section‹‹FUNCT› and ‹Funct››
The subsection presents the theory of the categories of ‹α›-functors
between two ‹α›-categories.
It continues the development that was initiated in sections
\ref{sec:dg_FUNCT} and \ref{sec:smc_FUNCT}.
A general reference for this section is Chapter II-4 in
named_theorems cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
named_theorems cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
lemmas (in is_functor) [cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] = cat_map_cs_simps
lemmas (in is_functor) [cat_FUNCT_cs_intros] = cat_map_cs_intros
lemmas [cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] = cat_map_cs_simps
lemmas [cat_FUNCT_cs_intros] = cat_map_cs_intros
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
definition cat_FUNCT :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅 =
cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅,
ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅,
(λ𝔑∈⇩∘ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑⦇NTDom⦈),
(λ𝔑∈⇩∘ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑⦇NTCod⦈),
(λ𝔐𝔑∈⇩∘composable_arrs (dg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅). 𝔐𝔑⦇0⦈ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇘𝔄,𝔅⇙ 𝔐𝔑⦇1⇩ℕ⦈),
(λ𝔉∈⇩∘cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅. ntcf_arrow_id 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉)
lemma cat_FUNCT_components:
shows [cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]: "cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Obj⦈ = cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅"
and "cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Arr⦈ = ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
and "cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Dom⦈ = (λ𝔑∈⇩∘ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑⦇NTDom⦈)"
and "cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Cod⦈ = (λ𝔑∈⇩∘ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑⦇NTCod⦈)"
and "cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Comp⦈ =
(λ𝔐𝔑∈⇩∘composable_arrs (dg_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅). 𝔐𝔑⦇0⦈ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇘𝔄,𝔅⇙ 𝔐𝔑⦇1⇩ℕ⦈)"
and "cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈ = (λ𝔉∈⇩∘cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅. ntcf_arrow_id 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉)"
unfolding cat_FUNCT_def dg_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
lemma cat_smc_FUNCT: "cat_smc (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) = smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅"
proof(rule vsv_eqI)
show "vsv (cat_smc (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅))" unfolding cat_smc_def by auto
show "vsv (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)" unfolding smc_FUNCT_def by auto
have dom_lhs: "𝒟⇩∘ (cat_smc (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)) = 5⇩ℕ"
unfolding cat_smc_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
have dom_rhs: "𝒟⇩∘ (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) = 5⇩ℕ"
unfolding smc_FUNCT_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
show "𝒟⇩∘ (cat_smc (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)) = 𝒟⇩∘ (smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)"
unfolding dom_lhs dom_rhs by simp
show "a ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ (cat_smc (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)) ⟹
cat_smc (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)⦇a⦈ = smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇a⦈"
for a
unfold dom_lhs,
unfold cat_smc_def dg_field_simps cat_FUNCT_def smc_FUNCT_def
(auto simp: nat_omega_simps)
context is_ntcf
lemmas_with [folded cat_smc_FUNCT, unfolded slicing_simps]:
cat_FUNCT_Dom_app = smc_FUNCT_Dom_app
and cat_FUNCT_Cod_app = smc_FUNCT_Cod_app
lemmas [smc_FUNCT_cs_simps] =
lemmas_with [folded cat_smc_FUNCT, unfolded slicing_simps]:
cat_FUNCT_Dom_vsv[intro] = smc_FUNCT_Dom_vsv
and cat_FUNCT_Dom_vdomain[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] = smc_FUNCT_Dom_vdomain
and cat_FUNCT_Cod_vsv[intro] = smc_FUNCT_Cod_vsv
and cat_FUNCT_Cod_vdomain[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] = smc_FUNCT_Cod_vdomain
and cat_FUNCT_Dom_vrange = smc_FUNCT_Dom_vrange
and cat_FUNCT_Cod_vrange = smc_FUNCT_Cod_vrange
and cat_FUNCT_is_arrI = smc_FUNCT_is_arrI
and cat_FUNCT_is_arrI'[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros] = smc_FUNCT_is_arrI'
and cat_FUNCT_is_arrD = smc_FUNCT_is_arrD
and cat_FUNCT_is_arrE[elim] = smc_FUNCT_is_arrE
lemmas_with [folded cat_smc_FUNCT, unfolded slicing_simps]:
cat_FUNCT_Comp_app[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] = smc_FUNCT_Comp_app
mk_VLambda cat_FUNCT_components(6)
|vsv cat_FUNCT_CId_vsv[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros]|
|vdomain cat_FUNCT_CId_vdomain[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
|app cat_FUNCT_CId_app[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
lemma smc_FUNCT_CId_vrange: "ℛ⇩∘ (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈) ⊆⇩∘ ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
unfolding cat_FUNCT_components
proof(rule vrange_VLambda_vsubset)
fix x assume "x ∈⇩∘ cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅"
then obtain 𝔉 where x_def: "x = cf_map 𝔉" and 𝔉: "𝔉 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by clarsimp
then show "ntcf_arrow_id 𝔄 𝔅 x ∈⇩∘ ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
unfolding x_def
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
The conversion of a natural transformation arrow
to a natural transformation is a bijection
lemma bij_betw_ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow:
(ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅)
(elts (ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅))
(elts (ntcfs α 𝔄 𝔅))"
proof(intro bij_betw_imageI inj_onI subset_antisym subsetI)
fix 𝔐 𝔑 assume prems:
"𝔐 ∈⇩∘ ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
"𝔑 ∈⇩∘ ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
"ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔐 = ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑"
from prems(1) obtain 𝔐' 𝔉 𝔊
where 𝔐_def: "𝔐 = ntcf_arrow 𝔐'" and 𝔐': "𝔐' : 𝔉 ↦⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by auto
from prems(2) obtain 𝔑' 𝔉' 𝔊'
where 𝔑_def: "𝔑 = ntcf_arrow 𝔑'" and 𝔑': "𝔑' : 𝔉' ↦⇩C⇩F 𝔊' : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by auto
from prems(3) have "𝔐' = 𝔑'"
is_ntcf.ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow[OF 𝔐']
is_ntcf.ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow[OF 𝔑']
by simp
then show "𝔐 = 𝔑" unfolding 𝔐_def 𝔑_def by auto
fix 𝔐 assume
"𝔐 ∈ ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 ` elts (ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅)"
then obtain 𝔐' where 𝔐': "𝔐' ∈⇩∘ ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
and 𝔐_def: "𝔐 = ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔐'"
by auto
from 𝔐' obtain 𝔐'' 𝔉 𝔊
where 𝔐'_def: "𝔐' = ntcf_arrow 𝔐''"
and 𝔐'': "𝔐'' : 𝔉 ↦⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by auto
from 𝔐'' show "𝔐 ∈⇩∘ ntcfs α 𝔄 𝔅"
unfolding 𝔐_def 𝔐'_def is_ntcf.ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow[OF 𝔐''] by auto
fix 𝔐 assume "𝔐 ∈⇩∘ ntcfs α 𝔄 𝔅"
then obtain 𝔉 𝔊 where 𝔐: "𝔐 : 𝔉 ↦⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅" by clarsimp
then have "𝔐 = ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 (ntcf_arrow 𝔐)"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps)
moreover from 𝔐 have "ntcf_arrow 𝔐 ∈⇩∘ ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
ultimately show "𝔐 ∈ ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 ` elts (ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅)"
by simp
lemma bij_betw_ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow_Hom:
assumes "𝔉 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅" and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
shows "bij_betw
(ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅)
(elts (Hom (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) (cf_map 𝔉) (cf_map 𝔊)))
(elts (these_ntcfs α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉 𝔊))"
interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉 by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule assms(2))
from assms have [cat_cs_simps]:
"cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 (cf_map 𝔉) = 𝔉"
"cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 (cf_map 𝔊) = 𝔊"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps)+
show ?thesis
rule bij_betw_subset[OF bij_betw_ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow];
(intro subset_antisym subsetI)?;
(unfold in_Hom_iff)?
fix 𝔑 assume prems: "𝔑 : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔊"
note 𝔑 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF prems, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
from 𝔑(1) show "𝔑 ∈⇩∘ ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
by (subst 𝔑(2)) (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
fix 𝔑 assume
"𝔑 ∈ ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 `
elts (Hom (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) (cf_map 𝔉) (cf_map 𝔊))"
then obtain 𝔑'
where 𝔑': "𝔑' ∈⇩∘ Hom (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) (cf_map 𝔉) (cf_map 𝔊)"
and 𝔑_def: "𝔑 = ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑'"
by auto
note 𝔑' = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[
OF 𝔑'[unfolded cat_cs_simps], unfolded cat_cs_simps
from 𝔑'(1) show "𝔑 ∈⇩∘ these_ntcfs α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉 𝔊" unfolding 𝔑_def by simp
fix 𝔑 assume "𝔑 ∈⇩∘ these_ntcfs α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉 𝔊"
then have 𝔑: "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅" by simp
then have "𝔑 = ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 (ntcf_arrow 𝔑)"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps)
moreover from 𝔑 have
"ntcf_arrow 𝔑 ∈⇩∘ Hom (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) (cf_map 𝔉) (cf_map 𝔊)"
unfolding in_Hom_iff by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
ultimately show
"𝔑 ∈ ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 `
elts (Hom (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅) (cf_map 𝔉) (cf_map 𝔊))"
by simp
subsubsection‹‹FUNCT› is a category›
lemma (in 𝒵) tiny_category_cat_FUNCT[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝒵 β" and "α ∈⇩∘ β"
shows "tiny_category β (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)" (is ‹tiny_category β ?FUNCT›)
proof(intro tiny_categoryI)
show "vfsequence ?FUNCT" unfolding cat_FUNCT_def by auto
show "vcard ?FUNCT = 6⇩ℕ"
unfolding cat_FUNCT_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
from assms show "tiny_semicategory β (cat_smc ?FUNCT)"
unfolding cat_smc_FUNCT
by (auto simp add: tiny_semicategory_smc_FUNCT)
show CId_a: "?FUNCT⦇CId⦈⦇𝔉'⦈ : 𝔉' ↦⇘?FUNCT⇙ 𝔉'" if "𝔉' ∈⇩∘ ?FUNCT⦇Obj⦈" for 𝔉'
from that obtain 𝔉 where 𝔉'_def: "𝔉' = cf_map 𝔉" and 𝔉: "𝔉 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
unfolding cat_FUNCT_components by clarsimp
show ?thesis
using that 𝔉
unfolding cat_FUNCT_components(1) 𝔉'_def
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
show "?FUNCT⦇CId⦈⦇𝔊⦈ ∘⇩A⇘?FUNCT⇙ 𝔑 = 𝔑" if "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇘?FUNCT⇙ 𝔊" for 𝔑 𝔉 𝔊
from that obtain 𝔑' 𝔉' 𝔊'
where 𝔑': "𝔑' : 𝔉' ↦⇩C⇩F 𝔊' : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
and 𝔑_def[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]: "𝔑 = ntcf_arrow 𝔑'"
and 𝔉_def[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]: "𝔉 = cf_map 𝔉'"
and 𝔊_def[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]: "𝔊 = cf_map 𝔊'"
by auto
from 𝔑' show "cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔊⦈ ∘⇩A⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔑 = 𝔑"
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
show "𝔑 ∘⇩A⇘?FUNCT⇙ ?FUNCT⦇CId⦈⦇𝔊⦈ = 𝔑" if "𝔑 : 𝔊 ↦⇘?FUNCT⇙ ℌ" for 𝔑 𝔊 ℌ
note 𝔑 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF that]
from 𝔑(1) show "𝔑 ∘⇩A⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔊⦈ = 𝔑"
by (subst (1 2) 𝔑(2), subst 𝔑(3), remdups)
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
qed (simp_all add: assms cat_FUNCT_components)
lemmas (in 𝒵) [cat_FUNCT_cs_intros] = tiny_category_cat_FUNCT
lemma cat_FUNCT_is_iso_arrI:
assumes "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
shows "ntcf_arrow 𝔑 : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔊"
proof(intro is_iso_arrI is_inverseI)
interpret 𝔑: is_iso_ntcf α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉 𝔊 𝔑 by (rule assms)
show is_arr_𝔑: "ntcf_arrow 𝔑 : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔊"
by (simp add: assms cat_FUNCT_is_arrI is_iso_ntcf.axioms(1))
interpret inv_𝔑: is_iso_ntcf α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 𝔉 ‹inv_ntcf 𝔑›
using CZH_ECAT_NTCF.iso_ntcf_is_iso_arr(1)[OF assms] by simp
from assms show is_arr_inv_𝔑:
"ntcf_arrow (inv_ntcf 𝔑) : cf_map 𝔊 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔉"
cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro:
ntcf_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from assms show "ntcf_arrow 𝔑 : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔊"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
from assms show
"ntcf_arrow (inv_ntcf 𝔑) ∘⇩A⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ ntcf_arrow 𝔑 =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇cf_map 𝔉⦈"
"ntcf_arrow 𝔑 ∘⇩A⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ ntcf_arrow (inv_ntcf 𝔑) =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇cf_map 𝔊⦈"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: iso_ntcf_is_iso_arr(2,3) cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: ntcf_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
lemma cat_FUNCT_is_iso_arrI'[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
and "𝔑' = ntcf_arrow 𝔑"
and "𝔉' = cf_map 𝔉"
and "𝔊' = cf_map 𝔊"
shows "𝔑' : 𝔉' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔊"
using assms(1) unfolding assms(2-4) by (rule cat_FUNCT_is_iso_arrI)
lemma cat_FUNCT_is_iso_arrD:
assumes "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔊" (is ‹𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘?FUNCT⇙ 𝔊›)
shows "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑 :
cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉 ↦⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
and "𝔑 = ntcf_arrow (ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑)"
and "𝔉 = cf_map (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉)"
and "𝔊 = cf_map (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊)"
from assms(1) have 𝔑: "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔊"
unfolding is_iso_arr_def by simp
interpret 𝒵 α by (rule is_ntcfD[OF cat_FUNCT_is_arrD(1)[OF 𝔑]])
define β where "β = α + ω"
have 𝒵β: "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: 𝒵_α_αω 𝒵.intro 𝒵_Limit_αω 𝒵_ω_αω β_def)
interpret FUNCT: tiny_category β ?FUNCT
by (rule tiny_category_cat_FUNCT[OF 𝒵β αβ, of 𝔄 𝔅])
have inv_𝔑: "𝔑¯⇩C⇘?FUNCT⇙ : 𝔊 ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘?FUNCT⇙ 𝔉"
and inv_𝔑_𝔑: "𝔑¯⇩C⇘?FUNCT⇙ ∘⇩A⇘?FUNCT⇙ 𝔑 = ?FUNCT⦇CId⦈⦇𝔉⦈"
and 𝔑_inv_𝔑: "𝔑 ∘⇩A⇘?FUNCT⇙ 𝔑¯⇩C⇘?FUNCT⇙ = ?FUNCT⦇CId⦈⦇𝔊⦈"
FUNCT.cat_the_inverse_is_iso_arr[OF assms]
FUNCT.cat_the_inverse_Comp_CId[OF assms]
from assms is_iso_arrD inv_𝔑
have 𝔑_is_arr: "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔊"
and inv_𝔑_is_arr: "𝔑¯⇩C⇘?FUNCT⇙ : 𝔊 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔉"
by auto
note 𝔑_is_arr = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF 𝔑_is_arr]
note inv_𝔑_is_arr = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF inv_𝔑_is_arr]
let ?𝔑 = ‹ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑›
and ?inv_𝔑 = ‹ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 (𝔑¯⇩C⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙)›
from inv_𝔑_𝔑 𝔑_is_arr(1) inv_𝔑_is_arr(1) have inv_𝔑_𝔑:
"?inv_𝔑 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ?𝔑 = ntcf_id (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉)"
subst (asm) inv_𝔑_is_arr(2),
use nothing in ‹subst (asm) (2) 𝔑_is_arr(2), subst (asm) 𝔑_is_arr(3)›
cs_prems cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
from 𝔑_inv_𝔑 inv_𝔑_is_arr(1) 𝔑_is_arr(1) have 𝔑_inv_𝔑:
"?𝔑 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ?inv_𝔑 = ntcf_id (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊)"
subst (asm) inv_𝔑_is_arr(2),
use nothing in ‹subst (asm) 𝔑_is_arr(2), subst (asm) 𝔑_is_arr(4)›
cs_prems cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
show "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑 :
cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉 ↦⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
rule CZH_ECAT_NTCF.is_iso_arr_is_iso_ntcf[
OF 𝔑_is_arr(1) inv_𝔑_is_arr(1) 𝔑_inv_𝔑 inv_𝔑_𝔑
show "𝔑 = ntcf_arrow (ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑)"
and "𝔉 = cf_map (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉)"
and "𝔊 = cf_map (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊)"
by (intro 𝔑_is_arr(2-4))+
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
definition cat_Funct :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅 =
tm_cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅,
tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅,
(λ𝔑∈⇩∘tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑⦇NTDom⦈),
(λ𝔑∈⇩∘tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑⦇NTCod⦈),
(λ𝔐𝔑∈⇩∘composable_arrs (dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅). 𝔐𝔑⦇0⦈ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇘𝔄,𝔅⇙ 𝔐𝔑⦇1⇩ℕ⦈),
(λ𝔉∈⇩∘tm_cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅. ntcf_arrow_id 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉)
lemma cat_Funct_components:
shows [cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]: "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Obj⦈ = tm_cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅"
and "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Arr⦈ = tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
and "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Dom⦈ = (λ𝔑∈⇩∘tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑⦇NTDom⦈)"
and "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Cod⦈ = (λ𝔑∈⇩∘tm_ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅. 𝔑⦇NTCod⦈)"
and "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Comp⦈ =
(λ𝔐𝔑∈⇩∘composable_arrs (dg_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅). 𝔐𝔑⦇0⦈ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇘𝔄,𝔅⇙ 𝔐𝔑⦇1⇩ℕ⦈)"
and "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈ = (λ𝔉∈⇩∘tm_cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅. ntcf_arrow_id 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉)"
unfolding cat_Funct_def dg_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
lemma cat_smc_Funct: "cat_smc (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅) = smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅"
proof(rule vsv_eqI)
show "vsv (cat_smc (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅))" unfolding cat_smc_def by auto
show "vsv (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)" unfolding smc_Funct_def by auto
have dom_lhs: "𝒟⇩∘ (cat_smc (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)) = 5⇩ℕ"
unfolding cat_smc_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
have dom_rhs: "𝒟⇩∘ (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅) = 5⇩ℕ"
unfolding smc_Funct_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
show "𝒟⇩∘ (cat_smc (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)) = 𝒟⇩∘ (smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)"
unfolding dom_lhs dom_rhs by simp
show "a ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ (cat_smc (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)) ⟹
cat_smc (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)⦇a⦈ = smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇a⦈"
for a
unfold dom_lhs,
unfold cat_smc_def dg_field_simps cat_Funct_def smc_Funct_def
(auto simp: nat_omega_simps)
context is_tm_ntcf
lemmas_with [folded cat_smc_Funct, unfolded slicing_simps]:
cat_Funct_Dom_app = smc_Funct_Dom_app
and cat_Funct_Cod_app = smc_Funct_Cod_app
lemmas [cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] =
lemmas_with [folded cat_smc_Funct, unfolded slicing_simps]:
cat_Funct_Dom_vsv[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros] = smc_Funct_Dom_vsv
and cat_Funct_Dom_vdomain[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] = smc_Funct_Dom_vdomain
and cat_Funct_Cod_vsv[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros] = smc_Funct_Cod_vsv
and cat_Funct_Cod_vdomain[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] = smc_Funct_Cod_vdomain
and cat_Funct_Dom_vrange = smc_Funct_Dom_vrange
and cat_Funct_Cod_vrange = smc_Funct_Cod_vrange
and cat_Funct_is_arrI = smc_Funct_is_arrI
and cat_Funct_is_arrI'[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros] = smc_Funct_is_arrI'
and cat_Funct_is_arrD = smc_Funct_is_arrD
and cat_Funct_is_arrE[elim] = smc_Funct_is_arrE
lemmas_with [folded cat_smc_Funct, unfolded slicing_simps]:
cat_Funct_Comp_app[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] = smc_Funct_Comp_app
mk_VLambda cat_Funct_components(6)
|vsv cat_Funct_CId_vsv[intro]|
|vdomain cat_Funct_CId_vdomain[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
|app cat_Funct_CId_app[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
lemma smc_Funct_CId_vrange: "ℛ⇩∘ (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈) ⊆⇩∘ ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
unfolding cat_Funct_components
proof(rule vrange_VLambda_vsubset)
fix 𝔉' assume "𝔉' ∈⇩∘ tm_cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅"
then obtain 𝔉 where 𝔉'_def: "𝔉' = cf_map 𝔉" and 𝔉: "𝔉 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by clarsimp
then show "ntcf_arrow_id 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉' ∈⇩∘ ntcf_arrows α 𝔄 𝔅"
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps 𝔉'_def
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
subsubsection‹‹Funct› is a category›
lemma category_cat_Funct:
assumes "tiny_category α 𝔄" and "category α 𝔅"
shows "category α (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)" (is ‹category α ?Funct›)
interpret tiny_category α 𝔄 by (rule assms(1))
show ?thesis
proof(intro categoryI)
show "vfsequence ?Funct" by (simp add: cat_Funct_def)
show "vcard ?Funct = 6⇩ℕ"
unfolding cat_Funct_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
from assms show "semicategory α (cat_smc (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅))"
unfolding cat_smc_Funct by (rule semicategory_smc_Funct)
show "𝒟⇩∘ (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈) = cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_Funct_components cat_FUNCT_cs_simps)
show "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔉⦈ : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔉"
if "𝔉 ∈⇩∘ cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Obj⦈" for 𝔉
from that have "𝔉 ∈⇩∘ tm_cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅"
unfolding cat_Funct_components by simp
then obtain 𝔉'
where 𝔉_def: "𝔉 = cf_map 𝔉'" and 𝔉': "𝔉' : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by auto
from assms 𝔉' show "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔉⦈ : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔉"
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps 𝔉_def
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
show "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔊⦈ ∘⇩A⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔑 = 𝔑"
if "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔊" for 𝔉 𝔊 𝔑
note 𝔑 = cat_Funct_is_arrD[OF that]
from assms 𝔑(1) show
"cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔊⦈ ∘⇩A⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔑 = 𝔑"
by (subst (1 2) 𝔑(2), use nothing in ‹subst 𝔑(4)›)
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
show "𝔑 ∘⇩A⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔊⦈ = 𝔑"
if "𝔑 : 𝔊 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ ℌ" for 𝔊 ℌ 𝔑
note 𝔑 = cat_Funct_is_arrD[OF that]
from assms 𝔑(1) show
"𝔑 ∘⇩A⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔊⦈ = 𝔑"
by (subst (1 2) 𝔑(2), use nothing in ‹subst 𝔑(3)›)
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
qed auto
lemma category_cat_Funct'[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros]:
assumes "tiny_category α 𝔄"
and "category α 𝔅"
and "β = α"
shows "category α (cat_Funct β 𝔄 𝔅)"
using assms(1,2) unfolding assms(3) by (rule category_cat_Funct)
subsubsection‹‹Funct› is a subcategory of ‹FUNCT››
lemma subcategory_cat_Funct_cat_FUNCT:
assumes "𝒵 β" and "α ∈⇩∘ β" and "tiny_category α 𝔄" and "category α 𝔅"
shows "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅 ⊆⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅"
intro subcategoryI,
unfold cat_smc_FUNCT cat_smc_Funct cat_Funct_components(1)
interpret category α 𝔅 by (rule assms(4))
interpret 𝔄𝔅: category α ‹cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅›
by (rule category_cat_Funct[OF assms(3,4)])
show "category β (cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅)"
by (rule category.cat_category_if_ge_Limit[OF _ assms(1,2)])
(auto intro: cat_cs_intros)
from assms show "category β (cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅)"
by (cs_concl cs_intro: tiny_category_cat_FUNCT cat_small_cs_intros)
show "smc_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅 ⊆⇩S⇩M⇩C⇘β⇙ smc_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅"
by (rule subsemicategory_smc_Funct_smc_FUNCT[OF assms])
show "cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔉⦈ = cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔉⦈"
if ‹𝔉 ∈⇩∘ tm_cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅› for 𝔉
from that obtain 𝔉' where 𝔉_def: "𝔉 = cf_map 𝔉'"
and 𝔉': "𝔉' : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by auto
from that show ?thesis
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros tm_cf_maps_in_cf_maps
lemma (in is_tm_iso_ntcf) cat_Funct_is_iso_arrI:
assumes "category α 𝔅"
shows "ntcf_arrow 𝔑 : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔊"
proof(intro is_iso_arrI is_inverseI)
from is_tm_iso_ntcf_axioms show
"ntcf_arrow 𝔑 : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔊"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: ntcf_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
interpret inv_𝔑: is_tm_iso_ntcf α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 𝔉 ‹inv_ntcf 𝔑›
by (rule iso_tm_ntcf_is_iso_arr(1)[OF assms is_tm_iso_ntcf_axioms])
from inv_𝔑.is_tm_iso_ntcf_axioms show
"ntcf_arrow (inv_ntcf 𝔑) : cf_map 𝔊 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔉"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: ntcf_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
from is_tm_iso_ntcf_axioms show
"ntcf_arrow 𝔑 : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔊"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: ntcf_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
from assms is_tm_iso_ntcf_axioms show
"ntcf_arrow (inv_ntcf 𝔑) ∘⇩A⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ ntcf_arrow 𝔑 =
cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇cf_map 𝔉⦈"
"ntcf_arrow 𝔑 ∘⇩A⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ ntcf_arrow (inv_ntcf 𝔑) =
cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇cf_map 𝔊⦈"
cs_simp: iso_tm_ntcf_is_iso_arr(2,3) cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: ntcf_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
lemma (in is_tm_iso_ntcf) cat_Funct_is_iso_arrI':
assumes "category α 𝔅"
and "𝔑' = ntcf_arrow 𝔑"
and "𝔉' = cf_map 𝔉"
and "𝔊' = cf_map 𝔊"
shows "𝔑' : 𝔉' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ cf_map 𝔊"
using assms(1) unfolding assms(2-4) by (rule cat_Funct_is_iso_arrI)
lemmas [cat_FUNCT_cs_intros] =
is_tm_iso_ntcf.cat_Funct_is_iso_arrI'[rotated 2]
lemma cat_Funct_is_iso_arrD:
assumes "tiny_category α 𝔄"
and "category α 𝔅"
and "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔊" (is ‹𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘?Funct⇙ 𝔊›)
shows "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑 :
cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉 ↦⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
and "𝔑 = ntcf_arrow (ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑)"
and "𝔉 = cf_map (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉)"
and "𝔊 = cf_map (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊)"
interpret Funct: category α ?Funct
by (rule category_cat_Funct[OF assms(1,2)])
have inv_𝔑: "𝔑¯⇩C⇘?Funct⇙ : 𝔊 ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘?Funct⇙ 𝔉"
and inv_𝔑_𝔑: "𝔑¯⇩C⇘?Funct⇙ ∘⇩A⇘?Funct⇙ 𝔑 = ?Funct⦇CId⦈⦇𝔉⦈"
and 𝔑_inv_𝔑: "𝔑 ∘⇩A⇘?Funct⇙ 𝔑¯⇩C⇘?Funct⇙ = ?Funct⦇CId⦈⦇𝔊⦈"
Funct.cat_the_inverse_is_iso_arr[OF assms(3)]
Funct.cat_the_inverse_Comp_CId[OF assms(3)]
from assms is_iso_arrD inv_𝔑
have 𝔑_is_arr: "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔊"
and inv_𝔑_is_arr: "𝔑¯⇩C⇘?Funct⇙ : 𝔊 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔉"
by auto
note 𝔑_is_arr = cat_Funct_is_arrD[OF 𝔑_is_arr]
note inv_𝔑_is_arr = cat_Funct_is_arrD[OF inv_𝔑_is_arr]
let ?𝔑 = ‹ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑›
and ?inv_𝔑 = ‹ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 (𝔑¯⇩C⇘cat_Funct α 𝔄 𝔅⇙)›
from inv_𝔑_𝔑 𝔑_is_arr(1) inv_𝔑_is_arr(1) have inv_𝔑_𝔑:
"?inv_𝔑 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ?𝔑 = ntcf_id (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉)"
subst (asm) inv_𝔑_is_arr(2),
use nothing in ‹subst (asm) (2) 𝔑_is_arr(2), subst (asm) 𝔑_is_arr(3)›
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
from 𝔑_inv_𝔑 inv_𝔑_is_arr(1) 𝔑_is_arr(1) have 𝔑_inv_𝔑:
"?𝔑 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ?inv_𝔑 = ntcf_id (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊)"
subst (asm) inv_𝔑_is_arr(2),
use nothing in ‹subst (asm) 𝔑_is_arr(2), subst (asm) 𝔑_is_arr(4)›
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
show "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑 :
cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉 ↦⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
rule is_iso_arr_is_tm_iso_ntcf[
OF 𝔑_is_arr(1) inv_𝔑_is_arr(1) 𝔑_inv_𝔑 inv_𝔑_𝔑
show "𝔑 = ntcf_arrow (ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 𝔅 𝔑)"
and "𝔉 = cf_map (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉)"
and "𝔊 = cf_map (cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊)"
by (intro 𝔑_is_arr(2-4))+
subsection‹Diagonal functor›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
text‹See Chapter III-3 in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›.›
definition cf_diagonal :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V" (‹Δ⇩C⇩F›)
where "Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ =
(λa∈⇩∘ℭ⦇Obj⦈. cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ a)),
(λf∈⇩∘ℭ⦇Arr⦈. ntcf_arrow (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f)),
cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ
lemma cf_diagonal_components:
shows "Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈ = (λa∈⇩∘ℭ⦇Obj⦈. cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ a))"
and "Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ArrMap⦈ = (λf∈⇩∘ℭ⦇Arr⦈. ntcf_arrow (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f))"
and "Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇HomDom⦈ = ℭ"
and "Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇HomCod⦈ = cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ"
unfolding cf_diagonal_def dghm_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
subsubsection‹Object map›
mk_VLambda cf_diagonal_components(1)
|vsv cf_diagonal_ObjMap_vsv[cat_cs_intros]|
|vdomain cf_diagonal_ObjMap_vdomain[cat_cs_simps]|
|app cf_diagonal_ObjMap_app[cat_cs_simps]|
lemma cf_diagonal_ObjMap_vrange:
assumes "𝒵 β"and "α ∈⇩∘ β" and "category α 𝔍" and "category α ℭ"
shows "ℛ⇩∘ (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈) ⊆⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding cf_diagonal_components
proof(rule vrange_VLambda_vsubset)
interpret β: 𝒵 β by (rule assms(1))
interpret category α 𝔍 by (rule assms(3))
interpret FUNCT: tiny_category β ‹(cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ)›
by (rule 𝒵.tiny_category_cat_FUNCT[OF 𝒵_axioms assms(1,2)])
fix x assume prems: "x ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
from prems assms show "cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ x) ∈⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding cat_FUNCT_components(1)
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
subsubsection‹Arrow map›
mk_VLambda cf_diagonal_components(2)
|vsv cf_diagonal_ArrMap_vsv[cat_cs_intros]|
|vdomain cf_diagonal_ArrMap_vdomain[cat_cs_simps]|
|app cf_diagonal_ArrMap_app[cat_cs_simps]|
subsubsection‹Diagonal functor is a functor›
lemma cf_diagonal_is_functor[cat_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝒵 β" and "α ∈⇩∘ β" and "category α 𝔍" and "category α ℭ"
shows "Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ : ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ" (is ‹?Δ : ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ ?FUNCT›)
interpret β: 𝒵 β by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔍: category α 𝔍 by (rule assms(3))
interpret ℭ: category α ℭ by (rule assms(4))
interpret FUNCT: tiny_category β ‹(cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ)›
by (rule 𝒵.tiny_category_cat_FUNCT[OF 𝔍.𝒵_axioms assms(1,2)])
show ?thesis
proof(intro is_functorI')
show "vfsequence ?Δ"
unfolding cf_diagonal_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
show "category β ℭ" by (rule ℭ.cat_category_if_ge_Limit[OF assms(1,2)])
from assms show "category β (cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ)"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
show "vcard ?Δ = 4⇩ℕ"
unfolding cf_diagonal_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
show "vsv (?Δ⦇ObjMap⦈)" unfolding cf_diagonal_components by simp
from assms show "ℛ⇩∘ (?Δ⦇ObjMap⦈) ⊆⇩∘ ?FUNCT⦇Obj⦈"
by (rule cf_diagonal_ObjMap_vrange)
show "?Δ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈ : ?Δ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘?FUNCT⇙ ?Δ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
if "f : a ↦⇘ℭ⇙ b" for f a b
using that
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
show "?Δ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f⦈ = ?Δ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ ∘⇩A⇘?FUNCT⇙ ?Δ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈"
if "g : b ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c" and "f : a ↦⇘ℭ⇙ b" for g b c f a
using that 𝔍.category_axioms ℭ.category_axioms
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix c assume "c ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
with 𝔍.category_axioms ℭ.category_axioms show
"?Δ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇ℭ⦇CId⦈⦇c⦈⦈ = ?FUNCT⦇CId⦈⦇?Δ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇c⦈⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
qed (auto simp: cf_diagonal_components cat_smc_FUNCT)
lemma cf_diagonal_is_functor'[cat_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝒵 β"
and "α ∈⇩∘ β"
and "category α 𝔍"
and "category α ℭ"
and "𝔄' = ℭ"
and "𝔅' = cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ"
shows "Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ : 𝔄' ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ 𝔅'"
using assms(1-4) unfolding assms(5-6) by (rule cf_diagonal_is_functor)
subsection‹Diagonal functor for functors with tiny maps›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
text‹See Chapter III-3 in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›.›
definition tm_cf_diagonal :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V" (‹Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m›)
where "Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ =
(λa∈⇩∘ℭ⦇Obj⦈. cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ a)),
(λf∈⇩∘ℭ⦇Arr⦈. ntcf_arrow (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f)),
cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ
lemma tm_cf_diagonal_components:
shows "Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈ = (λa∈⇩∘ℭ⦇Obj⦈. cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ a))"
and "Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ArrMap⦈ = (λf∈⇩∘ℭ⦇Arr⦈. ntcf_arrow (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f))"
and "Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇HomDom⦈ = ℭ"
and "Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇HomCod⦈ = cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ"
unfolding tm_cf_diagonal_def dghm_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
subsubsection‹Object map›
mk_VLambda tm_cf_diagonal_components(1)
|vsv tm_cf_diagonal_ObjMap_vsv[cat_cs_intros]|
|vdomain tm_cf_diagonal_ObjMap_vdomain[cat_cs_simps]|
|app tm_cf_diagonal_ObjMap_app[cat_cs_simps]|
lemma tm_cf_diagonal_ObjMap_vrange:
assumes "tiny_category α 𝔍" and "category α ℭ"
shows "ℛ⇩∘ (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈) ⊆⇩∘ cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding tm_cf_diagonal_components
proof(rule vrange_VLambda_vsubset)
fix x assume "x ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
with assms category_cat_Funct[OF assms] show
"cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ x) ∈⇩∘ cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding cat_Funct_components(1)
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
subsubsection‹Arrow map›
mk_VLambda tm_cf_diagonal_components(2)
|vsv tm_cf_diagonal_ArrMap_vsv[cat_cs_intros]|
|vdomain tm_cf_diagonal_ArrMap_vdomain[cat_cs_simps]|
|app tm_cf_diagonal_ArrMap_app[cat_cs_simps]|
subsubsection‹Diagonal functor for functors with tiny maps is a functor›
lemma tm_cf_diagonal_is_functor[cat_cs_intros]:
assumes "tiny_category α 𝔍" and "category α ℭ"
shows "Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ : ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ"
(is ‹?Δ : ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ?Funct›)
interpret 𝔍: tiny_category α 𝔍 by (rule assms(1))
interpret ℭ: category α ℭ by (rule assms(2))
show ?thesis
proof(intro is_functorI')
show "vfsequence ?Δ"
unfolding tm_cf_diagonal_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
from assms(2) show "category α ℭ"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
from assms show "category α ?Funct"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros category_cat_Funct)
show "vcard ?Δ = 4⇩ℕ"
unfolding tm_cf_diagonal_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
show "vsv (?Δ⦇ObjMap⦈)" unfolding tm_cf_diagonal_components by simp
from assms show "ℛ⇩∘ (?Δ⦇ObjMap⦈) ⊆⇩∘ ?Funct⦇Obj⦈"
by (rule tm_cf_diagonal_ObjMap_vrange)
show "?Δ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈ : ?Δ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘?Funct⇙ ?Δ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
if "f : a ↦⇘ℭ⇙ b" for f a b
using that
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros
show "?Δ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f⦈ = ?Δ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ ∘⇩A⇘?Funct⇙ ?Δ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈"
if "g : b ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c" and "f : a ↦⇘ℭ⇙ b" for g b c f a
using that 𝔍.category_axioms ℭ.category_axioms
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix c assume "c ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
with 𝔍.category_axioms ℭ.category_axioms show
"?Δ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇ℭ⦇CId⦈⦇c⦈⦈ = ?Funct⦇CId⦈⦇?Δ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇c⦈⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
qed (auto simp: tm_cf_diagonal_components cat_smc_FUNCT)
lemma tm_cf_diagonal_is_functor'[cat_cs_intros]:
assumes "tiny_category α 𝔍"
and "category α ℭ"
and "α' = α"
and "𝔄 = ℭ"
and "𝔅 = cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ"
shows "Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α'⇙ 𝔅"
using assms(1-2) unfolding assms(3-5) by (rule tm_cf_diagonal_is_functor)
subsection‹Functor raised to the power of a category›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
Most of the definitions and the results presented in this
and the remaining subsections
can be found in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"› and
\<^cite>‹"riehl_category_2016"› (e.g., see Chapter X-3
in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›).
definition exp_cf_cat :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄 =
λ𝔖∈⇩∘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈)⦇Obj⦈.
cf_map (𝔎 ∘⇩C⇩F cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈) 𝔖)
λσ∈⇩∘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈)⦇Arr⦈.
ntcf_arrow (𝔎 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈) σ)
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈),
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈)
lemma exp_cf_cat_components:
shows "exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈ =
λ𝔖∈⇩∘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈)⦇Obj⦈.
cf_map (𝔎 ∘⇩C⇩F cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈) 𝔖)
"exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈ =
λσ∈⇩∘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈)⦇Arr⦈.
ntcf_arrow (𝔎 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F (ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈) σ))
and "exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇HomDom⦈ = cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈)"
and "exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇HomCod⦈ = cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈)"
unfolding exp_cf_cat_def dghm_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
subsubsection‹Object map›
mk_VLambda exp_cf_cat_components(1)
|vsv exp_cf_cat_components_ObjMap_vsv[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros]|
fixes α 𝔎 𝔅 ℭ
assumes 𝔎: "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpretation 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔎 by (rule 𝔎)
mk_VLambda exp_cf_cat_components(1)[where 𝔎=𝔎 and α=α, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
|vdomain exp_cf_cat_components_ObjMap_vdomain[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
|app exp_cf_cat_components_ObjMap_app[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
subsubsection‹Arrow map›
mk_VLambda exp_cf_cat_components(2)
|vsv exp_cf_cat_components_ArrMap_vsv[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros]|
fixes α 𝔎 𝔅 ℭ
assumes 𝔎: "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpretation 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔎 by (rule 𝔎)
mk_VLambda exp_cf_cat_components(2)[where 𝔎=𝔎 and α=α, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
|vdomain exp_cf_cat_components_ArrMap_vdomain[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
|app exp_cf_cat_components_ArrMap_app[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
subsubsection‹Domain and codomain›
fixes α 𝔎 𝔅 ℭ
assumes 𝔎: "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpretation 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔎 by (rule 𝔎)
lemmas exp_cf_cat_HomDom[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] =
exp_cf_cat_components(3)[where 𝔎=𝔎 and α=α, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
and exp_cf_cat_HomCod[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] =
exp_cf_cat_components(4)[where 𝔎=𝔎 and α=α, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
subsubsection‹Functor raised to the power of a category is a functor›
lemma exp_cf_cat_is_tiny_functor:
assumes "𝒵 β" and "α ∈⇩∘ β" and "category α 𝔄" and "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄 : cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩i⇩n⇩y⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ"
interpret β: 𝒵 β by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔄: category α 𝔄 by (rule assms(3))
interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔎 by (rule assms(4))
from assms(2-4) interpret 𝔄𝔅: tiny_category β ‹cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅›
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
from assms(2-4) interpret 𝔄ℭ: tiny_category β ‹cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ›
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
show ?thesis
proof(intro is_tiny_functorI' is_functorI')
show "vfsequence (exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄)" unfolding exp_cf_cat_def by simp
show "vcard (exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄) = 4⇩ℕ"
unfolding exp_cf_cat_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
show "ℛ⇩∘ (exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈) ⊆⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
unfold cat_FUNCT_components exp_cf_cat_components,
intro vrange_VLambda_vsubset,
unfold cat_cs_simps
fix 𝔉 assume "𝔉 ∈⇩∘ cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅"
then obtain 𝔉' where 𝔉_def: "𝔉 = cf_map 𝔉'" and 𝔉': "𝔉' : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by auto
from assms(2-4) 𝔉' show
"cf_map (𝔎 ∘⇩C⇩F cf_of_cf_map 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉) ∈⇩∘ cf_maps α 𝔄 ℭ"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: 𝔉_def cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
show "exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔑⦈ :
exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈⦇𝔉⦈ ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ⇙
exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈⦇𝔊⦈"
if "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔊" for 𝔉 𝔊 𝔑
note 𝔑 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF that]
from 𝔑(1,3,4) assms(2-4) show ?thesis
by (subst 𝔑(2), use nothing in ‹subst 𝔑(3), subst 𝔑(4)›)
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
"exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔐 ∘⇩A⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔑⦈ =
exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔐⦈ ∘⇩A⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ⇙
exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔑⦈"
if "𝔐 : 𝔊 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ ℌ" and "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔊"
for 𝔊 ℌ 𝔐 𝔉 𝔑
note 𝔐 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF that(1)]
and 𝔑 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF that(2)]
from 𝔐(1,3,4) 𝔑(1,3,4) assms(2-4) show ?thesis
by (subst (1 2) 𝔐(2), use nothing in ‹subst (1 2) 𝔑(2)›)
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cf_ntcf_comp_ntcf_vcomp
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
"exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈⦇cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔉⦈⦈ =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ⦇CId⦈⦇exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈⦇𝔉⦈⦈"
if "𝔉 ∈⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Obj⦈" for 𝔉
from that[unfolded cat_FUNCT_components] obtain 𝔊
where 𝔉_def: "𝔉 = cf_map 𝔊" and 𝔊: "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by auto
from 𝔊 show
"exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈⦇cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇𝔉⦈⦈ =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ⦇CId⦈⦇exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈⦇𝔉⦈⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps 𝔉_def
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
use assms(1,2) in
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
lemma exp_cf_cat_is_tiny_functor'[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝒵 β"
and "α ∈⇩∘ β"
and "category α 𝔄"
and "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "𝔄' = cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅"
and "𝔅' = cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ"
shows "exp_cf_cat α 𝔎 𝔄 : 𝔄' ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩i⇩n⇩y⇘β⇙ 𝔅'"
using assms(1-4) unfolding assms(5,6) by (rule exp_cf_cat_is_tiny_functor)
subsubsection‹Further properties›
lemma exp_cf_cat_cf_comp:
assumes "category α 𝔇" and "𝔊 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "𝔉 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
shows "exp_cf_cat α (𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉) 𝔇 = exp_cf_cat α 𝔊 𝔇 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔇"
proof(rule cf_eqI)
interpret 𝔇: category α 𝔇 by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔊 by (rule assms(2))
interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔉 by (rule assms(3))
define β where "β = α + ω"
have "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: β_def 𝔇.𝒵_Limit_αω 𝔇.𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def 𝔇.𝒵_α_αω)
then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
from αβ show
"exp_cf_cat α (𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉) 𝔇 : cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from αβ show
"exp_cf_cat α 𝔊 𝔇 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔇 :
cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from αβ have dom_lhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ (exp_cf_cat α (𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉) 𝔇⦇ObjMap⦈) = cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from αβ have dom_rhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ ((exp_cf_cat α 𝔊 𝔇 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔇)⦇ObjMap⦈) =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
"exp_cf_cat α (𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉) 𝔇⦇ObjMap⦈ =
(exp_cf_cat α 𝔊 𝔇 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔇)⦇ObjMap⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs)
show "vsv (exp_cf_cat α (𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉) 𝔇⦇ObjMap⦈)"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
from αβ show "vsv ((exp_cf_cat α 𝔊 𝔇 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔇)⦇ObjMap⦈)"
cs_concl cs_intro:
cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix ℌ assume "ℌ ∈⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
then have "ℌ ∈⇩∘ cf_maps α 𝔇 𝔄" unfolding cat_FUNCT_components by simp
then obtain ℌ' where ℌ_def: "ℌ = cf_map ℌ'" and ℌ': "ℌ' : 𝔇 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
by auto
from assms αβ ℌ' show
"exp_cf_cat α (𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉) 𝔇⦇ObjMap⦈⦇ℌ⦈ =
(exp_cf_cat α 𝔊 𝔇 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔇)⦇ObjMap⦈⦇ℌ⦈"
by (subst (1 2) ℌ_def)
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
qed simp
from αβ have dom_lhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ (exp_cf_cat α (𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉) 𝔇⦇ArrMap⦈) = cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔄⦇Arr⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from αβ have dom_rhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ ((exp_cf_cat α 𝔊 𝔇 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔇)⦇ArrMap⦈) =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔄⦇Arr⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
"exp_cf_cat α (𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉) 𝔇⦇ArrMap⦈ =
(exp_cf_cat α 𝔊 𝔇 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔇)⦇ArrMap⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs)
show "vsv (exp_cf_cat α (𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉) 𝔇⦇ArrMap⦈)"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
from αβ show "vsv ((exp_cf_cat α 𝔊 𝔇 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔇)⦇ArrMap⦈)"
cs_concl cs_intro:
cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix 𝔑 assume "𝔑 ∈⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔄⦇Arr⦈"
then obtain ℌ ℌ' where 𝔑: "𝔑 : ℌ ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔄⇙ ℌ'"
by (auto intro: is_arrI)
note 𝔑 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF 𝔑]
from αβ assms 𝔑(1,3,4) show
"exp_cf_cat α (𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉) 𝔇⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔑⦈ =
(exp_cf_cat α 𝔊 𝔇 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔇)⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔑⦈"
by (subst (1 2) 𝔑(2))
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cf_comp_cf_ntcf_comp_assoc
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
qed simp
qed simp_all
lemma exp_cf_cat_cf_id_cat:
assumes "category α ℭ" and "category α 𝔇"
shows "exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔇 = cf_id (cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ)"
proof(rule cf_eqI)
interpret ℭ: category α ℭ by (rule assms)
interpret 𝔇: category α 𝔇 by (rule assms)
define β where "β = α + ω"
have "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: β_def ℭ.𝒵_Limit_αω ℭ.𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def ℭ.𝒵_α_αω)
then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
from αβ show
"cf_id (cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ) : cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from αβ show
"exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔇 : cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from αβ have ObjMap_dom_lhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ (exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔇⦇ObjMap⦈) = cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
from αβ have ObjMap_dom_rhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ (cf_id (cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ)⦇ObjMap⦈) = cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
show "exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔇⦇ObjMap⦈ = cf_id (cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ)⦇ObjMap⦈"
rule vsv_eqI,
unfold ObjMap_dom_lhs ObjMap_dom_rhs cat_FUNCT_components(1)
fix ℌ assume prems: "ℌ ∈⇩∘ cf_maps α 𝔇 ℭ"
then obtain ℌ' where ℌ_def: "ℌ = cf_map ℌ'" and ℌ': "ℌ' : 𝔇 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
by clarsimp
from prems ℌ' show
"exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔇⦇ObjMap⦈⦇ℌ⦈ = cf_id (cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ)⦇ObjMap⦈⦇ℌ⦈"
by (subst (1 2) ℌ_def)
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)+
from αβ have ArrMap_dom_lhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ (cf_id (cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ)⦇ArrMap⦈) = cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ⦇Arr⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
from αβ have ArrMap_dom_rhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ (exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔇⦇ArrMap⦈) = cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ⦇Arr⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
show "exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔇⦇ArrMap⦈ = cf_id (cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ)⦇ArrMap⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold ArrMap_dom_lhs ArrMap_dom_rhs)
fix 𝔑 assume "𝔑 ∈⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ⦇Arr⦈"
then obtain 𝔉 𝔊 where 𝔑: "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ⇙ 𝔊"
by (auto intro: is_arrI)
note 𝔑 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF 𝔑]
from 𝔑(1,3,4) αβ show
"exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔇⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔑⦈ =
cf_id (cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 ℭ)⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔑⦈"
by (subst (1 2) 𝔑(2))
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
qed simp_all
lemma cf_comp_exp_cf_cat_exp_cf_cat_cf_id[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]:
assumes "category α 𝔄" and "𝔉 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α (cf_id 𝔅) 𝔄 = exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄"
interpret 𝔄: category α 𝔄 by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔉 by (rule assms(2))
define β where "β = α + ω"
have β: "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: β_def 𝔄.𝒵_Limit_αω 𝔄.𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def 𝔄.𝒵_α_αω)
then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
show ?thesis
proof(rule cf_eqI)
from assms αβ β show 𝔉𝔄:
"exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 : cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
with assms αβ show
"exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α (cf_id 𝔅) 𝔄 :
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ"
cs_concl cs_intro:
cat_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from assms αβ have ObjMap_dom_lhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ ((exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α (cf_id 𝔅) 𝔄)⦇ObjMap⦈) =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from assms have ObjMap_dom_rhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ (exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈) = cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps)
from assms αβ have ArrMap_dom_lhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ ((exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α (cf_id 𝔅) 𝔄)⦇ArrMap⦈) =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Arr⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from assms have ArrMap_dom_rhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ (exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈) = cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Arr⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps)
"(exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α (cf_id 𝔅) 𝔄)⦇ObjMap⦈ =
exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈"
rule vsv_eqI,
unfold ObjMap_dom_lhs ObjMap_dom_rhs cat_FUNCT_components(1)
fix ℌ assume prems: "ℌ ∈⇩∘ cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅"
then obtain ℌ' where ℌ_def: "ℌ = cf_map ℌ'" and ℌ': "ℌ' : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by clarsimp
from prems ℌ' assms 𝔉𝔄 αβ show
"(exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α (cf_id 𝔅) 𝔄)⦇ObjMap⦈⦇ℌ⦈ =
exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈⦇ℌ⦈"
unfolding ℌ_def
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
use assms 𝔉𝔄 αβ in
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
"(exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α (cf_id 𝔅) 𝔄)⦇ArrMap⦈ =
exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold ArrMap_dom_lhs ArrMap_dom_rhs)
fix 𝔐 assume "𝔐 ∈⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Arr⦈"
then obtain 𝔉' 𝔊' where 𝔐: "𝔐 : 𝔉' ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔊'"
by (auto intro: is_arrI)
note 𝔐 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF 𝔐]
from 𝔐(1) assms 𝔉𝔄 αβ show
"(exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α (cf_id 𝔅) 𝔄)⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔐⦈ =
exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔐⦈"
by (subst (1 2) 𝔐(2))
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
use assms αβ in
cs_concl cs_intro:
cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
qed simp_all
lemma cf_comp_exp_cf_cat_cf_id_exp_cf_cat[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]:
assumes "category α 𝔄" and "𝔉 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 = exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄"
interpret 𝔄: category α 𝔄 by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔉 by (rule assms(2))
define β where "β = α + ω"
have β: "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: β_def 𝔄.𝒵_Limit_αω 𝔄.𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def 𝔄.𝒵_α_αω)
then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
show ?thesis
proof(rule cf_eqI)
from assms αβ β show 𝔉𝔄:
"exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 : cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
with assms αβ show
"exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄 :
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 ℭ"
cs_concl cs_intro:
cat_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from assms αβ have ObjMap_dom_lhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ ((exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄)⦇ObjMap⦈) =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from assms have ObjMap_dom_rhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ (exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈) = cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps)
from assms αβ have ArrMap_dom_lhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ ((exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄)⦇ArrMap⦈) =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Arr⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from assms have ArrMap_dom_rhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ (exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈) = cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Arr⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps)
"(exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄)⦇ObjMap⦈ =
exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈"
rule vsv_eqI,
unfold ObjMap_dom_lhs ObjMap_dom_rhs cat_FUNCT_components(1)
fix ℌ assume prems: "ℌ ∈⇩∘ cf_maps α 𝔄 𝔅"
then obtain ℌ' where ℌ_def: "ℌ = cf_map ℌ'" and ℌ': "ℌ' : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by clarsimp
from prems ℌ' assms αβ 𝔉𝔄 show
"(exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄)⦇ObjMap⦈⦇ℌ⦈ =
exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ObjMap⦈⦇ℌ⦈"
unfolding ℌ_def
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
use assms αβ 𝔉𝔄 in
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
"(exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄)⦇ArrMap⦈ =
exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold ArrMap_dom_lhs ArrMap_dom_rhs)
fix 𝔐 assume "𝔐 ∈⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⦇Arr⦈"
then obtain 𝔉' 𝔊' where 𝔐: "𝔐 : 𝔉' ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔄 𝔅⇙ 𝔊'"
by (auto intro: is_arrI)
note 𝔐 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF 𝔐]
from 𝔐(1) assms αβ 𝔉𝔄 show
"(exp_cf_cat α (cf_id ℭ) 𝔄 ∘⇩C⇩F exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄)⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔐⦈ =
exp_cf_cat α 𝔉 𝔄⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔐⦈"
by (subst (1 2) 𝔐(2))
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
use assms αβ in
cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
qed simp_all
subsection‹Category raised to the power of a functor›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
definition exp_cat_cf :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎 =
λ𝔖∈⇩∘cat_FUNCT α (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈) 𝔄⦇Obj⦈.
cf_map (cf_of_cf_map (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈) 𝔄 𝔖 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔎)
λσ∈⇩∘cat_FUNCT α (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈) 𝔄⦇Arr⦈.
ntcf_arrow (ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈) 𝔄 σ ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔎)
cat_FUNCT α (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈) 𝔄,
cat_FUNCT α (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈) 𝔄
lemma exp_cat_cf_components:
shows "exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ObjMap⦈ =
λ𝔖∈⇩∘cat_FUNCT α (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈) 𝔄⦇Obj⦈.
cf_map (cf_of_cf_map (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈) 𝔄 𝔖 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔎)
and "exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ArrMap⦈ =
λσ∈⇩∘cat_FUNCT α (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈) 𝔄⦇Arr⦈.
ntcf_arrow (ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈) 𝔄 σ ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔎)
and "exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇HomDom⦈ = cat_FUNCT α (𝔎⦇HomCod⦈) 𝔄"
and "exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇HomCod⦈ = cat_FUNCT α (𝔎⦇HomDom⦈) 𝔄"
unfolding exp_cat_cf_def dghm_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
subsubsection‹Object map›
fixes α 𝔎 𝔅 ℭ
assumes 𝔎: "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpretation 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔎 by (rule 𝔎)
mk_VLambda exp_cat_cf_components(1)[where 𝔎=𝔎 and α=α, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
|vsv exp_cat_cf_components_ObjMap_vsv[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros]|
|vdomain exp_cat_cf_components_ObjMap_vdomain[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
|app exp_cat_cf_components_ObjMap_app[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
subsubsection‹Arrow map›
fixes α 𝔎 𝔅 ℭ
assumes 𝔎: "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpretation 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔎 by (rule 𝔎)
mk_VLambda exp_cat_cf_components(2)[where 𝔎=𝔎 and α=α, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
|vsv exp_cat_cf_components_ArrMap_vsv[cat_FUNCT_cs_intros]|
|vdomain exp_cat_cf_components_ArrMap_vdomain[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
|app exp_cat_cf_components_ArrMap_app[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps]|
subsubsection‹Domain and codomain›
fixes α 𝔎 𝔅 ℭ
assumes 𝔎: "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpretation 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔎 by (rule 𝔎)
lemmas exp_cat_cf_HomDom[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] =
exp_cat_cf_components(3)[where 𝔎=𝔎 and α=α, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
and exp_cat_cf_HomCod[cat_FUNCT_cs_simps] =
exp_cat_cf_components(4)[where 𝔎=𝔎 and α=α, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
subsubsection‹Category raised to the power of a functor is a functor›
lemma exp_cat_cf_is_tiny_functor:
assumes "𝒵 β" and "α ∈⇩∘ β" and "category α 𝔄" and "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎 : cat_FUNCT α ℭ 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩i⇩n⇩y⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄"
interpret β: 𝒵 β by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔄: category α 𝔄 by (rule assms(3))
interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔎 by (rule assms(4))
from assms(2-4) interpret ℭ𝔄: tiny_category β ‹cat_FUNCT α ℭ 𝔄›
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
from assms(2-4) interpret 𝔅𝔄: tiny_category β ‹cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄›
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
show ?thesis
proof(intro is_tiny_functorI' is_functorI')
show "vfsequence (exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎)" unfolding exp_cat_cf_def by auto
show "vcard (exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎) = 4⇩ℕ"
unfolding exp_cat_cf_def by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
show "ℛ⇩∘ (exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ObjMap⦈) ⊆⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
unfold cat_FUNCT_components exp_cat_cf_components,
intro vrange_VLambda_vsubset,
unfold cat_cs_simps
fix 𝔉 assume "𝔉 ∈⇩∘ cf_maps α ℭ 𝔄"
then obtain 𝔉' where 𝔉_def: "𝔉 = cf_map 𝔉'" and 𝔉': "𝔉' : ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
by auto
from assms(2-4) 𝔉' show
"cf_map (cf_of_cf_map ℭ 𝔄 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔎) ∈⇩∘ cf_maps α 𝔅 𝔄"
unfolding 𝔉_def
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
show "exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔑⦈ :
exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ObjMap⦈⦇𝔉⦈ ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄⇙
exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ObjMap⦈⦇𝔊⦈"
if "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α ℭ 𝔄⇙ 𝔊" for 𝔉 𝔊 𝔑
note 𝔑 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF that]
from 𝔑(1) assms(2-4) show ?thesis
by (subst 𝔑(2), use nothing in ‹subst 𝔑(3), subst 𝔑(4)›)
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
"exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔐 ∘⇩A⇘cat_FUNCT α ℭ 𝔄⇙ 𝔑⦈ =
exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔐⦈ ∘⇩A⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄⇙
exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ArrMap⦈⦇𝔑⦈"
if "𝔐 : 𝔊 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α ℭ 𝔄⇙ ℌ" and "𝔑 : 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α ℭ 𝔄⇙ 𝔊"
for 𝔊 ℌ 𝔐 𝔉 𝔑
note 𝔐 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF that(1)]
and 𝔑 = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF that(2)]
from 𝔐(1) 𝔑(1) assms(2-4) show ?thesis
by (subst (1 2) 𝔐(2), use nothing in ‹subst (1 2) 𝔑(2)›)
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
"exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ArrMap⦈⦇cat_FUNCT α ℭ 𝔄⦇CId⦈⦇𝔉⦈⦈ =
cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄⦇CId⦈⦇exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎⦇ObjMap⦈⦇𝔉⦈⦈"
if "𝔉 ∈⇩∘ cat_FUNCT α ℭ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈" for 𝔉
from that have 𝔉: