Theory Snapshot

section ‹The Chandy--Lamport algorithm›

theory Snapshot


subsection ‹The computation locale›

text ‹We extend the distributed system locale presented
earlier: Now we are given a trace t of the distributed system between
two configurations, the initial and final configuartions of t. Our objective
is to show that the Chandy--Lamport algorithm terminated successfully and
exhibits the same properties as claimed in~cite"chandy". In the initial state
no snapshotting must have taken place yet, however the computation itself may
have progressed arbitrarily far already.

We assume that there exists at least one process, that the
total number of processes in the system is finite, and that there
are only finitely many channels between the processes. The process graph
is strongly connected. Finally there are Chandy and Lamport's core assumptions:
every process snapshots at some time and no marker may remain in a channel forever.›

locale computation = distributed_system +
    init final :: "('a, 'b, 'c) configuration"
      "finite {i. p q. channel i = Some (p, q)}" and
      "p q. (p  q) 
         (tranclp (λp q. (i. channel i = Some (p, q)))) p q" and

      "card (UNIV :: 'a set) > 1" and
      "finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" and

      "i. (p q. channel i = Some (p, q))
       Marker  set (msgs init i)" and
      "i. channel i = None  msgs init i = []" and
      "p. ~ has_snapshotted init p" and
      "i. channel_snapshot init i = ([], NotStarted)" and

    valid: "t. trace init t final" and
    l1: "t i cid. trace init t final
                  Marker  set (msgs (s init t i) cid)
       (j. j  i  Marker  set (msgs (s init t j) cid))" and
    l2: "t p. trace init t final
       (i. has_snapshotted (s init t i) p  i  length t)"

definition has_channel where
  "has_channel p q  (i. channel i = Some (p, q))"

lemmas strongly_connected = strongly_connected_raw[folded has_channel_def]

lemma exists_some_channel:
  shows "i p q. channel i = Some (p, q)"
proof -
  obtain p q where "p : (UNIV :: 'a set)  q : (UNIV :: 'a set)  p  q" 
    by (metis (mono_tags) One_nat_def UNIV_eq_I all_not_in_conv at_least_two_processes card_Suc_Diff1 card.empty finite_processes insert_iff iso_tuple_UNIV_I less_numeral_extra(4) n_not_Suc_n)
  then have "(tranclp has_channel) p q" using strongly_connected by simp
  then obtain r s where "has_channel r s" 
    by (meson tranclpD)
  then show ?thesis using has_channel_def by auto

abbreviation S where
  "S  s init"

lemma no_messages_if_no_channel:
  assumes "trace init t final"
  shows "channel cid = None  msgs (s init t i) cid = []"
  using no_messages_introduced_if_no_channel[OF assms no_msgs_if_no_channel] by blast

lemma S_induct [consumes 3, case_names S_init S_step]:
  " trace init t final; i  j; j  length t;
     i. P i i;
     i j. i < j  j  length t  (S t i)  (t ! i)  (S t (Suc i))  P (Suc i) j  P i j
     P i j"
proof (induct "j - i" arbitrary: i)
  case 0
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Suc n)
  then have "(S t i)  (t ! i)  (S t (Suc i))" using Suc step_Suc by simp
  then show ?case using Suc by simp

lemma exists_index:
    "trace init t final" and
    "ev  set (take (j - i) (drop i t))"
    "k. i  k  k < j  ev = t ! k"
proof -
  have "trace (S t i) (take (j - i) (drop i t)) (S t j)" 
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) diff_is_0_eq' exists_trace_for_any_i_j list.distinct(1) list.set_cases nat_le_linear take_eq_Nil)
  obtain l where "ev = (take (j - i) (drop i t)) ! l" "l < length (take (j - i) (drop i t))"
    by (metis assms(2) in_set_conv_nth)
  let ?k = "l + i"
  have "(take (j - i) (drop i t)) ! l = drop i t ! l" 
    using l < length (take (j - i) (drop i t)) by auto
  also have "... = t ! ?k" 
    by (metis add.commute assms(2) drop_all empty_iff list.set(1) nat_le_linear nth_drop take_Nil)
  finally have "ev = t ! ?k" 
    using ev = take (j - i) (drop i t) ! l by blast
  moreover have "i  ?k  ?k < j" 
    using l < length (take (j - i) (drop i t)) by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma no_change_if_ge_length_t:
    "trace init t final" and
    "i  length t" and
    "j  i"
    "S t i = S t j"
proof -
  have "trace (S t i) (take (j - i) (drop i t)) (S t j)" 
    using assms(1) assms(3) exists_trace_for_any_i_j by blast
  moreover have "(take (j - i) (drop i t)) = Nil" 
    by (simp add: assms(2))
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    by (metis tr_init trace_and_start_determines_end)

lemma no_marker_if_no_snapshot:
    " trace init t final; channel cid = Some (p, q);
       ~ has_snapshotted (S t i) p 
       Marker  set (msgs (S t i) cid)"
proof (induct i)
  case 0
  then show ?case 
    by (metis exists_trace_for_any_i no_initial_Marker take_eq_Nil tr_init trace_and_start_determines_end)
  case (Suc n)
  then have IH: "Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid)" 
    by (meson distributed_system.exists_trace_for_any_i_j distributed_system.snapshot_stable_2 distributed_system_axioms eq_iff le_Suc_eq)
  then obtain tr where decomp: "trace (S t n) tr (S t (Suc n))" "tr = take (Suc n - n) (drop n t)"
    using Suc exists_trace_for_any_i_j le_Suc_eq by blast
  have "Marker  set (msgs (S t (Suc n)) cid)"
  proof (cases "tr = []")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
      by (metis IH decomp(1) tr_init trace_and_start_determines_end)
    case False
    then obtain ev where step: "tr = [ev]" "(S t n)  ev  (S t (Suc n))" 
      by (metis One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_leI tr = take (Suc n - n) (drop n t) trace (S t n) tr (S t (Suc n)) add_diff_cancel_left' append.simps(1) butlast_take cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel length_greater_0_conv list.distinct(1) list.sel(3) snoc_eq_iff_butlast take0 take_Nil trace.cases)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases ev)
      case (Snapshot p')
      then show ?thesis 
        by (metis IH Suc.prems(2) Suc.prems(3) local.step(2) new_Marker_in_set_implies_nonregular_occurence new_msg_in_set_implies_occurrence nonregular_event_induces_snapshot snapshot_state_unchanged)
      case (RecvMarker cid' p' q')
      have "p'  p"
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume asm: "~ p'  p"
        then have "has_snapshotted (S t (Suc n)) p"
        proof -
          have "~ regular_event ev" using RecvMarker by auto
          moreover have "occurs_on ev = p" using asm RecvMarker by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis using step(2) Suc.hyps Suc.prems 
            by (metis nonregular_event_induces_snapshot snapshot_state_unchanged)
        then show False using Suc.prems by blast
      moreover have "cid  cid'"
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "~ cid  cid'"
        then have "hd (msgs (S t n) cid) = Marker  length (msgs (S t n) cid) > 0" 
          using step RecvMarker can_occur_def by auto
        then have "Marker : set (msgs (S t n) cid)" 
          using list.set_sel(1) by fastforce
        then show False using IH by simp
      ultimately have "msgs (S t (Suc n)) cid = msgs (S t n) cid"
      proof -
        have "r. channel cid = Some (p', r)" 
          using Suc.prems(2) p'  p by auto
        with cid  cid' RecvMarker step show ?thesis by (cases "has_snapshotted (S t n) p'", auto) 
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: IH)
      case (Trans p' s s')
      then show ?thesis 
        using IH local.step(2) by force
      case (Send cid' p' q' s s' m)
      with step IH show ?thesis by (cases "cid' = cid", auto)
      case (Recv cid' p' q' s s' m)
      with step IH show ?thesis by (cases "cid' = cid", auto)
  then show ?case by blast

subsection ‹Termination›

text ‹We prove that the snapshot algorithm terminates, as exhibited
by lemma \texttt{snapshot\_algorithm\_must\_terminate}. In the final configuration all
processes have snapshotted, and no markers remain in the channels.›

lemma must_exist_snapshot:
    "trace init t final"
    "p i. Snapshot p = t ! i"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "p i. Snapshot p = t ! i"
  have "i p. ~ has_snapshotted (S t i) p"
  proof (rule allI)
    fix i
    show "p. ~ has_snapshotted (S t i) p"
    proof (induct i)
      case 0
      then show ?case 
       by (metis assms distributed_system.trace_and_start_determines_end distributed_system_axioms exists_trace_for_any_i computation.no_initial_process_snapshot computation_axioms take0 tr_init)
      case (Suc n)
      then have IH: "p. ~ has_snapshotted (S t n) p" by auto
      then obtain tr where "trace (S t n) tr (S t (Suc n))" "tr = take (Suc n - n) (drop n t)"
        using assms exists_trace_for_any_i_j le_Suc_eq by blast
      show "p. ~ has_snapshotted (S t (Suc n)) p"
      proof (cases "tr = []")
        case True
        then show ?thesis
          by (metis IH trace (S t n) tr (S t (Suc n)) tr_init trace_and_start_determines_end)
        case False
        then obtain ev where step: "tr = [ev]" "(S t n)  ev  (S t (Suc n))"
          by (metis One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_leI tr = take (Suc n - n) (drop n t) trace (S t n) tr (S t (Suc n)) add_diff_cancel_left' append.simps(1) butlast_take cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel length_greater_0_conv list.distinct(1) list.sel(3) snoc_eq_iff_butlast take0 take_Nil trace.cases)
        then show ?thesis
        using step Suc.hyps proof (cases ev)
          case (Snapshot q)
          then show ?thesis 
            by (metis p i. Snapshot p = t ! i tr = [ev] tr = take (Suc n - n) (drop n t) append_Cons append_take_drop_id nth_append_length)
          case (RecvMarker cid' q r)
          then have m: "Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid')" 
            using RecvMarker_implies_Marker_in_set step by blast
          have "~ has_snapshotted (S t n) q" using Suc by auto
          then have "Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid')"
          proof -
            have "channel cid' = Some (r, q)" using step can_occur_def RecvMarker by auto
            then show ?thesis 
              using IH assms no_marker_if_no_snapshot by blast
          then show ?thesis using m by auto
        qed auto
  obtain j p where "has_snapshotted (S t j) p" using l2 assms by blast
  then show False 
    using i p. ¬ has_snapshotted (S t i) p by blast

lemma recv_marker_means_snapshotted:
    "trace init t final" and
    "ev = RecvMarker cid p q" and
    "(S t i)  ev  (S t (Suc i))"
    "has_snapshotted (S t i) q"
proof -
  have "Marker = hd (msgs (S t i) cid)  length (msgs (S t i) cid) > 0" 
  proof -
    have "Marker # msgs (S t (Suc i)) cid = msgs (S t i) cid"
      using assms(2) assms(3) next_recv_marker by blast
    then show ?thesis 
      by (metis length_greater_0_conv list.discI list.sel(1))
  then have "Marker  set (msgs (S t i) cid)" 
    using hd_in_set by fastforce
  then show "has_snapshotted (S t i) q"
  proof -
    have "channel cid = Some (q, p)" using assms can_occur_def by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      using Marker  set (msgs (S t i) cid) assms(1) no_marker_if_no_snapshot by blast

lemma recv_marker_means_cs_Done:
    "trace init t final" and
    "t ! i = RecvMarker cid p q" and
    "i < length t"
    "snd (cs (S t (i+1)) cid) = Done"
proof -
  have "(S t i)  (t ! i)  (S t (i+1))" 
    using assms(1) assms(3) step_Suc by auto
  then show ?thesis 
    by (simp add: assms(2))

lemma snapshot_produces_marker:
    "trace init t final" and
    "~ has_snapshotted (S t i) p" and
    "has_snapshotted (S t (Suc i)) p" and
    "channel cid = Some (p, q)"
    "Marker : set (msgs (S t (Suc i)) cid)  has_snapshotted (S t i) q"
proof -
  obtain ev where ex_ev: "(S t i)  ev  (S t (Suc i))"
    by (metis append_Nil2 append_take_drop_id assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) distributed_system.step_Suc distributed_system_axioms drop_eq_Nil less_Suc_eq_le nat_le_linear not_less_eq s_def)
  then have "occurs_on ev = p" 
    using assms(2) assms(3) no_state_change_if_no_event by force
  then show ?thesis
  using assms ex_ev proof (cases ev)
    case (Snapshot r)
    then have "Marker  set (msgs (S t (Suc i)) cid)" 
      using ex_ev assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) by fastforce
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case (RecvMarker cid' r s)
    have "r = p" using occurs_on ev = p 
      by (simp add: RecvMarker)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "cid = cid'")
      case True
      then have "has_snapshotted (S t i) q" 
        using RecvMarker RecvMarker_implies_Marker_in_set assms(1) assms(2) assms(4) ex_ev no_marker_if_no_snapshot by blast
      then show ?thesis by simp
      case False
      then have "s. channel cid = Some (r, s)" using RecvMarker assms can_occur_def r = p by simp
      then have "msgs (S t (Suc i)) cid = msgs (S t i) cid @ [Marker]"
        using RecvMarker assms ex_ev r = p False by simp
      then show ?thesis by simp
  qed auto

lemma exists_snapshot_for_all_p:
    "trace init t final"
    "i. ~ has_snapshotted (S t i) p  has_snapshotted (S t (Suc i)) p" (is ?Q)
proof -
  obtain i where "has_snapshotted (S t i) p" using l2 assms by blast
  let ?j = "LEAST j. has_snapshotted (S t j) p"
  have "?j  0"
  proof -
    have "~ has_snapshotted (S t 0) p" 
      by (metis exists_trace_for_any_i list.discI no_initial_process_snapshot s_def take_eq_Nil trace.simps)
    then show ?thesis 
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) has_snapshotted (S t i) p wellorder_Least_lemma(1))
  have "?j  i" 
    by (meson Least_le has_snapshotted (S t i) p)
  have "¬ has_snapshotted (S t (?j - 1)) p" (is ?P)
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ ?P"
    then have "has_snapshotted (S t (?j - 1)) p" by simp
    then have "j. j < ?j  has_snapshotted (S t j) p" 
      by (metis One_nat_def (LEAST j. ps (S t j) p  None)  0 diff_less lessI not_gr_zero)
    then show False 
      using not_less_Least by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ ?Q"
    have "i. ¬ has_snapshotted (S t i) p"
    proof (rule allI)
      fix i'
      show "¬ has_snapshotted (S t i') p"
      proof (induct i')
        case 0
        then show ?case 
          using (LEAST j. ps (S t j) p  None)  0 by force
        case (Suc i'')
        then show ?case 
          using i. ¬ ps (S t i) p  None  ps (S t (Suc i)) p  None by blast
    then show False 
      using ps (S t i) p  None by blast

lemma all_processes_snapshotted_in_final_state:
    "trace init t final"
    "has_snapshotted final p"
proof -
  obtain i where "has_snapshotted (S t i) p  i  length t"
    using assms l2 by blast
  moreover have "final = (S t (length t))"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms exists_trace_for_any_i le_Suc_eq length_Cons take_Nil take_all trace.simps trace_and_start_determines_end)
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    using assms exists_trace_for_any_i_j snapshot_stable by blast

definition next_marker_free_state where
  "next_marker_free_state t i cid = (LEAST j. j  i  Marker  set (msgs (S t j) cid))"

lemma exists_next_marker_free_state:
    "channel cid = Some (p, q)"
    "trace init t final"
    "∃!j. next_marker_free_state t i cid = j  j  i  Marker  set (msgs (S t j) cid)"
proof (cases "Marker  set (msgs (S t i) cid)")
  case False
  then have "next_marker_free_state t i cid = i" unfolding next_marker_free_state_def
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Least_equality order_refl)
  then show ?thesis using False assms by blast
  case True
  then obtain j where "j  i" "Marker  set (msgs (S t j) cid)" using l1 assms by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) LeastI_ex next_marker_free_state_def)

theorem snapshot_algorithm_must_terminate:
    "trace init t final"
    "phi. ((p. has_snapshotted (S t phi) p)
           (cid. Marker  set (msgs (S t phi) cid)))"
proof -
  let ?i = "{i. i  length t  (p. has_snapshotted (S t i) p)}"
  have fin_i: "finite ?i" by auto
  moreover have "?i  empty"
  proof -
    have "p. has_snapshotted (S t (length t)) p" 
      by (meson assms exists_trace_for_any_i_j l2 snapshot_stable_2)
    then show ?thesis by blast
  then obtain i where asm: "p. has_snapshotted (S t i) p" by blast
  have f: "j. j  i  (p. has_snapshotted (S t j) p)"
    using snapshot_stable asm exists_trace_for_any_i_j valid assms by blast
  let ?s = "(λcid. (next_marker_free_state t i cid)) ` { cid. channel cid  None }"
  have "?s  empty" using exists_some_channel by auto
  have fin_s: "finite ?s" using finite_channels by simp
  let ?phi = "Max ?s"
  have "?phi  i"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume asm: "¬ ?phi  i"
    obtain cid p q where g: "channel cid = Some (p, q)" using exists_some_channel by auto
    then have "next_marker_free_state t i cid  i" using exists_next_marker_free_state assms by blast
    then have "Max ?s  i" using Max_ge_iff g fin_s by fast
    then show False using asm by simp
  then have "cid. Marker  set (msgs (S t ?phi) cid)"
  proof -
    fix cid
    show "Marker  set (msgs (S t ?phi) cid)"
    proof (cases "Marker : set (msgs (S t i) cid)")
      case False
      then show ?thesis
        using i  Max ?s asm assms exists_trace_for_any_i_j no_markers_if_all_snapshotted by blast
      case True
      then have cpq: "channel cid  None" using no_messages_if_no_channel assms by fastforce
      then obtain p q where chan: "channel cid = Some (p, q)" by auto
      then obtain j where i: "j = next_marker_free_state t i cid" "Marker  set (msgs (S t j) cid)"
        using exists_next_marker_free_state assms by fast
      have "j  ?phi" using cpq fin_s i(1) pair_imageI by simp
      then show "Marker  set (msgs (S t ?phi) cid)"
      proof -
        have "trace (S t j) (take (?phi - j) (drop j t)) (S t ?phi)" 
          using j  ?phi assms exists_trace_for_any_i_j by blast
        moreover have "p. has_snapshotted (S t j) p" 
          by (metis assms chan f computation.exists_next_marker_free_state computation_axioms i(1))
        ultimately show ?thesis 
          using i(2) no_markers_if_all_snapshotted by blast
  thus ?thesis using f ?phi  i by blast

subsection ‹Correctness›

text ‹The greatest part of this work is spent on the correctness
of the Chandy-Lamport algorithm. We prove that the snapshot is
consistent, i.e.\ there exists a permutation $t'$ of the trace $t$ and an intermediate
configuration $c'$ of $t'$ such that the configuration recorded in the snapshot
corresponds to the snapshot taken during execution of $t$, which is given as Theorem 1

lemma snapshot_stable_ver_2:
  shows "trace init t final  has_snapshotted (S t i) p  j  i  has_snapshotted (S t j) p"
  using exists_trace_for_any_i_j snapshot_stable by blast

lemma snapshot_stable_ver_3:
  shows "trace init t final  ~ has_snapshotted (S t i) p  i  j  ~ has_snapshotted (S t j) p"
  using snapshot_stable_ver_2 by blast

lemma marker_must_stay_if_no_snapshot:
    "trace init t final" and
    "has_snapshotted (S t i) p" and
    "~ has_snapshotted (S t i) q" and
    "channel cid = Some (p, q)"
    "Marker : set (msgs (S t i) cid)"
proof -
  obtain j where "~ has_snapshotted (S t j) p  has_snapshotted (S t (Suc j)) p"
    using exists_snapshot_for_all_p assms by blast
  have "j  i"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume asm: "~ j  i"
    then have "~ has_snapshotted (S t i) p" 
      using ¬ has_snapshotted (S t j) p  has_snapshotted (S t (Suc j)) p assms(1) less_imp_le_nat snapshot_stable_ver_3 
      by (meson nat_le_linear)
    then show False using assms(2) by simp
  have "i  length t"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "~ i  length t"
    then have "i > length t" 
      using not_less by blast
    obtain i' where a: "p. has_snapshotted (S t i') p" using assms snapshot_algorithm_must_terminate by blast
    have "i'  i" 
      using p. has_snapshotted (S t i') p assms(1) assms(3) nat_le_linear snapshot_stable_ver_3 by blast
    have "(S t i')  (S t i)" using assms a by force
    then have "i  length t" 
      using i  i' assms(1) computation.no_change_if_ge_length_t computation_axioms nat_le_linear by fastforce
    then show False using ~ i  length t by simp
  have marker_in_set: "Marker : set (msgs (S t (Suc j)) cid)" 
    using ¬ has_snapshotted (S t j) p  has_snapshotted (S t (Suc j)) p j  i assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) snapshot_produces_marker snapshot_stable_ver_3 by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume asm: "Marker  set (msgs (S t i) cid)"
    then have range: "(Suc j) < i" 
      by (metis Suc_lessI ¬ ps (S t j) p  None  ps (S t (Suc j)) p  None j  i assms(2) marker_in_set order.order_iff_strict)
    let ?k = "LEAST k. k  (Suc j)  Marker  set (msgs (S t k) cid)"
    have range_k: "(Suc j) < ?k  ?k  i"
    proof -
      have "j < (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid))"
        by (metis (full_types) Suc_le_eq assms(1) assms(4) exists_next_marker_free_state next_marker_free_state_def)
      then show ?thesis
      proof -
        assume a1: "j < (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid))"
        have "j < i"
          using local.range by linarith (* 4 ms *)
        then have "(Suc j  i  Marker  set (msgs (S t i) cid))  (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid))  Suc j"
          by (metis (lifting) Suc_leI asm marker_in_set wellorder_Least_lemma(1)) (* 64 ms *)
        then show ?thesis
          using a1 by (simp add: wellorder_Least_lemma(2)) (* 16 ms *)
    have a: "Marker : set (msgs (S t (?k-1)) cid)" 
    proof -
      obtain nn :: "nat  nat  nat" where
        "x0 x1. (v2. x0 = Suc (x1 + v2)) = (x0 = Suc (x1 + nn x0 x1))"
        by moura
      then have f1: "(LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid)) = Suc (Suc j + nn (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid)) (Suc j))"
        using Suc j < (LEAST k. Suc j  k  Marker  set (msgs (S t k) cid))  (LEAST k. Suc j  k  Marker  set (msgs (S t k) cid))  i less_iff_Suc_add by fastforce
      have f2: "Suc j  Suc j + nn (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid)) (Suc j)"
        by simp
      have f3: "p n. ¬ p (n::nat)  Least p  n"
        by (meson wellorder_Least_lemma(2))
      have "¬ (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid))  Suc j + nn (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid)) (Suc j)"
        using f1 by linarith
      then have f4: "¬ (Suc j  Suc j + nn (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid)) (Suc j)  Marker  set (msgs (S t (Suc j + nn (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid)) (Suc j))) cid))"
        using f3 by force
      have "Suc j + nn (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid)) (Suc j) = (LEAST n. Suc j  n  Marker  set (msgs (S t n) cid)) - 1"
        using f1 by linarith
      then show ?thesis
        using f4 f2 by presburger
    have b: "Marker  set (msgs (S t ?k) cid)" 
      using assms(1) assms(4) exists_next_marker_free_state next_marker_free_state_def by fastforce
    have "?k - 1 < i" using range_k by auto
    then obtain ev where step: "(S t (?k-1))  ev  (S t (Suc (?k-1)))" 
      by (meson Suc_le_eq i  length t assms(1) le_trans step_Suc)
    then show False
      using a assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) b computation.snapshot_stable_ver_3 computation_axioms less_iff_Suc_add range_k recv_marker_means_snapshotted_2 by fastforce

subsubsection ‹Pre- and postrecording events›

definition prerecording_event:
  "prerecording_event t i 
      i < length t  regular_event (t ! i)
     ~ has_snapshotted (S t i) (occurs_on (t ! i))"

definition postrecording_event:
  "postrecording_event t i 
      i < length t  regular_event (t ! i)
     has_snapshotted (S t i) (occurs_on (t ! i))"

abbreviation neighboring where
  "neighboring t i j  i < j  j < length t  regular_event (t ! i)  regular_event (t ! j)
                      (k. i < k  k < j  ~ regular_event (t ! k))"

lemma pre_if_regular_and_not_post:
    "regular_event (t ! i)" and
    "~ postrecording_event t i" and
    "i < length t"
    "prerecording_event t i"
  using assms computation.postrecording_event computation_axioms prerecording_event by metis

lemma post_if_regular_and_not_pre:
    "regular_event (t ! i)" and
    "~ prerecording_event t i" and
    "i < length t"
    "postrecording_event t i"
  using assms computation.postrecording_event computation_axioms prerecording_event by metis

lemma post_before_pre_different_processes:
    "i < j" and
    "j < length t" and
    neighboring: "k. (i < k  k < j)  ~ regular_event (t ! k)" and
    post_ei: "postrecording_event t i" and
    pre_ej: "prerecording_event t j" and
    valid: "trace init t final"
    "occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j)"
proof -
  let ?p = "occurs_on (t ! i)"
  let ?q = "occurs_on (t ! j)"
  have sp: "has_snapshotted (S t i) ?p"
    using assms postrecording_event prerecording_event by blast
  have nsq: "~ has_snapshotted (S t j) ?q"
    using assms postrecording_event prerecording_event by blast
  show "?p  ?q"
  proof -
    have "~ has_snapshotted (S t i) ?q"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume sq: "~ ~ has_snapshotted (S t i) ?q"
      from i < j have "i  j" using less_imp_le by blast
      then obtain tr where ex_trace: "trace (S t i) tr (S t j)"
        using exists_trace_for_any_i_j valid by blast
      then have "has_snapshotted (S t j) ?q" using ex_trace snapshot_stable sq by blast
      then show False using nsq by simp
    then show ?thesis using sp by auto

lemma post_before_pre_neighbors:
    "i < j" and
    "j < length t" and
    neighboring: "k. (i < k  k < j)  ~ regular_event (t ! k)" and
    post_ei: "postrecording_event t i" and
    pre_ej: "prerecording_event t j" and
    valid: "trace init t final"
    "Ball (set (take (j - (i+1)) (drop (i+1) t))) (%ev. ~ regular_event ev  ~ occurs_on ev = occurs_on (t ! j))"
proof -
  let ?p = "occurs_on (t ! i)"
  let ?q = "occurs_on (t ! j)"
  let ?between = "take (j - (i+1)) (drop (i+1) t)"
  show ?thesis
  proof (unfold Ball_def, rule allI, rule impI)
    fix ev
    assume "ev : set ?between"
    have len_nr: "length ?between = (j - (i+1))" using assms(2) by auto
    then obtain l where "?between ! l = ev" and range_l: "0  l  l < (j - (i+1))" 
      by (metis ev  set (take (j - (i + 1)) (drop (i + 1) t)) gr_zeroI in_set_conv_nth le_numeral_extra(3) less_le)
    let ?k = "l + (i+1)"
    have "?between ! l = (t ! ?k)"
    proof -
      have "j < length t"
        by (metis assms(2))
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis (no_types) Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_leI add.commute assms(1) drop_take length_take less_diff_conv less_imp_le_nat min.absorb2 nth_drop nth_take range_l)
    have "~ regular_event ev" 
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(3) range_l One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 take (j - (i + 1)) (drop (i + 1) t) ! l = ev take (j - (i + 1)) (drop (i + 1) t) ! l = t ! (l + (i + 1)) add.left_commute add_lessD1 lessI less_add_same_cancel2 less_diff_conv order_le_less)
    have step_ev: "(S t ?k)  ev  (S t (?k+1))" 
    proof -
      have "j  length t"
        by (metis assms(2) less_or_eq_imp_le)
      then have "l + (i + 1) < length t"
        by (meson less_diff_conv less_le_trans range_l)
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis (no_types) Suc_eq_plus1 take (j - (i + 1)) (drop (i + 1) t) ! l = ev take (j - (i + 1)) (drop (i + 1) t) ! l = t ! (l + (i + 1)) distributed_system.step_Suc distributed_system_axioms valid)
    obtain cid s r where f: "ev = RecvMarker cid s r  ev = Snapshot r" using ~ regular_event ev
      by (meson isRecvMarker_def isSnapshot_def nonregular_event)
    from f have "occurs_on ev  ?q"
    proof (elim disjE)
      assume snapshot: "ev = Snapshot r"
      show ?thesis
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume occurs_on_q: "~ occurs_on ev  ?q"
        then have "?q = r" using snapshot by auto
        then have q_snapshotted: "has_snapshotted (S t (?k+1)) ?q"
          using snapshot step_ev by auto
        then show False 
        proof -
          have "l + (i + 1) < j"
            by (meson less_diff_conv range_l)
          then show ?thesis
            by (metis (no_types) Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_le_eq computation.snapshot_stable_ver_2 computation_axioms pre_ej prerecording_event q_snapshotted valid)
      assume RecvMarker: "ev = RecvMarker cid s r"
      show ?thesis
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume occurs_on_q: "~ occurs_on ev  ?q"
        then have "s = ?q" using RecvMarker by auto
        then have q_snapshotted: "has_snapshotted (S t (?k+1)) ?q"
        proof (cases "has_snapshotted (S t ?k) ?q")
          case True
          then show ?thesis using snapshot_stable_ver_2 step_Suc step_ev valid by auto
          case False
          then show "has_snapshotted (S t (?k+1)) ?q"
            using s = ?q next_recv_marker RecvMarker step_ev by auto
        then show False 
        proof -
          have "l + (i + 1) < j"
            using less_diff_conv range_l by blast
          then show ?thesis
            by (metis (no_types) Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_le_eq computation.snapshot_stable_ver_2 computation_axioms pre_ej prerecording_event q_snapshotted valid)
    then show "¬ regular_event ev  occurs_on ev  ?q"
      using ~ regular_event ev by simp

lemma can_swap_neighboring_pre_and_postrecording_events:
    "i < j" and
    "j < length t" and
    "occurs_on (t ! i) = p" and
    "occurs_on (t ! j) = q" and
    neighboring: "k. (i < k  k < j)
                    ~ regular_event (t ! k)" and
    post_ei: "postrecording_event t i" and
    pre_ej: "prerecording_event t j" and
    valid: "trace init t final"
    "can_occur (t ! j) (S t i)"
proof -
  have "p  q" using post_before_pre_different_processes assms by auto
  have sp: "has_snapshotted (S t i) p" 
    using assms(3) post_ei postrecording_event prerecording_event by blast
  have nsq: "~ has_snapshotted (S t j) q" 
    using assms(4) pre_ej prerecording_event by auto
  let ?nr = "take (j - (Suc i)) (drop (Suc i) t)"
  have valid_subtrace: "trace (S t (Suc i)) ?nr (S t j)"
    using assms(1) exists_trace_for_any_i_j valid by fastforce
  have "Ball (set ?nr) (%ev. ~ occurs_on ev = q  ~ regular_event ev)"
  proof -
    have "?nr = take (j - (i+1)) (drop (i+1) t)" by auto
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(4) neighboring post_ei pre_ej valid post_before_pre_neighbors)
  then have la: "list_all (%ev. ~ occurs_on ev = q) ?nr"
      by (meson list_all_length nth_mem)
  have tj_to_tSi: "can_occur (t ! j) (S t (Suc i))"
  proof - 
    have "list_all (%ev. ~ isSend ev) ?nr"
    proof -
      have "list_all (%ev. ~ regular_event ev) ?nr" 
        using evset (take (j - (Suc i)) (drop (Suc i) t)). occurs_on ev  q  ¬ regular_event ev list_all (λev. occurs_on ev  q) (take (j - (Suc i)) (drop (Suc i) t)) list.pred_mono_strong by fastforce
      then show ?thesis
        by (simp add: list.pred_mono_strong)
    moreover have "~ isRecvMarker (t ! j)" using prerecording_event assms by auto
    moreover have "can_occur (t ! j) (S t j)" 
    proof -
      have "(S t j)  (t ! j)  (S t (Suc j))" 
        using assms(2) step_Suc valid by auto
      then show ?thesis 
        using happen_implies_can_occur by blast
    ultimately show "can_occur (t ! j) (S t (Suc i))" 
      using assms(4) event_can_go_back_if_no_sender_trace valid_subtrace la by blast
  show "can_occur (t ! j) (S t i)"
  proof (cases "isSend (t ! i)")
    case False
    have "~ isRecvMarker (t ! j)" using assms prerecording_event by auto
    moreover have "~ isSend (t ! i)" using False by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis 
      by (metis p  q assms(3) assms(4) event_can_go_back_if_no_sender post_ei postrecording_event step_Suc tj_to_tSi valid)
    case True
    obtain cid s u u' m where Send: "t ! i = Send cid p s u u' m" 
      by (metis True isSend_def assms(3) event.sel(2))
    have chan: "channel cid = Some (p, s)"
    proof -
      have "can_occur (t ! i) (S t i)" 
        by (meson computation.postrecording_event computation_axioms happen_implies_can_occur post_ei step_Suc valid)
      then show ?thesis using can_occur_def Send by simp
    have n: "(S t i)  (t ! i)  (S t (Suc i))" 
      using assms(1) assms(2) step_Suc valid True by auto
    have st: "states (S t i) q = states (S t (Suc i)) q" 
      using Send p  q n by auto
    have "isTrans (t ! j)  isSend (t ! j)  isRecv (t ! j)"
      using assms(7) computation.prerecording_event computation_axioms regular_event by blast
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (elim disjE)
      assume "isTrans (t ! j)"
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) tj_to_tSi st can_occur_def assms(4) event.collapse(1))
      assume "isSend (t ! j)"
      then obtain cid' s' u'' u''' m' where Send: "t ! j = Send cid' q s' u'' u''' m'" 
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(4) event.sel(2) isSend_def)
      have co_tSi: "can_occur (Send cid' q s' u'' u''' m') (S t (Suc i))" 
        using Send tj_to_tSi by auto
      then have "channel cid' = Some (q, s')  send cid' q s' u'' u''' m'"
        using Send can_occur_def by simp
      then show ?thesis using can_occur_def st Send assms co_tSi by auto
      assume "isRecv (t ! j)"
      then obtain cid' s' u'' u''' m' where Recv: "t ! j = Recv cid' q s' u'' u''' m'"
        by (metis assms(4) event.sel(3) isRecv_def)
      have co_tSi: "can_occur (Recv cid' q s' u'' u''' m') (S t (Suc i))" 
        using Recv tj_to_tSi by auto
      then have a: "channel cid' = Some (s', q)  length (msgs (S t (Suc i)) cid') > 0
                   hd (msgs (S t (Suc i)) cid') = Msg m'"
        using can_occur_def co_tSi by fastforce
      show "can_occur (t ! j) (S t i)"
      proof (cases "cid = cid'")
        case False
        with Send n have "msgs (S t (Suc i)) cid' = msgs (S t i) cid'" by auto
        then have b: "length (msgs (S t i) cid') > 0  hd (msgs (S t i) cid') = Msg m'"
          using a by simp
        with can_occur_Recv co_tSi st a Recv show ?thesis
          unfolding can_occur_def by auto
        case True (* This is the interesting case *)
        have stu: "states (S t i) q = u''" 
          using can_occur_Recv co_tSi st by blast
        show ?thesis
        proof (rule ccontr)
          have marker_in_set: "Marker  set (msgs (S t i) cid)"
          proof -
            have "(s', q) = (p, q)" 
              using True a chan by auto
            then show ?thesis
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) True p  q a assms(3) marker_must_stay_if_no_snapshot n no_state_change_if_no_event nsq snapshot_stable_2 sp valid valid_subtrace)
          assume asm: "~ can_occur (t ! j) (S t i)"
          then show False
          proof (unfold can_occur_def, (auto simp add: marker_in_set True Recv stu))
            assume "msgs (S t i) cid' = []"
            then show False using marker_in_set 
              by (simp add: True)
            assume "hd (msgs (S t i) cid')  Msg m'"
            have "msgs (S t i) cid  []" using marker_in_set by auto
            then have "msgs (S t (Suc i)) cid = msgs (S t i) cid @ [Msg m]"
              using Send True n chan by auto
            then have "hd (msgs (S t (Suc i)) cid)  Msg m'" 
              using True hd (msgs (S t i) cid')  Msg m' msgs (S t i) cid  [] by auto
            then have "~ can_occur (t ! j) (S t (Suc i))" 
              using True a by blast
            then show False 
              using tj_to_tSi by blast
            assume "~ recv cid' q s' u'' u''' m'"
            then show False 
              using can_occur_Recv co_tSi by blast
            assume "channel cid'  Some (s', q)"
            then show False using can_occur_def tj_to_tSi Recv by simp

subsubsection ‹Event swapping›

lemma swap_events:
  shows " i < j; j < length t;
          k. (i < k  k < j)  ~ regular_event (t ! k);
          postrecording_event t i; prerecording_event t j;
          trace init t final 
         trace init (swap_events i j t) final
           (k. k  j + 1  S (swap_events i j t) k = S t k)
           (k. k  i  S (swap_events i j t) k = S t k)
           prerecording_event (swap_events i j t) i
           postrecording_event (swap_events i j t) (i+1)
           (k. k > i+1  k < j+1
                ~ regular_event ((swap_events i j t) ! k))"
proof (induct "j - (i+1)" arbitrary: j t)
  case 0
  let ?p = "occurs_on (t ! i)"
  let ?q = "occurs_on (t ! j)"
  have "j = (i+1)"
    using "0.prems" "0.hyps" by linarith
  let ?subt = "take (j - (i+1)) (drop (i+1) t)"
  have "t = take i t @ [t ! i] @ ?subt @ [t ! j] @ drop (j+1) t" 
  proof -
    have "take (Suc i) t = take i t @ [t ! i]"
      using "0.prems"(2) j = i + 1 add_lessD1 take_Suc_conv_app_nth by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis (no_types) "0.hyps" "0.prems"(2) Suc_eq_plus1 j = i + 1 append_assoc append_take_drop_id self_append_conv2 take_Suc_conv_app_nth take_eq_Nil)
  have sp: "has_snapshotted (S t i) ?p"
    using "0.prems" postrecording_event prerecording_event by blast
  have nsq: "~ has_snapshotted (S t j) ?q"
    using "0.prems" postrecording_event prerecording_event by blast
  have "?p  ?q"
    using "0.prems" computation.post_before_pre_different_processes computation_axioms by blast
  have "?subt = Nil"
    by (simp add: j = i + 1)
  have reg_step_1: "(S t i)  (t ! i)  (S t j)" 
    by (metis "0.prems"(2) "0.prems"(6) Suc_eq_plus1 j = i + 1 add_lessD1 step_Suc)
  have reg_step_2: "(S t j)  (t ! j)  (S t (j+1))" 
    using "0.prems"(2) "0.prems"(6) step_Suc by auto
  have "can_occur (t ! j) (S t i)" 
    using "0.prems" can_swap_neighboring_pre_and_postrecording_events by blast
  then obtain d' where new_step1: "(S t i)  (t ! j)  d'"
    using exists_next_if_can_occur by blast

  have st: "states d' ?p = states (S t i) ?p" 
    using (S t i)  t ! j  d' occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) no_state_change_if_no_event by auto
  then have "can_occur (t ! i) d'" 
    using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) event_stays_valid_if_no_occurrence happen_implies_can_occur new_step1 reg_step_1 by auto
  then obtain e where new_step2: "d'  (t ! i)  e" 
    using exists_next_if_can_occur by blast

  have "states e = states (S t (j+1))"
  proof (rule ext)
    fix p
    show "states e p = states (S t (j+1)) p"
    proof (cases "p = ?p  p = ?q")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
      proof (elim disjE)
        assume "p = ?p"
        then have "states d' p = states (S t i) p" 
          by (simp add: st)
        thm same_state_implies_same_result_state
        then have "states e p = states (S t j) p"
          using "0.prems"(2) "0.prems"(6) new_step2 reg_step_1 by (blast intro:same_state_implies_same_result_state[symmetric])
        moreover have "states (S t j) p = states (S t (j+1)) p" 
          using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) p = occurs_on (t ! i) no_state_change_if_no_event reg_step_2 by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis by simp
        assume "p = ?q"
        then have "states (S t j) p = states (S t i) p" 
          using reg_step_1 occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) no_state_change_if_no_event by auto
        then have "states d' p = states (S t (j+1)) p" 
          using "0.prems"(5) prerecording_event computation_axioms new_step1 reg_step_2 same_state_implies_same_result_state by blast
        moreover have "states e p = states (S t (j+1)) p" 
          using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) p = occurs_on (t ! j) calculation new_step2 no_state_change_if_no_event by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis by simp
      case False
      then have "states (S t i) p = states (S t j) p" 
        using no_state_change_if_no_event reg_step_1 by auto
      moreover have "... = states (S t (j+1)) p" 
        using False no_state_change_if_no_event reg_step_2 by auto
      moreover have "... = states d' p" 
        using False calculation new_step1 no_state_change_if_no_event by auto
      moreover have "... = states e p" 
        using False new_step2 no_state_change_if_no_event by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by simp 

  moreover have "msgs e = msgs (S t (j+1))"
  proof (rule ext)
    fix cid
    have "isTrans (t ! i)  isSend (t ! i)  isRecv (t ! i)"
      using "0.prems"(4) computation.postrecording_event computation_axioms regular_event by blast
    moreover have "isTrans (t ! j)  isSend (t ! j)  isRecv (t ! j)" 
      using "0.prems"(5) computation.prerecording_event computation_axioms regular_event by blast
    ultimately show "msgs e cid = msgs (S t (j+1)) cid"
    proof (elim disjE, goal_cases)
      case 1
      then have "msgs d' cid = msgs (S t j) cid" 
        by (metis Trans_msg new_step1 reg_step_1)
      then show ?thesis 
        using Trans_msg isTrans (t ! i) isTrans (t ! j) new_step2 reg_step_2 by auto
      case 2
      then show ?thesis 
        using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 swap_msgs_Trans_Send by auto
      case 3
      then show ?thesis 
        using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 swap_msgs_Trans_Recv by auto
      case 4
      then show ?thesis
        using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 swap_msgs_Send_Trans by auto
      case 5
      then show ?thesis 
        using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 swap_msgs_Recv_Trans by auto
      case 6
      then show ?thesis
        using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 by (blast intro:swap_msgs_Send_Send[symmetric])
      case 7
      then show ?thesis 
        using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 swap_msgs_Send_Recv by auto
      case 8
      then show ?thesis 
        using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 swap_msgs_Send_Recv by simp
      case 9
      then show ?thesis
        using occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 by (blast intro:swap_msgs_Recv_Recv[symmetric])

  moreover have "process_snapshot e = process_snapshot (S t (j+1))"
  proof (rule ext)
    fix p
    have "process_snapshot d' p = process_snapshot (S t j) p" 
      by (metis "0.prems"(4) "0.prems"(5) computation.postrecording_event computation.prerecording_event computation_axioms new_step1 reg_step_1 regular_event_preserves_process_snapshots)
    then show "process_snapshot e p = process_snapshot (S t (j+1)) p"
      by (metis "0.prems"(4) "0.prems"(5) computation.postrecording_event computation.prerecording_event computation_axioms new_step2 reg_step_2 regular_event_preserves_process_snapshots)

  moreover have "channel_snapshot e = channel_snapshot (S t (j+1))"
  proof (rule ext)
    fix cid
    show "cs e cid = cs (S t (j+1)) cid"
    proof (cases "isRecv (t ! i)"; cases "isRecv (t ! j)", goal_cases)
      case 1
      then show ?thesis
        using ?p  ?q new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2
        by (blast intro:regular_event_implies_same_channel_snapshot_Recv_Recv[symmetric])
      case 2
      moreover have "regular_event (t ! j)" using prerecording_event 0 by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis 
        using ?p  ?q new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 regular_event_implies_same_channel_snapshot_Recv by auto
      assume 3: "~ isRecv (t ! i)" "isRecv (t ! j)"
      moreover have "regular_event (t ! i)" using postrecording_event 0 by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis 
        using ?p  ?q new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 regular_event_implies_same_channel_snapshot_Recv by auto

      assume 4: "~ isRecv (t ! i)" "~ isRecv (t ! j)"
      moreover have "regular_event (t ! j)" using prerecording_event 0 by simp
      moreover have "regular_event (t ! i)" using postrecording_event 0 by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis 
        using ?p  ?q new_step1 new_step2 reg_step_1 reg_step_2 
        by (metis no_cs_change_if_no_event)
  ultimately have "e = S t (j+1)" by simp
  then have "(S t i)  (t ! j)  d'  d'  (t ! i)  (S t (j+1))"
    using new_step1 new_step2 by blast
  then have swap: "trace (S t i) [t ! j, t ! i] (S t (j+1))" 
    by (meson trace.simps)
  have "take (j-1) t @ [t ! j, t ! i] = ((take (j+1) t)[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i]"
  proof -
    have "i = j - 1" 
      by (simp add: j = i + 1)
    show ?thesis
    proof (subst (1 2 3) i = j - 1)
      have "j < length t" using "0.prems" by auto
      then have "take (j - 1) t @ [t ! j, t ! (j - 1)] @ drop (j + 1) t = t[j - 1 := t ! j, j := t ! (j - 1)]"
        by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 i = j - 1 j = i + 1 add_Suc_right arith_special(3) swap_neighbors)
      then show "take (j - 1) t @ [t ! j, t ! (j - 1)] = (take (j+1) t)[j - 1 := t ! j, j := t ! (j - 1)]"
      proof -
        assume a1: "take (j - 1) t @ [t ! j, t ! (j - 1)] @ drop (j + 1) t = t [j - 1 := t ! j, j := t ! (j - 1)]"
        have f2: "t[j - 1 := t ! j, j := t ! (j - 1)] = take j (t[j - 1 := t ! j]) @ t ! (j - 1) # drop (Suc j) (t[j - 1 := t ! j])"
          by (metis (no_types) "0.prems"(2) length_list_update upd_conv_take_nth_drop) (* 32 ms *)
        have f3: "n na. ¬ n < na  Suc n  na"
          using Suc_leI by blast (* 0.0 ms *)
        then have "min (length t) (j + 1) = j + 1"
          by (metis (no_types) "0.prems"(2) Suc_eq_plus1 min.absorb2) (* 16 ms *)
        then have f4: "length ((take (j + 1) t)[j - 1 := t ! j]) = j + 1"
          by simp (* 4 ms *)
        have f5: "j + 1  length (t[j - 1 := t ! j])"
          using f3 by (metis (no_types) "0.prems"(2) Suc_eq_plus1 length_list_update) (* 8 ms *)
        have "Suc j  j + 1"
          by linarith (* 0.0 ms *)
        then have "(take (j + 1) (t[j - 1 := t ! j]))[j := t ! (j - 1)] = take j (t[j - 1 := t ! j]) @ t ! (j - 1) # [] @ []"
          using f5 f4 by (metis (no_types) Suc_eq_plus1 add_diff_cancel_right' butlast_conv_take butlast_take drop_eq_Nil lessI self_append_conv2 take_update_swap upd_conv_take_nth_drop) (* 180 ms *)
        then show ?thesis
          using f2 a1 by (simp add: take_update_swap) (* 120 ms *)
  have s: "trace init (take i t) (S t i)" 
    using "0.prems"(6) exists_trace_for_any_i by blast
  have e: "trace (S t (j+1)) (take (length t - (j+1)) (drop (j+1) t)) final"
  proof -
    have "trace init (take (length t) t) final" 
      by (simp add: "0.prems"(6))
    then show ?thesis 
      by (metis "0.prems"(2) Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_leI exists_trace_for_any_i exists_trace_for_any_i_j nat_le_linear take_all trace_and_start_determines_end)
  have "trace init (take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j+1) t) final"
  proof -
    from s swap have "trace init (take i t @ [t ! j,t ! i]) (S t (j+1))" using trace_trans by blast
    then have "trace init (take i t @ [t ! j, t ! i] @ (take (length t - (j+1)) (drop (j+1) t))) final"
      using e trace_trans by fastforce
    moreover have "take (length t - (j+1)) (drop (j+1) t) = drop (j+1) t" by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
  moreover have "take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j+1) t = (t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i]"
  proof -
    have "length (take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j+1) t) = length ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i])"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) t = take i t @ [t ! i] @ take (j - (i + 1)) (drop (i + 1) t) @ [t ! j] @ drop (j + 1) t take (j - (i + 1)) (drop (i + 1) t) = [] length_append length_list_update list.size(4) self_append_conv2)
    moreover have "k. k < length ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i])  (take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j+1) t) ! k = ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i]) ! k"
    proof -
      fix k
      assume "k < length ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i])"
      show "(take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j+1) t) ! k = ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i]) ! k"
      proof (cases "k = i  k = j")
        case True
        then show ?thesis
        proof (elim disjE)
          assume "k = i"
          then show ?thesis 
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) k < length (t[i := t ! j, j := t ! i]) append_Cons le_eq_less_or_eq length_list_update length_take min.absorb2 nth_append_length nth_list_update_eq nth_list_update_neq)
          assume "k = j"
          then show ?thesis 
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) "0.prems"(4) Suc_eq_plus1 j = i + 1 k < length (t[i := t ! j, j := t ! i]) append.assoc append_Cons le_eq_less_or_eq length_append_singleton length_list_update length_take min.absorb2 nth_append_length nth_list_update postrecording_event)
        case knij: False
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases "k < i")
          case True
          then show ?thesis 
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) "0.prems"(2) j = i + 1 add_lessD1 length_take less_imp_le_nat min.absorb2 not_less nth_append nth_list_update_neq nth_take)
          case False
          then have "k > j" 
            using j = i + 1 knij by linarith
          then have "(take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j+1) t) ! k = drop (j+1) t ! (k-(j+1))"
          proof -
            assume a1: "j < k"
            have f2: "n na. ((n::nat) < na) = (n  na  n  na)"
              using nat_less_le by blast (* 0.0 ms *)
            have f3: "i + 0 = min (length t) i + (0 + 0)"
              using "0.prems"(2) j = i + 1 by linarith (* 8 ms *)
            have f4: "min (length t) i + Suc (0 + 0) = length (take i t) + length [t ! j]"
              by force (* 4 ms *)
            have f5: "take i t @ [t ! j] @ [] = take i t @ [t ! j]"
              by auto (* 0.0 ms *)
            have "j = length (take i t @ [t ! j] @ [])"
              using f3 by (simp add: j = i + 1) (* 4 ms *)
            then have "j + 1 = length (take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i])"
              by fastforce (* 4 ms *)
            then show ?thesis
              using f5 f4 f3 f2 a1 by (metis (no_types) One_nat_def j = i + 1 add_Suc_right append.assoc length_append less_antisym list.size(3) not_less nth_append) (* 284 ms *)
          moreover have "(t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i] ! k = drop (j+1) ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i]) ! (k-(j+1))" 
            using "0.prems"(2) j < k by auto
          moreover have "drop (j+1) ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i]) = drop (j+1) t" 
            using "0.prems"(1) by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: list_eq_iff_nth_eq)
  moreover have "k. k  j + 1  S t k = S ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i]) k"
  proof (rule allI, rule impI)
    fix k
    assume "k  j + 1"
    let ?newt = "((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i])"
    have "trace init (take k ?newt) (S ?newt k)" 
      using calculation(1) calculation(2) exists_trace_for_any_i by auto
    have "take k ?newt = take (j+1) ?newt @ take (k - (j+1)) (drop (j+1) ?newt)"
      by (metis j + 1  k le_add_diff_inverse take_add)
    have same_traces: "drop (j+1) t = drop (j+1) ?newt" 
      by (metis "0.prems"(1) Suc_eq_plus1 j = i + 1 drop_update_cancel less_SucI less_add_same_cancel1)
    have "trace init (take (j+1) ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i])) (S t (j+1))"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) j = i + 1 take (j - 1) t @ [t ! j, t ! i] = (take (j + 1) t)[i := t ! j, j := t ! i] add_diff_cancel_right' local.swap s take_update_swap trace_trans)
    moreover have "trace init (take (j+1) ?newt) (S ?newt (j+1))"  
      using take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j + 1) t = t[i := t ! j, j := t ! i] trace init (take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j + 1) t) final exists_trace_for_any_i by auto
    ultimately have "S ?newt (j+1) = S t (j+1)" 
      using trace_and_start_determines_end by blast
    have "trace (S t (j+1)) (take (k - (j+1)) (drop (j+1) t)) (S t k)" 
      using "0.prems"(6) j + 1  k exists_trace_for_any_i_j by blast
    moreover have "trace (S ?newt (j+1)) (take (k - (j+1)) (drop (j+1) ?newt)) (S ?newt k)" 
      using j + 1  k take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j + 1) t = t[i := t ! j, j := t ! i] trace init (take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j + 1) t) final exists_trace_for_any_i_j by fastforce
    ultimately show "S t k = S ?newt k" 
      using S (t[i := t ! j, j := t ! i]) (j + 1) = S t (j + 1) same_traces trace_and_start_determines_end by auto
  moreover have "k. k  i  S t k = S ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i]) k"
  proof (rule allI, rule impI)
    fix k
    assume "k  i"
    let ?newt = "((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i])"
    have "trace init (take k t) (S t k)" 
      using "0.prems"(6) exists_trace_for_any_i by blast
    moreover have "trace init (take k ?newt) (S ?newt k)" 
      using take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j + 1) t = t[i := t ! j, j := t ! i] trace init (take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j + 1) t) final exists_trace_for_any_i by auto
    moreover have "take k t = take k ?newt" 
      using "0.prems"(1) k  i by auto
    ultimately show "S t k = S ?newt k" 
      by (simp add: trace_and_start_determines_end)
  moreover have "prerecording_event (swap_events i j t) i"
  proof -
    have "~ has_snapshotted (S ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i]) i) ?q" 
      by (metis "0.prems"(6) j = i + 1 add.right_neutral calculation(4) le_add1 nsq snapshot_stable_ver_3)
    moreover have "regular_event ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i] ! i)" 
      by (metis "0.prems"(4) "0.prems"(5) occurs_on (t ! i)  occurs_on (t ! j) nth_list_update_eq nth_list_update_neq postrecording_event prerecording_event)
    moreover have "i < length ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i])" 
      using "0.prems"(1) "0.prems"(2) by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis unfolding prerecording_event 
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0.prems"(1) take (j - (i + 1)) (drop (i + 1) t) = [] take i t @ [t ! j] @ [t ! i] @ drop (j + 1) t = t[i := t ! j, j := t ! i] append_Cons length_list_update nat_less_le nth_list_update_eq nth_list_update_neq self_append_conv2)
  moreover have "postrecording_event (swap_events i j t) (i+1)"
  proof -
    have "has_snapshotted (S ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i]) (i+1)) ?p" 
      by (metis "0.prems"(4) add.right_neutral calculation(1) calculation(2) calculation(4) le_add1 postrecording_event snapshot_stable_ver_3)
    moreover have "regular_event ((t[i := t ! j])[j := t ! i] ! j)" 
      using "0.prems"(2) "0.prems"(4) length_list_update postrecording_event by auto
    moreover have "j < length t" using "0.prems" by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis unfolding postrecording_event 
      by (metis j = i + 1 length_list_update nth_list_update_eq swap_neighbors_2)
  moreover have "k. k > i+1  k < j+1  ~ regular_event ((swap_events i j t) ! k)" using "0" by force
  ultimately show ?case using j = i + 1 by force
  case (Suc n)
  let ?p = "occurs_on (t ! i)"
  let ?q = "occurs_on (t ! j)"
  let ?t = "take ((j+1) - i) (drop i t)"
  let ?subt = "take (j - (i+1)) (drop (i+1) t)"
  let ?subt' = "take ((j-1) - (i+1)) (drop (i+1) t)"
  have sp: "has_snapshotted (S t i) ?p"
    using Suc.prems postrecording_event prerecording_event by blast
  have nsq: "~ has_snapshotted (S t j) ?q"
    using Suc.prems postrecording_event prerecording_event by blast
  have "?p  ?q"