suc_snd
    by force
  interpret nonerasing_morphism "(map sucs_encoding)  suc_fst"
    unfolding comp_apply  by (standard, simp add: sucs.g.morph, use  sucs.g.nemp_to_nemp in fast)
  interpret nonerasing_morphism "(map sucs_encoding)  suc_snd"
    unfolding comp_apply  by (standard, simp add: sucs.h.morph, use  sucs.h.nemp_to_nemp in fast)
  interpret marked_morphism "(map sucs_encoding)  suc_fst"
    show "hd ((map sucs_encoding  suc_fst)𝒞 a) = hd ((map sucs_encoding  suc_fst)𝒞 b)  a = b" for a b
      unfolding comp_apply core_def sucs_encoding_def hd_map[OF sucs.g.sing_to_nemp]
      unfolding  blockP_D_hd[OF assms] using  g.marked_morph.
  interpret marked_morphism "(map sucs_encoding)  suc_snd"
    show "hd ((map sucs_encoding  suc_snd)𝒞 a) = hd ((map sucs_encoding  suc_snd)𝒞 b)  a = b" for a b
      unfolding comp_apply core_def sucs_encoding_def hd_map[OF sucs.h.sing_to_nemp]
      using g.marked_morph[THEN sucs.h.marked_morph].
  show "two_marked_morphisms ((map sucs_encoding)  suc_fst) ((map sucs_encoding)  suc_snd)"..

lemma encoded_sucs_len: "|suc_fst w| = |suc_fst' w|" and "|suc_snd w| = |suc_snd' w|"
  unfolding suc_fst'_def suc_snd'_def sucs_encoding_def comp_apply by force+

