Theory CZH_ECAT_Comma
section‹Comma categories›
theory CZH_ECAT_Comma
named_theorems cat_comma_cs_simps
named_theorems cat_comma_cs_intros
subsection‹Comma category›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
See Exercise in \<^cite>‹"riehl_category_2016"› or
Chapter II-6 in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›.
definition cat_comma_Obj :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ ≡ set
[a, b, f]⇩∘ | a b f.
a ∈⇩∘ 𝔊⦇HomDom⦈⦇Obj⦈ ∧
b ∈⇩∘ ℌ⦇HomDom⦈⦇Obj⦈ ∧
f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘𝔊⦇HomCod⦈⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈
lemma small_cat_comma_Obj[simp]:
[a, b, f]⇩∘ | a b f.
a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈ ∧ b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈ ∧ f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈
(is ‹small ?abfs›)
define Q where
"Q i = (if i = 0 then 𝔄⦇Obj⦈ else if i = 1⇩ℕ then 𝔅⦇Obj⦈ else ℭ⦇Arr⦈)"
for i
have "?abfs ⊆ elts (∏⇩∘i∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}. Q i)"
unfolding Q_def
intro subsetI,
unfold mem_Collect_eq,
elim exE conjE,
intro vproductI;
simp only:
fix a b f show "𝒟⇩∘ [a, b, f]⇩∘ = set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}"
by (simp add: three nat_omega_simps)
qed (force simp: nat_omega_simps)+
then show "small ?abfs" by (rule down)
definition cat_comma_Hom :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B ≡ set
[A, B, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘ | g h.
A ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ ∧
B ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ ∧
g : A⦇0⦈ ↦⇘𝔊⦇HomDom⦈⇙ B⦇0⦈ ∧
h : A⦇1⇩ℕ⦈ ↦⇘ℌ⦇HomDom⦈⇙ B⦇1⇩ℕ⦈ ∧
B⦇2⇩ℕ⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔊⦇HomCod⦈⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ =
ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔊⦇HomCod⦈⇙ A⦇2⇩ℕ⦈
lemma small_cat_comma_Hom[simp]: "small
[A, B, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘ | g h.
A ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ ∧
B ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ ∧
g : A⦇0⦈ ↦⇘𝔄⇙ B⦇0⦈ ∧
h : A⦇1⇩ℕ⦈ ↦⇘𝔅⇙ B⦇1⇩ℕ⦈ ∧
B⦇2⇩ℕ⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ A⦇2⇩ℕ⦈
(is ‹small ?abf_a'b'f'_gh›)
define Q where
"Q i =
if i = 0
then cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ
else if i = 1⇩ℕ then cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ else 𝔄⦇Arr⦈ ×⇩∙ 𝔅⦇Arr⦈
for i
have "?abf_a'b'f'_gh ⊆ elts (∏⇩∘i∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}. Q i)"
unfolding Q_def
intro subsetI,
unfold mem_Collect_eq,
elim exE conjE,
intro vproductI;
simp only:
fix a b f show "𝒟⇩∘ [a, b, f]⇩∘ = ZFC_in_HOL.set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}"
by (simp add: three nat_omega_simps)
qed (force simp : nat_omega_simps)+
then show "small ?abf_a'b'f'_gh" by (rule down)
definition cat_comma_Arr :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ ≡
⋃⇩∘A∈⇩∘cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ. ⋃⇩∘B∈⇩∘cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ.
cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B
definition cat_comma_composable :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "cat_comma_composable 𝔊 ℌ ≡ set
[[B, C, G]⇩∘, [A, B, F]⇩∘]⇩∘ | A B C G F.
[B, C, G]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ ∧ [A, B, F]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ
lemma small_cat_comma_composable[simp]:
shows "small
[[B, C, G]⇩∘, [A, B, F]⇩∘]⇩∘ | A B C G F.
[B, C, G]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ ∧ [A, B, F]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ
(is ‹small ?S›)
proof(rule down)
show "?S ⊆ elts (cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ ×⇩∙ cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ)" by auto
definition cat_comma :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V" (‹(_ ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F _)› [1000, 1000] 999)
where "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ =
cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ,
cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ,
(λF∈⇩∘cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ. F⦇0⦈),
(λF∈⇩∘cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ. F⦇1⇩ℕ⦈),
λGF∈⇩∘cat_comma_composable 𝔊 ℌ.
GF⦇0⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇0⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔊⦇HomDom⦈⇙ GF⦇1⇩ℕ⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇0⦈,
GF⦇0⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇1⇩ℕ⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℌ⦇HomDom⦈⇙ GF⦇1⇩ℕ⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇1⇩ℕ⦈
λA∈⇩∘cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ.
[A, A, [𝔊⦇HomDom⦈⦇CId⦈⦇A⦇0⦈⦈, ℌ⦇HomDom⦈⦇CId⦈⦇A⦇1⇩ℕ⦈⦈]⇩∘]⇩∘
lemma cat_comma_components:
shows "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈ = cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ"
and "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈ = cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ"
and "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Dom⦈ = (λF∈⇩∘cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ. F⦇0⦈)"
and "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Cod⦈ = (λF∈⇩∘cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ. F⦇1⇩ℕ⦈)"
and "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Comp⦈ =
λGF∈⇩∘cat_comma_composable 𝔊 ℌ.
GF⦇0⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇0⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔊⦇HomDom⦈⇙ GF⦇1⇩ℕ⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇0⦈,
GF⦇0⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇1⇩ℕ⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℌ⦇HomDom⦈⇙ GF⦇1⇩ℕ⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇1⇩ℕ⦈
and "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇CId⦈ =
λA∈⇩∘cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ.
[A, A, [𝔊⦇HomDom⦈⦇CId⦈⦇A⦇0⦈⦈, ℌ⦇HomDom⦈⦇CId⦈⦇A⦇1⇩ℕ⦈⦈]⇩∘]⇩∘
unfolding cat_comma_def dg_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
fixes α 𝔄 𝔅 ℭ 𝔊 ℌ
assumes 𝔊: "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and ℌ: "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpretation 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 ℭ 𝔊 by (rule 𝔊)
interpretation ℌ: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ ℌ by (rule ℌ)
lemma cat_comma_Obj_def':
"cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ ≡ set
[a, b, f]⇩∘ | a b f.
a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈ ∧ b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈ ∧ f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈
unfolding cat_comma_Obj_def cat_cs_simps by simp
lemma cat_comma_Hom_def':
"cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B ≡ set
[A, B, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘ | g h.
A ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ ∧
B ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ ∧
g : A⦇0⦈ ↦⇘𝔄⇙ B⦇0⦈ ∧
h : A⦇1⇩ℕ⦈ ↦⇘𝔅⇙ B⦇1⇩ℕ⦈ ∧
B⦇2⇩ℕ⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ A⦇2⇩ℕ⦈
unfolding cat_comma_Hom_def cat_cs_simps by simp
lemma cat_comma_components':
shows "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈ = cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ"
and "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈ = cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ"
and "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Dom⦈ = (λF∈⇩∘cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ. F⦇0⦈)"
and "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Cod⦈ = (λF∈⇩∘cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ. F⦇1⇩ℕ⦈)"
and "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Comp⦈ =
λGF∈⇩∘cat_comma_composable 𝔊 ℌ.
GF⦇0⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇0⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔄⇙ GF⦇1⇩ℕ⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇0⦈,
GF⦇0⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇1⇩ℕ⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔅⇙ GF⦇1⇩ℕ⦈⦇2⇩ℕ⦈⦇1⇩ℕ⦈
and "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇CId⦈ =
(λA∈⇩∘cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ. [A, A, [𝔄⦇CId⦈⦇A⦇0⦈⦈, 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇A⦇1⇩ℕ⦈⦈]⇩∘]⇩∘)"
unfolding cat_comma_components cat_cs_simps by simp_all
lemma cat_comma_ObjI[cat_comma_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and "a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
and "b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
shows "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
using assms(4-6)
unfolding cat_comma_Obj_def'[OF assms(1,2)] assms(3) cat_comma_components
by simp
lemma cat_comma_ObjD[dest]:
assumes "[a, b, f]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
and "b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
using assms
cat_comma_components'[OF assms(2,3)] cat_comma_Obj_def'[OF assms(2,3)]
by auto
lemma cat_comma_ObjE[elim]:
assumes "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
obtains a b f where "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and "a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
and "b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
using assms
cat_comma_components'[OF assms(2,3)] cat_comma_Obj_def'[OF assms(2,3)]
by auto
lemma cat_comma_HomI[cat_comma_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "F = [A, B, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
shows "F ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
using assms(1,2,6-10)
unfolding cat_comma_Hom_def'[OF assms(1,2)] assms(3-5)
intro in_set_CollectI exI conjI small_cat_comma_Hom,
unfold cat_comma_components'(1,2)[OF assms(1,2), symmetric],
cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
(clarsimp simp: nat_omega_simps)+
lemma cat_comma_HomE[elim]:
assumes "F ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
obtains a b f a' b' f' g h
where "F = [A, B, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
using assms(1)
cat_comma_components'[OF assms(2,3)] cat_comma_Hom_def'[OF assms(2,3)],
elim in_small_setE;
(unfold mem_Collect_eq, elim exE conjE cat_comma_ObjE[OF _ assms(2,3)])?,
insert that,
(unfold cat_comma_components'(1,2)[OF assms(2,3), symmetric],
elim cat_comma_ObjE[OF _ assms(2,3)]) | -
(auto simp: nat_omega_simps)
lemma cat_comma_HomD[dest]:
assumes "[[a, b, f]⇩∘, [a', b', f']⇩∘, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
using assms(1) by (force elim!: cat_comma_HomE[OF _ assms(2,3)])+
lemma cat_comma_ArrI[cat_comma_cs_intros]:
assumes "F ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
and "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "B ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
shows "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
using assms
unfolding cat_comma_components cat_comma_Arr_def
by (intro vifunionI)
lemma cat_comma_ArrE[elim]:
assumes "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
obtains A B
where "F ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
and "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "B ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
using assms unfolding cat_comma_components cat_comma_Arr_def by auto
lemma cat_comma_ArrD[dest]:
assumes "[A, B, F]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "[A, B, F]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
and "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "B ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
from assms obtain C D
where "[A, B, F]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ C D"
and "C ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "D ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
by (elim cat_comma_ArrE)
moreover from cat_comma_HomE[OF this(1) assms(2,3)] have "A = C" and "B = D"
by auto
ultimately show "[A, B, F]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
and "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "B ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
by auto
lemma cat_comma_Dom_vsv[cat_comma_cs_intros]: "vsv (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Dom⦈)"
unfolding cat_comma_components by simp
lemma cat_comma_Dom_vdomain[cat_comma_cs_simps]:
"𝒟⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Dom⦈) = 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
unfolding cat_comma_components by simp
lemma cat_comma_Dom_app[cat_comma_cs_simps]:
assumes "ABF = [A, B, F]⇩∘" and "ABF ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
shows "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Dom⦈⦇ABF⦈ = A"
using assms(2) unfolding assms(1) cat_comma_components by simp
lemma cat_comma_Dom_vrange:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "ℛ⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Dom⦈) ⊆⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
proof(rule vsv.vsv_vrange_vsubset)
fix ABF assume "ABF ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Dom⦈)"
then have "ABF ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps)
then obtain A B
where ABF: "ABF ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
and A: "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and B: "B ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
by auto
from this(1) obtain a b f a' b' f' g h
where "ABF = [A, B, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
by (elim cat_comma_HomE[OF _ assms(1,2)])
from ABF this A B show "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Dom⦈⦇ABF⦈ ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_comma_cs_intros
qed (auto intro: cat_comma_cs_intros)
lemma cat_comma_Cod_vsv[cat_comma_cs_intros]: "vsv (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Cod⦈)"
unfolding cat_comma_components by simp
lemma cat_comma_Cod_vdomain[cat_comma_cs_simps]:
"𝒟⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Cod⦈) = 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
unfolding cat_comma_components by simp
lemma cat_comma_Cod_app[cat_comma_cs_simps]:
assumes "ABF = [A, B, F]⇩∘" and "ABF ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
shows "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Cod⦈⦇ABF⦈ = B"
using assms(2)
unfolding assms(1) cat_comma_components
by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
lemma cat_comma_Cod_vrange:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "ℛ⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Cod⦈) ⊆⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
proof(rule vsv.vsv_vrange_vsubset)
fix ABF assume "ABF ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Cod⦈)"
then have "ABF ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps)
then obtain A B
where F: "ABF ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
and A: "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and B: "B ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
by auto
from this(1) obtain a b f a' b' f' g h
where "ABF = [A, B, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
by (elim cat_comma_HomE[OF _ assms(1,2)])
from F this A B show "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Cod⦈⦇ABF⦈ ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_comma_cs_intros
qed (auto intro: cat_comma_cs_intros)
subsubsection‹Arrow with a domain and a codomain›
lemma cat_comma_is_arrI[cat_comma_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ABF = [A, B, F]⇩∘"
and "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and "F = [g, h]⇩∘"
and "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
shows "ABF : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
proof(intro is_arrI)
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 ℭ 𝔊 by (rule assms(1))
interpret ℌ: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ ℌ by (rule assms(2))
from assms(7-11) show "ABF ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
unfolding assms(3-6)
cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
with assms(7-11) show "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Dom⦈⦇ABF⦈ = A" "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Cod⦈⦇ABF⦈ = B"
unfolding assms(3-6) by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps)+
lemma cat_comma_is_arrD[dest]:
assumes "[[a, b, f]⇩∘, [a', b', f']⇩∘, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘ :
[a, b, f]⇩∘ ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
note F_is_arrD = is_arrD[OF assms(1)]
note F_cat_comma_ArrD = cat_comma_ArrD[OF F_is_arrD(1) assms(2,3)]
show "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
by (intro cat_comma_HomD[OF F_cat_comma_ArrD(1) assms(2,3)])+
lemma cat_comma_is_arrE[elim]:
assumes "ABF : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
obtains a b f a' b' f' g h
where "ABF = [[a, b, f]⇩∘, [a', b', f']⇩∘, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
note F_is_arrD = is_arrD[OF assms(1)]
from F_is_arrD(1) obtain C D
where "ABF ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ C D"
and "C ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "D ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
by auto
from this(1) obtain a b f a' b' f' g h
where F_def: "ABF = [C, D, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and "C = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and "D = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
by (elim cat_comma_HomE[OF _ assms(2,3)])
with that show ?thesis
by (metis F_is_arrD(1,2,3) cat_comma_Cod_app cat_comma_Dom_app)
lemma cat_comma_composableI:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ABCGF = [BCG, ABF]⇩∘"
and "BCG : B ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ C"
and "ABF : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
shows "ABCGF ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_composable 𝔊 ℌ"
from assms(1,2,5) obtain a b f a' b' f' gh
where ABF_def: "ABF = [[a, b, f]⇩∘, [a', b', f']⇩∘, gh]⇩∘"
and "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
by auto
with assms(1,2,4) obtain a'' b'' f'' g'h'
where BCG_def: "BCG = [[a', b', f']⇩∘, [a'', b'', f'']⇩∘, g'h']⇩∘"
and "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and "C = [a'', b'', f'']⇩∘"
by auto
from is_arrD(1)[OF assms(4)] have "BCG ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ"
unfolding cat_comma_components'(2)[OF assms(1,2)].
moreover from is_arrD(1)[OF assms(5)] have "ABF ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Arr 𝔊 ℌ"
unfolding cat_comma_components'(2)[OF assms(1,2)].
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding assms(3) ABF_def BCG_def cat_comma_composable_def
by simp
lemma cat_comma_composableE[elim]:
assumes "ABCGF ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_composable 𝔊 ℌ"
and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
obtains BCG ABF A B C
where "ABCGF = [BCG, ABF]⇩∘"
and "BCG : B ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ C"
and "ABF : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
from assms(1) obtain A B C G F
where ABCGF_def: "ABCGF = [[B, C, G]⇩∘, [A, B, F]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and BCG: "[B, C, G]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
and ABF: "[A, B, F]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
unfolding cat_comma_composable_def
by (auto simp: cat_comma_components'[OF assms(2,3)])
note BCG = cat_comma_ArrD[OF BCG assms(2,3)]
and ABF = cat_comma_ArrD[OF ABF assms(2,3)]
from ABF(1) assms(2,3) obtain a b f a' b' f' g h
where "[A, B, F]⇩∘ = [A, B, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and A_def: "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and B_def: "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and F_def: "F = [g, h]⇩∘"
and g: "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and h: "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and f: "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and f': "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and [cat_comma_cs_simps]:
"f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
by auto
with BCG(1) assms(2,3) obtain a'' b'' f'' g' h'
where g'h'_def: "[B, C, G]⇩∘ = [B, C, [g', h']⇩∘]⇩∘"
and C_def: "C = [a'', b'', f'']⇩∘"
and G_def: "G = [g', h']⇩∘"
and g': "g' : a' ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a''"
and h': "h' : b' ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b''"
and f'': "f'' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a''⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b''⦈"
and [cat_comma_cs_simps]:
"f'' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g'⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h'⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f'"
by auto
from F_def have "F = [g, h]⇩∘" by simp
from assms(2,3) g h f f' g' h' f'' have
"[B, C, G]⇩∘ : B ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ C"
unfolding ABCGF_def F_def G_def A_def B_def C_def
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_comma_is_arrI
moreover from assms(2,3) g h f f' g' h' f'' have
"[A, B, F]⇩∘ : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
unfolding ABCGF_def F_def G_def A_def B_def C_def
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_comma_is_arrI
ultimately show ?thesis using that ABCGF_def by auto
lemma cat_comma_Comp_vsv[cat_comma_cs_intros]: "vsv (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Comp⦈)"
unfolding cat_comma_components by auto
lemma cat_comma_Comp_vdomain[cat_comma_cs_simps]:
"𝒟⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Comp⦈) = cat_comma_composable 𝔊 ℌ"
unfolding cat_comma_components by auto
lemma cat_comma_Comp_app[cat_comma_cs_simps]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "G = [B, C, [g', h']⇩∘]⇩∘"
and "F = [A, B, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and "G : B ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ C"
and "F : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
shows "G ∘⇩A⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ F = [A, C, [g' ∘⇩A⇘𝔄⇙ g, h' ∘⇩A⇘𝔅⇙ h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
using assms(1,2,5,6)
unfolding cat_comma_components'[OF assms(1,2)] assms(3,4)
cs_simp: omega_of_set V_cs_simps vfsequence_simps
cs_intro: nat_omega_intros V_cs_intros cat_comma_composableI TrueI
lemma cat_comma_Comp_is_arr[cat_comma_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "BCG : B ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ C"
and "ABF : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
shows "BCG ∘⇩A⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ ABF : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ C"
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 ℭ 𝔊 by (rule assms(1))
interpret ℌ: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ ℌ by (rule assms(2))
from assms(1,2,4) obtain a b f a' b' f' g h
where ABF_def: "ABF = [[a, b, f]⇩∘, [a', b', f']⇩∘, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and A_def: "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and B_def: "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and g: "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and h: "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and f: "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and f': "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and [symmetric, cat_cs_simps]:
"f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
by auto
with assms(1,2,3) obtain a'' b'' f'' g' h'
where BCG_def: "BCG = [[a', b', f']⇩∘, [a'', b'', f'']⇩∘, [g', h']⇩∘]⇩∘"
and C_def: "C = [a'', b'', f'']⇩∘"
and g': "g' : a' ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a''"
and h': "h' : b' ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b''"
and f'': "f'' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a''⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b''⦈"
and [cat_cs_simps]: "f'' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g'⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h'⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f'"
by auto
from g' have 𝔊g': "𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g'⦈ : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a''⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
note [cat_cs_simps] =
where ℭ=ℭ and h=f'' and g=‹𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g'⦈› and q=‹ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h'⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f'›
where ℭ=ℭ and h=f and g=‹ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈› and q=‹f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈›
from assms(1,2,3,4) g h f f' g' h' f'' show ?thesis
unfolding ABF_def BCG_def A_def B_def C_def
by (intro cat_comma_is_arrI[OF assms(1,2)])
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
lemma cat_comma_CId_vsv[cat_comma_cs_intros]: "vsv (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇CId⦈)"
unfolding cat_comma_components by simp
lemma cat_comma_CId_vdomain[cat_comma_cs_simps]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "𝒟⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇CId⦈) = 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding cat_comma_components'[OF assms(1,2)] by simp
lemma cat_comma_CId_app[cat_comma_cs_simps]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "A = [a, b ,f]⇩∘"
and "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
shows "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇CId⦈⦇A⦈ = [A, A, [𝔄⦇CId⦈⦇a⦈, 𝔅⦇CId⦈⦇b⦈]⇩∘]⇩∘"
from assms(4)[unfolded assms(3), unfolded cat_comma_components'[OF assms(1,2)]]
have "[a, b, f]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Obj 𝔊 ℌ".
then show ?thesis
unfolding cat_comma_components'(6)[OF assms(1,2)] assms(3)
by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
lemma cat_comma_Hom:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "B ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
shows "Hom (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ) A B = cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
proof(intro vsubset_antisym vsubsetI, unfold in_Hom_iff)
fix ABF assume "ABF : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
with assms(1,2) show "ABF ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
by (elim cat_comma_is_arrE[OF _ assms(1,2)], intro cat_comma_HomI) force+
fix ABF assume "ABF ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_Hom 𝔊 ℌ A B"
with assms(1,2) show "ABF : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
by (elim cat_comma_HomE[OF _ assms(1,2)], intro cat_comma_is_arrI) force+
subsubsection‹Comma category is a category›
lemma category_cat_comma[cat_comma_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "category α (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ)"
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 ℭ 𝔊 by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ ℌ by (rule assms(2))
show ?thesis
proof(rule categoryI')
show "vfsequence (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ)" unfolding cat_comma_def by auto
show "vcard (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ) = 6⇩ℕ"
unfolding cat_comma_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
show "ℛ⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Dom⦈) ⊆⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
by (rule cat_comma_Dom_vrange[OF assms])
show "ℛ⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Cod⦈) ⊆⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
by (rule cat_comma_Cod_vrange[OF assms])
show "(GF ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Comp⦈)) ⟷
(∃g f b c a. GF = [g, f]⇩∘ ∧ g : b ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ c ∧ f : a ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ b)"
for GF
proof(intro iffI; (elim exE conjE)?; (simp only: cat_comma_Comp_vdomain)?)
assume prems: "GF ∈⇩∘ cat_comma_composable 𝔊 ℌ"
with assms obtain G F abf a'b'f' a''b''f''
where "GF = [G, F]⇩∘"
and "G : a'b'f' ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ a''b''f''"
and "F : abf ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ a'b'f'"
by auto
with assms show "∃g f b c a.
GF = [g, f]⇩∘ ∧ g : b ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ c ∧ f : a ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ b"
by auto
qed (use assms in ‹cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_comma_composableI›)
from assms show "𝒟⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇CId⦈) = 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps)
from assms show "G ∘⇩A⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ F : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ C"
if "G : B ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ C" and "F : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
for B C G A F
using that by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_comma_cs_intros)
from assms show
"H ∘⇩A⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ G ∘⇩A⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ F =
H ∘⇩A⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ (G ∘⇩A⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ F)"
if "H : C ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ D"
and "G : B ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ C"
and "F : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B"
for C D H B G A F
using assms that
from that(3) assms obtain a b f a' b' f' g h
where F_def: "F = [[a, b, f]⇩∘, [a', b', f']⇩∘, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and A_def: "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and B_def: "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and g: "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and h: "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and f: "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and f': "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and [cat_cs_simps]: "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
by auto
with that(2) assms obtain a'' b'' f'' g' h'
where G_def: "G = [[a', b', f']⇩∘, [a'', b'', f'']⇩∘, [g', h']⇩∘]⇩∘"
and C_def: "C = [a'', b'', f'']⇩∘"
and g': "g' : a' ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a''"
and h': "h' : b' ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b''"
and f'': "f'' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a''⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b''⦈"
and [cat_cs_simps]:
"f'' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g'⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h'⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f'"
by auto
with that(1) assms obtain a''' b''' f''' g'' h''
where H_def: "H = [[a'', b'', f'']⇩∘, [a''', b''', f''']⇩∘, [g'', h'']⇩∘]⇩∘"
and D_def: "D = [a''', b''', f''']⇩∘"
and g'': "g'' : a'' ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'''"
and h'': "h'' : b'' ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'''"
and f''': "f''' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'''⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'''⦈"
and [cat_cs_simps]:
"f''' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g''⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h''⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f''"
by auto
note [cat_cs_simps] =
where ℭ=ℭ
and h=f''
and g=‹𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g'⦈›
and q=‹ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h'⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f'›
where ℭ=ℭ
and h=f''
and g=‹𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g'⦈›
and q=‹ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h'⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f'›
where ℭ=ℭ
and h=f'''
and g=‹𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g''⦈›
and q=‹ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h''⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f''›
from assms that g h f f' g' h' f'' g'' h'' f''' show ?thesis
unfolding F_def G_def H_def A_def B_def C_def D_def
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
show "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇CId⦈⦇A⦈ : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ A"
if "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈" for A
using that
by (elim cat_comma_ObjE[OF _ assms(1)]; (simp only:)?)
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
show "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇CId⦈⦇B⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ F = F"
if "F : A ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ B" for A B F
using that
by (elim cat_comma_is_arrE[OF _ assms]; (simp only:)?)
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
show "F ∘⇩A⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇CId⦈⦇B⦈ = F"
if "F : B ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ C" for B C F
using that
by (elim cat_comma_is_arrE[OF _ assms]; (simp only:)?)
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
show "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈ ⊆⇩∘ Vset α"
proof(intro vsubsetI, elim cat_comma_ObjE[OF _ assms])
fix F a b f assume prems:
"F = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
"a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
"b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
"f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
from prems(2-4) show "F ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
unfolding prems(1) by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros V_cs_intros)
show "(⋃⇩∘a∈⇩∘A. ⋃⇩∘b∈⇩∘B. Hom (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ) a b) ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
if "A ⊆⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "B ⊆⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
and "A ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
and "B ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
for A B
define A0 where "A0 = ℛ⇩∘ (λF∈⇩∘A. F⦇0⦈)"
define A1 where "A1 = ℛ⇩∘ (λF∈⇩∘A. F⦇1⇩ℕ⦈)"
define B0 where "B0 = ℛ⇩∘ (λF∈⇩∘B. F⦇0⦈)"
define B1 where "B1 = ℛ⇩∘ (λF∈⇩∘B. F⦇1⇩ℕ⦈)"
define A0B0 where "A0B0 = (⋃⇩∘a∈⇩∘A0. ⋃⇩∘b∈⇩∘B0. Hom 𝔄 a b)"
define A1B1 where "A1B1 = (⋃⇩∘a∈⇩∘A1. ⋃⇩∘b∈⇩∘B1. Hom 𝔅 a b)"
have A0B0: "A0B0 ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
unfolding A0B0_def
proof(rule 𝔊.HomDom.cat_Hom_vifunion_in_Vset; (intro vsubsetI)?)
show "A0 ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
unfolding A0_def
proof(intro vrange_vprojection_in_VsetI that(3))
fix F assume "F ∈⇩∘ A"
with that(1) have "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈" by auto
with assms obtain a b f where F_def: "F = [a, b, f]⇩∘" by auto
show "vsv F" unfolding F_def by auto
show "0 ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ F" unfolding F_def by simp
qed auto
show "B0 ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
unfolding B0_def
proof(intro vrange_vprojection_in_VsetI that(4))
fix F assume "F ∈⇩∘ B"
with that(2) have "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈" by auto
with assms obtain a b f where F_def: "F = [a, b, f]⇩∘" by auto
show "vsv F" unfolding F_def by auto
show "0 ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ F" unfolding F_def by simp
qed auto
fix a assume "a ∈⇩∘ A0"
with that(1) obtain F
where a_def: "a = F⦇0⦈" and "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding A0_def by force
with assms obtain b f where "F = [a, b, f]⇩∘" and "a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈" by auto
then show "a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈" unfolding a_def by simp
fix a assume "a ∈⇩∘ B0"
with that(2) obtain F
where a_def: "a = F⦇0⦈" and "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding B0_def by force
with assms obtain b f where "F = [a, b, f]⇩∘" and "a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈" by auto
then show "a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈" unfolding a_def by simp
have A1B1: "A1B1 ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
unfolding A1B1_def
proof(rule 𝔉.HomDom.cat_Hom_vifunion_in_Vset; (intro vsubsetI)?)
show "A1 ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
unfolding A1_def
proof(intro vrange_vprojection_in_VsetI that(3))
fix F assume "F ∈⇩∘ A"
with that(1) have "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈" by auto
with assms obtain a b f where F_def: "F = [a, b, f]⇩∘" by auto
show "vsv F" unfolding F_def by auto
show "1⇩ℕ ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ F" unfolding F_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
qed auto
show "B1 ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
unfolding B1_def
proof(intro vrange_vprojection_in_VsetI that(4))
fix F assume "F ∈⇩∘ B"
with that(2) have "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈" by auto
with assms obtain a b f where F_def: "F = [a, b, f]⇩∘" by auto
show "vsv F" unfolding F_def by auto
show "1⇩ℕ ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ F" unfolding F_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
qed auto
fix b assume "b ∈⇩∘ A1"
with that(1) obtain F
where b_def: "b = F⦇1⇩ℕ⦈" and "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding A1_def by force
with assms obtain a f where "F = [a, b, f]⇩∘" and "b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
by (auto simp: nat_omega_simps)
then show "b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈" unfolding b_def by simp
fix b assume "b ∈⇩∘ B1"
with that(2) obtain F
where b_def: "b = F⦇1⇩ℕ⦈" and "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding B1_def by force
with assms obtain a f where "F = [a, b, f]⇩∘" and "b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
by (auto simp: nat_omega_simps)
then show "b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈" unfolding b_def by simp
define Q where
"Q i = (if i = 0 then A else if i = 1⇩ℕ then B else (A0B0 ×⇩∙ A1B1))"
for i
"(⋃⇩∘a∈⇩∘A. ⋃⇩∘b∈⇩∘B.
Hom (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ) a b) ⊆⇩∘ (∏⇩∘i∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}. Q i)"
intro vsubsetI,
elim vifunionE,
unfold in_Hom_iff,
intro vproductI ballI
fix abf a'b'f' F assume prems:
"abf ∈⇩∘ A" "a'b'f' ∈⇩∘ B" "F : abf ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ a'b'f'"
from prems(3) assms obtain a b f a' b' f' g h
where F_def: "F = [[a, b, f]⇩∘, [a', b', f']⇩∘, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and abf_def: "abf = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and a'b'f'_def: "a'b'f' = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and g: "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and h: "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
by auto
have gh: "[g, h]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ A0B0 ×⇩∙ A1B1"
unfolding A0B0_def A1B1_def
intro ftimesI2 vifunionI,
unfold in_Hom_iff A0_def B0_def A1_def B1_def
from prems(1) show "a ∈⇩∘ ℛ⇩∘ (λF∈⇩∘A. F⦇0⦈)"
by (intro vsv.vsv_vimageI2'[where a=abf]) (simp_all add: abf_def)
from prems(2) show "a' ∈⇩∘ ℛ⇩∘ (λF∈⇩∘B. F⦇0⦈)"
by (intro vsv.vsv_vimageI2'[where a=a'b'f'])
(simp_all add: a'b'f'_def)
from prems(1) show "b ∈⇩∘ ℛ⇩∘ (λF∈⇩∘A. F⦇1⇩ℕ⦈)"
by (intro vsv.vsv_vimageI2'[where a=abf])
(simp_all add: nat_omega_simps abf_def)
from prems(2) show "b' ∈⇩∘ ℛ⇩∘ (λF∈⇩∘B. F⦇1⇩ℕ⦈)"
by (intro vsv.vsv_vimageI2'[where a=a'b'f'])
(simp_all add: nat_omega_simps a'b'f'_def)
qed (intro g h)+
show "vsv F" unfolding F_def by auto
show "𝒟⇩∘ F = set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}"
by (simp add: F_def three nat_omega_simps)
fix i assume "i ∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}"
then consider ‹i = 0› | ‹i = 1⇩ℕ› | ‹i = 2⇩ℕ› by auto
from this prems show "F⦇i⦈ ∈⇩∘ Q i"
by cases
(simp_all add: F_def Q_def gh abf_def a'b'f'_def nat_omega_simps)
moreover have "(∏⇩∘i∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}. Q i) ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
proof(rule Limit_vproduct_in_VsetI)
show "set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ} ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: V_cs_intros)
from A0B0 A1B1 assms(1,2) that(3,4) show
"Q i ∈⇩∘ Vset α" if "i ∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}"
for i
by (simp_all add: Q_def Limit_ftimes_in_VsetI nat_omega_simps)
qed auto
ultimately show "(⋃⇩∘a∈⇩∘A. ⋃⇩∘b∈⇩∘B. Hom (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ) a b) ∈⇩∘ Vset α" by auto
qed (auto simp: cat_comma_cs_simps intro: cat_comma_cs_intros)
subsubsection‹Tiny comma category›
lemma tiny_category_cat_comma[cat_comma_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "tiny_category α (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ)"
interpret 𝔊: is_tm_functor α 𝔄 ℭ 𝔊 by (rule assms(1))
interpret ℌ: is_tm_functor α 𝔅 ℭ ℌ by (rule assms(2))
note 𝔊 = 𝔊.is_functor_axioms
and ℌ = ℌ.is_functor_axioms
interpret category α ‹𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ›
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros)
show ?thesis
proof(intro tiny_categoryI' category_cat_comma)
have vrange_𝔊: "ℛ⇩∘ (𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈) ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
by (simp add: vrange_in_VsetI 𝔊.tm_cf_ObjMap_in_Vset)
moreover have vrange_ℌ: "ℛ⇩∘ (ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈) ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
by (simp add: vrange_in_VsetI ℌ.tm_cf_ObjMap_in_Vset)
ultimately have UU_Hom_in_Vset:
"(⋃⇩∘a∈⇩∘ℛ⇩∘ (𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈). ⋃⇩∘b∈⇩∘ℛ⇩∘ (ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈). Hom ℭ a b) ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
using 𝔊.cf_ObjMap_vrange ℌ.cf_ObjMap_vrange
by (auto intro: 𝔊.HomCod.cat_Hom_vifunion_in_Vset)
define Q where
"Q i =
if i = 0
then 𝔄⦇Obj⦈
if i = 1⇩ℕ
then 𝔅⦇Obj⦈
else (⋃⇩∘a∈⇩∘ℛ⇩∘ (𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈). ⋃⇩∘b∈⇩∘ℛ⇩∘ (ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈). Hom ℭ a b)
for i
have "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈ ⊆⇩∘ (∏⇩∘i∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}. Q i)"
proof(intro vsubsetI)
fix A assume "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
then obtain a b f
where A_def: "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and a: "a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
and b: "b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
and f: "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
by (elim cat_comma_ObjE[OF _ 𝔊 ℌ])
from f have f:
"f ∈⇩∘ (⋃⇩∘a∈⇩∘ℛ⇩∘ (𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈). ⋃⇩∘b∈⇩∘ℛ⇩∘ (ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈). Hom ℭ a b)"
by (intro vifunionI, unfold in_Hom_iff)
simp_all add:
a b
show "A ∈⇩∘ (∏⇩∘i∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}. Q i)"
proof(intro vproductI, unfold Ball_def; (intro allI impI)?)
show "𝒟⇩∘ A = set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}"
unfolding A_def by (simp add: three nat_omega_simps)
fix i assume "i ∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}"
then consider ‹i = 0› | ‹i = 1⇩ℕ› | ‹i = 2⇩ℕ› by auto
from this a b f show "A⦇i⦈ ∈⇩∘ Q i"
unfolding A_def Q_def by cases (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
qed (auto simp: A_def)
moreover have "(∏⇩∘i∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}. Q i) ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
proof(rule Limit_vproduct_in_VsetI)
show "set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ} ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
unfolding three[symmetric] by simp
from this show "Q i ∈⇩∘ Vset α" if "i ∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}" for i
using that assms(1,2) UU_Hom_in_Vset
simp_all add:
qed auto
ultimately show [simp]: "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈ ∈⇩∘ Vset α" by auto
define Q where
"Q i =
if i = 0
then 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈
if i = 1⇩ℕ
then 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈
else 𝔄⦇Arr⦈ ×⇩∙ 𝔅⦇Arr⦈
for i
have "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈ ⊆⇩∘ (∏⇩∘i∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}. Q i)"
proof(intro vsubsetI)
fix F assume "F ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈"
then obtain abf a'b'f' where F: "F : abf ↦⇘𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⇙ a'b'f'"
by (auto intro: is_arrI)
with assms obtain a b f a' b' f' g h
where F_def: "F = [[a, b, f]⇩∘, [a', b', f']⇩∘, [g, h]⇩∘]⇩∘"
and abf_def: "abf = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and a'b'f'_def: "a'b'f' = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
and g: "g : a ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a'"
and h: "h : b ↦⇘𝔅⇙ b'"
and "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
and "f' : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a'⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b'⦈"
and "f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ 𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇g⦈ = ℌ⦇ArrMap⦈⦇h⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
by auto
from g h have "[g, h]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Arr⦈ ×⇩∙ 𝔅⦇Arr⦈" by auto
show "F ∈⇩∘ (∏⇩∘i∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}. Q i)"
proof(intro vproductI, unfold Ball_def; (intro allI impI)?)
show "𝒟⇩∘ F = set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}"
by (simp add: F_def three nat_omega_simps)
fix i assume "i ∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}"
then consider ‹i = 0› | ‹i = 1⇩ℕ› | ‹i = 2⇩ℕ› by auto
from this F g h show "F⦇i⦈ ∈⇩∘ Q i"
unfolding Q_def F_def abf_def[symmetric] a'b'f'_def[symmetric]
by cases (auto simp: nat_omega_simps)
qed (auto simp: F_def)
moreover have "(∏⇩∘i∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}. Q i) ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
proof(rule Limit_vproduct_in_VsetI)
show "set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ} ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
by (simp add: three[symmetric] nat_omega_simps)
moreover have "𝔄⦇Arr⦈ ×⇩∙ 𝔅⦇Arr⦈ ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
auto intro!:
𝔊.𝒵_β 𝒵_def
ultimately show "Q i ∈⇩∘ Vset α" if "i ∈⇩∘ set {0, 1⇩ℕ, 2⇩ℕ}" for i
using that assms(1,2) UU_Hom_in_Vset
simp_all add:
qed auto
ultimately show "𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Arr⦈ ∈⇩∘ Vset α" by auto
qed (rule 𝔊, rule ℌ)
subsection‹Opposite comma category functor›
See \<^cite>‹"noauthor_wikipedia_2001"›\footnote{
} for background information.
subsubsection‹Object flip›
definition op_cf_commma_obj_flip :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ =
(λA∈⇩∘(𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ)⦇Obj⦈. [A⦇1⇩ℕ⦈, A⦇0⦈, A⦇2⇩ℕ⦈]⇩∘)"
text‹Elementary properties.›
mk_VLambda op_cf_commma_obj_flip_def
|vsv op_cf_commma_obj_flip_vsv[cat_comma_cs_intros]|
|vdomain op_cf_commma_obj_flip_vdomain[cat_comma_cs_simps]|
|app op_cf_commma_obj_flip_app'|
lemma op_cf_commma_obj_flip_app[cat_comma_cs_simps]:
assumes "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘" and "A ∈⇩∘ (𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ)⦇Obj⦈"
shows "op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ⦇A⦈ = [b, a, f]⇩∘"
using assms unfolding op_cf_commma_obj_flip_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
lemma op_cf_commma_obj_flip_v11[cat_comma_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "v11 (op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ)"
proof(rule vsv.vsv_valeq_v11I, unfold op_cf_commma_obj_flip_vdomain)
fix A B assume prems:
"A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
"B ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
"op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ⦇A⦈ = op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ⦇B⦈"
from prems(1,2) assms obtain a b f a' b' f'
where A_def: "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and B_def: "B = [a', b', f']⇩∘"
by (elim cat_comma_ObjE[OF _ assms])
from prems(3,1,2) show "A = B"
by (simp_all add: A_def B_def op_cf_commma_obj_flip_app nat_omega_simps)
qed (auto intro: op_cf_commma_obj_flip_vsv)
lemma op_cf_commma_obj_flip_vrange[cat_comma_cs_simps]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "ℌ : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "ℛ⇩∘ (op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ) = (op_cf ℌ) ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F (op_cf 𝔊)⦇Obj⦈"
proof(intro vsubset_antisym)
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 ℭ 𝔊 by (rule assms(1))
interpret ℌ: is_functor α 𝔅 ℭ ℌ by (rule assms(2))
show "ℛ⇩∘ (op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ) ⊆⇩∘ (op_cf ℌ) ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F (op_cf 𝔊)⦇Obj⦈"
intro vsv.vsv_vrange_vsubset op_cf_commma_obj_flip_vsv,
unfold cat_comma_cs_simps
fix A assume "A ∈⇩∘ 𝔊 ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F ℌ⦇Obj⦈"
then obtain a b f
where A_def: "A = [a, b, f]⇩∘"
and a: "a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
and b: "b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
and f: "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
by (elim cat_comma_ObjE[OF _ assms])
from a b f show
"op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ⦇A⦈ ∈⇩∘ (op_cf ℌ) ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F (op_cf 𝔊)⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding A_def
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_op_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros cat_op_intros
show "(op_cf ℌ) ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F (op_cf 𝔊)⦇Obj⦈ ⊆⇩∘ ℛ⇩∘ (op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ)"
proof(intro vsubsetI)
fix B assume "B ∈⇩∘ (op_cf ℌ) ⇩C⇩F↓⇩C⇩F (op_cf 𝔊)⦇Obj⦈"
then obtain a b f
where B_def: "B = [b, a, f]⇩∘"
and b: "b ∈⇩∘ 𝔅⦇Obj⦈"
and a: "a ∈⇩∘ 𝔄⦇Obj⦈"
and f: "f : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘ℭ⇙ ℌ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇b⦈"
elim cat_comma_ObjE[
OF _ ℌ.is_functor_op 𝔊.is_functor_op, unfolded cat_op_simps
from a b f have B_def: "B = op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ⦇a, b, f⦈⇩∙"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps B_def
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
from a b f have "[a, b, f]⇩∘ ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ (op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ)"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
with op_cf_commma_obj_flip_vsv show "B ∈⇩∘ ℛ⇩∘ (op_cf_commma_obj_flip 𝔊 ℌ)"
unfolding B_def by auto
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
definition op_cf_comma :: "V ⇒