Theory CISK

subsection ‹CISK (Controlled Interruptible Separation Kernel)›

theory CISK
  imports ISK

text ‹
  This section presents a generic model of a Controlled Interruptible Separation Kernel (CISK).
  It formulates security, i.e., intransitive noninterference.
  For a presentation of this model, see Section 2 of~cite"Verbeek2013".

text ‹
  First, a locale is defined that defines all generic functions and all proof obligations (see Section 2.3 of ~cite"Verbeek2013").
locale Controllable_Interruptible_Separation_Kernel = ― ‹CISK›
fixes kstep :: "'state_t  'action_t  'state_t" ― ‹Executes one atomic kernel action›
  and output_f :: "'state_t  'action_t  'output_t" ― ‹Returns the observable behavior›
  and s0 :: "'state_t" ― ‹The initial state›
  and current :: "'state_t => 'dom_t" ― ‹Returns the currently active domain›
  and cswitch :: "time_t  'state_t  'state_t" ― ‹Performs a context switch›
  and interrupt :: "time_t  bool" ― ‹Returns t iff an interrupt occurs in the given state at the given time›
  and kinvolved :: "'action_t  'dom_t set" ― ‹Returns the set of domains that are involved in the given action›
  and ifp :: "'dom_t  'dom_t  bool" ― ‹The security policy.›
  and vpeq :: "'dom_t  'state_t  'state_t  bool" ― ‹View partitioning equivalence›
  and AS_set :: "('action_t list) set" ― ‹Returns a set of valid action sequences, i.e., the attack surface›
  and invariant :: "'state_t  bool" ― ‹Returns an inductive state-invariant›
  and AS_precondition :: "'state_t  'dom_t  'action_t  bool" ― ‹Returns the preconditions under which the given action can be executed.›  
  and aborting :: "'state_t  'dom_t  'action_t  bool" ― ‹Returns true iff the action is aborted.›
  and waiting :: "'state_t  'dom_t  'action_t  bool" ― ‹Returns true iff execution of the given action is delayed.›
  and set_error_code :: "'state_t  'action_t  'state_t" ― ‹Sets an error code when actions are aborted.›
assumes vpeq_transitive: "  a b c u. (vpeq u a b  vpeq u b c)  vpeq u a c"
    and vpeq_symmetric: " a b u. vpeq u a b  vpeq u b a"
    and vpeq_reflexive: " a u. vpeq u a a"
    and ifp_reflexive: " u . ifp u u"     
    and weakly_step_consistent: " s t u a. vpeq u s t  vpeq (current s) s t  invariant s  AS_precondition s (current s) a  invariant t  AS_precondition t (current t) a  current s = current t   vpeq u (kstep s a) (kstep t a)"
    and locally_respects: " a s u. ¬ifp (current s) u   invariant s  AS_precondition s (current s) a  vpeq u s (kstep s a)"
    and output_consistent: " a s t. vpeq (current s) s t  current s = current t  (output_f s a) = (output_f t a)"
    and step_atomicity: " s a . current (kstep s a) = current s"
    and cswitch_independent_of_state: " n s t . current s = current t  current (cswitch n s) = current (cswitch n t)"
    and cswitch_consistency: " u s t n . vpeq u s t  vpeq u (cswitch n s) (cswitch n t)"
    and empty_in_AS_set: "[]  AS_set"
    and invariant_s0: "invariant s0"
    and invariant_after_cswitch: " s n . invariant s  invariant (cswitch n s)"
    and precondition_after_cswitch: " s d n a. AS_precondition s d a  AS_precondition (cswitch n s) d a"
    and AS_prec_first_action: " s d aseq . invariant s  aseq  AS_set  aseq  []  AS_precondition s d (hd aseq)"
    and AS_prec_after_step: " s a a' . ( aseq  AS_set . is_sub_seq a a' aseq)  invariant s  AS_precondition s (current s) a  ¬aborting s (current s) a  ¬ waiting s (current s) a AS_precondition (kstep s a) (current s) a'"
    and AS_prec_dom_independent: " s d a a' . current s  d  AS_precondition s d a  AS_precondition (kstep s a') d a"
    and spec_of_invariant: " s a . invariant s  invariant (kstep s a)"
    and aborting_switch_independent: " n s . aborting (cswitch n s) = aborting s"
    and aborting_error_update: " s d a' a . current s  d  aborting s d a  aborting (set_error_code s a') d a"
    and aborting_after_step: " s a d . current s  d  aborting (kstep s a) d = aborting s d" (* TODO: I think this PO can be removed *)
    and aborting_consistent: " s t u . vpeq u s t  aborting s u = aborting t u"
    and waiting_switch_independent: " n s . waiting (cswitch n s) = waiting s"
    and waiting_error_update: " s d a' a . current s  d  waiting s d a  waiting (set_error_code s a') d a"
    and waiting_consistent: "s t u a . vpeq (current s) s t  ( d  kinvolved a . vpeq d s t)  vpeq u s t  waiting s u a = waiting t u a"
    and spec_of_waiting: " s a . waiting s (current s) a  kstep s a = s"
    and set_error_consistent: " s t u a . vpeq u s t  vpeq u (set_error_code s a) (set_error_code t a)"
    and set_error_locally_respects: " s u a . ¬ifp (current s) u  vpeq u s (set_error_code s a)"
    and current_set_error_code: " s a . current (set_error_code s a) = current s"
    and precondition_after_set_error_code: " s d a a'. AS_precondition s d a  aborting s (current s) a'  AS_precondition (set_error_code s a') d a"
    and invariant_after_set_error_code: " s a . invariant s  invariant (set_error_code s a)"
    and involved_ifp: " s a .  d  (kinvolved a) . AS_precondition s (current s) a  ifp d (current s)"  

subsubsection‹Execution semantics›

  Control is based on generic functions \emph{aborting}, \emph{waiting} and \emph{set\_error\_code}.
  Function \emph{aborting} decides whether a certain action is aborting, given its domain and the state.
  If so, then function set\_error\_code will be used to update the state, possibly communicating to other domains that an action has been aborted.
  Function \emph{waiting} can delay the execution of an action.
  This behavior is implemented in function CISK\_control.
function CISK_control :: "'state_t  'dom_t  'action_t execution  ('action_t option × 'action_t execution × 'state_t)"
where "CISK_control s d []                = (None,[],s)" ― ‹The thread is empty›
    | "CISK_control s d ([]#[])           = (None,[],s)" ― ‹The current action sequence has been finished and the thread has no next action sequences to execute›
    | "CISK_control s d ([]#(as'#execs')) = (None,as'#execs',s)" ― ‹The current action sequence has been finished. Skip to the next sequence›
    | "CISK_control s d ((a#as)#execs')   = (if aborting s d a then 
                                                  (None, execs',set_error_code s a)
                                               else if waiting s d a then
                                                  (Some a, (a#as)#execs',s)
                                                  (Some a, as#execs',s))" ― ‹Executing an action sequence›
by pat_completeness auto
termination by lexicographic_order

  Function \emph{run} defines the execution semantics.
  This function is presented in ~cite"Verbeek2013" by pseudo code (see Algorithm 1).
  Before defining the run function, we define accessor functions for the control mechanism.
  Functions next\_action, next\_execs and next\_state correspond to ``control.a'', ``control.x'' and ``control.s'' in ~cite"Verbeek2013".
abbreviation next_action::"'state_t  ('dom_t  'action_t execution)  'action_t option"
where "next_action  Kernel.next_action current CISK_control"
abbreviation next_execs::"'state_t  ('dom_t  'action_t execution)  ('dom_t  'action_t execution)"
where "next_execs   Kernel.next_execs current CISK_control"
abbreviation next_state::"'state_t  ('dom_t  'action_t execution)  'state_t"
where "next_state   Kernel.next_state current CISK_control"
text ‹
text ‹
  A thread is empty iff either it has no further action sequences to execute, or when the current action sequence is finished and there are no further action sequences to execute.
abbreviation thread_empty::"'action_t execution  bool"
where "thread_empty exec  exec = []  exec = [[]]"

  The following function defines the execution semantics of CISK, using function CISK\_control.
function run :: "time_t  'state_t  ('dom_t  'action_t execution)  'state_t"
where "run 0 s execs = s"
| "interrupt (Suc n)  run (Suc n) s execs = run n (cswitch (Suc n) s) execs"
| "¬interrupt (Suc n)  thread_empty(execs (current s))  run (Suc n) s execs = run n s execs"
| "¬interrupt (Suc n)  ¬thread_empty(execs (current s)) 
      run (Suc n) s execs = (let control_a = next_action s execs;
                                 control_s = next_state s execs;
                                 control_x = next_execs s execs in
                             case control_a of None  run n control_s control_x
                                         | (Some a)  run n (kstep control_s a) control_x)"
using not0_implies_Suc by (metis prod_cases3,auto)
termination by lexicographic_order

subsubsection ‹Formulations of security›

  The definitions of security as presented in Section 2.2 of~cite"Verbeek2013".

abbreviation kprecondition
  where "kprecondition s a  invariant s  AS_precondition s (current s) a"
definition realistic_execution
where "realistic_execution aseq  set aseq  AS_set"
definition realistic_executions :: "('dom_t  'action_t execution)  bool"
where "realistic_executions execs  d. realistic_execution (execs d)"
abbreviation involved where "involved  Kernel.involved kinvolved"
abbreviation step where "step  Kernel.step kstep"
abbreviation purge where "purge  Separation_Kernel.purge realistic_execution ifp"
abbreviation ipurge_l where "ipurge_l  Separation_Kernel.ipurge_l kinvolved ifp"
abbreviation ipurge_r where "ipurge_r  Separation_Kernel.ipurge_r realistic_execution kinvolved ifp"

definition NI_unrelated::bool
where "NI_unrelated
    execs a n . realistic_executions execs 
                      (let s_f = run n s0 execs in
                         output_f s_f a = output_f (run n s0 (purge execs (current s_f))) a)"
definition NI_indirect_sources::bool
where "NI_indirect_sources
    execs a n. realistic_executions execs 
                    (let s_f = run n s0 execs in
                      output_f (run n s0 (ipurge_l execs (current s_f))) a =
                      output_f (run n s0 (ipurge_r execs (current s_f))) a)"
definition isecure::bool
where "isecure  NI_unrelated  NI_indirect_sources"

subsubsection ‹Proofs›
  The final theorem is unwinding\_implies\_isecure\_CISK.
  This theorem shows that any interpretation of locale CISK is secure.

  To prove this theorem, the refinement framework is used.
  CISK is a refinement of ISK, as the only idfference is the control function.
  In ISK, this function is a generic function called \emph{control}, in CISK it is interpreted in function \emph{CISK\_control}.
  It is proven that function \emph{CISK\_control} satisfies all the proof obligations concerning generic function \emph{control}.
  In other words, \emph{CISK\_control} is proven to be an interpretation of control.
  Therefore, all theorems on run\_total apply to the run function of CISK as well.

lemma next_action_consistent: 
shows " s t execs . vpeq (current s) s t  ( d   involved (next_action s execs) . vpeq d s t)  current s = current t   next_action s execs = next_action t execs"
  fix s t execs
  assume vpeq: "vpeq (current s) s t"
  assume vpeq_involved: " d   involved (next_action s execs) . vpeq d s t"
  assume current_s_t: "current s = current t"
  from aborting_consistent current_s_t vpeq
   have "aborting t (current s) = aborting s (current s)" by auto
  from current_s_t this waiting_consistent vpeq_involved
    have "next_action s execs = next_action t execs"
    unfolding Kernel.next_action_def 
    by(cases "(s,(current s),execs (current s))" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma next_execs_consistent:
shows " s t execs . vpeq (current s) s t  ( d  involved (next_action s execs) . vpeq d s t)  current s = current t  fst (snd (CISK_control s (current s) (execs (current s)))) = fst (snd (CISK_control t (current s) (execs (current s))))"
  fix s t execs
  assume vpeq: "vpeq (current s) s t"
  assume vpeq_involved: " d  involved (next_action s execs) . vpeq d s t"
  assume current_s_t: "current s = current t"
  from aborting_consistent current_s_t vpeq
     have 1: "aborting t (current s) = aborting s (current s)" by auto
  from 1 vpeq current_s_t vpeq_involved waiting_consistent[THEN spec,THEN spec,THEN spec,THEN spec,where x3=s and x2=t and x1="current s" and x="the (next_action s execs)"]
    have "fst (snd (CISK_control s (current s) (execs (current s)))) = fst (snd (CISK_control t (current s) (execs (current s))))"
    unfolding Kernel.next_action_def Kernel.involved_def
    by(cases "(s,(current s),execs (current s))" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto split: if_split_asm)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma next_state_consistent:
shows " s t u execs . vpeq (current s) s t  vpeq u s t  current s = current t  vpeq u (next_state s execs) (next_state t execs)"
  fix s t u execs
  assume vpeq_s_t: "vpeq (current s) s t  vpeq u s t"
  assume current_s_t: "current s = current t"
  from vpeq_s_t current_s_t
    have "vpeq u (next_state s execs) (next_state t execs)"
    unfolding Kernel.next_state_def
    using aborting_consistent set_error_consistent
    by(cases "(s,(current s),execs (current s))" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma current_next_state:
shows " s execs . current (next_state s execs) = current s" 
  fix s execs
  have "current (next_state s execs) = current s"
    unfolding Kernel.next_state_def
    using current_set_error_code
    by(cases "(s,(current s),execs (current s))" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma locally_respects_next_state:
shows " s u execs. ¬ifp (current s) u  vpeq u s (next_state s execs)"
  fix s u execs
  assume "¬ifp (current s) u"
  hence "vpeq u s (next_state s execs)"
    unfolding Kernel.next_state_def
    using vpeq_reflexive set_error_locally_respects
    by(cases "(s,(current s),execs (current s))" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma CISK_control_spec:
shows "s d aseqs.
       case CISK_control s d aseqs of
       (a, aseqs', s') 
         thread_empty aseqs  (a, aseqs') = (None, []) 
         aseqs  []  hd aseqs  []  ¬ aborting s' d (the a)  ¬ waiting s' d (the a)  (a, aseqs') = (Some (hd (hd aseqs)), tl (hd aseqs) # tl aseqs) 
         aseqs  []  hd aseqs  []  waiting s' d (the a)  (a, aseqs', s') = (Some (hd (hd aseqs)), aseqs, s)  (a, aseqs') = (None, tl aseqs)"
  fix s d aseqs
  have "case CISK_control s d aseqs of
       (a, aseqs', s') 
         thread_empty aseqs  (a, aseqs') = (None, []) 
         aseqs  []  hd aseqs  []  ¬ aborting s' d (the a)  ¬ waiting s' d (the a)  (a, aseqs') = (Some (hd (hd aseqs)), tl (hd aseqs) # tl aseqs) 
         aseqs  []  hd aseqs  []  waiting s' d (the a)  (a, aseqs', s') = (Some (hd (hd aseqs)), aseqs, s)  (a, aseqs') = (None, tl aseqs)"
  by(cases "(s,d,aseqs)" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma next_action_after_cswitch:
shows " s n d aseqs . fst (CISK_control (cswitch n s) d aseqs) = fst (CISK_control s d aseqs)"
  fix s n d aseqs
  have "fst (CISK_control (cswitch n s) d aseqs) = fst (CISK_control s d aseqs)"
  using aborting_switch_independent waiting_switch_independent
  by(cases "(s,d,aseqs)" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma next_action_after_next_state:
shows " s execs d . current s  d  fst (CISK_control (next_state s execs) d (execs d)) = None  fst (CISK_control (next_state s execs) d (execs d)) = fst (CISK_control s d (execs d))"
  fix s execs d aseqs
  assume 1: "current s  d"
  have "fst (CISK_control (next_state s execs) d aseqs) = None  fst (CISK_control (next_state s execs) d aseqs) = fst (CISK_control s d aseqs)"
    proof(cases "(s,d,aseqs)" rule: CISK_control.cases,simp,simp,simp)
    case (4 sa da a as execs')
      thus ?thesis
          unfolding Kernel.next_state_def
          using aborting_error_update waiting_error_update 1
          by(cases "(sa,current sa,execs (current sa))" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto split: if_split_asm)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma next_action_after_step:
shows " s a d aseqs . current s  d  fst (CISK_control (step s a) d aseqs) = fst (CISK_control s d aseqs)"
  fix s a d aseqs
  assume 1: "current s  d"
  from this aborting_after_step 
    have  "fst (CISK_control (step s a) d aseqs) = fst (CISK_control s d aseqs)"
    unfolding Kernel.step_def 
    by(cases "(s,d,aseqs)" rule: CISK_control.cases,simp,simp,simp,cases a,auto)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma next_state_precondition:
shows "s d a execs. AS_precondition s d a  AS_precondition (next_state s execs) d a"
  fix s a d execs
  assume "AS_precondition s d a"
  hence "AS_precondition (next_state s execs) d a"
    unfolding Kernel.next_state_def
    using precondition_after_set_error_code
    by(cases "(s,(current s),execs (current s))" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma next_state_invariant:
shows "s execs. invariant s  invariant (next_state s execs)"
  fix s execs
  assume "invariant s"
  hence "invariant (next_state s execs)"
    unfolding Kernel.next_state_def
    using invariant_after_set_error_code
    by(cases "(s,(current s),execs (current s))" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto)
thus ?thesis by auto

lemma next_action_from_execs:
shows " s execs . next_action s execs  (λ a . a  actions_in_execution (execs (current s)))"
  fix s execs
    fix a
    assume 1: "next_action s execs = Some a"
    from 1 have "a  actions_in_execution (execs (current s))"
      unfolding Kernel.next_action_def actions_in_execution_def
      by (cases "(s,(current s),execs (current s))" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto split: if_split_asm)
  hence "next_action s execs  (λ a . a  actions_in_execution (execs (current s)))"
    unfolding B_def
    by (cases "next_action s execs",auto)
thus ?thesis unfolding B_def by (auto)

lemma next_execs_subset:
shows "s execs u . actions_in_execution (next_execs s execs u)  actions_in_execution (execs u)"
  fix s execs u
  have "actions_in_execution (next_execs s execs u)  actions_in_execution (execs u)"
    unfolding Kernel.next_execs_def actions_in_execution_def
    by (cases "(s,(current s),execs (current s))" rule: CISK_control.cases,auto split: if_split_asm)
thus ?thesis by auto

theorem unwinding_implies_isecure_CISK:
shows isecure
  interpret int: Interruptible_Separation_Kernel kstep output_f s0 current cswitch interrupt kprecondition realistic_execution CISK_control kinvolved ifp vpeq AS_set invariant AS_precondition aborting waiting
    proof (unfold_locales)
      show "a b c u. vpeq u a b  vpeq u b c  vpeq u a c"
        using vpeq_transitive by blast
      show "a b u. vpeq u a b  vpeq u b a"
        using vpeq_symmetric by blast
      show "a u. vpeq u a a"
        using vpeq_reflexive by blast
      show "u. ifp u u"
        using ifp_reflexive by blast
      show " s t u a. vpeq u s t  vpeq (current s) s t  kprecondition s a  kprecondition t a  current s = current t   vpeq u (kstep s a) (kstep t a)"
        using weakly_step_consistent by blast
      show " a s u. ¬ifp (current s) u   kprecondition s a  vpeq u s (kstep s a)"
        using locally_respects by blast
      show " a s t. vpeq (current s) s t  current s = current t  (output_f s a) = (output_f t a)"
        using output_consistent by blast        
      show " s a . current (kstep s a) = current s"
        using step_atomicity by blast        
      show " n s t . current s = current t  current (cswitch n s) = current (cswitch n t)"
        using cswitch_independent_of_state by blast                                                    
      show " u s t n . vpeq u s t  vpeq u (cswitch n s) (cswitch n t)"
        using cswitch_consistency by blast
      show "s t execs. vpeq (current s) s t  ( d  involved (next_action s execs) . vpeq d s t)  current s = current t  next_action s execs = next_action t execs"
        using next_action_consistent by blast
      show "s t execs.
        vpeq (current s) s t  ( d  involved (next_action s execs) . vpeq d s t)  current s = current t 
        fst (snd (CISK_control s (current s) (execs (current s)))) = fst (snd (CISK_control t (current s) (execs (current s))))"
        using next_execs_consistent by blast
      show " s t u execs. vpeq (current s) s t  vpeq u s t  current s = current t  vpeq u (next_state s execs) (next_state t execs)"
        using next_state_consistent by auto
      show " s execs. current (next_state s execs) = current s"
        using current_next_state by auto
      show "s u execs. ¬ ifp (current s) u  vpeq u s (next_state s execs)"
        using locally_respects_next_state by auto
      show "[]  AS_set"
        using empty_in_AS_set by blast
      show " s n . invariant s  invariant (cswitch n s)"
        using invariant_after_cswitch by blast
      show " s d n a. AS_precondition s d a  AS_precondition (cswitch n s) d a"
        using precondition_after_cswitch by blast
      show "invariant s0"
        using invariant_s0 by blast
      show " s d aseq . invariant s  aseq  AS_set  aseq  []  AS_precondition s d (hd aseq)"
        using AS_prec_first_action by blast
      show "s a a'. (aseqAS_set. is_sub_seq a a' aseq)  invariant s  AS_precondition s (current s) a  ¬ aborting s (current s) a  ¬ waiting s (current s) a 
             AS_precondition (kstep s a) (current s) a'"
        using AS_prec_after_step by blast       
      show " s d a a' . current s  d  AS_precondition s d a  AS_precondition (kstep s a') d a"
        using AS_prec_dom_independent by blast  
      show " s a . invariant s  invariant (kstep s a)"
        using spec_of_invariant by blast
      show "s a. kprecondition s a  kprecondition s a"
        by auto         
      show "aseq. realistic_execution aseq  set aseq  AS_set"
        unfolding realistic_execution_def
        by auto
      show "s a.  d  involved a. kprecondition s (the a)  ifp d (current s)"
        using involved_ifp unfolding Kernel.involved_def by (auto split: option.splits)
      show "s execs. next_action s execs  (λa. a  actions_in_execution (execs (current s)))"
        using next_action_from_execs by blast 
      show "s execs u. actions_in_execution (next_execs s execs u)  actions_in_execution (execs u)"
        using next_execs_subset by blast        
      show "s d aseqs.
       case CISK_control s d aseqs of
       (a, aseqs', s') 
         thread_empty aseqs  (a, aseqs') = (None, []) 
         aseqs  []  hd aseqs  []  ¬ aborting s' d (the a)  ¬ waiting s' d (the a)  (a, aseqs') = (Some (hd (hd aseqs)), tl (hd aseqs) # tl aseqs) 
         aseqs  []  hd aseqs  []  waiting s' d (the a)  (a, aseqs', s') = (Some (hd (hd aseqs)), aseqs, s)  (a, aseqs') = (None, tl aseqs)"
        using CISK_control_spec by blast
      show "s n d aseqs. fst (CISK_control (cswitch n s) d aseqs) = fst (CISK_control s d aseqs)"
        using next_action_after_cswitch by auto
      show "s execs d.
       current s  d 
       fst (CISK_control (next_state s execs) d (execs d)) = None  fst (CISK_control (next_state s execs) d (execs d)) = fst (CISK_control s d (execs d))"
        using next_action_after_next_state by auto
      show "s a d aseqs. current s  d  fst (CISK_control (step s a) d aseqs) = fst (CISK_control s d aseqs)"
        using next_action_after_step by auto
      show "s d a execs. AS_precondition s d a  AS_precondition (next_state s execs) d a"
        using next_state_precondition by auto
      show "s execs. invariant s  invariant (next_state s execs)"
        using next_state_invariant by auto
      show "s a. waiting s (current s) a  kstep s a = s"
        using spec_of_waiting by blast
  note interpreted = int.Interruptible_Separation_Kernel_axioms
  note run_total_induct = Interruptible_Separation_Kernel.run_total.induct[of kstep output_f s0 current cswitch kprecondition realistic_execution
                                                                             CISK_control kinvolved ifp vpeq AS_set invariant AS_precondition aborting waiting _ interrupt]
  have run_equals_run_total:
     " n s execs . run n s execs  Interruptible_Separation_Kernel.run_total kstep current cswitch interrupt CISK_control n s execs"
        fix n s execs
        show "run n s execs  Interruptible_Separation_Kernel.run_total kstep current cswitch interrupt CISK_control n s execs"
          using interpreted int.step_def
          by(induct n s execs rule: run_total_induct,auto split: option.splits)
  from interpreted
    have 0: "Interruptible_Separation_Kernel.isecure_total kstep output_f s0 current cswitch interrupt realistic_execution CISK_control kinvolved ifp"
    by (metis int.unwinding_implies_isecure_total)
  from 0 run_equals_run_total
    have 1: "NI_unrelated"
    by (metis realistic_executions_def int.isecure_total_def int.realistic_executions_def int.NI_unrelated_total_def NI_unrelated_def)
  from 0 run_equals_run_total
    have 2: "NI_indirect_sources"
    by (metis realistic_executions_def int.NI_indirect_sources_total_def int.isecure_total_def int.realistic_executions_def NI_indirect_sources_def)
  from 1 2 show ?thesis unfolding isecure_def by auto
