File ‹hash_generator.ML›

(*  Title:       Deriving class instances for datatypes
    Author:      Christian Sternagel and René Thiemann  <christian.sternagel|>
    Maintainer:  Christian Sternagel and René Thiemann 
    License:     LGPL

  type info =
   {map : term,                    (* take % x. x, if there is no map *)
    phash : term,                  (* partial hash *)
    hash : term,                   (* full hash *)
    hash_def : thm option,         (* definition of hash, important for nesting *) 
    map_comp : thm option,         (* hashositionality of map, important for nesting *)
    used_positions : bool list}

  (* registers some type which is already instance of hashcode class in hash generator
     where some type must just be a type without type-arguments *)
  val register_hash_of : string -> local_theory -> local_theory

  val register_foreign_hash :
    typ -> (* type-constant without type-variables *)
    term -> (* hash-function for type *)
    local_theory -> local_theory

  val register_foreign_partial_and_full_hash :
    string -> (* long type name *)
    term -> (* map function, should be λx. x, if there is no map *)
    term -> (* partial hash-function of type (hashcode, 'b)ty => hashcode, 
      where 'a is used, 'b is unused *)
    term -> (* (full) hash-function of type ('a ⇒ hashcode) ⇒ ('a,'b)ty ⇒ hashcode,
      where 'a is used, 'b is unused *)
    thm option -> (* hash_def, should be full_hash = phash o map ahash ..., important for nesting *)
    thm option -> (* map compositionality, important for nesting *)
    bool list -> (*used positions*)
    local_theory -> local_theory

  datatype hash_type = HASHCODE | BNF

  val generate_hashs_from_bnf_fp : 
    string ->                 (* name of type *)
    local_theory -> 
    ((term * thm list) list * (* partial hashs + simp-rules *)
    (term * thm) list) *      (* non-partial hash + def_rule *)

  val generate_hash : 
    hash_type -> 
    string -> (* name of type *)
    local_theory -> local_theory

  (* construct hashcode instance for datatype *)
  val hashable_instance : string -> theory -> theory

  val get_info : Proof.context -> string -> info option

  (* ensures that the info will be available on later requests *)
  val ensure_info : hash_type -> string -> local_theory -> local_theory

structure Hashcode_Generator : HASHCODE_GENERATOR =

open Generator_Aux

datatype hash_type = BNF | HASHCODE

val hash_name = @{const_name "hashcode"}

val hashS = @{sort hashable}
val hashT = @{typ hashcode}
fun hashfunT T = T --> hashT
val hashify = map_atyps (fn _ => hashT)
fun phashfunT T = hashify T --> hashT

val max_int = 2147483648 (* 2 ^^ 31 *)

fun int_of_string s = fold
  (fn c => fn i => (1792318057 * i + Char.ord c) mod max_int)
  (String.explode s)

(* all numbers in int_of_string and create_factors are primes (31-bit) *)

fun create_factor ty_name con_name i =
  (1444315237 * int_of_string ty_name +
  1336760419 * int_of_string con_name +
  2044890737 * (i + 1) 
  ) mod max_int

fun create_hashes ty_name con_name Ts = map (fn i =>
  HOLogic.mk_number hashT (create_factor ty_name con_name i)) (0 upto length Ts)
  |> HOLogic.mk_list hashT

fun create_def_size _ = 10

type info =
 {map : term,
  phash : term,
  hash : term,
  hash_def : thm option,
  map_comp : thm option,
  used_positions : bool list};

structure Data = Generic_Data (
  type T = info Symtab.table;
  val empty = Symtab.empty;
  val merge = Symtab.merge (fn (info1 : info, info2 : info) => #hash info1 = #hash info2);

fun add_info T info = (Symtab.update_new (T, info))

val get_info = Context.Proof #> Data.get #> Symtab.lookup

fun the_info ctxt tyco =
     (case get_info ctxt tyco of
        SOME info => info
      | NONE => error ("no hash_code information available for type " ^ quote tyco))

fun declare_info tyco m p c c_def m_hash used_pos =
  Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = false, pos = } (fn phi =>
    add_info tyco
     {map = Morphism.term phi m,
      phash = Morphism.term phi p,
      hash = Morphism.term phi c,
      hash_def = (Morphism.thm phi) c_def,
      map_comp = (Morphism.thm phi) m_hash,
      used_positions = used_pos})

fun register_foreign_partial_and_full_hash tyco m p c c_def m_hash eq_thm c_thm =
  declare_info tyco m p c c_def m_hash eq_thm c_thm

fun default_hash T = absdummy T @{term "0 :: hashcode"} (*%_. 0*)

fun register_foreign_hash T hash lthy =
    val tyco = (case T of Type (tyco, []) => tyco | _ => error "expected type constant with no arguments")
      tyco (HOLogic.id_const T) hash hash NONE NONE [] lthy

fun register_hash_of tyco lthy = 
    val _ = is_class_instance (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) tyco hashS
      orelse error ("type " ^ quote tyco ^ " is not an instance of class \"hashable\"")
    val (T,_) = typ_and_vs_of_typname (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) tyco @{sort type}
    val hash = Const (hash_name, hashfunT T)
  in register_foreign_hash T hash lthy end

fun generate_hashs_from_bnf_fp tyco lthy =
    val (tycos, Ts) = mutual_recursive_types tyco lthy
    val _ = map (fn tyco => "generating hash-function for type " ^ quote tyco) tycos
      |> cat_lines |> writeln
    val (tfrees, used_tfrees) = type_parameters (hd Ts) lthy
    val used_positions = map (member (op =) used_tfrees o TFree) tfrees
    val cs = map (subT "h") used_tfrees
    val hash_Ts = map hashfunT used_tfrees
    val arg_hashs = map Free (cs ~~ hash_Ts)
    val dep_tycos = fold (add_used_tycos lthy) tycos []

    val map_simps = Bnf_Access.map_simps lthy tycos
    val case_simps = Bnf_Access.case_simps lthy tycos
    val maps = Bnf_Access.map_terms lthy tycos
    val map_comp_thms = Bnf_Access.map_comps lthy tycos

    (* primrec definitions of partial hashs *)

    fun mk_phash (tyco, T) = ("partial_hash_code_" ^ Long_Name.base_name tyco, phashfunT T)

    fun constr_terms lthy =  
      Bnf_Access.constr_terms lthy 
      #> map (apsnd (map freeify_tvars o fst o strip_type) o dest_Const)

    fun generate_phash_eqs lthy (tyco, T) =
        val constrs = constr_terms lthy tyco 

        fun hash_arg T x =
            val m = Generator_Aux.create_map default_hash (K o Free o mk_phash) () (K false)
              (#used_positions oo the_info) (#map oo the_info) (K o #phash oo the_info)
              tycos ((K o K) ()) T lthy
            val p = Generator_Aux.create_partial () (K false)
              (#used_positions oo the_info) (#map oo the_info) (K o #phash oo the_info)
              tycos ((K o K) ()) T lthy
          in p $ (m $ x) |> infer_type lthy end

        fun generate_eq lthy (cN, Ts) =
            val arg_Ts' = map hashify Ts
            val c = Const (cN, arg_Ts' ---> hashify T)
            val xs = Name.invent_names (Variable.names_of lthy) "x" (arg_Ts') |> map Free
            val lhs = Free (mk_phash (tyco, T)) $ list_comb (c, xs)
            val rhs = @{term hash_combine} $ HOLogic.mk_list hashT (@{map 2} hash_arg Ts xs) $ create_hashes tyco cN Ts
          in HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (lhs, rhs)) |> infer_type lthy end
      in map (generate_eq lthy) constrs end

    val eqs = map (generate_phash_eqs lthy) (tycos ~~ Ts) |> flat
    val bindings = tycos ~~ Ts |> map mk_phash
      |> map (fn (name, T) => ( name, SOME T, NoSyn))
    val ((phashs, phash_simps), lthy) =
      |> Local_Theory.begin_nested
      |> snd
      |> BNF_LFP_Rec_Sugar.primrec false [] bindings
          (map (fn t => ((Binding.empty_atts, t), [], [])) eqs)
      |> Local_Theory.end_nested_result
          (fn phi => fn (phashs, _, phash_simps) => (map (Morphism.term phi) phashs, map (Morphism.fact phi) phash_simps))

    (* definitions of hashs via partial hashs and maps *)

    fun generate_hash_def tyco lthy =
        val cs = map (subT "h") used_tfrees
        val arg_Ts = map hashfunT used_tfrees
        val args = map Free (cs ~~ arg_Ts)
        val (phash, m) = AList.lookup (op =) (tycos ~~ (phashs ~~ maps)) tyco |> the
        val ts = tfrees |> map TFree |> map (fn T =>
          AList.lookup (op =) (used_tfrees ~~ args) T |> the_default (default_hash T))
        val rhs = HOLogic.mk_comp (phash, list_comb (m, ts)) |> infer_type lthy
        val abs_def = lambdas args rhs
        val name = "hash_code_" ^ Long_Name.base_name tyco
        val ((hash, (_, prethm)), lthy) =
          Local_Theory.define (( name, NoSyn), (Binding.empty_atts, abs_def)) lthy
        val eq = Logic.mk_equals (list_comb (hash, args), rhs)
        val thm =
          Goal.prove lthy (map (fst o dest_Free) args) [] eq
            (fn {context = ctxt, ...} => unfold_tac ctxt [prethm])
        Local_Theory.note (( (name ^ "_def"), []), [thm]) lthy
        |>> the_single o snd
        |>> `(K hash)
    val ((hashs, hash_defs), lthy) =
      |> Local_Theory.begin_nested
      |> snd
      |> fold_map generate_hash_def tycos
      |>> split_list
      |> Local_Theory.end_nested_result
          (fn phi => fn (hashs, hash_defs) => (map (Morphism.term phi) hashs, map (Morphism.thm phi) hash_defs))

    (* alternative simp-rules for hashs *)

    fun generate_hash_simps (tyco, T) lthy =
        val constrs = constr_terms lthy tyco

        fun hash_arg T x =
            fun create_hash (T as TFree _) =
                  AList.lookup (op =) (used_tfrees ~~ arg_hashs) T
                  |> the_default (HOLogic.id_const dummyT)
              | create_hash (Type (tyco, Ts)) =
                  (case AList.lookup (op =) (tycos ~~ hashs) tyco of
                    SOME c => list_comb (c, arg_hashs)
                  | NONE =>
                        val {hash = c, used_positions = up, ...} = the_info lthy tyco
                        val ts = (up ~~ Ts) |> map_filter (fn (b, T) =>
                          if b then SOME (create_hash T) else NONE)
                      in list_comb (c, ts) end)
              | create_hash T =
                  error ("unexpected schematic variable " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ lthy T))
            val hash = create_hash T
          in hash $ x |> infer_type lthy end

        fun generate_eq_thm lthy (c_T as (cN, Ts)) =
            val xs = Variable.names_of lthy
              |> fold_map (fn T => Name.variant "x" #>> Free o rpair T) Ts |> fst
            fun mk_const (c, Ts) = Const (c, Ts ---> T)
            val hash_const = AList.lookup (op =) (tycos ~~ hashs) tyco |> the
            val lhs = list_comb (hash_const, arg_hashs) $ list_comb (mk_const c_T, xs)
            val rhs = @{term hash_combine} $ HOLogic.mk_list hashT (@{map 2} hash_arg Ts xs) $ create_hashes tyco cN Ts
            val eq = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (lhs, rhs)) |> infer_type lthy

            val dep_hash_defs = map_filter (#hash_def o the_info lthy) dep_tycos
            val dep_map_comps = map_filter (#map_comp o the_info lthy) dep_tycos
            val thms = prove_multi_future lthy (map (fst o dest_Free) xs @ cs) [] [eq]
              (fn {context = ctxt, ...} =>
                Goal.conjunction_tac 1
                THEN unfold_tac ctxt
                  (@{thms id_apply o_def} @
                    flat case_simps @
                    flat phash_simps @
                    dep_map_comps @ hash_defs @ dep_hash_defs @ flat map_simps))
          in thms end

        val thms = map (generate_eq_thm lthy) constrs |> flat
        val simp_thms = map (Local_Defs.unfold lthy @{thms hash_combine_unfold}) thms
        val name = "hash_code_" ^ Long_Name.base_name tyco
        |> Local_Theory.note (( (name ^ "_simps"), @{attributes [simp, code]}), simp_thms)
        |> snd
        |> (fn lthy => (thms, lthy))

    val lthy =
      |> Local_Theory.begin_nested
      |> snd
      |> fold_map generate_hash_simps (tycos ~~ Ts)
      |> snd
      |> Local_Theory.end_nested

    ((phashs ~~ phash_simps, hashs ~~ hash_defs), lthy)
    ||> fold (fn (((((tyco, map), phash), hash), hash_def), map_comp) =>
          declare_info tyco map phash hash (SOME hash_def) (SOME map_comp) 
         (tycos ~~ maps ~~ phashs ~~ hashs ~~ hash_defs ~~ map_comp_thms)

fun generate_hash gen_type tyco lthy =
    val _ = is_some (get_info lthy tyco)
      andalso error ("type " ^ quote tyco ^ " does already have a hash")
    case gen_type of 
      BNF => generate_hashs_from_bnf_fp tyco lthy |> snd
    | HASHCODE => register_hash_of tyco lthy
fun ensure_info gen_type tyco lthy =
  (case get_info lthy tyco of
    SOME _ => lthy
  | NONE => generate_hash gen_type tyco lthy)

fun dest_hash ctxt tname =
  (case get_info ctxt tname of
    SOME {hash = c, ...} =>
        val Ts = fastype_of c |> strip_type |> fst |> `((fn x => x - 1) o length) |> uncurry take
      in (c, Ts) end
  | NONE => error ("no hash info for type " ^ quote tname))

fun all_tys hash free_types =
    val Ts = fastype_of hash |> strip_type |> fst |> List.last |> dest_Type |> snd
  in rename_types (Ts ~~ free_types) end

fun mk_hash_rhs c Ts =
  list_comb (c, map (fn T => Const (hash_name, T)) Ts)

fun mk_hash_def T rhs =
  Logic.mk_equals (Const (hash_name, hashfunT T), rhs)

fun hashable_instance tname thy =
    val _ = is_class_instance thy tname hashS
      andalso error ("type " ^ quote tname ^ " is already an instance of class \"hashcode\"")
    val _ = writeln ("deriving \"hashable\" instance for type " ^ quote tname)
    val thy = Named_Target.theory_map (ensure_info BNF tname) thy
    val {used_positions = us, ...} = the (get_info 
        (Named_Target.theory_init thy) tname) 

    val (_, xs) = typ_and_vs_of_used_typname tname us hashS
    val (_, (hashs_thm,lthy)) =
      Class.instantiation ([tname], xs, hashS) thy
      |> (fn ctxt =>
          val (c, Ts) = dest_hash ctxt tname
          val typ_mapping = all_tys c (map TFree xs)
          val hash_rhs = mk_hash_rhs c Ts
          val hash_def = mk_hash_def dummyT hash_rhs |> typ_mapping |> infer_type ctxt

          val ty = Term.fastype_of (snd (Logic.dest_equals hash_def)) |> Term.dest_Type |> snd |> hd
          val ty_it = Type (@{type_name itself}, [ty])
          val hashs_rhs = lambda (Free ("x",ty_it)) (HOLogic.mk_number @{typ nat} (create_def_size tname))
          val hashs_def = mk_def (ty_it --> @{typ nat}) @{const_name def_hashmap_size} hashs_rhs

          val basename = Long_Name.base_name tname
           (( ("hashcode_" ^ basename ^ "_def"),
            @{attributes [code]}),
            hash_def) ctxt
          ||> define_overloaded ("def_hashmap_size_" ^ basename ^ "_def", hashs_def)
    Class.prove_instantiation_exit (fn ctxt =>
      Class.intro_classes_tac ctxt []
      THEN unfold_tac ctxt [hashs_thm]
      THEN simp_tac ctxt 1
      ) lthy

fun generate_hash_cmd tyco param = Named_Target.theory_map (
  if param = "hashcode" then generate_hash HASHCODE tyco
  else if param = "" then generate_hash BNF tyco
  else error ("unknown parameter, expecting no parameter for BNF-datatypes, " ^
         "or \"hashcode\" for types where the class-instance hashcode should be used."))

val _ =
      "hash_code" "generate a hash function, options are () and (hashcode)" generate_hash_cmd
    #> Derive_Manager.register_derive 
      "register types in class hashable" 
      (fn tyname => K (hashable_instance tyname)))
