Theory Monadic_Language

subsection ‹A labeling VCG for a monadic language›

theory Monadic_Language

ML_file ‹../util.ML›

ML fun vcg_tac nt_rules nt_comb ctxt =
      val rules = Named_Theorems.get ctxt nt_rules
      val comb = Named_Theorems.get ctxt nt_comb
    in REPEAT_ALL_NEW_FWD ( resolve_tac ctxt rules ORELSE' (resolve_tac ctxt comb THEN' resolve_tac ctxt rules)) end

text ‹This language is inspired by the languages used in AutoCorres citegreenaway_bridging_2012

consts bind :: "'a option  ('a  'b option)  'b option" (infixr "|>>" 4)
consts return :: "'a  'a option"
consts while :: "('a  bool)  ('a  bool)  ('a  'a option)  ('a  'a option)"
consts valid :: "bool  'a option  ('a  bool)  bool"

named_theorems vcg
named_theorems vcg_comb

method_setup vcg = Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD (FIRSTGOAL (vcg_tac @{named_theorems "vcg"} @{named_theorems "vcg_comb"} ctxt)))

axiomatization where
   return[vcg]: "valid (Q x) (return x) Q" and
   bind[vcg]: "x. valid (R x) (c2 x) Q; valid P c1 R  valid P (bind c1 c2) Q" and
   while[vcg]: "c. x. valid (I x  b x) (c x) I; x. I x  ¬b x  Q x  valid (I x) (while b I c x) Q" and
   cond[vcg]: "b c1 c2. valid P1 c1 Q  valid P2 c2 Q  valid (if b then P1 else P2) (if b then c1 else c2) Q" and
   case_prod[vcg]: "P. x y. v = (x,y)  valid (P x y) (B x y) Q
     valid (case v of (x,y)  P x y) (case v of (x,y)  B x y) Q" and
   conseq[vcg_comb]: "valid P' c Q; P  P'  valid P c Q"

text ‹Labeled rules›

named_theorems vcg_l
named_theorems vcg_l_comb
named_theorems vcg_elim

method_setup vcg_l = Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD (FIRSTGOAL (vcg_tac @{named_theorems "vcg_l"} @{named_theorems "vcg_l_comb"} ctxt)))

method vcg_l' = (vcg_l; (elim vcg_elim)?)

context begin
  interpretation Labeling_Syntax .

  lemma L_return[vcg_l]: "CTXT inp ct (Suc inp) (valid (P x) (return x) P)"
    unfolding LABEL_simps by (rule return)

  lemma L_bind[vcg_l]:
    assumes "x. CTXT (Suc outp') ((''bind'',outp', [VAR x]) # ct) outp (valid (R x) (c2 x) Q)"
    assumes "CTXT inp ct outp' (valid P c1 R)"
    shows "CTXT inp ct outp (valid P (bind c1 c2) Q)"
    using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (rule bind)

  lemma L_while[vcg_l]:
    fixes inp ct defines "ct'  λx. (''while'', inp, [VAR x])  # ct"
    assumes "x. CTXT (Suc inp) (ct' x) outp'
      (valid (BIND ''inv_pre'' inp (I x)  BIND ''lcond'' inp (b x)) (c x) (λx. BIND ''inv_post'' inp (I x)))"
    assumes "x. B⟨''inv_pre'',inp: I x  B⟨''lcond'',inp: ¬b x  VC (''post'',outp' , []) (ct' x) (P x)"
    shows "CTXT inp ct (Suc outp') (valid (I x) (while b I c x) P)"
    using assms(2-) unfolding LABEL_simps by (rule while)

  lemma L_cond[vcg_l]:
    fixes inp ct defines "ct'  (''if'',inp,[]) # ct"
    assumes "C⟨Suc inp, (''then'',inp,[]) # ct',outp: valid P1 c1 Q"
    assumes "C⟨Suc outp, (''else'',outp,[]) # ct',outp': valid P2 c2 Q"
    shows "C⟨inp,ct,outp': valid (if B⟨''cond'',inp: b then B⟨''then'',inp: P1 else B⟨''else'',inp: P2) (if b then c1 else c2) Q"
    using assms(2-) unfolding LABEL_simps by (rule cond)

  lemma L_case_prod[vcg_l]:
    assumes "x y. v = (x,y)  CTXT inp ct outp (valid (P x y) (B x y) Q)"
    shows "CTXT inp ct outp (valid (case v of (x,y)  P x y) (case v of (x,y)  B x y) Q)"
    using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (rule case_prod)

  lemma L_conseq[vcg_l_comb]:
    assumes "CTXT (Suc inp) ct outp (valid P' c Q)"
    assumes "P  VC (''conseq'',inp,[]) ct P'"
    shows "CTXT inp ct outp (valid P c Q)"
    using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (rule conseq)

  lemma L_assm_conjE[vcg_elim]:
    assumes "BIND name inp (P  Q)" obtains "BIND name inp P" "BIND name inp Q"
    using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by auto

  declare conjE[vcg_elim]


lemma dvd_div:
  fixes a b c :: int
  assumes "a dvd b" "c dvd b" "coprime a c"
  shows "a dvd (b div c)"
  using assms coprime_dvd_mult_left_iff by fastforce

lemma divides: "
  (0 < (a :: int))
    return a
    |>> (λn.
        (λn. even n)
        (λn. 0 < n  n dvd a  (m. odd m  m dvd a  m dvd n))
        (λn. return (n div 2))
  (λr. odd r  r dvd a  (m. odd m  m dvd a  m  r))
  apply vcg
    apply (auto simp add: zdvd_imp_le dvd_div elim!:
      evenE intro: dvd_mult_right)

lemma L_divides: "
  (0 < (a :: int))
    return a
    |>> (λn.
        (λn. even n)
        (λn. 0 < n  n dvd a  (m. odd m  m dvd a  m dvd n))
        (λn. return (n div 2))
  (λr. odd r  r dvd a  (m. odd m  m dvd a  m  r))
  apply (rule Initial_Label)
  apply vcg_l'
proof casify
  case bind
  { case (while n)
    { case post then show ?case by (auto simp: zdvd_imp_le)
      case conseq
      from 0 < n even n have "0 < n div 2"
        by (simp add: pos_imp_zdiv_pos_iff zdvd_imp_le)
      from n dvd a even n have "n div 2 dvd a"
        by (metis dvd_div_mult_self dvd_mult_left)
      { fix m assume "odd m" "m dvd a"
        then have "m dvd n" using conseq.inv_pre(3) by simp
        moreover note even n
        moreover from odd m have "coprime m 2"
         by (metis dvd_eq_mod_eq_0 invertible_coprime mult_cancel_left2 not_mod_2_eq_1_eq_0)
        have "m dvd n div 2" by (rule dvd_div)
      ultimately show ?case by auto
    case conseq then show ?case by auto

lemma add: "
      ― ‹COND:› (λ(r,j). j < (b :: nat))
      ― ‹INV:› (λ(r,j). j  b  r = a + j)
      ― ‹BODY:› (λ(r,j). return (r + 1, j + 1))
      ― ‹START:› (a,0)
    |>> (λ(r,_). return r)
  (λr. r = a + b)
  by vcg auto

lemma mult: "
      ― ‹COND:› (λ(r,i). i < (a :: nat))
      ― ‹INV:› (λ(r,i). i  a  r = i * b)
      ― ‹BODY:› (λ(r,i).
          ― ‹COND:› (λ(r,j). j < b)
          ― ‹INV:› (λ(r,j). i < a  j  b  r = i * b + j)
          ― ‹BODY:› (λ(r,j). return (r + 1, j + 1))
          ― ‹START:› (r,0)
        |>> (λ(r,_). return (r, i + 1))
      ― ‹START:› (0,0)
    |>> (λ(r,_). return r)
  (λr. r = a * b)
  by vcg auto

section ‹Labeled›

lemma L_mult: "
      ― ‹COND:› (λ(r,i). i < (a :: nat))
      ― ‹INV:› (λ(r,i). i  a  r = i * b)
      ― ‹BODY:› (λ(r,i).
          ― ‹COND:› (λ(r,j). j < b)
          ― ‹INV:› (λ(r,j). i < a  j  b  r = i * b + j)
          ― ‹BODY:› (λ(r,j). return (r + 1, j + 1))
          ― ‹START:› (r,0)
        |>> (λ(r,_). return (r, i + 1))
      ― ‹START:› (0,0)
    |>> (λ(r,_). return r)
  (λr. r = a * b)
  apply (rule Initial_Label)
  apply vcg_l'
proof casify
  case while
  { case while
    { case post then show ?case by auto
      case conseq then show ?case by auto
    case post then show ?case by auto
    case conseq then show ?case by auto
  case conseq then show ?case by auto

lemma L_paths: "
  (path  [])
  ( while
      ― ‹COND:› (λ(p,r). p  [])
      ― ‹INV:› (λ(p,r). distinct r  hd (r @ p) = hd path  last (r @ p) = last path)
      ― ‹BODY:› (λ(p,r).
        return (hd p)
        |>> (λx.
          if (r  []  x = hd r)
          then return []
          else (if x  set r
            then return (takeWhile (λy. y  x) r)
            else return (r))
        |>> (λr'. return (tl p, r' @ [x])
      ― ‹START:› (path, [])
    |>> (λ(_,r). return r)
  (λr. distinct r  hd r = hd path  last r = last path)
  apply (rule Initial_Label)
  apply vcg_l'
proof casify
  case conseq then show ?case by auto
  case (while p r)
  { case conseq
    from conseq have "r = []  ?case" by (cases p) auto
    from conseq have "r  []  hd p = hd r  ?case" by (cases p) auto
    { assume A: "r  []" "hd p  hd r"
      have "hd (takeWhile (λy. y  hd p) r @ hd p # tl p) = hd r"
        using A by (cases r) auto
      have "last (takeWhile (λy. y  hd p) r @ hd p # tl p) = last (r @ p)"
        using A p  [] by auto
      have "distinct (takeWhile (λy. y  hd p) r @ [hd p])"
        using conseq by (auto dest: set_takeWhileD)
      have ?case using A conseq by auto
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case post then show ?case by auto
