Theory Resumption

(*  Author:      Andreas Lochbihler
    Maintainer:  Andreas Lochbihler
section ‹Manual construction of a resumption codatatype›

theory Resumption imports 

text ‹
  This theory defines the following codatatype:

codatatype ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption =
    Terminal 'a
  | Linear 'b "('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption"
  | Branch 'c "'d => ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption"


subsection ‹Auxiliary definitions and lemmata similar to @{theory "HOL-Library.Old_Datatype"}

lemma Lim_mono: "(d. rs d  rs' d)  Old_Datatype.Lim rs  Old_Datatype.Lim rs'"
by(simp add: Lim_def) blast

lemma Lim_UN1:  "Old_Datatype.Lim (λx. y. f x y) = (y. Old_Datatype.Lim (λx. f x y))"
by(simp add: Old_Datatype.Lim_def) blast

text ‹
  Inverse for @{term "Old_Datatype.Lim"} like @{term "Old_Datatype.Split"} and @{term "Old_Datatype.Case"}
  for @{term "Old_Datatype.Scons"} and @{term "In0"}/@{term "In1"}

definition DTBranch :: "(('b  ('a, 'b) Old_Datatype.dtree)  'c)  ('a, 'b) Old_Datatype.dtree  'c"
where "DTBranch f M = (THE u. x. M = Old_Datatype.Lim x  u = f x)"

lemma DTBranch_Lim [simp]: "DTBranch f (Old_Datatype.Lim M) = f M"
by(auto simp add: DTBranch_def dest: Lim_inject)

text ‹Lemmas for @{term Old_Datatype.ntrunc} and @{term "Old_Datatype.Lim"}

lemma ndepth_Push_Node_Inl_aux:
     "case_nat (Inl n) f k = Inr 0  Suc (LEAST x. f x = Inr 0) <= k"
apply (induct "k", auto)
apply (erule Least_le)

lemma ndepth_Push_Node_Inl:
  "ndepth (Push_Node (Inl a) n) = Suc (ndepth n)"
using Rep_Node[of n, unfolded Node_def]
apply(simp add: ndepth_def Push_Node_def Abs_Node_inverse[OF Node_Push_I[OF Rep_Node]])
apply(simp add: Push_def split_beta)
apply(rule Least_equality)
apply(auto elim: LeastI intro: ndepth_Push_Node_Inl_aux)

lemma ntrunc_Lim [simp]: "ntrunc (Suc k) (Old_Datatype.Lim rs) = Old_Datatype.Lim (λx. ntrunc k (rs x))"
unfolding Lim_def ntrunc_def
apply(rule equalityI)
apply clarify
apply(auto simp add: ndepth_Push_Node_Inl)

subsection ‹Definition for the codatatype universe›

text ‹Constructors›

definition TERMINAL :: "'a  ('c + 'b + 'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree"
where "TERMINAL a = In0 (Old_Datatype.Leaf (Inr (Inr a)))"

definition LINEAR :: "'b  ('c + 'b + 'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree  ('c + 'b + 'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree"
  where "LINEAR b r = In1 (In0 (Scons (Old_Datatype.Leaf (Inr (Inl b))) r))"

definition BRANCH :: "'c  ('d  ('c + 'b + 'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree)  ('c + 'b + 'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree"
 where "BRANCH c rs = In1 (In1 (Scons (Old_Datatype.Leaf (Inl c)) (Old_Datatype.Lim rs)))"

text ‹case operator›

definition case_RESUMPTION :: "('a  'e)  ('b  (('c + 'b + 'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree)  'e)  ('c  ('d  ('c + 'b + 'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree)  'e)  ('c + 'b + 'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree  'e"
  "case_RESUMPTION t l br =
   Old_Datatype.Case (t o inv (Old_Datatype.Leaf o Inr o Inr))
                 (Old_Datatype.Case (Old_Datatype.Split (λx. l (inv (Old_Datatype.Leaf o Inr o Inl) x)))
                                (Old_Datatype.Split (λx. DTBranch (br (inv (Old_Datatype.Leaf o Inl) x)))))"

lemma [iff]:
  and LINEAR_not_BRANCH: "LINEAR b r  BRANCH c rs"
  and BRANCH_not_LINEAR: "BRANCH c rs  LINEAR b r"
  and TERMINAL_inject: "TERMINAL a = TERMINAL a'  a = a'"
  and LINEAR_inject: "LINEAR b r = LINEAR b' r'  b = b'  r = r'"
  and BRANCH_inject: "BRANCH c rs = BRANCH c' rs'  c = c'  rs = rs'"
by(auto simp add: TERMINAL_def LINEAR_def BRANCH_def dest: Lim_inject)

lemma case_RESUMPTION_simps [simp]:
  shows case_RESUMPTION_TERMINAL: "case_RESUMPTION t l br (TERMINAL a) = t a"
  and case_RESUMPTION_LINEAR: "case_RESUMPTION t l br (LINEAR b r) = l b r"
  and case_RESUMPTION_BRANCH: "case_RESUMPTION t l br (BRANCH c rs) = br c rs"
apply(simp_all add: case_RESUMPTION_def TERMINAL_def LINEAR_def BRANCH_def o_def)
apply(rule arg_cong) back
apply(blast intro: injI inv_f_f)
apply(rule arg_cong) back
apply(blast intro: injI inv_f_f)
apply(rule arg_cong) back
apply(blast intro: injI inv_f_f)

lemma LINEAR_mono: "r  r'  LINEAR b r  LINEAR b r'"
by(simp add: LINEAR_def In1_mono In0_mono Scons_mono)

lemma BRANCH_mono: "(d. rs d  rs' d)  BRANCH c rs  BRANCH c rs'"
by(simp add: BRANCH_def In1_mono Scons_mono Lim_mono)

lemma LINEAR_UN: "LINEAR b (x. f x) = (x. LINEAR b (f x))"
by (simp add: LINEAR_def In1_UN1 In0_UN1 Scons_UN1_y)

lemma BRANCH_UN: "BRANCH b (λd. x. f d x) = (x. BRANCH b (λd. f d x))"
by (simp add: BRANCH_def Lim_UN1 In1_UN1 In0_UN1 Scons_UN1_y)

text ‹The codatatype universe›

coinductive_set resumption :: "('c + 'b + 'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree set"
  "TERMINAL a  resumption"
| resumption_LINEAR:
  "r  resumption  LINEAR b r  resumption"
| resumption_BRANCH:
  "(d. rs d  resumption)  BRANCH c rs  resumption"

subsection ‹Definition of the codatatype as a type›

typedef ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption = "resumption :: ('c + 'b + 'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree set"
  show "TERMINAL undefined  ?resumption" by(blast intro: resumption.intros)

text ‹Constructors›

definition Terminal :: "'a  ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption"
where "Terminal a = Abs_resumption (TERMINAL a)"

definition Linear :: "'b  ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption  ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption"
where "Linear b r = Abs_resumption (LINEAR b (Rep_resumption r))"

definition Branch :: "'c  ('d  ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption)  ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption"
where "Branch c rs = Abs_resumption (BRANCH c (λd. Rep_resumption (rs d)))"

lemma [iff]:
  shows Terminal_not_Linear: "Terminal a  Linear b r"
  and Linear_not_Terminal: "Linear b R  Terminal a"
  and Termina_not_Branch: "Terminal a  Branch c rs"
  and Branch_not_Terminal: "Branch c rs  Terminal a"
  and Linear_not_Branch: "Linear b r  Branch c rs"
  and Branch_not_Linear: "Branch c rs  Linear b r"
  and Terminal_inject: "Terminal a = Terminal a'  a = a'"
  and Linear_inject: "Linear b r = Linear b' r'  b = b'  r = r'"
  and Branch_inject: "Branch c rs = Branch c' rs'  c = c'  rs = rs'"
apply(auto simp add: Terminal_def Linear_def Branch_def simp add: Rep_resumption resumption.intros Abs_resumption_inject Rep_resumption_inject)
apply(subst (asm) fun_eq_iff, auto simp add: Rep_resumption_inject)

lemma Rep_resumption_constructors:
  shows Rep_resumption_Terminal: "Rep_resumption (Terminal a) = TERMINAL a"
  and Rep_resumption_Linear: "Rep_resumption (Linear b r) = LINEAR b (Rep_resumption r)"
  and Rep_resumption_Branch: "Rep_resumption (Branch c rs) = BRANCH c (λd. Rep_resumption (rs d))"
by(simp_all add: Terminal_def Linear_def Branch_def Abs_resumption_inverse resumption.intros Rep_resumption)

text ‹Case operator›

definition case_resumption :: "('a  'e)  ('b  ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption  'e) 
                            ('c  ('d  ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption)  'e)  ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption  'e"
where [code del]:
  "case_resumption t l br r =
   case_RESUMPTION t (λb r. l b (Abs_resumption r)) (λc rs. br c (λd. Abs_resumption (rs d))) (Rep_resumption r)"

lemma case_resumption_simps [simp, code]:
  shows case_resumption_Terminal: "case_resumption t l br (Terminal a) = t a"
  and case_resumption_Linear: "case_resumption t l br (Linear b r) = l b r"
  and case_resumption_Branch: "case_resumption t l br (Branch c rs) = br c rs"
by(simp_all add: Terminal_def Linear_def Branch_def case_resumption_def Abs_resumption_inverse resumption.intros Rep_resumption Rep_resumption_inverse)

declare [[case_translation case_resumption Terminal Linear Branch]]

lemma case_resumption_cert:
  assumes "CASE  case_resumption t l br"
  shows "(CASE (Terminal a)  t a) &&& (CASE (Linear b r)  l b r) &&& (CASE (Branch c rs)  br c rs)"
using assms by simp_all

code_datatype Terminal Linear Branch

setup Code.declare_case_global @{thm case_resumption_cert}

setup Nitpick.register_codatatype @{typ "('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption"} @{const_name case_resumption}
                              (map dest_Const [@{term Terminal}, @{term Linear}, @{term Branch}])

lemma resumption_exhaust [cases type: resumption]:
  obtains (Terminal) a where "x = Terminal a"
  | (Linear) b r where "x = Linear b r"
  | (Branch) c rs where "x = Branch c rs"
proof(cases x)
  case (Abs_resumption y)
  note [simp] = x = Abs_resumption y
  from y  resumption show thesis
  proof(cases rule: resumption.cases)
    case resumption_TERMINAL thus ?thesis
      by -(rule Terminal, simp add: Terminal_def)
    case (resumption_LINEAR r b) 
    from r  resumption have "Rep_resumption (Abs_resumption r) = r"
      by(simp add: Abs_resumption_inverse)
    hence "y = LINEAR b (Rep_resumption (Abs_resumption r))"
      using y = LINEAR b r by simp
    thus ?thesis by -(rule Linear, simp add: Linear_def)
    case (resumption_BRANCH rs c)
    from d. rs d  resumption
    have eq: "rs = (λd. Rep_resumption (Abs_resumption (rs d)))"
      by(subst Abs_resumption_inverse) blast+
    show ?thesis using y = BRANCH c rs 
      by -(rule Branch, simp add: Branch_def, subst eq, simp)

lemma resumption_split:
  "P (case_resumption t l br r)  
  (a. r = Terminal a  P (t a)) 
  (b r'. r = Linear b r'  P (l b r')) 
  (c rs. r = Branch c rs  P (br c rs))"
by(cases r) simp_all

lemma resumption_split_asm:
  "P (case_resumption t l br r) 
  ¬ ((a. r = Terminal a  ¬ P (t a)) 
     (b r'. r = Linear b r'  ¬ P (l b r')) 
     (c rs. r = Branch c rs  ¬ P (br c rs)))"
by(cases r) simp_all

lemmas resumption_splits = resumption_split resumption_split_asm

text ‹corecursion operator›

datatype (dead 'a, dead 'b, dead 'c, dead 'd, dead 'e) resumption_corec =
    Terminal_corec 'a
  | Linear_corec 'b 'e
  | Branch_corec 'c "'d  'e"
  | Resumption_corec "('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) resumption"

primrec RESUMPTION_corec_aux :: "nat  ('e  ('a,'b,'c,'d,'e) resumption_corec)  'e  ('c + 'b + 'a,'d) Old_Datatype.dtree"
  "RESUMPTION_corec_aux 0 f e = {}"
| "RESUMPTION_corec_aux (Suc n) f e =
  (case f e of Terminal_corec a  TERMINAL a
            | Linear_corec b e'  LINEAR b (RESUMPTION_corec_aux n f e')
            | Branch_corec c es  BRANCH c (λd. RESUMPTION_corec_aux n f (es d))
            | Resumption_corec r  Rep_resumption r)"

definition RESUMPTION_corec :: "('e  ('a,'b,'c,'d,'e) resumption_corec)  'e  ('c + 'b + 'a,'d) Old_Datatype.dtree"
  "RESUMPTION_corec f e = (n. RESUMPTION_corec_aux n f e)"

lemma RESUMPTION_corec [nitpick_simp]:
  "RESUMPTION_corec f e =
  (case f e of Terminal_corec a  TERMINAL a
            | Linear_corec b e'  LINEAR b (RESUMPTION_corec f e')
            | Branch_corec c es  BRANCH c (λd. RESUMPTION_corec f (es d))
            | Resumption_corec r  Rep_resumption r)"
  (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  show "?lhs  ?rhs" unfolding RESUMPTION_corec_def
  proof(rule UN_least)
    fix n
    show "RESUMPTION_corec_aux n f e
         (case f e of Terminal_corec a  TERMINAL a
           | Linear_corec b e'  LINEAR b (n. RESUMPTION_corec_aux n f e')
           | Branch_corec c es  BRANCH c (λd. n. RESUMPTION_corec_aux n f (es d))
           | Resumption_corec r  Rep_resumption r)"
      apply(cases n, simp_all split: resumption_corec.split)
      by(rule conjI strip LINEAR_mono[OF UN_upper] BRANCH_mono[OF UN_upper] UNIV_I)+
  show "?rhs  ?lhs" unfolding RESUMPTION_corec_def
    apply(simp split: resumption_corec.split add: LINEAR_UN BRANCH_UN)
    by safe(rule_tac a="Suc n" for n in UN_I, rule UNIV_I, simp)+

lemma RESUMPTION_corec_type: "RESUMPTION_corec f e  resumption"
proof -
  have "x. RESUMPTION_corec f e = RESUMPTION_corec f x" by blast
  thus ?thesis
  proof coinduct
    case (resumption x)
    then obtain e where x: "x = RESUMPTION_corec f e" by blast
    thus ?case 
    proof(cases "f e")
      case (Resumption_corec r)
      thus ?thesis using x
        by(cases r)(simp_all add: RESUMPTION_corec Rep_resumption_constructors Rep_resumption)
    qed(auto simp add: RESUMPTION_corec)

text ‹corecursion operator for the resumption type›

definition resumption_corec :: "('e  ('a,'b,'c,'d,'e) resumption_corec)  'e  ('a,'b,'c,'d) resumption"
  "resumption_corec f e = Abs_resumption (RESUMPTION_corec f e)"

lemma resumption_corec:
  "resumption_corec f e =
  (case f e of Terminal_corec a  Terminal a
            | Linear_corec b e'  Linear b (resumption_corec f e')
            | Branch_corec c es  Branch c (λd. resumption_corec f (es d))
            | Resumption_corec r  r)"
unfolding resumption_corec_def
apply(subst RESUMPTION_corec)
apply(auto split: resumption_corec.splits simp add: Terminal_def Linear_def Branch_def RESUMPTION_corec_type Abs_resumption_inverse Rep_resumption_inverse)

text ‹Equality as greatest fixpoint›

coinductive Eq_RESUMPTION :: "('c+'b+'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree  ('c+'b+'a, 'd) Old_Datatype.dtree  bool"
| EqBRANCH: "(d. Eq_RESUMPTION (rs d) (rs' d))  Eq_RESUMPTION (BRANCH c rs) (BRANCH c rs')"

lemma Eq_RESUMPTION_implies_ntrunc_equality:
  "Eq_RESUMPTION r r'  ntrunc k r = ntrunc k r'"
proof(induct k arbitrary: r r' rule: less_induct)
  case (less k)
  note IH = k' r r'. k' < k; Eq_RESUMPTION r r'  ntrunc k' r = ntrunc k' r'
  from Eq_RESUMPTION r r' show ?case
  proof cases
    case EqTERMINAL
    thus ?thesis by simp
    case (EqLINEAR R R' b)
    thus ?thesis unfolding LINEAR_def
      apply(cases k, simp)
      apply(rename_tac k', case_tac k', simp)
      apply(rename_tac k'', case_tac k'', simp_all add: IH)
    case (EqBRANCH rs rs' c)
    thus ?thesis unfolding BRANCH_def
      apply(cases k, simp)
      apply(rename_tac k', case_tac k', simp)
      apply(rename_tac k'', case_tac k'', simp)
      apply(rename_tac k''', case_tac k''', simp_all)
      apply(rule arg_cong[where f=Old_Datatype.Lim])
      apply(rule ext)
      apply(simp add: IH)

lemma Eq_RESUMPTION_refl:
  assumes "r  resumption"
  shows "Eq_RESUMPTION r r"
proof -
  define r' where "r' = r"
  with assms have "r = r'  r  resumption" by auto
  thus "Eq_RESUMPTION r r'"
    case (Eq_RESUMPTION r r')
    hence [simp]: "r = r'" and "r  resumption" by auto
    from r  resumption show ?case
      by(cases rule: resumption.cases) auto

lemma Eq_RESUMPTION_into_resumption:
  assumes "Eq_RESUMPTION r r"
  shows "r  resumption"
using assms
  case resumption thus ?case by cases auto

lemma Eq_RESUMPTION_eq:
  "Eq_RESUMPTION r r'  r = r'  r  resumption"
proof(rule iffI)
  assume "Eq_RESUMPTION r r'"
  hence "k. ntrunc k r = ntrunc k r'" by(rule Eq_RESUMPTION_implies_ntrunc_equality)
  hence "r = r'" by(rule ntrunc_equality)
  moreover with Eq_RESUMPTION r r' have "r  resumption"
    by(auto intro: Eq_RESUMPTION_into_resumption)
  ultimately show "r = r'  r  resumption" ..
  assume "r = r'  r  resumption"
  thus "Eq_RESUMPTION r r'" by(blast intro: Eq_RESUMPTION_refl)

lemma Eq_RESUMPTION_I [consumes 1, case_names Eq_RESUMPTION, case_conclusion Eq_RESUMPTION EqTerminal EqLinear EqBranch]:
  assumes "X r r'"
  and step: "r r'. X r r' 
             (a. r = TERMINAL a  r' = TERMINAL a) 
             (R R' b. r = LINEAR b R  r' = LINEAR b R'  (X R R'  Eq_RESUMPTION R R')) 
             (rs rs' c. r = BRANCH c rs  r' = BRANCH c rs'  (d. X (rs d) (rs' d)  Eq_RESUMPTION (rs d) (rs' d)))"
  shows "r = r'"
proof -
  from X r r' have "Eq_RESUMPTION r r'"
    by(coinduct)(rule step)
  thus ?thesis by(simp add: Eq_RESUMPTION_eq)

lemma resumption_equalityI [consumes 1, case_names Eq_resumption, case_conclusion Eq_resumption EqTerminal EqLinear EqBranch]:
  assumes "X r r'"
  and step: "r r'. X r r' 
             (a. r = Terminal a  r' = Terminal a) 
             (R R' b. r = Linear b R  r' = Linear b R'  (X R R'  R = R')) 
             (rs rs' c. r = Branch c rs  r' = Branch c rs'  (d. X (rs d) (rs' d)  rs d = rs' d))"
  shows "r = r'"
proof -
  define M N where "M = Rep_resumption r" and "N = Rep_resumption r'"
  with X r r' have "r r'. M = Rep_resumption r  N = Rep_resumption r'  X r r'" by blast
  hence "M = N"
  proof(coinduct rule: Eq_RESUMPTION_I)
    case (Eq_RESUMPTION M N)
    then obtain r r' where [simp]: "M = Rep_resumption r" "N = Rep_resumption r'"
      and "X r r'" by blast
    { assume "a. r = Terminal a  r' = Terminal a"
      hence ?EqTerminal by(auto simp add: Rep_resumption_constructors)
      hence ?case .. }
    { assume "R R' b. r = Linear b R  r' = Linear b R'  (X R R'  R = R')"
      hence ?EqLinear
        by(clarsimp simp add: Rep_resumption_constructors Eq_RESUMPTION_eq Rep_resumption_inject Rep_resumption)
      hence ?case by blast }
    { assume "rs rs' c. r = Branch c rs  r' = Branch c rs'  (d. X (rs d) (rs' d)  rs d = rs' d)"
      hence ?EqBranch
        by(clarsimp simp add: Rep_resumption_constructors Eq_RESUMPTION_eq Rep_resumption_inject Rep_resumption)
      hence ?case by blast }
    ultimately show ?case using step[OF X r r'] by blast
  thus ?thesis unfolding M_def N_def by(simp add: Rep_resumption_inject)

text ‹
  Finality of resumption›: Uniqueness of functions defined by corecursion.

lemma equals_RESUMPTION_corec:
  assumes h: "x. h x = (case f x of Terminal_corec a  TERMINAL a
                                   | Linear_corec b x'  LINEAR b (h x')
                                   | Branch_corec c xs  BRANCH c (λd. h (xs d))
                                   | Resumption_corec r  Rep_resumption r)"
  shows "h = RESUMPTION_corec f"
  fix x
  define h' where "h' = RESUMPTION_corec f"
  have h': "x. h' x = (case f x of Terminal_corec a  TERMINAL a
                                   | Linear_corec b x'  LINEAR b (h' x')
                                   | Branch_corec c xs  BRANCH c (λd. h' (xs d))
                                   | Resumption_corec r  Rep_resumption r)"
    unfolding h'_def by(simp add: RESUMPTION_corec)
  define M N where "M = h x" and "N = h' x"
  hence "x. M = h x  N = h' x" by blast
  thus "M = N"
  proof(coinduct rule: Eq_RESUMPTION_I)
    case (Eq_RESUMPTION M N)
    then obtain x where [simp]: "M = h x" "N = h' x" by blast
    show ?case
    proof(cases "f x")
      case (Terminal_corec a)
      with h h' have ?EqTerminal by simp
      thus ?thesis ..
      case (Linear_corec b x')
      with h h' have ?EqLinear by auto
      thus ?thesis by blast
      case (Branch_corec c xs)
      with h h' have ?EqBranch by auto
      thus ?thesis by blast
      case (Resumption_corec r)
      thus ?thesis
        by(cases r)(simp_all add: h h' Rep_resumption_constructors Eq_RESUMPTION_refl Rep_resumption)

lemma equals_resumption_corec:
  assumes h: "x. h x = (case f x of Terminal_corec a  Terminal a
                                   | Linear_corec b x'  Linear b (h x')
                                   | Branch_corec c xs  Branch c (λd. h (xs d))
                                   | Resumption_corec r  r)"
  shows "h = resumption_corec f"
proof(rule ext)
  fix x
  { fix x
    from h[of x]
    have "Rep_resumption (h x) =
      (case f x of Terminal_corec a  TERMINAL a
                | Linear_corec b x'  LINEAR b (Rep_resumption (h x'))
                | Branch_corec c xs  BRANCH c (λd. Rep_resumption (h (xs d)))
                | Resumption_corec r  Rep_resumption r)"
      by(auto split: resumption_corec.split simp add: Rep_resumption_constructors) }
  hence eq: "(λx. Rep_resumption (h x)) = RESUMPTION_corec f" by(rule equals_RESUMPTION_corec)
  hence "Abs_resumption (Rep_resumption (h x)) = Abs_resumption (RESUMPTION_corec f x)"
    by(subst (asm) fun_eq_iff)(auto)
  from this[symmetric] show "h x = resumption_corec f x"
    unfolding resumption_corec_def by(simp add: Rep_resumption_inverse)
