Theory ASC_Suite

theory ASC_Suite
imports ASC_LB

section ‹ Test suite generated by the Adaptive State Counting Algorithm ›

subsection ‹ Maximum length contained prefix ›

fun mcp :: "'a list  'a list set  'a list  bool" where
  "mcp z W p = (prefix p z  p  W  
                 ( p' . (prefix p' z  p'  W)  length p'  length p))"

lemma mcp_ex :
  assumes "[]  W"
  and     "finite W"
obtains p
where "mcp z W p"  
proof -
  let ?P = "{p . prefix p z  p  W}"
  let ?maxP = "arg_max length (λ p . p  ?P)"

  have "finite {p . prefix p z}" 
  proof -
    have "{p . prefix p z}  image (λ i . take i z) (set [0 ..< Suc (length z)])"
      fix p assume "p  {p . prefix p z}"
      then obtain i where "i  length z  p = take i z"
        by (metis append_eq_conv_conj mem_Collect_eq prefix_def prefix_length_le) 
      then have "i < Suc (length z)  p = take i z" 
        by simp
      then show "p  image (λ i . take i z) (set [0 ..< Suc (length z)])" 
        using atLeast_upt by blast  
    then show ?thesis 
      using finite_surj by blast 
  then have "finite ?P" 
    by simp 

  have "?P  {}"
    using Nil_prefix assms(1) by blast 

  have " maxP  ?P .  p  ?P . length p  length maxP" 
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬( maxP  ?P .  p  ?P . length p  length maxP)" 
    then have " p  ?P .  p'  ?P . length p < length p'" 
      by (meson not_less) 
    then have " l  (image length ?P) .  l'  (image length ?P) . l < l'" 
      by auto 
    then have "infinite (image length ?P)" 
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) ?P  {} image_is_empty infinite_growing) 
    then have "infinite ?P" 
      by blast 
    then show "False" 
      using finite ?P by simp

  then obtain maxP where "maxP  ?P" " p  ?P . length p  length maxP" 
    by blast

  then have "mcp z W maxP" 
    unfolding mcp.simps by blast 
  then show ?thesis 
    using that by auto

lemma mcp_unique :
  assumes "mcp z W p" 
  and     "mcp z W p'"
shows "p = p'"
proof -
  have "length p'  length p" 
    using assms(1) assms(2) by auto 
  moreover have "length p  length p'" 
    using assms(1) assms(2) by auto
  ultimately have "length p' = length p"
    by simp

  moreover have "prefix p z" 
    using assms(1) by auto
  moreover have "prefix p' z" 
    using assms(2) by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    by (metis append_eq_conv_conj prefixE)

fun mcp' :: "'a list  'a list set  'a list" where
  "mcp' z W = (THE p . mcp z W p)"

lemma mcp'_intro : 
  assumes "mcp z W p"
shows "mcp' z W = p"
using assms mcp_unique by (metis mcp'.elims theI_unique) 

lemma mcp_prefix_of_suffix :
  assumes "mcp (vs@xs) V vs"
  and     "prefix xs' xs"
shows "mcp (vs@xs') V vs" 
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ mcp (vs @ xs') V vs"
  then have "¬ (prefix vs (vs @ xs')  vs  V  
                 ( p' . (prefix p' (vs @ xs')  p'  V)  length p'  length vs))" 
    by auto
  then have "¬ ( p' . (prefix p' (vs @ xs')  p'  V)  length p'  length vs)" 
    using assms(1) by auto
  then obtain vs' where "vs'  V  prefix vs' (vs@xs)  length vs < length vs'"
    by (meson assms(2) leI prefix_append prefix_order.dual_order.trans) 
  then have "¬ (mcp (vs@xs) V vs)" 
    by auto
  then show "False" 
    using assms(1) by auto

lemma minimal_sequence_to_failure_extending_mcp :
  assumes "OFSM M1"
  and     "OFSM M2"
  and     "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
  and     "minimal_sequence_to_failure_extending V M1 M2 vs xs"
shows "mcp (map fst (vs@xs)) V (map fst vs)"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ mcp (map fst (vs @ xs)) V (map fst vs)"
  moreover have "prefix (map fst vs) (map fst (vs @ xs))"  
    by auto
  moreover have "(map fst vs)  V"
    using mstfe_prefix_input_in_V assms(4) by auto
  ultimately obtain v' where "prefix v' (map fst (vs @ xs))" 
                             "v'  V" 
                             "length v' > length (map fst vs)"
    using leI by auto 

  then obtain x' where "(map fst (vs@xs)) = v'@x'"
    using prefixE by blast 

  have "vs@xs  L M1 - L M2" 
    using assms(4) unfolding minimal_sequence_to_failure_extending.simps sequence_to_failure.simps 
    by blast
  then have "vs@xs  Lin M1 {map fst (vs@xs)}"
    by (meson DiffE insertI1 language_state_for_inputs_map_fst) 
  have "vs@xs  Lin M1 {v'@x'}"
    using map fst (vs @ xs) = v' @ x' vs @ xs  Lin M1 {map fst (vs @ xs)} 
    by presburger
  let ?vs' = "take (length v') (vs@xs)"
  let ?xs' = "drop (length v') (vs@xs)"
  have "vs@xs = ?vs'@?xs'"
    by (metis append_take_drop_id) 

  have "?vs'  Lin M1 V"
    by (metis (no_types) DiffE map fst (vs @ xs) = v' @ x' v'  V vs @ xs  L M1 - L M2 
        append_eq_conv_conj append_take_drop_id language_state_for_inputs_map_fst 
        language_state_prefix take_map) 
  have "sequence_to_failure M1 M2 (?vs' @ ?xs')"
    by (metis (full_types) vs @ xs = take (length v') (vs @ xs) @ drop (length v') (vs @ xs) 
        assms(4) minimal_sequence_to_failure_extending.simps) 

  have "length ?xs' < length xs"
    using length (map fst vs) < length v' prefix v' (map fst (vs @ xs)) 
          vs @ xs = take (length v') (vs @ xs) @ drop (length v') (vs @ xs) prefix_length_le 
    by fastforce 
  show "False"
    by (meson length (drop (length v') (vs @ xs)) < length xs 
        sequence_to_failure M1 M2 (take (length v') (vs @ xs) @ drop (length v') (vs @ xs)) 
        take (length v') (vs @ xs)  Lin M1 V assms(4) 


subsection ‹ Function N ›

text ‹
Function @{verbatim N} narrows the sets of reaction to the determinisitc state cover considered by 
the adaptive state counting algorithm to contain only relevant sequences.
It is the main refinement of the original formulation of the algorithm as given in cite"hierons".
An example for the necessity for this refinement is given in cite"refinement".

fun N :: "('in × 'out) list  ('in, 'out, 'state) FSM  'in list set  ('in × 'out) list set set" 
  "N io M V = { V''  Perm V M . (map fst (mcp' io V'')) = (mcp' (map fst io) V) }"

lemma N_nonempty :
  assumes "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
  and     "OFSM M1"
  and     "OFSM M2"
  and     "asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m"
  and     "io  L M1"
shows "N io M1 V  {}"
proof -
  have "[]  V" 
    using assms(1) det_state_cover_empty by blast 

  have "inputs M1 = inputs M2" 
    using assms(4) by auto

  have "is_det_state_cover M2 V" 
    using assms by auto
  moreover have "finite (nodes M2)" 
    using assms(3) by auto
  moreover have "d_reachable M2 (initial M2)  nodes M2"
    by auto 
  ultimately have "finite V" 
    using det_state_cover_card[of M2 V]
    by (metis finite_if_finite_subsets_card_bdd infinite_subset is_det_state_cover.elims(2) 

  obtain ioV where "mcp (map fst io) V ioV" 
    using mcp_ex[OF []  V finite V] by blast
  then have "ioV  V" 
    by auto

  ― ‹Proof sketch:
     - ioV uses only inputs of M2 
     - ioV uses only inputs of M1  
     - as M1 completely spec.: ex. reaction of M1 to ioV
     - this reaction is in some V''›

  obtain q2 where "d_reaches M2 (initial M2) ioV q2" 
    using det_state_cover_d_reachable[OF assms(1) ioV  V] by blast
  then obtain ioV' ioP where io_path : "length ioV = length ioV' 
                                         length ioV = length ioP 
                                         (path M2 ((ioV || ioV') || ioP) (initial M2)) 
                                         target ((ioV || ioV') || ioP) (initial M2) = q2"
    by auto

  have "well_formed M2" 
    using assms by auto
  have "map fst (map fst ((ioV || ioV') || ioP)) = ioV"
  proof -
    have "length (ioV || ioV') = length ioP" 
      using io_path by simp 
    then show ?thesis 
      using io_path by auto
  moreover have "set (map fst (map fst ((ioV || ioV') || ioP)))  inputs M2" 
    using path_input_containment[OF well_formed M2, of "(ioV || ioV') || ioP" "initial M2" ] 
    by linarith
  ultimately have "set ioV  inputs M2" 
    by presburger

  then have "set ioV  inputs M1" 
    using assms by auto

  then have "Lin M1 {ioV}  {}" 
    using assms(2) language_state_for_inputs_nonempty by (metis FSM.nodes.initial) 

  have "prefix ioV (map fst io)"
    using mcp (map fst io) V ioV mcp.simps by blast
  then have "length ioV  length (map fst io)"
    using prefix_length_le by blast 
  then have "length ioV  length io" 
    by auto

  have "(map fst io || map snd io)  L M1" 
    using assms(5) by auto 
  moreover have "length (map fst io) = length (map snd io)"
    by auto 
  ultimately have "(map fst io || map snd io) 
                       language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) (map fst io)" 
    unfolding language_state_def
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) map fst io || map snd io  L M1 
        language_state_for_input.simps mem_Collect_eq) 

  have "ioV = take (length ioV) (map fst io)"
    by (metis (no_types) prefix ioV (map fst io) append_eq_conv_conj prefixE)  

  then have "take (length ioV) io  language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) ioV"
    using language_state_for_input_take
    by (metis map fst io || map snd io  language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) (map fst io) 

  then obtain V'' where "V''  Perm V M1" "take (length ioV) io  V''" 
    using perm_elem[OF assms(1-3) inputs M1 = inputs M2 ioV  V] by blast

  have "ioV = mcp' (map fst io) V"
    using mcp (map fst io) V ioV mcp'_intro by blast 

  have "map fst (take (length ioV) io) = ioV"
    by (metis ioV = take (length ioV) (map fst io) take_map) 

  obtain mcpV'' where "mcp io V'' mcpV''"
    by (meson V''  Perm V M1 well_formed M2 assms(1) mcp_ex perm_elem_finite perm_empty)

  have "map fst mcpV''  V" using perm_inputs
    using V''  Perm V M1 mcp io V'' mcpV'' mcp.simps by blast 

  have "map fst mcpV'' = ioV"
    by (metis (no_types) map fst (take (length ioV) io) = ioV map fst mcpV''  V 
        mcp (map fst io) V ioV mcp io V'' mcpV'' take (length ioV) io  V'' 
        map_mono_prefix mcp.elims(2) prefix_length_prefix prefix_order.dual_order.antisym 

  have "map fst (mcp' io V'') = mcp' (map fst io) V"
    using ioV = mcp' (map fst io) V map fst mcpV'' = ioV mcp io V'' mcpV'' mcp'_intro 
    by blast

  then show ?thesis
    using V''  Perm V M1 by fastforce 

lemma N_mcp_prefix :
  assumes "map fst vs = mcp' (map fst (vs@xs)) V"
  and     "V''  N (vs@xs) M1 V"
  and     "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
  and     "well_formed M2"
  and     "finite V"
shows "vs  V''" "vs = mcp' (vs@xs) V''" 
proof -
  have "map fst (mcp' (vs@xs) V'') = mcp' (map fst (vs@xs)) V" 
    using assms(2) by auto
  then have "map fst (mcp' (vs@xs) V'') = map fst vs" 
    using assms(1) by presburger
  then have "length (mcp' (vs@xs) V'') = length vs" 
    by (metis length_map) 

  have "[]  V''" 
    using perm_empty[OF assms(3)] N.simps assms(2) by blast 
  moreover have "finite V''" 
    using perm_elem_finite[OF assms(3,4)] N.simps assms(2) by blast
  ultimately obtain p where "mcp (vs@xs) V'' p" 
    using mcp_ex by auto 
  then have "mcp' (vs@xs) V'' = p" 
    using mcp'_intro by simp

  then have "prefix (mcp' (vs@xs) V'') (vs@xs)" 
    unfolding mcp'.simps mcp.simps
    using mcp (vs @ xs) V'' p mcp.elims(2) by blast 
  then show "vs = mcp' (vs@xs) V''"
    by (metis length (mcp' (vs @ xs) V'') = length vs append_eq_append_conv prefix_def) 

  show "vs  V''"
    using mcp (vs @ xs) V'' p mcp' (vs @ xs) V'' = p vs = mcp' (vs @ xs) V'' 
    by auto

subsection ‹ Functions TS, C, RM ›

text ‹
Function T@{verbatim TS} defines the calculation of the test suite used by the adaptive state 
counting algorithm in an iterative way.
It is defined using the three functions @{verbatim TS}, @{verbatim C} and @{verbatim RM} where
   @{verbatim TS} represents the test suite calculated up to some iteration,
   @{verbatim C} contains the sequences considered for extension in some iteration, and
   @{verbatim RM} contains the sequences of the corresponding @{verbatim C} result that are not to
                  be extended, which we also call removed sequences.

abbreviation append_set :: "'a list set  'a set  'a list set" where
  "append_set T X  {xs @ [x] | xs x . xs  T  x  X}"

abbreviation append_sets :: "'a list set  'a list set  'a list set" where
  "append_sets T X  {xs @ xs' | xs xs' . xs  T  xs'  X}"

fun TS :: "('in, 'out, 'state1) FSM  ('in, 'out, 'state2) FSM 
             ('in, 'out) ATC set  'in list set  nat  nat 
             'in list set" 
and C  :: "('in, 'out, 'state1) FSM  ('in, 'out, 'state2) FSM 
             ('in, 'out) ATC set  'in list set  nat  nat 
             'in list set"   
and RM :: "('in, 'out, 'state1) FSM  ('in, 'out, 'state2) FSM 
             ('in, 'out) ATC set  'in list set  nat  nat 
             'in list set"   
  "RM M2 M1 Ω V m 0 = {}" |
  "TS M2 M1 Ω V m 0 = {}" |
  "TS M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc 0) = V" |
  "C M2 M1 Ω V m 0 = {}" |
  "C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc 0) = V" |
  "RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n) = 
    {xs'  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n) .
      (¬ (Lin M1 {xs'}  Lin M2 {xs'}))
       ( io  Lin M1 {xs'} .
           V''  N io M1 V .  
             S1 . 
               vs xs .
                io = (vs@xs)
                 mcp (vs@xs) V'' vs
                 S1  nodes M2
                 ( s1  S1 .  s2  S1 .
                  s1  s2  
                    ( io1  RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' .
                        io2  RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' .
                         B M1 io1 Ω  B M1 io2 Ω ))
                 m < LB M2 M1 vs xs (TS M2 M1 Ω V m n  V) S1 Ω V'')}" |
  "C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n) = 
    (append_set ((C M2 M1 Ω V m n) - (RM M2 M1 Ω V m n)) (inputs M2)) 
    - (TS M2 M1 Ω V m n)" |
  "TS M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n) = 
    (TS M2 M1 Ω V m n)  (C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n))" 

abbreviation lists_of_length :: "'a set  nat  'a list set" where 
  "lists_of_length X n  {xs . length xs = n  set xs  X}"

lemma append_lists_of_length_alt_def :
  "append_sets T (lists_of_length X (Suc n)) = append_set (append_sets T (lists_of_length X n)) X"
  show "append_sets T (lists_of_length X (Suc n)) 
           append_set (append_sets T (lists_of_length X n)) X"
    fix tx assume "tx  append_sets T (lists_of_length X (Suc n))"
    then obtain t x where "t@x = tx" "t  T" "length x = Suc n" "set x  X" 
      by blast
    then have "x  []" "length (butlast x) = n" 
      by auto
    moreover have "set (butlast x)  X" 
      using set x  X by (meson dual_order.trans prefixeq_butlast set_mono_prefix) 
    ultimately have "butlast x  lists_of_length X n" 
      by auto
    then have "t@(butlast x)  append_sets T (lists_of_length X n)" 
      using t  T by blast
    moreover have "last x  X" 
      using set x  X x  [] by auto
    ultimately have "t@(butlast x)@[last x]  append_set (append_sets T (lists_of_length X n)) X" 
      by auto
    then show "tx  append_set (append_sets T (lists_of_length X n)) X" 
      using t@x = tx by (simp add: x  []) 
  show "append_set (append_sets T (lists_of_length X n)) X 
           append_sets T (lists_of_length X (Suc n))"
    fix tx assume "tx  append_set (append_sets T (lists_of_length X n)) X"
    then obtain tx' x where "tx = tx' @ [x]" "tx'  append_sets T (lists_of_length X n)" "x  X" 
      by blast
    then obtain tx'' x' where "tx''@x' = tx'" "tx''  T" "length x' = n" "set x'  X"
      by blast
    then have "tx''@x'@[x] = tx"  
      by (simp add: tx = tx' @ [x])
    moreover have "tx''  T"
      by (meson tx''  T)
    moreover have "length (x'@[x]) = Suc n"
      by (simp add: length x' = n)
    moreover have "set (x'@[x])  X" 
      by (simp add: set x'  X x  X)
    ultimately show "tx  append_sets T (lists_of_length X (Suc n))" 
      by blast

subsection ‹ Basic properties of the test suite calculation functions ›

lemma C_step : 
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n)  (append_set (C M2 M1 Ω V m n) (inputs M2)) - C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
proof -
  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  obtain k where n_def[simp] : "n = Suc k" 
    using assms not0_implies_Suc by blast 

  have "?C (Suc n) = (append_set (?C n - ?RM n) (inputs M2)) - ?TS n" 
    using n_def C.simps(3) by blast
  moreover have "?C n  ?TS n" 
    using n_def by (metis C.simps(2) TS.elims UnCI assms neq0_conv subsetI)  
  ultimately show "?C (Suc n)  append_set (?C n) (inputs M2) - ?C n" 
    by blast

lemma C_extension : 
  "C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n)  append_sets V (lists_of_length (inputs M2) n)"
proof (induction n)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc k)

  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  have "0 < Suc k" by simp
  have "?C (Suc (Suc k))  (append_set (?C (Suc k)) (inputs M2)) - ?C (Suc k)" 
    using C_step[OF 0 < Suc k] by blast

  then have "?C (Suc (Suc k))  append_set (?C (Suc k)) (inputs M2)" 
    by blast
  moreover have "append_set (?C (Suc k)) (inputs M2) 
                   append_set (append_sets V (lists_of_length (inputs M2) k)) (inputs M2)"
    using Suc.IH by auto 
  ultimately have I_Step : 
    "?C (Suc (Suc k))  append_set (append_sets V (lists_of_length (inputs M2) k)) (inputs M2)"
    by (meson order_trans) 

  show ?case 
    using append_lists_of_length_alt_def[symmetric, of V k "inputs M2"] I_Step 
    by presburger  

lemma TS_union : 
shows "TS M2 M1 Ω V m i = ( j  (set [0..<Suc i]) . C M2 M1 Ω V m j)" 
proof (induction i)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc i)

  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  have "?TS (Suc i) = ?TS i  ?C (Suc i)"
    by (metis (no_types) C.simps(2) TS.simps(1) TS.simps(2) TS.simps(3) not0_implies_Suc 
        sup_bot.right_neutral sup_commute)
  then have "?TS (Suc i) = ( j  (set [0..<Suc i]) . ?C j)  ?C (Suc i)" 
    using Suc.IH by simp
  then show ?case 
    by auto 

lemma C_disj_le_gz : 
  assumes "i  j"
  and    "0 < i"
shows "C M2 M1 Ω V m i  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc j) = {}"
proof -
  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  have "Suc 0 < Suc j" 
    using assms(1-2) by auto
  then obtain k where "Suc j = Suc (Suc k)" 
    using not0_implies_Suc by blast 
  then have "?C (Suc j) = (append_set (?C j - ?RM j) (inputs M2))  - ?TS j" 
    using C.simps(3) by blast
  then have "?C (Suc j)  ?TS j = {}" 
    by blast
  moreover have "?C i  ?TS j" 
    using assms(1) TS_union[of M2 M1 Ω V m j] by fastforce  
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    by blast

lemma C_disj_lt : 
  assumes "i < j"
shows "C M2 M1 Ω V m i  C M2 M1 Ω V m j = {}"
proof (cases i)
  case 0
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case (Suc k)
  then show ?thesis 
    using C_disj_le_gz
    by (metis assms gr_implies_not0 less_Suc_eq_le old.nat.exhaust zero_less_Suc)

lemma C_disj :
  assumes "i  j"
shows "C M2 M1 Ω V m i  C M2 M1 Ω V m j = {}"
  by (metis C_disj_lt Int_commute antisym_conv3 assms)

lemma RM_subset : "RM M2 M1 Ω V m i  C M2 M1 Ω V m i" 
proof (cases i)
  case 0
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case (Suc n)
  then show ?thesis 
    using RM.simps(2) by blast

lemma RM_disj : 
  assumes "i  j"
  and    "0 < i"
shows "RM M2 M1 Ω V m i  RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc j) = {}"
proof -
  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  have "?RM i  ?C i" "?RM (Suc j)  ?C (Suc j)" 
    using RM_subset by blast+
  moreover have "?C i  ?C (Suc j) = {}" 
    using C_disj_le_gz[OF assms] by assumption
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    by blast

lemma T_extension : 
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "TS M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n) - TS M2 M1 Ω V m n 
           (append_set (TS M2 M1 Ω V m n) (inputs M2)) - TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
proof -
  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  obtain k where n_def[simp] : "n = Suc k" 
    using assms not0_implies_Suc 
    by blast 

  have "?C (Suc n) = (append_set (?C n - ?RM n) (inputs M2)) - ?TS n" 
    using n_def using C.simps(3) by blast
  then have "?C (Suc n)  append_set (?C n) (inputs M2) - ?TS n" 
    by blast
  moreover have "?C n  ?TS n" using TS_union[of M2 M1 Ω V m n] 
    by fastforce
  ultimately have "?C (Suc n)  append_set (?TS n) (inputs M2) - ?TS n" 
    by blast
  moreover have "?TS (Suc n) - ?TS n  ?C (Suc n) " 
    using TS.simps(3)[of M2 M1 Ω V m k] using n_def by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    by blast

lemma append_set_prefix :
  assumes "xs  append_set T X"
  shows "butlast xs  T"
  using assms by auto 

lemma C_subset : "C M2 M1 Ω V m i  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i"
  by (simp add: TS_union) 

lemma TS_subset :
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "TS M2 M1 Ω V m i  TS M2 M1 Ω V m j"
proof -
  have "TS M2 M1 Ω V m i = ( k  (set [0..<Suc i]) . C M2 M1 Ω V m k)" 
       "TS M2 M1 Ω V m j = ( k  (set [0..<Suc j]) . C M2 M1 Ω V m k)" 
    using TS_union by assumption+
  moreover have "set [0..<Suc i]  set [0..<Suc j]" 
    using assms by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    by blast
lemma C_immediate_prefix_containment :
  assumes "vs@xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc (Suc i))"
  and     "xs  []"
shows "vs@(butlast xs)  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i) - RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i)"
proof (rule ccontr)
  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  assume "vs @ butlast xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i) - RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i)"

  have "?C (Suc (Suc i))  append_set (?C (Suc i) - ?RM (Suc i)) (inputs M2)"
    using C.simps(3) by blast 
  then have "?C (Suc (Suc i))  append_set (?C (Suc i) - ?RM (Suc i)) UNIV" 
    by blast
  moreover have "vs @ xs  append_set (?C (Suc i) - ?RM (Suc i)) UNIV"
  proof -
    have "as a. vs @ xs  as @ [a] 
                   as  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i) - RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i) 
                   a  UNIV"
      by (metis vs @ butlast xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i) - RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i) 
          assms(2) butlast_append butlast_snoc)
    then show ?thesis
      by blast
  ultimately have "vs @ xs  ?C (Suc (Suc i))" 
    by blast
  then show "False" 
    using assms(1) by blast

lemma TS_immediate_prefix_containment :
  assumes "vs@xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i"
  and     "mcp (vs@xs) V vs"
  and     "0 < i"
shows "vs@(butlast xs)  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i"
proof -
  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  obtain j where j_def : "j  i  vs@xs  ?C j" 
    using assms(1)  TS_union[where i=i]
  proof -
    assume a1: "j. j  i  vs @ xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m j  thesis"
    obtain nn :: "nat set  (nat  'a list set)  'a list  nat" where
      f2: "x0 x1 x2. (v3. v3  x0  x2  x1 v3) = (nn x0 x1 x2  x0  x2  x1 (nn x0 x1 x2))"
      by moura
    have "vs @ xs  UNION (set [0..<Suc i]) (C M2 M1 Ω V m)"
      by (metis Ω V T S M2 M1. TS M2 M1 Ω V m i = (jset [0..<Suc i]. C M2 M1 Ω V m j) 
          vs @ xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i)
    then have "nn (set [0..<Suc i]) (C M2 M1 Ω V m) (vs @ xs)  set [0..<Suc i] 
                   vs @ xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m (nn (set [0..<Suc i]) (C M2 M1 Ω V m) (vs @ xs))"
      using f2 by blast
    then show ?thesis
      using a1 by (metis (no_types) atLeastLessThan_iff leD not_less_eq_eq set_upt)

  show ?thesis
  proof (cases j)
    case 0
    then have "?C j = {}"
      by auto
    moreover have "vs@xs  {}" 
      using j_def 0 by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto  
    case (Suc k)
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases k)
      case 0
      then have "?C j = V" 
        using Suc by auto 
      then have "vs@xs  V" 
        using j_def by auto
      then have "mcp (vs@xs) V (vs@xs)" 
        using assms(2) by auto
      then have "vs@xs = vs" 
        using assms(2) mcp_unique by auto
      then have "butlast xs = []"
        by auto
      then show ?thesis 
        using vs @ xs = vs assms(1) by auto
      case (Suc n)
      assume j_assms : "j = Suc k" 
                       "k = Suc n"
      then have "?C (Suc (Suc n)) = append_set (?C (Suc n) - ?RM (Suc n)) (inputs M2) - ?TS (Suc n)"
        using C.simps(3) by blast 
      then have "?C (Suc (Suc n))  append_set (?C (Suc n)) (inputs M2)" 
        by blast
      have "vs@xs  ?C (Suc (Suc n))" 
        using j_assms j_def by blast
      have "butlast (vs@xs)  ?C (Suc n)"
      proof -
        show ?thesis
          by (meson ?C (Suc (Suc n))  append_set (?C (Suc n)) (inputs M2) 
              vs @ xs  ?C (Suc (Suc n)) append_set_prefix subsetCE)

      moreover have "xs  []"
      proof -
        have "1  k" 
          using j_assms by auto
        then have "?C j  ?C 1 = {}" 
          using C_disj_le_gz[of 1 k] j_assms(1) less_numeral_extra(1) by blast 
        then have "?C j  V = {}" 
          by auto
        then have "vs@xs  V" 
          using j_def by auto
        then show ?thesis 
          using assms(2) by auto 

      ultimately have "vs@(butlast xs)  ?C (Suc n)"
        by (simp add: butlast_append)

      have "Suc n < Suc j" 
        using j_assms by auto
      have "?C (Suc n)  ?TS j" 
        using TS_union[of M2 M1 Ω V m j] Suc n < Suc j
        by (metis UN_upper atLeast_upt lessThan_iff)

      have "vs @ butlast xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m j" 
        using vs@(butlast xs)  ?C (Suc n) ?C (Suc n)  ?TS j j_def 
        by auto
      then show ?thesis 
        using j_def TS_subset[of j i] 
        by blast 

lemma TS_prefix_containment :
  assumes "vs@xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i"
  and     "mcp (vs@xs) V vs"
  and     "prefix xs' xs"
shows "vs@xs'  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i"
― ‹ Proof sketch:
       Perform induction on length difference, as from each prefix it is possible to deduce the 
       desired property for the prefix one element smaller than it via above results›
using assms proof (induction "length xs - length xs'" arbitrary: xs')
  case 0
  then have "xs = xs'"
    by (metis append_Nil2 append_eq_conv_conj gr_implies_not0 length_drop length_greater_0_conv prefixE)
  then show ?case 
    using 0 by auto
  case (Suc k)
  have "0 < i" 
    using assms(1) using Suc.hyps(2) append_eq_append_conv assms(2) by auto 

  show ?case 
  proof (cases xs')
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) 0 < i TS.simps(2) TS_subset append_Nil2 assms(2) 
          contra_subsetD leD mcp.elims(2) not_less_eq_eq)
    case (Cons a list)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "xs = xs'")
      case True
      then show ?thesis 
        using assms(1) by simp
      case False 
      then obtain xs'' where "xs = xs'@xs''" 
        using Suc.prems(3) prefixE by blast 
      then have "xs''  []" 
        using False by auto
      then have "k = length xs - length (xs' @ [hd xs''])" 
        using xs = xs'@xs'' Suc.hyps(2) by auto
      moreover have "prefix (xs' @ [hd xs'']) xs" 
        using xs = xs'@xs'' xs''  []
        by (metis Cons_prefix_Cons list.exhaust_sel prefix_code(1) same_prefix_prefix) 
      ultimately have "vs @ (xs' @ [hd xs''])  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i" 
        using Suc.hyps(1)[OF _ Suc.prems(1,2)] by simp
      have "mcp (vs @ xs' @ [hd xs'']) V vs" 
        using xs = xs'@xs'' xs''  [] assms(2)
      proof -
        obtain aas :: "'a list  'a list set  'a list  'a list" where
          "x0 x1 x2. (v3. (prefix v3 x2  v3  x1)  ¬ length v3  length x0) 
                       = ((prefix (aas x0 x1 x2) x2  aas x0 x1 x2  x1) 
                            ¬ length (aas x0 x1 x2)  length x0)"
          by moura
        then have f1: "as A asa. (¬ mcp as A asa 
                                     prefix asa as  asa  A  (asb. (¬ prefix asb as  asb  A) 
                                                                         length asb  length asa)) 
                                   (mcp as A asa 
                                     ¬ prefix asa as 
                                     asa  A 
                                     (prefix (aas asa A as) as  aas asa A as  A) 
                                         ¬ length (aas asa A as)  length asa)"
          by auto
        obtain aasa :: "'a list  'a list  'a list" where
          f2: "x0 x1. (v2. x0 = x1 @ v2) = (x0 = x1 @ aasa x0 x1)"
          by moura
        then have f3: "([] @ [hd xs'']) @ aasa (xs' @ xs'') (xs' @ [hd xs'']) 
                        = ([] @ [hd xs'']) @ aasa (([] @ [hd xs'']) 
                            @ aasa (xs' @ xs'') (xs' @ [hd xs''])) ([] @ [hd xs''])"
          by (meson prefixE prefixI)
        have "xs' @ xs'' = (xs' @ [hd xs'']) @ aasa (xs' @ xs'') (xs' @ [hd xs''])"
          using f2 by (metis (no_types) prefix (xs' @ [hd xs'']) xs xs = xs' @ xs'' prefixE)
        then have "(vs @ (a # list) @ [hd xs'']) @ aasa (([] @ [hd xs'']) 
                      @ aasa (xs' @ xs'') (xs' @ [hd xs''])) ([] @ [hd xs'']) 
                    = vs @ xs"
          using f3 by (simp add: xs = xs' @ xs'' local.Cons)
        then have "¬ prefix (aas vs V (vs @ xs' @ [hd xs''])) (vs @ xs' @ [hd xs'']) 
                     aas vs V (vs @ xs' @ [hd xs''])  V 
                     length (aas vs V (vs @ xs' @ [hd xs'']))  length vs"
          using f1 by (metis (no_types) mcp (vs @ xs) V vs local.Cons prefix_append)
        then show ?thesis
          using f1 by (meson mcp (vs @ xs) V vs prefixI)
      then have "vs @ butlast (xs' @ [hd xs''])  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i" 
        using TS_immediate_prefix_containment
              [OF vs @ (xs' @ [hd xs''])  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i _ 0 < i] 
        by simp

      moreover have "xs' = butlast (xs' @ [hd xs''])" 
        using xs''  [] by simp

      ultimately show ?thesis 
        by simp

lemma C_index :
  assumes "vs @ xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m i"
  and     "mcp (vs@xs) V vs"
shows "Suc (length xs) = i"
using assms proof (induction xs arbitrary: i rule: rev_induct)
  case Nil 
  then have "vs @ []  C M2 M1 Ω V m 1" 
    by auto
  then have "vs @ []  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc (length []))" 
    by simp
  show ?case
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "Suc (length [])  i"
    moreover have "vs @ []  C M2 M1 Ω V m i  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc (length []))" 
      using Nil.prems(1) vs @ []  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc (length [])) by auto
    ultimately show "False" 
      using C_disj by blast
  case (snoc x xs')

  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  have "vs @ xs' @ [x]  V" 
    using snoc.prems(2) by auto  
  then have "vs @ xs' @ [x]  ?C 1" 
    by auto
  moreover have "vs @ xs' @ [x]  ?C 0" 
    by auto
  ultimately have "1 < i" 
    using snoc.prems(1) by (metis less_one linorder_neqE_nat) 

  then have "vs @ butlast (xs' @ [x])  C M2 M1 Ω V m (i-1)" 
  proof -
    have "Suc 0 < i"
      using 1 < i by auto
    then have f1: "Suc (i - Suc (Suc 0)) = i - Suc 0"
      using Suc_diff_Suc by presburger
    have "0 < i"
      by (metis (no_types) One_nat_def Suc_lessD 1 < i)
    then show ?thesis
      using f1 by (metis C_immediate_prefix_containment DiffD1 One_nat_def Suc_pred' snoc.prems(1) 

  moreover have "mcp (vs @ butlast (xs' @ [x])) V vs" 
    by (meson mcp_prefix_of_suffix prefixeq_butlast snoc.prems(2)) 

  ultimately have "Suc (length xs') = i-1" 
    using snoc.IH by simp 

  then show ?case 
    by auto 

lemma TS_index :
  assumes "vs @ xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i"
  and     "mcp (vs@xs) V vs"
shows "Suc (length xs)  i" "vs@xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc (length xs))"
proof -
  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  obtain j where "j < Suc i" "vs@xs  ?C j"
    using TS_union[of M2 M1 Ω V m i]
    by (metis (full_types) UN_iff assms(1) atLeastLessThan_iff set_upt) 
  then have "Suc (length xs) = j" 
    using C_index assms(2) by blast
  then show "Suc (length xs)  i" 
    using j < Suc i by auto
  show "vs@xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc (length xs))" 
    using vs@xs  ?C j Suc (length xs) = j by auto

lemma C_extension_options :
  assumes "vs @ xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m i"
  and     "mcp (vs @ xs @ [x]) V vs"
  and     "x  inputs M2"
  and     "0 < i"
shows "vs@xs@[x]  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i)  vs@xs  RM M2 M1 Ω V m i"
proof (cases "vs@xs  RM M2 M1 Ω V m i")
  case True
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case False

  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  obtain k where "i = Suc k" 
    using assms(4) gr0_implies_Suc by blast 
  then have "?C (Suc i) = append_set (?C i - ?RM i) (inputs M2) - ?TS i" 
    using C.simps(3) by blast

  moreover have "vs@xs  ?C i - ?RM i" 
    using assms(1) False by blast

  ultimately have "vs@xs@[x]  append_set (?C i - ?RM i) (inputs M2)" 
    by (simp add: assms(3))

  moreover have "vs@xs@[x]  ?TS i"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ vs @ xs @ [x]  ?TS i"
    then obtain j where "j < Suc i" "vs@xs@[x]  ?C j" 
      using TS_union[of M2 M1 Ω V m i] by fastforce
    then have "Suc (length (xs@[x])) = j" 
      using C_index assms(2) by blast 

    then have "Suc (length (xs@[x])) < Suc i" 
      using j < Suc i by auto
    moreover have "Suc (length xs) = i" 
      using C_index
      by (metis assms(1) assms(2) mcp_prefix_of_suffix prefixI)
    ultimately have "Suc (length (xs@[x])) < Suc (Suc (length xs))" 
      by auto
    then show "False" 
      by auto

  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: ?C (Suc i) = append_set (?C i - ?RM i) (inputs M2) - ?TS i) 


lemma TS_non_containment_causes :
  assumes "vs@xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i" 
  and     "mcp (vs@xs) V vs"
  and     "set xs  inputs M2"
  and     "0 < i"
shows "( xr j . xr  xs  prefix xr xs  j  i  vs@xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j)
        ( xc . xc  xs  prefix xc xs  vs@xc  (C M2 M1 Ω V m i) - (RM M2 M1 Ω V m i))"
  (is "?PrefPreviouslyRemoved  ?PrefJustContained")
      "¬ (( xr j . xr  xs  prefix xr xs  j  i  vs@xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j)
          ( xc . xc  xs  prefix xc xs  vs@xc  (C M2 M1 Ω V m i) - (RM M2 M1 Ω V m i)))"
  ― ‹If a sequence is not contained in TS up to (incl.) iteration i, then either a prefix of it has 
      been removed or a prefix of it is contained in the C set for iteration i›
proof -

  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  show "?PrefPreviouslyRemoved  ?PrefJustContained"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ (?PrefPreviouslyRemoved  ?PrefJustContained)"
    then have "¬ ?PrefPreviouslyRemoved" "¬ ?PrefJustContained" by auto

    have "¬ ( xr j. prefix xr xs  j  i  vs @ xr  ?RM j)" 
      assume "xr j. prefix xr xs  j  i  vs @ xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j"
      then obtain xr j where "prefix xr xs" "j  i" "vs @ xr  ?RM j" 
        by blast
      then show "False"
      proof (cases "xr = xs")
        case True
        then have "vs @ xs  ?RM j" using vs @ xr  ?RM j by auto
        then have "vs @ xs  ?TS j"
          using C_subset RM_subset vs @ xr  ?RM j by blast 
        then have "vs @ xs  ?TS i"
          using TS_subset j  i by blast 
        then show ?thesis using assms(1) by blast
        case False
        then show ?thesis 
          using ¬ ?PrefPreviouslyRemoved prefix xr xs j  i vs @ xr  ?RM j 
          by blast

    have "vs  V" using assms(2) by auto
    then have "vs  ?C 1" by auto

    have " k . (1  Suc k  Suc k  i)  vs @ (take k xs)  ?C (Suc k) - ?RM (Suc k)" 
      fix k assume "1  Suc k  Suc k  i"
      then show "vs @ (take k xs)  ?C (Suc k) - ?RM (Suc k)" 
      proof (induction k)
        case 0
        show ?case using vs  ?C 1
          by (metis "0.prems" DiffI One_nat_def 
              ¬ ( xr j. prefix xr xs  j  i  vs @ xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j) 
              append_Nil2 take_0 take_is_prefix)  
        case (Suc k)

        have "1  Suc k  Suc k  i" 
          using Suc.prems by auto
        then have "vs @ take k xs  ?C (Suc k)" 
          using Suc.IH by simp

        moreover have "vs @ take k xs  ?RM (Suc k)" 
          using 1  Suc k  Suc k  i ¬ ?PrefPreviouslyRemoved take_is_prefix Suc.IH 
          by blast 

        ultimately have "vs @ take k xs  (?C (Suc k)) - (?RM (Suc k))" 
          by blast

        have "k < length xs" 
        proof (rule ccontr)
          assume "¬ k < length xs"
          then have "vs @ xs  ?C (Suc k)" using vs @ take k xs  ?C (Suc k) 
            by simp 
          have "vs @ xs  ?TS i" 
            by (metis C_subset TS_subset 1  Suc k  Suc k  i vs @ xs  ?C (Suc k) 
          then show "False" 
            using assms(1) by simp
        moreover have "set xs  inputs M2" 
          using assms(3) by auto
        ultimately have "last (take (Suc k) xs)  inputs M2"
          by (simp add: subset_eq take_Suc_conv_app_nth)  

        have "vs @ take (Suc k) xs  append_set ((?C (Suc k)) - (?RM (Suc k))) (inputs M2)"
        proof -
          have f1: "xs ! k  inputs M2"
            by (meson k < length xs set xs  inputs M2 nth_mem subset_iff)
          have "vs @ take (Suc k) xs = (vs @ take k xs) @ [xs ! k]"
            by (simp add: k < length xs take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
          then show ?thesis
            using f1 vs @ take k xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc k) - RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc k) by blast

        moreover have "vs @ take (Suc k) xs  ?TS (Suc k)" 
          assume "vs @ take (Suc k) xs  ?TS (Suc k)"
          then have "Suc (length (take (Suc k) xs))  Suc k" 
            using TS_index(1) assms(2) mcp_prefix_of_suffix take_is_prefix by blast 
          moreover have "Suc (length (take k xs)) = Suc k" using C_index vs @ take k xs  ?C (Suc k)
            by (metis assms(2) mcp_prefix_of_suffix take_is_prefix) 
          ultimately show "False" using k < length xs
            by simp 
        show "vs @ take (Suc k) xs  ?C (Suc (Suc k)) - ?RM (Suc (Suc k))" 
          using C.simps(3)[of M2 M1 Ω V m k]
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffI Suc.prems 
              ¬ ( xr j. prefix xr xs  j  i  vs @ xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j) 
              vs @ take (Suc k) xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc k) calculation take_is_prefix)          

    then have "vs @ take (i-1) xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m i - RM M2 M1 Ω V m i" 
      using assms(4)
      by (metis One_nat_def Suc_diff_1 Suc_leI le_less) 
    then have "?PrefJustContained"
      by (metis C_subset DiffD1 assms(1) subsetCE take_is_prefix)
    then show "False" 
      using ¬ ?PrefJustContained by simp

  show "¬ (?PrefPreviouslyRemoved  ?PrefJustContained)"
    assume "?PrefPreviouslyRemoved  ?PrefJustContained"
    then have "?PrefPreviouslyRemoved" 
      by auto

    obtain xr j where "prefix xr xs" "j  i" "vs@xr  ?RM j" 
      using ?PrefPreviouslyRemoved by blast
    obtain xc where "prefix xc xs" "vs@xc  ?C i - ?RM i"
      using ?PrefJustContained by blast

    then have "Suc (length xc) = i" 
      using C_index
      by (metis Diff_iff assms(2) mcp_prefix_of_suffix)
    moreover have "length xc  length xs"
      using prefix xc xs by (simp add: prefix_length_le) 
    moreover have "xc  xs"
      assume "xc = xs"
      then have "vs@xs  ?C i" 
        using vs@xc  ?C i - ?RM i by auto
      then have "vs@xs  ?TS i" 
        using C_subset by blast 
      then show "False" 
        using assms(1) by blast
    ultimately have "i  length xs"
      using prefix xc xs not_less_eq_eq prefix_length_prefix prefix_order.antisym 
      by blast 

    have " n . (n < i)  vs@(take n xs)  ?C (Suc n)"
    proof -    
      fix n assume "n < i"
      show "vs @ take n xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n)"
      proof -
        have "n  length xc"
          using n < i Suc (length xc) = i less_Suc_eq_le 
          by blast 
        then have "prefix (vs @ (take n xs)) (vs @ xc)"
        proof -
          have "n  length xs"
            using length xc  length xs n  length xc order_trans 
            by blast
          then have "prefix (take n xs) xc"
            by (metis (no_types) n  length xc prefix xc xs length_take min.absorb2 
                prefix_length_prefix take_is_prefix)
          then show ?thesis
            by simp
        then have "vs @ take n xs  ?TS i"
          by (meson C_subset DiffD1 TS_prefix_containment prefix xc xs 
              vs @ xc  C M2 M1 Ω V m i - RM M2 M1 Ω V m i assms(2) contra_subsetD 
              mcp_prefix_of_suffix same_prefix_prefix)
        then obtain jn where "jn < Suc i" "vs@(take n xs)  ?C jn" 
          using TS_union[of M2 M1 Ω V m i]
          by (metis UN_iff atLeast_upt lessThan_iff)
        moreover have "mcp (vs @ take n xs) V vs"
          by (meson assms(2) mcp_prefix_of_suffix take_is_prefix) 
        ultimately have "jn = Suc (length (take n xs))" 
          using C_index[of vs "take n xs" M2 M1 Ω V m jn] by auto
        then have "jn = Suc n"
          using length xc  length xs n  length xc by auto 
        then show "vs@(take n xs)  ?C (Suc n)" 
          using vs@(take n xs)  ?C jn by auto

    have " n . (n < i)  vs@(take n xs)  ?RM (Suc n)"
    proof -    
      fix n assume "n < i"
      show "vs @ take n xs  RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n)"
      proof (cases "n = length xc")
        case True
        then show ?thesis 
          using vs@xc  ?C i - ?RM i
          by (metis DiffD2 Suc (length xc) = i prefix xc xs append_eq_conv_conj prefixE) 
        case False
        then have "n < length xc"
          using n < i Suc (length xc) = i by linarith 

        show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "Suc n < length xc")
          case True
          then have "Suc n < i"
            using Suc (length xc) = i n < length xc by blast 
          then have "vs @ (take (Suc n) xs)  ?C (Suc (Suc n))" 
            using  n . (n < i)  vs@(take n xs)  ?C (Suc n) by blast
          then have "vs @ butlast (take (Suc n) xs)  ?C (Suc n) - ?RM (Suc n)" 
            using True C_immediate_prefix_containment[of vs "take (Suc n) xs" M2 M1 Ω V m n]
            by (metis Suc_neq_Zero prefix xc xs xc  xs prefix_Nil take_eq_Nil)
          then show ?thesis
            by (metis DiffD2 Suc_lessD True length xc  length xs butlast_snoc less_le_trans 
          case False
          then have "Suc n = length xc"
            using Suc_lessI n < length xc by blast
          then have "vs @ (take (Suc n) xs)  ?C (Suc (Suc n))"
            using Suc (length xc) = i n. n < i  vs @ take n xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n) 
            by auto 
          then have "vs @ butlast (take (Suc n) xs)  ?C (Suc n) - ?RM (Suc n)" 
            using False C_immediate_prefix_containment[of vs "take (Suc n) xs" M2 M1 Ω V m n]
            by (metis Suc_neq_Zero prefix xc xs xc  xs prefix_Nil take_eq_Nil)
          then show ?thesis
            by (metis Diff_iff Suc n = length xc length xc  length xs butlast_take diff_Suc_1)

    have "xr = take j xs"
    proof -
      have "vs@xr  ?C j"
        using vs@xr  ?RM j RM_subset by blast 
      then show ?thesis 
        using C_index
        by (metis Suc_le_lessD n. n < i  vs @ take n xs  RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc n) j  i 
            prefix xr xs vs @ xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j append_eq_conv_conj assms(2) 
            mcp_prefix_of_suffix prefix_def) 
    have "vs@xr  ?RM j"
      by (metis (no_types) C_index RM_subset i  length xs j  i prefix xr xs 
          xr = take j xs assms(2) contra_subsetD dual_order.trans length_take lessI less_irrefl 
          mcp_prefix_of_suffix min.absorb2) 
    then show "False" 
      using vs@xr  ?RM j by simp    


lemma TS_non_containment_causes_rev : 
  assumes "mcp (vs@xs) V vs"
  and "( xr j . xr  xs  prefix xr xs  j  i  vs@xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j)
        ( xc . xc  xs  prefix xc xs  vs@xc  (C M2 M1 Ω V m i) - (RM M2 M1 Ω V m i))"
      (is "?PrefPreviouslyRemoved  ?PrefJustContained")
shows "vs@xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i"
  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  assume "vs @ xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i" 

  have "?PrefPreviouslyRemoved  False"
  proof -
    assume ?PrefPreviouslyRemoved
    then obtain xr j where "xr  xs" "prefix xr xs" "j  i" "vs@xr  ?RM j" 
      by blast
    then have "vs@xr  ?C j - ?RM j" 
      by blast 

    have "vs@(take (Suc (length xr)) xs)  ?C (Suc j)" 
    proof -
      have "vs@(take (length xr) xs)  ?C j - ?RM j"
        by (metis prefix xr xs vs @ xr  C M2 M1 Ω V m j - RM M2 M1 Ω V m j 
            append_eq_conv_conj prefix_def) 
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases j)
        case 0
        then show ?thesis
          using RM.simps(1) vs @ xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j by blast
        case (Suc j')
        then have "?C (Suc j)  append_set (?C j - ?RM j) (inputs M2)"
          using C.simps(3) Suc by blast
        obtain x where "vs@(take (Suc (length xr)) xs) = vs@(take (length xr) xs) @ [x]"
          by (metis prefix xr xs xr  xs append_eq_conv_conj not_le prefix_def 
              take_Suc_conv_app_nth take_all) 
        have "vs@(take (length xr) xs) @ [x]  append_set (?C j - ?RM j) (inputs M2)"
          using vs@(take (length xr) xs)  ?C j - ?RM j by simp
        then have "vs@(take (length xr) xs) @ [x]  ?C (Suc j)"
          using ?C (Suc j)  append_set (?C j - ?RM j) (inputs M2) by blast
        then show ?thesis 
          using vs@(take (Suc (length xr)) xs) = vs@(take (length xr) xs) @ [x] by auto
    have "prefix (take (Suc (length xr)) xs) xs"
      by (simp add: take_is_prefix) 
    then have "vs@(take (Suc (length xr)) xs)  ?TS i" 
      using TS_prefix_containment[OF vs @ xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i assms(1)] by simp
    then obtain j' where "j' < Suc i  vs@(take (Suc (length xr)) xs)  ?C j'" 
      using TS_union[of M2 M1 Ω V m i] by fastforce
    then have "Suc (Suc (length xr)) = j'" 
      using C_index[of vs "take (Suc (length xr)) xs"]
    proof -
      have "¬ length xs  length xr"
        by (metis (no_types) prefix xr xs xr  xs append_Nil2 append_eq_conv_conj leD 
            nat_less_le prefix_def prefix_length_le)
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis (no_types) i Ω V T S M2 M1. vs @ take (Suc (length xr)) xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m i; 
                                                    mcp (vs @ take (Suc (length xr)) xs) V vs 
                                                   Suc (length (take (Suc (length xr)) xs)) = i 
            j' < Suc i  vs @ take (Suc (length xr)) xs  C M2 M1 Ω V m j' 
            append_eq_conv_conj assms(1) length_take mcp_prefix_of_suffix min.absorb2 
            not_less_eq_eq prefix_def)
    moreover have "Suc (length xr) = j" 
      using vs@xr  ?RM j RM_subset C_index
      by (metis prefix xr xs assms(1) mcp_prefix_of_suffix subsetCE)
    ultimately have "j' = Suc j" 
      by auto

    then have "vs@(take (Suc (length xr)) xs)  ?C (Suc j)" 
      using j' < Suc i  vs@(take (Suc (length xr)) xs)  ?C j' by auto
    then show "False" 
      using vs@(take (Suc (length xr)) xs)  ?C (Suc j) by blast

  moreover have "?PrefJustContained  False"
  proof -
    assume ?PrefJustContained
    then obtain xc where "xc  xs" 
                         "prefix xc xs" 
                         "vs @ xc  ?C i - ?RM i" 
      by blast
    ― ‹ only possible if xc = xs ›
    then show "False"
      by (metis C_index DiffD1 Suc_less_eq TS_index(1) vs @ xs  ?TS i assms(1) leD le_neq_trans 
          mcp_prefix_of_suffix prefix_length_le prefix_length_prefix 
          prefix_order.dual_order.antisym prefix_order.order_refl) 

  ultimately show "False" 
    using assms(2) by auto

lemma TS_finite :
  assumes "finite V"
  and     "finite (inputs M2)"
shows "finite (TS M2 M1 Ω V m n)"
using assms proof (induction n)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc n)

  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  show ?case
  proof (cases "n=0")
    case True
    then have "?TS (Suc n) = V" 
      by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      using finite V by auto
    case False
    then have "?TS (Suc n) = ?TS n  ?C (Suc n)"
      by (metis TS.simps(3) gr0_implies_Suc neq0_conv) 
    moreover have "finite (?TS n)" 
      using Suc.IH[OF Suc.prems] by assumption
    moreover have "finite (?C (Suc n))"
    proof -
      have "?C (Suc n)  append_set (?C n) (inputs M2)"
        using C_step False by blast 
      moreover have "?C n  ?TS n"
        by (simp add: C_subset) 
      ultimately have "?C (Suc n)  append_set (?TS n) (inputs M2)"
        by blast
      moreover have "finite (append_set (?TS n) (inputs M2))"
        by (simp add: finite (TS M2 M1 Ω V m n) assms(2) finite_image_set2) 
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using infinite_subset by auto 
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto 

lemma C_finite :
  assumes "finite V"
  and     "finite (inputs M2)"
shows "finite (C M2 M1 Ω V m n)"
proof -
  have "C M2 M1 Ω V m n  TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
    by (simp add: C_subset) 
  then show ?thesis using TS_finite[OF assms]
    using Finite_Set.finite_subset by blast 

subsection ‹ Final iteration ›

text ‹
The result of calculating @{verbatim TS} for some iteration is final if the result does not change 
for the next iteration.

Such a final iteration exists and is at most equal to the number of states of FSM @{verbatim M2} 
multiplied by an upper bound on the number of states of FSM @{verbatim M1}.

Furthermore, for any sequence not contained in the final iteration of the test suite, a prefix of
this sequence must be contained in the latter.

abbreviation "final_iteration M2 M1 Ω V m i  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i = TS M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i)"

lemma final_iteration_ex :
  assumes "OFSM M1"
  and     "OFSM M2"
  and     "asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m"
  and     "test_tools M2 M1 FAIL PM V Ω"
  shows "final_iteration M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc ( |M2| * m ))"
proof -
  let ?i = "Suc ( |M2| * m )"

  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  have "is_det_state_cover M2 V" 
    using assms by auto
  moreover have "finite (nodes M2)" 
    using assms(2) by auto
  moreover have "d_reachable M2 (initial M2)  nodes M2"
    by auto 
  ultimately have "finite V" 
    using det_state_cover_card[of M2 V]
    by (metis finite_if_finite_subsets_card_bdd infinite_subset is_det_state_cover.elims(2) 

  have " seq  ?C ?i . seq  ?RM ?i"
    fix seq assume "seq  ?C ?i"
    show "seq  ?RM ?i"
    proof -

      have "[]  V" 
        using is_det_state_cover M2 V det_state_cover_empty 
        by blast 
      then obtain vs where "mcp seq V vs" 
        using mcp_ex[OF _ finite V] 
        by blast   
      then obtain xs where "seq = vs@xs"
        using prefixE by auto 
      then have "Suc (length xs) = ?i" using C_index
        using mcp seq V vs seq  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc ( |M2| * m)) by blast
      then have "length xs = ( |M2| * m)" by auto
      have RM_def : "?RM ?i =  {xs'  C M2 M1 Ω V m ?i .
                          (¬ (Lin M1 {xs'}  Lin M2 {xs'}))
                           ( io  Lin M1 {xs'} .
                              ( V''  N io M1 V .  
                                ( S1 . 
                                  ( vs xs .
                                    io = (vs@xs)
                                     mcp (vs@xs) V'' vs
                                     S1  nodes M2
                                     ( s1  S1 .  s2  S1 .
                                      s1  s2  
                                        ( io1  RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' .
                                            io2  RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' .
                                             B M1 io1 Ω  B M1 io2 Ω ))
             m < LB M2 M1 vs xs (?TS (( |M2| * m))  V) S1 Ω V'' ))))}"
      using RM.simps(2)[of M2 M1 Ω V m "((card (nodes M2))*m)"] by assumption
    have "(¬ (Lin M1 {seq}  Lin M2 {seq}))
           ( io  Lin M1 {seq} .
              ( V''  N io M1 V .  
                ( S1 . 
                  ( vs xs .
                    io = (vs@xs)
                     mcp (vs@xs) V'' vs
                     S1  nodes M2
                     ( s1  S1 .  s2  S1 .
                      s1  s2  
                        ( io1  RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' .
                            io2  RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' .
                             B M1 io1 Ω  B M1 io2 Ω ))
                     m < LB M2 M1 vs xs (?TS (( |M2| * m))  V) S1 Ω V'' ))))"
      proof (cases "(¬ (Lin M1 {seq}  Lin M2 {seq}))")
        case True
        then show ?thesis 
          using RM_def by blast
        case False
        have "( io  Lin M1 {seq} .
              ( V''  N io M1 V .  
                ( S1 . 
                  ( vs xs .
                    io = (vs@xs)
                     mcp (vs@xs) V'' vs
                     S1  nodes M2
                     ( s1  S1 .  s2  S1 .
                      s1  s2  
                        ( io1  RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' .
                            io2  RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' .
                             B M1 io1 Ω  B M1 io2 Ω ))
                     m < LB M2 M1 vs xs (?TS (( |M2| * m))  V) S1 Ω V'' ))))"
          fix io assume "ioLin M1 {seq}"
          then have "io  L M1" 
            by auto
          moreover have "is_det_state_cover M2 V" 
            using assms(4) by auto
          ultimately obtain V'' where "V''  N io M1 V" 
            using N_nonempty[OF _ assms(1-3), of V io] by blast

          have "io  L M2" 
            using ioLin M1 {seq} False by auto

          have "V''  Perm V M1" 
            using V''  N io M1 V by auto
          have "[]  V''"
            using V''  Perm V M1 assms(4) perm_empty by blast 
          have "finite V''"
            using V''  Perm V M1 assms(2) assms(4) perm_elem_finite by blast
          obtain vs where "mcp io V'' vs" 
            using mcp_ex[OF []  V'' finite V''] by blast
          obtain xs where "io = (vs@xs)"
            using mcp io V'' vs prefixE by auto  
          then have "vs@xs  L M1" "vs@xs  L M2"
            using io  L M1 io  L M2 by auto

          have "io  L M1" "map fst io  {seq}"
            using ioLin M1 {seq} by auto
          then have "map fst io = seq" 
            by auto
          then have "map fst io  ?C ?i" 
            using seq  ?C ?i by blast
          then have "(map fst vs) @ (map fst xs)  ?C ?i" 
            using io = (vs@xs) by (metis map_append) 

          have "mcp' io V'' = vs"
            using mcp io V'' vs mcp'_intro by blast 

          have "mcp' (map fst io) V = (map fst vs)"
            using V''  N io M1 V mcp' io V'' = vs by auto 

          then have "mcp (map fst io) V (map fst vs)"
            by (metis thesis. (vs. mcp seq V vs  thesis)  thesis 
                map fst io = seq mcp'_intro) 
          then have "mcp (map fst vs @ map fst xs) V (map fst vs)"
            by (simp add: io = vs @ xs) 
          then have "Suc (length xs) = ?i" using C_index[OF (map fst vs) @ (map fst xs)  ?C ?i] 
            by simp

          then have "( |M2| * m)  length xs" 
            by simp


          have "|M1|  m" 
            using assms(3) by auto
          have "vs @ xs  L M2  L M1" 
            using vs @ xs  L M1 vs @ xs  L M2 by blast
          obtain q where "q  nodes M2" "m < card (RP M2 q vs xs V'')"
            using RP_state_repetition_distribution_productF
                  [OF assms(2,1) ( |M2| * m)  length xs |M1|  m vs @ xs  L M2  L M1 
                      is_det_state_cover M2 V V''  Perm V M1] 
            by blast          

          have "m < LB M2 M1 vs xs (?TS (( |M2| * m))  V) {q} Ω V''" 
          proof -
            have "m < (sum (λ s . card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')) {q})" 
              using m < card (RP M2 q vs xs V'')
              by auto
            moreover have "(sum (λ s . card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')) {q}) 
                               LB M2 M1 vs xs (?TS (( |M2| * m))  V) {q} Ω V''"
              by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis 
              by linarith 

          show "V''N io M1 V.
                 S1 vs xs.
                    io = vs @ xs 
                    mcp (vs @ xs) V'' vs 
                    S1  nodes M2 
                           s1  s2 
                           (io1RP M2 s1 vs xs V''. io2RP M2 s2 vs xs V''. 
                                                                      B M1 io1 Ω  B M1 io2 Ω)) 
                    m < LB M2 M1 vs xs (?TS (( |M2| * m))  V) S1 Ω V''"
          proof -
            have "io = vs@xs"
              using io = vs@xs by assumption
            moreover have "mcp (vs@xs) V'' vs"
              using io = vs @ xs mcp io V'' vs by presburger 
            moreover have "{q}  nodes M2" 
              using q  nodes M2 by auto
            moreover have "( s1  {q} .  s2  {q} .
                        s1  s2  
                          ( io1  RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' .
                              io2  RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' .
                               B M1 io1 Ω  B M1 io2 Ω ))"
            proof -
              have " s1  {q} .  s2  {q} . s1 = s2" 
                by blast
              then show ?thesis
                by blast 
            ultimately have RM_body : "io = (vs@xs)
                       mcp (vs@xs) V'' vs
                       {q}  nodes M2
                       ( s1  {q} .  s2  {q} .
                        s1  s2  
                          ( io1  RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' .
                              io2  RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' .
                               B M1 io1 Ω  B M1 io2 Ω ))
                       m < LB M2 M1 vs xs (?TS (( |M2| * m))  V) {q} Ω V'' " 
              using m < LB M2 M1 vs xs (?TS (( |M2| * m))  V) {q} Ω V'' 
              by linarith 

            show ?thesis 
              using V''N io M1 V RM_body
              by metis 

        then show ?thesis 
          by metis

      then have "seq  {xs'  C M2 M1 Ω V m ((Suc ( |M2| * m))).
                         ¬ Lin M1 {xs'}  Lin M2 {xs'} 
                         (ioLin M1 {xs'}.
                             V''N io M1 V.
                                S1 vs xs.
                                   io = vs @ xs 
                                   mcp (vs @ xs) V'' vs 
                                   S1  nodes M2 
                                          s1  s2 
                                          (io1RP M2 s1 vs xs V''. io2RP M2 s2 vs xs V''. 
                                                                      B M1 io1 Ω  B M1 io2 Ω)) 
                                   m < LB M2 M1 vs xs (?TS (( |M2| * m))  V) S1 Ω V'')}" 
        using seq  ?C ?i by blast

      then show ?thesis 
        using RM_def by blast

  then have "?C ?i - ?RM ?i = {}" 
    by blast

  have "?C (Suc ?i) = append_set (?C ?i - ?RM ?i) (inputs M2) - ?TS ?i"
    using C.simps(3) by blast 


  then have "?C (Suc ?i) = {}" using ?C ?i - ?RM ?i = {} 
    by blast
  then have "?TS (Suc ?i) = ?TS ?i"
    using TS.simps(3) by blast 
  then show "final_iteration M2 M1 Ω V m ?i"
    by blast 

lemma TS_non_containment_causes_final :
  assumes "vs@xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i" 
  and     "mcp (vs@xs) V vs"
  and     "set xs  inputs M2"
  and     "final_iteration M2 M1 Ω V m i"
  and     "OFSM M2"
shows "( xr j . xr  xs 
                   prefix xr xs 
                   j  i 
                   vs@xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j)"
proof -
  let ?TS = "λ n . TS M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?C = "λ n . C M2 M1 Ω V m n"
  let ?RM = "λ n . RM M2 M1 Ω V m n"

  have "{}  V" 
    using assms(2) by fastforce 
  then have "?TS 0  ?TS (Suc 0)"
    by simp 
  then have "0 < i"
    using assms(4) by auto 

  have ncc1 : "(xr j. xr  xs  prefix xr xs  j  i  vs @ xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j) 
          (xc. xc  xs  prefix xc xs  vs @ xc  C M2 M1 Ω V m i - RM M2 M1 Ω V m i)" 
    using TS_non_containment_causes(1)[OF assms(1-3) 0 < i] by assumption
  have ncc2 : "¬ ((xr j. xr  xs  prefix xr xs  j  i  vs @ xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j) 
        (xc. xc  xs  prefix xc xs  vs @ xc  C M2 M1 Ω V m i - RM M2 M1 Ω V m i))"
    using TS_non_containment_causes(2)[OF assms(1-3) 0 < i] by assumption
  from ncc1 show ?thesis
    show "xr j. xr  xs  prefix xr xs  j  i  vs @ xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j 
          xr j. xr  xs  prefix xr xs  j  i  vs @ xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j" 
      by simp

    show "xc. xc  xs  prefix xc xs  vs @ xc  C M2 M1 Ω V m i - RM M2 M1 Ω V m i 
          xr j. xr  xs  prefix xr xs  j  i  vs @ xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j" 
    proof -
      assume "xc. xc  xs  prefix xc xs  vs @ xc  C M2 M1 Ω V m i - RM M2 M1 Ω V m i"
      then obtain xc where "xc  xs" "prefix xc xs" "vs @ xc  ?C i - ?RM i" 
        by blast
      then have "vs @ xc  ?C i" 
        by blast
      have "mcp (vs @ xc) V vs"
        using prefix xc xs assms(2) mcp_prefix_of_suffix by blast 
      then have "Suc (length xc) = i" using C_index[OF vs @ xc  ?C i] 
        by simp

      have "length xc < length xs"
        by (metis prefix xc xs xc  xs append_eq_conv_conj nat_less_le prefix_def prefix_length_le take_all) 
      then obtain x where "prefix (vs@xc@[x]) (vs@xs)"
        using prefix xc xs append_one_prefix same_prefix_prefix by blast 

      ― ‹Proof sketch:
           vs-xs-x must not be in TS (i+1), else not final iteration
           vs-xs-x can not be in TS i due to its length
           vs-xs-x must therefore not be contained in (append-set (C i - R i) (inputs M2))
           vs-xs must therefore not be contained in (C i - R i)
           contradiction ›

      have "?TS (Suc i) = ?TS i" 
        using assms(4) by auto

      have "vs@xc@[x]  ?C (Suc i)" 
        assume "vs @ xc @ [x]  ?C (Suc i)" 
        then have "vs @ xc @ [x]  ?TS i"
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) C.simps(3) DiffE Suc (length xc) = i) 
        then have "?TS i  ?TS (Suc i)"
          using C_subset vs @ xc @ [x]  C M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc i) by blast
        then show "False" using assms(4) 
          by auto
      moreover have "?C (Suc i) = append_set (?C i - ?RM i) (inputs M2) - ?TS i"
        using C.simps(3) Suc (length xc) = i by blast 
      ultimately have "vs @ xc @ [x]  append_set (?C i - ?RM i) (inputs M2) - ?TS i" 
        by blast

      have "vs @ xc @ [x]  ?TS (Suc i)"
        by (metis Suc_n_not_le_n TS_index(1) Suc (length xc) = i 
            prefix (vs @ xc @ [x]) (vs @ xs) assms(2) assms(4) length_append_singleton 
            mcp_prefix_of_suffix same_prefix_prefix) 
      then have "vs @ xc @ [x]  ?TS i"
        by (simp add: assms(4)) 

      have "vs @ xc @ [x]  append_set (?C i - ?RM i) (inputs M2)"
        using vs @ xc @ [x]  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i 
              vs @ xc @ [x]  append_set (C M2 M1 Ω V m i - RM M2 M1 Ω V m i) (inputs M2) 
                                - TS M2 M1 Ω V m i 
        by blast  
      then have "vs @ xc  (?C i - ?RM i)"
      proof -
        have f1: "a A Aa. (a::'a)  A  a  Aa  a  Aa  A"
          by (meson UnCI)
        obtain aas :: "'a list  'a list  'a list" where
          "x0 x1. (v2. x0 = x1 @ v2) = (x0 = x1 @ aas x0 x1)"
          by moura
        then have "vs @ xs = (vs @ xc @ [x]) @ aas (vs @ xs) (vs @ xc @ [x])"
          by (meson prefix (vs @ xc @ [x]) (vs @ xs) prefixE)
        then have "xs = (xc @ [x]) @ aas (vs @ xs) (vs @ xc @ [x])"
          by simp
        then have "x  inputs M2"
          using f1 by (metis (no_types) assms(3) contra_subsetD insert_iff list.set(2) set_append)
        then show ?thesis
          using vs @ xc @ [x]  append_set (C M2 M1 Ω V m i - RM M2 M1 Ω V m i) (inputs M2) 
          by force

      then have "False" 
        using vs @ xc  ?C i - ?RM i by blast
      then show ?thesis by simp

lemma TS_non_containment_causes_final_suc :
  assumes "vs@xs  TS M2 M1 Ω V m i" 
  and     "mcp (vs@xs) V vs"
  and     "set xs  inputs M2"
  and     "final_iteration M2 M1 Ω V m i"
  and     "OFSM M2"
obtains xr j
where "xr  xs" "prefix xr xs" "Suc j  i" "vs@xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc j)"
proof -
  obtain xr j where "xr  xs  prefix xr xs  j  i  vs@xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j"
    using TS_non_containment_causes_final[OF assms] by blast
  moreover have "RM M2 M1 Ω V m 0 = {}"
    by auto
  ultimately have "j  0"
    by (metis empty_iff) 
  then obtain jp where "j = Suc jp"
    using not0_implies_Suc by blast 
  then have "xr  xs  prefix xr xs  Suc jp  i  vs@xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m (Suc jp)"
    using xr  xs  prefix xr xs  j  i  vs@xr  RM M2 M1 Ω V m j
    by blast 
  then show ?thesis 
    using that by blast
