File ‹renaming.ML›

(* Builds the finite mapping. *)
structure Renaming = struct
open Utils

fun sum_ f g m n p = ConstRenaming.sum for f g m n p

fun mk_ren rho rho' ctxt =
  let val rs  = to_ML_list rho
      val rs' = to_ML_list rho'
      val ixs = 0 upto (length rs-1)
      fun err t = "The element " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " is missing in the target environment"
      fun mkp i =
          case find_index (fn x => x = nth rs i) rs' of
            ~1 => nth rs i |> err |> error
          |  j => mk_Pair (mk_ZFnat i) (mk_ZFnat j) 
  in  map mkp ixs |> mk_FinSet

fun mk_dom_lemma ren rho =
  let val n = rho |> to_ML_list |> length |> mk_ZFnat
  in eq_ n Constdomain for ren |> tp

fun ren_tc_goal fin ren rho rho' =
  let val n = rho |> to_ML_list |> length
      val m = rho' |> to_ML_list |> length
      val fun_ty = if fin then @{const_name "FiniteFun"} else @{const_abbrev "function_space"}
      val ty = Const (fun_ty,@{typ "i  i  i"}) $ mk_ZFnat n $ mk_ZFnat m
  in  mem_ ren ty |> tp

fun ren_action_goal ren rho rho' ctxt =
  let val setV = Variable.variant_frees ctxt [] [("A",@{typ i})] |> hd |> Free
      val j = Variable.variant_frees ctxt [] [("j",@{typ i})] |> hd |> Free 
      val vs = rho  |> to_ML_list
      val ws = rho' |> to_ML_list |> filter isFree 
      val h1 = subset_ (vs|> mk_FinSet) setV
      val h2 = lt_ j (mk_ZFnat (length vs))
      val fvs = ([j,setV ] @ ws |> filter isFree) |> map freeName
      val lhs = nth_ j rho
      val rhs = nth_ (app_ ren j)  rho'
      val concl = eq_ lhs rhs
   in (Logic.list_implies([tp h1,tp h2],tp concl),fvs)

  fun sum_tc_goal f m n p = 
    let val m_length = m |> to_ML_list |> length |> mk_ZFnat
        val n_length = n |> to_ML_list |> length |> mk_ZFnat
        val p_length = p |> length_
        val id_fun = Constid for p_length
        val sum_fun = sum_ f id_fun m_length n_length p_length
        val dom = add_ m_length p_length
        val codom = add_ n_length p_length
        val fun_ty = @{const_abbrev "function_space"}
        val ty = Const (fun_ty,@{typ "i  i  i"}) $ dom $ codom
  in  (sum_fun, mem_ sum_fun ty |> tp)

fun sum_action_goal ren rho rho' ctxt =
  let val setV = Variable.variant_frees ctxt [] [("A",@{typ i})] |> hd |> Free
      val envV = Variable.variant_frees ctxt [] [("env",@{typ i})] |> hd |> Free
      val j = Variable.variant_frees ctxt [] [("j",@{typ i})] |> hd |> Free 
      val vs = rho  |> to_ML_list
      val ws = rho' |> to_ML_list |> filter isFree 
      val envL =  envV |> length_
      val rhoL = vs |> length |> mk_ZFnat
      val h1 = subset_ (append vs ws |> mk_FinSet) setV
      val h2 = lt_ j (add_ rhoL envL)
      val h3 = mem_ envV (list_ setV)
      val fvs = ([j,setV,envV] @ ws |> filter isFree) |> map freeName
      val lhs = nth_ j (concat_ rho envV)
      val rhs = nth_ (app_ ren j) (concat_ rho' envV)
      val concl = eq_ lhs rhs
   in (Logic.list_implies([tp h1,tp h2,tp h3],tp concl),fvs)

  (* Tactics *)
  fun fin ctxt = 
         REPEAT (resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm nat_succI}] 1)
         THEN   resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm nat_0I}] 1

  fun step ctxt thm = 
    asm_full_simp_tac ctxt 1
    THEN asm_full_simp_tac ctxt 1
    THEN EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [1] [@{thm app_fun} OF [thm]] 1
    THEN simp_tac ctxt 1
    THEN simp_tac ctxt 1

  fun fin_fun_tac ctxt = 
    REPEAT (
      resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm consI}] 1
      THEN resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm ltD}] 1
      THEN simp_tac ctxt 1
      THEN resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm ltD}] 1
      THEN simp_tac ctxt 1)
    THEN resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm emptyI}] 1
  THEN REPEAT (simp_tac ctxt 1)

  fun ren_thm e e' ctxt = 
    val r = mk_ren e e' ctxt
    val fin_tc_goal = ren_tc_goal true r e e' 
    val dom_goal =  mk_dom_lemma r e
    val tc_goal = ren_tc_goal false r e e'
    val (action_goal,fvs) = ren_action_goal r e e' ctxt
    val fin_tc_lemma =
      Goal.prove ctxt [] [] fin_tc_goal (fin_fun_tac o #context)
    val dom_lemma =
      Goal.prove ctxt [] [] dom_goal
        (fn {context = ctxt', ...} => blast_tac ctxt' 1)
    val tc_lemma =
      Goal.prove ctxt [] [] tc_goal
        (fn {context = ctxt', ...} =>
          EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt' [1] [dom_lemma] 1
          THEN resolve_tac ctxt' [@{thm FiniteFun_is_fun}] 1
          THEN resolve_tac ctxt' [fin_tc_lemma] 1)
    val action_lemma =
      Goal.prove ctxt [] [] action_goal
        (fn {context = ctxt', ...} =>
          forward_tac ctxt' [@{thm le_natI}] 1
          THEN fin ctxt'
          THEN REPEAT (resolve_tac ctxt' [@{thm natE}] 1 THEN step ctxt' tc_lemma)
          THEN (step ctxt' tc_lemma))
    in (action_lemma, tc_lemma, fvs, r)

Returns the sum renaming, the goal for type_checking, and the actual lemmas 
for the left part of the sum.
 fun sum_ren_aux e e' ctxt = 
  let val env = Variable.variant_frees ctxt [] [("env",@{typ i})] |> hd |> Free
      val (left_action_lemma,left_tc_lemma,_,r) = ren_thm e e' ctxt
      val (sum_ren,sum_goal_tc) = sum_tc_goal r e e' env
      val setV = Variable.variant_frees ctxt [] [("A",@{typ i})] |> hd |> Free      
      fun hyp en = mem_ en (list_ setV)
  in (sum_ren,
      freeName env,
      Logic.list_implies (map (fn e => e |> hyp |> tp) [env], sum_goal_tc),

fun sum_tc_lemma rho rho' ctxt =
  let val (sum_ren, envVar, tc_goal, left_tc_lemma, left_action_lemma) = sum_ren_aux rho rho' ctxt
      val (goal,fvs) = sum_action_goal sum_ren rho rho' ctxt
      val r = mk_ren rho rho' ctxt
    (sum_ren, goal,envVar, r,left_tc_lemma, left_action_lemma, fvs,
      Goal.prove ctxt [] [] tc_goal
        (fn {context = ctxt', ...} =>
          resolve_tac ctxt' [@{thm sum_type_id_aux2}] 1
          THEN asm_simp_tac ctxt' 4
          THEN simp_tac ctxt' 1
          THEN resolve_tac ctxt' [left_tc_lemma] 1            
          THEN (fin ctxt')
          THEN (fin ctxt')))

fun sum_rename rho rho' ctxt = 
    val (_, goal, _, left_rename, left_tc_lemma, left_action_lemma, fvs, sum_tc_lemma) = sum_tc_lemma rho rho' ctxt
    val action_lemma = fix_vars left_action_lemma fvs ctxt
      Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal
        (fn {context = ctxt', ...} =>
          resolve_tac ctxt' [@{thm sum_action_id_aux}] 1
          THEN (simp_tac ctxt' 4)
          THEN (simp_tac ctxt' 1)
          THEN (resolve_tac ctxt' [left_tc_lemma]  1)
          THEN (asm_full_simp_tac ctxt' 1) 
          THEN (asm_full_simp_tac ctxt' 1)
          THEN (simp_tac ctxt' 1)
          THEN (simp_tac ctxt' 1)
          THEN (simp_tac ctxt' 1)
          THEN (full_simp_tac ctxt' 1)
          THEN (resolve_tac ctxt' [action_lemma] 1)
          THEN (blast_tac ctxt' 1)
          THEN (full_simp_tac ctxt' 1)
          THEN (full_simp_tac ctxt' 1)),
      fvs, left_rename)