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theory WellFormProgsheader {* \isaheader{Well-formedness of programs} *}
theory WellFormProgs imports PCFG begin
subsection {* Well-formedness of procedure lists. *}
definition wf_proc :: "proc => bool"
where "wf_proc x ≡ let (p,ins,outs,c) = x in
p ≠ Main ∧ distinct ins ∧ distinct outs"
definition well_formed :: "procs => bool"
where "well_formed procs ≡ distinct_fst procs ∧
(∀(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs. wf_proc (p,ins,outs,c))"
lemma [dest]:"[|well_formed procs; (Main,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs|] ==> False"
by(fastforce simp:well_formed_def wf_proc_def)
lemma well_formed_same_procs [dest]:
"[|well_formed procs; (p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs; (p,ins',outs',c') ∈ set procs|]
==> ins = ins' ∧ outs = outs' ∧ c = c'"
apply(auto simp:well_formed_def distinct_fst_def distinct_map inj_on_def)
by(erule_tac x="(p,ins,outs,c)" in ballE,auto)+
lemma PCFG_sourcelabel_None_less_num_nodes:
"[|prog,procs \<turnstile> (Main,Label l) -et-> n'; well_formed procs|] ==> l < #:prog"
proof(induct "(Main,Label l)" et n'
arbitrary:l rule:PCFG.induct)
case (Main et n')
from `prog \<turnstile> Label l -IEdge et->⇣p n'`
show ?case by(fastforce elim:Proc_CFG_sourcelabel_less_num_nodes)
case (MainCall l p es rets n' ins outs c)
from `prog \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p,es,rets)->⇣p n'`
show ?case by(fastforce elim:Proc_CFG_sourcelabel_less_num_nodes)
case (MainCallReturn p es rets n' l)
from `prog \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p, es, rets)->⇣p n'`
show ?case by(fastforce elim:Proc_CFG_sourcelabel_less_num_nodes)
qed auto
lemma Proc_CFG_sourcelabel_Some_less_num_nodes:
"[|prog,procs \<turnstile> (p,Label l) -et-> n'; (p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs;
well_formed procs|] ==> l < #:c"
proof(induct "(p,Label l)" et n' arbitrary:l rule:PCFG.induct)
case (Proc ins' outs' c' et n')
from `c' \<turnstile> Label l -IEdge et->⇣p n'` have "l < #:c'"
by(fastforce intro:Proc_CFG_sourcelabel_less_num_nodes)
with `well_formed procs` `(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs`
`(p,ins',outs',c') ∈ set procs`
show ?case by fastforce
case (ProcCall ins' outs' c' l' p' es rets l'' ins'' outs'' c'' ps)
from `c' \<turnstile> Label l' -CEdge (p',es,rets)->⇣p Label l''` have "l' < #:c'"
by(fastforce intro:Proc_CFG_sourcelabel_less_num_nodes)
with `well_formed procs` `(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs`
`(p, ins', outs', c') ∈ set procs`
show ?case by fastforce
case (ProcCallReturn ins' outs' c' p' es rets n')
from `c' \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p', es, rets)->⇣p n'` have "l < #:c'"
by(fastforce intro:Proc_CFG_sourcelabel_less_num_nodes)
with `well_formed procs` `(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs`
`(p,ins',outs',c') ∈ set procs`
show ?case by fastforce
qed auto
lemma Proc_CFG_targetlabel_Main_less_num_nodes:
"[|prog,procs \<turnstile> n -et-> (Main,Label l); well_formed procs|] ==> l < #:prog"
proof(induct n et "(Main,Label l)"
arbitrary:l rule:PCFG.induct)
case (Main n et)
from `prog \<turnstile> n -IEdge et->⇣p Label l`
show ?case by(fastforce elim:Proc_CFG_targetlabel_less_num_nodes)
case (MainReturn l' p es rets l'' ins outs c)
from `prog \<turnstile> Label l' -CEdge (p,es,rets)->⇣p Label l''`
show ?case by(fastforce elim:Proc_CFG_targetlabel_less_num_nodes)
case (MainCallReturn n p es rets)
from `prog \<turnstile> n -CEdge (p, es, rets)->⇣p Label l`
show ?case by(fastforce elim:Proc_CFG_targetlabel_less_num_nodes)
qed auto
lemma Proc_CFG_targetlabel_Some_less_num_nodes:
"[|prog,procs \<turnstile> n -et-> (p,Label l); (p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs;
well_formed procs|] ==> l < #:c"
proof(induct n et "(p,Label l)" arbitrary:l rule:PCFG.induct)
case (Proc ins' outs' c' n et)
from `c' \<turnstile> n -IEdge et->⇣p Label l` have "l < #:c'"
by(fastforce intro:Proc_CFG_targetlabel_less_num_nodes)
with `well_formed procs` `(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs`
`(p,ins',outs',c') ∈ set procs`
show ?case by fastforce
case (ProcReturn ins' outs' c' l' p' es rets l ins'' outs'' c'' ps)
from `c' \<turnstile> Label l' -CEdge (p',es,rets)->⇣p Label l` have "l < #:c'"
by(fastforce intro:Proc_CFG_targetlabel_less_num_nodes)
with `well_formed procs` `(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs`
`(p, ins', outs', c') ∈ set procs`
show ?case by fastforce
case (ProcCallReturn ins' outs' c' n p'' es rets)
from `c' \<turnstile> n -CEdge (p'', es, rets)->⇣p Label l` have "l < #:c'"
by(fastforce intro:Proc_CFG_targetlabel_less_num_nodes)
with `well_formed procs` `(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs`
`(p,ins',outs',c') ∈ set procs`
show ?case by fastforce
qed auto
lemma Proc_CFG_edge_det:
"[|prog,procs \<turnstile> n -et-> n'; prog,procs \<turnstile> n -et'-> n'; well_formed procs|]
==> et = et'"
proof(induct rule:PCFG.induct)
case Main thus ?case by(auto elim:PCFG.cases dest:Proc_CFG_edge_det)
case Proc thus ?case by(auto elim:PCFG.cases dest:Proc_CFG_edge_det)
case (MainCall l p es rets n' ins outs c)
from `prog,procs \<turnstile> (Main,Label l) -et'-> (p,Entry)` `well_formed procs`
obtain es' rets' n'' ins' outs' c'
where "prog \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p,es',rets')->⇣p n''"
and "(p,ins',outs',c') ∈ set procs"
and "et' = (λs. True):(Main,n'')\<hookrightarrow>⇘p⇙map (λe cf. interpret e cf) es'"
by(auto elim:PCFG.cases)
from `(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs` `(p,ins',outs',c') ∈ set procs`
`well_formed procs`
have "ins = ins'" by fastforce
from `prog \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p,es,rets)->⇣p n'`
`prog \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p,es',rets')->⇣p n''`
have "es = es'" and "n' = n''" by(auto dest:Proc_CFG_Call_nodes_eq)
with `et' = (λs. True):(Main,n'')\<hookrightarrow>⇘p⇙map (λe cf. interpret e cf) es'` `ins = ins'`
show ?case by simp
case (ProcCall p ins outs c l p' es' rets' l' ins' outs' c' ps)
from `prog,procs \<turnstile> (p,Label l) -et'-> (p',Entry)` `(p',ins',outs',c') ∈ set procs`
`(p, ins, outs, c) ∈ set procs` `well_formed procs`
`c \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p', es', rets')->⇣p Label l'`
show ?case
proof(induct "(p,Label l)" et' "(p',Entry)" rule:PCFG.induct)
case (ProcCall insx outsx cx es'x rets'x l'x ins'x outs'x c'x ps)
from `well_formed procs` `(p, insx, outsx, cx) ∈ set procs`
`(p, ins, outs, c) ∈ set procs`
have [simp]:"cx = c" by auto
from `cx \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p', es'x, rets'x)->⇣p Label l'x`
`c \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p', es', rets')->⇣p Label l'`
have [simp]:"es'x = es'" "l'x = l'" by(auto dest:Proc_CFG_Call_nodes_eq)
show ?case by simp
qed auto
case MainReturn
thus ?case by -(erule PCFG.cases,auto dest:Proc_CFG_Call_nodes_eq')
case (ProcReturn p ins outs c l p' es' rets' l' ins' outs' c' ps)
from `prog,procs \<turnstile> (p',Exit) -et'-> (p, Label l')`
`(p, ins, outs, c) ∈ set procs` `(p', ins', outs', c') ∈ set procs`
`c \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p', es', rets')->⇣p Label l'`
`containsCall procs prog ps p` `well_formed procs`
show ?case
proof(induct "(p',Exit)" et' "(p,Label l')" rule:PCFG.induct)
case (ProcReturn insx outsx cx lx es'x rets'x ins'x outs'x c'x psx)
from `(p', ins'x, outs'x, c'x) ∈ set procs`
`(p', ins', outs', c') ∈ set procs` `well_formed procs`
have [simp]:"outs'x = outs'" by fastforce
from `(p, insx, outsx, cx) ∈ set procs` `(p, ins, outs, c) ∈ set procs`
`well_formed procs`
have [simp]:"cx = c" by auto
from `cx \<turnstile> Label lx -CEdge (p', es'x, rets'x)->⇣p Label l'`
`c \<turnstile> Label l -CEdge (p', es', rets')->⇣p Label l'`
have [simp]:"rets'x = rets'" by(fastforce dest:Proc_CFG_Call_nodes_eq')
show ?case by simp
qed auto
case MainCallReturn thus ?case by(auto elim:PCFG.cases dest:Proc_CFG_edge_det)
case ProcCallReturn thus ?case by(auto elim:PCFG.cases dest:Proc_CFG_edge_det)
lemma Proc_CFG_deterministic:
"[|prog,procs \<turnstile> n⇣1 -et⇣1-> n⇣1'; prog,procs \<turnstile> n⇣2 -et⇣2-> n⇣2'; n⇣1 = n⇣2; n⇣1' ≠ n⇣2';
intra_kind et⇣1; intra_kind et⇣2; well_formed procs|]
==> ∃Q Q'. et⇣1 = (Q)⇣\<surd> ∧ et⇣2 = (Q')⇣\<surd> ∧
(∀s. (Q s --> ¬ Q' s) ∧ (Q' s --> ¬ Q s))"
proof(induct arbitrary:n⇣2 n⇣2' rule:PCFG.induct)
case (Main n et n')
from `prog,procs \<turnstile> n⇣2 -et⇣2-> n⇣2'` `(Main,n) = n⇣2`
`intra_kind et⇣2` `well_formed procs`
obtain m m' where "(Main,m) = n⇣2" and "(Main,m') = n⇣2'"
and disj:"prog \<turnstile> m -IEdge et⇣2->⇣p m' ∨
(∃p es rets. prog \<turnstile> m -CEdge (p,es,rets)->⇣p m' ∧ et⇣2 = (λs. False)⇣\<surd>)"
by(induct rule:PCFG.induct)(fastforce simp:intra_kind_def)+
from disj show ?case
assume "prog \<turnstile> m -IEdge et⇣2->⇣p m'"
with `(Main,m) = n⇣2` `(Main,m') = n⇣2'`
`prog \<turnstile> n -IEdge et->⇣p n'` `(Main,n) = n⇣2` `(Main,n') ≠ n⇣2'`
show ?thesis by(auto dest:WCFG_deterministic)
assume "∃p es rets. prog \<turnstile> m -CEdge (p, es, rets)->⇣p m' ∧ et⇣2 = (λs. False)⇣\<surd>"
with `(Main,m) = n⇣2` `(Main,m') = n⇣2'`
`prog \<turnstile> n -IEdge et->⇣p n'` `(Main,n) = n⇣2` `(Main,n') ≠ n⇣2'`
have False by(fastforce dest:Proc_CFG_Call_Intra_edge_not_same_source)
thus ?thesis by simp
case (Proc p ins outs c n et n')
from `prog,procs \<turnstile> n⇣2 -et⇣2-> n⇣2'` `(p,n) = n⇣2` `intra_kind et⇣2`
`(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs` `well_formed procs`
obtain m m' where "(p,m) = n⇣2" and "(p,m') = n⇣2'"
and disj:"c \<turnstile> m -IEdge et⇣2->⇣p m' ∨
(∃p' es' rets'. c \<turnstile> m -CEdge (p',es',rets')->⇣p m' ∧ et⇣2 = (λs. False)⇣\<surd>)"
by(induct rule:PCFG.induct)(fastforce simp:intra_kind_def)+
from disj show ?case
assume "c \<turnstile> m -IEdge et⇣2->⇣p m'"
with `(p,m) = n⇣2` `(p,m') = n⇣2'`
`c \<turnstile> n -IEdge et->⇣p n'` `(p,n) = n⇣2` `(p,n') ≠ n⇣2'`
show ?thesis by(auto dest:WCFG_deterministic)
assume "∃p' es' rets'. c \<turnstile> m -CEdge (p', es', rets')->⇣p m' ∧ et⇣2 = (λs. False)⇣\<surd>"
with `(p,m) = n⇣2` `(p,m') = n⇣2'`
`c \<turnstile> n -IEdge et->⇣p n'` `(p,n) = n⇣2` `(p,n') ≠ n⇣2'`
have False by(fastforce dest:Proc_CFG_Call_Intra_edge_not_same_source)
thus ?thesis by simp
case (MainCallReturn n p es rets n' n⇣2 n⇣2')
from `prog,procs \<turnstile> n⇣2 -et⇣2-> n⇣2'` `(Main,n) = n⇣2`
`intra_kind et⇣2` `well_formed procs`
obtain m m' where "(Main,m) = n⇣2" and "(Main,m') = n⇣2'"
and disj:"prog \<turnstile> m -IEdge et⇣2->⇣p m' ∨
(∃p es rets. prog \<turnstile> m -CEdge (p,es,rets)->⇣p m' ∧ et⇣2 = (λs. False)⇣\<surd>)"
by(induct rule:PCFG.induct)(fastforce simp:intra_kind_def)+
from disj show ?case
assume "prog \<turnstile> m -IEdge et⇣2->⇣p m'"
with `(Main,m) = n⇣2` `(Main,m') = n⇣2'` `prog \<turnstile> n -CEdge (p, es, rets)->⇣p n'`
`(Main, n) = n⇣2` `(Main, n') ≠ n⇣2'`
have False by(fastforce dest:Proc_CFG_Call_Intra_edge_not_same_source)
thus ?thesis by simp
assume "∃p es rets. prog \<turnstile> m -CEdge (p,es,rets)->⇣p m' ∧ et⇣2 = (λs. False)⇣\<surd>"
with `(Main,m) = n⇣2` `(Main,m') = n⇣2'` `prog \<turnstile> n -CEdge (p, es, rets)->⇣p n'`
`(Main, n) = n⇣2` `(Main, n') ≠ n⇣2'`
show ?thesis by(fastforce dest:Proc_CFG_Call_nodes_eq)
case (ProcCallReturn p ins outs c n p' es rets n' ps n⇣2 n⇣2')
from `prog,procs \<turnstile> n⇣2 -et⇣2-> n⇣2'` `(p,n) = n⇣2` `intra_kind et⇣2`
`(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs` `well_formed procs`
obtain m m' where "(p,m) = n⇣2" and "(p,m') = n⇣2'"
and disj:"c \<turnstile> m -IEdge et⇣2->⇣p m' ∨
(∃p' es' rets'. c \<turnstile> m -CEdge (p',es',rets')->⇣p m' ∧ et⇣2 = (λs. False)⇣\<surd>)"
by(induct rule:PCFG.induct)(fastforce simp:intra_kind_def)+
from disj show ?case
assume "c \<turnstile> m -IEdge et⇣2->⇣p m'"
with `(p,m) = n⇣2` `(p,m') = n⇣2'`
`c \<turnstile> n -CEdge (p', es, rets)->⇣p n'` `(p,n) = n⇣2` `(p,n') ≠ n⇣2'`
have False by(fastforce dest:Proc_CFG_Call_Intra_edge_not_same_source)
thus ?thesis by simp
assume "∃p' es' rets'. c \<turnstile> m -CEdge (p', es', rets')->⇣p m' ∧ et⇣2 = (λs. False)⇣\<surd>"
with `(p,m) = n⇣2` `(p,m') = n⇣2'`
`c \<turnstile> n -CEdge (p', es, rets)->⇣p n'` `(p,n) = n⇣2` `(p,n') ≠ n⇣2'`
show ?thesis by(fastforce dest:Proc_CFG_Call_nodes_eq)
qed(auto simp:intra_kind_def)
subsection {* Well-formedness of programs in combination with a procedure list. *}
definition wf :: "cmd => procs => bool"
where "wf prog procs ≡ well_formed procs ∧
(∀ps p. containsCall procs prog ps p --> (∃ins outs c. (p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs ∧
(∀c' n n' es rets. c' \<turnstile> n -CEdge (p,es,rets)->⇣p n' -->
distinct rets ∧ length rets = length outs ∧ length es = length ins)))"
lemma wf_well_formed [intro]:"wf prog procs ==> well_formed procs"
by(simp add:wf_def)
lemma wf_distinct_rets [intro]:
"[|wf prog procs; containsCall procs prog ps p; (p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs;
c' \<turnstile> n -CEdge (p,es,rets)->⇣p n'|] ==> distinct rets"
by(fastforce simp:wf_def)
assumes "wf prog procs" and "containsCall procs prog ps p"
and "(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs" and "c' \<turnstile> n -CEdge (p,es,rets)->⇣p n'"
shows wf_length_retsI [intro]:"length rets = length outs"
and wf_length_esI [intro]:"length es = length ins"
proof -
from `wf prog procs` have "well_formed procs" by fastforce
from assms
obtain ins' outs' c' where "(p,ins',outs',c') ∈ set procs"
and lengths:"length rets = length outs'" "length es = length ins'"
by(simp add:wf_def) blast
from `(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs` `(p,ins',outs',c') ∈ set procs`
`well_formed procs`
have "ins' = ins" "outs' = outs" "c' = c" by auto
with lengths show "length rets = length outs" "length es = length ins"
by simp_all
subsection {* Type of well-formed programs *}
definition "wf_prog = {(prog,procs). wf prog procs}"
typedef wf_prog = wf_prog
unfolding wf_prog_def
apply (rule_tac x="(Skip,[])" in exI)
apply (simp add:wf_def well_formed_def)
lemma wf_wf_prog:"Rep_wf_prog wfp = (prog,procs) ==> wf prog procs"
using Rep_wf_prog[of wfp] by(simp add:wf_prog_def)
lemma wfp_Seq1: assumes "Rep_wf_prog wfp = (c⇣1;; c⇣2, procs)"
obtains wfp' where "Rep_wf_prog wfp' = (c⇣1, procs)"
using `Rep_wf_prog wfp = (c⇣1;; c⇣2, procs)`
apply(cases wfp) apply(auto simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
apply(erule_tac x="Abs_wf_prog (c⇣1, procs)" in meta_allE)
by(auto elim:meta_mp simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
lemma wfp_Seq2: assumes "Rep_wf_prog wfp = (c⇣1;; c⇣2, procs)"
obtains wfp' where "Rep_wf_prog wfp' = (c⇣2, procs)"
using `Rep_wf_prog wfp = (c⇣1;; c⇣2, procs)`
apply(cases wfp) apply(auto simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
apply(erule_tac x="Abs_wf_prog (c⇣2, procs)" in meta_allE)
by(auto elim:meta_mp simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
lemma wfp_CondTrue: assumes "Rep_wf_prog wfp = (if (b) c⇣1 else c⇣2, procs)"
obtains wfp' where "Rep_wf_prog wfp' = (c⇣1, procs)"
using `Rep_wf_prog wfp = (if (b) c⇣1 else c⇣2, procs)`
apply(cases wfp) apply(auto simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
apply(erule_tac x="Abs_wf_prog (c⇣1, procs)" in meta_allE)
by(auto elim:meta_mp simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
lemma wfp_CondFalse: assumes "Rep_wf_prog wfp = (if (b) c⇣1 else c⇣2, procs)"
obtains wfp' where "Rep_wf_prog wfp' = (c⇣2, procs)"
using `Rep_wf_prog wfp = (if (b) c⇣1 else c⇣2, procs)`
apply(cases wfp) apply(auto simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
apply(erule_tac x="Abs_wf_prog (c⇣2, procs)" in meta_allE)
by(auto elim:meta_mp simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
lemma wfp_WhileBody: assumes "Rep_wf_prog wfp = (while (b) c', procs)"
obtains wfp' where "Rep_wf_prog wfp' = (c', procs)"
using `Rep_wf_prog wfp = (while (b) c', procs)`
apply(cases wfp) apply(auto simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
apply(erule_tac x="Abs_wf_prog (c', procs)" in meta_allE)
by(auto elim:meta_mp simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
lemma wfp_Call: assumes "Rep_wf_prog wfp = (prog,procs)"
and "(p,ins,outs,c) ∈ set procs" and "containsCall procs prog ps p"
obtains wfp' where "Rep_wf_prog wfp' = (c,procs)"
using assms
apply(cases wfp) apply(auto simp:Abs_wf_prog_inverse wf_prog_def wf_def)
apply(erule_tac x="Abs_wf_prog (c, procs)" in meta_allE)
apply(erule meta_mp) apply(rule Abs_wf_prog_inverse)
by(auto dest:containsCall_indirection simp:wf_prog_def wf_def)