Theory Hidden

Up to index of Isabelle/HOL/Jinja

theory Hidden
imports List_Index
theory Hidden
imports "../../List-Index/List_Index"

definition hidden :: "'a list => nat => bool" where
"hidden xs i ≡ i < size xs ∧ xs!i ∈ set(drop (i+1) xs)"

lemma hidden_last_index: "x ∈ set xs ==> hidden (xs @ [x]) (last_index xs x)"
apply(auto simp add: hidden_def nth_append rev_nth[symmetric])
apply(drule last_index_less[OF _ le_refl])
apply simp

lemma hidden_inacc: "hidden xs i ==> last_index xs x ≠ i"
by(auto simp add: hidden_def last_index_drop last_index_less_size_conv)

lemma [simp]: "hidden xs i ==> hidden (xs@[x]) i"
by(auto simp add:hidden_def nth_append)

lemma fun_upds_apply:
"(m(xs[\<mapsto>]ys)) x =
(let xs' = take (size ys) xs
in if x ∈ set xs' then Some(ys ! last_index xs' x) else m x)"

apply(induct xs arbitrary: m ys)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply(case_tac ys)
apply (simp add:Let_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def last_index_Cons)

lemma map_upds_apply_eq_Some:
"((m(xs[\<mapsto>]ys)) x = Some y) =
(let xs' = take (size ys) xs
in if x ∈ set xs' then ys ! last_index xs' x = y else m x = Some y)"

by(simp add:fun_upds_apply Let_def)

lemma map_upds_upd_conv_last_index:
"[|x ∈ set xs; size xs ≤ size ys |]
==> m(xs[\<mapsto>]ys)(x\<mapsto>y) = m(xs[\<mapsto>]ys[last_index xs x := y])"

apply(rule ext)
apply(simp add:fun_upds_apply eq_sym_conv Let_def)
