Theory Limit
chapter Limit
theory Limit
imports FreeCategory DiscreteCategory Adjunction
This theory defines the notion of limit in terms of diagrams and cones and relates
it to the concept of a representation of a functor. The diagonal functor associated
with a diagram shape @{term J} is defined and it is shown that a right adjoint to
the diagonal functor gives limits of shape @{term J} and that a category has limits
of shape @{term J} if and only if the diagonal functor is a left adjoint functor.
Products and equalizers are defined as special cases of limits, and it is shown
that a category with equalizers has limits of shape @{term J} if it has products
indexed by the sets of objects and arrows of @{term J}.
The existence of limits in a set category is investigated, and it is shown that
every set category has equalizers and that a set category @{term S} has @{term I}-indexed
products if and only if the universe of @{term S} ``admits @{term I}-indexed tupling.''
The existence of limits in functor categories is also developed, showing that
limits in functor categories are ``determined pointwise'' and that a functor category
@{term "[A, B]"} has limits of shape @{term J} if @{term B} does.
Finally, it is shown that the Yoneda functor preserves limits.
This theory concerns itself only with limits; I have made no attempt to consider colimits.
Although it would be possible to rework the entire development in dual form,
it is possible that there is a more efficient way to dualize at least parts of it without
repeating all the work. This is something that deserves further thought.
section "Representations of Functors"
A representation of a contravariant functor ‹F: Cop → S›, where @{term S}
is a set category that is the target of a hom-functor for @{term C}, consists of
an object @{term a} of @{term C} and a natural isomorphism @{term "Φ: Y a → F"},
where ‹Y: C → [Cop, S]› is the Yoneda functor.
locale representation_of_functor =
C: category C +
Cop: dual_category C +
S: set_category S setp +
F: "functor" Cop.comp S F +
Hom: hom_functor C S setp φ +
Ya: yoneda_functor_fixed_object C S setp φ a +
natural_isomorphism Cop.comp S ‹Ya.Y a› F Φ
for C :: "'c comp" (infixr "⋅" 55)
and S :: "'s comp" (infixr "⋅⇩S" 55)
and setp :: "'s set ⇒ bool"
and φ :: "'c * 'c ⇒ 'c ⇒ 's"
and F :: "'c ⇒ 's"
and a :: 'c
and Φ :: "'c ⇒ 's"
abbreviation Y where "Y ≡ Ya.Y"
abbreviation ψ where "ψ ≡ Hom.ψ"
Two representations of the same functor are uniquely isomorphic.
locale two_representations_one_functor =
C: category C +
Cop: dual_category C +
S: set_category S setp +
F: set_valued_functor Cop.comp S setp F +
yoneda_functor C S setp φ +
Ya: yoneda_functor_fixed_object C S setp φ a +
Ya': yoneda_functor_fixed_object C S setp φ a' +
Φ: representation_of_functor C S setp φ F a Φ +
Φ': representation_of_functor C S setp φ F a' Φ'
for C :: "'c comp" (infixr "⋅" 55)
and S :: "'s comp" (infixr "⋅⇩S" 55)
and setp :: "'s set ⇒ bool"
and F :: "'c ⇒ 's"
and φ :: "'c * 'c ⇒ 'c ⇒ 's"
and a :: 'c
and Φ :: "'c ⇒ 's"
and a' :: 'c
and Φ' :: "'c ⇒ 's"
interpretation Ψ: inverse_transformation Cop.comp S ‹Y a› F Φ ..
interpretation Ψ': inverse_transformation Cop.comp S ‹Y a'› F Φ' ..
interpretation ΦΨ': vertical_composite Cop.comp S ‹Y a› F ‹Y a'› Φ Ψ'.map ..
interpretation Φ'Ψ: vertical_composite Cop.comp S ‹Y a'› F ‹Y a› Φ' Ψ.map ..
lemma are_uniquely_isomorphic:
shows "∃!φ. «φ : a → a'» ∧ C.iso φ ∧ map φ = Cop_S.MkArr (Y a) (Y a') ΦΨ'.map"
proof -
interpret ΦΨ': natural_isomorphism Cop.comp S ‹Y a› ‹Y a'› ΦΨ'.map
using Φ.natural_isomorphism_axioms Ψ'.natural_isomorphism_axioms
by blast
interpret Φ'Ψ: natural_isomorphism Cop.comp S ‹Y a'› ‹Y a› Φ'Ψ.map
using Φ'.natural_isomorphism_axioms Ψ.natural_isomorphism_axioms
by blast
interpret ΦΨ'_Φ'Ψ: inverse_transformations Cop.comp S ‹Y a› ‹Y a'› ΦΨ'.map Φ'Ψ.map
fix x
assume X: "Cop.ide x"
show "S.inverse_arrows (ΦΨ'.map x) (Φ'Ψ.map x)"
using S.inverse_arrows_compose S.inverse_arrows_sym X Φ'Ψ.map_simp_ide
ΦΨ'.map_simp_ide Ψ'.inverts_components Ψ.inverts_components
by force
have "Cop_S.inverse_arrows (Cop_S.MkArr (Y a) (Y a') ΦΨ'.map)
(Cop_S.MkArr (Y a') (Y a) Φ'Ψ.map)"
proof -
have Ya: "functor Cop.comp S (Y a)" ..
have Ya': "functor Cop.comp S (Y a')" ..
have ΦΨ': "natural_transformation Cop.comp S (Y a) (Y a') ΦΨ'.map" ..
have Φ'Ψ: "natural_transformation Cop.comp S (Y a') (Y a) Φ'Ψ.map" ..
show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cop_S.arr_MkArr Cop_S.comp_MkArr Cop_S.ide_MkIde
Cop_S.inverse_arrows_def Ya'.functor_axioms Ya.functor_axioms
Φ'Ψ.natural_transformation_axioms ΦΨ'.natural_transformation_axioms
ΦΨ'_Φ'Ψ.inverse_transformations_axioms inverse_transformations_inverse(1-2)
hence 3: "Cop_S.iso (Cop_S.MkArr (Y a) (Y a') ΦΨ'.map)" using Cop_S.isoI by blast
hence "∃f. «f : a → a'» ∧ map f = Cop_S.MkArr (Y a) (Y a') ΦΨ'.map"
using Ya.ide_a Ya'.ide_a is_full Y_def Cop_S.iso_is_arr full_functor.is_full
Cop_S.MkArr_in_hom ΦΨ'.natural_transformation_axioms preserves_ide
by force
from this obtain φ
where φ: "«φ : a → a'» ∧ map φ = Cop_S.MkArr (Y a) (Y a') ΦΨ'.map"
by blast
show ?thesis
by (metis 3 C.in_homE φ is_faithful reflects_iso)
section "Diagrams and Cones"
A \emph{diagram} in a category @{term C} is a functor ‹D: J → C›.
We refer to the category @{term J} as the diagram \emph{shape}.
Note that in the usual expositions of category theory that use set theory
as their foundations, the shape @{term J} of a diagram is required to be
a ``small'' category, where smallness means that the collection of objects
of @{term J}, as well as each of the ``homs,'' is a set.
However, in HOL there is no class of all sets, so it is not meaningful
to speak of @{term J} as ``small'' in any kind of absolute sense.
There is likely a meaningful notion of smallness of @{term J}
\emph{relative to} @{term C} (the result below that states that a set
category has @{term I}-indexed products if and only if its universe
``admits @{term I}-indexed tuples'' is suggestive of how this might
be defined), but I haven't fully explored this idea at present.
locale diagram =
C: category C +
J: category J +
"functor" J C D
for J :: "'j comp" (infixr "⋅⇩J" 55)
and C :: "'c comp" (infixr "⋅" 55)
and D :: "'j ⇒ 'c"
notation J.in_hom ("«_ : _ →⇩J _»")
lemma comp_diagram_functor:
assumes "diagram J C D" and "functor J' J F"
shows "diagram J' C (D o F)"
by (meson assms(1) assms(2) diagram_def functor.axioms(1) functor_comp)
A \emph{cone} over a diagram ‹D: J → C› is a natural transformation
from a constant functor to @{term D}. The value of the constant functor is
the \emph{apex} of the cone.
locale cone =
C: category C +
J: category J +
D: diagram J C D +
A: constant_functor J C a +
natural_transformation J C D χ
for J :: "'j comp" (infixr "⋅⇩J" 55)
and C :: "'c comp" (infixr "⋅" 55)
and D :: "'j ⇒ 'c"
and a :: 'c
and χ :: "'j ⇒ 'c"
lemma ide_apex:
shows "C.ide a"
using A.value_is_ide by auto
lemma component_in_hom:
assumes "J.arr j"
shows "«χ j : a → D (J.cod j)»"
using assms by auto
lemma cod_determines_component:
assumes "J.arr j"
shows "χ j = χ (J.cod j)"
using assms is_natural_2 A.map_simp C.comp_arr_ide ide_apex preserves_reflects_arr
by metis
A cone over diagram @{term D} is transformed into a cone over diagram @{term "D o F"}
by pre-composing with @{term F}.
lemma comp_cone_functor:
assumes "cone J C D a χ" and "functor J' J F"
shows "cone J' C (D o F) a (χ o F)"
proof -
interpret χ: cone J C D a χ using assms(1) by auto
interpret F: "functor" J' J F using assms(2) by auto
interpret A': constant_functor J' C a
using χ.A.value_is_ide by unfold_locales auto
have 1: "χ o F = A'.map"
using χ.A.map_def A'.map_def χ.J.not_arr_null by auto
interpret χ': natural_transformation J' C A'.map ‹D o F› ‹χ o F›
using 1 horizontal_composite F.as_nat_trans.natural_transformation_axioms
by fastforce
show "cone J' C (D o F) a (χ o F)" ..
A cone over diagram @{term D} can be transformed into a cone over a diagram @{term D'}
by post-composing with a natural transformation from @{term D} to @{term D'}.
lemma vcomp_transformation_cone:
assumes "cone J C D a χ"
and "natural_transformation J C D D' τ"
shows "cone J C D' a ( J C χ τ)"
by (meson assms cone.axioms(4-5) cone.intro diagram.intro natural_transformation.axioms(1-4)
vertical_composite.intro vertical_composite.is_natural_transformation)
context "functor"
lemma preserves_diagrams:
fixes J :: "'j comp"
assumes "diagram J A D"
shows "diagram J B (F o D)"
by (meson assms diagram_def functor_axioms functor_comp functor_def)
lemma preserves_cones:
fixes J :: "'j comp"
assumes "cone J A D a χ"
shows "cone J B (F o D) (F a) (F o χ)"
proof -
interpret χ: cone J A D a χ using assms by auto
interpret Fa: constant_functor J B ‹F a›
using χ.ide_apex by unfold_locales auto
have 1: "F o χ ="
fix f
show "(F ∘ χ f = f"
using is_extensional Fa.is_extensional χ.A.is_extensional
by (cases "χ.J.arr f", simp_all)
interpret χ': natural_transformation J B ‹F o D› ‹F o χ›
using 1 horizontal_composite χ.natural_transformation_axioms
by fastforce
show "cone J B (F o D) (F a) (F o χ)" ..
context diagram
abbreviation cone
where "cone a χ ≡ Limit.cone J C D a χ"
abbreviation cones :: "'c ⇒ ('j ⇒ 'c) set"
where "cones a ≡ { χ. cone a χ }"
An arrow @{term "f ∈ C.hom a' a"} induces by composition a transformation from
cones with apex @{term a} to cones with apex @{term a'}. This transformation
is functorial in @{term f}.
abbreviation cones_map :: "'c ⇒ ('j ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('j ⇒ 'c)"
where "cones_map f ≡ (λχ ∈ cones (C.cod f). λj. if J.arr j then χ j ⋅ f else C.null)"
lemma cones_map_mapsto:
assumes "C.arr f"
shows "cones_map f ∈
extensional (cones (C.cod f)) ∩ (cones (C.cod f) → cones (C.dom f))"
show "cones_map f ∈ extensional (cones (C.cod f))" by blast
show "cones_map f ∈ cones (C.cod f) → cones (C.dom f)"
fix χ
assume "χ ∈ cones (C.cod f)"
hence χ: "cone (C.cod f) χ" by auto
interpret χ: cone J C D ‹C.cod f› χ using χ by auto
interpret B: constant_functor J C ‹C.dom f›
using assms by unfold_locales auto
have "cone (C.dom f) (λj. if J.arr j then χ j ⋅ f else C.null)"
using assms B.value_is_ide χ.is_natural_1 χ.is_natural_2
apply (unfold_locales, auto)
using χ.is_natural_1
apply (metis C.comp_assoc)
using χ.is_natural_2 C.comp_arr_dom
by (metis J.arr_cod_iff_arr J.cod_cod C.comp_assoc)
thus "(λj. if J.arr j then χ j ⋅ f else C.null) ∈ cones (C.dom f)" by auto
lemma cones_map_ide:
assumes "χ ∈ cones a"
shows "cones_map a χ = χ"
proof -
interpret χ: cone J C D a χ using assms by auto
show ?thesis
fix j
show "cones_map a χ j = χ j"
using assms χ.A.value_is_ide χ.preserves_hom C.comp_arr_dom χ.is_extensional
by (cases "J.arr j", auto)
lemma cones_map_comp:
assumes "C.seq f g"
shows "cones_map (f ⋅ g) = restrict (cones_map g o cones_map f) (cones (C.cod f))"
proof (intro restr_eqI)
show "cones (C.cod (f ⋅ g)) = cones (C.cod f)" using assms by simp
show "⋀χ. χ ∈ cones (C.cod (f ⋅ g)) ⟹
(λj. if J.arr j then χ j ⋅ f ⋅ g else C.null) = (cones_map g o cones_map f) χ"
proof -
fix χ
assume χ: "χ ∈ cones (C.cod (f ⋅ g))"
show "(λj. if J.arr j then χ j ⋅ f ⋅ g else C.null) = (cones_map g o cones_map f) χ"
proof -
have "((cones_map g) o (cones_map f)) χ = cones_map g (cones_map f χ)"
by force
also have "... = (λj. if J.arr j then
(λj. if J.arr j then χ j ⋅ f else C.null) j ⋅ g else C.null)"
fix j
have "cone (C.dom f) (cones_map f χ)"
using assms χ cones_map_mapsto by (elim C.seqE, force)
thus "cones_map g (cones_map f χ) j =
(if J.arr j then C (if J.arr j then χ j ⋅ f else C.null) g else C.null)"
using χ assms by auto
also have "... = (λj. if J.arr j then χ j ⋅ f ⋅ g else C.null)"
using C.comp_assoc by fastforce
finally show ?thesis by auto
Changing the apex of a cone by pre-composing with an arrow @{term f} commutes
with changing the diagram of a cone by post-composing with a natural transformation.
lemma cones_map_vcomp:
assumes "diagram J C D" and "diagram J C D'"
and "natural_transformation J C D D' τ"
and "cone J C D a χ"
and f: "partial_composition.in_hom C f a' a"
shows "diagram.cones_map J C D' f ( J C χ τ)
= J C (diagram.cones_map J C D f χ) τ"
proof -
interpret D: diagram J C D using assms(1) by auto
interpret D': diagram J C D' using assms(2) by auto
interpret τ: natural_transformation J C D D' τ using assms(3) by auto
interpret χ: cone J C D a χ using assms(4) by auto
interpret τoχ: vertical_composite J C χ D D' χ τ ..
interpret τoχ: cone J C D' a τoχ.map ..
interpret χf: cone J C D a' ‹D.cones_map f χ›
using f χ.cone_axioms D.cones_map_mapsto by blast
interpret τoχf: vertical_composite J C χ D D' ‹D.cones_map f χ› τ ..
interpret τoχ_f: cone J C D' a' ‹D'.cones_map f τoχ.map›
using f τoχ.cone_axioms D'.cones_map_mapsto [of f] by blast
write C (infixr "⋅" 55)
show "D'.cones_map f τoχ.map = τoχ"
proof (intro NaturalTransformation.eqI)
show "natural_transformation J C χ D' (D'.cones_map f τoχ.map)" ..
show "natural_transformation J C χ D' τoχ" ..
show "⋀j. D.J.ide j ⟹ D'.cones_map f τoχ.map j = τoχ j"
proof -
fix j
assume j: "D.J.ide j"
have "D'.cones_map f τoχ.map j = τoχ.map j ⋅ f"
using f τoχ.cone_axioms τoχ.map_simp_2 τoχ.is_extensional by auto
also have "... = (τ j ⋅ χ (D.J.dom j)) ⋅ f"
using j τoχ.map_simp_2 by simp
also have "... = τ j ⋅ χ (D.J.dom j) ⋅ f"
using D.C.comp_assoc by simp
also have "... = τoχ j"
using j f χ.cone_axioms τoχf.map_simp_2 by auto
finally show "D'.cones_map f τoχ.map j = τoχ j" by auto
Given a diagram @{term D}, we can construct a contravariant set-valued functor,
which takes each object @{term a} of @{term C} to the set of cones over @{term D}
with apex @{term a}, and takes each arrow @{term f} of @{term C} to the function
on cones over @{term D} induced by pre-composition with @{term f}.
For this, we need to introduce a set category @{term S} whose universe is large
enough to contain all the cones over @{term D}, and we need to have an explicit
correspondence between cones and elements of the universe of @{term S}.
A replete set category @{term S} equipped with an injective mapping
@{term_type "ι :: ('j => 'c) => 's"} serves this purpose.
locale cones_functor =
C: category C +
Cop: dual_category C +
J: category J +
D: diagram J C D +
S: replete_concrete_set_category S UNIV ι
for J :: "'j comp" (infixr "⋅⇩J" 55)
and C :: "'c comp" (infixr "⋅" 55)
and D :: "'j ⇒ 'c"
and S :: "'s comp" (infixr "⋅⇩S" 55)
and ι :: "('j ⇒ 'c) ⇒ 's"
notation S.in_hom ("«_ : _ →⇩S _»")
abbreviation 𝗈 where "𝗈 ≡ S.DN"
definition map :: "'c ⇒ 's"
where "map = (λf. if C.arr f then
S.mkArr (ι ` D.cones (C.cod f)) (ι ` D.cones (C.dom f))
(ι o D.cones_map f o 𝗈)
else S.null)"
lemma map_simp [simp]:
assumes "C.arr f"
shows "map f = S.mkArr (ι ` D.cones (C.cod f)) (ι ` D.cones (C.dom f))
(ι o D.cones_map f o 𝗈)"
using assms map_def by auto
lemma arr_map:
assumes "C.arr f"
shows "S.arr (map f)"
proof -
have "ι o D.cones_map f o 𝗈 ∈ ι ` D.cones (C.cod f) → ι ` D.cones (C.dom f)"
using assms D.cones_map_mapsto by force
thus ?thesis using assms S.UP_mapsto by auto
lemma map_ide:
assumes "C.ide a"
shows "map a = S.mkIde (ι ` D.cones a)"
proof -
have "map a = S.mkArr (ι ` D.cones a) (ι ` D.cones a) (ι o D.cones_map a o 𝗈)"
using assms map_simp by force
also have "... = S.mkArr (ι ` D.cones a) (ι ` D.cones a) (λx. x)"
using S.UP_mapsto D.cones_map_ide by force
also have "... = S.mkIde (ι ` D.cones a)"
using assms S.mkIde_as_mkArr S.UP_mapsto by blast
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma map_preserves_dom:
assumes "Cop.arr f"
shows "map (Cop.dom f) = S.dom (map f)"
using assms arr_map map_ide by auto
lemma map_preserves_cod:
assumes "Cop.arr f"
shows "map (Cop.cod f) = S.cod (map f)"
using assms arr_map map_ide by auto
lemma map_preserves_comp:
assumes "Cop.seq g f"
shows "map (g ⋅⇧o⇧p f) = map g ⋅⇩S map f"
proof -
have "map (g ⋅⇧o⇧p f) = S.mkArr (ι ` D.cones (C.cod f)) (ι ` D.cones (C.dom g))
((ι o D.cones_map g o 𝗈) o (ι o D.cones_map f o 𝗈))"
proof -
have 1: "S.arr (map (g ⋅⇧o⇧p f))"
using assms arr_map [of "C f g"] by simp
have "map (g ⋅⇧o⇧p f) = S.mkArr (ι ` D.cones (C.cod f)) (ι ` D.cones (C.dom g))
(ι o D.cones_map (C f g) o 𝗈)"
using assms map_simp [of "C f g"] by simp
also have "... = S.mkArr (ι ` D.cones (C.cod f)) (ι ` D.cones (C.dom g))
((ι o D.cones_map g o 𝗈) o (ι o D.cones_map f o 𝗈))"
using assms 1 calculation D.cones_map_mapsto D.cones_map_comp by auto
finally show ?thesis by blast
also have "... = map g ⋅⇩S map f"
using assms arr_map [of f] arr_map [of g] map_simp S.comp_mkArr by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma is_functor:
shows "functor Cop.comp S map"
apply (unfold_locales)
using map_def arr_map map_preserves_dom map_preserves_cod map_preserves_comp
by auto
sublocale cones_functor ⊆ "functor" Cop.comp S map using is_functor by auto
sublocale cones_functor ⊆ set_valued_functor Cop.comp S ‹λA. A ⊆ S.Univ› map ..
section Limits
subsection "Limit Cones"
A \emph{limit cone} for a diagram @{term D} is a cone @{term χ} over @{term D}
with the universal property that any other cone @{term χ'} over the diagram @{term D}
factors uniquely through @{term χ}.
locale limit_cone =
C: category C +
J: category J +
D: diagram J C D +
cone J C D a χ
for J :: "'j comp" (infixr "⋅⇩J" 55)
and C :: "'c comp" (infixr "⋅" 55)
and D :: "'j ⇒ 'c"
and a :: 'c
and χ :: "'j ⇒ 'c" +
assumes is_universal: "cone J C D a' χ' ⟹ ∃!f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ'"
definition induced_arrow :: "'c ⇒ ('j ⇒ 'c) ⇒ 'c"
where "induced_arrow a' χ' = (THE f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ')"
lemma induced_arrowI:
assumes χ': "χ' ∈ D.cones a'"
shows "«induced_arrow a' χ' : a' → a»"
and "D.cones_map (induced_arrow a' χ') χ = χ'"
proof -
have "∃!f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ'"
using assms χ' is_universal by simp
hence 1: "«induced_arrow a' χ' : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map (induced_arrow a' χ') χ = χ'"
using theI' [of "λf. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ'"] induced_arrow_def
by presburger
show "«induced_arrow a' χ' : a' → a»" using 1 by simp
show "D.cones_map (induced_arrow a' χ') χ = χ'" using 1 by simp
lemma cones_map_induced_arrow:
shows "induced_arrow a' ∈ D.cones a' → C.hom a' a"
and "⋀χ'. χ' ∈ D.cones a' ⟹ D.cones_map (induced_arrow a' χ') χ = χ'"
using induced_arrowI by auto
lemma induced_arrow_cones_map:
assumes "C.ide a'"
shows "(λf. D.cones_map f χ) ∈ C.hom a' a → D.cones a'"
and "⋀f. «f : a' → a» ⟹ induced_arrow a' (D.cones_map f χ) = f"
proof -
have a': "C.ide a'" using assms by (simp add: cone.ide_apex)
have cone_χ: "cone J C D a χ" ..
show "(λf. D.cones_map f χ) ∈ C.hom a' a → D.cones a'"
using cone_χ D.cones_map_mapsto by blast
fix f
assume f: "«f : a' → a»"
show "induced_arrow a' (D.cones_map f χ) = f"
proof -
have "D.cones_map f χ ∈ D.cones a'"
using f cone_χ D.cones_map_mapsto by blast
hence "∃!f'. «f' : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f' χ = D.cones_map f χ"
using assms is_universal by auto
thus ?thesis
using f induced_arrow_def
the1_equality [of "λf'. «f' : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f' χ = D.cones_map f χ"]
by presburger
For a limit cone @{term χ} with apex @{term a}, for each object @{term a'} the
hom-set @{term "C.hom a' a"} is in bijective correspondence with the set of cones
with apex @{term a'}.
lemma bij_betw_hom_and_cones:
assumes "C.ide a'"
shows "bij_betw (λf. D.cones_map f χ) (C.hom a' a) (D.cones a')"
proof (intro bij_betwI)
show "(λf. D.cones_map f χ) ∈ C.hom a' a → D.cones a'"
using assms induced_arrow_cones_map by blast
show "induced_arrow a' ∈ D.cones a' → C.hom a' a"
using assms cones_map_induced_arrow by blast
show "⋀f. f ∈ C.hom a' a ⟹ induced_arrow a' (D.cones_map f χ) = f"
using assms induced_arrow_cones_map by blast
show "⋀χ'. χ' ∈ D.cones a' ⟹ D.cones_map (induced_arrow a' χ') χ = χ'"
using assms cones_map_induced_arrow by blast
lemma induced_arrow_eqI:
assumes "D.cone a' χ'" and "«f : a' → a»" and "D.cones_map f χ = χ'"
shows "induced_arrow a' χ' = f"
using assms is_universal induced_arrow_def
the1_equality [of "λf. f ∈ C.hom a' a ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ'" f]
by simp
lemma induced_arrow_self:
shows "induced_arrow a χ = a"
proof -
have "«a : a → a» ∧ D.cones_map a χ = χ"
using ide_apex cone_axioms D.cones_map_ide by force
thus ?thesis using induced_arrow_eqI cone_axioms by auto
context diagram
abbreviation limit_cone
where "limit_cone a χ ≡ Limit.limit_cone J C D a χ"
A diagram @{term D} has object @{term a} as a limit if @{term a} is the apex
of some limit cone over @{term D}.
abbreviation has_as_limit :: "'c ⇒ bool"
where "has_as_limit a ≡ (∃χ. limit_cone a χ)"
abbreviation has_limit
where "has_limit ≡ (∃a χ. limit_cone a χ)"
definition some_limit :: 'c
where "some_limit = (SOME a. ∃χ. limit_cone a χ)"
definition some_limit_cone :: "'j ⇒ 'c"
where "some_limit_cone = (SOME χ. limit_cone some_limit χ)"
lemma limit_cone_some_limit_cone:
assumes has_limit
shows "limit_cone some_limit some_limit_cone"
proof -
have "∃a. has_as_limit a" using assms by simp
hence "has_as_limit some_limit"
using some_limit_def someI_ex [of "λa. ∃χ. limit_cone a χ"] by simp
thus "limit_cone some_limit some_limit_cone"
using assms some_limit_cone_def someI_ex [of "λχ. limit_cone some_limit χ"]
by simp
lemma ex_limitE:
assumes "∃a. has_as_limit a"
obtains a χ where "limit_cone a χ"
using assms someI_ex by blast
subsection "Limits by Representation"
A limit for a diagram D can also be given by a representation ‹(a, Φ)›
of the cones functor.
locale representation_of_cones_functor =
C: category C +
Cop: dual_category C +
J: category J +
D: diagram J C D +
S: replete_concrete_set_category S UNIV ι +
Cones: cones_functor J C D S ι +
Hom: hom_functor C S ‹λA. A ⊆ S.Univ› φ +
representation_of_functor C S S.setp φ a Φ
for J :: "'j comp" (infixr "⋅⇩J" 55)
and C :: "'c comp" (infixr "⋅" 55)
and D :: "'j ⇒ 'c"
and S :: "'s comp" (infixr "⋅⇩S" 55)
and φ :: "'c * 'c ⇒ 'c ⇒ 's"
and ι :: "('j ⇒ 'c) ⇒ 's"
and a :: 'c
and Φ :: "'c ⇒ 's"
subsection "Putting it all Together"
A ``limit situation'' combines and connects the ways of presenting a limit.
locale limit_situation =
C: category C +
Cop: dual_category C +
J: category J +
D: diagram J C D +
S: replete_concrete_set_category S UNIV ι +
Cones: cones_functor J C D S ι +
Hom: hom_functor C S S.setp φ +
Φ: representation_of_functor C S S.setp φ a Φ +
χ: limit_cone J C D a χ
for J :: "'j comp" (infixr "⋅⇩J" 55)
and C :: "'c comp" (infixr "⋅" 55)
and D :: "'j ⇒ 'c"
and S :: "'s comp" (infixr "⋅⇩S" 55)
and φ :: "'c * 'c ⇒ 'c ⇒ 's"
and ι :: "('j ⇒ 'c) ⇒ 's"
and a :: 'c
and Φ :: "'c ⇒ 's"
and χ :: "'j ⇒ 'c" +
assumes χ_in_terms_of_Φ: "χ = S.DN (S.Fun (Φ a) (φ (a, a) a))"
and Φ_in_terms_of_χ:
"Cop.ide a' ⟹ Φ a' = S.mkArr (Hom.set (a', a)) (ι ` D.cones a')
(λx. ι (D.cones_map (Hom.ψ (a', a) x) χ))"
text (in limit_situation) ‹
The assumption @{prop χ_in_terms_of_Φ} states that the universal cone @{term χ} is obtained
by applying the function @{term "S.Fun (Φ a)"} to the identity @{term a} of
@{term[source=true] C} (after taking into account the necessary coercions).
text (in limit_situation) ‹
The assumption @{prop Φ_in_terms_of_χ} states that the component of @{term Φ} at @{term a'}
is the arrow of @{term[source=true] S} corresponding to the function that takes an arrow
@{term "f ∈ C.hom a' a"} and produces the cone with vertex @{term a'} obtained
by transforming the universal cone @{term χ} by @{term f}.
subsection "Limit Cones Induce Limit Situations"
To obtain a limit situation from a limit cone, we need to introduce a set category
that is large enough to contain the hom-sets of @{term C} as well as the cones
over @{term D}. We use the category of all @{typ "('c + ('j ⇒ 'c))"}-sets for this.
context limit_cone
interpretation Cop: dual_category C ..
interpretation CopxC: product_category Cop.comp C ..
interpretation S: replete_setcat ‹TYPE('c + ('j ⇒ 'c))› .
notation S.comp (infixr "⋅⇩S" 55)
interpretation Sr: replete_concrete_set_category S.comp UNIV ‹S.UP o Inr›
apply unfold_locales
using S.UP_mapsto
apply auto[1]
using S.inj_UP inj_Inr inj_compose
by metis
interpretation Cones: cones_functor J C D S.comp ‹S.UP o Inr› ..
interpretation Hom: hom_functor C S.comp S.setp ‹λ_. S.UP o Inl›
apply (unfold_locales)
using S.UP_mapsto
apply auto[1]
using S.inj_UP injD inj_onI inj_Inl inj_compose
apply (metis (no_types, lifting))
using S.UP_mapsto
by auto
interpretation Y: yoneda_functor C S.comp S.setp ‹λ_. S.UP o Inl› ..
interpretation Ya: yoneda_functor_fixed_object C S.comp S.setp ‹λ_. S.UP o Inl› a
apply (unfold_locales) using ide_apex by auto
abbreviation inl :: "'c ⇒ 'c + ('j ⇒ 'c)" where "inl ≡ Inl"
abbreviation inr :: "('j ⇒ 'c) ⇒ 'c + ('j ⇒ 'c)" where "inr ≡ Inr"
abbreviation ι where "ι ≡ S.UP o inr"
abbreviation 𝗈 where "𝗈 ≡ Cones.𝗈"
abbreviation φ where "φ ≡ λ_. S.UP o inl"
abbreviation ψ where "ψ ≡ Hom.ψ"
abbreviation Y where "Y ≡ Y.Y"
lemma Ya_ide:
assumes a': "C.ide a'"
shows "Y a a' = S.mkIde (Hom.set (a', a))"
using assms ide_apex Y.Y_simp Hom.map_ide by simp
lemma Ya_arr:
assumes g: "C.arr g"
shows "Y a g = S.mkArr (Hom.set (C.cod g, a)) (Hom.set (C.dom g, a))
(φ (C.dom g, a) o Cop.comp g o ψ (C.cod g, a))"
using ide_apex g Y.Y_ide_arr [of a g "C.dom g" "C.cod g"] by auto
lemma is_cone [simp]:
shows "χ ∈ D.cones a"
using cone_axioms by simp
For each object @{term a'} of @{term[source=true] C} we have a function mapping
@{term "C.hom a' a"} to the set of cones over @{term D} with apex @{term a'},
which takes @{term "f ∈ C.hom a' a"} to ‹χf›, where ‹χf› is the cone obtained by
composing @{term χ} with @{term f} (after accounting for coercions to and from the
universe of @{term S}). The corresponding arrows of @{term S} are the
components of a natural isomorphism from @{term "Y a"} to ‹Cones›.
definition Φo :: "'c ⇒ ('c + ('j ⇒ 'c)) setcat.arr"
"Φo a' = S.mkArr (Hom.set (a', a)) (ι ` D.cones a') (λx. ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ))"
lemma Φo_in_hom:
assumes a': "C.ide a'"
shows "«Φo a' : S.mkIde (Hom.set (a', a)) →⇩S S.mkIde (ι ` D.cones a')»"
proof -
have " «S.mkArr (Hom.set (a', a)) (ι ` D.cones a') (λx. ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)) :
S.mkIde (Hom.set (a', a)) →⇩S S.mkIde (ι ` D.cones a')»"
proof -
have "(λx. ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)) ∈ Hom.set (a', a) → ι ` D.cones a'"
fix x
assume x: "x ∈ Hom.set (a', a)"
hence "«ψ (a', a) x : a' → a»"
using ide_apex a' Hom.ψ_mapsto by auto
hence "D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ ∈ D.cones a'"
using ide_apex a' x D.cones_map_mapsto is_cone by force
thus "ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ) ∈ ι ` D.cones a'" by simp
moreover have "Hom.set (a', a) ⊆ S.Univ"
using ide_apex a' Hom.set_subset_Univ by auto
moreover have "ι ` D.cones a' ⊆ S.Univ"
using S.UP_mapsto by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using S.mkArr_in_hom by simp
thus ?thesis using Φo_def [of a'] by auto
interpretation Φ: transformation_by_components Cop.comp S.comp ‹Y a› Φo
fix a'
assume A': "Cop.ide a'"
show "«Φo a' : Y a a' →⇩S a'»"
using A' Ya_ide Φo_in_hom Cones.map_ide by auto
fix g
assume g: "Cop.arr g"
show "Φo (Cop.cod g) ⋅⇩S Y a g = g ⋅⇩S Φo (Cop.dom g)"
proof -
let ?A = "Hom.set (C.cod g, a)"
let ?B = "Hom.set (C.dom g, a)"
let ?B' = "ι ` D.cones (C.cod g)"
let ?C = "ι ` D.cones (C.dom g)"
let ?F = "φ (C.dom g, a) o Cop.comp g o ψ (C.cod g, a)"
let ?F' = "ι o D.cones_map g o 𝗈"
let ?G = "λx. ι (D.cones_map (ψ (C.dom g, a) x) χ)"
let ?G' = "λx. ι (D.cones_map (ψ (C.cod g, a) x) χ)"
have "S.arr (Y a g) ∧ Y a g = S.mkArr ?A ?B ?F"
using ide_apex g Ya.preserves_arr Ya_arr by fastforce
moreover have "S.arr (Φo (Cop.cod g))"
using g Φo_in_hom [of "Cop.cod g"] by auto
moreover have "Φo (Cop.cod g) = S.mkArr ?B ?C ?G"
using g Φo_def [of "C.dom g"] by auto
moreover have "S.seq (Φo (Cop.cod g)) (Y a g)"
using ide_apex g Φo_in_hom [of "Cop.cod g"] by auto
ultimately have 1: "S.seq (Φo (Cop.cod g)) (Y a g) ∧
Φo (Cop.cod g) ⋅⇩S Y a g = S.mkArr ?A ?C (?G o ?F)"
using S.comp_mkArr [of ?A ?B ?F ?C ?G] by argo
have " g = S.mkArr (ι ` D.cones (C.cod g)) (ι ` D.cones (C.dom g)) ?F'"
using g Cones.map_simp by fastforce
moreover have "Φo (Cop.dom g) = S.mkArr ?A ?B' ?G'"
using g Φo_def by fastforce
moreover have "S.seq ( g) (Φo (Cop.dom g))"
using g Cones.preserves_hom [of g "C.cod g" "C.dom g"] Φo_in_hom [of "Cop.dom g"]
by force
ultimately have
2: "S.seq ( g) (Φo (Cop.dom g)) ∧ g ⋅⇩S Φo (Cop.dom g) = S.mkArr ?A ?C (?F' o ?G')"
using S.seqI' [of "Φo (Cop.dom g)" " g"] S.comp_mkArr by auto
have "Φo (Cop.cod g) ⋅⇩S Y a g = S.mkArr ?A ?C (?G o ?F)"
using 1 by auto
also have "... = S.mkArr ?A ?C (?F' o ?G')"
proof (intro S.mkArr_eqI')
show "S.arr (S.mkArr ?A ?C (?G o ?F))" using 1 by force
show "⋀x. x ∈ ?A ⟹ (?G o ?F) x = (?F' o ?G') x"
proof -
fix x
assume x: "x ∈ ?A"
hence 1: "«ψ (C.cod g, a) x : C.cod g → a»"
using ide_apex g Hom.ψ_mapsto [of "C.cod g" a] by auto
have "(?G o ?F) x = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (C.dom g, a)
(φ (C.dom g, a) (ψ (C.cod g, a) x ⋅ g))) χ)"
proof -
have "(?G o ?F) x = ?G (?F x)" by simp
also have "... = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (C.dom g, a)
(φ (C.dom g, a) (ψ (C.cod g, a) x ⋅ g))) χ)"
by (metis Cop.comp_def comp_apply)
finally show ?thesis by auto
also have "... = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (C.cod g, a) x ⋅ g) χ)"
proof -
have "«ψ (C.cod g, a) x ⋅ g : C.dom g → a»" using g 1 by auto
thus ?thesis using Hom.ψ_φ by presburger
also have "... = ι (D.cones_map g (D.cones_map (ψ (C.cod g, a) x) χ))"
using g x 1 is_cone D.cones_map_comp [of "ψ (C.cod g, a) x" g] by fastforce
also have "... = ι (D.cones_map g (𝗈 (ι (D.cones_map (ψ (C.cod g, a) x) χ))))"
using 1 is_cone D.cones_map_mapsto Sr.DN_UP by auto
also have "... = (?F' o ?G') x" by simp
finally show "(?G o ?F) x = (?F' o ?G') x" by auto
also have "... = g ⋅⇩S Φo (Cop.dom g)"
using 2 by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
interpretation Φ: set_valued_transformation Cop.comp S.comp S.setp
‹Y a› Φ.map ..
interpretation Φ: natural_isomorphism Cop.comp S.comp ‹Y a› Φ.map
fix a'
assume a': "Cop.ide a'"
show "S.iso (Φ.map a')"
proof -
let ?F = "λx. ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
have bij: "bij_betw ?F (Hom.set (a', a)) (ι ` D.cones a')"
proof -
have "⋀x x'. ⟦ x ∈ Hom.set (a', a); x' ∈ Hom.set (a', a);
ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x') χ) ⟧
⟹ x = x'"
proof -
fix x x'
assume x: "x ∈ Hom.set (a', a)" and x': "x' ∈ Hom.set (a', a)"
and xx': "ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x') χ)"
have ψx: "«ψ (a', a) x : a' → a»" using x ide_apex a' Hom.ψ_mapsto by auto
have ψx': "«ψ (a', a) x' : a' → a»" using x' ide_apex a' Hom.ψ_mapsto by auto
have 1: "∃!f. «f : a' → a» ∧ ι (D.cones_map f χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
proof -
have "D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ ∈ D.cones a'"
using ψx a' is_cone D.cones_map_mapsto by force
hence 2: "∃!f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ"
using a' is_universal by simp
show "∃!f. «f : a' → a» ∧ ι (D.cones_map f χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
proof -
have "⋀f. ι (D.cones_map f χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)
⟷ D.cones_map f χ = D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ"
proof -
fix f :: 'c
have "D.cones_map f χ = D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ
⟶ ι (D.cones_map f χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
by simp
thus "(ι (D.cones_map f χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ))
= (D.cones_map f χ = D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
by (meson Sr.inj_UP injD)
thus ?thesis using 2 by auto
have 2: "∃!x''. x'' ∈ Hom.set (a', a) ∧
ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x'') χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
proof -
from 1 obtain f'' where
f'': "«f'' : a' → a» ∧ ι (D.cones_map f'' χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
by blast
have "φ (a', a) f'' ∈ Hom.set (a', a) ∧
ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) (φ (a', a) f'')) χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
show "φ (a', a) f'' ∈ Hom.set (a', a)" using f'' Hom.set_def by auto
show "ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) (φ (a', a) f'')) χ) =
ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
using f'' Hom.ψ_φ by presburger
moreover have
"⋀x''. x'' ∈ Hom.set (a', a) ∧
ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x'') χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)
⟹ x'' = φ (a', a) f''"
proof -
fix x''
assume x'': "x'' ∈ Hom.set (a', a) ∧
ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x'') χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
hence "«ψ (a', a) x'' : a' → a» ∧
ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x'') χ) = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
using ide_apex a' Hom.set_def Hom.ψ_mapsto [of a' a] by auto
hence "φ (a', a) (ψ (a', a) x'') = φ (a', a) f''"
using 1 f'' by auto
thus "x'' = φ (a', a) f''"
using ide_apex a' x'' Hom.φ_ψ by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using ex1I [of "λx'. x' ∈ Hom.set (a', a) ∧
ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x') χ) =
ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
"φ (a', a) f''"]
by simp
thus "x = x'" using x x' xx' by auto
hence "inj_on ?F (Hom.set (a', a))"
using inj_onI [of "Hom.set (a', a)" ?F] by auto
moreover have "?F ` Hom.set (a', a) = ι ` D.cones a'"
show "?F ` Hom.set (a', a) ⊆ ι ` D.cones a'"
fix X'
assume X': "X' ∈ ?F ` Hom.set (a', a)"
from this obtain x' where x': "x' ∈ Hom.set (a', a) ∧ ?F x' = X'" by blast
show "X' ∈ ι ` D.cones a'"
proof -
have "X' = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x') χ)" using x' by blast
hence "X' = ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x') χ)" using x' by force
moreover have "«ψ (a', a) x' : a' → a»"
using ide_apex a' x' Hom.set_def Hom.ψ_φ by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using x' is_cone D.cones_map_mapsto by force
show "ι ` D.cones a' ⊆ ?F ` Hom.set (a', a)"
fix X'
assume X': "X' ∈ ι ` D.cones a'"
hence "𝗈 X' ∈ 𝗈 ` ι ` D.cones a'" by simp
with Sr.DN_UP have "𝗈 X' ∈ D.cones a'"
by auto
hence "∃!f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = 𝗈 X'"
using a' is_universal by simp
from this obtain f where "«f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = 𝗈 X'"
by auto
hence f: "«f : a' → a» ∧ ι (D.cones_map f χ) = X'"
using X' Sr.UP_DN by auto
have "X' = ?F (φ (a', a) f)"
using f Hom.ψ_φ by presburger
thus "X' ∈ ?F ` Hom.set (a', a)"
using f Hom.set_def by force
ultimately show ?thesis
using bij_betw_def [of ?F "Hom.set (a', a)" "ι ` D.cones a'"] inj_on_def by auto
let ?f = "S.mkArr (Hom.set (a', a)) (ι ` D.cones a') ?F"
have iso: "S.iso ?f"
proof -
have "?F ∈ Hom.set (a', a) → ι ` D.cones a'"
using bij bij_betw_imp_funcset by fast
hence 1: "S.arr ?f"
using ide_apex a' Hom.set_subset_Univ S.UP_mapsto by auto
thus ?thesis using bij S.iso_char S.set_mkIde by fastforce
moreover have "?f = Φ.map a'"
using a' Φo_def by force
finally show ?thesis by auto
interpretation R: representation_of_functor C S.comp S.setp φ a Φ.map ..
lemma χ_in_terms_of_Φ:
shows "χ = 𝗈 (Φ.FUN a (φ (a, a) a))"
proof -
have "Φ.FUN a (φ (a, a) a) =
(λx ∈ Hom.set (a, a). ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a, a) x) χ)) (φ (a, a) a)"
using ide_apex S.Fun_mkArr Φ.map_simp_ide Φo_def Φ.preserves_reflects_arr [of a]
by simp
also have "... = ι (D.cones_map a χ)"
proof -
have "(λx ∈ Hom.set (a, a). ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a, a) x) χ)) (φ (a, a) a)
= ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a, a) (φ (a, a) a)) χ)"
proof -
have "φ (a, a) a ∈ Hom.set (a, a)"
using ide_apex Hom.φ_mapsto by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using restrict_apply' [of "φ (a, a) a" "Hom.set (a, a)"] by blast
also have "... = ι (D.cones_map a χ)"
proof -
have "ψ (a, a) (φ (a, a) a) = a"
using ide_apex Hom.ψ_φ [of a a a] by fastforce
thus ?thesis by metis
finally show ?thesis by auto
finally have "Φ.FUN a (φ (a, a) a) = ι (D.cones_map a χ)" by auto
also have "... = ι χ"
using ide_apex D.cones_map_ide [of χ a] is_cone by simp
finally have "Φ.FUN a (φ (a, a) a) = ι χ" by blast
hence "𝗈 (Φ.FUN a (φ (a, a) a)) = 𝗈 (ι χ)" by simp
thus ?thesis using is_cone Sr.DN_UP by simp
abbreviation Hom
where "Hom ≡"
abbreviation Φ
where "Φ ≡ Φ.map"
lemma induces_limit_situation:
shows "limit_situation J C D S.comp φ ι a Φ χ"
using χ_in_terms_of_Φ Φo_def by unfold_locales auto
no_notation S.comp (infixr "⋅⇩S" 55)
sublocale limit_cone ⊆ limit_situation J C D replete_setcat.comp φ ι a Φ χ
using induces_limit_situation by auto
subsection "Representations of the Cones Functor Induce Limit Situations"
context representation_of_cones_functor
interpretation Φ: set_valued_transformation Cop.comp S S.setp ‹Y a› Φ ..
interpretation Ψ: inverse_transformation Cop.comp S ‹Y a› Φ ..
interpretation Ψ: set_valued_transformation Cop.comp S S.setp ‹Y a› Ψ.map ..
abbreviation 𝗈
where "𝗈 ≡ Cones.𝗈"
abbreviation χ
where "χ ≡ 𝗈 (S.Fun (Φ a) (φ (a, a) a))"
lemma Cones_SET_eq_ι_img_cones:
assumes "C.ide a'"
shows "Cones.SET a' = ι ` D.cones a'"
proof -
have "ι ` D.cones a' ⊆ S.Univ" using S.UP_mapsto by auto
thus ?thesis using assms Cones.map_ide S.set_mkIde by auto
lemma ιχ:
shows "ι χ = S.Fun (Φ a) (φ (a, a) a)"
proof -
have "S.Fun (Φ a) (φ (a, a) a) ∈ Cones.SET a"
using Ya.ide_a Hom.φ_mapsto S.Fun_mapsto [of "Φ a"] Hom.set_map by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using Ya.ide_a Cones_SET_eq_ι_img_cones by auto
interpretation χ: cone J C D a χ
proof -
have "ι χ ∈ ι ` D.cones a"
using Ya.ide_a ιχ S.Fun_mapsto [of "Φ a"] Hom.φ_mapsto Hom.set_map
Cones_SET_eq_ι_img_cones by fastforce
thus "D.cone a χ"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) S.DN_UP UNIV_I f_inv_into_f inv_into_into mem_Collect_eq)
lemma cone_χ:
shows "D.cone a χ" ..
lemma Φ_FUN_simp:
assumes a': "C.ide a'" and x: "x ∈ Hom.set (a', a)"
shows "Φ.FUN a' x = Cones.FUN (ψ (a', a) x) (ι χ)"
proof -
have ψx: "«ψ (a', a) x : a' → a»"
using Ya.ide_a a' x Hom.ψ_mapsto by blast
have φa: "φ (a, a) a ∈ Hom.set (a, a)" using Ya.ide_a Hom.φ_mapsto by fastforce
have "Φ.FUN a' x = (Φ.FUN a' o Ya.FUN (ψ (a', a) x)) (φ (a, a) a)"
proof -
have "φ (a', a) (a ⋅ ψ (a', a) x) = x"
using Ya.ide_a a' x ψx Hom.φ_ψ C.comp_cod_arr by fastforce
moreover have "S.arr (S.mkArr (Hom.set (a, a)) (Hom.set (a', a))
(φ (a', a) ∘ Cop.comp (ψ (a', a) x) ∘ ψ (a, a)))"
by (metis C.arrI Cop.arr_char Ya.Y_ide_arr(2) Ya.preserves_arr χ.ide_apex ψx)
ultimately show ?thesis
using Ya.ide_a a' x Ya.Y_ide_arr ψx φa C.ide_in_hom by auto
also have "... = (Cones.FUN (ψ (a', a) x) o Φ.FUN a) (φ (a, a) a)"
proof -
have "(Φ.FUN a' o Ya.FUN (ψ (a', a) x)) (φ (a, a) a)
= S.Fun (Φ a' ⋅⇩S Y a (ψ (a', a) x)) (φ (a, a) a)"
using ψx a' φa Ya.ide_a Ya.map_simp Hom.set_map by (elim C.in_homE, auto)
also have "... = S.Fun (S ( (ψ (a', a) x)) (Φ a)) (φ (a, a) a)"
using ψx is_natural_1 [of "ψ (a', a) x"] is_natural_2 [of "ψ (a', a) x"] by auto
also have "... = (Cones.FUN (ψ (a', a) x) o Φ.FUN a) (φ (a, a) a)"
proof -
have "S.seq ( (ψ (a', a) x)) (Φ a)"
using Ya.ide_a ψx Cones.map_preserves_dom [of "ψ (a', a) x"]
apply (intro S.seqI)
apply auto[2]
by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using Ya.ide_a φa Hom.set_map by auto
finally show ?thesis by simp
also have "... = Cones.FUN (ψ (a', a) x) (ι χ)" using ιχ by simp
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma χ_is_universal:
assumes "D.cone a' χ'"
shows "«ψ (a', a) (Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ')) : a' → a»"
and "D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) (Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ'))) χ = χ'"
and "⟦ «f' : a' → a»; D.cones_map f' χ = χ' ⟧ ⟹ f' = ψ (a', a) (Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ'))"
proof -
interpret χ': cone J C D a' χ' using assms by auto
have a': "C.ide a'" using χ'.ide_apex by simp
have ιχ': "ι χ' ∈ Cones.SET a'" using assms a' Cones_SET_eq_ι_img_cones by auto
let ?f = "ψ (a', a) (Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ'))"
have A: "Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ') ∈ Hom.set (a', a)"
proof -
have "Ψ.FUN a' ∈ Cones.SET a' → Ya.SET a'"
using a' Ψ.preserves_hom [of a' a' a'] S.Fun_mapsto [of "Ψ.map a'"] by fastforce
thus ?thesis using a' ιχ' Ya.ide_a Hom.set_map by auto
show f: "«?f : a' → a»" using A a' Ya.ide_a Hom.ψ_mapsto [of a' a] by auto
have E: "⋀f. «f : a' → a» ⟹ Cones.FUN f (ι χ) = Φ.FUN a' (φ (a', a) f)"
proof -
fix f
assume f: "«f : a' → a»"
have "φ (a', a) f ∈ Hom.set (a', a)"
using a' Ya.ide_a f Hom.φ_mapsto by auto
thus "Cones.FUN f (ι χ) = Φ.FUN a' (φ (a', a) f)"
using a' f Φ_FUN_simp by simp
have I: "Φ.FUN a' (Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ')) = ι χ'"
proof -
have "Φ.FUN a' (Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ')) =
compose (Ψ.DOM a') (Φ.FUN a') (Ψ.FUN a') (ι χ')"
using a' ιχ' Cones.map_ide Ψ.preserves_hom [of a' a' a'] by force
also have "... = (λx ∈ Ψ.DOM a'. x) (ι χ')"
using a' Ψ.inverts_components S.inverse_arrows_char by force
also have "... = ι χ'"
using a' ιχ' Cones.map_ide Ψ.preserves_hom [of a' a' a'] by force
finally show ?thesis by auto
show fχ: "D.cones_map ?f χ = χ'"
proof -
have "D.cones_map ?f χ = (𝗈 o Cones.FUN ?f o ι) χ"
using f Cones.preserves_arr [of ?f] cone_χ
by (cases "D.cone a χ", auto)
also have "... = χ'"
using f Ya.ide_a a' A E I by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
show "⟦ «f' : a' → a»; D.cones_map f' χ = χ' ⟧ ⟹ f' = ?f"
proof -
assume f': "«f' : a' → a»" and f'χ: "D.cones_map f' χ = χ'"
show "f' = ?f"
proof -
have 1: "φ (a', a) f' ∈ Hom.set (a', a) ∧ φ (a', a) ?f ∈ Hom.set (a', a)"
using Ya.ide_a a' f f' Hom.φ_mapsto by auto
have "S.iso (Φ a')" using χ'.ide_apex components_are_iso by auto
hence 2: "S.arr (Φ a') ∧ bij_betw (Φ.FUN a') (Hom.set (a', a)) (Cones.SET a')"
using Ya.ide_a a' S.iso_char Hom.set_map by auto
have "Φ.FUN a' (φ (a', a) f') = Φ.FUN a' (φ (a', a) ?f)"
proof -
have "Φ.FUN a' (φ (a', a) ?f) = ι χ'"
using A I Hom.φ_ψ Ya.ide_a a' by simp
also have "... = Cones.FUN f' (ι χ)"
using f f' A E cone_χ Cones.preserves_arr fχ f'χ by (elim C.in_homE, auto)
also have "... = Φ.FUN a' (φ (a', a) f')"
using f' E by simp
finally show ?thesis by argo
moreover have "inj_on (Φ.FUN a') (Hom.set (a', a))"
using 2 bij_betw_imp_inj_on by blast
ultimately have 3: "φ (a', a) f' = φ (a', a) ?f"
using 1 inj_on_def [of "Φ.FUN a'" "Hom.set (a', a)"] by blast
show ?thesis
proof -
have "f' = ψ (a', a) (φ (a', a) f')"
using Ya.ide_a a' f' Hom.ψ_φ by simp
also have "... = ψ (a', a) (Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ'))"
using Ya.ide_a a' Hom.ψ_φ A 3 by simp
finally show ?thesis by blast
interpretation χ: limit_cone J C D a χ
show "⋀a' χ'. D.cone a' χ' ⟹ ∃!f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ'"
proof -
fix a' χ'
assume 1: "D.cone a' χ'"
show "∃!f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ'"
show "«ψ (a', a) (Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ')) : a' → a» ∧
D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) (Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ'))) χ = χ'"
using 1 χ_is_universal by blast
show "⋀f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ' ⟹ f = ψ (a', a) (Ψ.FUN a' (ι χ'))"
using 1 χ_is_universal by blast
lemma χ_is_limit_cone:
shows "D.limit_cone a χ" ..
lemma induces_limit_situation:
shows "limit_situation J C D S φ ι a Φ χ"
show "χ = χ" by simp
fix a'
assume a': "Cop.ide a'"
let ?F = "λx. ι (D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) χ)"
show "Φ a' = S.mkArr (Hom.set (a', a)) (ι ` D.cones a') ?F"
proof -
have 1: "«Φ a' : S.mkIde (Hom.set (a', a)) →⇩S S.mkIde (ι ` D.cones a')»"
using a' Cones.map_ide Ya.ide_a by auto
moreover have "Φ.DOM a' = Hom.set (a', a)"
using 1 Hom.set_subset_Univ a' Ya.ide_a Hom.set_map by simp
moreover have "Φ.COD a' = ι ` D.cones a'"
using a' Cones_SET_eq_ι_img_cones by fastforce
ultimately have 2: "Φ a' = S.mkArr (Hom.set (a', a)) (ι ` D.cones a') (Φ.FUN a')"
using S.mkArr_Fun [of "Φ a'"] by fastforce
also have "... = S.mkArr (Hom.set (a', a)) (ι ` D.cones a') ?F"
show "S.arr (S.mkArr (Hom.set (a', a)) (ι ` D.cones a') (Φ.FUN a'))"
using 1 2 by auto
show "⋀x. x ∈ Hom.set (a', a) ⟹ Φ.FUN a' x = ?F x"
proof -
fix x
assume x: "x ∈ Hom.set (a', a)"
hence ψx: "«ψ (a', a) x : a' → a»"
using a' Ya.ide_a Hom.ψ_mapsto by auto
show "Φ.FUN a' x = ?F x"
proof -
have "Φ.FUN a' x = Cones.FUN (ψ (a', a) x) (ι χ)"
using a' x Φ_FUN_simp by simp
also have "... = restrict (ι o D.cones_map (ψ (a', a) x) o 𝗈) (ι ` D.cones a) (ι χ)"
using ψx Cones.map_simp Cones.preserves_arr [of "ψ (a', a) x"] S.Fun_mkArr
by (elim C.in_homE, auto)
also have "... = ?F x" using cone_χ by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
finally show "Φ a' = S.mkArr (Hom.set (a', a)) (ι ` D.cones a') ?F" by auto
sublocale representation_of_cones_functor ⊆ limit_situation J C D S φ ι a Φ χ
using induces_limit_situation by auto
section "Categories with Limits"
context category
A category @{term[source=true] C} has limits of shape @{term J} if every diagram of shape
@{term J} admits a limit cone.
definition has_limits_of_shape
where "has_limits_of_shape J ≡ ∀D. diagram J C D ⟶ (∃a χ. limit_cone J C D a χ)"
A category has limits at a type @{typ 'j} if it has limits of shape @{term J}
for every category @{term J} whose arrows are of type @{typ 'j}.
definition has_limits
where "has_limits (_ :: 'j) ≡ ∀J :: 'j comp. category J ⟶ has_limits_of_shape J"
Whether a category has limits of shape ‹J› truly depends only on the ``shape''
(\emph{i.e.}~isomorphism class) of ‹J› and not on details of its construction.
lemma has_limits_preserved_by_isomorphism:
assumes "has_limits_of_shape J" and "isomorphic_categories J J'"
shows "has_limits_of_shape J'"
proof -
interpret J: category J
using assms(2) isomorphic_categories_def isomorphic_categories_axioms_def by auto
interpret J': category J'
using assms(2) isomorphic_categories_def isomorphic_categories_axioms_def by auto
from assms(2) obtain φ ψ where IF: "inverse_functors J' J φ ψ"
using isomorphic_categories_def isomorphic_categories_axioms_def
by blast
interpret IF: inverse_functors J' J φ ψ using IF by auto
have ψφ: "ψ o φ =" using IF.inv by metis
have φψ: "φ o ψ = J'.map" using IF.inv' by metis
have "⋀D'. diagram J' C D' ⟹ ∃a χ. limit_cone J' C D' a χ"
proof -
fix D'
assume D': "diagram J' C D'"
interpret D': diagram J' C D' using D' by auto
interpret D: composite_functor J J' C φ D' ..
interpret D: diagram J C ‹D' o φ› ..
have D: "diagram J C (D' o φ)" ..
from assms(1) obtain a χ where χ: "D.limit_cone a χ"
using D has_limits_of_shape_def by blast
interpret χ: limit_cone J C ‹D' o φ› a χ using χ by auto
interpret A': constant_functor J' C a
using χ.ide_apex by (unfold_locales, auto)
have χoψ: "cone J' C (D' o φ o ψ) a (χ o ψ)"
using comp_cone_functor IF.G.functor_axioms χ.cone_axioms by fastforce
hence χoψ: "cone J' C D' a (χ o ψ)"
using φψ by (metis D'.functor_axioms Fun.comp_assoc comp_functor_identity)
interpret χoψ: cone J' C D' a ‹χ o ψ› using χoψ by auto
interpret χoψ: limit_cone J' C D' a ‹χ o ψ›
fix a' χ'
assume χ': "D'.cone a' χ'"
interpret χ': cone J' C D' a' χ' using χ' by auto
have χ'oφ: "cone J C (D' o φ) a' (χ' o φ)"
using χ' comp_cone_functor IF.F.functor_axioms by fastforce
interpret χ'oφ: cone J C ‹D' o φ› a' ‹χ' o φ› using χ'oφ by auto
have "cone J C (D' o φ) a' (χ' o φ)" ..
hence 1: "∃!f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ' o φ"
using χ.is_universal by simp
show "∃!f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D'.cones_map f (χ o ψ) = χ'"
let ?f = "THE f. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ' o φ"
have f: "«?f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map ?f χ = χ' o φ"
using 1 theI' [of "λf. «f : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f χ = χ' o φ"] by blast
have f_in_hom: "«?f : a' → a»" using f by blast
have "D'.cones_map ?f (χ o ψ) = χ'"
fix j'
have "¬J'.arr j' ⟹ D'.cones_map ?f (χ o ψ) j' = χ' j'"
proof -
assume j': "¬J'.arr j'"
have "D'.cones_map ?f (χ o ψ) j' = null"
using j' f_in_hom χoψ by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using j' χ'.is_extensional by simp
moreover have "J'.arr j' ⟹ D'.cones_map ?f (χ o ψ) j' = χ' j'"
proof -
assume j': "J'.arr j'"
have "D'.cones_map ?f (χ o ψ) j' = χ (ψ j') ⋅ ?f"
using j' f χoψ by fastforce
also have "... = D.cones_map ?f χ (ψ j')"
using j' f_in_hom χ χ.is_cone by fastforce
also have "... = χ' j'"
using j' f χ φψ Fun.comp_def J'.map_simp by metis
finally show "D'.cones_map ?f (χ o ψ) j' = χ' j'" by auto
ultimately show "D'.cones_map ?f (χ o ψ) j' = χ' j'" by blast
thus "«?f : a' → a» ∧ D'.cones_map ?f (χ o ψ) = χ'" using f by auto
fix f'
assume f': "«f' : a' → a» ∧ D'.cones_map f' (χ o ψ) = χ'"
have "D.cones_map f' χ = χ' o φ"
fix j
have "¬J.arr j ⟹ D.cones_map f' χ j = (χ' o φ) j"
using f' χ χ'oφ.is_extensional χ.is_cone mem_Collect_eq restrict_apply by auto
moreover have "J.arr j ⟹ D.cones_map f' χ j = (χ' o φ) j"
proof -
assume j: "J.arr j"
have "D.cones_map f' χ j = C (χ j) f'"
using j f' χ.is_cone by auto
also have "... = C ((χ o ψ) (φ j)) f'"
using j f' ψφ by (metis comp_apply J.map_simp)
also have "... = D'.cones_map f' (χ o ψ) (φ j)"
using j f' χoψ by fastforce
also have "... = (χ' o φ) j"
using j f' by auto
finally show "D.cones_map f' χ j = (χ' o φ) j" by auto
ultimately show "D.cones_map f' χ j = (χ' o φ) j" by blast
hence "«f' : a' → a» ∧ D.cones_map f' χ = χ' o φ"
using f' by auto
moreover have "⋀P x x'. (∃!x. P x) ∧ P x ∧ P x' ⟹ x = x'"
by auto
ultimately show "f' = ?f" using 1 f by blast
have "limit_cone J' C D' a (χ o ψ)" ..
thus "∃a χ. limit_cone J' C D' a χ" by blast
thus ?thesis using has_limits_of_shape_def by auto
subsection "Diagonal Functors"
The existence of limits can also be expressed in terms of adjunctions: a category @{term C}
has limits of shape @{term J} if the diagonal functor taking each object @{term a}
in @{term C} to the constant-@{term a} diagram and each arrow ‹f ∈ C.hom a a'›
to the constant-@{term f} natural transformation between diagrams is a left adjoint functor.
locale diagonal_functor =
C: category C +
J: category J +
J_C: functor_category J C
for J :: "'j comp" (infixr "⋅⇩J" 55)
and C :: "'c comp" (infixr "⋅" 55)
notation J.in_hom ("«_ : _ →⇩J _»")
notation J_C.comp (infixr "⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩]" 55)
notation J_C.in_hom ("«_ : _ →⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] _»")
definition map :: "'c ⇒ ('j, 'c) J_C.arr"
where "map f = (if C.arr f then J_C.MkArr ( J C (C.dom f))
( J C (C.cod f))
( J C f)
else J_C.null)"
lemma is_functor:
shows "functor C J_C.comp map"
fix f
show "¬ C.arr f ⟹ f = J_C.null"
using map_def by simp
assume f: "C.arr f"
interpret Dom_f: constant_functor J C ‹C.dom f›
using f by (unfold_locales, auto)
interpret Cod_f: constant_functor J C ‹C.cod f›
using f by (unfold_locales, auto)
interpret Fun_f: constant_transformation J C f
using f by (unfold_locales, auto)
show 1: "J_C.arr (map f)"
using f map_def by (simp add: Fun_f.natural_transformation_axioms)
show "J_C.dom (map f) = map (C.dom f)"
proof -
have "constant_transformation J C (C.dom f)"
using f by unfold_locales auto
hence " J C (C.dom f) ="
using Dom_f.map_def constant_transformation.map_def [of J C "C.dom f"] by auto
thus ?thesis using f 1 by (simp add: map_def J_C.dom_char)
show "J_C.cod (map f) = map (C.cod f)"
proof -
have "constant_transformation J C (C.cod f)"
using f by unfold_locales auto
hence " J C (C.cod f) ="
using Cod_f.map_def constant_transformation.map_def [of J C "C.cod f"] by auto
thus ?thesis using f 1 by (simp add: map_def J_C.cod_char)
fix f g
assume g: "C.seq g f"
have f: "C.arr f" using g by auto
interpret Dom_f: constant_functor J C ‹C.dom f›
using f by unfold_locales auto
interpret Cod_f: constant_functor J C ‹C.cod f›
using f by unfold_locales auto
interpret Fun_f: constant_transformation J C f
using f by unfold_locales auto
interpret Cod_g: constant_functor J C ‹C.cod g›
using g by unfold_locales auto
interpret Fun_g: constant_transformation J C g
using g by unfold_locales auto
interpret Fun_g: natural_transformation J C
apply unfold_locales
using f g C.seqE [of g f] C.comp_arr_dom C.comp_cod_arr Fun_g.is_extensional by auto
interpret Fun_fg: vertical_composite
J C ..
have 1: "J_C.arr (map f)"
using f map_def by (simp add: Fun_f.natural_transformation_axioms)
show "map (g ⋅ f) = map g ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map f"
proof -
have "map (C g f) = J_C.MkArr
( J C (C g f))"
using f g map_def by simp
also have "... = J_C.MkArr (λj. if J.arr j then C g f else C.null)"
proof -
have "constant_transformation J C (g ⋅ f)"
using g by unfold_locales auto
thus ?thesis using constant_transformation.map_def by metis
also have "... = J_C.comp (J_C.MkArr
proof -
have "J_C.MkArr ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩]
= J_C.MkArr"
using J_C.comp_char J_C.comp_MkArr Fun_f.natural_transformation_axioms
by blast
also have "... = J_C.MkArr
(λj. if J.arr j then g ⋅ f else C.null)"
using Fun_fg.is_extensional Fun_fg.map_simp_2 by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
also have "... = map g ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map f"
using f g map_def by fastforce
finally show ?thesis by auto
sublocale "functor" C J_C.comp map
using is_functor by auto
The objects of ‹[J, C]› correspond bijectively to diagrams of shape @{term J}
in @{term C}.
lemma ide_determines_diagram:
assumes "J_C.ide d"
shows "diagram J C (J_C.Map d)" and "J_C.MkIde (J_C.Map d) = d"
proof -
interpret δ: natural_transformation J C ‹J_C.Map d› ‹J_C.Map d› ‹J_C.Map d›
using assms J_C.ide_char J_C.arr_MkArr by fastforce
interpret D: "functor" J C ‹J_C.Map d› ..
show "diagram J C (J_C.Map d)" ..
show "J_C.MkIde (J_C.Map d) = d"
using assms J_C.ide_char by (metis J_C.ideD(1) J_C.MkArr_Map)
lemma diagram_determines_ide:
assumes "diagram J C D"
shows "J_C.ide (J_C.MkIde D)" and "J_C.Map (J_C.MkIde D) = D"
proof -
interpret D: diagram J C D using assms by auto
show "J_C.ide (J_C.MkIde D)" using J_C.ide_char
using D.functor_axioms J_C.ide_MkIde by auto
thus "J_C.Map (J_C.MkIde D) = D"
using J_C.in_homE by simp
lemma bij_betw_ide_diagram:
shows "bij_betw J_C.Map (Collect J_C.ide) (Collect (diagram J C))"
proof (intro bij_betwI)
show "J_C.Map ∈ Collect J_C.ide → Collect (diagram J C)"
using ide_determines_diagram by blast
show "J_C.MkIde ∈ Collect (diagram J C) → Collect J_C.ide"
using diagram_determines_ide by blast
show "⋀d. d ∈ Collect J_C.ide ⟹ J_C.MkIde (J_C.Map d) = d"
using ide_determines_diagram by blast
show "⋀D. D ∈ Collect (diagram J C) ⟹ J_C.Map (J_C.MkIde D) = D"
using diagram_determines_ide by blast
Arrows from from the diagonal functor correspond bijectively to cones.
lemma arrow_determines_cone:
assumes "J_C.ide d" and "arrow_from_functor C J_C.comp map a d x"
shows "cone J C (J_C.Map d) a (J_C.Map x)"
and "J_C.MkArr ( J C a) (J_C.Map d) (J_C.Map x) = x"
proof -
interpret D: diagram J C ‹J_C.Map d›
using assms ide_determines_diagram by auto
interpret x: arrow_from_functor C J_C.comp map a d x
using assms by auto
interpret A: constant_functor J C a
using x.arrow by (unfold_locales, auto)
interpret α: constant_transformation J C a
using x.arrow by (unfold_locales, auto)
have Dom_x: "J_C.Dom x ="
using J_C.in_hom_char map_def x.arrow by force
have Cod_x: "J_C.Cod x = J_C.Map d"
using x.arrow by auto
interpret χ: natural_transformation J C ‹J_C.Map d› ‹J_C.Map x›
using x.arrow J_C.arr_char [of x] Dom_x Cod_x by force
show "D.cone a (J_C.Map x)" ..
show "J_C.MkArr (J_C.Map d) (J_C.Map x) = x"
using x.arrow Dom_x Cod_x χ.natural_transformation_axioms
by (intro J_C.arr_eqI, auto)
lemma cone_determines_arrow:
assumes "J_C.ide d" and "cone J C (J_C.Map d) a χ"
shows "arrow_from_functor C J_C.comp map a d
(J_C.MkArr ( J C a) (J_C.Map d) χ)"
and "J_C.Map (J_C.MkArr ( J C a) (J_C.Map d) χ) = χ"
proof -
interpret χ: cone J C ‹J_C.Map d› a χ using assms(2) by auto
let ?x = "J_C.MkArr χ (J_C.Map d) χ"
interpret x: arrow_from_functor C J_C.comp map a d ?x
have "«J_C.MkArr χ (J_C.Map d) χ :
J_C.MkIde χ →⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] J_C.MkIde (J_C.Map d)»"
using χ.natural_transformation_axioms by auto
moreover have "J_C.MkIde χ = map a"
using χ.A.value_is_ide map_def χ.A.map_def C.ide_char
by (metis (no_types, lifting) J_C.dom_MkArr preserves_arr preserves_dom)
moreover have "J_C.MkIde (J_C.Map d) = d"
using assms ide_determines_diagram(2) by simp
ultimately show "C.ide a ∧ «J_C.MkArr χ (J_C.Map d) χ : map a →⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] d»"
using χ.A.value_is_ide by simp
show "arrow_from_functor C J_C.comp map a d ?x" ..
show "J_C.Map (J_C.MkArr ( J C a) (J_C.Map d) χ) = χ"
by (simp add: χ.natural_transformation_axioms)
Transforming a cone by composing at the apex with an arrow @{term g} corresponds,
via the preceding bijections, to composition in ‹[J, C]› with the image of @{term g}
under the diagonal functor.
lemma cones_map_is_composition:
assumes "«g : a' → a»" and "cone J C D a χ"
shows "J_C.MkArr ( J C a') D (diagram.cones_map J C D g χ)
= J_C.MkArr ( J C a) D χ ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map g"
proof -
interpret A: constant_transformation J C a
using assms(1) by (unfold_locales, auto)
interpret χ: cone J C D a χ using assms(2) by auto
have cone_χ: "cone J C D a χ" ..
interpret A': constant_transformation J C a'
using assms(1) by (unfold_locales, auto)
let ?χ' = "χ.D.cones_map g χ"
interpret χ': cone J C D a' ?χ'
using assms(1) cone_χ χ.D.cones_map_mapsto by blast
let ?x = "J_C.MkArr χ D χ"
let ?x' = "J_C.MkArr χ' D ?χ'"
show "?x' = J_C.comp ?x (map g)"
proof (intro J_C.arr_eqI)
have x: "J_C.arr ?x"
using χ.natural_transformation_axioms J_C.arr_char [of ?x] by simp
show x': "J_C.arr ?x'"
using χ'.natural_transformation_axioms J_C.arr_char [of ?x'] by simp
have 3: "«?x : map a →⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] J_C.MkIde D»"
using χ.D.diagram_axioms arrow_from_functor.arrow cone_χ cone_determines_arrow(1)
by fastforce
have 4: "«?x' : map a' →⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] J_C.MkIde D»"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) J_C.Dom.simps(1) J_C.Dom_cod J_C.Map_cod
J_C.cod_MkArr χ'.cone_axioms arrow_from_functor.arrow category.ide_cod
cone_determines_arrow(1) functor_def is_functor x)
have seq_xg: "J_C.seq ?x (map g)"
using assms(1) 3 preserves_hom [of g] by (intro J_C.seqI', auto)
show 2: "J_C.seq ?x (map g)"
using seq_xg J_C.seqI' by blast
show "J_C.Dom ?x' = J_C.Dom (?x ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map g)"
proof -
have "J_C.Dom ?x' = J_C.Dom (J_C.dom ?x')"
using x' J_C.Dom_dom by simp
also have "... = J_C.Dom (map a')"
using 4 by force
also have "... = J_C.Dom (J_C.dom (?x ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map g))"
using assms(1) 2 by auto
also have "... = J_C.Dom (?x ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map g)"
using seq_xg J_C.Dom_dom J_C.seqI' by blast
finally show ?thesis by auto
show "J_C.Cod ?x' = J_C.Cod (?x ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map g)"
proof -
have "J_C.Cod ?x' = J_C.Cod (J_C.cod ?x')"
using x' J_C.Cod_cod by simp
also have "... = J_C.Cod (J_C.MkIde D)"
using 4 by force
also have "... = J_C.Cod (J_C.cod (?x ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map g))"
using 2 3 J_C.cod_comp J_C.in_homE by metis
also have "... = J_C.Cod (?x ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map g)"
using seq_xg J_C.Cod_cod J_C.seqI' by blast
finally show ?thesis by auto
show "J_C.Map ?x' = J_C.Map (?x ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map g)"
proof -
interpret g: constant_transformation J C g
apply unfold_locales using assms(1) by auto
interpret χog: vertical_composite J C A'.map χ D χ
using assms(1) C.comp_arr_dom C.comp_cod_arr A'.is_extensional g.is_extensional
apply (unfold_locales, auto)
by (elim J.seqE, auto)
have "J_C.Map (?x ⋅⇩[⇩J⇩,⇩C⇩] map g) = χ"
using assms(1) 2 J_C.comp_char map_def by auto
also have "... = J_C.Map ?x'"
using x' χog.map_def J_C.arr_char [of ?x'] natural_transformation.is_extensional
assms(1) cone_χ χog.map_simp_2
by fastforce
finally show ?thesis by auto
Coextension along an arrow from a functor is equivalent to a transformation of cones.
lemma coextension_iff_cones_map:
assumes x: "arrow_from_functor C J_C.comp map a d x"
and g: "«g : a' → a